Why dream of washing bedding with your hands. Wash clothes in a dream

landscaping 16.10.2019

We saw laundry in a dream - join the fight that will end in your victory and lead you to success.

Cleanly washed clothes mean that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness.

If in a dream you are unhappy with the result of washing, then in reality you will fail.

A pretty girl, busy doing laundry, dreams of forbidden pleasures.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream about laundry

Seeing laundry in a dream portends a struggle that will end in your victory and lead to success.

If the clothes are washed clean -: Your aspirations will bring complete happiness. If you are dissatisfied with the way things look, you will fail.

To dream of a pretty girl doing laundry means that you will be looking for forbidden pleasures.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about washing

A dream about her portends squabbles, disputes, contention, humiliation, shame. Next See interpretation: by the names of what you are erasing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What do dreams mean washing

If you dreamed that you washed clothes that were clean, this portends you honest relationship with a chosen one.

Dirty linen, on the contrary, promises trouble.

A man who dreams of a pretty girl washing clothes will seek forbidden pleasures.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream about laundry

To erase in a dream means to enter into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If the clothes are washed clean, your victory will be complete, all your desires will come true. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of washing, you are in for a losing streak. If you see in a dream a pretty girl who is busy doing laundry, you will look for entertainment on the side.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does laundry mean in a dream

If you dreamed that you were washing clothes (by hand), the dream means that you will enter into a struggle that will end in your victory.

Imagine that all the laundry has been washed and will soon dry. You enjoy its radiant clean look.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of dreams Washing

This is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.

Seeing someone washing clothes means that you risk being drawn into some kind of conflict.

Washing your own clothes in a dream is a sign that some kind of scandal may have a bad effect on your reputation and position in society, and you will need to make a lot of efforts to solve this problem.

Interpretation of dreams from

The modern interpretation of dreams comes down to the psychological aspects of human life, while the ancestors associated dreams with the search for "keys to the future." It was believed that the soul of the sleeping person is sent to travel to the other world, in which there is information about everything.

Lucid Dreaming: A Simple Path to Your Subconscious Mind

Answers to any questions, the realization of even the most unrealistic dreams, self-knowledge and the development of one's personality are only a small part of the possibilities that the world of lucid dreaming can give. The ability to manage your dreams is available to everyone, you just need to want and find a way that connects consciousness with the subconscious.

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you want to always get enough sleep and have good dreams? Meet folk wisdom relating to dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are indisputable theorems. One of them says: "Men, much more often than women, have dreams of erotic content." The question automatically arises: why?

Why dream of washing

Wash in a modern dream book

Laundry in a dream portends a rivalry for you, from which you will come out with brilliance, without losing self-esteem, becoming the winner. Cleanly washed linen or outerwear in a dream - to a settled order in your affairs. Hanging up cleanly washed clothes in a dream - to a series of new records and achievements that dilute a mediocre life. If you took the laundry to the laundry - someone will compete with you, there will be rivals. A laundress who comes to the house means the loss of health or values. Wash underwear in a dream - to cleanse from adversity.

Wash in Miller's dream book

To use the latest washing machine to wash clothes - carefully prepare for any political process, reconsider your views on your appearance, on some business ideas. Wash clothes with someone together - you may need help, cooperation and tips from friends. Wash clothes yourself and by hand - you will not have to rely on anyone's help, you will solve all your questions and difficulties alone.

Wash in Vanga's dream book

Wash clothes in dirty or muddy water- to unhealthy conversations around you, to gossip. Washing and seeing clean, fragrant linen in a dream - to establish connections and commercial relations. If things remain dirty after washing, an unfavorable or even critical turn in fate awaits you. Washing dreams of a change of worldview.

Erase in Freud's dream book

Wash clothes in dreams - in your real life you want to get rid of obsessive unpleasant moments. In a dream, a girl of extraordinary beauty washes your underwear - you are tired of monotonous and conservative sex, you are looking for fresh contacts on the side. Wash your own linen - you are ashamed of your inappropriate acts in sex. Wash linen from stains - to treason. To give in a dream to wash your linen to another person - you are not able to autonomously resolve bed conflicts and bring them up for collective discussion. To see in a dream how you hang clothes on a rope will lead to the fact that your sexual contacts will become known to everyone.

