How to analyze sales: stages, methods and methods. The most important reports for sales analysis

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Sales analysis allows you to understand the trends that characterize the activities of the enterprise at a certain stage, determine the level of sales (growth or decline). Analysis is necessary to identify product groups that should be given additional attention to promote them on or vice versa to identify the most perspective views products. Such work is needed to make the right decisions from the point of view of the management of the enterprise as a whole.

To spend complex analysis sales, it is necessary to collect an exhaustive database for this. The best way to do this - conduct an audit of retail trade, collect data from internal (enterprise) and official (state) statistics, determine the expert assessment of all those involved in this area market players.

Analysis data is necessary for the adoption of strategic and tactical management decisions. The study allows you to correctly segment the company's customers, and the dynamics - to develop the right sales policy.

As a rule, sales analysis is carried out in four stages.

At the first stage, the dynamics and structure of sales of the company's goods is determined. Sales growth / decline trends, its stability are monitored; the share of sales on credit is determined. The main indicators determined at this stage of the analysis are the following.

Revenues (ТрН = Н1/N0, where Н1 is the revenue of the reporting period, Н0 — of the previous (base) period) and for sales made on credit (Uvcr = Hcr/N, here Hcr is the share of sales on credit).

At the second stage, the indicator of uniformity of sales is determined. To do this, the coefficient of variation is determined, then conclusions are drawn about the causes of unevenness (internal, external).

The coefficient of variation is calculated as kV = (√ ∑(x1 - xav)2/ n)/хav, while x1 is the percentage of sales for the 1st period in relation to the total, 1 is the number of the period, xav is average value sales (as a percentage), n is the number of periods. The higher the coefficient, the more unstable (uneven) sales.

At the third stage, the critical sales volume is determined (NB = Zpost / Umd, here Zpost are fixed costs for the production and sale of goods, Umd is marginal income) and safety margin (ZP = N-NOT).

At the fourth stage, the profitability of sales (profitability) is revealed.

Profitability is defined as follows: kRpr \u003d PP / N, while PP is the profit from sales, and H is the proceeds from them. Calculated as a percentage.

Analysis of sales volume requires research not only the dynamics of all processes, but also a comparison of all analyzed indicators with industry average competitors. This allows you to determine the efficiency and business activity of certain types of activities of the enterprise, to understand the degree of its competitiveness.

If negative revenue dynamics are identified, further work is required to determine the reasons for the decline in sales volumes. These are often the approximation life cycle goods to decline, increased competition or market glut.

Complete Analysis sales is impossible without assessing their uniformity. With a decrease in rhythm or its low level, it is necessary to carry out work to neutralize the causes that influenced this situation. If there is a decrease in the profitability of sales, then the distribution of costs should also be reviewed.

Analysis of sales of goods is necessary to identify the compliance of the results of the enterprise with the desired goals. Therefore, on its basis, it is easier to plan sales in the present and future periods. Today, not all managers accept planning, believing that it is inefficient in the face of changing market realities. Nevertheless, planning helps to more clearly follow the set goal (sales volumes) and minimizes the untargeted loss of resources.

To analyze the range of goods, the "prospects" of customers, suppliers, debtors, the ABC and XYZ methods are used (very rarely).

ABC analysis is based on the well-known Pareto principle, which says: 20% of effort gives 80% of the result. Transformed and detailed, this law has found application in the development of the methods we are considering.

ABC analysis in Excel

The ABC method allows you to sort a list of values ​​into three groups that have different effects on the final result.

Thanks to ABC analysis, the user will be able to:

  • highlight positions that have the highest "weight" in the total result;
  • analyze groups of positions instead of a huge list;
  • work according to one algorithm with positions of one group.

The values ​​in the list after applying the ABC method are distributed into three groups:

  1. A - the most important for the result (20% gives 80% of the result (revenue, for example)).
  2. B - medium in importance (30% - 15%).
  3. C - the least important (50% - 5%).

