Small houses in the German style. German style house

Encyclopedia of Plants 21.05.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

An American, having moved to Germany, wrote an interesting post about the difference in housing arrangements between American and German houses- . Sometimes some things only amaze an American (such as a wall-hung toilet), but sometimes they surprise me too (rolling shutters down throughout the house, regardless of the time of year or day).

German houses are not usually built with brick or wood, but with metal rebar and sand/limestone mix. Outside and inside the walls are covered with plaster and paint (outside - usually yellow, inside - white). Wallpaper is not used due to high humidity. american houses, usually built from wood/plywood, do not require a signal amplifier to wireless wifi. In a German home, it is required.

In Germany, they prefer to rent a house, rather than having their own. For example, in Berlin, more than 80% of people live in rented housing. Perhaps this is due to a lack of funds (the salary is small and you don’t want to be bound by a loan), or perhaps people do not see their future in this city and want to have freedom of choice and movement. If in America it is common to rent housing for a period of 1 year, then in Germany the minimum period is usually 3 years. The more, the more convenient for the landlord.

In German houses, there is usually no central air conditioning and heating system (grilles in the ceiling and on the floor). With the American hot climate and high humidity You just need constant air conditioning. But Germany is located to the north, it is enough to ventilate the rooms here. Although in old German houses, which are already several centuries old, there is often stubborn mold. The Germans may use small household fans. In cold weather, houses are heated with hot water, which is supplied to radiators on the wall or under the floor ("warm floors"). The heating level can be adjusted independently. No wonder Germans use less electricity than Americans.

Heating under the window. Balcony door made entirely of glass

But there are light motion sensors that save electricity. For example, they work near the entrance, in the corridor, in the basement.

It was a revelation to Americans that windows could be opened vertically. Sometimes they write on forums that they broke a window in a rented apartment and ask how to fix it and what to say to the landlord. Also, the Americans are puzzled why the Germans do not insert insect screens into all windows. It's just that in Germany all sorts of chemicals are sprayed from helicopters in swampy areas so that mosquitoes do not breed. There really are almost none. Summer night turns into torture for Americans, as all the moths and bugs fly from the darkness to the bright house. The battle between fresh air and lack of insects. Once an American woke up from the fact that a grasshopper was sitting on his chest.

AT german houses usually in each room there are built-in roller shutters (metal, wooden, plastic). They will be everywhere, except for the windows of the bathroom and toilet. Among Americans, similar strong window fortifications are found on the East Coast or in the southern states, where hurricanes are frequent and windows need to be saved from strong wind and flying debris. Or with the help of thick blinds in the south they escape from the sizzling sun. Americans are wondering why such powerful blinds are needed where there are no hurricanes and the hot south? Versions under consideration:

So that at night the light from street lamps does not interfere with sleep (but the blinds are lowered at night in all rooms);
- so that in winter, leaving the house, to keep it warm (but modern double windows and thermal insulation of the walls perfectly retain heat);
- in order to keep the house cool in the summer (the Germans are afraid of drafts, so they do not ventilate the house in this way in the summer);
- so that the glare of light does not fall on the TV screen;
- to keep their private life secret (it seems to them that 60% of the time the neighbors look out of their windows);
- to feel safe (it seems to the Americans that the Germans thus prepared for the zombie apocalypse);
- perhaps this is a memory of the time when in July 1939 an instruction was issued on the need to tightly close the windows with blankets at night so that the light from inside the house was not visible.
- perhaps there is no logic here. Enough habit that my mother and grandmother did this.

For example, in Holland they rarely curtain their windows, rather they try to decorate them with orchids, lighthouses, seagulls ... The Dutch like to live without curtains, as if demonstrating to all people that they have nothing to hide. Perhaps the Dutch like to look out the window more often than the TV. Perhaps this is their favorite TV program. Or maybe the Dutch just love the sun and don't like to turn their houses into underground spaces where no light can penetrate.

Dutch house in the evening.

Window shutters are what most surprise Americans in Germany. But those shutters on century-old buildings never close.

Usually residential buildings in German towns day and night look like this:

Maybe this is an echo of the war and it seems to them that a sniper is sitting on the roof? But the whole of Europe was at war.

When you move into a rented apartment, you need to be prepared for the fact that instead of lighting in the rooms there will be only wires. buy light bulbs lighting and you have to install them yourself. For example, at first we were very helped out by two desk lamp brought with you..

Americans are surprised that German toilets have not one but two flush buttons and they are different! In the US, older toilets use 13.6 liters of water to flush, newer ultra-low-flow toilets use 6 liters. In Germany, pressing a large button uses 7.5 liters of water, and a small one - 3.8 liters.
Also, for Americans, the design of the hanging toilet is amazing. They are used to having it attached to the floor. And it’s also surprising to Americans that there is a brush in the toilet ...

