Which cutting board is best and which one to choose. Chopping boards: which ones are better, features of choice and recommendations Which wood is the best cutting board

landscaping 17.06.2019

The main criteria for choosing a cutting board are ease of use, maintenance, and hygiene. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the size of the product, and the material from which it is made.

The optimal size and shape of the cutting board

If we talk about the size and shape, it's hard to give universal advice. The most convenient shape of the cutting board is rectangular, 5-10 mm thick. However, modern cutting boards come in a wide variety of shapes. For everyday slicing of bread, sausage and cheese, a small board is suitable. However, cutting meat, fish, shredding cabbage, rolling out dough on such a board is inconvenient. At the same time, washing in small sinks and drying bulky boards also does not add comfort.

In addition to convenience, this advice is relevant when it comes to hygiene. Therefore, experts also recommend having separate cutting boards for meat, fish, vegetables, fruits and bread. Especially if you are a supporter of environmentally friendly materials, and prefer products from natural wood absorbing odors. It is good if the cutting boards are visually different in shape and material of manufacture, so as not to accidentally confuse.

Looking after the board - estimate the place of its storage. If your kitchen is equipped with special hooks, then choose boards with eyelets (to make it convenient to hang).

Well, you can store cutting boards on special stands: convenient, and the design takes up little space.

Types of materials for cutting boards, their pros and cons

Natural wood cutting boards

Wooden cutting boards on today the most familiar and popular. The very sight of a natural warm tree and the natural pattern of its trunk adds this product comfort and warmth. If you decide to stay on a wooden board, then ask the seller what kind of wood the product is made of. Naturally, the tree needs to be chosen stronger. Oak, linden, olive, cedar - these are durable woods for a cutting board. And cedar and olive, in addition to strength, also have bactericidal properties.

Often wooden boards are made from birch and pine. Please note that such boards will quickly lose their original appearance, as scratches and knife marks easily appear on “soft” rocks.

Recently, bamboo boards have become popular. They are comfortable, practical, do not dry out and do not blunt knives.

Separately, it is worth mentioning cutting boards made of hevea (rubber tree). Such products are durable, poorly absorb moisture, and pleasant to the eye.

Wooden boards are made from a single piece of wood and glued from several slats. It's hard to say which one is better. Both of them can serve faithfully for more than one year. But sometimes solid wood boards bend, and slatted boards stick out. And it all depends on the quality of the product - here it’s how lucky.

Advantages of wooden boards:

– environmentally pure material;

- organically look in the kitchen made of natural wood;

- Can be used as a hot plate.

Cons of wooden boards:

- dry out;

- leave traces of cutting objects;

- absorb odors

- are considered unhygienic: cracks clog food particles;

- require careful maintenance.

How to care for wood planks

Wooden boards need careful maintenance. After using the board for cutting meat and fish, wash it with a sponge and brush with detergent, rinse with water and dry. To maintain hygiene, wooden boards are recommended to be regularly doused with boiling water.

For elimination bad smell the board should be wiped with a slice of lemon or acidified water with vinegar.

Plywood cutting boards

Plywood cutting boards are made up of several glued layers of veneer. The plywood board is a budget option wooden board. Plywood does not bend, does not warp. It is strong and durable. However, provided that the material is of excellent quality, certified and, therefore, safe. Some craftsmen make such boards at home, giving them funny shapes. However, opponents of plywood as a cutting board use believe that the formaldehyde resins with which plywood is glued can get into food, and this is unhealthy.

pros plywood board:

low price, availability.

- lightness.


upper layer plywood wears out quite quickly under a knife blade;

— insecurity due to the presence of adhesive components.

Plastic cutting boards

Plastic boards are less popular than wooden boards. However, they have their adherents who consider plastic to be more hygienic than wood. Some plastic cutting boards have a special antibacterial coating and are therefore ideal for cutting meat and fish.

