Karachay-Cherkess Republic. History of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Map of the Karachay-Circassian Republic

garden equipment 30.09.2019
garden equipment

Unlike many other Caucasian republics, most Russians are unable to say anything about Karachay-Cherkessia. Perhaps only lovers of modern pop music can remember that Dima Bilan comes from these places, but this is more a minus for the republic than a plus. Since no one in the country knows anything about Karachais and Circassians, local KVN workers allow themselves such jokes:

- You probably think, since we are from the Caucasus, then at our weddings everyone shoots in the air?
- No, they are Dagestanis!
- Do you think we came to steal brides?
- No, they are Ingush!
- Do you think we will trade in the market?
- No, they are Azerbaijanis!
- And we are Karachais and Circassians. It's not clear what to expect from us, right?

Karachay-Cherkessia is a small republic in the Caucasus mountains. According to domestic tourists, nature is more beautiful than here - only in Kabardino-Balkaria. Indeed, tourism is rapidly developing in the region, hotels are being built, new routes are being laid. This is a positive trend for the region next to which there was a war. It is worth recognizing that Karachay-Cherkessia is perhaps the most friendly republic of the North Caucasus towards Russians. Of course, ethnic conflicts happen here too, but tell me where they don't happen?

The beauty of the Arkhyz region. Photo by Tolstih Olga

Unlike other Caucasian regions, Russia did not have to conquer Karachay-Cherkessia. In the Middle Ages, these lands were actively raided by Turks and Crimean Tatars, and then the locals, who were mainly engaged in agriculture, and were mediocre warriors, turned to Moscow with a request for protection.

The territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia was annexed to Russian state in the first half of the XIX century, and specifically, to the Kuban region. This step broke the habitual way of life of Karachays and Circassians.

The lands were settled by Cossacks, who actively assimilated with the locals, which is why it is now very difficult to determine the national identity of the population on the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia. This is how you look at a person on the street. It seems that his face is Slavic, and the slit of his eyes is wide, and his hair is light brown, and he speaks Circassian on the phone.

Good relations between the indigenous population and the Russian Cossacks not only changed appearance joint descendants, but also contributed to cultural and even religious exchange. Now the most tolerant of Orthodoxy Muslims live here, and in general the Caucasians closest to the Russians in terms of mentality.

Sentinsky temple near the village of Nizhnyaya Teberda. Photo by juri (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/jurieal/)

There are also dark spots in the history of Karachay-Cherkessia. In 1942-43 these lands were occupied by the Nazis. According to Joseph Stalin, the Karachays behaved unworthily during the Great Patriotic War, entered into regular relations with the Germans, and helped the enemy. Whether this was the case or not is not completely known. There are many opinions and few facts. As a result, Stalin deported several tens of thousands of Karachais and Circassians from their homes. The places of deportation were Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, where the indigenous inhabitants of the Caucasus were sent by train. The steppes of Central Asia were filled with children of the mountains: Circassians, Kabardians, Chechens, Balkars and other peoples.

The process of rehabilitation and return to the Motherland began only at the end of the 50s, when the “Great Cornmaker” Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev broke the cult of personality and canceled all decisions of the “Father of Nations”, who dispersed his children throughout the Union.

After the Great Patriotic War By the way, Karachay-Cherkessia was also deprived of territorial sovereignty. This land was part of the Stavropol Territory, and lived here, preferably Russians and Ukrainians.

After the collapse Soviet Union no one invested money in the republic. There was a war nearby. Explosions and military operations did not greatly affect Karachay-Cherkessia, but the republican infrastructure has become thoroughly outdated over the years of devastation. The roads were of terrible quality, most of the health resorts were closed, there was no work. Now the situation is gradually improving, but it is still far from ideal. Although the region receives money from the federal treasury, it is not to the same extent as, for example, Chechnya. It doesn’t make much sense to move here from other regions, but it’s very worth it to go to relax and enjoy the beauties.

Geographical position

Karachay-Cherkessia is located along the Main Caucasian Range, where it borders on the south with Abkhazia. In the west, the neighbor of the heroine of our material is the Krasnodar Territory, in the north - Stavropol, in the east - Kabardino-Balkaria.

Most of the republic is located in the mountains. On the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, 3 zones are distinguished: the mountains of the Caucasus, the foothills and the foothill plain. In the mountains of the region stands out the highest point in Europe - Elbrus. The Republic is full of water resources. As many as 172 rivers flow through the small territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, there is the Kuban reservoir and more than 130 high-mountain lakes. This entire water system forms the Great Stavropol Canal, which supplies water to the entire Stavropol Territory.

Typical landscape of the region. Photo by Dimius7 (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/dimius7/)

In addition to water, Karachay-Cherkessia is rich in natural resources: marble, ores, coal, granite. The fauna of the republic has also been preserved. Teberdinsky and Caucasian nature reserves have been created on the territory of the region.


Only 469,837 people live in Karachay-Cherkessia, less than in any of the districts of Moscow. The population density in the republic is 32.90 people per square kilometer. The urban population is 43.07%. The bulk of the townspeople are the inhabitants of Cherkessk. 127 thousand inhabitants live there. Interesting capital, isn't it? 127 thousand inhabitants. They probably know each other by sight.

38.5% of the inhabitants of Karachay-Cherkessia are Karachays, 33.6% are Russians, 11.3% are Circassians, and 7.4% are Abaza. Another 76 nations are represented in small numbers. If we take into account how many people live in the republic, it is obvious that all nations are represented by several people, just like on Noah's Ark.

Despite the fact that Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the North Caucasus, there are not many women in hijabs, and no one shoots into the air from cars. Slavs in the republic can feel quite free.


In Karachay-Cherkessia, everything is quite calm. We remind you that only half a million people live in the republic. Will people steal from friends and relatives? Jokes aside, there are few criminals in the region. From time to time, of course, incidents happen, but most often they happen on a domestic basis.

Panorama of Cherkessk. Photo by gibus9791 (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/gibus9791/)

Unemployment rate

In the region, the average salary is 17,000 rubles. For Karachay-Cherkessia, this is normal money.

Their 17,000 residents of the region earn in factories and plants: cement, refrigeration engineering, low-voltage equipment, rubber products, etc. Those who do not find work in production go to work in trade. There are supermarket chains "Magnit" and "Mercury" in the region.

Real estate value

Prices for apartments in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic are equal to the national average. For example, in order to buy one-room apartment in little Cherkessk, and to become 127,001 inhabitants, one must have no less than one and a half million rubles. With a salary of 17,000 rubles, earning such an amount will be problematic.


In winter, the air temperature in Karachay-Cherkessia rarely drops below -5 °C. Usually the thermometer stays around zero degrees. Summer in the republic is hot, but not stuffy. Living here is comfortable. True, people are in no hurry to move here. No conditions have been created for migrants.

Cities of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Ust-Dzheguta. Photo of the Russian Alps (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/russianalps/)

→ Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Detailed map of Karachay-Cherkessia

Karachay-Cherkessia on the map of Russia. Detailed map of Karachay-Cherkessia with cities and villages. Satellite map of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic with districts, towns, streets and house numbers. Study detailed maps from the satellite services "Yandex Maps" and "Google Maps" online. Find the desired address, street or house on the map of Karachay-Cherkessia. Zoom in or out on the map using mouse scrolling or touchpad gestures. Switch between the schematic and satellite maps of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Map of Karachay-Cherkessia with cities, districts and towns

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Satellite map of Karachay-Cherkessia

Switching between the satellite map of Karachay-Cherkessia and the schematic one is made in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Karachay-Cherkessia - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of Karachay-Cherkessia: January 12, 1957
Population of Karachay-Cherkessia: 467 617 people
Telephone code of Karachay-Cherkessia: 878
Area of ​​Karachay-Cherkessia: 14,277 km²
Car code of Karachay-Cherkessia: 09

Districts of Karachay-Cherkessia:

Abazinsky, Adyge-Khablsky, Zelenchuksky, Karachaevsky, Malokarachaevsky, Nogai, Prikubansky, Urupsky, Ust-Dzhegutinsky, Khabezsky.

Cities of Karachay-Cherkessia - list of cities in alphabetical order:

City of Karachaevsk founded in 1927. The population of the city is 21040 people.
City of Teberda founded in 1868. The population of the city is 8680 people.
City of Ust-Dzheguta founded in 1861. The population of the city is 30438 people.
City of Cherkessk founded in 1825. The population of the city is 122478 people.

Karachay-Cherkess Republic- a region of Russia in the north-west of the Caucasus, the capital of which is the city Cherkessk, which appeared on the map in 1825. The national composition of the republic is very diverse: more than 80 nationalities live on the territory of the republic.

Climate of Karachay-Cherkessia very favorable, a distinctive feature of which is a long period of sunshine.

The main historical and architectural landmark of Karachay-Cherkessia is the Adiyukh settlement, where life existed from the 4th to the 12th centuries. Of the natural monuments, the most interesting and popular among tourists is the Teberdinsky Reserve, known for its wide variety of landscapes.

