Maintenance of alarm security services. Security alarm service

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

Ecolife Group conducts Maintenance security alarm systems of any objects. Call us and our specialist will prepare for you offer and a full package of documents for the conclusion of the contract.

Departure of an engineer to calculate the cost of work is free of charge

The need for maintenance of the burglar alarm

There is probably no point in explaining and telling what maintenance is. Every person in his life, one way or another, faced with this concept.

Let's take an example. For a perpetual motion machine to be born, at least two basic conditions must be met. First, it must run indefinitely, without the intervention of anyone or anything. Second: the mechanism itself, by its design, should not wear out, because it needs to work for ages! After all, no matter how reliable the mechanism is, sooner or later its components will wear out, and they will need to be replaced. That is, the perpetual motion machine also needs maintenance, like any other mechanism!

This explains the need for maintenance to keep the devices around us in working order. Every mechanism and every system on the planet must undergo regular maintenance. And than more important element, the more thoroughly and more often it needs to be checked.

A burglar alarm is a complex system that must be checked and tested regularly. After all, no matter how small the object of protection is, and no matter how reliable the equipment is, sooner or later the “X” moment will come, after which the system will cease to be a reliable protector of your property. After all, even in passports for equipment, manufacturers write the results of failure testing. That is, the manufacturers themselves warn that individually the sensor or device may not work at some point. What can we say about the whole system? Yes, these figures are extremely small - 1 in 10,000 times, or 1 in 100,000 times - but such a possibility exists. And imagine if, due to the lack of maintenance, intruders still manage to penetrate the facility, and thereby inflict enormous losses and losses! It turns out that all the work to equip the facility with a security system and all the effort, time and money spent on this will turn out to be a waste.

In the field of security alarm maintenance, as well as at the stages of its construction, there are some features that are not characteristic of these works on other networks and systems. They are connected with the presence of a security company, which will monitor the state of the system in parallel with the service organization. Moreover, no security company will take into operation a system that is not serviced. This is a completely logical and understandable requirement, because the security company bears liability for the object and property. And since the burglar alarm is the only "eyes" of the guards on the protected object, they must "see" flawlessly.

From the point of view of regulatory documents, the maintenance of a security alarm, as well as all other stages, is regulated only for units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Moreover, the updated series of guidelines from 2014 does not contain standards for the maintenance of security systems. Therefore, all service organizations conduct their activities based on the already known RD 009-01-96 and RD 25.964-90, which provide for monthly or quarterly maintenance. Types of work and their frequency are summarized in a convenient table.

maintenance of fire alarm systems, fire alarm systems

List of works The frequency of maintenance by the facility operation service

Frequency of maintenance by specialized organizations under the contract

1 option:
for objects with mass stay of people
Option 2:
for other objects
1. External examination constituent parts system (control panel, detectors, annunciators, alarm loop) for mechanical damage, corrosion, dirt, fastening strength, etc. daily monthly quarterly
2. Control of the working position of switches and switches, the serviceability of light indication, the presence of seals on the control panel Same Same Same
3. Control of the main and backup sources power supply and checking the automatic switching of power from the working input to the backup weekly Same Same
4. Checking the performance of the components of the system (control panel, detectors, annunciators, measuring the parameters of the alarm loop, etc.) Same Same Same
5. Preventive work Same Same Same
6. System health check Same Same Same
7. Metrological check of instrumentation annually annually annually
8. Measurement of resistance of protective and working ground annually annually annually
9. Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical circuits 1 time in 3 years 1 time in 3 years 1 time in 3 years

Even after briefly reading the Regulations presented in the above document, three obvious conclusions can be drawn:

1. Part of the work on the technical maintenance of the security alarm system lies on the shoulders of the owner of the facility;
2. The document assumes two types of cooperation between the customer and the contractor: monthly and quarterly;
3. Quarterly maintenance is provided only for objects that are not classified as "mass". And those objects are considered to be massive, on the territory of which 50 people or more can be permanently or temporarily located (PPB 01-03, clause 16; SP 5.13130-2009, clause 3.71).

