The procedure for registration of IP for cargo transportation. What are the documents for the transportation of IP

landscaping 30.09.2019

What are the documents for IP cargo transportation? This question is of interest to businessmen. Individual entrepreneurs engaged in the field of cargo transportation, as a rule, own a certain number of vehicles. It is extremely difficult to understand what is applicable for personal interests and what is in business development. In view of this, the design of an individual entrepreneur as a freight carrier raises many questions. Is it appropriate to transfer transport from individual on IP? What documents for cargo transportation should an IP provide?

What are the documents for cargo transportation

Consider the issue of registering an individual entrepreneur as a freight carrier. According to the regulations of the Russian Federation, an entrepreneur has the right to use his own property, both for personal needs and for the purpose of conducting his own business activities.

Due to the fact that the terms “property of individual entrepreneurs” and “official vehicles” have not been introduced into the current documents, no re-registration of vehicles is required.

Since the only taxation regime in which an individual carrier can operate is UTII, registration of cargo transportation activities from the standpoint of this regime, as well as the necessary documents accompanying the filing of a declaration on the start of such activities, should be considered.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation regulates the registration of persons who own transport. It is necessary to consider "other grounds" that oblige payers of the UTII regime to be registered at the place of their business.

Individual entrepreneurs who are subject to registration as payers of the UTII taxation regime must, within 5 working days, submit an application for registration as a payer of UTII.

If an entrepreneur decides to change the field of activity or introduce an additional part of the income - trucking, he is subject to re-registration with the tax office.

However, in order to avoid confusion, tax specialists have a completely different position. In the event that an individual entrepreneur is a UTII payer, it is not necessary to re-register. Therefore, in an arbitrary form, an individual entrepreneur is obliged to notify the tax service about the start of a new activity.

According to this, an individual entrepreneur, submitting a declaration to the tax office on the implementation of cargo transportation activities, informs tax authorities about the start of a new activity, code 05. In addition, it makes sense to accompany the above document with an explanatory note drawn up arbitrarily. What documents are needed for the transportation of IP goods? It is necessary to return to legislative documents - the Charter of road transport. According to it, the requirements for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are the same.

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IP documents for the transportation of goods and acts of work performed

Documents for cargo transportation of individual entrepreneurs, acts of work performed:

  1. Transport agreement. It is the responsibility of the carrier to deliver the goods to their destination and hand them over to the person authorized to receive them. The sender pays the freight carrier the remuneration specified in the contract. The conclusion of an agreement on cargo transportation is associated with the issuance of a consignment note.
  2. Bill of lading. The bill of lading is issued by the consignor. Legal entities whose duties are charged with dispatch, upon receipt of goods, keep records of waybills.
  3. Charter agreement. Compiled when the delivery of the goods is accompanied by the consignor or his representative.

There is a possibility to issue this document as an order-order for the use of transport in order to move goods. The work order is a mutually replacing form of TTN and at the same time acts as a simplified variation of it. Distinctive feature- failure to mark the transfer of cargo.

If the delivery of the goods is carried out with the help of other organizations, the TTN is mandatory.

If there is a completed TTN, taxpayers are provided with tax benefits that take into account the cost of cargo transportation.

The act of acceptance and transfer of work performed has the following features:

  • the form is not unified;
  • submitted together with the bill of lading to account for the expense allocated for the movement of goods, the calculation of tax fees for profit organization;
  • primary accounting document.


  • document for the use of the vehicle;
  • the main accounting document of a primary nature;
  • in combination with TTN, it records indicators of accounting for the work of transport and the driver;
  • document for calculating the salary of the driver;
  • Based on this document, the cost of freight transportation is calculated.

Vouchers for the waybill:

  • filled in by the customer
  • the basis for the presentation of an invoice by the owner of the transport to the customer;
  • mandatory for time-based tariffing of cargo transportation;
  • fixed billing does not require a waybill.

For individual entrepreneurs, the use of waybills is mandatory. They contain all the basic details.

A waybill is a document confirming the cost of cargo transportation, in particular the carrier.

To engage in cargo transportation as an individual entrepreneur, there is no need to issue any licenses, permits or approvals. You just need to open an IP and start working.