However, by purchasing plastic board pay attention to the quality of the material. Shortly after cutting the products, marks and scratches from knives will appear on low-quality plastic, and the color of the material may fade and lose its original appearance.

Advantages of plastic boards:

- plastic is not subject to deformation (unlike wood) and is well washed;

— plastic boards can be washed in the dishwasher;

- plastic does not dull knives (when compared with glass or ceramics);

- thanks to the flexible material, it is from plastic that transforming boards are made that change shape (and this is additional comfort during cooking).

Cons of plastic boards:

- quite quickly, plastic boards become unsightly, become scratched and rough;

- many do not like to cut food on plastic, considering it not environmentally friendly;

- plastic can not be used as a stand for hot.

Glass cutting boards

Glass boards are popular for their beautiful design and durability. Often they are very picturesque, therefore they simultaneously serve for cutting products and as an independent kitchen decor. Glass is easy to clean and does not absorb odors. However, glass also has disadvantages.

Advantages of glass boards:

- strength and smoothness, as the knife does not leave marks;

Beautiful design;

— durability;

- ease of care;

- hygiene.

Cons of glass boards:

- high price (compared to wooden and plastic ones);

- fragility;

- glass boards are heavy;

- when cutting products, the blade of the knife, in contact with the glass, emits unpleasant sounds;

- Knives dull faster on glass.

stone boards they are usually made of marble, and they have the same advantages and disadvantages as glass ones. They also have similar characteristics ceramic boards.

Combined cutting boards

Not so long ago there were products that combine plastic and wood. So, one plastic side with a beautiful pattern and an antibacterial coating can be used for cutting products with specific odors (meat, fish). Or serve as a serving area. And another surface made of bamboo wood is suitable for cutting bread. Such a universal option, 2 in 1, will last for many years and will be in harmony with the interior of any kitchen.

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Hello everyone, and in today's article we will discuss, how to make a cutting board out of wood with your own hands. I will try to briefly talk about quick methods for making this necessary kitchen cutting attribute. If the old one is cracked and has become inappropriate, then this article is for you.

In order to make a cutting board, we need the following tools.

- A ruler, preferably with a square.
- A simple pencil, soft or hard.
- A compass or ruler with pre-drilled holes.
- A saw or, best of all, a jigsaw.
- A grinder or a set of skins of different grain sizes, from 60 to 220.
- Sanding sponge for finishing.

Preparation of material for the cutting board.

To begin with, prepare necessary material, we chose for this wood. This is classic look material, as it is easy to process, does not spoil or dull knives and is quite strong at the base. There are options for using glass, metal and plastic, but this is possible in the following lessons.

And so we need a simple wooden plank, this can be found, probably, in any household. If you live in an apartment and you don’t have material at hand, then try to go to the nearest construction site. There always remains a couple of pieces after repair and construction work.

Dimensions and design of the cutting board.

The dimensions should be used as follows, the thickness of the product should be 20-40mm, width 200-300mm, and length 400-600mm. After preparing the product, we will draw the future figure. The design will be rectangular, with rounded corners. This is the simplest option, but it is the easiest and most ideal. We take a ruler with an angle, and check our board for distortions and slopes. On one of the long sides along the length, we select a flat plane, relative to which we will make all other measurements.

Having made an even rectangle, we make a roundness along the edges with a radius of 30-50mm. How to make a smooth drawing curved line, for this we use a compass or a ruler with ready-made holes, we will recall the drawing lessons at school. The angle should not be sharp, but also too swirling. If you wish, you can draw a more complex blank, for example, an oval or other shape.

Cutting and sanding wood.

And so, we have a drawing ready and now we need to cut off all the extra ones. To do this, we will use a saw with small teeth or a jigsaw with a curved saw blade. Do not forget about safety measures, use gloves and goggles when working with the tool. Carefully cut out the corners and extra elements according to the applied pencil drawing.

