Main types of social interaction. The concept of social interaction its types and forms

Landscape design and layout 26.09.2019


1. Genesis of social interaction

1.1 Signs of Social Action

1.2 Transition to Social Interaction

1.3 Forms of Social Interaction

2. Structure of social interaction

2.1 Typology and spheres of social interaction

2.2 Icobalizing and objectification

2.3 Concepts of Social Interaction


Bibliographic list


The relevance of the work is the reason that in modern society it is important to assessing certain actions of individuals. Each of us daily makes many actions, while giving an internal assessment by their actions. At the same time, any of us, Volens-Nolens compares their actions with the scale of moral values \u200b\u200bof a civilized society. If the criteria for attributing actions to moral / immoral are studied by ethics, the mutualization of actions and actions of people are included in the subject of sociology. What is the action and what is social action, we will try to consider in this control work.

The object of work is social action and social interaction.

The subject of work is the structure of social interactions.

The goal of the work is to familiarize yourself with the theoretical foundations of social cooperation, study its structure, trace the relationship between the theory and practice of this aspect of social reality.

1. Describe the genesis of social interaction, allocation of signs of social action and the transition to social interaction.

2. Stru's social interaction, showing typology and sphere, goaling and objective of social interaction.

3. Briefly indicate the basic concepts of social interaction.

Methods: Study of sociological literature, description and observation, analysis and synthesis.

1. Genesis of social interaction

1.1 Signs of Social Action

The problems of social action introduced Max Weber. He gave his following definition: "Social is such an action, which, in accordance with his subjective sense, includes the facility of the installation on how others will act and oriented in their direction."

The most important sign of social action is subjective sense - personal understanding of possible behaviors. Secondly, the conscious orientation of the subject to the response of others, the waiting for this reaction is important. T. Parsonse has a social acting problem with the allocation of the following signs:

Regulativity (depends on generally accepted values \u200b\u200band norms);

Voluntarism (i.e., communication with the will of the subject providing some independence from the environment);

The presence of iconic regulation mechanisms.

In Parsons concept, the action is considered as a single act and as a system of action. An analysis of the action as a single act is associated with the separation of the actor (actuate an active action) and the medium consisting of physical objects, cultural images, etc. individuals. When analyzing the action as a system, the action is considered as an open system (i.e. supporting exchange with an external environment), the existence of which is associated with the formation of the corresponding subsystems that ensure the implementation of a number of functions.

Your action is possible only within the Company with a certain level of development of culture and social structure. On the other hand, his description, a description of a single action is possible because there is a sufficiently long tradition of studies of social action in sociology and philosophy.

In other words, the Action itself, and its description is only possible as a result of your inclusion in society.

1.2 Transition to Social Interaction

The fact that a separate action is possible only within the Company that the social entity is always in the physical or mental environment of other subjects and behaves according to this situation, reflects the concept social interaction . Social interaction can be defined as systematic actions of subjects aimed at each other and aimed at calling the response expected behavior that involves resumes. The interaction of individual entities is the result of the development of society, and the condition for its further development.

Sociology, describing, explaining and trying to predict the behavior of people - in the course of the process, in economic activity or political struggle, before turning to the empirical research of private problems, appeals to the creation theoretical model of this behavior . Creating such a model begins with the development of a concept of social action, clarifying it structures, functions and dynamics .

Mandatory components structures Actions are performing subject and an object actions. Subject - This is a carrier of targeted activity, one who acts, possessing consciousness and will. An object - What action is directed to. IN functional Aspect stand out stages of action : Firstly, associated with goaling, developing goals and, secondly, with their operating realization. At these stages, organizational links between the subject and the object of action are established.

The goal is the perfect image of the process and the result. Caidal ability, i.e. The ideal modeling of the upcoming actions is the most important personality of a person as a subject of action. The implementation of the goals involves the choice of the relevant tools and organization efforts to achieve result .

The circumstances of everyday life are confronted by a person with many other people. In accordance with its needs and interests, a person takes into this set of those with whom it enters various interactions.

Distinguish the following types of interactions:

- contacts - short-term relationships (purchase and sale, exchange of views on the street, conversation travelers in the bus);

- Social Actions - actions of a person who enters conscious and rational Communications and focus on the actions of other people trying to achieve their own goals. This is a more complex form of communication between people than contacts. Any social action is preceded by social contact. Before the commission of social action in the consciousness of a person, a steady increase in activity should arise ( motivation). Obviously, having committed social actions, each personality is experiencing the actions of others (conversation, any joint action).

In the widest value means - This is an object discussed from the point of view of the ability to serve the goals, whether it is a skill, attitude or information. Reached result It acts as a new state of the elements that have developed during the action - the synthesis of the goal, the properties of the object and the efforts of the subject. In this case, the condition of performance acts compliance with the needs of the subject's needs, the means - the objectives and nature of the object. IN dynamic Aspect, the action appears as the moment of self-proven activity of the subject on the basis of increasing needs.

The mechanism for implementing the action helps to describe the so-called "universal functional formula": the needs -\u003e their reflection in (collective) consciousness, the development of ideal action programs -\u003e their operational implementation in the course coordinated by certain means of activity, creating a product capable of satisfying the needs of subjects and prompting New needs.

Like any theoretical model, this idea of \u200b\u200bsocial action helps to see the general nature of infinitely diverse actions and thus already acts as a theoretical instrument of sociological research. However, in order to refer to the analysis of private problems, further membership of the elements of this model is necessary. And, above all, a subject of action needs in more detailed characteristics.

Subject Actions can be considered as individual or collective. Collective Subjects are a variety of community (for example, parties). Individual The subject exists within communal services, he can identify himself with them or join them into conflict.

Contact the subject with the medium of its existence generates needs - a special state of a subject generated by the need for existence, objects necessary for its life and development, and thus protruding the source of the activity of the subject.

There are various classifications of needs. General features of all classifications are the approval of diversity and ascending of needs and the phased nature of their satisfaction. So, like any living being, a person needs food and shelter - this applies to physiological needs. But it is just as necessary for him recognition and self-affirmation - this is already the needs of social.