Registration of IP

So, in order for cargo transportation to become your business, you need to officially open an IP. Remember that you can submit documents both personally to the tax office and via the Internet to its official website. Please note that in order to work in without fail you will need a TIN. If you have not registered yet, then the tax inspector will issue it to you during the registration procedure. But keep in mind that registration of an IP takes 5 days, and for a TIN it will take at least two weeks.

When registering, you must indicate OKVED under the number 60.24: "Activity of road freight transport." Taxes will have to be paid according to UTII - every quarter to give a fixed amount.

Documents for submission

IP registration takes place in tax office. To open your own business, you need to submit the following papers there:

  • copies of all pages of the passport;
  • two copies of the application for the transition to UTII;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty for registration;
  • the corresponding application for registration as an individual entrepreneur (form P21001).

After receiving the documents, the tax inspector must issue you a receipt stating that he accepted the papers. Together with it, an approved second copy of the application for UTII is given.

Documents to be issued

On the day indicated by the tax inspector, you must come back again, and the inspector is obliged to give you the following papers:

  • OGRNIP - certificate of registration of IP;
  • EGRIP - extract from the IP register;
  • notification of tax registration;
  • notification of the assignment of statistical codes;
  • notice of registration with the Pension Fund (at the place of residence).

Having received these documents, you must open a current account with any bank of your choice. For this step, you will need to prepare about a thousand rubles.

Taxation in the field of cargo transportation

Taxes in the field of cargo transportation can be paid according to the following main systems:

  1. General, which requires keeping accounting records in full, paying all taxes in full. Please note that an individual entrepreneur who works on this system must pay not only taxes provided for enterprises, but also value added taxes on personal income.
  1. Also, an entrepreneur can work on a simplified system. It allows you to choose one of two taxation modes. The first sets the tax rate at 6%, which covers the total income of the enterprise. The second assumes a rate of 15% of income, from which expenses are deducted. In this case, the total amount of tax cannot be less than one percent. The entrepreneur himself has the right to choose and change the regime. Please note that in this case, he is exempt from paying personal income tax, a single social tax, sales tax, property tax, value added tax.
  1. In the field of cargo transportation, this is the most common system of taxation. But in order to use it, the entrepreneur must have at least 20 vehicles. But only the municipal authority can allow the use of this system. If the region does not provide for the use of this system, then it will not be possible to switch to it.

IP taxation

As a rule, an entrepreneur can choose a taxation system when he decides to open an individual entrepreneur. But if he did not do this, he is automatically given the UTII system if the activity is included in the list of his services.

The imputed income for freight transportation is calculated on the basis of the basic income established earlier by law. As for cargo transportation, this is 6 thousand rubles. every month, passenger traffic - 1.5 thousand rubles. This takes into account the tax rate of 15%.

Pros and cons

The current taxation system has its advantages and disadvantages. So, one of the advantages is that the most profitable in the field of cargo transportation is the UTII system, which is very justified with high incomes. If there is a desire to switch to a single tax, this is done automatically when the appropriate decision is made. municipal authorities. If there is no such solution, the entrepreneur can always successfully work on a simplified system.

When deciding to open an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation, it must be remembered that the general tax payment system is considered the most burdensome, so it is advisable to immediately switch to a simplified one.

Documents for cargo transportation

For private shipments, especially for loads up to 3.5 tons, no licenses or permits are required. But if you decide to engage in international transportation, the driver must have such documents with him, customs documents and a transportation permit.

It should also have:

  • power of attorney to receive the goods;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • the passport;
  • consignment note;
  • waybill;
  • license card;
  • driver's license;
  • car documents.

Intercity transportation

Intercity transportation is recognized as those transportations that are carried out outside the city at a distance of more than 50 km. In this case, the transported goods must be sealed by the person who sends the goods.

If the driver has suspicions that the car has malfunctions that will prevent him from making a flight, he must refuse to provide this service. Accordingly, the owner of the cargo must refuse to load the goods onto the truck. What to put an appropriate mark on the waybill, consignment note. This information is endorsed with a seal and signature. If disagreements arise between the driver and the owner of the cargo, they are drawn up in the form of an act, on which each of them must sign. Similarly, an act is drawn up when it is lost or damaged along the way.

