Top in-demand professions. The highest paid professions in Russia

landscaping 26.09.2019

The popularity of various specialties is changing due to such factors as the development of technology, the level of socialization of the population, globalization, the economic crisis, the saturation of the labor market with certain personnel, etc. Employment specialists predict the professions in demand in Russia in 2018, so that it would be easier for graduates to choose their own vector of development, and for adults who are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs, they can undergo additional training and change their specialty.

It is important to understand that a truly unique specialist with an extensive set of knowledge and skills will be able to find a job even in areas where demand is not very high. However, such personnel are no more than 10% of the total.

In order to become a sought-after specialist, today one should give preference to the following groups of professions:

Demand for IT staff is one of the fastest growing. Thus, according to several leading recruiting agencies and portals, the number of posted vacancies for IT specialists has grown by more than 70%, subject to a decline in the total number of posted ads.

The number of vacancies is also impressive: on the website, their number is more than 16 thousand (figures are given for Russia as a whole) - this is almost 3.5 percent of all available vacancies. The most popular are the following vacancies:

  1. System integrator - due to the desire of companies to improve interaction with each other in order to accelerate the promotion of goods and services to end users, as well as to increase data transparency and integrate some processes to improve quality and reduce costs, the number of supply on the labor market is growing by several tens of percent from year to year. year.
  2. A programmer is traditionally a profession that does not lose demand. Development of programs for the needs of companies, creation of applications and games for mass use, system analytics, etc. - the choice is really huge.
  3. A system administrator is a vacancy that opens even in the most small companies so it remains popular. The only negative is that the salary for such specialists is much lower than in other areas of programming.
  4. Specialist in CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management) - due to the fact that the market is focused on the consumer, such systems that allow you to track and analyze the behavior of the client to form individual approach and increasing its loyalty are being implemented in more and more companies. Therefore, this profession is included in the list of popular professions in 2018.
  5. A tester is a profession that is needed in any field of programming. In particular, the work may be to use the first versions of applications, find bugs and suggest improvements to the interface.

salary ranges,

Number of vacancies

with specified salary

from 55 to 100
from 100 to 145
from 145 to 190
from 190 to 235
from 235 and above

* - according to the website at the end of July 2017

Of course, many people are attracted by such high wages in the IT field. However, the main difficulty is to learn and gain the necessary work experience - this is the only way to master all the intricacies of working in the field of information technology.

Another "technological" specialty is an engineer. In the last four years, there has been a drop in production volumes in Russia by several percentage points, but such professionals remain in demand in various industries:

  • chemical industry;
  • oil and gas industry;
  • metallurgy;
  • construction;
  • high-tech industries.

Another option is to master the profession of an assembler and adjuster of 3D printers. They are being introduced into the production process of many companies, since they can reduce the cost of the final product by 30-40%, as well as get rid of some of the costs associated with customs (import of material resources is cheaper than import finished products, since Russian law protects local producers).

Finally, professions from the field of nanotechnology will be no less in demand in 2018. The number of personnel in this area is several times lower than the number of vacancies, because only a few Russian universities train such highly specialized professionals.

social professions

The demand for personnel in this area remains unchanged, since these professions are very unpopular due to the fact that the level of remuneration is quite low (from 15 thousand rubles in the regions) and the difficulties that arise in work. At the same time, the range of professions important for society is gradually expanding, some of which become highly paid in order to attract more specialists.

Medical specialties

Due to the deplorable state of most city polyclinics and hospitals and the extremely small number of specialized clinics (in particular, for cancer patients), in the last five years one can notice a significant increase in the number of private clinics (the number has increased several times). The level of wages here is several times higher than in state institutions, and due to the high quality of treatment and the provision of comfortable conditions for undergoing procedures, there are a lot of patients, which guarantees a high level of employment.

