Keyboard simulator for programmers online. Touch Typing: Free Keyboard Trainers Online

Engineering systems 20.10.2019
Engineering systems

Ten-finger blind typing simulator. Especially good for overclocking speed. Rich interface customization options, detailed statistics and help.

Watch a working secretary or programmer. His fingers seem to flutter over the keyboard. And now, in a matter of minutes, a decent text has already been typed. “What speed! What skill! - you are amazed. But everyone can do it!!!

Today in the world there are many tutorials for ten-finger typing. Also, a lot of programs have been created, the so-called keyboard simulators. We will talk about one of them. This is the Stamina keyboard trainer.

Why do we choose Stamina? And here's why:

  • free!
  • clarity of the methodology
  • accessibility of explanatory language
  • comic form of program design, etc.

The pluses include a flexible configuration system (you can configure almost everything: background music, background picture, color scheme programs and much more) and the availability of several training options: standard fingering and alternative.

But first things first. If you are ready for everyday "mockery" over yourself, then let's get started.

Program installation

First we need to download the archive with the program and install it on your computer. In the archive you will find only one file (it is also the installation file :-), which you will need to run to start the installation. At the end of the installation process, you will be prompted to run the program, which we will gladly agree to. And immediately you will be prompted to create an account with your name (in total, more than 400 entries are supported).

And, as you can see, the jokes start right away, so you won't be bored!!!

Not only the program itself will be loaded, but also "Help", called by the author - "Aibolit". For those who like to master everything using the “scientific poke” method, I would still recommend reading this manual at least to cheer up (I read it myself with pleasure: 0))). Be sure to check out the Bonus section. There you will find a whole selection of jokes from the author of the program, his poems own composition and small but interesting game called "Fastmind".

They read, laughed and already figured something out. Now let's look at the program itself.

Stamina keyboard trainer interface

It consists of two fields: a field for working with text and a virtual keyboard. In the upper left corner of the field for working with text, we see a set of commands and options. In the upper right corner is a timer that records the time of the exercises. In the lower left corner is the username. In the center is a field for entering words and "abracadabra" from letters (it is from it that you will begin to comprehend the basics of high-speed typing).

At the bottom is a virtual keyboard, the letters of which are separated by green lines. This is done so that you know which finger to press which key. The index fingers of both hands simultaneously capture 2 columns of symbols, while thumbs are used to press "Space".

Starting position of the hands

  • little finger of the left hand on the "F" button (in the English layout - "A")
  • then the fingers of the left hand are placed in order to the index finger, which lies on the button "A" ("F")
  • little finger right hand on the button "Ж" (";:")
  • index finger on the "O" ("J") button.

After pressing any key, the finger returns to its original position, while it does not touch the keyboard, but only slightly hangs over it. Now, trying not to lose such an arrangement of fingers, type as accurately as possible what you will be offered.

Where to begin

Now specifically about the actions. By default, the program is set to the "Lesson" mode. It is worth starting with him. Here you will learn how to quickly and correctly type the simplest letter combinations, words and punctuation marks. If you make a mistake, the program produces some kind of sound (sometimes not very cultured :-). At the end of the course, you will have an exam that will show your progress and achievements.

There are also lessons in Stamina "Combinations of letters" and "Numbers", but they did not try very hard on them. The lesson starts when you press the space bar. In this mode, time is unlimited, so focus on typing accuracy, and speed will come with experience. After completing the lesson, Stamina will show a graph of your typing speed and error percentage.

If we enter the "Mode" menu, we will see that in addition to the "Lesson" there are several more modes:

  • Phrases - here you will type ready-made articulate phrases at speed. Unlike the “Lesson”, “Phrases” keep track of progress, which we can see by clicking on the “Progress” tab in the menu, and also set a timer. That is, if you did not manage to type all the phrases, then in the "Progress" you will be credited with a failure.
  • Other modes: "Letters from phrases", "All symbols" and "External file". The first is a mode that resembles Phrases, but differs in that the letters from the phrase are scattered. The "All characters" mode, the same "abracadabra", but punctuation marks are also added to the letters. Finally, "External File" is the ability to open your own text file in txt format for training.

