New specialties per year. The highest paid professions in Russia

garden equipment 26.09.2019
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They began to prepare students for non-core specialties and dubious programs.

Due to the low quality of education and the excess of supply over demand, graduates had to retrain and look for other jobs. Some mastered working specialties, others went into the service sector.

Let's take a look at what happened in 2017

In September last year, the Ministry of Labor named the most demanded specialists in the labor market. The ministry also noted the demand for both nurses (despite the introduction of automation systems) and skilled workers: electricians, welders, turners. According to the department, entrepreneurs, managers and document specialists more often than others remain unemployed in Russia.

The Ministry of Labor also provided a list of highly paid professions based on vacancies that appeared in the first half of the year.

But what awaited young professionals in the labor market, according to

Customer Service Operator - Leading Position for Young Professionals for 2017

But when choosing a specialty, it is important to think ahead.

Let's look into the future: what awaits us after 2020

Recruitment agency "Unity" interviewed Russian companies and compiled a list of professions that will be in demand in 2021. The top 5 included the following specialties:

  • Food production technologist.
  • Mobile application architect.
  • Biochemist.
  • Financial analyst.
  • Strategist in the field of search and personnel management.

Also, according to respondents, companies will continue to look for Big Data specialists, Java and Python developers, and mobile application designers.

Well-known companies in the labor market also conduct a survey. According to the recruiting company Hays: more than half of those surveyed believe that their profession will change dramatically in 10 years and will require new skills.

The Moscow School of Management Skolkovo and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives have compiled a list of "dying" professions. The list includes the following specialties:

  • notary, librarian, copywriter;
  • tester, system administrator;
  • bank teller, analyst;
  • secretary, logistician;
  • driver, dispatcher, journalist.

Also, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo created the Atlas of New Professions. It includes over 100 new specialties, most of which will appear only after 2020. Developers identify 5 future trends: automation, globalization, increasing complexity of control systems, increased competition and environmental requirements.

However, while universities do not teach IT geneticists, space tourism managers and medical robot operators, you should pay attention to the list of professions adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

What profession should I choose?

No one will make the choice for you: you need to make an informed decision, taking into account forecasts, market conditions and, of course, your abilities.

What to do:

  • Take a career guidance test and consult with a specialist.
  • Study the list of professions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and "Atlas".
  • Monitor vacancies: note the demanded requirements for applicants, the level of wages.
  • Listen to expert forecasts and monitor the labor market. For example, HeadHunter periodically publishes reports on specific regions and industries. An example is on the site

P.S. We do not live in the USSR: it is unlikely that you will be able to study, then get a job in one place and work all your life. You must always keep your finger on the pulse.

The life of every person is largely determined by his profession. Occupation affects almost all areas: from the daily routine, to the style of clothing and food preferences. After all, a profession is also an income, on which the quality of our life depends.

Specialists in the field of recruiting (search and recruitment) always highlight two factors that characterize the ideal profession for a person: work should bring pleasure and income. That is why it is so important for young people to decide on their future career as early as possible so that the whole life develops successfully, both psychologically and financially.

Knowing the professions in demand in 2018-2019 is important not only for today's graduates, but also for those who at one time made a mistake with the choice of their life's work. Today, the educational sector offers a lot of courses, trainings and licensed master classes, which means that everyone has the opportunity to both improve their skills and master a completely new profession.

To know who to go to study, in which departments and services there is a desperate shortage of specialists, use the list of the most demanded professions of 2018-2019.

social professions

Anyone who has been to a government clinic or hospital at least once in the last year knows that the medical field is going through difficult times right now. Good specialists, as a rule, are elderly people who will retire in a few years. There are catastrophically few young personnel, and, unfortunately, many young doctors are not so well qualified.

We can say with confidence that in 2018-2019 we will see a real boom in experienced doctors, the medical profession will be more and more necessary and, as a result, it will be better paid. It is also believed that this is one of the most sought-after professions for girls. It is important that doctors of narrow specialties will be most needed: neurologists, cardiologists, oculists, radiologists, etc. The field of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine is actively developing, in which dermatologists and dentists (surgeons and orthodontists) will find themselves.

Equally important for society is the profession of a teacher. There is a shortage of personnel both in schools and in higher educational institutions. Moreover, in universities, the shortage of teaching staff is especially felt. Today there are a lot of new directions in science, marketing, programming and technology. Often there is simply no one to teach such areas.

