The Chinese are struggling with sand, planting trees. Chinese vegetable breeding told how greenhouse vegetables are growing

Reservoirs 04.03.2020

It was on this day that a person who submitted a personal example of planting trees was died in China, - Sun Yatsen and it is in his honor that young people are now located annually in the subway. Today, the day of planting trees has the status of a national holiday (he acquired it 61 after the death of the Chinese policy of Yatsen) ...

It was on the initiative of Yatsen in China "a resolution on holding a nationwide voluntary landing for planting for trees", according to which each person signed under the document, aged 11 to 60 years old, should annually plant 1-3 tree. You will be surprised - but a lot of signatories in China! Signatures here are voluntarily and most of the population The country supports and has always supported the resolution.
Planting trees has very important for China - with their help, the country struggles with one of the main enemy surrounding the major cities of the country - with sand. Blowing out of the northern deserts and degraded dry lands, he covers the road, clogs railway tracks and dries pastures. According to Greenpeace, today in China, almost 98% of all forests of the country suffer from sand! Protected this and perennial cutting of forests that accelerated the soil degradation. And here is the result - today more than a quarter of the country is covered with sand. There is another great wall against the new enemy, this time green. Middle Kingdom sells "three northern shelters", which is the world's largest project landing project. "The resolution on holding a nationwide voluntary campaign for planting trees" became part of it - since 1978, more than 66 billion trees were planted by Chinese citizens. By the end of the project, which is scheduled for 2050, the green wall should reach 4500 km (2800 miles) at the edges of China's northern deserts, and the landing area should cover 405 million hectares and increase forest cover in the world by more than the tenth part.
In the process of implementing the project, the Chinese have already encountered a number of problems: first, only 15% of trees planted on the arid lands of China since 1949, passed. This data is voiced by Cao Shisuun from the Beijing Forestry University. Many trees today have already died "from old age" - do not everyone know that those trees that have grown with an artificial way have a lifespan of about four decades. In addition, landlined trees suffer from a weakened immunity - they are subject to diseases and suffer from insects: so, in the province of Ninxia in the north-west of China, the pests destroyed 1 billion poplars in 2000 - that is, so many trees, how much it was planted here in two decades of work . In arid areas, trees may even aggravate desertification due to the exhaustion of groundwater and the destruction of herbs that bind the soil.
Most critics of the project "Three Northern Shelters" are confident that it can be successful only if the government will "work" with the correct types of trees. In some territories today, the government began to restore local species: for example, we are talking about sea buckthorn - in the 1980s it was considered to be a shrub and destroyed as a plague, but today are planted in arid areas. Many innovative and investment projects in China are connected with Botanic - so, in 2012, the World Bank provided China $ 80 million to grow a mixture of local shrubs to stabilize sand dunes in Ninja for five years.
But the success of the country on the global front of the fight against the sand is unlikely to be called everywhere today: in the Minkin in the North-West, where two huge deserts are growing slowly, the cost of planting trees has increased more than ten times since the 1980s, and the trees are dying here very much fast! Since 2003, more than 450,000 people moved by the Chinese authorities in particular from the area with the name of Inner Mongolia to prevent the further use of the Earth ... Only common sense and a deliberate approach to falling trees can help the Chinese to keep such an enemy like sand.

"Tell me thanks that we feed you"

Chinese worker in one of the greenhouses where vegetables are grown. Photo: Alexander Kondratyuk / Tass

The Chinese vegetable breeder told the "Russian Planet", how greenhouse vegetables are grown near Krasnoyarsk

In order to interview one of the Chinese-vegetable breeding products operating in the greenhouses in the Berezovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the RP correspondent had to work. Find a familiar who lived a few years in China and knowledgeable Chinese. Stocking of expensive cigarettes. Disguise the voice recorder. To come to a greenhouse town and buy a decent batch of tomatoes and cucumbers in an improvised shop. Only after that, one of the workers, a former builder from Qinghai Province, agreed to move aside - to smoke and talk. And talking, began to answer questions.

- Tell me why your cabbage matures for a month and a half, and at the reaches next door no less than three?

Because the Russians grow completely different vegetables. We never use local seeds, everything is brought from China. They are much better than yours. Our agronomists are very serious. They create such varieties so that the vegetables give a big harvest and grew quickly. You have a lot of land, you can plant a lot of cabbage and wait long until she grows. We have little lands, and there are many people. Therefore, in China, they try to remove the varieties that ripen in the week so that new vegetables can be planted on the vacation place.

