What does ISS mean. International Space Station (ISS)

Garden technique 25.09.2019
Garden technique

On April 12, the Day of Cosmonautics comes. And of course, it would be wrong to bypass this holiday side. Moreover, this year the date will be special, 50 years from the day of the first flight of a person into space. It was 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin made his historical feat.

Well, without ambitious super-designers, a person in space can not do. That is exactly what the International Space Station (English is International Space Station).

The dimensions of the ISS are small; Length - 51 meters, width along with farms - 109 meters, height - 20 meters, weight - 417.3 tons. But I think everyone understands that the uniqueness of this super-designer is not in its size, but in the technologies used for the compounding station in the open space. The height of the ISS orbit is 337-351 km above the ground. Orbit movement speed - 27700 km / h. This allows the station to make a complete turn around our planet in 92 minutes. That is, every day the cosmonauts that are at the ISS meet 16 dawns and sunsets, 16 times the night replaces the day. Now the ISS crew consists of 6 people, and in general, in general, the station took 297 visitors (196 different people). The beginning of operation of the International Space Station is considered to be on November 20, 1998. And on this moment (04/09/2011) The station is in orbit for 4523 days. During this time, she evolved strongly strongly. I propose to make sure that you, reviewing the photo.

ISS, 1999.

ISS, 2000.

ISS, 2002.

ISS, 2005.

ISS, 2006.

ISS, 2009.

ISS, March 2011.

Below, I will give a scheme of the station, from which you can find out the names of the modules as well as see the ms dock locations with other spacecraft.

The ISS is an international project. 23 states participate in it: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg (!!!), Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Russia, USA, Finland, France, Czech Republic , Switzerland, Sweden, Japan. After all, to mask B. financial Plan Construction and maintenance of the functionality of the International Space Station alone is unable to any state. Calculate the exact or even approximate costs of construction and operation of the ISS is not possible. The official figure has already exceeded 100 billion US dollars, and if they add all the side costs here, then about $ 150 billion will be. This is already now doing an international space station. the most expensive project In the history of mankind. And based on the latest agreements of Russia, the USA and Japan (Europe, Brazil and Canada, while in thought) that the service life of the ISS has been extended to at least 2020 (and possibly further extension), then the total cost of maintaining the station will increase even more.

But I propose to distract from the numbers. After all, in addition to scientific value, ISS and other advantages. Namely, the opportunity to evaluate pristine beauty Our planet from the height of the orbit. And it is not necessarily for it to go out into open space.

Because, there is its own observation deck at the station, the Glazed module "Dome".

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an international space station originated in the early 1990s. The project became international when Canada joined the United States, Japan and European Space Agency. In December 1993, the United States in conjunction with other countries involved in the creation of the Alpha Space Station offered Russia to become a partner of this project. The Russian government adopted a proposal, after which some experts began to call the "Ralph" project, that is, "Russian alpha", "recalls the NASA representative of Ellen Klein's public relations.

According to experts, the construction of Alfa-P can be completed by 2002 and will cost about $ 17.5 billion. "It's very cheap," said NASA Daniel Goldin. - If we worked alone, the costs would be big. And so, thanks to cooperation with the Russians, we receive not only political, but also material benefits ... "

It is finance, more precisely their drawback, and forced NASA to see partners. The initial project - he was called "Freedom" - was very grandiose. It was assumed that at the station it will be possible to repair satellites and entire space ships, study the functioning human organism With a long stay in weightlessness, to lead astronomical research and even establish production.

They attracted Americans and unique techniques to which millions of rubles and years of work of Soviet scientists and engineers were laid. Having worked in one "sled" with the Russians, they received and quite complete ideas about Russian techniques, technologies, etc. related to long-term orbital stations. It is difficult to assess how many billion dollars they cost.

The Americans manufactured a scientific laboratory for the station, residential module, docking blocks "Noud-1" and "Noud-2". The Russian side has developed and delivered a functional-cargo unit, a universal docking module, supply ships, a service module and a proton carrier rocket.

Most of the work was performed by the State Space Scientific and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev. The central part of the station was the functional and cargo unit, in size and main elements of the design, similar to the "Kvant-2" and "Crystal" modules of the Mir station. Its diameter is 4 meters, length - 13 meters, mass - more than 19 tons. The block serves as a house for astronauts in initial period assembly station, as well as to ensure its electricity from solar panels and storing fuel reserves for motor settings. The service module was created on the basis of the central part of the Mir-2 station developed in the 1980s. In it, astronauts live constantly and conduct experiments.

The participants of the European Space Agency developed the Columbus laboratory and the automatic transport ship under the carrier rocket

"Arian-5", Canada put a mobile service system, Japan is an experimental module.

To build the International Space Station, it was necessary to perform approximately 28 flights on American Space Shuttle Spaceships, 17 launch of Russian carrier missiles and one "Ariana-5" launch. Deliver the crews and equipment to the station were to have 29 Russian ships "Soyuz-TM" and "Progress".

The total internal volume of the station after assembling it in orbit amounted to 1217 square meters, Weight - 377 tons, of which 140 tons are Russian components, 37 tons - American. The estimated work time of the international station is 15 years.