Our cutting board has already become a bit like a beautiful product. But how to make it smoother, without splinters and sawdust. To do this, we need to sand every corner and all sides of our tree. To do this, I use a grinder, but in the absence of such a power tool, you can use simple sandpaper.

To begin with, we take a skin for a tree with a larger grain size, this is 60-80 k. This is done in order to first remove large and convex places on the wood, especially if it has a complex texture. After we take the skin 120 and 220k. Skin each side carefully, take your time and be focused on getting the job done.

Before us is a sanded cutting board made of wood, which is not ashamed to show to my wife. But how to make it more slippery and without small roughness. To do this, we take an abrasive sanding sponge for wood, which can be found in any hardware store. And just like with the skin, process the entire surface of the cutting board.


Well, our cutting board is ready, it remains only to clean it of fine wood dust. This can be done with a brush or a damp cloth. I also recommend wiping the board with mineral oil. This will give a small layer of protection to the wood, and will prevent severe cuts from the knife. Now you know, how to make a cutting board out of wood, and can be taken for more complex details. In the following articles I will definitely write about this, until we meet again.

Wooden cutting board is the perfect choice for the kitchen

A kitchen board is an indispensable attribute of any kitchen, without which no self-respecting cook can do. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of cutting boards made of various materials and with different configurations. Boards can even be built-in and move along the edge of the sink. Everything possible is done so that the cooking process causes only positive emotions. In spite of great amount variety of materials, wooden cutting boards remain the most popular, safe and convenient.

Why is wood the best material?

Wood has always been considered the best natural material for production. kitchen utensils. What is the reason for such popularity? First of all, wood products are distinguished by a special lively warmth, giving positive energy and beneficial to human health.

Products from natural materials environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances, which is very important for the preparation of quality food. Some varieties of trees have an antibacterial effect. Bacteria and fungi do not multiply on cutting boards made from such wood.

Wooden cutting boards serve as a wonderful decoration for the interior of the kitchen and create a cozy atmosphere. decorative look such products are given painting or the new kind decorations - decoupage. You can buy beautiful decorative wooden boards for a gift.

What wood is used to make kitchen boards?

There are more than a thousand species of trees growing on the planet. The wood of many of them is used by a person for personal purposes. Each tree has its own properties and is used for specific purposes. What breeds are used to make cutting boards?

  • Pine

    - inexpensive, but rather soft material, which has curative action. Phytoncides secreted by pine wood kill microbes and have a beneficial effect on human organs. Selection useful substances does not stop even after processing pine. The disadvantage of this lumber is its fragility.
  • Larch

    - a valuable and durable material, resistant to dampness and reproduction of various putrefactive fungi. Beautiful colour and good structure makes larch one of the best materials for making wood cutting boards.
  • Beech

    - solid wood, different pink and unusual pattern. However, beech also has a disadvantage - it absorbs moisture well. That is why beech products are varnished. Cutting boards made from this lumber are used only for cutting dry products.
  • Oak

    - the strongest and most durable material. Oak kitchen board is not afraid of moisture and will serve for a long time. During operation, wood will not emit harmful substances, does not lose its attractive appearance and it cracks and doesn't dry out.
  • Nut

    - moderately solid material, which is easy to process and has a smooth and coarse texture. Kitchen boards made of walnut are not afraid of moisture and have high wear resistance.
  • Ash

    - a material that is not inferior in strength to oak, but has its own characteristics: expressive texture, moisture resistance, resistance to deformation.
  • Cherry

    - beautiful material, possessing high density, which in its decorative qualities surpasses all lumber used for the production of kitchen boards.

Regardless of the type of wood, everything perfectly absorbs odors, so it is recommended to have several boards: for meat, fish, bread and vegetables. It is recommended to purchase a set of cutting boards and use each element strictly for its intended purpose.

A few secrets of choosing a cutting board made of wood

There are several secrets that will help to make right choice. First of all, when buying such a kitchen attribute, you need to carefully look at its appearance. This will allow us to draw some conclusions. So, cutting boards made of natural solid wood have a solid wood pattern.