Mr. Dzhan (so the source RP calls the owner of the greenhouses where he works. - RP) I told that when he was just started working in Russia, I tried to plant Russian seeds, thinking that they were better suited for your climate. But these vegetables grew badly, they constantly hurt, the crop was very small. After that, he switched to Chinese, and everything was improved.

Now the Russians began to understand what good seeds we have. A person whose Mr. Jan is buying seeds, says that now many Russians come to him, asking to sell. He sells, because the next year they still have to buy them again. We have all hybrid vegetables. If you yourself collect seeds from ripe cucumbers or tomatoes, they still will not give good offspring. Vintage will be much smaller. Therefore, it is better to buy expensive seeds, bred and collected by Chinese agronomas, do not save.

- Advise how to care for vegetables so that they grow faster and gave a big harvest?

First, you need to feel very well for the land, so that the seeds have enough in it. As soon as the sprouts appear, it is necessary to follow them all the time: processing from diseases, from pests, destroy weeds. It is necessarily good to feed the plants to be strong. You have a rich land, fertilizers can be given less than in China, but they are still needed. We once a week spray the sprouts with fertilizer, which is also brought from China. It was created by our agronomists specifically for industrial cultivation in greenhouses in a cold climate. As soon as you start using, everything is growing quickly and well. Even in the ground, add the substances necessary plants - they help increase the harvest.

- What is this substance? What is included in their composition?

I do not know exactly. Let's see on the package ( brings a small package with some grains inside). This is a feeding for tomatoes. Here it is written how to use it. You need to pour a few peas for each bush once a week. Here is the composition: superphosphate, urea, some other unfamiliar names. I do not know them. But I know that this is a very good feeding, you start to pour it, and the result is immediately visible. Chinese agronomists are the best in the world, they know everything about vegetables, everyone studied. We have the most advanced science, new discoveries are made every day.

We also use Russian fertilizers, because they are cheaper, but they do not give such a result. You must also have our own, Chinese feeding to buy and give vegetables.

- What kind of Russian fertilizers do you use?

- This is an ammonia nitrate, concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. How do you use it?

Sychal on the ground, and then water to have absorbed.

Seliver, packaged in bags. Photo: Nikolai Titov / Fotoimedia / Tass

- How often?

Once a week. One bag grabs one greenhouse.

- Are all the vegetables so harder?

Everything. What is?

Ammonia Selitra categorically impossible to use cucumbers for feeding: they will have many nitrates, they will be dangerous to health ...

As Mr. Gian says, we are doing. If it is bad fertilizer, why do you release it then? It is not done in China, but in Russia, right? We are offended when they say that we use harmful feeders. It is not true. Maybe your Russian fertilizers and bad, and our, Chinese, all good.

Tell me, if the vegetables grown by us do not like, why do you buy them? Why are whole trucks export? Do not like, eat those that raised themselves. If our tomatoes and cucumbers are dangerous to health, then why are you then for their own - Russians - give them? And with each other once specifically went to the market to see what vegetables sell there. There they are all lying there, we learn them - they themselves raised. Only the price is tens of times higher. And in stores the same thing - all our cucumbers and tomatoes. Mr. Dzhan says that then Russian merchants assure that the vegetables have not bought us, and they themselves were raised or brought from Europe. And the price is raised to heaven. And in our season they buy for funny money. We recently, we have sold a whole tomato truck for only 5 rubles per kilogram sold, just to repeal the costs of boxes. And then your merchants are more expensive for them, I saw himself.

Some merchants we specifically ask to grow huge tomatoes. They then give them out for these your most famous tomatoes from the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ... Forgot how they are called ...

- Minusinsk?

For sure! They say they are considered the most delicious. If our tomatoes were bad, they could not be for the best. And merchants are issued, and no one complains, everyone likes.

- Do you yourself like vegetables that you grow?

Of course, they are not so tasty as in China. How else? There are few sun here, there is little heat. It is necessary to build greenhouses, stir the stove so that the plants do not froze. Feed them with fertilizers to have time to grow and give a crop. And so that the vegetables have gained taste, they must ripen long, under the sun. Therefore, for myself, we grow all the vegetables in a separate greenhouse. They do not feed them, so as not to rush. So tastier. Yes, and the varieties for yourself are the others - those who are accustomed to at home. They give a smaller harvest, but they like more.

- Why not all vegetables in all greenhouses do not grow without feeding and fertilizer?