Pretrip Inspection

Any driver carrying out cargo transportation, long-distance format, is required to undergo a pre-trip inspection. Without it, it is impossible to carry out cargo transportation. This step allows you to discover various diseases the driver, which can lead to accidents on the road.

If the driver plans to make an international trip, he must pass an examination at the Association of International Road Carriers. To do this, he must submit the following papers there:

  • statement;
  • a copy of the balance sheet (it should have a note that it was submitted to the tax office);
  • a certificate from the tax office on the status of tax debts;
  • copy of license cards;
  • a copy of the license for road transport of goods;
  • a copy of the certificate of state registration.

A few nuances

When carrying out IP cargo transportation, the following nuances should be taken into account:

  • it is worth striving for an exceptionally high quality of service provision;
  • the seriousness and weight of the entrepreneur will give his own website;
  • always take from satisfied customers, especially large ones, letters of recommendation- they will become an excellent guarantee of successful cooperation with other clients;
  • strive to establish long-term relationships with customers - they will save on advertising;
  • having no experience in providing such services, start with transportation within the city.

In this article, we will consider how an individual entrepreneur can engage in freight transportation from the point of view of taxation. We will calculate which taxation system is the most profitable, and also tell you how to accept money from clients.

Business registration

To officially register your business, you must apply for registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur. For this you need:

  1. Decide on type codes economic activity to be carried out by the IP. For cargo transportation according to the all-Russian classifier of types of activity, OKVED, located in section H of the classifier, is suitable. For example:
  • code 49.41 - this is the activity of road freight transport;
  • code 50.20 is the activity of maritime freight transport;
  • code 51.22.2 is the transportation of goods by space transport.

When registering an entrepreneur, it is important to indicate as many codes as possible, which may be useful in the future, so you do not need to choose one, perhaps the activity will expand, and without registered codes it will not be possible to carry out.

Important! Indicate several codes of activities that may be useful to you in the future.

  1. Pay a state fee in the amount of eight hundred rubles. The state duty can be paid by taking the details in the tax office, which performs the functions of registering individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for your region. But the easiest way is to use the service on the tax website, which is called "Payment of state duty". This service can print payment order to pay the fee, and then pay it in any commercial bank, or you can pay the fee directly online with your card.
  2. We fill out the form P21001. You can fill out the form by hand or on a computer. After the form is filled out, it must be submitted to the registering tax office along with a receipt for payment of the state fee. There is a special service on the website of the tax office, thanks to which you can apply without leaving your home, using the Internet.

Important! Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur takes place within three days from the date of submission of documents for registration.

IP license

If an entrepreneur decides to carry out activities for the transportation of goods (not included in the list of dangerous goods) on the territory of our country, then he will not need a license and permission for transportation of up to 3.5 tons. An individual is registered as an individual entrepreneur and can carry out activities.

Documents for cargo

When transporting cargo, you need documents for this cargo, as well as documents confirming the right to use vehicle. The list of documents includes the following:

  • Documents for the right to drive a car - rights with an open category according to the car. These are driver's rights;
  • Documents for the right to use the car - Title, certificate or power of attorney for driving a car from the owner;
  • Documents for the cargo - waybill and power of attorney for the shipment of goods;
  • Documents for the right of transportation - a waybill, which must be drawn up by an authorized person of an individual entrepreneur or by the entrepreneur himself.

Tax system - which is more profitable

There are several taxation systems that can be applied to an individual entrepreneur engaged in cargo transportation:

  1. General system - includes the payment of personal income tax and value added tax. This system is one of the most expensive in terms of tax burden. But sometimes it is more expedient to choose it - it is chosen by entrepreneurs who work mainly with other taxpayers on common system. When the question arises of choosing a counterparty for cooperation, many companies on OSNO want to work only with other taxpayers on a common system.
  2. Simplified system - exempt from paying personal income tax and VAT. In this tax regime, you can choose one of two options for the object of taxation - either Income (when the tax is paid regardless of the amount of expenses, as a rule it is 6% of total amount income received, but regions can reduce this rate), or Income minus expenses (the tax is calculated from the difference between the income received by the individual entrepreneur and the expenses incurred by him). In order to work under this tax regime, it is necessary to submit a notification to the tax office at the place of registration within 30 days from the date of obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur. If this is not done, then you can switch from the general regime to the simplified one only from the beginning of the new year, by submitting a notification before December 31 of the previous one.
  3. A single tax on imputed income is one of the most popular regimes for cargo transportation. Let's take a closer look at it next.
  4. An activity patent is also very often used by an entrepreneur. Let's take a closer look at it next.

