Pump yourself up or how to build the necessary skills into your life. Main skill in life

landscaping 30.09.2019

communication skills, critical thinking and independence will be useful to your child in life and at work. The ability to correctly express thoughts, self-confidence and perseverance are the main qualities that are welcome in the professional field. And in everyday life, live communication is necessary all the time, for example, even at the moment when you just need to ask someone for forgiveness. It is important for a person to forgive the mistakes of others, and it is better to apologize personally, in words.

In the children's camp, you can add to the list of useful skills. Not a single book with a bunch of recommendations can teach you this: only the person himself can develop himself. There are several arguments in favor of self-development. We have compiled the top 15 of them.

The most useful skills for teenagers that can be acquired at a children's camp:

  1. Socialization. A teenager finds himself in a new environment, where he encounters laws and traditions unfamiliar to him. He has to adapt in the group, follow the rules and participate in the collective life. For all this, he needs to learn the art of cooperating with people;
  2. Communication. New faces and division into teams stimulate the child to develop communication skills. The camp is well suited for training approach to different types of people. Team games and tasks strengthen social connections by developing the gift of persuasion in a verbal way;
  3. Independence. There are 20 children in the detachment, and there are no parents nearby. Therefore, the child has to solve many problems on his own every day. Cohabitation requires the need to negotiate and find a compromise. This develops self-confidence and the ability to achieve goals without outside help;
  4. The ability to think creatively. Various children's camps are held Mind games and quests where there is no one correct answer. The child, together with the team, learns creativity and creativity. The experience gained will be a good bonus when filling out a resume and applying for a job;
  5. Life experience. A teenager observes many people and situations and in the future will be able to make his own choice based on the experience. He learns the basics of friendship, responsibility, love and constructive relationships with others. Even in the room, the child is not left to himself. Through communication with neighbors, he poses the world;
  6. Manual labor. In the digital world, children are deprived of physical activity skills. In the future, robots are unlikely to completely replace humans. Therefore, skills can be useful in life minor repairs, gardening and elementary bicycle tire replacement. In the age of computers, we need people who can keep machines running and understand them. Not only to play games, but also to understand how it works. And you need to eat, no matter the circumstances, so the ability to grow vegetables can come in handy in the future;
  7. Knowledge of basic first aid. Anything can happen in life, so you need to have the necessary rescue skills.
  8. Physical exercise. Health and endurance are a priority for the child. You need to keep yourself in shape both in the frantic pace of the city and in extreme conditions. There are situations in life when it is necessary to save either yourself or a friend with the help of physical force. This requires training now;
  9. Self-defense. The ability to protect yourself and others from attackers can come in handy in our turbulent times. Therefore, self-defense courses will not be superfluous. If self-defense is not an option, then you need to learn at least to run fast;
  10. The ability to kindle a fire. Not everyone can start a fire without flammable liquids. In case of extreme conditions, you need to be able to light a fire to keep warm, eat and protect yourself from wild animals;
  11. Orientation in space. Our computer age has taught us to rely on Google and Wi-Fi. But if a child gets lost in the forest, he will need to navigate the terrain in the old fashioned way. Studying paper maps and a compass might save his life. In the absence of a compass, you can navigate by a wristwatch;
  12. Basic survival skills. In the wild, you need to be able to find water and food for yourself. You need to know where to find drinking water and edible berries. Also useful is the ability to fish using artisanal methods, to ford the river and keep warm after that;
  13. The ability to dress properly. All sources of information advise us how to dress in fashion, but no one will tell you how to dress in extreme circumstances. Hiking proper clothes more important than fashionable and healthier. In many cases, this helps save lives;
  14. Processing, analysis and application of information. Memory and the ability to make decisions are important. Intuition and non-standard approach to the situation is our advantage over computers. In the professional field, a creative employee is more valuable than just an educated one;
  15. Discipline. In any team, family, friendly or work, it is necessary to follow the accepted norms of behavior. The daily routine and compliance with the rules develops self-discipline and the ability to constructively manage time. A person accustomed to discipline will be successful in any environment and career.

The useful skills acquired in the children's camp will be useful to your child for future work. A sociable, honest and creative employee will be happily accepted into any professional environment and will reach the top of his career faster than others. No matter what happens, a prepared and self-confident person will emerge victorious from any situation.

Useful skills for teenagers

A child can acquire in the camp not only practical skills, but also psychological support and experience. Professional psychologists work in children's camps. They will help a teenager understand and accept himself, which will save him from conflicts with himself. You will gain mutual language with your child and build trust. So you will save him from the wrong decisions and become a close friend for him.

The founder and director of Youth Consulting, who has worked with Coca-Cola, Pepsico and Microsoft, and the editor-in-chief of the personal growth blog Zero To Skill, Zdravko Cvijetic, wrote an article about what useful skills each of us should acquire the sooner the better. it is better. We have translated the material and selected key points, preserving the unusual author's style.

Super Mario. A little mustachioed plumber, without whom my childhood would not have been so happy. I was ready to spend hours helping this good fellow save the princess from the company of bad guys.

If you also played Mario, then, of course, you could not help but notice how difficult it was to move from level to level without a sufficient amount of mushrooms - those that helped to become bigger and endowed the hero with useful skills like throwing fireballs.

So, our life is like a game. Playing Mario Plumber.

In real life, you are Mario. And you need to find your "mushrooms" that will help you grow, improve, move from level to level, develop as a person and as a professional.

When I ask my readers to name the reason that prevents them from learning new skills, I get a lot of different answers. One of them especially well shows what, perhaps, each of us goes through:

“There are too many things to study around. Too much big choice… And time is limited.”

