Big earnings. How you can make a lot of money - the main ways to earn a lot

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. Vasily Blinov is in touch and today we will analyze such a large and serious topic as making money on the Internet. In this article I will tell you what real ways to make money online exist. What can you earn good money on, and where is the deception hidden and where is it better not to go.

I will share a little of my story, how I began to study this whole topic, where I got burned, what difficulties arose and what I earn now. I will also give a recommendation to beginners on how and where you can start creating sources of income via the Internet without cash investments.

If you have been familiar with the blog for a long time and regularly read my articles, in which I mainly write about remote work, about the creation and development of my projects and how to travel the world on my own, then you know that at the end of 2014 I accepted the decision to get rid of office and production work that requires binding to a specific place.

I began to look for opportunities to earn money remotely, having only a computer and the Internet. Then I had no idea how many of these opportunities actually exist, and what I would do in the future. As they say, everyone has their own path in this life and we are gradually moving towards who we want to become.

Starting with the simplest way to make money on the Internet, I learned about what I had not even guessed before. And you, now reading this article, may not understand and not see how money is made in one way or another. But I will try to explain in the simplest possible way. If anything, you can always ask your questions in the comments and I will help you figure out what is not clear.

Knowing how to ask the right questions is, by the way, one of the skills that will help you get what you want faster. In our case, learn how to make money on the Internet.

Where does money come from on the Internet, and who will pay you?

I think this is the main thing in today's article that you need to understand. Let's go in order so as not to get confused.

What is earnings?

We all spend money every day in our lives, acquiring various goods and services, for example, food, clothes, entertainment, education, a roof over our heads, etc.

To do this, we have to work somewhere and do something, somehow earn money. Each of us works somewhere, and if he doesn’t work yet (I can assume that schoolchildren and teenagers will read the article), then your parents or those who provide for you work for you.

Where do you work? Or did they work? Maybe you were fired and you decided to search for earnings on the Internet and do not know where to start. What is your organization where you work or have worked for?

There are only two possible answers:

  1. Produces or sells a product.
  2. Provides some service.

The bottom line is that if you are paid a salary, then this organization is selling something. This product or service is bought by other people who need it. It turns out that you are paid by people whose problems you solve.

The Internet works in exactly the same way, only here you cannot produce some physical product, but through it you can sell a product. So, the entire Internet works due to the fact that it sells some goods and services. Advertise them in every possible way.

All earnings on the Internet are based on helping someone sell something. A simple example is the VKontakte website, which everyone uses, or the Yandex and Google search engines. The main income of owners and developers is advertising.

How do you think they make millions of dollars?

We use them for free in our interests (to have fun, learn something, chat with friends, etc.), while viewing thousands of advertising banners that we don’t seem to notice, and then we come to the store and buy some that thing. Whoever sells this product pays huge amounts of money for advertising.

As a result, all earnings on the Internet are as follows:

  1. You create a project with an audience of users in order to earn money by selling advertising or selling your products and services.
  2. You work for those who create such projects and sell something.

Both methods have their pros and cons, we will talk about them further.

Earnings on the Internet - my myth and reality

When I understood how the entire Internet works, and where the money comes from, my view of it completely changed. You can earn here in the same way as in ordinary life. Similarly, knowledge and skills are needed.

I also realized then that many processes are moving to the Internet, it is developing very quickly. New lines of business are emerging. I woke up, had breakfast and sat down to work. No need to go to the office and sit there doing the same thing from 10 to 17:00, and even spending a couple of hours on the road and fees.

It comes to the point that some people do not even need a computer, just one phone is enough to earn money. I met one girl on a trip who worked from the phone. She was engaged in the promotion of traditional business (restaurants, sports centers, beauty salons, etc.) through Instagram. Yes, it turns out that it is possible.

According to research in 2016, about 1,000,000 people are now working remotely in Russia, which is 0.6% of the total population. While, for example, in the USA this percentage reaches almost 10%. This figure will only grow in the near future, I think you yourself understand why.

Therefore, you need to start mastering the skills of some direction right now.

Now about investments.

Friends who are looking for how to make money on the Internet without investment. I would like to say a few words about the belief that in order to create some of the ways of earning, which I describe below, money investments are needed. Yes, to be honest, in most cases you need to invest to speed up the development process, but you can do without a penny.

Have you seen the movie “The Social Network” about Facebook? In which the real story of the creation of this multibillion-dollar project was filmed. Even it was created without a penny of investments by the author, more precisely, there were small investments for renting servers for the site, but Mark Zuckerberg borrowed them from his dorm roommate.

Most of the successful projects were started penniless. On only one idea to do something and desire. Opportunities appear along the way.

All right, let's get down to business.

TOP 20 ways to make money on the Internet

It was difficult to classify them somehow, but I had to decompose them according to the same principle.

  1. Business. Creation of projects. Internet entrepreneurship.
  2. Distant work. Freelance.
  3. income for students.
  4. Deception. Risk. Games.

I will not analyze everything in detail, I will try to explain only the essence of each method and how to make money on it. We will delve into them in separate articles and free instructions.

Business. Creation of projects. Internet entrepreneurship

In this section, ways in which there can be the highest earnings and passive income, but for them to appear, you may have to plow over them for more than one year. And it’s not a fact that your business will enter the market and generate income.

Let's start with something simple and understandable.

Online store

Creating an online store and selling goods through it is, I think, the most understandable way for beginners to make money on the Internet. Are there still people who have never bought anything on the Internet? Not counting the adult generation, which does not know how to use a computer.

An online store is a complex multi-process business. You need to find suppliers, create a website, advertise it somewhere to attract customers, process orders, send goods, and much more. We will not go deep, I know that 99.9% of people will not do this.

Sale and resale of goods, auctions

This is a simplified way to make money on an online store. You do not need a website store, you can get by with other sources of advertising for the sale of goods:

  • Advertising and announcement sites such as Avito or Yula (k42wBV is a promotional code for promoting ads).
  • Social media.
  • Sending messages.
  • Forums, various Internet portals.
  • One page websites.

How does it usually happen? Chinese goods are bought or goods are bought at wholesale prices from manufacturing companies and sold at retail to people at 2-3 or more times more expensive.

Another thing is when you create a product with your own hands (for example, make stone souvenirs or knit colored socks) and sell it through the same online advertising sources. Send to buyers by mail, get 100% payment for your work. Reliable and proven option.

Creation of services, programs and applications

Another difficult, in my opinion, and not accessible to everyone earnings. But I couldn't tell about it.

What is an internet service? Well, for example, the same well-known Avito is a service that helps some people sell unnecessary things, and buy others.

Useful programs on the computer that you use, most of them are not free and developed by someone. Various applications are the same.

Here you are either a programmer yourself, or you can find a programmer who will implement your idea for money or a percentage of future profits.

Service Delivery Agency

If you have organizational skills, you do not need to understand any business yourself. You can hire a specialist who will do the work for you, and you will find clients for him and pay a salary from the profits.

Examples of what such agencies can do:

  • Website development.
  • Design.
  • Translations and writing texts.
  • Promotion of websites and social networks.
  • Advertising, etc.

Yes, the niches are highly competitive, but you can do something unique even in these niches and earn big money by completely managing everything remotely.

Information sites

Do you often read news, articles on the Internet like this one? Looking for answers on how to do it, how to do it, all sorts of recipes, etc.?

So you find the answers on such information sites, I also combine it with a personal blog. I write, in addition to useful articles, about various events in life and travel.

Anyone can create such a website in a couple of hours with a minimum investment of several hundred rubles. But to fill it with high-quality material, promote it and start making money on it - you already need to make efforts, and considerable ones at that.

From scratch, from my own experience I can say that in a year you can reach an income of 20-30 thousand rubles a month or more.

Training and infobusiness

Infobusiness is the sale of information (training courses, trainings, webinars) on a different topic. For example, you know how to play the balalaika well and you can teach another person to play it.

The essence of this earnings is that you can create consecutive lessons, pack them into a course “How to learn to play the balalaika” and sell for a certain amount on the World Wide Web.

You can not record lessons, but teach people live through modern means of communication, such as Skype or webinar rooms (if there are several students at once).

A higher level of information business is producing. Find a talented person who, for example, knows how to play the same balalaika, help him make a course and then sell this course yourself, deducting his fee to the author.

Creation of videos, books, music
This creative way to make money on the Internet, I also think it should be on this list.

I wrote an interesting book and sell it via the Internet, many people do this and earn money. Someone sits creating cartoons, uploads them to YouTube and earns, someone - games, graphics, photos, music, which can also be sold for money on special services for this.


To some extent, consulting can also be called an information business. If you are a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, astrologer or an expert in some subject, a good option for you to make money on the Internet is to advise people.

