Home textiles as a deposit of comfort: choose curtains. How to pick up textiles for harmony in the interior: Step-by-step memo Textiles for the bedroom - what to pay attention to

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Working with textiles in the interior (selection of curtains, sofa pillows, rugs, tablecloths, etc.) usually begins when the main repair is completed - the walls are ready, the doors are delivered, furniture purchased.

The main difficulty with which everyone is faced in this case is to find the right fabric for almost the finished interior turns out to be very difficult.

With a huge selection in fabric stores, the search for a suitable textile is delayed for months.

In this article, I want to show you how another way is working to pick up fabrics for the interior - when you are looking for the combined wallpaper, furniture and curtains in advance (and often even accessories).

This method only seems difficult, in fact he will seriously save you time and will make it possible to create a very harmonious interior.

Of course, if you can immediately buy it all in the same collection, then you can only decide on color palette Future interior. As a rule, designers are developing the collections so that they have all the elements of the interior suitable for each other in style and color. However, the average citizen is unlikely to go through this path, because Usually, this opportunity is provided by very expensive manufacturers. In this case, the main thing is to determine the basic interior colors.

For example, you decided to base your interior on a fashionable combination of gray and purple. We distribute colors. The easiest way to place the brightest shade and unobtrusive pattern on the walls, as in the photo below. If the walls are purple, then let the furniture be gray, so that it is well released against the background of the walls. Curtains Make an indemnly gray and purple pattern on a white or cream background will support both walls and furniture. Put on soft furniture decorative pillows - Part of the same fabric as curtains, and part in a more intense shade of purple. In the same shade, you can choose a carpet if there is such a need:

The same method in other shades. The basic colors of this interior are very light gray-beige and light powder-coral:

The brightest shade of the first base color is on the walls, on their background - the second base color (furniture), a combination of basic colors (patterned cloth) - for curtains, and in order to expand the curtains - monophonic Roman curtains (second base color). On the floor - the carpet is more saturated than the walls, the shade (the first base color).

This is how this principle of the distribution of basic colors works.

So, your procedure:

- Determine the basic colors of your future interior (color 1 and color 2)
- Choose several wallpaper options in the brightest color shade 1
- Choose furniture in color 2 (two or three different colors 2)

- Pick fabric for curtains, in which color 1 and color 2 would form drawing (on white, light gray, cream or light beige background); Both basic colors can be saturated or pale shades - at your request

- Keep in the mind that the same fabric will be used for decorative pillows
- Pick fabric in a saturated shade of color 1 - also for decorative pillows.

And now the second stage. We alternately, all the options "wallpaper + furniture + fabrics for curtains and pillows" and see what shades of the options sealing the options are best played with each other.

For example, you picked up three options for possible wallpapers in bright color shade 1.

Attach samples upholstery fabric For color furniture 2, together with fabric samples for curtains (color 1 + color 2 on a light background) So, to get several combinations of "wallpaper + furniture + curtains".

Select a combination that you like the most. Congratulations - you have already practically compiled your future interior!

If you can simultaneously attach and fabrics for decorative pillows - just perfect, you will immediately see how they play with each of the possible sets.

In the photo above you see how decorative pillows work - three different pillowsOne of which is from the same fabric as curtains, and the other two are different shades of the second base color. Very beautiful, neatly, thoughtful.

Selecting the fabrics, pay attention to the game textures. In the photo, the fabric of the chair has a velor texture, one pillow is smooth and one velvety - all together creates a feeling of comfort and at the same time sophistication:

Of course, absolutely not necessarily strictly follow the algorithm described by me (on the background of a light shade of color 1 furniture colors 2). You can use for furniture and walls Color 1, but different saturation, as you see in the photo:

Here for the walls are used the most gentle shade of gray (color 1), and for furniture - its more rich shade, well released on the background of the wall and perfectly working with berry-red (colors 2). Please note that the bedspread, the carpet and curtains are similar, but not the same pattern.

