"Visiting Berendey" theatrical game. Route ecological game for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "Visiting Berendey

The buildings 01.10.2019

Holiday "Visiting Berendey" - page No. 1/1

Municipal educational institution Novokurlak secondary school

Anninsky municipal district of the Voronezh region

Holiday "Visiting Berendey"

Educator MOU Novokurlakskaya secondary school Galtsova I.V.

New Kurlak - 2011

Children approach the venue of the holiday, they are met in the clearing by the host.

Leading: Hello guys! Where are you on your way?

Children: In the forest!

Leading: I know this is a wonderful place. There you will compete, dance, show your strength, dexterity and resourcefulness. My friends are waiting for you in the kingdom of Berendey. Here are “forest apples” for you, they will show you the way.

Give each team one apple. Teams follow the route indicated on the envelope with the help of "magic apples".

Obstacle "Magic Stones"
Meets the children of the merman.

Water: Hello guys. Why complain to me?

Children: Let's go to the forest, to Berendey! Let us through.

Water: Pass my "magic pebbles", don't get your feet wet, I'll show you the way further.

Children walk through the "magic stones" (bumps, circles on the floor, hoops).Running over bumps back and forth, getting exactly into the "pebbles", bumps.

Water: Well done boys! Here is your reward - I will show you how to go further to the Berendey kingdom.

Obstacle "Magic Skittle"
Nightingale the Robber meets children (whistles).

Nightingale the Robber: naughty baloons,

Run out into the yards!

Get to play

Yes, hit the skittles!

You got it, well done

Get to the end!

Children throw balls at skittles. Skittles stand at a distance of 3 - 4 m, knock down skittles with a ball, run to pick up knocked down skittles and return back.

Obstacle "Zoological races"
Leshy meets the children.

Goblin: Hurry, hurry! Who knows how to have fun, he is not afraid of grief! A person walks on two legs. Everyone knows this. How do animals and insects move? If you have thought, looked closely, then you know that there are many options here: on four and six limbs, crawling and jumping, back to front and sideways. I propose to master the ways of movement of some animals. Each task will be an imitation of some animal or insect.

Obstacle "Kangaroo with a cub"
Baba Yaga: We hope you remember, the kangaroo is a marsupial that lives in Australia. A distinctive feature of the kangaroo is the ability to jump high. Thanks to its strong hind legs, the kangaroo makes long jumps when moving, while carefully carrying its cub in a bag that is on its stomach.

For the relay, each team will need: a medium-sized bag (it can be replaced by a backpack or, in extreme cases, a regular bag), a volleyball and a rope. Bags or sacks are tied to participants starting the relay at waist level. On signals, the participants put the ball into their bags and start running, overcoming the distance. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to hold on to the “bag with the cub” with your hands. It is important that the "baby" does not fall out of the bag. Returning to the start line, the first private trader passes all the attributes to the next one, and he begins to overcome the same path in the same way.

Obstacle "Penguin"
Goblin: Penguins live in Antarctica. These are beautiful graceful birds that cannot fly, but they swim superbly and walk amusingly. Remember their “graceful” waddling gait? Penguins walk by waddling from side to side. They have one more interesting feature- they manage to carry their newly hatched cubs between their paws.

For the relay you only need a tennis ball. The task of the participant, holding the tennis ball with his feet at the level of the knees or ankles, carry it to the turning point and back. In this case, you can not jump or run. We must waddle, imitating the gait of a penguin, but as quickly as possible. Watch out don't drop the ball!

Obstacle "Cockroach Run"
Baba Yaga: This kind of competition really exists for the entertainment of the public. Cockroaches are even specially prepared for this. In case you forgot, remember that a cockroach has six legs and runs very fast. To cope with this relay, each participant assumes a squat position with his hands behind him, move his back forward in this position back and forth. In this position, you must try to develop greater speed. Difficult? But you still try. Whose "cockroaches" will go the whole distance quickly and without errors, that team wins.
Obstacle "Snake"
Goblin: The snake has no legs, it cannot walk or run. The snake gracefully, silently and very quickly crawls. She bends with her whole body. It smoothly goes around all the obstacles in its path.

