Sample projects aps. Fire alarm project

Landscaping and planning 20.06.2020
Landscaping and planning
Size: 3.49 MBSection: APS Date: 03/11/2017Downloads: 605 Author's e-mail: [email protected]

The project provides for the use of the equipment of the Russian certified integrated security system of CJSC NVP "Bolid", Korolev (hereinafter ISO "Orion").

ISO "Orion" - multiprocessor security system fire alarm and control, provides protection for medium and large objects and is easily integrated into complex systems life support.

Main technical solutions for the project

Applied equipment

This section of the project considers the AUPS equipment on the first floor of the complex occupied by VERTICALI.

The building was equipped with a general house fire alarm system based on equipment manufactured by CJSC NVP Bolid, Korolev

The project provides for the replacement of the existing control panel "Signal-20P" (ARK.3) with radial threshold alarm loops for equipment with ring addressable analog loops (S2000-KDL controllers).

The project provides for connection of the equipment to the existing RS-485 interface line at the site of the dismantled Control Panel "Signal-20P" (ARK.3).

For the issuance of fire signals in the ODS and switchboard, the project provides for switching the control connecting lines from the PPKOP Signal-20P (ARK.3) relay to the relay of the newly mounted S2000-SP1 signal-starting unit.

The project provides for the S2000-BI display units at the VERTICALI security post. These blocks are designed for visual control of the state of fire detectors and actuators of the designed equipment

The system includes:

a) Address devices of RS-485 interface:

The existing control panel "S2000M" is installed in the security room (fire station) on the first floor. In the system, the console acts as a central controller that collects information from connected devices and controls them automatically or by operator commands. The control panel receives information about the state of the zones from the devices and monitors this change.

Two-wire communication line controllers "S2000-KDL-2I" (with galvanic isolation of RS-485 interface and DPLS);

Two-wire communication line controllers "S2000-KDL-2I" are mounted in the fire alarm cabinet ShPS located on the first floor of the complex occupied by the company "VERTICALI" and serve to organize addressable alarm loops over a two-wire communication line (hereinafter referred to as DPLS). The DPLS is used to connect and power addressable devices via a two-wire communication line (addressable fire detectors, addressable expanders, addressable signal-starting blocks). The maximum number of addresses in each of the addressable loops (DPLS) is 127 addresses;

Block signal-starting "S2000-SP1 version 01";

The S2000-SP1 signal-starting unit is mounted in the ShPS fire alarm cabinet and is used to issue control signals to turn on and control engineering equipment (“FIRE in ODS and SHA” signals, as well as to unlock the doors of VERTICALI evacuation exits).

b) DPLS address devices:

Optoelectronic addressable analog fire detectors DIP-34A-01-02 (hereinafter DIP-34A-01-02);

DIP-34A-01-02 are designed to monitor the state and detect fires, accompanied by the appearance of smoke in enclosed spaces object and issuing notifications "Fire", "Dust", "Attention", "Fault", "Disabled", "Test".

Addressable manual fire detectors IPR513-3AM Isp.01 (hereinafter IPR513-3AM Isp.01);

IPR513-3AM Version 01 are designed for manual signaling "FIRE" in case of visual detection of fires in the premises of the facility, installed on escape routes at a height of 1.5 m from the sea level.

Addressable two-zone expanders "S2000-AR2 version 02";

Addressable two-zone expanders "S2000-AR2 version 02" are mounted near fire cabinets (PT system). In the PC cabinet, a mechanical fire detector IP-UOS-2k-m is mounted on a fire valve (crane) and is designed to be used as a switching element in fire extinguishing systems in buildings to switch on the fire pump start-up circuit. A connecting line is laid from S2000-AR2 to IP-UOS-2k-m. In DPLS, one expander occupies two addresses of the address space, the addresses are adjacent, i.e. the expander occupies two addresses in a row.