This thought prompted me to create this article. Communicating with people and analyzing own experience I did a little research and this is what I came up with. 15 valuable skills that will help you become more successful and develop more dynamically. The sooner you get them, the better.

1. Finding your own philosophy

The internal compass tells us whether everything is going according to plan or if something has gone wrong. But it is not enough to feel it - you need to soberly assess the situation in accordance with your own system of values.

To identify this value system, ask yourself:

“What do I appreciate about _______ (work, relationships, friendships, life, etc.)?”

The listed set will be the system of your value coordinates.

Then ask yourself:

“What good and what bad do I see in this world?”

Once you focus on the good, "Oh shit, it's Monday again..." miraculously becomes “Oh yes, Monday! Let's start?"

Feel the difference?

2. Finding your calling

No, I do not believe that we all came to this earth with some great purpose. But I am sure that life gives us the opportunity to find out what we are strong in and what we like to do.

Your calling is your talents (what are you especially good at?), your passion (what do you really love to do?), and the opportunities around you.

Look around and you will definitely find what you are looking for.

3. Goal setting

In a 1979 Harvard MBA lecture, students were asked, "Do you have clear goals for the future and plans to achieve them?"

Only 3% of students answered that they had written goals and plans. Another 13% admitted that they have goals, but not in writing. The vast majority, 84%, had no clear goals at all.

Ten years later, the graduates were brought together again. They were asked how much they earn, and found the incredible.

The 13% of graduates who had goals earned, on average, twice as much as the 84% who had no goals. And the 3% whose goals were clearly articulated ten years ago were earning ten times more than the other 97% combined!

Targets work like a camera lens. If you focus correctly, you get a clear picture. If the focus is not set, the image will be blurry.

4. Visualization

Goal setting is something you can do consciously. Your brain is great at generating ideas and thinking about them, but it is powerless when it comes to putting them into action because it is constantly distracted by various external events.

The subconscious mind works differently: it is able to see the whole picture.

When the conscious and unconscious go hand in hand, they help you achieve your goals.

Visualization works best right after waking up and a few minutes before bedtime. Representing the smallest details, sensations and emotions as if you have already reached your goal, you force yourself to believe that it is possible in principle to achieve the goal.

But be careful!

This is not the law of attraction, which says that it is enough to imagine a Ferrari, and the next day a brand new car will be waiting for you under the window.

It doesn't work like that.

Visualization is only one side of the coin. Hard work and dedication is the other side of it.

5. Forming habits

By habits we often mean something negative, so I prefer to call good habits personal rituals.

When I think about what I MUST go to gym, this is difficult for me.

But when I think about the fact that I am a healthy person, and going to the gym is an important part of anyone's life healthy person becomes easier. Try it!

6. Healthy lifestyle

Everyone wants to be healthy. Correctly?

For me, for example, the goal is not just to be healthy, but also to have enough energy. Plus look good.

For 11 years I played football, and then I abandoned this business. My weight went from 65 to 86 kilos in less than 9 months.

I became fat. For anyone who once boasted excellent abs, this is frustrating.

So I decided to do two things:

    find a suitable diet that would help me return to normal weight, and stick to it;

    in addition to nutrition, exercise regularly.

It took me about a couple of years to find the right diet and sports activities to my liking. But now I am satisfied with my body, healthy and energetic during the day.

7. The art of learning

I'm sure it's one of the key skills on the list.

Everything we are and everything we have achieved is made possible by our ability to learn.

People who have reached the heights are just people who are able to quickly and effectively learn new skills and apply them where it is required.

8. Searching and filtering information

We are all overloaded with information.

Wherever you go, you will stumble upon streams of information that will constantly distract you from your goals. Spend your time online wisely.

9. Time management and productivity

I constantly think about time, because this is the only resource that we will never renew.

Where to get more time?

Optimize your sleep time. Perhaps, instead of the standard nine hours, seven or eight is enough for you to feel healthy. Check it out!

How to use time more efficiently?

    Make good use of the so-called "dead" time (at the computer or in front of the TV).

    Focus on high-impact activities (remember the 80/20 rule: 20% of the tasks bring 80% of the result).

    Focus on what will help you grow (reading, talking to inspiring people, working on goals).

10. The Art of Meditation

We are constantly working, interacting with people, spending a fair amount of time on the Internet. Sometimes you need to stop, relax and enjoy the time spent alone with yourself.

There are no rules here. Meditate the way you feel comfortable. Two minutes, fifteen minutes, sitting, lying, thinking or, on the contrary, moving away from thoughts ... Find what suits you and constantly practice it.

11. Recording with pleasure

You don't have to become a writer. Just make it a habit to write down your thoughts on paper. Lots of incredible ideas are just waiting to be brought to life through ink.

12. Public speaking

This is perhaps one of the most useful skills that I have been able to acquire and develop.

Again, you don't need to be a professional speaker. But it is worth learning how to express your ideas.

There are a lot of techniques and advice, but there is a golden rule: "People don't know what you're talking about."

13. Ability to say NO

Sometimes we need to say NO.

Look at this situation from an unusual angle: “You don't say NO to others. You say YES to yourself and to what is important to you.”

Of the two options, always try to choose what you like.

14. How to create your own brand

Personal growth is one of the main goals in my life.

It is curious: everything I did, in one way or another, turned out to be connected with this topic. My degree in adult education, my work at the Mindvalley Academy as Director of Education, my blog (Zero to Skill) launch, all to help people learn faster and gain useful skills.

People often talk about me like I'm a learning freak.

This is once again shows how values ​​(in this case personal growth) can influence your life and point the way.

It takes very little to create your brand: just focus on developing your strengths and let them go on a big swim.