For this relay, you will need several (5 - 6) chairs or replacement items. They must be installed on the line of motion. The whole team lines up in a column one after another, everyone puts their hands on the shoulders of those in front and squats together. The snake is ready to go. The task of the team is to overcome the distance to the turning point and back, while avoiding all obstacles and not standing in full height- otherwise it will turn out to be a “snake with legs” or a “torn snake”, and this, as you understand, does not happen in nature.

Baba Yaga: My friends, forward again

Competition waiting again!

You guys are daring

Very strong boys!

Show you for us

Who is stronger at this hour!

Rope pulling.

Hilarious Obstacle
Meets the guys Kikimora.

Kikimora: Come on guys, make me laugh. If you succeed, then you will immediately get to Berendey, our king. And if it doesn’t work out, don’t be offended, I’ll tickle you.

Obstacle "At Tsar Berendey"

Conducted by the king himself.

Berendey: Woe - bitter happened to me. My beloved Povetrulya's daughter was stolen. What should I do? Can you help? Can you find my daughter?

Then decipher the name of the thief.

Now fight him in a fair fight.

Thank you guys! Now I will not take my eyes off my precious daughter.
Leading: Yes, it was a long journey

And maybe you are tired, nonsense!

Yes, the journey was not easy.

But you won! And it will always be so!

And most importantly, that you all frolic,

That you were able to reach the finish line,

Charged with a good mood,

You managed to find strength in yourself.

And with this we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,

We hope it's not the last time.

We award these prizes

For the strength, dexterity and ingenuity of you!

The script for the ecological holiday was prepared by Elena Ivanovna KOROBKINA, musical director of the higher qualification category, MADOO Kindergarten No. 29, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region.

The holiday "Earth Day with Berendey" is designed for children of preschool age.


Children stand in a semicircle.


- Invented by someone both simply and wisely.
Say hello when meeting Good morning
"Hello" say to the sun and birds.
"Hello!" - cute smiling faces.

1 child :

- "Hello, our planet Earth!".
Here everyone knows: you and me -
Nature cannot be offended!
So let's say together: one, two, three!

Everything: Let's start Earth Day!

Presenter: Guys, come to us Kindergarten telegram arrived.

Reads: “Boys and girls, I invite you to my forest kingdom. I will be very glad to see you. Tsar Berendey.

Presenter: Do you want to visit the forest kingdom? Then on the road, but so that it would be more fun for us to go, we will sing a cheerful song.


Presenter: - Here we are! Where is Berendey?

Berendey comes out.

Berendey: - Hello guys! Where are you heading?

Presenter: — Hello, grandfather! Tsar Berendey invited me and the guys to visit. Do you know how we can find him?


- I am King Berendey - a friend of all birds and all animals!
I wander through the forest all day, guarding the silence.
And I can talk to all the forest people.
I know the forest and I love the forest, I invite you to visit me.
I am very glad to see you at my place!

Guys, do you like nature? What time of year is it now? (Children answer.) Spring is here and the earth is alive. What can you tell me about spring?

Presenter: We will tell you poems about spring.

Berendey: - Well, okay, I'll sit on a stump and listen. (Sits on a stump.)

1 child:

- Under ringing drops
The birds have arrived.
Green scarves
They put on birches.

2 child:

- The starlings rush to the birdhouses.
Everyone was unable to sleep.
So, she came to us again
Beauty spring!

3 child:

— Birds open spring.
The starlings returned from the south,
Tits sing louder -
Early spring singers.


Berendey: - Guys, what good fellows you are! Made me happy! And I want to ask you, how did you help the birds in winter? How can people help birds in spring? Right! They make houses for the birds. Indeed, not only starlings settle in the birdhouse, but also other birds, for example, titmouse, sparrows. Let's play a fun game with you now.


Hoops are laid out on the floor by the number of one less than number children. To the music, the "birds" fly, with the end - they occupy the house.

Berendey: - Well done! And now I will check if you know the rules of behavior in the forest. If what I say is right, clap your hands; if I'm wrong, stomp.

Do not break branches, do not tear leaves in vain.
Pluck flowers, weave into wreaths.
Make noise, shout out. Lull the forest with a loud song.
Take an ax with you to the forest: you can kindle a fire there.
Do not throw garbage in the forest, clean up after yourself.

- Well done, you know all the rules. Do you fulfill them? And you know that such people who do not protect the cleanliness of the forest litter it.

