Do you need to pinch balsamin. Garden Balsam: Cultivation of Seeds

Engineering systems 23.06.2020
Engineering systems

Balzamin has long been rooted in the position of the houseplant common at the gardeners, about whom we will tell you in this article. This plant is famous for its beautiful bloom, and numerous species of a variety of paints.

The flower has many items associated with its special properties. So, for example, because of the formation of a drop of sahaphic dew, it is called "Wet Vanka". And its very name impatiens is translated as "nothing", which is explained by the fact that after pollination of the Flower of Balsamin is extremely fragile, and scattered from the slightest touches.

note That Balzamin is demanding of location, temperature, lighting and humidity, so we take a serious place to choose a place for this plant. With an unsuccessful location, Balzamin may not bloide, and even die.

Balzine Growing - Features

Different subspecies of balzamine differ from each other of the form of flowers, leaves and even the structure of the plant. In nature, there are about 600 different types of balsamines, but they all have common characteristic features.

  1. Firstly, The need for moisture. Balsamines are better to overgrowl than to forget to pour. For that they received a funny nickname "Wet Vanka". However, stagnation of water in the roots is undesirable even for Balzamine.
  2. Secondly, These plants are better blooming in small pots. If you plant Balzamin in a big vase, he will spend all the forces on growth and agencies, and you will have to wait for the flowering for a long time, and after all, you purchased Balzamin for the sake of colors.
  3. Thirdly, Balsamines are easily multiplied with both stalling and seeds. Although room species are usually easier and faster from cuttings.
  4. Well fourthly Balsamines are very susceptible to various diseases and require particularly close attention to the leaves, otherwise because of one damaged escape, which you did not see, all the plant will die very quickly. And even if you are able to save Balzamine, he may forever lose its decorativeness.

Room Balzamine Care

Indoor balsamines are very undemanding and noncains. They can grow in the shaded places, although bright love, of course, more. Novogvinsky balsamines do not need to be shared from direct sunlight, the rest are needed from the bright sun to protect.

All representatives of the balsamine family belong to light-affiliated herbaceous plants. If the house has a window overlooking the south, this is their place. But when placing a pot on the windowsill, it is worth considering that the straight sun rays, luminous through the glass, can fall the juicy and bright leaves.

To ensure correct care of the room balsamine during the summer heat, it is necessary to protect or choose a plot on the windowsill on which the sun's rays are lingering for a while. With the arrival of cold weather, protection must be removed and put the pot to the most illuminated place.

Balmes also:

  • love fresh air;
  • do not tolerate strong drafts;
  • do not like frost and cold - in the winter it is better to make a pot with a plant from glass, closer to the edge of the window sill, where it feels warm from the battery;
  • during the air ventilation in the winter, the plant is best retarded from the window.

With incorrect placement, the pot color loses its crown shape - pulls up, the stem is broken, the lower leaves are falling, the bloom is rare. The plant throws the buds on the top of the stem.

At the same time, it is still noticed that the flowers of such a plant have a brighter color than the plants standing on brightly illuminated places. For the summer, Balsamin can be reached on fresh air (balcony, for example), but at the same time keep in mind that the plant is very easy and even a light breeze can have a decent thing. But despite this, it is often used in potted compositions together with Petunia, Lobelia, Begonia, Geranus, etc. to decorate the same balconies, terraces, etc.


Balzamin is a lover of bright light, but at the same time in his condition very badly affecting Direct solar lighting, so at home the plant is recommended to shade from bright sunlight.

In winter, the room balsamine must be provided A sufficient amount of light, because it is precisely because of this and may bloom Balzamine all year round.

In order for the Balzamina bush to have a uniform beautiful crown, the vase with a plant must be periodically rotated, substituting the flower of the sun from different sides. The lack of light can lead to the fact that the plant will completely stop producing buds and loses its attractiveness. The flower loves fresh air, but suffers from drafts.


In the warm period, balsamine is suitable for any temperature for growth and flowering. Sharp drops can be pretty damaged a plant. Winter period should go through at a temperature not lower than + 12-16 degrees.

  • The plant will be comfortable where heat. The subtropical plant in our conditions has already adapted, but still suffer the cold with great difficulty. Therefore, in the winter in the room there should be no less than 13-160 s, and in the summer - 20-240 C.
  • Balsamine love moisture, therefore, if the thermometer arrow rose above 220 s, it is worth an increase in the humidity. Otherwise, the colors will seek. It is recommended to put a water container next to the pot.
  • In the warm season, the plant has no special requirements for the ambient temperature, except that sharp differences can affect it. In winter, the temperature prefers slightly reduced within + 12-16 degrees.

In the spring and summer, Balzamin perfectly tolerates the temperature of +25 degrees and above, but under the condition of fresh air and a wet substrate. In winter, the temperature should not be descended below +10 +15 degrees.
Room Balzamin prefers Moderate humidity, but only as long as the thermometer readings are not digested for the +22 degree mark.
Increasing the temperature above this value can lead to a rapid evaporation of moisture, resulting in balzamin fades. Save the position will help spraying, which is neat, trying not to get on the flowers and buds.

Watering and humidity

Balsamines are moisture. If Balzamin is to cut, his leaves "hang as rags", but rather quickly come to themselves, having received the desired moisture. In the summer, these plants watered abundantly, in winter less, especially if the room is cool. During this period, the temperatures of about 15 degrees are most comfortable for balsamines. However, balsamines are nicely winter and in the conditions of an urban apartment.

  • After watering, especially warm water, on the leaves, at the ends, the water droplets are formed, as if tears, for which, Balzamin was called "Vanka Wet". These "tears" are sweet, on hot days they dry out and "sugar".
  • Balzamin prefers water in large quantities. If the plant is in the room, then watering is produced every other day. It is desirable that the pallet in which the pot stands is deep. For Balzamina, excess water does not happen.
  • If the plant is in the open space, then watering is performed every day, as well as everyday spraying. With the help of such procedures, the percentage humidity of the air will increase, as well as pause the appearance of a paustic tick.

Winter watering takes place once every three days or twice a week. The plant grows in winter, so it is necessary to control the amount of water remaining after watering in the pallet. Land comes to be written moisture, the drying is weakened by the plant itself. If the soil is very moistened, then there will be a stagnation of water in the ground, and this is a favorable medium for breeding small midges - speciars.

Do not spare water!

Watering is the most important from agrotechnical requirements for the care of balsamines. I first watered my first flower, like other plants - as the substrate drying. But my balsamin somehow quickly smoke, leaflets faded, and flowers and buds tremeted. Fortunately, I quickly understood what the reason was, and it became more intense. In the summer, I water the room Balsam in the day, in winter, once every 3 days or 2 times a week. In addition, I began to water it so beyond that part of the water is poured into the pallet. From the pallet I did not pour water, and the next day it did not turn out there! Eternally, the thirsty Balzamin drank overnight and what he could not drink in the afternoon.

In my experience, Balzamin's flower is best to plant a pot, having a fairly deep pallet. It is necessary to water it abundantly, so that part of the water is in the pallet. And unlike other plants, I do not merge this water completely. Balzine on the second day already absorbs it from below.
If you allowed the flower fading, try to rolish it. It happens that in a few hours the flower comes to life, and nevertheless such tests are very weakened by the plant. No need to allow the substrate to dry, the earthen comes should be wet. But also the stagnation of excess water is dangerous in the way they will start a sciarida - tiny flying midges.

In summer, he needs a normal regular watering, in winter - rare. Purify leaves with a dry cloth. When spraying with water, avoid it from falling on the flowers - shield them with paper.

Moderately but abundantly

Perennial and annual plant will give bright flowers only if the soil or the soil in which they live will be maintained in a wet state. In the summer of moisture, the flower gives more, and in winter the amount of water is reduced by 1/3. At the same time, it is necessary to water with soft water without impurities. It is recommended to defend water from under the tap for at least 2-3 days.

Need a frequent and moderately abundant watering. Cannot flood a plant. In this case, the roots will start rotting and colors will disappear. To avoid this, it is better to make a good drainage.

If the balsamine is careful at home correctly, then after each watering on the leaves of the plant will be small droplets of moisture. After a few hours, they sugar. This feature of the flower manifests itself in the summer.