Today, this type of consultation via the Internet is becoming more in demand than live. No need, again, to go anywhere, waste time.

Payment can be accepted through the site or directly through e-wallets and a bank card. You can also advertise your services through all available methods.


I also decided to take this direction into a separate proven way of earning money, since I know a lot (a lot) of people who earn only through YouTube.

They created their own channel on some topic, record videos and similarly advertise something in these videos for money. Cool? Do you watch YouTube videos?


Here blogging is now at the peak of development in Russia and the world. You can blog on various resources:

  • (There are free ones, for example, LJ).
  • Video blog on YouTube.
  • Public VKontakte, Facebook.
  • Page on Instagram.
  • Email distribution.

These are the best and most popular.

People are interested in following the lives of others, especially when they do something cool, entertaining.

Earnings of popular bloggers go off scale for hundreds, millions of rubles a month. They are watched and trusted. Therefore, their advertising is the most expensive and profitable for various companies.

Only a few are able to share their personal lives and gather an audience around them. I, too, once could not even post a photo with me on a social network, I’m already silent about the signature to it. Well, there used to be such a time, the Internet was just appearing.

And now, if someone writes to me on VKontakte with a picture on the avatar, I don’t even answer, most likely a bot or some kind of hater.

Social media

Groups, publics on social networks with a large audience of subscribers are also very good earnings. humor, quotes, trips and much more, what we scroll through in the news feed every day and repost on our wall.

Everything is done in order to attract subscribers and earn money by selling advertising posts.

For example, in the VKontakte public with a million subscribers, one post costs an average of 1000 - 2000 rubles (depending on coverage and activity), such posts can be made according to the rules of 5 pcs. in a day. Here's how much you can earn.

It’s true that it’s not easy and expensive to promote a community to such a number of subscribers now, but if you start now, then someday it will grow and generate income.

Here are detailed articles on social. networks:

Buying and reselling projects

If, for example, you do not want to promote a group or site from scratch, then you can buy a ready-made project. Improve it, maybe hire an employee who will deal with it, pay him a salary and make a profit.

But here you definitely need not only start-up capital, but also experience that will allow you to find a profitable project, and knowledge to improve it.

Affiliate programs and referral systems

It seems to me that every second person on the Internet earns in this way. Because it is the lightest and simplest. You simply recommend someone a product or service through an affiliate link and receive a commission. Or you attract referrals to the system.

Having just a personal VK page, you can earn. On my blog, I have already told you more than once and I even try to do monthly for one or another affiliate program.

Take a free week of our online marathon "" and learn more about them.

Network marketing

Companies that distribute their product through network marketing (Oriflame, Avon, LR) have begun to gradually integrate into the Internet and distributors of these companies are building their structures without leaving their homes.

I also had experience in the network business even before I began to switch to remote work. But then we did not work on the Internet, and all meetings and signings of clients were held live.

Then, having understood how this business works, I left it. Some people like it and you can really earn good money there.

Traffic arbitration

Difficult to understand combination of these two words.

But here's the point. Standard scheme: take a product with the same affiliate program. You make a one-page site for it, which tells about this product in detail, and buy traffic for it.

Usually traffic is bought through contextual and teaser advertising. These are the same advertisements and banners that we see on every site.

Well, the last type of earnings in the category of Internet business.

Trading and investing

In fact, these are slightly different things, but I combined them into one way.

Trading is the trading of securities on the stock market. Also trading in the foreign exchange (forex) and commodity markets. About Forex, I think, many have heard. In ours you can learn a lot about it and learn how to trade.

But we’d better talk about investing in a separate article (the link will be later). Many consider investing in the Internet - investing in various pyramid schemes and HYIP projects. Well, yes, it fits the definition of the word “investment”.

Only then the majority remains without their investments. I will mention this in the section on making money related to cheating.

Now we will analyze the most suitable and fastest way for beginners to earn money.

Distant work. Freelance

The difference between freelancing and remote work is that when you work remotely, you work consistently with one employer, and when you freelance, you are not tied to one employer and look for orders every time.

To make it clearer, I will explain the profession of a photographer. In the first case, you are kept in some kind of staff of the organization, and for every day you have a shooting schedule. The salary is stable and fixed, possibly with a bonus, bonuses. In the second, you work for yourself. Today you have booked a photo session, but tomorrow - no. All the advantages and disadvantages, I think, are obvious here.

I probably won’t be able to list the areas that you can work on remotely, there are really a lot of them. For example, get a job remotely at home in an online store: as a designer, copywriter, caller, manager of a department, advertising manager, sales manager, programmer, store promotion administrator in some social network. networks and much more.

The average salary of remote employees is no different from office employees and also amounts to 20-40,000 rubles in the country. For Ukraine and Belarus, this is generally an excellent income. Professional specialists can receive from 50,000 rubles per month for their services. The more unique your services, the more you will be paid.

If you want to get paid in dollars, you can get a job in foreign companies.

An interesting film about freelancing and remote work.

If you wish, you can learn specialties in a month, and in some you don’t need to study. On my blog you can find a ton of information about remote work. And in the Knowledge Base, our step-by-step mentor course "", where you, with our support, will go through all the steps of switching to remote work and earn the first 1,000 rubles.

The next 2 sections describe methods that I do not recommend, but you can certainly try to understand that they do not make money. I want my readers not to do nonsense on the Internet, not to waste their lives, but to do really useful things that bring benefits, knowledge and money.

Earnings for schoolchildren

Why for schoolchildren or teenagers? Because these methods can only earn pocket money. No knowledge is required, just sit and do the same type of tasks.

Performing tasks like these, on some exchange:

  • Video viewing.
  • View ads.
  • Site surfing.
  • Boxes.

Of course, some manage to earn here 200, and 500, and even 1000 rubles per day. But you will be stupid to do it every day. No development or professional growth. Do you need it? You won't be doing this all your life, so why start?

Tip: look for the thing that you would like to do all your life, and develop in it.

Deception. Risk. Games with money withdrawal

It is even worse if you will be engaged in earnings from this section. And many will! Do you know why? Because man is a lazy creature, and we are looking for where there is less work.

There is no freebie on the Internet, here you need to plow, especially at the initial stage, while there is no experience. Well, think, what kind of fool will pay you just like that?

So, as a result of searching for a freebie, everyone stumbles upon projects where “give 100 rubles - get a thousand”. It's not a fair wage, it's a scam.

Such projects live by attracting the same freeloaders and their money. Yes, you can have time to earn, but on the fact that someone will lose. I was lured to such a freebie twice. Then, a seemingly official successful project, doing something useful with the money that you invest in it, and you are paid a percentage, simply collapsed.

Such projects are usually associated with trading, investing, forex. Games with the withdrawal of money are the same. Anything that requires you to invest something before you get it is 90% a hoax.

Other projects that are associated with risk are independent trading on the same forex, sports betting, online casinos, I also do not advise. Well, or try it, only later, when you can’t pay off your loans, remember this article.

I personally have no friends who make money on this, but at first they had profitable transactions, but then the excitement dragged on and they came to their senses only when there were 50-80 thousand loans each. Normally so earned on the Internet?

If you still stumbled upon some kind of divorce, scam, scammer, write in the comments.

Where to start earning?

Well, now you know what you can earn on. Where are you planning to start? What direction did you like?

I'll tell you how I started. Well, firstly, I came across cheats and methods for schoolchildren, because they are basically written about in all articles on this topic. Then I started to follow the guys who traveled the world, they introduced me to the remote work that they themselves were doing.

I began to master the profession of a VKontakte community administrator, found and led several groups on construction and club topics. In parallel, I began to study copywriting and creating sites on the WordPress platform. Everything was studied from scratch.

Realizing that I definitely want to learn how to earn money remotely, I made a decision and quit my regular job (worked as an installer), cutting off all sources of stable income. It was tough, but the situation allowed me, whoever has a family and children, I would advise you to combine at first.

For the first few months, my income ranged from 2 to 10 thousand rubles a month. Gaining more and more experience and knowledge, earnings began to stabilize and grow. Making custom websites on WordPress and minor corrections, I got acquainted with the opportunity to earn money on an information site.

First launched the first blog (it no longer exists). Then this one. At the same time, I began to get acquainted with other methods and slowly study them and try. After a year of working with the blog, he began to bring in the first income of 5 - 10 thousand rubles a month. Further more.

I think you should become an expert in some area, and, combining, try, discover ways to make money from the first section of the article. Now there are many paid and free courses in each niche, you can buy or download.


Friends, perhaps I missed something or I don’t know about something, I admit this, it’s unrealistic to know everything. But we must strive for it.

I hope this article was useful to you, and you will not engage in nonsense, but will start making money on the Internet correctly, creating some kind of value and developing on your own.