The important characteristics of the subject of the action also include the cumulative life resource, the level of claims and value orientations. Cumulative life resource Includes energy resources, time, natural and social advantages.

People have different life resources depending on their social status. All types of resources are different and measured for individual or collective entities, such as human health or group cohesion.

Social situation, along with the individual qualities of the subject, determines it level of attractions . The complexity of the task and the result on which it is focused in its actions. These orientations of the subject relative to any sphere of vital activity are and value orientations . Value orientations are a way of distinguishing social phenomena by the degree of significance for the subject. They are associated with the individual reflection in the consciousness of a person's values \u200b\u200bof society. Well-established value orientations ensure the integrity of the consciousness and behavior of the subject.

To describe sources of social object, the concept is also used interest . In a narrow value, interest involves the selective, emotionally painted attitude to reality (interest in anything, interested in something or someone). The widespread meaning of this concept links the state of the environment, the needs of the subject, as well as the conditions for their satisfaction. Those. interest It may be characterized as the attitude of the subject to the necessary means and the conditions for the satisfaction of the needs inherent in it. This attitude objectively and should be conscious of the subject. A large or smaller clarity of awareness affects the performance of the action. Action is possible contrary to their interests, i.e. Contrary to its real position. The concept of interest is used in the literature in relation to individual and collective subjects.

Needs, interests and value orientations are factors motivation Actions, i.e. The formation of its motives as direct motivations to action. Motive - Conscious motivation to action that arises from the realization of needs. How the inner motive motive differs from external motivations - incentives . Incentives - Additional links between the need and motive, these are material and moral promotions of certain actions.

The conscious nature of the action does not exclude the role of emotional and volitional factors. The ratio of rational calculation and emotional impulses allows us to talk about different types of motivation. Research motivation Wide presented in sociology in connection with the study of labor and training activities. At the same time allocate motivation levels Depending on the level of needs.

The first group of motifs is associated with the socio-economic situation of the individual . This includes, above all, life benefits . If these motifs dominate in the actions of a person, its orientation is traced primarily on material reward. Accordingly, the possibilities of material incentive are increasing. This group includes motives calling . They fix the desire of a person to a certain occupation. For a person in this case, the content of his professional activity is important. Accordingly, stimulation will be associated with the material remuneration by itself. Finally, the same group belongs prestige motifs . They express a man's desire to occupy worthy, in his opinion, position in society.

The second group of motifs is associated with the implementation of the social norms prescribed and learned by the Individual . This group also corresponds to a wide range of motivations to action, from civilian, patriotic to group solidarity or "honor of the uniform".

The third group is the motives associated with optimization of life cycle . Here can be replaced by each other aspires to accelerated social mobility and overcoming role conflict.

Each kind of classes, even each action, is not one, but many motives. Even in the private example, which we led above, it can be assumed that the urge to read could not only be reduced to the desire to get an assessment, or only to the desire to avoid trouble, or only to curiosity. It is the multiplicity of motives that provides a positive attitude towards action.

The motives of action are organized hierarchically, some of them are dominant. At the same time, the researchers recorded for the learning process, for example, feedback between the power of utilitarian motives and performance and direct - between scientific and educational and professional motives. Motivation system is dynamic. It changes not only when changing classes, but also within one of their kind. For example, learning motives vary depending on the year of study.

In the study of motivation, various methods are used: surveys, experiments, analysis of statistical data ... So, the results of laboratory experiments show a change in the reaction time in actions, different in their motives. Analogs of such experiments, although without strict techniques, each of us probably has in its vital experience. The more distinct and stronger the need to do something (exchange rate to last term), the higher the ability to concentrate on this matter attention, personal abilities and organizational talents. If you return to laboratory experiments, it should be noted that the change in the speed of the reaction is a psychological characteristic.

In this way, the most important features of motivation actions are multiple and hierarchy motives, as well as their certain strength and stability.

1.3 Forms of Social Interaction

It is also accepted to distinguish the three main forms of interaction - cooperation, competition and conflict.

Cooperation - cooperation of several individuals (groups) for the sake of solving a common task. The simplest example is the transfer of a heavy log. Cooperation arises there and then, where and when it becomes an obvious advantage of combined efforts over individual cooperation implies the division of labor.

Competition - Individual or group struggle for the possession of deficient values \u200b\u200b(benefits). They can be money, property, popularity, prestige, power. They are deficit because, being limited, can not be divided into all. Competition is considered an individual form of struggle. Not because only individuals participate in it, and because competing parties (groups, parties) seek to get as much as possible for themselves to the detriment of others. Competition is increasing when individuals realize that alone they will achieve more. It is a social interaction because people say the rules of the game

Conflict - Hidden or open clash of competing parties. It may occur in cooperation, and in competition. The competition develops into a collision when competitors are trying to prevent or eliminate each other from the struggle for the possession of scarce benefits. When equal rivals, such as industrial countries, compete for power, prestige, sales markets, resources peacefully, this is called competition. And when this is not a peaceful way, armed conflict arises - war .

A distinctive feature of interaction that distinguishes it simply from action, it is exchange . Any interaction is an exchange. You can exchange as you like attention signs, words, values, gestures, symbols, material objects.

The exchange structure is quite simple:

Exchange agents - two or more people;

The exchange process - performed according to certain rules of action;

Exchange rules - set oral or written prescriptions, assumptions and prohibitions,

Item sharing goods, gifts, signs of attention, etc.;

Exchange place - a pre-agreed or spontaneously emerging meeting place.

According to the theory of George Homance, the human behavior is currently due to whether it was rewarded and exactly his actions in the past.

He brought the following exchange principles:

1) the more often the type of action is rewarded, the most likely it will be repeated. If it regularly leads to success, the motivation to its repetition increases. And vice versa, it decreases in case of failure;

2) If the remuneration (success) for a certain type of action depends on certain conditions, then the likelihood is that a person will seek them. It doesn't matter what you get profit - whether they act legally or go around and harbor from the tax inspection - but the profit, like any other reward, will push you to repeat successful behavior;

3) If the remuneration is large, a person is ready to overcome any difficulties for receiving it. The profit of 5% is unlikely to stimulate a businessman on a feat, but for the sake of 300%, he noted K. Marx in his time, he is ready to make any crimes;

4) When a person needs are close to saturation, it is all in less and to a lesser extent makes efforts to their satisfaction. And this means that if the employer pays a high salary for several months in a row, then the employee decreases the motivation to increase productivity.

