IP registration certificate: where can I see the data about the number? Certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Encyclopedia of Plants 14.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

A certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur is a documentary confirmation that a businessman is officially registered as an individual entrepreneur. This certificate must be issued in the form P61001, which provides for the indication of the following information:

  • Surname, name and patronymic of the individual entrepreneur;
  • Series, numbers and dates of issue of the passport;
  • ORGNIP (main state registration number).

The application also indicates the name of the INS and the position of the registering person. The document must be signed and stamped by the Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service.

Document appearance

Why do you need a certificate of registration

Official registration of an Individual Entrepreneur is the most important condition for doing business. If a this activity is conducted by a person who has not registered, he can be held liable (both administrative and criminal) and paying fines in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Moreover, when registering as an individual entrepreneur, a businessman receives certain rights and obligations, namely:

  • The right to conduct any legal activity;
  • The right to obtain a state license;
  • The obligation to pay taxes;
  • The right to provide jobs;
  • The obligation to pay contributions for employees to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, and the migration service;
  • Obligation to pay personal income tax for employees.

Who can get a certificate

This document can be obtained by the following categories of citizens:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Foreign citizens and stateless persons who permanently or temporarily reside in Russia;
  • Minors (subject to the provision of notarized consent of the parents, a copy of the marriage certificate, a copy of the decision of the guardianship authority or the court to recognize this citizen as capable).

The following cannot be certified:

  • Already registered individuals. Re-registration is prohibited, and if a businessman wants to change something, he will have to correct existing documents. However, as an alternative, he can be deregistered and re-register. There are no special requirements for the period between deregistration and new registration.
  • Persons who are prohibited from doing business by a court decision;
  • Persons whose activities have been forcibly terminated (if 12 months have not passed since the termination);
  • Bankrupts;
  • Persons with convictions for certain crimes, who indicated the following educational or educational activities;
  • Civil servants, people's deputies, etc. However, these individuals may register at the risk of their position in a government organization.

How to get a certificate of registration of IP

To obtain this certificate, an entrepreneur must properly prepare and issue copies and originals of certain documents, including:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of TIN;
  • Copy and original of the passport;
  • Receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Application for the transition to a specific taxation system (if not selected as OSNO).

If an IP is registered by a foreigner, he must additionally provide;

a copy of a temporary residence permit or residence permit, while minors are required to provide documents recognizing them as legally capable - a court decision, parental consent or marriage certificate.

If the entrepreneur intends to carry out educational or educational activities, he must provide a certificate of non-conviction or a certificate of criminal record with a decision of the commission on admission to this activity.

However, before filling out an application, each individual entrepreneur must select the necessary OKVED codes. You can even include in their list those codes for which you are not going to conduct business, at least in the near future. The only factor to consider when choosing codes is their compliance or non-compliance with the taxation system you have chosen. After choosing the types of activity, the entrepreneur can proceed to fill out the application.

How to fill out an application for registration

In order to fill out and submit an application, an entrepreneur can fill out a special form P21001, which is easy to find and say on the Internet, or use the official online service. To use it, among other things, you need to register with tax authority. Moreover, this service is under development, so the most simple option will download and fill out the application yourself. This can be done either manually (using block letters and a black pen) or electronically (using Courier New, 18 font).

At the same time, the entrepreneur must carefully monitor the following points:

  • The passport number must be entered with two spaces;
  • The email address is indicated only in case of online registration;
  • In the absence of sheet 003, its completion becomes optional;
  • The full name of the entrepreneur on the second sheet must be written by hand;
  • The document needs firmware, numbering and a special sticker about firmware with a signature and indication of the applicant's surname and initials.

If you are going to apply in person, this is the end of filling it out.

But if you intend to send documents by mail, the signature must be notarized (in this case, you should not do the firmware, this will be done by a notary). If the application is submitted through a third party, the entrepreneur will need to issue a notarized power of attorney for him.

Remember, if you do not have an identification number, you will need to complete an application for one at the same time as applying for an IP. In such a situation, the number field should be left blank. It should also be noted that the entire registration procedure in this case will last a little longer.