Presenter: - No, Berendey, our guys are not like that. They never litter the forest.

Berendey: “Then help me clear the forest.”


Berendey: - How beautiful it became in my forest, smartly.

Presenter: - Tsar Berendey, do you like fairy tales? We want to show you one forest fairy tale.


Berendey: - Which wonderful story. It's good that everything ended well.

Presenter: - Thank you, Tsar Berendey, we really enjoyed visiting you. You taught us a lot.

Berendey: - And now I want to know you, how did you remember all the rules of behavior in the forest. I will ask and you answer. If I do well, say “YES”, if badly, then “NO”.

If I come to the woods and pick a camomile? (Not)
If I eat a pie and throw away a piece of paper? (Not)
If I leave a piece of bread on a stump? (Yes)
If I tie up a branch, will I put a peg? (Yes)
What if I make a fire and don't put it out? (Not)
If I mess up a lot and forget to clean it up? (Not)
If I take out the trash, will I dig up a jar? (Yes)
I love my nature, I help her! (Yes)

Berendey: - And in parting, I will give you wise advice. But it is hidden in magic cards. (Shows one letter and gives to the team.)


Children are divided into three teams.

- You need to sit on the magic ball and get to the magic cards with letters, take one and go back. And that's what everyone on the team should do. After you collect everything with letters, you will collect a word from them. Each team has its own word. And then together we will find out what wise advice I have prepared for you.

Gather an offer.

Presenter: - Guys, we just know this song.


- There is one planet - a garden ...


Berendey: - Thank you guys for coming to visit me and I want to treat you.

Berendey treats children with fruits.

Presenter: - Thank you, Tsar Berendey, we will definitely come to you again! (Berendey leaves.)

- We had a lot of fun
Played hard and worked hard.
And now, kids
It's time to go back to kindergarten.

The children, along with the teacher, go to the group.

Valentina Krutakova
Route ecological game for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "Visiting Berendey"

Target: - instilling love for nature and the environment,

Expanding horizons, ideas about the world around, ecology,


Route sheets for each team, pens - to fill out route sheets, suits:Water, Leshy; Old Lesovichka; Kikimora Bolotnaya; Berendey, paper, colored pencils, task cards for leading competitions, emblems and diplomas for awarding, sweet prizes, cards with cut proverbs about nature in an envelope, a broom, a jump rope, sponges for dishes, a bowl of water, a glass, shells, rice, beans , small vermicelli, pebbles, shells, Decree Berendey, picture depicting Berendey, skittles, a broom, crumpled sheets of paper, a basket to hit "garbage"- crumpled paper Balloons, pointers with the names of stations, counting sticks.

preliminary work: a poster with a picture of Berendey, Decree Berendey.

The leader is the educator.

Hello guys. I am glad to welcome you to our game, which is called "V visiting Berendey» ! The game we will not have an ordinary, but the game- travel through the stations. At each station you will need to complete a series of tasks that will be written in your route sheets. Route the sheets will contain the location of each of the stations. Stations should be passed as they follow in route sheet, go in order, do not jump from one station to another. In each task, you will be given points earned by you - from 0 to 5, at the end of the game we will calculate the points and find out the winner.

Who it Berendey? This is the powerful king of forests, fields, rivers, nature and all its inhabitants. Berendey issues decrees, which are all his subordinates (fish, birds, animals, insects, plants, water bodies, etc.) must fulfill. Man is also a part of nature, he must also take care of nature, its protection, so people are engaged in ecology - science, which protects nature, protects it. Ecology is a science, about the protection of nature, about careful relation to the environment, to the Earth. The very word « ecology» consists of two Greek words: "eco", which means "House" and "logos" - "the science". Therefore, it can be said that ecology - the science of the home. For a person, for all living beings living on the planet, our whole huge, and at the same time, small, planet Earth is home.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Berendey issued a Decree,

It needs to be done right away.:

Break into teams for everyone,

So as not to get lost along the way,

Be serious, don't get angry

This will come in very handy!

Participation in route the game you have to accept,

It gives clear answers,

Expand your knowledge of nature!

To learn more about the Kingdom of the Forest,

All tasks must be completed

To our King Berendey

Was pleased with her!

Tests and tasks are important,

Let the brave fight in them!

