Decade print method online. Stamina - Set of exercises for training seals on the keyboard

The buildings 20.10.2019
The buildings

To two tips:

  • spend the nerves on the keyboard simulators like the notorious "solo on the keyboard";
  • pack the signatures on the keys.
Learning to print on the keyboard blindly with these methods - mockery. Everyone who tried Solo, at least once in rage beat on the keyboard with a fist, and almost no one reached the end. And who tried to stick the inscriptions on the keys, soon tearing the stickers back, because it is impossible without a skill and without signatures, but it is somehow necessary to live further.

What if I tell you that there is an absurd simple, consisting of one point the way to learn the blind print without these stupid organizes?


Print and place next to the keyboard the scheme showing how the finger is to press some key.


Disable yourself Pushing the keys wrong fingers.

You not necessary Becoming yourself to the nervous breakdown, again and again trying a hundred times without mistakes to print at the speed of lettering like "Ololo Llaolo" and phrases like "Vladimir Vladimirovich Shahidzhanyan is my mentor and teacher."

You not necessary Nothing to memorize.

You can Watch the key as much as you like.

You not necessary spend time on exercise.

Just start typing in this way all you have to print in everyday life and work - and after a while you will print blindly.

How and why it works

All you need to teach blind printing is to learn to press the keys with the appropriate fingers. When this skill is not yet fixed, you have a desire to poke the indicable fingers - so faster and more familiar. As long as you allow yourself this - the skill to press the right fingers will never entrenched.

If you do not make exceptions and press each key strictly appropriate finger, the skill will be secured by itself for a relatively short time. This fastening occurs at the level of motor skills, therefore the combaling of the scheme is not required and much benefit is likely to not bring.

At first, the print speed will fall significantly. A painful desire appears to poke the index finger and, possibly, irritation. Fight with them and do not make exceptions.

Depending on how much you print daily, you will need from a few days to several weeks to go out on the previous print speed, and then it will go gradually increase.

You are far from immediately and cannot stop looking at the keyboard, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the skill will be fixed and the set speed will grow. And the need to look at the keyboard over time will be less and less until it disappears.

Selection of matching scheme between fingers and keys

All schemes on the Internet offer such a correspondence:

In this case, hands, oddly enough, it is proposed to put normally:

It is obvious that such a scheme (and the self-symmetric keyboard with the shift of the key rows) invented a person with a fracture of the left wrist.

Starting to print, I quickly realized that slipping the left little finger under Unnamed - unnaturally and generally humiliating, so I chose conformity between my fingers and keys as it was convenient for me:


Each time you start a set of text, touch the risks of the F / A and J / O keywords. These risks are designed to help you put your fingers on the keyboard correctly, without looking at it.

Place the keyboard so that your hands on it are symmetrically relative to your body, and not shifted to the left. The center of the main part of the keyboard is between the G / P keys and H / P keys.

Success Story.

I myself took several months to be able to print, looking only on the screen. Of course, about months of everyday life, and not for months of zealous training.

A few years later I gave me a day of the Das Keyboard Ultimate with Cherry MX mechanics and no signatures on the keys. This publication is written on it.

Want to become a fast set master? Print 100 words per minute and pick up boring documents faster?

A quick set of texts is almost a vital necessity. Proper use of the keyboard greatly affects our performance. Quickly gaining texts, you become productive and "go to the leg with your brain." Quick printing skill allows you to record thoughts that continuously sound in your head, before you lose them.

In addition, it reduces fatigue. When you dial a long text and constantly translate your eyes from the keyboard on the screen and back, your eyes get tired very quickly and begin to root. The thing is that they constantly have to change the focus. And if you add the difference in the lighting, it becomes clear why the unpleasant sensations appear even after a short work on the computer.

These 7 tips will help you print quickly and effectively even blindfolded:

1. Get rid of bad habits

This item is the most difficult on the way to the art of fast printing. And I am not about eating cakes at 2 am. Although it is also better to get rid of this habit :) Most likely, you are typing the text as used when I got acquainted with the keyboard for the first time. Right? This also applies to the arrangement of hands on the keyboard, and spying.

If you like to play games, then most likely, keep your hands above the "C" keys, "F", "s", "B". And there are those who use only 2 fingers out of 10. If you are one of them, you have to look at the keyboard all the time to press the correct letter.

But you want to work for speed? You urgently need to get rid of this habit and start applying hands correctly.