The principles of Homans are applicable to the actions of one person and to the interaction of several people, because each of them is guided in relations with another one and the same considerations.

In general, social interaction is a complex exchange system due to methods of balancing remuneration and costs. If the estimated costs above the expected remuneration, people are unlikely to be interacting when they are not forced to that. The theory of Homans exchange explains social interaction on the basis of free choice.

In social exchange - so we can call the social interaction between remuneration and costs - there is no direct proportional dependence. In other words, if the remuneration is increased 3 times, then the individual will not necessarily increase its efforts by 3 times. Often it happened that the workers increased by 2 times the salary in the hope that they would increase in the same productivity. But the real return was not they just did the view that they were trying. By nature, a person tends to save his efforts and resort to this in any situation, sometimes going on deception.

Thus, under social interaction A system of interdependent social actions associated with a cyclic causal dependence is understood, in which the actions of one subject are at the same time cause and consequence of response actions of other subjects.

2. Structure of social interaction

2.1 Typology and spheres of social interaction

The interaction differs from the action of feedback. The action emanating from the individual can be directed and is not directed to another individual. Only an action directed to another person (and not to the physical object) causes a reverse reaction, should be qualified as social interaction.

Action can be divided into four types.

Physical action, for example, a slap, the transfer of the book, writing on paper;

Verbal, or verbal, action, for example, insult, greeting expression;

Gestures as a variety of action: a smile raised by a finger, a handshake;

A mental action is expressed only in the inner speech.

Examples reinforcing each type of action correspond to criteria of social action M Weber: They are comprehended, motivated, oriented to another.

Social interaction includes the first three and does not include the fourth type of action.

As a result, we obtain the first typology of social interaction (by type):




Social interaction is based on social statuses and calls . This is based on the second typology of social interaction on the spheres of vital activity:

- Economic sphere - where individuals act as owners and employees, entrepreneurs, banier, capitalists, businessmen, unemployed, housewives;

- Professional sphere - where individuals participate as drivers, bankers, professors, miners, cooks;

- family-related sphere - Where people act as fathers, mothers, sons, cousin, grandmothers, uncle, aunt, godfathers, twin, bachelor, widows, newlyweds;

- demographic sphere - contacts between representatives of various floors, ages, nationalities and races (nationality is included in the concept of also inter-ethnic interaction);

- political sphere - where people configure or collaborate as representatives of political parties, folk fronts, public movements, as well as subjects of state power judges, police, jury, diplomats, etc.;

- Religious sphere - contacts between representatives of different religions, one religion, as well as believers and non-believers, if the content of their actions relate to the field of religion;

- territorially settlement sphere - clashes, cooperation, competition between local and arrivals, urban and rural, temporary and constantly carrying, emigrants, immigrants and migrants.

So, interaction - Bidirectional action process between two or more individuals. That is, act Only unidirectional interaction.

The first typology of social interaction is based on the types of action, and the second - on the status systems.

The variety of types of social interaction and social relations developing on their basis is made to divide two spheres - primary and secondary.

Primary The sphere is the area of \u200b\u200bpersonal relationships and interactions that exist in small groups among friends, in groups of peers, in the family circle.

Secondary - This is an area of \u200b\u200bbusiness, or formal relationships and interaction at school, shop, theater, church, bank, at a doctor's reception or a lawyer. Accordingly, the relations of people in these areas are not similar.

Secondary relations - Sphere of social and status relations. They are also called formal, impersonal, anonymous. If the district doctor indifferently looks through you, listening not to hearing, automatically prescribes the recipe and becomes the following, then it formally performs official debt, i.e. is limited to the social role framework.

On the contrary, your personal doctor who has long established a trust relationship with you, will even find what you did not say, hear what you did not talk about. He is attentive and interested. Between you - primary , i.e. personal relationships.

So, we can conclude: all types of social interactions and social relations are divided into two spheres - primary and secondary. The first describes confidence-personal, and the second is the formal-business relationships of people.

2.2 Icobalizing and objectification

Now let's turn to more detailed consideration. goaling and objective. purpose - This is a motivated, conscious, expressed in words anticipating the result of the action. Decision on the result rational if within the framework of cash information is capable of calculation of goals , means and results of action and seeks to maximize them efficiency .

The relationship between objective conditions, motivation and objectives are established in such a way that of the two certain states of the elements, usually conditions and motives, the subject concludes conclusion about the state of the third, goal.

Its clearness and reachability, as well as the presence of a hierarchy of the hierarchy of the goals built in the order of preference. Rational choice The object is a choice in terms of its availability and suitability to achieve the goal. The means of action are chosen on the basis of their effectiveness to achieve the goal. They are instrumentally subordinate to her, but more related to the situation.

Actions of this type comerational actions Most easily predicted and managed. The effectiveness of such actions has, however, its reverse side. First of all, the fertility deprives the meaning of many periods of human life. Everything that is considered as a means loses an independent meaning, exists only as an application to the main, goal. It turns out that the fact that the person is intended, the region of the meaning of his life. In addition, the huge role of funds in achieving the goal and technical attitude towards them, the evaluation of them only on efficiency, and not in content, makes it possible to change the objectives by means, the loss of initial goals, and then vital activity at all.

However, this type of goal-setting is neither universal nor the only one. There are targeted mechanisms that are not related to the calculation of efficiency that do not imply hierarchies of the goals and the dismemberment of goals, funds and results. Consider some of them.

As a result of the work of self-knowledge, the permanent domination of certain motives in which the emotional component prevails, as well as in connection with a clear inner position regarding the way of life, target may arise as some intent, project, life plan - holistic, rolled and potential.

In the appropriate situations, it provides instant decision-making. Such a mechanism of focus ensures the formation and production of a holistic, unique personality.

purpose may perform as a must As the law of actions derived by a person from his ideas about the proper and related values \u200b\u200bassociated with the highest values. Following debt acts as an end in itself. It is irrelevant to the consequences and regardless of the situation. Such a mechanism of focus assumes volitional self-regulation of actions. It can orient a person in situations of maximum uncertainty, creating strategies of behavior that go far beyond the cash, rationally comprehended situation.

