Catalog of modern projects of houses from aerated concrete and foam blocks. House made of aerated concrete: Phased independent construction of the house Ready projects of a house of aerated concrete

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

In total, in private construction, customers choose new materials and technologies, refusing the construction of a cottage "Older": out or. Responding to a request, our company develops typical (ready) and individual projects Houses from aerated concrete (gas blocks). For car owners, we have options with a garage. In general, the cottage is more economical, provides greater exposure of fantasy in terms of architecture and designer decoration. It's nice when the building pleases the eye, surprises the neighbors, and causes delight among the guests.

Of modern materials The most famous cellic concretes. They are widely used in Finland, they are able to withstand harsh frost. Our catalog of architectural projects of houses from aerated concrete represents interesting solutions For the construction of cottages both in one and two floors. Among them are complex - using monolithic carcassBrick.

What is good house of aerated concrete blocks

Staying "non-combustible", this porous building stone, passes the air almost as good as a tree, and has high strength. Production of a block of aerated concrete is possible only in factory conditions. It has many advantages.

  • Littlecost, additional savings on transportation (easy), lease of severe special equipment.
  • Accurate geometryThat allows you to lay blocks with a minimum gap and increase the resistance to cracking.
  • Easy processing Reduces construction terms. Aerated concrete is cut, drilled, strokes with simple tools.
  • Good thermal insulation - Material is 2-3 times the warmer than usual, which saves on heating.
  • "Breathable properties."However, the hygroscopicity is undesirable in the wet climate and the brick cladding of the a concrete cottage is protected from it.

Company architects help choose typical project residential building, as much as possible in price requirements, size, stylistic design.

Project documentation for a house of aerated concrete

On the site the future owner of the cottage can consider it from all sides, replace the materials, color, calculate the estimate for construction. Making a conscious choice, as a result, he will get just such a modern vacation homeI dreamed of. When viewing any finished project with a layout and photo from the catalog, you can see several important details.

  • Detailed study - The documentation package includes detailed drawings: the area, dimensions of each room are given.
  • Selection of building materials - They are indicated for each type of construction: the foundation, overlap, walls and roofs (railway plate, block, wooden lags).
  • Exterior finish - in project documentation Listed different possible options (decorative rock, Brick, plaster).

Professionally completed solutions allow you to build a house of aerated concrete technologically, with a guarantee of durability.

Cottage from artificial stone - it is beautiful and reliable

Anyone, the most non-standard idea can be. Whether it is traditional, snow-white, or modern - almost a thousand is visible to the choice ready-made solutions! From it you can build a large cottage, and a small guest gas-concrete house for summer holidays.

With the filter, the architecture style is easily selected in our catalog, option with a garage, a terrace, a balcony. Fashionable now the original layout with the second light is implemented as in spacious homesand small size (116 m 2).

Buying a draft cottage from a fire package with planning in our bureau, you get confidence that it takes into account all the technological features of this building material.

This section contains projects of houses from aerated concrete for every taste: country projects Houses made of aerated concrete, projects of large houses made from a garage, a housekeeping houses, which include projects cozy balconies, terraces, recreation areas.

Houses made from aerated concrete (photo, schemes, drawings, sketching projects and video of which can be viewed in this section) are gaining more and more popularity in 2018.

The most important quality of aerated concrete is its low thermal conductivity. Just imagine the material through the warmer of the brick, twice - ceramic blocks, and eight times - simple concrete! Gas blocks are also lighter than ceramic fellow, therefore the timing of the turnkey implementation is somewhat less. This is their quality allows under special conditions, making the foundation easier, reduce the estimation of the expenditure of the developer. The composition of the material exclusively from natural components allows us to talk about the high ecological purity of private cottages under construction from aerated concrete. We are pleased to tell you in more detail about what a aerated concrete is, what they have individual features and what should be known before the use of this masonry material.

Housekeeping plans: used raw materials

For the manufacture of aerated concrete, natural components are used: cement in small quantity, silica component (quartz sand), water and lime.

The homogeneous dough is formed as a result of mixing these components. Praiping the mixture occurs due to the reaction of lime with aluminum paste. During the reaction, many pores appear, which are distributed throughout the volume of the stone evenly. For many, the safety of aluminum for life will be important. Its best confirms the fact that the aluminum produce dishes, food packaging, etc.

