Pros and cons riding. Than for a person useful riding

Encyclopedia plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

It is useful to engage in horse riding with a three-year-old age, and everyone, without exception. The basis of successful occupations is the contrary character and the strong nerves of your "therapeutic" horse. During direct contact, the heat that the horse transmits, perfectly activates the blood circulation, and also charges us positive energy, pleasantly affecting the psyche. Horse riding classes are also useful for people with reduced self-esteem, as they betray the uncertainty in themselves the person and confidence.

In many countries, stables are used for the treatment of respiratory tract (tuberculous chopsticks). Studies have proven that the air of the stable is able to destroy the microorganisms harmful to humans when inhalation of the exhaled horse air, as well as the smell of evaporated horsepower.

You should not forget the fact that with the help of riding you can remove the accumulated fatigue, stress, relax from problems and worries, while improving your physical form and of course the most important thing - health, because during the riding muscular tone of your body will improve. This effect is caused by the fact that the person sitting on the horse is forced to strain the muscles to hold the equilibrium and save the posture. The benefit of riding for women is that such a living simulator strengthens and worries weakened problem women's zones, which is not used even during fitness classes. The legs are working most: in order to stay in the saddle there are muscles from the hips and to the knee, the muscles of the leg also strains during the horse control, and the muscles of the feet are being worked out in stirruces. Muscles of the lower back will work depending on the horse's step to a greater or lesser extent. To hold the right position on your "live transport", the muscles of the press and back will work.

Horse riding use For a person, there is a positive effect on such systems as: respiratory, nervous, digestive and blood circulation system. For post-infarctional patients, horse riding is useful since it does not overload the work of the lungs and hearts. We also note that horse riding well trains a balance. Based on the useful qualities and riding properties, which is a special type of physiotherapy.

Horse riding benefit for women, men and children from the point of view of medicine are a vestibular apparatus training, which will provide you with the opportunity to feel great while traveling by bus or aircraft, train or car, and even during maritime travel. If the vestibular apparatus is not healthy, then man suffers drowsiness, weakness and nausea, and both children and adults.
Unfortunately exist harbor riding. The first thing that every person should understand is not to comply with the safety regulations when riding a horse can lead to injury. When sports, unlike amateur ride, it also requires certain restrictions on medical testimony. These include diseases of internal organs transferred recently strokes, heart attacks, malignant hypertension, veins thrombosis, thrombophlebitis. It is also not recommended to engage in horse riding in gynecological diseases, kidney inflammation and bladder.

Horse riding helps with issues with posture, scoliosis, osteochondrosis. Mostly in such a form of treatment, people need a sedentary lifestyle.

Horse riding eliminates the feeling of anxiety, frees from bad thoughts, raises the mood, causes merry and clear feelings and is recommended to everyone, without exception. Ride with pleasure, pleasant walks riding!

Horse riding - Hobbies for those who like the wind in the face, the smell of hay and communication with the smartest and wise animals - horses. Try new hobby!

If you do not like to embroider with a cross and sew soft toys, let's talk about such a useful and pleasant as a female horse riding. Why hundreds of fragile ladies from an early age and practically before old age give preference in this sport? Why are they drawn to strong and noble animals, how to magnet?

Horses - Live Antidepressant

Probably, partly the fact that horses, like, is a natural antidepressant, they give a lot of positive emotions, help to cope with internal problems, inspire, sneak out of the series of gray monotonous everydays and carry into some special, their own world.

You go to the stable, feel a pleasant smell of hay and sawdust, communicate with horses, state their velvet noses, look in good eyes - and the mood is improving, care is going to the background. In the stable can be easily "stuck" for a whole day, forgetting the bill for the clock. After all, the atmosphere of the stable is special, kind, so not similar to what everyone is accustomed to our rapid world.

Horse riding: what it is

Dance with a horse, knocking hoofs and heart knock, rapid running, forest paths, bay shore, sand from under hoofs, sun and wind in your hair and mesh horse. The horse as if he puts you on the pedestal, and now you are no longer an ordinary person, no, you are Amazon, famously controlling his horse. No wonder they say that the riders do not want to seem higher than other people, but still they are at one and a half meters closer to the sky.