Focality can be defined norm system As external benchmarks that set the boundaries are permitted. Such a mechanism optimizes behavior using stereotypical solutions. This saves intelligent and other resources. However, in all cases, goaling is associated with a strategic choice for a subject and always retains the value of the system-forming element.

The goal connects the subject with the objects of the outside world and acts as a program of their mutual change. Through the system of needs and interests, situational conditions The external world seizes the subject, and this is reflected in the content of the goals. But through the system of values \u200b\u200band motives, in electoral terms to the world, in the means of objectiveness, the subject seeks to approve itself in the world and change it, i.e. "Severe the world."

The tool of such mastering can also be time if a person skillfully orders this limited resource. A person always relates its actions over time. At critical moments, the holistic situation is crushed at hours, minutes, seconds. But time can be used. This implies an active attitude towards him, refusal to perceive the time as an independent force, forcibly resolving the problem. The main property of the time is to be a sequence of events - a person uses, having his actions in some arbitrarily disrupted by the order, spreading "first - then" in its actions and experiences.

2.3 Concepts of Social Interaction

Microsociological concepts there are many. In general, the concept of social interaction is the manifestation of sociological knowledge. In turn, this is a special case of action of the system principle of the multiplicity of the description of complex systems.

Social exchange concept . The main ideas of the concept of social exchange: the behavior of a person prevails a rational beginning, which encourages him to strive for certain conclusions; Social interaction - a permanent exchange between people of various benefits, and exchange transactions - elementary acts of public life (the scheme "Stimulus - Reaction")

Concept of symbolic interactionism . From the point of view of interactives, the human society consists of individuals possessing a "personal I", i.e. they themselves form values; Individual action - there is design, and not just committing. It is carried out by an individual by assessing and interpreting the situation. Personal I mean that a person can serve as an object for his actions. The formation of values \u200b\u200bis a set of actions, during which the individual notices the subject, relates it with its values, gives it a value and decides to act on the basis of this value. At the same time, the interpretation of the other action is the definition of the values \u200b\u200bof certain actions of others. From the point of view of interactive, the object is not an external incentive, but the fact that a person stands out from the surrounding world, giving it certain values.

Impressional management concept . From the point of view of E.Hofman, a person appears as an artist, the creator of images. His life is the production of impressions. The ability to manage your impressions and control them - it means to be able to manage other people. Such control is carried out using verbal and non-verbal means of communication. A typical example is the creation of an image, advertising, PR.


Thus, social interaction can be described as a process in which people act and have interaction on each other. The social interaction mechanism includes individuals who commit certain actions, changes in social community or society as a whole caused by these actions, the influence of these changes on other individuals constituting social community, and finally the reverse reaction of individuals. Interaction leads to the formation of new social relations.

In sociology adopted a special term denoting social interaction, interaction. However, not all that we do in relationship with other people relates to social interaction. If the car hit the passerby, then this is the usual road traffic accident. But it becomes social interaction when the driver and pedestrian, analyzing the incident, defend each of their interests as representatives of two large social groups. The driver insists that the roads are built for cars, and the pedestrian has no right to move, where it is pleased. Pedestrian, on the contrary, is convinced that the main face in the city is, and not the driver, - and cities are created for people, but not cars.

In this case, the driver and pedestrian denote social statuses. Each of them has its own circle of rights and obligations. Fulfilling the role of the driver and pedestrian, two men find out no personal relationship based on sympathy or antipathy, but enter into social relations, behave like owners of social statuses that are defined by society. Communicating between themselves, they are not talking about family matters, weather or types of harvest. Content Their conversations are performing social characters and values: The purpose of such a territorial settlement as the city, the norms of transition of the roadway, the priorities of a person and a car, etc. The concepts dedicated to the concepts are attributes of social interaction. It, like social action, is found everywhere. But this does not mean that it replaces all other types of people's interaction.

So, social interaction develops from individual acts, called social actions, and includes statuses (terms of rights and obligations), roles, social relationships, symbols and meanings.

Bibliographic list

1 Andrushchenko V.P. Sociology: Society Science. Tutorial / V. P. Andrushchenko, N. I. Gorlach. - Kharkov: 1996. - 688 p.

2 Volkov Yu.G. Sociology: Reader / Yu.G. Volkov, I.V. Mostovaya - M.: 2003. - 524 p.

3 Dobnekov V. I. Sociology: Textbook / E. Dobnekov, A.I. Kravchenko. - m .:, 2001. - 624 p.

4 Kasyanov V.V. Sociology: Examination Answers /V.V. Kasyanov. - Rostov N / D: 2003. - 320 p.

5 Kozlova ON Sociology /O.n. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing House Omega-L, 2006. - 320c.

6 Kravchenko A.I. Sociology: Tutorial for students of universities /a. Kravchenko.- M.: Publishing Corporation "Lotos", 1999. - 382c.

7 Lukashevich N.I. Sociology: Tutorial / Head. Lukashevich, N.V. Tulenkov. - Q.: 1998. - 276 p.

8 Osipov GV Sociology. Basics of general theory: Textbook for universities /G.V. Osipov, L.N. Moskvichov. - M.: 2002. - 912 p.

9 Tanatova D.K. Anthropological approach in sociology: monograph /D.k. Tanatova. - 2nd ed. - M.: 2006. - 264 p.

10 Frolov S.S. Sociology: Tutorial / HS. Frolov. - 4th ed., Stereotypical. - M.: 2003 - 344 p.

11 Edenie A.G. General Sociology: studies. Allowance / A.G. Efendiyev. - M.: 2007. - 654 p.

12 poisons V. A. Strategy of sociological research. Description, explanation, understanding of social reality / E. Poisons. - M.: 2001. - 596c.

Questions for self-test (p. 13)

The main terms and concepts (p.12-13).

Theme (module) 3. Social interactions and social relations.

1.Social interaction (p.1-9):

a) the social mechanism of interaction, its main elements (p.1-3);

b) the typology of social interactions (p.3-4);

c) social communication and its models; typology of communication interactions (p.4-7);

d) mass communication and its main functions (p.7-9).