The plant is very moisture. Therefore, in warm time, it is necessary to water regularly, when the outdoor content is in the summer, it is almost daily. Just daily and spray it, it will not only increase the humidity of the air, but also shines from a pawless tick, for which Balzamin favorite delicacy. As for winter irrigation, again, I keep in mind - in winter, Balzamin continues to grow, and, despite the reduced content temperature, it needs to be irrigated, of course, more rarely, but regular (depending on temperature).

Water treatments

Balzamin is watered In the summer months, abundantly, as soon as the upper layer of soil gets up. During irrigation, it is necessary to ensure that the water does not fall on the root neck, for which watering is produced by the edge of the pot. After the procedure, excess water from the pallet must be merged.

  • Watering the plant is better in spontaneous with soft water. Using hard water, you can detect over time on the soil surface white raidsindicating the latching of the soil. In this case, it is recommended to replace the upper layer of the Earth in the pot.
  • Disadvantaged watering It can trigger the lag of balzamine in growth, while its flowers dry and fall out.
    From time to time balzamin needs In the rupture of the upper layer of the soil (not deeper 1 cm), which provides air access to roots.
  • Also, the flower requires a feeding, which is made in the spring and summer period every two weeks. Fertilizers better use complex, half dosage. After transplant The feeder is produced no earlier than three weeks.

Since Balsamin's rest period not so pronounced, and even in winter, the flower releases buds, it is desirable after their appearance to feed the plant with a weak mineral solution. Fertilizers contribute to wet soil after watering the plant.


Another folk name of the plant is a loft. After pollination of the flowers, boxes with balsamine seeds are formed, which burst with the slightest touch.

The name "Balsamina" (Impatiencs Balsamina) is translated as "nothing", "not carrying touch". This is due to the fact that the boxes with balsamine seeds are bursting even from a slight push.

And the plant Balzamin is called "lights" for bright flowers. They are red, pink, purple and white.

Flowering, as a rule, falls at the beginning of the summer and continues until no left to autumn, but with the corresponding light and temperature modes, the flowers may appear all winter.

Fertilizer and subordinate

For better growth and blossoms, balsamines are desirable to fertilize during flowering times every two weeks. Balzine is growing rapidly, so it is transplanted annually in fresh soil for flowering plants. The resulting plants are rejuvenated by conducting severe trimming. Cut shoots are used as cuttings for rooting.

  • For abundant flowering and good growth, the plant requires feeding at any time of the year. Starting from the spring period to autumn, when the growth of the plant is suspended, the feeding is made once every ten days fertilizer for flowers. Well showed himself feeding with alternating nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers.
  • The number of winter feeding decreases, but not excluded at all. With a one-time feeding month, the plant will look great. Formula and Potassium enter the ground in the winter in winter.
  • For consumer growth and flowering, it is sure to feed it. But, as in everything, it should be observed to be a reasonable measure, the reconnected plant will also be blossoming, as not be fed at all!

With the beginning of active growth in spring and before its suspension in the fall, turn it out in 10 days in conventional fertilizer for flowering plants, this is in principle enough. Just good results can be achieved with separate feeding, alternating nitrogen fertilizers and phosphate. In winter, cut down, but do not exclude completely. To maintain in the form, it is enough to feed it one one, maximum twice a month. Fertilizers for winter feeding should contain increased maintenance of potassium and phosphorus.


Balzine willingly multiply with cuttings that quickly give roots in water. Also balsamines breed and seeds. Seeds can be planted all year round. After planting the plant bloom after 3-4 months. Thus, you can constantly have at home flowering balsamines of all sorts of paint.

Balzamin can be multiplied by seeds and cuttings. Seeds reproduction is more laborious. They are falling asleep in wet land, create a greenhouse effect, but not the fact that the expected type of flower will be obtained. It is best to multiply Balzamin with the help of cuttings. Cuts up the top in a plant 6-7 centimeters long with two interstices. The lower leaves are removed on it. The cutlets deeply plunges into the water, otherwise he dries off.

Two weeks later, the cutlets will let the root. You can land in the ground. The cuttings in the sand in the land mixture are also rooted. Its composition can be done by himself. To do this, we take one part of the peat, one part of the substrate for mulching (vermiculite) and two parts of the perlite. You can land in plastic dishes. Balzamin will start growing, gaining strength. Over time, it will be possible to transplant to the intended place.

Use the tops of the top of the stem, obtained by the spring pruning of the plant. You can first put them in the water until they are allowed root, or immediately put them in the soil, after processing the hormones of rooting.


If you love home balsamines, then you probably want to multiply them. I replaced balsamines in the way of shifting. The most healthy and beautiful shoots cut and put into the water, and the cutting should be deeply immersed in the liquid, otherwise it dries.

  • I usually cut several cuttings - just in case, at least one cares, but, as a rule, they are all well rooted, and then I then distribute seedlings to know.
  • Once I enriched with several instances of Balzamine, gently cutting a cutlery from plants on the local agrobiostania and rooting them.
  • Balzamin can be multiplied by the seeds that need to be sowing into a wet land and cover with a transparent film for creating a greenhouse effect and maintain moisture required by these colors.

Garden balsamines are usually grown out of seeds, rather, they themselves wonderfully multiply by self-sash

My regular readers know that I rarely when I recommend seminal reproduction. Balzamin room is no exception.

No, of course, you can collect seeds and try this method, but first it is more time-consuming, and secondly, in this case, you can not get quite a plant that expected maternal signs with seed reproduction are practically not saved, and expecting a plant with A terry flower, you will most likely get an ordinary "simple".

Therefore, it is best to multiply indoor Balzamin cuttings. Especially since it is quite simple. To do this, cut the top of the parent plant, long approximately 6-7 centimeters (there should be at least 2 interstices on the cutting line), the bottom sheets are removed, and put the cutting into the glass with water. Everything!

After a couple of weeks, the roots will appear and then the stalks can be planted into land. You can also roigate the cuttings in the sand, perlite, and it is also right in the lesmest. But for a novice flower, I recommend still in the water - visual. The mixture for seedlings make a slight: peat, vermiculite and perlite (1: 1: 2), plastic cups are ideal for planting. When the plant is strengthened and grow up, it can be planted in a constant mix.


Balzamin is a perennial flowering plant. Some family lovers transplant it every two years, as shoots are pulled out, fall leaves, plants are amazed by diseases and pests, which affects appearance. First of all, this refers to plants that make up a composition with other colors. The transplanted plant blooms brighter and more abundant, has a more attractive view. When transplanting, you must remember several rules that will help grow a beautiful plant. The root system should fit into the pot. It must be medium sized, with a small amount of land.

  • Balzamin will bloom when the root system starts up to such sizes, which will fully fill the pot of the pot, penetrating the entire earth com. In the same way you need to replant and violets.
  • If you put a balsamin in a big vase, he will spend his strength, filling the entire volume with roots, and there is not enough forces on flowering. You can grow a bouquet of balsamines of different colors in one pot.
  • For this, the cuttings of different color are taken and put on a much greater pot of the pot. They dear in one pot, complementing each other.
  • Balsamines are recommended to transplant once a year - in the spring. After transplanting a plant rejuvenates, gives new shoots, it is better blooming.
  • But I transplant Balzamin 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. At the end of summer, balsamines are often shooting, losing the leaves. And after hot days, they are easily affected by diseases.

Balzamine's transplantation after purchase in a permanent pot.

Replacement of flower pots produce in spring; Choose small vessels, it favors blossom.

Change place

Room Balzamin, a perennial plant, which is mainly and distinguishes him from gardening, and as a result, there needs transplants. Justice, I want to note that many flower products do not contain one plant for more than two years, but prefer to grow young (especially since it is elementary, but about it below ...), since over time it is growing and becoming unavailable.

This is especially true of plants that planted in compositions with others, for these purposes it is better to have a young plant. But be that as it may, the transplant is still needed. First of all, when transplanting (or landing) Balzamine should be remembered that the pot must correspond to the size of the plant, or rather, the size of the root system. The fact is that bloom comes only when the roots fill the pot of the pot and cover the entire earthen com (according to the example of violet).