Gained wide popularity kitchen boards made from narrow strips - plots. Such products will last much longer in the kitchen than solid wood boards with proper care. They cannot be left in a humid environment for a long time, which can lead to delamination and the ingress of wood particles into food.

Professional chefs in most cases use the so-called end cutting boards, in which the fibers are not parallel to the cutting surface, but perpendicular to it. This surface is more durable and strong. Knives when using the end board require less frequent sharpening, which is very important for cooks who prepare dishes throughout the day.

Olive oil is the best material for impregnating kitchen boards

Cutting boards should be impregnated to extend their lifespan. vegetable oils. Olive oil - the best way for impregnation, the use of which will lead to the achievement of the following goals:

  • the appearance of the kitchen board does not deteriorate;
  • no harm to health;
  • increases the service life of the product.

At proper care wooden cutting boards will serve their owners for many years and will make the cooking process enjoyable.

Cutting board - not the best main instrument in the kitchen, but without it it is difficult to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner. We always have to grind, chop, cut, chop, plan and perform many other necessary actions, but a good kitchen board facilitates cooking, affects its taste and appearance.

How many cutting boards are needed in the kitchen?

In some kitchens, you can see one cutting board on which all products are usually cut, but this is very unhygienic. If, after raw or fish, vegetables are cut for salad, then where is the guarantee that microbes and bacteria will not end up in the stomach, even if the board is washed well hot water with detergent? There is another reason why it is advisable to have multiple kitchen boards. If the smells of different products are mixed, then the taste and aroma of the finished dish can be greatly affected. Agree that herring-flavored cheese or garlic-smelling fruits are unlikely to cause appetite during a family dinner. You can, of course, wipe the cutting board with a slice of lemon or rinse it with vinegar, but most The best decision- buy several boards for different products. in the kitchens Catering usually at least twelve boards are used, but minimum set for home cooking - three boards. The first is for bakery products, the second is for cutting fish and meat, the third is for greens, vegetables, fruits, cheese, sausages and other prepared products. Ideally, of course, it is better to work with fish on a separate board, and also have a small board for onions and garlic and a separate one for dough. The number of boards largely depends on the quality of the material, and we will now talk about how to choose a cutting board for the kitchen, what to look for in the store and how to care for this kitchen accessory.

How to choose a cutting board?

The variety of materials from which kitchen boards are made complicates the choice, so it is necessary to understand how the materials differ from each other and what types of food they are intended for. Choosing a cutting board is a whole science that can only be mastered by practice, so we recommend buying several different boards and empirically determine which suits you best.

Environmentally friendly wood

Wooden boards make the kitchen bright and homely. This is a classic that is relevant at all times, although such kitchen appliances have their drawbacks. The cheapest and short-lived option is boards made of soft woods (birch, pine and linden), they quickly wear down, deform from moisture, but do not dull the knives. On these boards, notches from a knife easily appear, through which microbes penetrate. Hard wood (beech, oak, ash, acacia) is not afraid of water, lasts longer, but damages the edge of the knife, oak boards are ideal for chopping meat.

Best modern materials for cutting boards - bamboo and hevea rubber tree. Such boards are very practical, because they do not absorb food odors, do not deform from water and temperature changes, and scratches and cracks do not form on them.

When choosing the right board, pay attention to its side surface, by which it can be concluded whether it is made of solid wood or glued from separate bars. The presence of a wood pattern indicates that you are holding a solid wood board in your hands. If the board has sufficient thickness, the fibers do not go across, but along the board, which means that it will last much longer. It is generally believed that a glued board is more durable and does not deform if it is not left for a long time in a humid environment. However, many housewives are wary of boards made of glued bars, plywood and chipboard - and they are doing the right thing, because with poor-quality gluing, the board can delaminate and glue particles get into food.