2. Use all 10 fingers

You ask, How to put hands on the keyboard correctly? If you carefully look at your keyboard, you will see that in the letters "A" and "O" ("F" and "J" on the layout of the Latin) have small protrusions. It will help you find the right place of each finger without spying on the keyboard.

Place your fingers of your left hand on the "F", "s", "in", "a" keys, and the right to "f", "d", "l", "o". This is the average keyboard keyboard. The index fingers of both hands place on the keys with protrusions.And then look at this scheme:

The colors indicate the keys that are conveniently pressing each finger from the source position.

There is an alternative position of hands, which will seem more convenient to many. Position the fingers of the right hand above the letters "s", "B", "A", "M", and the right - over "T", "O", "L", "D". In this case, the hands are in a more natural position, but your little men will have a good one.

Choose the position you like more. This factor does not greatly affect the speed.

3. Learn to print blindly

People who are gaining big texts of texts every day, remember where each key is. Picking on the keyboard only slows down the process.To learn not to lower your eyes, I need practice. And it will take you not one hour. But if you will constantly train, then after a few weeks, notice thatyour fingers are "remembered," for which site "answers each of them".

Even if now it slows down this very much, try not to look at the keyboard. Try to enter some kind of offer. Remember where every letter is located. You can spinning one character sneaking one character. But you do not need to watch where every letter is located. Every day you will be easier to print.When you remember where it is, you will only need to select the text set speed.

4. Remember the main combinations of keys

It is not surprising that in each operating system there is a set of "hot keys", which perform different functions. Your hands are already on the keyboard, so why waste time and distract to the mouse?You do not need absolutely all combinations. Only the most basic:

  • Ctrl + C - copy;
  • Ctrl + X - cut;
  • Ctrl + V - insert;
  • Ctrl + Z - cancel;
  • Ctrl + S - Save;
  • Ctrl + F - find a word;
  • Ctrl + A - allocate everything;
  • SHIFT + → / ← - to highlight the following letter;
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + → / ← - Select the following word;
  • Ctrl + → / ← - Go to the next word without backlighting;
  • Home - Go to the beginning of the line;
  • END - Go to the end of the string;
  • Page Up - climb up;
  • Page DOWN - go down.

you can use Some keyboard shortcuts for quick work with pages in browsers. Here are some of them that will be useful for you:

  • Ctrl + Tab - go to the next tab;
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + TAB - Go to the previous tab;
  • Ctrl + T - open a new tab;
  • Ctrl + W - close the current tab;
  • Ctrl + SHIFT + T - Open a tab that has just been closed;
  • Ctrl + R - update the page;
  • Ctrl + N - open in a new browser window;
  • SHIFT + Backspace - Go to the advance page;
  • Backspace - return one page.

Most of these keys are located near the Mizinz, so it will participate in the "hot combinations" set most often.

5. How to learn to print for speed online

It is not necessary to turn the art of a ultra-speed set of text into a boring gray occupation. You can use many programs adding fun to this process. Here are a few "allies" that will help you defeat the keyboard and enjoy printing:

  • Typeracer.

This funny program will teach you quickly print on the layout of the Latin. Your dialing speed is shown in the form of a typewriter. You give a small excerpt of the text to be scored faster than other users. It looks like a "racing". The one who will cope the first is the winner.

  • Touch Typing Study

This application allows you to learn to print in a variety of languages. There are even hieroglyphs. You are offered a list of lessons. With each new task complicated. Everything starts with the memorization of the main series. At first classes, you are offered to recruit a meaningless set of letters. It helps to concentrate not in the sense, but at the location of the characters, in order to print full-fledged texts to the speed in the future.

  • Stamina.

One of the most popular simulators on the SIS expanses. This small program can be downloaded on the official website. Adds a little fun in your workouts and offers a set of different letters and words.

  • Sense-Lang.

Also provides you with a set of lessons. In the first, you need to print a set of letters, words and suggestions appear with increasing complexity and speed. You can take a test to check your print speed and select any language, or print the text you selected.

6. Explore rhythm

The rhythm of printing is the time interval between keystrokes. The greater it will, the faster you learn the technique of blind printing. Return your fingers at the starting position after clicking on the key.

