"Planerka" as a way to increase the loyalty of the company's staff. What are planners for?

garden equipment 12.10.2019
garden equipment

During the meeting, the leader should convey to subordinates useful information and set clear goals for them. If everything is done correctly, labor efficiency will increase, otherwise the order of meetings should be reviewed.

How often do you hold meetings? How often do your employees get something useful from them? Do they understand the goals and objectives that you have set for them?

Does the efficiency of their work increase after planning meetings? Are you getting adequate feedback? If you answered “no” to at least one question, then you need to learn how to conduct effective meetings and planning meetings in order to waste a minimum of time on them and get the maximum benefit.

Effective meeting

With the help of meetings, communication is maintained between different departments and within the departments themselves, embodied decisions taken and increase the motivation to perform the work of individual employees. But only an effective meeting can solve these problems, so check yourself if your meetings meet the following criteria:

1. Format conformance. There are several types of meetings: meeting, briefing and operative. Each of these meetings has its own goals and accordingly lasts different time. The operative is designed to solve the problem that has just arisen.

It usually lasts 5-10 minutes, it gathers people directly related to the problem. A planning meeting is usually held every day in the morning and lasts 25-30 minutes. During this time, the manager needs to set tasks for the day, get feedback on the results of the previous day and adjust plans if necessary.

The meeting aims to find a solution global problem, form a new offer for your market, develop new program motivation, etc.

Often meetings are divided into two stages - the first is held in the evening, it sets the goals of the meeting, outlines the problems that will be discussed. In the morning, the second stage begins, which can last up to two hours. A full meeting is pure creativity.

2. Specification of tasks. Each meeting should have clearly defined tasks that are announced to the participants in advance. Deviation from the agenda is highly undesirable.

3. Rigid regulations. A meeting must have a start and end time, whether or not all the invitees show up. Set clear time limits, eg end agenda item 1 in 25 minutes.

For each speaker, take certain time- 5 minutes is enough, it will teach people to speak to the point. If you hear extraneous conversations or digression from the topic, stop these attempts, save your time.

4. Optimal composition . The meeting must be attended by the people it concerns. Just like that, sit and listen, do not invite anyone. Let everyone mind their own business.

5. Word to everyone. Each participant in the meeting should have the opportunity to express their opinion on a particular issue. Do not interfere and, moreover, do not interrupt the employee’s speech, even if it goes against your point of view. Do you need adequate feedback?

6. Record keeping. The agenda is not the only binding document of the meeting. The protocol, which records all the main points, the employees who spoke in order of priority, their opinion on a particular issue, and most importantly the results of the meeting, is a very useful paper.

Be sure to send out a newsletter to the meeting participants so that they always have it at hand for clarification of any points. So it will be more convenient to control the implementation of tasks and analyze the results. It is the “task - results - control - task” scheme that allows you to make the meetings the most efficient and concise.

7. Planned meeting. Each employee should know when he will be invited to the meeting room again. Surprise is a bad helper in organizing meetings, participants do not have time to prepare or do not come at all due to absence from the office.

If a problem arose suddenly, and you decided to call an operative to solve it, get ready for the answers “I don’t know,” “I need to check,” and “I will provide you with a report later.”

How to prepare and conduct an effective meeting?

To have an effective meeting, you must first prepare for it. Before starting the meeting, the leader should clarify the following questions for himself:

  • What goals does the meeting pursue and what tasks does the meeting solve?
  • what is the format of the meeting, what are the roles of the meeting participants. The roles of employees are distributed in advance: there must be a chairman and a secretary. Also define exact time start and end of the meeting.
  • what is the structure of the meeting. A typical structure looks like this:
  • greetings;
  • announcement of the goals of the meeting, the tasks set, the format of the meeting;
  • discussion and analysis of existing problems;
  • receiving feedback from performers;
  • analysis of the results and setting tasks for the near future;
  • summarizing.
  • what is the agenda of the meeting. Determine the exact time to work on each agenda item, allocate time for a break if the meeting involves long time holding.
  • what documents are needed. Prepare all the necessary information that will be of interest to the participants, make a distribution of materials so that they are studied in advance.
  • whether a meeting is necessary. Before sending out invitations to a meeting, check if it is really necessary.