Sights of Karachay-Cherkessia: Mount Elbrus, Dzhegansskoe gorge, Sour springs of the Urup region, Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in the city of Cherkessk, Shoaninsky temple in the Karachay region, Sentinsky temple in Lower Teberda, Adiyukh Watchtower of the Khabez region, Resort Arkhyz, Raftbaza "Neptun", Resort Dombay, Medovye waterfalls, Park of Culture and Leisure "Green Island" in Cherkessk, Alibeksky waterfall, Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, South Zelenchuksky Temple, Cableway, Dombayskaya Polyana.

Karachay-Cherkessia in the west borders on Krasnodar Territory, in the north - with Stavropol, in the east - with the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the south - with Georgia and Abkhazia. More than 80% of the republic is mountainous, as evidenced by the many beautiful photos of the most impressive places in the region: mountain peaks, glaciers, gorges, waterfalls, lakes and rivers.

The history of Karachay-Cherkessia is rich in interesting facts, and the culture of the republic is original and authentic. Alans - the ancestors of the current Circassians - adopted Christianity two decades before the baptism of Russia. This region survived the Tatar-Mongol invasion, Islamization, wars and mass deportations of indigenous people during the years of Soviet rule. Officially, Karachay-Cherkessia became a republic in 1922, occupying territory in the foothills of the northwestern Caucasus.

Dzhuguturluchat Glacier

The hard-to-pronounce name of this glacier is translated from Karachay as "the habitat of tours." This natural attraction is located at an altitude of 3291 meters on the Dzhuguturluchat mountain range, which got its name from the tours that lived here in ancient times.

The glacier is seen especially well from the Mussa-Achi-Tara plain. From here you can see a snow-ice sheet, surrounded by contrastingly colorful mountain vegetation. A small waterfall of melt water flowing down to the slopes of the mountain to the Russian glade completes this picturesque picture.

Mount Erzog

The mountain is located on the western peak of the Teberdinsky Range, its height is 3683 meters. According to legend, the local mountainous area was once the seabed, and the name Ertsog, derived from the Abkhazian "Eruakhz", means the place where the ship crashed, stumbling upon large stones.

The majestic beauty of the mountain amazes with its inflexibility before the human perseverance of climbers and serves as an inspiration for poets and musicians. It is no coincidence that at the recreation center of the same name, located nearby, concerts are often held, at which bards and poets from different cities. Locals believe that every second climber does not return from hiking to the top of the mountain, so Erzog deserved the sad fame quite reasonably. Rock climbers have died more than once on stone slopes, never reaching their goal.

Peak Ine

The name of this creation of nature is translated as "needle", which is consistent with the pointed shape of this peak. The 3455 meters high peak stands out from all the other rocks around.

To admire the peak, at the very top of which the snow cover never melts, is best from Mount Mussa-Achitara. Under the rays of the rising sun, it begins to sparkle with snow crystals and shine. In winter, the peak is covered from base to top with a snow-white sheet, which makes it look like a fragile snow sculpture.

Mount Chotcha

The uniqueness of this mountain is that two peaks of approximately equal length are formed from one base. One of them is called the Front Chotcha, its height is 3637 meters and outwardly it looks more like a rock pyramid. Another, towering 3640 meters above sea level, is called the Back Chotcha. It has sharper peaks and steep slopes.

The mountain owes its name to the brave hunter Chotcha. Once carried away by the pursuit of the tour, he forgot about caution and died between the rocks. Since then, this rock, as if cut in half, has served as a reminder of how to behave in the mountains, never forgetting about caution.

Mount Sufruju and Tooth Sufruju

This attraction of Dombai is located in the North Caucasus at an altitude of 3871 meters. The mountain attracts attention with its unusual shape. The fact is that it has northern and southern peaks connected by a small gentle depression. The southern peak, which is 3600 meters high, is shaped like an animal's tooth. That is why the second name of the mountain was "Sufruju's Tooth", which means "tiger's fang" in translation.

A picturesque picture at the foot of the mountain is decorated with the Sufrudja waterfall.

Mount Kara-Jash-Kaya

The mountain reaches a height of almost 3500 meters and is part of the Sofia Range. Its name in various sources is translated as "black rock" or "rock of the black youth", although it is not known exactly where these names came from. Climbers are attracted by the interesting location of the mountain and the beautiful views that open from its top.

Dombay glade

In the southern part of the Teberdinsky Reserve, in the upper reaches of the Teberda valley, there is the Dombay glade. It was formed due to the connection of 3 gorges (Alibek, Amanauz and Dombay-Yolgen) and is located at an altitude of about 1650 meters above sea level.

In summer, the lower part of the slopes and the bottom of the glade are covered with a green carpet woven from beech trees, firs and firs. Alpine meadows replacing impenetrable forests harmoniously complement the Dombai landscape. In winter, the valley resembles the realm of the snow queen, where everything is covered with a white sheet, frozen waterfalls look like huge icicles, and rivers are covered with a thick layer of ice of an unusual azure color.

Bermamyt Plateau

The plateau is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus, 30 kilometers southwest of Kislovodsk. Its relief looks like a series of slopes unlike each other, on the tops of which there are a lot of Upper Jurassic limestones.

The plateau consists of two parts: the Big Bermamyt, whose height is 2591 meters, and the Small Bermamyt, which rises at 2643 meters above sea level.

In this place, the appearance of the Broken Ghost has been noticed more than once. This is the name given to an unusual natural phenomenon, when rainbow circles with silhouettes of people appear in the clouds. Another feature of this place is the Fires of St. Elmo - stones that glow from the accumulated lightning discharges.

Alibek Gorge

One of the components of the Dombay valley is the Alibek gorge, legendary and very famous place. Extraordinarily colorful landscapes, bewitching with their contrasts, are fraught with a lot of secrets and dangers. The gorge gained notoriety because of the location of the cemetery of climbers here, where people who devoted their lives to the mountains were buried in the post-war years.

Throughout the gorge, age-old forests give way to young birch and aspen groves, which complement summer and especially autumn landscapes with bright colors. At the end of the gorge there is a very beautiful and relatively "young" Albek waterfall, formed as a result of the melting of glaciers during the period of global warming almost 50 years ago.

Dombay-Ulgen River

Dombay-Ulgen originates at the place where the Northern Ptysh and Chuchkhur rivers join. The river is a right tributary of the Amanauz River and flows simultaneously on the territory of Russia and Georgia. It feeds on melt water from the Northern Dzhuguturluchat, Ine, Eastern Dzhuguturluchat, Dombaisky, Northern Ptysh and Chuchkhursky glaciers.

The section of the river, whose name translates as "The place where the bison died", in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Russian glade is especially beautiful. The water here breaks against huge boulders, hisses and foams, showing all its obstinate character. A particularly beautiful view of the river opens from the ledge of the eastern part of the Semenov-Bashi ridge.

Baduk Lakes (Lower Baduk Lakes, Baduki)

The Baduk Lakes are a complex of mountain lakes on the Baduk River, on the territory of the Teberdinsky Reserve. The lakes are scattered along the river and have a landslide-dammed origin, that is, initially the relief was formed under the influence of a glacier, and then, as a result of a powerful collapse, it acquired its current form.

The first, smallest lake reaches a length of 80 meters, the second - a little more than 200 meters, and the third largest - about 330 meters. The lakes are safely hidden among birch and pine groves, and in autumn, when the foliage changes from summer green to bright autumn colors, they look extraordinarily beautiful.

Amanauz Canyon (Devil's Mill)

The canyon, about 1000 meters long, has an unusual shape, sometimes narrowing, sometimes expanding. In some places, the distance between the walls reaches 1 meter.

The second name of the canyon "Devil's Mill" is explained very simply. In summer, when the streams of the Amanauz River rush between the walls of the canyon, the water creates a very loud roar and a strong whirlpool. In addition, this place is very rarely illuminated by the rays of the sun due to the narrowness of the mountains, so there is a feeling of gloom here.

Lake of Love

The lake is located in the Zelenchuksky district of Karachay-Cherkessia, on the slope of the Morg-Syrty ridge. Hidden in the mountains at an altitude of about 2500 meters, this unusual lake with crystal clear water and a diameter of only 20 meters is the source of the Revunok River, but does not have an official name and is not indicated on the maps.

The reservoir got its name from original form in the form of a heart. According to local beliefs, it symbolizes the purity and depth of feelings of lovers. The lake looks very beautiful in late spring and early summer, when the turquoise surface of the water is surrounded by bright green vegetation and blooming flowers.

Muruja lakes

Located in the valley of the Ullu-Muruju River, these lakes have become the most unique attraction of Dombai. Reservoirs are of karst origin, that is, they are located in the faults of rocks.

One of the lakes - Blue, is located at an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level and is the largest. Its diameter is 500 meters and its depth reaches 52 meters. To see a pond of an unusual deep blue color, you need to overcome 600 meters in height from the Ullu-Muruju valley.

Black Lake is not far away, but when going to it, one must beware of rockfalls. Here, as on the Bermamyt Plateau, you can see the Broken ghosts that appear at dawn in the form of human shadows surrounded by an iridescent halo.