Therefore, it is necessary to start with a slight pot, gradually increasing its size. You can plant several plants in one pot, they coexist perfectly, and in this case can be taken more. As for the soil ... the nutritious mixture is not recommended, which stimulates an intense set of green mass and brands bloom. Most often such a composition of the landlines are recommended:

  • Leaf Earth - Two parts
  • Cherry Earth - Two parts
  • Humus - two parts
  • Peat - one piece
  • Sand - Two parts

At the same time I want to note that even the usual mixture of leaf land and sand (2: 1), too, may well come up. Just do not take the earth from the oak (such a land for most plants is unsuitable), better from under maple, linden, garden trees ...

Regular procedure

Pereparing indoor Balzaminin the spring and, as needed, in the summer, while young plants need an annual transplantation. An adult blossomamine flower is either transplanted, either in 2-3 years updated by rooting the top cuttings, since over time, Balzamin is growing up, becoming unavailable.

Choosing pot BalzineIt should be remembered that its size must correspond to the size of the root system of the plant. It is noted that more magnificent bloom is achieved if the plant is slightly closely in the vase. To give the plant of a lush look, you can land 2-3 copies in one pot.

Soil for transplant It should not be too nutritious, as it will stimulate the intensive increase in the green mass, which will slow down blossom. To ensure the ease and breathability of the substrate, it is necessary to add sand and peat to leaf land, or prepare a mixture of humus, compost, turf and perlite in equal parts. One of the important transplant conditions is the provision of a qualitative drainage balsamine.

The soil

Balzamin fits light soil, usually a lightweight substrate for year-round flowering plants. If the soil is oversaturated with minerals, ammonia nitrate, ammonium sulfate, then it will lead to a rapid growth of bright greenery and a small number of colors. And as a result, the flowers may not appear at all. You can cook yourself a mixture for landing Balzine:

  • earth mixed with leaves - two parts
  • earth mixture (nerd land) - two parts
  • compost (humus) - two parts
  • peat - one part
  • sand - Two parts

A mixture of deciduous humus and sand is suitable for transplanting (2: 1). Takes from under maple, linden, trees in the garden.

Use loose soil made up of equal parts of humus and peat, with a small sand additive. In the period of growth, every two weeks make a liquid fertilizer.


It will be suitable for the usual light substrate for flowering plants. Heavy soil rich in minerals and nitrogen compounds will result in a lot of leaves, and there is little flowers, the plant can not bloom at all.

As for the flow rate of the vase, then the soil should not be much, otherwise the plant is late with blossom, "mastering the territory." Too big pot with land will make young home balsamin grow into a bush, and he will not be up to flowers. For full blossom, the balsamine needs a small pot and a moderate amount of soil. His roots must fill the vase. If I want to get a beautiful bouquet on the windowsill, then we plant in one wide vase 2 of the balsamine cutlets with flowers of different colors. They get along perfectly.


Paging, for intensive flowering (does not fall under this action Dwarf varieties of Balsamine). After such a process, a neat branchy Balzamine bush with lots of colors is obtained. Maintain aesthetic look need constantly. Cleaning flowers and leaves are removed, which allows the plant to throw out a new color, as well as warn from the attack of pests and various diseases.

As a rule, this plant is not particularly welcomed to lighting and can successfully grow and blossom on the windowsill with any orientation of windows. True, this does not mean that it can be placed under the scorching sunny rays or plug in the darker corner. As practice shows, the best place for it, light half. For example, it is not possible to put it on the windowsill, but in the simpleness between the two windows, it has been perfectly growing on the stand in a meter from the southeast window.

The procedure is mandatory if you want to achieve abundant flowering (the exception can be calculated by dwarf varieties). At the same time, you get not only more flowers, but also more compact, branched bush. Also, do not forget to remove the stunned flowers on time and the die away leaves in time, this not only stimulates flowering, but also will fight from different misfortunes in the form of diseases and pests.

In the spring for stimulation of bloom, pinch the tops of young stems.


Usually in spring, during transplantation, produce pruning branches plants. If the Balzamin smashes too much, his stems are shortened by half. If the shoots reached the desired length, their tops are plugged, stimulating, thus, the appearance and growth of new side shoots and thick bloom.

Trimming helps rejuvenate a plant, and cut-off top shoots are used for breeding. Also, to improve the decorative properties of Balzamine, remove old barbed twigs, die leaves and flowers.


An important component of the care of indoor balsamine is a plants transplant in the correctly selected soil and feeding. Looking a cutlery in a pot (multiplied with balsamine at home through shilling) or a plant transplant is performed in early spring to flowering or fall after flowering. We take soil:

  • 1 part of the Earth and Houring,
  • ½ part of the peat and 1 part of the sand.

Plant Balzamin in a small pot. He does not like volumetric tanks, since its roots must completely label the lump of the soil. The faster it will do it, the faster it will begin to grow and give flowers. In a large pot, growth slows down.

As a rule, this plant is not particularly welcomed to lighting and can successfully grow and blossom on the windowsill with any orientation of windows. True, this does not mean that it can be placed under the scorching sunny rays or plug in the darker corner. As practice shows, the best place for it, light half. For example, it is not possible to put it on the windowsill, but in the simpleness between the two windows, it has been perfectly growing on the stand in a meter from the southeast window.

Balzamin feeds immediately how the plant will come out of the "winter hibernation". A potassium-phosphorus mixture is perfectly suitable as a fertilizer. It is added to the pot of 1 time every 2 weeks of flowering. In winter, you can give nitrogen feeding. They will increase the amount of greenery on the stem, only to make fertilizers worth small portions and not often.

Balzamin can be multiplied by seeds. They are swayed at the end of February in the box. The plant will independently provide the owner of the necessary amount of seeds. Only with their assembly need to be neat. "Lady" with the slightest touch (wind blowing) to a ripe box throws them.

Diseases and pests

Balsamines rarely suffer from pests, but they may be affected by a paouth tick and a soot.

  • Balzamin is subject to the same diseases as most indoor plants. But it is especially afraid of a pawless tick, which appears due to too dry air. Conclusion: Moisturize the air and carry out complex treatment of the plant.
  • Due to excessive humidity in the ground can be made by sciarids. In this case, the plant is better to transplant and pingantically observe watering regime.
  • Often, balsamines at home are starting to dry, twisted and fall leaves. This can occur due to lack of light or heat, as well as if the flower becomes closely in the old pot. Then you need to eliminate the shortcomings of the care of homemade balsamine or transplant it into more vase.
  • No flowering, lower leaves yellow and fall: Not enough light, put the plant in a well-lit place.
  • Leaves fall in winter time: Low temperatures, rearrange the plant in a warmer place.
  • Root neck covered with black spots: Holding due to water stagnation, dry the soil and reduce watering.
  • A lot of leaves and little flowers are formed at the plant: The pot is too large, wait until the pot is filled with roots, and avoid fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen.
  • White web on the stems and the bottom of the leaves Indicates the presence of a web tir. Clean the plant from insects with a soap solution and increase the humidity of the air.

The plant can also face aphid. If Balzamin is strongly infected, remove the insects and spray with soap solution.

Frequent problems

Like any home plant, Balzamin is not insured against various diseases and problems.

  • Too high temperature at reduced humidity is not the best way to reflect on the state of the plant - leaves go down, flowering slows down. The plant needs to recreate the optimal conditions for growth, and the flower will restore its original appearance.
  • Excessive watering greatly harms a balsamine, as it causes appearance fungus and mold development. When the first signs of the fungal disease, it is necessary to take urgent measures - the flower is removed from the pot and, thoroughly blocking the rhizome from the proximated land, transplanted into the vase with a new, more loose soil and a good drainage system.
  • Finding rot on the surface of the soil, It is necessary to replace its top layer. If you run a disease, the chances of saving the plant are minimal.
  • If in Balzine feed flowersIt is worth considering the conditions of its content. The reason for the appeal can be dry air in combination with insufficient irrigation, there is not enough high temperature in the room, poor illumination and oversupply of feeding.
  • Lack of lighting maybe reflect on the color of the leaves Peppercut varieties, which, in the event of a shortage of light, becomes pale and inexpressive. At the same time, the shoots are significantly drawn out, which adversely affects the decorative properties of Balzamine.
  • Weak flowering Or its complete absence occurs when the plant lacks nutrients or there is a skew toward nitrogenous fertilizers that stimulate the growth of foliage. Also, it may be a pot of unjustifiably large sizes or irregular watering.
  • Often, the plant is amazed by a spider tick, which contributes to low air humidity. You can get rid of attacks using insecticidal solutions.
  • The wave and whiteberry are another pest, the presence of which ruins the plant. You need to fight insects as well with special preparations.