Educational sphere

Most parents are aware that without a good education, it will be difficult for children to get settled in life, so they are willing to pay for quality education that allows them to gain diverse knowledge and skills. At the same time, there are a number of options for how you can realize yourself in this area (they are not necessarily related to working with children):

  1. Teacher at school - work in private schools is highly paid, but often the contingent of students is complex enough to build interaction;
  2. Tutor or teacher in courses - it is difficult for a teacher at school to cover enough material to prepare for exams or olympiads due to the large number of students in the class, so this type educational activities does not lose its relevance;
  3. A teacher at a university - many specialties (for example, logistics, supply chain management, project management, etc.) are highly desirable to study not only in theory, but also with the help of practical cases. Therefore, practical teachers are valued more and more in leading universities;
  4. Trainer - specialization involves a large number of options to choose from, and the opportunity to work not only with children, but also with adults. It can be a business coach, mentor personal growth, an internal coach of the company (organizing events for employees of different departments to improve their understanding of related functions). In addition, instructors for the development of intelligence and mental abilities are gradually becoming popular;

Agricultural sector

According to Rosstat, the share of agriculture in Russia's GDP is about 4.5%. At the same time, there is a shortage of personnel, since work is often associated with living far from large cities and the need to be constantly involved in work. However, the sphere is stimulated by the state, so the level of wages here is quite high.


In 2018, Russia continues to follow global trends and promote the reduction of the negative impact on the environment, so many types of businesses are striving to introduce an environmental component into their activities (in particular, to reduce harmful emissions during transportation and production).

Global Professions

Goods and services are produced and supplied all over the world, companies are striving to expand their target audience and win over consumers, while the number of people using the Internet and social networks on a daily basis has increased by more than 2.5 times over the past 10 years. All this leads to a high demand for specialists such as:

  1. Translator - You must be fluent in one or two common languages ​​(eg English, German or Spanish) and one less common language - in this case, the applicant for the vacancy will be a unique specialist who can be selected from hundreds of others.
  2. SMM manager - social networks have become a platform for doing business in the last 3 years, so the work of maintaining specialized groups and accounts is well paid (from 50 thousand rubles per month), and the demand for it is steadily growing by 10-15% per year.
  3. Psychologist - due to the need for constant interaction, many people take on the problems of other people, and also get tired of high social activity. This leads to minor disorders that this specialist helps to solve.

All of the above professions are the answer to the questions of what professions will be in demand in 2018. But, each person must choose from a huge number options something close and interesting to him.

Also watch the video about the TOP 5 most relevant professions of the future:

Many people use their higher education diplomas for other purposes: at best, instead of a mouse pad or coaster for a cup of coffee, at worst, they are left to gather dust on the shelves. The reason for this is simple - the professions for which they were trained have become unclaimed in the labor market. The constant development of the surrounding world has led to the emergence of new professions in 2018. Young economists, managers, lawyers, psychologists do not find work in their specialty.

This article highlights the professions in demand in 2018 - 2025, it will help you navigate the choice of a specialty before graduation and entering a university. You will be able to understand what subjects to pay more attention to, what to study additionally in order to facilitate the development of a future profession and receive decent pay.

Demanded professions 2018

When choosing a specialty, you need to pay attention not only to the most popular professions in 2018, but also to your inclinations towards their components. Study the demand for all professions and their prospects in the future.

Particularly relevant professions in 2018 are workers - a seller, a loader, a driver, a builder, a cook, etc. Studying or acquiring skills for this specialty is guaranteed to help you find a job in the future.

Professions in Russia 2018

Every country needs different workers. Tourism-oriented countries need workers in the entertainment sector, the hotel industry, etc. The professions in demand in Russia in 2018 are electricians, plumbers, drivers, welders, auxiliary workers, salespeople, employees of communication centers.

The main professions, which professions are in demand in 2018, are related to manual labor. You do not need a diploma to apply for such vacancies - skills and abilities are enough.

They will quickly find work for window installers, Internet setup, painters, tile installers, agricultural workers.

