What does the status executed in VTB 24 mean. What do the statuses of payment orders in Sberbank-online mean

Site arrangement 03.07.2020
Site arrangement

Since July 1 of the current year, the payment of benefits for compulsory social insurance has been carried out by the Social Insurance Fund: these are benefits for temporary disability (including in connection with an accident at work), for pregnancy and childbirth, a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to 1, 5 years, a one-time allowance at the birth of a child, as well as when registering in medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy, payment for additional leave provided to the victim at work in excess of the annual paid leave.

The information in the FSS necessary for assigning benefits to an employee is provided by the employer. An employer can track the status of a claim for benefits by Insured's electronic account located at: http://cabinets.fss.ru/.

In the personal account of the Insured in the "Journal of Benefits" there is information about the stage of passing the document, which has a certain status:

1. "Ready to upload to the financial module"- the document has been sent by the insured and is waiting to be loaded from the regional office into the software module intended for assigning benefits.

2. "Duplicate document"- a document with similar details is unloaded by the insured again. The document is in progress.

3. "Document is ready for calculation", "Document calculated"- the document is processed by specialists of the regional office.

4. "Notice generated"- the document requires clarification, or has comments that are formed in the notice.

5. "Document sent for payment"- the document is included in the order for the payment of benefits.

6. "Document verified"- this status acquires a basic document for a monthly allowance for the care of a child up to 1.5 years. According to this document, the monthly formation of the specified allowance is carried out. At the end of the entire payment period, the status will change to "Document closed".

The process of generating, signing, transferring to the bank, checking, receiving and executing an electronic document is accompanied by a change in its status in the Sberbank Business Online system. This section contains a set of statuses for the electronic document Payment order.

Initial statuses of payment orders

Initial statuses for payment orders are assigned at the stage document generation in the Sberbank Business Online system:

Control error– the document was generated, but when saving, it did not pass the check for the correctness of filling in the fields and was saved with the errors in it. A document with this status can be edited or deleted.

Created– the document has been generated, passed the check for the correctness of filling in the fields and saved. A document with this status can be changed, signed or deleted.

Imported– the document was imported from the accounting system, the fields were checked for correctness and saved. For further processing, this status is fully equivalent to the "Created" status. A document with the Imported status can be modified, signed, or deleted.

Statuses of signing payment orders

Signing statuses are assigned at the stage of signing an electronic document:

Partially signed – the document is signed by a part of the signatures included in the set of signatures provided for this document.

Note: The document cannot be modified or deleted as long as there is at least one signature under it.

A document with this status can be signed with additional signatures until the full set of signatures provided for this document is affixed under it. Signatures under it can be removed one by one from a document with this status.

Note: An unsigned document returns to the "Created" status and can be deleted or modified.

signed - the document is signed with the set of signatures provided for it. A document with this status can be sent to the bank for execution, or the signature can be removed from the document (the document returns to the “Partially Signed” status).

Payment order processing statuses

Assigned at the stage of sending the document for processing to the bank and further processing. At the same time, you can track the stages of document processing by changing its statuses.

Delivered– intermediate transport status, the document has been delivered to the bank. A document with this status is automatically sent for bank checks or may be rejected by the bank. You can also pause the processing of ED. The final decision to withdraw the ED or return it for processing is made by the bank teller.

Accepted– the document has successfully passed system checks on the bank's side and has been accepted by the bank. A document with this status is automatically sent to the ABS for unloading or may be rejected by the bank. You can also pause document processing. The final decision to withdraw or return it for processing is made by the bank teller.

Suspended– processing of the document is suspended by a command to recall. A document with this status can be transferred to the "Revoked" status or returned to the status ("Delivered" or "Accepted"), in which it was at the time of suspension of processing.

Unloaded– the document was successfully uploaded by the bank to the ABS. A document with this status is automatically sent for ABS checks or may be rejected by the bank.