Due to the financial turmoil pursuing the Russian Aerospace Agency, the construction of the ISS was embarrassed from the schedule for two years. But finally on July 20, 1998, the Proton Baikonur rocket launched a functional block "Zarya" into orbit, the first element of the International Space Station. And on July 26, 2000, our "star" connected with the ISS.

This day entered the story of its creation as one of the most important. In the center of the manned space flights named after Johnson in Houston and in the Russian PCA in the city of Korolev, the arrows on the clock show different time, but ovations in them were killed at the same time.

Until that time, the ISS was a set of lifeless building blocks, the "star" breathed in her "soul": a scientific laboratory appeared in orbit and a long-term fruitful work. This is a fundamentally new stage of a grand international experiment, in which 16 countries participate.

"Now the gate is open to continue the construction of the International Space Station," the NASA Kyle Herring spoke with satisfaction. At the moment, the ISS consists of three elements - the service module "Star" and the functional freight block "Zarya", created by Russia, as well as the docking node "Uniti", built by the United States. With the dragging of the new module, the station not only has grown noticeably, but also sick, as far as possible in conditions of weightlessness, typing about 60 tons in the amount.

After that, at an near-earth orbit, a kind of rod was assembled, which can be "riding" all new and new design elements. "Star" is the cornerstone of the entire future of the cosmic facilities comparable to the size with the city district. Scientists argue that a fully mounted brightness station will be in the star sky by the third object - after the Moon and Venus. It can be observed even with a naked eye.

The Russian block, by 340 million dollars, is the key element that provides the transition of quantity in quality. "Star" is the "brain" of the ISS. The Russian module is not only a place of residence of the first crews of the station. "Star" carries a powerful central on-board computer and equipment to maintain communication, life support system and a motor installation that will provide the orientation of the ISS and the height of the orbit. In hencefight, all the crews flying on the shuttles during work on board the station will be relying no longer on the system of the American spacecraft, but on the life support itself. And it guarantees this "star".

"The docking of the Russian module and the station took place at about an altitude of 370 kilometers above the surface of the planet," Vladimir Rogachev writes in the magazine "Echo. - At this point, spacecraft raced at a speed of about 27 thousand kilometers per hour. The survey has earned the highest assessments of experts, once again confirming the reliability of Russian technology and the highest professionalism of its creators. As the representative of Rosaviakosmos, who was in Houston, stressed in Houston, a representative of Rosaviakosmos, Sergey Kulik, and American, and Russian specialists perfectly understood that they were witnessing a historical event. My interlocutor also noted that the specialists of the European Space Agency, which created the central on-board computer "Stars" have also made an important contribution to ensuring docking.

Then the phone took Sergei Krikalev, who, as part of the first crew of a long stay, the first crew of a long stay to do with the first crew of a long stay. Sergey noted that all those located in Houston expected the moment of touching spacecraft with a huge tension. Especially since after an automatic docking mode has joined, to make "from the side" could be very little. The accomplishment of the event, explained the cosmonaut, opens up the prospect for unfolding work on the ISS and continue the program of manned flights. In essence, it is ".. the Soyuz program is" Apollo ", the 25th anniversary of which is marked these days. The Russians have already flown on the "Shuttle", the Americans on the "world", now the new stage comes. "

Maria Ivatsevich, representing the Scientific and Production Space Center named after M.V. Khrunichev, especially noted that the docking performed without any failures and comments "became the most serious, nodal stage of the program."

The result was summed up the commander of the first planned long-term expedition on the ISS American William Sheppard. "It is obvious that the Torch of the Competitions now switched from Russia to the United States and the rest of the international project partners," he said. "We are ready to accept this load, realizing that it depends on the maintenance of the station construction schedule."

In March 2001, the ISS was barely affected by the impact of cosmic garbage. It is noteworthy that it could be broken by the item from the same station, which was lost during the exit to the open space of James Emps astronauts and Susan Helms. As a result, the MANS maneuver managed to avoid a collision.

For the ISS, it was no longer the first threat, which emanated from flying in space space garbage. In June 1999, when the station was still uninhabited, there was a threat to its collision with a debris of the upper stage of the cosmic rocket. Then experts from the Russian Center for Flight Management, in the city of Queen, managed to give a team to maneuver. As a result, the debris flew past a distance of 6.5 kilometers, which, according to the cosmic standards, Mizer.

Now his ability to act in a critical situation demonstrated the American Flight Management Center in Houston. After receiving information from the center of tracking space on the orbit movement in the immediate vicinity of the ISS of the Space District, Houston specialists immediately gave the command to turn on the engines dashped to the ISS Discovery. As a result of the orbit stations was raised by four kilometers.

If the maneuver could not produce, then the flying item could damage, first of all, the solar batteries of the station. The Housing of the ISS cannot break such a fragment: each of its modules are securely covered with anti-stage protection.