2. Social relations structure (9-12):

a) the concept of social relations (P.9-10);

b) the level typology of social relations (C.10-11);

c) official and unofficial relations, the main differences between them (C.11-12).

but)social interaction mechanism, its main elements.

Communicating with peers, familiar, relatives, colleagues, just with random fellow travelers, each person carries out various interactions. In any of these interactions, he simultaneously exhibits its individual originality in two interrelated directions. On the one hand, it acts as a performer of certain role-playing functions: husband or wife, boss or subordinate, father or son, etc. On the other hand, in any of the roles performed by him, it simultaneously interacts with other people as a unique, unique person.

When the individual performs a certain role, it acts as a specific unit of a completely definite social structure - the head of the plant, head of the workshop, master, worker, head of the department, teacher, curator, student, etc. In society, in each of its structure - be it a family, a school, an enterprise - there is a certain agreement, often fixed documented (the rules of the internal regulation, the charter, the code of officer's honor, etc.), regarding the contribution, which should be made in the general case, therefore, In the process of interaction with others, each performer of such a role. In such cases, the fulfillment of certain roles does not necessarily be accompanied by any feelings, although the manifestation of the latter is not excluded.

But in the interactions between people, there is a much more extensive and diverse class of interpersonal relations, in which there are specific, emotionally very saturated roles (friend, father, rival, etc.), which are inextricably linked with feelings of sympathy or antipathy, friendship or dislike, respect or contempt.

Individual mutual reactions of people on each other in such interactions can vary dramatically in a very wide range: from love at a glance to a sudden hostility to another person. In the process of such interaction, as a rule, is carried out not only perception People of each other, but also mutual evaluation each other, inevitably includes not only cognitive, but also emotional components.

Saying enough to determine the social process in question. Social interactionthis is the exchange of actions between two or more individuals. It may proceed at the micro level - between people, small groups, and the macro level - between social groups, classes, nations, social movements. This is a system of socially determined individual and / or group actions when the behavior of one of the participants is at the same time an incentive and reaction to the behavior of the rest and acts as the cause of follow-up.

In the process of interaction, the cooperation of functions is separated, and, consequently, the mutual agreement of joint action. Let's say in football, consistency of the actions of goalkeeper, defenders and attackers; At the factory - director, chief engineer, head of the workshop, master, worker, etc.

You can select four basic sign Social interaction:

1. Subject - The presence of external in relation to interacting individuals or groups of the target, the implementation of which implies the need to combine efforts, whether it is the same football or the work of any workshop of the Minsk Automobile Plant.

2. Sitizality - A fairly hard regulation with the specific conditions of the situation in which the interaction process flows: if we are in the theater, we react to what is happening quite differently than when we are on a football match or country picnic.

3. Explacing - Accessibility for a third-party observer of the external severity of the interaction process, be it game, dancing or work at the factory.

4. Reflective multivalism - the ability to interact to be a manifestation of both special subjective intentions and unconscious or aware of the consequence of the joint participation of people in various activities (a game, work, for example).

The process of interaction has two sides - objective and subjective. Objective side Interactions are connections that do not depend on individuals or groups, but mediating and regulating the content and nature of their interaction (for example, the content of collaboration in the enterprise). Subjective side - This is a conscious, often emotionally rich attitude of individuals to each other, based on mutual expectations of relevant behavior.

Social mechanism The interaction is quite complicated. In the simplest case, it includes the following components: 1) individuals (or their groups) performing certain actions relative to each other; 2) changes in the external world committed by these actions;

3) changes in the inner world of participating in the interaction of individuals (in their thoughts, feelings, assessments, etc.); 4) the impact of these changes on other individuals; 5) Reverse reaction of the latter on such an effect.

b) typology of social interactions.

The specific feature of the interaction is the exchange of actions. Its structure is quite simple:

- Exchange agents - two or more people;

- The exchange process - performed according to certain rules of action;

- Rules of exchange - oral or written prescriptions, assumptions and prohibitions;

- Emphasm - products, services, gifts, etc.;

- Exchange place- Pre-installed or spontaneously arising from the meeting place.

Actions are divided into four types:

1) physical action, snatch, transfer book, writing on paper;

2) verbal action, insult, greeting;

3) gestures, handshake;

4) mentale action, inner speech.

Social interaction includes the first three, and does not include the fourth type of action. As a result, we get first typology Social interaction (by type):

1) physical;

2) verbal;

3) gesture.

Second typology Social Action (in areas, as status systems):

1) economic spherewhere individuals act as owners and workers, entrepreneurs, Earlings, unemployed;

2) Professional Sphere,where individuals are involved as drivers, builders, mines, doctors;

3) family-relatedwhere people act as fathers, mothers, children, relatives;

4) demographic sphereare members of political parties, public movements, judges, police officers, diplomats;

5) religious sphere implies contacts between representatives of various religions, one religion, believers and unbelievers;

6) territorial settlement sphere - collisions, cooperation, competition between local and arrivals, urban and rural, etc.;

It is customary to distinguish the three main forms of interaction(According to the methods of coordination of their goals, their means of achieving and results):

1. Cooperation - Cooperation of various individuals (groups) to solve the overall task.

2. Competition - Individual or group struggle (rivalry) for the possession of scarce values \u200b\u200b(benefits).

3. Conflict - Hidden or open clash of competing parties.

It may occur in cooperation, and in competition.

In general, social interaction is a complex exchange system, due to methods of balancing remuneration and costs. If the estimated costs above the expected remuneration, people are unlikely to be interacting if they are not forced to that.

Ideally, the exchange of actions should occur on an equivalent basis, but in reality permanent deviations from this occur. This creates the most complex pattern of human interaction: deception, personal benefit, selflessness, fair remuneration, etc.

c) Social communications and its models. Typology of communication interactions.

In social interactions, various types of communication play a huge role (from lats. Communicatio - message, transmission), i.e. Communication between people and their communities, without which there can be no groups nor social organizations and institutions, nor society as a whole.

