Who is the internship. Labor protection training for workers: program and procedure

Decor elements 14.10.2019
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Occupational safety checks

Workplace internship: how to arrange it correctly?

Valery SHEVELEV, Head of HSE Service, Udmurtneft-Burenie CJSC

Key Issues

What is the on-the-job internship for?
How to arrange an internship correctly?
Is it possible not to conduct an internship?

Why was the workplace internship invented?

To understand why the internship was invented, you need to look into the regulations governing this process.
The obligation to conduct an internship is assigned to the employer by law. The employee must be trained in safe working methods, instructed and trained at the workplace ( h. second Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The need for an employer to conduct an internship at the workplace for employees entering work with harmful and hazardous working conditions is discussed in part three Article 225 Labor Code. The same requirement is contained in more detail in paragraph 2.2.2 The order of training on labor protection and verification of knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of organizations 1 .

To this it must be added that Rostekhnadzor approved Regulation on the organization of training and checking the knowledge of the working organizations supervised Federal Service, on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision 2 ... Thus, it is expected to reduce the risk of employees getting injuries or occupational diseases.

Please note that briefings and internship are similar in purpose. Both procedures are designed to give the employee an understanding of how to safely perform their duties. And both are carried out before the start of work.

However, there is also significant differences ... First of all, it is duration. Whereas the briefing can be completed in a matter of minutes, then the internship takes at least two work shifts. The specific duration depends on the profession and does not exceed 14 shifts 3 .

Briefing, as a rule, is a theoretical course of the employee's actions, sometimes with demonstration of practical examples. An internship is the performance by an employee of his duties under the supervision of a mentor, temporary labor activity to gain work experience or improve qualifications in a specialty.

How to properly arrange an internship

As with any type of OSH briefing, the internship must be properly structured. This is necessary for a number of reasons. Firstly, so that the inspectors cannot punish the employer for not educating their employees, and secondly, so that the employee himself cannot make claims in case of injury or illness due to his negligence.

Minimum required list documents when applying for an internship looks like this:
internship regulations;
internship program;
internship order;
order for admission to independent work.

First of all need to issue Internship Regulations... The process of developing this document must be approached very seriously and meticulously. After all, he describes in detail the rights and obligations of the trainee and mentor, the terms and procedure of the internship, responsibility and other features associated with the internship.

As an example for building a document and filling it in, you can take RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 « Guidance document... Regulation on professional development and training of drivers " 4 .

As a rule, the first two sections of the document contain general provisions, goals and objectives of the internship. In the following sections, it is necessary to consolidate the order of the internship and admission to work of the employee, the order of the internship for certain professions (categories of workers).

Internship regulations (extract)

General manager

Udmurtneft-Drilling CJSC

Maslennikov E.P. Maslennikov

about internships for workers and admission to independent work

in Closed Joint Stock Company "Udmurtneft-Burenie"



3.1. The head of a structural unit in an employee's application for employment, in an application for transferring an employee from one profession to another or in an application for transferring an employee from one structural unit to another or from one structural unit to another must indicate the name of the structural unit in which he will work newly hired (translated) worker, last name, first name and patronymic of the head of the internship from among the specialists and the last name, first name and patronymic of the mentor from among the workers.

3.2. The personnel department, together with the labor protection service, should check the competence of the internship manager and mentor proposed by the head of the structural unit, and also determine the specific duration of the internship.

3.3. Information on the established terms of the internship, the surname, name and patronymic of the internship manager, the surname, name and patronymic of the mentor, the name of the structural unit where the employee will undergo the internship must be indicated in the order for admission (transfer) to work (Appendix 1).

3.4. An experienced worker who has at least three years of experience in his profession and who has high professional qualities, who has stable performance in work, the ability and willingness to share his experience, who has a systematic understanding of his area of ​​work, who has communication skills and flexibility in communication, who has no violations of labor and production discipline, who has a grade not lower than that of an intern.

3.5. All newly hired workers associated with the operation of a hazardous production facility, as a rule, undergo training for 14 shifts. All newly hired workers not associated with the operation of a hazardous production facility undergo training for 2-12 shifts.

The duration of the internship for workers of ZAO Udmurtneft-Burenie is set individually, depending on the level of professional education, work experience of the employee undergoing internship, taking into account Appendix 2.

3.6. When a worker is transferred from one structural unit to another or from one structural unit to another and if the worker's profession does not change, but only the safety requirements at the new workplace change (the previous nature of the work, the type of equipment, etc.), the worker must complete an internship for a period of one to three shifts.

If there is a break in their profession for more than 12 months, workers, before being admitted to independent work, undergo an internship to restore practical skills for a period of one to three shifts.

It is allowed, in agreement with the labor protection service and the trade union committee, to transfer workers who have worked in the profession of at least three years, from one structural unit to another or from one structural unit to another without an internship, if the safety requirements at the new workplace do not change (the previous nature of work, type of equipment, etc. is preserved).

3.7. The list of working professions of CJSC Udmurtneft-Drilling, which are exempt from internship at the workplace, is specified in Appendix 3.

3.8. In exceptional cases, when hiring or transferring to one structural unit at the same time a large number employees and in case of impossibility of assigning to each again accepted employee mentor, it is allowed to assign by order to several trainees one mentor from among specialists.

3.9. The newly hired worker must arrive at the structural unit with a copy of the order for acceptance (transfer) to work, which must be kept by the head of the structural unit until the end of the internship.

3.10. The assignment of the trainee to the mentor is carried out by the head of the structural unit in the Journal of internship of personnel at the workplace (Appendix 4), which must be in each structural unit.