A career as a teacher can appeal to both excellent graduates and those people who have enough experience in their field and are ready to share it. You can try your hand not only in public institutions, but also as a home tutor or teacher of paid courses.

Sphere of computer technologies

The field of computer and information technologies develops in leaps and bounds. Almost every day, new devices, gadgets, high-tech devices appear on the market. Someone invents and develops them, someone repairs them.

Accordingly, the demand for inventors, programmers, developers, customizers will not fall either in 2019 or in the near future.

Sphere of transport and transportation

Experienced drivers for passenger bus transportation are a very common vacancy. In 2018-2019, having a driver's license with several open categories will open many doors for you.

Such professions as a driver of a city bus (trolleybus and tram) and a bus driver on international flights will be in demand. No less scarce are train drivers, including those in the subway.

There is now a separate active demand for civil aviation pilots. It is difficult to get an education and a flight license in this business, but it is very prestigious. Due to the rapid development of airlines, as well as the emergence of new high-tech aircraft models, the demand for pilots will only grow.

Working professions

In recent years, the areas of marketing, jurisprudence and IT technologies have developed very rapidly, which is why the influx of personnel into working professions has fallen. Meanwhile, our society still needs plumbers, electricians, builders, masons, painters, engineers.

There is a shortage of people in repair teams, in light and heavy industry, mechanical engineering, housing and communal services. In 2019, the demand for "working hands" will be very high.

It is interesting that now there are many private companies offering paid utilities - calling a plumber or a loader, for example, to a new elite house, can be very expensive. Accordingly, there is a high need for specialists in this field, and such work in 2019 will be adequately paid.

A separate item is to highlight the architects and people of construction professions. Modern megacities are expanding very quickly, the need for new housing is growing every year. At the same time, in our time, a lot of attention is paid to the appearance of buildings, which means that considerable interest is shown in architects.

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Each student, at the direction of the methodological program, must take professional orientation courses without fail. These lectures are very useful for schoolchildren, because future applicants must clearly understand what specialty they will devote their lives to in the future. However, you need to understand that each work is evaluated differently.

This article will help schoolchildren and applicants, as well as professionals who wish to retrain to receive more money. This article reveals exclusively Russian statistics of highly paid and in-demand professions. Many points may differ from foreign statistics for obvious reasons: mentality, politics, mass thinking of citizens, as well as the financial situation in the country.

Enough long time The big problem in Russia was the concept of "brain drain". This term has English roots, and is defined as: "the process mass emigration under which specialists and scientists leave the country for political, economic, religious or other reasons. But it is in our country that the true cause of the "brain drain" is low wages. Especially scientists and inventors who dedicated most of their lives on inventions and discoveries of new technologies for the benefit of the development of their native country, but did not receive due gratitude. Unfortunately, to this day in Russia there is a problem of mass lack of demand for scientific works.

Recently, attention has been paid to this problem not only in words, but also in actions. In order to reduce the mass emigration of highly qualified specialists, the authorities decided to change the budget policy in the sphere of wages of employees of budgetary organizations. The first impetus for a real change in the situation was the Message of the President Federal Assembly dated December 12, 2012. At that time, the wages of public sector employees, primarily teachers and doctors, were significantly indexed. And also for state employees, many preferential programs (mortgage, training) have been introduced and are still successfully operating.


We draw readers' attention to the fact that the rating below is approximate, and the rating positions may vary depending on the region (the indicators are affected by the political, economic and social situation of a particular region in recent years). In the course of compiling the rating, average statistical studies were carried out, comments and reviews of citizens-workers and companies-employers of the Russian Federation were analyzed.