Highly paid professions 2018

We present you the top professions of 2018 according to employers:

  • IT workers - developers of ICOs, applications and websites, web designers, engineers who are proficient in 3D modeling and others. Technology is part of our world, those who can complement or customize it will always be in demand in the labor market. So far, there is nothing that could reduce the popularity of this profession.
  • Sales agents or distributors. As they say, whoever came up with it gets a dollar, who made it gets 10, who sold it gets 100. You can look for direct suppliers and sell it via the Internet or a store for your own benefit.
  • Marketers - the main task of such specialists is the psychological impact on the subconscious of people in order to create an incentive to buy. A good marketer can save a bad idea or product. Skills - the ability to talk with clients, knowledge of psychology, persuasiveness.
  • Engineer - they create three-dimensional projects of future houses, taking into account all communications (water supply, electricity, gas). It is not easy to do this for a one-story private house, let alone projects for apartment buildings. But the salary of engineers starts from 1 thousand dollars / month.
  • A civil servant is not only officials, ministers, etc. They are also doctors, medical workers, sociologists, environmentalists and others. The current economic situation in Russia, the steady aging of the population explain the demand for this profession.
  • Copywriter - a subspecies of the profession "marketer", means writing selling texts, compiling slogans, creating logos. In more broad sense copywriters are people who write something for money (articles, comments, answers to questions, product descriptions).
  • Translator - the expansion of intercultural relations leads to the demand for this profession. At the same time, the demand for English-speaking specialists is falling. Connoisseurs of Arabic and Chinese languages ​​are more in demand. It is difficult to predict the demand for this profession in the future - applications for instant translation of any languages ​​are already being developed. As soon as they become available to the mass user, the need for translators will disappear by itself.

These are not all popular professions of 2018 - new ones may appear tomorrow, keep watching the labor market.

Professions 2018 for girls

The peculiarity of women's job search is that they do not apply for prestigious professions in 2018, the main thing for them is the opportunity social interaction to create a family. Of course, there are girls programmers, engineers and even builders, but there are only a few of them.

For girls, promising professions in 2018 are a nurse, a teacher, a school psychologist, a social worker, a seller, a dentist. These vacancies are most often filled by the fair sex. Often only women have the patience to work long hours in these areas. Moreover, most of these works involve flexible schedule and that means more time for yourself or your family.

The situation on the labor market is slowly but irresistibly changing. A decade ago, lawyers and economists were in the greatest demand, and more recently, no one has heard of the specialties of a recruiter or event manager. But time goes by and now is the time vantage point the labor market was occupied by programmers, marketers and representatives of working professions.

Residents of the CIS are gradually moving away from the Soviet setting "to graduate from a university and work in their specialty." Many modern specialties cannot be obtained at the university at all. "Techies" master specific skills, while for "humanitarians" work experience and personal qualities are now more important: sociability, stress resistance and the ability to negotiate.

Many modern professions are mastered without problems on their own.