The head of the structural unit must make the necessary entries in the Personnel Internship Journal at the workplace in strict accordance with the order for admission (transfer) to work.

If it is impossible for the head of the structural unit to maintain the Personnel Internship Journal at the workplace (the large remoteness of the production facility from the location of the office of the structural unit, lack of transport links, etc.), it is allowed to fill in the mentioned magazine by the head of the structural unit.

3.11. At the end of an employee's internship (whose profession or type of work is controlled by the Rostechnadzor authorities), the head of the structural unit prepares a memo in the form of Appendix 5, which indicates information about the internship and attached a knowledge test protocol. After coordinating the memo with the PB service, OTiOOS, the head of the structural unit sends it to the personnel service.

3.12. The personnel department, on the basis of the memo referred to in clause 3.11 of the Regulations, prepares an order for the admission of an employee (whose profession or type of work is controlled by Rostechnadzor bodies) to independent work. The employee must be familiarized with the order on admission to independent work against signature.

3.13. The internship manager is personally responsible for the employee's on-the-job internship.

3.14. During the internship, the mentor must:

- to familiarize the trainee with technological operations and schemes;

- train the trainee in safe techniques and conditions of accident-free and safe work;

- to conduct training in the skills of action in emergency situations.

3.15. During the internship, the trainee must:

- perform only the work entrusted by the supervisor or mentor of the internship, having previously passed a shift instruction on labor safety;

- study and assimilate the requirements of the instructions for industrial safety and labor protection by profession and type of work, instructions for fire and environmental safety, safety rules and their practical use at work;

- study and assimilate technological schemes;

- to work out a clear orientation at your workplace;

- to acquire the necessary practical skills in performing technological operations;

- to study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of equipment;

- to acquire skills of action in emergency situations;

- to acquire the skills of first aid.


4.1. Internship and admission to independent work of electrical personnel is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations and the requirements of PTEEP.

4.2. After completing an internship at the workplace, operational and operational-repair personnel undergo duplication (admission to duplication is issued by an order for the structural unit (Appendix 6). After duplication, an employee from among the operational or operational-repair personnel can be admitted to independent work. Duration of duplication is from 2 to 12 work shifts For a specific employee, it is established by the decision of the knowledge assessment commission for the electrical safety group, depending on the level of his professional training, length of service and work experience.


It should be noted that for enterprises not controlled by Rostekhnadzor, the requirements for organizing internships and admitting an employee to independent work may be slightly different, but the algorithm will remain the same.

There are some peculiarities of conducting internships and admission to independent work of electrical personnel. This issue also needs to be covered in the Regulations.

Approximate content The provisions might look like this:
1. Introductory provisions.
2. Objectives.
3. Tasks.
4. Scope.
5. Period of validity and procedure for making changes.
6. Terms and definitions.
7. Designations and abbreviations.
8. The order of internship and admission to independent work.
9. Features of the training of electrical personnel.
10. Links.
11. Applications.
Internship program determines the order and time internships in a specific profession, typical actions that an employee should learn, the amount of theoretical knowledge that he should receive, the procedure for conducting control checks during the internship, etc.
Before you send a specific employee for an internship, you need to issue an order. Its form is not legally approved, so each employer can use his own version.

The order indicates the grounds for the internship and its duration, list the employees who must undergo the internship and their mentors.

An example of an order for the appointment of an internship:

(CJSC Udmurtneft-Drilling)


About the internship of the newly hired employee

In accordance with Articles 212 and 225 of the Labor Code Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 "On the procedure for training in labor protection and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements of employees of the organization", paragraph 7.2.4 GOST 12.0.004-90 "Organization of training in labor safety. General Provisions", In order to consolidate theoretical knowledge, rules, norms and instructions on labor protection, industrial safety, to acquire practical skills for the safe performance of work stipulated by an employment contract


  1. Send for an internship in the period from August 18, 2014 to August 25, 2014 (6 work shifts) Koshelev Tikhon Matveyevich as an assistant driller of production and exploration drilling in the unit 20000-CITS / 20100-Project "UDMURTIya" / 20106-Well preparation area / 20109.

  2. Appoint P.I. Krivosheev, senior drilling foreman, as the head of the internship.

  3. Appoint Drilling foreman V.M. Simonov as mentor-instructor.

  4. At the end of the internship, check the knowledge and skills of T.M. Kosheleva.
General manager Maslennikov E.P. Maslennikov

Acquainted with the order:

Koshelev T.M. Koshelev 08/18/2014

Simonov V.M. Simonov 08/18/2014

Krivosheev P.I. Krivosheev 08/18/2014
The results of the internship are recorded in the training journal at the workplace.

Completing the internship by passing the exam. Only then can the employee be allowed to work independently. The admission is issued by order.

If the employee could not pass the exam, he is not allowed to work, which is also drawn up by order.

Closed joint-stock company Udmurtneft-Drilling

(CJSC Udmurtneft-Drilling)


About admission to independent work

In connection with the internship Kosheleva T.M. in the drilling crew of the drilling foreman Simonov V.M. and conducting a subsequent test of knowledge of the main profession, as well as the willingness to work independently
1. To allow Koshelev Tikhon Matveyevich from 08/26/2014 to independent work in the profession of "assistant driller of production and exploration drilling" in the drilling crew of the drilling foreman V.M. Simonov.