Communication -this is the transfer of information from one social system to another, the exchange of information between various systems through symbols, signs, images. Communication between individual people, their groups, organizations, states, cultures - is carried out in the process of communication as an exchange of special iconic formations (messages), which displays thoughts, ideas, knowledge, experience, skills, value orientations, programs of the activities of communicating parties.

Communication process is a necessary prerequisite for the development, development and operation of all social systems, because it is it that it provides a link between people and their communities, makes it possible between generations, the accumulation and transfer of social experience, the organization of joint ventures, the broadcast of culture. It is through communication that the management is carried out, so it represents the social mechanism by which the power in society arises and is implemented.

In the process of the study of communication processes, various models of social communication have been developed.

1. Who? (Sends a message) - Communicator.

2. What? (transmitted) - message.

3. How? (Transfer) - channel.

4. Who? (Send a message) - audience.

5. What effect? - efficiency.

The lack of a model is an emphasis on the activity of the communicator, and the recipient (audience) is only an object of communication impact.

Interactive model (the author T. Newcomb). It is from the fact that the subjects of communication - the communicator and the recipient are equal, are associated both with mutual expectations and common interest in the subject of communication. The same communication itself acts as a means of implementing such interest. The effect of communication exposure is in the convergence or distance of the points of view of the communicator and the recipient for the general subject.

This approach to communication highlights the achievement of the consent between communication partners.

He believes that the development of communicative means determines both the overall nature of culture and the change of historical eras. In the primitive era, the communication of people was limited by the oral speech and mythological thinking.

With the advent of writing, the type of communication has changed. Writing began to serve the reliable preservation of past experience, values, knowledge, ideas, and also made it possible to supplement the former text with new elements or interpret it. As a result, the society received powerful weapons of introduction into the turnover of new values, images, which ensured the intensive development of fiction and science.

The third stage of complication of communication interactions began with the invention of typography, which led to the celebration of visual perception, the formation of national languages \u200b\u200band states, the spread of rationalism.

The new stage in communicative processes was the widespread of modern audiovisual communications. Television and other funds radically transformed the medium in which modern humanity lives and communicates, dramatically expanded the scale and intensity of its communication ties.

The basis of communication interactions is powerful information flows encrypted in complex computer programs.

These programs create a new "infospheru", lead to the emergence of a new "clip-culture", which leads to the mass of communication interactions at the same time and to their demassevization, individualization. Each of the recipients can selectively tune in to one of many telecommunication processes or select a communication option on its own order. This is a new communication situation for which the constantly changing diversity of new cultures and the emergence of many diverse communicative interactions.

According to Luman, it is with the help of communication a society self-organizing and self-refineration itself, i.e. It comes to self-impact, to distinguish itself and the environment, and is also self-reproduced, that is, an outdoor system is. This means that the concept of communication becomes decisive to determine the concept of "society". "Only with the help of the concept of communication, Luman emphasizes, - the social system can think as an outdoor system, which consists of elements, namely: from communications producing and reproducing themselves through communications network."

The typology of communication interactions is important.

It can be done in several grounds. Depending on the content These processes are divided into:

1) informativeaimed at the transfer of information from the communicator to the recipient;

2) managementfocused on transferring the managing system guidelined subsystem to perform management decisions;

3) acousticcalculated on the auditory perception of the recipient of the information flows coming from the communicator (sound speech, radio signals, audio recordings) and to receive audio reactions to sound signals;

4) opticalfocused on visual-visual perception of information communted from the communicator to the recipient and the corresponding reacting of the latter;

5) tactile, including the transmission and perception of information by affecting the tactile sensitivity of individuals (touch, pressure, vibration, etc.);

6) emotiveassociated with the emergence of the subjects involved in communications, emotional experiences of joy, fear, admiration, etc., capable of embodulating various forms of activity.

By forms and means Expressions Communication interactions can be divided into:

1) verbalembodied in writing and oral speech;

2) symbol and iconic and objectiveexpressed in the works of visual art in sculpture, architecture;

3) paralyingvistictransmitted by gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics;

4) hypnesuggestive - processes of influence - the impact of the communicator on the psychic sphere of the recipient (hypnosis, coding);

In accordance with level, scales and context Communication is divided into the following types:

1. Traditional communicationcarried out mainly in the local rural environment: communication is distinguished by consistency

2. Functional Role Communication, developing in the urban environment, in the context of significant differentiation of activities and lifestyle activities.

3. Interpersonal communication - This type of communication interaction, in which individual individuals act as in the role as the sender and recipient. There are personal and role-playing megridivide communications. The content and form of personal communication are not bound by strict rules, but have an individualized informal nature. The role-playing variety of interpersonal communication is more formalized, and the information transfer process is focused on achieving a certain result, for example, to perform a task that instructs the head of the subordinate or teacher to the student.

4. Group Communication It is a type of communication interaction, in the process of which communication takes place between two or more members of a particular group (territorial, professional, religious, etc.) in order to organize interdependent actions. Makes the basis of communication interactions in social organizations.

5. Intergroup Communication - This is a type of communication interaction, in the process of which information flows are circulated between two and large number of social groups, in order to carry out joint activities or counter each other.

Such communication can perform an information or training function (a group of teachers is a group of teachers), an entertaining or educational function (the theater team acts in the auditorium in the auditorium), a mobilization and organizing function (before the participants there is a propaganda group), an inflammatory function (before the crowd Speakers a group of demagogues).

6. Mass communication - (see the next question).

d) mass communication and its basic functions.

Mass communication - This is a type of communication processes that, based on the use of technical means of replication and transmission of messages, cover large masses of people, and as communications in them are media (media) - press, book publishers, print agencies, radio, television. It is a systematic distribution of reports among numerically large, dispersed audiences to inform and provide ideological, political, economic impact on assessment, opinions and behavior of people.

The main feature of the mass communication is to combine the institutional organized production of information with its dispersal, mass distribution and consumption.

(Information- a message about any event; intelligence,

a combination of any data. The term "information" translated from

latin means "presentation", "clarification".

In everyday life, under this word understand the information transmitted

people oral, writing or otherwise. Scientific disciplines

use this term, putting its content in it.

In mathematical theory of information, information is understood not

any information, but only those that remove completely or reduce

the uncertainty existing before they are received. That is the information -

this is a strained uncertainty. Modern philosophers define

information as a reflected variety.