Submission of documents for registration

After collecting all the necessary documents, they must be taken to the tax service at the place of registration of the entrepreneur. If this is difficult to do for any reason, documents can be sent by mail (in this case, you will need notary services) or issue a power of attorney. It should also be noted that if you are unable to come for the certificate in person, it will be sent to the registration address or handed over to a trusted person.

Terms of obtaining and cost of a certificate of registration of IP

Within 5 working days, the entrepreneur will in any case receive a certificate or be notified of the refusal. The latter option is possible in the following cases:

  • If a potential IP has not collected all Required documents;
  • If the person provided them to the wrong inspection;
  • If errors were made in the process of filling out the application;
  • If the person is not included in the list of those who can receive registration.

If you are refused, the amount of the state fee will not be refunded. If the registration is successful, in addition to the certificate, you will receive an extract from the USRIP, a notice from the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund and a notification of the assignment of statistics codes.

As for the cost of the IP registration certificate, it is relatively small and consists of paying the state duty (800 rubles) and notary services (if necessary).

Replacement of the IP registration certificate

In general, the need for replacement may arise only if the full name of the entrepreneur changes. If the address, passport details, etc. have changed, you do not need to change the certificate. If you want to change these types of activities, you must notify the tax service and submit a corresponding application and copies of the identification number and OGRNIP. It should be emphasized that even in this case, the changes will be noted in the Unified Register, but not in the certificate.

If you need to change your full name in the document, you need to provide the following documents to the tax service:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of identification code;
  • Copy of passport;
  • A copy of the registration certificate;
  • A copy of the document that confirms the change of surname, name, patronymic.

In general, obtaining a certificate of registration of IP is not difficult. If the entrepreneur has collected all the necessary documents, the likelihood that the procedure will go without problems is very high. Moreover, the fact that notarized signature certification has recently been canceled also plays into the hands of registrants. Of course, the procedure for submitting documents, their list and requirements may change, however, the tax service must inform about all the innovations in the procedure.

AT Russian Federation get IP registration certificate can almost any citizen, even a foreigner. There are several restrictions. They are listed in the main regulation − federal law"O state registration legal entities and Individual Entrepreneurs” dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ (Item 4 of Article 22.1).

Denials of registration are not uncommon. The reasons are different, but they are all removable, with the exception of the cases described below. In the article you will also find a sample application and all necessary information about the procedure for obtaining it. Follow our instructions to start your business without hassle and costly mistakes!

Attention, the IP Certificate cannot be obtained in the following cases:

  1. State registration as individual entrepreneur if the individual is already an individual entrepreneur. This happens if, for some reason, a citizen did not close (liquidate) the old IP, but decided to “open” again.
  2. You cannot open an individual entrepreneur within a year after declaring a citizen bankrupt.
  3. An individual entrepreneur certificate will not be issued if, by a court verdict, a citizen is prohibited from engaging in entrepreneurial activities. In this case, it is impossible to become entrepreneurs during the entire period specified in the verdict.
  4. Some types of activities cannot be carried out by persons with a criminal record. This is an activity related to work with minors. It concerns the prohibition of persons convicted of grave and especially grave crimes.
  5. A citizen must not be in the military or public service. Combination is not allowed.

What does the Certificate of state registration of IP look like?

An example of a certificate of state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur in the form P61001

Documents for opening an IP:

  1. Copy of the passport;
  2. (800 rubles);

For special cases:

  • If a foreigner receives a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur, then it is necessary to submit a copy of an identity document and a copy of a document confirming the right to reside in the territory of the Russian Federation. A copy of a foreign passport must be translated into Russian and notarized.
  • For minor citizens, it will be possible to become an entrepreneur with the consent of the parents or guardianship authorities, or by a court decision to recognize them as fully capable, or if they have a marriage certificate.
  • If the identity document does not contain information about the date and place of birth, then a copy of the birth certificate will be additionally required.
  • For the work of individual entrepreneurs with minors, upon an interdepartmental request, the registering authority receives a certificate of a citizen's criminal record.
  • If a citizen submits documents not in person, but through a representative, then a notarized power of attorney will be required for the right of the representative to submit / collect documents to / from the IFTS.

Where to apply?

