Executive documentation for fire alarm. Executive documentation for fire alarm Act of commissioning fire alarm sample

Decor elements 26.06.2020
Decor elements

1. Register of executive documentation

2. General work log and special work:

  • Cabling Log
  • Input control log
  • Author's supervision journal (filled in by the responsible person from the design organization)


  • Executive diagram of the security and fire alarm system

4. Acts, acceptance and test protocols, other documents:

  • The act of transferring equipment, products and materials for installation
  • Building inspection act (name of the object, number of buildings, rooms, number of floors, type of building, indication of the type of alarm, type of detectors, control panels, annunciators and their installation locations for each building (room), indication of blocking building structures (name of material , size, number of protected structures, type and number of detectors), an indication of the length, types of wire laying and their protection, an indication of power supply, estimated cost and planned installation time, signatures of customer representatives, security departments, state fire authorities).
  • The act of readiness of buildings and structures for the production of work
  • Completion certificate
  • Protocol for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring
  • List of mounted control panels (SPU) and detectors
  • The act of testing protective pipelines with separating seals for tightness (drawn up when installing signaling equipment in hazardous areas)
  • Statement of technical documentation presented at the time of delivery and acceptance
  • List of installed equipment
  • List of changes and deviations from the project
  • Insulation resistance measurement protocol
  • The act of technical readiness of the system


  • Laying security and fire alarm networks (on walls, ceilings, in floors, sewers, ground)

6. , , fire certificates, sanitary and hygienic conclusions for building materials, products and structures. For all building materials, products, structures and equipment arriving at the construction site, an incoming control report must be drawn up, followed by signing by responsible persons

7. A set of working drawings for the construction of an object presented for acceptance, developed by design organizations, with inscriptions on the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings or changes made to them, made by persons responsible for the construction and installation work, agreed with the authors of the project.

8. Documents on the approval of deviations from the project during construction

The set of acceptance documentation includes a package of permits:

  • Information sheet of the installation organization
  • SRO of the installation organization
  • Orders for responsible representatives
  • Personnel certificates (welders, electrical personnel, etc.)
  • Working documentation with the stamp of the Customer "To work"
  • Project for the production of works (title page and familiarization sheet)

*The presented composition of the executive documentation is approximate. Specify the exact composition of the executive documentation with the customer.


__________________________________________________________________ (name of installation) mounted in _________________________________________________ (name of building, premises, structure) included in ________________________________________________ (name of power enterprise, its line, start-up complex) Gor. _____________________________ "__" __________________ 199_ The commission appointed by ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (name of the customer organization that appointed the commission) by Order dated "__" _______ 199_ N _______ consisting of: Chairman _____________________________________________________ (full name, position) members of the commission _________________________________________________ (full name, position) of representatives of involved organizations ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (full name, position, organization) inspected the installation and checked the installation, adjustment work performed by _______________________________________________ (name of the installation, adjustment organization) and drew up this act about the following: 1. The installation completed by installation and commissioning was presented for acceptance: _____________________________________________ _____________________ (list of installed equipment and its brief _________________________________________________________________ technical characteristics) 2. Installation, adjustment work was carried out according to the project _________ __________________________________________________________________ (name of the design organization, drawing numbers __________________________________________________________________ and the date of their preparation) 3. Date of commencement of installation, adjustment work ___________________ 4. Date of completion of installation , commissioning works ________________ 5. The commission carried out the following additional tests and trials of the installation (except for tests and trials recorded in the executive documentation submitted by the general contractor): __________________________________________________________________ listed in Annex N __________________________________ 7. List of acceptance documentation attached to the act: __________________________________________________________________

Commission decision

Works on installation, adjustment of the submitted installation are carried out in accordance with the project, standards, building codes and regulations, current technical conditions and meet the requirements for its acceptance for testing. The AUPS presented for acceptance, specified in paragraph 1 of this Act, is considered accepted from ________________ 199_ for testing __________________________________________________ with an assessment of the quality of the work performed _____________________________ (good, excellent, __________________________________________________________________ satisfactory)

Chairman of the commission ________________________ (signature) Representatives of involved organizations __________________________________ (signatures)

Handed over: Accepted: representatives of the general representatives of the customer contractor and subcontractor organizations __________________________ _______________________ (signatures) (signatures)

Conclusion on the results of testing the installation

The installation specified in paragraph 1 of this act was tested ______________________________________________________ from "__" ___________ 199_ to "__" ___________ 199_ for ____________ hours, days in accordance with the procedure established by the customer. The installation that has passed the testing, ____________________________ is considered ready for operation and accepted from "__" __________ 199_ with an assessment of the quality of the installation and commissioning work performed at _______________________________________________________________ (excellent, good, satisfactory) Defects identified during the testing process that do not interfere with the operation of the facility are subject to elimination organizations within the time limits specified in Appendix N __________ to this act.