The assignments are difficult

But not boring at all

Interesting and funny

Mischievous, yes perky.

To protect nature

Get on the road soon

As ordered by the king Berendey!

Quest of the Old Man Lesovichka:

Old man - Lesovichok:

The forest is not only for our concern,

He is the wealth of our entire country.

All the trees in it, berries, herbs

For our benefit, friends, raised!

Every bush take care, guys!

Where you will see a simple sprout,

An oak can grow in three girths,

Bereznyak, or thick raspberries.

I know, children, that you go to the forest, harvest. Now we will find out if you know mushrooms - my forest gifts, will you be able to guess my riddles, and tell me where are the poisonous and where are the edible mushrooms

Along forest paths

Lots of white legs

In colorful hats

Noticeable from afar.

Collect, don't hesitate

This… (russula)

The squirrel ran up to the tree

She took out a twig with her paw,

And on a branch bend

Put white (mushroom)

Who stands on a white leg

In a red hat on the path,

Mushroom pickers?

Guess! (fly agaric)

Mushrooms grow on stumps in the forest,

Yes, I forgot what their names are.

Help me guys!

And you answer is (honey agaric)

In a thick hat he stands,

Looking out from under the Christmas tree.

Even if the growth is small

The best mushroom is here - (boletus)

Growing up in early spring

This is the first forest mushroom.

Vaughn climbed under a branch

All in twists (morel)

I do not argue, not white,

I, brothers, are simpler,

I usually grow

V birch grove. (boletus)

They go in red berets-

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

Very friendly sisters

Are called. (chanterelles)

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose. (honey agaric)

But someone important

On a white leg.

He has a red hat

The hat has polka dots. (fly agaric).

Competition Old Man Lesovichka:

And now for you a competition: you are invited to compose, design a tree from counting sticks.

In addition to the Old Man Lesovichka, Leshy lives in the forest, who keeps order in the forest. He has his own tasks for the teams.

Leshy's task:


If I pick a flower

If you pick a flower

If all: me and you

If we pick flowers

All the glades will be empty,

And there will be no beauty!

I know, guys, that you all love to go to the forest, pick mushrooms, pick berries, and breathe fresh forest air. And let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest (repetition of the rules of behavior in the forest)

Leshy competition:

In my forest, after the next arrival of tourists, there is a lot of garbage left, you need to collect it, throw it into the basket (garbage - crumpled paper).

Berendey: Well, my faithful friends, helpers? I see that you came to me with a pure heart, you don’t want anything bad. Do you know what nature is? And why is it necessary preserve and protect? Many guys, in order to learn how to protect nature, draw signs that prohibit and protect, allow. Now I will check how you can draw such signs. (children draw). And now you need to collect the cut proverbs and try to explain their meaning.

Exercise Berendey:

A small spark causes a big fire.

Love nature - she will respond with kindness.

Competition Berendey: As you know, the planet breathes, like a person. A person has a respiratory organ - lungs, and the planet has trees. V modern world the air is polluted by exhaust gases, caustic harmful vapours, harmful substances and emissions of factories, factories into the atmosphere. I AM, Berendey, the keeper of all life on Earth, I suggest you become the lungs of the planet - you need to inflate balloons.

Kikimora Bolotnaya: I live in swamps, but near water bodies, I am friends with frogs, leeches, toads, I like to hide in reeds, in duckweed, I harvest all sorts of herbs, medicinal and magical. Do you know herbs? Now, we'll check it out!

The task of Kikimora Bolotnaya:

Kikimora Bolotnaya reads the characteristics of the plant, and the children must guess what it is about.

* This plant is a giant. He has huge good-natured leaves and fruit baskets with seeds. The fruits have spikes - hooks, with which they cling to people's clothes and animal hair. This is how they spread all over the earth. In the likeness of such spikes, people came up with a fastener - Velcro. And the roots of this plant are used in perfumery and medicine. What is this plant? (Burdock, he is a burdock).