UTII for cargo transportation

If an entrepreneur chooses to apply tax on imputed income for this type of activity, he must submit a notice of commencement application of UTII- register with the tax office at the place of business. This mode taxation implies the payment of tax, which does not depend on the amount of income actually received. For cargo transportation, Article 346.29 establishes a base yield of 6,000 rubles per vehicle. The number of cars for one entrepreneur on UTII cannot exceed 20. The tax is calculated as follows:

Tax=Tax base*15%

Tax base=6000*(number of cars for the 1st quarter+number of cars for the 2nd quarter+number of cars for the 3rd quarter)*K1*K2, K1 coefficients are set by the government. K1 for 2018 is 1.868, and K2 is set by the regional authorities as a formula with several variables.

Example 1

IP Frolov P.V. He has 3 cars in his fleet. He needs to calculate UTII for the 2nd quarter of 2018. The calculation will be as follows:

(6000 * (3 + 3 + 3) * 1.868 * 1) * 15% \u003d 15130 rubles - tax on UTII for the 2nd quarter of 2018.

When calculating UTII for taxpayers, there is a nice bonus - the tax can be reduced by the amount of insurance premiums paid as for yourself individual entrepreneur, and for their employees:

  1. For the entire amount of tax, if the entrepreneur works without hiring employees;
  2. At 50% of the tax amount, if the individual entrepreneur works with employees.

Example 2

IP Frolov P.V. He has 3 cars in his fleet. He has 2 employees, from whose wages Frolov paid 12,000 rubles of insurance premiums to the budget for the second quarter. He needs to calculate UTII for the 2nd quarter of 2018. The calculation will be as follows:

(6000 * (3 + 3 + 3) * 1.868 * 1) * 15% \u003d 15130 rubles - tax on UTII for the 2nd quarter of 2018. This amount can be reduced, but not more than 50% at the expense of insurance premiums paid in the second quarter. 15130/2=7565 rubles. Thus, it is not necessary to pay the entire amount to the budget, but only 7565 rubles.

Trucking Patent

The entrepreneur can choose as a taxation system for the activity of cargo transportation the payment of the Patent. This mode is good because when buying a patent, you do not need to worry about tax return. The amount of payment for the Patent depends on the region and the number of cars occupied by the entrepreneur in this type of activity. You can calculate the cost of a Patent on the tax website in a special service Calculating a Patent. A patent can be purchased for a period of 1 month to 1 year, but that period is issued only within one year, that is, if you applied for a Patent in June 2018, then the Patent period can be any before the end of the year.


The most profitable taxation systems for cargo transportation, as a rule, are the payment of UTII or a Patent. To decide on the taxation system, you need to know with whom the entrepreneur will cooperate, how many cars will be in his fleet, whether it is necessary to resort to hiring employees.

2005 year. Several years have passed since the end of my studies at the university, and I have not found a sensible application for myself. I am a historian by profession, but I was not interested in history. However, from his youth, he noticed more than once his interest in commerce, in managerial impulses and all kinds of financial schemes. Even while studying at the university, I created the Youth social organization"Our Choice" at the Committee on Youth Affairs of the city N (later they even prepared me for the position of Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs). However, something with social activities at that moment I didn’t become full, and the desired Mercedes didn’t appear either (I had a very big predilection for the automotive industry since childhood).