If there is no talk of setting the security system on the remote control, then the owner can maintain the system on his own, or with the involvement of a specialized organization, but on more loyal terms. But more on that later. First, let's understand how maintenance work should be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations.

Technical regulations and additional conditions for the maintenance of security alarms

Before you begin the work of drafting the requirements of the job and considering the terms of the contract, you need to know about some of the features of maintenance.

First. The maintenance of security and alarm systems in your organization is fundamentally different from design and installation. The main difference is their duration. For the contractor, each new maintenance contract adds confidence in the future, provides opportunities for the development of the company, allowing you to escape from some routine. Competent managers understand this and try to staff the maintenance department with the most responsible and experienced employees.

It is not surprising that companies compete very seriously for such work. And this competition is manifested not only in pricing policy. To conclude a contract for maintenance, many companies offer additional services and services. For the contractor, these additions to the contract will not be difficult, and for the customer - the opportunity not to think about the little things and focus on more serious issues. Among additional services it can be, for example, partial replacement of failed equipment, ETL services, printing of various mandatory instructions, magazines, etc. In any case, customers have advantages when choosing a contractor.

Second. Requirements for the maintenance of security and alarm systems, in terms of types of work, documentation and other things, can be found in RD 009-01-96 and RD 25.964-90, having carefully studied the annexes to these standards. In order for the security complex to serve faithfully for many years, and for the security company to have no claims regarding the documentation, it is necessary to carefully study the contract with the contractor and compare the types of planned work and the completeness of the documentation provided with guidance documents.

Third. Now, knowing about the composition of compulsory work, you can think about other conditions for their implementation.
The terms of reference, and later the contract for the provision of maintenance services, can determine the days of the week and hours at which the customer can call and demand the arrival of a technician or other specialist at his facility. A date can also be set for scheduled inspections of the facility and a response time after receipt of an application for the need for unscheduled intervention.

The contractor is also conducting preparatory work before the conclusion of the contract. Basically, this work consists in examining the object of protection and the security and alarm system installed on it. This procedure is necessary in order to understand the scope of the work to be done, to determine the cost of its implementation, as well as to identify possible malfunctions or possible mistakes installation.
If the system has just been installed, then representatives of the service organization are usually invited directly to the acceptance of the work performed. In this case, a potential contractor can ask questions directly to the customer, design or installation organization. If the system has been installed for a long time, then the service organization conducts a survey with a representative of the owner of the facility.
In any case, based on the results of such an inspection, an Inspection Report is drawn up. In it, in addition to props and general description system, the service organization must reflect information about the identified malfunctions, non-working equipment and other shortcomings that affect the quality of the security alarm as a whole. Moreover, the purpose of this action is purely informative. What to do with it should be decided only by the customer.

The procedure for carrying out work when servicing a security alarm

So, with the composition of the main types of work and additional services, the situation was clarified. The next question is the definition of the order and frequency of work. The minimum requirements are already spelled out in RD 009-01-96. But maintenance organizations often offer additional functionality. Now about everything in order.

Work organization

How to organize work? First of all, responsible representatives of the interacting organizations are appointed: performers and responsible managers.
From the contractor - a technician or team who will do all the work to keep the alarm system in working order 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and carry out scheduled preventive repairs. As a rule, each object is assigned its own technical unit on a permanent basis. After a certain time, these employees know the serviced system “down to the last screw” and can name the cause of the malfunction even over the phone.
From the customer - a representative who controls the quality and completeness of the services provided. This representative is appointed by order of the head. The duties of the representative include, as a rule, monitoring the security system (in accordance with the Regulations), checking the work of the service organization, and maintaining operational documentation.

At the first visit of the facility by technicians, the customer must conduct an introductory briefing. Since the work will be carried out on the territory of the customer, he must instruct the newly arrived workers on the organization of the work of the enterprise and safety measures.