Riding riding - the second majority of muscle work sports after swimming. Do not think that ride a horse is very simple. Not at all. From the side it may seem that the rider, so easily and elegantly sitting riding, does nothing, and the horse just rides him. But behind this simplicity is hard work done by the rider to achieve a beautiful landing, ease of horse management.

For riding, it is important to possess good posture (problems with the back significantly complicate the learning process; landing is the basis for the right ride, a good landing assumes, including a smooth back). Therefore, for those who wish to start learning horseback riding, it would be nice to tighten the physical training and (of course, if there is a need in this).

A bit of theory: types of equestrian sports

Those who have successfully mastered the basic skills of a female riding can move on by choosing a specialtitization of classes. Let us dwell on the main types of equestrian sports:

  • jumping (overcoming obstacles);
  • dressage (performing elements of the highest riding school, what is called "dance with a horse");
  • runs (passing large distances for a while);
  • troyboard (it includes the jump, dressage, cross - overcoming a variety of "field" obstacles when moving around rough terrain, it is most common in the southern regions of Russia).

Everyone can choose a sport based on their preferences and character. For example, the touch requires the presence of kurazha, courage. Titing more implies under the presence of the rider of patience, scrupulsiness in its work - it is not surprising that most of the athletes - women.

Horse riding benefit for women

High ride is not sufficiently compared with the fitness, the muscles of the hands, legs, backs, abdomen are involved here. The hour of occupation on the horse is comparable to the running hour, at first it will not be easy if you have a breathing system is not trained, but over time you will get used to the loads.

Horse riding also develops the reaction (here I would like to note that horses usually do not have any problems with the busy - after all, the reaction in man has already become faster, and when driving in a playpen also exist, a kind of traffic rules, so the driver will be prepared in advance to certain Requirements).
There are in horseback riding and therapeutic variety - hippotherapy, to overcome psychological, or physical ailments (often come adults and children with diseases of the musculoskeletal system). The psychological and physiological effect of such activities is simply amazing. Communication with cats and dogs is absolutely not what the horse is.

  • First, the horse is not just a large (weighing about 500 kg) and an unsafe animal, each of them has its own unique temper, and so that it will be submitted to you, it is necessary to show your character, and perseverance.
  • Secondly, sitting on top, you learn to own your body, moving to the horse's movements tact, do not interfere with it. Without comparable delight - enjoying unity, as if the horse reads your thoughts and performs teams without applying efforts. But for this will have to work a lot, of course.

How to implement a desire in practice

You can study riding driving at any age - even ladies come to horse clubs, crushing the threshold of the seventieth anniversary. The main thing is to overcome the internal barriers and fears. Do not hurry to buy special equipment, to start, visit one of the clubs to make sure that there are classes. For the first lessons, a comfortable, non-shy movements clothes without coarse seams. To protect your head will need helmet.

To date, the choice of sports clubs and amateur stables is very large. There are among them good and different, for every taste and wealth. Reviews of people who have already been involved, everyone will be able to find something their own, whether there is a vacation at the weekend (there is an opportunity to go for a walk in the forest, the park, the field - even for those who were the first time in the saddle) or lessons with serious Intent go further, in sports.

As a rule, women begin to sit confidently in the saddle after six months of regular training. Usually those who come to the world of the horse remains in it forever, albeit with the interruptions, but always come back. Try it, and you will not regret the spent time and get in return for new impressions and positive emotions, rest from the monotony of urban life. After all, most clubs are outside the city, in nature.

The desire to have an ideal figure inherent in every woman. To achieve the desired goal, many of us attend fitness clubs, go swimming, run in the morning and make. However, monotonous sports is quite quickly bored, and therefore does not always give the necessary result.

Horse riding for women is an excellent alternative to monotonous fitness training, especially in the spring-summer period, and even with its help you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also get a lot of other benefits, both for physical and emotional Health.