2. Control over the execution of the order shall be entrusted to the senior master of the drilling rig PI Krivosheev.

Acquainted with the order:

Koshelev.T.M. Koshelev 25.08.2014

Simonov V.M. Simonov 25.08.2014

Krivosheev P.I. Krivosheev 25.08.2014
Is it possible not to conduct an internship
An internship is compulsory only for employees employed in hazardous and hazardous working conditions, as well as in cases where this requirement is established by separate regulatory enactments. For example, for drivers who carry passengers or work in hazardous production facilities. You can't do without an internship here. If the employer does not carry it out, he runs the risk of being fined in the amount of 30 000 before 50 000 rubles. For heads of organizations, the fine will be less - from 1000 before 5000 rubles ( h. 1 tbsp. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

From January 1, 2015, the punishment for violation of labor laws will increase significantly. So, for admission to work without the necessary training in labor protection (and an internship is one of the types of training), the head of an organization and a private entrepreneur will face a fine in the amount of 15 000 before 25 000 rubles, for an organization - from 110 000 before 130 000 rubles ( h. 3 tbsp. 5.27.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation) 5 ... There is something to think about.

If the enterprise does not have harmful or hazardous production, then the organization of the internship is an internal affair of the employer.

Answers to your questions

Do I need to do an internship as a janitor?

In our housing office, a special assessment of working conditions is carried out. If harmful conditions are established for the janitors, will it be necessary to provide them with an internship?
Olga VOROTOVA, Chief Engineer(Irkutsk)

As strange as it sounds, if you follow the letter of the law, you will have to do an internship. Give the janitors a two-shift internship. This will be enough to master the working methods.
Do you need instruction if you still have an internship?

Is it necessary to conduct a workplace safety briefing prior to the internship if the internship still covers the entire scope of training in safe work performance?
Victor GAVRILOV, occupational safety engineer (Saransk)

Yes need. Briefing must be carried out before starting work. Its purpose is to warn the worker of the dangers he may face while working. And an internship is the fulfillment of one's duties under the supervision of a mentor, that is, it is already work. In the workplace briefing log, a note is made first about the briefing and then about the internship.
Do I need to obtain a license to conduct an internship?

A license is required to conduct occupational safety training. Do I need to get it for the internship as well? What if employees undergo an internship with an employer?
Valery NAIMUSHIN, labor protection specialist (Perm)

No, you don't need to get a license. The fact is that the organization does not need a license to train its employees. It is only necessary for those organizations that specialize in training third-party workers. Therefore, despite the fact that the internship is part of OSH training, the employer does not need a license for this.
Remember the main thing
1The requirement to conduct an internship is mandatory only in cases where the employee's work is associated with harmful and dangerous factors.

2The duration of the internship is from 2 to 14 shifts.

3 The internship is necessary so that the employer can avoid a fine, as well as protect himself from the unreasonable demands of the employee when he is injured.

4 Regulations on the internship - one of the main documents in the organization, on the basis of which the internship is carried out. Its design must be approached seriously and scrupulously.

5If an internship is not carried out, the organization and its leader may be fined.
The material was sent to us by the magazine "Labor protection: simple and clear", 2014, No. 9.

The main thing in the article:

  1. An internship is compulsory for workers employed in hazardous and hazardous conditions
  2. Those who do not pass the initial instruction can be exempted from the internship
  3. The duration of the internship depends on the qualifications of the employee
  4. Without a successful internship, an employee will not be able to start work

Labor protection training for workers consists of theoretical and practical training followed by verification of the knowledge and skills acquired. To gain practical skills at a specific workplace of an employee, an internship is needed under the guidance of a more experienced employee. We will tell you how to organize it.

Who should do the internship

The employer is obliged to conduct an internship at the workplace for employees entering work with harmful or hazardous working conditions (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, clause 7.2.5 GOST 12.0.004-90, clause 2.2.2 of the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, Ministry of Education of Russia from January 13, 2003 No. 1/29). For other employees not associated with harmful conditions, the employer himself determines the need for an internship.

Please note: The internship is carried out only after training in labor protection

An internship is mandatory if:

the work is subject to increased labor safety requirements;

work is carried out at facilities subject to industrial safety requirements.

Example. The company has entered into a contract for engineering systems to the building. To do this, it is necessary to dig trenches with a depth of 2 m. Such work belongs to the work of increased danger (Appendix 1 to POT RO 14000-005-98). Therefore, the employer can admit to its implementation only those employees who have completed an internship in this kind activities.

If an enterprise has approved a list of professions exempted from on-the-job training, then they are also exempted from training.

An employee with at least three years of work experience in the specialty, who moves from one structural unit to another, can be exempted from the internship. At the same time, the nature of its work and the type of equipment should not change.

Who conducts the internship

The internship is conducted by an experienced employee who is appointed by order or order of the employer. In some cases, a limit is imposed on the number of interns for one internship supervisor. For example, when working at a height, there should be no more than two of them. A requirement for the qualifications and work experience of the internship manager may also be introduced.

Example. During the internship, the driver is assigned to the mentor for the entire training period. Mentors are selected from among the most experienced and disciplined employees with at least five years of experience on buses and at least three years in taxis and trucks. Coaches must not have violations of the Rules road traffic and road accidents over the past three years. In addition, they must undergo pre-training at a training center and have a certificate for the right to train bus drivers.

Who usually does the internship

Among the working specialties, internships are carried out by:



Boiler room operators;

Drivers engaged in passenger transportation;

High-altitude installers, etc.

Also, the training is carried out by repair, operational, operational and maintenance personnel and operational managers. The rest of the employees need an internship if they cannot be immediately admitted to independent work due to the peculiarities of a particular enterprise or technological process.

What documents to prepare before the internship

Important: Regulations on the internship will help to draw up RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12 “Guiding document. Regulation on professional development and training of drivers "

The minimum required list of documents for an internship is as follows:

  • internship regulations;
  • internship program;
  • internship order;
  • order for admission to independent work.