Documents are submitted to the tax office at the place of residence. Be sure to specify the number and address of the tax office (for example, through the service of the website of the Federal Tax Service). Most settlements this function is performed by the territorial inspectorate serving the given area. But in Moscow, for example, registration of all individual entrepreneurs and LLCs is carried out by one, separately allocated for these purposes, IFTS No. 46. A certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur must be issued in the same place where the documents were submitted. The term is 3 business days.

It is possible to submit documents through multifunctional centers(MFC). They are available in many cities and, indeed, save a lot of time for citizens. It is better to find out about the availability of such a service at your particular MFC.

What mistakes prevent obtaining a certificate of registration of IP

1. The reason for most failures is errors in . This official document of several pages, in which you need to specify information about yourself and your future business, is not as simple as it seems. There is a whole set of requirements for filling out an application. To meet all the requirements of an unprepared person on their own is not realistic.

You can make a mistake and reject the document, allowing only an incorrect reduction in the address object or incorrectly transferring the word to a new line. Size, font type, gap filling rules, alignment, OKVED codes - everything is taken into account by the computer and mercilessly thrown into the trash when deviating from the standard. If earlier it was possible to agree with the inspector who checked the documents and quickly correct the mistake, today - alas ... you can’t agree with the car.

How to be? There are two options:

  • Contact professional registrars;
  • Fill out an application in the online service on the Internet.

Services of registrars, of course, are not free, plus you will need to contact a notary. The simplest and safe way- find a free service for registering an individual entrepreneur on the network, fill out a form online and save it to your computer. All that remains is to print two copies and go to the tax office. Our personal experience described in the article.

2. During a personal visit to the tax office, do not sign the application in advance. This must be done in the presence of an inspector. Signed in advance and notarized only the application sent by mail or through a proxy.

3. Carefully check the details specified in the receipt of payment of the state duty. They must correspond to the details of the tax office to which you are submitting documents. If the money went to another IFTS, then they will not be returned to you or transferred to the correct addressee. There will be a refusal to register, and the procedure will have to be repeated. It is most convenient to generate a receipt in the online service of the Federal Tax Service https://service.nalog.ru/gp2.do. This way you will insure yourself against mistakes with details.

4. When choosing OKVED codes, do not indicate the types of activities that an individual entrepreneur is prohibited from engaging in. For example, tour operator activities or production alcoholic beverages. By the way, from July 1, 2017, the sale of beer for individual entrepreneurs will also most likely be “closed”, the corresponding project has already been developed and is awaiting consideration in the State Duma. In such cases, an IP certificate will not be issued.

5. The simplified taxation system (STS) is chosen by many individual entrepreneurs. If it is also suitable for you, then it is more profitable to submit a notification of the transition to the simplified tax system along with the registration documents. Then you will not have to contact the tax office again within a month after registration.

What should be issued after successful registration

If the procedure was successful, then in the IFTS you will receive:

  • Certificate of state registration of IP; updated: November 30, 2018 by: All for IP

IP registration certificate - documentary evidence that the state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur was carried out. According to current law RF, conducting any activity as an entrepreneur is possible only after the registration of the IP has been carried out. This form of document can be issued after certain registration steps have been completed.

Without this official paper, you will not be able to conclude any agreement or transaction aimed at making a profit. If a person continues to carry out entrepreneurial activities without having the appropriate document, he may be held criminally liable. If you want to have an official sample of what you really conduct legal activities in your hands, then issue a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.

After you have registered as an individual entrepreneur, you are issued a certificate with a number that is considered unique. Such a code is an invariable requisite of your certificate, it is indicated in any agreements, reports that are submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

The process of obtaining a certificate

What is obtaining a certificate of registration of IP? During registration as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate is issued, which is a form that has the established form, as well as the degree of protection against forgery. Information contained in this certificate:

  1. The name of the body that carried out the registration.
  2. Full name of an individual with IP status.
  3. Registration number of IP in USRIP.
  4. Date of registration.

If any state body needs to identify an individual or clarify the period during which you carry out business activities, then your details of the IP registration certificate will help such body. Remember that this is not just a certificate, but an official state document that has legal force.

The IP certificate is unlimited and is valid until the moment when the person expresses a desire to stop doing business in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation.