The International Space Station of the ISS is the embodiment of the most ambitious and progressive technical achievement space on our planet. This is a huge Space Research Laboratory for studying, conducting experiments, observations in both the surface of our planet Earth and for astronomical observations of far space without the impact of the earth's atmosphere. At the same time, it is a house for cosmonauts and astronauts working on it, where they live and work, and the port for the moister of space freight and transport ships. Raising his head and looking up on the sky, the man saw the endless spaces of space and always dreamed of not to conquer, then as much as possible to learn about him and comprehend all his secrets. The flight of the first astronaut into the orbit of the Earth and the launch of satellites gave a powerful impetus to the development of cosmonautics and further flights into space. But just a person's flight to the near space is already not enough. The eyes are fixed on to other planets, and to achieve this, you need to explore a lot, learn and understand. And the most important thing for the long-term space flights of a person is the need to establish the nature and consequences of a long-term impact on the health of long-term weightlessness in flights, the possibility of life support for long-term stay on spacecraft and the elimination of all negative factors affecting the health and life of people, both in the neighbor and far Space space, identifying hazardous collisions of spacecraft with other space objects and ensuring security measures.

For this purpose, they first began to build simply long-term piloted orbital stations of the Salute series, then more improved, with a complex modular architecture "Peace". Such stations could be constantly in the orbit of the Earth and take astronauts and astronauts delivered by spacecraft. But, reaching certain results in the study of space, thanks to space stations, the time inexorably required further, increasingly improved, methods of studying the space and the possibility of human life during flights in it. The construction of a new space station required huge, even large investments than previous ones, and one country was already economically difficult to move space science and technique. It should be noted that the leading places in the cosmic and technical achievements at the level of orbital stations were among the former USSR (now - the Russian Federation) and the United States of America. Despite contradictions in political views, these two powers understood the need for cooperation in space issues, and in particular, in the construction of a new orbital station, especially since the previous experience cooperative cooperation With flights of American astronauts, the Russian Space Station "Peace" gave its tangible positive results. Therefore, since 1993, representatives of the Russian Federation and the United States are negotiating the joint design, construction and operation of the new international space station. Signed planned "Detailed work plan for the ISS".

In 1995 Houston approved the main sketch project station. The adopted draft modular architecture of the orbital station makes it possible to lead it. phased construction In space, connecting all new and new sections of modules to the main already working module, making it more affordable, easy and flexible, makes it possible to change architecture due to the emerging need and capabilities of the participating countries.

The main configuration of the station was approved and signed in 1996. It consisted of two main segments: Russian and American. Also participate, have their scientific space equipment and conduct research such countries as Japan, Canada and the countries of the European Space Union.

01/28/1998 In Washington, a final agreement was signed on the beginning of the construction of a new long-term, with a modular architecture, an international space station, and on November 2 of the same year, the first multifunctional MCS module " Dashยป.

(FGB - Functional-cargo block) - the "Proton-K" rocket is removed in orbit 02.11.1998. From the moment the "Zarya" module is removed on the near-earth orbit, the immediate construction of the ISS began, i.e. The assembly of the entire station begins. At the very beginning of construction, this module was needed as a basic power supply, maintaining the temperature regime, to establish communication and orientation control in orbit, and as a docking for other modules and ships. It is fundamental for further construction. Currently, "Zarya" is used, mainly as a warehouse, and its engines adjust the height of the station orbits.

The MCS Module "Dawn" consists of two main compartments: a large instrument and cargo compartment and a sealed adapter separated by a partition with a hatch with a diameter of 0.8m. For passage. One part of hermetical and in it is a duty-cargo compartment with a volume of 64.5 cubic meters., Which, in turn, is divided into instrument with blocks of onboard systems and the living area for work. These zones are separated by the interior partition. The sealant adapter compartment is equipped with onboard systems for mechanical docking with the rest of the modules.

There are three docking gateway on the block: active and passive at ends and one side, for connecting to other modules. There are also antennas for communication, fuel tanks, solar panels that generate energy and land orientation devices. It contains 24 large engines, 12 small, as well as for maneuvers and maintain the desired 2 engine height. This module can independently perform unmanned flights in space.

MCS module "Uniti" (Node 1 - connecting)

The Uniti module is the first American connecting module, which was led into orbit 04/14/1998 by the Space Space Ship "Endover" and 01.12.1998. Docked with "Zarya". This module has 6 connecting gateways to further connect the MCS modules and the moister of spacecraft. It is a corridor between the rest of the modules and their residential and work premises and the place for communications: gas and water pipelines, various systems communication, electrical cables, data transmission and other life-support communications.

MCS Module "Star" (cm - service module)

The "Star" module is a Russian module derived from the Space Space Space "Proton" 12.07.2000 and dashed 26.07.2000 to Zare. Thanks to this module, already in July 2000, the ISS was able to take the first space crew as part of Sergey Krikalov, Yuri Hydzenko and American William Shepard.

The block itself consists of 4 compartments: a hermetically transitional, hermetic worker, hermetic intermediate chamber and a leakage aggregate. The transitional compartment with four windows serves as a corridor to transition of cosmonauts from different modules and compartments and to exit the station to open space with a gateway installed here with a pressure reset valve. At the outer part of the compartment are attached to the connecting units: this is one axial and two side. The axial node "Star" is joined with "gar", and axial upper and lower with other modules. Also on the outer surface of the compartment, brackets and handrails are installed, new kits of the system of the course "Course" system, connecting targets, camerolides, refueling unit and other units.

Working compartment total length 7.7 m, has 8 portholes and consists of two cylinders of different diameters, equipped with carefully provided by means of working and livelihoods. In the cylinder of the larger diameter there is a residential area of \u200b\u200b35.1CUB. meters. There are two cabins, sanitary compartment, a kitchen with a fridge and a table for fixing objects, medical equipment and simulators.