Further, on the basis of the same guiding document, the contractor provides the facility with all the necessary documentation for further work and fixing the malfunctions. Paragraph 1.5.1 of RD 009-01-96 provides a detailed list of documents that should be at the facility as operational documentation. If among them we single out those that relate specifically to the automatic security alarm system, then the list of documents will look like this:

1) design and estimate documentation (survey report);
2) as-built documentation and diagrams, acts of hidden work (if any), tests and measurements;
3) act of acceptance of the installation into operation;
4) passports for the technical means of the existing installation;
5) list of installed equipment;
6) operating instructions for the installation of security automation;
7) work schedule;
8) schedule of maintenance and repair work;
9) logbook of work on maintenance and repair of the installation of security automation;
10) duty schedule of operational (duty) personnel;
11) log of handover and acceptance of duty by operational personnel;
12) a log of failures of the installation;
13) job descriptions duty personnel, responsible person for maintenance and preventive maintenance and service personnel, an agreement with a specialized organization for maintenance and preventive maintenance.

Of course, no one says that these documents should be at the disposal of the staff on duty. The full package of documents is kept by the responsible person. At the security post, there should be operating instructions, regulations and a schedule for maintenance and preventive maintenance, a duty schedule and magazines.

Among others, the service organization has one more responsibility. In accordance with the requirement of RD 009-01-96, it must conduct staff training. The fact is that some owners are wary of any action in relation to the burglar alarm system, in addition to arming and disarming. They are afraid of damaging it, breaking it or incapacitating it. But, since during the period of operation the customer must check the systems for serviceability, the duty of the service organization is to train the staff to use the automation. Also, the training covers the topics of how personnel should act during an alarm and the maintenance of operational documentation.
The frequency of training corresponds to the briefing. That is, they must be planned by the parties and carried out at regular intervals. When new employees appear, short course the operation of the system can be carried out by a responsible person from the customer.

Alarm maintenance options

When all the formalities are met, the staff is trained and the operational documentation is in place, it is the turn of the direct execution of the work. Responsible employees of the customer daily check the system for operability, conduct inspections and simple checks in manual mode. And the service organization, with the frequency established by the contract, visits the facility and already checks the system more thoroughly.

It is worth noting that today in our life there are times when, when choosing contractors, owners are increasingly paying attention to additional services and services of companies, are interested in the availability of a system of discounts and other advantageous offers. Gradually, the days when customers were chasing only a low price, because it does not guarantee the quality of the services provided, are gradually disappearing. Now the owners understand that maintenance is a long-term relationship, so it is necessary to choose a contractor, cooperation with which will be as fruitful, profitable and convenient as possible. Availability from a specialized organization various options performance of work, a developed system of discounts and additional services indicates that the company is not indifferent to its customers, and it tries to provide its customers with the most convenient conditions for contractual relations.

The required minimum performance of work is prescribed in the guidance document. But that doesn't mean the service organization can't offer more. As examples, there are several such options for organizing work.

Example 1 The minimum frequency of maintenance by a specialized organization, specified in the model Regulations, is once a month. But sometimes the customer needs more careful control over the burglar alarm system. In this case, in the contract, the frequency of maintenance can be reduced to two times a month or even to a weekly one. With such control over the system, the risks of malfunctions are significantly reduced and it becomes possible to predict equipment failure early.
The reason for such increased control may be, for example, the scale of the system or its complexity. After all, the object of protection can be a very large building or even a group of buildings. Also, the requirement for increased security, if the object belongs to this group, may become the reason for more frequent maintenance.

Example 2 Another option for maintenance may be a condition to expand the functionality of the contractor. The essence of this example lies in the fact that after signing the contract, the system is, as it were, transferred to the full control of the contractor. All arising issues are resolved by the contractor independently. Out of order equipment, which ended the warranty period - replacement; the detector or cable fastening was loose - promptly eliminated. And all this at your own expense, without attracting additional funds from the customer. During the inspections by the security company - mandatory presence, and the solution of other emerging issues on the alarm is also independently. In this case, the customer only receives letters with notifications of the work done.
This method allows you to free the customer from the need to spend time and human resources to control the state of the system. Of course, shifting all the functionality to the shoulders of the contractor will not work. But it is quite possible to take away a significant part of your worries from yourself.
Well, and as a result, another plus for the customer will be a fairly frequent visit to the facility by technicians from the service organization.