But it happens that you have already engaged in entrepreneurial activity, but you do not have any permit for this in your hands. Then how to get a certificate of state registration as an entrepreneur? Consider the rules and procedure for replacing a certificate.

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Certificate replacement

According to the legislative document, the process of replacing the certificate of an individual entrepreneur is carried out after a written application by the businessman himself. There are the following cases of certificate replacement:

  1. Name change.
  2. Sex change.
  3. Change of date or place of birth.
  4. Loss of the official sample.

In some cases, the Federal Tax Service has the right to exchange a certificate that has lost its original readable form, for example, after getting wet, burned, etc. In this situation, it will be necessary to provide evidence that these defects were caused unintentionally. The easiest way out is to write an application for the replacement of the registration certificate as a result of loss. Some businessmen who have already received their registration certificate are in a hurry to have it laminated, but this is not recommended. Quite often, employees of the Federal Tax Service show dissatisfaction about this. In addition, getting a good copy when scanning a laminated document is quite problematic.

Keep the document carefully. If possible, make a copy of the certificate and certify it with a notary for further distribution to partners. It will be enough to have a certificate certified by your own seal and signature. It is recommended that you scan the document in a non-color version, as a multi-color duplicate is suggestive of a forgery. Of course, the question of how to save official paper is up to you to decide. It is not recommended to keep the original in the office or put it on public display.

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Relocation and replacement of the certificate

There is an opinion that when changing the place of residence, it is necessary to acquire a new certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. However, this does not have to be done. The presence of individual entrepreneurship applies to all regions of Russia without any encumbrances. The only thing that needs to be done is to submit information for registration with the tax authority at the new place where business activities will be carried out. Based on practice, most of businessmen carries out their own business directly in the region of their permanent registration at the place of residence.

The IP registration certificate does not have regional restrictions, however, they may be considered by certain types of licenses, permits or permits necessary for the implementation of a certain type of activity. This must be taken into account, and if there are no prohibitions from the Federal Tax Service, the licensing authority has the right to demand the elimination of violations or suspend the permit document.

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Certificate return procedure

Some businessmen, especially those whose business did not bring the expected income, are wondering about the return of the IP certificate. However, passing the certificate is not an easy task. This type of document confirming the state registration of a citizen in the register of individual entrepreneurs is valid until the status of an individual entrepreneur is removed from an individual. Therefore suspension entrepreneurial activity only possible in a certain order, namely:

  1. From a written application of an individual.
  2. After the decision of the court.
  3. Death of a citizen who was an individual entrepreneur.
  4. The period allowing people with foreign citizenship to work is coming to an end.

This list is thorough and includes a specific process that includes the submission of a registration form. At the same time, if it is necessary to hand over a certificate at the request of the law, for example, when a businessman is declared bankrupt, and a citizen avoids handing over an official paper, then a decision is made on the invalidity of the certificate. And if in the future the businessman continues to conduct his business, then such a business will be considered illegal, which will bring him to justice.

To start own business, you need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and obtain the appropriate certificate. In this article, we will analyzewhat it looks like, where it should be and how long it takes to process.


When an entrepreneur passes state registration with the relevant authorities, he is issued an appropriate certificate confirming his status. This procedure was in force in Russia until the end of 2016. In 2017, the Federal Tax Service, on behalf of the government, changed the procedure, and now, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the tax service no longer issues certificates, which made it possible to reduce the cost of special forms with holograms and logos. From the age of 17, entrepreneurs receive a record sheet from the USRIP, and legal entities from the USRLE, respectively.

Attention:if you received a certificate before 2017, then it is valid and cannot be replaced. You need to change it only if the data on the entrepreneur changes (for example, a change of surname), or the document has been lost and is reissued on a new one.

IP standard certificate

It should be understood that a certificate or sheet in itself does not give an entrepreneur or legal entity special rights. He receives the rights to conduct economic activities during registration, and the sheet only confirms that he has such an opportunity.