I look forward to your comments, we will talk more on this topic. If the article was useful, then share it with your friends on social networks, I can assume that they are also looking for an opportunity to earn money remotely.

Thank you for your attention, see you in the next articles. We will analyze each method in detail. Good luck, friends.

For most people who go to the office every day, the main motivation for work is financial incentive. When you receive an incentive within the established salary, there is not always enough money, especially if a person sets ambitious goals for himself. Large purchases require serious investments. Accumulating funds gradually is too long. How to earn a lot of money and spend a minimum of effort - we will talk about this in this publication.

For those who are looking for ways to earn money, there is always a suitable way. Due to the availability of the Internet, in some cases, you can quickly earn money without even leaving your apartment. The methods described can be combined with the main work or used during a career crisis. All the described methods are tested on personal experience, are suitable for most and do not require special skills.

How to make money fast? TOP 10 ways from personal experience

  • Gambling: totalizator bets, slot machines, card games

This method is suitable for those who are not afraid to take risks and are ready to invest their skills as a good player in making real money. If you make a certain win-win strategy and can control the desire to hit the jackpot, a big win is inevitable. You can play in online casinos and on special sites with sports matches. Register on trusted services and show courage in the first bets. You can earn money on gambling in real time.

  • Minor jobs on online exchanges

There are exchanges on the Internet with simple and easy tasks for beginners who have free time. Customers are willing to pay you for performing routine actions, for example, typing, sending letters, testing websites, publishing ads, searching for contacts, etc. By improving their skills and rating, the user can take on expensive tasks, which in total can make you a full-time job. The first withdrawal of funds depends on the amount of work done and the lower threshold for withdrawing funds.

  • Donation and participation in medical research

If the virtual world of earnings is alien to you, you can quickly earn money on medical services. This is a legal method that suits people without health problems. The easiest option is to go to a blood donation or sperm bank. In many ways, donation is not only profitable, but also an honorable business. Try to undergo a preliminary examination so as not to harm your health when participating in various operations and experiments. Terms of receipt of the first fee up to 1 week.

  • Sale of goods

The options for selling goods are worth considering separately, because this is a deep topic that can provide you with long-term profits and put you on the path to earning your first million. Among the common methods are online trading through an online store, posting ads on boards and large trading platforms, reselling goods, buying from Chinese stores and selling through one-page sites, etc. Trading does not always require investment. If you show ingenuity and perseverance, running an online store can turn into a serious business. You can implement the idea and get the first money almost here and now.

  • Maintaining a website or blog

Do you like to intervene in discussions, comment on articles and dream of becoming a writer yourself? You can realize your talent in different ways. To launch a personal blog or website, it is enough to use social platforms or simple website builders.

First, you will have to invest your time and inspiration to promote the project. Then the information resource will work for you. Earnings from the site is to place advertising publications and announcements. A nice bonus will be fame and recognition from regular readers. It will take about six months to get the first profit.

  • Earnings on social networks

Profiles, groups and pages on social networks are analogous to sites and blogs. Create interesting content, publish it in the community and gain followers. Warm them up with diverse information, increase activity, interact with the audience and set your price tag for advertising.

Use any network or messenger as a platform. Create your own channel and share useful information. This is a great way to make quick and easy money doing what you already do. The term for the implementation of the idea is from 3 months.

  • Selling someone else's services

In your circle of acquaintances, there are probably talented craftsmen who are lining up for services. This can be tailoring, repair, replacement of spare parts on a car, repairing equipment, plumbing work, and more. other.

As a rule, people who are used to working with their hands do not know how to properly sell their services and search for clients. Take on the tasks associated with marketing. Refer people and get your share. Negotiate the conditions in advance and apply this scheme to any type of activity. You can earn on finding customers right away without spending an extra penny.

  • Network business

Once a popular model that has not lost its relevance. It is somewhat similar to the previous method. You find clients, build a team and get your share of the company's turnover. Network giants often present their directors with valuable gifts and cash bonuses. It is worth recognizing that many of them are by no means a soap bubble, because they have existed for decades.

Earnings in the network business depends on ingenuity and personal enthusiasm. You need to draw up your business plan and choose the right company to cooperate with. On average, the payback period does not exceed six months. We will talk about how to quickly get money from multi-level marketing a little later.

  • Startup

If you have a dream to open your own coffee shop and start designing designer furniture, there is always a chance to take this business seriously. If some work brings you pleasure, you need to take it seriously and strengthen it in terms of financial benefits. For example, you won’t earn much on the manufacture of ordinary furniture in the garage without regular customers.

Create custom designs, make a store and start selling not only furniture but also unique designs for buyers from different cities. In the absence of a website, you can sell the first sample simply through the bulletin board. You can benefit from your venture instantly, depending on the pace of work, the number of goods for sale and marketing tools.

  • Franchise

The desire to earn money and get away from standard office work can be transformed into a real business. If you are not familiar with all the principles of running a business, but are ready to put your skills into work, you can open a franchise business. Many brands sell their franchises. The principle is based on the fact that you get a big name, a ready-made scheme of work, a business plan and a team that will help you open a brand representative office in your city.

Perhaps, to implement such an idea, you will not have enough knowledge and basic information. You can get it from courses and online publications. There are projects, the implementation period of which does not exceed 3 months. For example, open a coffee booth and get a return on investment in the first 2 weeks of operation. This method has a long-term perspective and really helps to earn a lot of money.

Consider each of the above methods of quick money in more detail.

Make a lot of money fast with sweepstakes

How to quickly earn a lot of money and put a minimum of effort into it? If you don't want to work physically, try your luck. To make money on a sweepstakes, you need excitement, a strategy and a source of bets. The most popular types of sweepstakes are sports betting platforms. Fans of one or another sport (football, greyhound racing, baseball, basketball or even online games tournaments) are mainly drawn into such games.

You can find a bookmaker's office on the Internet or in any city under the sign "Internet Club". Try to be careful and bet on the games that you understand. Statistics show that beginners are lucky. But this does not mean that you need to put all your savings on one result. A systematic approach and observation will help you win money quickly.

Each company has its own conditions for replenishing an account and withdrawing funds. Study all the information before risking banknotes. Don't follow scammers and don't click on questionable ads. It is better to use a reliable service that has positive reviews and the risk factor is minimal. Do not trust your funds to intermediaries and try to keep your composure in the game.

Try your luck at poker

An analogue of the game on the totalizator is the card game poker. This is an option for those who are well versed in the rules, have some practice and are willing to risk their money. If you are an ace at poker and have repeatedly beaten your friends at the card table, try your hand at the famous online tournaments. There are platforms on the network where real bets are made and daily the lucky ones replenish their balance by at least 500 dollars.

You can play poker tournaments through your personal account on the site or through the application installed on your phone. The first tournament can take place with your participation without replenishment of the account. In addition to the players' real money, there are some nice bonuses on the virtual poker table that encourage you to get back to playing. If you feel confident, ready to think clearly and make informed decisions quickly, this quick money option is just right for you.

Donate blood - get cash

A more legal and safer way to answer the question of how to quickly raise money is to donate blood. This is a particularly profitable option if you are the owner of a rare group and Rh. They will be able to take the biomaterial at the nearest blood collection point. The advantage will be the presence of tests and the absence of bad habits (aggravated by alcohol, smoking, drug addiction).

Among the side effects of making money from donating blood is the limit on physical resources. Like it or not, it is impossible to pass more than the body allows. In addition, you will need a recovery period. Medical procedures are not the most pleasant. Traces will remain on the roars and the process itself is also not a pleasure. For persons who faint at the sight of blood, this method is contraindicated. For a month on this method, you can earn up to 500 dollars.

Selling organs is a quick way to get a lot of money

A relatively radical way to earn extra money. At the same time, there are people who decide to take such a step, especially if the case is egregious and a large amount is needed. Prices for organs start from 30,000 rubles and more. It is best to go the legal route, negotiating a transplant or selling through clinics. Thus, you have more guarantees that the operation will be successful and health losses will be minimal.

Remember that after any medical procedure, a recovery period is needed. This means that you will not be able to manage your funds immediately. Papers must be signed with a medical institution. Before the operation, you need to undergo a series of examinations that will help identify possible side effects. Follow the doctors' instructions and remember that organ sales are a one-time deal.

Donate sperm - earn quickly and with pleasure

The presence of good health, appearance and physical data will be a positive factor for a man who decides to earn money by donating genetic material (sperm). Banks are successfully operating in our country, which store biomaterial for women and couples who have decided to have a child by a non-standard method - by artificial insemination.

Entrepreneurial men can earn up to $500/month by donating sperm abroad. For the countries of the post-Soviet space, this figure is much less - no more than 10,000 rubles. However, if you need money and by all criteria the way of earning suits you, then no one will judge. Going to a sperm donation center will be an exciting activity that will bring you instant income and physical pleasure.

