What is in the kitchen in English. English words about the kitchen

garden equipment 03.07.2020
garden equipment

Everyone spends their free time at home in different ways: someone likes to read books, sitting comfortably in an easy chair, someone rather goes to the computer, and someone goes to the kitchen and starts cooking. If you are the person for whom the kitchen is of great importance, then you have come to the right place. Join us, help yourself with cookies and taste aromatic tea. The boiling water has already arrived.

So, the description of the kitchen in English is a fairly popular and widespread topic. But at the same time, many people face numerous problems when they do not know which words and constructions to use in order to express themselves correctly.

The description of the kitchen will come in handy in elementary and high school, and even when passing an international test, because the topic “apartment” exists everywhere. When describing the kitchen, you will have to remember not only the name of kitchen furniture, cutlery, but also weights, food and appliances.

To describe the kitchen, younger students will need a small text that reveals vocabulary, as well as the location of furniture. The main emphasis is on the vocabulary that the child already owns. For example:

We live in a big house. There are 3 rooms in it such as living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen. The kitchen is very big. There is a window. There is a table and there are four chairs around it. There is a fridge near the wall. There is a microwave and a toaster on the table. Also we have a cooker and a sink in the kitchen. My mother likes cooking in the kitchen. I always help her. I like our kitchen.


We live in a big house. It has 3 rooms: a living room, two bedrooms and a kitchen. The kitchen is very large. It has a window, a table and four chairs. There is a refrigerator against the wall. There is a microwave and a toaster on the table. In the kitchen we also have an oven and a sink. My mom loves to cook in the kitchen. I always help her. I like our cuisine.

Let's highlight the words that are useful when describing the kitchen in English:

Fridge - refrigerator;
freezer - freezer;
garbage pail - a bucket for garbage;
mixer - mixer;
cabinet - cabinet with drawers, glazed cabinet;
paper towel holder (towel horse) - towel holder;
bread canister - bread box;
kitchen counter - countertop;
dishwasher - dishwasher;
dishwashing liquid - dishwasher liquid;
faucet - water tap;
kitchen sink - sink;
dish towel - kitchen towel;
spice rack - a shelf with spices;
can opener - can opener;
blender - blender;
potholder - tack;
kettle - teapot;
stove / cooker / range - stove;
burner - gas burner;
oven - oven;
cutting board - a board for cutting bread;
cookbook - cookbook;
food processor - food processor;
napkin - napkin.

In everyday life, a description of the kitchen is hardly needed. The main idea is the opportunity to express their own thoughts and understand what the interlocutor is saying. That is why the description of the kitchen is often only part of the text or some kind of introduction to the general conversation. In this case, it is important to increase vocabulary and skillfully use grammatical constructions. For example:

After my bedroom, kitchen is my favorite room in the house. We love gather here for dinner while talking, laughing and discussing different day-to-day things. So the kitchen seems to be the heart of out home and family. During daytime it is very bright with a lot of natural light. This room is full of personality and I consider it keeps up the feel of our family as soon as you enter the house. As for appliances, our kitchen is well-equipped. There is a microwave, stove, oven, fridge, electric kettle, dishwasher and coffeemaker.

Being a child I remember our kitchen was small and we were sitting around the table while grandmother was taking cinnamon buns from the oven. Now our cupboard space is not limited and we are lucky that we have a larder style cupboard under the stairs in the kitchen, so all tin goods are kept in there. Our spice rack has lots of various spices and herbs. My favorite part of the kitchen is a windowsill where I can sit and look at the awesome landscape changing every season.


The kitchen is my favorite room in the house after the bedroom. We love to gather here for dinner while we talk, laugh and discuss various everyday topics. Therefore, it seems that the kitchen remains the heart of our home and family. During the daytime, it is very bright here due to the large amount of daylight. This room is full of personality and I find it maintains a sense of family as soon as you walk into the house. In terms of utensils, our kitchen is fully equipped. There is a microwave, oven, oven, refrigerator, electric kettle, dishwasher and coffee machine.