15. How to manage personal finances

Everything is simple here.

Rule #1: Spend less than you earn.

Rule #2: Find an additional source of income (passive if possible).

Rule #3: Invest in assets (things that generate income).

And finally

It turned out a lot. And if you're still reading this, congratulations! Growth is not empty words for you.

You must be wondering where to start?

Choose one of the items and get started. Some things take a few hours, others take much longer. But remember that mastering at least one of these skills will help you take a step to a new level and bring impressive results in every area of ​​your life.

  • Career, Work, Study

What to teach a child besides school curriculum? What does he need in life to be successful? Just school knowledge hardly useful, says psychologist Olga Yurkovskaya, author of Education for Life and a fierce critic of the school system. Her daughters are family education, and their mother, a business coach, compiled for them a whole list of skills needed by a modern person. Here and speed reading, and Photoshop, and the skills of teaching and ... cleaning. In general, there is something to agree and argue with.

For me personally, the most important thing is skills. effective work with text, with information. The ability to extract the necessary thoughts from the flow, structure and process.

In second place is everything related to the computer and the Internet. In particular, a competent detailed search, work with sites, layout and other indispensable skills.

Well-developed communication and presentation skills are also important.

There are many free tools out there. You yourself use them. With a little imagination, they can be adapted to the needs of children and included in the learning process.

Mind maps for the development of thinking. There are free services where children can structure each complex topic using a mind map. First, this approach develops systems thinking. Secondly, it facilitates the memorization and processing of a large amount of information. And then, it's just a good habit.

You can develop thinking, as my children do - on chess or in circles of logic games. Connect educational computer games (the main thing is to abandon them in time in favor of real life).

Working with a computer at a basic level. Indispensable for modern man skill - blind ten-finger print. And it's not even about the speed of recruitment, at 10-12 years old it's not very important. But while the child masters the skill of typing using the same "Keyboard Solo", he becomes more attentive, reduces the percentage of typos and missing letters. In addition, the basics of spelling are learned in a playful way.

The simplest programs and the basics of site building. This part of the interaction with the Internet will be appreciated by teenagers. So they will be able to blog, gain subscribers. At the same time, they will have to master working with website designers, at the simplest level - Photoshop, as well as other editors. And even get to know the basics of marketing, the creation of selling texts and viral copywriting.

Basics of negotiations. Both theory and practice are good in this direction. You can send your child to negotiation training or public speaking. Or you can entrust a child (at any age) to negotiate with the staff in a store or cafe. Life is the most demanding teacher.

Effective information handling skills. In this direction, there are many paid and free online trainers. I took a different path: I paid for speed reading courses (available for children from 7 years old), as well as memory and attention courses (from 10 years old).

Physical development of the child is not a skill, but I put it in that category. It is absolutely not necessary to give the child to professional sports. I was quite satisfied with the children's program in our sports center (swimming, water polo, gymnastics, dancing, karate, yoga, aerobics, gym for children), three times a week classes for the children's choice.

Now my daughters are interested in breakdancing, the eldest even began to win international competitions only six months after the start of classes. That is, children's fitness gave her the sports training she needed.

It is too early for my children to undergo such training, but they are already looking through the materials of the seminars "Free Journalism", "Glossy Journalism", "Copywriting" and others. The eldest has already started writing fairy tales and stories, and I helped her make a website for publishing materials.

Teaching skill. It can be school subjects or hobbies. In any case, there are a lot of advantages in such employment:

  1. Deeper and more detailed knowledge. In order to teach someone, you yourself will have to dig much deeper than usual.
  2. There will be a need to clearly and systematically express your thoughts. And this trains both oratory skills and self-confidence.
  3. marketing approach. Already in adolescence, your child will learn to monetize their skills.

So encourage your child to run a free peer group. It's easy to organize them if you want. Or let him try himself in the role. This practice existed in pre-revolutionary Russia: high school students taught younger students.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​at a good conversational level. This is already a vital necessity (and not just a plus when entering a university): either you need to collect information from foreign sources, then read a book in the original, then orient yourself abroad ...

I came to the conclusion that a month of live communication with native speakers abroad is comparable to five years of studying a foreign language at school. Only being in language environment will give knowledge of the language without tedious cramming.

Still good a basic level of can provide:

  • computer programs;
  • cartoons and films with subtitles;
  • audio courses;
  • lightweight books with built-in translation.

Housekeeping and household skills I consider one of the most important. First of all, the ability to cook and clean. If a child is able to serve himself and even help around the house, this is good from all sides:

  • firstly, he feels like an adult, independent and more willing to take responsibility;
  • secondly, the burden on parents becomes less. You can always either ask the child to help, or make some of the housework his daily duties.

Special courses for children and teenagers can teach - for example, culinary or sewing and knitting. What if there are no required courses? For example, those where they would teach children how to clean, repair clothes or shoes, repair household appliances?

You can arrange a free internship for a teenager. Do you want your child to learn cleaning skills? Arrange for him an internship at a cleaning company! It's also a tricky skill. A professional cleaning lady manages to do the work for an untrained person all day in a minimum amount of time.

To get skills maintenance and simple repairs of equipment, send the boy for individual training to household appliances repairmen, to car mechanics in the garage, to builders, finishers. To the repairmen of clothes and shoes, finally! And you will find a hobby for a child, and save on specialized services.

I also want to draw the attention of parents to a number of abilities that either fade in children as they grow up, or do not develop at all if they are not practiced.

The ability to ask questions. The constant "why", "what for" and "how" is natural, state of nature children. But as they grow older, this feature, which drives parents crazy when their child is four years old, disappears somewhere unnoticed.