In a smaller diameter cylinder is work zonewhere appliances, equipment and main station management post are located. There are also control systems, emergency and preventive remote controls.

Intermediate camera with a volume of 7.0 cubic meters. Meters with two porthole serves as a transition between the service unit and spacecraft, which are drained to the stern. The docking assembly provides docking of Russian ships "Union TM", "Union TMA", "Progress M", "Progress M2", as well as the European Automatic ATV ship.

In the aggregate compartment of "Stars" on the stern there are two corrective engines, and the four blocks of orientation engines are on the side. From the outdoor side, sensors and antennas are fixed. As you can see, the "Star" module took over some functions of the "Zarya" block.

MCS "Destini" module in "Fate" (Lab - laboratory)

Module "Destini" - 08.02.2001 spaceship The Atlantis Shuttle brought into orbit, and February 10, 2002, the American scientific module "Destini" was docked to the ISS to the front docking node of the Unit module. The module from the spacecraft "Atlantis" Astronaut Marsha Avin with a 15-meter "hand", although the gaps between the ship and the module were only five centimeters. It was the first Laboratory of the Space Station and, at one time, its brainstar and the largest inhabited block. The module was made by the well-known American company Boeing. It consists of three connected cylinders. The ends of the module are made in the form of a trimmed cone with hermetic hatches that serve as inputs for astronauts. The module itself is intended mainly for scientific research work in medicine, material science, biotechnology, physics, astronomy and many other areas of sciences. For this there are 23 equipped block devices. They are located six pieces on sides, six on the ceiling and five blocks on the floor. In supports there are routes for pipelines and cables, they connect different racks. The module also has such systems for life support: power supply, system of sensors to control humidity, temperature and air quality. Thanks to this module and the equipment there is an opportunity to carry out unique research in space on board the ISS in different areas science.

MCS Module "Quest" (A / L-universal gateway camera)

The "Quest" module - an atlantis shuttle-orbit 12.07.2001 and dashed to the "Uniti" module on July 15, 2001 on the right docking port with the help of the Manipulator "Canadarm 2". This unit is primarily intended to ensure the exit to open space in the spaces of both Russian production "Orlande" with an oxygen pressure of 0.4 atm and in American EMU spafers with a pressure of 0.3 atm. The fact is that before that, representatives of cosmic crews could use Russian Spacks only to exit the block "Zarya" and American when leaving through "Shuttle". The reduced pressure in the skaters is used for greater elasticity of the costumes, which creates significant convenience when moving.

The ISS module "Quest" consists of two rooms. These are the premises of the crew and the room facilities. Placing the crew with a 4.25 cubic HeroObnob. M. Designed to enter space with hatches provided by comfortable handrails, lighting and connectors for supplying oxygen, water, devices to reduce pressure before exit, etc.

The equipment room is significantly larger in volume and its size is 29.75 cubic meters. m. It is intended for the necessary equipment for dressing and removing the scafflers, their storage and deasotation of the blood of the station employees.

MCS MCS "Pierce" (CO1 - docking compartment)

The Pierce module - led into orbit 09/15/2001 and docked with the "Zarya" module 17.09.2001. Pierce appeared in space for docking with the ISS as component Specialized Truck "Progress M-C01". Basically, Pierce plays the role of a gateway compartment for the release of two people in open space in Russian-based Russian-M Skafandr. The second appointment of Pierce - additional places for the moisturizing spacecraft of such types as the "Union TM" and the "Progress M" trucks. The third appointment of Pierce is a refueling of a flammable, oxidizing agent and other components of fuel tanks of Russian segments of the ISS. The dimensions of this module are relatively small: the length with the docking units is 4.91 m, the diameter of 2.55 m and the volume of the sealed compartment is 13 cu. The center in the center of different sides of the sealed housing with two circular swarthings are 2 identical hatch with a diameter of 1.0 m with small portholes. This makes it possible to enter space with of different side Depending on the need. Inside and outside the hatches are provided comfortable handrails. Inside there is also equipment, control panels of the gate, communication, power supply, pass pipelines for fuel transit. Outside the communication antenna is installed, antenna protection screens, fuel pumping block.

Docking nodes located along the axis, two: active and passive. The active node "Pierce" is docked with the "Zarya" module, and the passive on the opposite side is used to moisten the spacecraft.

MCS Module "Harmony", "Harmony" (Node 2 - connecting)

The "Harmony" module - was removed into orbit on October 23, 2007. Shuttle "Discovery" from the cape of the launch site of the starting platform 39 and dashed 26.10.2007 from the ISS. "Harmony" was made in Italy by request of NASA. The module's module itself was phased: first the astronauts of the 16th crew Tanya and Wilson temporarily docked the module with the MCS "Uniti" module to the left with the help of the Canadian manipulator Canadarm-2, and after the departure of the shuttle and reinstall the PMA-2 adapter, the operator Tanya module again It was disconnected from "Uniti" and moved already to the permanent place of its dislocation to the front docking unit "Destini". The final installation of "harmony" was completed on November 14, 2007.

