Design norms and rules. Fire protection systems

Decor elements 20.06.2020
1 area of ​​use
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General provisions
5 Water and foam fire extinguishing systems
5.1 Fundamentals
5.2 Sprinkler installations
5.3 Deluge installations
5.4 Water mist fire extinguishing installations
5.5 Sprinkler AFS with forced start
5.6 Sprinkler-drencher AFS
5.7 Installation piping
5.8 Control units
5.9 Water supply of installations and preparation of foam solution
5.10 Pumping stations
6 Fire extinguishing systems with high expansion foam
6.1 Scope
6.2 Classification of installations
6.3 Design
7 Robotic fire complex
7.1 Fundamentals
7.2 Requirements for installing a RPK fire alarm
8 Gas extinguishing installations
8.1 Scope
8.2 Classification and composition of installations
8.3 Extinguishing media
8.4 General requirements
8.5 Volumetric fire extinguishing installations
8.6 Quantity of gas extinguishing agent
8.7 Timing
8.8 Receptacles for gaseous extinguishing agent
8.9 Piping
8.10 Incentive systems
8.11 Nozzles
8.12 Fire fighting station
8.13 Local start devices
8.14 Requirements for protected premises
8.15 Local fire extinguishing installations by volume
8.16 Safety requirements
9 Modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
9.1 Scope
9.2 Design
9.3 Requirements for protected premises
9.4 Safety requirements
10 Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
10.1 Scope
10.2 Design
10.3 Requirements for protected premises
10.4 Safety requirements
11 Autonomous fire extinguishing installations
12 Control equipment for fire extinguishing installations
12.1 General requirements for control equipment of fire extinguishing installations
12.2 General signaling requirements
12.3 Water and foam fire extinguishing installations. Requirements for control equipment. signaling requirements
12.4 Installations of gas and powder fire extinguishing. Requirements for control equipment. signaling requirements
12.5 Aerosol fire extinguishing installations. Requirements for control equipment. signaling requirements
12.6 Water mist extinguishing installations. Requirements for control equipment. signaling requirements
13 Fire alarm systems
13.1 General provisions when choosing types of fire detectors for the protected object
13.2 Requirements for the organization of fire alarm control zones
13.3 Placement of fire detectors
13.4. Point smoke detectors
13.5 Linear smoke detectors
13.6 Point thermal fire detectors
13.7 Linear thermal fire detectors
13.8 Flame detectors
13.9 Aspirating smoke detectors
13.10 Gas fire detectors
13.11 Independent fire detectors
13.12 Flow detectors
13.13 Manual call points
13.14 Fire control devices, fire control devices. Equipment and its placement. Room for staff on duty
13.15 Fire alarm loops. Connecting and supply lines of fire automatics systems
14 Interrelation of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment of facilities
15 Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing installations
16 Protective earthing and zeroing. Safety requirements
17 General provisions taken into account when choosing technical means of fire automatics
Annex A (mandatory) List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms
Annex B (mandatory) Groups of premises (industries and technological processes) according to the degree of fire hazard, depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
Appendix B (recommended) Methodology for calculating the parameters of AFS for surface fire extinguishing with water and low expansion foam
Annex D (recommended) Method for calculating the parameters of fire extinguishing installations with high-expansion foam
Annex D (mandatory) Initial data for calculating the mass of gaseous fire extinguishing agents
Annex E (recommended) Method for calculating the mass of gas fire extinguishing agent for gas fire extinguishing installations when extinguishing by volumetric method
Annex G (recommended) Methodology for hydraulic calculation of low pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installations
Appendix H (recommended) Method for calculating the opening area for releasing excess pressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing installations
Annex I (recommended) General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
Appendix K (mandatory) Method for calculating automatic aerosol fire extinguishing installations
Annex L (mandatory) Method for calculating excess pressure when fire extinguishing aerosol is supplied to the room
Appendix M (recommended) Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load
Annex H (recommended) Locations for installation of manual fire detectors depending on the purpose of buildings and premises
Annex O (informative) Determination of the set time for detecting a malfunction and eliminating it
Annex P (recommended) Distances from the upper overlap point to the measuring element of the detector
Annex P (recommended) Techniques for improving the reliability of the fire signal
Bibliography 1. Scope
2. Regulatory references
3. Terms and definitions
4. General provisions
5. Water and foam fire extinguishing installations
6. Fire extinguishing installations with high expansion foam
7. Robotic fire complex
8. Gas fire extinguishing installations
9. Powder fire extinguishing installations of modular type
10. Aerosol fire extinguishing installations
11. Autonomous fire extinguishing installations
12. Control equipment for fire extinguishing installations
13. Fire alarm systems
14. Interrelation of fire alarm systems with other systems and engineering equipment of objects
15. Power supply of fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing installations
16. Protective grounding and zeroing. Safety requirements
17. General provisions taken into account when choosing technical means of fire automatics
Annex A. List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms
Appendix B. Groups of premises (production and technological processes) according to the degree of fire hazard, depending on their functional purpose and fire load of combustible materials
Appendix B. Methodology for calculating the parameters of AFS for surface fire extinguishing with water and low expansion foam
Appendix D. Methodology for calculating the parameters of fire extinguishing installations with high-expansion foam
Appendix E. Initial data for calculating the mass of gaseous fire extinguishing agents
Annex E
Appendix G. Technique for hydraulic calculation of low pressure carbon dioxide fire extinguishing installations
Appendix H. Methodology for calculating the opening area for releasing excess pressure in rooms protected by gas fire extinguishing installations
Annex I. General provisions for the calculation of modular type powder fire extinguishing installations
Appendix K. Methodology for calculating automatic aerosol fire extinguishing installations
Appendix K. Methodology for calculating excess pressure when fire extinguishing aerosol is supplied to the room
Appendix M. Selection of types of fire detectors depending on the purpose of the protected premises and the type of fire load
Appendix H. Installation locations of manual fire detectors, depending on the purpose of buildings and premises
Appendix O. Determination of the set time for detecting a malfunction and eliminating it
Appendix P. Distances from the upper overlap point to the measuring element of the detector
Annex P. Techniques for improving the reliability of the fire signal

In this case, when determining the number of detectors, the combined detector is taken into account as one detector.

13.3.16. Floor-mounted detectors can be used to protect the area below a perforated false ceiling if the following conditions are met simultaneously:

The perforation has a periodic structure and its area exceeds 40% of the surface;

The minimum size of each perforation in any section is at least 10 mm;

The thickness of the false ceiling is no more than three times the minimum size of the perforation cell.

If at least one of these requirements is not met, the detectors must be installed on the false ceiling in the main room, and if it is necessary to protect the space behind the false ceiling, additional detectors must be installed on the main ceiling.

13.3.17. The detectors should be oriented so that the indicators are directed, if possible, towards the door leading to the exit from the room.

13.3.18. The placement and use of fire detectors, the procedure for the use of which is not defined in this set of rules, must be carried out in accordance with the recommendations agreed upon in the prescribed manner.

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