Answer these questions for yourself:

  • Do the tasks you set need to be addressed right now?
  • What should the participants take away from the meeting?
  • How should their work change after the meeting?
  • Is all necessary information collected? Will you get a “I don't know” answer to any question?
  • Is it possible to solve the problem in another way, without holding meetings?

Remember about simple rules holding effective meetings keep the audience's attention on main goal, keep the discussion positive or neutral and encourage people to express their own opinions.

Then you will get an increase in the efficiency of your employees and at the same time reduce the amount of time wasted.

How to organize and conduct a morning five-minute meeting (operational meeting). Rules, tips, recommendations. (10+)

Tips for holding an operational meeting

An operational meeting can be a very effective management tool, or it can turn into a powerful absorber of working time, greatly reducing work efficiency. How to make the five-minute RAM bring benefit, not harm?

Goals of the meeting

How often should a meeting be held? It depends on what we are doing it for. How quickly the situation changes, how often it is necessary to check whether the work plan is being carried out and adjust it.

Important! At the operational meeting, it is impossible to make any responsible decision that requires elaboration and discussion. Such decisions are made at larger meetings. Their implementation is described in the article to which the link was above. Planner is needed in order to:

  • or make sure everything goes according to plan,
  • either to understand that there are minor deviations that can be solved in the current order, through advice or some help to the stragglers,
  • or establish that more serious adjustments or new design solutions are required, appoint those responsible for the study of the issue, the preparation and holding of a full-scale meeting on the specified issue.

Plan, operating rules

Based on the foregoing, we can formulate the basic rules:

Work plan. There must be a detailed work plan. This plan should be as detailed as the five minutes are often. For example, if we hold an operational meeting every day, then the plan should be detailed daily, at least a couple of weeks in advance. Otherwise, there will simply be nothing to discuss at the planning meeting. It makes no sense to listen to an employee's report on the work done during the day, if it is not known what he was supposed to do for that day.

Regulations. A minimum of time should be allotted for the presentation of each participant. It usually takes about five minutes, but you can get by with less time. There may be special cases when, for example, an employee reports news. He needs to be given time based on the amount of news. The discussion is given the same amount of time as the report. During the discussion, you can ask clarifying questions, give short advice, agree on what the employee has to do before the next planning meeting. If it is not possible to discuss the issue within the allotted time on the RAM, then it is necessary to plan its study after it, with the participation of only those employees who are related to the issue. This will allow you not to distract and not waste the time of others who have nothing to do with the issue.

Protocol. All decisions made must be recorded in the minutes. Then, at the next planning meeting, we simply take the minutes of the previous one and check whether all the participants did what was planned at the previous meeting. If an employee was unable to complete a task, you need to decide how to help this employee. It is foolish to expect that if he does not complete the task in the first week, he will do it in the next. It is necessary to find out what difficulties the employee stopped, how these difficulties can be overcome by joint efforts.

Is the meeting helpful?

Properly organized five-minutes allow you to:

  • All employees to be aware of the progress of work.
  • Each employee has a clear idea of ​​what he needs to do right now.
  • Quickly diagnose when an employee has encountered difficulties, promptly help, advise, push.

An example of a meeting protocol

I'm taking notes on a spreadsheet. In the first vertical column I have listed all the participants of the planning meeting. Dates are on the first line. There are two columns for each date. The first is filled out at the planning meeting on this date, and the second - at the next planning meeting based on the results of the past week, simultaneously with filling out plans for next week. The first column can be frozen, and the rest can be gradually shifted to the left to see only the past and current dates. And if necessary, you can see the previous dates.

