Japanese art of growing miniature trees. How to grow bonsai: miniature garden on the windowsill

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Bonsai - grown in the tray miniature copies of real trees. Translated from the Japanese bonsai means "grown in the tray." The concept of this art came to Japan from China more than a thousand years ago and since then is constantly evolving. It is in Japan that Bonsai grew up to the level of graceful art.

There are many techniques trimming roots and branches that allow you to regulate the growth of the plant, while maintaining natural proportions. Usually in the art of growing bonsai, trees such as pines, sakura, maples or fruit trees, such as Quince, are used.

Bonsai styles

There are many styles of art bonsai. The most famous are considered:

  • formal straight style
  • informal straight style
  • inclined style - growing at an angle to the ground tree with a direct barrel,
  • cascade - imitation of a tree growing in water,
  • semi-skill style - imitation of a tree with partially flooded or covered ground with a barrel,
  • the style of "root on the stone" - the tree grows over a stone protruding from the ground, the roots flourish the stone.

  • along with the trees themselves, trays and stones are important elements of the bonsai art. However, unlike China, in Japan, less bright trays are chosen, most often use dark or earthy color.
  • to enjoy the art of bonsai for all the rules, you must first look at the composition from above and evaluate a general view. Then it is necessary to be bowed to the level of the composition and try to imagine himself a small looking at a tree from the "natural" environment.

Where you can see bonsai in japan

One of the best places to get acquainted with the art of Bonsai in Japan - Bonsai Village Omilocated in the site prefecture. The village is a nursery Bonsai, which was moved to the site from Tokyo after the Great Earthquake Kanto (1923). The village also has a magnificent museum of art Bonsai.

Another great place for Bonsai lovers - Bonsai Village in Kinasi.Located in Takamatsu. Kinasi - leading manufacturer of trees for bonsai. There are more than 30 nurseries here.

Bonsai is the art of growing miniature trees. This art came to Japan from China over a thousand years, but it was in Japan that the art of growing dwarf trees has reached its perfection and completion. And today Bonsai is associated with the country of the rising sun. The word bonsai consists of two hieroglyphs and literally means a bloom and tree, a tree grown in a blue.

Bonsai create for loving, contemplation and aesthetic effect. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, many rich EDO families (now Tokyo) have grown plants in small containers, but only in the eighteenth century, the cultivation of miniature trees began to turn into art. The appearance of the miniature tree began to attach great importance and form in accordance with certain rules, so the styles appeared, which later became classic.

Only rich families could be afforded to growing Bonsai earlier, a lot of time was held behind this entertaining and labor-intensive occupation. Then gradually the passion for Bonsai passed to the Samurai family, and then became a massive hobby.

The mention of Bonsai is found in the early stages of the history of Japan, so in the 14th century a play is written about the poor expelled Samurai, who lived far in the mountains, and to whom the tired and frozen travelers knocked in bad weather. The samurai had no firewood to dry out the extended traveler and he used his three bonsis as a firewood. Chagun turned out to be tired travelers, who subsequently restored a samurai and gave him the land ukey(plum) , Matsu.(Pine) and Sakur.(Cherry), in the amount and title of bonsai burned. In the following years, artists have repeatedly created engravings based on this popular drama.

In the 17th century, there were stories that Syugun Iamitsa Tokugawa paid so much time to grow bonsai that his adviser was forced to remove these trees as far as possible, but it did not stop the sogun and he continued to create forms of miniature trees.

In the 18th century, Bonsai had already been interested in a large number of people and the annual exhibitions of miniature trees were held in Kyoto, new types of bonsai were delivered to each such exhibition. In 1829, the first book was published, in which the technique of growing miniature trees - Bonsai is considered as art.

Emperor Maidie showed great interest in the art of Bonsai and tried to warm up interest in the bonsai of the people around him. Those officials who have not shown proper interest in Bonsai fell into disfavor. So the art of Bonsai, wanted one or no minister, became an integral part of their life and the new tradition of Japan. The Government Palace of Maidzi both inside and outside was tired of miniature trees.

The cultivation of dwarf trees is a complex and time-consuming occupation. Bonsai These are real trees taken from nature and with the help of certain ways, transformed into small copies of their large fellow.

For Bonsai use different types of trees, evergreen coniferous trees are very popular, such as: pine, juniper, cypress, fir, fir. Along with classic bonsai, trees are used: maples (Momigi), Cherry (Sakura), plums, apricot, beech, acacia, azalea and many other types of trees and shrubs.

There are several styles of Bonsai:

formal straight style (CHEKKAN), the widest trunk at the base, which narrows to the top of the tree

informal straight (Moi) - branches and trunk can be a bit twisted, but the top of the tree is always located directly perpendicular to the base of the barrel and the earth

Dual trunk (Socan), this style is a composition of two centers with one common crown

Cascade style (Kengai) - imitates trees that grow in nature on the slopes of mountains or on the banks of the river above the water. In this case, the vertex of the tree is lowered much lower than the soil in which the tree is placed. A similar to the previous style - the style of the half-cup (Khan-Kengai), the top of the tree remains at the level of the soil, in which the tree itself is located

The combined root (Netsunagari) - with this style, the part of the barrel is covered with the ground and the branches of one tree look like separate trees.

There are still many interesting styles of bonsai, which will be discussed later.

Bonsai is not a houseplant, therefore it is preferable that they grow in natural conditions, that is, in the fresh air. In winter, a special care for trees is required and, accordingly, the tree can grow on the street in case if it is its native climate, if necessary, wood is placed in an additional container or shelted roots to the first twins. Bonsai loves the sun and light, under such conditions it can adapt to room conditions.

Literary style (BUNGINI) - characterized by naked, as a rule, distorted trunk and minimal amount of foliage in the top of the tree.

Bonsai sizes can be from tiny - up to 2.5 centimeters to huge (according to Bonsai) - more than a meter.

In Bonsai, everything is important, not only the shape, but also pots, which must be harmonized with the overall composition, stones, imitating mountains and rocks. At the same time, in contrast to the Chinese style, the Japanese believe that ceramic pots for bonsai should not be bright and prefer earthen or dark colors.

Fashion, hobby, art, philosophy, path ... Everyone who begins to grow bonsai growing, finds its meaning in this amazing phenomenon of Japanese culture. For some it is an opportunity to remove stress and distract from everyday worries, for others - a successful commercial enterprise, for third - ascent to harmony, penetration into the essence of things and comprehend the laws of the universe.

Reduced copy of the wild tree - something more than room vegetation grown by the sake beautiful leaf and colors. This is a kind of manifesto life, the result of the struggle for survival. Bonsai teaches optimism, patience, concentration and resistance, no wonder these decorative compositions were so widespread in the circle of Zen monks and samurai.

Everything is alive stray, but the older the tree, with great respect we look at it. Contemporary bonsai, you can go to the imaginary journey, scrub around the rocks to the waterfall, see the great in small. And the tree - absorbs our views, love, admiration and is responsible. With proper care, it can live hundreds of years and become a lively symbol that is binder, transmitting other characters to the sense and mood of the creator.

II: Bonsai Story

The Japanese were not the first to begin to grow miniature trees, their cultivation was still engaged in Egyptian priests, as evidenced by the drawings found in the ancient tombs. They depict small trees in containers placed around the temples.

Wearing Hindus, practitioners of Ayurveda, used pots for the transport of certain healing seedlings. To simplify transportation, plants and trees are constantly cutting. Lekari quickly noticed that with such an appeal, the leaves of the tree become smaller, the branches begin to be placed more tightly, and all of it decreases in size.

But the closest relative of the Japanese bonsai is art that appeared in China during the board of the Tang dynasty (618-907) and the named pEN-CAIor Penndzhing. Nowadays, in the Shanghai Botanical Garden, you can see images of a reduced landscape and a tree in a bowl that decorated the burial of Prince Zhang Haya, who deceased in 706. However, there is evidence that such trees were grown in the subway and to the Tang dynasty.

According to one of the versions, the art of Pennetzhin arose from the nostalgia of both the rich and poor rural residents that flowed out of the villages in the densely populated cities of China. In close conditions of the new house, the immigrants tried to keep the memory of native places. They broke small gardens, resurrecting familiar from childhood. At the same time, some trees specially planted into separate vessels so that they can be moved by changing the entire composition. Gardeners had to restrain the growth of particularly large copies and work on their form.

Of course, kindergarten in the city could afford a few. Most were content with the fact that you can take one glance with a small tree in an elegant vase. Some compositions were so beautiful that they began to specially produce for sale.

Gradually, the cultivation of miniature trees began to turn into a separate direction of art - with their canons, schools, branches. The variety of climatic zones, specific vegetation in each of them contributed to the emergence of various directions of pendine. All over the country, the Master worked with local materials that defined their style and technique. Two main varieties of Pennetzhin were distinguished: chanceand noise.The first depicted a mountain landscape in which the tree is not a mandatory element or plays a minor role. Shummait assumed the use of one or more trees as a mandatory dominant - it is considered the prototype of Bonsai in Japan.

The country of the Rising Sun Penndzhing brought in the 6th century from China followers of the teachings of Zen Buddhism, often used miniature trees during meditation. In fairness it is worth noting that Penndzhing borrowed other Asian countries, for example, Vietnam, but precisely thanks to the Japanese masters, the culture of growing miniature trees turned into a whole philosophy. Looking ahead, let's say that the centuries later, in the 20th century, the Japanese even contributed to the revival of Penndzhin traditions in China itself, where they were mercilessly exterminated during the years of the communist regime.

Peneting in Japan, Penndzhing until the XII century remained the prerogative of monks, but then the miniature trees moved from the temples to the Palaces of Aristocracy and at the Samurai House, which documentary evidence was preserved. Among illustrations to the book Amazing stories about Kasuga Gonggandated 1303 year, there are pictures that already meet modern ideas About bonsai. And in the poem Pine in the blueIn addition to the same period, the majestic image of a tree is chanting, which "and in thousands of years, in old age, is striking the beauty of green needles." Word bonsth in those times was not used, compositions made of decorative plants or trees called hatiue,and the principles and methods of their compilation were very different from modern traditions. Masters khatiue Not yet created masterpieces of a given form with deep internal symbolism.

From the second half of XV and to early XVII century Japan entered the era Warring kingdoms.Battles distracted samurai and know, interest in the entire graceful returned only at the end of the Board of Clan Tokugawa (1603-1868). The rulers of this period contributed to the development of art borrowed from China, especially the third Songun Iamitsa, famous for a very turbulent secular life (I623-I65i). He gathered a large collection of miniature trees that Seven Samurai guarded during the day and night.

The beginning of the Meiji period (1868-1912) was marked by the statement in the Japanese language bonsth along with S. Khatiue. These years to the compilation decorative compositions Promotes and ordinary citizens. Most often they used pine, juniper, cryptomy and plum. In the spring of 1892, an exhibition of Bonsai was opened in one of the Tokyo restaurants - the first one in the world. From this point on, the cultivation of miniature trees is being built in Japan into the rank of national art, they collect them, are presented as an expensive gift, transmitted by inheritance as a family relic that binds generations.

At the beginning of the 20th century, many specialized publications appear special attention on the development of Bonsai technology. Throughout Japan, professionals and lovers strive for improving skill. Exhibitions are held every month, created Society for promoting the development of a bonsj..

After the terrible earthquake of 1923, thirty Japanese masters moved from Tokyo to the northeast of the country in the forest area at Omia, where he arose Village Bonsth. Soon she turned into the center of growing miniature trees, where professionals and lovers from around the world began to come.

In the spring of 1934, several compositions of Japanese masters were exhibited among artistic masterpieces in the Tokyo Museum of Fine Arts. Since then, this exposition has become regular. And three years later, the 50 miniature trees won gold at the World Exhibition in Paris.