Chairman of the commission ________________________ (signature) Members of the commission _______________________________ (signatures) Representatives of involved organizations __________________________________ (signatures)

In construction, the input inspection of the equipment being installed plays an important role. The input survey is the study of the qualitative characteristics of the goods received by the customer for its further use. The results of the examination are displayed in the act.

The document is drawn up and approved within 3 days after the examination of the arrived products. The act is signed by all members of the commission. The essence of the survey is to identify information about the condition of the goods and compare them with the parameters of regulatory documents. Based on the results of the survey, a conclusion is written on the compliance of products with standards and data is entered into the register. In the accompanying documents, the results of the survey are noted and labeling is performed. If the product meets the required parameters, it is sent for production. The defective item is returned to the supplier.

Why do you need entry control?

What is the purpose of an entrance examination? This event is carried out to check the quality of the supplied goods, which are intended for further use in a particular production. When equipment or materials arrive at the enterprise, the external condition of the received products is inspected, the compliance of the technical characteristics with the design documents is checked, and an appropriate protocol is drawn up. On the basis of such an accompanying protocol, equipment is received and put into operation. The information displayed in the act is recorded in a log, which must be present on each construction site. The log displays the name and number of arrived items per construction site.

The entrance examination can be:

  1. Solid check performed upon arrival of piece products.
  2. Selective control is carried out when some elements from a batch of goods are checked and, based on the results, the status of the entire batch is summed up. Checking by this method is carried out only when the batch is fully completed.
  3. Continuous control ensures that the goods received are checked in the order in which they were produced. The survey is performed based on an agreed schedule between provider and recipient.

Who draws up the act of incoming control

The following persons are authorized to carry out an inspection at the entrance:

  • Recipient of the goods, when making their own decision.
  • Recipient in agreement with the sender.
  • The third independent representative engaged by the recipient.
  • Performance Certification Institution (Standardization Laboratory, Expert Enterprise)

The act can be drawn up by specialists of the receiving party - an engineer, a foreman or a head of a department. To prevent bias towards the completed act, a special commission is created, consisting of two or more representatives.

Incoming equipment must be inspected and tested. After the examination, an act is filled in, showing the conformity of the goods with the requirements and signed by all members of the commission.

If the goods are found to be defective, this is recorded in the act, and a claim is sent to the supplier with the accompanying documents attached. Further actions are carried out in accordance with the contract for the supply of goods between the supplier and the recipient or existing legislation.

Rules for issuing an act of incoming control

There is no standard form for drawing up an act. The document is filled out in free form or on the basis of a sample developed by the institution. The act is usually drawn up on an A4 sheet. Before the start of control, a set of accompanying documents is checked. If some of these documents are missing, the commission has the right to postpone the entrance examination.

Mandatory data required to fill out the act:

  • Fact of the survey.
  • Date and place of implementation.
  • Survey results.
  • Complete information about controlled products.

The document is created in one copy.

The information displayed in the acts must be recorded in a journal that displays the following:

  • Product Name
  • Party size
  • Document number
  • Supplier information.

When a marriage is detected, it is required to display each defective element in the act. Defective goods are sent to the supplier with accompanying documents attached. Such documents may include:

  • Statement on the completion of the party.
  • Packing form.
  • Operating protocols.
  • Invoices and other documents.

Below is an example of a packing list.

Instructions for writing an act of incoming control

The main standards that must be followed when drawing up an act are GOST 24297-87 "Incoming control of products", which displays instructions for organizing the survey and displaying the results of the test. Articles 704, 713 and 745 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulate that it is allowed to use materials from both the customer and the contractor in construction.

The purpose of the entrance survey is as follows:

  • Check the conformity of the quality parameters and the complete set of equipment and materials supplied by the sender. Compliance of parameters - with constructive and normative-technical documentation.
  • Reduce costs by eliminating scrap.
  • Check the storage conditions of the goods.
  • Collect and organize information about the materials used.

Control is carried out in two stages:

  • Carrying out an external inspection.
  • Quality survey.

Examination procedure:

  1. First, an inspection plan is developed (the method and sequence of inspection, checking the characteristics of the goods, etc. are displayed).
  2. After that, the date and place of the event is set.
  3. A commission is created, which can consist of a sender, a recipient and an independent expert.
  4. The following is the main scope of the inspection:
  • Checking the quantity of goods in the lot.
  • Checking product documentation.
  • Visual inspection.
  • Checking the completeness of the batch (carried out by opening the package).
  • Survey of qualitative parameters.
  1. Upon receipt of goods on transport, it is checked:
  • Is there a seal of the sender and its serviceability.
  • Vehicle condition.
  • Checking compliance with transportation rules.