Reselling Items on Bulletin Boards

The creation of large platforms for buying and selling things has brought many products to the market. Now ordinary users can take a picture of an unused item in a few minutes and put it up for sale at an arbitrary price. Bulletin boards often feature valuable items at ridiculous prices. Only an expert or someone who monitors the market can know the real value of a thing. How can you make money quickly, knowing this pattern? - break into the chain of sale and resell the goods at a higher price to a real buyer.

Particular attention when looking for profitable offers should be paid to the so-called trash. People who get rid of stale or inherited items often put up for sale a real antique dealer. Collectors are real hunters on ad aggregators. They quickly buy up cheap little things and turn them into a real work of art worthy of the attention of wealthy connoisseurs:

    paintings with openwork frames;

    vintage vases;


    antique furniture;

    old coins, badges, clothes and more. others

One of the most versatile resources for finding suitable offers is Avito. Hundreds of items appear on the site every day. You can earn on the difference by reselling things here. All you need is to buy, take photos from a different angle, diversify the description and wait for new buyers' feedback.

Very often, sellers are dismissive of getting rid of things, they make an unattractive presentation of the product, which is why they have it stale for more than one week. Looking closely at the lot with an experienced eye, you can find a real find. On the resale of goods from bulletin boards, you can earn from 1 thousand rubles. the more lots you buy and resell, the higher your personal income will be.

Consider the nuances of selling on the Internet requires you to organize delivery. In your city, you can show the position during personal meetings, and when sending it, it is better to ask for a partial prepayment. Thus, you will insure yourself against unscrupulous buyers and ensure a normal turnover. As a starting point, use the largest boards where users respond quickly to messages and there is less chance of fraud.

How to make money on a website or blog

Creating an information site or blog is one of the types of profitable monetization of your hobbies. It is worth noting that the blog focuses on the personality of the author himself. Users become regular readers of the resource due to their favorite style and semantic load. based on the blog, you can build a personal brand and build a bridge of interaction with your audience. The more traffic a blog has, the more authoritative it becomes.

Many are wondering how to quickly make money on the site. Search engine optimization plays an important role in this matter. The higher the average daily traffic on the site, the higher the price tag for different types of advertising that you will place. To attract people's attention, you should choose a universal topic (not highly specialized), as well as provide really useful information.

If you do not talk about a blog as an entertainment resource, you can create a site in any alternative direction. For example, to trade goods or promote services. A great tool for a beginner in this area is virtual one-page and website builders. You can master such a tool through free video lessons in just a day. you will spend another one or 2 days creating and publishing a resource. Then everything depends on the intensity of filling and promotion tools.

If at one point you realized that you were tired of the site, another answer to the question of where to make money quickly will open - you can resell the finished resource. On the Internet there are exchanges selling sites where you can see various price tags. Depending on the weight of your project, you can get from 500 USD. for the sale of a full-fledged blog or information platform. On the example of sites, you can apply the scheme for the sale of goods.

On the aforementioned barges, you can buy sites, put them in order and resell at a higher price. This is an option with minimal effort, which will bring high instant profits. After you have trained yourself to make websites for yourself, this service can be sold to others. In this matter, the exchange for freelancers will be useful. There you need to position yourself as a developer who works on platforms without code.

By combining various earning options, you will find the one that brings you the most money and takes the least amount of time. Thus, you will turn your personal blog or website into a full-fledged business that brings in at least $1,000. monthly dividends. To learn more about the promotion of sites and the nuances of making money on them, study the information that is in the public domain.

Selling goods from abroad

Another profitable niche in the commodity business is the sale of goods from abroad. How to make money quickly on foreign sites if you are a layman in this? The circuit looks approximately the same as in the version described above. A foreign site acts as a platform for buying, it can be eBay, Aliexpress, Taobao and many other sites with delivery of lots to any country. On such sites you can find unique items that have not yet reached our market, but for which there will be a good demand.

The nuance is that all sites are presented in the English or Chinese version, therefore, only an inventive and enterprising user can easily place an order on it. Stay ahead of your competitors and shop smarter by automatically translating websites through Google Browser, which has built-in extensions for automatically translating resources from foreign languages.

The order may be delivered within a month or a little longer, but you do not overpay for the goods and get it at a price below cost. After receiving the long-awaited package, unpack your things and take a good series of pictures. The same bulletin board can be used as a platform for resale. A more technically difficult option is to create a one-page site for a group of products. You advertise this site or attract traffic arbitrators as advertisers. They drive people to the site and you're just collecting the cream in terms of dynamic sales.

The turnover in the network will provide quick money making on legal terms and with good stability. Many businessmen started working with a personal online store, which then grew into a real empire. Grab this niche before it's too late. This is an interesting and profitable business that can bring in more than 1 thousand dollars. income per month.

The main secret - do not pounce on the entire Chinese catalog. Choose the most profitable product niche for yourself. For example, clothes and accessories for girls will always be in use. You can sell such goods even through social networks. A special page is created there, photos with descriptions are uploaded to the album, and target subscribers are recruited. When uploading new photos, you will collect orders and send them once a week. Thus, there will be a weekly turnover and stable earnings with a long-term perspective.

Work in social networks

Maintaining social media profiles is another hobby that can be easily monetized. The principles of maintaining social networks are familiar to every user who has a personal page. It should be understood that social networks are a vast market and a field for positioning various companies. People spend a lot of time online. You can use this factor as a field for action. Work in social networks can be carried out in several directions:

    design of business pages, groups and publics;

    creating unique content for regular posting;

    building marketing strategies for communication and visitor engagement;

    regular posting of comments and introduction from the community;

    mass liking, promotion of groups.

It is worth noting that easy money making is available from two positions - the role of a community content manager or its owner. The content manager earns at least 10 thousand rubles. per month from one public. If you take on the service of several of these resources, personal income will increase. All this together with a bonus in the form of remote work and a free schedule. It's no secret that the owners of large communities earn a lot of money from advertising.

Having risen in their time as a hobby, now they are collecting the cream and opening up new social resources. The one who owns the attention of the audience owns the means of advertisers. Moreover, your community can be perceived as a platform for advertising personal goods and services, and you will be happy to buy from you. Example: Having promoted a large group, you can eventually host webinars and classes for those who want to repeat your experience and take advantage of unique knowledge.

How realistic is it to earn 30,000 rubles. in 2 weeks

Asking where you can make money quickly, everyone sets himself a certain amount of money. It is quite possible to earn big money in 2 weeks, but for this you should use all your skill, set a goal and apply the most effective methods. A standard job won't get you that kind of money unless $30,000 is half your salary. But for this you need to be the head of a reputable company or business owner. To receive 30 thousand rubles. quick money making options. You need to make a reservation that not all of them may suit you.

So, what can you earn fast on:

    Urgent sale of personal belongings and property;

    Earnings on the Internet;

    Mediation in different interpretations;

    Provision of paid services and consultations;

    Quick launch of a business or monetization of a hobby.

All these methods, separately and in combination, were tested by real people who proved that it is quite possible to earn 30 thousand in half a month. Before you get started, you should understand what types of earnings will work for you. It is worth starting from an individual set of skills and talents, since you will have to do all the work yourself.

Prioritize those options where it is most realistic to make money quickly. For example, if you already have your own commercial page on social networks, this tool can be "combed", strengthened and made commercial. How? Track the portrait of the target audience and offer it a universal product. Your subscribers will quickly convert into buyers and bring the first profit.

Make a list of what you can do. These may be skills that you take for granted and don't appreciate because they lie on the surface for you. Someone can appreciate this set of qualities and order a service from you. Completing a task for a fee will only require you to invest time and knowledge.

Write down a work plan that will bring you to the desired amount and get down to business. If you don't have a strategy in mind, stop reinventing the wheel and try other entrepreneurs. Surely, with due perseverance, the applied model will work in your case. Once you have the knowledge of how to earn a lot, it is important to get down to business right away. Human nature operates in the direction of procrastination and laziness. Therefore, many talented people remain lying on the couch, dreaming of a brighter future.

How to make money fast 7 real ways

Computer skills and skills related to web technologies will be your undeniable advantage. But you can earn money without masterly possession of technology. To do this, quite ordinary actions are enough.

Option 1. Clean up the space, ridding the apartment of excess rubbish

You can live surrounded by objects that do not fulfill their roles, and not even think about the fact that they are actually cluttering up your space. Conduct an audit and make a conditional list of things that you could easily sell or just give away. Your rating will most likely include expensive items that may be of value to other people. Feel free to post them on a bulletin board or flea market site. Selling individual copies will turn out to be a significant benefit for you.