Often the fault of the parents. If the child expects that instead of a detailed answer he will receive either an excuse or rudeness, he stops asking. But questions are the main way to gain knowledge.

Ability to independently solve problems. The man who knows how to break challenging tasks into simple ones, and then solve them one by one, will cope with any job.

Want to develop this skill? Do not rush to help at the first call. It doesn't matter if it's about trying to put on pantyhose or solving a math problem. Of course, it is much easier to write an answer for the child and go back to your own business. Only in the end, a teenager gets used to shifting difficulties onto the shoulders of parents (that is, yours) or another adult. And it doesn't go away with age.

The habit of finishing what you start. Any action you take can be a small project. Explain to the child that if he undertook something, then it is important to finish it.

The ability to find a calling or a life's work. If you ask graduate students what they want to do in life, you will get sad answers. Most go to continue their education at the university chosen by their parents.

I am by no means saying that higher education is not necessary. It's just that education imposed by parents, or "whatever, if only higher", usually goes to waste along with the money and time invested in it.

If a child likes to do something, he will be able to do something really worthwhile out of any "non-prestigious" occupation. And you can be calm for his self-realization and harmony with himself.

Tolerance. The boundaries have been erased, and your child will not be able to interact normally with the world if, at the sight of a person who differs from him in race, religion, sexual orientation, social status, or who has any physical disabilities, he will fall into a stupor. We are all different, with our own views and characteristics, and in order to interact, people need to learn to accept and understand each other.

The ability to be a person. Sometimes it seems to me that in seven decades Soviet Union the skill not to stand out and be a gray mass was fixed at the genetic level. To remain unnoticed, not to stick out, to be like everyone else! Your "I" means nothing. The main thing is not to break away from the team.

At a certain age, a child has a completely natural desire to be like someone. But over time it passes. However, unfortunately, not everyone.

Here, the children have already bought a car from my employee, built a house and planted a tree! And you do nothing at all and it is not clear what you are doing!

You have to go to work! And you are sitting on the Internet or hanging around incomprehensible at meetings! Is this work? What will I tell people if they ask?

Such variants of parental statements are very common. It turns out that a person does not live his own life, but some "accepted in society." Yes, certain social norms must be observed (since we live in a society, and not in a dense forest), but completely adjusting our lives to the opinion of the majority is not the best choice!

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Thanks, that's something to think about.

Comment on the article "What a child should be able to succeed in life: 10 skills"

CAPABILITIES. Do your children "follow" their abilities? It would seem that it works better, then it should. A child’s abilities are all very illusory if it seems to you that a child draws well and What a child should be able to succeed in life: 10 skills.


Junior - yes.
Senior, too, but this is not the scope of his interests. He will never do engineering work. Now this is already quite obvious. But learn. Studying is not annoying, because the abilities are good :)

And if everything works out?))) IMHO, you still have to choose. And yes, abilities influence, but may not be decisive in the final choice. IMHO, abilities are generally something that often happens immediately, without much effort. And everything else can be developed.
I remember how in senior class fought off the teachers and their surprise that I would not act on their subject. I am capable, they were all confident and ready to help with the preparation. Why should they thank you very much, but one profile direction was chosen)))
The elder devoted his entire school life to one direction and his abilities were above average, and at the university he said "I don’t know how it will be further, but I don’t want to do this all my life and I won’t." Doing something completely different. He likes it, it turns out, well, that’s fine)) Everything that was taught and developed is also “in the subject”, but on this moment none of this is central to his work.
I don’t know how it will be with the younger one, he has no obvious abilities. We just develop, then we'll see how it goes)))
One of the most good examples in my family - my uncle has a mega ability for languages, he simply "catches" them by ear. He worked all his life as an electrician, he didn’t even think in the direction of languages ​​​​and he doesn’t know anyone except his own))) Although times were different, of course. But it never even crossed my mind to develop what comes to mind. It was not interesting.

Ability is one thing...and talking about 90+ points is too reassuring for parents. The most difficult thing even for very strong children is to cope with. That is, how to understand and determine what the baby is predisposed to? What a child needs to be able to succeed in life: 10 skills.


I have been a math tutor for about 15 years. Ability is one thing...and talking about 90+ points is too reassuring for parents. The most difficult thing even for very strong children is to cope with excitement, they are stressed and crumble. In order for a child to write 90, it is necessary that he knows mathematics VERY well and has iron nerves. Looks like you're just being lied to, sorry. Think why? There is some reason.

For a child, as a rule, at the stage of diagnosis, it is already clear what result you can hope for. If this is a "crammer" - that is, stubborn, but without much talent, then it is in the region of 60, a maximum of 70 with a very large, almost fanatical and traumatic, zeal in cramming. For more, understanding and logic are needed ... If they exist, then 80+ is not fantastic, but at 90+ even talent would not hurt.
I usually immediately tell my parents what I can bring a child to in a year or two years of work. It happens that I refuse to prepare for the profile at all, because I don’t see any reason to chase after the result of guaranteed 30-40 points. Maybe some other tutor will see something different in the child, and will be able to give hope for a better result - this also happens.

09/15/2018 20:57:03, Marina9090

What a child needs to be able to succeed in life: 10 skills. Infantile children in terms of developing skills and abilities are no different from others. Talk about "teaching life", in my opinion, is born to justify the inability to teach (to give knowledge and skills, a tool ...


And I can do everything since childhood, no one taught me, and my daughter already at the age of 13 knew how to change the tap on her own. I repair the hair dryer myself, and even when they told me to throw away the refrigerator, I climbed in and repaired it myself, because there was a trifle and not 8 thousand rubles as the master said.

01/31/2018 09:02:52, Ksenia Strizh

Everything you listed I can't.