Sofia waterfalls

A group of waterfalls of glacial origin, flowing down from the Sofia glacier of Mount Sofia, has become a symbol of Arkhyz - a place where Caucasian nature has been preserved in its original form. There are many legends about how this attraction appeared, as well as about healing properties water.

Each waterfall is formed from jets of different power and height. The largest of them reaches 90 meters in height and falls in 2 cascades. Its streams of water tending downward form a stunning picture: the sun's rays are reflected in clouds of water dust in clear weather, making this place seem even more unusual.

Where the falling water breaks on the rocks at the foot of the mountain, the Sophia River originates.

Alibek waterfall

The most spectacular and largest waterfall in Dombai is considered to be Alibek, which is located in the western part of the Alibek gorge. Its jets are the waters of the Dzhalovchatka River, originating from the Alibek glacier, which fall from a height of 25 meters. The waterfall appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century: back in 1930, the rocky ledge, on which water flows today, was covered with ice.

This attraction is located on the territory of the Teberdinsky Reserve and amazes with its grandeur everyone who gets to it. The noise of falling and breaking water against stones is heard long before the waterfall itself appears before the eyes.

honey waterfalls

A group of waterfalls with such a sweet name is located in the Malokarachaevsky district on the Alikonovka and Echki-Bash rivers.

There are several versions of why they are called Honey. According to one of the assumptions, melliferous herbs grew here in abundance, according to another, wild bees were found, which died during the cold winter. Many newlyweds choose this place for their honeymoon.

Of the five waterfalls, the highest is Big Honey, its height is 18 meters. Big and Small Honey waterfalls are located on the Echki-Bash river. On Alikonovka, you can find the remaining three waterfalls: Pearl, Hidden and Noisy. Rocky slopes, along which water streams flow, are covered with a green carpet woven from dense hazel and grasses.

Castle of deceit and love

Despite its romantic name, this place has a sad history. According to legend, two lovers wanted to jump off the edge of the abyss to escape from the chase: the prince's daughter Dauta and the shepherd Ali. The girl did not have the courage to step off the cliff and she had to get married at the behest of her father. A year after the wedding, she died, and the grief-stricken prince turned into a cliff.

In fact, the Castle is called a small rock in the gorge of the Alikonovka River, which looks like a building with turrets and spiers. Dolomitized limestone, which is here in large quantities, gradually weathered, due to which such an unusual rock turned out over time.

Sentinsky temple

The Christian temple is located in the vicinity of the village of Nizhnyaya Teberda. The height of the building is 10 meters, and the length and width are approximately 8 meters. The temple has been perfectly preserved in terms of integrity and still stands proudly on the Burun-Syrt cliff. Unique frescoes of the 11th century have been preserved on the walls of this temple.

The temple was erected in the 10th century, when the Alans (the indigenous inhabitants of these places), having freed themselves from the Khazar dependence, were baptized in 916. Construction technologies of that period can be called perfect. Built of sandstone blocks on limestone mortar, the building was able to withstand a thousand years without collapsing under the influence of natural forces.

Nizhne-Arkhyz Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Complex

The location of this attraction is the Zelenchuksky district of Karachay-Cherkessia, not far from the village of Nizhny Arkhyz. In 1977, a historical, architectural and archaeological complex was founded on the site of the remains of the Alanian city of Magas. According to scientists, here was the center of the patriarchate of Alania - a medieval state located in the foothills of the North Caucasus.

The area of ​​the complex is 94.5 hectares, on its territory there are such unique sights as a solar calendar in the form of a circle with a diameter of 88 meters, medieval Christian churches, turrets and walls ancient city. In one of the temples of the complex built in the 10th century, services are held to this day.

Face of Christ on Mount Micesta

In 1999, local residents discovered an image of Christ on Mount Mitseshta in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz. The dimensions of the semi-erased pattern are 140 centimeters long and 80 centimeters wide. The rock image was painted using egg tempera in a technique typical of Byzantine iconography of the 10th century.

According to historians, the face of Christ did not appear here by chance. At the foot of Mount Miceshta there was an ancient settlement, which was the center of the Alanian diocese. Not far from this place was the Great Silk Road. Along with the merchants, missionaries followed along it, carrying the banner of Christianity from Byzantium, and, possibly, left symbols of faith in places of religious seclusion.

Authors: M. N. Petrushina (Nature), M. D. Goryachko, P. I. Puchkov (Population), A. Yu. Skakov (Historical essay: archeology), S. I. Askhakov (Historical essay: history), M. D. Goryachko (Economy), A. N. Prokinova (Health), S. U. Alieva (Literature)Authors: M. N. Petrushina (Nature), M. D. Goryachko, P. I. Puchkov (Population), A. Yu. Skakov (Historical essay: archeology), S. I. Askhakov (Historical essay: history); >>

KARACHAYEV-CHERKESSIA(Karachay-Cherkess Republic), subject of Ros. Federation. Located in the south of Europe. parts of Russia. Included in Yuzh. federal district. Pl. 14.3 thousand km 2. Us. 428.7 thousand people (2007; 285.0 thousand people in 1959, 415.0 thousand people in 1989). The capital is the city of Cherkessk. Adm.-terr. division: 9 districts, 4 cities, 7 villages. mountains type.

Government departments

The system of state bodies. The authorities of the republic are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of Karachay-Cherkess. Republics (1996). State. power in K.-Ch. carried out by the President, Nar. assembly (parliament), government, other bodies provided for by the Constitution of the Republic. President K.-Ch. is the highest official and head of the executive. power. A citizen of the Russian Federation is vested with the powers of the President of the Republic of Nar. meeting on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. The constitution of the republic provides for the position of vice president. Nar. collection of Karachay-Cherkess. The Republic is the permanent supreme legislator. and present. organ. Consists of 73 deputies elected on the basis of general equal and direct electorate. rights by secret ballot for a period of 5 years. The government is the permanent supreme executive. body of state power. Previous government is appointed by the President of the Republic with the consent of Nar. assembly.


relief. K.-Ch. located in the app. parts Ciscaucasia and sowing macroslope Greater Caucasus. The relief is characterized by complexity and layering with a general rise of the territory from north to south from 400 m (valley of the Kuban river) to 5642 m (Mount Elbrus, on the border with Kabardino-Balkaria, the highest point in Russia).

Most of the territory is occupied by mountain ranges of the Greater Caucasus system. In the northeast are the Sychevy Gory (height up to 852 m) - the remnants of an eroded cuesta (Wood Range). To the south, the Pasture Range stretches (in the eastern part it has the names Darya and Borgustansky), heights. up to 1500 m, and rocky ridge(2644 m, Mount Maly Bermamyt), separated by a longitudinal intermountain basin. The ridges are asymmetric: they have gentle northern and steep short south. slopes. Sev. the slopes of the Rocky Range are cut by canyon-like valleys, the southern slopes are complicated by large landslides, screes, and landslides. Karst landforms are developed. To the south are the wide North Jurassic depression (800–2000 m) with well-developed transverse terraced river valleys and the Bechasyn Plateau (average altitude 2000–2300 m) in the east. To the south of the North Jurassic Depression stretches the mid-high mountain Peredovoi Range with peaks above 3000 m (Urup, Kyngyr-Chad). In the extreme south, high mountains rise side ridge(with the highest western peak of Elbrus) and Main, or Dividing Range Greater Caucasus high. up to 4046 m (Dombay-Ulgen, the highest point Western Caucasus), separated by the Shtulinsky depression. The ridges are steeply sloping, strongly and deeply dissected, with modern. and relict forms of mountain-glacial relief; the slopes are complicated by scree, landslide, avalanche cones. There are many convenient passes (Klukhorsky, Marukhsky, etc.). Valleys of large rivers in the mountains preim. bead-shaped: intermountain basins (Dombayskaya, Arkhyzskaya, Teberda, etc.) at the intersection of the ridges are replaced by narrower gorges. The river network often has an articulated pattern. Small areas in the north are occupied by the elevated alluvial East Kuban sloping plain, represented by terraces of the Kuban rivers (up to 11 terraces), Big Zelenchuk, Small Zelenchuk.

On the territory of the republic, especially in the mountains, various exogenous processes are active: avalanches and mudflows, landslides and erosion. In the mountains, approx. 8 thousand avalanches, including 800 in the basin of the river. Teberda. The volume of giant avalanches reaches 1 million m 3 . Mudflow foci are known at the same time. sediment removal up to 100–500 thousand m 3 , less often up to 2 million m 3 .

Geological structure and minerals. The territory of K.-Ch. is located within the fold-cover system of the Greater Caucasus Alpine-Himalayan mobile belt. Labino-Malkinskaya tectonic northwest zone slope of the Greater Caucasus (the Wooded, Pastbishny and Skalisty ridges, as well as the intramountain depressions separating and framing them) is composed of obliquely occurring shelf terrigenous and carbonate deposits (clays, sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, marls, limestones, dolomites), the age of which increases from the north by south - from the Miocene to the early Jurassic. The Peredovogo Ridge zone was formed in the main. Paleozoic terrigenous and volcanogenic rocks intruded by Late Paleozoic and Mesozoic intrusions of granites, diorites and gabbro; in the extreme east (Bechasyn Plateau), Paleozoic crystals take part in the structure of the zone. shales, amphibolites, gneisses. The axial zone (Lateral and Main, or Dividing Ranges) is composed of Proterozoic metamorphic. rocks cut through by intrusions of Paleozoic granitoids. Neogene-Quaternary volcanism is manifested (Elbrus). Gornaya K.-Ch. – area of ​​intense seismicity.