Strong and durable plastic

Plastic and polypropylene compete with wood - they do not get wet, do not absorb odors, do not exfoliate, do not wear out and are easy to wash. However, plastic quickly dulls knives, and over time, small cracks form on it - loopholes for bacteria, unless, of course, the board has an antibacterial coating. Significant disadvantages of plastic boards are that they are very unstable on the table, and it is difficult to keep vegetables under the knife, as they slide along plastic surface. For this reason, many manufacturers produce boards with a grooved finish and a rubber backing.

AT this case we are talking about high-quality certified plastic, which is preferred by restaurant chefs. Cheap plastic cutting boards are best not used for cooking, especially if there are children in the house. Plastic cutting boards are also thanks to different color scheme easily fit into any kitchen interior.

Beautiful and practical glass

Glass ceramic cooktops are durable, beautiful and very hygienic. Their disadvantages are heavy weight, fragility, not very pleasant sound when cutting products and very fast wear of the knife blade. On the inside Boards must have anti-slip rubber pads, otherwise it will constantly stick to the table.

And… other materials

For the production of modern cutting boards, they use very unusual materials. Silicone boards are like a soft mat that doesn't absorb odors, is easy to clean, and won't dull knives. It rolls up into a tube, and sliced ​​​​products can be easily poured into dishes. The silicone board is indispensable for picnics and travel - it can be folded compactly and it will fit even in a small bag pocket.

Stone boards made of marble and granite, which have bactericidal properties, are the most durable and very expensive. They are ideal for rolling out dough that is even and thin. On sale you can see kitchen boards made of ceramics, acrylic stone and Japanese tree paulownia, which is popular due to its ease and ease of use.

Cutting boards of the new generation are often combined - for example, a wooden base coated with mesh polyethylene combines the advantages of wood and at the same time keeps knives sharpened for a long time. There are boards containing silver nanoparticles that destroy bacteria - they do not absorb odors, so they do not need to be thoroughly cleaned with detergents.

A few more subtleties

Good housewives have boards of all sizes in the kitchen for a different number of products, and the shape of the board (rectangular, oval, square, round, trapezoid) depends on personal preferences. Optimal dimensions boards - 20 × 30 cm, for meat and fish - 30 × 50 cm, for dough - 50 × 75 cm. It has been experimentally established that if the size is “correct”, then it is convenient to cut the products, and the knife quietly slides over the surface. Thin boards up to 1 cm thick are suitable for light loads, while meat, steaks and chops are best cooked on a board 3–4 cm thick.

Now boards are sold in the form of fruits, vegetables, fish - and not only for a beautiful kitchen interior, but not to confuse which board is intended for which type of products. Boards made to strict standards (they are usually purchased for catering establishments) are labeled accordingly: CM (raw meat), SK ( raw chicken), SR ( raw fish), VM (boiled meat), VC (boiled chicken), VR (boiled fish), SB (raw vegetables), VO (boiled vegetables), RG (fish gastronomy), MG (meat gastronomy), M (butter), X (bread and pastries), C (cheese).

Many boards have convenient handles, a hanging ring and grooves for collecting juice. In stores you can also see sets of several boards on convenient stand. Choose what makes your life comfortable!

How to care for a cutting board?

Proper use of a cutting board not only increases its lifespan, but is also part of food hygiene. The fact is that the board can become a source of bacteria that penetrate into small cracks, which endangers the health of the whole family.

Plastic, plywood and glass boards should be washed with hot soapy water, then wiped dry and dried thoroughly. Wooden boards should be periodically scraped with a knife and scalded with boiling water for disinfection. Under no circumstances should they be placed in dishwasher because they swell with moisture. Do not store wooden boards next to the stove, otherwise the wood will crack.

A new wooden board is recommended to be lightly cleaned with fine sandpaper and carefully grease with edible mineral oil (vegetable ones deteriorate over time) - several times every three hours. The oil will gradually fill the pores of the wood and will protect the wood from bacteria and moisture, and such a board will last longer.

