How to clean a wood cutting board. Preparing your wood cutting board for use Wood cutting board oil

landscaping 17.06.2019

A good cutting board for any chef is as important a tool as a properly sharpened knife. Now there is a huge choice of materials for the manufacture - they are made not only in the old fashioned way from wood, but also from various kinds plastic and even glass. Modern non-wooden boards certainly have their advantages, but none of these materials protects the knife from blunting like wood, and with proper care for such a board, it will be no less safe, in a hygienic sense, than, for example, glass.

Wood is a wonderful material, but the porous structure of its surface improper care serves as an excellent haven for all kinds of microbes and bacteria. Avoiding the accumulation of dirt in and extending its life is quite simple - you just need to remember to clean it every time after use and know how to care for it. So how do you handle a cutting board?

So let's start from the beginning. First way.

To prepare the board for the first use, it must be washed and dried properly so that mold does not appear and bacteria do not penetrate the wood fibers. Then it should be lubricated 2-3 times with oil from all sides, including the side ones. You should not use vegetable oil (corn, olive, sunflower) for this, as its taste becomes rancid over time and can greatly worsen taste characteristics products that come into contact with a wooden surface. Board care oil should be mineral (also called liquid paraffin): it is non-toxic, colorless, does not have any pronounced taste or smell and perfectly protects the wood from water penetration into it. Sold most often in pharmacies. Regular use of mineral oil also prevents the cutting board from drying out and cracking. You just need to be careful when buying mineral oil and choose not technical, but the so-called "white" mineral oil, which is safe for human health.
To prepare the board for use, pour oil on the surface and rub it well with a soft cloth. Leave the board to dry for a few hours and repeat the operation. After the last procedure, wipe the surface with a clean, dry cloth to remove excess oil, if any.

The second way.

The coating can be made more durable by adding a little beeswax, which is an excellent waterproofing agent. With the application of wax, the surface of the board will become smoother, softer and less prone to wear. You can buy it, for example, in the store Mom Soap.

This processing method is more expensive and laborious, so most manufacturers do not use it, but only boil or simply lubricate the boards with linseed oil. But in our workshop, we strive for the highest quality, which is why all cutting boards are coated with a mixture of mineral oil and wax.

We prepare the mixture ourselves.

Exist special means with wax for caring for cutting boards, but you can also cook this at home. To do this, mix 4 parts of oil and 1 part of beeswax in a saucepan and heat it up. It is necessary to lubricate the board with a hot mixture, then it will penetrate not only into the pores of the wood, but also into small cuts and scratches left when working with a knife. This procedure must be done at least once a month, then the board will serve for a long time and will not become a breeding ground for microbes. If there is no time to prepare the mixture yourself, then it can be purchased from us at .

What other ways are there to clean and care for wooden kitchen items?

Even in professional kitchens, plain vinegar is often used, as it is an excellent disinfectant and odor remover, and it's natural, not chemical. Lemon, salt and soda are good for these purposes: you need to wash the board, then rub it with one of these products, leave it to soak for a while, then rinse with warm water - this will destroy all the pungent odors (fish, onions, garlic) remaining on the board over time cooking.

Many people use chlorine bleach to clean cutting boards - after all, the deadly power of bleach is known to all. But you have to be very careful with it and never use it in concentrated form - it can be dangerous to health. Liquid bleach must be diluted and strongly - 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Then wipe the board with the mixture and rinse thoroughly with warm water. In no case should you soak the board in bleach, even diluted. It is very dangerous!

Perhaps these are all the main methods for caring for wooden cutting boards. But we must remember that things are not eternal and, no matter how much you take care of them, sooner or later their age ends - the tree is covered with cuts, scratches, cracks appear, but this does not mean that it is time to throw out the board and go to the store for a new one. The board can be brought back to life, and we can

A cutting board is in the arsenal of every housewife. Ideally, there should be 5 of them: for meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread. They are such workhorses in our kitchen. How to choose the right board and take care of it?