The Regulations on the internship describe in detail the rights and obligations of the employee and the leader of the internship, the timing, procedure and features of the internship.

The internship program defines:

  • the procedure and time for an internship in a specific profession;
  • typical actions that an employee should learn;
  • the amount of theoretical knowledge that he should receive;
  • the procedure for conducting control checks during the internship, etc.

Templates and samples

An example of an order for the appointment of persons in charge of conducting an internship:

The beginning and end of the internship is formalized by the order or by the order of the employer. The order on the beginning of the internship indicates the basis for the internship and its duration, list the employees who must undergo the internship, and their mentors - the leaders of the internship.

What is included in the internship program

During the internship, the employee must:

  • learn the rules of normative and technical documents on labor protection, learn how to apply them in the workplace;
  • study diagrams, operating instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in this position (profession);
  • to work out a clear orientation at your workplace;
  • acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;
  • study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the serviced equipment.

The internship lasts from 2 to 14 shifts. The duration in each case depends on the level of professional training of the employee and the nature of the work performed. Sometimes, specific requirements for an internship are spelled out in industry regulations on OSH.

Example. For a bus driver who has not worked as a driver before and has just received a license to drive a bus, the internship will be 224 hours:

61 hours - pre-route internship;

163 hours - route internship.

An experienced driver who is transferred from one bus brand to another will do without a pre-route internship. He only needs a route internship - 32 hours.

If, through the fault of the driver, an accident occurs, then he will be sent for an eight-hour internship, followed by passing test exams.

How the results of the internship are evaluated

The internship ends with an exam. If the employee could not pass the knowledge test, he is assigned additional time to prepare and pass the exam for a period of not more than 30 days. In this case, the employee is not allowed to work. The decision is made out by order. The record "did not pass" is entered into the knowledge test protocol, but the certificate is not issued.

Only after a successful test of knowledge, drawn up by a protocol and a certificate, the employee can be allowed to work independently. The end of the internship is recorded in the workplace briefing log.

What happens if you don't get an internship

If you do not conduct an internship, you face a fine (part 3 of article 5.27.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation):

official and individual entrepreneur- from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;

organizations - from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

It is important to comply with the order and terms of the internship, correctly draw up all the documents. Otherwise, the GIT may consider that the internship was not conducted (conducted with violations), and fine the employer.

Example. One of the Moscow companies was visited by the inspectors of the State Inspectorate. They identified several violations of labor protection, including the lack of training for employees. They issued an order to suspend these employees from work. After a second check, the inspectors found that the violations had not been rectified. Therefore, the employer was fined under part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (at that time, part 3 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation did not enter into force). The employer tried to challenge the decision in court. But he did not succeed (decision of the Moscow City Court of 18 February 2015 in case No. 7-1299).

In the investigation of industrial accidents, an internship, along with occupational safety training, will be one of the fundamental factors in establishing the employer's fault.

An internship is necessary in some cases when applying for a job. Today this procedure is encountered more and more often, we will tell you more about it. Labor legislation describes the process in detail and stipulates the timing of its implementation.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

What it is

An internship is a work activity and obtaining practical skills for further work.

Students of universities and vocational schools are faced with this procedure during internship, however, it is not paid and differs from a work internship. Also, do not confuse it with probationary period and training.

In the process, the employee works under the guidance of an experienced mentor for a certain period of time, which allows him to acquire additional knowledge for further independent work.

Main functions:

  • obtaining professional skills;
  • the ratio of theoretical and practical knowledge;
  • training.

The concept of an internship at the workplace is described in article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Additionally, Article 225 indicates that absolutely all employees, including the manager himself, must undergo training in labor protection.

When needed

With its help, the employer will be able to:

  • assess employee knowledge;
  • shorten the period of adaptation of newcomers to a new workplace;
  • to reduce to the absolute minimum the number of accidents at work.

It is necessary in cases where the profession is associated with:

  • transportation of passengers;
  • when working with sophisticated technique, on machine tools and so on;
  • if the work is associated with hazardous substances and in industries with increased danger;
  • in the field of medicine, education, public catering.

Also, an internship will be required for those who have been absent from the workplace for a long time (for example, after parental leave or a long illness).

The head of the organization should remember that ignoring the internship in cases where it is mandatory entails the imposition of a fine in accordance with article 5.27.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Its size for an official will be from 15 to 30 thousand rubles, and for the organization itself - up to 130 thousand rubles.

An employee can be relieved of the need for internships on the basis of the decision of the head with the consent of the head of labor protection. His experience in an identical position at the time of employment must be at least 3 years.

The Labor Code describes internships as professional development in occupational safety and health.

You cannot get a job without going through it in an organization of the following type:

  • oil refineries;
  • chemical;
  • for the production of fertilizers;
  • restaurants and cafes;
  • woodworking;
  • hospitals and so on.

Even if an employee is transferred from one position to another, an internship is required. Its passage, that the person does not fulfill the duties, and that his work should not be paid. For the entire period, the citizen will have to receive a salary.

A separate issue is an internship abroad. It is carried out by agreement between companies in order to improve the qualifications of an employee to the required level. It can be either paid or free. The employee himself can coordinate the process.

How is

Let's talk about the procedure and timing of an internship at the workplace in 2019.

These issues are regulated according to:

  • Decree of the Ministries of Labor and Education No. 1/29 of 01/13/2003;
  • new GOST 12.0.004-2015.

The first question concerns the person who will conduct the training for the employees.

In this case, there are only two options:

  • if the internship is carried out for a worker, an occupational safety instructor, a work manager or the most experienced employee is appointed responsible for his training;
  • if it is for specialists and managers, you will need to contact the higher management for preparation.

