Brick house in modern style. Elite houses in Art Nouveau style

garden equipment 16.05.2019
garden equipment

The architectural style called "modern" originally began to be used in Europe, it gained good popularity here because of its eccentricity and aesthetics. In this style, the rejection of angular forms, as well as lines, is practiced. Mostly natural outlines are used, alternating with new technologies. Like other similar trends, Art Nouveau aims to improve appearance buildings, it increases functionality. Frame house in the Art Nouveau style, not only has a unique design on the outside, it also goes through a special study of the finishes, as well as parts of the decor. Pillars, door openings, ladders are combined with each other, giving completeness to the interior decoration.

Styles of houses of the world overview

At present house styles exist great amount. Let's look at just a few of them.

Country house built in Japanese style combines at the same time natural harmony, as well as a state of calm. This can be achieved through the use of natural materials for the implementation finishing works as well as interior design. The design of the building characterizes high level functionality and good practicality. straight lines together with right angles create simple design. The wide roof rests on wooden columns, which gives rise to a special atmosphere. In most cases, the roof is gabled and has two or four pitched sides.

Calm shades and special space, natural materials, as well as simplicity, all this is used when finishing the building in scandinavian style. Such a structure will be appreciated by individuals who prefer the tranquility in the interior, they do not need additional frills. The main building material in this case- this is wood, complemented by brickwork or decorative stone. Light woods are often used.

In the list of rustic house styles, which are most often chosen by people during construction, country music is in particular demand - comfortable, multifunctional and extremely simple. What else is needed country house in addition to comfort, as well as tranquility, which are able to restore the forces lost in the bustle of the city! Many people associate country-style houses with North American life. It is here, on rural ranches, that real cowboys live in such houses. In fact, historical homeland This style is considered to be England, and from there the settlers took it to America and a little later to other countries of the continent.

Exterior of the house

If you take a look at the photographs of houses in the Art Nouveau style, you will immediately notice that when creating such architectural structures, specialists deliberately do not use right angles and lines, preferring natural sinuous contours. When developing full-fledged houses in this style, they must refuse any even minimal symmetry. When decorating buildings with the most optimal colors not too saturated natural shades are considered, for example, very often facades are decorated with something similar to tobacco leaves.

Construction technology

Let's look at construction technology. Initially, wood materials are processed by specialized antiseptics. This is done in order to prevent the appearance of destructive mold, fungi, and also impairs the absorbency of the material. Next is the installation of the building. After that, the frame is filled with heat-insulating materials, which should also increase sound insulation. Only then can the installation of the roof itself be carried out. At the final stage, internal and exterior finish walls.

The main differences of the modern house

Often, when creating a full-fledged design in this style, not only wood is used, but also metal. You can also select glass.

incredible plants, geometric figures, having no obvious outlines, ornate elements - usually only in modernity can all this be combined at the same time. If you are an advanced person who appreciates real beauty and extraordinary solutions, then this style will suit you best. It is unlikely that you will find such a large number of contradictory elements anywhere else.

Advantages of a modern frame house

As already noted, such houses are not only the most aesthetic, but also multifunctional. In addition, if you choose this style, then just pick up what you like. In modern stores building materials there is a real variety of things from which you can create this style. In this case, it is only important to choose the right designer. But this is also no problem. As soon as you post an ad, you will be contacted immediately. After all, this style has gained particular popularity today, designers get more practice, introduce new ideas.


As for the cost, it can vary greatly. First of all, the amount depends on the number of storeys of the building. You may also have special requests that can result in a significant price increase. For example, if you are going to equip the building with a garage, then this will make the project more expensive by about 10-15%.

In understanding modern man"modern style house" is associated with innovative bold ideas embodied in an architectural creation with broken lines, an asymmetric shape, flat roof, made using glass, metal, stone, concrete, and the facade of such a building is not saturated with excesses. This perception is erroneous and bears little resemblance to reality. stylistic features modern style.

Art Nouveau architecture (Art Nouveau architecture) is a style in architecture that originated in 1890-1910 in Europe and corresponded to the artistic trend of Art Nouveau. The features of this architecture are the choice in favor of natural lines, reminiscent of "natural" with the simultaneous rejection of broken lines and sharp corners, as well as a commitment to new technologies in the form of the use of glass and metal.

This style can be characterized by a special decorative effect, the use of plant motifs and the amazing harmony of the creations of man and nature. The highlight of the Art Nouveau style can be called the rejection of symmetry and any repetition. This is precisely the rethinking of long-known areas of architecture.

The architectural projects of modern houses are subordinated to the solution of the main task of creating a good comfortable environment inside the building. For this, the most good layout houses in the Art Nouveau style, which determines the entire spatial and volumetric solution and dictates the exterior of the building. This is in contrast to the well-established design principles of the 18th and 19th centuries, which focused on the external decoration of the building, smoothly moving to its interior layout. This tactic of architectural planning of a residential building increases the free and asymmetric forms in the building.

The best author's projects modern houses in the Art Nouveau style were created by Antonio Gaudi, who is rightfully the brightest representative of the architects of this trend. Art Nouveau houses (photos, drawings, videos, diagrams and draft designs can be viewed in this section) acquire an aura of fabulousness and futurism through the smoothness and roundness of architectural forms.