As you can see, Balzamin - unpretentious plantBut it is worth considering that representatives of balsamine with a dark and bright coloring colors are more rustier than their fellows with blond flowers.

For those who want to decorate their dwelling with household colors, unpretentious, but very beautiful blossom flower is suitable. This plant has other names, such as light, vanka wet and asterisk.

Care for indoor balsamine at home allows you to provide its year-round flowering, which will delight all households.

On this topic there is a similar article - Balzama Garden: landing and care, growing from seeds.

Plant Description

The plant comes around well and feels great on the windowsill in a pot. It is loved by flowerfish for its constant flowering and simple care for it. Natural medium of its habitat - subtropics.

It is still found in a wild form in the subtropical climate of India, Africa and North America. In Europe, the flower fell at the end of the XVI century and perfectly stuck. It was brought to Russia only in the XIX century.

In Russia, plant species of juicy and brittle stems with a water-shaped root system.

Leaves of its oval species or similar to heart, tapering at the beginning, and closer to the cut expanding.

Their edges have a gentle edge with small or large cloths ending with a small barr.

The saturation of the color of the leaves depends on its type. In Russia, the flower products are usually breeding plants with light or saturated green leaves. Types of balmamine with dark green leaves with a lilated or brown tide are also found. On the sheet, the veins are clearly awesome, having a color to tone lower than he.

Flowers in the plant have 5 petals and they are painted in different colors: pink, red or pale pink. There are varieties with double colors: cherry, orange, white, as well as having pink-shaped buds, terry and semi-world petals.

The blurred buds form green fruits, which, ripening, form a dry box.

Views of balsamines

Currently, more than 400 varieties of the presented plants are known. They can be both annual and perennial. Balzamine blooms lush and has a different bouton color. The following types of balzamine are most popular:

- a bushy plant to a half-meter high. On its basis numerous hybrids are derived. It has upright juicy stems, gentle wide oval shape leaves of green or brownish tone. The plant adores heat and light, so it should be chosen like a fitting room.


- hybrid plant with large colors of bright colors. This perennial plant can be grown in the open ground and in pots, as a room. The leaves have bright saturated shades of green with yellow streaks. The variety does not need warmth and light, so they need to choose the sunny side in the room.

- This is a young grade recently derived. A bush has a stem to a half-meter long, cuts from them with leaves. The leaves have an oblong shape with a pointed tip, various shades of green. Flowers abundantly, buds on high flowering have a different color. Flowers to the touch soft and velvety.

These are only the main types of plants that are found in Russia in lovers of color breeding. They are unpretentious in cultivation, so the choice falls on them.

There is a huge number of varieties, which are also grown in the country, but they require several painstaking care that it is far from every novice flower.

Balzine: Home Care

The plant feels well in the bright room at home and gives abundant bloom. Vanka wet is absolutely not demanding in careful care, but still you can not forget to water it and fertilize.

If an error is allowed in care, the plant resets the leaves.

Balsam blooms from early spring to late autumn, not long resting in winter and again pleases the eye with bright colors.

How to carry out a balsamine care is submitted in the following factors.


In order for the flower to feel comfortable, it needs a small pot to size the root system and a small amount of soil. Soil for the plant does not matter, if only it was in the measure of loose and nutritious.

It is impossible to overstat it with minerals, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, otherwise the green mass will be furious, but the buds will dissolve a minor amount or will not appear.

For landing, you need to choose a mixture with a small acidity: two pieces of the turf, leaf land, humor, sand, add one part of the peat.


In the period of abundant flowering, the plant needs to be fed. This is a period from early spring and to late autumn. Once every two weeks it is necessary to water the fertilizer for flowering plants. At the end of August, it is required to reduce the number of feeding and fell to February once a month.

Fertilizer should be made to a wet substrate immediately after watering. In winter, when the rest period comes, but buds appear, it is necessary to feed Balsamin not strongly concentrated mineral fertilizers.


The plant consumes a lot of moisture. The lack of it leads to the loss of elasticity of stems and dropping leaves. Watering is carried out according to the following rules:

  • It is recommended to take a soft, outstanding water.
  • When the top of the soil is covered with a white bloom, it must be removed and fall asleep with fresh soil. The reason for this is too rigid water, increased grinding of the soil.
  • It should be watering, moving along the edge of the pot so as not to fall on the root neck.
  • In the summer, it is necessary to water the plant in a day, and in the winter it will be enough once a week.
  • You can not allow the drying of the earth coma.
  • Do not allow the drainage of water in the pallet.
  • The substrate is slightly wet, but not wet.
  • If the room is indoors more than 20 degrees, then the flower should be sprayed.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to loosen the soil in the pot to the depth of centimeter in order for the roots to "breathe."

The lack of moisture provokes a growing plant in growth, and the buds will dry and fall.


Though Balzamin and loves normal illumination, but the straight rays of the sun are unpleasant to him, because they can provoke a burn of the leaves.

Therefore, if the pot stands on the sunny side, the window should be shaded.

But in the winter of natural lighting it is not enough to him, so it is necessary to be heated with artificial light, set the lamp nearby.

If you do it, Balzamin will bloom in winter.

In order for the bush to have a beautiful and even crown, it is necessary to periodically turn the pot on the sunny side from different sides. With a lack of light, the plant will cease to throw out buds and will not bloom, having lost all its beauty.

Fresh air is needed by a plant, so it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where it is worth it, but we are afraid of drafts.

Indoor temperature and humidity

In the warm period, the plant is perfectly held even at a temperature of 25 degrees, if the room is regularly ventilated, and the soil in the pot will be wet.

In cold times, you should not allow the temperature below 10-15 degrees.

The flower feels well with moderate humidity, if the temperature does not switch the mark of 22 degrees.

If the temperature rises above, the soil dries quickly and the plant begins to fade. You can save it with a daily spraying that you need to be carried out carefully, without falling on buds and flowers.


The transplant is usually carried out in spring, but if it is required, then in the summer. Young bushes require transplant annually. Adult bushes are either transplanted or renewed by rooting cuttings from the tops of the shoots, because Balzine is growing over time and becomes ugly.

The pot should be chosen in the size of the root system. When he is not enough, then the plant will be more lush. Some for this in one pot are planting 2-3 roots.

Soil for transplanting should not be taken too nutritious, otherwise the green mass starts to gain strength, and flowering will slow down.

It is best to take a mixture of a delicate land, humid, compost and perlite, mixed in equal parts, the ground will be light and breathable. It is important to provide a good drainage plant.


Usually carried out in the spring during transplantation. Crop the branches of almost half of the length strongly cut over the winter. Extremely up to the required length, shoots are pinching so that branches with blooms are formed.

The process of circumcision rejuvenates the plants. Cutting the tops of shoots go to the reproduction of the plant.

To improve the view of the bush, barbed branches are cut, as well as dying leaves and flowers.

Balzine reproduction

Plant Balzamin breeds in two ways: seeds and stalling. Proper landing and care contribute to lush flowering in the first year of life.

The cuttings are well taken out in the water, they allow roots. It is more complicated by the seeds, the flowering of such a plant begins 4 months later.

Growing from seeds

Landing can be exercised all year round. The propagation procedure is submitted in the sequence:

  1. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of manganese minutes by 10 minutes.
  2. The soil for them is mixed from the part of the perlite and two parts of the peat.
  3. Blow seeds to 7 cm and moisten the soil, close the pot of film so that the temperature under it was 20-25 degrees.
  4. Sprouts appear in 8-10 days.
  5. So that the soil is not too wet, it periodically needs to be aircraft.
  6. After reaching the height of 1.5-2 cm, it must be divened.
  7. You can distribute seedlings on the pots when it appears at least one full-fledged leaflet.

The sequence is important to comply with not provoking the death of new sprouts.