According to GOST, the internship procedure itself is described in general terms.

In particular, it states:

  • the learning process is carried out according to a previously drawn up program that pursues certain goals;
  • the trainee must familiarize himself with the job description, internal standards, regulations, local regulations on safety, labor protection and other documents;
  • the duration of training is indicated in the program.

In drawing up a program, the law allows you to independently determine the level of knowledge of employees. The outcome of each internship must be a qualifying exam. It is handed over to a specially created commission.

The result of the exam is one of the results:

  • satisfactory, which literally means: the employee is ready to work independently, his internship has come to an end;
  • unsatisfactory, after which the employee cannot be allowed to work, he has not mastered the material.

In the second case, the person must undergo training again within one month. It is important to know that you cannot retake the exam indefinitely. In case of repeated failure, the management raises the question of the employee's inadequacy for the position held. This is the case in most cases.

How to arrange

In order for the registration to take place quickly, the company must have the following documents:

  • a provision that describes the procedure for its implementation, goals and dates (approved and endorsed personally by the head of the organization);
  • the internship program describes the entire process to the smallest detail.

First of all, an employee of the personnel department concludes an employment contract with the employee. It must indicate the need to undergo an internship at the workplace. Then an order is drawn up for each individual employee.

After the exam has been passed to the commission, another order is drawn up - on admission to independent work. In some cases, you can do without it, because the qualification commission will record in writing the successful passing of the exam.

An internship involves employment, and during this period the employee receives wages... At the request of the authorities, its amount may be less than the basic salary, but not lower than the minimum wage (MORT) established for 2019, which amounted to 9489 rubles as of January 1.


Currently, the concept of the duration of training in the workplace has changed somewhat. From 03/01/2017, the period from 3 to 14 days specified in the Labor Code was replaced by the one that will be established by the direct supervisor of the person undergoing the test.

The following internship duration is considered:

  • managers - from 14 days to one month, depending on qualifications;
  • all other persons with great experience works in identical production, qualifications and relevant skills - from 3 to 19 working days;
  • if there is no qualification, the employee starts working for the first time, then the period is increased to six months (minimum - 1 month).

The internship process should not be ignored. They will motivate each employee to take a more careful and responsible approach to work, teach safety techniques.


Internship - production activities to gain work experience or improve qualifications. The main purpose of the internship is the formation and consolidation in practice of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for practical learning excellence and efficient organization works.

The employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to organize for persons entering work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions or having a break in work for more than a year conducting an internship at the workplace with exams, and in the process labor activity- Conducting periodic training on labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements within the first month after being assigned to these jobs.

The duration and content of the internship is established by the employer (or a person authorized by him) sending the employee for training, based on its goals.

Summing up the results of the internship for persons recruited to work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions is carried out in the commissions for testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements approved by the employer.

The commission assesses the level of theoretical and practical training of the employee, the level of his knowledge of labor protection requirements by the profile of the unit's activity for compliance with the profession (position), draws up the corresponding protocol (Appendix 5) and an entry in the Register of instruction at the workplace.

If the results of the internship are satisfactory, the employer (or a person authorized by him) issues an order for admission to independent work.

In case of unsatisfactory results of the internship (examination for admission to independent work), employees hired to work with harmful and (or) hazardous working conditions are required to undergo a repeated examination of their knowledge of labor protection requirements within one month.


ORDER No. ____

Samara "____" ____________ 2011

About organizing an internship

In accordance with the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.01.01, No. 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations"

I order:

1. To ensure preventive measures to reduce industrial injuries and occupational diseases, approve the Regulations on internships that establish the general procedure for undergoing internships for all employees, including managers (see Appendix 1).

2. All heads of departments of all newly hired and transferred to another job (position, workplace) workers of blue-collar professions and specialists employed in jobs to whom additional (increased) labor safety requirements are imposed to keep a strict record of the internship in accordance with the Regulations on the internship "VIP = Stroyservice".

4. Clerk _________________

- to bring this order to the heads of divisions;

- issue a copy of the order to all heads of divisions.

5. To the head of the personnel department to acquaint with the order all employees of the enterprise according to the list.

Control over the execution of the order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director ___________

Director _____________

Annex 1

to order from

"_____" ___________ 2011 No. ____


about internship in

The internship regulations in developed in accordance with article 225 Labor Code Of the Russian Federation, Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 01.01.01, N 1/29 "On approval of the procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations", State standard USSR GOST 12.0.004-90 "Occupational safety standards system. Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions".

The regulation applies to all employees of the enterprise.

The regulation does not replace the special requirements for the internship established by the state supervision and control authorities.

The purpose of the internship is the practical development directly at the workplace of the skills of performing work acquired during vocational training, as well as the development of safe working practices in new, unfamiliar, conditions by an employee who entered a job c.

The internship must be completed:

All newly hired and transferred to another job (position, workplace) workers of blue-collar professions and specialists employed in jobs subject to additional (increased) labor safety requirements ( Appendix 3. Professions and positions of employees subject to mandatory internship at the workplace);

Graduates of higher and secondary special educational institutions, vocational schools, educational (training and production) centers;

The heads of production departments, in agreement with the labor protection service, can exempt from internship an employee who has been working in a specialty for at least three years, who is transferred from one production department to another, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment on which he worked previously does not change. In this case, in the Workplace Briefing Log (Appendix 6), in columns 11-12, an entry is made "without internship", and in column 13 the number of the order is indicated - a sample order is attached - (order) on this decision and admission to work (Appendix one).

During the internship, the employee must perform work under the supervision (guidance) of an experienced employee (hereinafter referred to as the internship manager), which should be indicated in the order (order) and recorded in the Workplace Briefing Log.