What data was included in the certificate

Let's look at the classic certificate of registration. It must contain the following data:

  1. What is the name of the document. Usually, an inscription is affixed on it that this is a certificate that confirms the registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Introductory part. This is followed by data that the registration information was entered into the USRIP or USRLE, depending on the form of business, the corresponding numbers and the date of entry into the databases are put down.
  3. Next comes the data on the individual entrepreneur himself: last name, first name, patronymic. Previously, some territorial offices indicated the date and year of birth, but today this is not required.
  4. Data from the OGRNIP, which indicates the number of the entry that was made in the Unified Register of IP.
  5. Data on the authority that issued the document (that is, the name of the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service where the entrepreneur underwent the registration procedure).
  6. The position of the employee who issued the document is indicated, as well as his signature with the decoding of the full name.
  7. The wet seal of the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service is put.

Accordingly, the form contains a unique number and series of the document. It is these data that are now indicated on all the old certificates that were issued by the tax authorities until the end of 2016.

EGRIP record sheet

At first, many entrepreneurs were worried that they did not receive a full-fledged certificate, but managed with an ordinary sheet, but then the process was debugged. People realized that the certificate is completely identical to the sheet, and, in fact, it is only a confirmation for the relevant authorities. Accordingly, since 2018, all individual entrepreneurs receive just a sheet in which the following data is entered:

  1. Surname, name and patronymic of the entrepreneur.
  2. Data from OGRNIP.
  3. Data about the territorial body of the tax service that registered the individual entrepreneur.
  4. Information about the place of registration / residence.

Record sheet from USRIP

It is this sheet that is used by the entrepreneur when filling out invoices, contracts, acts and other papers. It indicates the main data that needs to be transferred to the document headers in order to legitimize them.

Attention:anyone can check if their counterparty is a registered entrepreneur on the website of the tax service. To do this, just enter the data or full name in the appropriate search bar, and you will receive the necessary data about the individual entrepreneur.

Additional documents

Now since you knowlet's look at what other documents the person conducting the business will need. In addition to the sheet, the entrepreneur needs to obtain a certificate that confirms his registration with the territorial office of the tax service. Any taxpayer who is a citizen of Russia, as well as persons who do not have Russian citizenship, if they live in the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 181 days in calendar year and have tax legal relations with other persons or with the state.

This certificate must be held by a person who, for example, purchases housing in Russia, but is not a citizen of the country. Or if he concludes a contract for the provision of services with Russian company. Moreover, he may not even be physically in Russia, but work remotely, but he still has to pay taxes in the country. To do this, he first needs to register with the tax office, and only then sign an agreement or document for the sale of property. Accordingly, a foreigner who entered Russia cannot get an official job without being registered with the tax office.

Attention:if a person works remotely, and a Russian company needs his services, then it can independently draw up the necessary documents with the Federal Tax Service. This can be done by the counterparty, who was assigned to conduct such activities.

To obtain a certificate, simply contact the tax office with a passport and ask them to issue an individual tax number. This procedure takes several minutes and is carried out on a stream. People who have previously received a number do not need to go through the procedure again. The following information is entered into the TIN:

  1. The full name of the document.
  2. Recipient's passport data: Full name, gender, day/month/year of birth, place of birth, gender.
  3. Data that the territorial office has registered the person.
  4. Assigned individual tax number.
  5. Data on the territorial tax authority, the position of the employee and his signature with the decoding of the last name.
  6. Wet seal of the territorial office.
  7. Unique number and series.

If the document is lost or damaged, contact the tax office

When and how documents are received

The TIN is issued when a Russian citizen reaches the age of 18 or upon personal request. An individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to obtain both a certificate of assignment of a TIN and a certificate of registration when contacting the tax office when opening an IP. If the documents have become unusable, stolen or lost, then you should contact the Federal Tax Service again and you will be issued with new papers.

Attention:it is impossible to register as an individual entrepreneur without a TIN, so you need to start with obtaining this document. To apply for it, you need to have a passport and an application for receipt (you can write directly at the office).

You don't need to pay anything for registration. You just hand over the documents and you are given a certificate. It is noteworthy that according to the law, the term for paperwork should not exceed 5 days, but often it is done in a day or two. In case you have young man no TIN, then the employer can apply for it when hiring an employee. The tax office will send the papers to the accounting department of the company, after which they will be issued to the employee.