Example 3 Another common option for carrying out maintenance work on security systems is full control over the system. In this case, a technical specialist from the service organization is constantly present at the facility. This presence may be limited by the operation of the facility, or the technician is on duty around the clock. In this case, the service organization performs a full range of necessary work and checks - from daily to annual.
As a rule, the need for such a variant of cooperation arises when it comes to an integrated security system, where security and alarm, access control and management system, video surveillance. Therefore, the duties of a specialist at the facility include both maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance of a whole complex of systems.
For the customer, this is an opportunity to refuse to conclude several maintenance contracts with different companies, therefore, it is an opportunity to avoid overpayment. And of course, the customer will not need to delve into all the intricacies of the operation of the automation complex mounted at his facility. The systems will be overseen by one organization - the service organization.

Example 4 And finally, the self-service option. It can be considered only for systems that are not planned to be "installed" on the centralized monitoring console. The option, of course, is so-so, and it can be called full-fledged only if the owner of the object has the appropriate education, knowledge and skills. For everyone else, it can only be acceptable if the object of protection, and the property stored on it, is not of particular value. But then the question arises, is there a burglar alarm in principle? In general, each owner must solve this dilemma independently.

Alarm maintenance: choosing a contractor

As a rule, the choice of a service organization begins long before the end of installation work. Very often, this search begins with the organization that performed the installation work. And this is quite understandable.
Firstly, the company that installed the system knows every detector, every device, knows where and how the wiring is laid. For the company, the installed system is familiar to the last screw. In future work, this knowledge will serve only for the good.
Secondly, during the installation work, the owner of the facility has time to get acquainted with the representatives of the company, both with the installers and with the managers, to make their own observations and conclusions about the work of the organization. The experience of personal communication in this case is invaluable.

But the customer does not always entrust the installation organization with the maintenance of the system. And there are many reasons for this decision. For any customer, it will be a great find for a contractor who clearly and timely performs all the work within the framework of the concluded contract. Indeed, in contrast to the design and installation work, the role of the service organization must be entrusted to companies with maximum internal organization and responsibility. And in this regard, a true treasure will be a company that will become a reliable comrade in work and cooperation, which is able, if necessary, to turn its shoulder, suggest, teach. This is the only way to build truly fruitful and long-term business relationships.

Security company and alarm maintenance

Since the process of operation and maintenance is inextricably linked with a security company, it is worth talking about it. We have already found out that the main requirement of a security company before concluding a security contract will be the existence of a maintenance contract. Also, different security companies may have different requirements for the system itself.
As a rule, security companies provide a full range of services - from design to maintenance and protection. From an economic point of view, this is beneficial for customers. From a technical point of view, this approach may have some drawbacks, due to the lack of " fresh look» to the system. But even if the owner entrusts security and maintenance to one contractor, these works are carried out by different departments of the company, and, therefore, different people and specialists.

During the operation period, the security company may require to organize a system check. For such a check, the customer (or his representative), security and service companies meet at the facility. The purpose of such a commission is to check the security system and its individual components for performance and wear. During the commission, all the same tests and tests are carried out that were already carried out during the acceptance of the system into operation. The system is tested for triggering, for equipment failure, fixtures and cables are checked. In addition to checking the system, the security company must make sure that the operating documentation is maintained correctly and check the alarm records with the readings on the console. Well, to complete the picture, the knowledge and skills of employees at the facility about the operation of the system can be checked.
That is, the security company acts as a supervisory authority that monitors the system not only at the distance of the security console, but also entirely at the facility. And if such work is really carried out, then it can be called "aerobatics" in the field of providing security services!