ABS adopted– the electronic document is accepted by the ABS for processing. The document is subjected to ABS checks, and in case of failure to pass the checks, it can be transferred to the ABS Denied status. A document that has successfully passed the checks is sent for execution.

Final statuses of payment orders

Final statuses payment orders in the Sberbank Business Online system assigned at the end of document processing. Further changes to a document with these statuses are not possible, however, the document can be used as the basis for creating a new document or template in the Sberbank Business Online system. Only one final status - "Completed" - is successful.

Removed– the document is deleted from the number of valid documents (it can be deleted only with the statuses “Created”, “Imported” and “Control error”).

Note: Removal from the number of valid documents does not mean the complete removal of ED from the Sberbank Business Online system.

A document with the "Deleted" status is placed in a special list of deleted documents, and only from this list can be permanently deleted from the system.

EP / TSA is incorrect– verification of the signature under the document on the side of the bank gave a negative result.

Details error– the document did not pass the system's own checks when accepted by the bank.

Revoked– the document was recalled by a recall command (from the statuses "Delivered" and "Accepted") or by a recall request.

Rejected by the bank– the electronic document was rejected by the bank (it can be transferred to this status from the statuses “Delivered”, “Accepted” or “Uploaded”).

File cabinet number 2– The ABS has detected that there are not enough funds on the payer's account to execute the document.

ABS denied– the document has not passed the ABS check.

Fulfilled- the document is executed by the bank.

Note: In the electronic document window with the final status, a special tab displays essential information from the bank about the results of processing this document.

On the Transaction history page of the Sberbank Online system, you can view the list of transactions you have made for the specified period, view the payment or application you are interested in, and also use the filter / search for transactions. You can go to this page from the side menu of the system by clicking on the link History of operations in Sberbank Online.

The list for each transaction displays the name of the transaction, the number of the card, account, deposit or loan, the payee, the date and time of the transaction, the amount for which the transaction was performed, and the status reflecting the stage of payment processing.

To quickly find the operation you are interested in, you can use the advanced filter / search for operations.

Please note: if the operation is rejected by the bank for any reason, then this operation will be highlighted in red in the list.

Using the "History of Operations" section of the Sberbank Online system, you can perform the following actions:

  • View detailed information on the payment or application, for this, click on the operation you are interested in in the list. A viewing page will open containing the details of the document.
  • Edit the document of interest in the list. To do this, click on the document you are interested in, the payment / application confirmation page will open, on which click on the link Back to the choice of services. Only documents with the Draft status can be edited.
  • Perform an operation. To do this, click on the date, name, amount or status of the operation you are interested in, the payment/application confirmation page will open. You can continue making a payment or request only for documents with the Draft status.
  • Repeat operation. To do this, click on the date, name, amount or status of the operation you are interested in, the page for viewing the document will open, on which click on the Repeat payment button. You can repeat the operation for documents with the status "Executed", "Executed by the bank".
  • Cancel payment. You can cancel a payment in the "Executed by the bank" status. To do this, click on the payment you are interested in. The page for viewing the document will open, on which click the Cancel button. As a result, this document will not be sent to the bank for processing.
  • Delete document. To do this, click on the date, name, amount or status of the transaction you are interested in, the transaction confirmation page will open, on which click on the Delete link. You can delete an operation for applications and payments with the "Draft" status.
  • Create template. If you want to create a template for a completed operation, then click opposite it on the link Operations / Create template. An additional field will open, in which enter the name of the template, and click the Save button. If you change your mind about creating a template, click the Cancel link.

Please note: You can create a template only for operations in the "Executed" status.

The transition to another page is carried out by the arrows. You can also choose how many transactions will be shown on the page: 10, 20 or 50. For example, if you want to view 20 transactions, then in the "Show by" line, select the value "20". The system will display the last 20 operations performed.