An example of a completed act is shown below.

The execution of an act on the commissioning of equipment occurs whenever new equipment comes to the enterprise, since from the moment it arrives, it becomes necessary to record the beginning of its use and enter it into accounting as fixed assets.


Before issuing the act on water for operation

If the equipment requires any tests and checks, then before drawing up this act, all such procedures must be carried out and completed.

As a rule, new equipment is checked for defects, flaws, marriage, malfunctions, as well as whether it complies with the norms and standards adopted by the enterprise, labor protection and fire safety requirements.

All these procedures are carried out by a specially created commission, consisting of at least two people, which is appointed by a separate order by the head of the organization.

Basic rules for drawing up an act on water in operation

This document does not have a unified, mandatory form, so it can be drawn up both in free form and according to a template developed and approved within the enterprises. The act can be written on a regular sheet of A4 format, or on the letterhead of the organization.

It must necessarily include information about the enterprise where the equipment is put into operation, as well as detailed information about its name, technical characteristics, conditions of use, etc. The more complex the equipment, the more detailed information about it needs to be prescribed and the more points the act may contain.

This document should indicate the compliance of the equipment being introduced with the internal requirements of the organization and the standards of the law, as well as the presence of comments or identified malfunctions. If the facts of marriage are confirmed, then a special certificate must be drawn up for the equipment and until the defects are eliminated, the equipment cannot be put into operation.

It should be remembered that after the signing of the act of putting the equipment into operation, the manufacturer's warranty begins to apply to it.

Instructions for writing an act on water in operation

  1. In the first part of the document, its name is written, and its essence is also briefly indicated (in this case, “on the commissioning of equipment”). The line below indicates the locality in which the act is created and the date: day, month (in words), year. Then the composition of the commission that checked the equipment is entered: the positions of employees, as well as their last names, first names, patronymics, are entered. Here you should also make a reference to the order of the director who appointed the commission (indicate the full name of the enterprise, last name, first name, patronymic, manager, number and date of the order).
  2. In the main part, they certify the fact of studying and checking the equipment by the commission. Here you need to enter its name, serial number, technical characteristics, the name of the manufacturer, the place of manufacture of the equipment, etc. options. Regulations, laws, documents on the basis of which the check was carried out and its terms are also recorded here.
  3. The third part of the document contains information about the condition and quality of the equipment being put into operation. If it is in good condition, then this should be noted, but if it has any defects and malfunctions, then this should also be indicated. If there are comments, they must be entered in the act with all the details. Next, you should make a point about the commissioning work carried out, as well as that the equipment meets all safety requirements (fire, technical, environmental, industrial).

    In conclusion, in this part, a separate paragraph should be summarized that the equipment has passed the test and is ready for operation.

The penultimate part of the document contains conclusions on the entire above procedure. If there are no complaints about the equipment, then it must be entered here that the equipment is put into operation from such and such a date at such and such an address (the address of the enterprises where it will be used is indicated).

If there are complaints, then you should write "not ready for use until the identified defects are eliminated." Next, you need to make a clause about warranty service.

After entering all the information into the act, links to all annexes to it with numbers and dates are entered.

The act must be certified by the signatures of the inspection commission. The document can also be certified with a seal, but not necessarily, since since 2016, the presence of a seal for legal entities is not a legal requirement, but is voluntary.

The act of incoming control is a document by which the customer confirms the quality of the feedstock. It confirms the implementation of the incoming control procedure, which makes it possible to ensure the quality of products manufactured by the customer.

From the article you will learn:

Why is an act of incoming control drawn up?

To receive finished products, manufacturing companies need to conclude contracts with suppliers and provide themselves with raw materials, building products and other materials. The customer, accepting the order shipped by the supplier, conducts input control and confirms the compliance of the quality of raw materials with the standards, drawing up a special document - an act on the input control.

Incoming control and execution of an incoming control act is an obligatory part of the technological process. This is a guarantee that the customer will use high-quality raw materials and materials in the manufacture of his products and, subject to the technology, will be able to ensure that they comply with quality standards.

Incoming control of products accepted by the Quality Control Department and representatives of the customer must be carried out in any case, even if compliance with the standards of raw materials and materials supplied under the contract is confirmed by the accompanying documents. In the interests, first of all, of the customer himself, to carry out such a check and confirm the compliance of the supplied materials with the standards, he will draw up an act of incoming control.

