Deposit of non-ferrous and noble metals. Ore and minerals of non-ferrous metals

Gardening 21.09.2019

The metallurgical industry is represented by the black and color industry. These two parts constitute a single functioning organism and together are the base industry of the country's economy, which are distinguished by high capital intensity and material intensity.

Non-ferrous metallurgy is one of the industrial sectors of the country in the prey of subsoil, their enrichment and further processing Rud metal (color, rare or noble).

Characteristic features of the industry

Functional characteristics of non-ferrous metallurgy are due to the following distinguishing features:

  • Colored metallurgy has the greatest consumption of raw materials and materials among others. industrial industries. To ensure her work requires significant amounts of raw materials. Mainly for processing uses ore with a low content of valuable components (from 0.3-0.5 to 2.1%). The exception is the processing of bauxite to create aluminum.
  • This industry has the most significant indicators of electrical and fuel consumption. The most power consuming industries is the lead industry, nickel and cobalt.
  • To ensure uninterrupted operation of non-ferrous metallurgy big number labor resources, i.e., this industry, including labor-intensive.

Extraction of non-ferrous metallurgy is a difficult labor process

  • The enterprises of this production sphere are mainly engaged in the processing of polymetallic ores.
  • This industry consists of several mandatory stages. These include the stages of mining of ore raw materials, its enrichment, metallurgical redistribution, further processing of the obtained metal. Only the passage of all listed steps is a complete production process (cycle).
  • Enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy industry are located in the geographical principle, depending on the location of minerals. In this case, the natural and raw material factor serves as decisive.
  • Non-ferrous metallurgy is considered one of the most dangerous in the industry for ambient. Its activities are associated with constant emissions of large volumes of poisoning substances.

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Branches of the Color Industry

The composition of non-ferrous metallurgy, as a complex organism, includes 14 subproduces.

Consider more of its structure:

  • Aluminum. It needs high quality raw materials in comparison with other branches of industry. The basis for its activities, serve bauxites. These raw Resources In industrial volumes are common in the Urals and the North-West of the country. In these territories, there are basic production facilities for their extraction and further processing.
  • Copper. Plants of copper, as well as aluminum, industry are located in close proximity to mineral deposits. In our country, the production of copper is produced and used with raw materials, called copper colem. The main deposits are in the territories of the Urals. The second largest deposit is considered Eastern Siberia with its medial sandstones.
  • Lead-zinc. Enterprises of this industry are in close proximity to the fields of polymetallic ores. These territories include Kuzbass, North Caucasus, Far Eastern Primorye and Transbaikalia.
  • Nickel-cobalt. This sub-sectoral industry is engaged in mining and enrichment of ores for further production cobalt and, precious metals, copper, building materials and accompanying chemical products. The territorial enterprises of nickel-cobalt industry are located in the Norilsk district, in the Urals and the lower reaches of the Yenisei.
  • Gold mining. This branch of production and production is based on gold-containing ores and sands. Its main purpose is the creation of precious alloys and metals. And also in the conduct of the gold mining industry is the processing of precious metals.
  • Titano magnetic. The main purpose of this sub-separation is mining, their processing and enrichment to create titanium, magnesium and other derivatives.
  • Tin Engaged in mining of minerals, further enrichment of ores for the production of tin.
  • Wolframo-molybdenum. This industry is based on the extraction and further enrichment of tungsten-molybdenum ores, their concentrates and derivative products.
  • Industry for the extraction and production of rare metals, materials with semiconductor properties.
  • Surmented mercury. The main purpose of this industry is the extraction of ores (mercury and antimony) and their further enrichment in order to create mercury, antimony and derivative products.
  • Industry for processing non-ferrous metals. The main purpose of this component is the creation of rolling of all types, poly-metal pipes and alloy.
  • Industrial equipment for recycling secondary non-ferrous metals. The main activity of this industry is to collect, process and produce non-ferrous metal from scrap and various waste.
  • Electrode. The main occupation of the electrode industry consists in the production of electrode products from coal or graphite.
  • Industry of heat-resistant, as well as solid and refractory metals.

Technological stages of non-ferrous metallurgy

Color metallurgy in the production process passes several stages included in a single cycle.