15.07.13 22.07.13
Exercise Result Exercise Result
Head of Support Department Respond to customer inquiries about delivery times new version Prepare a list of unresolved issues for implementation at the client 1 Sign the Act with the client 2 The deadlines are set, information is provided to customers. The list of problems is prepared and submitted to the development department. The act is not signed, there are comments. Track work on the preparation of a new version Work with the development department to work out customer comments 2
Head of Development Department Prepare a new module for demonstration Make a change in the accounting mechanism Eliminate an error in the reporting form New module not prepared, errors found Changes to the accounting mechanism made Reporting form changed Together with the support department, work out a list of problems for the client 1 Work out the comments of the client together with the support department 2 Together with the sales department, prepare the module for demonstration
Head of Sales Department Prepare and send to 10 customers proposals for the supply of a new module Conduct a demonstration of the new module at customers 3 and 4 Commercial offers prepared and sent Demonstration not held due to the unavailability of the new module Send commercial offers 10 more clients. Track the preparation of a new module for demonstration
Head of methodological department Prepare an overview of changes in legislation Review prepared Review the request from client 1 to ensure it is in line with the accepted methodology

And now we list the steps necessary for a quality planning meeting.
Before the planning meeting, the leader appoints a person (secretary) in order to fix the plans of the participants. And he brings him up to date, lets him read this article so that the secretary understands all the nuances of holding planning meetings. The rest of the planning participants do NOT need to read this article. The secretary makes a table where he enters all the participants in the planning meeting:
No., Photo, Last name First name, Tel., E-mail, position, Task for the next week and deadlines, Task for the past week, Notes: Marks of attendance at the planning meeting, completion of last week's tasks, etc.

The secretary should make an audio recording of the meeting and after the meeting transcribe the conversation to record everything that was planned by the people, in order to then send this information to those who must perform this activity.

Then, at the planning meeting, the leader announces the beginning of the planning meeting, greets the audience, introduces the participants to each other (if there are new participants in the planning meeting) and says the company's goals for the long term, for the short term, for the period until the next planning meeting:

We start our planning. I welcome everyone! Our global goals: to become number 1 in our industry, for this we need our development statistics to be higher than those of competitors. Our goal is to open 200 more restaurants by the end of the year. Our goal for the week is to sell 30 franchises. Now I will introduce our secretary: This is Anna Ivanova. This is very useful person for all of us, it will record the things that we plan to do at the planning meeting so that we do not forget about them and will send us to email planer transcript. Anna, this is Vladimir Petrov, Head of Purchasing. This is Yulia Sidorova, head of HR. This is Maria Ivanovna, Chief Accountant. Etc.

Then the leader warns that during the speech it is necessary to say the Surname, Name and position, for the transcript, so that others, when reading, can understand who spoke.
- During the planning meeting, so that it would be convenient for us to read the transcript that Anna will send us, before taking the floor, I ask you to say your last name and first name, and name your position.

And then monitor compliance with this rule. For example someone says:
- I don't think we can do that.
The leader interrupts and kindly says:
- Please introduce yourself and state your position.
- Head of Procurement Department Vladimir Petrov. Well, I think that we won't be able to buy it this week, because we need to announce a tender, and it will take 2 weeks.

At this time, the secretary should be thinking in the present tense, should be able to concentrate on what is happening, remember and make notes who says this or that phrase, for example, if the leader forgot to ask to introduce himself. And then she restores the data by audio, makes a transcript, sends it to the participants. Delimits what everyone should do and sends out personal tasks. Then calls people and reminds that she sent tasks to the post office to complete and makes sure that her letter is received.