Main the wealth of the bowels of K.-Ch. copper ores (Urupskaya group of copper-pyrite-polymetallic deposits, the ores of which also contain gold, silver, cobalt) and cement limestones (Dzhegutinskoye deposit, etc.). There are deposits of ores of tungsten (Kti-Teberda), lead and zinc (Dautskoe), uranium, as well as coal (Kyafarskoe and others) and natural deposits. materials (granites, andesites, marbles, clays, gypsum, sand-gravel-boulder mixtures, etc.). K.-Ch. has means. groundwater reserves: fresh, mineral (about 10 deposits, on the basis of which the balneological resort of Teberda functions), thermal (Cherkess deposit).

Climate v. Natural conditions ch. arr. favorable to the life of the population. On the plain, the climate is temperate continental; high-altitude climate is expressed in the mountains. zonality, complicated by local orographic. conditions; mountain-valley winds and foehns (40–75 days a year) play an important role in shaping the local climate.

On the plain, cf. January temperatures from -3 to -4 ° С (there are frosts down to -33 ° С); July 21–22 °С (maximum 38–40 °С). With a height cf. temperatures drop from 0.4 °C/100 m in January to 0.6 °C/100 m in July. Above 2000 m sr. January temperatures vary from -5.7 °С to -10 °С, August (the warmest month) - from 12.9 to 0 °С. The plains receive 500–700 mm of precipitation per year; 2000-2600 m - 2000-2500 mm, above 3600 m - approx. 2000 mm. The lowest average annual precipitation is typical for the bottoms of valleys and intermountain basins (500–600 mm). Most of the precipitation falls in summer; in the highlands, the proportion of liquid precipitation is less than 30%. For the flat part, thaws are typical in winter, frosts in spring and autumn, strong winds (up to 30 m / s), fogs, ice, thunderstorms are not uncommon (up to 37 days a year).

The number of days with snow cover varies from 50 in the plains to 130–300 or more in the mountains. On the plain, the snow cover is usually thin and unstable. Wed the thickness of the snow cover in the highlands reaches 1.9–3.6 m, on the passes - 4.4 m. The height of the snow line is 3400–3520 m. OK. 188 km 2, including in the river basin. Teberda 56.5 km2. In terms of quantity, cirque and hanging glaciers predominate (70% of the total number), in terms of area - valley glaciers; the largest - Amanauzsky (square 7.1 km 2, length 4.8 km), Kyukurtlyu (square 6.6 km 2 , length 7.5 km). indent glaciers yut at a rate of 0.4–13.8 m per year. From 1975 to 2000, the area of ​​glaciation decreased by 18 km 2, including in the basin of the river. Teberda at 4.9 km 2.

Inland waters s. K.-Ch. relatively rich in water resources. The average annual volume of river runoff reaches 5823 million m 3; the runoff module increases from 2 l / s from 1 km 2 or less in the plain to 80 l / s from 1 km 2 in the highlands. B. hours of rivers (with the exception of the rivers of the eastern part belonging to the Kuma river system) belong to the river basin. Kuban. Her main left tributaries - Teberda, Maly Zelenchuk, Bolshoy Zelenchuk, Urup, Bolshaya Laba - have Ch. arr. mixed nutrition with a predominance of glacial (39%) and rain (30%); in the regime of rivers, spring-summer runoff prevails (up to 77%) with a maximum in June-August. It is not uncommon for floods to cause floods; for example, in 2002, part of the settlements in the valley of the river was flooded. Kuban. For many rivers are characterized by a high flow rate (up to 3 m / s), low water temperatures. There are many picturesque waterfalls in the mountains (Alibek, Chukhchur, etc.).

St. 370 small lakes of different genesis in the main. located in the highlands. Moraine-dammed lakes predominate, including the largest Klukhorskoye (0.17 km 2), Blue Murudzhinskoye, Amanauzskoye, Baduksky lakes, Kara-Kol; there are also car, karst and avalanche lakes (Tumanly-Kel). As a result of the degradation of glaciation, new periglacial lakes appear. High-mountain lakes are characterized by low water temperatures, prolonged freeze-up (9–10 months), and a poor organic world. Shallowing and overgrowing of lakes are observed in the forest belt. In the flat part the Great Stavropol Canal stretches, a large bulk Kuban reservoir (574 million m 3) has been created.

Soils , plant and animal mi R. Soil-grows. cover is varied. In the flat part in the root grows. the cover was dominated by forb-turf-cereal steppes in the south. carbonate chernozems and rich forb-cereal meadow steppes on typical chernozems, now predominant. plowed. Valleys of large rivers are characterized by floodplain forests and shrubs on alluvial soils, grass-forb meadows, swampy in places on meadow-marsh soils. In the mountains, altitudinal zonality is clearly expressed. Wide distribution of mountain forests is characteristic. The forest cover is 30%, the total stock of standing wood is 89 million m 3 (2003). At the height 400–1200 m, foothill-low-mountain forests are developed on dark gray forest soils and brown soils, represented up to heights. 800 m oak, higher - beech (eastern beech, Caucasian hornbeam) forests with fruit trees (plum, apple, pear, etc.) in the second tier and shrubs (dogwood, currant, etc.) in the undergrowth. Higher up, mixed broad-leaved-coniferous (from oriental beech and dark coniferous species) and coniferous forests from common and hooked pine (about 2/3 of all coniferous forests), eastern spruce and Nordmann fir on brown soils are common. In the undergrowth, yellow rhododendron, Caucasian blueberries are developed, occasionally relic shrubs are found (shrub laurel, Caucasian holly); in the upper parts of the belt, coniferous species are mixed with birch, Trautfetter's maple, mountain ash, bird cherry, etc. Near the forest border (altitude 1800–2400 m), in places of increased snow accumulation and avalanches, birch (Litvinov's birch) and beech crooked forests are typical. The upper border of the forest is usually scalloped. Up to 2600 m there is a belt of subalpine meadows and shrubs with thickets of rhododendron on peaty mountain meadow soils, presented in the sowing. slopes with high grass, on the southern slopes - forb-cereal and cereal (Voronov's fescue, variegated brome, reed reed, etc.) meadows. Higher up is a belt of alpine low-grass grass-forb and sedge meadows on gleyed alpha-humus soils. Mountain meadows with a high biological productivity (up to 48 c/ha - subalpine meadows, up to 20 c / ha - alpine), are widely used for pastures and hayfields. The subnival belt with sparse vegetation and areas of alpine wastelands is developed at high altitudes. 2900–3500 m; above is replaced by a glacial-nival belt. On the slopes of the south exposition and in the bottoms of intermontane basins intrazonal steppes (with a predominance of fescue hairy, bearded hemostatic) and upland xerophytic vegetation (long-leaved juniper, golden astragalus, common barberry, etc.) are locally distributed.

Flora and fauna K.-Ch. characterized by high diversity and endemism. The flora of the Teberdinsky Reserve only includes St. 1260 species of higher vascular plants, of which 235 are endemic to the Caucasus. There are 25 "Red Book" species of plants and mushrooms (yew berry, dwarf euonymus, valley saffron, Wittmann peony, Kesselring lily, etc.); among the plant species endemic to the Caucasus are the Caucasian rhododendron, the Caucasian peony, the Caucasian belladonna, the Dombay cuff, the Lipsky tulip, the Kuban tarantula, and also the bud-leaved primrose, an endemic of the river valley. Teberda. In the forests there are many wild fruit (pear, apple, cherry plum, sea buckthorn, wild rose, etc.), nut-bearing, medicinal plants.

Of the representatives of the animal world, K.-Ch. 27 species of vertebrates are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, including the Caucasian otter, the Caucasian forest cat; on the Arkhyz site of the Teberdinsky Reserve, a unique population of the Caucasian-Belovezhskaya bison (over 50 heads) is protected. In K.-Ch. many endemics of the Caucasus: Caucasian mole, Promethean vole, West Caucasian tur, Kaznakov's viper, etc.; from birds - Caucasian snowcock, Caucasian black grouse, etc. In the steppes there are fox, hare, common mole voles, steppe viper; red deer, wild boar, brown bear, wolf live in deciduous forests, lynx (endangered), ermine, etc. live in coniferous forests. Tours, chamois, Promethean and snow voles, Caucasian black grouse, stone partridge, etc. are typical for the subalpine belt. the alpine zone is inhabited by tours, chamois, Caucasian snowcock, alpine jackdaw, etc.