The module has the main dimensions: dimensions of length is 7.3 m, diameter is 4.4 m, its sealed volume is 75 cubic. m. The most important feature of the module is 6 docking nodes for further connections with other modules and the construction of the ISS. The nodes are located along the axis of the front and rear, downstairs standing, on top of anti-aircraft and side left and right. It should be noted that, thanks to the created additional gerotam, an additional three beds were created in the module, equipped with all livelihood systems.

The main purpose of the "Harmony" module is the role of a connecting unit for further expansion of the International Space Station and, in particular, to create fastening points and accession to it by the European Columbus and Japanese "Cybo".

MCS Module "Columbus", "Columbus" (COL)

The "Columbus" module - the first European module was derived to the orbit shuttle "Atlantis" 07.02.2008. and installed on the right connecting node of the "Harmony" module 12.02008. "Columbus" was built on the request of the European Space Agency in Italy, the Space Agency of which has great experience For the construction of hermetic modules for the space station.

Columbus is a cylinder of 6.9 m. And with a diameter of 4.5 m., Where the laboratory is 80 cu. meters with 10 working places. Each workplace is a rack with cells where appliances and equipment for certain studies are placed. Racks are equipped with separate power each, computers with necessary software, connection, air conditioning system and all necessary tools for research. Each workplace includes a group of research and conducting experiments in a certain direction. For example, the workplace with the BioLab rack is equipped for experiments in the field of space biotechnology, cell biology, development biology, skeletal disease, neurobiology and human preparation for long-term interplanetary flights with its livelihood. There is an installation for diagnosing protein crystallization and others. In addition to the 10 racks with jobs in the produce, there are four more places equipped for scientific space research on external open side Module in space under vacuum conditions. This makes it possible to conduct experiments on the state of bacteria in very extreme conditions, to understand the possibility of life appearance on other planets, to lead astronomical observations. Thanks to the Solar Installation complex, Solar is monitored by solar activity and the degree of sun exposure to our land, solar radiation is monitored. Darade radiometer along with other space radiometers is measured solar activity. With the help of the SolSpec spectrometer, the solar spectrum is studied and its light through earthly atmosphere. The uniqueness of research is that they can be carried out simultaneously on the ISS and on Earth, immediately comparing the results. "Columbus" makes it possible to conduct video conferencing and high-speed data exchange. Observation of the module and coordination of works is carried out by the European Space Agency from the center located in the city of Oberpfaffeffenhofen, located 60 km from Munich.

MCS module "Kibo" Japanese, translated "Nadezhda" (Jem-Japanese Experiment Module)

The "Kibo" module - put into orbit the shuttle "Endeavor", first only one part of 11.03.2008 and docked from the ISS 14.03.2008. Despite the fact that in Japan, there is a cosmodrome on the taurea, because of the lack of shipping ships, "Cybo" launched in parts from the American cosmodrome at Cape Canaveral. In general, the "Cybo" the largest laboratory module on the ISS today. It was developed by the Japanese Agency Aerocosmatic Studies and consists of four main parts: the PM scientific laboratory, an experimental cargo module (it, in turn, has a hermetic part of the ELM-PS and a leakage ELM-ES), a remote manipulator JEMRMS and an external outermetic EF platform.

"Sealed compartment" or the scientific laboratory of the module "Kibo" JEM PM - Delivered and dashed on 02/02/2008 by the Shuttle "Discovery" - this is one of the compartments of the Kibo module, in the form of a hermetic cylindrical structure of 11.2 m * 4.4 m. With 10 universal racks adapted for scientific devices . Five racks belong to America in payment for shipping, but any astronauts or astronauts at the request of any countries can conduct scientific experiments at the request of any countries. Climate parameters: temperature and humidity, air composition and pressure correspond to earthly conditions, which makes it possible to work comfortably in conventional, familiar clothes and conduct experiments without special conditions. Here, in the hermetic compartment of the scientific laboratory, experiments are not only carried out, but also established control over the entire laboratory complex, especially for devices of an external experimental platform.

"Experimental cargo compartment" ELM - One of the compartments of the Kibo module has a hermetic part of the ELM - PS and a leakage ELM - ES. Its hermetic part is docked with the top hatch of the PM laboratory module and has a cylinder form of 4.2 m with a diameter of 4.4 m. The dwellers of the station freely go here from the laboratory, since the same climate conditions here. The hermetic part is used mainly by adding to a hermetic laboratory and is intended for storing equipment, tools, experimental results. There are 8 universal racks that, if necessary, can be used to conduct experiments. Initially, 14.03.2008 ELM-PS was docked with the "Harmony" module, and 6.06.2008 Expedition Astronauts No. 17 reinstalled for a permanent place on the sealed laboratory compartment.

The leakage part is the external section of the cargo module and at the same time component of the "external experimental platform", as it is attached to its end. Its dimensions: length 4.2 m, width 4.9 m and height 2.2 m. The purpose of this site is the storage of equipment, the results of experiments, samples and their transportation. This part with the results of experiments and exhaust equipment can be rejected, if necessary, from the remote platform "Cybo" and delivered to the Earth.