Housekeeping project plans: Block production technology

Autoclave processing is the main process in the production of a gas block. As a result of autoclaving, the formed gas blocks are exposed to a long (12 hours) processing dry saturated ferry. This pair has a temperature of 190ºС and is fed under a pressure of 12 kg / cm2, which increases the strength indicators of the material. The degree of shrinkage is reduced, the probability of climbing concrete is reduced.

After autoclave processing, aerated concrete receives homogeneity in composition and properties in all its volume. That's why residential buildingsBuilt using this material differ in high degree of reliability. Planning projects of houses from aerated concrete can be performed in a variety of options.

Ready projects of houses from the gasoblock: Advantage in accuracy of geometry

Another advantage of gas packs is their exact geometry. It is this quality that allows you to replace the traditional solutions on fine adhesives with a thickness not exceeding 1-3 mm, which also reduces the cost of construction. In addition, thanks to such a laying, the heat from the house goes less, because the area of \u200b\u200bmasonry seams protruding cold bridges is significantly reduced. Your a private house From the aerated concrete will be much warmer using this new masonry technology.

We hope that many projects in our catalog will allow you to choose and buy a project of a house of aerated concrete, which will undoubtedly become the realization of your dreams! Planning houses from aerated concrete can be developed in accordance with the wishes of the client. Original design Houses from aerated concrete is also performed by experts at an affordable price.

Let's look at the project of a residential building from a housekeeping with a total area of \u200b\u200b152.51 m2. Outdoor sizes at home 9.8 to 11.7 m, it can be built even on little plot 6 acres area. The project does not provide a garage, it can be processed in the form of an open area with a canopy or as a separate structure.

The thickness of the exterior aerated concrete walls is 400 mm, it reduces heat loss during the cold season and will help save on heating. Ventkanals are made of full-time brick, and partitions with a thickness of 90 mm from drywall with heat and sound insulation material. The approximate cost of a residential house is 5 million rubles.

Planning solution

The house is suitable for living a small family to 6 people. There is a complete set required premises and 6. residential rooms. One combined bathroom on each floor, which is very convenient for older people and children. There are no passing residential rooms in the house, each has its own separate entrance. The house provides two entrances - the main and technical in the boiler room. The entrances are located nearby and are blocked by an elongated roof. For additional heat protection at the entrance is provided. On the first floor there are a spacious hall, boiler room, bathroom, a kitchen combined with a large living room, a staircase with a storage room under a march and a bedroom. It can be used as a room for guests. Kitchen and living room are combined into one big roomseparated. Feeling homemade utya Creates in the living room with chimney and furnace, which are posted from a full-scale, fire-resistant brick. The height of the rooms on the first floor is 2.8 m.

On the second floor leads a wooden two-hours staircase with natural lightingthat is very convenient during operation. There are a spacious corridor, 4 bedrooms and a bathroom. The second floor is made by the attitude of the attic, while minimum height It is 1.8 m, and the maximum 2.5 m, which allows you to fully use the space. Over dersighted floor There is a cold attic room.

Interior decoration

Outdoor doors insulated, metal, internal made of wood. In the project of the house laid the cost finishing work and materials. Paul in wet rooms - kitchen, bathrooms and boiler room lined ceramic tilesThe rest of the rooms are used linoleum. In all rooms performed suspended ceiling From waterproof drywall with subsequent putty and color. In the boiler wall, the walls are painted with waterproof paint, in the bathrooms are tiled. Walls in the rest of the rooms on the first and second floors are saved by washing wallpaper.

Outdoor finish

The roof of the house is dupled, made of system wooden timingThe roof is covered with metal tile. High base house lined artificial stone, Walls are covered with decorative facade plaster on a fiberglass grid. Porch made by C. wooden fenceThe steps are lined with porcelain tiles.

Download the project of a residential building from aerated concrete 150 m2.

Despite economic differences, the construction industry continues to develop rapidly, bringing on modern market New technologies and design solutions. During construction individual houses and cottages are quite commonly used by building material from aerated concrete or foam concrete. On the construction market Free projects of houses from aerated concrete allow for short term, high quality and economically construct the desired housing.