The maximum number of addresses in each of the address loops (DPLS) - 127 addresses

Blocks signal-starting address "S2000-SP4/220";

Addressable signal-starting blocks "S2000-SP4/220" are mounted near fire dampers (smoke exhaust and ventilation systems) and serve to issue control signals to close/open dampers in case of fire and monitor their condition. In the DPLS, one block occupies five addresses of the address space, the addresses are contiguous, i.e. the block occupies five addresses in a row. In the project of the first floor, "S2000-SP4 / 220" is not considered.

Calculation of the capacity of batteries of AUPS equipment.

The project provides for uninterruptible power supply, which ensures the operability of the AUPS system in standby mode for 24 hours plus 3 hours of operation in alarm mode.

Calculation of batteries is carried out according to the formula:

W \u003d ((Id) + (It * 3)) / 1000 * 1.3 [A * h]

W - the value of the battery capacity [A * h];

Id - current consumption by devices in standby mode [mA];

24 - standard operating time in standby mode;

It - current consumption by devices in alarm mode [mA];

3 - standard operating time in alarm mode;

1000 - conversion factor mA in A;

1.3 - coefficient of incomplete discharge of the battery;

Fire alarm cabinet ХК.01

pos. no.

Power-consuming equipment

Consumed current, mA


Total current consumption, mA

In standby

In alarm mode


In standby

In alarm mode









Power consumption, A * h:




Estimated capacity of the battery of the redundant power source (I dezh. x 24 + I tr. x 3) x1.3 A * h


Two rechargeable batteries 12 V, 17 Ah are installed in these cabinets.

Detailed design of a fire and security alarm system for a store

.dwg format

The OPS performs the following functions:

Detection of unauthorized entry into the protected premises and the issuance of "Intrusion" signals to the guard post;

Issuance of signals "Penetration";

Arming individual loops (premises) and disarming them;

Becoming and placing equipment OPS.os

The reception and control device "Granite - 3" was used as a receiving and control device for the alarm system.

Panic radio button "RR-2T", from the radio channel burglar alarm"Reef Ring - 2". It transmits alarm notifications by radio channel by switching relay contacts to the "RR-2R" receiver.

Device "Granit-3" allows you to take under protection separate rooms store: trading floor, utility room, warehouse. Protection by the device "Granit - 3" is carried out by monitoring the state of the state of the three loops of the security and fire alarms. Remote light-sound annunciators "Mayak-12K", exit light indicators and a sound annunciator "Mayak-12-3m" are connected to the Granit-3 control panel.

Power "Granite - 3" is carried out from the network alternating current voltage 220V and from the backup built-in battery with a capacity of 2.2 A / h.

Organization of protection of the premises of the OPS.

1. The trading floor is protected by three lines of security and fire alarms:

The 1st frontier notifies of the breaking of doors, magnetic contact sensors "IO 102 - 26" are included in this loop;

the 2nd line controls window openings, the combined sensors "Astra - 8" are included in the loop;

3rd line - fire alarm, this line includes sensors "IPR 513-10" and "IP212-141".

2. The boiler room is protected by one line of fire alarm:

The 1st boundary is represented by a loop of heating sensors "IP 101 -1A -A1" and sensors "IPR 513-10".

3. In the utility room:

1st loop - control of doorways (sensors "Astra - 8");

2nd loop - smoke sensors "IP 212 - 141";

All loops are connected to the device "Granit -3" installed in the room trading floor. The power supply to the redundant power supply units is to be carried out from separate 1P 16A automatic machines installed in the power board of the AC mains with a voltage of ~ 220V. Lay ~220V power cables separately from low-voltage networks.

OPS loops to execute fireproof cable FRLS type. Lay cable routes inside the facility for false ceiling. Descents to detectors and annunciators - in cable channels. The passage of cables through the walls is carried out in a PVC pipe.

Ensure the electrical safety of low-current devices by grounding all metal non-current-carrying parts in accordance with the ROM.

Light indicators "Exit" and sound annunciators "Mayak" are connected to the relay outputs "Granit-3" and have a power supply of 12V from it.

The power supply to the redundant power supply unit is to be carried out from a separate 1P 16A machine installed in the power board of the ShchR AC network with a voltage of - 220V using a VVGng FRLS 3x1/5 cable.

Power cables - 220V should be laid separately from low-voltage networks.