Reproduction of cuttings

This is a more popular way of reproduction. At the same time, all species signs are preserved. This method is especially good for balsamine terry varieties. The propulsion procedure is proposed in the following form:

  1. In the spring or summer, the top of the shoot of a length of 7 cm is cut off. 2-3 interstices must be present on the cutting tree. Bottom leaves can be deleted.
  2. Put the cuttings in dishes with water and wait for the appearance of the roots.
  3. The substrate for landing takes the same.
  4. After the appearance of the roots, they are planted in pots, which need to be covered with something, for example, by a can.
  5. Seedling is rooted in 2 weeks, and after 2-3 months the bush begins to bloom.

Experienced flowers plant cuttings directly into the ground, having previously treated them with the preparation to speed up the growth of the root system. The stalk is also well rooted if it is created to create greenhouse conditions.

How to propagate Balzamin? Video:

Balzine disease and their treatment

Balzine, like all the room plants, is subject to various diseases - viral and fungal. The most common are considered:

1. Mosaic - Viruses of spotted oppression. The disease is noticeable on the deformed leaves of the plant, yellow spots on them, fading the stalk and stop the growth of the flower. Increased pest insects. It is possible to eliminate the disease using insecticides.

2. Gray rot - fungal infection. The appearance of it is visible on the brown spots on the leaves, white bloom and sluggish stems. Infection occurs when the plant is improper.

Treatment is carried out by antifungal agents - fungicides and proper leaving for a bush. Usually the fungus is striking the soil, so it is better to transplanted a bush to a new clean soil.

3. Bronze is a viral disease that cannot be treated. Disease can be seen on fading leaves and stems, leaf deformations, the formation of various sizes on them.

Bacteriosis is a very dangerous disease, so the bush immediately needs to be destroyed so as not to infect other plants.

To prevent infection, you must often air the room.

4. Puffy dew - fungal defeat, often develops in the soil of indoor plants. The disease is noticeable to fading the bush, the appearance of a whitish-brown plaque on the leaves and twisting them into the tube.

Pay attention to this material - unpretentious and changing houseplants.

Helps treatment with solutions of copper mood, soap solution, soda calcined. It is required to feed the bush with phosphoric-potassium fertilizers.

These are almost all diseases of Balsamin, which need to quickly eliminate that the bush does not suffer and the disease has not moved to other plants.

This article is interested in you - Yucca: home care, reproduction and transplantation.

Treatment of Balzamine. Video:

Features of cultivation

When growing balzamine, other problems can be. The most common are considered:

  • Why does balzamine fall down buds? This situation happens with poor care of it, when in the room dry air and insufficient watering, too cold and dark, and also when the bush is reconciled by fertilizers.
  • Why do balzamine yellow leaves? This is due to the deficit of moisture or sunburn if the pot stands under its straight rays. In winter, the leaves can be sealed due to low temperature indoors.
  • The pests attacking the bush - the whiteflink and the web tick appear during excess dryness indoors and in the heat if it is not avoided. It should be properly guided by the plant.

Beautiful and easy to care Balzamin is able to delight you with its bright and gentle flowers all year round, if it is correct to care for him and in time to treat from diseases.

Balzamine or Ladrulet is a numerous genus belonging to the balsamine family. It includes about 500 species of both annual plants and perennials. This guest came to us from the tropical regions of Asia and Africa.


Balzamine shoots low, but well branched. The foliage is green, often with a reddish or bronze sweat. If there is high humidity in the premises, water drops are formed at the ends of the leaves, because of which the Balzamin is also called the wet vanka.

Thanks to its beautiful small bushes, the imperture is often grown as an ampel plant. Balzine grazing flowers. Their color is different from different varieties, and in addition to this, there are motley, dilapidated dots or stripes. Breeding varieties with terry flowers.

Flower Balzine is small in size and usually possesses a bright color, which gave the soil for the name "Spark". The species diversity of balsamines is very large, so we mention only about several of them.

Types and varieties

Balzamin Ferena This is an annual. Used in folk medicine. As a garden plant is not grown, because it does not have sufficient attractiveness. Poisonous, so requires caution.

Balzamin ironist or fermented Single-night with a high massive stem. Foliage oval-lanceal. Flowers are large, purple.

Balsam Waller (Valler) Pretty high (grows up to 60 cm) a perennial plant. The foliage is a cherry church, the central village is red. Pink flowers, but varietal plants are different.

Novoguinsky Balzamin This species is hybrid. It has thickened stems, mutual foliage and large flowers. From this species, in turn, many varieties and hybrid species were created.

Balsam care at home

Balzamines are not problematic in cultivation, but some rules for the care of them at home is worth knowing. Balzamine can be grown in any part of the house, but so that it is a lot of bloom, you need to provide bright scattered lighting for a few hours a day.

The best of all the notching is growing in a half, to which the sun turns at a certain time. The cultivation temperature does not play a big role. The main thing is that in winter it does not fall below 13 ° C.

Balzamin watering and humidity

Humidity is also not a key factor in the growth of Balsamin, but if it becomes too dry in the room, the flower begins to suffer and its lower sheets fall out.

Balsamines are very loved by moisture. They need a lot of water. In the summer, the land in the pot always must be wet. In winter, an excess of moisture cannot be allowed, as the plant swallows.

Fertilizer for balsamines

During the growing season, Balzamin requires additional nutrients in the form of fertilizers. Approximately ten days for ten days, feed the unwurrics of mineral fertilizers.

During the bootonization and flowering, do not use nitrogen feeding. At this time, phosphorus-potash fertilizers are preferred.

With the arrival of autumn, it is no longer necessary to feed balsamins. This break lasts until the spring. Sick plants and those that have recently transplanted are not fertile.

Balzine Transfer

After buying Balzamine, a couple of weeks, it will be necessary to transplant, but do not hurry to be especially used to the terms of your apartment. These flowers love small pots that will only be on a small tolik to exceed the size of their root.

Soil prefers weak acidity. In general, it does not matter what composition will be, the main thing is that it is nutritious and loose. You can mix leafy ground with sand and peat, and it is possible a turf with a humus, compost and perlite.

If the plant began to lose the bottom leaves and does not bloom, it can be a signal to aging and a change in transplant. Young plants can quickly flush the entire pot and transplants will need several in one year. You need to perform the procedure quickly so that the roots do not have time to dry.

Balsamin Crossing

To improve the appearance of the bush, Balzamin needs to trim. In the spring, too long sprigs are cut, but do it no longer, but gradually, so as not to cause excess stress in the plant.

The top and the tips of the shoots are pouring to enhance branching.

How to save Balsam in winter

If you prepare suitable conditions for Balzamine, it will be able to bloom even in winter. To do this, in the winter it is necessary to install phytolamba, water flower and maintain a warm temperature.

In order for the plant in the winter in the winter, he needs feeding, but they can be made no more than once a month.

With a decrease in the light day, the leaves will gradually fall. Temperature must be observed in the area of \u200b\u200b16 ° C. Sometimes spray the flower and water.

But even if these rules are met, the plant may begin to die. In this case, the old one is no longer saved and it is better to use it for the shilling.

Because of the heavy transfer of winter, it is believed that balsamines live long. Often, gardeners do not leave the old individuals at all, and in the fall cut off the cuttings from them to obtain young plants.

Balzamin breeding cuttings

To multiply Balzamin can be staring and seed.

The first is usually used, due to the fact that Balzamin often disappears in winter. The top cuttings are cut off so that their length is about 10 cm. The rooting is carried out in perlite, water, cheese sand.

With the formation of roots, the material is planted into the soil and after a couple of months it will be ready for flowering.

Balsam garden growing from seeds

Seeds most often breed garden balsam. Seeds are sown in the crude soil, the composition of which is not fundamental, and is covered with a glue when shoots will appear, they are gradually hardened, passing to the external environment. In the future, they will multiply by self-sowing.

Diseases and pests

  • A number of problems may arise with a balsamine. For example, if it falls out of buds or flowers, it testifies to too dry soil or air.
  • The absence of flowering is observed during excess nitrogen fertilizers or cultivation in a large pot. It is also possible that the soil is depleted or your balsam is too old for flowering.
  • The dedication of leaves occurs with any care disorders, whether it is a lack of light or too strong watering. It also happens when aging.
  • If the cluster is tagged, then it may be that her roots started or on the contrary - moisture is not enough. Watching what time of year she began to wither.
  • The yellowing and drying of foliage occurs if the humidity of the air is too low.
  • The pest, which causes drying and twisting the leaves, is a web tick, sucking plant juices.
  • Also, the leaves can be twisted due to drafts.