A plant that helps with coughs, sore throats, chills. Helps with colds in winter. Very tasty jam, compote. Grows in the forest, in summer cottages, garden plots. (Raspberries)

Deciduous tree, blooms in late July, early July. Flowers are medicinal, help with cough. When brewed, the solution looks like a viscous jelly-like slurry. Medicinal flowers and seeds. The collection is sold in a pharmacy as an expectorant. (Linden)

This plant is one of the oldest medicines. Healing properties it was known to the doctors of Tsar Peter 1. It grows in swamps, meadows, river banks, streams, in thickets of bushes, on the edges of the forest. One of her main medicinal properties- soothing effect nervous system. It helps with heart disease. In pharmacies, it is sold in the form of tinctures. (Valerian)

Competition Kikimora Bolotnaya:

These are the good fellows, they correctly guessed my encryption - muddles. And now I’ll amuse you a little, but I’m chasing you, I suggest flying on a broomstick! You need "fly" on a broom through skittles placed on the floor, trying not to hit them with a broom.

Water: Like all living things, water and reservoirs are also in great need of protection. The rivers become shallow, the fish in the rivers and seas become smaller. Harmful and chemical substances, discharges of harmful plants ... Therefore, water bodies also need to be protected, cleaned river banks, take out the trash, etc. I suggest that you do this exercise: You need to answer my questions.

Waterman's job:

The guys need to answer questions and give quick answers. answers:

Name the colored seas (Red, Black, White).

What plant - a flower grows in a swamp? (water lily, lotus).

Remember the poem, fill in the missing the words:


Rope in hand

I pull the boat along the (fast river,

And they jump... (frogs) follow me around,

And they ask me:

"Ride it, captain!".

Who lives in the swamp? (leeches, frogs, toads).

What bird brings babies? (stork).

What will be the crow sitting on the village in the rain? (wet).

Where, according to the famous children's song, does the river begin? (a river begins with a blue stream, but friendship begins with a smile).

-What do you think: how to talk:

"Fish don't have teeth", "Fish don't have teeth", "Fish don't have teeth"? (right answer: "Fish Have Teeth").

Vodiany competition:

Well done lads, they did a great job. And now I suggest you take a break. You need to separate one from the objects scattered on the table. another: sort out shells, pebbles, rice, small vermicelli, beans.

Water must be used strictly for its intended purpose, cherish and use it sparingly. Now I will check how you can save water. You, in turn, need to wet a sponge in a basin, pour water from the sponge into a glass, trying to spill water past the glass as little as possible.

Okay, guys, you did a good job, well done. The merman gives the children a filled route the sheet and the children go on.

After the teams have passed all the tests, the host calculates all the points earned, the teams are awarded with diplomas, medals "V visiting Berendey» , children receive sweets.

Outcome of the game:


Well you did your best

I see that knowledge is not in vain useful to you,

Tasks were completed accurately and precisely.

Expanded their horizons.

Nature is our friend

Nature is our home

It is necessary to live in the world, consent in it.

So let's get together nature cherish!

Goodbye guys, see you soon!

Route sheet. Team #1. Team ___

No. Kikimora Leshiy Vodyanoy Berendey Starichok

Bolotnaya Lesovichok

Route sheet. Team #2.___

Berendey Kikimora Water Goblin Old Man

1 Bolotnaya Lesovichok

Holiday-game "Visiting Berendey

Goals: promote the familiarization of children with nature, the expansion of cognitive interests, the development creativity; foster a sense of community.

Equipment: on the board is a map of the travel route: swampy swamp, dense forest, enchanted glade, glade of elves; high school students dressed as Mermaid, Baba Yaga, Leshy, Elf, Tsar Berendey.

Game progress

Leading.Guys, we have gathered to read the letter that came to us today. The grief happened in the forest. Tsar Berendey fell ill, neither conspiracies nor drugs help him.


"My friends! I would be glad to treat you as a guest, but a sudden illness overcame me. What a day I feel sick and there is no medicine: frommy ailment, besides one rejuvenating apple. Yes, the wickedness of the forest took possession of it, divided it into parts and I can’t collect it in any way. There is only one hope for you, my brave, kind, smart ones. Do not leave the penalty in such trouble, help me out!

Your king Berendey.

Leading.Well guys, let's rescue the king? But just know that the evil spirits of the forest will not give up pieces of an apple just like that ... Do you agree to go on the road?

A poster opens on the board with the inscription:

“If you go to the right, you will fall into the swamp.”

"To the left to go - to find death for yourself."

“If you push through the bushes, you won’t end up with fear.”

"To walk straight is to be deceived."