And then one day, driving along the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway on an autumn day, I noticed a crazy a large number of trucks flying along the road. So, apparently, at that moment the idea came to me to go into the automotive business, more precisely, the business related to cargo transportation. I immediately opened the Internet, magazines, newspapers, in short, I was looking for information about what kind of business it is and what it is eaten with! As a result, I realized one thing - that I didn’t understand anything, in addition, either the former heads of the “sovdepovskie ATP”, who fell into their hands during the “times of general division”, or criminal structures are engaged in this business. Something at that moment decreased my enthusiasm, but my interest did not disappear, I would even say it increased. I even had to take a ride on the track, talk to the "carriers", they say, too, here, I want to buy a truck. In the next two or three months, I studied the type of this business and calculated the mathematics of this project. I found out that there are two types of this “transportation” business. The first one is when you went, bought yourself a truck, put the driver behind the steering wheel, sent him on a flight and you sit for yourself, waiting for him to bring you a lot of money for well-trodden flights (this is how I told you in a simplified version). This option was somehow not suitable for me, since there was no money to buy a used Mercedes, which I dreamed about so much, not like a truck! But the second type of this business somehow immediately attracted me. I thought, this is my theme! It consisted in the following... All these truck owners, after all, turn to someone for cargo, look for cargo in order to load the truck and transport the cargo? That's right, they look for and find all sorts of different dispatchers (however, in Russia there were several tens of thousands of them). The task of the dispatcher is to find someone who needs to transport their cargo, and find someone who can transport it. True, there are many more details and subtasks for the dispatcher, but ... more on that separately sometime later. It was in this simple formula “out of thin air” that a small but frequent profit was formed from each flight. And the more trucks you load and the more often they ride back and forth, the more and more profit you get.

As a result, I borrowed 50 thousand rubles from a friend. Registered "LLC" (7000 rubles), rented an office for a month (8000 rubles), bought a computer, fax and printer (20000 rubles) and, of course, connected to the Internet. He left the rest of the money for "provision", you never know what!

First work day. I'm sitting on the Internet rummaging. What I'm looking for, I don't know. On different sites I climb (profile, of course). By that time, I already had contacts of several carriers who agreed that if I had any cargo (for good money), they would be ready to transport it. So I'm sitting on the Internet rummaging, so to speak, looking for clients. And suddenly, inadvertently, I get to a site in which there is a large list of these drivers themselves and the clients themselves, and even all the contacts are there, however, for money (the guys who came up with that site, thank you so much, I will never forget you!).

As a result, I paid a couple of thousand from my current account, got 30-day access to contacts... and go! This is where my work began. I call one, I offer cargo, I call another, I offer transport. And so from 8:00 to 18:00 every day. And I'm not the only one, there are thousands of them in the network and all over Russia. After 18:00 I make all sorts of lists (now these are databases) of drivers and customers who are somehow interested in my proposals. True, sometimes I had to lie, like the fact that the trucks are mine. Who would work with me? Would think, another intermediary! Even though I was like that at the time. Well, what to do something, it was worth starting with something.

As a result, for the first week I shipped about 8 cars and earned 12,000 rubles, for the second another 12 cars, and so on ... in a month I recaptured the "debt" 50 thousand rubles and was very pleased! With accounting and reporting, thank God, my mother helped, she is my accountant with experience.

I work, I work, and in the middle of the second month I go to one customer who ships a lot of cars a day with his products. I'm calling. I propose. I'm being "kicked off". Like, they say, “we have a cloud of our own carriers, you weren’t enough here yet!”. Okay, I think you are not alone in Russia. And I forget about them. Fortunately, this business allows you to cover a large geography, as long as there is a telephone and the Internet. Then I found a couple more small customers, and so little by little, “from the world by a thread”, it seems that the money began to appear.

A few weeks pass, and the New Year is approaching. And then the call. A representative of the plant that “kicked me off” calls and says that they do not have enough cars before the new year, and they began to deliver products to a new region and did not have time to develop contacts with local carriers. They ask to help. Of course, I'm not a vindictive guy! Agreed. But the representative says that we need to meet, discuss the nuances. I agree, meaning by this official acquaintance and conclusion of a written contract with a price agreement. In principle, everything happened just like that, however, in my office, and not at the customer's factory (which surprised me a little). And it was not in vain that I was surprised, because at the end of the conversation I was told that the cost of each transportation to which I agreed should be increased by 1000 rubles, and this amount should be transferred to this representative personally and monthly as a reward for the contract and support provided. For all questions. I took a couple of days to think. After consulting with "experienced people", I came to the conclusion "apparently everyone works this way."