What gives a person possession of information? Orientation in what is happening, determining the direction of your own activities, the ability to make the right decisions.

Mass information - Printed, audiovisual and others

messages and materials publicly distributed through the media;

social and political resource).

Material prerequisites for mass communications - invention at the turn of 19-20 centuries. Telegraph, movies, radio, sound recording techniques. Based on these inventions formed MEDIA.

The media has become one of the most effective ways to form a public opinion and organizing control over mass consciousness and behavior ( mass consciousness - Consciousness of classes,

social groups; Includes ideas common in society, views, myths; It is formed both purposefully (media) and spontaneously).

The main functions that mass communication in society performs: 1) informing about the events occurring; 2) the transfer of knowledge of society from one generation to another through socialization and training; 3) a targeted effect on the formation of certain stereotypes of people's behavior; 4) help society in understanding and solving current problems; 5) Entertainment.

So, the media have a powerful targeted influence on people, on their preferences and life positions. However, the studies conducted by sociologists of different countries have shown that the impact of mass communication on individuals and social groups is mediated by some intermediate social variables. The most important of these includes: the position of the group to which the recipient belongs; Selectivity, i.e. The ability and desire of a person to select the information that is consistent with its values, opinions and positions. Therefore, in the process of mass communication, many recipients do not act as a passive recipient of information, but as an active filter. They take the selection of certain types of media messages to satisfy certain needs.

It is impossible to leave aside another sharp problem associated with the functioning of mass communication: the problem of negative impact on some groups of people. Excessively concentrated effects of mass communication can adversely affect the content, the quality of interpersonal communication both adults and (especially!) Children; Reduce interest in the active forms of assimilation of cultural values, to lead a person from the problems and difficulties of real life, aggravate its loneliness, deadaption to the changing conditions of life and the surrounding social environment.

Of course, mass communication has a positive impact on a person. It contributes to an increase in curiosity, awareness, erudition, an increase in political culture, compliance with social norms and rules.

Social interaction

Social interaction - a system of interdependent social actions related to cyclic dependence, in which the effect of one subject is at the same time cause and consequence of the response actions of other subjects. It is akin to the concept of "social action", which is the initial moment of the formation of social connections. Social interaction as a way to implement social relations and relationships assumes no less than two subjects, the interaction process itself, as well as conditions and factors of its implementation. In the course of interaction, there is the formation and development of the personality, social system, the change in them in the social structure of society, etc.

Social interaction includes the transfer of action from one social actor - to another, receiving and reaction to it in the form of response, as well as the resumption of actions of social actors. It has social importance for participants and involves the exchange of their actions in the future due to the presence of special causality in it - social relation. Social relations are formed in the process of interaction between people and are the result of their past interactions that have acquired a steady social form. Social interactions, unlike them, are not "frozen" social forms, but "live" social practices of people who are determined, are directed, structured, are governed by social relations, but are able to influence these social forms and change them.

Social interaction is determined by the social statuses and roles of personality and social groups. It has an objective and subjective side:

  • Objective side - Factors independent of interacting, but affecting them.
  • Subjective side - The conscious attitude of individuals to each other in the process of interaction, based on mutual expectations.

Classification of social interaction

  1. Primary, secondary (ideological, religious, moral)
  2. By the number of participants: the interaction of two people; one person and group of people; Between two groups
  3. Natonational
  4. Between people of different wealth, etc.


see also

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Watch what is "social interaction" in other dictionaries:

    Social interaction - The process of directly or indirect exposure to social objects on each other, in which the interacting parties are associated with cyclic causal dependence. Sv. As a type of communication represents the integration of actions, functional ... The newest Philosophical Dictionary

    Social interaction - Interaction between two and more individuals, in the process of which socially significant information is transmitted or actions focused on another ... Sociology: Dictionary

    Social interaction - National names / NT names, send / tel. Man or organization sending any correspondence (letters, telegrams, etc.). Addresses / T, to get / tel. A person or organization receiving any correspondence ... ... Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

    Social interaction - The process of directly or indirect exposure to social objects on each other, in which the interacting parties are associated with cyclic causal dependence. S.V. As a type of communication represents the integration of actions, ... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

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    Social interaction - a system of interdependent social actions related to cyclic dependence, in which the action of one subject is at the same time cause and consequence of response actions of other subjects ... Sociology Sociological Dictionary

    Social interaction - See Social interaction ... The newest Philosophical Dictionary

    Social interaction - Social interaction "A method for the implementation of social relations and relations in a system involving no less than two subjects, the interaction process itself, as well as the conditions and factors of its implementation. In the course of interaction takes place ... ... Wikipedia

    Social action - the action of man (regardless of whether it is an external or internal nature, it comes down to non-interference or patient adoption), which, according to the intended acting person or acting persons, is consistent with the action ... ... Wikipedia


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Social born in the interaction of individuals. But to interact, individuals must first act, which is the basis for the concentration of attention of sociologists on social action. In addition, in some sociological paradigs, social activities are considered as something, without which society cannot exist, like what, in fact, is the essence of society.

The most common, housing is the definition of social action given by Max Weber: "Social We call such an action that, according to the intended acting person or acting persons, the meaning agrees with the action of other people and focuses on it. "

The most important characteristics of social action are insecurity and orientation on other people What makes it possible to distinguish it from another type of action, for example, physical.

Social action includes the following: 1) Active person (actor); 2) motivation of action; 3) the purpose of the action; 4) action method; 5) the person who is aimed at the action; 6) the result of action.

M. Weber gave a classification of social actions. He allocated their following types:

  • 1) celemental action - actions to achieve a specific purpose, result;
  • 2) value-rational action- actions based on faith in any moral, religious, aesthetic value;
  • 3) affective- actions committed under the influence of emotions;
  • 4) traditional- Actions based on a real habit.

In accordance with the point of view, M. Weber affective and traditional actions lie at the border or even abroad of conscious behavior, so they are not fully social actions. M. Weber himself considers the types of social actions given to them as ideal types, i.e. As something serving to describe real actions. In fact, any action is a mixed action where all four types may be present.