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Modern manufacturers offer us boards from the most different materials: wooden, plastic, glass, stone. And each material, of course, has its advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Consider what material is best to choose a “kitchen helper” from, how to take care of it later so that the board will serve us for a long time.

How to care for wood planks

Wooden boards are classics of the genre. Only a tree is different for a tree. There are boards made from different breeds trees:

  • most a budget option- linden and birch. But such boards will soon be mottled with knife scratches and swell with water;
  • a better option is an oak, ash or acacia board. Such a sample is more resistant to external influences;
  • There are a lot of bamboo boards in stores today. And this is no coincidence, boards made of this material combine two advantages at the same time: environmental friendliness and durability. We will dwell on their features a little later;
  • boards from Adam's wood (or paulownia). Leader among wooden brothers. Such products have a lot of advantages: they weigh little, cut products do not stick to them, they are easy to clean, and they absorb moisture poorly. But there is one drawback - the high cost.

Another nuance that applies specifically to wooden boards is that such a product can be either solid, that is, made from a single piece of wood, or glued from individual blocks.

Solid boards are considered practical and more environmentally friendly. And it is worth paying attention to the location of the fibers. It is better that they go along, not across. This is another secret to the durability of this item.

In glued versions, there is a risk that the board, for example, will delaminate when soaked. And over time, along with cooked food, particles of glue and wood will begin to enter our bodies. We will not find the composition of the glue used on any label, but if it was made on the basis of formaldehyde, then such a product is generally unsuitable for use in the kitchen. These substances, entering the human body, can accumulate in organs and tissues, causing serious poisoning. In addition, such a board can become a source of reproduction of various microorganisms.

General recommendations for the care of wooden boards: if you cut a product with a pungent odor on such a board (fish, garlic, onions), then you can wash it, while eliminating the specific aroma, with a solution of vinegar. Dissolve it in water (3 tablespoons per glass). We process our solution with the resulting solution. wooden board. With the same problems, kitchen soap eliminates odors perfectly. After wet processing, do not forget to wipe such products dry.

If the pollution is old, then you can reanimate the wooden board with a large table salt. This is such a scrub for our assistant: we apply coarse salt to the surface and begin to rub it. After such a mechanical effect, leave the salt on the board for about 20 minutes. Then wash it off under running water. Next, you can rub the working surface of the board with a lemon cut in half. Rinse again and dry thoroughly.

Experts recommend not to forget about disinfection. Such a measure should be carried out at least once a year (and better times at six months). To do this, we need a good old helper - soda. We dissolve it into hot water(about a teaspoon), place the processed board in the resulting solution. Let's take it hot bath within 10 minutes. All that remains is to wash the board with warm running water and wipe it dry.

If a your favorite wooden board is deformed, not despair: and out There is a way out of this unfortunate situation. Just spread on the place of deformation with a wet cloth and iron it iron. Remember how pants were steamed through gauze before? The procedure takes up to until the flaw will be eliminated. Then we can only conscientiously dry our board. We store products from tree in well ventilated area - air, not shelf or cabinet, but save him from water impact and bright sunlight.

How to care for bamboo planks

If you want your bamboo board to serve faithfully for more than one year, after purchasing it, you need to rub it with oil. It can be mineral oil or flaxseed. Vegetable and sunflower oils for this purpose they are not suitable for us: over time, they can turn rancid, and our board will be spoiled. There is no talk of technical oils. So, what will processing give us? Oil forms on the surface of the board the most real protective layer, which will serve as a kind of barrier between wood and food, between wood and water.

We cover the surface of the board with the selected oil, let it soak in. Then simply remove the excess with a soft dry cloth. The board will take just the right amount of oil. Don't be afraid to overdo it. This type of processing definitely extends the life of our wooden board. It is protected by an oil barrier from various stains that coloring products can leave, from excess moisture. Therefore, not being too lazy to carry out processing at the very beginning, we save family budget, since such a product will not have to be changed often due to unsuitability.