The customer really turned out to be a very serious client, I delivered 8-10 cars a day to only one of his plants with a profit of 2,000 rubles. And there were three factories. By that time, I had already hired a deputy, an accountant, a couple of dispatchers and a secretary-operator. Work was in full swing. I am constantly on the road, meeting with new clients, carriers, constantly discussing directions of transportation, rates, resolving disputes, etc. In short, what I dreamed of, real business activity! Everything was going great, new lines of business were added, I even had to move the entire business to Moscow. Of course with for the most part personnel. Moving to Moscow was accompanied by emotional joy. Buying an apartment, a car, renting a beautiful and spacious office in a modern business center. In short, life has improved!

Business also grew, the company became recognizable in its field. By that time, Wimm-Bill-Dann, Russian Alcohol, Rosstekloprom, Russian Aluminum, etc. were already among the main clients.

With "Wimm-Bill-Dann" in general interesting story happened. They refused to cooperate with us in the field of freight transportation for a very long time. And I got them so badly that they couldn’t see me anymore, except that I didn’t spend the night with them. As a result, I was very well acquainted with the logistics department and its boss, who would not mind working with us, but there are no instructions from above, therefore, there is no contract. As a result, after two months, I “enticed” almost the entire transport department with the boss to join my company. Of course, for very good money. And literally three days later I received a call from the management that almost the entire transport department had quit, and there was no one to deal with the supply of transport. As a result, now my guys were already engaged in supplying vehicles to their former plant. As you understand, I had no problems and now my employees had no problems with this. True, all this was revealed four months later, as a result, they were offered an even better salary, and they again changed employers. Although it was to be expected, since they came so easily, they should have left just as easily. But I drew a lot of conclusions from this situation. First of all, I took a close look at the staff and their motivation, so that in the future, employees would not leave me so easily.

So 2006-2007 passed, then 2008 ended, and by the end of the year I felt something was wrong. Clients somehow strangely began to pay for services, or rather, I would say, they stopped paying at all. And .... here it is CRISIS!

Back in August 2008, our company created a new direction, more precisely, new relationships with financial institutions. Name of the direction: "Management of illiquid transport assets of banks and leasing companies". We were well aware that the problems in the banking sector, first of all, would affect our company. By that time, we were planning to expand the truck fleet and were preparing for a deal with the leasing company "N" to purchase 40 vehicles. The contract value was about 4.8 million euros. Preparation and verification went on for about two months, then the leasing company asked for more additional documents, the consideration dragged on for another several months. As a result, when everyone agreed, and we even received a positive decision from the credit committee signed by the management and stamped, and we were ready to make an advance payment, this leasing company sends us a notice of suspension of financing, because. the head office (in Europe) was not ready for funding. It became clear that if everything is so vague with the leasing company “N”, what should we do with others! Then it was decided to start working with the banking sector under the program "Management of illiquid transport assets". By that time, the crisis had greatly affected the cargo transportation sector, and many companies that failed to prepare for cost optimization measures and develop an anti-crisis strategy began to go bankrupt. Since our company mainly works with mono-customers (where at least 30 regional shipments are made daily from a client), we were ready for harsh competitive conditions.

Leased property was seized and returned to creditors on a daily basis. Banks and leasing companies had no idea what to do with it, sell it? And to whom? All car dealerships and dealers themselves cannot sell their equipment.

We approached banks and leasing companies with a proposal to manage these trucks. Our lawyers and financiers have developed several management options. Basically, we relied on the fact that when managing illiquid assets of banks and leasing companies, their balance of payments remains positive (we pay for debtors), delays in payments are significantly reduced, and assets are redeemed for the year at a residual value by our company. These measures allowed many banks and leasing companies to get rid of illiquid (problematic) assets.

This area of ​​"Management of illiquid transport assets" allowed our company to avoid risky investments, adapt to the crisis liquidity of transport assets and create the necessary fleet of vehicles, which is one of the most important competitive advantage in the field of road freight transport.

Briefly, but this is one of the options for how we solved the shortage problem financial resources to expand the park.

Trucking is quite perspective view activities. People living in villages, cities and towns use the services of transport companies or individuals to transport things and goods to different places.

On the this moment cargo transportation is in great demand in our country, so the number of companies offering their services in this area is growing every day. If you want to go into this business, you need to take your place and try to organize the work in such a way that it brings income, create conditions that are fundamentally different from those of competing firms.