Option 2. Mediation

A striking example of such work is the work of real estate agents. They play the role of an intermediate link between the buyer and the seller. The main task of the mediator is to meet the needs of the parties. Thus, the seller receives a quick transaction with a cash buyer, and the buyer himself finds an object that suits him according to a number of criteria. By this principle, you can work in any niche related to goods and services.

To make money on mediation, it is best to choose profitable directions. For example, it is profitable for a real estate broker to work, because the sale and purchase is carried out in cancers of large sums. The specialist himself earns a small percentage on this. It is better to get 3% of 1 million once than to make a series of transactions with a percentage of meager amounts. The most popular types of services are construction, repair, plumbing, as well as the services of rare specialists (good psychologists, promoted coaches, businessmen, etc.).

If we talk about the technical aspects of the work. You need to organize the influx of the target audience, receive calls and requests and redirect them directly to the performer. As tools, use free promotion tools (message boards, directories, social networks, personal contact, etc.).

Option 3. Handmade or a craft that is turned into a business

What can you do to make money fast? - on those methods that lie on the very surface. Many have a hobby that brings pleasure and for which they spend money corny, but do not earn. Think about ways to monetize your hobby. Even if you spend your leisure time exclusively on online computer games, there is a method of making money through this. An elementary example is opening your own video blog with instructions for completing difficult levels.

Live broadcasts (streams) of game tournaments are monetized quite well. Bonuses earned in the game can be exchanged for bitcoins and used to pay for goods or services on the network. You are fond of betting and follow the matches, earn on the sweepstakes or go into trading. Your grip can come in handy in many areas. Find the one that suits your taste and will bring unimagined money.

In terms of craft, try to bring to market the goods that are in demand. These can be unique souvenirs, fashionable clothes, hand-finished accessories. Try to track trends and catch the needs of your audience. So you can offer a potential buyer an ideal solution that will sell itself. As a manufacturer of a product, you can sell it to intermediaries. Thus, the amount of effort will decrease, and the profit will remain at the same level.

Option 4: Providing advice

Where to earn a lot of money fast? - in a niche that works thanks to the fruits of intellectual labor. Due to the demand for consultations, a separate branch of the information business was created. In it, experts share their secrets and tricks with those people who are looking for answers to questions. In the niche of consultations, teachers, psychologists, business coaches and other specialists will be able to realize themselves well.

You can provide paid consultations online without leaving your computer. A vivid example of this is the case of a piano teacher for children who teaches his lessons via Skype. This format has taken root in the CIS countries relatively recently. Now it is gaining momentum, and you can still "jump" into this train.

Option 5. Loans secured by movable or immovable property

When wondering how to raise money, a person can be constrained by insurmountable circumstances and be limited in time. In this case, decisions need to be made carefully and quickly. The surest way is to get a loan secured by valuables. As a rule, this is an apartment, a house, a commercial building or a car.

When resorting to a loan, contact stable financial institutions with loyal conditions. Read the documents carefully and don't be fooled. In order not to lose your property, try to pay off the creditor on time and repay the debt prematurely with full coverage of the loan body and interest. Do not take a loan in foreign currency, so as not to fall into the trap due to financial instability in the state.

Option 6. Become a freelancer

Free access to the Internet creates all the conditions for finding small part-time jobs. In some cases, this part-time job turns into a stable job. Highlight your strengths and find customers who might be interested in you through the freelancing exchange. On the Internet, you can easily find large exchanges with tasks that pay well.

How to earn fast and a lot of money on the stock exchange? – fill out your profile and submit applications, proving your competence to the customer. The highest paid jobs on exchanges are for designers, developers, copywriters, testers and programmers. If that's not your niche, take short courses and get into advertising. This is a profitable direction that will become your highly paid profession with the ability to work remotely.

Option 7. Sale of real estate, cars and valuables

If the option of a loan secured by personal belongings does not suit you, all these benefits can always be sold. This is the right answer to the question of how to earn quickly and a lot without any extra effort. All you need is to find a good pawnshop with a good estimate and a high rate for maximum profit.

You can solve financial problems by renting household appliances, electronics, computers, expensive phones and other items to a pawnshop. Make sure the pawnshop you choose accepts what you own. Some establishments, in the old fashioned way, only accept gold, precious stones, or silver. The undeniable advantage of pawnshops is that they pay the entire estimated amount for the item immediately and in full.

What do you need to know to make a lot of money?

First of all, you need to be psychologically prepared for the fact that you can quickly earn the right amount. Paradoxically, but it is a fact. Due to psychological settings, a person can mentally limit himself in income and fall into the network of social stereotypes, such as only bandits become rich. It is important to get rid of fears that you can quickly draw down or lose capital. Calmness and a cold mind is what will help not only in poker, but also in making money on other sources.

The second point, it is important not to make a mistake with the business model. Don't get bogged down in routine tasks that turn you from a free man striving for material well-being into a workhorse. Do not take the number of tasks, prioritize the income that you will receive from work. For example, you can collect 20 tasks, which in total will give you 30 thousand in 2 weeks, or you can earn this money from 1-2 projects that are carried out in parallel and do not always require your attention.

To make money easily, it is not necessary to have many talents and an outstanding mind. Practice shows that people with quite average mental abilities can earn millions. Diligence, efforts, patience and the right moment predetermine their life for many years. Of course, someone can say that this is banal luck, but in order to catch a fish in a pond, you need to at least get a fishing rod.

Another important emphasis, a quick way to make money without investment, you can apply at any time, but no option will have a result for you if you immediately spend what you have earned. Learn to adhere to the principle of reasonable economy. It should not border on hysteria, but every purchase should be considered. Spend your money on the things you need and need. Leave the rest of the amount in reserve, then the question of where to quickly earn a lot of money will lose relevance for you.

Scammers and scammers, how exactly you can’t make money

A lot of fuss around the question of how you can make money quickly creates a fertile environment for scammers. Taking advantage of the psychological vulnerability of their victim and the lack of information, criminals easily cheat a person around their finger and leave them with nothing. Beware if you are asked:

    invest in some project doomed to success;

    create a team for quick earnings on the Internet (financial pyramid);

    become a courier whose salary exceeds the standard fee not by 2, but even by 3 times, etc.

Analyze the feasibility of the offer and do not take risks if you have doubts. Do not put money from the sale of property on the line in gambling. Do not trust people who suddenly appeared in your life who are interested in the financial aspect of life. The experience of many losers proves that in any enterprise it is not necessary to rush and all profits are proportional to the declared risks.

In order not to make a mistake, avoid contacts with people who promise "mountains of gold" and do not provide any guarantees. As a rule, there is no personal information in the profiles of such people and you do not even know their real names. Fraudsters try to put pressure on you psychologically and take you by surprise.

Do not respond to manipulation and stay away from individuals who suddenly disappear and do not respond for a long time, and then suddenly reappear. You have learned how to make money quickly without stress and high risks. If you have time and goals, use legal methods with a long-term existence. Often, in practice, it turns out to launch a project, which then works for the creator, without requiring constant monitoring.

Where does the first million start?

If you have questions of quick and big earnings, then you are aimed at a high result. Even in the absence of connections and rich relatives, you can realize yourself and earn your first million. Take a look at the personal example of current millionaires. They all started from different starting points. The only thing that unites them is the presence of goals, the desire to achieve them, real actions and experiments.

It is quite possible that you will not immediately find your gold mine. But your efforts will surely take you down the chain of relationships that will lead to high income. Most importantly, do not quit your job, do not give up at the first defeat and accumulate assets. Most of the largest businessmen started with small part-time jobs and stabbed their character in difficult situations. Do not be afraid of difficulties, look to the future with optimism and you will succeed.

Asking the question of obtaining financial income, many people give their preference. Indeed, today there is an opportunity to earn money, having at your disposal only a personal computer with an Internet connection. At the same time, the amount of profit is practically unlimited. It all depends on the skills of a person, the correct choice of the direction of activity. As it turned out, there are enough ways to earn money, therefore, before proceeding with their consideration and choosing the best one, it is necessary to decide in advance on the following points:

  • what skills do you have;
  • how much do you want to earn per month;
  • What is your preferred work schedule?
  • how much time per day you can devote to a new activity.

So, it will be easier for you to make a decision, and the result will be as justified as possible. Now it remains to study all the existing options for making money on the Internet and decide on the best one.

How to make money through an online store

Online stores can be safely put on the leading positions in the rating, because they really bring good money, especially when the activity is organized correctly and responsibly. In order for the electronic trading platform to make money, you need to:

  1. have start-up capital to create a selling portal and purchase goods;
  2. find a supplier offering the lowest prices;
  3. regularly monitor the receipt of orders and deal with the dispatch of goods.

Remember, in order to earn good money, it is important to withstand the current competition - to offer the buyer something that he will not find from other sellers: quality products, low prices, pleasant bonuses, branded goods of popular brands.