Americans are used to the fact that in the kitchen waiting for them is a two-door refrigerator with a minimum height of 1.8 m, a huge oven and a large space for utensils and creativity. German cuisine disappoints them in this regard. Not all rented German houses have kitchen furniture, and if there is, then it is not at all "American" in size. When baking a turkey in a German oven, the Americans even have to cut off its legs, otherwise it simply does not fit inside.

Usually, at the entrance to a rented apartment, new tenants in the kitchen expect only the possibility of connecting water and electric wires. The previous tenants will even take the sink and countertop with them (most likely, because of its size, it will be useless in a new place, but here the Germans are driven not by logic, but by a sense of justice - you didn’t pay them for this kitchen). Usually kitchen furniture tenants buy on their own or buy cheaply from previous tenants who moved out (fortunately, people rarely move in Germany).

What does a typical American stove look like:

What does the kitchen look like in a rented German apartment (a small elevation on the left is a refrigerator):

Now I'm starting to understand why the Germans go to the store every day ... They simply do not fit anything at home. However, from the previous post, you already understood that the Germans prefer not to cook at home, they eat ready-made food that needs to be warmed up as much as possible (What do they eat in Germany? and).

German built-in oven:

What did the Americans do first? Of course we bought a new refrigerator! True, they did not measure in advance the doorway of the closet where they intended to put him, but he climbed in anyway:

The storage room inside the apartment is often used to install an additional refrigerator or freezer. At our house, for example, there is a place for connecting washing machine. Also, usually the apartment is supposed to have a basement where you can store bicycles, skis, rods and whatever your heart desires (except for combustible and flammable items). Yes, when moving, the Germans will also take the dryer and washing machine with them.

If in America a large and beautiful space is accepted in front of the house, then the Germans have the opposite: in front of the house there will be quite small space, and all the beauty will be behind the house, away from prying eyes. Even apartment buildings in Germany, unsightly from the street, will have a pretty patio. Perhaps this is because the Germans do not want to "show off" their beautiful courtyards, while Americans, on the contrary, like to look attractive. Usually in the backyards, the Germans cook sausages and fry meat.

In American homes, it is customary to make wall niches that can be closed, which can be conveniently used as dressing rooms or pantries. They will be present even in the smallest apartments in New York:

In Germany, instead of such niches, they buy furniture where they hang and fold clothes. Americans believe that cabinets are what Ikea does its main business in Germany.

Americans are used to their big houses have large furniture. But it just won't fit in the comparatively smaller German apartments. For example, this big dinner table for 10 people and chairs, the Americans had to sell before moving to Germany:

Of course, there were still difficulties in finding an adapter for equipment designed for a different mains voltage. For example, electronics bought in Germany will not work in the US unless adapters or transformers are used. Therefore, those who leave Europe for America usually sell all their equipment through websites at low prices. This is very convenient for those who are moving to Germany and do not want to invest a fortune in the purchase. new technology. The EU electrical plug is different from the US one (2 small round pins vs 2 small flat prongs). Things that usually don't work from the US: TVs, irons, hair dryers, coffee pots, electric shavers, lamps, etc.

I'll add on my own:

If the house is old, post-war construction, most likely the bathroom will only have a shower. But at modern renovation everything looks nice:

In old houses, the division of rooms into a kitchen and a dining room has been preserved, i.e. they don’t eat in the kitchen, they only cook (however, as in the pre-revolutionary houses of Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Small German kitchen. Cooking here:

Here they eat:

In the kitchen, you can only have a bite to eat, sitting at this impromptu table on high bar stools:

The central place in the living room is occupied by a TV (each room of the German house has a TV outlet). For example, our neighbors watch TV as if on schedule - every day from 18:00 to 22:00. Then they lower their blinds and you can't hear them. His barbell continues to lie in the shed, her bike is there. It seems that in their life there is only home and work.

The German bedroom differs from others in that an additional switch will be arranged above the bed. Americans are surprised that in Germany there are big switches, not in the form of a lever. Very often, even on a double bed there will be two separate blankets (and not one large one) and there will be no bedspread on top (this is a wonder for the Germans). Terry stretch sheets are often used.

For some reason, the Germans avoid eating on the balconies, although they buy flowers, trees and beautiful furniture there.

The balcony in Holland is literally created for lunches and dinners:

Nice balconies in Heidelberg.

What are German houses -

Architectural styles inherent Western countries, are now very popular with domestic developers. In elite Russian settlements, one can increasingly see houses stylized as french provence, English classics, luxurious baroque or trendy high-tech. But ordinary homeowners are especially sympathetic to the German style, characterized by a combination of restraint and comfort.

The inhabitants of Germany are known all over the world, first of all, for their practicality and frugality, and these features are reflected in the architecture of residential buildings. Such buildings at first sight give the impression of reliability and comfort, special home comfort without any frills.

The German style is characterized by the following features:

  • the correct form of houses;
  • small windows;
  • lack of an attic;
  • restrained colors;
  • the predominance of natural materials;
  • a small amount of facade decor of simple lines.

house architecture

A traditional German house is either rectangular or square and can be one, two or three stories high. Modern options allow for extensions and some asymmetry of forms, but even in such projects much attention is paid to the correct proportions. For expansion usable space an attic, bay windows are equipped in houses, it often happens ground floor.