Dreams are always a lie.

Why dream of washing clothes? It is necessary to look for the answer to this question in your own subconscious, and not in dubious collections, which are called "dream books". Why so categorical, you ask?

In our article, we will definitely consider the meanings of this image in various collections. But besides this, a serious blow will be dealt to the concept of dream books. We will explain why they should be treated with distrust.

People have been trying to unravel the mystery of dreams for centuries. But since they did not have the necessary scientific knowledge, they began to associate dreams with psychic abilities and sincerely believed that they could predict the future. At the same time, the concept of dream books appeared - collections of images with a possible interpretation of their meaning.

In our time, scientists have already begun to study sleep. During research, they found that dreams do not have any mystical component. They are a product of the human brain.

In most cases, the main task of sleep is to fill the void, process information and logically explain external stimuli. In fact, dreams can be compared to hallucinations. These phenomena are really very similar - the brain creates images that distort reality and have nothing to do with what is happening.

But dreams can be a "key" to a person's subconscious. Often they reflect psychological problems, fears and complexes. Therefore, dreams can really be useful for a person and help to understand oneself.

Why dream of washing clothes in a washing machine, the dream book most likely will not tell you exactly. You have learned that dreams are created by the human brain. Contrary to beliefs, they do not come to us from another world.

It must be understood that the thinking and psychology of people is different. Therefore, the human brain can generate images with perfect different meaning. The authors of dream books are trying to fit people into a single system, this is the main mistake.

Today, psychologists have realized that dreams cannot be interpreted in the same way for everyone. Indeed, some images may be similar due to a single culture, common language or religion. But it is still necessary to interpret dreams individually, then high accuracy can be achieved.

Conclusion: it is necessary to treat dream books with distrust. Do not take the provided interpretations as an indisputable truth. Dream Interpretations can be wrong, so do not be upset because of bad predictions and do not make important decisions based on them.

Wash clothes

Why dream of a washing machine and the washing itself? We list the possible interpretations:

  • Bringing order.
  • Changes in the future.
  • Gossip and quarrels.
  • Success in all matters.
  • Possible problems in the implementation of complex projects.
  • Financial difficulties.

The meaning of a dream is influenced by circumstances and small nuances. Therefore, try to remember what exactly you dreamed about at night. Collect as much related information as possible to understand the meaning of sleep.

Why dream of washing clothes in a washing machine?

Let's study the possible values ​​\u200b\u200bof washing clothes in a typewriter:

  1. The girl will not be able to attract the man of interest.
  2. Do not try to be in time everywhere to avoid overwork. Set aside time for proper rest.

Dream Interpretation: wash clothes by hand

Why dream of washing clothes with your hands? Consider possible options interpretations:

  • A scandal is expected that will adversely affect your position.
  • Additionally, washing clothes with your hands indicates future changes.
  • Change is not ruled out.
  • Man will face a difficult but successful struggle.
  • Troubles and quarrels are expected.
  • You may face rivalry and competition.

Readers may wonder: why do the meanings of one image differ so much? Interpretations from various authors of dream books are simply provided. A similar question arises in most people with critical thinking and calls into question the real usefulness of such collections.

Why dream of hanging washed clothes?

Hanging clean washed linen - you need to deal with old problems. Give up new plans until you complete existing business. Do not try to do everything at once - you will not succeed anywhere.

The meaning of the thing you erase

The interpretation can be influenced by the type of thing that the person washed:

  1. Socks - self-confidence will allow you to cope with troubles.
  2. Bed linen - new business connections.
  3. Bathrobe - you should not constantly blame yourself for old mistakes. A person will not be able to change the past, but negative experience will help to avoid failures in the future.
  4. Underwear - gossip and rumors about your life will be spread by colleagues.
  5. Pants - financial difficulties are possible.
  6. Shirt - meet a person who will become a good friend.
  7. Dress - do old things and solve existing problems.

Modern dream book

By modern dream book, washing clothes indicates rivalry. But a person can win it without much difficulty. As a result, success at work awaits you, promotion is not excluded.

Other interpretations:

  • The linen is washed with high quality - harmony will come in all areas of life.
  • Hanging clean things - you will achieve serious results.
  • Turning to the laundry - the emergence of competitors.
  • Inviting a laundress home is a possible financial loss.
  • Washing underwear - you will get rid of existing problems.

