Peppers stuffed with chicken and cheese, recipe with photo. How to cook stuffed peppers with minced chicken and rice

The buildings 18.10.2019
The buildings

Once upon a time, at the very beginning of the appearance of the site, I already shared a recipe for stuffing peppers on hastily- there was described a recipe for stuffed peppers with raw rice and minced meat. I cooked such pepper when I had only two days off, on which I had to have time to wash, stroke, clean the apartment, put myself in order, skimp for a week. Thank the Lord God that today I no longer live the life when you sleep no more than 6 hours a day, and you fall from fatigue, and by Friday, no, even by Wednesday, you already think badly, moreover, in the morning, and constantly spinning head and wadded legs. Finally, God had mercy on me and sent me the realization that I was living wrong, put into my brain the idea of ​​how to redo my life in order to be in time for everything, not to rush anywhere, not to be late anywhere, sleep 8 hours and feel good. In this mode, you can already cook the pepper in a completely different way, for example, stuff the pepper with minced chicken with rice boiled in advance. The recipe for this pepper tastes just royal! But you need to cook it only when there is time and inspiration.

Preparing Chicken Stuffed Peppers:
1. Bulgarian pepper (the fruits should not be too large and preferably not crumpled or twisted), gutted, cutting off the “ass” with the stalk and taking out the seeds. My under running water not only inside, but also outside.

2. I have been pre-boiling rice since the evening of the previous day. I prefer to take rice for stuffing peppers round, pour water in a ratio of 1: 1.5 (I take 1.5 cups of water for 1 cup of raw rice). I wash the rice well beforehand, bay cold water a little salt. I don’t interfere with rice during the cooking process, I just turn down the fire as soon as it boils (I cook it in a stainless steel saucepan on a coffee burner gas stove). I watch how moisture is absorbed and immediately turn it off.

3. I rub the carrots on a grater, and I cut a medium-sized onion into small cubes. I saute these vegetables in vegetable oil until tender.

4. Pour a couple of glasses of boiled rice into a deep bowl, add the cooked fry to it.

5. Add raw chicken mince to rice.

6. I grind dill and parsley, finely chop the garlic cloves, add spicy greens to the minced meat.

7. Now I add ground black pepper and salt to the minced meat.

8. At this stage, it is necessary to thoroughly knead the minced meat with your hands so that all components are distributed evenly.

9. I stuff the pepper "to the eyeballs" - so that there are no voids in it, first I squeeze a little minced meat with my finger into the spout of the pepper, and then I stuff the rest of the space.

10. I put the pepper stuffed with minced chicken into a saucepan - wide and roomy - in an arbitrary way. That is, it is not necessary to install it strictly vertically with the holes up, even if it lies horizontally, the filling from it will not go anywhere.

11. Add to the pot with pepper Bay leaf and peas of allspice.

12. Top the pepper with 1-2 tablespoons of any ketchup.

13. In a cup, I mix a tablespoon of tomato paste with salt and sugar, dilute it with water and pour this solution into a saucepan with pepper. I add water so that the pepper is almost completely submerged in water.

14. I put the pepper stuffed with minced chicken on the fire, and from the moment of boiling I make the fire weaker and stew for 40-45 minutes. At this time, incredible smells of spices and spices, the smell of pepper and meat itself, are spreading through the kitchen, causing a crazy appetite!

15. When the pepper is ready, I divide it into portions and serve it to the table.

It is better to cut a hot pepper stuffed with minced chicken - this way it will cool faster. And it’s also very tasty to pour this whole thing with mayonnaise! Bon appetit!

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Peel onions and carrots. Cut the onion into small cubes, and grate the carrots on a medium grater.

Pour vegetable oil into a preheated pan, put carrots and onions, fry them, stirring, over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

Put half of the fried vegetables to minced meat.

Put the tomato juice with vegetables on low heat and, stirring, boil for 10 minutes.

Rinse rice 3-4 times with cold water and lay out to minced meat. Rice does not need to be cooked first. To taste, add salt and ground allspice to the minced meat, mix thoroughly.

Prepare the whole pepper for stuffing, freeing from the seed box.

Stuff all the peppers tightly with the prepared filling of chicken, fried vegetables and rice. In a deep pan, "put" the peppers next to each other, as in the photo.

Similarly, put the second row of stuffed peppers into the pan from above.

Pour the prepared tomato sauce on top and cold water(the liquid should completely cover all the peppercorns), add more salt and ground black pepper to taste. Cover the saucepan with a lid.

Put the pan on the fire, after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook for 45 minutes.

Delicious, juicy, fragrant peppers stuffed with chicken and rice, put on a dish, sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve hot.

Optionally, as an addition to the peppers, you can pour tomato sauce in which they were cooked.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!


  • 4 large bell peppers;
  • 350 g chicken fillet;
  • 2-3 small tomatoes;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream;
  • 100-150 g of hard cheese;
  • 1/2 small zucchini;
  • Salt, pepper, turmeric;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil.