Demanded professions in the CIS countries

  • IT specialists. Leaders in the number of vacancies and salaries. The best "IT people" often work for foreign customers and receive a salary in dollars, so they only benefit during crises. The monthly income of a novice programmer is from $300. Computer technology allows you to constantly develop skills and climb the career ladder. The most demanded areas in IT are web development and design, Java programming, testing software.
  • Managers and workers of trade. At first glance, the work of a call center employee, sales representative or supervisor seems simple. But these positions require great patience, charm and leadership qualities. Cold calling is a special kind of art. Not surprisingly, finding sales and customer service professionals is becoming a headache for all employers. But if you are able to "sell the elephant", then you are guaranteed a good salary.
  • Marketers and Accountants. No crisis will stop sales. Any company needs a talented marketer, and possibly a brand manager. The highest salaries are received by specialists in Internet marketing and advertising, website promotion, work in social networks. And it is impossible to imagine a team without an accountant.
  • HR managers. Employment is a long and laborious process. HR managers (in the English-speaking environment - human resources) select worthy applicants for vacancies and maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the team. Their responsibilities include conducting interviews, staff development and team building. Most HR managers are certified psychologists.
  • Medical staff. Alas, getting a position as a pediatrician in a city clinic is not so easy. But private organizations open doors for qualified doctors and medical staff. Cosmetologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists are in demand. The specialties of a medical representative, pharmacist and pharmacist are also among the popular and highly paid.
  • Service workers. This area opens the door for students and young people with no work experience. The lion's share of graduates starts their career path as a waiter, barista or hostess. The work of a cook requires special skills and is paid more generously. Let's add a hairdresser, a manicurist and a fitness trainer to the list of popular professions.
  • Farmers. Let's be honest: agriculture is not the most attractive and highly paid industry. But the demand for agricultural equipment sales managers, logisticians, agronomists and veterinarians is growing. As well as the salaries of these specialists.
  • Administrative staff. All companies need drivers, security guards, secretaries, couriers, executive assistants, computer typists and office managers. Often an employee combines several positions. The salaries of administrative workers are low, but the demand for them is stable.
  • Working specialties. Builder, maintenance worker, storekeeper, loader - professions are not too romantic, but they are necessary everywhere and always.

Demand for jobs is growing every year

Demanded professions abroad

In Europe and the USA, the rating of popular and highly paid specialties markedly different from ours. In the first place - all the same programmers. Biotechnologists, engineers, doctors, chemists and power engineers are on their heels. However, experienced managers, journalists, advertising specialists receive no less than "IT people", which should also be taken into account.

Americans and Europeans allow themselves to travel many times more often than Russians. It is for this reason that the tourism industry is flourishing abroad, and with it managers, guides, hotel and cafe employees. In addition, wealthy foreigners spend decent amounts on the services of medical staff, nannies, beauticians, stylists, nutritionists and fitness trainers.

Professions of the future

If you are just deciding on a specialty for entering a university, pay attention to distant forecasts. Analysts believe that in the next five to seven years the demand for "techies" will return, which fell after the collapse of the USSR. For the development of industry, engineers are needed, especially in oil production and alternative energy, mechanical engineering and metallurgy.

Familiarize yourself with the professions of the future before entering university

Biologists, chemists and genetic engineers will be in demand all over the world. We cannot do without doctors either, but scientists believe that soon they will make diagnoses online. Humanitarians are recommended to apply for an interpreter from Eastern languages ​​or computer linguist. With the development of urban planning, the need for urbanists and urban ecologists is growing.

In 2014, the Skolkovo Business School compiled an Atlas of New Professions. It describes the specialties that will be in demand in a decade. The list of "future professions" includes exotic positions:

  1. Virtual universe designer
  2. city ​​farmer
  3. 3D printing designer
  4. Molecular Nutritionist
  5. Cosmobiologist and Cosmogeologist
  6. Medical robot engineer
  7. Consultant for genetics and healthy aging
  8. Mind trainer (instructor for the development of mental abilities)

And do not forget: when choosing a profession, you should not rely only on the opinion of analysts. After all, the main requirement is that your work should arouse interest and bring pleasure!

School graduates, choosing a direction vocational training, you need to take into account not only your own preferences, but also trends in the labor market in Russia. Rating agencies and research centers publish statistics annually. It contains information about what specialties are in demand and allow you to receive a high income. To do right choice, you should familiarize yourself with the list, which presents the most promising professions in 2018.

skilled worker

In Russia in 2018, the number of people with higher education increased. At the same time, large cities, including Moscow, are experiencing a shortage of workers. Locksmiths, electricians, builders - all these specialists have good career opportunities and receive high wages. The state is interested in the fact that representatives of the younger generation enter technical schools and colleges.

IT specialist

Modern technology is one of the most dynamically developing areas. It is no coincidence that the rating, which presents the professions in demand in 2018, includes programmers and system administrators.