Lose weight, riding a horse

Looking at graceful riders, fearlessly changing expanses riding a horse, it is impossible not to pay attention to the beauty and femininity of their shape. It seems that it is necessary to have a certain dexterity, and, of course, not to have overweight problems. However, here, rather, the opposite rule is valid - horse riding classes help develop sports skills, get rid of excess fat deposits and pump almost all muscle groups.

It may seem that female equestrian sport is available only to professionals, and he does not bring any benefit and may even be dangerous. However, this opinion is completely erroneous. Riding a horse for beginners is held under the guidance of a coach that will follow the process until the horse gets used to you, and you are to her. The very first classes in this sport begin with a slow walking step.

Despite the seeming simplicity of this classes, in one hour, walking distance of the horse is lost about 300 calories. For an hour of horse riding, the art of which, with regular classes, will be available to you after a few months, you can say goodbye to 500 calories. And if you want to continue classes and master the riding gallop, then in one hour such a ride you lose about 700 calories. At the same time, which is especially noteworthy, while riding a horse accounts for a significantly lower burden on the joints and, for example, with or training in the gym.

However, significant energy consumption is far from all the sporting benefits that riding for women brings. In order to just sustainly sit on a horse, a man reflexively strains the inner muscles of the hips, back and abdominal. And when driving, the oscillatory muscles are connected to the work, the abdominal muscles, as well as biceps and triceps. During the muscles, the muscles are evenly pumped, so that through time the figure acquires ideal proportions. Especially good riding eliminates fat deposits from the hips and the bottom of the abdomen. Since the temperature of the horse is slightly higher than the temperature of the person, during the ride, our muscles are heated, pump out and massaged, which contributes not only to weight loss, but also.

However, as in any sport, regularity is important to achieve results in horseback riding. It is recommended to start classes with one or twice a week, gradually increasing the load.

Additional use of riding

It would be wrong to consider riding riding only as a way to get rid of extra kilograms. Horse riding is an exciting art that benefits both physical and psychological health.

What is useful to ride a horse, you are interested in people still with deep antiquity. For example, Antila argued that equestrian sports strengthens the body and prolongs life. And Celsius recommended horse riding to people suffering from the diseases of the circulatory system and the gastrointestinal tract. Later in medicine, a separate industry appeared under the name of hippotherapy, the essence of which is to treat various diseases by riding horses.

If we talk about the benefits of riding for women, the most important thing that I want to mention is the development of perfect posture and plastic body. To confidently sit on a horse and manage it during a ride, it is necessary to develop a specific landing with perfectly flat back, free shoulders and proudly raised head. With regular classes, the muscles of the body are getting used to this position, and the person involuntarily begins to "keep back" and in ordinary life. In addition, to control the horse and coordinate its movements, it is necessary to work not only with your hands and legs, but also with all the body, directing the animal in one direction or another. All this is very well developing coordination of movements, plasticity, and the ability to keep balance.

In addition, it is recommended to engage in horse riding with people with diseases of the genitourinary system, thyroid gland, violations of the organism exchange processes, ischemic heart disease, as well as neuralgic diseases.

However, the hippotherapy is not limited only to physical treatment. Perhaps there is no better way to get rid of stress than riding a horse. Communication with so smart and calm animals becomes a kind of emotional discharge and to remove the nervous tension. The healing riding effect is enhanced by the fact that the classes of this sport take place, often in nature, away from noisy megacities and fuss.

In addition, many psychologists believe that such a pastime is developing femininity, optimism, the ability to focus on important tasks and helps us feel more confident in everyday life.

Contraindications for horseback riding

Despite their substantial benefits before signing up for riding classes, it should be noted that this sport also has contraindications. To refrain from riding horses in such cases:

  • with any inflammatory diseases of the internal organs;

  • serious blood diseases;

  • spinal injuries;

  • thrombophlebitis and veins thrombosis.

Horse riding for a little one is perceived only as a sport. Rather, these classes turn into a fascinating hobby, bringing new emotional shades to life. And as an additional bonus, riding a horse gives good physical well-being, psychological discharge and an excellent figure.

Horse riding is excellent training for the whole body. It will become a cardionage for burning fat, and a power program that gives the tone muscles. Horse riding perfectly restores the body after injury, disease, overtraining or stress.