It is worth noting that, in fact, architectural modernism is the broadest concept, one of the currents of which are houses in the Art Nouveau style.

Architectural modernism (from French modernisme, moderne - modern, latest, from English modern - new, modern) - a direction of architecture that spread in the 20th century, which has a turning point, following the idea of ​​​​a decisive renewal of structures and forms, together with the rejection of past stylistic developments . This refers to new trends in the architecture of Europe from the beginning of 1900 until the 80s.

Under common name architectural modernism refers to constructivism, rationalism of the 20s that arose in the USSR, European functionalism of the 20s-30s, the German Bauhaus, the trend of architectural art deco, as well as brutalism, high-tech, organic architecture, minimalism and international style. We can say that all these styles are branches of a tree called architectural modernism.

Modern projects of houses in the Art Nouveau style: features of the architectural style

Modern buildings in a modernist style, which are popular in 2018, are characterized by the following features:

  • application of the latest developments in designs and materials,
  • functionalism and rationality in the development of layout schemes for premises,
  • oblivion of the need for embellishment and historical reminiscences in the exterior,
  • internationality of images.

Z500's Art Nouveau home design plans for the most part conform to these claims. We took the liberty of leaving an incorrect name for this part of our catalog for the sake of convenience and accessibility of the search for those who want to buy projects of private cottages for turnkey implementation at an average market price.

Art Nouveau House Plans: Additions

If you want to choose a house project in modern style, but fully satisfying your conditions finished version not found, use the service for an additional cost. Thanks to this service, the layout of Art Nouveau house projects and other parts of it can be changed. Insofar as standard solutions for this architectural trend is unable to express all bright personality, you can use the add-on that will allow you to develop original design modern style houses. And the addition "" will allow you to get the basis for the construction estimate.

We wish you to find your dream home among our proposed projects!

  1. Houses made of irregular cubes and with large stained-glass windows instead of Art Nouveau walls.
  2. German rigor and economy of material in the half-timbered style.
  3. The simplicity and practicality of Scandinavian architecture.
  4. Do-it-yourself country-style houses and Provence.
  5. Harmony with nature and sun protection in light Japanese buildings.
  6. The luxury of Italian baroque in the palaces of the Russian nobility of the 17th - 18th centuries.

Many countries built frame houses from materials that were at hand in sufficient quantities. Now, thanks to metal and glass, this method of construction is especially clearly reflected in modern buildings. Art Nouveau houses are varied and unpredictable in their layout. In them you can recognize the Bavarian pedantry in its classic version and the slight rudeness inherent in rustic decor facade. Knowing the features frame structure, you can create a unique architectural design of the house with your own hands.

Houses made of irregular cubes and with large stained-glass windows instead of Art Nouveau walls

Modern house in Art Nouveau style

Modern is a combination of centuries-old traditions in the classic version of the structure of houses, and the opportunities that give modern materials and technology. The simplicity of finishing and the clarity of lines allow developers to create an image of housing and partially build it with their own hands. If you look closely, these are half-timbered houses with solid metal beams and stained glass walls. Glass instead of clay and stone. The ability to create structures of any shape harmoniously places the building on the ground, like a Japanese-style house.

Modern houses in Art Nouveau style inherited rational Scandinavian planning inside and the functionality of every square meter. The kitchen, dining room and living room are united according to the studio principle. It turns out a large space for relaxation, with natural light through the glass wall. Second stream sun rays usually poured through a glass roof or internal wells that mimic a patio. Various styles of houses are used in design and architecture. Most of them can be created during construction with your own hands.

The main features of Art Nouveau architecture are driven by the possibilities of materials.

  1. Large glass area. If the climate allows, then the walls are completely stained glass. First of all, the dining area opens - the living room.
  2. Absence internal partitions and corridors. The design is done on the principle of a studio apartment. The hallway smoothly passes into the living room, dining room. There is also a place with a desk. The kitchen is separated by an island or furniture. Zoning floor and ceiling level.
  3. The shapes of the facade elements repeat geometric shapes with straight lines and sharp corners. The design in the classic version is done with an individual binding of each project to the area.

Half-timbered houses can be seen in the classic rustic construction of many countries with a warm and temperate climate. The space between the uprights and the beams of the frame was traditionally filled with:

  • clay;
  • a rock;
  • bamboo;
  • straw.

The design depends on national traditions and materials available nearby.

German rigor and economy of material in the half-timbered style

Half-timbered house

Buildings in the Bavarian classical style became the basis for the design of the facade with protruding wooden beams. Half-timbered houses put their "skeleton" on display, turning it into decor. The lack of good wood and the high cost of materials forced people in the 15th century to create frames with diagonally intersecting planks or large branches with their own hands. The space between them was first filled with clay. Then straw and dry grass were added to it.

The exterior design changed a lot when the walls began to be whitewashed and the wood painted. Half-timbered houses began to look elegant and light. Made in classic rustic style buildings began to appear in cities. Architectural design combined the first floor in a classic version of masonry made of raw stone. The second and attic in a rustic design with a frame outward.