"External experimental platform"JEM EF or, as it is also called," Terrace "- delivered to the ISS 12.03 2009. And immediately behind the laboratory module, representing the leakage of the site, with the size of the site: 5,6m length, 5.0 m width and 4.0 m height. There are various numerous experiments directly in open space conditions in different directions of science to explore the external influences of space. The platform is immediately behind a sealed laboratory compartment and connected to it airtight hatch. Located on the end of the laboratory module, the manipulator can install necessary equipment For experiments and remove unnecessary from the experimental platform. On the platform there are 10 experimental compartments, it is well lit and there are camcorders that fix everything that happens.

Remote manipulator (JEM RMS) - a manipulator or a mechanical hand, which is mounted in the nose part of the sealed compartment of the scientific laboratory and serves to move goods between the experimental freight compartment and the external leakage platform. In general, the hand consists of two parts, a large ten meter for heavy loads and a removable low-length 2.2 meters for more accurate work. Both types of hands to perform various movements have 6 rotating connections. The main manipulator was delivered in June 2008. And the second in July 2009.

Manages all the work of this Japanese module "Cybo" management center in the city of Tsukuba north from Tokyo. Scientific experiments and research conducted in the Kibo laboratory significantly expand the scope of scientific activity in space. Modular principle of building the laboratory itself and a large number of Universal racks gives ample opportunities for building a variety of studies.

Bioecperimiment racks are equipped with furnaces with the establishment of necessary temperature modesWhat makes it possible to make experiments on the cultivation of various crystals and including biological. There are also incubators, aquariums and sterile premises for animals, fish, amphibian and cultivation of various plant cells and organisms. The impact on them of various levels of radiation is studied. The laboratory is equipped with dosimeters, and other modern appliances.

MCS "Search" module (MIM2 Small Research Module)

The "Search" module is a Russian module derived in orbit from the Baikonur cosmodrome with a "Soyuz-y" launch vehicle, delivered by a specially modernized cargo ship MM-MIM2 module 10.11.2009 and was docked to the upper anti-airborne docking unit of the "Star" module Two days later, on 12.11.2009, the dock was carried out only by means of the Russian manipulator, refusing to Canadarm2, as financial issues were not resolved with the Americans. "Search" was developed and built in Russia RKK Energia on the basis of the previous Pier module with the revision of all deficiencies and significant improvements. "Search" has cylindrical shape With dimensions: 4.04m Long and 2.5m in diameter. It has two docking nodes, active and passive located along the longitudinal axis, and on the left and right side of the two hatches with small portholes and handrails to enter outdoor space. In general, it is almost like "Pierce", but more improved. In its space there are two jobs for scientific tests, there are mechanical adapters with which the necessary equipment is installed. Inside the produce, the volume is allocated 0.2 cubic meters. m. for devices, and on the outside of the module a universal workplace was created.

In general, this multifunctional module is intended: For additional connecting places with Soyuz and Progress spacecraft, to provide additional outputs into open space, to accommodate scientific equipment and conduct scientific tests inside the module and outside it, for refueling fuel from transport ships And, ultimately, this module must assume the functions of the Star service module.

MCS MODULE "TransCVITITI" or "Calm" (Node3)

The Transcviti module is an American connecting residential module in orbit 08.02.2010 from the LC-39 starting site (KC Kennedy) Shuttle "Endeavor" and docked from the ISS 10.08.2010 to the "Uniti" module. "Tranquiliti" commissioned by NASA was made in Italy. The name of the module was in honor of the sea of \u200b\u200bcalm on the moon, where the first astronaut was landed with Apollo-11. With the advent of this module on the ISS really, it became calmer and much more comfortable. First, an internal useful amount of 74 cubic meters was added, the length of the module is 6.7m with a diameter of 4.4 m. The dimensions of the module made it possible to create in it the most advanced system of life support, ranging from the toilet, and before ensuring and control the highest performance of inhaled air. It provides 16 racks with different equipment for air circulation systems, cleaning the removal of contaminants from it, processing systems of liquid waste into water, and other systems to create a comfortable environmental situation for the ISS. On the module is provided for everything to the smallest detail, simulators are installed, all sorts of holders for items, all conditions for work, workouts and recreation. In addition to the high system of life support in the design, 6 docking nodes are provided: two axial and 4 side for docking with spacecraft and improve the possibilities of reinstalling modules in various combinations. To one of the docking nodes "Tranquiliti" is attached for a wide panoramic viewing module "Dome".

MCS Module "Dome" (Cupola)

The module "Dome" - was delivered to the ISS with the Tranquiliti module and, as mentioned above, docked with its lower connecting node. This is the smallest MCS module with dimensions of 1.5 m height and a diameter of 2 m. But here are 7 portholes that allow monitoring of both work on the ISS and for the Earth. The workplaces to control and control the Manipulator "Canadarm-2" are equipped, as well as the control system for the station modes. The portholes from quartz 10 cm glass are located in the form of a dome: in the center is a large round with a diameter of 80cm and around it 6 trapezoids. This place is also a favorite place to relax.