State and environmental protection s. The landscapes of K.-Ch., especially the flat steppe, foothill and low-mountain forest landscapes, have been greatly altered by man. Livestock overgrazing, plowing, logging, mining, recreation. activity, etc. led to the widespread distribution of disturbed territories, including completely transformed lands (up to 10% of the area of ​​K.-Ch.). OK. 80% of the flat part is used under the village. x-in (arable land, deposits, hayfields, orchards and orchards), St. 9% - as residential land, approx. 5.6% - under hydraulic engineering. structures. Primary forests in many places have been cut down and replaced by secondary meadows, small-leaved forests and light forests, and thickets of shrubs. Windblows and fires are frequent in the forests. The upper border of the forest is locally reduced by 150–300 m due to intensive grazing. In the beginning. 21st century as a result of deforestation, grazing, etc., mudflow centers in the forest zone became more active. Due to overgrazing, many pastures are littered with grasses that are harmful and poisonous to livestock; the species diversity and productivity of the herbage of mountain meadows have decreased.

In connection with the processes of land degradation on the b. including the territory of K.-Ch. there was a moderately acute environmental. the situation in areas adjacent to cities is acute as a result of water and air pollution. environment. Main air pollutant is road transport (over 300 thousand tons of emissions per year); emissions of pollutants from stationary sources amount to 16 thousand tons (2005); volume of polluted wastewater 53 million m 3 (2005), largest reset for polluted effluents (67%) produce prom. enterprises in Cherkessk.

The system of protected natural areas, occupying approx. 41% of the area of ​​K.-Ch., represented by a small area of ​​the biosphere Caucasian Reserve(as part of the Western Caucasus object, it is included in the list world heritage), biospheric Teberdinsky Reserve, Dautsky zoological. sanctuary of federal significance and 15 regional sanctuaries (Damkhurts, Elburgansky, Arkhyzsky, etc.), 74 natural monuments - botanical (groves of yew berry, Beech forest, etc.), geological and geomorphological (Ring-Mountain, Kater rock, cave "Giant's Lair ", etc.), landscape (Rim-Gora, Adiyuh gorge), hydrological (waterfall "Devil's mill", lake Khurla-Kol, Dautsky sources, etc.). Within K.-Ch. part of a specially protected eco-resort region is located Caucasian Mineral Waters.


Main population of K.-Ch. are Karachays (38.5%) and Circassians (11.3%). Russians also live (34.2%; including Terek Cossacks 0.6%), Abaza (7.4%), Nogais (3.4%), Ossetians (0.8%), Ukrainians (0, 8%), Armenians (0.7%), Tatars (0.5%), Chechens (0.4%), Gypsies (0.2%), Belarusians (0.2%), Abkhazians (0.1% ), Adyghes (0.1%), Balkars (0.1%), Georgians (0.1%), Germans (0.1%), etc.

Traditional for K.-Ch. high nature. population growth in the 1990s decreased (8.8 per 1,000 inhabitants, 1990; 2.6 per 1,000 inhabitants, 1995); to the beginning 21st century changed insignificantly. population decline (0.7 per 1000 inhabitants, 2000). Since 2004, there has been a small natural. population growth: the birth rate (11.7 per 1000 inhabitants, 2006) slightly exceeds the death rate (11.4 per 1000 inhabitants). The share of women is 53.6%. The proportion of the population younger than working age (under 16) is 19.9%, older than working age 18.0%. Wed life expectancy is 70.2 years (one of the highest in the Russian Federation; including men - 64.4, women - 76.0). From the beginning 2000s typical migrant. outflow of the population (67 per 10 thousand inhabitants, 2006), mainly in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories. Wed us density. 30.0 people/km2 (2007). The most densely populated and north-east. districts of K.-Ch. Gor. us. 44.0% (2007; 48.6% in 1989). St. 1 / 4 us. lives in Cherkessk (116.3 thousand people, 2007). Dr. cities (thousand people): Ust-Dzheguta (31.1), Karachaevsk (20.3), Teberda (7.4).


On the territory of K.-Ch. there are 10 confessions (2006). 106 communities of Sunni Muslims are registered in the republic, which are part of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Karachay-Cherkessia and Stavropol, 22 communities of Rus. Orthodox Church (Diocese of Stavropol and Vladikavkaz), 8 communities of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, 3 communities of Christians of the Evangelical Faith - Pentecostals; two communities are Jehovah's Witnesses and Intern. Society for Krishna Consciousness; Jews, the Armenian Apostolic Church, Seventh-day Adventists, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia have one congregation each.

Historical outline

The oldest traces of human activity on the territory of modern. K.-Ch. belong to the Mousterian era and are represented by otd. finds. The site of Yavor belongs to the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic, and the site on the river belongs to the Neolithic. Sheep. The Early Bronze Age is represented by monuments Maikop culture; 3rd–2nd millennium BC e. - numerous. burial mounds North Caucasian culture, as well as (2nd thousand) - the Upper Kuban version of the North Caucasian catacomb culture. For the 2nd floor. 2nd millennium, the Kuban focus is allocated Caucasian Metallurgical Province(traces of copper mines dating back to the 2nd–1st millennium have also been found), sites of the Proto-Koban period are known. In con. In the 2nd millennium, carriers of app. option Koban culture(burial ground Eshkakon, mountain settlements with a symmetrical layout). For the 1st floor. The most characteristic burials of the 1st millennium are burials in crypts (Tereza) and stone boxes (Inzhich-Chukun, Ispravnaya), settlements, treasures (Kyafar) are known. In the 6th–5th centuries there are monuments that combine the traditions of the Koban, Scythian cultures and Colchis culture(Karabashevsky mound). For the late period of the Koban culture (6th–4th centuries BC), a local variant stands out in the upper reaches of the Kuban.

The Sarmatian period (from the 3rd century BC) is represented by settlements, crypts and soil burials; Meotian archaeological culture, from the 2nd–3rd centuries. n. e. there are also burials in the catacombs (under the mounds and without them), associated with the Alans. On the territory of K.-Ch. passed one of the important ways connecting Sev. Caucasus and the Black Sea, which was part of the system Great Silk Road. The territory of modern K.-Ch., apparently, was part of the zone controlled by the Huns, then the 1st Türk. Khaganate and Zap. Turk. kaganate (see Turkic Khaganate), Khazar Khaganate. Khazar time (4th quarter of the 1st millennium) includes the Khumarin settlement, which is considered a Khazar fortress; Alanian burial ground Power beam and others, known for the unique preservation of products from organic. materials, including imported fabrics; Bulgarians are associated with the foundations found on the settlements, considered as the basis for the installation of yurts. In the highlands, early medieval atsanguars were found - premises with pens for cattle.

In the 1st quarter 2nd thousand land modern. K.-Ch. were part of the state of Alania. One of its capitals is correlated with the settlement of Lower Arkhyz, where 3 stone cross-domed churches, built with the participation of the Byzants, have been preserved. masters. Christian churches have also been preserved on the mountains of Senta (built in 965) and Shoana. The settlements of Kyafar and Rim-Gora are also striking monuments of that time. Turks are known. runic and Greek inscriptions, stone statues, burial mounds of the 12th century, associated with the Kipchaks.

From the 2nd quarter 13th c. the territory of modern K.-Ch. was part of the Golden Horde. By the 14th century refers to a brick mausoleum near the city of Ust-Dzheguta. Mong.-Tat. invasion and then conquer. campaigns Middle Asian. ruler Timur in 1395-96 led to the extermination means. part of the population, another part of it was driven into slavery to the East, only insignificantly. groups managed to go to the mountains, to the spurs of Elbrus.

Karachay, despite the small number, was a special ethno-political. education. Legislator. power was exercised by Nar. assembly (Halk jyylyu). The head will perform. power was the ruler (valiy), he also commanded the militia and the police. Judicial power was exercised by the court - tere. Archaeologists studied the burial grounds of the Karachays of the 14th–18th centuries.

Starting from the 15th century. ethnopolitical map on the territory of modern K.-Ch. changed. In particular, at this time, the Nogais of the Kuban and Beshtaugor groups began to penetrate here, roaming along the valleys of the Bolshoi and Maly Zelenchuk rivers, as well as east of the upper reaches of the Kuban. The Nogai burial ground of the 16th–18th centuries was investigated. (Baital-Chapkan). In the 1st third of 17 and early. 18th century new groups of Nogais appeared, who settled along the left bank of the Kuban and in the vicinity of the modern. Cherkessk. For 18 - 1st half. 19th centuries The Nogais were moving towards a settled way of life. In con. 16 - beginning. 17th century Adyghe tribes (later forming the basis for the formation of the Circassians) began to settle in the territory of modern. Circassia. Significant impact on ethnicity. map of K.-Ch. provided by the Abaza, who by the middle. 18th century occupied areas along the rivers Big and Small Zelenchuk, Malaya Laba, Urup and Kuban.

foundation of societies. the device of all the peoples of Karachay and Circassia in 18 - ser. 19th centuries was a neighboring community. Among the Circassians and Abaza, members of the communities had equal rights, they equally used land and pasture lands, the right to vote for nar. meetings. However, the owners of auls feud. rights were extended to the villages subject to them.