The advantage of opening an online store is that you can manage it yourself, starting with a small assortment of goods. To make money on the Internet, it is not necessary to hire a large staff, rent a warehouse. Many people start businesses from home.

If you do not want to open an online store on your own, promote it and solve organizational issues, it is possible to get a job at an existing trading platform as a manager. Depending on the chosen employer, the range of duties will differ, as well as the amount of remuneration.

Sales Organization: Two Ways to Make Money Online

This option is somewhat different from the previous one. Here, the sale of goods and services occurs through existing trading platforms, bulletin boards. In this type of earnings, several directions are collected at once.

Sale of used items. This includes clothing, footwear, computer components, mobile and other equipment, children's toys. Simply put, with the help of modern technology, you can sell almost everything that you no longer need. It is possible to organize a kind of electronic commission, taking the things of relatives and friends for sale, selling them for a certain percentage, which will become your reward. You will not be able to earn big money on the Internet in this way, but the option under consideration will bring good additional income. Used items are popular due to their affordable cost, and if they are in good, usable condition, they are sold quickly and without delay.

Sale of own services. The offers of electricians, plumbers, services for minor and other apartment repairs are very popular. So you can work for yourself, and the number of orders will depend on the attractiveness of the offer, including financial. Provided that the work is done well, the number of customers will quickly increase over time, and you will not even need to make significant efforts to organize advertising.

Affiliate programs and their benefits

This refers to the sale of other people's services, physical or digital goods. You act as a manager. The task is simple - to place ads on the maximum number of thematic resources, to make them attractive to potential customers. You can promote the offers of construction companies, repair teams, online stores, food or accessory manufacturers, and more.

To understand this area in more detail, we note that we are talking about numerous affiliate programs, and depending on the option chosen, the terms of cooperation and the amount of remuneration paid will differ. The latter is given to the person promoting the goods or services. Payment is made for the actions performed by the user who followed his link from the site or social network group. The following is paid:

  • registration on the electronic resource of the seller;
  • subscription to the newsletter from the promotion customer;
  • purchasing a product or ordering a service.

Example! You have your own website, which is characterized by high traffic. You enter into a partnership agreement with the bank, place a link to its services on your site. Users follow this link to the electronic pages of the bank and apply for a loan. For each successful transaction, you are paid a cash reward.

When choosing an affiliate program, wanting to get the maximum profit and make money quickly, try to determine the topic closest to you, where you will fully realize the available opportunities. For example, you run a women's magazine or group. A good solution would be an affiliate program to promote cosmetics. In order not to waste time looking for a partner, use the help of a special aggregator. This is a kind of catalog, where all affiliate programs operating on the Internet are presented. Consider these options:

  • admitad;
  • cityads.

Focus on the terms of partnerships. Some programs do not allow mailing lists, and you risk getting banned. The traffic on your link must be understandable for the affiliate program, otherwise it is difficult to prove that the customer came from you.

To start using the selected program, you will need to perform a few simple steps:

  1. Get registered. It is performed on the website of the seller whose product you are planning to promote.
  2. Register with the affiliate. Be sure to indicate the real data about yourself, so that later there will be no problems with the withdrawal of money.
  3. Register in a suitable payment system, open a wallet here, enter its number in the appropriate field of the affiliate registration form.
  4. Get a unique link from your partner that you will need to promote in the future, as well as additional materials, if they are expected to be available: training information, videos, promo codes.
  5. Start promoting and distributing the received link in all convenient ways that do not contradict the terms of the agreement.

Remember that the success of the undertaking depends solely on you and the chosen partner. The amount of profit is determined by the following factors:

  • Offer quality. The product or service must be truly worthy of attention. Your ability to promote the offer is also important.
  • Live target audience. If it was bought in the public, you should not wait for interest in the promoted product, the receipt of money.
  • Number of partners. To earn a large amount, you need to promote several programs.
  • The number of offers in the affiliate program itself. For example, you are promoting the services of a bank that offers several types of loans. Here, the probability that the user will select a suitable program is higher than in the case of a single loan option.
  • Commission amount. This is the amount your partner is willing to pay you.

Indeed, the considered method of improving the financial situation is worthy of attention. With a responsible approach, you will achieve your goal, especially if you have the tools necessary for this.

How profitable is doing handmade

Let's talk about the implementation of things made by one's own hands. A field of activity of unprecedented breadth opens up before you. Choose a direction depending on your skills and interests. Today, such handmade goods are popular: soap, knitwear, accessories for mobile phones and laptops, souvenirs and key rings, products made of natural stone, photo frames. maybe big money. The most profitable, according to the results of statistical studies, were such goods (arranged in descending order of income):

  • decorations;
  • children's products;
  • accessories;
  • designer clothes;
  • natural cosmetic.

First of all, the popularity of things made by one's own hands is due to exclusivity and originality. Similar products are difficult to find on the market in mass sale. That is why people who want to stand out in society, to be different from others, pay attention to them. It also attracts naturalness, if we talk, for example, about cosmetics. More and more women are ditching store-bought products containing synthetic ingredients and switching to natural ingredients.

To understand what you want to do and which option will be more profitable, immediately calculate the amount of start-up capital, determine the cost of the final product at which it can be sold, evaluate consumer demand, and think about your capabilities as a manufacturer. For example, if you study handmade business projects, you can see that felt cases and bags for mobile equipment and PCs are very popular. Here, the revenue is 8-10 times more than investments. At the same time, special efforts for the manufacture of products do not need to be applied. Everyone can master such an activity.

In order to make money selling things you made yourself (any other goods), you must have certain knowledge and skills. You can try to start from scratch, but to earn good money, you have to go quite a long way. Better if you own the following:

  • the basics of creating compelling ad headlines;
  • the correct composition of the text of the ad;
  • correct description of the goods;
  • the ability to choose the right consumer category;
  • awareness of the most advanced marketplaces and message boards.

The two main factors that ensure good money in this case are the correct choice of the sales market and the fair price of the products sold.

From the above information it is clear that everyone will be able to find a suitable occupation for themselves and organize earnings at home, the value of which is practically unlimited.

All the materials necessary to get started and successfully develop are on our website, so finding and studying them will not be difficult. The main thing is to show maximum responsibility, patience and perseverance.

Five ways to make money on YouTube

YouTube is a well-known video hosting company that provides users with video storage, hosting and sharing services. Her popularity is steadily increasing. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to make money in 2018, having only a computer connected to the Internet at hand, be sure to pay attention to this section.

The average income on YouTube is about $500 per month. We are talking about experienced users who are well versed in the intricacies of this business. If your income exceeds $ 1000, you can safely be called a professional.

Before talking about how to make money online, we note that initially you will need to create your own channel on YouTube. Next, you need to organize its effective promotion, conclude a partnership agreement with the portal administration. To successfully solve the problem, the following conditions must be met:

  • your videos do not violate the copyrights of other users;
  • more than 1,000 people view the video every day;
  • there are more than 10 videos in the public domain;
  • new videos are posted 1-2 times a week;
  • you have more than 500 subscribers.

Promotion and promotion of the channel is a separate big topic. We only note that here you need to use social networks, apply in the video itself with an offer to subscribe to the channel, choose the right consumer audience, leave comments under the videos of other authors, even use paid services.

Let's take a look at the five main ways to make money with Youtube:

  1. Advertising. In your video, you can promote products and services of any companies, receiving a monetary reward for this. Its value and method of transfer are negotiated on an individual basis. Having decided to organize making money on the Internet in this way, remember that before the video itself, the name of the manufacturer or service provider should be displayed for 3-5 seconds, you can use a watermark.
  2. Contextual advertising. These are pop-ups with promotional offers that are placed on the page with your video. Usually they are themed. For each visit of a person through an active link, you are rewarded. This way of earning is not very profitable, but it allows you to receive a generous additional income.
  3. Selling your goods or services. Your video will be about an overview of the product being sold with a call to buy it. You can conduct one-sided trainings on any topic. For this, it is not necessary to have a special education and a large store of knowledge. It is enough to find thematic materials on the Internet, study them in detail and prepare responsibly for the training. The main thing is to clearly and correctly state the previously studied information.
  4. Partnership programs. If you do not want or cannot sell your goods or services, start promoting the offers of other organizations. Here it is necessary to make reviews of certain products, consider the advantages of their acquisition, calling for an order. The procedure for payment is negotiated individually, as well as the method of accrual of remuneration.
  5. Earnings on the Internet on other people's videos. You find suitable videos and post them on your own channel. Next, you need to use an affiliate program or resort to using contextual advertising. You can make good money without investing your own money, but there is a risk of getting penalties from YouTube.