MCS Module "Dawn" (MIM 1)

The "Dawn" module - 14.05.2010 was led into orbit and delivered by the American Shattl Atlantis and docked with the ISS with a nadarth docking knot "Dawn" 05/18/2011. This is the first Russian module that was delivered to the ISS not a Russian spacecraft, but American. The docking of the module was carried out by American astronauts Garrett Reisman and Pierce Sellers for three hours. The module itself, as well as the previous modules of the Russian segment of the ISS, was manufactured in Russia, Energia Rocket and Space Corporation. The module is very similar to previous Russian modules, but with significant improvements. It has five jobs: glove boxing, low-temperature and high-temperature biothermostats, vibration protection platform, and a universal workplace with the necessary equipment for scientific and applied research. The module has a size of 6.0 m to 2.2 m and is intended, in addition to conducting research works in the fields of biotechnology and materials science, for additional shipping, for the possibility of using as a port of moisture of spacecraft and for additional fuel stations. As part of the "Dawn" module, another locking chamber was sent, an additional radiator-heat exchanger, a portable workplace and a spare element of a robotic manipulator ERA for the future scientific laboratory Russian module.

Multifunctional Module "Leonardo" (RMM-Permanent Multipurpose Module)

The "Leonardo" module - led into orbit and delivered by the shuttle "Discovery" 24.05.10 and dashed to the ISS 03/01/2011. This module was previously treated for three multi-purpose modules of logistical supply "Leonardo, Rafaello" and "Donatello" manufactured in Italy to deliver the necessary goods to the ISS. They transported the goods and delivered by the shuttless "Discovery" and "Atlantis", meeting the "Uniti" module. But the Module "Leonardo" was converted to the establishment of life support, power supply, thermostat, fire extinguishing, transmission, and data processing and, starting from March 2011, began to be part of the ISS as a luggage hermetic multifunctional module for permanent cargo placement. The module has the dimensions of the cylindrical part 4.8m to the diameter of 4.57ms with an internal residential volume of 30.1 cubic meters. Meters and serves as a good additional amount of the American segment of the ISS.


The BEAM module is an American experimental inflatable module created by Bigelow Aerospace. The head of the company Robber Bigelou is a billionaire hotel system of hotels and at the same time a passionate fan of space. The company is engaged in space tourism. The dream of Robber Bigelou is a system of hotels in space, on the Moon and Mars. The creation of an inflatable housing and hotel complex in space turned out to be an excellent idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a number of advantages over modules from iron heavy hard structures. Inflatable modules such as Veam are much easier, small-sized during transportation and much more economical financially. NASA according to merit appreciated such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe company and in December 2012 signed a contract with a contract by 17.8 million to create an inflatable module for the ISS, and a contract was signed with Sierra Nevada Corporatio to create a docking mechanism for Beam and ISS. In 2015, the module of Veam was built and 16 April 2016 Spaceship of a private company Spacex "Dragon" in its container in the cargo compartment delivered it to the ICC where he was successfully docked behind the Tranquility module. At the ISS cosmonauts, the module was deployed, inflated air, checked for hermetic and on June 6. American astronaut ISS Jeffrey Williams and Russian cosmonaut Oleg Violipka went to it and installed all the necessary equipment there. The Beam module on the ISS in the deployed form is interior no windows up to 16 cubic meters. Its dimensions are 5.2 meters in diameter and 6.5 meters long. Weight 1360 kg. The module body is 8 air tanks made of metal bulkheads, aluminum folding structure and several layers of strong elastic tissue located at a certain distance from each other. Inside the module as mentioned above, it was equipped with the necessary studies for it. The pressure is set as the same as on the ISS. It is planned that Veam will stay at the space station for 2 years and will be mainly closed, astronauts should visit it only to check for tightness and its overall structural integrity in the cosmic conditions only 4 times a year. After 2 years, the module is planning to refuse from the ISS, after which it burns in the outer layers of the atmosphere. The main task of the presence of the module of the VEAM on the ISS is the test of its design for strength, tightness and work in the harsh conditions of space. For 2 years, it is planned to test for protection in it from radiation and other types of cosmic radiation, confronting the shallow cosmic garbage. Since later inflatable modules are planned to use astronauts to accommodate them, the results of maintenance conditions comfortable conditions (Temperatures, pressure, air, tightness) will give an answer to questions of further developments and the structure of such modules. At the moment, BigeLow Aerospace is already developing the following variant of a similar, but already a residential inflatable module with windows and significantly more "B- 330", which can be used on the lunar space station and on Mars.

Today, anyone from the earth can look at the ISS in the night sky with a naked eye, as on the luminous moving asterisk, moving at an angular speed of about 4 degscents per minute. The greatest value her star magnitude Observed from 0m to-04m. The ISS moves around the earth and at the same time makes one turn in 90 minutes or 16 revolutions per day. The height of the ISS above the Earth is about 410-430 km, but due to the friction in the balances of the atmosphere, due to the impact of the Earth's attraction forces, to evade the dangerous collision with space garbage And for a successful docking with shipping ships, the height of the ISS is constantly adjusted. Height adjustment occurs using the "Zarya" module engines. Initially, the planned service life of the station was 15 years old, and currently extended approximately until 2020

According to the materials http://www.mcc.rsa.ru.

Works in the International Space Station (ISS, in English Literature ISS - International Space Station) began in 1993. By this time, Russia had more than 25 years of experience in the operation of Salute orbital stations and the World, has a unique experience of long-term flights ( Up to 438 days of the continuous stay of a person in orbit), as well as a variety of space systems (the Orbital station "Peace", piloted and freight transport ships of the "Union" type and "progress") and developed infrastructure to ensure their flights. But by 1991, Russia was in a state of severe economic crisis and could no longer support cosmonautics financing at the same level. At the same time, and, in general, for the same reason (the end of the Cold War), the creators of the Freeda (USA) orbital station were in a serious financial situation. Therefore, it has come to unite the efforts of Russia and the United States in the implementation of manned programs.