A few more options:

What makes our home cozy? Of course, this is a successfully selected interior style, and furniture alignment, and decor items. But there is still something, without which there will be no heat and comfort in the dwelling, - home textiles. Is it possible to present a room without curtains, rugs, cape for a sofa and chairs. How to choose the curtains and curtains - about this and talk.

Curtains in the interior

Perhaps the most notable elements of the decor of the room are curtains. After all, with their help you can drastically change general form Housing is to transform and make harmonious or with an inept approach to spoil all the impression. Even if you made the repair and bought new furniture.

What is important to consider choosing home textiles? It turns out that fashion curtains are not a security deposit at all. What if the last designer novelty will not fit into your interior at all?

Textile for home - how to choose curtains?

Specialists advise to take into account such factors:

  • the style of your interior;
  • color gamut in room design;
  • size and shape of the room, the width of the windows, the height of the ceilings;
  • where windows come out - many natural color in the room;
  • purpose of residential premises - for living room and childish clearly needed different types curtain
  • own taste preferences - you live with this décor, and such important home textiles, like curtains, should please your eye.

Now let's figure it out in more detail how to choose curtains, and start with the style of your dwelling.

Interior Style and Home Textiles

If your room is decorated in country style, then home textiles, especially curtains, must match the rustic themes - to be simple, cute and cozy. Choose bright huesBut not monophonic curtains. Cage, Flowers, Strip - Here are the most common patterns. And you can pick up the curtains depicting vegetables and fruits, rural landscapes.

Volani, Ryushi, lambrequins will love such curtains. And what else is important - Country style implies that all your home textiles will compose as it were for a single ensemble. You can even buy already finished sets, they have both curtains, and furniture covers, and tablecloths with napkins of one color Gamma..

How to choose a curtains of High-Tek supporters? They are suitable for the design of the room concise variants of the simple shape of silver and metal shades, a white and blue gamma. Fabrics must be smooth, better without drawing.

Fans of minimalism should pay attention to the curtains of a simple design, with smooth lines, Without any drapes and volanov. Home textiles is chosen in accordance with the requirements of the style - the minimum of decor and simplicity.

Not bad choice with such design - roman curtains. They resemble blinds, but are not divided into sections, but are made of a solid piece of fabric. They make them in size of the window, as if "insert" in the frame. When you need, the curtain is folded by the harmonica. It is well combined with a seal curtain.

Lovers of pomp and luxury Baroque or Rococo style will prefer richly looking sorts of curtains stitched from expensive fabrics - it can be velvet, jacquard, taffeta, a brocade, tight silk.

The curtain density gives the lining, and their solemn view of the eaves, imitating gold, bronze or silver. Complex design of lambrequins, abundance of folds, bows and fringe are relevant here and will fit general style. Do not do without hardine - from light fabrics, such as veils and organza.

Interesting interior design ideas with a curtain - in this video:

How to choose color curtains

Home textiles must be selected, given the interior color gamut. The curtains on the windows focus on their attention, so they are not chosen to the walls, they should be darker or lighter. Consider both the corders are combined with furniture in the room.

Concerning color solving Curtains, they, like all home textiles, are selected taking into account the psychology of color in the interior. After all, each shade in its own way affects the feeling of comfort and comfort in the house.

Those pretty purple curtains that you bought, succumbing to a momentary gust, can very soon cause an inexplicable longing and depression. And the curtains of a juicy red color - flashes of aggression.

Curtains and room size

Incorrectly selected home textiles can visually reduce the already modest sizes of the room, to create the impression that the ceiling "gives" you. Lucky owners spacious premises With high ceilings - they can choose almost any curtain design.

But in the low room, the choice is limited - the lambretes are contraindicated, lush curtains with folds are also inappropriate. Visually make the room above will help vertical strips On the curtains, and it is possible to expand the room due to contrast fabrics with transverse stripes.