When I was a kid, I remember our kitchen was small and we sat around the table while grandma got cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Right now we have enough space in our cupboard for dishes, and we are happy that we have a cupboard-style pantry under the stairs in the kitchen, so all the cans are stored there. On the shelf with spices there are many different spices and herbs. My favorite part of the kitchen is the windowsill where I can sit and look at the amazing scenery that changes every season.

Something like this text will help you talk about the kitchen and at the same time express your own emotions and feelings.

In addition, there are several idiomatic expressions associated with the kitchen, such as:

Hell's kitchen - a place that is notorious;
thieves' kitchen - thieves' den;
everything but the kitchen sink- too many unnecessary things;
out of the frying pan into the fire- from a bad situation to an even worse one;
if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen“He who cannot stand the heat has nothing to do in the kitchen. The aphorism attributed to President G. Truman is a kind of recommendation to politicians who react painfully to the "heat" of criticism in the press.

For a better understanding of the topic "kitchen", we suggest you watch the following video:

The kitchen is an integral part of human life, whether you like to cook or not. Because of this, the topic of cuisine in English is very relevant. It is with her that we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this article.

The topic of cuisine in English

The kitchen occupies an important place in the everyday life of the British. Let's look at what it consists of. It usually consists of a plate - stove, ovens - oven, shells - sink, refrigerators - refrigerator or refrigerator, kitchen cabinet - cabinet. More modern kitchens include, in addition to all this, also a dishwasher - dishwasher, washing machine washing machine, toaster - toaster. And this is not the whole list of items used in the kitchen. Since the kitchen is often used as a dining room, there may be a table here - table and chairs - chairs. And for complete convenience, those who love to combine business with pleasure place a TV in the kitchen - TV set.

Would you like to see a more complete list of items that may be at your disposal while cooking? Visit our dictionary

Dictionary on the topic "Kitchen"
stove- plate
sink- sink
fridge/refrigerator- fridge
cabinet- kitchen cupboard
dishwasher- Dishwasher

Recipes in English

Surely, there are few people who do not like to try new dishes. Many people prefer to add variety to their diet, for which they tend to try different recipes.

But what if the required recipe is written in English? To do this, you need to know the features of recipes in English. In an English recipe, the main difficulty that may arise lies in the vocabulary used in it. You will usually need to follow a certain sequence of steps.

It could be peel- clean if you will be working with vegetables or fruits. To prepare almost any dish, you will need to cut something - slice or rub - rate. So, on this the primary processing of products ends. Then you can pour something - pour mixing one ingredient with another mix, knock down the eggs - whisk or roll out the dough roll. Then comes the final part of the preparation, during which you boil - boil, stirring from time to time stir, while the dish boils over low heat - simmer or poach. You can also fry - fry, bake - bake roast meat in the oven roast or roast it on the grill grill. Any of these actions must be performed during the preparation of the desired dish.

You can find a list of products, again, in our dictionary

Do you want to see an example of a recipe in English, or maybe cook? We suggest you watch the following video for this.

Dictionary on the topic "Cooking in the kitchen"
peel- clear
slice- cut into
fry- fry
boil- cook
bake- bake

Kitchen items in English

What items can you use to cook food? First of all, you will need utensils - crockery which includes the following items:

cup- a cup
bowl- Bowl
glass- cup
plate- plate
jar- jar
saucer- saucer
jug- jug

In addition to dishes, you will definitely need cutlery - cutlery. There are also a very large number of them, but the most common, you guessed it, are knife- knife, spoon- a spoon, fork- fork.