01/29/2018 00:01:56, Futer

Are there skills that were lacking in family life because they were not instilled in the family? What is necessary, and what can be reconciled with or educated, re-educated? The theme was inspired by grown-up boys who spend hours at the computer, and grown-up girls...


I recently found out that my second son (age 14) learned how to iron his own shirts during my vacation. From YouTube videos. He knows how to cook the simplest dishes, but rather does not wash with his hands. Cleaning, helping with the younger ones - can (but does not always want to). There will be a desire and motivation - to learn what he does not know how. Now it is much easier than in the pre-Internet era.
I remember calling my mother in the first years of marriage to consult about some dishes or the health of the child. It's easier for today's kids to ask Google.

The more you teach, the easier it is in adulthood! If the guy is responsible, everything will be fine. Life does not teach everyone, it even cripples some. Not everyone succeeds in making good money, and far from everything can be bought for money, skillful hands have never interfered with anyone. There is, however, still the ability to work on the case and move them in time, so that the firewood does not stand for several months))))

01/10/2018 05:03:54, Passer-by33

What a child needs to be able to succeed in life: 10 skills. Here and speed reading, and Photoshop, and the skills of teaching and ... cleaning. In this document, you outline the main stages of your career, knowledge and skills, achievements and hobbies. Knowledge, skills, abilities and...


These people are determined only to serve and give themselves away, without thinking about anything, including themselves - therefore they are successful in their business.

12/19/2017 02:49:10 PM, I think that

Skills can be applied, subjectivity gets in the way. Therefore, psychologists do not undertake to work with relatives and friends. Sometimes the craft is too expensive, there is not enough money for oneself. For me, the strangest example is Montessori, who took care of other people's children, and sent her own child to hell. This is what causes distrust.

Section: Survey (Useful skills). Which skill do you think is more difficult? This is a very useful skill that will come in handy more than once in a child's life. Develop social skills in children, offer them useful scenarios for coping with ...


Whoa! My dad at 65+ went to work to buy himself a computer on credit. I mastered Photoshop, easily reinstalls Windu at every opportunity, and finally ...))
He has had rights since 1975.
The main thing is to want.

What strange ideas do you have about the village)

04.12.2017 11:57:03, hello

Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers My daughter was able to read fluently before preparation. The school was English, there were children in the class and who. To teach to read by the first grade means to make life much easier for the child.


No need. All the same, some of the children will not be able to read, and all the same, everyone will be taught from the ABCs from the basics. My practically did not know how to read, it did not affect academic performance in any way. The girl who read the best in the class is not the first in the class in terms of academic performance.

the better he reads, the more attention can be paid to other full-fledged sciences
and not read the condition of the problem by syllables
they will teach, of course, they teach those who do not read at all
but they are not excellent

What qualities are needed to be successful in life? In my example, I know very well how to raise many children, where Dior dresses and a ship are sold. These are completely different paths, and, as life proves, excellent success in school does not guarantee success in life.


depending on what success is for you, I’m quite successful for myself :) I have two wonderful children, whom I provide for myself :) I won’t even talk about work :) it sounds cool, but in reality it’s an ordinary job, but it allows me and my children provide a decent standard of living, while I know that there are former classmates with a good career, but without a family: (for me this is a failed life:) everyone has different criteria

Emotional intelligence, the ability to set goals, perseverance in achieving them.

Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. My 10 years old - I have to put things in order in my room, in my closet - once a week, if I suddenly Section: Development, training (what a child should be able to do at 2, 10). baby and it's true...


Before marriage, I didn’t know how to do practically anything, nor cook (I don’t consider fast food like sausages), the washing machine has been in the house for a long time, but I remembered. As a child, she loved to clean the bathroom so that everything shone there, shelves, clean the sink, bathtub, so that there was such a small fuss. Therefore, my mother "trusted" me with this matter. Honestly, I don't know if she washed up after me or not. Mom always told me, it will be necessary - you will learn. And after marriage, and to this day, she often brings something tasty, simply because she herself wants it so much.

11/13/2012 23:03:22, exactly, exactly

decided to participate. I think you are educating correctly. Your tears will shed, then you will grow up as a hostess.

Of course, it gives self-defense skills, but I can’t say that this kind is for princesses, rather for girls "with character." Again, blows can be not only painful but also dangerous. And we have very few girls in the group, mostly boys, so there may be problems with the couple.


I would recommend aikido. My daughter has been attending for two years now and she loves it. All other types of wrestling require strong physical training. And aikido is a more plastic and peaceful type of struggle, which emphasizes the human spirit. I think your daughter will like it.

After all, throughout life you will have to acquire more than one new specialty. So the correct question should be: "What basic knowledge necessary for a person in life?" This is a very important question. The answer to which is needed in order to understand what we should do with our children and ...


What to give to the hungry? Fish or rod? No matter how much and what kind of knowledge you give a child, they will always be small. There is nothing more to say.