Do you have wide windows? Then the options with assemblies will look good, will decorate your interior, for example, french curtains.

Rolled curtains better use if the room goes to sunny side And you need to adjust the lighting.

And with a lack of light, choose a loose body of curtains when you open them, it is not bad to fix with the help of pickup.
Simple and strict window design makes the room lighter and spacious.

In a narrow small room, you can apply such a reception: the curtains hang only on one side of the window opening, it will visually expand the space.

Home textiles: Fabrics for curtains

The combination of tight curtains and lightweight, transparent curtain from Tulle, organza, veils is still popular. If you choose heavy fabrics like velvet and brocade, then the curtains will be better to look at a multitude of folds. And you should not save on the lining - except that it helps keep the shape, also protects the expensive tissue from burnout.

What is better - natural or artificial fabric? If we talk about such home textiles, like towels, bedding and napkins, then the choice is obvious. All this should be natural.

With curtains more difficult - flax, cotton, wool have a property to sit down and are often deformed when washing, and still linked, burn out and impel. But they are environmentally friendly, perfectly suitable for interiors in ethnic, environmental and vintage styles.

It will last longer (at the same time cost cheaper) synthetic fabrics, they are more durable and wear-resistant. However, we take into account the minuses - the air they pass badly and accumulate static tension.

But it is suitable for any style of the interior, curtains are well looking out of artificial fabrics, they are easily beautiful and smoothly distributed through the window.

Pillars made of polyester with admixture of cotton are practical to be practical - it is easy to erase and retain the form. But the curtains from the velvet can not be erased - they are only suitable for dry cleaning.

Today we are offered so different types of curtains, coloring and invoice that you are not so difficult to choose exactly. The main thing is to take into account all the recommendations of the specialists, about which we told you.

About home textiles (its other types) will continue the conversation in the following articles. We need to correctly pick up and capes on furniture, and bed linen, and tablecloths with napkins. Without them homemade Just impossible.

In the meantime - watch the video with useful adviceHow to choose curtains that will decorate your home and make it beautiful and comfortable.

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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Textile clearance not only gives the interior of the characteristic image and completed appearance, but also can create comfort or solemnity, emphasize the rigor or ease of the selected style. We talked with the designer Svetlana Yurkova about textiles: how to choose it and what to pay attention to.

Svetlana Yurkova, interior designer : "Textile selection should include several main criteria: tasks that need to be solved using textiles, general room proportions, interior style, finishing color, furniture and more. But first, you need to decide on the textile budget, having laid it at the very beginning of the repair and construction work. "

Think complex. Textiles is always a combination: textures, colors and pattern. Let these tissue characteristics overlap with other details in the interior and among themselves. A systematic and thoughtful look at textile design will help you avoid unnecessary impulsive purchases.

Take the lighting.Remember that with a certain lighting and in combination with different colors, textiles will behave differently. Therefore, for a start, select several samples of suitable tissues in the cabin, and the final decision is already at the facility.

Determine the functionality.Put utilitarian tasks in addition to purely decorator. For example, fabrics for curtains in a bedroom or a living room with a home cinema should absorb daylight Thanks to its properties and design, the curtains, so when choosing a fabric, pay attention to the necessary functions.

Follow the classic rules. If you do not feel the potential of the decorator, follow the proven receptions and rules of combinations and design. For example, there is an unlawful etiquette, according to which the tissue on straight curtains should be a lot (not less than 2.5 cornice lengths). The distance from the floor to the lower edge of the curtain must be no more than 2-3 cm! Or (if you like it) Curtains can lie on the floor. In this case, the fabric must necessarily be soft and "Poklady". And the curtains from the fabric that keeps the shape must be strictly to the floor.

Reasonable savings.Textile selection is a matter of physical comfort and a cozy atmosphere. Choose expensive and pleasant fabrics for things that will not be actively used and quickly deteriorate. For example, dear and bright pillows on the sofa can be for the decor, and the bottom backgrounds for convenience and use.