With the end of World War II, Bonsai learned in the new world. Oriental Dicks brought American soldiers in the US who returned home from the occupied Japan. The spread of Japanese national arts around the world contributed to the emergence of fundamentally new technologies, namely, the use of wire, with which the formation is much easier to form the composition than when using trimming and stretching.

After the Olympic Games in Tokyo and the International Exhibition in the city of Osaka, where 1190 magnificent samples were presented, Japanese national art was finally made by world culture.

At the end of the 20th century, a real commercial boom rolled over Europe, the bonsai passion reached the peak and in the old and in the new world. In all countries, clubs, unions, associations and, of course, experienced masters appeared. The cultivation of miniature trees has become a serious business, prices for some copyright copies rose in the 80s of the last century to 2,000,000 dollars.

In Russia, the first bonsai appeared in 1976. At the initiative of the spouse of the Ambassador of Japan, Ms. Sigemitsa, the chief botanical garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences received a collection of 44 miniature trees as a gift. Employees of the Botanical Garden not only cared for them, but also worked out the technique of growing bonsai from the cute Russian heart of birch and pine.

Soon the popular Soviet magazine Science and lifeposted by photos I. summary Bonsai care. The three million edition of the publication contributed to the most broad masses of our compatriots to the Japanese cultural tradition. Since then, this interest is not weakened, especially now, with the opening of the world, with new features.

III: Bonsai Styles

Strict rules in the art of bonsai do not exist. The miniature tree requires only a small help to grow as it should be on the plain, cliff or near the river. Of course, the tree is elegant and beautiful, he needs to give an appropriate form.

For beginners, many styles of bonsai will seem difficult, it is worth starting with the study typical shapes, Nevertheless, have a huge aesthetic and spiritual impact. These are images of trees bent wind or growing under the tilt. It is possible to start creating more bizarre compositions only after many years of practices on the living material.

After examining and having mastered the main styles of Bonsai, you will come to understand that genuine masterpieces are deviations from generally accepted norms. At a certain stage, the real artist must forget everything he knows and follow the classroom of his heart. But it is possible to reject that you yourself are postgraded to the end.

Basic styles

Tiska: Straight Vertical

The classic vertical is the basis of the basics of bonsai, so all beginners need to master the style tökkan Before being taken for more complex miniatures. According to the presence of Bonsai masters, the straight vertical personifies maturity and perfection.

Tökan imitates a tree with a perfectly direct powerful barrel that in nature is rare enough. After all, in order to pine or fir conventional conditions They grew strictly up and had a beautiful form, they need a sufficient amount of nutrition and water. In addition, they should not be exposed to strong winds and competition from other trees. This instance can be seen only on the plain.

Many breeds are suitable for Tsuk's compositions, but most often used pine, spruce, juniper, as well as maple, Peach, Plum, Cherry, Orange, Apple. Each miniature tree, formed in this style, is characterized by direct, which is narrowed by a cone-shaped trunk, which is divided into three equal parts.

The lower part is free from the branches, so the trunk of a tree, its roots and the bark are visible in all its glory. The above is the three main horizontal branches: the first, the most powerful, grows in one direction, the second to another, and the third - back, from the viewer. The last branch is especially important, it gives the composition of the depth, so it should be lush. The side branches are slightly lowered down and slightly turned forward, but so as not to overlap the trunk.

The top of the tree is decorated with thinner and short branches. They rise up and create, depending on the selected breed, thick deciduous or coniferous crown, spherical or pointed.

When caring for a tree, provide light and air equal and unlimited access to all branches. Make sure that the branches do not grow directly over the other, with this location the sun will illuminate them unevenly.

Compositions created in the style of Tökan are best placed in an oval or rectangular container.

MOYS: Curved Vertical

MOYS. It is considered a type of Tökkan style, it is widespread in nature and is suitable for newbies. This is one of the main methods of growing miniature trees, it is used most often. Moes are good and the fact that the compositions created in this style never repeat each other. Most often they use pine, oak, maple, juniper.

The main difference is the Mohy from Tökkan lies in the fact that a reprehensive trunk of a tree has an s-form or several bends decreasing to the top. MOYS transfers movement, desire to up, flexibility. To achieve such an effect, the trunk is beginning to be rented from the ground, following the vertex of the tree in accurately above its base.

When choosing a container for the style of the Mohame style, it should be highlighted on an oval or rectangular vessel. The tree has asymmetrically in it, its roots should be visible on the ground surface. Pay attention to the fact that Krone does not go beyond the edges of the container.

Socan (sorry): dual trunk

A tree with a dual trunk in nature is very common. Its miniature copy is grown using two separate roots or one, forming a second barrel from the lower branch, which should not be located too high.

Compositions in style sokan. There are both vertical and inclined, with each trunk you can give a special form. Tree branches diverge, but form a common crown. The beauty of such bonsai depends on the balance of thickness and height of the trunks. One of them is powerful, the other is thin, so the Socan style is sometimes also called the "father and son" or "Mother and Child."

To create compositions, it is recommended to use coniferous, evergreen and leaf fall trees with small leaves, flowers and fruits. Different types are suitable pine, juniper, spruce, ginkgo, maple, beech, elm, apple tree, plum. In some countries, bonsai lovers work with local flora instances, giving a special preference to those growing in extreme natural conditions.

Syan: Inclined Style

Style syanka Reproduces the tree established after a hurricane or as a result of a landslide. Its trunk is straight or curved - located at an angle to the surface of the container. Powerful roots on one side deeply go to the ground, and on the other, they write down on the surface, as if clinging for her. Depending on the tilt of the trunk, distinguish syou-Syanka (minimum), tyu-Xianic (medium) and dai-Syanka (maximum).

The lower branch in all the compositions of the seasan is located in the direction opposite to the tilt of the tree. And she, and other branches are curved, the top is a little advance. It seems that the tree continues to resist the gusts of the wind.

To impart stability, the bulk of bonsai should be focused within the boundaries of the container. When creating the compositions, the seasacles use vessels oval or oblong shape. In round containers, the tree is planted in the center.

Kengai: Cascade Style

Cascade, falling trees are often found on steep cliffs and sheer rocks. Deep down in the ground or rocky rock, they grow, hanging down. There are similar forms and in the art of bonsai, all of them derived from two main styles - kengai(full cascade) and khan-Kengai (Polokscad).

In Kengai compositions, the trees rigged up the trunk suddenly changes the direction and falls down, dropping below the surface of the high container. On the side of the container, dominating over the barrel, can be incurred one of the three main branches. Its length is not limited, so such bonsai is customary to post at high tables. The small branch of the tops is usually directed in the opposite direction from the bulk of the tree to give the stability of the entire composition.

Grow bonsai in the style of Kengai is not easy, as the tree is trying to climb up all the time. The formation of the cascade in the garden on the garden is usually impossible, a landing in a deep vessel is needed. To direct the growth of the tree down, use the wire or change the position of the container. The correct container is extremely important for a cascade composition, it should be deep and heavy to balance branches and tree trunk. The most suitable form is round, square or hexagonal.

Kengai style is suitable for trees with a flexible barrel; azalea, Juniper, Kisser. When choosing an instance in the nursery, it is desirable that he has a large branch in the lower third of the barrel.

Khan-Kengai: half-style

Like a cascade style khan-Kengai Copies the trees bending over the cliff. His difference is that in the compositions of Khan-Kengai, the trunk is not curved so much, and they direct horizontally, not allowing them to continue to descend under their weight below the base of the container. The trunk, growing up, is located in the center and is drawn up with a wide crown. The semi-table requires the proportionality of the crown and trunk, the roots must be well developed and located in the direction of the main cascading branch.

For the compositions of Khan-Kengai, the same breeds of well-bending trees are used as for cascading miniatures. The container can be flattering and not so deep.

Budzingi: Literary Style

Budzingi. - One of the most sophisticated styles of Bonsai, he formed relatively recently, at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868). The origins of Budzingi stood Japanese writers, fans of Chinese painting nanga. Creating compositions from miniature trees, they tried to imitate the artists of the Middle Kingdom, consciously ignoring the canons of bonsai. Intellectuals were relied on their own inspiration, which they were dragged, including in the famous treatise The word about painting from the garden with mustard grain,the main guide on the Nang. Subsequently, some terms invented by Japanese writers began to be used by other Masters of Bonsai.

Literary style resembles elegant drawings of ink, which are created by just a few brushes. Budzing compositions require less time than others. The emphasis is on a high, thin, elegantly twist trunk. The lower branches at the tree are absent, the upper is located in the ledge. Crown is small, but well formed, foliage is small and it looks well. Such trees are found on the shaded areas of the forest, where they, due to the lack of the sun, die away the lower branches, and the barrel becomes stitched and rude.

Coniferous, and glitstic trees are suitable for compositions in Budzing style. Bonsai should be placed in a small round container with raised edges. The color of the container should be bright.

Naugari: Nude roots

"I have formed riding and lowers" - so you can describe the style naugari, one of the most original bonsai arts. The roots of the tree in the compositions of Naugari are not just naked, they are highly raised above the soil and twisted, as if harness. The trunk is on them, like in stilts. Similar forms can be seen on the banks of the rivers, where the trees are waved water.

For compositions in the style of Naugari, the trees that form air roots are formed, for example, some fikuses- Fícus Benghalénsis, Ficus Retusa or Ficus pumila.

Cexthegging: Tree on Stone

Style cextheggingvery effectant, the viewer sees a tree on a rock, with a spreaded crown and powerful roots resembling a web, clinging to the whole stone. This is how vegetation survives on huge boulders. Over time, the roots of the tree growing on the rocks begin to resemble trunks.

Cextyzhuju style is suitable for all unpretentious breeds with well-developed roots. Most often used maple, Chinese Elm, Pine and Juniper.

The tree itself in the compositions of the geniodezhju can be grown in any style, except, except, "brooms" and "straight vertical". The stone chip used as a cliff must have end-to-end clefts so that the roots can penetrate them to the soil.

If the root system is not long enough, the tree is first planted into a deep box and, as they grow, remove the top layer of the soil. The roots are exposed and start to rush. When they reach the bottom of the box, the tree is removed, tightly tied to the stone with twine or wire and wrapped with polyethylene, having previously adding a little sandy soil there, and wipes abundantly. After the bonsai is strengthened and let the shoots, polyethylene and sand are cleaned, and the tree is transplanted into the container.

Hokidati: Metla

Bonsai in style hokidati Reminds the pancake put on the handle. It is suitable for deciduous trees with splashing thin branches that look attractively even without foliage. In nature, such forms are found at dzelkva, knit or grab. With these breeds work most often, but birch, willow or oak To create a beautiful "broom", they definitely do not fit.

The trunk of the tree in the compositions of the hokidati is strictly vertical, but not very long. All branches are diverted from one point, forming a dense spherical crown. Its ratio with the length of the barrel is 2: 1.

Crown can be formed by one or more equal branches, but none of them should dominate the rest. If this happens, such a branch must be strongly shorten or completely removed.

Classic Khokidati bonsai is formed as a result of the seafrock of the topping escape on 1/3 of the total height of the trunk. With the advent of kidney Crohn Tree acquires a v-shape, it continues to work with it, pinching branches to achieve a better result.

In the hokidati bonsai container should be located strictly in the center.

Ikadabuki: raft

Center composition ikadabuki The brazed tree becomes re-rooted on the soil in a horizontal position. Weti Tree, obeying the laws of growth, begin to rise up and over time turn into trunks standing vertically as people on the raft.

To form such bonsai, specimens use more branches on one side - they retain them, while others are removed, making them all over the length of the barrel shallow notches to speed up the formation of new roots. Then the tree is pressed into the soil and fix the strips of a scroll or fabric.

The time required for the development of a new root system depends on the tree breed. Maple on it will take 1-2 years, pine - up to 5 years. Only after the specified time you can remove the root for the main tree and move the entire composition into a more appropriate container. Besides klena and pines Icadabuky style is suitable for working with juniper, bearing, ficus.