This is one of the traditional potted crops. In the people, she has many other names: "Vanka Wet", "Diligent Lisa", "Lady", "Ogonos". The appearance of nicknames are promoted by various features of the plant: to highlight the dew, erupt the seeds from the box in the case of contact. Natural medium upholstered - tropical and subtropical forests. Motherland - Africa and Asia.

  • Growing and Flower Care
    • Watering and humidity
    • Choosing a pot
    • Soil and fertilizer
    • Pruning plants
  • Balzine Transfer
  • Pests and diseases
    • Puffy dew
    • Tripses
  • Flower breeding
    • Cherenca
  • The most common species

Balzamin is very demanding for lighting, it must be long but without direct sunlight. Watering the flower is better often but a little bit, just to maintain humidity can spray a plant.

Abundant blooming bush is unpretentious and with proper care is able to delight his decorativeness for many years. The stem is thin with a smooth surface, reaches up to 40 cm. Leaves of a dark green color, oval oblong shape. Each has a slight intelusion of a noble magenta color. Colors are wide colorful palette: yellow with purple, burgundy with pink, purple with white, and others. Blossom occurs almost without interruptions all the warm season.

Growing and Flower Care

Location, lighting and temperature

Herbaceous Flora Representative lovely loves light. His beloved place in the house will be a window-oriented window. Do not forget about the deprive of direct sunlight, especially through the glass. Bright juicy foliage threatens burn.

In hot days, artificial shading is installed, but only for the period of active solar activity. With the onset of the cold, it is removed, but move the pot from the glass. Frost and cold Balzine does not tolerate. When choosing a room it is worth considering love for fresh air, but drafts should be avoided. If placed incorrectly, the flames are increasing the root mass, to the detriment of flowering. The crown shape becomes incorrect, and buds move to its very edge.

The subtropical past requires enough heat. Despite the successful adaptation of the exotion to our climate, the cold he is worried bad. From December to March in the room there should be no less than 14 degrees of heat, and in the remaining months permissible temperature from 20 to 30 degrees, with sufficient humidity.

Watering and humidity

The plant needs frequent but moderate watering

Moistlated beauties not able to endure drought. Supporting constantly land in a moistened state, you can provide prolonged and lush flowering. With the onset of spring, more moisture is required, watering is reduced in autumn 2 times. Water is used purified, room temperature. You should not pour it. This can cause rotation of the root system.

Optimally: watered a little, but often. In the summer, after irrigation on the leaves, droplets of dew and dry quickly. If there was an unforeseen situation, when the possibilities of "poisoning" the zealous Lisa was not and she dried up, then it can still be saved. Capacity is completely immersed in the pallet with water for 2 hours. Liquid that glass into the pallet is poured the next day. The loss will revive, but it will be weak. Requires time to restore.

To the vanka wet does not dry it is important to follow the thermometer's column. As soon as it rose above +22 additional security measures should be taken. Next to the vasion is installed pallet.

Choosing a pot

Required small. Large vessels pet does not like. For lush flowering, the root system must fully envelop its inner part. Otherwise, Balzamin will increase only the green mass until the roots fill the inside of the vase.

If there is no possibility to put it in a small container, then you can use more, but for 2 bushes at once. In each, without exception, the container is saturated with a drainage layer. It should be at least one third of the total substrate. Necessarily the presence of through drainage holes. Otherwise, the exoto threatens many diseases.

Soil and fertilizer

Correctly, the soil can provide a plant with all the necessary conditions for growing. Ideally, it is a light nutrient soil. You can buy it in a flower shop - a soil for flowering indoor plants. Or prepare independently of such ingredients:

  • humus;
  • nerd land;
  • sand in equal parts.

Mix everything thoroughly and add 1/2 part of the peat. Heavy soils impede growth and full-fledged development.

In winter, fertilizers should not be abandoned completely. Support is carried out by small portions 1 time per month. Posseably affects the plant during this season nitric subcord. The active stage of fertilizers begins immediately after leaving the rest of the rest. For primary support, phosphorus-potash mixture is used. It is brought 2 times a month. But observing certain rules: fertilizers include only healthy copies in the "ration"; During peace and within a month after a transfer, support is not required; You need to make a strictly number that is indicated on the package by the manufacturer.

The oversupply of additional nutrition has a negative effect on health.

Pruning plants

It is carried out in spring. The stalks are shortened if they scattered, and Crohn lost its appeal. You can cut them no more than one third. And if the length is optimal, but it is required to stimulate growth, then the stems are pouring. Thus, the bush is rejuvenated, and the cropped fragments are used to reproduce.

Balzine Transfer

Conduct it every year and after buying. To avoid stress make it in the spring, as soon as active growth begins. Changing the pot is favorably reflected on the appearance of new shoots and the size of buds.

Experienced gardeners they advise the procedure 2 times a year: in the fall and spring. So they protect the culture from diseases, loss of attractiveness and stimulate the formation of volumetric, and dense bush.

Pests and diseases powdery dew

Puffy dew

Brings the greatest harm. An increase in infection contributes: cool air, moisture stagnation and non-compliance with the rules for care. The causative agent falls inside the light with moisture. After 3-4 days, stains appear on the stems, which are replaced by whitening raids and leaving the leaves. They darken and fall. In order to prevent the death of Balzamin to act quickly.

First of all, the frequency of moisturizes changes - they become scarce. So you can protect against the appearance of dew. The room is systematically ventilated, avoiding drafts. All affected parts are removed, and healthy thoroughly spray insecticides.

TRIPS - can harm the plant, when they are detected, a plant should be treated

The correct sign of the unborn guests is the deformation of young sprouts. Gradually, pests inhabit the increasing territory and new symptoms appear. The tips of the leaves begin to shrust, the flower is weakened by immunity, brown spots appear, decorative is lost. Sick zealous Lisa is placed in quarantine and treated with insecticides. All affected parts are cleaned and burned.

Flower breeding


This method retains all signs of the maternal "individual." Cutting planting material during transplantation. Choose a twig without buds. The optimal length is 9-11 cm. Each must have a minimum of 2 interstices. Bottom leaves are cut.

Methods of rooting:

  • water. Immersion occurs to foliage. It does not cost it so that it does not begin rotting. The drag needs well-lit space with warm air. The root system will begin to develop immediately and after 2 weeks you can replant with the soil.
  • priming. Grounding a healthy cutlery occurs shallow. Prepare a suitable substrate can be done: peat and vermiculite in equal parts, 2 pieces of perlite. It should always be slightly moistened. After irrigation, shallow loosenings for oxygen saturation are recommended.

How to choose a healthy plant in the store

Attentive inspection of the unwurrics will help to quickly and very accurately determine whether the plant is great, and whether it is worth acquiring it. Signs of the patient wet vanka:

  • dry tips of foliage, stains, stripes, raid and lethargy;
  • pale color, small flowers and buds;
  • obvious signs of insects;
  • incorrect, deformed form of crown.
  • unpleasant odor.

If not one above the listed symptom, then you can agree to purchase. After transporting home, it is highlighted in a secluded corner, without bright light. The transplantation and unnecessary administration of watering, fertilizer, etc. is required. Requires time to adapt.

The most common species

An extensive family includes many amazing representatives:

  • garden;
  • Waller;
  • terry;
  • imprem;
  • Hocker;
  • Novoguinsky.

Fragrant fragrances and a pesting bright colors garden flower bed - it is not so costly pleasure as it may seem.

For example, hitting the variety of colors of balsamines that are able to decorate even the most exquisite flower leaf, it is easy to grow from seeds at home.

It turns out a double savings, because you do not have to spend money on seedlings, besides from the received plants you can collect seeds for sowing for the next year.

Let's talk today about the Balsamine of the Garden Type of Carmelita, Camellia, namely, about growing seedlings for the subsequent transplant to the flower garden.

Balzamin - Plant with a priest character

This is the inhabitant of flower beds and flower beds is so charming in its shy beauty, which does not cease to attract the attention of breeders. The result of the painstaking work of scientists was the creation of more than 500 species and subspecies of a multicolored balsamine family.