Then the leader gives the floor in turn to each participant in the planning meeting, so that everyone says WHAT SPECIFICLY has been done since the last planning meeting, what specific results were achieved, and not what he did, or why something did not work out for him. The leader is careful to ensure that the participants do not obscure the specific results of their activities. For example, Vladimir Petrov says:
- I prepared this week the documentation for the tender.
- what exactly has been done?
- I have prepared requirements of 25 points for the tender participant, agreed with the financial department the amount at which it would be profitable for us to purchase this equipment. Etc…

The facilitator then asks the speaker what he plans to do in general and what he plans to do before the next meeting. He asks about the timing of each case and what he needs to successfully complete the task. And also the head of the planning meeting ensures that the plans of the participants correspond to the common goal. You can prepare a table with eight columns before the speech, in which the leader puts marks in the form of “+” and “-” signs: Last name First name, attendance at the meeting, long-term plan, deadline, weekly plan, deadline, compliance with the overall goal, notes (to mark what the subordinate needs to complete the task and other marks)
- Vladimir, tell us about your current tasks and plans.
- I'm going to hold a tender in order to purchase the necessary equipment at 10-20% cheaper.
- How long will it take you to conduct this tender?
- It will take me 2 weeks to conduct the tender.
- Well, what do you plan to do this week before the next meeting?
- I need to send out the requirements for participation in the tender to the equipment suppliers.
- How many companies do you plan to send these requirements to?
- Well, I think there are 10 companies.
- Good. Do you have anything else to add, do you plan to do anything else this week? (or limit yourself to the words: “Is that all?”, “Are you done?”, “Do you have anything else to add?”)

Then the leader thanks the previous participant and passes the floor to the next one. And he acts according to the same scheme, with the sole purpose of extracting SPECIFICITY from people.
What did they do last week?
What exactly are they planning to do next week?
Specific NUMBERS and TERMS are needed so that at the next planning meeting you can clearly see whether a person has completed the task that he has set for himself.
And in case of failure, in no case should you listen to excuses, you just need to ask:
- Anna, what did the purchasing department plan to do this week?
- Send ten companies requirements for participation in the tender.
- Made?
- Not.
- How long will it take you to complete it?
- Another week.
- Good.

And if a person directs the “Shadow on the wattle fence”, evades, does not say the specifics of what he did last week, we do not give him the opportunity to express plans for the next week, because he has not yet fulfilled what he set for himself this week, leader just says:
- Clear. The tasks planned by the purchasing department were not completed. Let's not waste time and move on to the HR service. I give the floor to Yulia Sidorova.
- Yulia Sidorova, head of HR department. This week we interviewed 150 candidates for the position of sales managers, 15 of them went to probation, …

This is how the planning is conducted and the execution of tasks is controlled.

What does the lack of consistency in holding planning meetings lead to?
People are getting discouraged, they understand that you can do nothing, and you can “talk your teeth” and no one will detect their inaction.

Therefore, our task is to ensure that all participants in the planning meeting clearly see those who are acting, and clearly see those who are inactive. And it becomes very uncomfortable for idle employees, and they either correct themselves and get involved in work, or leave the team themselves, because people cannot be in a place where they are not comfortable, and they can be comfortable only if they either give results, or they can hide their ineffectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly bring the results or their absence to light.
Reward employees for results, for good statistics, but not for words. Encourage people publicly - make dedicated, LOYAL employees stronger, develop them, educate and empower them. Find more productive people and make your people more productive. Keep the emotional background in the team at a positive level, and productivity grows significantly.

2016 is a time of testing the strength of companies, and in this regard, now more than ever, it is necessary to keep abreast of your sales team every day. I present to your attention a few basics, following which your sales team will become more focused and effective.

In a good way, the company should have 2 meetings of the head with managers: the first is a general one, at the morning planning meeting, the second is an individual, evening meeting, during which the head carefully delves into the result of the activities of his people, analyzes difficult situations, conducts individual motivation. But today we will talk about the general morning planning meeting, which is an indispensable tool for managing the sales department and keeping your employees in good shape.

Goals of the morning meeting:

1. Summing up yesterday

2. Planning the working day

3. Control of the reality of achieving the plans of the month and the development of a plan "B"

4. Training of managers on concrete examples with a business game

5. Checking the energy level of managers and their additional charge, motivation

That is, for the head of the sales department, a planning meeting is that litmus test of the quality of his work, which will help him respond in time to situations that usually lead to failure to fulfill plans, mistakes when communicating with clients or dismissal of managers.