Despite the fact that maintenance and preventive maintenance work is not regulated for private security companies normative documents, the surest way would be, nevertheless, to lean towards those enterprises that provide these services in accordance with the above guidance documents. Because, as folk wisdom says: "Where it is thin, there it breaks."
Also, we very much hope that all the above information made it clear how serious and complex these works are, as well as how important their role is in the long term for the owners of objects.

Returning to the topic of "Perpetual Motion", today one can only regret that such a technology has not yet been invented, and one must resort to the services of specialized companies for servicing security systems, other engineering networks and other mechanisms. Although, if such a breakthrough does happen, then it will probably still be observed for many tens or even hundreds of years in order to find out: is the “Perpetual motion machine” really eternal? And again, the services of observer companies will be required. But that's a completely different story!

burglar alarm Installation
video surveillance Signaling
for home and garden

A component of a protective complex that allows you to prevent or at least minimize the spread of a fire. The effectiveness of such systems is primarily determined by the quality of design and installation. However, during operation, the maintenance of fire alarm systems plays a significant role, thanks to which its function is maintained.

Organization of maintenance

Usually the contract is concluded with the organization that was engaged in the design and subsequent installation of the complex. In this case, the contract can be concluded immediately after the completion of the installation work. The main thing is to correctly calculate the schedule according to which the maintenance of the fire alarm will be carried out, since frequent work operations are financially unprofitable, and too rare will not prevent possible breakdowns.

Usually, before a scheduled visit to the facility, a representative of the service company specifies in detail the time and general format of the work. The fact is that checking equipment, and even more so repair work, may require the suspension of the enterprise, so each time it is necessary to clarify the timing. Further fire alarm, whose service has been completed, is tested by qualified representatives of the customer or experts from a third party. Also, the customer receives an act in his hands, which indicated the entire list of work performed and provided information on the current state of the equipment.

Checking and maintaining the control panel

The control panel is a complex within the system, which is responsible for further actions after the discovery of signs of fire. In particular, a signal is sent from here to the services that are directly involved in fire fighting. In turn, maintenance personnel are required to check the electrical infrastructure of the panel, assess the reliability of the connections, test the function of the equipment and, if necessary, upgrade. By the way, the maintenance of the fire alarm in terms of the control panel more often than other components involves updating the equipment. For example, not so long ago, many organizations, as part of maintenance activities, began to transfer complexes from conventional wired communication to wireless alarm channels.

Inspection and maintenance of fire detectors

The function of the detectors is the most critical, since these sensors detect signs of the spread of smoke at an early stage. Specialists are required to check the technical condition of the sensors themselves, evaluate and, if necessary, adjust the sensitivity settings, etc. Again, special attention is devoted to the connection nodes if a conventional wired fire alarm is checked. Although the maintenance of wireless systems does not involve an analysis of the performance of the cable infrastructure, it has its own nuances. In particular, fully wireless detectors require an alternative power supply to operate. To ensure this task, he must regularly change the power supply elements or replenish energy on the spot through autonomous sources.

Mains condition testing

To test the quality of the wiring, special testers are used. it measuring instruments, with the help of which the voltage, current strength and other indicators are checked, on which the quality of the work of the same detectors depends. Usually maintenance security and fire alarm in this part it involves the identification of damage on the lines, but there may be work of a different kind. For example, for optimization purposes, installers may revise the network configuration. If this task is successfully completed, the power consumption can be reduced and the reliability of the wiring can be improved.

Maintenance of automatic fire alarms

Automation in systems fire protection is not as common as in the case of conventional security systems. This is due to the specifics of the operation of the equipment in the detection of a flame. This does not mean at all that automatic systems are completely excluded. For example, siren models are common in which the signal forwarding function is programmed. In this way, an autonomous fire alarm system is organized in some way. Maintenance of such systems for the most part involves the correct setting of operation parameters. So, the master is required to enter the correct contacts into the system to send a signal. In addition, the operating parameters are set in different time days.