7. How to learn to quickly print

Do not rush when you just start mastering the technique of setting text blind. Increase the speed only when you feel that they have learned the location of the keys and click on them by habit, without thinking.Do not rush to prevent, and always keep 1-2 words in your head that go further. Gradually increasing the speed, you will not only print quickly, but also begin to do it qualitatively.


Now you know how to learn to print quickly. You may ask if there is a difference on the device of which type and manufacturer to type the text? Not!Of course, there are several designs, models and layouts. Choose their design to your taste. And these rules set are universal. The only thing that changes, if you have a keyboard with a layout, different from the standard "QWERTY", is the location of the letter "E" and some other characters.

The ownership of a blind printing allows you to type text on the keyboard with high speed, using all ten fingers and the minimum reducing the view from the monitor to the keyboard. This increases the efficiency of the computer. This method can learn anyone who wants even a beginner. And the data advice in this article will make it a little easier and faster.

Imagine that you need to print a large amount of text and set out thoughts, then there is blind printing as by the way, because you will not need to be distracted once again by hanging away from the monitor. Thanks to a ten-end printing method, it comes down to a minimum so that only occasionally tell the keyboard, all the main time look will only focus on the monitor.

How to learn to quickly print?

There are many simulators and educational games quick printing. There are both programs for Windows and online simulators. It is impossible to say the exact time for which you can learn to the blind decadent print method, it depends on the exclusiveness of you. But one can say for sure that even a few lessons will allow to seriously increase the print speed. Someone needs only two to three weeks, and someone and several months of diligent training. On the day, such training usually do not take more than 15-20 minutes of time.

And so, let's say there is a desire to learn to a blind decadent printing method to reduce the number of errors when entering text, and increase the speed of printing, therefore you need to comply with several rules with which it will be easier to learn. Check out the tips listed below.

  1. Sit right. It is much easier to work at a computer, if you sit correctly. The back should be straight, eyes at the level of the middle of the monitor, at a distance of 50-70 centimeters, the elbows are bent 90 °.
  2. Use keyboard simulators and games. You can learn and without help to print. But using the simulators you can cut the time of learning and gain a little more experience. Below will tell about the best exercises, and you can already choose for yourself the most suitable. In addition to simulators, you can sometimes practice on games specialized for this, they will also tell about a little further about them in this article.
  3. Train every day. If seriously decided to learn how to print quickly, it is necessary to train every day, but on a little (15-20 minutes). It is possible to practice first on the simulator, then print the text yourself and only then dilute it all some funny game simulator.
  4. Look at the keyboard. Try to rarely pry on the keyboard, it will quick to master the blind printing method.
  5. Do not overvolt. Do not train with clocks to the pain in my head. Exercise when you want it, you should not force yourself to do it through the power. As repeatedly it was said, 15-20 minutes of good workout per day more than enough!
  6. Play your fingers correctly. Perhaps this advice is the most important of all listed. Correcting your fingers correctly and using a specific key for each finger, you will achieve and finally be able to print on the keyboard with a blind method without problems. The ten-chand print method is thought out to maximum convenience, so you do not need to be confused and press the keys not to the fingers. Remember it and keep your fingers from the very first lessons correctly! These illustrations will help you:

The picture above shows what fingers in what letters should be solved. And on the bottom, it is shown what fingers on which keys should be pressed when printing. You should not bother if you use some keyboard simulator, there everything will be explained.

Keyboard simulators.

Now consider the most effective simulators (programs and online services) Tutorials of the Blind Printing.

  1. Verseq. Powerful, but also a very simple simulator of a ten-end printing method. According to the program developers, after 5-15 hours of training, you will print at a speed of 200-350 signs per minute. The program is paid. The license costs 150 rubles. For 7 days, you can use a trial version. What can I learn in 7 days? Think yourself. Download the VERSEQ program for Winows can be.
  2. Stamina. Fully free and also a very effective simulator for fast printing. The simulator is really effective and largely surpasses its even paid counterparts. In the training program, accompanies calm music, which will help relax and not nervous. Many languages \u200b\u200bare supported for training. Download Stamina Simulator for Windows, version for Linux and MacOS, as well as languages, in addition to Russian and English, can be found on this page.

Online simulators.

  1. All 10. Online simulator for quick print. It is not necessary to download anything and pay. It is only necessary to connect to the Internet and the desire to learn quickly print. Registration on the site is necessary to track statistics, as well as for rating (you can compete with other students). .
  2. Stamina online. Online version of the Stamina simulator. You can train right in the browser without downloading any programs. All advantages from the program left and online version. .
  3. Verseq Online. Also online version of the famous keyboard simulator VERSEQ. In the online version, everything is also, a very powerful and effective fit print simulator. .