There are two types of "rafts": straight and curved. In the first case, the composition is based on a short and thick tree, its branches are located along one line and grow strictly vertically or with a slight inclination. For bonsai of a different type, a thin, several times a curved tree, on which branches are located in an arbitrary order. And in the first, and in the second case, new trunks can have their own bends, but then this drawing should be repeated in the entire composition.

Sarimiki: Dead Wood

Center for compositions in style sarimiki The sections of dead wood become. They are created artificially due to the cutting of the bark with special ticks. The movement of juices on such sites is stopped, wood dries.

Dead sections of the barrel and branches are called, respectively, syari. and gina. Gin can be divided with special ticks and make "bully" imitating lightning strike. Nude areas are treated with sandpaper and sulfur lime to select wood.

This is how it looks like junipergrowing on mountain slopes under the rays of the sun. His, along with tis, Eli or pine Most often and is used to create compositions in the style of the Sarimiki, since the wood of these breeds is not amazed by fungus and does not boot. It is possible to artificially and many deciduous trees can be artificially, however, the style of the Sarimiki is quite complicated: dead plots should look beautiful, and you need to work very carefully, so as not to destroy all the tree.

Special styles

Natsuranari: Common roots

"Standing soldiers" or natsuranari Symbolizer constancy, dedication, reliability. The composition looks like a group of several trees, although all trunks come out of one root. For this, the tree is placed on the bottom of the container and sprinkle the earth, and the branches are directed up. Over time, they will be similar to individual trees resembling a forest.

When creating nonsense style compositions use japanese white pine (Pinus Parvifl Ora)or ayanskaya fir (Picea Jezoensis). The Japanese believe that these trees bring happiness.

Fukinagasi: tree in the wind

The image of the tree in the wind bribes and touches at first glance, it is one of the most remarkable plots in the art of bonsai. Obviously, Japanese masters spied him on the seashore, where the wind always blows in one direction.

Style fukinagasi. Mimics a tree with one or two trunks, which has not had a different choice from birth, except to bend under the pressure of the element, so as not to break. When looking at such a composition, the viewer must feel the impulse of the wind, so the crown of the tree should be a bit disheveled and have a minimum of leaves or needles.

Fukinagasi resembles another style - seamanbut they have only in the inclust, which occurred under the influence of natural factors. The difference is that the branches of the "tree in the wind" grow only in one direction, and not both. To the top, they become shorter, making the whole composition similar to the developing triangular pennant.

When creating compositions in the style of Fukinagasi, you can use pine, juniper, sagohetheria and birch. Grow such bonsai better in a rectangular or oval container.

ESE-UE: Forest

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of generations This style transmits to an even greater degree than Socan: eSE-UE. - Whole forest family with a large maternal tree at the chapter.

The total number of "relatives" in the ESE-UE compositions is always odd - from 5 to 19. Each of them in the container is allocated a strictly defined place. "Mother" is ahead, around her at different distances there are "children". To strengthen the prospects, the rear trees with thick lower branches and a dense crown are placed more compact, and the front trunks are left open. When creating a miniature forest, you can take the trees of one breed, but the combinations of evergreen and deciduous species look the most advantageous. Most often used pine, Tyu, Cryptomeria, Beech, Grab, Birch, Zelkvaor maple. In the oval form container they will look best.

The complexity of the "forest" style is that it, like no other, requires the composition of full naturalness. It is necessary to take care of different levels of the relief, about the stones, possibly about additional low-level plants. But the most difficult is to show time. Looking at such a family, the viewer should see that the trees appeared in the general group gradually, over the years.

Sikekey: Landscape in miniature

Sayikei,strictly speaking, is not a bonsai style, this is an independent direction to create miniature landscapes, in which stones, soil, moss and other plants are used except trees. Masters Bonsai influenced the development of sizes, but this direction absorbed into himself and the traditions of Vietnamese honnonbo(so called sculptural groups, imitating islands, mountains and their surrounding nature), as well as some principles bonkewayand bonseki(Japanese landscapes from stones and sand).

Saykei's story has not one hundred years old, the first images of miniature landscapes are still on scrolls XIII. After World War II, this ancient art was revived thanks to the Master Bonsai Toshio Kawmoto.. Kavamoto founded his own school and made Sikekes unusually popular and in Japan, and in other countries of the world. The followers continued the case of the master, raising his art to an even higher level.

Toshio Cavamoto wanted to be able to wait for too long when creating miniature landscapes, so he took no adult trees to work for work, and young seedlings. The technique of care for them and their styles are the same as in the art of bonsai.

However, the sikekes have differences, first of all - ideological. If the Master Bonsai make an emphasis on the beauty of one or more trees, then they become elements of the landscape in the sizes - mandatory, but not primitive. Stones are often used in bonsai compositions, but they do not form a landscape, while in Sikes they play a very important role. Toshio Cavamoto even introduced a special classification for them - mountain, Island, Lonely Coast etc. All elements of the composition are built up so as to recreate a natural landscape in a miniature, sometimes actually existing, memorable.

Classic sikes is placed on a large ceramic tray of neutral tones with low sideboards. Drainage holes at the bottom of the tray are closed with plastic meshes, after that a thin layer of soil mixture is poured onto it. Before places to place the trees, for the stability of their roots can be flipped in peat and clay. Trees and plants need to be positioned so that the viewer has a sense of perspective - than less size, the farther.

Then the stones turn comes, they should be decomposed in accordance with the preliminary sketch. The height of all elements should be balanced, so that the fragment, which plays the role of the rock, was above the tree.

After placing the stones and trees, the space between them is filled with soil mixture, then the entire surface is covered with soil, following the layer of earth to be very thick.

Sikes adorn pieces of moss and put in place, protected from wind and direct sunlight. The miniature landscape should not only watered regularly, but also spray. In winter, Saykei should be indoors where the temperature does not fall below 0 °.

IV: Classification Bonsai


The value of a genuine masterpiece is determined not its size, but the skill and taste of the creator. Among the bonsai there are quite tiny trees that fit on the palm of the palm of the palm of the palm Pine moonlightgrowing on the island of Honshu in the prefecture of Sizozuok, stretches its branches at 13 meters!

Bonsai is measured from the vertex to the base of the trunk, excluding the container. The complexity is cascade and semi-table forms, since such instances are first lifted, and then lowered. Their size is determined from the base to bending, which forms the trunk before going down.

There are several basic sizes of miniature trees. And, although such a systematization is considered fairly conditional, and in numbers there are discrepancies, experts usually allocate 5 classes of bonsai differing in their sizes.


The most tiny bonsai refer to the class mAME.Among them there are real Liliputs - no more than 2.5 cm. Such a size is called casitsuba. For Casitsuba go sieve (2.5-7.5 cm) and gafa.(13-20 cm.).


Next class - sykhin, it includes trees up to 18 cm (Comono) and from 15 to 20 cm (Torono). These bonsai are considered small, they, like MAME, require increased attention due to their fragility and vulnerability. They require special containers, tiny and small trees transplanted, cut and water more often than others. Such bonsai can be raised from juniper, Irgi, Rhododendron, ate.


Middle-sized trees, up to 40 cm (toatademoti),united B. class kifu. To create such bonsai fit barbaris, Maple field or rock, turquoise, pine mountain.


Class töhin - these are trees from 40 cm, for example, birch, Oshness, Pine, Maple Yasnelliste, Elm. The largest bonsai in this class (OMONO) reaches meters and more, they are grown from beech, oak, elderberry, flavored maple, larch, linden, ash. Omono In Japan, it is customary to post at the entrance to a rich estate - in a sign of a welcome and hospitality or as a symbol of the welfare of the owners.


Dudza -huge bonsai exceeding one meter . They can be seen in some vintage japanese gardens. The most suitable breeds for such giants are considered platan, chestnut, pine black, elder, acacia, wisteria.

Number of stems

The most common compositions are those that consist of one tree growing with one barrel. They are presented in each of the styles. There are multi-bonsai with common roots, as well as groups of trees one or different breedsEach of which has its own root system. They are used when creating landscapes, following the amount of trunks in such compositions to be odd.

Age Bonsai

To form and bring a miniature tree to perfection, many years are required. The age of bonsai can be from 5 years to several centuries. The centuries-old specimens are priceless, they are transmitted from generation to generation, exhibit in museums or contain in private collections inaccessible to a wide audience.

The oldest trees of the garden Happo-Ene in Tokyo. The life cycle of some of them has about 8 centuries. Among the honorable long-livers - already mentioned Pine lunar light. She is more than 6 centuries, it is known that her first owner was the local prince Sinen Takada. Now, modern technologies are used to care for pine, there is even a special platform that rotates that it is uniformly illuminated from all sides.

Special mention deserves another unique copy, transmitted through the line of Japanese emperors. it Thina generation of Tokugawa,because of which one of the seguns of the powerful dynasty neglected with its duties and completely surrendered to the art of Bonsai. The tree is planted 500 years ago, it is still located in the collection of the Imperial Palace.

Finally, in American Arboretum National Arboretum you can see a miniature pine Jamakitransported to the United States from Japan. She was about 375 years old, during the bombardment of Hiroshima, it was only three kilometers from the place of falling atomic bomb and remained uncading.

It is impossible to determine the exact age of such masterpieces without damaging them. Therefore, when evaluating specialists, as a rule, rely on historical evidence.

However, it should not be thought that the real bonsai must be very old. Indeed, it is impossible to create compositions with a split trunk or partially descended bark of young trees. But they look very expressive and effectively, if they were formed correctly and harmoniously.

V: Choosing bonsai

When creating bonsai, specialists and lovers use about 400 different types of trees and shrubs. Sometimes in compositions come across and herbate plants, for example, some small fern. They are very beautiful, though in winter, wet and cool air are needed for them, otherwise their leaves will fall asleep.

However, the classic bonsai is grown from plants having a solid barrel and branches, that is, from trees or shrubs. Note that in different countries of the world their traditions have developed. So, in Japan, heavy trees are more common with a powerful barrel and an ideally formed crown. Simple and coarse specimens are appreciated in the US, which often reach 1 meter in height. Europeans more like elegant compositions with subtle trunks.

Defined with the choice, think about the effect that you expect from the future composition. It should be remembered that evergreen rocks will delight you with their beauty all year, and other trees are good during flowering or vice versa, in winter, thanks to the peculiar form of bare branches.

Queen coniferous bonsai is considered pine, go for her juniper, larch, Thuja, cypress. From fruiting and beautiful flowering trees can recommend acacia, guaayvu, grenade, myrt, magnolia, peach, plum, citrus. Maple - Favorite of hardwood, but the miniature people look no less effectively oak, Beech, Grab, Willow, Birch or rowan. Deciduous trees are generally most suitable for bonsai, and those whose leaves and flowers are small from nature, as it helps to achieve a proportional ratio of all elements of the future composition.

Breeds that are saturated with bats with volatile healing discharges and clear it - they include grapefruit, Lemon, Fig, Bearing, Hibiscus, Laurel, Samshat other. Of course, if you do not like one or another odor, you do not need to rape yourself for the sake of ideals of beauty. Remember the main rule: in no case choose what annoys you, confuses the view, color or aroma. The miniature tree should bring only positive emotions to its owner and reflect its character.

Bonsai can be grown from seeds or from Yamadori. - So called a tree or shrub taken in a special nursery. Newcomers are better to go secondly, and starting to start with young copies of fast-growing breeds, for example, with juniperor Kiparisovikov. Then you will quickly see the first results, get some skills and do not lose interest.

VI: Bonsai accommodation

Most bonsai are not indoor plants, for normal growth and development, they need a place outdoors. Therefore, the Japanese grown them in the gardens and contribute to the house for special cases.

Exotic Japanese seedlings in Russian conditions are good. But the decoration is yours cottage plot Many types of our trees can be. In this case, you will not need to take care of watering, only trimming and formation will remain.