What to expect?

When the horse goes a step, the rider pulse rises to 100-110 shots per minute, and with a gallop - already up to 170. But at the same time, serious organic changes do not occur in the heart muscle, like running or aerobics. The thing is that we are not moving ourselves, but we respond to the motor pulse obtained from another living being. The horse gives us from 90 to 110 such impulses per minute. Therefore, our muscles work as they cannot work in any training.

Beginners notice that the load on the inner surface of the thigh is most sensitive. It is not surprising, because usually these muscles are not easy to download full, even if you use special simulators. And then the whole hour has to squeeze the back of the horse. But cellulite disappears without a trace!

Almost as seriously operate quadriceps (four-headed muscles of the thigh), and with them caviar and feet. After all, we are not sitting on a chair, but actually we stand on semi-boiled legs, relying on stirrups. Legs work as springs in the tact of horse movements. We get up on the socks, then we go down, while the knees are semi-bent. To spring, you have to include buttock muscles.

I can not not mention the muscles - the stabilizers of the housing (those that create a flat belly and aristocratic posture). Creation and sutulo on the horse will not be lost at all! Will-unilles are taught to keep the back smoothly - and during driving lessons, and in life.

For those who are not in the form

If you have increased pressure, heart disease, too high weight - boldly begin to bring yourself into a riding shape. By the way, she corrects many problems with the spine, treats paralysis, muscle dystrophy, nerves and even oligophrenia.

Pleasant news: Start riding the ride can also be those for 50. The load on the weakest part of the skeleton is the joints, which in the elderly people are already worn out - here is minimal. But the work of the muscles when driving a step similar to fast walking, when driving a gallop - run. Blood circulation in the rider body is 5-9 times intensified. This salvation from the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle!

A little intima: Horse riding helps to get rid of constipation, improves the work of urinary tract and genital organs, because there is a peculiar massage of the entire niz torso.

So what is next?

"Ride a horse" and "be able to ride" - different things. For skating, it is not necessary to control the animals, all for you will make a coward. The effect of weight loss will not decrease. But "be able to ride the top" means about the same as "be able to drive a car." That is, sitting in any car and without road transport adventure to get there, where it is required.

True, a horse, unlike the car, is not iron and obedient buttons, but alive and wayward. We will have to not only find out the teams, but also to work out gestures and intonations that will make the horse obey obey. From the outside it is great for the education of a foreign child (who is someone else's, because he is not obliged to obey us as his own). Requires time, desire and competent patient instructor. It is better not to start in the park, but in the maneen or at the place, where the walking sevaship are not confused under your feet.

For some reason, many believe that it is worth it to sit on a horse, how they will definitely fall from it. We are in a hurry to refress: there are no idiots in the stables to seize a beginner on an unnecessted Mustang. For an academic ride, as a rule, select the most phlegmatic and fitful animals, usually merinms or mares. Yes, and horses, as a rule, love people, they try not to drop the rider, and do not step on it. So in practice to fall from the horse much harder than it seems.

Do not be afraid of the horse: you will only provoke disobedience. To get rid of embarrassment, talk to animals, intend it, try to admire it with grace. When you sit in the saddle, do not strain, but relax and find a natural pose. Confers yourself that it is you - right leader in tandem "Man - Horse".

And do not forget about elementary caution:

  • Leading a horse in occasion, do not put to her feet! It is much heavier than man, so if it comes, it will be very painful.
  • In no case do not wind the bridle on your fingers or brush! If the horse is randomly drowning his head, you will stay without them.
  • Never approach the horse from behind! If it can not be circumvented in a different way, check if the animal is shot.
  • If it seems to you that the horse behaves aggressively, do not try to scare it! She is larger and, since I decided to "show the rights", you are not afraid. Call a horse breeding, let him understand it with it.

Horse riding gives such sensations and emotions, which you won't get any simulator. Listen to your coach, communicate with horses - and watches dedicated to horseback riding will be for you an unforgettable pleasure, to which you want to come back again and again.