Top 10 most demanded professions in Russia in 2018

  1. IT-specialist. This is definitely one of the most in-demand professions of the future. The trend towards a massive transition to systematization once again confirms this.
  2. Marketer. With huge competition in the market, marketing industry personnel have a real chance to “catch luck by the tail” and receive a decent income for their professional efforts. Young, active specialists who are ready not only to sell the product, but also to introduce new methods and ideas of working with clients have this opportunity.
  3. Auditor. Because accounting activity cannot exist without audits, the profession of an auditor will be relevant at any time. Large companies and newly opened enterprises need the services of highly qualified auditors.
  4. Professionals in the beauty industry massage therapists, stylists, hairdressers and nail technicians). Just as the demand for the services provided by these masters does not decrease, the professions remain among those in demand for many years.
  5. Doctors. One of the oldest professions will be in demand in any generation. Previously, there was a shortage of qualified personnel in the country due to low wages. However, in connection with latest changes, young cadres fill vacant vacancies very quickly. In particular, an allergist. Due to poor ecology (especially in some regions - the homelands of chemical and oil refineries) and poor nutrition of the population, with each generation there is an impressive increase in congenital allergic diseases. This problem applies to both adults and newborns. Therefore, the allergist is today one of the most sought-after narrow specialists.
  6. Notary. Almost no legal transaction takes place without the signature of a notary. Entering into an inheritance, writing a will, certification of the authenticity of documents are essential services provided by these specialists to hundreds of clients every day.
  7. logistician. Due to the rapid development of international trade and market relations and the intensity of transportation within the country, the demand for logistics specialists is growing rapidly. The profession of a logistician has very extensive functions. The logistician must not only ensure the delivery of the goods by a certain time, but also independently develop a supply chain. Analyzing the transport services market, a specialist in this profession should understand not only economics and geography, but also be an excellent strategist and expert. Talented logisticians, especially of large companies, employees of "their" profession, receive decent salaries for their work.
  8. SEO specialist and SMM manager. These professions are extremely in demand at the present time. In today's Internet generation, large resources and even the smallest projects in the struggle for competitiveness are ready to generously pay for the work of such narrow specialists.
  9. An electrician. As long as there is electricity in the world and the need to use it, the profession of an electrician will always be in demand.
  10. Engineer. Without the existence of this profession, not a single production and construction would function. Modern life is unimaginable without electronic devices, mechanical systems developed by engineers.

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The highest paid professions in Russia in 2018

  1. Astronaut. Business trips to the International space station paid very generously. A cosmonaut's monthly salary during tests is more than one million Russian rubles.
  2. Navy Captain and aircraft . The salary of such highly qualified specialists varies from 400 to 550 thousand rubles per month. Based on the rating, which was compiled by the Department of Labor, the co-pilot on the plane receives almost half as much.
  3. CFO. This position is very responsible and requires great professionalism. In large companies, financial directors receive about half a million rubles a month.
  4. Gold mining technologist occupies one of the leading positions in the ranking. His salary is about a third of a million Russian rubles a month. However, we state with regret the fact that technologists have such a high salary exclusively in this narrow area. technologists Food Industry, technologists Catering and other technologists in various manufacturing industries, wages across the country are several times lower.
  5. Olympic team coach(as well as coaches of Russian national hockey and football teams) receive about 300 thousand rubles a month.
  6. Highly qualified engineers. For example, in the capital, the head of a construction site, on average, receives about 250 thousand rubles a month, and an electrician up to 180 thousand rubles. Such a high wage is easily explained by the huge responsibility, complex skills and mental load of specialists.
  7. Specialist physicians(dentists, gynecologists-endocrinologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, vascular surgeons, specialists in the field of in vitro fertilization). Highly qualified specialists in private clinics can earn up to 250 thousand rubles.
  8. Analysts in the field of computer science and computer technology (representatives of the IT-sphere). These specialists earn up to 200 thousand rubles a month.
  9. oilmen. Professionals in the field of oil production are subjected not only to mental, but also to hard physical labor. Such shortcomings in work as the highest responsibility, unsafe working conditions and sometimes a long separation from the family are compensated by high salary, which monthly reaches 150-170 thousand rubles;
  10. Real estate specialists. In other words, realtors. The salary of these specialists, as a rule, depends on the number and complexity of transactions. Working in the company, they receive% of the concluded contracts. But, as the demand for these services is growing inexorably, realtors receive a very good monthly income. According to average statistics, an active specialist can earn up to 150 thousand rubles per month.
  11. Scientists. It is difficult to judge the degree of monthly income of this profession, however, scientists who consistently make a great contribution to the development of their industry can receive up to 130 thousand rubles a month.
  12. State federal employees. According to Federal Service state statistics, their monthly salary averages 120 thousand rubles.
  13. Insurers, lawyers and financiers share one rating position. On average, their monthly earnings are about 80-120 thousand rubles (in large companies), while in regions dominated by small organizations, these specialists have the opportunity to earn 30-70 thousand rubles.
  14. Chef. The head of the "haute cuisine" of the restaurant, earns an average of 75-120 thousand rubles. If we talk about metropolitan institutions with eminent specialists, then we will talk about a salary twice the average.
  15. Engineer. Capital engineers receive a salary of 60-100 thousand rubles a month, while regional employees receive about 30-50 thousand rubles.