But this is not all the items that are used during cooking. There is also such a thing as cooking utensils or kitchen utensils, which in translation means "kitchen utensils." It includes any utensils for cooking. Let's consider some of them:

cutting board- cutting board
colander- colander
grater- grater
ladle- ladle
egg beater- whisk
pot- pot
lid- lid
fry pan- frying pan
tea pot- kettle

You can find a detailed list of kitchen utensils

crockery- tableware
cutlery- cutlery
cooking utensils/kitchen utensils- kitchenware

Idioms about cuisine in English

Naturally, the British could not but include the theme of the kitchen in the idiom of the English language. So, we invite you to get acquainted with the most common kitchen idioms:

to cook the book- do accounting tricks
to cook something up- cook in a hurry
to grill someone- arrange an interrogation
to simmer with rage- boil with indignation
be in a stew- worry
half-baked ideas- ill-conceived idea
cooking on gas- everything is fine
cut and dried- finally decided
flash in the pan- unsuccessful attempt
on a knife edge- in a difficult situation
cook someone's goose- ruin someone's plans
Curry favor- suck up
stir the pot- add fuel to the fire
turn up the heat- apply pressure
boil over- resent
to simmer down- cool down
to go out of the frying pan into the fire- out of the frying pan into the fire
too many cooks spoil the broth- too many cooks will spoil the food

We hope that this article will help you diversify your speech and your usual menu. Best wishes,

big and friendly EnglishDom family.

Hello dear readers and listeners! Today in the audio lesson we will analyze the topic of where, how and what to cook in the kitchen in English. English cuisine itself (meaning dishes, food) is very peculiar and unusual for us, however, all kitchen utensils, the process of cooking and serving are familiar to us, here you will not learn anything new. But how familiar “kitchen” phrases sound in English, how well-known processes and objects are called in English - this is our today's audio lesson.

Before you start listening to the audio lesson, it would not be superfluous to learn the vocabulary that relates to the topic " Kitchen in English”, but which, unfortunately, is not voiced by the carrier. However, especially for you, I have transcribed the pronunciation of each word. Therefore, you can safely learn new vocabulary and work out the English pronunciation of each sound:

  • Kitchen [ˈkɪtʃɪn] - kitchen
  • Ladle [ˈleɪdl̩] - ladle, ladle
  • Knife - knife
  • Kettle [ˈketl̩] - kettle
  • Fork - fork
  • Glass [ɡlɑːs] - glass
  • Spoon - spoon
  • Meat grinder - meat grinder
  • Jar - jar, mug
  • Cup - cup
  • Blender [ˈblendə] - blender, mixer
  • Chopping board [ˈtʃɒpɪŋ bɔːd] - cutting board
  • Mug - mug
  • Stove - stove, oven

Knowing these words will help you easily navigate in the kitchen when cooking or setting a table in the kitchen of English-speaking friends or acquaintances, and transcription will help you understand how a particular word is pronounced.

See also related article Fruits, foods and food in English, which will come to your rescue if you forgot what the main types of products are called in English.

And now you can learn English phrases that use these words. First, listen to an online audio lesson with expressions and phrases with vocabulary on the topic "Kitchen". Then try to repeat all the phrases out loud, keeping the pronunciation of the original: /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/RUEN019.mp3 Thanks to this audio recording of the lesson, which was voiced by a specialist, you can practice your own pronunciation and learn to perceive English speech by ear.

Focusing on the kitchen in English

In addition to the audio lesson, also study the text material of the lesson with the help of a handy table that contains popular questions that will help you find out everything about the kitchen in English, help you cook a delicious dinner for your English-speaking girlfriend, as well as key phrases that will help you to set the table on time. table and not embarrass yourself in front of foreign friends.

