How to calculate the volume of rubble. We define how much cement, sand, rubble and water in Cuba concrete Simple concrete kneading

Decor elements 25.06.2019
  • Concrete components
  • Concrete is one of the most sought-after construction materials. Popularity this material It is explained by its excellent properties: compressive strength, convenience in laying and molding, waterproofability, water resistance, low price.

    Many have repeatedly encountered production at home concrete. First of all, I am interested in the question: In what proportions it must be kneaded, what consumption and how much essential materials required. This is strong enough artificial materialReceived as a result of rejection of a liquid mixture of binders, aggregates and different additives.

    It is not rare in construction concrete mixtures performed in a unique ratio with the addition of different modifiers. The the method allows you to obtain a solution that most complies with the requirements of construction (frost resistance, plasticity, heat resistance, low water absorption, etc.).

    Concrete components

    By type of binding concrete divided into silicate, cement, gypsum, polymer concrete and other

    The greatest preference is given to concrete produced on cement based, using granite rubble and sand as aggregates.

    Rubble or gravel called the product that is obtained as a result of crushing mountain breeds in a career. In its production it is possible to use gravel or boulders, but it is mainly obtained from granite.

    Granite It is the most solid and dense breed consisting of mica crystals, quartz and field splata. This composition is reflected in the color of granite rubble. Standard fractions of this material typically are 20-40 mm, 5-20 mm and 40-70 mm.

    Granite gravel It is produced by crushing on minor fractions of rocks. The quality of this material depends on the grain composition, water absorption, strength and radioactivity. It is more resistant to temperature differences and stronger than lime. Produced from loose sedimentary rocks and has round shape Even, size from 3 to 10 mm.

    In turn lime gravel Consists of calcite. This type of rubble is made of sedimentary rocks. It has an angular form of fractions and is an environmentally friendly building material.

    Any type of gravel is grained bulk material. It is used in different areas Construction: When filling in concrete, construction of roads, arrangement of territories, facing and artistic decoration. The price of it depends on his type. Buying gravel, it is recommended to require the sellers a hygienic certificate.

    One cube concrete

    The unit of calculus during the purchase of gravel is a cubic meter or cubic meter. Mostly one cube contains in yourself a large number of rubble weighing 1.4 tons (depending on the type of material). For example, lime is easier than granite.

    In the manufacture of concrete, water, cement and of various types Fillers, sandy-gravel mixtures (PGS), which are small (such as sand) and large (such as gravel). The builders often have a question of how to make the right kneading of the concrete mix, it is at this stage that it is usually necessary to determine how much cement is contained in 1 Cuba concrete and how many PGS is necessary.

    Today exists great amount Brands of concrete, which differ in their composition, namely, by the mass or volumetric ratio of the components of the components of the PGS contained in its composition. For example, in order to create one cubic meter concrete brand 100, 200 kg of cement will be requiredAnd to create 1 cubic meter of brand 400 concrete, 360 kg of cement will be required.

    There are various special tables for which it can be understood not only which amount of cement powder will be required by 1 cube concrete, as well as the percentage ratio of other PGS components in the finished solution.

    For example, for the most undercoming concrete brand 300, 382 kg of cement powder M400, 705 kg of sand, 1080 kg of gravel and 220 liters of water will be mixed.

    For the brand 100, 214 kg of cement M400 grade, 1080 kg of gravel, 870 kg of sand and 210 liters of water will be required.

    By next scheme in general features can calculate how much sand is contained in 1 Cuba concrete:
    For a concrete mixture of brand 100 per 1 volume fraction of cement powder accounts for 4 stakes of sand and 6 fractions of rubble;
    For the brand 150, the ratio of the cement powder of the M400 brand, 3.2 stakes of sand and 5 fragrance shares;

    Knowing these proportions, it is possible to determine without much difficulty, for example, how many rubble is contained in one Cuba concrete and knead any required amount High-quality concrete.

    It should be noted that from the cement brand, which is used in the manufacture of concrete, its mechanical and physical properties. For instance, if you add cement powder M500 instead of M400, then the brand of concrete will increase (instead of 200 it will be 350). First of all, to obtain a good mixture, it is necessary to choose a rubble with a brand that exceeds the concrete brand that is required, 2 times.