29.07.2018 12:16:16, minsabir

Here, advanced parents attend this conference and your issue has long been resolved for them! You seem to be throwing them back for many years ... The fact is that 95% of the local parents under the age of 3-5 years, in their distant childhood, firmly learned the truth that you want to discuss: "You must first master. .. language! Because it is needed for communication! ...".
Yes, this discovery is of world importance, you are right.
But in our local local community, this discovery was made .... thousands of years ago! Therefore, your topic hung like a voice crying in the wilderness. So sorry for that remark! :)
Moreover, we have a method worked out over the centuries not only for teaching reading, but also for transferring all the basic knowledge to a child in the understanding of Moses, the author of the Pentateuch of the Bible. The idea that "literacy, education - above all!" - hammered from a young fingernails by our parents into us. Moreover, many of them also contain other knowledge on how to raise children, accumulated over thousands of years.
The local parents from 2-3 years old at home from mom and dad heard what you are going to talk about, and the question of "basic knowledge" for everyone here at this conference has been resolved for those present, one might say, from birth.
You came here from another world, essentially saying: for you, this is what you want to say - learning the language and reading as a universal development system is a discovery, for us it is not. Because Judaism is a system of development through reading, and reading the Torah, which contains 613 commandments, and not 10 commandments, as in Orthodoxy or Christianity. This is not about the child being able to read and communicate, but about the fact that he knows the 613 commandments and repeats their study every year every time on a new round of the spiral of development.
That is why in Judaism it is forbidden to draw, worship pictures, icons and icons, any images, no matter how important they are: all this distracts from learning READING, literacy, which is (at least was 3 thousand years ago) synonymous with God's chosen people.
Now, if you would, say, give us a methodology on how to study and understand the prohibition commandment faster for a child, then they would listen to you and become interested ...
Well, if you don’t want to fall into the bondage of the methods of teaching reading and God’s chosenness of Orthodox Judaism, where, by the way, children already at the age of 3 know (or have heard) not 10 commandments, but 613 commandments, and they must be able to read and communicate correctly - then you can start by discussing the completely secular methodology "Reading before walking", it is here on the site and has been discussed many times by both "old people" and "newbies" - the same thing, only more abruptly and using scientific achievements past thousands of years...
For example, last year Sternberg proposed a variant of the method of teaching reading and presented an article on this topic - here you are! But Sternberg, despite the high qualifications of the theoretician, did not understand anything from Nikitin, or from Zaitsev, and even ignored Doman, and, unfortunately, began with inappropriate criticism of what the great innovative teachers do not have at all, and got here “under the first number"…
At least in the topic, state the main ideas of the article, and we will discuss your ideas: let's figure out if you have innovation or innovation? At least start with whether you managed to repeat the results of innovative teachers? After all, practice is the criterion of any theory.
Maybe you have heard or know that on the topic of language and communication back in the 19th - 20th century such philosophical trends as "positivism", "neopositivism", "linguistic philosophy", "semiotics", "dominated the minds of mankind," general semantics" and others... Schools of "theory of communication" arose in the USSR in the city of Frunze, as well as a school of "psycholinguistics" at Moscow State University (Leontiev)...
But you will be criticized here, so it’s better to first post your article on some Orthodox website, or test it at Tyulenev’s - they will support you there and then help the court enter the ring ... They will analyze your ideas, seemingly objectively, like the ideas of all authors. :)
However, remember what Pushkin said: "Ignorance and meanness looks to the future, relying on the present and not referring to the past."
At a minimum, you need to show that you know what you wrote about and what discoveries were made by Boris Nikitin, Nikolai Zaitsev, Glen Doman and other pioneers of early development and early reading even before the beginning of the 90s, not to mention the pedagogy of Judaism...
Here, basically, there are parents who do not just want to teach their child to read, language, and so on, but develop their children into future presidents, geniuses, and so on. Well, the so-called "basic knowledge", elementary School not interesting here...
In any case - sorry for the advice - maybe your theory is brilliant and you are ahead of both the pedagogy of Judaism and the teachers - innovators? So start not from scratch, not from the beginning, but from ... the end! How to raise a child to be the ruler of peoples, information, finances...?:)

A very important skill in the life of any person is the ability to distinguish between these two types of criticism. The matter is complicated by the fact that criticism, in fact, can be not of two, but of four types: constructive both in form and in content.

The main thing a child should know is how to act in emergency- God forbid. It would be nice to maintain normal relations with neighbors ... Having lived all my life in my own entrance, I practically don’t know anyone even by sight - we have apartments ...


02/20/2018 19:43:38, kuraka

My 3rd grade student has been going to school and back on her own since this year. It's scary seven-year one, but if there is no way out, nothing, everything will be fine. I was about to leave school - I called "mom, I'm leaving," I came home - I called "mom, I'm at home" - here at the same time you immediately ask if she closed the door, remind you to wash your hands and what to eat. Cleaning the form in the closet is not a critical matter. If it doesn't, no one will die from it. The main thing in your case is safety, not a crumpled form, remind, but don’t scold too much.
Explain the dangers at home every day:
Do not open the windows wide open (it is better not to open at all) - you can even fall out by accident, do not use sockets, do not turn on the stove, let it warm in the microwave.
The main thing that a child should know is how to act in an emergency - God forbid.
Your phone, rescue service, all the necessary phones - a list on the wall.
If suddenly something catches fire at home - do not try to put out, do not hide - run to the neighbors, ring the doorbell, well, call your mother and 01.
If the child walks along the road - do not walk close to the carriageway - go as far as possible from cars.
Oh, a lot of terrible things await us behind each bush :)
But after all all the same it is necessary to tear off from itself sooner or later. In your case, early. In a word - watch as you can, everything will work out for you.

Tell! Enter the choreographic school? Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. Virgo, tell me and tell me who had a child in a choreographic school. Girls, don't ruin the lives of your children. Mine studied at the Diaghilev choreographic school...

Life for work is when work is a priority, work should bring pleasure, be interesting, promising and preferably monetary. The main part of life is spent at work, work mediates life. Here's how a girl rushing to the provinces to take the post of a notary ...