To technology include:

  • Production raw materials.
  • Preparation of raw materials to its further industrial processing, including enrichment. The enrichment of ores is the necessary process for the manufacture of a concentrate. Enrichment implies crushing of the rock and its further separation on the empty breed and valuable elements. The resulting concentrated product is necessary for the further production of metal.
  • Metallurgical redistribute. The advanced is such a processing of raw materials, at which the semi-finished product is obtained at the output used for further use. In the process of metallurgical redistribution it is possible to change chemical composition Raw materials, its physico-chemical properties, as well as allow the transition from one aggregate state to the necessary other. In the color industry, the metallurgical redistribution is mainly associated with. It is smelting, its casting, further compression in order to create rolled products.
  • Processing the resulting accompanying waste. It implies disposal or further processing. From the resulting slag, in the future you can get products or raw materials for other types of industries.

Colored metallurgy is in the stage of its development. The main directions in which work is underway:

  • improving the quality of products manufactured and related products;
  • reducing the costs associated with the production of metal products;
  • compliance with the principles environmental safety production, improvement of environmental protection systems;
  • improvement of resource-saving policies;
  • improving the competitiveness of manufactured metal products.

The main non-ferrous metals include copper, zinc, aluminum, titanium, magnesium, tin, lead, nickel. Extraction of non-ferrous metals is due to the wide use of these elements in different industries Human activity. Today's life is impossible to imagine without aluminum widely used in the aircraft industry, the main element for production electrical cables, zinc - used as a corrosion-resistant layer in the production of steel, lead - plates from which are used to protect against penetrating radiation, and chemical compounds Apply to the production of powerful explosives (lead nitrate) and detonators (lead azide). This is only a small part of the branches of which requires extraction of non-ferrous metals and their processing. Therefore, the non-ferrous metallurgical industry is so widely developed today in the world.

Consider the fields of the most common non-ferrous metals in the industry:

1) Copper. Copper oresDifferent with a very small content of copper in ore (from 0.3 to 3%), usually run along with zinc, lead, less often with gold, silver. The main copper fields of Russia includes:

Degtyar, Krasnoral, Kirovograd, Revdinskoye - located in the Sverdlovsk region (Ural); Udokan deposit - in the Chelyabinsk region; The urrowstone and badest deposits - in the North Caucasus (Stavropol Territory). Of these, the greatest content of copper falls on the Udokan field (14 million tons).

The largest copper field in the world is the field of Chukikamat (26 million tons) and Escondid (23.6 million tons) located in Chile. Interestingly, the Chukikamat field began to handle more than 100 years ago. Also large deposits are considered: Grarsia (27.1 million tons) in Indonesia, Kolhauasi (17 million tons) in Chile, Antamine in Peru, Salobu and South in Brazil, Nurkazgan in Kazakhstan, etc.

2) zinc. In contrast to copper, which was the main of the first metals mastered by man (copper century), in nature, as native metal is not found. Zinc is extracted from polymetallic ores containing 1-4% Zn as sulfide. That is, the classification of zinc deposits as such, in fact, is meaningless - as zinc is extracted from ore, as a secondary product, therefore, it can be assigned to all the above-listed fields.

3) lead. Lead is also not subject to classification in separate fields. Since zinc is extracted as a secondary product from polymetallic ores. Special attention Deserved lead-zinc ores, for which the greater lead content and zinc is characterized, however, these ores also contain copper, silver, gold, bismuth, etc.

4) aluminum. Al - highly active chemical element, so finding it in nature in its pure form is excluded. Bauxite is the main industrial raw material for the aluminum industry, its stocks are distributed very unevenly and limited. There are seven boxal areas in the world:

Western I. Central Africa (the main deposits in Guinea);

South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana;

Caribbean Region: Jamaica;

Oceania and South Asia: Australia, India;


Mediterranean: Greece and Turkey;

Ural (Russia);

According to the US Geological Survey, global bauxite resources are estimated at 55-76 billion tons, which are distributed between individual regions as follows: Africa - 32%, South America and the Caribbean countries - 21%, Asia - 18%, other regions - 6% .

5) Nickel. The deposits of sulphide and silicate nickel ores containing 1-2% Ni are usually developed. In its specifications, nickel deposits are divided:

Copper-nickel sulfide deposits: Norilsk (including Talnakh and Oktyabrskoe), Monchegorskoye, Caula, etc.

Nickel silicate and cobalt-nickel silicate, community-shaped deposits of the Southern Urals and wagons, as well as the Cuba, Indonesia, New Caledonia and Australia.

IN wide sense Under the "non-ferrous metals" implies the industrial name of all metals and their alloys with the exception of iron, manganese, chromium and their alloys. In a narrow sense to non-ferrous metals - the main raw materials of non-ferrous metallurgy - are aluminum, bismuth, tungsten, cobalt, magnesium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, tin, mercury, lead, antimony and zinc.