Laying of cable routes.

Perform a two-wire warning system with a fire-resistant cable type FRLS /

Lay cable routes inside the object behind the suspended ceiling. Descents to manual call points and annunciators - in cable channels. The passage of cables through the walls is carried out in a PVC pipe.

The electrical safety of low-current devices must be ensured by grounding all metal non-current-carrying parts in accordance with the PUE.

Once upon a time, at the very beginning of my activity, it became necessary to develop a fairly simple working project for signaling. I was familiar with all the rules and regulations for blocking and installation, but I didn’t know how to put it all on paper. Searching the web turned up nothing. I had to take finished project alarm and adapt it to your needs. Over time, changes and additions were made to it, and, in the end, it turned out to be a very, in my opinion, not a bad document.

In fairness, it should be noted that it is suitable for equipping a burglar or fire alarm for a not very large store, or office, or similar facilities, but, in percentage terms, such orders are the majority.

The same way I had to deal with other technical documentation. The following technical documentation is considered here, with indication of internal links to its download:

The terms of reference for the design of an alarm system are required, although not always, but there are cases when it is indispensable. By and large and according to the rules, it is the basis of the signaling project. Here is an example terms of reference on the security alarm project.

The next in the chronological order of technical documentation is working draft. The signaling project can be developed separately for security and fire alarms or combine both of these types. Here are working draft of the security alarm, or rather the text part working draft or an explanatory note in the amount that meets the requirements private security and fire alarm design, whose explanatory note was also quite suitable for the state fire supervision authorities.

Making minor changes to them allows you to get the text part of the project for the real object you need within 1-2 hours. For the graphic part working draft signaling more time costs, but still, the project can be completed in a day, without denying yourself smoke breaks and other forms of recreation. It should be recalled that references in projects on the regulatory technical documentation must be specified taking into account their renewal, the entry into force of new documents and the cancellation of previous documents.

Symbols used in the project fire alarm systems.

To determine the composition, types and applications security equipment you can recommend the transition to the page security alarm project standard solutions . The main methods of blocking building structures of premises subject to protection are considered.

Are given examples of wiring diagrams for security detectors, fire detector connection diagram, connecting them to each other and inclusion in alarm loop. Considered detector connection(Astra, Harp, Glass, Rustle, Photon, DIP, IPR, magnetic contact detectors) is of real practical importance.

After completing all installation and commissioning drawn up act of acceptance into operation alarm systems. The form shown here, in addition to the actual act of acceptance into operation, contains a number of accompanying documents, namely: certificate of completion installation work, insulation resistance measurement protocol etc. It must be said that here act of acceptance into operation systems burglar alarm, for fire alarm everything is the same, but the first sheet is signed only by representatives of the customer and the installation organization.

On the page installation, installation of video surveillance considered project of a video surveillance system, terms of reference for the design of video surveillance. Pages with links to download these documents are indicated.

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The materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only and cannot be used as guidance documents.

Solution of the problem fire safety any object, regardless of the form of ownership and purpose in without fail requires equipment with a fire alarm system or fire alarm, with the function of detecting a fire, alerting personnel and services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Even for the smallest facility where it is planned to install such equipment, it is imperative to draw up a fire alarm project that would comply with all the rules and requirements, and this will be only the first step towards solving the problem. fire protection.

Fire alarm design - basic project requirements

Independent development of a fire alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system project, as well as the development of any other project, must comply with the standards existing rules and requirements in force at the time of project development. The main stages of work in the development of the document are:

  • Determination of the need to install a fire alarm at the facility;
  • Development specifications to the alarm system;
  • The study legal documents regulating the issues of construction and safety of the facility, its explosion hazard, category fire hazard, requirements of laws and by-laws to the organization of fire protection using means automatic system alarms;
  • Carrying out survey work, drawing up a plan of premises;
  • Selection and study of the characteristics of equipment for installation;
  • Drawing up a fire alarm project, an explanatory note, a working draft and drawings, estimates for installation work and purchase of equipment;
  • Coordination and approval of project documentation.