Stuffed peppers are a dish common in many cuisines of the world. Bulgarians, Moldavians, Romanians and Azerbaijanis cook it and consider it “their own”. Traditionally, minced beef (or lamb, as in Azerbaijani cuisine), rice and tomatoes are used for stuffing. Cut off the pepper upper part, clean it from grains, partitions and fill it. The cut top is used as a lid, which, when cooked, does not allow the filling to come out through the edges of the pepper. This recipe is well known to everyone modern hostess due to ease of preparation, the possibility of harvesting for the future (by freezing) and excellent taste. But the imagination of chefs is limitless and there is no limit to perfection. So let me introduce you a variation classic recipe stuffed peppers with chicken fillet and vegetables. The pepper is cut in half and stuffed. With this method of cooking, outwardly it looks much more appetizing and festive, therefore, by serving this dish to the table, you will surprise your guests with its simplicity and elegance. Chicken in pepper turns out to be very tender, and in alliance with vegetables, it is soaked in their juice. The culmination of the taste is a crispy cheese crust covering the peppers.

Another significant difference is cooking in the oven. At the same time, the taste of the pepper itself is significantly different from the one that was cooked. It ceases to be just a shell, which some do not even eat if the pepper is ineptly prepared. Roasted peppers give the dish a zest, a unique flavor note.

How to cook peppers stuffed with chicken and vegetables:

  1. Cut the washed and dried peppers in half, keeping the tails. Carefully clean out the seeds and cut out the partitions.
  2. Chicken fillet rinse under running water, dry and chop into small pieces (2×2 cm).
  3. Peel the onion. Chop it into cubes. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes as well.

  4. Peel the zucchini, remove the seeds (if the zucchini is not young). Finely chop it.
  5. Put the prepared vegetables and fillets in a container. Salt, add sour cream, spices and mix. Delicate zucchini and juicy tomatoes will add spice to the dish and make it juicy. Although if there was no zucchini at hand, it is quite possible to do without it.

  6. Stuff the bell peppers with the finished filling, carefully applying it with a teaspoon. Moisten a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place stuffed peppers in it. Send the form with peppers to the oven (t = 180-200? C) for half an hour.

  7. Grind the cheese with a large grater.
  8. Remove stuffed pepper halves and sprinkle with grated cheese. Return the pan to the oven for another 10-15 minutes. During this time, the cheese will melt, bake slightly and form a beautiful appetizing crust over the filling.
  9. Peppers stuffed with chicken and vegetables are ready! Bon appetit!

Today we create stuffed peppers chicken breast We are preparing for the New Year in advance. How? After all, two more weeks. It's simple: our dish can be frozen and baked in the oven or boiled in a saucepan / slow cooker an hour before the feast. Bright, colorful, tasty food without effort and cost will stun guests with aroma and presentability.

We take in the piggy bank of New Year's dishes. Classic combination bell peppers, chicken meat and (if desired) rice with carrots, onions, tomatoes and cheese - what you need for a hearty meal.

What are peppers stuffed with chicken breast

There are several varieties of appetizing dishes.

  1. Peppers are baked in the oven, stewed in water or sour cream and tomato sauce in a saucepan (slow cooker).
  2. As a meat component, pieces of chicken breast or minced meat made from it are added.
  3. Halves of peppers are stuffed (for baking) or whole fruits (suitable for stewing).

How to diversify the taste of the dish

Additional components are the following products:

  • rice, buckwheat;
  • zucchini, tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • oranges, walnuts.

The last option is the most exotic. Peppers stuffed with chicken breast and oranges are very interesting. The boats are filled with fried chicken fillet pieces, chopped walnuts, orange pulp and cottage cheese mixed with egg and semolina/flour. Bake for half an hour at 210 degrees.

How food is served

Ready-made boats are laid out on portioned plates, poured with sour cream sauce (with or without garlic). They can put it side by side in gravy boats. Sprinkle with herbs.

Peppers Stuffed with Chicken Breast and Rice

Boiled half-cooked rice (200 g) is cooled by putting in a colander.

We wash six whole peppers (frozen or fresh) without seeds and stalks.

For the filling, stew for twenty minutes grated carrots (1 pc.), Cut into pieces onion(1 pc.), chicken breast pieces (200 g), one tablespoon of tomato paste, salt, spices.

Mix chicken and vegetable goulash with rice. Fill the peppers with this mixture. We put them stuffing up in a suitable pan, fill it completely with water. Cover and simmer for forty minutes. Ready-made snacks are served with tomato or sour cream sauce.


The same stuffed peppers can be frozen by placing them in cling film and boiled or baked just before the holiday.

Option 2 - peppers stuffed with chicken breast and cheese

For eight peppers we take 400 g of chicken breast and 200 g of cheese. We prepare paprika in the standard way: clean, wash. Tails without seeds can be left for beauty or removed. Here the choice is up to the owner.

Cut the chicken fillet into cubes by a centimeter or smaller. Can be twisted into minced meat. Fry immediately or after marinating in Provence herbs.

Onions / carrots (2/2) pass through. We rub the cheese on a grater.