Bamboo boards can be cleaned in the usual ways for wooden boards (see previous point).

How to care for glass boards

Let's just say, an option for an amateur. Despite a number of advantages (hygiene, wear resistance, aesthetic appeal), such a board can be washed in dishwasher, it does not interact with food in any way), they have a number of significant drawbacks.

Many housewives, seduced by aesthetic beauty, simply cannot stand the process of cooking on a glass board. The sound of a knife cutting on glass is not for the faint of heart, you must agree. In addition, even the sharpest knife will instantly become dull on glass. In addition, the glass product must be used with caution: if dropped, for example, it may break. If you really want to have such a product in your kitchen, use it to roll out dough, for example. It is convenient if rubber feet are present on your glass board. Such a cutting board will not slide on the surface of the table.

How to care for plastic boards

There are also a lot of boards made of this material on store shelves: they are colorful, bright, light, have many shapes (can be rectangular, round, square) and sizes (from huge to small). But do not rush to buy the first board you like. First, read the label, because not all types of plastic are suitable for cooking. Ideally, if the sample you choose is made of polyethylene or propylene. These materials do not come into contact with food and do not harm the human body. If the manufacturer has kept the material from which the cutting board is made a secret, it is better to refrain from purchasing such a pig in a poke.

About surface plastic boards, as well as about a tree, knives do not get dull. But plastic has a number of disadvantages:

  • hot objects should not be placed on plastic;
  • plastic can slide on the surface of the table (in this case, it is better to choose a model with rubberized inserts);
  • these boards are still short-lived. Over time, scratches and knife marks will appear on them. Such furrows serve as an excellent "haven" for microorganisms that are dangerous to human health.

If your plastic board has visible damage, do not hesitate to throw it away, because health is more expensive. Today, multilayer plastic boards are produced. Their total thickness reaches about 5 cm. Such a board consists of many layers, which, as needed and worn, can simply be removed by picking up the edge. The thickness of this layer is approximately 2 mm. Convenient, agree?

Let's also mention flexible models of plastic boards. Sometimes they are a kind of rugs for cutting products. But such products, alas, are short-lived. They can only occasionally be taken with you on the road or on a picnic. They will not endure daily influences from the outside for a long time.

Which board you end up choosing is up to you. Based on your preferences and financial capabilities. Professional chefs believe that in the kitchen you need to have several boards of different materials. So, for example, a wooden board is ideal for cutting bread. For rolling out dough - glass. For filleting fish - plastic.

The size of the cutting board is also important. Let them also be several, depending on the goals. To cut a baguette, you don’t need a lot of space, a 20X40 cm board is enough for us. But to roll out the dough into pies, such a board will not be enough for us. A small board is also not suitable for chopping vegetables - vegetables will simply fly off it, then there will be a lot of cleaning in the kitchen. Get a bigger board. But keep in mind that massive products have considerable weight, it is harder to wash them.

A board made of any material after use must be thoroughly washed and dried. If you have had a board for a very long time, it has knife marks on its surface, any cracks, chips, stains, darkening, ruthlessly part with it.

Store cutting boards, if they are not equipped with a special stand, better in a well-ventilated area (not in a dish dryer), away from high temperatures (from the stove), direct sunlight, excess moisture (away from the sink). Proper care of this kitchen utensil will extend its life, and the cooking process will be absolutely hygienic. In addition, some cutting boards, due to their aesthetic appeal, can become a real interior decoration.

A set of high-quality cutting boards from a well-known manufacturer is a wonderful gift for mom, grandmother, sister, mother-in-law, and sometimes a man for any occasion.

You are the proud owner of a beautiful wooden cutting board. It's time to learn how to care for her in order to extend her life for many years. Proper Care per cutting board will prevent the appearance of cracks, mold and germs. It doesn't matter if the board is new or old.