The porch at the entrance is usually low, modest in size, with simple wooden railings. The terrace, if any, is quite small, but most often it is absent. Small, geometrically shaped balconies are available in almost every two- and three-story house. In buildings of the classical type, they are always open, but in more modern projects preference is given to balconies closed type, including those with panoramic windows.

Small balconies - a feature of style

The roofs of German houses are most often gable, with wide overhangs, covered with tiles. Roofs of complex configuration or hips are rare, mainly in large mansions with numerous outbuildings.

Entrance doors have rectangular shape, top part may be glazed. The main entrance stands out only in a contrasting color - it is not customary to use another decor. The windows are also rectangular, small, with thin perpendicular lintels. Shutters are rarely used, and even then only as decoration.

Materials for construction and decoration

For building houses in german style red brick, natural stone, cinder block and ceramic block are widely used, and for frame structures - glued laminated timber, sandwich panels and DSP. A very common option is when the first floor is built of brick or stone, and the second of wood. Traditional finishes are plaster and paint. The walls are plastered smoothly, textured compositions are used in rare cases. Plinth veneer natural stone or its imitation - this is the most popular way of finishing. For roofing, all types of tiles are used, less often corrugated board.

Color spectrum

German houses are characterized by very restrained colors, and bright accents in the design of the exterior are rare. For walls, they usually choose beige, sand, white, sometimes light green or terracotta. At the same time, wooden decor almost always has a rich dark brown color that contrasts favorably with the walls. Also, for contrast, shutters and front doors can be painted in bright red or Blue colour. Roof color, depending on the type roofing material, varies from red-brown to dark gray.

This architectural style has several directions, the most significant of which are German Gothic and fachwerk. gothic refers to castle style, and more suitable for luxury mansions. But in Germany there are many small houses, stylized as Gothic and distinguished by an unusually colorful look. They have high pointed roofs with the same pointed canopies over the porch, narrow, vertically elongated windows, and columns at the entrance made of stone or brick. The plinth is also high, lined with roughly hewn stone. All this makes the house visually taller and gives a presentable, outstanding look.

Fachwerk is considered the most famous direction, and for many it is he who personifies the traditional German style. It is very easy to identify half-timbered houses by the wooden beams dividing the facade into small sections. correct form. The beams intersect at right angles and diagonally, creating a kind of decor that is characteristic only of this style. Such houses look solid and unusually colorful, even despite the simplest decoration.

Design features and materials of half-timbered houses

Fachwerk refers to frame construction and today it is the most advanced technology for the construction of wooden frame houses. The basis of the building is a structure of durable wooden poles, horizontal beams and diagonal braces, and the space between them is filled with various building materials with sufficient heat capacity.

Half-timbered houses - German style

Initially for the construction half-timbered houses ordinary logs and wooden beams of various sections were used, and the sections formed by them were filled with straw mixed with lime and clay (like adobe buildings). Later they began to use stone and burnt bricks, sometimes boards. Now the frame is made of glued laminated timber conifers, and modern materials are used to fill the sections - sandwich panels, DSP, aerated concrete, various heaters. At the same time, the frame elements always remain in sight, regardless of the method finishing facade.

Such houses have significant advantages:

  • wooden frame has a relatively low weight and does not exert a serious load on the base. This makes it possible to build buildings on shallow foundations, which significantly reduces construction time and material costs;
  • in the frame structure it is easy to hide all communications;
  • the length of the bars makes it possible to cover large spans, which means that the interior can be very spacious;
  • the technology of fastening and bandaging the beams reduces the risks of the building skew to almost zero;
  • half-timbered houses look colorful and impressive, standing out against the background of standard buildings.

True, the half-timbered style also has disadvantages:

  • project development and installation of structures requires professional knowledge and skills, and specialist services are very expensive;
  • classic half-timbered house is not suitable for northern regions, since the walls in it are not thick enough and cannot provide reliable thermal insulation;
  • an open wooden frame needs regular treatment with flame retardants, antifungal and hydrophobic compounds.

In addition to the construction of half-timbered houses, there are more practical option- Fachwerk exterior finish. Firstly, absolutely any house of a standard form can be styled as fachwerk. Secondly, it is not difficult to perform the simulation on your own, no special knowledge is needed for this. Thirdly, such a finish will be cheaper than, for example, cladding the facade with siding.

Fachwerk style facade decoration

To simulate frame beams, conventional wooden planks treated with protective glazing compounds.

The rougher the material, the better; false beams made of artificially aged wood look especially impressive. Boards must be at least 10 cm wide and at least 2 cm thick, always smooth, without cracks and rot, with a minimum number of knots. The moisture content of lumber should not exceed 20%.