By the way, reception and control complexes suggest the highest degree of automation. If the maintenance of a fire and security alarm in terms of the quality of the wiring provides for an assessment physical condition infrastructure components, then in this case the main emphasis is on the analysis of the embedded initial data, on which the work of the panel is based.

Repairs and Troubleshooting

It is necessary to distinguish between the maintenance of systems and the direct restoration of their technical condition. The second part is made on the basis of the data that were obtained during the initial inspection. Depending on the complexity, repairs can be performed during the same inspection or during further maintenance. At a professional level, when working with a large facility, specialists develop design solutions, according to which the fire alarm is restored. Maintenance and repair are carried out on the basis of prepared technical solutions. For example, engineers select new components for electrical wiring assemblies, give recommendations on installing control equipment for the control and reception unit, etc. Physical repair may involve operations with electromechanical stuffing, cable connections, mechanical group elements.

How much does a fire alarm service cost?

Many factors influence the specific figures for the cost of servicing fire protection systems, but it must be understood that in almost every case we are talking about responsible and high-tech equipment, and therefore the prices are rather high. Accordingly, the more complex the infrastructure, the higher the qualification of the masters is required - and the tariffs will be similar. On average, for 3-4 thousand rubles. a month contains a typical fire alarm. Service in this case will have the character of a full-time service and provide standard set actions. Raising or lowering rates may depend on the area of ​​the object. If work is underway at an enterprise with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 150 m 2, then the cost may already be 10 thousand rubles.

Preventive work

Such activities are in the nature of planned preventive actions. The task of specialists in this part is to create conditions aimed at maintaining the equipment in working condition. In particular, preventive maintenance includes cleaning the external surfaces of equipment, panels and wiring, assessing the quality of installation, grinding, soldering, lubricating, and, if possible and if necessary, replacing or repairing elements that have become unusable. Practice shows that prevention of this kind allows not only to identify, but also to prevent common breakdowns of the components of the fire-fighting complex. With regular inspection of signaling devices, it is possible to identify premature failure of electrical fittings, and possible violations in the operation of autonomous power units.

Security alarm maintenance can be divided into two categories: preventive maintenance, repairLLC "SVM"

Nuances of maintenance of the complex

What is the use of a complex that will periodically give false alarms or not react at all to what is happening? In this case, we can assume that the funds spent on the installation of expensive equipment were thrown to the wind. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to pay attention to the system by carrying out maintenance of the security alarm. Today, the services of professional technicians are becoming more and more accessible, so experts need to trust the assessment of the performance of the complex.

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Security alarm maintenance

Maintenance includes a series of activities aimed at detecting problems and fixing them. The main measures are prescribed in the relevant document regulating service checks. The paper is issued after the installation of the complex. It takes into account all aspects of the organization of scheduled and unscheduled testing, repair work to help keep the system in good condition. The simplest activities, such as checking the condition of cable lines, can be performed independently by entering the inspection data into a special log. Serious events are entrusted to professionals, as with improper repairs, the situation can be aggravated. Security alarm maintenance can be divided into two categories: preventive and corrective. The first category includes testing elements individually and together, cleaning equipment and cable lines from dust, rust, oxidation, and upgrading software maintenance. Special attention is given to the assessment of fasteners, connections, performance of warning elements, power supplies.

Among the most important tasks is the verification of the reliability of fasteners.

During operation, sooner or later the connection is weakened, which leads to damage to sensors, detectors. The control panel needs to be monitored. The second type includes partial or complete replacement equipment, its parts, cable networks. Maintenance of the security alarm is carried out once every six months, taking into account normal operating conditions.