When you buy a new cutting board, immediately oil the wood surface to protect it from moisture, bacteria, and food odors. This procedure should be repeated regularly as the oil dries. The oil fills the pores of the wood and prevents the penetration of liquids and food particles.

What kind of oil can be used?

Any oil that meets two requirements is suitable: safe for humans (for ingestion) and resistance to spoilage at room temperature. Please note that vegetable oil(for example, sunflower and olive) do not meet the second requirement, because they deteriorate over time, regardless of the degree of their purification. A cutting board soaked in this oil, after 1-2 years, acquires bad smell rancid spoiled oil. It is impossible to get rid of this smell, and the board will have to be thrown away.

Mineral oil

Best for prevention mineral oil, which you can buy in our store. Mineral oil has no smell or taste. It is absolutely safe for humans.

Wipe the board with mineral oil and let it soak in, then remove the remaining oil with a dry, clean cloth. Don't be afraid to apply too much oil - in this case, the bigger, the better. Wipe down your board at least once a month.


Beeswax is often added to mineral oil to add density. Wax has been used for centuries as a sealant to keep out moisture in the manufacture of baskets, fabrics, for storing food and other perishable products, and for caring for wood. Wax increases moisture resistance (though still does not make the wood waterproof), helps protect the cutting board from wear and water. The wax remains on the surface, filling the pores and crevices, while the oil is absorbed into the wood and cannot create such a protective film. A layer of wax prevents moisture, bacteria and dirt particles from penetrating inside wooden surface. In addition, after waxing, the board becomes smooth and pleasant to the touch, acquires a delicate and pleasant aroma.

Board ointment, consisting of beeswax and mineral oil, you can also buy in our store. Its consistency is similar to butter. Apply a layer of ointment on the board, rub it with a dry cloth, then let it dry for a while and then polish the board to a shine.

Other means

For prevention, you can use a number of vegetable oils, which are very expensive, but certainly good for health. coconut and linseed oil contain a large number of saturated fats, so they do not spoil for years. They do not need to be refrigerated, but direct sunlight should be avoided.


All cutting boards, regardless of type, require regular cleaning and disinfection. Below are a few recommended options for caring for cutting boards.

Hot water + detergent

Scientific studies have shown that this is the most optimal method of disinfecting any cutting board.

Any surfactant-based detergent can be used, such as dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. Disinfectants Based on surfactants, they remove any contaminants along with bacteria, and at the same time are absolutely safe for humans. An important factor is that these products do not cause corrosion of metals.

The cleaning procedure is slightly different for large and small cutting boards. If the board is placed in the sink, then clean it with detergent and hot water from the tap, then rinse and dry.

You cannot put a large board in the sink and wash it under running water, so it must be cleaned in the same way as, for example, dinner table- with a damp sponge and detergent. Don't forget to wipe the board dry at the end and make sure that there is no moisture left under the board (especially if it has no legs).

NEVER immerse a wooden cutting board in a sink filled with water or wash it in a dishwasher. Water will penetrate into the pores of the wood, and after drying, the board will begin to crack. Exceptions are boards made of composite materials or water-repellent wood (hevea).


After use, the cutting board can be wiped with colorless table vinegar. The acetic acid contained in food vinegar effectively kills pathogenic bacteria (E. coli, salmonella and staphylococcus aureus). People who are allergic to other disinfectants may prefer to use vinegar.

Vinegar is conveniently stored in a spray bottle. This will allow you to easily clean and disinfect the surface of the board. After processing the board, let it dry well.

Unfortunately, acetic acid destroys fats, including those that are part of oils for the prevention of boards. Therefore, after using vinegar, we recommend re-treating the surface of the board with mineral oil or ointment.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an effective bacteria killer on cutting board surfaces. The board must first be thoroughly washed (peroxide is ineffective on a dirty surface), and then wiped with a cloth moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (if necessary, you can dilute it with water).