Any tips on choosing decor and textiles are reduced to one general rule: not to "chop from the shoulder", and it is meaningful to the task, because it is directly related to the question of your financial investments and the final result.

The bed is an oasis of calm, in which each of us at least for a few hours a day becomes happy, harmonious and free from obligations. Sometimes layout and housing do not assume a separate bedroom, and sometimes even a separate bed, highlighting only a folding sofa to sleep. However, at that time, on which your bed is waiting for its "guest" into soft textile embraces, any old "book" becomes a bed with a capital letter, embodying the aspirations of the long-awaited rest. Key moment Reincarnation from the furniture item to the paradise for a dream directly associated with bed linen And the decoration - it is from its quantity, quality and filling depends on how sweet and calm will be your dreams. However, designers, as a rule, pay this most important part of the bedroom the smallest attention - and very in vain, because the wrong-selected bedroom textile can reduce all positive impressions from the night.

Choose a cloth for bed linen

The comfort, comfort and practicality, both visual and tactile - these are the questions that should be set when choosing bed linen, as well as bedspreads, which will take place underwear during the daytime, hiding it from curious eyes and dust. Consider the main milestones of this process, and begin with the foundations - namely, we will define with a cloth for bed linen.

Always carefully read what is written on the price tag of a bedroom textile - guided purely external species This is a gross mistake that can do with you with tangible discomfort.

Silk - The material that is known to us from the ladies of novels, where the "silk sheets" of scarlet or black color is invariably. It should be noted that in life, underwear from natural silk is found very rarely - silk is sensitive to moisture and is not enough for regular washing, it has a tangible cooling effect, which is suitable for the eastern palaces, but little comes to the realities of the harsh Russian winters. On silk linen, you can in the literal sense of this word slip and fall from the bed that real life, not on the pages of the book, is not too comfortable for sleep. Silk is definitely, the tightening easily formed on it, and in general this material is rather suitable for expensive clothes, but not for felting on the bed.

Satin - This is a modern replacement for "silk linen". Most of luxury linen and comfort today sews from satin different varieties. Satin hypoallergen, is durable and resistant to fringing, does not electrify, breathable, and its smooth half-one, unlike silk, does not slide and does not "cool" the skin.

Satin is manufactured from twice twisted cotton threads, sometimes with additional additives. There is a 100% bio-satin of cotton obtained by the method organic farming. It is on satine that you can usually see the entire modern range of patterns and patterns for linen - from reproductions and photos with a 3D effect to complex tapestry and embroidery.

Jacquard - Another modern "silk". It is made of 100% cotton or blended yarn with synthetics, has a smooth, brilliant surface. Due to the special method of weave the threads, the jacquard is distinguished by the increased durability of the pattern. This fabric perfectly absorbs moisture, breathable and durable. Along with expensive types of satin, jacquard - luxury-level linen fabric. It should be noted that Jacquard needs special care - It should be stroking it from the inside, washed at low temperatures, it is impossible to blees or dry under sunny rays. Jacquard is not antisticate, which is important for those in whose house there are pets.

Poplin - Fabric of 100% long fiber cotton, absolutely natural and hypoallergenic. Popin soft to the touch, less silky than satin, and very comfortable for sleep. It is not necessary to iron - he himself smoothes after they are stuck bed. Today, underwear from Poplin is rapidly gaining popularity, but prices for it are still slightly lower than on Lingerie from Satina and Jacquard.

Percale - Durable cotton fabric from non-crushed threads. Person's lingerie is soft and pleasant to the touch, comfortable, resistant to wear. Very dense weave of threads does not miss the fluff and pen, which is relevant if you prefer pillows and blankets with natural fillers. Along with jacquard and satin, the percal is used for luxury linen.