Miller's dream book

Values ​​​​according to the Miller collection:

  1. Using a washing machine is a big change.
  2. Wash with someone together - a person will need support from friends or colleagues.
  3. Perform the process manually - you will have to solve the problems that arise on your own.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Possible values:

  • Wash clothes in dirty water - intrigue and gossip.
  • It is possible to establish old connections.
  • A person cannot get rid of spots - abrupt changes in life are likely.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, washing clothes indicates a desire to get rid of unpleasant moments in real life. Additionally, such a dream may be a sign of sexual dissatisfaction. Perhaps you need to change partners or experiment in intimate life.

Dream Interpretation of Evdokia

Interpretation of a dream according to Evdokia's dream book:

  1. Possible occurrence of the disease.
  2. To see how other people erase is success and victory over rivals.
  3. Linen washed clean - a sign of future good luck.
  4. The presence of spots on things is a harbinger of trouble and grief.
  5. The guy saw in a dream an erasing girl - quick romantic adventures.

American dream book

Laundry - putting "dirty linen" on display.

Idiomatic dream book

“Wash dirty linen” - put things in order, but “poking around in dirty linen” - gossip, unseemly curiosity; “Erasing traces” is a crime; "soak" - to kill.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why dream of Washing?

If you wash light-colored linen - to the good news; color - to the bad.

Russian dream book

Washing is an unfavorable turn in fate.

Family dream book

We saw laundry in a dream - join the fight that will end in your victory and lead you to success.

Cleanly washed clothes - means that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness.

If in a dream you are unhappy with the result of washing - in reality you will fail.

A pretty girl busy doing laundry - dreams of forbidden pleasures.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Washing?

If you dreamed that you were washing clothes - in reality you will face a struggle, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness.

Cleanly washed clothes are a sign of good luck.

If things remain dirty, an unfavorable turn in fate awaits you.

See beautiful girl laundry - means that you will strive for entertainment outside your environment.

If you dreamed that a washerwoman came to your house, in real life you are threatened by illness or the loss of something valuable.

Being in a dream in a laundry is a prediction of rivalry and competition.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Washing - the need to change your worldview and / or your views on yourself. Reflection of the process of changing the worldview. The need to purify one's thoughts and/or speech.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why did you dream of Washing in a dream?

In a dream, washing clothes with your hands - to treason, troubles in your personal life, in a car - to changes in the environment.

Washing powder in a dream is a sign of what awaits you hard work.

If you dreamed of a laundry - human rumor, chatter will bring you trouble.

If in a dream you use a washboard, this is a sign that you may experience difficulties.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Wash feces from linen - financial troubles, loss of money through one's own fault.

Washing linen is a disease and trouble, the dirtier the linen, the stronger the trouble.

Washing underwear is a passion for order, putting your affairs in order.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If you dreamed that you washed your laundry that became clean, this portends you an honest relationship with your chosen one.

Dirty laundry - on the contrary, promises trouble.

A man who dreams of a pretty girl washing clothes will seek forbidden pleasures.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Wash - it's time to cleanse. Clean up your life. Do you let people know about all your weaknesses and vices and put your "dirty laundry" on display?

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Erase - a hard and difficult struggle with rivals will end in your victory.

Washed linen - everything that is planned will come true.

To see that the laundry remains dirty after washing is a bad decision.

Wash by hand - you can only rely on your own own forces in solving a difficult problem.

Wash on a washing machine - if you need the help of friends, think carefully about which of them you can trust.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Washing in a dream is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.

Seeing someone washing clothes means that you run the risk of being drawn into some kind of conflict.

Washing your own clothes in a dream is a sign that some kind of scandal may have a bad effect on your reputation and position in society, and you will need to make a lot of efforts to solve this problem.

Miller's dream book

Seeing laundry in a dream portends a struggle that will end in your victory and lead to success.

If the clothes are washed clean, your aspirations will bring complete happiness.

If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of things, you will fail.

To dream of a pretty girl doing laundry means that you will be looking for forbidden pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Wash clothes - to the disease, especially bloody.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Washing clothes is a hassle.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Erase according to the dream book?

Wash, rinse - build relationships; family strife; treason.