Polyurethane boards are an excellent alternative to wood. This material does not need to be protected from precipitation, insects and microorganisms do not damage it. Polyurethane is much more durable than wood and less hassle during operation. Polyurethane boards can be bought at any building supermarket, and the choice of such products is quite wide.

Finishing can be done on brickwork, plaster, insulation. If the walls need to be leveled, the sheathing of the DSP house with the subsequent installation of false beams would be an excellent solution.

Preparatory stage

To properly prepare the walls, you must first remove all unnecessary and check the quality of the base. Therefore, the first step is to remove the facade decor (if any), platbands, gutters, lighting devices, and then thoroughly clean the walls from dirt. You can use a metal brush or grinder with an abrasive nozzle. After cleaning, cracks, chips, empty seams in the masonry and other defects are clearly visible on the walls.

Cracks and deep grooves should be repaired cement mortar, as for small irregularities, they will be hidden under a layer of thermal insulation. If areas affected by the fungus are found, they must be treated with an antifungal compound or any chlorine-containing agent after stripping. After the repair mortar has dried, the walls must be primed, and it is desirable to choose a primer with antiseptic properties and containing a quartz filler.

Warming and plastering

If the walls do not need to be leveled or insulated, you can immediately start finishing. We will consider the option with insulation. One of the popular ways is foam sheathing: the material perfectly retains heat, and the installation process does not require much effort. Styrofoam plates are attached to the glue and additionally fixed with dowels-fungi, for reliability.

Step 1. The lower boundary of the sheathing is determined and a horizontal line is drawn along the perimeter of the house. According to this markup, a starting bar is attached to the dowel-nails, on which the first row of insulation will rest.

Step 2 Stir the mounting glue and begin to fix the foam. The glue is applied in a continuous strip along the perimeter of the sheet and pointwise in the center, after which the foam is applied to the wall, leveled and pressed. Be sure to check its location with a level to prevent distortions.

Step 3 Each next sheet fasten close to the previous one so that there are no gaps. The installation of the second row is carried out with an offset of the vertical seams, for which the first sheet in the row is cut in half. In the same way, the remaining rows are mounted, periodically checking their horizontal level with a level.

Step 4 After the glue dries, the insulation is fixed with fungal dowels, drilling neat holes in the center and in the corners of each sheet. The dowel caps must be slightly recessed so that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the foam. Next, the irregularities at the joints are cleaned, the gaps are blown out with foam, if they are nevertheless formed, priming the entire surface.

Trimming excess foam

Step 5 Knead a fresh adhesive solution and apply with a notched trowel over the foam. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the solution, smoothed with a spatula, deepening several millimeters into the thickness of the mixture. The mesh sheets are overlapped with each other and carefully leveled so that the joints are not visible. After the surface has dried, grout sandpaper medium grit.

Step 6 Cooking plaster mortar and apply it to the walls in a thin and even layer. Special care is needed here, since any flaw will be clearly visible. When the plaster sets, it must be rubbed with a metal or polyurethane trowel.

Finally, the walls need to be painted. It will be difficult to do this after installing the decor, because you will have to paste over each board with masking tape so as not to stain it with paint. The color for the walls must be selected taking into account the color of the boards, because they must contrast with each other. Classic fachwerk implies light walls and a dark frame, this combination is more harmonious.

Fachwerk imitation

Step 1. First, you should draw a sketch of the facade on paper and consider the location of the decor elements.

In traditional half-timbered houses, the lower part is surrounded by a solid beam, which is called a strapping. Bars must be installed at the corners of the facade, and to strengthen the structure, they are rigidly fastened with bracing (corner mans). If the wall is more than 6 m wide, another one is installed in the center vertical bar with braces on both sides - the central man. Strapping beams are also attached to the upper part of the walls and between floors.

An important element of the half-timbered house is the "St. Andrew's Cross" - two diagonal planks fastened in the form of the letter "X". Most often it is located above and below window openings. Crossbars provide additional rigidity to the frame - short horizontal crossbars between the uprights.

Advice. Fachwerk imitation does not require exact observance of these conditions, because false beams are not subjected to any load. At the same time, well-placed elements create a more believable look and bring the finish closer to true German style.

Step 2 After working out the sketch, it is necessary to mark up directly on the wall. Vertical and horizontal lines are drawn strictly according to the level, because even small deviations will be noticeable from afar. After completing the markup, it is necessary to prepare the boards: first they are cut according to measurements in length, the ends are cut off at an angle at the braces, treated with protective compounds.

Step 3 Each element is carefully coated with impregnation on all sides and dried in air. Next, 1-2 layers of dark paint are applied: traditionally in half-timbered houses, the beams are painted in dark brown and black, which effectively contrast with light plaster. Instead of impregnation and paint, you can take a glazing antiseptic with a dark shade of color - it will not only provide reliable protection, but also retain the natural texture of the tree.

Advice. Strict restrictions on color scheme there is no frame, and there are houses with red beams, dark blue, light brown. The most important thing is that the boards do not merge in color with the walls, because then the whole meaning of the finish disappears.