Biaz - an economical choice for those who do not seek to buy underwear "for centuries." It is a dense, harsh cotton fabric. Calcuse is easier and thinner than more expensive fabrics - satin or jacquard - less durable and durable. Nevertheless, it is characterized by hypoallergenia, hygienicity, perfectly absorbs moisture and passes air, and also boasts a large variety of drawings and patterns. Lingerie from Boszya most often has a domestic origin. Plus Bosi - antistatic properties; If there are pets in the house, loving sleeping near the owners, then the coarse is one of the materials, quite well resisting the attraction remaining after animal hair.

Sitz - An even cheaper analogue of Boszya, and even more unstable: withstands only a few washing cycles, after which it loses " marketable condition" However, the siter is natural and maybe a temporary solution or serve the "guest kit".

Linen - Quite expensive material, which is also poorly tolerate ironing and unstable to fringing. Of course, linen linen has many advantages - in addition to hypoallery, flax is a natural antiseptic, gently angry pathogenic bacteria, and supports optimal microclimate in bed: you do not overheat, as it can be used in synthetic materials, and do not freeze like silk Linen. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to increase the wear resistance of flax, today the synthetic threads are most often added to this linen.

Polykotton - synthetic material From cotton and polyester. He has increased wear resistance To washing, it does not need ironing, it does not mean enough air- and moisture, although permeability of him and less than in natural tissues. Polycotton will not fade after cleaning, so underwear is often manufactured from it with the brightest and catchy drawings. Moreover, this cloth is quite inexpensive. In this case, the polycotton is exposed to static electricity.

Polyester fiber - inexpensive fully synthetic material, rather hard and very strongly exposed to electrification. At the same time, such underwear does not sit down and will not fade after washing and is often found among inexpensive economy sets.

Filling pillows and blankets

In addition to choosing "clothes", it is necessary to decide also with the "candy" itself - with the filling of those the most blankets and pillows that you will wear in your freshly underwear.

Hollofiber - Siliconized artificial fiber, which is most often used to fill the pillows and the boat of the economy class. This is hypoallergenic, "breathable", safe material, resistant to cleaning and suitable for children's bedroom. In Hollofiber, the dust tick and other insects do not start. To the touch hollofiber elastic and lush, has a slight massaging effect. However, for long-term use, the filler has the property "divide" to the components and lose the form, "blown".

Sheep's wool - View of natural woolen filler. A blanket from sheep wool, like a camel blanket, can be used without a duvette. Sheep wool normalizes sleep and pressure, such a blanket is useful to use in coldic diseases. It warms well in winter and does not make sweat in the summer. Hypoallergenicity and high durability complement the list useful properties Such a blanket.

Bamboo fiber - Filler, which is at the peak of fashion today. This is an environmentally friendly, light, soft and warm filler, which prevents the occurrence of mold and does not absorb smells, has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It stands to washing and drying, keeps the original shape well. It should be noted that according to some sources, bamboo fiber is not hypoallergenic.

swansdown - Traditional filler for pillows and Perin, who came to us from past centuries. However, since today the swans are extinct species, most often under this title use artificial swan fluff - tinsulyt, siliconized artificial microfiber. Such blankets and pillows are easy, very soft, passed air and "breathe", well stored form, do not absorb smells, insects and ticks are not breeding.

Goose fluff - Traditional filler, which is still used in its "genuine" form. Before use, treatment is processed that protects against the occurrence of bacteria and harmful microorganisms. This is a soft, lightweight, pleasant warming filler, which, at the same time, is not hypoallergenic and may not be allergized or a small child.

Camel's wool - Natural hypoallergenic filler for blankets, pillows and mattress covers, considered one of the best properties. Such blankets provide optimal microclimate during sleep, as well as favorably affect muscles and skin, preventing overheating and improving blood circulation. With careful care - durable, resistant filler.

Color spectrum

Oddly enough, but the color of bed linen affects the quality of sleep much less than it is considered. Therefore, when choosing a shade or pattern, you can safely be guided by personal preferences, the combination with the tone of the bedspread and other textiles in the bedroom or the color of the walls. There are, however, and the general rules that we will try to list.