Wet laundry is a difficult relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Wash clothes with your hands - treason, personal loss; washing in the car - a change of place or circle of acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

If after washing your clothes become clean, all your aspirations will bring you success.

If a woman erases in a dream, she dreams of acquiring expensive things.

If a man erases, in the near future he will have an unpleasant conversation related to everyday problems.

Laundry - means the need to change your life.

Ukrainian dream book

Wash - get sick, wash - loss.

Esoteric dream book

Wash clothes - from the memory of unseemly acts or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you.

Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten.

Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Erase according to the dream book?

The dream in which the clothes were washed indicates that you are full of strength and energy, can achieve a lot.

If everything was washed off, you will be very lucky in the future.

Washing failed - do not expect anything good from the future.

If someone erases in your dream, then you will want to expand your social circle soon.

Someone came to wash clothes in your house - you can get sick soon.


Dream Interpretation Laundry, why dream of Laundry in a dream to see

Women's dream book What is the dream of Washing according to the dream book:

Washing - Washing in a dream means entering into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If the clothes are washed clean, your victory will be complete, all your desires will come true. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of washing, you are in for a losing streak. If you see in a dream a pretty girl who is busy doing laundry, you will look for entertainment on the side, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Washing:

Washing - Washing - getting sick, washing - loss, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century What is the dream of washing?

See in a dream

Washing - In a dream, to see washing clothes with your hands - to treason, troubles in your personal life, in a car - to changes in the environment. Washing powder in a dream is a sign that hard work awaits you. If you dreamed of a laundry - human rumor, chatter will bring you trouble. If in a dream you use a washboard, this is a sign that you may experience difficulties.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist G. Miller What does Laundry dream about in a dream:

Laundry - Seeing laundry in a dream portends a struggle that will end in your victory and lead to success. If the clothes are washed clean, your aspirations will bring complete happiness. If you are dissatisfied with the appearance of things, you will fail. To dream of a pretty girl doing laundry means that you will be looking for forbidden pleasures.


Dream Interpretation Erase, why dream of Erase in a dream to see

Idiomatic dream book Why dream of Erase according to the dream book:

Seeing in a dream Wash - “Wash dirty linen” - put things in order, but “poking around in dirty linen” - gossip, unseemly curiosity. "erase the traces (of the crime)"; "soak" - to kill; "Eraser"

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Erase what it means

Wash - Linen with hands - treason, loss in personal; washing in the car - a change of place or circle of acquaintances, according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered in this way.

Modern dream book If you dream Erase:

Solves a dream book: Erase - Illness, resentment

Esoteric dream book If you dream Erase:

Wash - Erase unseemly acts or painful memories from memory. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. With an eraser, do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten about. Hang clean linen after washing to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why dream of Erase:

Wash clothes - To the disease, especially bloody.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing in a dream Erase

In a dream, why dream of Washing clothes - Trouble

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Wash, rinse - Build relationships; family strife; treason. Wet laundry is a difficult relationship.


Dream interpretation wash linen

Why dream of washing underwear in a dream from a dream book?

If in a dream you washed clothes, be sure someone is discussing you. And if you see dirty water, then ill-wishers talk about you. They say unflattering things, condemn and criticize. If the water is clean, then discussed the best sides your nature.

How did you wash your clothes in your dream?

If in a dream you washed clothes in a typewriter

A dream about washing clothes in a typewriter is interpreted by a dream book as changes in the environment. Relationships with loved ones run the risk of spoiling overnight, and previously inconspicuous people can provide invaluable help.

Why dream of washing clothes with your hands

What clothes did you wash in a dream?

Dream about washing clean clothes

A dream about washing clean linen speaks of your gentle nature. Your thoughts are pure, you absolutely do not want to harm anyone. If the water in which the laundry was washed remained clean after washing, then the future will also turn out to be bright and will not bring any unwanted surprises.

Washing dirty laundry in a dream

If you dream about how you wash your dirty linen, live in trouble. Chronic diseases may worsen, health problems may arise, and overall well-being may worsen.


I had a dream where I wash


Pigma Lyon

you have problems in your personal life. You are experiencing difficulties. m. b. in communication.
All will pass


You will try to solve your problems.


a dream portends squabbles, disputes, contention, humiliation, shame. You need to know what other things you washed.