Internships for blue-collar workers can be supervised by foremen, foremen, instructors and other skilled workers with experience practical work in this profession for at least 3 years, and internships for specialists - specialists of higher qualifications and with at least 3 years of practical work experience or heads of production departments. No more than two people can be assigned to one internship supervisor.

The heads of the internship for workers in blue-collar professions are determined by the head of the production unit, and the leaders of the internship of specialists are determined by the technical director of the enterprise. Appointment of the internship manager is formalized by the appropriate order (decree).

The internship manager and the employee must be familiarized with the order (decree) against signature.

The duration of the internship is set by the head of the production unit, which will be determined from 2 to 14 shifts (working days), depending on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the employee.

The internship is carried out in the amount of approved production instructions, labor protection instructions, instructions for fire safety(hereinafter - instructions), as well as job responsibilities.

After completing the internship, the internship leader must check the acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in accordance with the instructions and job responsibilities, after which he must make an appropriate entry in the Workplace Briefing Log in column 13, and the employee must sign for the internship in column 12. The fact of the employee's admission to independent work is determined by the order (order).

The main documents testifying to the completion of the internship are the Register of instructions for the worker, instructions (orders) on the procedure for assigning an internship or exemption from it, as well as admission to work.

These documents are strictly accountable documents and must be kept for 45 years.

In accordance with clause 3 of article 214 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Employee is obliged "... to undergo an internship at the workplace, to test knowledge of labor protection requirements."

In accordance with clause 2 of article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee may be suspended from work if he has not passed established order training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection.

In accordance with Article 230 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in the event of an accident at work, an Act on an accident at work is drawn up in the form N-1 (Appendix 7), where in one of its sections it is necessary to indicate the terms of the victim's internship or the reasons for not completing it. These circumstances will be taken into account when determining the fault of the parties and the degree of responsibility.

An industrial accident report is drawn up in two copies, one of which is handed over to the victim, the other is kept at the enterprise for 45 years.


"____" ________ 2011


1. Order on the appointment of a person responsible for the internship.

2. Order to cancel the internship.

3. Order of admission to work of the trainee.

4. One hundred fatty leaf

5. Professions and positions of employees subject to compulsory training at the workplace.

6. Journal of registration of briefing at the worker (column of the journal).

7. Act on an industrial accident in the form of N-1.

Annex 1


ORDER ____

"On the appointment of an internship"

For practical training in safe methods and techniques of labor accepted (transferred) to the employee's unit of the trainee _______________________ ____________________________

(position, profession) (Surname, initials)

determine __________________ from "____" ______ 20___ to "___" ______ 20 ____.

(number of shifts)

Responsible person for organizing an internship, studying labor protection rules and acquiring practical skills safe ways work to appoint


(Position, surname, initials)

Head (shop) of the site, department ______________________________________________

(Surname, initials)

Acquainted with the order: ____________ ______________________

(signature) (designated person)

____________ _______________________

(signature) (employee)

Appendix 2

Limited liability company


ORDER ____

HEAD __________________________________________________

from "___" _______________ 20___

"On the cancellation of the internship"

Employee _________________________________________________________________________

(Surname, initials, profession, site, production)

exempt from internship as having work experience in the specialty _____________________________________________________________________________

Head (shop) of the site, department _____________________________________________________________________________

List (Surname, initials)

Agreed by: Head of the Occupational Safety Department _________________ ________________

(signature) (Surname, initials)

I have read the order: _________________ ______________________

(signature) (employee)

Appendix 3

Limited liability company


ORDER ____

HEAD __________________________________________________

from "___" _______________ 20___

"On admission to work"

To be admitted to work as _________________________________________________________

(position, profession)

employee ___________________________________________________________________________

(Surname, initials)

since "____" ___________ 20____, as an intern and tested on labor protection knowledge and practical skills in work.

Head (shop) of the site ___________________________________________________________

(Surname, initials)

I have read the order ___ _______________________

(list) (Surname, initials)

Appendix 4


SUBDIVISION: ______________________________________________________________________

(subdivision name)

Gave out: " _______ » _____________ 20____ g.

Department Manager: _______________________________________________ _______

Got: " ____ » ________________ 20____ g.

Worker : __________________________________________________________________ (b.19__)

(Surname, initials, position) (signature)

Internship period from " ___ " on " ____ » 20_____ G.

Assigned instructor: ____________________________________________________________________

(Surname, initials, position) (signature)


Internship topic

(indicate the number of labor protection instructions listed in the Program of initial instruction at the workplace, names, instructions and manuals for the operation of equipment, technological maps by which skills are learned safe methods and methods of work)

Internship date

List of the person responsible for the internship (instructor)

List of an employee undergoing internship

IOT # _______ First aid

IOT # _______ For personnel with 1 electrical safety group

The internship is over, the knowledge of practical skills has been verified

Person in charge of the internship (instructor)

(Last name initials) (signature)

I am familiar with the results of the internship, knowledge test


(Last name initials) (signature)

Approved for independent work

Head of structural unit

(Last name initials) (signature)

Mark on the passage of introductory briefing on labor protection:

Developed by an occupational safety engineer

"____" ________ 2011

Appendix 5

Professions and positions of employees

subject to mandatory internship at the workplace

Working professions

1. Assembler of steel and reinforced concrete structures

2. Slinger

3. Bricklayer

4. Concrete worker

5. Painter-plasterer

6. Locksmith builder (locksmith uch-ka small mechanization)

7. Electric gas welder

8. Carpenter

9. Roofer

10. Handyman

Professions of engineers and employees

1. Chief _________________________.

2. Senior Master ______________________.

3. Site manager.

4. Production manager.

5. Process engineer.

6. Master.

7. Senior Operations Officer

8. Technician.

9. The foreman.

10. Foreman.

11. Warehouse manager.

12. Adjuster of cold stamping equipment.

13. Senior master.

14. Process engineer.

15. Head of production.

16. Equipment repair technician.

17. Crane mechanic

18. Chief welder.

Management team and key specialists

1. Deputy chief engineer

2. Chief Power Engineer.

3. Chief mechanic

Appendix 6

Work briefing log


Full Name








at work






unscheduled briefing


Petr Sidorovich

a carpenter


3; 7; 8*




* - instruction numbers are given in LIST OF OSH INSTRUCTIONS

(see page 2 of this journal), the instructor signs for instruction for each instruction separately.