For example, unnecessarily bright and small drawing can have visual pressure, annoy and even become a cause of headaches. This also applies to a shallow bright cage, diamonds, stripes.

Red orange tones In the bedroom is not so appropriate, as Molva tells us: instead of activating romantic aspirations, red underwear can provoke a married quarrel. In addition, warm bright shades interfere with relaxation, the organism is not on vacation, but to work.

Black underwear and dark tones (purple, dark blue, dark green) should not be used if you are prone to melancholy and depression.

Lilac and purple tones of bed linen contribute to calm falling and sustainable sleep. These shades affect the excited and nervous people.

Even in the underwear with a drawing, the sheets are recommended to pick up one-photon. The abrasability of this object of linen is highest, and the visual value of the drawing will be minimal. In addition, the set completely decorated with a brown pattern, regardless of the tone, can similarly cause subconscious irritation.

Baby cot

Choosing bed linen for a child, first of all, to draw attention to the hypoallergenicity of the tissue and filler. Fabrics like natural flax, hawk, poplin and perkal will be the most suitable options. Jacquard, satin and artificial supplements for children's linen are not recommended. Excessive decoration of linen - lace, multilayer finish, fringe - inexpedient in a crib.

Natural fillers for pillows - fluff and pen - often can be allergic, and often allergies manifest themselves with age or do not give themselves at first, in addition to headaches, disorders of the stomach and weakening of immunity. So for young children best selection There will be a hypoallergenic artificial filler - holofiber, or sheep or camel wool for a blanket.

As for the color scheme, the traditional choice for children is underwear with the image of favorite fabulous or cartoon characters. Usually, the images are applied on a duvet cover and / or pillowcases. Good suitable for baby linens of calm pastel shades (lilac, blue, salmon, pale green), inadequate blue and discreet purple - colors soothing and configuring on a night leisure. Orange, red or yellow linen can take up the baby and "knock down" sleep.

Textile selection in the bedroom is a question that requires the most close and careful attention, because it is thanks to him that you will create not only cozy interiorBut also provide yourself a full and healthy vacation, giving energy and forces for the whole day.

The Village found out why so much in the interior depends on the curtains, how to choose the right size of bed linen and choose a tablecloth for a dinner and for every day.


The most important thing when choosing a set of bed linen is the material from which he sews. If you want to sleep comfortably, I recommend choosing eco-friendly materials: Cotton and flax. Only such a composition will provide you with a healthy dream.

Satin, Perkal, Calico - These are all cotton fabrics, they are distinguished by the weave of the threads. Pay attention to high-quality characteristics - the number of threads per inch and the thread itself. The higher the number of threads, the material is more durable. For example, a standard satin is 180-220 threads. Premium - 300-350. There is a satin with 500 threads per inch. As a rule, sets from such satin are very expensive.

Bamboo and tensel - modern eco-friendly materials, not synthetic, as many believe. Such fabrics have significantly greater strength than cotton materials, high absorbent ability, have a soft, silky surface, can be painted in any colors - cotton fibers do not have such abilities. In addition, these fabrics have antibacterial properties.

Under the standard sizes of bed linen, there are usually 50 × 70 or 70 × 70 centimeters. A semi-gun set is a duvet cover 150 × 205 centimeters and a sheet of 150 × 240 centimeters. Double kit is a duvet cover 180 × 205 centimeters and a sheet of 230 × 240 centimeters. The "Euro" kit is a duvet cover 200 × 205 centimeters and a sheet of 240 × 260 centimeters, and "Euro Maxi" is a duvet cover 200 × 220 and a sheet of 240 × 260 centimeters. But IKEA has its own standards. Therefore, if you bought bedding in IKEA, be prepared for the fact that bed linen will have to buy there.