The design of the leaflet when opening an IP is done in a slightly different way. You need to contact the territorial office of the tax service, having your passport and TIN with you. At the branch, you write an application and pay the state duty, the amount of which in 2018–2019 is 800 rubles. You can also pay the fee before applying, since not all branches have terminals. In order to avoid problems during registration, we recommend that you contact the tax office in which you are registered. Moreover, in large cities, you need to apply not to the tax office, but to special inspections.

The nuances of obtaining

Above we have already indicated all the necessary information abouthow it is done and where. Let's look at some of the nuances. Firstly, when you first receive a TIN, you do not need to pay, and when registering an IP, you pay 800 rubles. If the documents were lost or became unusable, then for a duplicate TIN you will need to pay a fee of 300 rubles, and for a sheet - 200 rubles. Moreover, these documents will be made up to 5 working days. To get a duplicate sheet faster, you can pay 400 rubles and you will be given it the next day.

To obtain one and the second document, you must have a passport with you and draw up an application. These documents can be submitted to the tax service in three ways:

  1. Personally visit the branch at the place of registration/residence.
  2. Draw up a power of attorney for a third party.
  3. Send papers by mail.

Traditional certificates are no longer used

The fastest and easiest way is to apply on your own - in this case, you will be able to correct errors and get up-to-date information on all issues. But if you do not have time or for some reason you cannot come to the institution on your own, then you can draw up a power of attorney or send papers by mail. Now let's look at how long these documents are valid. By default, they are considered perpetual, but they may need to be reissued. This is done in the following situations:

  1. If documents have been lost or stolen.
  2. If they are worn out or worn out.
  3. If the data about a person has changed (for example, a change of surname).

To replace the papers, you need to contact your local branch, fill out an application and pay a fee. At the same time, your TIN will not change, just like the OGRNIP will remain the same. It is noteworthy that since 2018, it is allegedly not necessary to contact the tax office when changing personal data: in connection with the creation of unified databases, the necessary information is pulled from the GUMV MIA and updated automatically. But in fact, there have been times when something went wrong, and as a result, the data did not change. Therefore, we recommend that a couple of weeks after changing the surname or other personal data, contact the tax office and ask them for an extract from the USRIP.

If the data has not changed, then inform the inspector about it. An extract can be obtained both at the branch and simply through the website of the tax office. personal account. You can check the data about yourself, and if something is wrong, notify support and they will correct it for you. We recommend that you do not delay obtaining an extract, as new counterparties will check information about you, see discrepancies and refuse to cooperate.

Note that after the completion of economic activity and termination of state registration, neither the sheet nor the TIN is withdrawn from the entrepreneur. Therefore, many are tempted to use it for possible fraud. We strongly do not recommend doing this, since any counterparty will be able to see that you do not have a registration by checking the information on the site. In addition, such actions fall under the article "fraud" or illegal business which is punishable by a fine or imprisonment. If you use the certificate to obtain a visa to the European Union or the United States, and the fraud is discovered, then you will be banned from entry for several years.

How to speed up data update? There are two ways to do this:

  1. Contact your local office and file a P24001 application stating that the information has been changed.
  2. Create the same application through the website of the Federal Tax Service. In this case, the update will be completed within 5 working days, and you will be issued a new sheet (after paying the fee).

Attention:when changing your last name, we recommend that you get a new TIN so that there is no confusion and hitches. The fact is that the code includes information about the person, and after the change it may not match.

To replace the TIN, a period of 5 working days is also set, but in most cases it is issued immediately or the next day. If you do not want to visit the tax office on your own, then you can transfer the relevant papers by mail or through a trustee. If you change your F.I.O, then first of all update your passport, and only then contact the tax office, as they will require the original with changes.

In contact with

The certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur is an important document in his commercial activities. It is he who confirms the fact that an individual legalizes his business. However, in 2018, not all individual entrepreneurs may have such certificates. Let's figure out when the merchant receives it and whether you need to panic if, after registration, the tax office issued you some other documents.

What is a certificate of state registration of IP

This is the name of the document on a state-issued letterhead, which was issued to the IP after registration. It was, and for those who already have it in their hands, it remains the main confirmation of their status.