    Simple Concrete Sconce

    If factory accuracy is not required for construction and there is no need to strict brand excerpts, you can use a simplified scheme: 0.5 parts of the water are taken to 1 part of the cement powder, 4 pieces of gravel and 2 pieces of sand. In order to manufacture 1 cubic meter of concrete mixture, with this ratio, the weights of the PGS components will be as follows: 330kg cement powder (0.25 m. Cubic), 180 liters of water (0.18 m. Cubic), 600 kg of sand (0.43 m cubic), 1.25 tons of gravel (0.9 m cubic).

    Sand proportions, rubble, cement for receiving 1st Cuba concrete

    380 kg. Portland cement M400 (1)
    645 kg. Sand (1.69)
    608 kg. Gravel (1.59)
    210 liters water (0.55)

    175 kg. Portland cement M300 (1)
    945 kg. Sand (5.4)
    1053 kg. Gravel (6.02)
    210 liters Waters (1,2)

    214 kg. Portland cement M300 (1)
    870 kg. Sand (4,07)
    1080 kg. Gravel (5.05)
    210 liters water (0.98)

    235 kg. Portland cement M400 (1)
    855 kg. Sand (3.64)
    1080 kg. rubble (4,6)
    210 liters Water (0.89)

    286 kg. Portland cement M400 (1)
    795 kg. Sand (2.78)
    1080 kg. rubble (3.78)
    210 liters Water (0.74)

    332 kg. Portland cement M400 (1)
    750 kg. Sand (2,26)
    1080 kg. rubble (3,25)
    215 liters Water (0.65)

    382 kg. Portland cement M400 (1)
    705 kg. Sand (1.85)
    1080 kg. rubble (2.83)
    220 l. Water (0,58)

    428 kg. Portland cement M400 (1)
    660 kg. Sand (1.54)
    1080 kg. rubble (2.5)
    220 l. water (0,51)

    The sequence of laying materials into concrete mixer has an impact on the quality of concrete.

    Before working with concrete solution, it does not matter whether you have an experienced builder or a lover of doing everything with your own hands, first of all, you are interested in questions:

      what brand of concrete is needed, determined from what is planned to do?

      what is the flow concrete solutionHow to consume it more economically?

      how many materials are necessary, and in what proportions should be missed?

      how much should I buy cement, sand and rubble to not spend on too much?

      how many water is necessary for the knead?

    Let's figure it out.

    How much is the rubble on 1 cube concrete depends on which brand of concrete you need to get.

    There are various special tables for which it is easy to determine how much cement, sand, gravel (rubble) and water will be required to 1 cubic concrete

    The number of cement, sand, gravel (rubble) and water for 1 cube concrete

    Brand concrete

    Brand cement

    Cement weight

    kg / m³ concrete

    Weight rubble

    kg / m³ concrete

    Sand weight

    kg / m³ concrete

    Water volume

    l / m³ concrete

    How much is the rubble per 1 cube concrete, is determined by the machine manufacturing technology, the mixture for concrete is mixed out of 9 parts - 1: 3: 5. This means that the components are taken in parts: 1 part - cement, 3 parts - sand and 5 pieces - rubble.

    The amount of rubble per 1 cube concrete is mainly 1.4 tons, depending on the type of limestone crushed stone, gravel, granite, slag or secondary.

    Name of material

    Weight "Cuba" 1 m³, kg

    Bucket weight 12 l, kg

    Sand building GOST 8736 – 93

    River sand

    PGS - sand-gravel mixture

    Ceramzit GOST 9757 - 90

    Crushed stone granitis

    Crushed stone sandstone

    Terricon crushed stone

    Crushed stone tuffs

    Crushed stone marble

    Crushed stone lime

    Slag crushed stone

    For the preparation of a high-quality concrete solution with the minimum presence of emptiness in the mixture, it is necessary to use crushed stone of various fractions.

    Crushed stone various fractions

    In stores sell building materials in bags packed 50 kg. Therefore, it is convenient to measure the amounts of components with bags. To prepare 1 cube concrete M100, 166 kg of cement is needed, i.e. It is necessary to buy 3 bags and another 16 kg, for concrete M150 you need 205 kg or 4 bags with an additive of 5 kg.