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Rating of "fashionable" highly paid professions for 2018

In the circles of a certain contingent, “modern professions” or, in other words, “fashionable professions” are gaining prestige and popularity. The fewer specialists in such industries, the higher their pay. Consider the rating of professions that have become in demand "by the will of fashion."

  1. Designer (Landscape, interior designer, kitchen designer);
  2. Photographer;
  3. Stylist;
  4. plastic surgeon;
  5. Astrologer (numerologist);
  6. Governess
  7. copywriter;
  8. Taster;
  9. Promoter;

10. Nutritionist.


"All professions are important - all professions are needed" - even with elementary school understanding of the importance of any work is put into the thinking of children.

In general, at present it is not a big problem to undergo retraining and choose a profession from which one could enjoy and decent pay. However, applicants need to think about choosing a profession in a timely manner, so that later they do not waste time on retraining, but “make a name for themselves”.

"Anti-rating" of professions

Alas, not all work in our time is paid at its true worth. Unfortunately, many professions in our country are not in full demand and the work of workers is not always evaluated properly. For example, such specialists, whose work is no less responsible and complex, receive a salary almost equal to the minimum wage:

  1. Cleaners;
  2. Plumbers;
  3. locksmiths;
  4. kitchen workers;
  5. storekeepers;
  6. nurses;
  7. Administrators (secretaries);
  8. Postal workers;
  9. Sellers;
  10. Watchmen.

If you notice, then almost all of the above professions do not require special education. Therefore, citizens who do not have a diploma are forced to go to low-paid jobs. However, a sad conclusion must be drawn: since education is paid in our country, even the most talented applicants cannot realize themselves in the profession due to lack of funds for education.

The desire to receive high pay for their work is completely logical for any employee. First of all, the question of who earns how much worries young people who have not yet made the most important decision in their lives. Considering that building a career takes an average of ten to fifteen years, one can only imagine what a huge impact the choice of specialization has on a person's life.

When compiling a list of the highest paid professions in Moscow in 2018, it is necessary first of all to determine what kind of salary is considered high. It is known that in the capital, specialists earn much more than in other cities: at present, the average amount of their monthly remuneration is 85% higher than in the country and amounts to more than 71,000 rubles. Moreover, in the provinces, employees in identical positions sometimes receive three times less than their counterparts in the capital, which fully explains the desire among young people to move to Moscow in search of work with decent pay.

Top manager

The rating of the highest paid professions is traditionally headed by top managers - heads of enterprises and their branches, assistants and deputy heads, heads of departments and other specialists holding positions of high responsibility. In a month they can earn:

  • Head of a real estate agency - up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Director of a retail network - up to 500,000 rubles;
  • Head of direction in an IT company - up to 480,000 rubles;
  • Commercial director - up to 450,000 rubles;
  • Technical director - from 350,000 rubles;
  • Director of a bank branch - from 350,000 rubles;
  • Director of pharmaceutical production - up to 300,000 rubles;
  • Regional manager in an FMCG company - up to 270,000 rubles.

The requirements for representatives of these highest paid professions in Russia are impressive: applicants must have two higher educations (one of them is economics), an MBA degree, work experience of at least ten years, and also know at least one foreign language (preferably English).

Sales Manager

The professional activity of a sales manager is the key to the success of any enterprise, since it is this employee who searches for and accompanies buyers, expands the company's client base, concludes new cooperation agreements, accepts orders and controls their execution.

When choosing where to go to work in Moscow, you should be aware that the sale of certain types of products requires appropriate education. This requirement is especially relevant for companies selling medical equipment and medicines, industrial equipment, fertilizers and herbicides, and banking products.

To obtain high paying job the sales manager must:

  • Have your own client base;
  • Have at least three years of work experience;
  • Be able to sell, convince, overcome objections;
  • Be sociable, responsible, punctual;
  • Experience in cold calling and negotiation.

The remuneration of managers is calculated based on the amount of closed deals, so specialists in Moscow can earn from 70,000 to 575,000 rubles per month.


Nine out of ten people have various problems with their teeth, and therefore a good dentist is never without work: the time of a qualified specialist is sometimes scheduled several weeks in advance. However, becoming a sought-after doctor is not easy: it is necessary not only to graduate from a specialized university, but also to constantly attend various conferences, study new trends in the field of dentistry, and regularly attend relevant courses.