In 2016, the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia abolished this form; in 2017, innovations began to operate. So the tax authorities simplified the registration of individual entrepreneurs and saved budget costs for printing documentation. Since then, the status of an entrepreneur has been confirmed by the Record Sheet of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP). Similar changes have taken place with the registration of legal entities. Now they are also issued not a certificate, but a Record Sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE).

However, those who have a certificate do not need to run to the inspection to change it to a record sheet. For them, the available certificates remain legally valid, except in cases where the document is lost or needs to be replaced. But if you need to get it again or exchange it, in return they will give not a new certificate, but a USRIP or USRLE Record Sheet.

Often, entrepreneurs believe that it is these documents that give them the powers arising from the status of an individual entrepreneur. But it's not. The powers arise from the legal capacity of the entrepreneur, which he acquires from the moment of state registration. And the document only confirms this legal capacity.

What does the IP registration document look like and what mandatory details does it contain?

The certificate contains the following information:

  • name of the document - Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;
  • information on making an entry on the registration of an individual entrepreneur in the USRIP;
  • F. I. O. IP;
  • date of entry in the USRIP;
  • entry number in the USRIP, also called OGRNIP;
  • the name of the inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service (IFTS), where the state registration of the individual entrepreneur was carried out;
  • position and signature with a transcript of the employee of the Federal Tax Service;
  • stamp of the IFTS;
  • series and number.

This is how the certificate of state registration of IP, which was issued until 2017, looks like

Are the certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur and the EGRIP record sheet equivalent?

Yes. An individual entrepreneur registered before 2017 can confirm his authority both with a certificate and with the USRIP Record Sheet. Those who became IP later have no choice - only a record sheet.

In practice, the document is usually needed when drafting contracts, additional agreements to them, acts, invoices and other documents, where it is necessary to indicate the information contained in it:

  • information about the IFTS, which registered the IP.

This is how the USRIP record sheet on the state registration of an entrepreneur looks like

To check the eligibility of the entrepreneur, you can do without these papers. It is enough to use the service "Business risks: check yourself and the counterparty" on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. All the necessary information about the IP is there. If he officially ceased activities, this will also be displayed.

Certificate of registration with the tax authority

This is a separate document that is issued to all Russian taxpayers, including foreigners, stateless persons and non-residents of the Russian Federation, which can be Russians who spend more than 181 days abroad a year, entering into tax legal relations with Russian state or already in them.

For example, if a non-resident buys real estate in the Russian Federation or how an individual concludes with a Russian company civil contract, whose activities are carried out remotely, while physically remaining in the country of origin, he must pay taxes in Russia, and for this he must be registered with the tax authorities. Moreover, first he must register with the tax authorities, and then acquire registered and taxable property, get a job, conclude a civil law contract, etc. However, it is also possible that the employer or counterparty under a civil law contract in the process of formalizing the relevant relationship.

This paper is also commonly called a certificate of assignment of an individual taxpayer number (TIN).

When a citizen becomes an individual entrepreneur, he uses the same TIN that he previously received as an individual, he does not need and is not entitled to a separate TIN.

The TIN certificate contains the following data:

  • Title of the document;
  • Full name of the citizen;
  • date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • information on registration with the tax authority;
  • date of registration;
  • position and signature with a transcript of the IFTS employee indicating the number of the inspection where registration was carried out;
  • stamp of the IFTS;
  • series and number.

Sample certificate of registration of an individual with a tax authority (on assignment of a TIN)

How to obtain a certificate of registration and assignment of a TIN for an individual entrepreneur

Both documents are issued in such cases:

  1. Primarily during tax registration and state registration.
  2. Repeatedly in case of loss, deterioration or change of personal data.

If a citizen does not have a TIN, you must start by obtaining it.

To do this, just contact the tax office with the following set of documents:

  • passport;
  • application in the prescribed form.

You don't have to pay anything when you first receive a TIN. The finished tax certificate should be issued in five working days.

If a person does not have a TIN and he gets a job for the first time, the employer will take care of assigning him a TIN. A certificate for such an employee will be issued in the accounting department after they receive it from the tax office.

To get a record sheet, you must first become an entrepreneur. To do this, the following are submitted to the tax office:

  • passport;
  • application of the established form for registration of IP;
  • receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 800 rubles.