Options menu

  • "Layout" - allows you to change the keyboard layout for training. Stamina is available in 3 languages: Russian, Ukrainian and English.
  • "Keyboard" - if you uncheck the box, the virtual keyboard will not be displayed.
  • The next three tabs allow you to work with background music. In the Song List menu, we can add our own music by clicking +files (to add a single file) or +folder (to add an entire folder). The "-delete" button deletes the selected file, and "Kill all dead" removes the so-called "dead links" from the list, those that refer to non-existent or deleted files. Nearby is a square with two buttons (Play and Pause, respectively), a checkbox (allows you to play not the entire file, but only a certain interval of sound) and a slider (the sound level that can be adjusted with the Page Up (louder) and Page Down (quieter) buttons ).
  • "To the construction site ..." - these are the direct settings of the program (read more about them in the book "Stamina Keyboard Trainer - Your Way to Speed ​​Typing").

Having set up the program in the most convenient and attractive way for you, you can start training. At first, you need to train for 10-30 minutes every day (then it will be possible 2-4 times a week). When you have learned all the "Lessons" well, you can start working with phrases and texts.


To achieve results, you need to stock up on a fair amount of patience, since the result will not be visible immediately. But if you want, then with the help of this simulator you can achieve amazing success in teaching touch typing. Good luck to you!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.

P.P.S. You may also be interested in Rapid Typing Keyboard Trainer - another typing trainer designed for a wide range of users, but more abstruse.

Possession of the method of touch typing allows you to type text on the keyboard at high speed, using all ten fingers and minimally looking away from the monitor to the keyboard. This improves the efficiency of the computer. Anyone can learn this method, even a beginner. And the tips given in this article will make it a little easier and faster.

Imagine that you need to print a large amount of text and express thoughts, then here blind typing by the way, you won't need to be distracted once again looking away from the monitor. Thanks to the ten-finger typing method, this is minimized in order to only occasionally glance at the keyboard, most of the time the gaze will be focused only on the monitor.

How to learn to type quickly?

There are many simulators and games that teach quick typing. There are both programs for Windows and online simulators. Impossible to say exact time, for which you can learn the blind ten-finger typing method, it depends solely on you. But we can say for sure that even a few lessons will seriously increase the speed of typing. Someone needs only two or three weeks, and someone and a few months of hard training. On the day, such workouts usually do not take more than 15-20 minutes of time.

And so, let's say there is a desire to learn the blind ten-finger typing method in order to reduce the number of errors when entering text and increase the typing speed, so you need to follow a few rules that will make it easier to learn. Check out the tips below.

  1. Sit right. It is much easier to work at a computer if you sit correctly. The back should be straight, eyes at the level of the middle of the monitor, at a distance of 50-70 centimeters, elbows bent 90 °.
  2. Use keyboard simulators and games. You can learn without outside help print. But using simulators can reduce training time and gain a little more experience. Below I will tell you about the best simulators, and you can already choose the most suitable for yourself. In addition to simulators, you can sometimes practice on games specialized for this, I will also talk a little about them a little lower in this article.
  3. Train every day. If you seriously decide to learn how to type quickly, then you need to train every day, but a little at a time (15-20 minutes). You can practice first on the simulator, then type the text yourself and only then dilute it all with some fun simulator game.
  4. Look at the keyboard less often. Try to peep at the keyboard less often, this will allow you to quickly master the touch typing method.
  5. Don't overstress. Do not train for hours until you get a headache. Train when you feel like it, don't force yourself to do it. As has been repeatedly said, 15-20 minutes of a good workout a day is more than enough!
  6. Position your fingers correctly. Perhaps this advice is the most important of all listed. By correctly positioning your fingers and using a specific key for each finger, you will achieve and finally be able to type on the keyboard without problems using the touch method. The ten-finger typing method is thought out for maximum convenience, so there is no need to confuse and press the keys with the wrong fingers. Remember this and keep your fingers right from the very first lessons! These illustrations will help you:

The picture above shows which fingers on which letters should be located. And the bottom picture shows which fingers should press which keys when typing. Do not bother if you use any keyboard simulator, everything will be explained to you there.

Keyboard trainers.

Now let's look at the most effective simulators (programs and online services) that teach touch typing.