In the kitchen
English Russian
Do you have a new kitchen?Do you have a new kitchen?
What do you want to cook today? What do you want to cook today?
Do you cook on an electric or a gas stove? Do you cook with electricity or gas?
Shall I cut the onions?Shall I chop the onion?
Shall I peel the potatoes?Should I peel potatoes?
Shall I rinse the lettuce?Shall I wash the salad?
Where are the glasses?Where are the glasses?
Where are the dishes?Where are the dishes?
Where is the cutlery/silverware (am)? Where are the appliances?
Do you have a can opener?Do you have a can opener?
Do you have a bottle opener?Do you have a bottle opener?
Do you have a corkscrew?Do you have a corkscrew?
Are you cooking the soup in this pot? Do you cook soup in this pot?
Are you frying the fish in this pan? Do you fry fish in this pan?
Are you grilling the vegetables on this grill? Do you roast vegetables on this grill?
I am setting the tableI'm setting up the table
Here are the knives, the forks and the spoons Here are the knives, forks and spoons
Here are the glasses, the plates and the napkins Here are the glasses, plates and napkins

Now you can show yourself as a good cook, cooking specialist or a great hostess! These phrases will be of great help to you, so I strongly advise you not to miss this audio lesson.

Listen and learn everything 100 English lessons for beginners

I wish you a "delicious" evening and bon appetit and aftertaste! Good luck!

English vocabulary: nouns, verbs, set phrases on the topic “ kitchen and kitchen utensils», « cooking process". English words are provided with transcription, grouped and, where necessary, shown in the context of use. In addition to vocabulary, on the page you will find a number of basic English speech structures and sample sentences.

  1. ["kɪʧɪn] - kitchen

A kitchen is a room that we use for cooking and for household jobs such as washing dishes. - A kitchen is a room (room) in which we prepare food and wash dishes.

  1. shelf[ʃelf] (pl. shelves) - shelf
  2. splash back["splæʃbæk] - a protective panel or tile over a sink, stove, etc. (to protect against splashes)
  3. extractor[ɪk "stræktə] fan - hood
  4. faucet["fɔːsɪt] - water tap
  • to turn on a faucet turn on the water, turn on the faucet
  • leaky faucet- faulty (leaking) faucet
  • The faucet leaks. - The faucet is leaking.
  1. sink- sink
  • kitchen sink- kitchen sink, sink
  1. stove- kitchen stove (Synonyms: cooker, range)
  2. countertop["kauntətɔp] - countertop
  3. oven["ʌvən] - oven; oven
  • to turn on an oven- turn on the oven
  • to turn off an oven- turn off the oven
  1. oven door- damper, oven door
  2. drawer["drɔːə] - table drawer
  3. cabinet["kæbɪnət] - cabinet with drawers; glazed cabinet, slide
  4. built-in cabinet– built-in wardrobe