March 15, 1993 General Director of the Russian Space Agency (RCA) Yu.N. Koptev and General Designer of the Scientific and Production Association (NGO) Energia Yu.P. Semenov turned to the head of NASA D. Holdin with a proposal to create an ISS. September 2, 1993 Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.S. Chernomyrdin and Vice President of the United States A.Gor signed a "joint statement on cooperation in space", which provided for the creation of the ISS. In its development of the RKA and NASA, on November 1, 1993, "a detailed plan of work at the International Space Station" was signed. In June 1994, a contract "On Supplies and Services for Mir and MCS Stations" was signed between NASA and the RCA. As a result of further negotiations, it was decided that in the creation of the station, in addition to Russia (RCA) and the USA, Canada (CSA), Japan (NASDA) and European Cooperation Countries (ESA), only 16 countries, and that the station will consist of 2 integrated segments (Russian and American) and collected in orbit gradually from individual modules. The main work should be completed by 2003; The total mass of the station will exceed 450 tons by this time. Delivery of goods and crews in orbit is carried out by Russian carrier missiles "Proton" and "Soyuz", as well as American reusable Space Shuttle ships.

The head organization for the creation of the Russian segment and its integration with the American segment is a rocket and space corporation (RSC) "Energy". S.P. Korolev, according to the US segment - the company "Boeing". The technical coordination of works on the Russian segment of the ISS is carried out by the Council of the main designers under the leadership of the President and the General Designer of the RSC Energia Academician RAS Yu.P. Semenova. Guide to the preparation and implementation of the elements of the Russian segment of the ISS is carried out by an interstate commission to ensure flights and operation of orbital manned complexes. In the manufacture of elements of the Russian segment, the plant of experimental mechanical engineering of the RKK "Energia" them. S.P. Korolev and Rocket and Space Plant GKNPTS them. M.V. Khrunichev, as well as GNP RCC "TsSKB-Progress", CB of General Engineering, Rini of Space Instrument Making, Research Institute of Accurate Devices, RGII CPCs. Yu.A.Gagarin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Agat Organization, etc. (about 200 organizations).

Stages of construction station.

The Deployment of the ISS began starting on November 20, 1998 with the "Proton" missile of the Functional and Food Block (FGB) "Zarya", built in Russia. On December 5, 1998, the start of the Space Shattle "Endevor" (the flight number STS-88, the commander - R. Kabana, as part of the crew - Russian cosmonaut S. Krikalev) with the American docking module Node-1 (Uniti) on board. On December 7, "Endeavor" moored to the FSB, suffered a manipulator and dashed the Node-1 module to it. The crew of the ship "Endevor" performed on FGB (inside and outside) installation of communication equipment and repair work. December 13 produced a domination, and on December 15 - landing.

On May 27, 1999, the Shuttle "Discovery" (STS-96) started and on May 29, docked with the ISS. The crew moved to the shipment station, performed technical works, installed on the transition module post of the cargo boom operator and the adapter for its mounting. June 4 - Razing, June 6 - landing.

On May 18, 2000, the shuttle "Discovery" started (STS-101), 21 May docked with the ISS. The crew carried out repair work on FGB and installation of a cargo boom and handrails on external surface Stations. The shuttle engine was corrected (lifting) of the ISS orbit. May 27 - Rasking, May 29 - landing.

On July 26, 2000, a docking of the service module "Star" with the Modules "Zarya" - "Uniti" was carried out. The beginning of the functioning in the orbit of the "Star" complex - "Zarya" - "Uniti" with a total mass of 52.5 tons.

From the moment (November 2, 2000) docking from the ISS of the Soyuz TM-31 ship with the crew of the ISS-1 on board (V.Sheperd - Commander of the Expedition, Yu.Gydzenko - Pilot, S. Krikalev - Login-meter) began the operation of the station in the piloted station mode and conduct on it scientific research.

Scientific and technical experiments on the ISS.

Formation of the program scientific research On the Russian segment (RS) of the ISS was started in 1995 after the announcement of the competition among scientific institutions, industrial organizations and higher educational institutions. 406 applications were received from more than 80 organizations in 11 main research areas. In 1999, taking into account the technical studies conducted by the RKK "Energia" of the technical development of the obtained applications, the "Long-term program of scientific and applied research and experiments planned for RS ICS" was developed, approved by the Director General of the Russian Aviation-Space Agency Yu.N. Koptev and the President of the Russian Academy Sciences Yu.S. Osipova.

The main scientific and technical objectives of the ISS:

- Study of the Earth from Cosmos;

- the study of physical and biological processes in conditions of weightlessness and controlled gravity;

- Astrophysical observations, in particular at the station there will be a large complex of solar telescopes;

- test of new materials and devices for work in space;

- testing of assembly technology in the orbit of large systems, including using robots;

- test of new pharmaceutical technologies and experienced production of new drugs in microgravity conditions;

- Experimental production of semiconductor materials.

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