Surname, initials,




Workplace internship





Knowing the rules

admission to work


(signature, date)

(foreman, foreman, head of department (workshop, site, laboratory, workshop)



from 18.04.2011

on 20.04.1011



** - depending on the nature of the work, the qualifications of the employee, the number of shifts can be from 2 to 14.

Appendix 7

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 N 73

"On the approval of the forms of documents required

to investigate and record industrial accidents,

and Regulations on the specifics of the investigation of accidents

incidents at work in certain industries and organizations "

One copy is sent

to the victim or his authorized representative

I approve


(signature, surname, initials of the employer


(his representative)

"_______" _______________________ 200_

Act N ___

about an accident at work

1.Date and time of the accident _______________________________________________________________

(date, month, year and time of the accident, the number full hours from the beginning of work)

2. Organization (employer), which employee is (was)

victim _______________________________________________________________________________

(name, location, legal address,


10. Persons who have violated labor protection requirements:


(surname, initials, position (profession) indicating the requirements


legislative, other regulatory legal and local regulations,


providing for their responsibility for violations that were the reasons


an accident specified in clause 9 of this act; in establishing


the fact of gross negligence of the victim, indicate the degree of his guilt as a percentage)

Organization (employer) of which these persons are employees


(name, address)

11. Measures to eliminate the causes of the accident, terms


Signatures of persons who carried out

accident investigation


(surnames, initials, date)

Developed by an occupational safety engineer

"____" ________ 2011

Familiarized with:


Surname and initials


Find out who needs to undergo training, how to apply for a newcomer's job, and what documents a personnel officer needs to prepare. You can download all documents in the article.

In the article:

Download useful documents:

When is an internship for workers at the workplace

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain a definition of the concept of "internship". Informally, it is used to formalize the recruitment of young professionals. Now training is carried out only in individual cases, in which a fixed-term employment contract is concluded.

Internship is the acquisition of theoretical and practical skills in the course of employee training. This definition follows from Art. 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations. See, for example, State Requirements for Internship of State Civil Servants of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2008 N 362.

3 cases when you need to arrange training:

  1. The employee receives additional professional education(paragraph 9, part 1 of article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 12 of article 76 of the Law on Education);
  2. Practical training is required by law;
  3. The employee works in harmful or dangerous working conditions (Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For example, training should be carried out for drivers who transport passengers and goods (section 3 of the Regulation RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12).

Read in« System Frames» :

  1. How and when to train drivers

Foundation of the internship

Drivers of certain categories

Section 3 of the Regulations on Improving Professional Skills No. RD-200-RSFSR-12-0071-86-12

Assistant Administrators

Clause 1 of the Rules for conducting an internship as an assistant to an insolvency administrator, approved by Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.07.2003 N 414

Physicians and pharmacists

p. 4 of the Procedure and terms of improvement health workers and pharmaceutical workers of professional knowledge and skills (order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of 03.08.2012 N 66n)

Lawyer trainees

Art. 28 Federal law dated 31.05.2002 N 63-FZ "On advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation"

Notary trainees

Clause 2 of the Order of the internship by persons applying for the position of a notary, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2000 N 179 and the Decision of the Board of the Federal Notary Chamber of May 26, 2000 No.

Unemployed Citizens

Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation" 04/19/1991 N 1032-1

Usually, an employee undergoes an internship to obtain a certain status - a lawyer, a notary or an arbitration manager. In such cases, take into account the special requirements of the acts for a specific position (see, for example, the Procedure for passing an internship by persons applying for the position of a notary, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of June 21, 2000 N 179)

In other cases, the employer has the right, but not the obligation to train employees.

Occupational Safety Internship

The employer conducts training on labor protection for workers who work in harmful or hazardous working conditions (Art. 212, Art. 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Other employees receive on-the-job training.

Briefing and training on labor protection are distinguished by the fact that the briefing is carried out within a few minutes, and the practice is carried out in at least two employee shifts (clause 7.2.4 of GOST 12.0.004–90).

Internship in labor protection at the workplace is also conducted for managers, specialists, workers in blue-collar occupations and junior service personnel (clause 9.1 of GOST 12.0.004-2015):

  • when applying for a job;
  • when transferring to another place of work within the organization with a change in position or job function;
  • to prepare for a possible replacement during the absence of a permanent employee and is aimed at acquiring skills and abilities for independent safe performance labor functions by position;
  • for the practical development of advanced experience and the effective organization of labor protection.

The duration of an internship at the workplace for these workers is specified in clause 9.4 of GOST 12.0.004-2015:

  • for managers and specialists - from 2 weeks to one month;
  • for employees of blue-collar occupations without work experience - from 1 to 6 months;
  • for blue-collar workers and junior service personnel with professional qualifications - from 3 to 19 shifts.