The best online simulators are collected on this list that you do not need to download and install on your computer, and you can train directly on the site. It is only necessary to connect to the Internet.

Simulator games.

Here is a list of games with which you can practice print. A fairly effective training is obtained thanks to games, it's not so tedious and helps to distract. And for children, it is generally beauty, they are better with gaming simulators and start.

  1. CLUBLY. A good keyboard simulator in the form of a game. You need to dial the text that was bred in the game randomly, right, and the machine in the meantime will move forward. There are many modes. There is a rating of users - claw rings. Top up rows of claw rings.
  2. Babytype. Already quite a long time that appeared on the light, which is designed to train fast and blind printing. The essence of the game press the letters appearing on the screen, the main task is to save the frog from the upcoming monsters. Download Baby Type simulator for Windows.

Many different game keyboard simulators can be found on this page. Gaming simulators are perfect for children, yes, zeroslomes will not interfere in principle.

There is still a bunch of keyboard simulators, both paid and free. Only here the listed in this article have proven themselves from a very good side, and the student training on any of them does not reach the nervous breakdown (joke), just the other simulators are really forced to be nervous and, in most cases, users simply stop the floor, So without reaching any results.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the blind decade of printing method is a very important skill, especially those who work for a computer, prints, etc. And in general it increases the status, and to master this method, as you can see actually almost every PC user. Good luck in training fast and blind printing.

It is no longer possible to submit your life without a computer. At home, people prefer the Internet instead of real communication, and at work all documents must be printed. The ability to do it quickly to save your precious time, priceless. Understand how to learn to print on your computer.

Quick Press Rules on Keyboard

The most popular method of fast printing is blind, that is, a person does not look at the keys, but only on the monitor. In this way of printing, the secretaries and typists were published, who had to gain large and small texts for their bosses and not only. Considering that the blind printing is more than 100 years old, there are some basic rules of how to quickly learn to print on the keyboard:

  • only straight posture, while the back should be relaxed;
  • it is forbidden to even glanly look at the keyboard;
  • during printing, you need to use all your fingers;
  • the last phalanges of the big fingers of both hands should lie exclusively on the bible.

Methods for learning fast printing on the keyboard

There are several different ways to quickly learn to print on the keyboard. The most faithful option is to enter the courses in an educational institution where your experienced teacher will observe and give useful tips. If you do not want to attend classes, you will have to gain patience and domestic training. Correct your own errors will have only you. To study at home, we exist a lot of programs and online services that make it possible to master the print skill blindly from anywhere in the globe.

Blind Print Method - Decade Set

It is easy to guess the name of the method of printing that all fingers of both hands are involved in the process. In addition, it is prohibited to look at the keyboard during training, and then simply no need. The brain is able to remember where what finger is located and for which key answers. It is more convenient to develop such memory using a special ergonomic keyboard, which has a special stand under the wrist, and the keys are separated by an empty place, designated the boundaries of the right and left hand. Important moments:

Location of fingers

The most important thing is that you need to remember, learning how quickly printing on the keyboard is the correct position. For each finger there is a specific set of keys. Not just like the location of the letters over the years does not change. All because it is designed specifically for the daily operation of the driver with the blind method of printing. So, how do you need to position your fingers on the keys:

  • the right hand is a little finger - lies on the "F" key, Unnamed - "D", the middle - "l", index - "O";
  • the left hand - the little finger is located at the "F" key, nameless - "s", the middle - "in", index - "A";
  • big fingers are responsible for the space.

Teach each hand need separately. The main thing is not to hurry, because in this matter it is very important to bring the result to the ideal. Otherwise, you will subsequently have to check your texts and spend a bunch of time to correct typos. You can train with the help of special dictionaries that offer texts for block blind - from the simplest to complicated.

Technique strike

When you press the key, it happens on the machine. No one thinks how to hit them correctly. However, according to the rules, it is necessary to do this as follows: first, not only fingers are involved, but the whole brush, secondly, the pressure occurs with a sharp blow, and then the finger returns to the initial position. The space should be pressed the finger finger, not a pad.