Despite the seeming capriciousness, the balsamys are rather unpretentious. And the folk name is "notching" - they acquired due to a special way of reproduction: with the most fleeting touch to a mature seed box of it, the whole volley of mature seeds immediately "shoots".

In order for seedlings of Handsive Balzamin at home, it is healthy and viable, you need something to know about the "character" of this amazing plant.

  • So, for normal growth, seedlings need a lot of light and heat.
  • In the same way as many herbaceous plants, they do not endure the cutting of the Earth Koma.
  • In the early stages of cultivation, a cunning "black leg" can be tested, but in general, the balsamine bushes are not delivered.

To achieve the desired result, it should first decide what exactly we want to get in the end. For cultivation at the flowerbed "in the company" with other inhabitants of the busy flowering garden, such balsamine species as mentioned carmelite or camellia are perfectly suitable.

From the room of its relatives, they differ in a strongly narrowed form of leaves, under and between which the tremendous beauty of the most festive shades are hidden.

Growing garden balzamine from seeds begins with the selection of this very sowing material. The germination of balsamine grains-skins retain up to 8 years, depending on the species and varietal features.

Taking into account the fact that seeds already after 7-10 days give the first sprouts, too hard with their sowing.

For the region, which spring comes more or less on the calendar, is January and the beginning of February. Such an early sowing makes it possible for the third decade of April to get a healthy and ready-to-fall seedlings.

If warm usually comes with a delay, you can sigh of seeds and in the first numbers of March.

In order for seedlings to be viable:

  • Seeds before sowing need at least a quarter of an hour to hold in a weak warm solution of manganese;
  • The best primer for seedlings - shop for flowering plants or prepared independently from sand and peat in proportion 1: 1;
  • Before the seeding, the earthy mixture is desirable to be decorated with fungicide against the "black leg" and other fungal infections;
  • It is better to sow in small plastic containers with a diameter of up to 7 cm - it will be easier to take care of shooting and remove them for dive;
  • When sowing it is necessary too deepening seeds - a maximum of 0.5 mm, and it is even better to simply decompose them along a damp groundy surface and spray with the same earthy mixture or sand (a layer of no more than 3 mm);
  • If the containers with seeds cover with glass or transparent film, we get a greenhouse effect. It is advisable to not forget them to ventilate them, takes off the shelter for 20 minutes daily, and maintain inside the mini-greenhouse temperature at the level of 18-20 o C, we will soon get friendly shoots, after which the temperature should be raised by 2-3 degrees. Seedls before picking must additionally light up.

Another way, as without much trouble, grow seedlings of handsome balmamine, - to germinate seeds in advance. To do this, you will need a small cut of the tissue, well absorbing water. It needs to be slightly moistened, "sow" to him seeds and carefully wrap. The fabric should be placed in heat and not allow drying. The crumpled grains carefully close in the ground, as in the first case.

The second method of cultivation is good in that significantly speeds up receiving seedlings.

Such a trouble can happen if the seeds close in the ground before the deadlines. When in a room with balsamine shoots too warm with a lack of lighting, the result will be the same sad.

The best way to get healthy proportional shoots - hardening at a temperature of 15-18 ° C and artificial extension of the day with the help of daylight lamps.

To turn outwardly long and fragile young rapts in strong, well-developed seedlings and thereby fix the annoying mistake in their cultivation is quite simple. So, if the seedlings of Balzine pulled down very much, preferably:

  • Urgently sip it - when transplanting the plants will spend the forces on the extension of the root mass and for a while "will forget" about growth;
  • When leaving for some small containers, you need a little more than usual, deepen seedlings. Very long stems at the same time can be a little bend in the form of a ring in the landing pits and pour out the substrate - they will form additional roots, which will significantly increase their nutrition;
  • Page from each plant the topmost sheet from each plant, so they will start bushing;
  • Processing the agricultural seedlings "athlete" is a drug that slows down pulling out.

When there are 3-4 full-fledged leaf on each green sprout on each green sprout, it will be possible to start to the dive, that is, the seeding in separate cups with a capacity of 200 ml is such a sudine will be enough for a young raven.

Before picking, the main thing is not to forget to pour sprouts well so that you can easily divide their thin, with thread, root.

It is perfect for this procedure soil for flowering plants. You can also use a mixture of sand with peat, in which we sowed seeds.

Seeding seedlings, shed the land, put them closer to the light and do not forget to control the temperature. During this period, it should not ride above 20 degrees of heat.

Landing balmamine in open ground

Making sure that frosts are no longer foreseen, proceed to the "resettlement" of the strengthened and grown plants for a permanent place - on the flowerbed or to Rabata.

In order for Balzamin to please the eye with a buoy blossom, landing should be produced by all the rules of gardening.

It is important not to be mistaken with the place: On too bright the sun, our handsome man simply will start, and with a lack of sunlight, you can not wait for flowering, especially with high humidity.

In general, balsamines are not too demanding: landing and care are practically standard for most garden inhabitants:

  • lacy half
  • constant moisturity of the soil (without overflow),
  • air temperature in the formation of colors within 22-25 o C,
  • air humidification with excessive heating of air,
  • paging of growth points at the first hints for pulling - these are the basic requirements of this plant to the external environment.

Balzama Garden is able to deliver a lot of joy to someone who decides to grow this plant from seeds and will be able to understand his gentle nature. About the same, what is his home relative, is my next post.

Balzamin is an attractive blooming culture that can decorate a nuclear area or a window sill in the house. It depends on the selected plant variety. Flower care is easy, but it is worth considering some of its features. So, the plant should be quenched. How to do it right? What to do if the shoots of culture have already stretched out?

Why pinch Balsamin?

Paging balsamines is an important stage in the cultivation of a flower. The procedure is necessary for:

  • ensuring active growth of the bush;
  • lush flowering;
  • maintain an aesthetically attractive, neat appearance of culture.

Attention! It is not required to pinch dwarf varieties of culture.

As a result of a simple procedure, the plant becomes branched and neat. Many buds appear on it. During the complacement, many flowers still remove the sick leaves and the ridiculous color. It is right. Due to this procedure, Balzamin throws more new color. Everything else, a similar step is an excellent prevention of many diseases and pest appearance.

It is recommended to hold the pitching of balsamines immediately after picking. It is this stage of development of a blooming culture that is characterized by intensive growth of shoots. Many seedlings begin to pull quickly. That is why the tops of the plant should be discredited.

If you hold back the process of pulling and active growth due to such a simple manipulation, you can run a new mechanism. This is the formation of side shoots. Thanks to them, Balzamin becomes like a bulk, a bush ball. Such a plant looks more attractive and aesthetically more than a fragile lone escape of a painful type.

What to do when stretching Balzine's stems?

The formation of the bush due to pieces is an important rule of culture culture. However, in some cases, even experimental flowers, it is not possible to grant the necessary moment in a timely manner and the tops of the shoots are in a timely manner. What to do in this situation?

Council. It is best to plant a plant into an open ground when he warmed up a little sunny rays.

If in the room where balsamines are located, an overly high temperature level, then this can also lead to the stretching of culture. In order for seedlings to be low and strong, they need:

  1. Sunlight.
  2. Artificial illumination.
  3. Temperature in the range of 15-18 degrees of heat.

If the seedling of flower culture has already stretched out, then the optimal solution will be siping seedlings. Capacities with a plant is recommended to rearrange where it is cool and there is good lighting. This procedure and the existing conditions will slow down the process of growth and pulling the stalks of the plant, since all the energy and resources of Balzam will spend on rooting in a new container.

Fragile seedlings are recommended to take care gently. To do this, they slightly twist directly in the well during the landing. It is worth using the tip of the top leafing technique. Thanks to him, Balzamin will begin to develop side shoots.

Also stop pulling the stems with special ready-made compositions.

Balzamine Care - Video

Growing Balzine - Photo

One of the most common domestic flowers is room Balsamin, home care for which has certain subtleties. In fact, this plant can be called an unusual and even capricious, it has its own characteristics and specific differences from other colors. Balzine is not the only name of this plant, thanks to unusual properties, it has several items that are used in common.

For example, in England, this flower was called "Diligent Lisa", such a name he deserved for his ability to bloom all year round. Most of the species of this plant with proper care and suitable conditions are capable of long and lush flowering. In English, it is also called impatines, which means "notching", due to the fact that at the time of the seed ripening, if you touch the box, it will turn sharply, and all the contents will fly out.