Cargo transportation: business from scratch

This is quite troublesome and costly. In order to get started, you will have to acquire a personal vehicle. If you are limited in funds, then a Gazelle-type car or something like that is quite suitable for the first case.

What is the job? At the first stage, a written contract is concluded with the client. The next step is packing goods and things. Timely delivery plays a big role in this business: if you miss the delivery time even once, the company's reputation will suffer, and then you will have to earn a good company name again. Unpacking and setting things in place - this work is carried out by additional agreement with the customer.

How to open a cargo transportation company so that the business brings real benefits? Transportation is often done by everyone who does not know what to do with themselves. They put the dispatcher on the phone, take orders, but they are in no hurry to fulfill them. The cost of work very often does not match the one stated in the agreement, so people are dissatisfied with the work of such "firms". The final amount is sometimes announced only when the things have already been unloaded and the client has to pay the announced amounts. To avoid such punctures, you need to build your work honestly in relation to the customer. Only then will people use the services of your office, and it will bring a good income.

The relevance of this type of business

The relevance of cargo transportation in modern world hard to overestimate. Transportation services are in demand more and more every year.

Until recently, the customer had to wait for his cargo for several weeks, or even months. Now the situation has changed radically. People began to value their time more. Therefore, they try to deliver luggage as soon as possible. short time. Regardless of the purpose of delivery, the relevance of transportation is growing rapidly.

It is even difficult to imagine what will happen if the freight transportation market ceases to function for any reason. Life will rise, especially in big cities. Essential goods and food will not be delivered, medicines will disappear from pharmacies. This list can be continued indefinitely. Therefore, it is impossible to underestimate the importance of cargo transportation in the modern world.

Basic goals

  • Competent organization of transportation on cars of various types.
  • Delivery of commercial cargo.
  • Office, apartment, country, industrial moving.
  • Transportation of oversized cargo.
  • Provision of trained personnel for loading and unloading operations.
  • Provision of services for forced storage of goods.

The most important thing is to have perseverance and strive to go to your goals. Confidence in yourself and your abilities is also far from last.

Company registration and taxes

In order to open transport company freight forwarding, necessary . If you plan to deal with light-tonnage transportation, several small Gazelle-type cars will work in your fleet, and there will be a small number of employees in the state, then in this case you can.

You will need to pay the state duty and collect the package required documents. Their list will be given to you in the tax office. Then an application of the appropriate format is submitted here. It should contain your passport details, a phone number by which tax officials can contact you if necessary, and. All these manipulations can be performed by you personally or through a trusted person.

Each registered carrier must pay taxes to the state treasury on time. In order for taxation to be optimal, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the scale of the future company;
  • types of transportation.

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Types of taxation for carriers

  • . This is the most acceptable option. It means the following: you will be able to pay 6% of the total income of the company or 15% of income minus expenses.
  • General system. Is not the best option for small business. In this case, all taxes must be paid. In your case, this will be a direct path to ruin.
  • . It can only be applied if your fleet has no more than 20 cars. If you cannot choose a taxation system for yourself, then the regional authorities will automatically transfer your company to a single tax.

In order to earn decently, make every effort to switch to a single tax. Do not forget to pay the state in full, and most importantly - on time. There is also a Pension Fund, to which you will also have to make deductions. The size of contributions to the PF often changes, so you need to constantly update the numbers that are transferred from the accounts of your company.

Where and how to open a transport company?

Room selection

Without office space, which will host the dispatch service, you can not do without.

The premises can be rented. The choice of its location must be taken very responsibly. Saving money by working from home will not achieve good results. The "home" level of work will not bring large incomes. If you do not have the funds to rent your own premises, you can rent an office in a call center. This will require less investment. Dispatch service can accommodate 20 sq. meters.

The office needs to be refurbished. Dispatchers must have computers or laptops at their disposal. Availability of printer and scanner necessary condition. Without a landline phone, work will not be carried out at the proper level. The presence of two telephone lines is a huge advantage in the work of the company. Cell phones employees will be involved in no less. It is advisable to purchase a walkie-talkie for talking drivers with a dispatcher - it is convenient and inexpensive.