Used building blocks are environmentally safe and in their characteristic features Close to buildings from a bar. The houses raised from them are resistant to humidity, so they do not even postpone in crude weather. Construction of houses in which materials for walls are used aerated concrete blocksEspecially economical and beneficial in the construction of cottage and private suburban households.

Ready for use, aerated concrete blocks belong to artificial building material. They are created using a mixture of lime quartz sand, aluminum powder, water and cement. Under the influence of high temperature and pressing, the formation of material in blocks, which build aerated concrete construction. Such building blocks have many cells, so they have high thermal insulation.

Construction material density and its ability

Depending on the material density, aerated concrete blocks are classified:
  • Constructive. It is used to build external walls, as well as to enhance overlaps between floors of buildings;
  • Heat-insulating, density up to 900 kg / m 3 and acceptable for buildings with a height of 3 floors;
  • The heat insulating density of up to 450 kg / m 3. Used as insulation, as it has a large number of Air cells.
Due to the ease of material, the design of buildings using blocks does not require the attachment of a powerful fundamental basis, which helps to reduce costs during construction. They are easily transported, and allow you to build a box from blocks within one month. When building a house, it does not require the use of complex special technique. Constructive features Gas block makes it possible to form any inclinations and angles, as well as easily lay communication equipment.

The elevated houses of aerated concrete have a small thickness of the walls and retain heat well. So in comparison with brick wall With the thickness of the thickness of its thermal conductivity, it is equal to the half-meter thickness of aerated concrete. In this case, the insulation is practically not used, which significantly reduces their market costs.

For today, construction organizations provide customers with a wide selection of already ready-made projects of buildings from aerated concrete, equipped with modern systems Communications and renovation. In most cases, for its demanding clients, designers and architects will make individual solutions of projects of private buildings at an affordable price. In the last version you have to put a lot money. View projects of houses from aerated concrete blocks, their landscape designand also download drawings and another technical documentation You can on the Internet.

Annotation: A project of a single-storey house of aerated concrete

Project one-storey house from aerated concrete blocks 7 to 7 It has all the amenities for living outside the city of the whole family. In the planning of the house, three zones can be distinguished: a sauna with shower and bathroom, an active speaker area, vestibule. One bathroom bath can be removed under the boiler room. The entrance to the country house from aerated concrete through the open terrace.

Outdoor walls - aerated concrete blocks. The facade of the house 7x7 m is covered with facing stone and plastered, you can also use decorative plaster For finishing facade, PVC siding or facing facade blocks. Download free project of one-story house of aerated concrete 7.55 x 7.62 m.

Draft house of aerated concrete with garage 8x9 m

Annotation: Project of the house of aerated concrete 8x9 with a garage

The project of the house from aerated concrete blocks 8 to 9 With a garage with all amenities. It has an entrance hall, combined living room and a kitchen on the first floor. There are two large windows in the living room. On the finished project of the house of aerated concrete, there are two bedrooms on the second floor. The finish can be made of any material. A project of a house of aerated concrete with a garage for free.

Annotation: A project of a two-story house of aerated concrete 6x9

Draft house of aerated concrete 6 to 9 Holds all the amenities for staying the whole family outside the city. In the layout of the house from aerated concrete, several zones can be distinguished: the first is the shower and the bathroom, in the center of the house - the area of \u200b\u200bactive pastime, on the second floor there are sleeping beds. Next, you can download a free draft house of a gas block with drawings of 10x10 m.

Annotation: Ready-made project of a house of aerated concrete 10x10 m

Draft house of aerated concrete 10 to 10 The meters differ in a thorough drawing of the facade, which allows you to enter a cottage from aerated concrete to any complex. Internal planning The first floor is convenient and divided into three parts, each zone carries its functional purpose.

On the first floor of a house of aerated concrete blocks, the living room and kitchen are designed in one volume, in accordance with the latest concepts of ergonomics on comfort, which allows to increase the interior space. Additional comfort gives the presence of a built-in garage with the outlet of the hall at home. On the second floor there are three bedrooms and bedrooms.

Ready-made draft house of aerated concrete with an embroidered 8x10 m

Dimensions: 8.2 x 10.5 m

Total area: 129.6 m2
Living area: 113 m2

Bedrooms and rooms: 4 pcs
C / W, Bath: 2 pcs
Mansard: Yes
Social: NO
Garage: There is 1 a / m

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