It will work for a very long time, will be unprofitable. If you want to wait for vegetables without the use of feeding created specifically for industrial cultivation, they will be very expensive. Then they will cost not 5, but 50 rubles per kilogram. And to work in Russia, the business should be very profitable. After all, here not only for the land and work should be paid, but also a lot of money to give officials. Mr. Jan told that he was paying for us to be caught and not sent back to their homeland, so that they were not accused of growing bad vegetables, so as not to demolish our greenhouses with bulldozers - this was already done. He pays all the time and still fears all the time. In Russia, the Chinese include very poorly, all the time problems are created.

Chinese worker in one of the greenhouses where vegetables are grown. Photo: Alexander Kondratyuk / Tass

- And how are the locals? Do not create problems?

We rarely communicate with them, only when suddenly it urgently need to buy something. They don't love us too, very often impoligently behave. Many people offend that we took their land. But who is to blame for this? They themselves. So you were in China - saw how much the lands do we have idle? Not at all. All busy, everything is processed, no free meter. We do not take earth because it is all used. And in Russia, huge fields are empty. If you don't need them, why not give them to those who want and know how to work? Who is to blame that the Russians do not want to work, and we want? That they do not know how good vegetables grow, and we can? It would be better to come and asked to teach what and how to do, and not angry with us. We could have learned a lot, shared knowledge.

- What, for example?

Yes, at least what a film for greenhouses is needed to grow three or four crops per season in a cold climate. Our scientists have created a very good material, it does not break, only pulls out. Misses a lot of light: even when twilight, inside light, like day. Good keeps warm. In Russia, such a film do not know how to bring it from China. If the Russians learned to release it, it would be profitable for everyone. But your officials, instead of sending capable people to adopt Chinese experience, prefer to declare that our film is harmful. It is necessary to bury it in the ground, when the working season ends so that no one noticate anything, but they will find and say that it is dangerous, because they do not understand what it is made.

Honestly, I think that we invent so much bad about us because they do not understand how we get such a good harvest. Therefore, and invent that we use harmful feeders, fertilizers. But our secret is extremely simple - you need to work a lot. Early in the morning to get up to the sunset to work, all day do not blends back. We put our land with our own way. Russians do not know how much and do not want and do not want. They have a lunch, then ... How is your word about idleness? Remembered: Sign. Also drink a lot. Therefore, different nonsense is inventing about us. It's easier to explain why it grows, and they have no. From one meter per season 100 kg of vegetables, and they are 10. So judge for yourself who can work, and who is not. We have one greenhouse with only one employee, and the Russian workers would need to be needed.

Now the ruble will chef, it will become quite unprofitable in Russia to lead, and we will leave. Probably, only after that our work will be appreciated when the vegetables will be raised there will be no one and shops will empty. Russians cannot feed themselves. So better tell me thanks that we are still feeding you.

- If not a secret, how much do you earn a month now?

Very little. I come to Russia for earning the third year in a row. The first time it turned out a decent amount, I was enough to repair at home. The second time earned less, but still two times more than I received in China. And how much this year will come out, I do not even know. The ruble is cheaper all the time. I'm afraid I stay almost with anything. If so, next year I will not come. Of course, if it turns out to find a job at home, otherwise I may not be selection and will have to come back here.

Do you understand that the Chinese go to work in Russia not from a good life? Here it is very hard for us. You work for 16 hours a day, and even not enough to wash. Mr. Dzhan says that I would like to build a good house for visiting workers with all the comforts, but there is no point. It is not known when your authorities want to demolish bulldozers and drive us from the ground. You have to use at school. Every year the greenhouses in a new place are forced to build, all start again.

I had a chance to visit the place where Chinese greenhouses stood last year. There is still nothing grows - barely grass breaks. What do you think, why?

Because we are very good land from all weeds, did not be lazy. The compositions that our scientists create are help to get rid of all harmful plants once and for all. But do not worry: they do not act on the beneficial plants. So they are specially created. If on Earth from under our greenhouses start growing, for example, tomatoes, they will grow perfectly and give an excellent harvest. And nothing harmful in them will be. Many local us accuse us that we will go their land. But this is not the case, we only improve it. No need to be afraid of what you do not understand.


A smiling and talkative worker with pleasure sold to the RP correspondent glossy, plumbing tomatoes and small, elastic, dark green with sumps cucumbers. To test his words that all vegetables grown in Chinese greenhouses are absolutely safe for health, we have passed them for analysis to an independent laboratory of the Center for Biochemical Research.