Step 4 They take the first board, apply it to the wall and mark the attachment points along the marking line. Putting the decor aside, they drill holes in the wall, remove dust, and fix the false beam in place with the help of dowel-nails. The rest of the elements are fixed in the same way, carefully aligning along the marked lines until the layout is completed. The caps of the fasteners must be recessed into the tree by 1-2 mm so that they do not protrude above the surface.

Option to use decorative boards with dowels

Step 5 To improve the aesthetic appearance, the recesses in the fasteners should be sealed with a waterproof sealant. For these purposes, an acrylic-silicone composition is perfect, which has excellent adhesion and resistance to deformation. Sealant can be matched by color or painted over after it dries.

So, quite economically, you can give your home a completely the new kind. Here you can experiment with color, wood texture, layout options. The main thing is to do everything as carefully and precisely as possible in proportion, otherwise it will all look more comical than attractive.

Video - German-style houses

Video - Finishing a country house in the German style

Video - German-style house

Video - Fachwerk facade decoration

The difference between Germany and Italy

Everything that the Germans build is economical, rational and comfortable, and therefore beautiful! Who was in Germany, for sure, first of all, is amazed by the impressions of the streets of residential areas of the private sector. Clean, neat, very clear and some very new even if old, they seem to be built from a Lego constructor.

Even in the beauty of Italy, houses are alive, talking about their history. It is also very clean and there is no dust on the streets, which is hard to believe until you see it for yourself. Next to the brand new and freshly renovated buildings, you can find a peeling facade, on which the past, the year before last, and quite ancient, all - different colors. Or suddenly it catches the eye with beautiful century-old shutters - taparella ... And the plants, which the sea is flooded, feel free and bloom violently and joyfully everywhere. In Italy, for comparison, the cleanliness and beauty of houses and yards is very natural and natural.

A peeling patio is not uncommon. Any artist would die of happiness to write this plaster with a brick and a vase ... But in Germany, no matter how you look, you will not find such walls ANYWHERE. Love for order is above all. Everything, literally everything, is strictly under the ruler.

If the Italians, with their seventh sense of harmony, verify the expediency of this or that detail of architecture, interior and landscape, then the Germans calculate everything. How is the classic, "Algebra to check harmony." Flowers are blooming as per instructions. Only in Germany can even plants be disciplined. The one who designed the small loggias allowed himself too much emotion and love for Gaudí…

The wild, unbridled, barbaric plant in the photo has allowed itself to grow as it pleases. In the center of Bavaria, in the city of Hitler, it seems to be growing in a free curve! Naive, it only seems. Even wild grapes are ordered. It is pinned to the wall with numerous brackets that support it and keep it in frames at the same time. So everywhere in Germany: both inside houses and outside. For comparison: Italian plants break even out of the frame. Do you feel the difference in the category of freedom-discipline?

Purity in Italian houses just brilliant. In Germany it is sterile. The photos were not processed. On the streets you really will not find a single candy wrapper with a microscope, not a single trash can. And in the house of every respectable citizen, cleanliness is like in an operating room. At first it touched my Slavic creative soul, then it tired me. And I always wanted to create at least some kind of artistic mess. It will always remain a mystery how, with love for all sorts of little things, souvenirs, coasters and ruffles, you can keep the house in such impeccability. We have any life activity generates a slight chaos. And chaos is a horror word for the Germans, the antonym of order, almost death.

Conditions for creating a German home

So, is it possible here and right now to make your house "a la Germany"? Well, nothing is impossible under the moon... Only a number of conditions must be met.

The first condition, the second and the third - is fanatical accuracy reaching to mania. You should be annoyed by the rug under the door, which does not lie at an angle of ninety degrees to the door, but is slightly offset. You cannot go to bed if the dishes in the kitchen are not all rubbed with a linen towel and laid out in orderly sparkling rows on the shelves, if the linen is not starched and ironed. Hard-working German women have long resorted to the services of specialists, keeping order in the house, and at the same time managing to earn no less than their husbands.

The fourth condition is a separate territory. The Germans love separate houses, even if they are right next to the neighbors, their own personal territory. Every true Aryan living in a metropolis works to save up for his hut.

The fifth condition is fences and fences, everything is clearly divided by partitions. This signals to the sentimental soul of the German that the border is locked up, and order will not spread anywhere. If there are no visible fences, they will be replaced sharp lines and strict morals.

The sixth condition is that everything is very sound, built at least for centuries. I deliberately meticulously peered into each square centimeter buildings. And I did not find a single dangling curtain, not a single crooked nail head. If the boards are knocked down, then one into one tightly, the wallpaper is firmly stuck to the wall. Smooth brick and stone masonry, nothing crumbles and breathes into incense. If any impudent screw takes it into his head to get loose, he immediately puts himself in place. The ripped seam is sewn up without a trace. And they rarely break anything, because initially it was made very high quality. And furniture or appliances are thrown away when they are morally obsolete, but still work. All this “used from Germany” is picked up and transported to us, settling in “All from Germany” shops.