We are familiar to the cold and calmly winter outdoors oak, Birch, Elm, Lilac, Barbaris, Apple Tree, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Pine, Spruce, Juniper, Thuja, Kisser, Larch. However, in the summer they should be protected from direct sunlight. Room climate These trees suffer badly.

In the room, our compatriots successfully cultivate tropical and subtropical plants. Among them - seriss, ficuses, grenades, hibiscus, drazes, cordilipiline,jabotics Garia I.famous "Money Tree".They do not require special conditions when wintering, form bonsai of them faster and easier. But some thermal-loving species (Cedars, Cryptomeria, Cypress In the summer it is better to keep in the garden, and in winter - in a light cool room, at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. With an increase in the length of the day and the intensity of light, they can be transferred to a warm room, which is especially desirable for blooming species.

VII: Lighting

Most indoor bonsai requires a lot of light. Exceptions are trees, low nature and growing in the forest, where they are hidden from direct sunlight. For other species, you need to find a well-lit place, for example, on the windowsill, but I will definitely follow the bonsai to do not overheat. The tree must be rotated several times during the day, so all of its parts receive a uniform amount of light.

It is possible to determine the lack of light by the distance between the leaves - interstitial. With normal formation, the leaves are located on the branches near each other. If this distance increases, it means that the bonsai requires additional lighting. Look for another place or buy a lamp - luminescent, halogen or mercury. Incandescent lamps are better excluded, their light is different from daytime, and heat rays can damage bonsai. Use artificial light all year is not recommended, but in winter, as well as on cloudy days, additional lighting is necessary.

VIII: Temperature Mode

Bonsai designed for unheated premises, in the winter, in the cold at a temperature in the range of 5-12 ° C. Create such conditions can be in winter garden or special greenhouse.

Tropical views are well feeling well at a temperature of 18-24 ° C. In the summer they are put up to open air, increasing time for 30 minutes daily to gradually teach bonsai to the sunshine.

The higher the temperature of the content of a miniature tree, the more he needs light, water and nutrients. With a decrease in the column of the thermometer, watering and feeding the plants can be reduced.

IX: Humidity

Air humidity in the tropics, from where many indoor plants come from, very high. The greater the moisture in the air, the less water they need. In Russian houses, where moisture is much lower, the situation can fix the aquarium located near Bonsai. Other plants, evaporating moisture or a tray filled with water and hydroxarians, will help, in which the container with a miniature tree is placed. The amount of fluid must be maintained at one level. The effectiveness of this method will be even higher if the tray and bonsai are placed on the heating system. It is easier and cheaper than using a bulky, noisy and expensive humidifier.

In the first half of the day, tropical bonsai can be sprayed with water, but not with bright and hot sun. Such a procedure gives only a short-term effect, so it needs to be carried out repeatedly, but so that in the evening the tree dried.

In vivo, powerful crowns protect trees and from excessive evaporation of moisture, and from pests that scare the pegless foliage. The air is practically not moving in premises, and gentle shoots can become easy insect prey. This is another reason to put bonsai on the balcony or take into the garden, or turn on the fan nearby.

X: Watering

The placement of a miniature tree in the container has its own characteristics, as a result of which bonsai requires more water than ordinary indoor plants. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the pot remains wet, but not wet.

It is believed that you can water the bonsai from above, from below or alternating both of these methods. The main thing is to well mix the entire earth com, and not only one surface. When watering from above, water should appear from the drainage holes of the container and drain into the pallet, from where it must be removed. Watering from above helps to wash the excess of mineral salts from the soil, and behind the penetration of moisture to the roots are easier to follow. You can pour water into the pallet, but then you need to drain it over, after it is absorbed into the soil. The container with bonsai can not constantly be in the water so that this does not happen, it has even special legs for the suspension.

During the landing of a miniature tree, the soil around him is thoroughly tamped, because of what the dense ground makes it difficult to access the moisture to the roots of the bonsai. Therefore, bonsai sometimes just lowered in a pelvis with water - here's another way to wash the earthen com.

Watering mode and its frequency depend on the tree breed. Coniferous bonsai require less moisture compared to deciduous. In the summer, during the period of intensive growth, watering should be produced daily, and in the heat - twice a day, which does not apply to subtropical plants. In winter, one or two times a week is enough, and not so abundantly.

To bring the content of the contents of bonsai to natural, miniature trees are watered only in the morning and evening hours, while the dew drops in nature. But if on a hot day you see that bonsai leaves drooped, cool it first in the shade, and then lower the container into the container with warm water. When the tree climbs thirst, spray it. The water temperature during watering and spraying should be several degrees above the ambient temperature.

The best water for watering is melting, the water supply must be defended for three days or clean the household filter. Water rigidity can create problems when growing bonsai, filters with ion exchange resins helps them, they remove impurities of calcium and magnesium salts. If this is not done, then over time on the surface of the earth and on the crust will appear a white chalk precipitate, which cannot be eliminated. Hard water leaves an immemorated flare and on the leaves, consider this when spraying the bonsai.

The correct watering is one of the main conditions for miniature trees. Even a single breakup is almost certainly destroyed most of them, as well as the excess of moisture. Landing bonsai in competently compiled soil reduces the risks of the consequences of incorrect irrigation.

XI: Soil, drainage

The finished soil, which is used in the breeding of ordinary indoor plants, is not suitable for bonsai. The correct soil mixture is a substrate consisting of sand, clay, humus (old leaves, needles, peat, pumping bark). Such a substrate can be purchased in the store or make yourself.

For deciduous rocks, the mixture is prepared from 7 parts of clay and 3 pieces of sand. Blooming and fruiting trees need soil with 6 parts of clay, 3 parts of sand and 1 pieces of leaf humus. When working with conifer bonsai clay and sand takes in a ratio of 6 to 4.

A small amount of organic fertilizers can be added to the substrate - horny sawdust, blood, fish or bone flour, rapeseed cake (3 g of organics per 1 kg of soil). After all the components are mixed well, the mixture is neutralized from the seeds of weeds and causative agents of the disease, heating it for 15 minutes at a temperature of 100 ° C in a saucepan or other suitable container.

In addition to the substrate, the container is placed drainage - broken shards, pebbles, crumbs, large wet sand or special chemically neutral granules. The size of the latter is 3-4 mm. Smaller granules will be saturated from drainage holes, and large - stick together, from which drainage will stop passing water. The weaker the root system of the plant, the greater should be a drainage layer.

XII: Bonsai Container

The correct container is crucial when growing a miniature tree. Note that in the art of bonsai, it is not just a container, but one of the most important elements of the whole composition, it should be in full harmony with a tree. Japanese has even a special term - khatiutsuri They are used to assess the compositional unity of all components of the bonsai.

It is not surprising that the bowl in which the tree grows, sometimes itself is the work of art. Here is just one historical reference: in 2011, the buyer, posted $ 1,296,850 for three-time bonsai Pinus Parviflora,i had to pay extra for the pot in which the White Japanese Pine was sold, another 493,000 dollars.

Of course, such masterpieces on the pocket only rich collectors visiting special auctions, where rare antique utensils are exhibited. The one who only comprehends the Ase of Art, is quite suitable for the usual good-quality container selected by the rules below.

First of all, such a vessel should be made of natural materials - clay, faience or porcelain. It should be remembered that clay pots absorb moisture well, therefore, to water the tree you will have abundant and more often. And if your bonsai will grow in the garden, it will need frost-resistant ceramics.

The walls of the pots are covered with glaze, but only outside, otherwise the Earth inside will slip, not in contact with them. Such products are very beautiful, but, unlike the unlawed, they are worse passing to the roots of oxygen and moisture from the air. Therefore, unplanned pots are recommended for the time until the tree is growing and slightly.

The form of the container can be arbitrary - square, rectangular, round, oval. As a rule, in the cultivation of most direct and high bonsai use shallow tanks. In the presentation of specialists, the low bowl imitates the plain or the glade, which is worth a lonely tree. Such a container is also preferable because it contributes to the formation of a flat root system at the tree. For bonsai with a wide crown and a powerful trunk, vessels of medium height are suitable. Deep and high pots are needed when working with cascading styles, in this case the container plays the role of "rocks".

The proportions of the tank and wood must be balanced in such a way that the container, on the one hand, does not suppress bonsai, and on the other, it completely corresponded to the height of the trunk and the size of the root system.

The miniature tree must often watered. To protect the roots from the posting, in the bottom of the container make more drainage holes than in ordinary flower pots. The holes are closed with a special grid of thick plastic with a cell size of about 3 mm. It is specifically manufactured in Japan, but the usual "Mosquito" is suitable.

The coloring of the container must be well combined with foliage or cheese. Screaming paints will distract the viewer's attention, so in general, experts offer to choose non-lack of brown, green, gray or blue. In Japan, coniferous trees are customized to plant in a row or bowls of brown tones from unhappy ceramics. For hardwood, beige, green or blue is used. Blooming bonsai look beautiful in black or white pots. The most important thing is not to combine cold and warm colors in one composition. It is not worth growing a blue juniper in the terracotta container, and pine - in blue glazed, it will be a gross violation of the Khatutsuri principle.

When choosing a container, you need to pay attention to the age of your bonsai. Young specimens first put in ordinary flower pots - they are also called "overclocking", since the root system can develop freely. When bonsai acquires the desired outlines, the tree is transplanted into a flat container, reducing the volume of roots with trimming.

XIII: Bonsai reproduction

There are two ways of breeding bonsai: vegetative, in which they use cuttings, processes or leads, and seed. In room conditions, most often resorted to the first way, the most simple and reliable. Seeds of some tropical plants for germination are required sufficiently high temperature and humidity, here without greenhouses with the lower heated can not do.

Reproduction of cuttings

The cutlets are called part of the root, sheet or escape, from which you can get a new plant with proper care. Steel cuttings take from 10 days to several weeks to form the root system and began growth. Deadlines depend on the type of plant, its age and the ability to form new roots and shoots.

Chearing can be multiplied coniferous treesexcept spruce, pines and fir, using the same soil mixtures for seeds as for seeds. Some cuttings are better bold, being very young, others - more adults.

Three types of cuttings differ: green actively growing, semi-respected and weird.

Green cuttings cut from the tops of rapidly growing young shoots under a node or kidney, leaving from above 3-5 leaves and barbing the bottom third. It is best to do this in the spring, in the morning. Parental plant is pre-cut, it stimulates the appearance of fresh processes. Make sure that the slice is smooth, did not have burrs and in no case touch it with your hands.

Finished cuttings bury on a third of the length into the soil mixture. They are very sensitive to the lack of moisture, so watering should be abundant, and the water temperature is within 20 - 25 ° C. If the cuttings are not planted immediately after cutting, they must be placed in water capacity.

Semi-respene cuttings - This is the foundation of shoots 10-15 cm long, they are harvested at the end of summer. When cutting, the shoots are pulled down so that a piece of wood with a slice of wood with a basic stem of the parent tree (such a "heel" contributes to the coherent). The leaves from the bottom third of the cutlets are removed, and the slice is treated with a growth regulator.

Semi-respene cuttings placed in the soil mixture at a temperature of 14-18 ° C, the optimal option for them is a cold greenhouse. The growth of cuttings is supported by liquid fertilizer, the feeding must be regular.

Warmworms It is rare, although this method is applicable to the reproduction of some shrubs that have a rest period when their growth is completely discontinued, the foliage is dropped, and the stalks cooked. For reproduction, single-sighted shoots with 5-6 kidneys are chosen. To speed up the process of forming the roots, the cuttings are buried in a greenhouse at an angle of 45 °, deepening into the ground for 3 kidneys.

Warm cuttings can dry out due to evaporation from the surface of shoots, this is most often explained by the lack of newly formed roots. Therefore, for the top of the cutting, it will be necessary to create a reduced temperature condition. So the kidneys will not bloom, and all the energy of Bonsai will go to the development of the root system. Cuttings, in which it is formed very slowly, are treated with special growth regulators.

Reproduction with chains

Chapels are a variety of cuttings, the difference is that they are separated from the parent tree only after they will be allowed their roots. Camers can be ordinary and air.