In addition, a benzopire was found in cucumbers, which should not be there. This carcinogen of the first class of danger destroys the bone and the liver, causes malignant tumors. Arsenic and fluorine were found in tomatoes - in quantity, twice the MPC. These toxic substances destroy human protein.

Unknown chemicals were also discovered, determine the composition of which in the laboratory could not. What influence they can have on the human body know, probably, only the mysterious Chinese "agronomists".

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Garlic They were grown in Asian countries for more than three thousand years ago. Therefore, it can be assumed that for so many years on the homeland of garlic learned to cultivate this plant as efficiently as possible.

.Site) will tell you about it.

To begin with, we will understand what is so useful in garlic?

It turns out that garlic is rich in protein. For the plant, the protein content of six - eight percent is not completely bad. Still in garlic quite a lot gland. To obtain more "ferrous" garlic, put it in the winter. Still in garlic quite a lot ascorbic acid, Vitamins group B and PP. Another very valuable element is iodine Also present in garlic in sufficiently serious quantities. In green garlic there are Vitamin A.
Garlic gives food very dull and savory aroma and taste. In China, garlic loves and prefer green garlic. The Chinese are so love to gnaw a young garlic that they do it even on the go, right in the midst of the street.

How do garlic grow in China?

Although there is an opinion that growing garlic is easier than simple, it is not. To get a good harvest, you should know many garlic secrets. One of them, for example, that garlic does not like to grow on those beds, where tomatoes, potatoes, onions or garlic herself sat down to him. For a purpose three years, it is necessary to relax the land after garlic plantations under other cultures so that in this place it was possible to plant garlic again. But after lettuce, parsley, dill, peas, beans, cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers or pumpkins Garlic grows perfectly. Garlic can hurt a variety of diseases that affect heads and make them unsuitable for food.

The Chinese under the garlic stand out huge areas. Sowing garlic by their beliefs is best to tell the last decade of September or the first decade of October. At the same time, the day should be chosen taking into account the phases of the moon. The work on the preparation of the Earth begin six weeks before the landing, that is, at the end of summer. Garlic in China is grown in dry and well-lit places. Grooves make two with an interval of eighty centimeters - this is a bed. The depth of the groove is up to twenty centimeters, and its width is twenty-five centimeters. You can do not do two grooves on the garden, but three, but it will greatly complicate you to care for plants. At the bottom of the grooves, a layer of humus or manure ripped, slightly hammering with the ground and treated with aqueous solution of copper sulfate. Now each bed must be covered with polyethylene and leave to landing.

Plant garlic at the edges of the groove. Two rows are obtained. It is very important to plant garlic on time. If you do it early, then he will give the shoots that will freeze, and if late, it will not have time to root and rotate. Before boarding all the cloves of garlic be sure to disarm the size of four piles. In order to protect garlic from pests. The planting material needs to be lowered for a couple of minutes to solve the salt, for four liters of water, take three tablespoons of the salt, and then in a solution of copper sulfate (for four liters of water Paul a teaspoon of vitriol). Now you can land a teeth. Large teeth put fifteen centimeters with intervals, smaller with eleven centimeters. Squeeze even smaller teeth at a distance of nine centimeters and the most tiny in seven centimeters from each other. Sigger to the depth of five centimeters.

With suspected frosty winter, you can cover rows with dry leaves, straw or peat. With the onset of warm days, insulation is cleaned, the earth frivops a little. When garlic appears three sheets - time to fertilize. Another two weeks you need to eat again and in mid-June for the third time. The arrows should be cut when their length will be fifteen centimeters. In China, they are eaten, extinguished, used for conservation. If you do not remove the arrows or make it late, the harvest of garlic will decrease by thirty - forty percent.

Garlic is better to emphasize that the heads are not sticking over the surface of the soil. Do it need twice for growing. Ready for cleaning garlic when the closest leaves becomes dry, and the following dried half.
After collecting, the garlic dries right in the field. Two days on the one hand and two days on the other. At the same time, garlic heads cover from garlic from another row.
Garlic is an excellent seasoning for the table, a component for dietary supplements (biologically active additives) and drugs.

Personally, we have home seeds in the grounds with land - early tomatoes, pepper and eggplant - have already risen. Small sprouts began to reach the light. But we sowed and we, and our readers are not all. So it's time to talk about what seeds are better to buy. And the dangerous seeds from China are dangerous as amouric.