Perfectly disinfects the surface of food vinegar, which effectively removes all foreign odors, as well as lemon, salt and baking soda. Cutting boards should not be stored in the dish dryer due to high humidity- it is better to find a place for them on the wall or on special kitchen shelves with cells. At the same time, make sure that the boards do not touch each other and that water does not accumulate under them, otherwise mold will appear. With proper care, the cutting board will last a long time and retain its attractiveness.

Chopping boards made of wood, decorated with carvings, paintings, ornaments, burning or an artificial grid of small cracks (craquelures), are more decorative accessories that make the kitchen cozy and warm. The one where you want to gather with the whole family, drink tea with pies, remember the past day and enjoy life.

Today you can find kitchen utensils for every taste, and boards are no exception. We hope that our advice will help you make the right choice.

A cutting board is an indispensable accessory in the kitchen of any housewife. It is mainly used for slicing vegetables and butchering meat. Some types are made for serving, as a stand for hot dishes and for serving dishes to the table.

Souvenir varnished cutting boards are designed to decorate the walls in the kitchen. However modern masters began to produce such accessories with the possibility of their further use in everyday life. One side of the souvenir board is decorated with carvings and ornaments, and the other side is pure wood.

Traditionally it is believed that the shape of the cutting board should be square or rectangular, but today it can be purchased absolutely different kind: oval, round, contour resembling an apple, a fish, and so on.

In order not to tediously look for a cutting board that suits you in stores, you can make it yourself to your taste.

To cut meat, it is recommended to use dense and heavy boards. For cutting vegetables and herbs - small mobile and multifunctional. Better to have in your kitchen full set boards different sizes and destinations. According to the classification, the boards are divided into the following types: cutting, decorative, decoupage and carved.

  1. End boards. They are most popular for butchering meat. On such a board, you can cook chops or entrecote. The board is able to withstand blows with a chop hammer. Oak end board is particularly durable and dulls the edge of knives much less than ordinary boards.
  2. Cutting board made of solid beech, pine, birch and bamboo.

The most budget option pine board. This board is easy to process and has low hardness.

Birch and beech boards win in quality due to their hardness and strength. But their minus is excessive hygroscopicity. Moisture is detrimental to such boards.

Chinese-made bamboo cutting board is less popular, but its cost is much less than the price of oak or birch.

Raw material for making cutting board

Before you make a cutting board with your own hands, you need to choose the material. For these purposes, raw materials from wood, silicone, plastic, stone and glass ceramics are used.

  1. Wood. AT hardware store most often you can see beech, oak or pine cutting surfaces. It should be noted that such surfaces are only suitable for cutting bread or dry vegetables, since the wood of the above varieties is quickly destroyed by moisture.

Bamboo kitchen boards are different high strength and pressure resistance. Moisture resistant, perfectly washed and do not absorb food odors.

Acacia and oak cutting boards are the choice of professionals. Their advantage is high quality. The disadvantage is the cost.

Care. A wooden cutting board cannot be washed in a dishwasher. It should be rinsed under the tap, but should not be soaked in the sink. Once a week, the tree must be wiped with vinegar essence to get rid of germs.

  1. A rock. Marble, granite and stone cutting surfaces look very impressive. Marble has bactericidal properties, does not tolerate too hot objects on its surface and treatment with acid-containing substances.

A stone cutting board is ideal for rolling out dough, which is evenly thin on it.

Care. The stone surface must be periodically cleaned of blockage, as this material must "breathe". With proper maintenance, stone cutting boards can last a long time.

Plastic. In this case, you should choose only high-quality plastic, which has heat-resistant and moisture-resistant properties. board from good plastic more durable and hygienic. If you are going to make a plastic board yourself, then choose a colorless material that does not contain toxic substances.

Care. Plastic can be washed in a dishwasher. After cutting meat or fish, the plastic board should be washed liquid agent for dishes. And for disinfection, you can put it in the microwave for 2 minutes along with a glass of water.