Satisfied customer


Maintenance of the alarm Maintenance of the security alarm (English protective signaling) as well as other systems, is a mandatory event. Any equipment needs preventive maintenance, which will act as a guarantor of effective and long-term functioning. Regular inspections can be considered a guarantee of peace of mind for the integrity of your property and the safety of loved ones. Intrusion alarm maintenance can be…

Integrated security and alarm solutions offer users comprehensive protection against intruders. As a rule, these are multicomponent systems, which include detection and warning equipment. The efficiency of its work will depend on the quality of installation of the complex and the timeliness of maintenance. But even before installation, it is important to determine the list of tasks that a security alarm should perform. Installing the simplest systems with sensors will protect the house from penetration, but if the interaction of equipment with departmental security is required, for example, then the package will need to be expanded with communication equipment.

What is included in the security alarm complex?

A typical system is formed by three components - a control panel, a set of sensors and annunciators. The central control panel combines control tasks. This is a kind of command post, which receives and processes signals from sensors. Further, it sends signals to the initially set addresses, and in some cases gives automatic commands to the lock mechanisms. Most modern controllers have intelligent microprocessors capable of processing complex algorithms without user intervention. As for the sensors, they are responsible for the direct detection of an unauthorized person in the serviced area where the burglar alarm is installed. Installation of detectors in without fail produced in window and doorways. If it is planned to combine security and fire safety functions, then smoke detectors are also placed - usually in the kitchen. Not less than important components are also annunciators. They can be represented by mouthpieces and various kinds of "tweeters", directly attracting the attention of both the owner and outsiders.

Communication media

On the this moment two methods of organizing interaction between the above devices are used - wired and wireless. In the first case, a network of channels is created through which sensors and annunciators communicate with the control panel. the classic way cable lines are laid, but in such a way that they are disguised from a potential intruder. Most often, the installation of a burglar alarm in a house is carried out wirelessly, which increases the reliability of the system. To do this, radio data transmission channels or the local Internet are used. And if, when organizing a local interaction network, there can be different communication configurations, then the control panel will have to send signals to the owner and the security service either through the operator's cellular communication, or via the same Internet.

Preparing for installation

Before installing the system components, the object is analyzed to determine the most dangerous places in terms of penetration. A site diagram is drawn up with their designation, on the basis of which a communication plan will be developed in the future. Further, when the alarm configuration is determined, you can proceed to the purchase of equipment. If you plan to install a security alarm in the apartment, then the set of elements will be minimal - just mount the sensors in the openings and connect them to the control panel. The rest is decided in the process of setting up the complex. If it concerns a large private house or public building, then the number of elements must be expanded, not to mention the complexity of the electrical infrastructure. These and other nuances are calculated on preparatory stage after which the equipment is purchased and installed.

Control panel mounting

The panel is a small device on which the controls of the entire system are located. It is not necessary to install this unit in an open and visible place, but the possibility of unhindered access to it will not be superfluous. Directly installing the alarm system at this stage will consist in mounting the panel housing. Such devices have special niches and holes through which you can mount to the wall. As fixing elements, you can use self-tapping screws, screws, mounting brackets and other hardware that are suitable for use in specific conditions.

Mounting sensors

There are several ways to mount the sensors. This is due to the fact that the designs of their cases can be multi-component and single-module. In the first case, a frame niche is installed at the attachment point, into which sensitive elements can be integrated - the same modules. Such designs are convenient in that they can accommodate several detectors at once and provide for the possibility of replacing modules. This is advantageous if a fire alarm system is being installed that requires the integration of several types of sensing elements. In addition to a security motion sensor, for example, it may be necessary to place fire, smoke and temperature detectors. Single-module sensors, in turn, contain only one sensitive element and do not require its replacement. The advantages of this solution include the small size of the case - it is convenient to hide the detector from prying eyes. In both cases, the housings are fastened with complete hardware - the same self-tapping screws and screws.

Alarm setting

After the installation is completed, the user must configure it to work. This is done through the control panel. Sensors are activated physically and programmatically - from now on they will be able to send alarm signals to the controller. Then the panel itself is configured, which must be programmed to process incoming signals. This setting will be determined by which end services the burglar alarm interacts with. Installation, for example, also involves the placement of sirens, which can become the first recipients of signals. The controller will send the appropriate command to the siren or loudspeaker. Further, you can configure the operation of the control center to notify the owner and the security service - via Internet channels, cellular communication or radio module.