Where to get a job in Moscow? For professionals who want to receive decent remuneration, there is simply no alternative to private clinics. To qualify for a place in such an institution, a representative of this most sought-after and highly paid profession in the field of medicine must:

  • Have a higher profile education and work experience of at least five years;
  • Own modern methods treatment;
  • Be aware of the latest developments in the industry;
  • Have relevant certificates and a portfolio of work.

Most high salaries- at the orthopedists who are engaged in prosthetics of teeth and installation of implants. A qualified doctor of this specialization can count on 150,000–300,000 rubles a month.

Chief Accountant

Controlling everything cash flows Chief Accountant in fact, he is the second person in any enterprise. He is in charge of accounting for the movement of funds for all owned by the company legal entities, preparation of final reports, control over tax and commercial payments, coordination of work of ordinary employees. A representative of this highest paid profession in Russia in 2018 applying for the position of chief accountant must:
  • Have a higher economic education and work experience of at least five years;
  • Perfect knowledge of tax legislation, by-laws and norms;
  • Know the rules of paperwork;
  • Be aware of all changes in the Tax Code;
  • Have management experience.

When choosing where to go to work in Moscow with a higher education, it should be taken into account that the work of the chief accountant is valued above all in industrial and manufacturing enterprises. The average salary of a good specialist in this field is 100,000 rubles, a commercial director - up to 300,000 rubles a month.

IT specialist

The IT market has entered an era of narrow specialization, and today employers are no longer looking for generalist system administrators, but professionals who understand certain areas of the corporate segment - for example, information security, database management, application development on a specific platform. The tasks of a qualified specialist include designing, compiling technical documentation, introducing new functions into programs, supporting and consulting users.

Where is it better to go to work in Moscow? Better conditions for programmers are offered by foreign developers or domestic firms fulfilling orders from foreign partners. To get a job in such a company, a specialist who owns this highly paid profession in Moscow must:

  • Have a higher education and work experience in the industry for at least eight years;
  • Perfectly know the software platform;
  • Have development experience project documentation, technical specifications;
  • Be able to implement software systems and support their work;
  • Be able to organize the activities of the team;
  • Know the programming languages ​​necessary for the implementation of the project;
  • Have relevant international certificates;
  • Know English.

The average salary of an ordinary programmer in Moscow is from 70,000 rubles, a manager international project- from 250,000 rubles per month.


The profession of a lawyer is extremely popular among young people, and therefore there is currently a certain excess of unemployed holders of the corresponding diplomas. However, despite the fact that the supply exceeds the needs of employers, the level of salaries in this area is growing every year: today it is not possible to find a qualified specialist who will fully support the company's activities, control the purity of transactions, prepare petitions to government agencies and develop draft legally competent contracts. so simple.

Where is the best place to get a job in Moscow? Experienced lawyers are especially valued in construction holdings, banking and manufacturing. A representative of this most highly paid profession in the field of jurisprudence applying for a place in a capital development company must:

  • Have a relevant higher education and work experience of at least seven years;
  • Have experience in corporate and financial law;
  • Know land, administrative, international legislation;
  • Be able to negotiate;
  • Be proficient in English.

Even a novice lawyer in Moscow earns from 70,000 rubles a month, while the remuneration of the head of a department reaches 220,000 rubles.


A company that cannot attract and retain a customer in a highly competitive environment is unlikely to succeed. Therefore, in modern business, the work of a marketer is especially appreciated - a specialist who knows how to assess the situation on the market, promote the company's goods and services, conduct promotions and analyze their effectiveness.

Where is it good to work in Moscow? The highest salaries are for marketers involved in the promotion of products in the B2B and FMCG areas. In addition to positive recommendations and work experience of at least three years, large companies require applicants to:

  • Availability higher education;
  • Ability to analyze the effectiveness of advertising strategies;
  • Negotiation experience;
  • Experience in promoting goods in foreign markets;
  • Knowledge of English;
  • Knowledge of marketing technologies used on the Internet.

A qualified representative of this interesting profession in Moscow earns up to 120,000 rubles, and the head of a department - up to 200,000 rubles a month.

Logistics Manager

Timely delivery of goods and raw materials is one of the essential conditions uninterrupted functioning of enterprises. To quickly solve this problem with minimal losses, the logistics manager must be able to find suitable vehicles, check the reliability of the carrier, send goods on a flight and track them along the way, and control the document flow associated with the transportation process.