The requirements for the document being developed are established by laws and government decrees regulating the development procedure, content and main sections of the project fire alarm project. The main regulatory act here is the law of the Russian Federation No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008, which sets out the basic requirements for fire safety at facilities, including the features of maintenance and operation.

The classification of buildings and structures according to the degree of fire hazard is determined by Government Decree No. 390 of 04/25/2012, based on this classification, and the choice of equipment for signaling and fire extinguishing systems is carried out.

Issues of direct design, mandatory sections and the procedure for designing a project are disclosed in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 dated February 16, 2008.

Additional information necessary for the development of the project may be contained in the standards, state building codes and regulations, as well as in orders of the Ministry for emergencies RF.

Collection of information and preparation of terms of reference

Drawing up the terms of reference provides for the selection and analysis of information both about the facility where the equipment is planned to be installed, and the requirements put forward by the customer for the equipment, technical specifications and operating principles of the system.

In the terms of reference for the development of a fire safety system project, the customer indicates:

  • The maximum category of the object according to the degree of danger, where the equipment is planned to be installed;
  • The need to install specific equipment and justify the feasibility of its installation;
  • The need to install a fire alarm system;
  • Technical aspects of the system operation in normal mode and in emergency situations.

In addition, for design it is important to understand with which fire extinguishing systems the alarm will be activated, which of additional equipment will be offered for installation as complete solution fire safety issues.

A separate item of the terms of reference for the development of the project will be the issue of equipment power supply.

When submitting a technical task, you must also specify:

  • Information on the type of construction, materials used, provide project documentation:
  • Inform about the minimum and the maximum number personnel who may be present on the premises;
  • To give rough plan placement of production areas, warehouses, work areas and administrative premises;
  • The mode of operation of the enterprise, the conditions for the protection and placement of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Development of a fire alarm project

The beginning of the development of the project is the study of the terms of reference and the collection necessary information for drafting.

It is mandatory to conduct a survey of the building, drawing up a primary plan for the placement of system elements. Based on the information collected, a decision is made to develop a project with optimal technical solutions installation of special equipment.

In the development of the project can be used typical schemes installations of hardware units, wiring diagrams and placement of detectors used on other projects of the same type.

In the explanatory note to the project, information is indicated that must be true and reflect the real state of the object. In view of this, the description of the object indicates technical specifications building, its number of storeys, floor material, bearing walls and internal partitions. A separate point is the description of the intended purpose of the building - a residential building, commercial premises or industrial building.

In the project, it is important to indicate the state of the building, its compliance with fire safety requirements for this category of objects, the availability of means of evacuation, smoke removal, emergency exits, fire hydrants, and an internal fire water supply system are indicated in the graphic part.

For premises equipped with a centralized ventilation and air conditioning system, all ventilation ducts and air conditioning ducts.

In addition, for all premises it is important to indicate the location of permanently located equipment and furniture, as well as the evacuation routes for personnel and the most significant material assets.

The most significant information in the project is information about engineering systems buildings - a water supply system, heating, power supply, laid communication cable lines. When developing working drawings of the project this information will play one of the most important roles. In addition, if there are already installed system signaling, it is necessary to study the possibility of using it as a backup system, or as auxiliary elements of individual blocks and nodes.

All the data obtained in the process of studying the primary information form the basis of a draft plan, on the basis of which the development of all parts of the project will be carried out.

At the stage of developing a draft plan, the configuration of the future system is being developed, the compatibility of the main parts and elements, the locations of sensors, connecting lines, control units, sound detectors and signal displays are indicated. The calculation of the coverage areas of each sensor is carried out in accordance with its technical characteristics.

Based on the draft plan, the development of the text part of the project with a description of all its constituent parts and a graphic plan with reference to the building plan of all design solutions.

The project, in addition to the description and the graphic part, also includes working documentation, which will be directly used for installation work. AT working documentation may enter as general plans and placement schemes, as well as detailed drawings of attachment points, placement options typical elements, wiring diagrams for electrical equipment and algorithms for the operation of individual elements.

The fourth component of the project is an estimate of installation work and calculation of the cost of equipment, including an indication of the possibility of replacing individual elements with other models and modifications.

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