The specified values ​​are optional. Methods for determining the boundaries of ABC groups will differ when analyzing various indicators. But if significant deviations are detected, it is worth considering: what is wrong.

Conditions for applying ABC analysis:

  • the analyzed objects have a numerical characteristic;
  • the list for analysis consists of homogeneous positions (cannot be compared washing machines and light bulbs, these products occupy very different price ranges);
  • the most objective values ​​​​are chosen (it is more correct to rank the parameters by monthly revenue than by daily).

For which values ​​can the ABC analysis technique be applied:

  • product range (analyzing profit),
  • customer base (we analyze the volume of orders),
  • supplier base (we analyze the volume of supplies),
  • debtors (we analyze the amount of debt).

The ranking method is very simple. But to handle large amounts of data without special programs problematic. The Excel spreadsheet greatly simplifies ABC analysis.

General scheme of conduct:

  1. State the purpose of the analysis. Determine the object (what we analyze) and the parameter (by what principle we will sort by groups).
  2. Sort parameters in descending order.
  3. Summarize numerical data (parameters - revenue, amount of debt, volume of orders, etc.).
  4. Find the share of each parameter in the total.
  5. Calculate the proportion of the cumulative total for each list value.
  6. Find the value in the list in which the cumulative share is close to 80%. This is the lower boundary of group A. The upper one is the first in the list.
  7. Find the value in the list in which the cumulative share is close to 95% (+15%). This is the lower limit of group B.
  8. For C, everything below.
  9. Calculate the number of values ​​for each category and the total number of items in the list.
  10. Find the share of each category in the total.

ABC analysis of the product range in Excel

Let's make a training table with 2 columns and 15 rows. We will enter the names of conditional goods and sales data for the year (in monetary terms). It is necessary to rank the assortment by income (which products give more profit).

So we have finished the ABC analysis using Excel tools. Further actions user - application of the received data in practice.

XYZ Analysis: Calculation Example in Excel

This method is often used in addition to ABC analysis. There is even a combined term ABC-XYZ-analysis in the literature.

The abbreviation XYZ hides the level of predictability of the analyzed object. This indicator is usually measured by the coefficient of variation, which characterizes the measure of the spread of data around the average value.

The coefficient of variation is a relative indicator that does not have specific units of measurement. Quite informative. Even on my own. BUT! The trend, seasonality in dynamics significantly increase the coefficient of variation. As a result, the predictability index decreases. A mistake can lead to wrong decisions. This is a huge disadvantage of the XYZ method. However…

Possible objects for analysis: sales volume, number of suppliers, revenue, etc. Most often, the method is used to determine goods for which there is a steady demand.

XYZ analysis algorithm:

  1. Calculation of the coefficient of variation in the level of demand for each product category. The analyst evaluates the percentage deviation of sales volume from the average value.
  2. Sorting product range by the coefficient of variation.
  3. Classification of positions into three groups - X, Y or Z.

Criteria for classification and characteristics of groups:

  1. "X" - 0-10% (coefficient of variation) - products with the most stable demand.
  2. "Y" - 10-25% - products with a variable sales volume.
  3. "Z" - from 25% - goods with random demand.

Let's make a training table for XYZ-analysis.

The group "X" includes goods that have the most stable demand. Average monthly sales deviate by only 7% (item1) and 9% (item8). If there are stocks of these items in the warehouse, the company should put the products on the counter.

Stocks of goods from group "Z" can be reduced. Or even go to these items for pre-order.

The purpose of the analysis of sales is to identify trends in the volume or structure of sales. The sales analysis system allows you to objectively evaluate marketing plan and competence of sales managers. Sales analysis plays a major role in obtaining reliable information about the company's sales and helps in making the right management decisions that help maximize sales and, accordingly, company profits.

How is it carried out

The frequency of sales monitoring depends on external environment in which the company operates: if the company's business area is stable, strategic analysis sales can be made less frequently. If you work in a fast-growing economy, in which innovations appear very often, sales control should be carried out regularly. The frequency of analysis also depends on the level of the organization: the lower the level of the organization, the more often it is necessary to analyze its activities.