  1. VerseQ. A powerful yet very simple ten-finger typing trainer. According to the developers of the program, already after 5-15 hours of training you will be typing at a speed of 200-350 characters per minute. The program is paid. The license costs 150 rubles. Within 7 days you can use the trial version. What can you learn in 7 days? Think for yourself. You can download the VerseQ program for Winows.
  2. Stamina. Completely free and also a very effective simulator for fast typing. The simulator is really effective and in many ways surpasses its even paid counterparts. In the training program, calm music accompanies, which will help you relax and not be nervous. Many languages ​​are supported for training. Download the Stamina simulator for Windows, versions for Linux and MacOS, as well as languages ​​other than Russian and English can be found on this page.

Online trainers.

  1. All 10. Online simulator for fast printing. No download or payment required. All you need is an Internet connection and a desire to learn how to type fast. Registration on the site is necessary for tracking statistics, as well as for ranking (you can compete with other students). .
  2. Stamina Online. Online version of the Stamina simulator. You can train directly in the browser without downloading any programs. All the pluses from the program are left in the online version. .
  3. VerseQ Online. Also an online version of the famous keyboard trainer VerseQ. In the online version, everything is the same, a very powerful and effective touch typing simulator. .

This list contains the best online simulators that do not need to be downloaded and installed on your computer, but you can train directly on the site. Only an Internet connection is required.

Simulator games.

Here is a list of games that you can use to practice typing. Enough effective training It turns out thanks to the games, it's not so boring and helps to get distracted. And for children, this is generally beauty, it is better for them to start with game simulators.

  1. Keyboard racers. A good keyboard simulator in the form of a game. It is necessary to type the text, displayed randomly in the game, correctly, and in the meantime the machine will move forward. There are many modes. There is a rating of users - clavogoners. Replenish the ranks of clavogoners.
  2. babyType. A game that has been born for quite a long time, which is designed to train fast and touch typing. The essence of the game is to press the letters that appear on the screen, the main task is to save the frog from the attacking monsters. Download the Baby Type trainer for Windows.

Many more different gaming keyboard simulators can be found on this page. Game simulators are perfect for children, and adults, in principle, will not interfere.

There are plenty of keyboard trainers out there, both paid and free. Only the ones listed in this article have proven to be very good, and the student, when training on any of them, does not reach a nervous breakdown (joke), it’s just that other simulators really make you nervous and, in most cases, users just stop halfway, never achieved any results.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the blind ten-finger typing method is a very important skill, especially for those who work a lot at the computer, print, etc. In general, this raises the status, and, as you can see, practically every PC user can master this method. Good luck with speed typing and touch typing.

Today, almost everyone should be able to use a computer with confidence. This should be manifested not only in knowledge, but also in a high speed of typing, allowing you to do your job quickly and efficiently. Online typing simulators are an affordable way for every user to learn fast machine typing by looking at the keyboard as little as possible.

Online typing simulators on the keyboard

1. Ense-Lang

The online service that allows you to work includes 16 lessons aimed at teaching 10-finger touch typing.

Each lesson allows you to work out a certain set of letters quite effectively, which helps to peep at the keyboard as little as possible.

The first lesson starts with mastering two letters and showing the fingers that should be used to work with those letters. With each new lesson, new letters will be connected to the already studied letters.

You need to work on each lesson at least 3 times so that your fingers automatically click on the right letters. By spending your time studying the suggested lessons, you are guaranteed to improve the quality and speed of typing on the keyboard.

2. All 10

The next online service aimed at teaching the 10-finger typing method.

As in the first case, here you are offered several lessons, starting with simple combinations and moving on and on.

A positive feature of the service is the impossibility of opening the next lesson until the current one is fully mastered.

Lessons are distributed completely free of charge, but to start using the service, you need to go through a small registration procedure.

3. Fast Keyboard Typing

The final online simulator from our review that will teach you fast and high-quality touch typing.

To work with the service, you need to go through a short registration procedure, after which you will have access to free online lessons.

Service has a large number of tasks sorted by difficulty groups. Access to the following tasks will be closed until you have mastered the current lesson so that you do not make mistakes while typing, and also have a high typing speed.