IMHO, no one will give you the order of the hunchback anyway. I am very sorry that I missed half of the matinees in kindergarten when the kid was small. Unfortunately, she was forced to work a lot and for quite a long time earned more than all her girlfriends. About 5 years ago I got tired of these rat races and I left the race. Oh, horror, it doesn’t matter to me - what I do, as long as there is enough for a not very curly life and to pay for an expensive institute for a child. And I was interested in almost any job, since I go there to communicate, and people are interesting everywhere.
With age, very annoying enough well maintained house and insufficiently licked relatives. And also the endless change of bosses infuriates. At the last job, the general director was changed every 3 months and each new one had his own idiotic ideas "how to equip Rabkrin", the company was shaking.
What about specific gravity work in life - God forbid, you get sick, who will need you? Only people with whom you made friends will come to visit only relatives and friends, only people with whom you made friends will come to visit, the authorities will not give a damn about you.

05/08/2009 08:01:27, walked past

I don’t even have a question - I don’t like to work, therefore the 2nd and only the second

self defense skills. Sports, hobbies. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age I am trying to think ahead and still think that knowledge of self-defense techniques and methods will be useful in adult life, as well as skills ...


SL, I think that in your situation, your son needs, as they say, to strike. I can talk a lot here about different martial arts, especially sambo and judo, but this is not the easiest and shortest way for you to solve the problem of self-defense. All kinds of aikido and karate are suitable for the general development of younger students, but in your case they will not help. I would not advise giving your son to some serious boxing section, getting hits on the head or on the liver (at this age these will be not weak blows) is not useful. Ideally, you need to get into the self-defense section, where they will recruit newcomers like him and work out elementary boxing skills. There is such a box at fitness centers, where you can even agree on individual lessons. One year will be enough for the son to feel more confident and be able to stand up for himself.

09.04.2009 18:40:50

business skills. - get-togethers. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Having lived all my life either with my grandmother or with my mother, I am absolutely unsuitable for independent living in everyday life.


I lived before marriage with my mother, who never philosophized in terms of housekeeping, and did not try to "accustom" me (for which she has great respect!). She said exactly what: if you get married - learn. Learned :). For the wedding, my mother gave me a notebook with handwritten recipes for the simplest and most popular dishes (which we mostly ate, and I never complained about my health and stomach). The experience of family life is 4.5 years, there is a three-year-old son. I LOVE cooking! Moreover, I make pastries, and meat dishes, and cakes ... At first, I also cooked soup on the phone :). I also got the hang of cleaning and washing, although I don’t bother. True, there are conflicts with my husband because of this, but all because of the difference in ways. I'm used to reading a book in a free moment, and his mother - it's better to wash the floor. It means that you need a great-ailing husband :)

Does the husband want food prepared by the woman he loves, or that certain foods be prepared this way? And what does he want in other economic matters?

Potmu as if he is an ordinary person with ordinary needs, ie. he does not need super cleanliness, a dinner with crystal and 5 courses, then it is not difficult to adapt to him. Especially if he is ready to do something himself.

If you are not afraid of cooking, then you can learn it very quickly. I wouldn’t even begin to study specifically, I would just live as I lived and cook according to my abilities and needs. The first time, leaving more time for cooking.
Those. imagine what you want to eat, figure out what products you need for this (if you don’t, then look in the cookbook) and start cooking ...

02/08/2007 16:44:10, * Haras

Periodically, the baby seems to forget the skills already mastered, then everything is restored. This happens with a spoon-fork, a pot, hiking in the right direction for mom by the handle. Why is this happening to my little one?


Irene! Imagine that you memorized the phone number of your girlfriend, called her several times, and suddenly - flew out of your head. The next day they remembered again.
Or they started learning to knit, study solfeggio, learn to drive a car - it seems like everything worked out yesterday, but today it’s not very good, but tomorrow it turns out again.
It seems to me that when a child begins to learn something, the mother also needs to start learning something previously unfamiliar to her, for example, learning to sew. When an experienced seamstress-mechanic will repeat to her every day about how dumb she is after all :), mom will understand how a child feels, who needs to learn so much.

How many times in various circumstances have you said to yourself: “It would be great if I could…” But then life flowed along the usual course, and you forgot about your desire to acquire a useful skill.

With huge amount knowledge that is available to us online every day, the only reason you haven't done it yet is that you haven't thought about it seriously. Maybe it's time to do it?

10. Fix something at home

Of course, to fix something at home, you do not need any special skills - you can just call a specialist, and everything will be ready. But there is no ingenuity, no skill, much less interest in this.

In addition, a specialist in any case will cost you more than self-repair of simple things.

If you have a desire to practice manual labor, learn how to fix things at home or with your own hands. This is a particularly rewarding skill because you can use the results of your labor right away.

Where to learn it? Millions of videos on YouTube and Videojug at your service. There you will find many videos on how to repair something in the house or in the yard, how to fix something from plumbing and electrics.

For complex repair you will still need a professional, but you can do some small manipulations yourself. In any case, you will understand that you always have a choice - to call the master or try to do it yourself.

9. Develop creative skills: drawing, illustration, photography

Victor Bezrukov/Flickr.com

While these skills probably won't help you make big money, they are very attractive because they introduce you to the technical possibilities to create something beautiful.

You will have to find inspiration and objects for creativity yourself, but mastering the chosen subject depends only on technical capabilities and practice.

It would be nice if these skills were not useful to you in life, but in any case, you will feel more confident returning home late at night.

7. Level up in design and develop a sense of style

Andreas Nilsson/Flickr.com

Design and style is not an exact science as tastes vary and change over time, but there are a few general principles that will make your work, home or anything else more aesthetic and appealing.

If we're talking about classic design First of all, you need to learn the basics of types and combinations. These are skills that you can improve in daily work to make her look more attractive.

This may seem like a useless skill, since tables, for example, are not judged according to the canons of beauty, but if something looks attractive, it is always judged better. Aestheticism will always be an advantage of your work.