In the beginning. 19th century Karachay represented the Duut and dependent Teberda, or Kartjurt, or Kylian, Uchkulan, Khurzuk societies, and others, ruled by princes and noble bridles. In 1825, during Caucasian War 1817–64, on the territory of modern K.-Ch. the first Cossack village appeared - Batalpashinskaya. 25.6(7.7).1826 gen.-m. book. P. D. Gorchakov signed an agreement on neutrality with Karachay. In connection with the beginning of the Russian tour. wars of 1828–29 to strengthen the growing. positions in the region was organized by the military. expedition grew. troops on Karachay. 20.10 (1.11.) 1828 in a 12-hour battle near Mount Hasauka grew. troops under command. the commander of the troops to the Caucasus. gene lines. from kav. G. A. Emmanuel defeated the Karachay militia. On October 21 (November 2), 1828, near the village of Kart-Dzhurt, a delegation of Karachay leaders, led by a Val, signed a petition for the acceptance of Karachays into Russia. citizenship. By Peace of Adrianople 1829 The Ottoman Empire recognized the entry of Karachay into the Ros. empire. Since the 1820s the territory of modern K.-Ch. was in adm. subordination to the Right wing Kavk. lines, from 1840 b. h. Karachaya obeyed the beginning. Center of the Caucasus. lines. In 1834, the Karachay bailiff was created, managed by a person appointed by the Russian Federation. command. In 1848, some Abaza villages were attached to it. In 1856–57, there was another Teberda bailiff on the territory of Karachay. To protect the south borders in the Caucasus grew. the government decided on mass resettlement to Kavk. line of Cossacks. On the territory of modern K.-Ch. the Cossack villages of the Khoper regimental district were founded: on Bolshoy Zelenchuk - Storozhevaya (1858), Ispravnaya (1858), Zelenchukskaya (1859); on Maly Zelenchuk - Kardonikskaya (1859); on Urup - Barrier (1860); in the Kuban - Ust-Dzhegutinskaya (1861), Krasnogorskaya (1861), etc. Kon. 1850s - early. 1860s were marked by active muhajirism, including from the territory of modern. K.-Ch., supported by growing up. government. In particular, Ros. 307 thousand Circassians, more than 180 thousand Nogais, and others left the empire.

In 1860-1918 means. part of the land of modern K.-Ch. was part of Kuban region, where it was the Upper Kuban presidium (1861–64; formed by the merger of the Karachay presidium with the presidency of the Tokhtamysh auls), the Upper Kuban district. (1864–66), Elbrus, Zelenchuk and Urup districts (1866–1869/70), from 1869/70 Batalpashinsky district. (from 1888 department).

Starting from ser. 1860s on the territory of modern K.-Ch. a judicial reform (1866), a taxation reform (1866) and a peasant reform (1868), which abolished serfdom, were carried out. More than 30 auls were founded here by Adygs, Abazins and Nogais. The transition to land ownership on communal law finally consolidated their settled way of life. Karachays also founded new settlements, including Teberda (1868), Sentinsky (1870), Kamennomostskoye (1870), Marinskoye (1875), Dzhegutinsky (1883).

Joining Russia contributed to the development of the material and spiritual culture of the highlanders. To con. 19th century refers to the birth of the Karachay nat. intelligentsia, which was due to the fact that the highlanders got access, albeit limited, to growing. secular educational institutions. A well-known society made a great contribution to the education of the region. figure, artist and poet I. P. Krymshamkhalov. By the 1st quarter. 20th century the beginning of the educational activities of U. Aliyev, N. Tokov, I. Karachayly (Khubiyev), and others.

In Apr. - May 1918 the territory of modern. K.-Ch. was part of the Kuban owls. republics, in May - July 1918 - the Kuban-Black Sea owls. Republic, in July - Sept. 1918 - North Caucasus. owls. republics. In Sept. 1918 occupied by the troops of the white armies. From Jan. From 1919 to March 1920, this territory was under the control of the VSYUR. At the end of March 1920, the Sov. power. 1/20/1921 the territory of modern. K.-Ch. included in the Mountain Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in which the Karachaevsky district was formed. Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee dated January 12, 1922 formed Karachay-Cherkess. AO. Feb. – Oct. 1924 she was part of the South-East. area, from Oct. 1924 - North Caucasus. edge of the RSFSR. Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of 26.4.1926 Karachay-Cherkess. The AO is divided into Karachaevskaya AO and Cherkess. nat. env. (from 30.4.1928 Cherkess. AO), while the Batalpashinsky and Zelenchuksky districts inhabited by Cossacks were included in the Armavir district. (since 1928 as part of the Cherkess. AO) North Caucasus. krai (since 1937 - Ordzhonikidze krai, since 1943 - Stavropol krai). In 1929, traffic was opened along the railway. line Nevinnomysskaya - Batalpashinskaya of the North Caucasian railways, in 1940 - along the line Cherkessk - Ust-Dzheguta Ordzhonikidzevskaya railway. d. In Vel. Fatherland war during Battles for the Caucasus 1942–43(from 12.8.1942 to 17.1.1943) Karachay and Cherkess autonomous regions were occupied by the Germans. troops. On 10/12/1943, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Karachay Autonomous District was abolished, and the Karachays (about 70 thousand people) were deported to the republics on 11/2/1943. Asia. Mikoyanovsky and Uchkulansky districts of the former. Karachaev Autonomous Okrug were transferred from the RSFSR to the Gruz. SSR, where a new Klukhor district was formed, forcibly settled by Georgians. Part of the Pregradnensky district was transferred to the Mostovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory, the remaining districts (Zelenchuksky, Ust-Dzhegutinsky and Malokarachaevsky) were included in the Stavropol Territory. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated January 9, 1957, the statehood of the Karachays was restored, and a single Karachay-Cherkess was formed. AO with the center in Cherkessk as part of the Stavropol Territory of the RSFSR.

11/30/1990 People's Council deputies of Karachay-Cherkess. The AO decided to transform the region into Karachay-Cherkess. SSR within the RSFSR. This decision was enshrined in a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated 3.7.1991. The Republican Supreme Council approved (10/16/1992) its modern. the name, which was enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 1992. The Constitution of Karachay-Cherkessia was adopted on March 5, 1996.


K.-Ch. included in the North Caucasian economic. district The volume of prom. products (manufacturing industries, mining, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water) at a cost of 1.3 times the volume of agricultural production. products (2006). In the Russian economy K.-Ch. stands out for the production of cement (4.5% growth in production) and paints and varnishes (1.4%); K.-Ch. - one of the growing leaders in the number of sheep and goats (3.5%), wool production (2.5%).

The structure of GRP by types of economic. activities (2005,%): agriculture and forestry 23.2, manufacturing 21.1, wholesale and retail trade, decomp. household services 15.4, construction 7.6, real estate transactions, rent and services 6.7, state. management and support of the military. security, compulsory social security 6.7, health care and social services 6.3, transport and communications 5.6, education 5.2, other industries 2.2. The ratio of enterprises by form of ownership (by the number of organizations; %, 2006): private 65.1, municipal 13.0, state. 10.3, Society. and religious organizations (associations) 8.7, other forms of ownership 2.9.

Economically active us. 198 thousand people, of which St. 80% is employed in the economy. Employment structure (%): agriculture and forestry 22.6, manufacturing 15.9, wholesale and retail trade, decomp. household services 12.9, education 11.7, healthcare and social services 6.5, transport and communications 5.8, construction 4.3, real estate transactions 3.6, provision of other communal, social and personal services 3, 2, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 2.8, hotel and restaurant business 1.4, mining 1.0, other activities 8.3. The unemployment rate is 19.4%. Cash income per capita 11.7 thousand rubles. per month (Dec. 2007; approx. 60% of the average for the Russian Federation); OK. 20% of us. has an income below the subsistence level.

Industry b. The volume of prom. products 11.4 billion rubles. (2006), including 62.8% in manufacturing, 30.0% in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, 7.2% in mining. The structure of the manufacturing industry (%): food industry 42.8, construction industry. materials 31.5, chemical. industry 11.9, mechanical engineering 8.6, pulp and paper production and printing. activities 2.7, other industries 2.5.

Copper ores are mined in small volumes (Urupskaya group of copper-pyrite-polymetallic deposits near the village of Mednogorsky); the development is carried out by the Urupsky Mining and Enrichment. plant (part of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company; 15.6 thousand tons of copper concentrate, 2006). Natural constructions are also being mined. materials (granites, marbles, clays, gypsum, sand-gravel-boulder mixtures, etc.), miner. waters (about 10 deposits, including Teberda).

Electricity production 1.2 billion kWh (2006); installed capacity of power plants is 400 thousand kW. Main producers - Zelenchuksky HPPs (on the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River and its tributaries; capacity is about 160 MW; as part of the HydroOGK company), small HPPs. Under construction (2008) Verkhne-Krasnogorsk small HPP.

Mashinostroit. enterprises produce refrigeration equipment (Holodmash), low-voltage equipment (NVA plant), electric. connectors ("Cascade") - all in Cherkessk.