Aluminum on the scale of production and consumption ranks second after iron and the first among non-ferrous metals. Currently, the whole world annually pays more than 20 million tons of primary aluminum. Alumina from which metal is obtained, all over the world produce from bauxites. According to its reserves, only tenth place takes. At the same time, only bauxites can be considered high-quality. For this reason, part of the alumina, we produce from nepheline ores. In 2003, 5.1 million tons of bauxite was produced. Russia is the world's second aluminum producer (14-15% of world production) after (17%).

Under the explored reserves of copper, our country is in third place in the world after the United States and or. Russia's share in world reserves - less than 10% (in 2003 - 83.1 million tons). In 10 years, the explored reserves in the country decreased by 6.5%. The industry is provided by the explored reserves of the developed deposits for 58 years (120 explored deposits). The world's largest in the world includes the October, Talnakh, Gay and Udokan fields, which account for about 70% of Russian copper reserves. In 2003, mining reached 752 thousand tons (4.7% of the world level). The main mining enterprises of Russia are located in the Norilsk district (about 66% of production) and in the Urals.

In Russia, 88 lead deposits and 124 are zinc; in share large deposits (Channelsky, Lake, Korbalikhinsky, Utlginsky, Stili, Gaysky, Goringe, Kyzyl-Tashtyg, Podolsky, Jubilee and Nikolaevsky) account for three quarters of explored reserves. More than half of the reserves are concentrated in Eastern Siberia. Resources and colors in depths are estimated at 29.2 million tons, zinc - 78 million tons, which is 2.2%, respectively and 5.3% of world resources (sixth and third places in the world). The main part of them is concentrated in the Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Chita region, Altai and Primorsky Krai and in the Republic North Ossetia - Alanya. An analysis of the state of the mineral resource base suggests that in the coming years, problems with the provision of domestic needs of the country will not arise in the domestic zinc, but Russia's imports will be forced to exercise in an even larger scale.

According to the explored reserves of Nickel, Russia ranks first in the world (more than 25% of world stocks), according to cobalt reserves - the third (over 7%). Nickel and cobalt reserves are taken into account in ores 28 deposits. Most of the nickel resources are predicted in the north Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Murmansk region, on average and, that is, in areas of existing enterprises. The overwhelming part of cobalt in Russia (about 1 million tons) is associated with nickel deposits, where cobalt is passing. Our country is a leader in the extraction of nickel ore and the production of primary nickel (20-25% of world production). In 2002, the level of production exceeded the 1992 level, and the metal gas was made up 98.9%. For the production of refined cobalt, Russia is located on the fifth sixth place in the world (15-17% of world production). The production volume of primary cobalt in 2002 amounted to 94% of the 1991 level

In the explored reserves of tin, Russia occupies one of the first places in the world, but the quality of ore is inferior to foreign manufacturers. In addition, in Russia, 90% of tin is mined from indigenous deposits, while in the main rolling countries, more than 75% of tin is extracted from the placer. Security cost-effective for testing tin is about 35 years. Resource potential The rolling industry of Russia is 1037 thousand tons of metal (eighth place in the world). Over the past 10 years, Russia has shifted from the fourth to the eighth place in the world for the production of tin in concentrate.

In the explored reserves of tungsten, Russia ranks first in the world; According to the forecast resources - the third (854 thousand tons). 94 tungsten deposits, including 52 indigenous and 42 placers, are 25 deposits, where tungsten is a passing component, and 17 - with off-balanced reserves. 72% of reserves fall on the deposits of poor ores (the average content of tungsten oxide is 0.15%). Among the deposits with rich ores are competitive only East-2 and Lermontov (Primorsky Krai), where the content of tungsten oxide in ores is respectively 0.8-0.9% and 1.7-2.1%. The greatest stocks of tungsten focused on and in.

According to the explored reserves of Molybdenum, Russia ranks third after the United States and Chile. In the developed fields, there are 42.5% of the confirmed reserves of molybdenum, in areas of these deposits - 3.8%, in other developed areas - 16%, in undeveloped territories - 37.7%. Reserves suitable for cost-effective development (economic) are 50% of the explored, including 32% in areas of production, 18% - in undeveloped areas. Forecast resources are 1580 thousand tons, the bulk of them is concentrated in eastern regionswhere there are prospects for the detection of new deposits.