The seventh condition follows from the sixth and affirms only quality materials. If you are ready to follow these seven points, everything is in order. You may well have a real German house.

Stylistic features

Now we can talk about stylistic features. The form houses as close as possible to the square. That is, the width and height are equal or almost equal. The foundation is quite high, it is customary to veneer it and the basement with stone or imitate this cladding. This reason is not only the criteria of beauty. Bavaria and Saxony are prone to floods. A German-style house must withstand the onslaught of the elements. In Bavaria, they like to raise masonry to the very roof in the corners, and even in the center of the facade.

themselves walls plastered and painted almost everywhere in light colors. Almost always in shades of milk, less often in pale pastels. As you have already noticed, facade necessarily lined with wood. It can be just a simple lattice, or it can be a real work of art. wooden details— always dark, it is, and the stonework below makes them look like each other. And everything would be like in the army, but! The Germans love to decorate their houses with protruding elements - balconies and bay windows. Bay windows and balconies are always different, they are like a highlight, like a decoration. They make the houses individual and unique.

In the right corner of the photo, where there are bay windows and balconies, we have the rare happiness of seeing a fragment of an old, old house. Now he is completely different... Roofs the houses are complex, multi-slope, with attics and mansards. Often an entire apartment is placed under the very roof. Previously, they were covered with fabulously beautiful real ceramic tiles. Today, almost all of it has been replaced with metal tiles. And almost always traditional terracotta colors.

The entrance to the house is always organized by a small stairs five to seven steps wooden door with windows and a canopy over it. Entrance doors are indeed quite fragile everywhere. I have not seen iron and armored anywhere. Window- rectangular, with a proportion of 2/3, or arched. Partitions traditionally divide the window into six parts. Practical Germans today have replaced almost all traditional ones with plastic ones, with white or brown frames.

Understand the love of the Germans for plants almost impossible. Some kind of strange love, but many like this clarity. Yes, yes, almost always, almost everywhere - red flowers. And so it is in Austria. It is not possible to find out why this is so, the secrets are kept under an iron lock. And why bother when all the details together create an incredibly calm, cozy atmosphere!

Layout of German houses

The house in the German style is primarily rational. Every inch of space must exist with meaning, and not just like that. Therefore, in a German house there are no blockages anywhere, no corners that you stumble upon.

It's strange, no matter how close the Slavic "soul is wide open" in the clear framework of the German house, gradually this soul gets used to the convenience, comfort and ergonomics of every inch. Begins to be imbued with expediency, which is always guided by the Germans. And when you return home, and chaos covers you from the first kilometers of your native land, you understand that this is somehow not very cool. And then you streamline, streamline and streamline everything in your life for a long time, until the boundaries are erased and spiritual comfort sets in. So the lifestyle that a German-style house obeys is not the worst in the world.

In such a house as in the photo, it is really good to live. You have planned everything well, thought it over and worked hard. And now there are no unpleasant surprises waiting for you. Everything is provided: comfort, stability and tranquility. That's what you can feel while living in such a house.

The facade of the house is the first thing that guests and passers-by see. The opinion that will develop about its owners largely depends on the exterior finish of the building. Therefore, when planning construction, all more people guided not only by practicality, but also by beauty, giving preference to one or another architectural direction. A German-style house is an excellent solution for those who appreciate solidity, simplicity and elegance.

What buildings are popular in Bavaria and other parts of Germany? How to build such houses? Consider the nuances of the design of the facades of buildings in the German style.

Features of a German-style house

The Bavarian or German style of the house implies accuracy and even some austerity of the external design. To his characteristic features relate:

  • lack of lush decorative elements;
  • the severity of the lines;
  • practicality;
  • use in the decoration of inexpensive materials;
  • calm colors.

Each element of the house must comply with these rules. Despite the apparent simplicity, while observing the traditions of architecture Western Europe, the building does not look inconspicuous. Country cottages German style reminiscent fairy houses descended from the pages of fairy tales. This effect is enhanced by the neat design of the local area - mowed lawns, decorative plantings at the porch, hedges.

Walls and roof

When it comes to the traditional German style of the house, the most common building shape is a rectangle or square. The walls are made smooth and painted in discreet colors - white, sand, gray. A combination of dark wood (timber) and clay is popular, and the facade can also be decorated with polymer panels, cement-bonded particle boards or bricks. The basement is often trimmed with natural stone.

The roof of a Bavarian-style house is usually gable, without an attic and with wide overhangs. Acceptable color solutions- red, brown, green, blue shades and their variations. Sometimes several similar tones are combined in one coating.

The material for the roof is tile or natural slate (slate). If the house is two-story, under the roof there may be an attic with a fence made of tinted wood, a bay window or a balcony.

Windows and doors

The entrance group and windows, decorated in the German style, should attract attention. The door itself, as a rule, is wooden; in its upper part, glazing with lintels is made. A wooden or stone porch leads to the entrance to the building. Also, a spacious room can be located in front of the door.