Rhythm seal

The better during training you will observe the same rhythm of blows with your fingers, the sooner the process will become more automated. In some cases it may seem that some key combinations you can stuff much faster than others, but should not do this. Print rhythm should stop the same throughout the process.

Educational programs for quick printing on the keyboard

To the question of how quickly you learned to print on the keyboard, many answers have already invented. Some are recognized actually effective in learning fast printing. These training programs will help you master everything from scratch. A typical software product is designed by an average student and consists of separate blocks of occupations with intermediate results control. In addition, you do not have to attend courses outside the house, because such training is designed for independent and regular:

  • Stamina. An excellent program that will quickly teach you to print without looking at the keyboard. Designed back in 2000, then refined several times, it was brought almost to perfection. All lessons are built so that they should only be held in the sequence in which they are offered. If you try to learn blind printing with this program, you will definitely achieve the result. Main plus - the program is absolutely free.
  • SOLO. The program for learning fast printing "Solo" wrote a teacher of the faculty of journalism in MSU Shahidzhanyan V.V. By his own application, this method is the easiest and right to set the basic skills of a difficult process. It can be found and download on the Internet or buy on the official website and start learning at any time.
  • Verseq. The creators of the VERSEQ program claim that this is one of the best options for how quickly you can learn how to print on the keyboard. According to their calculations, the average person who wants to master the method of blind printing can do this through an hour of classes. After 8-15 hours of training, the speed and print quality can be compared with a graduate of the school school.

Online services

In addition to training programs, you can meet online services. They offer ways to learn how to print blindly. Pros of these services is that you can do on any device where there is a keyboard without installing the program. Multiple online learning options are popular today:

  1. CLUBLY. While the most popular game for learning the method of blind printing. Come at any time on the Internet and start training. The game passes as a competition among users, so you will always have a motivation to go ahead to overtake rivals. The results of their own and other people's victories you will see in the Special List.
  2. All 10. Convenient online simulator for independent learning Method of blind printing. The site of the program describes in detail all the advice not only on the folding of the fingers, but also in posture, the rhythm of shocks and so on. Just going to the site, you will get a lot of useful information, and then you can immediately use it for training.
  3. Time Speed. Another online way to learn to print without looking in tips. The creators claim that literally for the first occupation, the first results appear at the student. With each new training, the print speed increases, and in the end, any articles, letters, etc. Printed in a matter of minutes. Just enough inspiration!
  4. Verseq Online. Online version of the aforementioned program. Allows you to learn the car painting from anywhere in the planet at all any time, and besides this, compete with other students and show your skills. Be sure to like the Competitive Spirit in whom, and to learn in this way will be much more interesting.

Video Tutorial: How to Print Text on Computer

Keyboard simulators - This type of software and web services designed to train text set on the computer keyboard. With their help, you can increase the speed, reduce the number of typos, reduce the facilitation during the text set, as well as comprehend the so-called blind printing method. Method of blind seal - This is a high-speed set of text in which all ten fingers are involved, without having to look at the keyboard. Keyboard equipment, as a rule, contain training instructions, how to properly type text - the position of the body at the computer table, the location of the fingers on the keyboard, etc., as well as directly practical classes - the quest quests.

Consider below several keyboard simulators - Windows and Internet services.

1. Stamina program

Keyboard simulator Stamina. - Popular free program for teaching the Blind Printing Method.

The VERSEQ website you can also download an additional built-in functionality - modules of alternative keyboard layouts, wallpaper for interface, sound effects.
< h3> 5. RAPID TYPING TUTOR program

Rapid typing tutor - Free software keyboard simulator for teaching a blind printing method. The program can be downloaded on its official website. In addition to the usual Windows installed version, the Rapid Typing Tutor also has a portable version, ready to work immediately after unpacking the archive.

The basis of Rapid Typing Tutor is a classic learning technique with monotonous repetition of the same keys. Rapid Typing Tutor in another: In addition to free distribution, the program supports 25 different languages \u200b\u200bof the world and is flexibly configured - from the design of the interface to the parameters of the passage of lessons. The training course includes 5 stages: Introduction, levels of the novice, experienced user and expert, as well as the level of spending testing. All these steps are not necessary to use in a sequential order, you can start with any of them.

Rapid Typing Tutor is installed with teaching courses only for Russian and English. Courses for other languages \u200b\u200bare added in the program in a separate step. Multiprophilin program: It can be used to parallel learning several people on one computer.

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