A sense of style is important even in such things as, say, choosing wallpaper for a room or creating a clean and rationally organized desktop on your computer. If your home looks boring, here are some ideas on how to.

And here are articles for those who want to learn web design: how to influence through and web design online.

6. Master any subject you missed at university

It can be some kind of science, finance, mathematics, humanitarian subjects, law or something else. If you were not able to master this skill at the university, you can study online.

What's great about such training is that you are motivated only by your own motivation. No exams, tests and nerves. You learn as much as you want, and the reward is just getting a little smarter. Here - there you can find a lot of useful items.

5. Create and remake hardware

Kevin Savetz/Flickr.com

We all love modern technologies and the more technology can give us, the stronger our love. Probably, there is no technique that could not be improved, but first you need to acquire a few skills.

Learn how to build a computer great way to begin. You will need soldering skills and basics, with which you can really interesting things.

The best way to learn this is to start a project and learn all the tricks as you work on it. If you don't know where to start, take a look.

4. Play an instrument

gwen roolf/Flickr.com

There are many websites for learning how to play musical instruments online. In you will find several useful resources, forums and applications for learning to play the guitar, drums and piano.
And, of course, always to the aid of YouTube.

3. Cook like a chef


There are so many recipes and sites with tips on cooking different dishes on the Internet that anyone can become a great cook without learning anywhere.

Try, develop "", subscribe to and just enjoy cooking.

For example, I love the app " Afisha-Food» - there are a lot of new recipes that you can save yourself. Moreover, it is not necessary to cook exactly according to the recipe, you can fantasize, add other ingredients and skip what is not in the nearest store.

2. Learn a foreign language

If you ask people what they want to learn, "Learn new language' will be the most popular answer.

30 sites for those who want to learn how to code from scratch. There are sites with paid courses and teachers, and resources for free study. different languages programming.

There is also a selection of free ones for those who do not mind studying in English.

Just be aware - programming lessons can be really boring if you're not working on a specific project. If theoretical knowledge is constantly supported by practice, you are more likely to not give up and achieve success in programming.

What skills do you want to master?

Juggling, the ability to cook foie gras and knowledge of Farsi is, of course, good. But it is better to learn some other, more essential and vital skills that will do you a real service and help you make your way in life. About what they are - the most important skills in life, we'll talk here.

Unfortunately, life skills are not taught in schools. Of course, they will tell you how to put on a gas mask and how much radium and strontium is deadly for a person. It is possible that they will teach swimming - a vital skill.

But there is hardly any mention of the most important leadership skills, good worker or just a person who can achieve something more in life through special skills or important professional skills.

We love you and want you to achieve everything you want in your life. Therefore, get acquainted: vital skills and their formation.

Confidence in yourself and your abilities

It doesn't matter what temperament you have, it doesn't matter what type of personality you have. Even an introvert and a phlegmatic person can learn to inspire respect in people, to defend themselves from attacks from outside.

And here are some tips on how to learn this important socially significant skill and skill:

  • Remain calm in any situation. Talk as little as possible. In this case, silence is golden. Try to fit into one statement all the meaning that you want to put in the whole speech. People who talk about everything and nothing, walk around and around cause irritation, seem insecure, agitated.
  • End the phrase with some fundamental concept, a weighty saying, a weighty word. The last words should summarize all of the above and emphasize your attitude to the problem under discussion. For example: "That's why you are mistaken!".
  • Look straight into your eyes. And look long and hard until you yourself begin to experience discomfort.
  • Ignore provocations. Never give in to someone who is trying to piss you off.
  • Try to avoid awkward pauses or fill them yourself. If there is an awkward pause, an aggressive interlocutor can say a lot of unpleasant things. So he not only fills in the gap that has arisen, but also uses this time to counterattack. To stop all his ridiculous attempts, say a weighty last phrase and end it with a gaze and oppressive silence.

Why is it so important? Because we all make mistakes. “It is human nature to err”, “Let the one who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” - all this suggests that it is possible and necessary to learn empathy.

Empathy is almost in the first place among the important skills, as well as skills. By learning to understand and accept another person, you will be able to acquire something more valuable: friendship, mutual understanding, tolerance for your own person.

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Well, just this skill, if not impossible, then at least very difficult to teach. Typically, people either have this unique feature or not.

If you have charm, it will inspire, attract everyone around you. Even if you are ignorant, rude and outwardly, to put it mildly, not Apollo, charisma will make you successful.

Everyone helps these people. People want to learn this charm, to be infected with positive. Therefore, a charismatic person always has many friends. But do not deceive yourself: if you do not have this character trait, then you are unlikely to be able to attract the same attention to yourself as with her.

Of course, if you do not have innate charm, you can try to replace it with the ability to manipulate. However, you need to be very careful with this: people do not like to be used for any purpose. An imaginary smile and false charm scream that a person is initially set up to deceive.


You cannot do without this skill if you want to acquire or improve any other skills and abilities.

Many constantly complain that they do not have as much strength, time, mind as the rest. Allegedly, this is where all their problems lie.

In fact, the problem is the lack of self-discipline and perseverance.

Want to lose weight? Go for a run at dawn every day. Do you want to learn public speaking? Practice for hours in front of a mirror.

The ability to express one's thoughts

By learning to express your thoughts in words, you will achieve a lot. For example, save a lot of time explaining, resolving misunderstandings and quarrels with people. A logically coherent and beautiful speech will help to establish strong connections with others.

Now you know the skills that will be useful in life. Well, if you just have a blockage with academic work and there is simply no time to learn these most useful and important skills and abilities, refer to

We recommend reading