So, 10 Rules for an effective morning ROP planning meeting:

1. Periodicity.

The morning planning meeting should not be carried out from time to time, not when you have a good or Bad mood but every day at the same time. A good planning meeting will be a ritual for starting work, the start of the activity of managers. In my practice, many times there were examples when a poorly conducted, or not carried out at all planning meeting, ruined the whole way of the day for managers, spoiled the mood and killed the desire to work.

During the morning planning meeting, managers must finally wake up and catch the main idea: Let's start!

2. Discipline

An effective planning meeting has a clear structure, goals, and timing (that is, the time allotted for the meeting). Any deviation from the structure demotivates managers, while compliance general rules- disciplines and structures thoughts.

The planning meeting should always start and end on time. Everyone must be present at the office 15 minutes before the start of the planning meeting. All tea parties - before the planning meeting. After that, it's just work.

Managers should be ready for the meeting, know all their current indicators and their plans for the day, and not count the numbers on the calculator, taking time from the whole team, or being distracted by calculations instead of listening to the information that the ROP wants to convey to everyone.

For a high-quality planning meeting, with a business game, 45 minutes is usually enough. But, believe me, these 45 minutes can save a lot of time in the future and bring a much greater financial result.

3. Energy

Morning planning is a lighter for the eyes of employees.

If the planning meeting is boring, managers will fall asleep even more, and you will not get the desired effect. Don't blur information, keep purpose and structure in mind, don't let employees wander from topic to topic, or ask questions that only concern one thing.

It is important to remember that a planning meeting is a team effort, not a morning gathering. Keep everyone's attention. Speak only what concerns everyone.

4. Train your managers constantly!

Every day, at evening meetings, you find out from managers how their day went, what successes they had, what difficulties they faced, what customer objections they could not handle. Morning planning allows you to endure the most actual problems for a general discussion.

To do this, you need the manager to briefly describe the problem that he could not cope with yesterday, then you quickly repeat the theoretical part (for example, the “argumentation by calculation method” block), and then arrange a business game where the role of the client is played by the manager who does not dealt with the situation. Then, with the help of a short brainstorming session, the whole team throws out options for solving the situation.

It is especially important that every member of the team takes an active part in finding solutions. Don't give ready-made answers effective learning- not a theory from the leader, but finding ideas through interactives.

Daily training, additional training and support for the skills of managers will allow your managers to constantly develop, improve their sales skills, and not be afraid of difficulties “in the fields”.

5. Keep track of what is planned

Planning without control is money down the drain (c) ancient Chinese wisdom

I don't think it needs to be explained separately. If you don’t control it once, then twice, then on the third, managers will either stop doing something or start lying.

6. Team motivation

It is important not only to mark the results of yesterday for the whole team as a whole and for each individually, but also to mark the best and worst of the previous day, and do not be afraid to demotivate anyone with this - too short time intervals are used, and managers have a chance to improve every day.

Use as indicators not only financial indicators (how many sales did you make, how much money you brought in), or activity indicators (number of calls, scheduled and held meetings), but also qualitative indicators (quality of communication between a manager and clients). You can listen to the calls of managers on your own, as well as use the reports of the quality control department.

7. Specificity in plans

The manager should not just talk about how many sales he will close today, how many payments he will collect and how many meetings he will make. He must necessarily back up his plans with specific company names. Even if he doesn’t have any responses from clients planned today, the manager must tell where he will get today’s plan, who he will call, who he will go to, but the companies must be named, with clear numbers in money and quantity.

It is also very important to remember that the manager's daily plan should meet the achievement of the goals of the month. If your manager has a plan for a month - 1,000,000 rubles in payments, then he cannot plan to collect 20,000 rubles every day, since he simply will not make a plan at such a pace.

Set ambitious plans for your managers. If the manager is embarrassed to voice an ambitious plan, or refers to his superstition (“I won’t say so as not to jinx it”, “I’ll say more now, and you will eat my brain in the evening”) - this needs to be treated, and the sooner the better. Accustom managers to high plans, nurture their internal "limits".