Ordinary chains applicable when you deal with a tree, whose lower branches are so close to the ground that they can be burned to it, not breaking. These include fikuses magnolia, Pine, Forzition, weigel, iRGA, Aralia.

After the desired branch is selected, porous vegetable compost porridge under it. When working with the parent tree, growing in the container, you can use the pot installed at the desired height.

In the place where the branch should launch new roots, make 1-2 longitudinal cuts, and they consider the foliage. After that, the branch is pressed against the surface and blend 10 cm, fixing it with a wire in the ground or pressing something heavy. Soil should always be wet. As soon as the roots are fixed, the tanks can be separated from the parent plant.

Air chains allow form bonsai for maximum short term from branches relative to adult tree. This method is suitable for tolstankirhododendron, maples, beeches, cedars, picracuds, pomegranate, elm, quince, willow And many others. Their branches are located highly from the surface of the Earth and are not reached before it. But it turns out, it is possible to bring the earth itself to the branches, the truth is to do this best in the spring.

After selecting a suitable stem under one of its kidneys, 2-3 longitudinal nurses are made by a length of 3-5 cm. With the help of conventional matches, they are slightly expanded and treated with growth stimulants. Cuts crimp wet moss and vegetable compost. Then these places are wrapped with a piece of perforated polyethylene film or coarse tissue and are abundantly watered. With the appearance of the roots, the protective wrapper is removed, the tanks are cut and transplanted into the container.


The vaccination is a rather complicated procedure, it should be carried out only after the acquisition of gardening skills, but even then it can give unexpected results. Therefore, the first experiments are better to put on an inexpensive material. By vaccination usually resorted if other methods of breeding are impossible or in emergency cases, for example, to save bonsai with a damaged root system.

With the help of the vaccination, you can achieve the appearance of different color flowers on one tree. Agree that miniature plum having white, pink and red flowers will look very impressive. In addition, this method allows you to add branches to a rare part of the tree crown to make it thick.

The vaccination has another important advantage. Bonsai, grown from seeds, can be genetically different from their parents, while graft copies fully retain their characteristic features.

Valuation is nothing more than the impact of part of the plant (cruise) in the dotting - that is, in the barrel, branch, or the roots of the individual of the same species. The vaccination place is tied with a solid elastic material for fixing and are deceived by a special mastic, which protects sections from atmospheric influences, insect pests and disease pathogens. The best period for such a procedure is spring, since at this time there begins, or summer.

Grafting in crack allows you to imagine new branches. Insert splitting with a knife to a depth of 3-5 cm and insert the cutlets into the slot, cropped on both sides by the wedge (cub). It is cut or from the parent tree or from the other, but the same species. Such vaccination can be done only on thin branches, in the spring.

Inoculation (budding) it is necessary in cases where it is required to connect the male and female tree to obtain a two-step instance that gives fruit. Insert spray from the sprayer, after which the letter "T" is cut on the cortex. In an incision, pulling off the bark, insert "peephole" - the kidney with a shield cut off from the shoot of the lead. After that, the vaccination is tied and smeared.

The eyepiece comes in when the peel of the eyes disappears, which is usually going on in the spring of next year. The chances of success increases several simultaneous eyepieces in different places: so you can get one, but a few new branches.

Sidebroker used when working with evergreen trees. On the cut, closer to the root neck, make a lateral cut in a depth of about 5 cm. A stalk is inserted into it, cropped at both sides, then this place is wrapped with cloth and failed with mastic. Such vaccine is carried out in summer, and the spring will be touched into growth. It is cut at an angle, directly above the vaccination site.

Vaccination for Corre. It gives the opportunity to form a bonsai with numerous trunks, it also contributes to the growth of old trees. On the trunk of the parent tree make a vertical incision with a length of about 3 cm, after which the bark is separated from wood, and insert a smaller diameter to it. Place of vaccinations are tied with cloth and failed with mastic. This method allows you to pick up several cuttings at once. But it is necessary to hold such a procedure only on large trees, in the spring.

Printing convergence (ablaction) - This is the splicing of two independently growing branches. Such a phenomenon is very often found in nature, and at the gardeners this method is in service with time immemorial. It is simple and reliable because the spliced \u200b\u200bbranches continue to eat, because the movement of juices does not stop on them. The chances of a successful blow to the ablation are much higher than when soaring.

During the vaccination, about 3 cm of the cortex is cut onto. After that, they are connected, tied and smeared with mastic.

The vaccination of the convergence is carried out in spring, to the autumn the lead is caring. It is separated by cutting part of the bond directly above the combination point.

Growing from seeds

This method is long and painstaking, but it is it that allows you to form the most beautiful compositions. Remember that no "special seeds for bonsai" does not exist, you will need those that you can buy in any garden store or collect yourself.

Seeds of some plants need to be seen immediately, as they germinate immediately after collecting. Others have to be kept in a dry and cool place for some time. Third people can germinate in autumn or in winter, but first they need to put them for several days in wet sand.

Sowing in spring or from the end of summer until the middle of the autumn. Seed seeds in the ground, sifted through fine sieve and mixed with sand. Large seeds are sprinkled with a thin layer of the Earth, and small ones are left on the surface, after which they are watered from the pulverizer, close the glass from above or put in a greenhouse.

Later, the top layer of the earth is slightly dried. It protects seeds from reloading and provides them with air. Depending on the type of plant, the timing of germination is from 1 to 2 months.

The emerging shoots are ventilated, but watered no longer so that the roots do not start. Seedlings grown from seeds transplanted in containers and watered.

XIV: Bonsai Change and Formation


Each plant grown by artificially needs a regular transplant. This is due to the fact that the composition of the soil in the container is deteriorated over time, its grainy structure is destroyed, organic residues accumulate in it. The balance of trace elements is disturbed, the chemical composition changes, as a result of the soil zakizates, as evidenced by the decrease in the size of the leaves.

Miniature trees are no exception, they must be transplanted even in order to achieve the right ratio of roots and crowns. Thus, the main tasks in the bonsai transplantation consist in replacing part of the soil and removing oppressed or too thick roots.

Young trees have been transplanted for up to 3-4 years annually, adults - 1 time in 2-3 years, and old can not disturb 10-15 years. Coniferous breeds such a procedure is required more often than leaf falling. Similarly, bonsai, growing all year round in the warmth of the climate, transplant 1 time in 2-3 years, and more frost-resistant - after 5 years.

If it comes to emergency salvation of a tree, then best time For transplantation - spring or autumn. At first, the bonsai need to dry a little, for which it watered for 1-2 days to stop so that the earthen comes decreased in size and itself separated from the walls of the container. The tree is taken for the base of the trunk and gently rotate to the right and left. If it sits in a container tightly, carefully push it from below, pressed by a stick on an earthen car through a drainage hole, or use the fine metal blade with rounded edges.

Before trimming roots, they are painted with small robberies, if there are no such hands, and it is suitable and hACI - Traditional Japanese chopsticks. The roots are cut straight with the soil - so that they oppose the earthen coma to 2-3 cm. The cutting tool must be very acute to injure the bonsai as much as possible.

After that, they change drainage and plug into the fresh soil substrate container. Bonsai is placed inside, turn around the axis to straighten thin roots and fall asleep. Fresh substrate must fill in all the space, the air cavities are designer for the root system. Tree, if necessary, can be consolidated in a container using copper wireBut in no case impossible to plunge the trunk to the ground and fall asleep the root neck - it will lead to the death of bonsai.

When transplanting miniature trees, the container does not change, except in cases where there is a desire to improve the composition. Make sure that the new dishes do not greatly exceed the size of the old, bonsai with small roots in a large container, most likely not come true, so the soil can scatter. If you still use another container, and we have already used to use it in a solution of manganese, and the new one is scolding with boiling water.

After the transplant is complete, Bonsai needs to be abundantly pouring and placing away from direct sunlight and drafts.

Bonsai formation

Formation of roots

A strong, healthy, well-developed root system is the most important condition for bonsai, otherwise the tree will just die. Thin underground roots supply the trunk and branches of moisture and microelements, and large, protruding on the surface, hold the tree in the ground.

The state of the root system is determined during the bonsai transfers. Having rotted and dry areas cut into a sharp tool. After that, the roots are painted so that they dissolve from the trunk radially.

Special attention should be paid nebari -overhead roots. They should be not only strong, but also beautiful, smoothly curved. It is also desirable that Nebari do not protrude in half the diameter of the crown, so they will have to work with them. The formation of overhead roots begins from the first days of bonsai cultivation. With the help of copper wire they give the form of octopus. Fragile and strangers are better not to touch. After that, the Nebari is poured up to the ground so that they are faster. Not later than in two months, the wire is removed. It is necessary to do it very carefully, with the help of bustard. Then the nebari again cover the layer of land.

Thickening trunk

The thick trunk gives the bonsai view of a mature tree. To speed up its width growth, use different ways. For this, the first 3-5 years of Bonsai regularly transplanted into a larger container, and then begin to use flat containers, which leads to the natural thickening of the barrel. Flexible, but already alone trunks in the period of active growth every week carefully bent at the base in different directions, as a result of which the tree begins to actively increase the mass. Bonsai with the same over the entire length of the thickness is firmly wrapped with wire, and after it starts to turn the crust, it is neatly removed. As a result, growths appear on the trunks, they over time to overgrow, forming thickening.

Sometimes, although quite rarely, the main root neck tightly tighten the wire loop. Juices in this part begin to be stamped, which leads to the appearance of tissue influx. The operation is very risky, it can endure the roots.

The thickening of the trunk contributes to the growth of a large side branch at the bottom of the tree. It is removed only at the last stages of the formation of bonsai, even if it is knocked out of the overall composition.

The trunk should be narrowed to the top, in the twenty-salted meal tree, the ratio of its thickness to height should be 1 to 6. Please note that as your bonsai is distributed, to give it the form becomes more and more difficult.


Capture or Pinning - one of the main methods for the formation of the bonsai crown. In the spring, excessive development of shoots leads to the formation of new processes, an increase in the gaps between the cuttings of the leaves. The lower branches begin to weaken and diery, and the upper is to fix it and break out, and only shoots are thickened at the ends, and others, "sneakers", grow slowly. If this process is not controlled, the whole composition will lose the balance. Takes up the tops of young shoots and stopping their growth, you can stimulate the formation of numerous small branches.

The sepitude is carried out with fingers folded into a pinch, or tweezers. Overweight shoots are cut off with sharp scissors. In coniferous breeds, they are removed by 2/3 of the length, the representatives of the mixed forest are left only 2 - 3 leaves, breaking all the end.

The ramifications need to pay special attention, unplanned and unnecessary shoots in such places appear most often. Relieves, they violate the normal flow of nutrients to the old branches, playing a key role in the composition, and lead to their dying.

On the branches that are specifically growing, you need to leave more shoots, however, when they threaten to turn into the branches, they get rid of them. At the weakened bonsai, the september does not make until they restore their vitality.

Printing immediately after the appearance of young shoots. The delay threatens the increase in the gaps between the leaves and the sharp deterioration of the shape of the wood crown - especially, klennov. Some species, such as cryptomeriaor Juniper needlerequire repeat quirks up to September.


Create bonsai without resorting to trimming is simply impossible. Some modern Chinese masters even now use exclusively this technique, and the wire is fundamentally ignored. Pruning is one of the most important operations in the art of bonsai, it is with its help the tree give the desired shape, reaching the correct correspondence between the root system and the crown. In addition, it contributes to the best movement of juices. Remember that such an operation is a huge load for bonsai, it can only be used on healthy copies - and only those that have not been subjected to it during the year.

Pruning the extra branches and shoots belongs to the very first actions that spend with a tree when forming bonsai. Newcomers can be advised to start with fast-growing rocks having small leaves.