It is necessary to apply strictly to the place of residence. Depending on the city, registration can be carried out by the same tax office where a person is registered, or a separate inspection, as, for example, in Moscow.

The Russian TIN (initially I was a citizen of another state) was issued to the author of these lines at the beginning of the 2000s at the place of my first job in Moscow. All the efforts were taken over by the employer, whose office was located in the center of the capital. But I was registered by the district tax office at the place of my registration of residence in the north-east of Moscow. But when I registered an individual entrepreneur in 2009, I had to contact the Moscow 46th tax office. In it, in 2016, I registered the termination of entrepreneurial activity. My wife, who also moved to Russia from neighboring countries, received the TIN at the nearest tax office to the house at a time when she was only on migration registration in the capital as having arrived in the Russian Federation on a short time foreigner.

Upon receipt of documents again, you will have to pay a state duty, which is 300 rubles for a certificate of assignment of a TIN, 200 rubles. for the USRIP Record Sheet upon submission of the document within five working days and 400 r. when providing an extract from the USRIP on an urgent basis - the next business day.

In all cases, documents can be submitted to the IFTS in three ways:

  1. Contact in person.
  2. Through a trustee.
  3. Send by mail.


Both documents are issued indefinitely, their validity period is unlimited.

However, early loss of their power is possible for the following reasons:

  1. Lost document.
  2. Bringing it into disrepair.
  3. Change of personal data contained therein.

In all these cases, you will have to get a new document. At the same time, the TIN and OGRNIP will remain unchanged.

The situation is similar with the USRIP Record Sheet. A blank form of the USRIP Record Sheet

The situation when it is not necessary to regularly reissue a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or an EGRIP record sheet is fraught with the temptation to use these documents even after state registration of the termination of business activities. After all, they remain on hand at the end of the procedure. But it's better not to be naughty. After all, it is not difficult to check the relevance of information about an individual entrepreneur using the already mentioned free service “Business risks: check yourself and your counterparty” on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. And data on the termination of business activities in this service is also available.

In 2014, I applied for a German visa. At the visa center of the German Embassy in the Russian Federation, I presented a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur as confirmation of my ties with Russia. After the termination of business activities, the IP registration certificate issued in 2009 remained in my hands. But I will not cheat with it, in particular, when applying for the next Schengen visa. The prospect of getting a refusal due to deceit and being barred from entering Europe for several years does not smile at me.

Are duplicates issued in case of loss of documents

Yes, they are issued. To do this, as already mentioned, you need to pay a state duty and apply to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate with a minimum package of documents: an application for a new certificate of assignment of a TIN or an EGRIP entry sheet, including instead of a lost or damaged IP registration certificate, and a passport.

Do I need to change when changing my last name and other personal data

By law, an entrepreneur should not contact the IFTS and make changes to the USRIP when changing personal data:

  • surname;
  • patronymic;
  • passport data;
  • residential address.

This information is transferred to the tax office from the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation automatically.

The situation is similar with the tax accounting of individuals.

However, there are situations when the transfer of information is delayed. And for an individual entrepreneur, especially if he is active, it is of particular importance that all information in the USRIP is relevant and does not cause unnecessary questions.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to play it safe and request an extract from the USRIP to check if it contains outdated personal data. An electronic statement is enough, which can be obtained instantly and free of charge on the website of the Federal Tax Service. If everything is in order, it is enough to get a fresh record sheet in the tax office with new data.
Waiting for an electronic extract from the USRIP when requested on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia

If the data in the USRIP is outdated, you can speed up their update yourself.

To do this, you need to submit to the tax office in person, through a representative with a power of attorney, by mail or through the website of the Federal Tax Service an application in the form P24001 (download the form). New Leaf EGRIP records will be ready within five days after its submission.

But it is very desirable to obtain a certificate of tax registration when changing the last name, first name, patronymic, gender, or all together with new data - in order to avoid confusion. To do this, an application form 2–2 Accounting is submitted to the IFTS (download the form). A certificate with new personal data will be ready within the same five days, but if you are lucky, you can also receive it directly on the day of your personal appeal. You can submit documents and receive a ready-made certificate also by mail or through a representative with a power of attorney.

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