Windows are usually rectangular or arched. Each of them consists of several square or rectangular sections, fastened with jumpers. Modern Bavarian style also allows panoramic glazing houses.

If this is combined with common style facade, windows can be supplemented with shutters. They perform decorative functions, creating bright accent and giving the house a rustic feel. Sometimes the shutters are covered with carvings and paintings.

half-timbered houses

German-style houses, the projects of which assume the presence of a visible timber frame, are called half-timbered. This type of architecture appeared in Germany in the 15th century and gradually gained popularity in other European countries.

The term fachwerk (fachwerk) means frame structure. Such houses have a rigid frame of vertical, horizontal and diagonal beams. Initially, the space between the timber was filled with straw, branches and reeds mixed with clay. The frame elements were left open. The remaining surface was plastered, and wealthy citizens decorated the walls with carved wooden panels.

The use of wood as the main building material has given rise to interesting feature half-timbered houses - each floor of the building protrudes forward above the previous one. This design allows rainwater to drain to the ground, protecting walls and foundations from excessive dampness.

Half-timbered houses showed themselves with the best side. The reliability of the technology is evidenced by the fact that in Europe you can still find buildings in this style, built more than 300 years ago.

Other benefits of fachwerk include:

  • construction speed;
  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • cheap materials;
  • ease of repair work.

But there are also disadvantages - wood needs to be treated against fungus and mold, materials are highly flammable, forced ventilation is necessary. Given the disadvantages of frame houses, some owners resort to imitation half-timbered houses.

At the same time, the walls are erected from any modern materials, and the facade is decorated with polyurethane panels that give the impression of wooden beams. Thus, the decoration of the house in the German style will look natural, but the building will become more practical.

gothic houses

Gothic in Germany began to develop in the X-XI centuries under the influence of French architecture. german buildings had their own characteristics - strict geometric shapes (usually a rectangle), one or four high towers instead of two, more modest facade decoration, external resemblance to defensive fortresses.

The building material is usually brick or stone. The height of the building is at least 3 floors, the roof is made pointed, the windows are lancet and elongated. The roof of German Gothic houses stands out in color, any contrasting combinations are possible - dark tiles and light walls, or vice versa.

Although this style may seem outdated, it is still popular, including in cottage construction. Vacation home in gothic style- a personal fortress, from which emanates reliability and antiquity. It will look especially organic in the bosom of nature - in a mountainous area or at the edge of a forest.

A Bavarian-style house, whether it is a rustic half-timbered cottage or a sophisticated Gothic fortress, is an example of German quality and practicality. You can be sure that buildings built using proven German technologies will serve more than one generation of owners and will be able to surprise guests with their unusual design.

Useful video about a German-style house

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Lately in home improvement Special attention give it to design. Modern designers offer many of the most different ideas that will help make the house exclusive. The design of the facade of the house plays a paramount role. All styles of house facades deserve special attention, as they emphasize the status, taste, features of a particular era or country.

Decorative finishing of the house emphasizes its features and taste of the owner. To make a choice regarding the exterior design of the house, you need to decide on the building material and style. When choosing one or another style, one should also take into account how the nearby houses look and the features of the area in which the building itself is located. After that, you can get to work.

Each owner wants to make his home unique, so that it stands out from the rest. The most successful way to give your building originality is to complete it in a certain architectural style. This can be done both at the design stage and when the walls of the cottage have already been erected.

Preference can be given to a cozy and modest German style. The facades of houses in the German style have a solid and original look. German architecture has long been characterized by economy, practicality and unusual design. Not too much material is needed for finishing, which is also very beneficial.

German style house facade

Such houses are usually built in the shape of a square or. Due to the cubic shape and smooth surface the house takes on a noble and rich appearance. True, the style is not limited to a smooth and perfectly painted surface. Since ancient times, the main element in external design German houses was decorative rock. It acts as the main building material. Currently, the plinth is decorated with stone.

As for windows, they are made in the form of rectangles or arched, dividing them into several sections with lintels. wooden shutters may speak decorative element. Doors are painted in a color contrasting with the facade. The roof of the house is covered with red tiles.

It should be noted that any built house can really be styled in the German style. The main thing is to choose the right building material.

Chalet style houses

Chalet-style house facades are very common in France and the Alps. They represent small buildings, which used to serve as a shelter for shepherds. The word "chalet" in French means "shepherd's house". This style is widely used in the West. Recently, Russia has also begun to pay attention to such an unusual design. True, these houses will not be appropriate for the city. If you want to retire from the noisy metropolis, then a chalet-style country house is exactly what you need.

Facade of a chalet-style house

The main features of the chalet style:

  • stone foundation;
  • wooden walls;

Modern chalet houses are significantly different from the old Alpine buildings. First of all, large rooms, the presence of entertainment areas in the room, communications. Secondly, building material. Chalet style involves a combination various kinds material.