    At home, knead 1 m3 of concrete is technically difficult and self-substituted concrete solution. In this case, the unit of measurement is convenient to use bucket, mix the solution as follows: 1 bucket of the cement hardener, 5 buckets of rubble and 3 sand buckets.

    Table of proportions of concrete components when used

    cement brand M 400 (cement, sand, crushed stone)

    Brand concrete

    Mass composition C: P: Shg kg

    Volume composition on 10 liters of cement P: sh l

    The amount of concrete from 10 l cement l

    As a peculiar meter for the proportion of the solution, the components can be measured by shovels: 1 cement shovel, 3 sand spades, 5 shovel rubble.

    Without a doubt, when erecting a house, receiving buildings or reception concrete structures Faster, easier and "better" buy ready-made concrete with delivery. If there is no such possibility or there is a desire to save - you help this article.

    The wording "heavy" concrete is not accidental. The fact is that it is the most common building material in a private type. Therefore, when "concrete" mentions in a conversation or in the article, the default is a heavy concrete of various brands.

    Before submitting a table and proportion how many materials need 1 cubic concreteWe will take several assumptions that you need to know the novice developer before it starts measurement: cement, sand, crushed stone and water:

    • Measuring cement must be performed with an accuracy of 1 kilogram of material. Measuring other components is allowed with an accuracy of 5 kilograms, and the water is added gradually before obtaining the necessary contene consistency;
    • When planning the preparation of concrete of a certain brand (up to the M300 brand), the cement brand should be used, which is not higher than the brand of concrete. This allows you to minimize costs under all other equal conditions; In the manufacture of the same concrete, higher grades, M300 and higher, for considerations of strength, it is necessary to use the cement brand, which is above the brand of concrete in 2 - 2.5 times;
    • It should be remembered that the calculated or table amount of water is not added immediately, but in small portions. For example, a table amount of water is usually divided into 3-4 portions. Stirring, again add a portion of water and so on, before obtaining the required consistency. Experienced private developers tend to add water "to the eye" without being demolished with GOST and SNiP.

    Concrete Components Consumption Table for 1 m3 Mixtures based on Portland cement M400

    Components of concrete solution Brand concrete solution
    M100 M200 M300 M400 M500 M600
    Cement, kg. 183 263 338 444 500 533
    Sand, kg 842 738 642 533 500 480
    Crushed stone, kg. 1282 1265 1250 1200 1150 1120
    Water, L. 92 131 170 222 250 266
    Proportions C: P: Sh: in 1:4,5:7:0,5 1:2,8:4,8:0,5 1:1,9:3,7:0,5 1:1,2:2,7:05 1:1:2,3:0,5 1:0,9:2,1:0,5

    Concrete components consumption tables only on the basis of cement M400 are not accidentally shown. To date, the private developer will be problematic to acquire cements of other brands packed in paper bags. Cements of other brands, as a rule, are implemented by wholesale batches of "embankment" or packaged in a soft container - Big Run.

    The amount of filler for concrete (sand and crushed stone), to knead one cubic meter The concrete solution directly depends on the type and brand of concrete.

    so that concrete was high quality, you need to know exactly the proportions

    Proportions of rubble and sand (table)

    Due to the fact that the so-called "heavy concrete" is a classic type of binder, which has been putting, is used in low-rise private construction and repair work, give the sand consumption table and rubble per 1 m3 "heavy concrete" different marks For cement M400 and M500.

    Sand needs table (in kilograms and m3) and rubble (in tons and m3) on 1 m3 concrete for cement M400

    Brand concrete M100 M150 M200 M300 M350 M400 M550 M600
    Sand kg / m3 843/0,56 785/0,52 738/0,5 642/0,43 590/0,4 530/0,35 500/0,33 480/0,32
    Crushed stone t / m3 1,28/0,77 1,28/0,77 1,26/0,76 1,25/0,75 1,2/0,74 1,2/0,73 1,15/0,7 1,12/0,68

    Sand Need Table (in kilograms and m3) and rubble (in tons and m3) for 1 m3 concrete for cement M500

    Brand concrete M100 M150 M200 M300 M350 M400 M550 M600
    Sand kg / m3 900/0,6 855/0,57 790/0,53 700/0,47 650/0,43 610/0,4 540/0,36 500/0,33
    Crushed stone t / m3 1,26/0,76 1,26/0,76 1,26/0,76 1,26/0,76 1,23/0,75 1,22/0,74 1,17/0,71 1,15/0,7

    What crushed stone is used in cooking concrete?