The professional requirements imposed by employers on applicants for this position will include:

  • Activity, ability to work with a large amount of information;
  • Availability of analytical skills;
  • Work experience of three years;
  • Availability of skills business communication, negotiation experience;
  • Knowledge of special software for organizing logistics.

The salary of an ordinary specialist in this area is 70,000 rubles, the head of a department - up to 200,000 rubles a month.


Representatives of this highly paid profession are engaged in the assessment and analysis of the financial efficiency of the enterprise, study various accounting documentation for violations of the law, and advise management on tax optimization issues. While working, they have to compile a lot of reports, ensure effective interaction of the entire team, and conduct various negotiations with customers.

Auditing companies operating in the capital impose quite strict requirements on applicants. So, the applicant must:

  1. Have a higher education and an auditor's certificate;
  2. Have at least three years of work experience;
  3. Perfect knowledge of tax, civil and labor legislation;
  4. Know IFRS, corporate reporting standards;
  5. Have experience in preparing and analyzing reports;
  6. Be proficient in English.

The auditor's salary makes it possible to include this type of activity in the list of the highest paid professions: a qualified specialist in Moscow receives 120,000–150,000 rubles a month.

Purchasing Manager

Completing the top 10 highest paid professions are supply managers. The main task of these specialists is to provide companies with material and technical resources. As part of his duties, the supply manager is obliged to constantly analyze the market for the emergence of new suppliers, changes in prices or delivery conditions, control the stock of the enterprise, and ensure timely delivery of ordered goods and raw materials.

In addition to higher or secondary specialized education, young people who want to work as supply managers must:

  1. Have at least two years of work experience;
  2. Be able to establish contacts and negotiate;
  3. Know the specifics of the market;
  4. Understand the legal intricacies of drafting contracts;
  5. Know the features of customs legislation and logistics.

As representatives of one of the highest paid professions in Moscow, purchasing managers earn up to 140,000 rubles a month.

High paying jobs for men

Employers are now almost not interested in the gender of the applicant, however, in some cases, work requires the presence of qualities characteristic of the predominantly strong half of humanity. What is the highest paying job for men?

Specialist in the oil and gas industry. Due to its scale and huge profits, this area is considered one of the richest in the country. Accordingly, the work of specialists involved in the extraction and processing of minerals is also well paid. However, it should be remembered that any profession in the oil and gas industry implies a narrow specialization.

Most often, businesses need:

  • Site masters - from 150,000 rubles per month;
  • Maintenance personnel of drilling rigs - from 120,000 rubles per month;
  • Engineers and technicians - from 200,000 rubles per month.

Civil Aviation Pilot. Piloting an aircraft is a risky and extremely responsible job, and therefore pilots are deservedly included in the top 10 highest paid professions in Russia. To become the commander of a modern airliner, earning about 340,000 rubles a month, you need to get a higher education, fly at least 4,000 hours on smaller aircraft and get a lot of certificates and permits.

Chef. Of course, one should not compare a cook working in an ordinary dining room and a master in charge of the kitchen in a prestigious establishment. Most best places receive specialists who not only constantly improve their skills, but also practice in countries with a rich culinary culture. To receive about 150,000 rubles a month, a representative of this highly paid creative profession must:

  • Effectively organize the work of the team;
  • Develop recipes for dishes and calculate their cost;
  • Create technological maps;
  • Control product quality;
  • Deal with customer complaints.

Metallurgist. In terms of profitability, the metallurgical industry is in second place after the oil and gas industry. Of course, the list of professions associated with it is quite wide - some specialists smelt ore, others cast metal into molds, and others are engaged in the development of alloy formulations. A graduate of a specialized university may well count on a salary of 70,000 rubles, while a master with an experience of three to five years already receives up to 120,000 rubles a month.

High paying jobs for women

By analogy with work for men, one can single out the most highly paid professions in Moscow for girls, implying the presence of such qualities characteristic of the fair sex as attentiveness, empathy, accuracy, the ability to perform delicate operations:

  1. Human Resources Specialist. Considering that specialists rarely stay in one place for more than three to five years, it can be assumed that companies are constantly in need of new employees. However, the HR specialist should not easily find a suitable candidate, but also assess his adequacy, ability to quickly adapt to the enterprise, and compatibility with the rest of the team. Ordinary HR managers on average earn up to 70,000 rubles, and heads of personnel departments - up to 150,000 rubles per month;
  2. Confectioner. There is a considerable share of creativity in the work of a confectioner: to develop and implement interesting recipe cake, sweets or chocolate is not possible based on standard templates. At the same time, the work of the master is well paid: even a specialist without much experience receives about 50,000 rubles a month, while the chief technologist of the confectionery production - at least 100,000 rubles;
  3. Beauty industry worker. Finding out what kind of business is relevant in Moscow, you can pay attention to the active development of the beauty industry: new beauty salons and hairdressers regularly open in the capital. It is logical to assume that all these establishments need specialists with their own client base. To attract experienced stylists, manicure and make-up masters, salon owners offer them a decent salary - up to 150,000 rubles per month;
  4. PR manager. Listing highly paid female professions, one cannot fail to mention the public relations manager. In such work, it is very important to build friendly relations with partners, which is best done by girls. However, in order to earn up to 150,000 rubles a month, you need not only to have connections in the media, but also to be well versed in Internet technologies.

Highly paid professions without higher education

Not all the most paid professions in Russia in 2018 require higher education: in some cases, applicants are required to have skills that do not require five or six years of study at a university to acquire. So, without a diploma, they may well find a job:

  1. Waiter in a luxury restaurant. When choosing where to go to work in Moscow without experience, you can try your hand at being a waiter in a prestigious restaurant. However, accuracy, quickness and a good memory are not enough for a candidate: in order to earn up to 90 thousand rubles a month, it is necessary to take additional courses in the rules of etiquette and serving;
  2. Personal driver. At first glance, for such work you need only a license and driving experience. However, in reality, the candidate must also be careful, attentive, punctual and responsible: sometimes a delay of a few minutes can disrupt important negotiations and lead to employee termination. In Moscow, personal drivers earn up to 80,000 rubles a month. In addition, some employers do not mind using the machine for part-time work free time in Moscow for men, which allows employees to receive a fairly significant additional income;
  3. Flight attendant. Of course, such a romantic and interesting profession requires some knowledge and skills, but it is quite possible to get them at special courses. The qualities necessary for applicants are the ability to remain calm, sociability, organization, good health and certain physical parameters: for example, Aeroflot does not recruit employees with a height above 175 cm and a clothing size above 48. The salary of a flight attendant in state-owned companies is 80,000 rubles, in private ones - up to 130,000 rubles per month;
  4. Nanny or housekeeper. Finding out what services are in demand in Moscow, you can see that many owners of the above professions and businessmen do not have time to do household chores, and therefore are forced to invite housekeepers who are ready to do cooking, washing, cleaning and ironing. The need for nannies is also caused by the constant employment of parents, which interferes with the full upbringing of the child. Qualified specialists working in this area highly appreciate their services: a governess with education, recommendations and knowledge foreign languages receives up to 120,000 rubles a month.

The popularity of various specialties is changing due to such factors as the development of technology, the level of socialization of the population, globalization, the economic crisis, the saturation of the labor market with certain personnel, etc. Employment specialists predict the professions in demand in Russia in 2018, so that it would be easier for graduates to choose their own vector of development, and for adults who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, they can undergo additional training and change their specialty.

It is important to understand that a truly unique specialist with an extensive set of knowledge and skills will be able to find a job even in areas where demand is not very high. However, such personnel are no more than 10% of the total.

In order to become a sought-after specialist, today preference should be given to the following groups of professions:

Demand for IT staff is one of the fastest growing. Thus, according to several leading recruiting agencies and portals, the number of posted vacancies for IT specialists has grown by more than 70%, subject to a decline in the total number of posted ads.

The number of vacancies is also impressive: on the website, their number is more than 16 thousand (figures are given for Russia as a whole) - this is almost 3.5 percent of all available vacancies. The most popular are the following vacancies:

  1. System integrator - due to the desire of companies to improve interaction with each other in order to accelerate the promotion of goods and services to end users, as well as to increase data transparency and integrate some processes to improve quality and reduce costs, the number of supply on the labor market is growing by several tens of percent from year to year. year.
  2. A programmer is traditionally a profession that does not lose demand. Development of programs for the needs of companies, creation of applications and games for mass use, system analytics, etc. - the choice is really huge.
  3. A system administrator is a vacancy that opens even in the most small companies so it remains popular. The only negative is that the salary for such specialists is much lower than in other areas of programming.
  4. Specialist in CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management) - due to the fact that the market is focused on the consumer, such systems that allow you to track and analyze the behavior of the client to form individual approach and increasing its loyalty are being implemented in more and more companies. Therefore, this profession is included in the list of popular professions in 2018.
  5. A tester is a profession that is needed in any field of programming. In particular, the work may be to use the first versions of applications, find bugs and suggest improvements to the interface.

salary ranges,

Number of vacancies

with specified salary

from 55 to 100
from 100 to 145
from 145 to 190
from 190 to 235
from 235 and above

* - according to the website at the end of July 2017

Of course, many people are attracted by such high wages in the IT field. However, the main difficulty is to learn and gain the necessary work experience - this is the only way to master all the intricacies of working in the field of information technology.