Also, the manager must believe in his own figures, not speak “from the bullshit”, because it is necessary, but clearly understand that what he said is really doable and he knows how to influence it.

8. Check the readiness of the whole team

Before releasing your salespeople on a new day, check that they have all the resources - both external (presence of presentation materials, business cards, bases for calling, etc.), and internal - whether everyone's eyes are burning, or it is necessary to then stay and additionally discuss some difficulties, give additional individual motivation.

9. PowerfulCTA at the end of the meeting

Come up with some motivational phrase that will be an anchor to get started and give an extra boost of energy to your managers. The phrase can be anything: “Team, go!”, Or “Let's do it!”, Or “Everyone, let's go!”

This is the so-called anchor, which gives a signal that everything, the morning is over, it's time to run and win!

10. Visualization

Be sure to record the results of the planning meeting on the scoreboard so that managers constantly see both their own results and the overall result of the team, as well as the percentage of completion of the plan. Such a board might look like this:

And as a bonus, a checklist for assessing the quality of the morning planning meeting for an example:

Organize and conduct planning meetings as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem stated for discussion or set the direction for the development of the situation in a constructive direction.

It is interesting to hold a planning meeting so that the participants have no time to yawn and they do not have the feeling of wasted time.

Action plan

1. Get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planning meeting.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare necessary materials and invite participants.

3. Hold a planning meeting.

4. Summarize the results of the planning meeting and familiarize all participants with them.

How to organize a meeting

First What is required for the planning meeting is the question or topic of the meeting. What work problem do you want to solve? What positive effect for the work of the organization will be the result of the planning meeting. Familiarize the meeting participants with this issue in advance. Thus, you will save time during the planning meeting, and the participants in the discussion may come already having interesting ideas on your question.

Second- These are the people who will participate in the planning meeting. What kind of specialists and managers of what level, or what kind of line employees do you need to find the answer to the question.

Third- location of the meeting. It's important that it be separate room or even a dedicated meeting room. Where there is enough space for everyone, outsiders (staff not participating in the planning meeting) will not be able to disturb you and the phones will not ring.

Fourth- the timing of the meeting. It is desirable that it be convenient for all participants or permanent. For example, daily planning meetings are held every day at 8:30 sharp. In any case, when choosing the time of the planning meeting, you will have to focus on the most important participants. And appoint it in advance, for several hours, or rather, days.

Fifth- Rules for holding a planning meeting. It is important not only to start the planning meeting on time, but also to finish it on time. Determine in advance the order in which the questions will be discussed and the time allotted to each participant. Limit it, this will make the reports concise and as informative as possible. For example, one performance is no more than 10 minutes.

sixth- improvised materials. The minimum required is pens for all participants and paper. Take care of this yourself, in advance, so that you do not have to waste discussion time looking for what and on what to write. You may also need: flip chart, projector, screen, laptop, printer. All equipment must be prepared and tested in advance.

seventh– the host of the planning meeting or the secretary, who will record the process and the results of the discussion of your issue.

Planning formats

1. Summing up, information meeting.

Such planning meetings can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for leaders of all departments in your organization.

What are these planners for?

2. Planning meeting - distribution of current tasks.

Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the manager gives subordinates tasks for the day. The time of the event should also not be stretched - everyone received the task and went to complete it.

3. Planning meeting to discuss the issue raised.

You formulate your question in advance, which was formulated for you life itself and the current situation in your market. You voice the purpose of the planning meeting, send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) on the subject. Determine in advance the rules and the secretary of the planning meeting. Send the results of the planning meeting to all participants. The time for such a planning meeting is no more than two hours. But there are times when more time is needed. In this case, he will plan organized breaks of 15-20 minutes for tea and just rest. (Prepare tea and sweets in advance too!)

4. Creative planning meeting.

Requests for work in coaching
1) Development of a resource of creativity for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) Solving internal conflicts, overcoming crises with the help of a resource of creativity

We recommend reading