  1. appliance[ə"plaɪəns] - apparatus, device; fixture, device
  2. domestic electrical appliances- household electrical appliances
  3. electric oven- electric furnace
  4. microwave["maɪkrəweɪv] oven- microwave oven, microwave oven
  5. electric kettle- electric kettle
  6. toaster["təustə] - a device for toasting croutons, a toaster
  7. food processor- food processor, processor
  8. blender["blendə] - blender (a device for grinding, grinding and mixing products)
  9. hand blende r= handheld blender- hand blender
  10. dishwasher["dɪʃˌwɔʃə] = dishwashing machine- Dishwasher
  11. refrigerator- refrigerator, refrigerator
  12. freeze r ["friːzə] - refrigeration unit, freezer
  13. home freezer- fridge
  14. freezer compartment- freezer (in the fridge)
  15. garbage["gɑːbɪʤ] can- garbage container
  16. defrost- defrost, free from ice; to defrost meat- defrost meat to defrost the refrigerator- defrost refrigerator
  17. freeze (frozen, frozen) - freeze, freeze
  1. ["kɪʧɪnwɛə] - kitchen utensils, kitchen utensils
  2. choppingblock- cutting board
  3. knife["naɪf] - kitchen knife
  4. breadknife- bread knife
  5. choppingknife["ʧɔpɪŋˌnaɪf] = chopper- cutter (butcher)
  6. meatchopper- cutter for chopping meat, meat knife
  7. cleaver["kliːvə] - 1. cleaver (heavy ax for chopping wood) 2. large knife, billhook 3. butcher's knife
  8. splittingcleaver- an ax for longitudinal cutting of carcasses
  9. knifesharpener["ʃɑːpənə] - knife grinder
  10. meattenderizer- 1. meat tenderizer (available as powder or mixtures with spices) 2. meat beater
  11. skewer["skjuə] - skewer, skewer
  12. peeler["piːlə] - a tool for removing husks, peels
  13. grater["greɪtə] - grater (kitchen)
  14. mortar["mɔːtə] - 1. stupa, mortar; 2. crush in a mortar
  15. masher["mæʃə] - crusher, press
  16. potato masher- pusher (for making mashed potatoes)
  17. can opener["kænˌəupənə]= tin opener- can-opener
  18. bottle-opener- bottle key
  19. garlic["gɑːlɪk] press- garlic press, garlic press
  20. serving spoon- serving spoon
  21. wooden spoon- wooden spoon
  22. spatula["spætjulə] - 1) kitchen spatula (for turning food) 2) spatula (for examining the throat)
  23. colander["kʌləndə] - colander
  24. ladle["leɪdl] - bucket, scoop
  25. soup ladle- pouring spoon, ladle
  26. carving fork- cutting fork
  27. scoop- 1. spatula, scoop; 2. pouring spoon
  28. whisk[(h) wɪsk] - broom (och) ka; whorl, beater
  29. egg whisk- whisk for beating eggs
  30. strainer["streɪnə] - filter; sieve; skimmer, strainer
  31. kettle["ketl] - kettle
  • to put a kettle up to boil- put the kettle on to boil
  • The kettle is boiling. - The kettle is boiling.
  1. skillet["skɪlɪt] - 1) a pot or a small pot with a long handle (usually on legs) 2) a frying pan with a long handle
  2. fry pan["fraɪɪŋˌpæn] - a frying pan with a handle
  3. nonstick[ˌnɔn "stɪk] - 1. non-stick, non-stick; 2. equipped with a non-stick coating
  • anonstickfryingpan- pan with non-stick coating
  1. sauce pan["sɔːspən] = pan- pot
  2. wok- a wok with a convex bottom (especially for Chinese dishes)
  3. earthenware["ɜːθənwɛə] - earthenware
  4. ramekin["ræmɪkɪn] = ramekin- 1. portion pot or portion mold; 2) spicy appetizer baked in a pot or mold
  5. casserole["kæsərəul] - pan (from heat-resistant material)
  6. scale- 1. scales 2. scales
  7. rolling pin["rəulɪŋˌpɪn] - rolling pin
  8. tray- tray
  9. baking tray- baking sheet
  10. apron["eɪprən] - apron, apron
  11. oven mitt- tack


  1. cooking["kukɪŋ] - cooking; cooking
  2. cook- 1. cook, cook; cook; 2. cook, cook
  3. steam- 1. steam; 2. steam
  4. boil- 1. boil; boil 2. boil; boil
  • The water has been boiling away for ten minutes. The water has been boiling for ten minutes.
  • How long does it take to boil an egg? How long does it take to boil an egg?
  1. fry- fry
  2. sauté ["səuteɪ] - fry in oil
  • Heat the olive oil over medium heat, add the onion and celery and sauté for 5 minutes. - Heat olive oil over medium heat, add onion and celery and sauté for five minutes.
  1. chop[ʧɔp] - to chop
  2. mash- crush
  3. peel- peel, husk
  4. peel away = peel off- remove the crust, peel, husk; peel (fruits, vegetables)
  • to peel an orange- peel an orange
  1. slice- 1 slice; 2. cut into slices
  2. rate- grate
  • to grate cheese- grate cheese
  1. pour- pour, pour
  • Pour me some coffee. - Get me some coffee.
  1. mix- 1. mix; 2. mixture
  2. whisk[(h)wɪsk] - whip
  3. roll- roll out
  4. stir- stir
  5. simmer["sɪmə] - simmer; cook without boiling
  6. poach- 1) cook poached eggs (cook without shells in boiling water) 2) simmer (vegetables, fish)
  7. bake- bake, bake
  8. roast- fry (sya), bake (sya) (especially in the oven or on an open fire)
  9. grill- grill, grill

see also.