In a company that plans to engage in cargo transportation, dispatchers must be on the staff - at least 2 people. Their main quality should be good diction, excellent memory, communication skills and the ability to think logically.

A good manager will help to properly organize the work of the enterprise. A competent accountant will keep all the documentation of the company, and there will be a lot of it.

Mandatory condition for successful work- effective advertising. Therefore, an advertising manager will also not be superfluous.

Buying cars

Business in this area begins with the purchase of a car. When choosing machines, you need to clearly understand for yourself what goals you set for yourself and what means you have. Used foreign cars are more reliable than domestic cars and more convenient to use. But Russian cars are much cheaper to repair. At the same time, imported cars break down less frequently.

Which car to buy is up to you. For cargo transportation within the city, Gazelles are often bought. Due to their maneuverability, they perfectly cope with the tasks in the city. Gazelles are fuel efficient and inexpensive to maintain.

If you plan to transport products, tilt cars are suitable for this purpose. For large volumes of cargo, cars with additional trailers are suitable - in this case, the carrying capacity will increase to 24 tons. For perishable products, you need to buy special refrigerators or isothermal vans. A car is indispensable for transporting furniture or office moves. Russian production"Zil - Bull". This car will go where a big truck cannot go.

What kind of car to buy to develop a freight transportation business? This question is individual. One point is worth remembering for sure - in order to provide quality services to the population, it is necessary to have an appropriate fleet of vehicles available.

Motor transport services for the transportation of goods

It is very important if you can organize the work of a company that will provide customers with complete list services. It will be nice if you provide the customer not only with a suitable vehicle, but also with loaders.

Companies that specialize in this area provide the following services:

  • cargo insurance;
  • services for customs clearance of documents;
  • office, country, apartment moving;
  • transportation of oversized and heavy cargo;
  • transportation of dangerous and especially valuable things.

In order for the quality of services to be high level, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • develop a clear itinerary;
  • calculate the cost of the entire procedure;
  • prepare the necessary documentation;
  • carry out continuous monitoring of the movement of cargo throughout the route.

Marketing plan for the development of the company

Before starting the paperwork for opening your own business, you must have a well-developed marketing plan. What is included?

  • Conducting an active advertising campaign that will fully reveal the services provided by your company. AT this case it is necessary to attract local media, design and distribute business cards of the company as much as possible.
  • For the near future, try to attract as many customers as possible and interest regular customers with profitable offers and bonus discounts.
  • A clearly developed strategy for the development of the enterprise, which will spell out effective measures to promote and develop the business.

Well designed marketing strategy and the right tactical actions will bring your company to a leading position among peers in the region.

Marketing research is necessary before drafting detailed business plan transportation of goods. These data will be the basis for the successful operation and development of the enterprise.

Financial questions: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation?

You must understand that it is not realistic to create a detailed financial statement for the creation of a freight carrier company. To obtain specific figures, accurate data on the state of the future enterprise are needed. An approximate picture would look like this:

  • "Gazelle" will bring about 10 thousand rubles of net profit;
  • "Zil - Bull" - 20 thousand rubles;
  • a machine with a carrying capacity of 5 tons will give a profit of up to 25 thousand;
  • truck - 100 thousand rubles.

These numbers paint a picture of an enterprise that regularly pays taxes and salaries to employees.

If you plan to start a business with the purchase of 2 cars, you will have the following expenses:

  • expenses for the purchase of cars - 900 thousand - 1 million rubles;
  • car repairs and fuel costs - 40–45 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - 10 thousand rubles;
  • boxes - 10 thousand rubles;
  • salary for employees - 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - 15 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Thus, you will need about 1 million 200 thousand rubles. This is provided that you have 1 dispatcher, 1 driver and 1 loader in your state.

If you need to attract a second car, you yourself will have to drive. Accounting reports will be maintained by a specialist from another company. This scheme of work assumes an income from one car of 30 thousand rubles. per month.

All your expenses will pay off not earlier than 1.5–2 years. If you use rented cars, then this period can be halved.

More accurate calculations depend on many factors. So, one of the main components is the location of the company.

Concluding, we can say that the organization of a small-tonnage transportation business is a profitable and promising business, which is worth paying attention to novice businessmen.

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