The peculiarity of this service is that it allows you to work out various letter combinations with high quality so that you can quickly type text, looking only at the monitor, and not at the keyboard. Each task here must be completed at least 5 times so that you can move on to the next stage of training.

Learning how to quickly print is a time-consuming process that will pay off in the end. Try to devote time to training every day, and soon you will be able to notice how much easier typing on the keyboard has become. Most importantly, never quit what you started.

Using the ten-finger printing method can significantly reduce the time it takes to type on a computer and improve the overall efficiency of working on a PC. In this material, you will find an overview of several popular keyboard simulators that provide an opportunity to learn the blind typing method.

The speed of solving tasks on a computer depends not only on such obvious factors as the speed of the processor or the ingenuity of the user. Sometimes the determining factor is mechanical work, for example, typing text information on the keyboard. Thoughts are already far ahead, and the fingers still struggle to sort through the first letters of the word and do not have time to fix the entire text. This is faced not only by journalists, writers, programmers, but also by those who have just begun to master the computer and are trying to type text with one or two fingers without taking their eyes off the keyboard.

It is noteworthy that the blind typing method, discovered back in the 19th century, is still very relevant today and useful for every active user of a personal computer. Using the ten-finger method will significantly reduce the time for typing, and thus increase the overall efficiency of working on a PC.

Of course, over time, the speed of typing on the keyboard increases, but it is hardly worth hoping that frequent pastime at the computer will allow you to competently “tap” 200 characters per minute soon. So if you really want to make a qualitative leap in typing technique, it is better to use special programs that allow you to really improve your keyboard skills in a short time.

Of course, it is impossible to talk about all applications of this type within the framework of one material, so for today's review we have selected five popular keyboard simulators that have at least one distinguishing feature among common diversity similar programs.

The right to bear the name of the most versatile simulator, in our opinion, belongs to the creation "Keyboard Solo". Therefore, we will begin the review with him. In addition to Russian, English and German, users can "tame the numbers". This simulator will be very useful, for example, for accountants who are constantly faced with a set of various kinds of amounts. The universal edition has Russian, English and digital layouts.

After installing this simulator, the first impression can be quite skeptical: a simple informal approach. But, with each step, the user moves away from initial stage, and these digressions begin to take on more and more meaning. The simulator has a technique that allows you to take a break from constant and monotonous exercises.

Perhaps one of the important features of the program is recommendations for the correct keystroke, correct technique and posture, which is very important for the blind ten-finger method. Looking ahead a little, I would like to say that only "Keyboard Solo" presents this information throughout the entire training course.

Before starting the exercises, the program offers users a short warm-up, allowing them to adapt to the "Keyboard Solo". During the execution of tasks, as well as after their completion, you can get acquainted with the statistics, namely the average score, typing speed, and the number of errors. In addition, you can get acquainted with the statistics not only for separately performed exercises, but also for days. This will allow you to track the dynamics of the passage of exercises.

The keyboard simulator does not contain any meaningful phrases, these are most likely pre-composed "synthetic" expressions - unlike, for example, VerseQ, in which the string for typing is compiled based on user errors. In Keyboard Solo, mistakes are not welcome, so often users are forced to redo the exercise several times. Moreover, the requirements for completing tasks are quite strict, and with each new level, the exercises become more difficult. It should be noted that there are about a hundred exercises in "Keyboard Solo". Yes, that is why the program uses relaxing psychological tests.

The interface of the simulator makes a double impression. Comparing it with previously released versions, it should be noted that the new interface, which is distinguished by gray and green colors, has somehow changed the ergonomics of the program. In general, it is worth noting that the simulator is convenient to work with, and the settings and controls are documented in the help.

At the same time, you can find fault with the fact that the virtual keyboard does not tell you which finger you need to press a particular key, especially since no hints are displayed during the exercise. As a result, not having sufficient experience, one has to periodically return to the description of the exercises.

The free version of this simulator has limited functionality and contains an incomplete set of exercises, which, however, are quite enough to understand whether you like this program or not. The cost of a full course of study is just over 300 rubles, which is not so expensive. You can download the application from the official website of the developers.