At the first stage, to develop a feeling of shape, make an arcuate trimming of the tree crown. Removal of branches is for beginners certain difficulties, it is not always clear that to leave, but what to donate. In such cases, it is recommended to simply close one or another branch of the hand and see whether the whole composition wins or not. There are several general rules: boldly parted with branches located against each other, crossed, as well as weak and too thin.

During operation you will need special tools: plugs that can be cropped the branches of the middle thickness and the folding pink - for branches of thicker. Another nippers (concave form) are used during the processing of irregularities remaining in the barrel from the carved thick branches.

Sections of sections must be immediately treated with the same means that are intended for conventional garden trees, for example , Liquid Laco Balsam on acrylic basis. It can be applied to crude weather or in the event that juice flows out of the wound. Other proven means - gardena var., resembling smear. But before to deceive it dry cuts, moisten your hands in the water.

The most suitable time for trimming the branches is the winter or early spring, when all wildlife is still at rest. If you proceed to work during this period, your tree easier will take operation and will not lose its juices. The thinnest branches can be cut without harm to bonsai all year round.

Defoliation Or removal of foliage serves to update and rejuvenate the crown. As a result of this procedure, the number of leaves increases, and their size decreases significantly. Defolizing the tree, it is possible to regulate its further development: the kidneys in the nodes of remote leaves will go into growth, while others will remain at rest.

Defoliation is carried out in the summer, 1 time in 2-3 years, but not only in the year of transplant, the tree should be healthy and strong. Sheet plates are cut into sharp scissors or partially, and the petioles always leave. When the work is completed, Bonsai is placed in a shaded place before the appearance of new leaves.

Use wire

The invention of wire strapping is considered the most significant event in the history of bonsai. This discovery was done by chance. At the end of the XIX century, an amateur from the city of Osaka sent his friend to Tokyo miniature pine, whose branches, to avoid breakdown, were fixed with wire. Thanks to such a happy accident, significantly simplifying the process of forming miniature trees, the ancient art received the second birth.

To learn how to use all the techniques associated with the use of wire, patience and training are needed. Exercise, develop skills - just so you can achieve a good result.

When creating bonsai, you can use a wire with a thickness of 0.7 to 7 mm. Decide with the exact size will help a simple rule: a fixed branch or trunk should be thicker than 3 times. In other words, if you work on a branch of 1 cm thick, use three-dimensional wire.


To give the branches or tree trunk the desired shape, the wire frame is imposed on them. Most often, this technique is used when working with coniferous rocks, their crust bark, traces from the winding on it quickly overgrow. However, this process needs to be monitored and avoiding the cutting of the metal in the barrel and branches to prevent the formation of ugly spiral scars.

Deciduous trees are usually formed by pruning, the need to use wires when working with them occurs not so often. On smooth-bore beats, knitting, cocks and linden wire frames should remain short, otherwise the tracks from the winding will be visible over decades.

At the first stage, all branches are recorded - to the top of the shoots. Wire coils are superimposed at an angle of 45 °. Make sure that no branch is crossed on the other, each of them should have their own direction.

The best time for the formation of bonsai with wire - winter or early spring: at this time there is no foliage on the trees, it is easier to work with them. With the arrival of heat, the movement of juices accelerates, branches and the trunk are thickened, so a small gap should always be between winding and wood.

After about 3 months, when the desired shapes of the trunk and branches are fixed, the wire "forests" from the miniature tree is removed. In order not to damage the bonsai, the winding is not spinning, but carefully snack with special lipplants.


The brackets are used in cases where the usual wire imposition will not give the desired result, for example, when the direction of growth in thick branches and trunks changes. And in multi-bonsai thus you can adjust the entire composition. So that the brackets are not crashed into a bark, they need to periodically shift, not forgetting to put skin pieces under them.

Stretch marks

Wire stretch marks are installed in order to pull down the branches growing up. This technique is not so time-consuming as the overlay of the frame, but here you need to carefully ensure that the wire does not crash into the bark of the tree.

Omnation of wood

Removal of the crust

Removing the bark from the branches and the trunk is practiced to artificially be a tree, for example, when creating compositions in style sarimiki.Such work under the power of people with experience with the feeling of form and certain horticultural skills. You can not entirely leave the branches that you are going to leave alive, it is necessary to preserve the narrow sections of the cortex on them, for which water will come to the foliage nutrients. You can only navigate the parts of the tree, which by plan should be dead.

The process of removal of the cortex is not much difficult, but then the bare areas need to be treated with a tree with a knife. Such an operation will require skill, so first it is better to practice on some trimming, and at the same time carefully watch similar specimens in wildlife. Getting Started to remove the bark, prepare the entire necessary tool: Woodwood knives, pliers, naughty shapes, sandpaper. Do not hurry to use the power tools, they facilitate work, but they need to be adopted to do not hurt bonsai.

For bleaching, use a sulfur solution with the addition of ferrous paint. The solution must be applied three times a year, washing the old layer. Observe the precautions: sulfur, falling into the soil, can destroy useful microorganisms. Do not touch the living parts of the tree without changing your hands after using the solution.


Splitting or sabamiki It is used in cases where you want to reproduce in your composition the result of a lightning strike. In natural conditions, such copies occur quite often and, although they are no longer full-fledged trees, their appearance is very picturesque. To create a similar effect, the bonsai barrel split with nippers and wedges, creating woody loans - gina and sari. However, such an operation, like Sarimiki, requires knowledge and experience.

Typical bugs when forming bonsai

Avoid mistakes in the cultivation of miniature trees is impossible, especially beginners. Promahah should not be discouraged, the vertices of art can only be achieved permanently experimenting and listening to the advice of more experienced specialists. Below are some typical errors of beginners who indicated John Yoshio Nak, one of the greatest modern Masters Bonsai.

1: no vertex;

2: Tree branches have the type of wheelchair;

3: Branch forming a "plug";

4: straight growing branch;

5: branch resembling stump;

6: branches located at one level;

7: branch growing up;

8: Short branch in the neighborhood with larger;

9: Parallel branches;

10: The branch growing in the wrong direction;

11: Branch crossing the trunk;

12: Branch forming the knee;

13: randomly growing branches;

14: branch with thickening;

15: intersecting branches;

16: Rounded branches;

17: branch growing down;

18: "U" -d-like branch;

XV: Bonsai tools

The art of bonsai would never have reached such vertices if it were not for the appearance of many specialized guns and tools designed to grow miniature trees. Over time, they have enhanced and gained widespread among lovers worldwide.

The quality and price of such tools vary, good is not suiced. This is due to the fact that the intervention in the life of a miniature tree can be compared with a serious surgical surgery on the human body. Bonsai fragile and wounded, work with them is very careful, for this we need special tweezers, plumbings, knives. In addition, using high-quality tools, you for a shorter period and with less effort to form a beautiful tree, followed by which it will be easier to care for. Of course, the beginners at the first pores are quite a small set, everyone else can be purchased as needed.

In the market for bonsai tools, preference is traditionally given to Japanese products - first of all, due to high quality steel. Recently, some tools are made from the "stainless steel", which is even more in the pocket of bonsai lovers. However, good scissors or bodies made of carbon steel are no less reliable if not forgetting them in time to clean and lubricate.

Basic tools

we are needed for trimming small branches and removal of leaves in the thick of the crown.

Apply in cases where the rapid shoots are difficult to cut into the fingers.

They have thick blades, allowing to cut strong branches and roots.

Luggage for cutting wire : provide a pure symmetrical slice, have a rounded head that protects the branch from damage.

Concave nippers:designed to cut the branches flush with the trunk, leaving an extended deepening. The cutting edge of such bodies is acute as a razor, so the wound on the tree heals quickly. This is a very important tool that cannot be replaced with garden scissors that affect wood at a different angle.

Convex bustacles : used to quickly and clean the removal of influx from the barrel and roots. The head of the bustard is made in the shape of a ball, so they are also called "spherical".

Flooring for roots:have reinforced blades that allow cut dense wood. Such plumbings are used to trim roots during bonsai transplant.

Barrel divider:this tool allows you to split the wood with the smallest residual damage. The shape of its head and symmetric cutting blades provide at the same time separation and dissection, as a result you get a pure split.

Little saw: It serves to trim the branches that cannot be removed with scissors and nippers. A small angle of divorce her teeth gives a smooth pure cut. The blade saws is slightly curved.

Wire: Copper or aluminum, the latter is two species - white and brown (anodized), its thickness is from 1 to 4 mm. The iron wire or the one is used in floristic is not suitable for the formation of miniature trees, it is not flexible enough and, moreover, rust. Copper wire before use must be flashed, that is, glow to red and quickly cool in the water so that it becomes soft and easier to be wound around the branches. When working with branches thicker 3 mm, it is better to use aluminum wire, and for gentle shoots take a thin copper (up to 0.5 mm), which you can not fade.

It has a multifunctional purpose, for example, for vaccinations, gifts, trimming of strong roots and small trunks.

we are needed when straining especially difficult branches in large bonsai. Clamps are of different sizes, their design makes it possible to increase pressure every few weeks or as the desired result is achieved. You need to use these tools carefully so as not to interrupt the movements of the juices in the branch.

we need to accumulate the needles, removing unnecessary kidneys, cleaning bonsai from insects, weeds and small garbage at the base of the tree. The reverse side of the tweezers has the form of a spatula, so it is also convenient to break or compact the soil.

Master OK: Helps tampering the soil and fix bonsai in the container.

Hasi:traditional Japanese food sticks are used in order to carefully unravel the roots when bonsai transplant.

Hooks with teeth: Replacing HASI while unraveling stronger and thick roots, without damaging them.

it has many use options - from the soil seal to cleaning the base of the trunks and the container.

designed to burst or remove the soil around the roots.

have built-in sieve, sifting dust. They will come in handy if you will harm large amounts of soil in winter, before using it in the spring you need to sift it.

Sieve:it is used to obtain soil with different graininess.

Watering can:it has a long nose and a small mesh, disseminating a water jet when irrigating bonsai.

Spray:used for uniform spraying of insecticides and spraying the crown bonsai water.

Sad mastic:special remedy for processing fresh cuts, helping to avoid the formation of scarring on a tree bark.

Tool care

Kohl Soon good tools For bonsai, it is not suiced, it is worth taking care of them to serve a little longer. After work, be sure to clean them from dirt and resin, scissors and pads, wipe with alcohol. Cutting tools that you do not use for a long time must be stored in a dry place, having previously lubricated them with machine oil and wrapped in woolen fabric. Knives and plugs from time to time have to be tolded, it can be done on your own with a grinding stone.

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The art of bonsai translated into Russian means "tree in a pot". This art originated in 200 BC. e. In China, more precisely, it was originally sounded like "Pan-San". A few centuries later the Japanese, together with Buddhism, mastered this art, brought him to perfection and now it is considered traditionally Japanese.

The first images of the bonsai literally - Hachitue are found on the scrolls of the late period of Kamakura (1249-1382). Love for dwarf trees is explained by simply - not having a large area and the opportunity to grow a garden near the house, the Japanese wanted to gain a corner of nature at home, and small trees did not occupy a lot of space. At first it was a massive passion, mainly among the simple people. Much later, after the victory over China in 1885, Bonsai became the subject of fashion, scientific study and collectibles. Various schools of bonsai and growing styles began to appear.

About 400 species of plants are suitable for creating bonsai. This bonsai has dimensions from 20 cm to 1.5-2 m. A special direction is the creation of miniature landscapes, where there is not one tree in a blue, and a whole piece of nature, with a lake, stones, miniature mountains and even waterfalls. The art of bonsai does not tolerate the fuss, it requires patient care. Bonsai care is a kind of ritual and meditation. The tree grown decades and centuries. IN imperial garden In Japan, there are copies of bonsai, which is about 300-400 years.

Recently, the compositions in the style of bonsai have become very fashionable. Bonsai is a miniature copy of a small part of nature. Trees with suede roots, stones, moss - all this is reduced. Of course, we adapt the ancient Chinese and Japanese culture of growing dwarf trees according to our climatic conditions and taste.