~*~*~ LOVE !$ ...~*~*~

linen - treason, personal loss.

Underwear - to erase unseemly acts or painful memories from memory. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Seeing laundry in a dream portends a struggle that will end in your victory and lead to success.
If the clothes are washed clean, your aspirations will bring complete happiness. If you are dissatisfied with the way things look, you will fail.

Isabella Marie

Laundry - putting "dirty linen" on display.
Idiomatic dream book

“Wash dirty linen” - put things in order, but “poking around in dirty linen” - gossip, unseemly curiosity; “Erasing traces” is a crime; "soak" - to kill.
Family dream book

We saw laundry in a dream - join the fight that will end in your victory and lead you to success.

Cleanly washed clothes - means that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness.

If in a dream you are unhappy with the result of washing - in reality you will fail.

A pretty girl busy doing laundry - dreams of forbidden pleasures.
Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you were washing clothes - in reality you will face a struggle, from which you will emerge victorious and achieve happiness.

Cleanly washed clothes are a sign of good luck.

If things remain dirty, an unfavorable turn in fate awaits you.

Seeing a beautiful girl doing laundry means that you will strive for entertainment outside of your surroundings.

If you dreamed that a washerwoman came to your house, in real life you are threatened by illness or the loss of something valuable.

Being in a dream in a laundry is a prediction of rivalry and competition.
Dream Interpretation 2012

Washing - the need to change your worldview and / or your views on yourself. Reflection of the process of changing the worldview. The need to purify one's thoughts and/or speech.
Dream interpretation of the XXI century

In a dream, washing clothes with your hands - to treason, troubles in your personal life, in a car - to changes in the environment.

Washing powder in a dream is a sign that hard work awaits you.

If you dreamed of a laundry - human rumor, chatter will bring you trouble.

If in a dream you use a washboard, this is a sign that you may experience difficulties.
Dream Interpretation Veles

Wash feces from linen - financial troubles, loss of money through one's own fault.

Washing linen is a disease and trouble, the dirtier the linen, the stronger the trouble.

Wash underwear in household appliances- passion for order, putting one's affairs in order.
Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dreamed that you washed your laundry that became clean, this portends you an honest relationship with your chosen one.

Dirty laundry - on the contrary, promises trouble.

A man who dreams of a pretty girl washing clothes will seek forbidden pleasures.
Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Wash - it's time to cleanse. Clean up your life. Do you let people know about all your weaknesses and vices and put your "dirty laundry" on display?
Dream interpretation for a bitch

Erase - a hard and difficult struggle with rivals will end in your victory.

Washed linen - everything that is planned will come true.

To see that the laundry remains dirty after washing is a bad decision.

Wash with your hands - you can only rely on your own strength in solving a difficult task.

Wash on a washing machine - if you need the help of friends, think carefully about which of them you can trust.
Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Washing in a dream is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.

Seeing someone washing clothes means that you run the risk of being drawn into some kind of conflict.

Washing your own clothes in a dream is a sign that some kind of scandal may have a bad effect on your reputation and position in society, and you will need to make a lot of efforts to solve this problem.

Machine wash clothes

Dream Interpretation Wash clothes in a typewriter dreamed of why in a dream to wash clothes in a typewriter? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on initial letter an image that characterizes a dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Washing clothes in a typewriter by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Linen (wash)

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Dream Interpretation - Wash clothes

sickness and trouble

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Wash - Linen - erase from memory unseemly acts or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

"soak" kill.

"rubbing gum".

Dream Interpretation - Wash clothes


Dream Interpretation - Erase

Seeing yourself erasing in a dream means a struggle with the past, which will end in your victory.


Why is Laundry dreaming?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why dream of laundry by reading below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see in a dream not Laundry, but something else, use the search form for online interpretations of dreams.

What is the dream of Laundry

Seeing laundry in a dream portends a struggle that will end in your victory and lead to success.

If the clothes are washed clean -: Your aspirations will bring complete happiness. If you are dissatisfied with the way things look, you will fail.

To dream of a pretty girl doing laundry means that you will be looking for forbidden pleasures.

Dream about laundry

Washing - getting sick, washing - loss.

What does the dream of washing mean?