If you work in a fast-growing economy, in which innovations appear very often, sales control should be carried out regularly.

The economic analysis of sales can be divided into several stages. For a better understanding of the essence of this process, we will consider each of them in detail.

Data collection stage for analysis

For a successful analysis of sales of products, an organization needs to collect all the necessary indicators for this on trade in various groups of goods and the provision of services. The list of these indicators is formed based on the level of the organization whose sales you are analyzing, as well as the goals of the analysis. Collecting relevant data is the key to successful sales analysis.

Calculation of indicators of the dynamics and structure of sales

Indicators of dynamics and structure are the main indicators of the company's performance.

As part of this analysis, the growth rates of income, profits for the company as a whole, as well as in the context of each of the groups of goods sold, are examined. It is also necessary to calculate the indicators of the sale of goods on credit and their effectiveness.

Sales Uniformity Analysis

This analysis necessary to assess the impact of market conditions on the level of sales of the company. This analysis is based on sales figures for several periods. The presence of significant declines in sales may indicate problems in the internal environment of the company and a low level active sales.

To monitor the activities of sales managers, it is recommended to use, which clearly demonstrate the manager's ability to interest and retain a client.

Estimating Critical Sales Volume

This assessment is usually carried out when a new product or product line is launched. The critical sales volume shows what is the minimum amount of goods the company must sell to cover costs (no profit and loss).

Estimation of profitability of sales

Return on sales is the share of profit in total revenue. Moreover, for this calculation can be used different kinds earnings: gross profit, operating profit, net profit. for each of the goods will allow you to identify the most profitable and give Special attention its sale, as well as to eliminate unprofitable products.

Comparison of profitability for individual products with competing companies will reveal competitive advantages firms.

Analysis of factors affecting sales profit

Factor analysis of profit from sales allows you to identify the impact of each of the factors on the company's profit, as well as identify ways and tools to influence profit. To make a qualitative factor analysis will allow knowledge of statistical and mathematical methods analysis.

The main factors affecting profit are:

  • Change in sales volume.
  • Changing the product line.
  • Change in the cost of production.
  • Changing the sale price of goods.

Let us give an example of factor analysis. You can use it as a template for this analysis in your facility.

Thus, by doing qualitative analysis sales, you will be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of organizing your business, as well as identify the main methods for increasing competitiveness.

Sales analysis

Sales management

Sales analysis - a set of measures aimed at studying the company's existing strategy for selling goods in order to timely take into account trends in growth or decline in sales. Based on the results of the analysis carried out by consultants on actual sales data for the last 1-2 years, the Company will have a clear idea of:

through which channels it is profitable to sell products, and which channels provide the bulk of revenue without taking into account the implementation of profitability standards

what are the reserves for sales growth, for example, by increasing sales to existing customers or by attracting new customers

how to reduce losses and costs in the sales process.

Based on the results of sales analysis, sales management methods are developed, decisions are made regarding how to correct the sales strategy.

Analysis of the dynamics and structure of sales

Analysis of the dynamics and structure of sales involves checking the sales volumes of products manufactured by the enterprise as a whole, as well as certain categories products/customers/channels. At this stage, the most and least sold types of products are identified. In parallel, the analysis of the sales structure is carried out - broken down by main product categories, price segments.

As part of the analysis of sales dynamics, trends in growth, stability or decline in sales of goods by category are monitored, the volume of sales of goods on credit is estimated, the effectiveness and expediency of lending to buyers in general, and the profitability of lending conditions are determined. When analyzing sales, the coefficient of the growth rate of the company's revenue is determined. The current period is taken as the basis. The indicators are compared with previous period sales. This approach allows you to identify the growth or decline in revenue in dynamics. Therefore, the same principle determines the growth rate of revenue from sales on credit.