The receiving specialist, who, when drawing up the act of incoming control, confirmed that the quality of the supplied raw materials, products or materials complies with the established standards, is also obliged to make an entry about this in special magazine input control. This record is a confirmation of the fact that the supplier's products have been checked, information about it and its quality is also entered into it.

In the accompanying documents, the employee performing the water intake makes notes on:

  1. carrying out input control, place and time of its carrying out;
  2. results of control tests;
  3. information about the labeling of products, in the case when it was used.

If the quality of the raw material is confirmed by the act on the input control, it, by the decision of the receiver, is transferred for further use in production processes. In the event that during the input control it was revealed that the supplied materials did not comply with the standards, the raw materials are marked as defective and a complaint is filed with the supplier company.

What procedures are carried out before drawing up an act of incoming control

Before drawing up an act of incoming control, the supplied raw materials, materials or products must undergo an inspection or test - incoming control.

Types of input control

Input control can be carried out in one of three ways:

  1. continuous when the entire delivery is subject to verification;
  2. Selective, at which a partial check of the delivered materials is carried out;
  3. statistical, the purpose of which is to prevent the occurrence of defects and to check the completeness of the complete set of delivered products and materials.

Input control is carried out by a commission consisting of several people. In addition to the representatives of the customer, a representative of the supplier should also be included in it. It is allowed to include in the composition of the commission independent experts who have the necessary equipment and a license to conduct tests and such examinations.

Primary incoming control is carried out upon acceptance of the delivery:

  • compliance with the rules of transportation,
  • vehicle condition;
  • the presence and condition of the supplier's seals.

As a rule, the procedure for further input control consists of several stages:

  1. verification of the delivered quantity, volumes, acceptance by the number of positions in the batch;
  2. acceptance supporting documentation;
  3. opening the package, inspection to detect external defects, damage, understaffing;
  4. selection of control samples during random checks:
  5. conducting compliance tests to verify quality.

How to fill out and issue an act of incoming control

The company needs to develop local regulation, instructions or guidelines governing the conduct of input control and execution of an input control act. The document should establish the methods used and the procedure for conducting control tests, define a list of parameters that must be checked for compliance with the standards.

In addition, methodological guidelines or a local act must approve the form of the input control act. There is no unified form for this document, therefore, the employer can draw it up independently, taking into account the specifics of the production activity of the enterprise and the supplied raw materials and materials.

When developing the form of the input control act, it is necessary to reflect in it all the information that will allow you to get a complete picture of the procedure and results of the input control. Representatives of suppliers, inspectors, members of the commission conducting incoming control can be involved in the preparation of the form. In this case, it will be possible to avoid claims to the form of the incoming control act and take into account all the nuances of processing procedural issues.

Incoming control certificate sample

Since the form of the input control act is not regulated by GOST, one should approach its preparation with particular responsibility and try to reflect all the necessary information in it, including:

  • information about the customer enterprise, its details;
  • name of the supplier's enterprise, its details;
  • the composition of the commission conducting the input control;
  • the name of materials, raw materials, products in respect of which input control is carried out, technical information about them;
  • the name and composition of the accompanying documentation, which certifies the quality of the delivery and its compliance with the standards;
  • the name of the regulations by which these standards are established: GOSTs, technical specifications or enterprise standards;
  • technological codes of equipment, products, materials;
  • classification of delivered materials, raw materials;
  • quantitative delivery parameters: weight, volume, running meters, number of pieces;
  • name of the manufacturer of the supplied products;
  • date of manufacture.

In addition, in the act of incoming control, it is necessary to provide columns that will reflect data on the quality compliance tests carried out:

  • type and results of input control;
  • date and place of testing;
  • other information about the methods and methods of testing, the equipment used and the persons who carried out the test.

The act of input control, a sample is presented below.

Incoming control act sample filling

The certificate of input control is filled out by specialists who took part in the acceptance of the delivered products. In addition to the representative of the supplier, this may be a process engineer, site foreman or head of a department. It must be signed by all members of the acceptance committee.

When filling out the act of incoming control, it is necessary to pay special attention to ensure that the technical information and labeling of products and materials coincide with those indicated in the accompanying documentation. If discrepancies are found, it is considered that the products do not meet the technical requirements and standards. In this case, the commission has the right to draw up an act on the incompleteness of the delivery or qualify it as defective products by filing complaints with the supplier.

In the event that a marriage is revealed as a result of the input control, this should also be reflected in the input control act.

With low-quality products, the customer can act at his own discretion, for example:

  1. return it to the supplier;
  2. dispose;
  3. eliminate the identified deficiencies on their own or oblige the supplier to do so.

As a rule, from the moment the product is accepted and the act of incoming control is signed, the warranty period begins, which is set by the supplier of products or materials.

The act of input control sample filling is presented below.

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