In Russia, 237 gold and 123 gold-containing complex deposits are explored, of which about one-thirds are operated. Total: Gold reserves Category A, B, C1 - 5.7 thousand tons; Stocks of category C2 - 2.4 thousand tons. Basic resources, reserves and main mining companies are concentrated in the northeast, East Siberian, Far Eastern and Ural regions. In Russia, almost half (45%) of the metal is mined from the placerity, whose share in total mining Gold until 2000 exceeded 60%. The future of the domestic gold mining industry is associated with the development of indigenous deposits.

In terms of primary gold production, our country is located on the 5th place (after, USA, Australia and Canada). In 2000, Russia produced 144 tons of gold, in 2005 - 168 tons in the amount of 73 billion rubles. (0.39% of the inner gross product; 6% of world production). Of 29 gold mining subjects Russian Federation Only 13 mining more than 1000 kg per year. The internal consumption of gold in the country is 1.5% of the world.

According to the number of predictive resources and explored stocks of silver, Russia ranks first in the world. 245 deposits are taken into account, licenses are issued for 153 of them (78% of stocks), 88 objects are being developed. More than 75% of resources and reserves are concentrated in the east of the country. The prospects for the detection of large deposits of silver ores are associated with the Okhotsk-Chukotka and Verkhoyan regions. The expansion of the mineral resource base is possible due to silver of non-ferrous metals of the Ural, Zabaykalsky, Norilsk-Talnakh regions.

According to the reserves of the platinum group metals, Russia ranks second in the world after South Africa. Almost all proven plates of platinoid (up to 96-97%) are concentrated in the Norilsk-Talnakh mining and industrial area. The prevailing part of the RUD explored here refers to high-grade - the content of the main platinoids in them is higher than in the ores of the Stylother deposit (USA), where it is 22.5 g / t. Less than 1% of the reserves of the platinum group metals is located in the exploited copper-nickel fields of the Pecheng district, the rest - in other fields on the (Fedorovo-Pansky, Mountains of the General and Monchegorsky), in (Burakovsky), as well as in the placers in the north Khabarovsk Region and Koryak Highlands.
For the production of metals of the Platinum Group, Russia is in second place in the world after South Africa. Platinses are obtained in four times less than in South Africa, and palladium - one and a half times more. Now 18% of platinum produced in the world is produced in Russia; In the future, this share will decrease as new mines in South Africa are commissioned, and. Russia's share in the global production of palladium (including production from secondary raw materials) is 45% (in 1997 - 60%).
Norilsk-Talnakh mining area provides 83-85% domestic production platinum group metals.

Ore minerals:

Ferrous metals - iron, manganese, chrome, titanium, vanadium);

Non-ferrous metals - all other (aluminum, copper, tin, lead, zinc);

Noble - gold, platinum, silver;

Radioactive - radium, uranium, thorium.

They usually accompany the foundations and protrusions (shields) of ancient platforms, as well as folded areas, where they form huge ore belts on the length of their origin with deep faults in earth Kore (Alpine-Himalayan, Pacific). They serve as raw material bases of the mining and metallurgical industry, determine the economic specialization of countries and regions.

World stocks of iron ores are estimated 200 billion tonsFrom which about 1/3 sit in the CIS.

Large stocks possess:

Iron RUDs in countries, billionth: RF - 33, Brazil - 21, Australia - 18, Ukraine and China on 15, Canada - 12, USA and India - 7, and Kazakhstan and Sweden - 4, Venezuela - 2. Iron content In industrial ores 16-70%.

Manganese - China, Ukraine, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, India;

Chromium - South Africa, Kazakhstan, India, Turkey.

Aluminum is the most common metal in the earth's crust, the content of alumina in bauxites is 40-60%. Basic Boxiton Provinces: Caribbean-Amazonian, Gwiang Bay, Australian, Indian, Mediterranean. Stocks by country: Guinea - 42%, Australia - 18.5%, Brazil - 6.3%, Jamaica - 4.7%, Cameroon -3.8% and India - 2.8%. For heavy non-ferrous metals, their maintenance is typically low in ores (less than 1%), the main stocks are concentrated in North America, Africa, Asia (Russia, Kazakhstan, China).

One of the most common and most valuable non-ferrous metals and is the most valuable copper. The electrical industry is the largest consumer of copper. It uses copper for power cables, telegraph and telephone and wires, as well as in generators, electric motors and switches. It is used copper in the automotive industry and construction. It is spent on the production of bronze, brass and copper-nickel alloys.