Creating your own YouTube channel is easy. Do the following:

  1. Open YouTube. This is done on a computer or in a mobile version.
  2. Try uploading a video, creating a comment, or downloading a playlist.
  3. You will see a prompt to create your own channel.
  4. Check the correctness of the displayed information, confirm the action.

The main condition for creating a channel is having a Google account. Even if there is none, it is not difficult to open it.

You've seen how a channel with your name is created. When it is necessary that the name be different from the Google account, open YouTube and go to the channel list. Here you can open a channel for a new or existing brand account:

  • select "Create Channel". This will link it to the new brand account;
  • select an existing brand account. If one channel is attached to it, the other cannot be opened.

It remains to fill in the field with the name of the page, confirm the changes. Then, if necessary, you can add a channel manager or administrator.

Seven ways to make money freelancing

A freelancer is a freelance worker who provides certain services for a monetary reward. A person works in a schedule convenient for himself, has no management, is not tied to the office, and does not have to provide reports to anyone. This method, which are on maternity leave. They can independently regulate the level of workload depending on the amount of household chores. But, in fact, everyone can do freelancing, in particular, programmers who want to work from home. The most popular and profitable real ways to make money on the Internet are:

If you want to make money online without investments, choose one of the listed options. No payments are required from you. Remuneration is paid upon delivery of the finished work.

If you are looking for a job as a freelancer and hear about a down payment (this can be argued by various facts), it is better to refuse the offer. Most likely, you had to deal with scammers.

More about games as a source of income

The number of computer games is increasing every day, and this area can bring gamers not only pleasure, but also income. There are two ways to get financial profit:

  1. Attract new gamers. For this, developers of advanced and popular projects pay a lot of money.
  2. Help lower level players to further advance in the game. Here we are talking about the sale of upgraded accounts, where the maximum number of opportunities is open.

You can really make money online in certain ways:

  • Game stream. An online broadcast of the game process is considered. For this, special platforms are used. So you can simultaneously record video while playing your favorite game, which will be useful for novice players. The amount of profit depends on how exciting you are to tell about the process of the game, how many secrets of success and rapid leveling you reveal to users. To conduct a game stream, you need a powerful computer that can "pull" the game. It must simultaneously record video in decent quality, as well as run special programs.
  • Uploading videos to YouTube. Above we talked about the use of this portal. Here you can upload reviews of popular games, telling novice gamers about the essence of the gameplay, ways to achieve the desired level, discovering useful secrets. Game developers will also pay for the video, subject to the conclusion of an appropriate agreement, and the portal itself, subject to the receipt of the required number of subscribers.
  • Blogging. Without being ready to speak in front of the camera, describe the features of the gameplay, review games and consider useful tips in text form.
  • Tutoring for gamers. It is possible to organize a video conference where you will share the accumulated knowledge and learned secrets regarding the selected game. Clients will be novice players who want to understand all the subtleties as soon as possible and reach the highest possible level.

There are a lot of games, so it makes sense to consider the most popular options for making financial profit:

  • League of Legends. The game has been actively used since 2009 and the number of players has exceeded 100 million. The best way to make money here is on game streams. There are also 5x5 tournaments with a cash reward for the winner. To do this, you will need to assemble a team of strong players.
  • Dota 2. Another popular game. The first way to make a profit is to sell skins. You can do this on special exchanges, forums. If you have 3D modeling skills, you can create new skins yourself. If the developers accept your project, they will pay 25% of the amount of income that it will bring.
  • Counterstrike/CS. Here you can sell inventory, make reviews on YouTube. Experienced players benefit from participating in professional tournaments. The amount of profit reaches high levels due to the popularity of the game.
  • World of Tanks (WoT) is a game with worldwide popularity. Ways of earning are the same as in the previous version.
  • The era of clones - has existed in our country for more than eight years, is considered an economic strategy. The gameplay is almost endless. For certain actions, gamers receive a reward that can be converted into euros and withdrawn to an electronic wallet.
  • My Lands. The game is similar to the previous version. But in order to withdraw funds, you need to purchase a paid account, the price of which is about 6-7 dollars.
  • Rich Birds/Golden Birds/Money Birds - games are in great demand. They are classified as investment economic projects. The bottom line is to acquire birds, sell laid eggs. The resulting profit is converted into real money. The red bird is considered the most profitable, and you can buy it for a decent amount. But by inviting friends to the game, you are more likely to achieve the desired result.
  • Golden Mines. The essence is built on the mining of gold by dwarves. The latter are bought for real money. And the more expensive the gnome, the more profit you can get. 70% of the income remains for developers for further improvement, 30% the user receives to his account and can withdraw to the WebMoney wallet.

Whether it is worth considering games as the main way to earn money is up to you. The amount of profit depends on the level of professionalism, the amount of time that you devote to this activity.

Today we will talk about such a topic as easy money. According to many people, there are many ways to earn, get easy money. But personally, it seems to me that very large easy money does not exist. But small amounts can sometimes be earned quite easily.

Big money must first be earned in order to create initial capital, and then receive passive income. Let's take a thorough look at whether there are quick easy money, and how you can get it completely legally and legally.

The phrase “easy money” itself sounds great and therefore attracts a lot of people. Only in most cases the money is made by the owners who offer easy money, but of course not always.

Let's look at several options for easy money that we are offered, for example, on the Internet. On the Internet they tell us: play in an online casino, you will definitely be lucky, you will get easy money! This is a lie. Or, for example, earning easy money on bets on the outcome of sporting events. I have many friends who have played and are playing in all sorts of bookmakers, and not one office has enriched them yet.

There used to be slot machines and casinos everywhere. A lot of people played them, and most of them lost, and they hoped for luck, that they were lucky and that they would win a lot of easy money. But alas, the owner of the establishment always remains in the black.

Many people say that blogging is a way to make easy money. I don't think so, because blogging is a rather difficult job.

What does easy money mean? Very often, such an expression is associated with money obtained dishonestly. Isn't money obtained without undue effort not easy? For many, doing what they love and getting paid for it is easy money. And there are other ways to make money easily. Something unnecessary for one person may be of great value to another. What can you give away, while receiving income?

1. One of the renewable resources is hair. This option is more suitable for girls and women, although, given the latest trends, men can also make money on their own hair. What do we have to do? Nothing, just grow your hair. The longer they are, the more expensive. During growing, it is advisable to take good care of your hairline, do not resort to dyeing, otherwise the cost of hair will be lower. The minimum length of a curl should be 20 cm. You can sell hair at hairdressers or through ads. Earning in this way, girls receive a bonus ─ a regular change of image.

Easy money - selling your own hair

2. The second resource is blood. Earnings are suitable only for healthy people. Depending on the region, a portion of blood costs 400-500 rubles. An additional bonus for donating blood will be a free examination by a therapist, blood donation for analysis of hepatitis, HIV and syphilis. In addition, employees are provided with 2 days off with pay. And one cannot deny the benefits that the donor brings to people.

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3. Quite free money for men ─ sperm donation. A man must be between the ages of 20 and 40, have a normal appearance, not have congenital diseases, as well as syphilis, hepatitis, venereal diseases, AIDS. Some clinics welcome a “portfolio” ─ the presence of their own healthy children. A portion of sperm costs from 200 rubles to 200 dollars. This method has a drawback ─ at the beginning of a career, it is necessary to pay for tests, the cost of which ranges from 800 to 2000 rubles, and not every city has sperm banks.

4. Egg donation brings more income than the above method. According to some reports, you can get from 700 to 1000 dollars for one procedure. In this way, a woman will not only be able to replenish the budget, but also really help someone get a long-awaited baby. For egg donation, women from 20 to 34 years old, of normal appearance, without external defects and without bad habits, are suitable. A prerequisite is that the donor must have children, since in some cases infertility may occur after the procedure. A woman who decides to become a donor must pass a series of tests, then undergo a two-week hormone therapy. The eggs are removed using a needle with intravenous anesthesia.

Some of the above methods can be combined. On Monday, he donated sperm, on Wednesday - blood, then the weekend has already come, the donor is supposed to have 2 additional legal days off. And there, look, the hair has already grown. Why not easy money?

Sell ​​something you don't need

To sell something you don't need, you don't have to buy it first. It could very well be at home. Clothing that has become small and, as you think, out of fashion, is sold on special sites, online auctions or newspaper ads. It’s also possible to sell unnecessary furniture, an old bicycle, etc. there.

It is likely that there is an unnecessary thing in the computer. It is quite possible that you were once fond of any online computer game. Selling upgraded accounts, old computer game discs is another way to make money easily. This also includes the sale of the library, collections of stamps, coins.

It is more convenient to sell all these items through online communities: you just need to periodically post ads.

But there is a drawback here too - resources are exhausted after some time, and there is nothing to sell.