Our certificate

Hippotherapy - therapeutic riding - is very different from the usual. The head of the team is a physiotherapist, which decides how much and in which position should ride. The patient does not control the horse: she has a horse breaker. In addition to him, the rider is accompanied by two more people, because a person with disabilities can easily fall, but it does not always have to change the position of the body. It happens that the patient should ride ... half a walk. The hippotherapy also includes massages and exercises from therapeutic physical education. In this way, autism can be cured, hydrocephalus, children's cerebral paralysis, mental delay, muscle dystrophy, posture disorders, oligophrenia, poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, mental backwardness, epilepsy and some other diseases.

On a note

We prepare!

Some muscles are very sick with unusual from riding a horse. This can be avoided if you begin to make special exercises in advance. Just do not download them on the eve of the first lesson - you will not be able to ride at all. Start at least for two or three weeks.

To resist in the saddle, it is necessary to strongly compress the hips. We train the thrust muscles of the thigh: take a small inflatable ball (30-40 cm in diameter). The easier option is to lie on the back, heavier - stand up. Knees semi-bent. Squeeze and sprink the ball or ring between the knees for 10-15 minutes.

To spring in stirrups, stretch your feet. Take a chair or stool, stand back to it. Go to it and get up without your help for 5-10 minutes. In no case do not plunge on the chair, but omit is measured and controlled. The chair is needed quite high - such that from the buttocks to the seat was not more than 50 cm. In extreme cases, put a pillow on the seat or a couple of books.

It is also necessary to strengthen the stabilizing muscles of the abdomen and the waist. The load on them is mostly static, so that the "pumping" of the press and the lower back will not help. You need any exercises and poses in which you need to keep balance. You can stand on one leg or brought out on a gymnastic log, which is at any sports ground.

A variety of different sports in the modern world is great, however, little compared with riding competitions. To see how professional riders prove their skill, allows equestrian sports that collected all kinds of games with horses. This is a great option for leisure activities in the company of friends and loved ones.

Equestrian sport - what is it?

The main interest among observant causes the interaction of a person with animals and how adapting and reacts to the slightest movement at the sports horse. Moving weight, team, weakening reel - all that is of great importance in equestrian sports. Interestingly, the equestrian sport has received their fame in ancient times. Competitions took place in Athens, and everyone wishes could watch chariot competitions. Therefore, it does not surprise that the contests were included in the Special Program of the 15 Olympics.

All sports games involving horses are called horseback sports. This prefabricated concept arose for another 729 years before the first Olympics. The competition includes: jumping, implying overcoming obstacles, dressage, where the rider is demonstrated by the art of the subordination of the horse and Troyboard, when there are field tests, a liner ride for 3 days. Equestrian sport was recognized as the official Olympic Competition in 1912. The main ammunition of sports belongs the components.

  1. Bridle - Detail, which is put on a horse, so that the management of it was facilitated. Given the preferences of an athlete, the headband can be triple or mouthpiece.
  2. Mouthpiece - Surprised from iron, which are used to facilitate the management of the horse in the dressage.
  3. Khakora - Headband, which looks like two leather belt on the face of the horse. Straps can be made of artificial or natural fur.
  4. Saddlewhich provides comfort and convenience to the rider, and also protects the back of the animal.
  5. NogkaProtecting the limbs of horses while performing tricks from shocks and other damage.
  6. Valtrapwhich puts under the saddle to absorb sweat and horse back prevention.
  7. Popon or special bedspread, protecting a horse from a cold, insects. Popons can be woolen, synthetic, cotton.
  8. Girthrepresenting a strong leather belt or braid that holds the saddle.

There are other additional elements of ammunition that facilitate horse management. The harness can be a single-circuit and parkon. Subject to objects are first:

  • homest;
  • lusts;
  • rein.

In addition to the ammunition, the rider itself can contribute to the relief of the horse management, i.e. His voice (which is not allowed in all sports). Many varieties of equity are a lot, but several classic species: jumping, dressage, Troyboard. Calculate to the subjects of the park blocks:

  • clamp;
  • chest belt;
  • constrict;
  • whore;
  • snaffle.