Another "technological" specialty is an engineer. In the last four years, there has been a drop in production volumes in Russia by several percentage points, but such professionals remain in demand in various industries:

  • chemical industry;
  • oil and gas industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • construction;
  • high-tech industries.

Another option is to master the profession of an assembler and adjuster of 3D printers. They are being introduced into the production process of many companies, since they can reduce the cost of the final product by 30-40%, as well as get rid of some costs associated with customs (import material resources cheaper than imports finished products, since Russian law protects local producers).

Finally, professions from the field of nanotechnology will be no less in demand in 2018. The number of personnel in this area is several times lower than the number of vacancies, because only a few Russian universities train such highly specialized professionals.

social professions

The demand for personnel in this area remains unchanged, since these professions are very unpopular due to the fact that the level of remuneration is quite low (from 15 thousand rubles in the regions) and the difficulties that arise in work. At the same time, the range of professions important for society is gradually expanding, some of which become highly paid in order to attract more specialists.

Medical specialties

Due to the deplorable state of most city polyclinics and hospitals and the extremely small number of specialized clinics (in particular, for cancer patients), in the last five years one can notice a significant increase in the number of private clinics (the number has increased several times). The level of wages here is several times higher than in state institutions, and due to the high quality of treatment and the provision of comfortable conditions for undergoing procedures, there are a lot of patients, which guarantees high level employment.

Educational sphere

Most parents are aware that good education it will be difficult for children to get settled in life, so they are ready to pay for quality education, allowing them to gain diverse knowledge and skills. At the same time, there are a number of options for how you can realize yourself in this area (they are not necessarily related to working with children):

  1. Teacher at school - work in private schools is highly paid, but often the contingent of students is complex enough to build interaction;
  2. Tutor or teacher in courses - it is difficult for a teacher at school to cover enough material to prepare for exams or olympiads due to the large number of students in the class, so this type educational activities does not lose its relevance;
  3. A teacher at a university - many specialties (for example, logistics, supply chain management, project management, etc.) are highly desirable to study not only in theory, but also with the help of practical cases. Therefore, practical teachers are valued more and more in leading universities;
  4. Coach - specialization involves a large number of choices, and the opportunity to work not only with children, but also with adults. It can be a business coach, mentor personal growth, an internal coach of the company (organizing events for employees of different departments to improve their understanding of related functions). In addition, instructors for the development of intelligence and mental abilities are gradually becoming popular;

Agricultural sector

According to Rosstat, the share Agriculture in Russia's GDP is about 4.5%. At the same time, there is a shortage of personnel, since work is often associated with living far from large cities and the need to be constantly involved in work. However, the sphere is stimulated by the state, so the level wages quite high here.


In 2018, Russia continues to follow global trends and advocate for a reduction negative impact on the environment Therefore, many types of businesses are striving to introduce an environmental component into their activities (in particular, to reduce harmful emissions during transportation and production).

Global Professions

Goods and services are produced and supplied around the world, companies strive to expand the target audience and win over the consumer, while the number of people using the Internet and social networks daily, over the past 10 years has increased by more than 2.5 times. All this leads to high demand for professionals such as:

  1. Translator - You must be fluent in one or two common languages ​​(eg English, German or Spanish) and one less common language - in this case, the applicant for the vacancy will be a unique specialist who can be selected from hundreds of others.
  2. SMM manager - social networks have become a platform for doing business in the last 3 years, so the work of maintaining specialized groups and accounts is well paid (from 50 thousand rubles per month), and the demand for it is steadily growing by 10-15% per year.
  3. Psychologist - due to the need for constant interaction, many people take on the problems of other people, and also get tired of high social activity. This leads to minor disorders that this specialist helps to solve.

All of the above professions are the answer to the questions of what professions will be in demand in 2018. But, each person must choose from a huge number of possible options something that is close and interesting to him.

Also watch the video about the TOP 5 most relevant professions of the future:

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