The flower has another interesting nickname - wet vanka. After the flower is Poland, the dew droplets appear on his leaves, and the bustice seems completely wet. It is believed that the birthplace of this plant is Africa and Asia, the flower over time has spread widely throughout Europe. His beauty and grace fell to many of them, breeders worked on the removal of new varieties, and their works were crowned with success.

To date, there are more than 400 species of this plant in the world of cultural varieties of Balzamin. Each of them has its own characteristics that are manifested in appearance and require compliance with the rules of cultivation.

There are varieties that are designed for open soil, and there are exceptionally indoor flowers. All balsamine plants are divided into several childbirth: imbriefs and hydrocers.

Description Balzine

This plant can be both one-year and perennial. Its stems, as a rule, reach lengths from 20 to 50 cm. Foliage depending on the type of flower may have a dark or light green color, and in some cases even purple.

Externally, the flower resembles a neat and compact bush, in which the flowers are located on elongated cuttings and densely framed at the bottom of the foliage. The leaf has an extended oval shape with a pointed end, its length is 10-15 cm. Flowers have a beautiful widely opened form, consist of 5 petals that fan are lined, the color can be diverse, from white to dark red, there are beautiful and sophisticated Flowers with combined color.

Each variety has an excellent appearance, the structure of the root system, and care requirements can vary.

Varieties of varieties of unwrapped

There is a large selection of balsamine varieties that can be grown in homes. The following types are considered to be the most common and not too demanding in care:

  1. Novogvinsky Balzamine (Impatines New Guinea). This flower is distinguished by its impressive sizes, it has very large flowers that have a varied color. Stem straight and reaches half a meter. It has a powerful root system, which is actively developing, so it is customary to use more spacious vases.
  2. Balsam Valeriana (Impatines Walleriana). Most often found in home cultivation. It is considered the result of the compound of many varieties, this hybrid has properties inherent in other types of balsamine. It has high stems, more massive leaves and bright, large flowers. It can exercise his bloom for almost all year round. There is one difference from this variety: often there are leaves with brown color.
  3. Balzam Peterson (Impatines Petersiana). Its main differences are high stems and wide oval shape leaves. This variety is considered one of the largest indoor species. Due to the length of the stems and sweets have a small slope, as if slightly omitted. But the main feature of Impatines Petersiana is an unusually beautiful bronze color of foliage and stems.

These are the most common plants of this species that adapted to homemade cultivation. In order for the plant to grown healthy and strong, it is necessary to follow the rules for care.

What kind of balsamine care at home is required and how to properly carry out a transplant and the seign of this shrub, it is worth learn in advance so as not to harm the flower.

Care rules

By purchasing a flower in a special store, you must ask for what conditions he is used to, how he was irrigated and what and when it was fertilized for the last time. This information will allow you to properly prepare a medium for optimal adaptation of a new plant.

Many flower products say that this type of plant is actually unpretentious and requires only regular attention and correctly selected conditions for growth. And the first, where to start, is the selection of a vacation venue with a flower.

Choosing a place

This plant loves sunlight and warmth, so the wet vanka will perfectly feel on the windowsill of the eastern side of the house. But with all his love for the light, the straight sun rays can harm him to avoid burns standing slightly shadow the windows in a hot and summer time. But in the winter and cloudy period, these flowers require additional lighting. If you wish, you can use luminescent lamps, they perfectly imitate natural lighting. The fact is that the renewal of the light day for this plant is necessary, good lighting allows him to bloom throughout the year. It is important to periodically turn the vase with different sides to the sunlight, this will ensure the uniform shape of the shrub.

Moisture and Temperature Mode

Vanka wet fully corresponds to a tropical plant, it perfectly feels at a temperature of + 20 ... + 25ºС, but it should be provided with fresh air and regular irrigation. Writing is one of the most important rules in care. Humidity it requires moderate, but with a significant increase in temperature, it is necessary to moisturize the air additionally. To do this, you can use water tanks or a special humidifier, the humidity level should not exceed 45-50 units. Spraying is allowed, but it is very careful, so as not to get on the flowers and its buds.

In the winter and cool period, it is necessary to monitor the air temperature, it is impossible to allow it to fall below + 10 ... + 15ºС. It is worth remembering that the close proximity to the heaters can lead to the fading of the plant.

Balzamin care at home requires careful and attentive, since even the wrong selected level of moisture indoors can harm the flower.

Rules of irrigation and feeding

Watering requires a vanka wet regular and timely. The main indicator for this is the top layer of the soil in the vase, as soon as it serves, it is necessary to carry out watering. You can not bring to the appearance of cracks and the formation of earthy crusts on the upper layer of the soil, it can harm the root system. Water with stunned and soft water, it is important not to fall on the stem and foliage, it is best if watering can be used with a thin and narrow nose, this will allow you to gently pour water along the edge of the pot and do not hurt the plant. For some time, he can do without watering, but it will still affect its growth and flowering duration. The first on drought will react precisely flowers, they fade and fall without sufficient moisture in the soil.

Fingering the flower stands in the spring and summer, about once every 14 days, the fact is that the wet vanka does not have a pronounced period for rest, he produces young buds even in the cold season. But in the fertilizer he still needs, as it spends a lot of strength on constant flowering. Therefore, after the appearance of buds is worth making mineral fertilizers. It is better to carry out the lure after irrigation when the penetration of liquid or dry drugs will be optimal. Fertilizers are better to use complex, they are purchased in special stores or flower salons.

It is important periodically for this plant to explode the upper layer of the soil, this will allow penetrating oxygen to the root system and prevent the occurrence of dampness.

Balzine Transfer

Every year, this shrub needs a transplant, this is due to the active growth of the root system. Therefore, in spring or summer it is worth carrying out a flower transplant to a new pot. It is worth noting that over time this plant can lose its appearance, so specialists are recommended to resort after 3-4 years to rooting the cuttings from the top. It will help to update the plant and return the pomp crown.

The choice of pot is worth producing on the basis of the sizes of the roots, in fact it should be no more than 2-3 cm above and wider than the previous one. The root system quickly and actively fills minor voids and then gives enough for long flower for long flowering, and in a large and spacious vase he will spend time and strength on the growth of the roots, and the period and type of flowering will suffer significantly.

The substrate can be purchased ready in a specialized store, and if desired, you can cook yourself. To do this, you will need equal parts of the following components:

  • sheet land;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

The second option of cooking:

  • nerd land;
  • perlite;
  • compost;
  • humus.

It is important not to forget during a drainage transplant, it is possible to use fine pebbles or clay.

During the transplant, it is possible to produce plants. During the winter period, the stems may be too big, they must be shortened by half. For the formation of a beautiful bush you need to pinch Balsamin. The tip of the upper stems will help the bruise to give the growth of young side branches, thus you can achieve pomp and volume for shrub. It is worth not to forget about regular hygienic cleaning, it implies the removal of dried branches, foliage and flashing flowers.

Rules of breeding

These flowers are multiplied by two ways - stalling and seed sowing. The most common and effective is the shilling. Experts argue that Balzamine's cuttings are very easy and simply coming up and transferring adaptation. The main thing is to prepare them correctly, and for this you need to cut off a 7-10 cm long twig from the maternal stem, at least with two interstivers. The cuttings are placed in a wet soil or water. After rooting, they are pricted in a small pot, you can use peat diameter of 10 cm. Often after disembarking in the spring, a young plant can bloom in the same year.

Sowing seeds is a more labor-intensive occupation and requires certain knowledge. The cultivation of these colors from seeds can lead to an unexpected result, because maternal features at this breeding method are significantly lost.

Vanka wet, like all plants, is subject to some diseases, but they can all occur only in case of violations of the rules for the care of it. Too high temperature, lack of moisture, lack of fertilizers - all this can lead to a slowdown in growth and fading, as well as to the appearance of harmful insects.

It is possible to get rid of the web tongs, twe and whiteflies using special preparations and compliance with the rules of care.

In general, these items show how to care for the balsamine at home competently. Observing all the requirements, you can grow extraordinary beauty a blooming shrub that will delight you with its brightness and grace all year round.

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