We move on to the next simulator, which is called VerseQ. In the description of the program, first of all, it is noted that the user will be able to type blindly already “literally in one hour” (according to the author of the project). It attracts something completely different: the VerseQ simulator contains algorithms that are not based on “training” and do not “punish” for mistakes made during exercises. On the contrary, the technique used here is based on user errors and phrases, in which, according to statistics, difficulties appear most often. Also, users cannot learn about their misses from the statistics data. VerseQ uses misses in a subtle way in the following exercises. At the same time, the general statistics are displayed during the training, as well as in the form of dynamics by pressing the F9 key.

The program offers three modes of operation - with Russian, English and German keyboard layouts. There are no introductory exercises and all letters are involved from the very beginning. But you should not expect that the text will make sense: as a rule, repeating combinations of letters appear there, phonetically related to each other (they can be pronounced). In general, it is worth noting that the methodology of this application tries to focus users' attention not only on keystrokes, but also on the implementation correct transitions between them.

VerseQ has a moderate "tone" of presentation, soothing colors and neutral design in general. It is not known how much effort must be made to close the program in a state of irritation. Yes, here's another thing, if you remember the price issue, then in Solo on the Keyboard, warnings about acquiring a license, if using a trial version, appear after each exercise, and in the VerseQ simulator - only once right after starting the program.

All important information is in a concise guide that contains information on how to properly use the simulator, keyboard techniques, teaching methods, and so on. What is missing in this simulator is detailed instructions for doing exercises. "Solo on the keyboard" in this regard is a little ahead of the curve.

You can use the program for free for seven days. In the future, if you like the simulator, you will have to pay. The price of the single-user version for individual training is 170 rubles. If you want to purchase this application for all family members or even a classroom, then the cost will increase to 849 rubles. In the multi-user version, you can create Accounts for different users and set passwords for them.

You can download for free or buy the VerseQ keyboard trainer at this link.

This application can be safely called the most "frivolous" simulator in our review. The program may not appeal to users who find the developer's sense of humor inappropriate and are entirely aimed at teaching ten-finger typing. The frivolity already appears from the help, various comments and ends with a soundtrack. There are special claims to the sound, which can be found on the program's home page. But, this moment is corrected by a patch, or by the "Censorship" option in the program settings.

Despite such remarks, it is not at all worth making any hasty conclusions and ignoring the program. It is enough to get acquainted with the variety of operating modes - "Lessons", "Letters", "Phrases", "Symbols" and "External File". Very interesting lessons, divided into exercises, combinations of letters, numbers and symbols. Separately, we note the lessons with the numeric keypad. The developer notes that he “did them without much effort” and invites users to take part in the development themselves in a playful way.

Unfortunately, Stamina program with its wide possibilities is placed in our opinion in an uncomfortable shell. When you start the simulator, it does not immediately become clear in what sequence all this functionality works and how it should be handled. On the other hand, the help explains quite intelligibly the course methodology, all the basic concepts, typing techniques - that is, the position of the fingers on the keyboard, and so on. Special attention given to an alternative method of placing fingers on the keyboard.

The simulator will turn out useful topics people who plan to work with the Belarusian or Ukrainian layout (which you will not find in other applications). The base distribution contains lessons in Russian, and English, with the ability to connect phrases from other languages.

One of the main distinguishing features of the Stamina trainer is freedom of action. The exercises can be done in any order, and you can even create your own course. The disadvantage of this simulator, or rather the method, is that it is not known how quickly it can bring concrete results.

The application is distributed absolutely free of charge, and you can download its 4.7 MB distribution kit from this page. You can also download phrases for additional languages ​​from here.

The next thing we will get acquainted with is the Klavarog program. is a self-sufficient online simulator that exists and develops thanks to donations, which in itself is a remarkable fact. Moreover, the progress of development is actually noticeable if you look at the archive of versions.

Like Stamina, Klavarog does not have a specific sequence of exercises, moving from the easiest to the most difficult. The program remembers errors and adds words containing them to each new line of text. This learning principle is similar to the work of the VerseQ and Stamina applications we have previously reviewed.

To help users better navigate the keyboard layout, a special color scheme is provided, which can be enabled in the program settings (the "fill" icon).