Evaluation of product sales stability

Sales analysis is carried out in terms of its stability. To do this, the coefficient of variation is used, which is calculated using the analysis of product sales for several periods, including the current one. Why is it important? The fact is that the presence of drops in sales indicates a weakness or complete absence of active sales. And the slightest unfavorable market situation leads to significant declines in sales. When determining the unevenness, instability of sales, the causes of this phenomenon are determined. In many cases, unstable indicators are associated with internal causes, for the elimination of which special measures are being developed in terms of sales management.

Estimating Critical Sales Volume

Critical sales volume is an indicator at which the company does not incur losses, but also does not make a profit. This indicator is analyzed in dynamics and takes into account the costs of production and marketing of products. It is especially important to determine this indicator when launching a new product / brand.

Estimation of profitability of sales

Profitability of sales determines the efficiency of the enterprise. This indicator is calculated as a percentage as a quotient of profit and sales revenue. It allows you to determine the amount of profit from each ruble of revenue. The evaluation of the profitability of sales is often carried out in comparison with the performance of competing firms and allows you to identify the company's market share, its competitiveness. In practice, it turns out that for the company's management it turns out to be a complete surprise to the final indicator of return on sales. In particular, myths about "promising" channels or clients are dispelled.

Sales management focused on eliminating the reasons for the decline in production profitability.

Sales analysis directly affects sales management. With negative sales dynamics or a downward trend in their growth, it is necessary to identify the reasons. On their basis, decisions are made in terms of sales management.

The slowdown in sales growth may be due to increased competition in the market. And we have observed such a picture in several sectors, more than others affected by Russia's accession to the WTO. In this case, the competitiveness of the goods is assessed in terms of price and quality characteristics, as well as the competitiveness of the enterprise as a whole. This analysis involves a deep study of the activities of competitors, the needs and preferences of buyers. During the analysis of sales, strengths and weak sides products, recommendations are developed for changes in sales technologies, focusing on the most promising directions. Those. recommendations are developed that allow our clients to achieve maximum results with minimal investment.

The decrease in the profitability of sales in most cases is associated with an incorrectly formulated pricing policy, as we call - non-market pricing policy. The solution is strict monitoring of competitors' prices and the development of internal development programs. Which would make it possible to accept changed (not necessarily reduced, but often increased) prices. If the difference between the cost price and the selling price is too small, consideration should be given to gradually increasing the price of the product. A sharp rise in prices can provoke a drop in demand for products and, as a result, a decrease in sales and profits.

Sales analysis helps to develop an effective product promotion strategy and sales management policy. Periodic monitoring of the state of sales in the company allows you to prevent the occurrence of financial problems at the earliest stages, even before the start of a decline in sales and a decrease in profits.

Development of direct sales to key clients.

1. Analysis of the implementation of the sales strategy and the direction of development of the sales system, based on the needs of the domestic market;

2. Analysis and development of proposals on the main principles of commercial policy and the system of customer relations:

Basic principles of sales organization, in particular, market segmentation, target customer profiles, work with target customer groups

Motivation system, in particular the system of discounts, credit policy

pricing system,

Standard contracts

3. Evaluation and development of proposals for the structure and infrastructure of sales management:

Assessment of the compliance of the existing structure with the tasks of the Company, identification of problems in the current structure;

Analysis of information interaction (transfer of information and feedback) between sales departments (trading houses) and the production sector of the Company, ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of consumers of the Company's products;

Analysis of document flow in the sales process, in particular, aggregated reporting from commercial structures senior management;

Assessment of the optimal distribution of functions within sales departments (trading houses) in accordance with the objectives of the Company.

4. Evaluation and development of proposals for the system financial motivation sales personnel of sales departments (trading houses), in particular when the team maintains long-term contracts with large clients.

Increasingly, entrepreneurs are automating their stores using . These applications provide a wealth of tools for analyzing trading activities. To get the maximum effect from a, you need to know which indicators you need to pay the most attention to.

Why do we need sales analysis tools?