    Answering the question how much is the rubble on 1 cube concrete, It is necessary to emphasize the attention of developers developers on the types of rubble, which can be used to prepare heavy concrete:

    • Gravel crushed stone. Used as a filler for brands of concrete M400-M100. Is a sedimentary rock, found wide application in the construction of roads and monolithic buildings;
    • Crushed stone granite. It is manufactured by crushing the granite rock to the desired fraction. Widely used as a filler for all grades of heavy concrete, any destination;
    • Slag crushed stone. It is a waste of metallurgical production. Used in the construction and repair of roads;
    • Crushed stone limestone - product of crushing sedimentary solids containing calcite. It has low strength characteristics. Applied in private construction and production of the progress;

    "Secondary" crushed stone. Produced by the way of crushing building materials used: brick, asphalt, plaster, pieces of concrete, etc. Due to the low strength characteristics It is used as an additional inexpensive filler for concrete, which is used to fill inactive structures: ottostok, sites, light foundations, etc.

    Question. Hello! I decide what crushed stone to use for a concrete solution. In access, gravel and granite material. How much is the rubble on the cube of concrete? Thank you!

    Answer. Good day! Granite crushed stone and gravel are the main aggregates of heavy concrete. At the same time, the strength of gravel and rubble determines and on compression. By and large, the difference between the specified materials is one thing:

    • Granite crushed stone is a product of mechanical crushing of erupted granite rocks. When crushing, grains of an incorrect cubic or body shape are formed.
    • Gravel is a product of the natural destruction of rocks. Depending on the origin, it is distinguished by: gravel deposits on the shores of lakes, rivers and seas (rounded shape of the grains), water-glacier seals and illegaming around the collapsed mountain ridges.

    Accordingly, the principal difference in technical characteristics Crushed stone and gravel do not have. Due to the inhomogeneity of the structure, the strength and density of the gravel is somewhat lower than the granite material obtained from one block. However, due to the lack of significant energy costs for grinding, the cost of gravel is significantly lower than granite rubble. This defines its relevance and popularity.

    It is worth conveying information about the applicability of various fractions of the described fillers

    Granite filler

    • The main fraction - particles having dimensions of 20-40 mm. Used in the construction of residential and industrial facilities.
    • Large fraction - granite particles with dimensions of 40-70 mm are used to erect large-sized structures: bridges, coastal strengthening, overpass, etc.
    • Small fraction - elements of rubble with dimensions of 5-20 mm are used in the construction of roads, the production of asphalt, manufacturing paving tile, decor and small structures.


    • The 10-20 mm fraction is used to produce light concrete.
    • The 20-40 mm fraction is widely used in the construction of bridge transitions, take-off stripes, tunnels, highways and repair.
    • Faction 40-70 mm - construction of buildings, manufacture of concrete and landscape design.

    The amount of granite rubble and gravel per 1 m3 of heavy concrete of popular cement-based grades (CEM I 32.5N PC, old M400 marking). Table

    Brand concreteQuantity of gravel, kg
    M1001150 1210
    M1501140 1195
    M2001127 1185
    M2501115 1170
    M3001105 1160
    M3501095 1150
    M4001085 1135

    The amount of granite rubble and gravel per 1 m3 of severe concrete of popular cement-based grades (CEM I 42.5N PC, old M500 marking). Table

    Brand concreteNumber of granite rubble, kgQuantity of gravel, kg
    M1001150 1209
    M1501145 1195
    M2001130 1185
    M2501115 1170
    M3001105 1160
    M3501095 1150
    M4001083 1138

    As we can see, the calculated indicators of the required amount of granite rubble and gravel on the preparation of 1 m3 of concrete of different brands differ slightly, which confirms the practical syntique of their main technical characteristics.

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