Search in the history of operations Sberbank Online

To quickly search in the Sberbank Online system for the desired operation in the history, enter its name or the name of the recipient to whom the operation was performed in the search bar. Then specify a few characters for the search, for example, the first letters of the name of the recipient of the operation and click the Find button.

The Sberbank Online system will display a list of found recipients, in which select the value of interest. As a result, transactions to the selected recipient will be shown in the transaction history.

In the menu item History of operations you can also use an advanced filter, with which you can find the operations you are interested in.

To use the advanced filter, click on the Advanced search link and set your search criteria:

  • "Operation" - select the name of the operation from the drop-down list;
  • “Deducted from the account” – select the account from which the money was debited from the drop-down list;
  • "Period" - specify from the calendar located in this field, the start and end dates of the period of the desired operation;
  • "Amount" - specify the range, which includes the amount for which the operation was performed;
  • "Currency" - select the designation of the currency in which the operation of interest was performed;
  • "Status" - select the status of the operation you are interested in from the drop-down list.

You can enter values ​​in one or more filter fields. For example, you can search for recurring payments in the last month.

After all required parameters are specified, click the Apply button. The Sberbank Online system will display a list of transactions of interest to you.

Statuses in the history of operations of the Sberbank Online system

In the Sberbank Online system, you can track the debiting and crediting of your funds according to the state (status) of the transaction. Status - the stage of processing a payment or application.

Operations in the Sberbank Online system can be in one of the following states:

  • "Draft" - the document is partially or completely filled out and saved. It needs to be validated in order to be executed.
  • "Executed by the bank" - the document (payment or application) is confirmed and sent for processing to the bank;
  • “Executed” – the document (payment or application) was successfully executed by the bank. If you have made a payment transaction, this status means that the funds have been transferred to the account of the payee;
  • “Confirm in the contact center” – the document has been confirmed with an SMS password or a password from the check and is awaiting confirmation by an employee of the Bank's Contact Center.
  • "Completed" - this status means that personal financial planning by you or a bank employee has been completed.
  • "Interrupted" - this status means that personal financial planning has been interrupted by you or a bank employee.
  • “The application was canceled” - the document was withdrawn by you for some reason;
  • "Rejected by the bank" - you were denied the execution of the operation for any reason. To find out the reason for the refusal, hover over the status.


View transaction history in Sberbank Online

Home » Articles » Sberbank Online » Operation history in Sberbank Online
To get information on completed financial transactions, you need to go to the special section "History of transactions". If necessary, you can use the advanced search.

For each transaction history, you can find out:

Title of the document.

Bank account.

Card number.

Credit products.

Deposit accounts.

Payment recipient.

And other data.

In the transaction history section of Sberbank Online, you can perform some actions.
  • To find out the payment details, you need to select an operation from the list.
  • If you need to make changes, then click on the operation, and then click on "Back", where you can edit the payments.
  • If the document is in the "Drafts", then by clicking on it you can confirm the operation.
  • If necessary, the payment can be repeated. To do this, click on the document, and then on "Repeat payment".
  • In the transaction history section, you can withdraw a specific payment. If the status of the operation is “Executed by the bank”, then it can still be canceled.
  • To delete a document, simply click on the appropriate button.
  • If a financial transaction is performed periodically, then it is possible to create a special template. To do this, click on the desired operation and select "Create Template". Then save and confirm your actions.
Any operation can be quickly found. Just enter the recipient in the search. As a result, you will find the payment you need. For advanced search in the history of operations, you can use a special filter.

What can be entered in the search:

  • The name of the operation.
  • Withdrawal account.
  • The time of the operation.
  • Sum.
  • Currency.
  • Operation status.
Then click on the "Apply" link. According to the state of the financial transaction, you can control the crediting or debiting of money. There are several operation statuses:
  • Draft. This means that the document has been saved but not completely filled out. That is not confirmed.
  • Executed by the bank. The transaction is processed by a financial institution.
  • Fulfilled. The operation was performed by Sberbank
  • Central confirmation required. After confirmation, the document is checked in the contact center.
  • Done. Bank employees checked the planning.
  • Interrupted. Planning was interrupted for some reason.
  • Application cancelled. The operation was called off.
  • Rejected by Sberbank. For certain reasons, a financial institution may refuse to complete a transaction. To find out the reason, you need to move the mouse cursor over the current status.