A dream about her portends squabbles, disputes, contention, humiliation, shame. Next See interpretation: by the names of what you are erasing.

Dream about washing

If you dreamed that you washed your laundry that was clean, this portends you an honest relationship with your chosen one.

Dirty linen, on the contrary, promises trouble.

A man who dreams of a pretty girl washing clothes will seek forbidden pleasures.

What do dreams mean washing

To erase in a dream means to enter into a struggle with circumstances that will lead you to success. If the clothes are washed clean, your victory will be complete, all your desires will come true. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of washing, you are in for a losing streak. If you see in a dream a pretty girl who is busy doing laundry, you will look for entertainment on the side.

Dream about laundry

If you dreamed that you were washing clothes (by hand), the dream means that you will enter into a struggle that will end in your victory.

Imagine that all the laundry has been washed and will soon dry. You enjoy its radiant clean look.

What does laundry mean in a dream

We saw laundry in a dream - join the fight that will end in your victory and lead you to success.

Cleanly washed clothes mean that your aspirations will bring you complete happiness.

If in a dream you are unhappy with the result of washing, then in reality you will fail.

A pretty girl, busy doing laundry, dreams of forbidden pleasures.

The meaning of dreams Washing

This is a harbinger of quarrels and troubles.

Seeing someone washing clothes means that you risk being drawn into some kind of conflict.

Washing your own clothes in a dream is a sign that some kind of scandal may have a bad effect on your reputation and position in society, and you will need to make a lot of efforts to solve this problem.

What does washing mean in a dream

Big wash - the fight against enemies, competitors, ill-wishers.

Cleanly washed things are the key to your victory.

Your dissatisfaction with the way things look predicts failure.

Wash underwear - to treason.

To hand over laundry for washing - refuse to solve household problems on your own.

Such a dream warns of a possible breakup of the family.

Wash hands - lose some position in personal affairs.

Wash in the car - soon change your place of work, residence or circle of friends.


Wash clothes by hand

Dream Interpretation Hand wash clothes dreamed of why in a dream to wash clothes with your hands? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of washing clothes with your hands by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Wash clothes

sickness and trouble

Dream Interpretation - Wash clothes


Dream Interpretation - Wash dirty laundry

Dream Interpretation - Linen (wash)

Seeing in a dream how you wash clothes is gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

You wash dirty clothes - a new employee, an official, will arrive.

You erase the bedspread from the bed - portends great happiness.

You wash, clean clothes - in all cases, fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Wash - Linen - erase from memory unseemly acts or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Wash - Linen - erase from memory unseemly acts or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

"wash dirty linen" put things in order, but "poking around in dirty linen" gossip, unseemly curiosity. "Erase traces (of crimes)."

"soak" kill.

"rubbing gum".

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Seeing yourself erasing in a dream means a struggle with the past, which will end in your victory.

If after washing your clothes become clean, all your aspirations will bring you success.

If a woman is washing, she dreams of acquiring expensive things.

If a man erases, in the near future he will have an unpleasant conversation related to everyday problems.

Laundry - means the need to change your life.

Dream Interpretation - Wash dirty linen

Lies, illness, resentment and trouble.


Wash your jacket

Dream Interpretation Wash a jacket dreamed of why in a dream to wash a jacket? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Washing a jacket by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Jacket

Seeing a jacket in a dream means that in reality you will suffer because of your stubbornness. Borrowing a jacket from someone portends that other people's mistakes will cause your failures.

Wearing in a dream or seeing someone wearing a chic jacket trimmed with expensive fur - such a dream portends exceptional luck in fulfilling your desires.

To have someone else's jacket on in a dream portends difficult situation in which you will have to turn to friends for help. An old, ragged jacket is a nuisance.

If in a dream a brand new genuine leather jacket was stolen from you, it means that in reality your business will not work out and you will have to start all over again.

Dream Interpretation - Jacket

Buying a jacket - portends you to become a member of the division of property.

Wearing a short, out of height jacket - to receive an unexpected reproach for non-compliance with decency.

Take off the top jacket - get rid of annoying duties.

Dream Interpretation - Jacket

Leather - to wealth, nylon - to a new thing.

Imagine that you are showing off in front of your friends in a new fashionable jacket.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

You wash dirty clothes - a new employee, an official, will arrive.