Alarm service

Long-term efficient operation of an alarm system is impossible without periodic revision of its components. First of all, it is necessary to check the condition of the loops and in general cable system. Next, the equipment and devices are examined - from the control panel to the sirens with sensors and other auxiliary elements. But even if the technical condition of the infrastructure corresponds to the initial one, when the installation was carried out, the maintenance of the security alarm system involves a software analysis of the complex's performance. This means that the user must check the correctness of the settings, set numbers, system operation mode, etc.


Recent security technologies are increasingly focused on automated systems. As a rule, this is an expensive and technically complex burglar alarm, the installation of which involves integration with complexes such as " smart House". Platforms may be different, but the principles of operation of such systems remain the same - ease of use, high degree of reliability and energy efficiency. As for the user, his functions are limited to basic settings - in most cases, only the operating mode of the system is selected and a set of subscriber data is entered to send alarm signals.

To ensure the safety and security of the facility, it is necessary not only to install an alarm system, but also to carry out its periodic checks, as well as to eliminate various malfunctions that occur during its operation. The complex of necessary measures implies the maintenance of security alarms and warnings.

My benefits

The maintenance of security alarm systems is carried out by me at a professional level, since I have over 12 years of experience. You are not communicating with an abstract "representative of the company", but with a direct executor.

In addition to my maintenance of burglar alarms, you can order other services from me to help ensure reliable operation of the alarm. Periodic maintenance means savings, because you do not have to resort to expensive

System health diagnostics and maintenance

Security alarm maintenance from 3000 rubles. I have over 12 years of experience behind me successful work With various systems security and with many equipment manufacturers.

Over time, some elements may cause false positives or fail. For example, flexible connections between the door and the main line. Therefore, the maintenance of the security alarm system includes a whole range of procedures, which is aimed only at troubleshooting, but also at predicting possible failures of system elements in the future. To do this, for example, the following steps are performed:

  • visual inspection. Mechanical damage, corrosion, dust or dirt are detected.
  • Checking the health of the alarm system: the system is triggered by each sensor, the siren is working, there are no problems when arming and disarming.
  • Control of power supplies (both primary and backup).
  • Cleaning of external and internal parts of equipment from contamination, installation of new software, checking connectors and internal wiring.
  • Carrying out current repairs of failed elements and assemblies.

Other work in progress complete list which is very large. All of them are aimed at ensuring reliable operation of the alarm system. Periodic maintenance will help you save money: as a rule, urgent repairs will offset all the benefits gained by refusing maintenance.

The principle of work "as for yourself" is not empty words. You do not overpay for the staff, rent and other expenses of the company. You get only what you need here and now.

Scheduled maintenance is the key to reliable operation

Having great experience working with security systems, I can confidently say that the service of a security alarm is necessary if you want to achieve reliable protection of property. Having concluded an agreement with me, you will stop worrying, as your security system will always be fully operational.

Cost and terms of service

The cost of maintenance of security systemsTariff No. 8000Tariff №5000Tariff №3000
Video surveillance systems, access control and management systems, fire and security alarmsMost complex systems with analytics algorithms and the number of technical means protectionAlready more technically complex systems with large quantity maintenance timeWhen only a minimal service package is needed for simple systems
Composition of the service (regulation)

Data backup

Checking the main and backup power supplies

Examination cable line for open/short circuit

Checking the health of end devices
Replacement Fund
Current repairs not requiring equipment replacement, and also significant costs of working time (more than 3 hours).

Comprehensive system testing
Software verification.

Changing the system operation program
Free consultation (technical support)
Moscow city
Moscow region
One visit per month (regulation)
Two departures per month (emergency)
Unlimited number of trips
Prices8000rub/month 5000 rub/month 3000 rub/month
Troubleshooting (in excess of the "Departure" and "Regulations"
Additional departure (in addition to departures according to the regulations and emergency)
All inclusive

1000 rubles

2000 rubles

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