Features a chalet house gable roof with high protrusions. This helps to protect the house and its walls from moisture. The roof is covered with tiles and decorated with wood. The plinth is built of stone. The walls are plastered and decorated with aged wood. With the help of wood, you can make a variety of and unusual elements on the building. The house should have many windows, a balcony, a veranda and an attic floor.

It will bring you closer to nature, will always attract the attention of others, and also give you warmth and comfort.

Fachwerk style imitation: pros and cons

The latest fashionable trend in the design of residential buildings are the facades of half-timbered houses. This style consists in the presence or imitation of wooden beams. Lay them vertically, horizontally and diagonally. Construction is very expensive. To save money, you can use the services of a designer and imitate the style.

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Such houses have always been distinguished by originality and individuality. positive quality is that the installation of wooden beams is quick and easy. Material must be ordered in advance right size. It is assembled according to the type of constructor. The important thing is that it is very light and does not require large transportation costs.

Despite significant advantages, fachwerk style has its drawbacks, for example:

  • fragility of the structure (beams need to be changed every twenty years);
  • poor thermal insulation.

But it's all trifles - with modern technologies and materials such shortcomings are quite solvable.

Features of the facade of houses in a classic style

Using modern lungs Construction Materials, which differ in both reliability and practicality, you can easily finish the facade of the house in classical style. At the same time, the building will have an attractive appearance, and the finishing material will not weigh it down and overload it. Facades close to the classics have been relevant for many years for both residential and non-residential buildings. Such houses fit very neatly into the overall architecture of the city and attract attention.

The facade of the house, made in a classic style

The following elements distinguish the classic style from a number of others:

  • columns;
  • stone carving;
  • natural marble, granite and travertine;
  • various ornaments, sculptures, cornices.

In the classical style, it is important that the design of the house is in harmony with the landscape of the territory, and stone plays a leading role here.

French country or Provence - which is better?

It is known that Provence is a kind of country music. True, some designers find them completely different. You can distinguish them by some features. Facades of country-style houses have warmer tones. Cold shades and white color are not characteristic of this style. But in the Provence style, cold colors or rich bright colors are used. White is the dominant color here.

Country house facade

As for the surface, it is different brickwork that may protrude slightly from the wall. Mosaic and terracotta surface gives a special charm. They decorate the facade from wood, painting it in color Ivory. In country, things are different. There is a layering of colors and textures. Masonry and use natural wood are the highlight of this style.

Provence style house

It is not worth choosing which is better - country or Provence, since both styles are distinguished by originality, sophistication, simplicity and naturalness.


The baroque facade of the house stands out from the rest. Such houses look like real palaces. Baroque is characterized by contrast, dynamism of images, the desire for luxury and grandeur. Houses have magnificent forms and spatial scale. The structures are represented by large-scale colonnades, pilasters, complex domes, which are covered with either gilding or neutral paint. Often the domes are multi-tiered.

It gives the house grandeur. Color contrast plays an important role. Concave and curved wall surfaces decorate the building. The carvings on the columns and on the walls themselves add nobility and originality to the façade.

Baroque house facade

Baroque is characterized by gold, silver and white shades. Marble, copper, wood are used as building materials. Mosaics have a special place here.

Unusual facades in the Art Nouveau style

If you prefer everything unusual, you can decorate your home in Art Nouveau style. The facade of the Art Nouveau house is characteristic of outrageous people and those who like to be in the spotlight. In the design of your building, you can embody a variety of desires and dreams. It is not necessary to plan the design during construction, the house can easily be converted already into it. finished version. To do this, you just need some building materials and your imagination.

Modern house facade

Basically, the lines of the Art Nouveau house are smooth and soft, there are no rough decorations and inappropriate details. Everything is in harmony with the general stop at home. The shade of the materials should be discreet, but close to the natural tone. Permissible interspersed with variegated shades. Distinctive features of high-tech style

The facade of the house in high-tech style stands out from the rest with its extraordinary architectural solution. It is distinguished by ultra-modernity, high technology, industrialism, demonstrativeness and innovation. During the construction or decoration of a house in this style, they use latest materials and technology.

High-tech house

Houses are built in the form of squares or rectangles. Large windows and glass doors occupy the main place here. As for color, he prefers light colors. Protruding pipes, large outdoor balcony- all this brings its own zest. This style is very well suited to creative and independent people who love everything unusual and modern.

Fashionable English style

The elegance of the English style lies in its special design, which has sophisticated and refined forms. At first glance, such buildings seem luxurious and noble. Facade of a house in English style has its own special features that are unique to him:

  • brickwork;
  • small columns;
  • a minimum of drawings and carvings;
  • restrained tones;
  • straight walls;
  • small porch;
  • windows divided into several sections;

English style house

In such a house, everyone will feel like an Englishman. This building will not differ much from the rest of the houses, but will attract attention with architectural accuracy and purity of its design. suitable for those who do not like newfangled trends in the design and construction of suburban housing, but prefer traditional solutions.

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