The initial data in the analysis of the efficiency of the store are sales data: their volume, dynamics, assortment. Conclusions allow you to identify problems with the implementation at an early stage and take timely measures to eliminate them. Therefore, regular monitoring of sales is vital for any trading enterprise.

In general, the analysis of store performance indicators allows us to solve the following tasks:

  1. Identify which product groups generate the most profit in the store, and which the least.
  2. Get information about the effectiveness of marketing and management decisions.
  3. Compare the performance of staff on different shifts.
  4. Plan schedules and assortment of purchases.
  5. Identify the seasonality of sales.
  6. Make sound management decisions.

AT retail Entrepreneurs must be prepared for abrupt changes in consumer preferences in order to ensure their maximum satisfaction. Profitability largely depends on the speed of reaction to the emergence of new popular products. trading business. Therefore, the calculation of sales indicators should be carried out regularly, providing yourself with up-to-date marketing data.

Ways to analyze sales

You can analyze sales by several criteria, each of which allows you to look at the activities of the store from a different point of view.

The following analysis groups can be distinguished:

  1. and profits. Allows you to identify negative changes in gross income and assess the need for correction of pricing policy or assortment.
  2. Analysis of the structure and amount of the check. Allows you to identify customer preferences, generate promotional offers, reformat the location of goods on the shelves.
  3. Analysis of the structure of turnover (ABC-analysis). Allows you to identify the most profitable product groups and products that bring the least income.
  4. Analysis of the uniformity of demand (XYZ-analysis). Allows you to distribute working capital in accordance with the stability of demand for goods.
  5. Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of working capital and fixed assets. Allows you to compare the profitability of outlets, taking into account their size and turnover.
  6. Analysis of customer behavior. The calculation of conversion and store attendance allows you to evaluate the work of sellers and the overall satisfaction of customers with a store.

The listed types of analysis can be carried out by the entrepreneur monthly or quarterly, depending on the need. Reporting is conveniently generated using, which allow you to configure and filter parameters. Thanks to these applications, you can get up-to-date data on the work of the store in just a few seconds.

Volume of sales

The analysis of total sales is the most commonly used in retail trade, but at the same time, one of the least informative indicators. The goal of a business is always to make a profit, but simply revenue growth is not always able to provide this.

It is good when the increase in gross and net income occurs due to an increase in the range and working capital. But it is even better if growth is observed without additional investments, solely due to competent management decisions and store automation.

Equally important is monitoring the long-term dynamics of sales, which is convenient to track using . The decrease in revenue compared to the previous year may be due to both the appearance of competitors nearby and a decrease in the attractiveness of the store from the outside. potential buyers. The reasons must be sought in each case.

Profitability of sales and ABC-analysis

Return on sales is determined by dividing net profit by gross income. There are many variations of this indicator, but for a retail store, the classic version will suffice.

More important information can be obtained by analyzing the profitability of individual product groups. By calculating these indicators and making their rating, you can understand which positions of the assortment should be directed to the maximum working capital. This method is called ABC analysis.

Changes in profitability may also indicate problems in pricing policy. After all, sometimes, trying to attract customers, store owners unnecessarily underestimate the trade margin.

Thus, the analysis of profitability of sales allows you to increase net profit without additional investments. But decisions made on the basis of this indicator should also take into account external factors affecting revenue.

Conversion rate

Not every customer who enters the store leaves with a purchase. The conversion value is exactly equal to the share of customers who spent money at the outlet. The indicator can vary greatly, depending on the assortment: from a few percent in the fur departments to 95-99% in grocery stores. The conversion can be calculated by installing or renting a visitor counter.

At points of sale, the percentage of successful visits depends on the ability of the staff to sell and a competent assortment policy. Therefore, by comparing the ratio of visitors to the number of checks in each shift, one can evaluate the performance of certain sellers.

A drop in the conversion rate indicates that regular customers no longer find on the shelves what they come for. This is an occasion to reconsider the range.