Fig. 40. Composition in the style of bonsai.

Russian lovers brought many innovations into classic compositions, but it's not about the compliance of our compositions original, but about creating our style, which is closer to us, and more corresponds to our climatic conditions and cultural traditions. We are engaged in our bonsai art, in comparison with its thousand-year history in China and then in Japan, only about 20 years old. A huge selection of indoor plants represents unlimited possibilities of growing miniature compositions.

Reference: Bonsai (from the initial "Pan-San" or "Pan-Ching") originated in China somewhere in 200 BC. e. - 400 g. e. It is absolutely correctly considered to be the cultural phenomenon of Japan, since it was there, in Japan, the art of bonsai grew, developed, survived his formation, and since then has spread widely in the world.

In Japanese, the word "bonsai" indicates the entire process of removing on a tray or in a shallow pot of a certain species or group of plants. Obviously, if the tree can be grown on a tray, then there must be a method for the cultivation of miniature samples of a particular type. Bonsai in the classic version can be represented as a tree or any plant considered through diminutive lenses. Basic elements of bonsai - plants, soil and pot. All this together creates an excellent living composition, which for a long time the eyes of his creator for a long time. So, the goal is not only in the cultivation of a healthy plant in the container, but also the creation of a single whole of three elements, which are absolutely suitable for each other, with each of them should have their own individuality and attract attention. For beginners, you can advise to collect landscapes and make sketches, watch out the natural landscapes.

Bonsai has all the signs of his prototype in nature: he has a trunk, bark, branches, leaves, flowers, fruits, it also grows in the soil, exposing the protruding roots, in general, repeats the model of the living tree of a certain type of natural value. The soil should look natural part of the relief. For this, selected stones are "rocks" and moss will cause an association with a forest natural landscape. Capacity should be chosen easier, that is, the color and form should not be thrown, then it becomes the natural component of this three-dimensional design. If you follow these recommendations, then the resulting bonsai will be able to create such a mood that we happen when we look at a wonderful landscape, groster, etc.

Bonsai culture provides some priority solutions, agrotechnical and methods that need to be considered before switching to the main and detailed description. Some bonsai grow and develop from seeds, others begin with cuttings and chains. First of all, you should choose a certain type of plant. It is necessary to start with those species of plants that grow in this area. In the regions with a cool climate, this may be coniferous plants, blooming and fruiting species.

Modern compositions include not only miniature trees. These are Liana, ferns, and other indoor plants that are included in the composition. Many indoor plants have all the signs of original bonsai - small leaves, small trunks. Ferns seem to be created in order to create a imitation of a coal landscape. Remember - plants with small foliage and elegant small flowers in a miniature bonsai look a lot more effectively plants with large leaves and flowers.

Fig. 41. Composition imitating bonsai.

But back to the original, "truly" bonsai. Exist various styleswhich can be grown bonsai. Such knowledge is needed when choosing. Lovers of magnificent conical forms will look for a young village, the growth model of which corresponds to the right straight-standing style. Others are looking for an improper structure of the tree, which in the future can create a look as if hanging over the rock.

For beginners it is necessary to understand the purpose of some accessories - container, means for decorating bonsai, tools needed for care.

So, the first question is where to start growing bonsai. There are some available methods, And each of them has its advantages and its drawbacks. The most complicated, and at the same time bringing a huge satisfaction with the way - this is to sow seed and observe how the seeding grows out of it, then the young tree, which with your help turns into an elegant bonsai of a certain form.

The second way is the cultivation of bonsai from cuttings and tempera, including from air chains. This method is especially good for curly plants - shrubs and some types of trees. You need to choose a branch in which the future bonsai would have been glad. Air pressure can be done at its discretion to grow the roots of the bonsai, and the branch must be cut off after the roots developed well. Then the tree is transplanted into the container. In such a model, the plant can be cultured for several years. The difficulties are concluded, first of all, in the search for a suitable branch, and the shallow roots extending on the ground are developing very slowly.

Fig. 42. Choosing a branch for bonsai and a separation department.

The third method used in bonsai - application of vaccinations. Its advantage is the use of short escape as a lead. This method is especially suitable for flowering and fruit trees. The lack of it is that the vaccination place remains noticeable. However, this defect can be hidden by the formation of the crown or the use of graft plants in the style of bonsai, when it is not striking.

Fig. 43. Grafted Tsev.

The fourth method that is definitely best suited for beginners is the choice and acquisition of a suitable tree in the nursery, which has a fairly thick trunk and a certain amount of branches. They allow them to give the final form of Bonsai, who has already lived in a container for several years and, therefore, has adapted to life in a limited space. After a thorough haircut and coaching in this plant, after any hour, the outlines of the future bonsai will appear, then two years will go to bring it to a mature state.

Fifth method. You are traveling for the city and are looking for small trees there, withstood all the storms. If you find such a tree, dig and, giving a form, transplant, then it will already be a good basis for bonsai. Perhaps the roots of the tree will be not developed enough. In this case, it is useful to transplant it to the Earth for a year or more so that the plant has developed as much superficial roots as possible, while continuing to work on its form. After that, the tree should dig and put in the container as bonsai.

When choosing a tree for bonsai, it must be borne in mind that the size of the leaves (or needles - at coniferous rocks) should be initially small, the flowers should also not be large, as large flowers on a small tree look disproportionately.

Juniper (Juniperus Prostrata) is a shrub of coniferous, which is very well suited for bonsai. It is hardy, easily takes the form in accordance with the selected style, although it develops slowly. Roksburg's robust pine (Pinus Roxburqhii) has a very long cheva and is suitable only as bonsai grown in the garden, which reaches a two-meter height. Nevertheless, this sustainable view can be grown in a miniature version if you cut a hive before the appropriate size. Cedar, spruce, fir - all these coniferous breeds Perfectly suitable for bonsai. Some types of cypress (TAXUS) are also suitable.

Large breeds. First of all, the trees of the genus Ficus (Ficus) of the Flower Family. They are stable, well take a given shape and grow so rapidly that over for several years turn into very interesting bonsai.

Ficus greenish quickly branches and forms thick large roots, protruding above the surface of the soil.

Ficus Bengalsky also gives ground roots very quickly, and is soon formed into an adult column-shaped tree, which occupies an impressive area. At the same time, the leaves are reduced over time, and in the future from this breed you can get the right one, from the point of view of bonsai, a small tree of the specified form.

Fig. 44. Ficus for bonsai.

A small tree that is easily and freely developing in a container - persimmon from the ebony family. Already in the process of growth, a wonderful umbrella form is very easily attached.

Ginkgo two-sighted ginkgov family is one of the oldest trees on the ground. Its modern form grows on fossils whose age reaches 175-200 million years. Petrified prints of the leaves of this tree were found in India. In Japan, this plant is called "Girl's Hair", as it has similarities with a fern, and it is often used enough in bonsai. It looks particularly beautiful in the fall in the fall, when the leaves before falling acquire bright yellow color.

It is good to grow a coronted camoon camphor, camphor laurel (Cinnamomum Camphora) of the Lavrovy family, as well as oak (quercus).

Among the leaf fall trees, we note several types of maples, birch trees, alder and ramp that are suitable for bonsai. You can try to grow in bonsai chinaru, or molding willow.

Flowering and fruit trees. All trees belong to flowering or fruiting trees. The exception is a small group belonging to the family of tree-like fern, sporofos. It should be known that the flowers and fruits in bonsai with the correct observance of all methods do not decrease in the amount, therefore it is recommended to select trees that give small flowers and fruits so that they look proportional to the miniature tree. Some types of peach, plums and apricots blooming well, blooming before the leaves develop.

Also good to grow a pear Japanese and almonds. And yet, preference is given to the apple tree. Especially good apple tree forest in white and pink color or with an abundance of small red apples. For our climate, many varieties of cherry are quite suitable. Suitable and hawthorn - a small tree, covered with bunches of tiny fragrant white flowers.

The family of the mulberry seems to be two main types of trees. Mulberry, both wild, and an indulgent is an exceptionally stable breed and well adapts to development under conditions of limited space. With a thorough haircut, a beautiful rounded crown shape with elegant branches is achieved. Small leaves are proportional to the scale adopted in the bonsai. The edible fruits of cultural species of this tree are very appetizing and it seems that the owners of bonsai taste are sweeter than any other. The only drawback is the leaves are difficult to reduce in size.

Dwarf Guaiyava is very suitable for bonsai. It attracts beautiful white flowers and small lilac red fruits, because of which this kind of guaiyava is sometimes called strawberry.

Some types of acacia belonging to the Mimosov family are also suitable for growing bonsai. This is primarily fragrant Acacia Farnesia. Small leaflets of this plant form a kind of elegant plumage (not even during flowering) small golden spherical flowers. She grows into abundance on the streets of cities, where it is used to create live elevations.

Shrubs. Malpigia stands in the first place among shrubs that can be used by a bonsai lover. This stable unpretentious plant is strongly branched, creating space for imagination in search of form. Small leaves dark green, glossy. Shrub gives a variety of gentle pink flowers throughout the summer. The plant is so sleeping with elegant flowers, which seems like a trunk, branches, the leaves only shine through them. The complete picture is complete powerful roots over the ground. This plant needs a constant trimming to maintain a given form.

A small shrub called Lime Chinese, Mirthy, also belongs to the Rutovy family, has beautiful dark green trochy leaves. It dismisses small white fragrant flowers, which redesters as ripening and giving bonsai unique charm.

Representative of the rut family - Murai, or Mirt Chinese. It is a beautiful shrub with dark green foliage and fragrant inflorescences that appear during the rainy season. Leaves are easily reduced by a regular haircut.

The Kiznicker is adapted to an even cooler climate, can give red or yellow berries depending on the type.

There are many beautiful shrubsSustainable in cool climatic zones, such as many types and varieties of azaleas who enjoy great success among bonsai lovers in Japan.

Tea family belongs to Camellia. Some of her types and varieties are characterized by small flowers and look great in the bonsai culture.

Gardenia prefers warm climatic conditions in combination with cool winter. Its dwarf view of G.fortunei with small leaves and flowers can serve as an excellent base for bonsai.

Also suitable for miniatures and hibiscus, or a Chinese rose, a family of Malvic, although it is somewhat large for the sizes of bonsai.

Brunefelzia is a shrub, who is popularly called "yesterday, today, tomorrow" is a great object for bonsai. Flowers that appear several times a year, on the first day there are a dense-violet shade, on the second day they pale and on the third completely lose the color, turning into white and justifying these metamorphoses of their name. Change color Gamma. Very beautiful in bonsai.

The dwarf shape of the grenade of the ordinary, the family of garnet, blooms and gives fruit without requiring any additional care. Flowers are bright red, small, proportional to the miniature tre. Little blooming and fruiting pomegranate always causes a sense of admiration. Twice blooming variety of pomegranate trees is perfectly cultivated in bonsai.

Journeling spiny from the family family, a well-known plant, covered with little red flowers. It is hard to work with him because of countless barbed spikes.

Jasmine Arabic, Sambak. This fairly large shrub is exceptional popularity due to small white and orange flowers, blooming at night and falling in the morning. Leaves are rigid and rather rough, but they are reduced and made more appropriate with regular trimming.

Liana. When cultivating Lian in Bonsai, two rules should be known:

1. Because of the large number of beautiful roots, it is better not to try to produce the first transplant to the container.

2. Putting the shape with the help of the wire follows the period when the shoots did not win and can be flexed easily.

Compact varieties are easier to contain in a small space than spread. Some types of double flowers are especially impressive due to abundant flowering and small size of flowers.

Curly plants of herbaceous origin can also look spectacular as bonsai, for example, Japanese honeysuckle. Especially the effect of bonsai from this type of plant in the style of "Cascade" or in the style of "Wood hanging over the rock."

Glicinia is grown due to spectacular flower bunch - lilac, purple or white. The plant belongs to the subfamily of moth bean families.