In this form, the house german style lasted until the middle of the 20th century. It was a rectangular building with decorative ledges. The design of the house was complemented by bay windows, balconies, which began to be decorated with flowers. Simple and cheap half-timbered houses quickly won the sympathy of the townspeople. different countries. Across Europe, you can now see frame houses, on which beams and crossbeams stand out clearly. Now they are made of durable metal and a large space of the walls is filled with glass.

Simplicity and practicality of Scandinavian architecture

Art Nouveau house

The Scandinavian-style house has the same wall construction technology. Only the sheathing is made of wood and the construction in the classical northern style is very different from the buildings in the rustic Bavarian design:

  • houses are rectangular;
  • gable roofs;
  • ease of design without decorative elements;
  • the door stands out brightly on the facade;
  • low plinth or pile foundations;
  • practical planning.

Such a house frame technology suitable for cold climates and easy to build with your own hands. The main styles of houses that came to us from past centuries have a simple foundation and were built by amateurs, peasants and middle-class citizens.

Do-it-yourself country-style houses and Provence

country house

The houses of ethnic architecture have a simple design. They combine rustic simplicity with handcrafted décor. The country-style house is made in the classic version in the form of a ranch:

  • wooden columns;
  • large balconies supported by columns;
  • spacious verandas;
  • double doors with vertical division;
  • the balcony serves as a canopy over the entrance;
  • double pitched roofs.

First buildings american style country music was built during the development of new land and the gold rush. They are shown in westerns. Art Nouveau took over the frame and the main elements. Materials have changed. Instead of wood paneling glass, ceiling of metal beams.

Design country house Provence style is impossible without:

  • French sophistication;
  • high cost;
  • southern accuracy;
  • comfort.

In the classic version, this is a southern half-timbered house with painted beams to match the color of the walls. A large number of window bay windows furnished with potted plants. Balconies and awnings to protect from the sun. Contemporary Art Nouveau has left the walls of private rooms closed. The living rooms have stained-glass windows, often sliding glass walls. In front of them spacious terraces. The canopies are decorated with carvings.

Harmony with nature and sun protection in light Japanese buildings

Combination of Japanese style and modern style

With a rustic feel, the Japanese-style house has not changed over the centuries. It has a wooden frame and clay or bamboo walls. The roofs are covered with reeds, grass and leaves. Art Nouveau took over from Japanese houses a harmonious location on the ground and merging with nature.

Ethnic minimalism and lightness of the walls in a rural and urban Japanese house are due to frequent earthquakes. wooden frame usually withstand vibration. Thin partitions and wall filling are easily restored.

The luxury of Italian baroque in the palaces of the Russian nobility of the 17th - 18th centuries

Italian baroque houses

Baroque houses are the epitome of luxury and tastes of the Renaissance.

If the customer is interested in projects of houses in the Art Nouveau style, you can be sure: he wants to build something unusual, which stands out against the background of neighboring cottages. The key idea of ​​this architectural trend is individuality, originality elevated to a principle.

Distinctive features of Art Nouveau in architecture

The advent of a new industrial age in late XIX century expressed itself in the most bizarre way in architecture, mixing in the appearance of buildings best features gothic, ethnic elements and new materials: metal and glass. Despite the diversity, there are some common features that distinguish the projects of houses in the Art Nouveau style.

Three-story house made of timber: project No. 13-27 Cottage with a mansard roof: project No. 58-04K

    The smoothness of the silhouette of buildings, rounded corners, numerous arches - a general feeling of lightness, "airiness" of the structure. Oval pediments are decorated with intricate stucco.

    Varied façade decor. Windows and doors are underlined with wavy lines, sometimes closed in a circle. Projects of houses and cottages made of timber in the Art Nouveau style are distinguished by a completely unusual look.

    Asymmetry in the arrangement of individual elements and their shapes. A door, balcony or loggia is often present in one of the corners of the house, windows can be different widths and height, located diagonally.

    The abundance of forged metal elements - openwork lattices, balcony railings. They reproduce fantasy floral ornament. Example: a two-story wooden house in the Art Nouveau style - project No. 13-81 in the catalog.

    Different ledges, bay windows are characteristic. One wall of the house can be completely different from the others. Broken stepped elements create a special game sunlight on the facade of the building.

In every country this unusual style are named differently. In France it's Art Nouveau, in Germany it's Art Nouveau. In Russia, two directions are clearly expressed. St. Petersburg was characterized by northern modernity, characterized by restraint of forms (Basova's mansion on the Petrograd side). Neo-Russian style was widespread in Moscow. In the second half of the 20th century, modernity was replaced by hi-tech, minimalism, marking the transition from romance to practicality.

Country houses in Art Nouveau style

Our catalog of modern house projects contains turnkey solutions for building a house made of wood, brick, aerated concrete. Each of them accompanies a complete documentation package, including floor plans, sections, diagrams and bill of materials.

It contains mainly 2 storey cottages. At the request of the customer, we will develop a design project for a stylish one-story house in the Art Nouveau style, or a modern townhouse. On a separate order, we will prepare a scheme of engineering systems.

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