We mix all the ingredients, salt. Add two or three tablespoons of sour cream, mix and fill the boats (or whole fruits) with this mixture. Spread on a greased baking sheet and bake for forty minutes at 190 degrees.


Again, prepared paprika with filling can be frozen and baked before the New Year.

Option 3 - pepper halves stuffed with chicken breast

For five peppers we take 300 g of chicken meat. We prepare, following the recommendations above.

Onion (one) cut into half rings. Blanched tomatoes (2 pcs.), Zucchini (1 pc.) Cut into cubes. Breast pieces. Mix everything with salt, spices, mayonnaise (yogurt), herbs. We fill the boats with stuffing. Lay out on an oiled baking sheet. Bake at 200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Ten minutes before cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese.

  • You can freeze halves of peppers stuffed with chicken breast and tomatoes. It will be convenient to bake them before the feast.
  • It’s nice to put two circles of fresh tomato on each blank before baking. Sprinkle with cheese ten minutes before cooking. This option looks very impressive.

Option 4 - how to cook peppers stuffed with chicken breast and mushrooms

We stuff all the same boats with julienne and get an archival dish.

For 6 paprikas we take 200 g of mushrooms, one onion, 250 g of chicken fillet. Cut peppers into halves, clean, wash.

In a frying pan, fry chicken pieces (cubes 10 mm in size), quarters of mushrooms (leave a few whole for decoration), onion half rings. After 10 minutes, add salt, spices, sour cream (3 tablespoons). We mix everything (except five to seven whole mushrooms) with grated cheese (200 g). We fill the boats with this mixture. Put on a baking sheet greased with oil. We bake for half an hour. When serving, decorate with herbs and whole fried mushrooms.

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Stuffed peppers can rightly be called a universal dish, count three-in-one. Here and salad, and meat, and a side dish, and sauce. And don't say it's fast food. not easy, given the variety of toppings and sauces, this is generally often a field for fantasy.

Now few chefs adhere to culinary traditions and canons, for the most part each chef has an individual reference book in his head, usually consisting of his own delusions and fantasies. Although, I do not argue, usually everything is very tasty and unusual.

Stuffing is extremely widely used in world cuisines, and often turned into an end in itself for cooks. Previously, the ability to stuff was a criterion for assessing the skill of a cook.

For example, in Bulgaria - a favorite place summer holiday, stuffed pepper I tried different and everywhere. Frankly, I thought it was already difficult to surprise me with this dish, but every time there was something new in a new place.

Once I tried and then made myself an amazing sour milk based ready-to-eat stuffed mince. Another discovery was peppers stuffed with chicken and rice in a light tomato sauce or sour cream.

How to cook stuffed peppers


  • Bulgarian pepper 6 pcs
  • Chicken fillet 1 pc
  • Rice 0.5 cup
  • Onion 2 pcs
  • homemade tomato juice 2 glasses
  • Vegetable oil 50 ml
  • Sour cream to taste
  • Salt, ground black pepper, sweet red pepper, savory, sugar Spices
  1. Wash the pepper and remove the seeds, partitions and roots, being careful not to damage the fruit itself. Just a little grease outer surface vegetable oil.

    bell peppers for stuffing

  2. Put the prepared peppers in a plastic bag and bake in microwave oven within 10 min.

    Bake Peppers in the Microwave

  3. Then take the still hot peppers out of the microwave and leave in polyethylene until cool. This is important for subsequent cleaning from the outer shell.
  4. Rice is better to take small and crumbly. Cook rice until fully cooked in large numbers water. Then put the rice in a colander and rinse.

    Chicken fillet, rice, onion

  5. Grind the chicken fillet with a meat grinder to make minced chicken.
  6. Peel the onion, chop it not very large and fry in vegetable oil until golden color.

    Fry the onion until golden brown

  7. Add minced chicken to fried onions. Fry the onion and chicken for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Add salt, savory, paprika to taste and pepper with black pepper. For my taste, you can add a lot of savory, it is very fragrant and gives the dish an exquisite taste.

    Add minced chicken to fried onions

  8. Thoroughly mix the minced meat until smooth and add the boiled rice. Mix the minced meat with rice, reduce the heat to a minimum and, covering the pan with a lid, simmer the minced meat for 15 minutes.

    Thoroughly mix the minced meat until smooth and add boiled rice

  9. Stuff the baked unpeeled peppers with minced meat.

    Stuff baked unpeeled peppers with minced meat

  10. Next, peppers stuffed with chicken must be cleaned of the outer film. A little trick: you need to peel only after the peppers are stuffed with minced meat, then they keep their shape and are not damaged.
  11. Put the peppers in a preheated pan with a little vegetable oil.

    Put the peppers on the hot skillet.

  12. Saute peppers over medium heat until lightly browned.

    Roast peppers over medium heat

  13. Pour 2 cups of natural (homemade) into a saucepan with peppers tomato juice. Alternatively, you can use fresh tomatoes. It is better not to use tomato paste. Add 1 tsp. sugar, salt, pepper to taste and add hot water from a teapot so that the pepper is half immersed in tomato sauce.

    Pour 2 cups of natural tomato juice into a saucepan with peppers

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