Packages with seeds from China Amurzhane are very often taken. They carry through customs in pockets, in her handbags, hide as they can, because they know that it is illegally. The law prohibits seeds into Russia without a certificate of varietal and sowing qualities. And Chinese seeds have no such certificates. But the people are still lucky: they are cheaper, their yields, as they consider gardeners, high, and the seeds themselves, unlike the goods of domestic producers, the Chinese in the packages are much more, - says senior Inspector of the Office of Rosselkhoznadzor in the Trans-Baikal Territory and the Amur Region Pavel Zhirnov. "However, no one knows that in reality in these bags with illegal seeds."

Ahead of weeds

Seeds themselves can be infected with various kinds of sores. Not only is the crop such seeds are unable, they and the whole garden can be pretty pouched.

Remember, the Chinese make bags with seeds most often with handicraft. That is, they collect them from their beds manually and fall asleep. Such seeds carry all the sores with which plants in beds are infected. Our seeds are manufactured with proper factory control and fall into bags after careful selection.

Gene modifications

China is officially allowed gennomified products. In Russia, there are a strict ban on them. Executive example: in Europe began to plant the corn modified genetic method. Scientists did so that her pollen became a poisonous to pest butterflies. But no one earned that all butterflies in the district will die from pollen. Ecology has been huge damage, "says Pavel Zhirnov.

But genhanged products are dangerous not only for butterflies. Genetics got to plant seeds literally ten-fifteen years ago. Such a short time passed since the plants began to modify the forced way. And how GMO influences the human body, no one knows. And we already eat them. By the way, the Chinese themselves are increasingly buying Russian soybeans, refusing to the same gennomified Brazilian, and even from their own. Although it would seem to have a people unpretentious in terms of food. Russian scientists believe that GMOs can cause hazardous allergic reactions and even lead to cancer.

So, Chinese seeds may well be gennomified. After all, the Chinese themselves are rarely writing about this on their products.

What is better to buy

Illegally visible from the subtybide bag can be found in private traders in the markets. Chinese colors seeds - in flower shops. From the supervisory authorities, the sellers are hiding them, but if you ask - get out of the floors. According to the above reasons Rosselkhoznadzor It categorically does not advise such seeds to take. Our domestic seeds are quite good. Suppliers are carrying here, to the Far East, mainly those varieties that are well taken out on our cold soil and give a normal harvest before the onset of autumn cold. It is best that specialists are recommended, acquire seeds in large specialized stores or in proven, experienced private traders who are the road to their reputation. So you and the harvest is good guaranteed, and from the danger of entering the infection in the soil get rid.

Each seller seeds should have an original or a copy of the act of state quarantine phytosanitary control. The presence of such a document means that the entire part of the seeds passed the examination in Rosselkhoznadzor and is fully safe. Require such an act when buying. You, as a consumer, have the right to this. Complaining sellers without the necessary documents in the local department of Rosselkhoznadzor by phone 8-914-396-44-60 .

But as for the specific varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other cultivated plants, here to say something concrete difficult. Very much, varieties, we divorced a lot. According to Rosselkhoznadzor, up to 90 percent of the varieties of seeds sold in the Amur region are perfect, well, or almost perfect, suitable for our soils and our climate.

Reader on note

What a penalty for illegal seeds

For 2012, 671 package of seeds and 55 seedlings seized on the border of the Amur region and China. Of course, the illegal goods are found not all who protece it. If you are stopped at customs and scaled Chinese seeds hidden in pants, you will have to pay a fine. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Disorders, it is:

With ordinary citizens - from 200 to 500 rubles,

From officials - from 500 to 1000 rubles,

From individual entrepreneurs - from 500 to 1000 rubles,

From legal entities - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles.

By the way, the dear reader (and suddenly you are the mistress of the flower salon or the owner of the gardener store), the same article of the law allows the supervisory authorities for the party of illegal seeds to cover your institution for 90 days.

By the way

What weeds can be in chinese bags

Yes, anyone! But the most dangerous is the reary and ambrosia.

Ambrosia No less malicious. Externally, it looks like a pancake with small inflorescences, like mimosa. Slives under all conditions, the seeds are perfectly winter even in a completely freezing land. And the seeds of ambrosia spreads heaps. This weed takes a lot of moisture from the ground. Cultural plants drink does not leave at all. In addition, the ambrosia is considered dangerous for allergies - pollen gives a lot, often causes sneeze, runny nose and even asthmatic attacks in the gardeners digging in beds.

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