Thus, in the transaction history tab in Sberbank Online, you can get detailed information on the document.


How to view transaction history in Sberbank Online

The Sberbank Online system allows bank customers to see the entire history of the actions they performed with the card. In it, the user can track payments, receipts of funds, repayments on loans and other transactions. How to view the history of transactions in Sberbank Online, the easiest way:

The list of operations for each of them will display the following data:

  • Card number;
  • name of the transaction;
  • transfer recipient;
  • transfer amount;
  • processing stage.

How to find the right operation

Sometimes it happens that the user needs to look at the history of transfers to Sberbank Online and find the necessary one among them. For the convenience of using the system, the bank offers a search by procedures. Thanks to this function, you can find any transaction for the desired period.

To do this, you should enter your transaction history and click on the "Advanced search" button. The user will be prompted to select advanced search options. You can set the type of transaction, its amount, date range, and other conditions. After choosing the parameters, you should click on the "Apply" button. As a result, user actions that satisfy the search parameters will be displayed.

You can view the history of operations on a Sberbank card in order to find rejected transfers. They are highlighted in red in the list. If the transaction history is large and occupies more than 1 page, then the user can go to another by clicking on the arrows. Also, the bank client can mark the preferred number of transactions displayed on one page.

Main statuses of transfers to Sberbank Online

Even a new bank client can figure out how to view the payment history in Sberbank Online. To make it easier to work with history, you should get acquainted with the main transaction statuses:

  • “Executed” ‒ Sberbank made the payment;
  • "Draft" - the payment was not completed, but saved;
  • "Executed by the bank" - the transaction is processed by the bank;
  • "Rejected by the bank" - the transaction was canceled by a banking organization for one reason or another;
  • "Interrupted" - the payment was interrupted by the client or a bank employee.

What actions the user can perform using the transaction history

The list of completed transfers and payments is a rather useful financial tool. It allows users to perform a variety of actions:

  1. Track payment status. To view it, you need to click on the operation of interest from the list. After that, the viewing page will open, where the details of the document and the status of the translation will be indicated.
  2. Continue pending operations. To this end, the user must click on the transaction of interest to him in the history. A new payment confirmation window will open. The procedure can only be carried out for translations that are placed as "Draft".
  3. Repeat transactions. To do this, click on the status of the transaction of interest. A window for viewing the document will appear, in it you must click on the "Repeat" button. Only the payment that is marked with the status "executed" can be re-executed.
  4. Delete operations. To delete, you need to click on the action of interest in the history. After that, click on the "Delete" button. Similarly, you can clear the history of payments that have the "Draft" status.
  5. Cancel payments. The user can revoke a transfer that has the status "Executed by the bank". To do this, select an operation with this status and click the cancel button. In this case, the payment will not be transferred to the bank.
  6. Create payment templates. For any of the completed transactions, the user can create a template. You can later repeat payments on it.
  7. Create payment reminders. A user who wants to create a reminder about re-executing a transfer or payment can select the transfer of interest in the history and check the box "Remind about re-payment".

To ensure a high level of user service, as well as to minimize the chances of losing personal funds of clients in electronic payment systems, the "Payment status" option is used. A convenient feature allows you to track the status of the payment and the degree of its proximity to the final recipient. Thanks to the "Payment status" function, the account holder gets the opportunity to always be aware of ongoing events and track the balance of his own electronic account in real time.