Bath Cleaner

Most effective means disinfection - chlorine-containing. We are talking about cleaning products for baths and toilets, as well as bleaches. Working with them requires extreme caution and protective equipment, since contact with the eyes and mucous membranes should not be allowed.

Be extremely careful! When processing, wear rubber gloves and glasses. good ventilation obligatory because of the unpleasant odour.

Dilute the cleaning agent in water (one teaspoon per liter of water). For the disinfectant solution to work effectively, the surface must be clean. Pour the solution onto the board, wait a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly and air dry or with paper towels.

NEVER mix chlorine-based cleaners with others (combining with vinegar will produce toxic chloroform). They are also extremely corrosive, so keep your knives away.

  • To remove the smell of garlic, onion or fish, there are three simple ways: lemon, coarse salt and soda. Rub the surface of the board with one thing, wait a few minutes, brush off the residue, rinse and dry the board.
  • Always clean your board thoroughly after cutting fish, meat and game.
  • When not in use, keep the board dry. Without moisture, bacteria die within a few hours. Moisture and liquids of any kind should not be present on the surface of the board for a long time. If the board has no legs and you store it on the countertop in horizontal, always check that water does not accumulate under the board.
  • Do not leave a cutting board near a heat source (stove, radiator) unless the necessary insulation is installed. High temperature is contraindicated for hardwood.
  • Do not drill the board, gouge holes or otherwise damage the surface without refinishing the wood.
  • Do not use only one place on the cutting surface. Spread the work across the board so that the wear is even.
  • Do not use a sharpened cleaver - it can split the tree.
  • Do not wash knives, forks and other utensils on the cutting board.


Cutting boards are essential in every kitchen. We cut all products on them, from vegetables to hard cheeses. We do not always have a separate board for each food group, and fruit and raw meat can be cut on the same board. And although the board is washed after each use, the result is not perfect. regular soap and cleaning agent is not as effective as it should be. After a few years of use, the board almost completely fails. But don't rush to throw it away until you try it. original ways cleaning.

1. Salt and lemon

This method works very well for cleaning wooden cutting boards. Sprinkle coarse salt on the board, and then start rubbing it with half a lemon, squeezing the fruit so that the juice begins to stand out. Rub until a gray liquid forms on the board. After the salt has dissolved, simply rinse off the remaining mixture with water and wipe the surface dry.

2. Lemon juice

If fresh lemon is not on hand, you can change the recipe with salt by simply adding lemon juice from a bottle. Wipe the board with gruel using a hard sponge. If the pollution is very strong, leave the slurry of salt and juice for a couple of hours. In this case, you need to make the mixture thick enough, and there should be more salt in it.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar is great for getting rid of stains. You can use it neat or dilute it with water in proportions of 1:1. Vinegar not only cleans the board, but also kills bacteria. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, and add to the board after each use. Then wipe with hydrogen peroxide, and then simply rinse the surface with running water.

4. Bleach

Bleach is the best cleaner for plastic boards. Fill a sink with hot water and add half a cup of liquid bleach or bleach. Leave the board in the sink for 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with soapy water to remove any traces of chemicals.

5. Baking soda

If the board starts to smell bad, try to get rid of the smell with a paste of water and baking soda. Make a thick slurry on the board, and leave it for a while. Rinse off the baking soda and dry the board with a towel. The bad smell should be gone.

6. Vaseline

Wooden boards should not be left in water for a long time, because of this they become covered with ugly spots. And although they do not interfere with the use of the board, it will no longer be possible to put it in a prominent place. Just rub the stain on the board with petroleum jelly and leave it for 12 hours. After the Vaseline has been absorbed, wipe off the residue and wash the board. The spots should be gone.

7. Toothpaste

If the board has become rough over time, you can polish it with a mixture of baking soda and toothpaste. Just choose pasta white color not a gel. Wipe the surface along the grain of the wood. After wipe the board damp cloth and dry.