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Abramovich's lunch

Combining business with pleasure

If you have a dog and you have to walk with it, then why not grab a few more neighbors? For a monetary reward, of course. And the dogs walked up, and the owners saved their time, and you aired the dog and earned money.

The same option can be practiced with children. If you create a club of mothers who have the same views on education, and children of about the same age, then you can walk with the children in turn. Depending on how to agree, you can receive either money or free time.

Many people like to do crafts, cross-stitch, make all kinds of designs from sweets, etc. It was once all these activities were called needlework. In the modern world, such activities are referred to only as handmade. And such a craft can bring a good income.

Most of all, in terms of combining business with pleasure, the hero of the film Easy Money was lucky. He just had to get rid of bad habits and addictions, and in return receive 10 million dollars. Both useful and pleasant.

Another way to get easy money will require financial investments. Buy apartments, the more the better. You draw up the documents (you will have to run a little), launch the tenants, and voila! Sit on the couch and collect rent regularly.

There are plenty of ways to quickly earn a lot of money without investments, the question is different: how effective and honest they are.

And while many are thinking where to find a job, the rest are thinking how to turn it from a grueling and boring process into something interesting, bringing both income and moral pleasure.

And today in a fresh article - interesting suggestions for a beginner and a professional. I have always been impressed by people who do not stop there, but want to do higher, faster, stronger than themselves, but a month or even a year ago. This approach to development always motivates and allows you to accumulate capital. Real ways of active and passive income, as well as typical scam schemes - in my new material.

Where can you earn a lot of money

Who among us in life at least once did not ask himself the question: how to quickly earn a lot of money, and at the same time not spend a lot of time and effort. Of course, there are easy options, there are more complex ones, but every sane person should be motivated to some extent - to increase their basic capital, ensure a comfortable old age, allow themselves something in this life.

And the development of the Internet as a platform "for everyone and everything" helps to do this. Together with direct physical efforts, they also consider investments on the Internet, which allow money to work, and you and I to receive a stable passive income. Moreover, it is proved that passive investments are more profitable than active ones. But in order to invest something, you first need to get SOMETHING into your account.

How to make money fast - real ways

Among the suggestions on how to make money on the Internet for a beginner, you can find different options: from writing reviews to ordinary likes or share pages. Among what is in demand today is freelancing, but at the same time, sales and the provision of professional services in various fields do not lose popularity. The fastest way to get money is to win the lottery, but the winning ticket does not come across every day, so it is worth showing restraint and patience and still find a physical or mental job. Along with this, you should carefully look around: what can bring you profit: old things that no one needs, or, for example, a chainsaw in the garage that you can rent, or maybe it will be your hobby - hair accessories or decorative items.

Selling unwanted items

Fortunately, there are a lot of methods for this way of earning now: advertise on specialized flea market sites, on social networks, in the newspaper, simply take old things to the commission, but, of course, this was not always the case. Such a method does not guarantee to make money quickly, because you cannot even guess whether there will be a buyer today or in a month. Among the most popular used goods that find their buyers are:

  • auto;
  • clothing and footwear;
  • dishes;
  • decor items.

The latter can be sold taking into account their collection value, especially since antiques and working with them are quite profitable at different times, including crisis ones. Plus, they consider similar methods when they are looking for options where to invest in 2018: collectible coins, luxury items, vintage items.

Quick money through brokerage

This way of getting money directly depends on your communication and ability to plan correctly and rationally. You can be an intermediary everywhere, for example, you sell wholesale purchased goods, of course, with your own fat, or you take an order for the production of videos, giving them to partners, but at a lower cost. For the successful implementation of the strategy, it is necessary:

  1. study the market and choose an effective direction;
  2. understand where and how you can receive your commissions;
  3. consider different methods at the same time.

For remote work, it is great to search for tickets for other people, provide real estate services, sell a variety of wholesale lots, in particular, from China.


This method will allow you to earn money in 2 weeks, because you immediately receive an advance payment in your hands, and after half a month and half the rent. This method of calculation is one of the most popular in our country. It remains only to find what you can rent. Of course, the most popular option is real estate or transport equipment (yachts, scooters, jet skis).

But there is a certain segment that will allow you to turn temporary earnings into permanent ones, for example, a festive clothing salon. You can make good money by renting prom and wedding dresses, men's suits and accessories. Autumn is the season of weddings; the beginning of summer - graduations in schools and kindergartens, and in winter - the rental of costumes for matinees.

Fast services through social networks

Among the basic offers, there are: become a subscriber, leave a comment or review on an outside resource, post a photo, reply to a comment, make a repost. The money offered is small, but the amount of work is an unplowed field, which is especially beneficial for students or schoolchildren who want to increase their pocket money with minimal effort. As a rule, money is paid once a day or a week based on the results of work performed.


At first glance, this is illegal earnings, but only in the sense that organs can be sold on the black market. Some clinics offer donation on a paid basis, of course, putting forward strict age and health requirements for clients. From what is allowed in our country to donate on a donation basis for a fee, it is available:

  • blood;
  • plasma;
  • eggs;
  • male ejaculate.

Working on the Internet

As a rule, this option to increase income starts from special sites, for example, Yandex cleaning. Different tasks for every taste and budget. From unscrupulous customers, as well as performers, no one is safe, but it's worth a try. If everything goes well, then for many beginners, over time, freelancing ceases to be additional, but turns into the main financial source. You can write texts and draw illustrations, make animations and promote content, set up ads and edit videos, and this is not a complete list.

Handmade goods

This option is suitable for those who are thinking how to make money on the Internet without investment. You are doing what you love: painting, embroidering, making soap, making figurines or jewelry, and then just posting them online, advertising and looking for your customers. Plus, you can start selling from what has already been done and thus track the demand and form your niche. Over time, the assortment can be expanded, as well as the sales market: newspapers and social networks, specialized exhibitions and festivals.

Paid consultations

Studying ways to make money, you can stop at counseling. Speaking about what is quite in demand today, I will highlight:

  1. financial and accounting services for individuals and legal entities;
  2. verification of the correct translation and execution of documents;
  3. legal services.

Pros: you can work with several clients in parallel, and besides this, consult in different ways: in person or remotely. Among the minuses: sometimes it takes too long to look for suitable partners.

Create a financial cushion

Thinking how to make a million, start by saving money not only for tomorrow, but also for a month ahead. Strict planning of funds, taking into account savings, financially disciplines, and I have repeatedly said that successful people are more prone to savings. When you understand that there is a reserve, life is easier, and it’s easier to say goodbye to money.

And the gradual formation of a financial cushion allows you to move closer every day to the goal - buying a car, real estate. If you set yourself up to systematically set aside the same amount (of course, it’s better to gradually increase it), then you won’t have to think about where to steal money.

One of the most effective strategies for creating a financial cushion is to regularly set aside the same amount of money that is sent to a deposit or to projects. You can’t commit $100 on the 1st, break it down into “2 payments,” but by the end of the month, you must complete your personal plan.

What you need to know to make a lot of money

In the world, there are still discussions on the subject: in order to quickly earn money, it is necessary or not at all important to have a diploma in a specialty. It is not always necessary, but it should not be excluded completely. Unfortunately (or fortunately) there is no universal recipe for what you need to know and be able to make money quickly, but among what I would highlight, I will focus on responsibility, workaholism (in the reasonable sense of the word), the desire to learn, as well as a little fart.

It is also important to understand not only how to do it, but also what to do next with IT: where and to whom to sell, how to set a price, how to establish a flow of orders. Of course, in order to increase capital, it is worth keeping alternative earning options on the horizon - HYIP investments that help your money not just lie, but work.

How not to fall for the bait of scammers and scammers

Like it or not, but looking for a suitable way to quickly get money, you can also fall for the hook of crooks. There are many of them, and at first glance, in a personal meeting or through a monitor, they cannot be identified. Moreover, scammers are active in different directions. For example, you put up ads on the site for the sale of a food processor (it can be anything instead), they call you, agree on a purchase, find out the card number and say that the funds will be transferred now.

Then, after a couple of minutes, an unknown number calls, introduces themselves as a bank employee and says that they cannot credit the payment to your card without confirming the CVV code. At this time, the buyer is also activated in the correspondence, such as “Did the money come?”. In agony, you say the code and ... lose all your funds on the card. This is just one example, and there are many more, therefore, unfortunately, making money on the Internet is filled with risks, but at the same time with huge opportunities. Summing up, I want to clarify that the answer to the question of where to get money quickly depends not only on what you can do, but also on what you want and can do.

And luck, patience, the desire to grow along with the needs of the client are weighty additional arguments in the imminent onset of financial independence. Traditionally, I want to wish every reader of my blog that there are different ways to make money quickly, and you choose among them the safest, most effective and durable.

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