Chemical The industry is represented by the chemical production department named after V.I. Z. S. Tsakhilova (a large Russian manufacturer of a wide range of paints and varnishes; Table 1) and a rubber technical plant. products (products for rolling stock; as well as adhesives, sealants).

Table 1 Main types of industrial products
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006
Paints and varnishes, thousand tons315 50,7 43,3 11,0 11,5
Cement, thousand tons2754,3 1074,6 1153,7 1891,0 2475,2
Building bricks, mln. conditional bricks 121 37,3 22,6 18,1 20,2
Mineral waters, mln. l2,1 1,7 29,4 286,0 357,0
Sugar, ths. t50,4 34,3 9,5 19,0 23,8

Industrial enterprises are building. materials produce cement, ceramic. products, bricks, etc.; a major manufacturer is Kavkazcement (Cherkessk, part of Eurocement Group). A cement plant is being built (2008) in the Urup region, etc.

Main direction of specialization of the food industry - bottling miner. waters (approx. 12% of growth in production, 2006). Large producers: Visma company (Zelenchuksky district; Arkhyz mineral table water), Kamos Corporation (Karachaevsk; waters Kamos, Kamos healing, Teberda, Dombay). There is a sugar factory (village Erken-Shakhar, Adyge-Khablsky district; one of the largest in the former USSR), a brewery (Karachaevsk).

Ch. prom. center - Cherkessk.

agriculture about. The cost of agricultural products 8.5 billion rubles. (2006), including 57% of livestock products. The area of ​​agricultural land 5.0 thousand km 2 (35% of the territory of the republic), of which arable land occupies approx. thirty%. They grow cereals (46.2% of the sown area, including wheat, corn), technical (20.1%, including sugar beet, sunflower), fodder (17.4%) crops, potatoes and vegetables - gourds (16.3%; Table 2). Horticulture (apple, pear, cherry plum). Meat and dairy cattle breeding, sheep breeding (breeding of semi-fine-fleeced and coarse-haired breeds; Tables 3, 4), poultry farming and horse breeding are developed. Livestock grazing prevails on mountain pastures.

Most of the page - x. land refers to the lands of agricultural - x. organizations (approx. 86%); farm (peasant) households occupy 7.9%, in the personal use of citizens - 5.9%. St. 2 / 3 s.-x. products K.-Ch. produced in households, approx. 21% - in agricultural organizations. Main producers of grain (72.8%), sunflower seeds (73.5%) and vegetables (53.9%) - agricultural. organizations. Household households account for b. including the production of potatoes (90%) and milk (over 80%). The largest agricultural enterprise - greenhouse complex "Yuzhny" (Ust-Dzheguta; vegetables).

Table 2 Main types of crop production, thousand tons
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006
Corn202,3 160,0 133,5 87,3 90,7
Sugar beet 399,7 193,7 80,8 67,9 124,1
Sunflower seeds3,6 10,7 5,7 6,2 7,3
Potato 169,4 153,5 158,5 216,4 178,9
Vegetables39,2 24,7 46,7 65,0 66,4
Fruits and berries15,1 13,1 2,5 18,6 12,6
Table 3 livestock, thousand heads
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006
Cattle272,7 165,8 131,6 153,1 204,2
Pigs24,0 14,1 15,4 17,5 16,3
Sheep and goats764,1 501,2 289,1 541,1 688,3
Table 4 Main types of livestock products
1990 1995 2000 2005 2006
Livestock and poultry for slaughter, thousand tons 39,8 22,5 16,7 17,2 18,7
Milk, thousand tons188,4 145,8 148,2 144,8 188,5
Eggs, mln.135,8 93,0 72,4 72,4 78,9
Wool, t2847,0 1480,0 800,0 1037,0 1217,0

Service sector d. One of the actively developing sectors is tourism. K.-Ch. - one of the growing areas of mountain tourism, skiing, mountaineering. Main centers (located in the southern part of the republic) - Arkhyz (the starting point of many tourist routes), Teberda and Dombai. Numerous have been created. recreation centers, boarding houses, hotels; new infrastructure facilities are being built (2008). On the territory of K.-Ch. passes St. 60 tourist routes (including horseback riding), the most popular - along the valleys of the rivers Kuban, Aksaut, Marukha, Bolshaya Laba.

Transport t. Main. mode of transport is automobile. The length of paved roads is 3043 km (2006). Main highways: Cherkessk - Karachaevsk - Teberda - Dombai with branches to the villages of Kurdzhinovo, Arkhyz (from the village of Zelenchukskaya) and to the city of Kislovodsk (Stavropol Territory); Cherkessk - Nevinnomyssk (Stavropol Territory), Cherkessk - Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory). The length of the railways is 51 km (a section of the Nevinnomyssk-Cherkessk-Ust-Dzheguta highway). The nearest airport is Mineralnye Vody (Stavropol Territory).


In K.-Ch. there are 22 hospital and 33 medical-polyclinic. institutions; per 10 thousand inhabitants accounts for 36.4 doctors, persons cf. honey. staff 121.3, hospital beds 95.7 (2006). Quick honey. assistance is provided independently. station and offices at the center. district hospitals. Morbidity per 1 thousand inhabitants. is: adults - 881.1 cases, children under 17 years old - 1157.4 (2006); tuberculosis - 45, HIV infection - 37.4, drug addiction - 266.8 per 100 thousand inhabitants. (2006). Main causes of death - diseases of the circulatory system, malignancy. neoplasms, accidents, injuries and poisonings. Resort Teberda. Climatic resort areas - Arkhyz, Dombay.

Education. Scientific and cultural institutions

In the republic there are (2005) 216 pre-school institutions (22 thousand pupils), 192 general secondary schools. educational institutions, including 190 state (total approx. 60 thousand students), 39 institutions of additional education (19.7 thousand students), 8 institutions of primary and 15 institutions of secondary prof. education (total approx. 10 thousand students). 16 universities, including 11 state universities (including branches of universities in Moscow, Rostov, Pyatigorsk, etc.). Among the state universities - Univ. (1938; current name and status since 2003) in Karachaevsk, Technological. academy (1991; current name and status since 2003) in Cherkessk. Among the scientific institutions - Institute of Humanitarian Research (1932) in Cherkessk, Spec. astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1966) in the village of Zelenchukskaya. State. nat. b-ka them. Kh. B. Bairamukova (1922), 3 republican libraries - all in Cherkessk. Ch. museums: Historical, cultural and natural museum-reserve, Nat. museum "Alanian Hermitage" (2003) - both in Cherkessk; Museum of minerals, ores, gems "Amazing in stone" (1993) in Teberda.

Mass media

Leading republican publications: the newspapers "The Day of the Republic" (since 1918, published 3 times a week, circulation 10.5 thousand copies, in Russian), "Cherkess Heku" (since 1924, 2 times a week, 4, 6 thousand copies, in the Kabardino-Circassian language), "Karachai" (since 1924, 2 times a week, 9 thousand copies, in the Karachai language), "Abazashta" (since 1938, 2 times a week , 3.8 thousand copies, in the Abaza language), “Nogai Davysy” (since 1928, 2 times a week, 2.3 thousand copies, in the Nogai language; all - in the city of Cherkessk); mountains the newspaper "Cherkessk: yesterday, today, tomorrow" (Cherkessk; 1 time per week, 5.1 thousand copies) and others. TV and radio programs are broadcast by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Karachay-Cherkessia" - Circassian, Karachay, Nogai and Abaza languages), Cherkessk TV channel, etc.


Lit-ra peoples K.-Ch. represented by the literature of the Abazins, Karachays, Nogais, Circassians.

The formation of Abaza literature was facilitated by activities in the middle. 19th century Russian-speaking educator and writer A.-G. Kesheva. Before the creation of their own written language (1932), the Abaza used the related Kabardino-Circassian. lang., in which the works of the first Abaza writers T. Z. Tabulov and N. Ozov began to be published. In the 1930s–1940s processing of Abaza folklore texts, translations into Abaza were published. Russian works. and other literature. In con. 1940s - 1960s original poetics appear. and prosaic. essays in Abaza. (Kh. D. Zhirov, B. Kh. Tkhaitsukhov, P. K. Tsekov, K. S.-G. Dzhegutanov and others); the first Abaza novel is being created (“Azamat” by I. Tabulov, published in 1963). Among the writers of the 2nd half. 20th century – M. Kh. Chikatuev, D. Laguchev, M. Malkhozov, M. Tlyabicheva. In the 1980s a new generation of Abaza poets and prose writers appeared: M. Daguzhiev, Sh. Fizikov, F. Apsova, Kh. Adzhibekov, K. Batalov, K. Mkhtse and others. The foundations of Abaza literary criticism were laid by M. Kh. Chikatuev, V. B. Tugov.