8. Grated apples or potatoes

Another effective way eliminate an unpleasant smell - cover the board with gruel from grated apple or potatoes. Leave the gruel for 10-15 minutes and then simply rinse with water. The smell will be much better.

9. Microwave

Small boards can be disinfected in microwave oven. The method is not suitable for thin plastic. Do not leave the board in the oven for more than one minute. You can pre-wipe the board with soapy water and lemon.

10. Laundry soap

Be sure to lather the board with thick foam after cutting raw meat on it. It is better to immediately apply the foam, and only then wash off the traces of blood with water. Wipe down the board immediately after cutting to prevent stains from penetrating deep into the wood fibers.

11. Steel sponge

In the most advanced cases, you will have to turn to mechanically cleaning. The steel sponge actually removes a thin layer of wood, cleaning the stain. You should not resort to this method too often, but with some pollution you can not do without it.

12. White spirit

If the stain is too ingrained, soak a steel sponge in a solution of white spirit and rub it well. After that, you need to thoroughly wash off the chemical with soapy water. Dry the board in the open air so that the vapors completely evaporate.

13. Vegetable oil

Another way to polish scratched boards. Mix 3/4 oil with 1/4 vinegar and polish the board. It should become smooth.

Any of these tips will make cleaning your kitchen much easier. Try everything and choose the best one!

What cutting boards do you use? I have tried everything possible. There were glass and plastic and rubber, there were combined, bamboo and wood. And here's what I'll tell you - only on a wooden board is it more pleasant and most convenient to cook. Firstly, wood is a natural product, which is generally healthy, cutting products on a natural surface. Secondly, I like the feeling of cutting on a tree, there is some springy feedback.

If you are using boards different sizes- then they can perfectly act as a serving dish - how delicious it is to drink wine and eat cheese from the board on which you just cut it.

Now more and more often you can see serving on boards in restaurants and cafes: steaks, hamburgers, fish. At home, this adds warmth and comfort, no plastic, and even more so glass, cannot be compared with them.

When I bought my first wooden board, I saw on the instructions the line "saturate with natural oil before use." Of course, it was clear that impregnation would help extend the life of the board, but I still didn’t figure out what kind of oil I needed, where to get it. Do not rub the board with butter or margarine.

Pretty soon my board fell into disrepair. No, it didn't fall apart, it didn't crack. She began to scare me. The part on which the board usually stood during drying began to blacken. Of course this was due to dampness in the part of the board where the moisture collected. The very surface of the board was in various stains from beets, carrots and other coloring products. Yes, they washed over time, but not completely. At some moments it seemed to me that the board was saturated with the smell of one product (for example, onions) and I didn’t feel like cutting another on it (even after washing), I had to ventilate the board.

So I gave up on that board, bought a new one, and started looking for oil. It turned out that there are special mineral oils for cutting boards. They are completely odorless and have no expiration date. The first is important because the oil will not add flavors to sensitive products. Secondly, there is no danger that the oil inside the board will start to deteriorate (as it will be if you grease the board with sunflower or olive oils).
Wipe the board with mineral oil and let it soak in, then remove the remaining oil with a dry, clean cloth.

The essence of impregnation is very simple: wood is a rather porous material. So in these pores we absorb oil, which creates a film and prevents moisture and odors from penetrating into the wood structure, decomposing there and causing harmful bacteria.

In doing so, you achieve three goals:

1. Appearance boards always remain excellent - no stains, darkening and other things.

2. No harm to health.

3. Extends the service life of the board. A good wooden cutting board costs from 1000 rubles. Rubbing it with oil at least once every half a year (preferably more often), you can use it for two years and five years. This is more profitable than buying boards and throwing them away after half a year.

If you have any questions or comments, write them below. And yes, if you are interested in buying oil, it is always in stock.

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