You erase the bedspread from the bed - portends great happiness.

You wash, clean clothes - in all cases, fortunately.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Wash - Linen - erase from memory unseemly acts or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Wash - Linen - erase from memory unseemly acts or painful memories. Everything that bothers you will soon be forgotten, painful experiences will leave you. Eraser - do not worry about gossip or offensive slander, they will soon be forgotten. Hanging clean linen after washing - to new achievements, optimism and activity.

Dream Interpretation - Erase

"wash dirty linen" put things in order, but "poking around in dirty linen" gossip, unseemly curiosity. "Erase traces (of crimes)."

"soak" kill.

"rubbing gum".

Dream Interpretation - Erase

Seeing yourself erasing in a dream means a struggle with the past, which will end in your victory.

If after washing your clothes become clean, all your aspirations will bring you success.

If a woman is washing, she dreams of acquiring expensive things.

If a man erases, in the near future he will have an unpleasant conversation related to everyday problems.

Sleep is an important part of our life, good night largely depends on the mood the physical state person throughout the day. Very often a person feels sleepy because of a dream.

A dream is our subconscious, but what is the dream of a washing machine for? Quite rarely, but people will blow up such a question, we will give several interpretations of such a dream.

What does the dream book say

Often, upon waking up, a person does not remember the content of the dream, but remembers that he dreamed of a washing machine. What can such a dream mean, and what does it portend? Let's see the answer to general question in various dream books.

  • According to Miller's dream book, washing in a washing machine portends a struggle that, for the one who sees the dream, will end in victory. If you wash very dirty clothes in a typewriter, then in reality you cannot avoid gossip about yourself. For a woman, a dream in which she pulls out clean bedding from a drum means that passionate feelings will soon rush in.
  • By English dream book, a washing machine means that one of the areas of your life needs to be “washed” well from dirty and negative thoughts and actions.
  • From point of view Jewish dream book, a dreaming washing machine suggests that you will soon get rid of bad memories or forget about an important matter.
  • According to Felomen's dream book, washing machine in a dream portends anxiety and vanity.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer interprets washing machine like worries and troubles.
  • According to the modern dream book, the automatic machine dreams of changes in life. For some, these changes will be related to work and career, and for someone with personal relationships. At the same time, in order to achieve the best changes, you will have to work very hard and part with the old way of life or even with people.

Important! If after sleep you have a positive mood, then most likely the dream portends something joyful, if after a washing machine you saw in a dream there is a stone in your soul, then expect trouble.

Washing in a washing machine: the meaning of sleep

If you clearly see in a dream how you put clothes in a washing machine, choose, and the machine washes clothes, then this indicates that you will defend your honor and dignity because of ridiculous gossip. If the linen is clean, then you will be able to “wash off” your reputation. Otherwise, your plans may be shaken.

In addition, looking at a working washing machine means that soon you will be doing household chores and chores that will bring you joy.

If in a dream you are looking at a washing machine, but at the same time washing with your hands, this means that in real life you are afraid that your secrets will be revealed. Washing clothes according to the Lunar dream book, both your own and someone else's, indicates that you need to cry into your friend's "vest". But Dream Interpretation Tsvetkova, on the contrary, claims that washing other people's things in the machine is an automatic machine - you will soon help your friend in a difficult situation.

Note! How larger size dreaming of a car, the more significant events will occur in life, which you cannot help but pay attention to.

What portends the purchase of a new machine or its repair?

If in a dream you buy a new car in a store, then in reality you will find joy and good luck. If a car is bought as a gift for a woman, then to joy, and as a gift for a man - to surprise.

The Dream Interpretation of the White Magician warns us, which says that if you bought a new car and it does not work, then expect trouble from envious people. The washing machine broke down in a dream - this is a change in your personal life, your subconscious mind says that feelings for close person have cooled down. You will meet a person who will heal spiritual wounds.

Seeing water flowing from a car in a dream portends gossip, but if foam has flowed from the drum, then you cannot avoid conflict. Seeing a lot of foam inside the machine portends a scandal.

So, to see a washing machine in a dream means to experience some events in your personal life. It can be simple chores, or parting with any person. Listen to your own feelings, do not forget about other details of sleep, this is the only way you can more accurately understand what the dream was about.

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