A promising direction is the branch of web-development. This market offers good opportunities for professional growth. Employees of large companies involved in web design receive decent wages.

The main advantage of the IT-sphere is the ability to work remotely. A programmer can be employed in an organization and additionally engage in projects privately via the Internet.


This specialty requires a solid theoretical background and extensive practice. Experienced lawyers make good money. They also have great opportunities in terms of employment. Employees who are well aware of the legislative framework and have practical experience in civil and criminal cases are needed in all organizations. Employers, in turn, are ready to pay decent wages for their work.

Graduates of the Faculty of Law get jobs as police officers. The specialty can also be included in the list, which indicates the most highly paid professions in Russia. The state is reforming the internal affairs bodies and stimulating workers in this area by raising wages and providing profitable terms labor.


The flow of applicants to pedagogical universities has recently decreased. Many mistakenly believe that teaching is not a prestigious enough profession with a low level of pay. However, career growth depends solely on the abilities of a person, his motivation, professional competencies and desire for development. Schools are interested in qualified teachers who will help children master the general education program at a decent level.


The demand for narrow profile physicians is constantly growing. Dietology, ophthalmology, speech therapy - all these topical areas have recently been very popular with customers. Government agencies and private clinics are constantly opening vacancies and are looking for employees. For those who are going to connect their lives with medicine, the best option in 2018 in terms of income is dentistry.


AT market economy the role of the sale of goods and services is growing, the number of producers is increasing and competition between them is intensifying. Companies strive to stand out, and important condition for this is the competent promotion of products. Job responsibilities of a marketer involve forecasting demand, organizing an advertising campaign, tracking sales levels, working with the display of goods and its distribution.

Personnel specialist

HR-manager is a promising and necessary profession. Companies are constantly in search of new personnel, and this work is performed by a personnel specialist. A mandatory skill for him is the ability to identify among the candidates people suitable for a vacant position. Experience is important for an HR manager: theoretical knowledge is ineffective without the practice of conducting interviews.

Beauty industry specialist

To master the most demanded professions, it is not necessary to receive higher education. Make-up artist, hairdresser, nail service master - all these specialists start working after completing short-term courses. The popularity of such services is explained by the fact that, despite the economic crisis, people tend to look good.

A vocational school or courses will be an excellent option for school graduates who could not enter a university, and there is no opportunity to study for a fee. Working in the beauty industry provides high income and opportunities for growth. Leading stylists start their careers as ordinary masters, and then become owners of their own salons.


State environment on the planet leaves much to be desired. Mankind is concerned about the need to preserve flora and fauna, so the need for ecologists has grown. They are studying the climate, flora and fauna in Russia 2018. Ecologists propose measures to protect the environment. It is difficult to call the profession highly paid, so it is not very popular among university applicants.


Most school graduates apply to the humanities faculties of the institute. In many ways, this is why there is a shortage of specialists with technical training in Russia. Their main advantage is that learning is easy. Students of engineering specialties have more workload, much more serious requirements, however, the income after graduation is higher.

The highest paid professions require serious training. Studying at a university is more difficult than entering it. The passing score for an engineering specialty is lower than for an economic one, and the number of applicants is less.


The processes of globalization penetrate into all spheres of activity and distant regions. The company concludes international contracts, cooperates with foreign partners. Many organizations use the services of translators. Linguists participate in negotiations, conduct business correspondence, translate documents.

Before choosing a specialty, young people should familiarize themselves with the list of professions most in demand in 2018. It is necessary to consider not only current trends in the labor market, but also take into account the long-term forecasts of analysts. In the next few years, the demand for specialists with technical education will increase.

However, what final choice to make when planning to enter a university, the applicant must think for himself. A specialty may be in demand, but not like a person. In this case, it is difficult to achieve special success. Rapid career growth is observed among those professionals who love their work, are ready to acquire new skills and constantly improve.

High-level professionals are in demand in all companies. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice of a specialty, get an education or study courses, and then work out theoretical knowledge in practice.

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