An increase in conversion occurs in the following cases:

  • on the last and first day of the month when most employees receive their salary;
  • during promotions, discounts;
  • when updating a product collection;
  • after attending sales training sessions;
  • on weekends.

When analyzing conversion greater value has not the indicator itself, but its dynamics. But it can change as under the action internal factors, and regardless of the actions of the store staff. Therefore, when evaluating conversion, it is not always necessary to change something in the structure of the organization of the outlet.

Average check indicator

Dividing the number of purchases made by the store's total revenue yields the average check. The larger it is, the more efficient the outlet works. The value of the average check depends on:

  1. Skills of sellers to upsell related products.
  2. Product display efficiency.
  3. Range sizes.

Maximum average check in the retail sector, they demonstrate hypermarkets where people can purchase goods from both the grocery and industrial groups. Small stores are forced to increase the indicator through promotions, proper layout, and the formation of kits.

An important factor for the growth of additional sales is the organization of the checkout area. Even in neighborhood grocery stores, placing children's sweets near the checkout can increase the average bill by 5-10%.

A drop in the indicator can indicate both a decrease in the solvency of the population, and problems in the assortment or pricing policy. Therefore, it should be comprehensive.

Sales per square meter

The ratio of sales volume to the area of ​​the trading floor is an important indicator in evaluating the effectiveness of a chain of stores. As the size of the premises increases, so does the amount of rent. fixed costs. Therefore, each square meter should bring additional profit.

The considered indicator strongly depends on the range of goods and their calculations. So shopping room should be organized in such a way as to ensure maximum purchases.

For sales since square meter you need to follow up and for a long time, in which they can help. Its statistically significant decrease should be the reason for additional ABC analysis and careful monitoring of the sellers' performance.

Number of returns

According to the law, not all products can be returned to the store, so the percentage of returns is usually insignificant and ranges from 2-5%, depending on the assortment of the store. Its greatest value is observed in the clothing and footwear departments, where the goods are often returned after they have been tried on at home. But this is a completely natural process.

The return rate depends on:

  1. The ability of the seller to understand the needs of the client and sell him exactly the product that is needed.
  2. Product quality.
  3. Misleading the customer about the characteristics of the product in order to fulfill a rigid sales plan at any cost.

Quite often, returns are due to new sellers not knowing the product's characteristics. Therefore, it is important to conduct initial training in the assortment when hiring employees. However, when analyzing the reasons for the growth of the indicator, it is necessary to evaluate the reasons for each return, and not blame the sellers for everything.

Wage intensity indicators

To calculate wage intensity, it is necessary to divide the wage fund by gross income. In Russian retail, the normal value of the indicator is 10%.

The reasons for the increase in wage intensity can be:

  1. Excessive personnel motivation system.
  2. Extra state.
  3. Low markup on goods.
  4. Decrease in gross revenue due to external or internal causes.

A low rate of wage intensity is also dangerous. It may indicate the greed of the owner and the unwillingness to share profits with the staff, which actually provides a high income. In this case, you may face the transfer of qualified personnel to competitors. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor that the salaries of employees correspond to market values.

Most handy tool to analyze the work of the outlet is by installing as part of store automation. This application not only puts a powerful business monitoring mechanism in the hands of the manager, but also allows you to manage many work processes. Such programs are the future, so it is worth installing them in the store now in order to always have up-to-date information about the state of the outlet at hand.

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2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under account of the User, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data for access to the User's account to third parties on any terms (including under contracts or agreements). At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User, except for cases when the User notified Insales about unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or about any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for the possible loss or corruption of data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

3. Responsibility of the Parties

3.1. The Party that has violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

4.Other provisions

4.1. All notices, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be in writing and delivered in person or through a courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, this cannot serve as a reason for termination of other provisions (conditions).

4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or by postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

Publication date: 01.12.2016

Full name in Russian:

Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

Abbreviated name in Russian:

Insales Rus LLC

Name in English:

InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

Legal address:

125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

Mailing address:

107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

Bank details:

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