  1. Silicone. Silicone kitchen cutting surfaces have long gained their popularity in the kitchen utensils market. Silicone does not slip on the surface of the table, does not absorb odors from food and does not dull the edge of the knife. It is convenient to store it rolled up. A silicone mat does not differ in its functions from a traditional wooden board.

Care. The silicone mat should be washed with an acid-free detergent. It can also be immersed in the dishwasher. This material withstands both high and low temperatures.

  1. Glass ceramics. A cutting board made from this material is durable and impact resistant. It is easy to clean, withstands high temperatures and does not absorb food odors at all. Not great for kitchen use. practical option, as the knife quickly becomes dull on the glass surface. A glass-ceramic board is ideal as a decoration for a kitchen interior and a hot stand.

Care. To be washed in a dishwasher.

You can see what traditional cutting boards look like in the photo below.

Cutting board design

The design of the cutting board can be very diverse. If you are looking for unusual shapes- take note of a few design decisions.

  1. Classic wooden board with liquid drain, metal edging and space for a knife.
  2. Retractable cutting board. Attaches to cabinet and pulls out when needed.
  3. Rectangular board with removable plates. When the products are cut, you just need to move them with a knife into one of the plates.
  4. There are also cutting boards with drawers for scraps and trash.

Making one of these cutting boards with your own hands will be somewhat more difficult than the usual one. But if you have the desire and knowledge, you can make such a design option.

DIY wooden cutting board

A plywood cutting board is a more traditional option. It is practical and easy to use in the kitchen. In our case, the technology for manufacturing boards from birch plywood is presented.

For work you will need:

  • pencil;
  • sample;
  • workbench and hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • vise.

Before you start creating a kitchen accessory, you need to sketch out a drawing of a cutting board.

  1. Prepare a birch board 12 mm thick and carefully mark the contours of the board on it with a pencil according to the template.
  2. Using a hacksaw, cut the product along the contour.
  3. On the board, mark the place for the hole with an awl and drill it with a drill.
  4. Clamp the product in a vice and file clean its surface with a file. Round the edges a little.
  5. You can decorate the outside of the board if you wish. watercolor paints and varnish it.

Cutting board on supports

Making a cutting board with your own hands is not difficult. However, it will be a little more difficult to make its design with supports and a notch for the plate. According to the presented drawing, you can visualize the design of the future cutting board.

For work you will need:

  • oak blanks for a shield (40x33x3 cm);
  • 2 oak boards for supports (10x33x3 cm);
  • PVA glue;
  • sandpaper.

The dimensions of the homemade cutting board are calculated for a plate with a diameter of 25 cm and a height of about 10 cm. You can use the dimensions provided, or you can create a board for such a plate, which you will be comfortable using in the future.

  1. Three planed oak plates are glued together into a shield.
  2. When the shield dries out of it, it is necessary to cut out a blank for the board. Length 40 cm, width - 33 cm.
  3. From one edge of the workpiece with a pencil and a compass, it is necessary to draw a semicircle. You can use an appropriate plate instead of a compass. After 10 mm from the dotted line, draw a smaller semicircle parallel to it. This is shown in the figure above.
  4. Cut out a smaller semicircle with a jigsaw.
  5. On the back of the board, mark the places for the supports and cut them out with a carpenter's chisel. Glue the supports cut out of oak into the resulting grooves.
  6. Sand the surface of the cutting board carefully with sandpaper.
  7. Soak the tree first olive oil, and then - varnish everything except the working surface of the board.

An oak cutting board with supports and a recess for a bowl is ready. When the varnish dries, you can start using the board.

To prevent the cutting surface from retaining the smell of fish, grease the wood with half a lemon and rinse with hot water. Cutting meat, cutting vegetables and bread on the same board is not recommended. For each purpose, it is necessary to use a board for a specific purpose.

You can see in detail how to make a cutting board at home in the video.

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