The topic of food has become quite popular these days. A lot of information is on the Internet: recipe lists, videos, books, etc. When we want to surprise our loved ones with some interesting dish, we immediately go to the Internet. Many are looking for video recipes, as it is convenient and understandable. The person explains the cooking process very clearly: what products to use, what proportions, what dishes, etc. But I have always faced the problem of repetitive, uncomplicated recipes. All interesting and exotic recipes in Russian content are adapted too much for Russian cuisine. And sometimes you want something unusual. For this, I was forced to look for recipes in English. And what I found: a huge number of interesting recipes, a variety of dishes, interesting kitchen appliances and much more. But to view recipes in English, you need to know the name of all kitchen appliances so as not to miss cooking the dish of your dreams. Therefore, in order to make it easier to understand the recipes, video recipes in English, I have compiled a word list of various kitchen appliances.

If you do not know how to remember English words, then read useful articles on my website and.

plate - plate
mincer - meat grinder
ladle - ladle, ladle
kettle - teapot
rolling pin
oven - oven
pan - frying pan
stove - stove
garbage can - trash can
teapot - teapot for tea leaves
wine glass - wine glass
dish towel - kitchen towel
toaster - toaster
pot - pot, pot
pressure cooker
coffee grinder - coffee grinder
garlic press - crusher for garlic
outdoor grill - grill, barbecue
aluminum foil - aluminum foil
cutlery - cutlery
glassware - glassware
crisper - container
knife sharpener - sharpening for knives
non-stick - non-stick
muffin tray - cupcake
strainer - sieve
cup - cup
grater - grater
measuring cup
scoop - ladle, ladle
dishwasher - dishwasher
butter dish
water glass - glass for water
dish rack - dish dryer
burner - gas stove burner
wok - a bowler hat with a convex bottom, a wok
cover - cover
coffee maker - coffee maker
beater - whisk
spatula - kitchen spatula
trash bag - trash bag
crockery - crockery
egg cup - stand for eggs
blade - blade
cleaver - hatchet
wooden spoon - wooden spoon
pastry brush - brush for lubrication
coffee machine - coffee machine
bowl - bowl, bowl
food processor - food processor
freezer - freezer
mug - mug
bottle - bottle
pepper shaker
soup bowl - deep plate
pot scrubber - brush for washing dishes
cutting board - cutting board
garbage pail - trash can
blender - blender
peeler - a peeling tool
straw - straw, straw
thermos - thermos
jug - jug
mixing bowl - mixing bowl
kitchen knife - kitchen knife
masher - crusher
cake tin - cake mold
measuring spoon
napkin - napkin
microwave - microwave oven
can opener - can opener
tray - tray
kitchen - kitchen
glass - glass
salt shaker
sugar bowl - sugar bowl
soup spoon
kitchen counter - work panel in the kitchen
ice tray - ice tray
lid - cover
casserole - ceramic saucepan
waffle iron - waffle iron
whisk - whisk, whisk
paper cup - paper cup
jar - jar, jug
teacup - tea cup
chopping board - cutting board
mortar - mortar
measuring jug - measuring jug
apron - apron
corkscrew - corkscrew
fork - fork
potholder - tack
knife - knife
pitcher - pitcher
saucer - saucer
plate - plate
salad bowl - salad bowl
coffee pot - coffee pot
teaspoon - a teaspoon
cabinet - wardrobe (in the kitchen)
spice rack - seasoning
sauce pan
colander - colander
mixer - mixer
bottle opener - bottle opener
tissue - paper napkin
container - container
placemat - hot napkin
place setting - cutlery for one person
kitchenware - kitchen utensils
meat tenderizer - chop hammer
earthenware - earthenware

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