If you buy a sheet on the rubber band, then you need to know the dimensions of the mattress: length, width, height. As a rule, ready-made sheets on the rubber band are sewn under the height of the mattress of 20 centimeters. But in practice there are often mattresses with a height of 25-35 centimeters - in this case, the finished sheet will be small in size. Choosing the size of the sheet, take into account 10-15 centimeters that you refuel under the mattress. So, if the width of the mattress is 160 centimeters, add 20 centimeters of the height of the mattress and 15 centimeters on both sides that you refuel under the mattress. In this way, necessary size Sheets will be 230 centimeters.

If you want to sleep on bed linen, which is sewn in size bedroomIt is better to make an order for an individual tailoring, especially since the specialized studio has now appeared, where it can be done not for mad money.


With a tablecloth is not so simple. Whereas bed linen still exist standard dimensions, there is no such size of such sizes, because with the advent of carpentry workshops it became possible to do dinner table That size that you need. And consequently, to maximize the size of the tablecloth you need to sew to order. Golden Rule The cutting etiquette says: better let the tablecloth be too long than a little bit short. Optimally, if the free edge of the tablecloth hangs on 20-30 centimeters from the table (approximately to the chair seat). If you have a round table with a diameter of 90 centimeters, then choose a tablecloth with a diameter of 140 centimeters. The square table of 90 × 90 centimeters is also best suitable for a tablecloth measuring 140 × 140 centimeters. At the rectangular table of 90 × 150 centimeters, look for a size of 140 × 190 centimeters. The same thing is on the oval table.

Tablecloths made of natural fabrics - cotton, flax - good, but impractical due to the fact that it is easy to rush. Therefore, do not be afraid to choose a tablecloth from materials with the addition of synthetics. There is also an additional option in the form of a lower tablecloth called Mulem. Its stele in order to protect the surface of the table from contamination and damage. For example, if shed red wine on wooden table Or put a hot kettle on it, then the probability is high that traces will remain on the table top. With Mileton, you can not worry about it. In addition, Mileton prevents sliding tablecloths.

For everyday use it is better to choose a tablecloth with teflon impregnation. The manifold of the tablecloths will always complicate the choice. But the classic remains classic, and for solemn lunches it is better to choose traditional colors: white, cream, eggplant.


If you decide to buy ready-made curtainsYou need to know the distance between the crochet cornice to the floor and the length of the eaves. But if you want the curtains perfectly fit into the interior of the apartment, it is better to sew them to order.

The type of curtains depends on the size and location of the windows, the height of the ceilings and the interior. Choosing fabrics with a pattern, remember that contrast fabrics with the image of the transverse strips are visually expanding the walls, and the vertical stripes, on the contrary, make them "higher". Curtains with a bright pattern produce a strong impression, but quickly bored.

If you have wide window, it is better to give preference to the curtains with assemblies. In this case, the fabric must be 2.5-3 times longer than the eaves. If you have low ceiling, lush drapets and lambrequins will look inappropriate - it is better to refuse them. To make the focus on the curtains, choose the material lighter or darker walls. But do not pick up the curtains under the wallpaper, better - under the furniture.

There are curtains that are moving in different sides, and there are rolled. The function of the latter is adjusting the lighting in the room. The same function has a more refined model - the Roman curtains, which develops the harmonica. Elegant French curtains are called "marquises". They are sewed from light cloth, and they attach solemnity. The most common curtain model remains a combination of two canvases - from dense and heavy tissue and transparent tulle. This is a universal version: heavy curtains can be removed for the summer and leave only background tulle.

For curtains, choose a well-draped material. Heavy brocade, velvet, Silk winning looks with abundance of folds. If you leave the speed to step by floor, it will give the space and the product itself more expensive. When sewing the curtains, it is better not to save on the lining: in addition to its decorative propertiesIt has a completely obvious function - protects the main fabric from burnout in the sun. The lining significantly affects the price, but it is worth it. In addition, there are tissues with a special dust-repellent impregnation, thanks to which the curtains will not be resistant to the effects of sunlight.

Photos:cover - shutterstock.com/

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