Check payment status

In some cases, when working with Qiwi terminals or other devices, funds are transferred without issuing a check for technical reasons. If you are not sure that the money will come to the required details, open the page for checking payments, where the “Submit a support request” button is usually located at the bottom. From the proposed options, you must select a reason for contacting in order to receive information about the status of the Qiwi payment. As a rule, you have to choose between "did not issue a check" and "erroneous payment." Filling in the remaining fields is standard, so working with them usually does not raise questions.

Payment status 2015

Upon receipt of a check and no funds transferred to the required details, it is recommended to contact the support service representatives in one of the most convenient ways.

The number 8 800 333 0059 deserves special attention, after dialing it, it remains to choose one of the numbers to repeat the transaction.

In most cases, the support service works promptly, and the user is provided with detailed information about the state of his balance. A prompt response to difficulties in the workflow and other customer requests is one of the main advantages of the Qiwi service, whose employees, with rare exceptions, do not keep their customers waiting.

Payment status completed

Users of Qiwi terminals have the opportunity to check the status of the payment on the official website of the company online. For information regarding the completed transaction, customers are invited to visit the "Payment Verification" section. The data entry form simplified to the limit and a clear interface allow you to get the necessary information at any convenient time. The minimum details required to work with the system are always indicated on the check issued by the terminal. When working with the terminal, the status of the completed payment is checked in the "Payment for Services" section by pressing the "Subscriber Assistant" button.

Qiwi payment status

To check the status of a payment in the Qiwi system, it is enough to go through a simple registration procedure on the official website. After creating an account, in addition to checking the payment made, a lot of other interesting opportunities open up, for example, studying the map of the location of terminals in your own area. The site also has a special link, after clicking on which, the owners of electronic wallets receive technical support services. In a special section on checking payments, it is possible to check the status of a completed transaction. To use this option, you need to save the receipt printed by the terminal in order to find the transferred funds according to the details specified in the document.

Payee status

The recipient of payments in the Qiwi system, as well as in other electronic systems, can be accounts of various games and services in social networks, banking institutions, utility companies, as well as other individuals and legal entities with whom the sender of the payment enters into certain relationships. When paying for the Internet, cable TV, cosmetics, traffic police fines, insurance premiums, and users of the electronic payment system do not worry about the fate of the transferred money, because at any time they can use the option to check the payment status.

Advice from Sravni.ru: The terminals often run out of paper for checks, informational SMS messages on the phone are often late, and sometimes the payee himself calls and reports that the money for some reason did not reach. To avoid worries and stress in the current situations, the owners of electronic wallets and users of terminals resort to the help of the "payment status" function. In some cases, the delay is caused by technical problems of the system, but most often errors are found when filling in the details. Through the efforts of technical support specialists, the problem can be solved in a matter of minutes.

Operations history

On the page Operations history You can view a list of your transactions for the specified period, view the payment or application you are interested in, find transactions in Sberbank Online, etc. You can go to this page from the side menu of the system by clicking on the link Operation history Sberbank Online.

The list for each transaction displays the name of the transaction, the number of the card, account, deposit or loan, the payee, the date and time of the transaction, the amount for which the transaction was performed, and the status reflecting the stage of payment processing.

Note. If the operation is rejected by the bank for any reason, then this operation will be highlighted in red in the list.

Via Operation history You can do the following:

  • view the selected payment or application, to do this, select the operation you are interested in in the list. A viewing page will open containing the details of the document. The following details are shown for the document:
    • Information about the recipient, such as account or card number, company name, or recipient name.
    • Payment details such as amount, commission and status.
  • edit the relevant document in the list. To do this, click on the document you are interested in, the payment / application confirmation page will open, on which click the link Back to service selection. You can only edit documents with the Draft status.
  • perform an operation. To do this, click on the date, name, amount or status of the operation you are interested in, the payment/application confirmation page will open. You can continue the execution of a payment or an application only for documents with the "Draft" status.
  • repeat operation. To do this, click on the date, name, amount or status of the transaction you are interested in, the page for viewing the document will open, on which click the button Repeat payment. You can repeat the operation for documents with the status "Executed", "Executed by the bank".
  • withdraw payment. You can cancel a payment in the "Executed by the bank" status. To do this, select the payment you are interested in. The Document View page will open, click the button Cancel. As a result, this document will not be sent to the bank for processing.
  • delete document. To do this, click on the date, name, amount or status of the transaction you are interested in, the transaction confirmation page will open, on which click the link Delete. You can delete an operation for applications and payments with the "Draft" status.
  • create template. If you want to create a template for a completed operation, then click Operations and select Create Template. An additional field will open, in which enter the name of the template, and click the button Save. If you change your mind about creating a template, click the link Cancel.