Bamboo can also use bonsai culture. First, small gentle roots are planted into the container, and then fat roots with new sprouts selected as the basis for the future groves. Next, they are watered and left in the container, giving rise to new stems.

Tsiperus an umbrella, family family, convenient because in a small container it does not grow up to large sizes and, therefore, it will look to look like many blooming annual plants.

Nandine domestic (Nandina Domestica), a barberry family, attractive to its dark red leaves. Many succulents, in particular, Tolstanka and Mokhodi, can be a good find for the composition.

The bonsai concomitant plant in the composition usually includes grassy plants, mosses, lichens in order to emphasize the advantages of the main plant.

AIR is a dwarf plant with green and white longitudinal stripes on the leaves, it looks great in a small container. The same can be said about a number of dwarf plants With small bulbs, which are perfectly growing in small containers, such as Muscari, Mouse Golubrint, Types of Zephiranthes, some species of sourness.

Bonsai styles

Let's call the following main styles:

· "Bonsai in miniature";

· "Bunzhin";

· "Wood bent" (based on a previous style underlies, but there are some differences);

· "Mernel-shaped" tree;

· Group of trees, or "groster";

· Cascade;

· Compositions on the rocks;

· Multi-tree tree;

· Inclined tree;

· Improper reprehension;

· Polokscad;

· Right reprehensive.

IN eastern countries They are much more, but those listed here make up the basis of all other styles and their layers. However, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the most stringent rules in their respect, as we use rocks growing from us, and they naturally may differ from breeds vegetable world East. Modern miniature compositions are distinguished by a large variety of styles and plants. You can allocate:

· Pond and fountain in miniature;

· Latin American landscape;

· Coal landscape with fern and moss.

As well as completely fantasy compositions, for example, a cactus, seized by ivy or drazes, on which the blooming fuchsia is located, and at the bottom, around the trunk - lichens, cocheps or stamps. It is about the style of decoration, a landscape in miniature.

Nevertheless, you should know the main principles laid down in the rules - they were designed in Japan so that everyone can be guided by them in the process of growing naturally looking in the thumbnail. And success can be achieved faster, adhering to some specific style. It is much more effective than trying at random to imagine how this or that tree can grow in natural conditions. Adhering to the proposed recommendations, you will avoid many mistakes.

Right reprehensive style. The main style of bonsai. The tree is characterized by a direct barrel, which is narrowed up, thick diverging roots, branches, slightly prone down. The top of the tree is almost always a conical or spherical shape.

Fig. 45. Right reprehensive style.

The main thing is the form of the barrel. He is divided into three parts. The lower part is without branches and foliage, so that the trunk, the roots and the structure of the cortex were in sight. Three main branches depart from the next third of the barrel. They are located in a three-dimensional projection, two branches - to the parties, and the third ongoing compositions, strengthening the impression of the prospects. This branch is home, and it should be beautiful in shape and decorated with leaves. Two side branches complement the picture. They can be slightly rotated on the viewer, but should not blame the main one. The third, the top, part of the trunk forms the crown. Usually the branches are raised upwards, and the foliage is developed and thick on them. The tree in this style looks best in an oval or rectangular container.

Several important conclusions are followed from the above description:

1. It should be borne in mind that the front and rear parts of the tree must be easily distinguishable. The front plan of Bonsai looks most effectively and creates a direct perception of it as a naturally growing tree. The viewer easily defines the front, most spectacular plan of bonsai on the following signs: two thirds of the barrel are freely visible, the second or third branches are directed from the viewer and give bonsai spatial depth.

2. Visual age and, therefore, the "impressive" appearance of the tree is determined by the scorched roots located on the surface and leaving to the ground. The roots make the impression that the tree grows many years and firmly holds in the ground.

3. Large bottom branches of many old trees are clone down, while the little ones are directed up. Such a location in the Bonsai culture imitates the natural look of the tree, creates a visual sensation of his "age". In addition, the lack of branches in the lower part of the trunk, the clear visibility of their branches in the middle part also give the bonsai feeling of "age", distinguishing the thumbnail from the shrub or a young tree.

The correct reprehensive style is suitable for coniferous trees and trees with a spherical crown.

Wrong straight style. The main difference of this style is the trunk of a tree should be curved. For the best visual perception of Crown, it should be slightly turned to the viewer. Branches, roots and leaves are located in the same way as in the compositions in an expire style.

Fig. 46. \u200b\u200bWrong straight style.

Style "tilted tree". In this case, the tree is tilted or curved in one direction, and the lower branch is directed in the opposite direction. All branches are curved towards the trunk tilt, the top is slightly tilted forward. The tree grows in the middle of the container so that the crown and branches do not go beyond the dishes.

Fig. 48. The tree bent by the wind.

Styles "Polokscad" and "Cascade". The style of "Polokscad" is also called "a tree on a rock." The trunk first grows straight up, and then abruptly go to the side. In the "Cascade" style, the trunk falls to the side, while hanging below the level of the container. To do this, the container put on the edge of the table or stand. Three main branches must be noticeable on the back of the cascade.

Fig. 49. Cascade.

Fig. 50. Polokscad.

The composition will be more stable if the container is high. The small branch of the top is usually directed in the opposite direction from the bulk of the tree. This visually baits the composition, and gives the tree a more natural look. You can also direct down the trunk, but one of the main branches.

Style "Mernel-shaped" tree. This is a reprehensive style. There are no lower branches, and all branches are directed up. Therefore, the tree resembles Metelka.

Fig. 51. Dissoid tree.

Style "Bunzhin" (elitary style). This style is difficult to evaluate and describe. His feature is the bending of the barrel. This is the main line of the composition, and how much this line is exquisite and aesthetic, and determines the success of the composition. This style reflects the artistic traditions of Japan. Vintage images of trees, the trunk of which is bent and contains few leaves. But those leaves that are visible have clear and refined outlines make it possible to evaluate the beauty of a separate sheet.

Style "Multi-Tree". The tree can have two or more trunks, but they should grow from one point. This is usually an odd amount. There are a lot of options for such a composition, a visual impression can be based on the interweaving of the trunks, or creating a multifaceted composition. Crohn can be a common or separate, the village may be the same or different in height. You can achieve interesting combinations of lateral branches.

Group of trees. This style provides for two to three trees to the whole "groves". If a small number of trees grows, they can be placed near each other. It can be a whole landscape. In such a composition, the use of additional elements is necessarily - they will determine the flavor of the landscape and there are so many options that, for their description, we will assign a separate chapter.

Fig. 52. Group of trees.

Compositions on the rocks. There are excellent opportunities here. The main is stones folded in the form of a natural cliff. You can place plants so as to focus on the plants themselves on the background of the cliff, but more and possible. The roots of the plants that are tired of rocks, and themselves can be decorative and interesting. In the first case, stones and plants themselves should be visible, which have a well-decorated trunk, branches and crowns, in the second case, the lower half of the plant should be transparent, with a minimum amount of branches, to enable the viewer to consider exactly the roots and stones. Crown may be smaller, but then there must be interesting few leaves. Both of these types of rocks on the rocks should be as natural as possible, that is, close to natural landscapes.

Fig. 53. Trees on the rocks.

Bonsai in miniature. This is a completely tiny tree, the height of mini-bonsai should not be more than 25 cm. The smaller the tree than it is older, and the more like adult plant - The more valuable is such a plant. Miniature is achieved by landing into very close containers. The cultivation of such a plant is a long and painstaking business. There are copies of the 50-70-year-old age. Design styles are the same as for the above-described bonsai. The growth and thickening of the trunk occurs very slowly due to a small amount of land in tiny containers. The main thing - right watering - A small amount of land in the container dries very quickly, and the plant can perish.

So, it can be concluded - the most important element of bonsai is a plant barrel. After all, each time it is bent, it is possible to break it and all subsequent forms of bonsai absolutely depend on the shape of the trunk. To easily develop bonsai in accordance with the selected style, start the process of forming the form follows from a young barrel.

Most people know the Japanese word "Bonsai", but in fact the art of Bonsai takes their origins in another country - in China, where it is called Pengjin. Matthew Queen, a gardener from the Montreal Botanical Garden and a large lover of miniature trees, lived in China for six months to explore this art, much less known than Bonsai.

He loved the trees since childhood, spent a lot of time in the forest: "The trees hit me with their strength, the ability to adapt, I like to grow a tree in a pot, it will resemble big trees."

Matthew Queen became interested in breeding miniature trees in pots, and after many years of cultivation of small trees decided to make his hobby profession and make money on life. As long as this dream is incarnated only in part, because the Botanical Garden hired him as an employee only on the summer seasons.

Difference between Pengjin and Bonsai

Almost everyone heard the word "Bonsai", however, the term "Prangesin" for the majority remains unfamiliar. Matthew Queen explains: "Bonsai invented in Japan. The Japanese, leading trade with China, discovered the Pengjin gardens there, adopted this in the Chinese and improved this type of art. The economic situation in Japan contributed to the colorful of art. And the situation in China over the past 100 years can hardly be called prosperous. Therefore, Panjin was heated. But now the situation is improving, and when I visited China, I saw the trees that are not inferior to Japanese in its beauty. Of course, many Japanese trees in Bonsai more ancient, compositions are more impressive, and they are miniature. "

According to the observations of the Canadian gardener, Bonsai has more peaceful and calm compositions, they do not care. In turn chinese trees They look much more dynamic, they are more movement, gust. Some people note that Panjin has a fantastic look compared to Bonsai. These trees look like the fruit of fantasy, and the Japanese are trying to recreate what can be seen in nature.

Another difference is that the Chinese love to create landscapes using, for example, marble, stones, laying them around the tree. In these compositions, "Stone acts as a central object, and the tree is like a framing, this is Panjin." In turn, the Japanese, who also create compositions from stones, placed a plant in the landscape center.

All these differences are no more than convention. It is possible that the composition of a separate Chinese wizard will have a Japanese flavor, and vice versa. And what is the style of a 30-year-old gardener from Quebec look like: "I think I combine both styles! I like calm, discreet and elegant trees, but I also love a dramatic look. It's like music: I love classical music, and at the same time I like alternative music. It depends on my mood".

Pengjin in China

Matthew Queen, who spent last winter in China for learning Pengjin, is divided into his blog: "At first, I asked the masters the question: how to master the art of Panjin?" And got a simple answer:

1. To work hard.
2. Examine Chinese culture, Chinese history, Chinese and more time with the Chinese.

He studied Pengjin for six months, mainly in the Shanghai Botanical Garden. He mastered the Linnan style in the Trecy Garden in Guangdong Province and spent a month in the Museum of Pendjin in Yangzhou in the company of the famous Masters Mr. Zhao. IN free time Matthew's training and practice traveled to Pengjin's gardens in Suzhou, Haikou and North of China, and also helped with the organization of the 50th anniversary of the Bonsai International Club. Even during a short trip to Hong Kong on issues related to a visa, he met there with Pendjin people.

During his stay in China, Quebec enthusiast noted that the Chinese always separates Pendjin and Bonsai: "They constantly celebrate their differences." From his point of view, Chinese masters Pengjin draw their inspiration in the paintings of the Sun dynasty (960-1279): "The trees are attached sharp bends, as in the pictures of the era of the Sun Dynasty." In the Panjin gardens created poetic landscapes, Panjin often placed a statuette, "To add a character, create a plot."

The creators of Pengjin are invented for their compositions the poetic name, which consists of seven hieroglyphs describing the landscape or some scene. In China, Matthew Queen did Pansjin under the leadership of the Chinese master. Kleon chose as a tree, the Chinese figure added to the resulting composition, it symbolized friendship and cultural exchange between Canada and China. "He gave the Chinese name, and I am English, these were seven words describing the cooperation of the two peoples. I really liked creating a story with Pengjin, "the Canadian gardener writes.

Matthew Queen's blog about China www.bonsaiquinn.wordpress.com

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