In five regions of the world, copper deposits are mainly common. They are: in the rocky mountains of the United States, Canadian shield, on the Western Slopes of Andes, especially in Peru and Chile; on the Central African Plateau - in copper belt Zambia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Also in Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Armenia.

The tin belt length is 1600 km and width up to 190 km from O.Bank (Indonesia) to the Far Southeast of China, through Malaysia, Thailand.

The global stocks of antimony, estimated at six million tons. They are focused mainly in China (52% of world stocks), as well as in Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan and Thailand (4.5%), South Africa and Mexico, USA, Russia - in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Krasnoyarsk Territory and Transbaikalia.

The identified mercury resources were estimated at 675 thousand tons. Mainly in Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Kyrgyzstan, in Ukraine and in Russia. The largest mercury producers: Spain, China, Algeria and Mexico.

The largest reserves of non-ferrous metals have:

Lead - China, Australia, USA, Canada, Peru;

Zinc: in China - 13.5%, Australia - 13%, USA- 10%, Peru -10% and Ireland - 3%.

Tin - Brazil, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bolivia;

Vanadium - South Africa, Russia, China, USA;

Wolframa - China, Russia, Uzbekistan, R.Korore;

Cobalt - just 10.3 million tons, most of In Congo (DRC) and Zambia, as well as in Canada, Australia, Russia, Kazakhstan, in Ukraine.

Molybdenum - in Canada, USA, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan.

Mining implies the use of the depths of our land. People produce various minerals from it, which are necessary for use as fuel or raw materials. This area has arisen in deep antiquity and developed according to the socio-economic situation on Earth. People improved guns with which it was possible to produce minerals, methods of detecting deposits, and also invented all the new use of the found materials. The area of \u200b\u200bresearch of sources of raw materials has constantly increased and extended to different countries. With each period, people have improved their skills, tools, thereby developing the terrain on which they lived, as well as their socio-economic status.

One of the important and necessary minerals is metal, which is part of the ore. Metals have several properties: they are solid and dense (with the exception of mercury), are conductors of electricity and heat, as well as sound. Melting and boiling point solid metals Pretty high (from 28 to 3000 ºС and higher). Having such a useful set of properties, they find wide application in different areas human activity. They are used for the manufacture of electrical cables, jewelry, dishes, various parts in construction, as well as in the aviation and automotive industry. And it is ne full list areas where people use metal. The main advantage of such products is strength, as well as its ability to take any form under the influence of the instrument coming on it.

Metal structure

All metals consist of particles between which exists chemical communications. The number of electrons between them is very small and on the outer shells they have a very weak connection with the core. Atoms of this material are located in a certain order and form crystal lattice. If through each atom to mentally spend a line, then in the end we get a set of correct geometric figures. But as for the distance between them, it is not equally, and it depends on the metal itself, its temperature, as well as pressure.

Types of metals

According to their industrial use, metals are divided into black and colored. As it can be seen from the name, they differ in color. But besides the color shades, they have others distinctive properties: ferrous metals are solid and dense, color plastic and soft in their structure. The first group includes iron, its alloys, as well as manganese and sometimes chrome. They are used in industry by more than 90%, in contrast to color. Cast iron and steel are mainly made of ferrous metals. For their manufacture, an alloy of iron and carbon is used, but in different proportions. Steel contains less carbon than cast iron, no more than 2.14%. But this percentage can vary. Sometimes it is necessary to produce steel with a carbon content less than 1%. In this case, the production of this mixture is boiled until carbon evaporates to the desired amount.

All other non-wine metals include color. These include copper, aluminum, nickel, lead, zinc, tin and many others. In addition, non-ferrous metals are divided into two groups: light and heavy. Production and those and others implies energy costs. It takes it much more. Easy is usually attributed to magnesium, aluminum, titanium, and to heavy - lead, tin, copper, nickel, zinc. Since the method of production of these materials varies, the industry was decided to divide into heavy and light metallurgy. Moreover, the factories of the first industry are located directly near the source of extraction of such raw materials, and the second are in sources of inexpensive energy.

Rud deposits in Russia

Our country ranks first in stocks iron Ore. In Russia, there are many deposits of this raw material. Such areas are Kursk anomaly, which is the most powerful in the world with iron ore pool, Karelian and Kostomukskoye field, Mount Magnetic ( Chelyabinsk region), Kuzbass, Krasnoyarsk region et al. In these areas, fossils for ferrous metallurgy are mainly mined. As for color, their deposits are concentrated on the Uralsky district, the North Caucasus, Far East, Western I. Eastern Siberia. As a rule, the base for processing such raw materials are located near each field.