Horse Riding - Pros and Cons

Equestrian games have a lot of advantages and some amounts of flaws. Before you prefer this sport, all the nuances should be analyzed. The advantages of equestrian sports include:

  • the cure of diseases due to equestrian walks;
  • stabilization of the nervous system and normalization of the emotional background;
  • restoration of mental processes;
  • physical activity, help when weight loss.

How dangerous equestrian sport is interested in most of those who are only going to join this kind, which, along with advantages, has some negative points:

  • shaking can provoke stroke in people inclined to the occurrence of heart disease;

Contrary to the common opinion, equestrian sport does not lead to.

How is equestrian?

Equestrian classes are formed in a person not only healthy, but also personality. During the competition, the rider should be able to easily feel the horse and own his own movements. Thanks to the classes, you can form a strong spirit and good health, develop muscles and ensure yourself a slim figure. Permanent walks in the fresh air increase immunity and harde the body to prevent the appearance of chronic diseases.

Danger of equestrian sports

Sport injury in horseback sport, unfortunately, is common, but the receipt of injury in professional activity is not so often. With the skillful possession of the horse, the feeling of its own body is actually avoided by injury and danger. The most encountered cases are damage in the shoulder area, neck, limbs. The most severe injuries consider the fractures of the spine when hitting a horse or at strike - the danger lies in the fact that there is a possibility of breaking the spinal cord and the subsequent paralysis.

Types of equestrian sports

Classic views of equestrian sports are a constant Trinity from Sports, Troochildren and Towning. However, now all the great popularity is obtained by voltizing, drive, trimming runs, chaz, horse racing, voltage, Djigitovka. Each of the species is characterized by individual features and requires a professional approach, skills and skills.

Horseback - dressage

As already mentioned, equestrian sport enters the Olympic Games since 1912. Traveling or dressing is the most difficult and mysterious view, which influenced the inclusion of sports in the Games Program. Not only complex elements and exercises are important for dressage, no mistakes and accuracy - dynamic is important. By virtue of great competition, no rider should be interrupted and stand still. He is obliged to show the audience "Positive" result.

  1. As far as the horse is capable when performing the right productive movements.
  2. Horse work at various pace: from abbreviated before added.
  3. The ability of stallion to movements, bending.

When evaluating a horse draws attention to its obedience, the presence of the desire to move forward, the appearance, flexibility and smoothness of movements. The presence of all the necessary factors in animals will bring positive feedback and consolidate the status of an "elegant" representative of equestrian sports, so the riders should pay special attention to their horse and try to find a proper approach.

Equestrian sport - jumping

The competition is rightfully considered a spectacular and complex competition. This variety of equestrian sports is inherent in spectacularity and popularity. In order to participate in the competition, you need a long and difficult preparation of the rider and his horse. The athlete must be bold, decisive, physically prepared, intelledible in horseback: overcoming obstacles, high coordination, strength, flexibility - what should show a horse. The jump has a rules system where any error is fixed and registered by the judges.

Equestrian sport - Troyboard

Troyboard refers to a Manezhnaya, field specialization in horseback. The essence of the trio collateral is to overcome three obstacles on one horse to completely display the condition and preparation. At the very beginning, they check as far as the horse goes and obedient, after - how hardness and energetic, it is checked on the third day its performance and condition after a series of heavy tests in the field.

Equestrian - Driving

Modern equestrian sport is presented in a wide variety of species. One of them includes diveving, where the main participants are the harms. The main species date on a Manege ride, marathon, parkour, Western-Sports, Dame Ride, Polo and Baygu. Each species evaluates a certain feature: depreciation, training, speed, body position, coordination.

Horse riding

Upon learning of what types of equestrian sports are, the category of tests should be stated where the jumps belong. During the test, they check as far as the horse and dynamic. Conclusions about this contribute to an understanding of the suitability of the animal and its performance. Racing are called a prize sport and are held on a hippodrome with a large number of cash rates.

Equestrian - Derby

Derby is the main award for any discipline of equestrian sports conducted on the hippodrome. Thanks to the race derby, you can reveal the best horse of any age, as the races are carried out in different age categories. Derby is considered a very significant event for each horse, because here not only its increasingness is checked, but also professionality.

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