If the employer is allowed to work without training in labor protection, the inspector may impose a fine (part 3 of article 5.27.1 of the Administrative Code):

  • for officials - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • for entrepreneurs - from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles;
  • on the legal entities- from 110,000 to 130,000 rubles.

Workplace Internship Documents

The main documents that you need to have if you plan to hire interns are the position and the internship program. They will help regulate the learning process.

4 documents for registration of practice:

  • Internship program.
  • Internship regulations.
  • Training order.
  • Order for admission to independent work.

Internship program

The internship program may be established by law. In such cases, you do not need to develop it. For example, a trainee may come to you with a program already approved by an educational organization.

Attention! There is an approved program for notaries (clause 13 of the Procedure for training persons applying for the position of a notary).

What you need to indicate in the document:

  1. Purpose of the internship.
  2. Plan with dates and times of employee training.
  3. Work steps to be performed by the trainee.
  4. Theoretical knowledge that an employee needs for independent work.
  5. The procedure and terms of the control examination of knowledge.

When developing a program, take into account the characteristics of each employee. Develop a training plan individually: take into account the profession, work experience and experience of the beginner.

Internship Regulations

The law does not contain requirements for the execution of the regulation. Therefore, develop it in a form convenient for you (part 1 of article 8, part 1 of article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Describe in the Regulation:

  1. The rights and obligations of the trainee and mentor.
  2. Requirements for the preparation and conduct of the internship.
  3. The order of passing the exam.
  4. The procedure for registration of learning outcomes.
  5. The responsibility of the mentor and trainee.

To prepare the position, you can use standard form, approved by the letter of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation of 03/15/1996 N 18-34-44in / 18-10.

Familiarize the employee with the accepted documents before completing the internship. To do this, ask him to sign his acquaintance with local acts (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to do an internship in the workplace

To organize the internship at the workplace, appoint a supervisor who will oversee the learning process. It is selected from experienced staff to teach a beginner the right skills for future work.

For blue-collar workers, training is provided by job managers, job training instructors or experienced workers.

The head of the internship must be indicated in the order. How to issue an order for an internship at the workplace, read in our article.

If the labor contract or mentor's instructions do not specify the obligation to train employees, then pay for his work separately. To do this, conclude with an employee supplementary agreement and issue the order.

★ The experts of Sistemy Kadry will tell you how to change an employee's salary

The practice leader teaches new skills and supervises the learning process of the beginner. His responsibilities also include (clause 9.5 GOST 12.0.004-2015):

  • drawing up an internship program;
  • acquaintance with all employees of the unit and their working conditions, internal rules work schedule, the main functions of the unit and the requirements of labor protection during their implementation;
  • familiarization with the documents required for work ( job description, regulations on the division, internal standards and regulations, local regulations on labor protection and production safety);
  • supervision and control over the fulfillment of tasks by the trainee and correction of his actions;
  • registration of feedback on the internship.

During the internship, her leader keeps a special diary. It indicates the number of days worked in the organization. The trainee's diary also lists the activities that the trainee performs every day.

The duration of an internship at the workplace depends on the type of employee training, qualifications and experience. Usually it is from 2 to 14 shifts (clause 7.2.4. GOST 12.01). The more difficult and responsible the trainee's work is, the longer the training period will be. For example, medical internships take at least a year.

The training ends with the passing of the exam. If the employee passes the exam satisfactorily, then he can start independent work. To do this, you need to issue an admission order.

How to get an internship at the workplace: step by step instructions

Step 1. Issue an order to conduct training.

In the order, indicate the head of training, the period of internship and the list of trainees. For more information on how to issue an order for an internship at the workplace, read our article.

Step 2. Check if there is an internship position in the staffing table.

If the position of an intern is provided by law, then include it in the staffing table. In other cases, this is optional.

Step 3. Familiarize the employee with the Regulations and the internship program prior to training.

Step 4. Apply for an internship in a general manner.

To do this, ask the employee Required documents when applying for a job (part 1 of article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Then familiarize him with the local acts of the organization and conclude a fixed-term employment contract.

Attention! When applying for a job, there are special rules for some employees. For example, to enter the position of a trainee notary, you need to pass an exam (clause 8. The procedure for passing an internship by persons applying for the position of a notary). Therefore, before hiring such an employee, carry out certain procedures.

Fixed-term contract. Include in the contract all the conditions and information that are binding on it (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Indicate the duration of the contract with the student and the basis for its conclusion. It is necessary that the term of the contract coincides with the period of the internship (part 2 of article 57, part 1 of article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

For example, "An employment contract was concluded for the period from February 01, 2019 to February 02, 2020 for the Employee to perform work directly related to additional professional education in the form of an internship."

In the employment contract, write down the position of the student in accordance with staffing table... For example, "For the period of being a financier, the Employer undertakes to provide the Employee with a job as a financial trainee, and the Employee undertakes to perform the labor function provided for by this contract."

Order of admission. Issue a hiring order for the trainee. Issue an order in the form N T-1 or in accordance with an independently developed form. Indicate in it the reasons for imprisonment fixed-term contract and its validity period. Familiarize the employee with the order for signature (part 2 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Important! If you are hiring a student, then for its registration you will need an agreement with an educational organization. He will help you justify the conclusion with urgent workers labor contracts(Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

On the basis of the order, make a record in the work book about hiring in the section "Information about the job" (parts 2, 3, article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraphs 1-3, clause 3.1 Instructions for filling out work books). Make an entry in the general order: indicate the date of admission, the order number and the position of the employee.

Apply for an internship only if it is provided by law or the employee receives additional professional education. When preparing the documents, take into account the peculiarities of the training of each employee: pay attention to the duration of the internship, qualifications and experience of the beginner. However, keep in mind that some trainees have special regulatory requirements.

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