Useful is the hint in the form of a hand, which indicates which finger should be used to press the keys. Experienced users can turn off the hints or activate the "Zen" mode, in which there are practically no elements that distract from the exercises.

One of distinctive features Klavarog simulator is the fact that in addition to courses with English and Russian layouts, the program has lessons on working with the numeric keypad, as well as the programming languages ​​Python, PHP, SQL, XML / XSLT.

Dictionary assignments deserve special attention: you must enter the correct translation of the phrase from available options. If the phrase is chosen incorrectly, it must be entered 3 times. Thus, two birds with one stone are “killed” at once: both language and “keyboard” skills are improved. True, due to the fact that the set of phrases is generated automatically by the application itself, guessing the correct translation is quite simple.

Unfortunately, in this program it is impossible to see the results, statistics and dynamics of skill development. Of course, it would be nice to create an account on the site, where all this would be recorded for each specific user - after all, technically this is a completely feasible task.

Among many keyboard simulators, it occupies a niche where there are practically no competitors. The application is designed for schoolchildren and younger children school age learning blind ten-finger typing.

The interface of the program is "cartoonish", so it is the children who should evaluate it. However, certain complaints may appear in adults.

First, the interface is not intuitive in all places. It may seem that some navigation elements are made in an inconvenient way. For example, the "Start" button at the beginning of the exercises is not clearly marked: you have to look for it. And who would think that the image of a rag is the "Exit" button. Some questions also arise regarding the methodology of the simulator: for example, how best to carry out training and what users of the program should first of all pay attention to.

It turns out that there is a detailed help, which you can call on the start screen of the application. It is recommended to start exercises in "Bombina" with an introductory exercise, which describes in more detail the location of the fingers on the keyboard and the keys themselves.

After that, you can start doing the exercises. If in other programs more attention is paid to transitions and keyboard chords, then here you should pay attention to jumping "elements" and repeat their actions.

In the simulator "Bombina" there are difficulty levels that affect the number of errors in the exercises. You can set automatic transition from one difficulty level to another. Moreover, it will work only after completing the exercise at least three times in a row with a high score. Considering that the simulator has a lot of interactive elements, modes (there are even logic game), it can be used to teach children. At the very least, it is "Bombina" that is a more reasonable method than endless casual games.

The distribution kit of the "Bombina" program can be downloaded from here. One user can work with the program for free. If you plan to use the application for mass use, for example, for teaching children in classes, then you will have to buy it. The cost of one copy is 360 rubles in case of purchasing from 2 to 9 copies of the program and 300 rubles when buying from 10 to 100 copies.

Rapid Typing this is free beautiful and multifunctional keyboard trainer. With this program, you can easily short term learn how to type quickly and without errors on the keyboard. Comparing Rapid Typing with commercial programs for teaching typing on the keyboard, it is worth noting that program no less functional nice design, does not contain annoying ads and is very effective. Several hours of work with the program and your fingers know where the right keys are located, and your eyes check what is printed on the monitor without looking at the keyboard. If you are determined learn to "blindly" type quickly and accurately, Rapid Typing will gladly help you achieve this.

Program for fast and interesting learning to type on the keyboard

The Rapid Typing program supports changing themes, color schemes, sound accompaniment. In the program, the keyboard is displayed at the bottom of the window (the design and its type can also be easily changed) with hints which hand, which finger and which button to press. It will be not only useful, but also interesting for a child to learn how to type correctly on the keyboard; for this, the static background of the design of lessons in the program can be changed to a background with animation elements. The program provides training for several users, each with its own individual settings. Maintaining statistics, editing lessons, help with working with the program, a friendly and intuitive interface of the program with support for Russian and Ukrainian languages, and the competent and professional training in the basics and subtleties of typing on the keyboard embedded in the program make Rapid Typing an excellent and indispensable virtual teacher on your computer. PC. Believe me, after a few lessons from Rapid Typing you will be pleasantly surprised by your achievements in typing speed, remembering with a smile how recently you slowly, with one finger, were looking for the desired letter.

The archive offered for download contains two versions of the keyboard simulator - installation and portable (portable). You can always take the second one with you on a USB flash drive wherever you go.

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