It should be paid to the fact that social action is rarely found in a single, isolated form. It usually causes a response of other individuals, which leads to social interaction (interaction) as an exchange of social actions.

Social interaction - This is a system of interdependent social actions related to cyclic causal dependence, in which the action of one subject is at the same time cause and consequence of the actions of other subjects.

Pitirim Sorokin identified three conditions for any social interaction:

  • 1) the presence of two or more individuals, due to the behavior and experiences of each other;
  • 2) the accomplishment of some actions affecting mutual experiences and actions;
  • 3) The presence of conductors (for example, speech signals) transmitting these influences and impact of individuals to each other.

These conditions in modern sociology are usually added to the overall basis for contacts, contact.

In real life there is an extremely extensive variety of interactions. In this manifold, several groups can be distinguished.

By sheems (where individuals have a certain status and perform certain roles):

  • Professional interaction;
  • family-related;
  • demographic (interaction between floors and age groups);
  • political;
  • religious, etc.

By forms:

  • cooperation - Collaboration of individuals for the sake of solving common tasks. Cooperation occurs when the advantage of united efforts over individuals becomes obvious. Cooperation implies the division of labor;
  • competition - This is an individual or group struggle for the possession of scarce values \u200b\u200b(property, prestige, power, buyer, popularity, place of work, etc.);
  • conflict - Collision of interacting subjects. Sometimes conflict is considered as the most acute form of competitive interaction.

Social interactions generate social connections between individuals (or groups). Social relationship - This is a set of facts that cause joint activities of people in specific communities to achieve specific goals. Social relationship occurs in conditions of not unity, but the multiplicity of the facts of interaction of individuals.

Social interactions and social relations lead to social relations. Social relations - These are sustainable social ties and interactions between people and social groups that are regulated on the basis of the social positions occupied by individuals (groups) and social roles executed.

  • Weber M. Selected works. M., 1990. P. 602.

Social action involving at least two participants affecting each other called Social interaction. The mechanism of social interaction includes the following components:

  • a) individuals committing certain actions;
  • b) changes in social community or society as a whole caused by these actions;
  • c) the influence of these changes on other individuals constituting this community;
  • d) the reverse reaction of these individuals.

Social interaction view various sociological theories. The most profound problem of social interaction was developed by D. Homans and T. Parsons. In the study of social interaction, Homans relied on such terms exchange of actions as "a figure" and "other", and argued that in the interaction of this kind, each participant seeks to minimize its own costs and obtaining maximum remuneration for its actions. One of the most important remuneration he considered social approval. When the social interaction of remuneration becomes mutual, the social interaction itself is issued in relationships based on the system of mutual expectations. The situation of non-compliance with the expectations of one of the participants in the interaction may result in aggressiveness that itself can become a means of obtaining satisfaction. In social cooperation, which includes many individuals, a regulatory role is performed by social norms and values. An important feature of social interaction between the two figures is the desire to a certain streamlining of its nature - the reward or punishing.

Parsons noted the principal uncertainty of social interaction, under conditions when each participant in cooperation seeks to achieve its own goals. Although the complete elimination of uncertainty is impossible, they can be reduced using a system of action. The principle of social interaction Parsons built on such concepts as, motivational orientation, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of needs, role expectations, installations, sanctions, assessments, etc. With the help of these concepts, he sought to solve the problem of social order.

Social interaction includes social relationships and social relations. The starting point for social communication is social contactthat is, a shallow, superficial social action of a single nature.

Social action, expressing addiction and compatibility of people and social groups called social bond.Social communications are set to achieve a certain goal at a certain time and in a specific place. Their establishment is associated with the social conditions in which individuals live and operate. In sociology, various types of connections are distinguished:

  • - interactions;
  • - relations;
  • -Control;
  • -Institutional ties.

The concept of social communication was introduced into the sociology of E. Durkheim. Under social relation, he meant any sociocultural obligations of individuals or groups of individuals in relation to each other. Durkheim believed that social relations exist in a group, organization and society as a whole.

The main elements of social communication are:

  • - Subjects (individuals and groups);
  • - subject (travel in transport, hike in the theater);
  • - Social communication and its regulation (payment of needs).

The purpose of social relationship is to satisfy any need for an individual or group. With the development of society, social ties are complicated.

Quite often, social ties are considered, characterizing small groups. Social ties allow individuals to identify themselves with this social group and the feeling of the importance of belonging to this group.

Social relations- Long, systemic, stable form of social interaction with extensive social connections. It requires social motivation.

Social motivation - The internal motivation of behavior (activity and activity) of the person or social group caused by their needs and determining behaviors. The basic needs are physiological (hunger) and emotional (love), but a cognitive assessment of the situation is also possible. Motivation happens internal - aimed at satisfying personal needs, and exterior - seeking to receive remuneration not related to the personally necessary. Motivations encouraging activities and motivation due to influence on individuals existing stereotypes.

D.K. Mac Crelland introduced the concept - motivation achievementsinvolving an assessment of individual and cultural differences in the desire for achievements. According to his hypothesis, the need for achieving is stimulated by close relations with relatives, which establish high standards of behavior.

There are various forms of interaction.

Cooperation -this is the joint activity of individuals, groups and organizations to achieve the goal. Cooperation is closely interconnected with conflict and competition. She is in a sense of paradoxical, since the participants in the conflict to some extent cooperate to maintain the conflict. Therefore, the question of what is the decisive social fastening of society - cooperation or competition remains open.

Under competition It is understood as an activity in which an individual or group competes with another individual or a group to achieve the goal. Competition is direct or indirect. It can normally or socially regulate, but may not be regulated.

Many areas of social thought (for example. Social Darwinism, utilitarianism) emphasized the social benefits of competition and perceived competition as a universal and productive element in society. Representatives of Marxism on the contrary, considered the competition with the specific need of capitalism, in which minor manifestations of justice and efficiency on the surface are refuted by the real asymmetry of power, the main contradictions and conflicts.

The existence of various ideas about competition does not allow to consider it uniquely positively or negatively. The most rational approach M. Weber, who proposed to evaluate competition as a private aspect of social relations, the consequences of which must be individually analyzed in each case. The concept of "competition" partially coincides with the concept of "conflict".

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