Methods of mining ore

Metal manufacturing used of different types ore. For each type of such raw materials in nature there are different ores. There is a copper-nickel ore, iron, lead-zinc and others. In addition, for example, not only iron, but also other metals is mined from iron ore, as they may be kept impurities.

Since Metals are mined in nature from ores, several production methods are used to establish their location: open (career) and underground (mine). Sometimes you can meet the combined approach - open-underground. Open mountain works are carried out on the surface of the earth under open sky. Before proceeding with the production itself, preparation is made. mountain breeds To the excavation. With this process, it is separated from these breeds from arrays, and then loosening occurs. If production is carried out of the rocks, then drow-explosive work goes into the course. For the explosion, gramonites, granulated ammonia-solitrate granulites and water-filled explosives are used. Then the released mass is shipped in vehicles With the help of various lifting and transport mechanisms and transported, and the land used is reclaimed.

Underground mining is carried out without disturbing the surface of the Earth. They are held in its depths. Despite the popularity of the use of open work, underground mining remains an important way Finding minerals. First, the deposit is opened, then, as in open operations, the fossils for the excavation are prepared. After all this, treatment works are carried out, which are in the excavation of raw materials with a gross manner, or separately, which is called a selective selection. Thus, minerals are mined from the bowels of the earth.

In addition to heavy machinery in modern world For metal mining, computer technologies are used with which it becomes possible to plan, design all types of future works.

Metal processing

When the location is established, the mined ores are enrichment. This is a way of separating formations for metals and minerals. Then the minerals are sorted in quality. After the enrichment process, metal is extracted from ore using electrolytic and chemical recovery. Next, the metals are processed and often grinding to shine.

All side events with raw materials are carried out at special metallurgical combines. There are a lot of such enterprises in Russia. There are main factory, as well as their branches located both near the main plant and in the distance, in other regions. Each large industry is divided into several workshops, in which the metal is produced various actions. First, it is treated and pressed into large ingots. In another workshop it is rolled up to size less. After the metal goes, for example, on the manufacture of wire, it is rolled to such a diameter so that it corresponds to the ordered requirements. Then he is sent to special laboratories for quality research. In these laboratories, experts explore the chemical composition of the product using spectral equipment. The material is tested for strength, tensile, plasticity, destruction, bending, inflection, precipitation, mandrel and much more. If a marriage is detected, the metal of this kind is not used. For details, wire, spare parts and other things, only a quality product without impurities is used. Next, this material is sent to other workshops for the manufacture of the entire possible, where it may be needed. Since Russia has large stocks of iron ore, the processed material applies not only in our country, but also by other countries. This product is very popular, because it is used in the manufacture of most machines, equipment, machinery and other things.

Modern situation in the metallurgy market

If you contact specific enterprises, then it can be noted that their work is not always consistently directed only in one direction. Much depends on ore reserves and from the needs of people. For example, in places where large reserves of ore are exhausted, often enterprises have to be closed due to the lack of needs in them.

In addition, there are cases when any plant decide to refill. So, for example, planned to do with a nastytsky aluminum plant. But, due to the unstable situation in the Aluminum Foil market, this project was postponed.

The situation in the market by all other things affects not only on the volume of production, but also at the cost of manufactured materials. An example can serve as an enterprise "Berezite mine", located in the Amur region. On the this moment The plants are forced to reduce the cost of gold mining, but, while they manage to maintain their financial stability. In addition, the plans of this enterprise expand its production. This company wants to engage in cutting metal by means of laser equipment.

As for the extraction of certain types of metals, for example, gold, then this year, in Russia, the production of this raw material has increased by times. The main areas with a rich margin of yellow metal are called the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Kemerovo region. This material It was obtained not only by mining, but also during the manufacture of other metals, by processing scrap and waste.

As a rule, the developing industries in which the country needs and the whole world as a whole does not stand still. Many companies expand their production and build new enterprises. One of these companies on modern stage It is Atomredmetzoloto OJSC (ARMZ), which plans to start preaching lead-zinc ores in 2019. This company has an intention to send his strength on the Arctic Archipelago New Earth. It is also planned to begin construction of a plant that will recycle the mined material.

In this way, the production of metal is the most an important industry in our world. This material is used for a long time and does not stop being popular, because metal products surround each of us. Therefore, the mining is the leading area in the manufacture of many products.

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