    Attention! You can create a template only for transactions with the "Completed" status.

  • create a repayment reminder. If you want to create a reminder to re-make a payment or transfer, click Operations and select Remind me to pay again. A block will open, where in the "Reminder name" field, enter a name under which the reminder will be displayed. Then specify the frequency and date of reminders by clicking the link once. On the page that opens, select the frequency of the reminder from the list: "Once", "Monthly" or "Quarterly", then click the calendar icon and specify the date on which the reminder template will appear in the list of accounts payable. After all parameters are set, click the button Save. Then confirm the creation of the reminder with a one-time password.

If the history of operations takes up more than one page, then you can go to another page using the arrows < ; > .

You can also choose how many transactions will be shown on the page - 10, 20 or 50. For example, if you want to view 20 transactions, then select "20" in the "Show by" line. The system will display the last 20 operations performed.

Operation search

To quickly find the desired operation in the search bar, enter its name or the name of the recipient to whom this operation was performed. Then specify a few characters to search for, for example, the first letters of the name of the recipient of the operation and press the button To find. The system will display a list of found recipients, in which select the value of interest. As a result, transactions to the selected recipient will be shown in the transaction history.

In the menu item Operations history You can also use advanced filter, with which you can find the operations you are interested in.

To use the advanced filter, click the link Advanced Search and set search criteria:

  • "Operation" - select the name of the operation from the list;
  • "Deducted from the account" - select from the list the account from which the money was debited;
  • "Period" - specify from the calendar located in this field, the start and end dates of the period of the required operation;
  • "Amount" - specify the range, which includes the amount for which the operation was performed;
  • "Currency" - select the designation of the currency in which the operation of interest was performed;
  • "Status" - select from the list the status in which the operation you are interested in is located.

You can enter values ​​in one or more filter fields. For example, you can search for recurring payments in the last month.

After all the required parameters are specified, click the button Apply. The system will display a list of the operations you are interested in.

Operation statuses

in Sberbank Online, you can track the debiting and crediting of your funds according to the state (status) of the operation. Status - stage of payment or request processing. Operations in Sberbank Online can be in one of the following states (statuses):

  • "Draft" - the document is filled partially or completely and saved. It needs to be validated in order to be executed.
  • "Completed" - this status means that personal financial planning by you or a bank employee has been completed.
  • "Executed" - the document (payment or application) was successfully executed by the bank. If you have made a payment transaction, this status means that the funds have been transferred to the account of the payee;
  • "Executed by the bank" - the document (payment or application) is confirmed and sent for processing to the bank;
  • "Confirm in the contact center" - the document is confirmed by the password from the message received on the mobile phone and is awaiting confirmation by the Contact Center employee.
  • "Awaiting Processing" - You sent the document outside business hours, and it will be processed on the next business day.
  • "Rejected by the bank" - you were denied the execution of the operation for any reason. In order to find out the reason for the refusal, hover over the status.
  • "The application was canceled" - the document was withdrawn by you for some reason;
  • "Interrupted" - this status means that personal financial planning has been interrupted by you or a bank employee.

in Sberbank Online, on each page you can turn to the help of a personal consultant who will answer all your questions. To start the assistant, click the link Frequently asked Questions in the side menu. As a result, a window will open containing answers to frequently asked questions about working with the Sberbank Online service.

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