The origins of the Nogai literature are in the work of the Turko-Tats. poets of the 14th century, who were influenced by the Arab. poetry (Berke Fakih, Seif Sarai and others). Among the founders of the national poetic traditions - Sarkynbay Krymly, Ismail Mazharly (18th century), Alibek Sharap uly, Akhmediye Adil uly (19th century), Baimurzy Manap uly, Azhi Mola Nogman uly (early 20th century). A new Nogai literature began to take shape in the 1920s–30s: poets M. Kurmanaliev, Z. Kaybaliev, prose writers B. Abdullin, Kh. Bulatukov (both also created dramatic works), F. A. Abdulzhalilov, N. Nogaily. Among the writers of the 2nd half. 20th century: prose writers S. I. Kapaev, V. Kazakov, B. Kuluchakov; poets K. O. Temirbulatova, K. I. Kumratova, A. Kireev, M. Aubekizhev, M. Avezov, F. Sidakhmetova; playwrights M. Kirimov, R. Kereytov. In lit-re con. 20th century interest in national the past is combined with the search for new narrative techniques and forms (“The Book of Reflections” by I. S. Kapaev, books 1–2, 1989–91, Russian translation 1996). Nogai folklore and literary studies are represented by the works of A. Sikaliev, Sh. Kurmangulova, N. Suyunova.

About the literature of Karachays and Circassians, see, respectively, in the articles Karachay-Balkar literature, Kabardino-Circassian literature.

Architecture and fine arts

In the burial mounds of the Bronze Age on the territory of K.-Ch. found bronze items (including sculpture and weapons of the Koban culture), ceramics with relief and carved ornaments. The Sarmatian-Alanian time (3rd century BC - 13th century AD) includes: above-ground tombs, underground crypts, numerous. settlements with remains of stone fortifications. walls, residential buildings, small churches, etc. (Tamgatsik settlement and burial ground, turn of the 4th–5th centuries AD, near the village of Zhako; settlement Adiyukh, 6th–12th centuries, on the banks of the Maly Zelenchuk River; Khumarinsky settlement, 8th–10th centuries; Lower Arkhyz settlement). Christian cross-domed churches of the 10th-11th centuries have been preserved. Byzantium type: c. St. George the Victorious (the temple was dedicated to this saint in the late 19th century) on Mount Shoana, near the village of them. Kosta Khetagurova (restored during the creation of the St. George Skete in the 1890s); Sentinsky Church of the Virgin (with remnants of frescoes of the 10th–11th centuries; built in 965 from sandstone and brick with lime mortar, restored in 1887; near the temple there is a stone mausoleum of the 10th century) near the village of Nizhnyaya Teberda; 3 tons Zelenchuksky temple 10 - early. 11th century Lower Arkhyz settlement. In the upper Kuban region, on the Kyafar and other rivers, the remains of ground-based tombs-mausoleums of the 8th-12th centuries were found, some with relief, primitively interpreted images (sometimes entire plot scenes - a feast, dance, hunting, etc.); stone statues of warriors with crosses on their helmets and shoulders (10-12 centuries) - on the rivers Kyafar, Bizhgon, etc. Ch. arr. will defend. structures (e.g., a tower on the site of Adiyukh, 1760s; combat towers in Goshay-Kala and Mami-A-Kala), burial mounds of the 14th–17th centuries, above-ground stone crypts-mausoleums near the village of Kart-Dzhurt, ruins of mosques ( mosque in Khasaut, early 19th century).

Ancient (18–19 centuries) folk. The dwelling of the Karachais was a log cabin with a massive gable earthen roof, without a ceiling, which consisted of a room for parents, a pantry and rooms for married sons. Residential houses of the Circassians, similar to the Kabardian and Adyghe ones, were made of wattle covered with clay, with gable roofs covered with reeds or straw. The house, rectangular in plan, consisted of one room or several rooms located in a row with a separate room. inputs. A characteristic feature is wattle, cone-shaped “smokers” smeared with clay above the wall fireplaces.

In the 19th century in K.-Ch. construction began in Europe. archit. styles. The ruins of the Russian fortifications during the Caucasian War (fortification near the village of Krasnogorsky, 1832), tree. Pokrovskaya c. in Cherkessk (1730, moved from Stavropol in 1831). Among the buildings of the 1st floor. 20th century – Houses of Soviets in Cherkessk (1938–1948, architect K. Yu. Khubiev) and Karachaevsk (1940). The general plans of Karachaevsk (1953) and Cherkessk (1956) were developed. In the 1990s the construction of mosques was launched (a cathedral mosque in the village of Uchkeken in the Malokarachaevsky district, 1995; a mosque in the village of Ust-Dzheguta, 1998). Founder prof. depict. art (late 19th - early 20th centuries) - Karachay poet, artist and educator I. Krymshamkhalov. In the 2nd floor. 20th century artists Ya. G. Kritsky, A. M. Grechkin worked in easel and book graphics, and I. G. Akov, M. Kh. Chomaev worked in painting.

The Karachays and Circassians have the most developed sewing with gold (“attached” or satin stitch) on the nat. clothing and household items. Patterned felts are common among Karachays: double-sided, with a rolled-in pattern (predominantly geometric) of soft, vague outlines; black felts with white felt or red cloth appliqué. Less common are felts with an "inlaid" pattern (stylized vegetable or zoomorphic) from felt of a different color. Circassian. women weave mats from marsh grass chi with a simple, elegant geometric pattern. pattern. Since ancient times, the Circassians have developed jewelry art: jewelry and weapons are finished with niello, shallow engraving, false granulation, often with carnelian inserts. Woodcarving is more common among Karachays; carved pattern they decorate trees. utensils, they make scoops and bowls with the heads of goats and rams.


Theatre. The basis of music cultures of the republic - oral traditions pl. indigenous peoples and migrants; at the Republican People's Center culture in Cherkessk, Karachay, Circassian, Abaza, Nogai, Cossack, Ossetian cultural centers were created. The beginning of the study of Karachay-Balk. and Adyghe oral music. creativity put S. I. Taneev, recording 20 songs and tunes from the book. Ismail Urusbiev in Khasaut and Urusbiev aul (1885). The founder of the Karachai music. folkloristics - I. M. Urusov (1st half of the 20th century). To Karachay-balk. composers M. A. Balakirev, A. M. Avraamov, T. K. Sheibler, S. S. Prokofiev, N. Ya. in K.-Ch. opera "The Last Exile". M. Kh. Kochkarov is the author of the ballets “Aitugan - the daughter of Karchi” (libre by M. Shamanova based on the legend of the ancestor of the Karachays; the first Karachai ballet, staged in 1993 in Krasnodar, in Russian) and “Kasbot” (about the Karachai poet and singer K. B. Kochkarov, created in 1997), M. U. Nogailiev - songwriter, symphony. and instrumental works. The Republican Philharmonic has been operating in Cherkessk (since 1981), it includes ensembles of classical, folk, pop music, choreographic. teams. In 1992, the Union of Composers of K.-Ch. was founded, among its members: composers R. J. Gumba, M. A. Tuarshev, musicologists B. B. Kardanova (a researcher of musical folklore of the Nogais, Cossacks), M. U. Nogailiev. In 2007, the Intern. art festival. creativity of the South of Russia. Since 1987, All-Russia has been held annually in Dombai. festival of the author's song "Mountain Peaks".

In Cherkessk work: theaters - Rus. dramas and comedies (1937), Karachaevsky Drama (1963), Circassian Drama. M. O. Akova (1992), Republican Abaza drama (2001); dance ensemble "Elbrus" (1988).

There are passes:

  • Klukhorsky;
  • Marukh.

The climate in the republic is warm, winters are short and summers are long. The coldest month is January. The temperature drops to -30 degrees. The highest temperature is observed in July - August and reaches +43 degrees.

On the satellite map The Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia has 130 lakes, 172 rivers, mountain steppes and deciduous forests. On the territory of the region there are several reserves where animals and birds live. There, for example, you can meet a wolf, a chamois, a mountain goat, an eagle, a kite and other representatives of the fauna. There are many thermal springs, springs with mineral water in the republic. The main attraction of the subject is the world resort Dombay.

What road routes pass through Karachay-Cherkessia?

  • Federal Highway A155 connecting Cherkessk and Sukhum (Abkhazia). This is part of the Military Sukhumi road.
  • A165. Lermontov (Stavropol Territory) - Cherkessk.
  • A157. Mineral water(Stavropol Territory) - Cherkessk.
  • P265. Cherkessk - Lunnaya Polyana.

There are other highways in the region. On the map of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia online with the borders, you can see the railway. In Cherkessk there is a railway station, from where suburban trains follow.

Map of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia with districts and cities

The map of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia with districts shows that there are two cities of republican significance in this region. These are Cherkessk and Karachaevsk. The capital of the republic is Cherkessk, where more than 130 thousand people live. There are ten districts in the republic:

  • Zelenchuksky;
  • Abaza;
  • Karachaevsky;
  • Adyge-Khablsky;
  • Nogai;
  • Malokarachaevsky;
  • Prikubansky;
  • Khabezskiy;
  • Urupsky;
  • Ust-Dzhegutinsky.

In total, about 470 thousand people live in the republic. More than 190 thousand are Karachays, about 150 thousand are Russians, over 60 thousand are Circassians. But people of other nationalities also live on the territory of the subject. In total, there are more than fifty settlements in the region.

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