Children choose a route for themselves and begin an imaginary journey along it. Children are met along the way fairy-tale heroes(mermaid, baba yaga, goblin and elf). After completing the task at each station, the children receive a piece of an apple (it is made in the form of a mosaic).

Swamp. Meet the MERMAID. She offers the children her tasks.

    Come up with a plot for good weather.

    Solve riddles.

Through the heavens in a horde Leaky sacks roam,

And, it happens, sometimes water flows out of the bags!(Clouds.)

Neither water nor land - You can't sail away on a boat And you can't walk with your feet.(Swamp.)

Rain and snow, thunder and downpour -

In a word, how to name it To solve the riddle.(Precipitation.)

He absorbed many rivers, lakes, seas,

You think and answer

What is a giant?(Ocean.)

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem!

Who knows where it happens?(Sea.)

He walks on the water, he walks

As soon as it reaches the shore, it will immediately disappear.(Wave.)

    Name the fish that are found in our reservoirs.(Kara, perch, pike, carp, tench, catfish, gudgeon, carp...).

Enchanted glade, meets BABA YAGA.

    Answer the questions.

    Can elephants swim?(Yes. And dive too .)

    Name the plants that have animals in their names.(Wolfberry, raven eye, bear's ear, horse sorrel.)

    Why does a crocodile never stick out its tongue?(He grew up):

    Many animals emit odorous substances, why?(To scare off enemies.)

    Why are night flowers white?(They are visible to insects.

    What poisonous plants can be used to make medicinesDatura, henbane, raven eye.)

    Invent a love potion. Tell what it is made of and what it is used for.

Dense forest. LOSHI appears. His assignments are unusual.

    Guess topographical signs(optionally).

    Scare with a terrible laugh.

    Imitation of the voices of birds and animals.

Glade ELF. The task is to solve riddles.

Solve all riddles

And tell us the clues.

Guess - we'll give everything,

If not, tickle...

What drink did the ancient Greek gods drink?(Nectar.)

The ancient Egyptian god Osiris is always depicted sitting on a flower. What?(Lotus.)

For which heroine was the flower a permanent resting place, a home?(Thumbelina.)

Children are offered several pictures of flowers, you need to remember their names.

After the children have gone through everything and overcome all the obstacles, Tsar Berendey appears.

Berendey.I've been waiting for you, my good friends! Was your journey successful, did you cope with the tasks of the forest dwellers? Have you found the treasured apple?

Children give pieces of apples, and the king again becomes cheerful andcoolro- vth.

Tatyana Gennadievna Protasova,

ecological methodologist

and environmental direction

children's and youth creativity

Eco-cognitive game scenario

"In the Kingdom of Berendey"


ü activate the mental and cognitive activity of children in the process of repeating and consolidating knowledge about plants and natural phenomena;

ü develop creative imagination, logical thinking;

ü to cultivate a sense of careful and responsible attitude towards all life on Earth;

ü to promote the unity of the children's team.

Materials and equipment:

ü signs with the names of the stations: "Swamp", "Dense Forest", "Elves' Glade", "Enchanted Glade", "Weather Bureau";

ü signs with road direction indicators: “If you go to the right, you will fall into a swamp”, “Go to the left - you will find trouble for yourself”, “You will get into the bushes - you will not be afraid”, “Walk straight - be deceived”, “Stay here - you will get forest evil spirits »;

ü a letter from Tsar Berendey in the form of a scroll;

ü basket;

ü route sheets indicating the names of stations;

ü cardboard "rejuvenating apples", divided into 5 parts by the type of mosaic;

ü a large poster with places for attaching “rejuvenating apples”;

ü a pole on a "tripod" for attaching signs with road direction indicators;

ü signs with environmental signs;

ü herbarium of forest and herbaceous plants;

ü pictures or dummies of mushrooms;

ü a poster with an encrypted proverb;

ü stage costumes of fairy tale characters: Berendey, Lesovichka, Mermaid, Goblin, Elves, Baba Yaga, Kikimora.

Event progress

Leading. Summer is the most long-awaited and most beloved time of the year.

Above the meadows the heat is

A bee buzzes over a flower.

River, forest, orchard

We are now being beckoned.

Everyone will say what it is

It has come … (summer).

Summer is the time of the longest school holidays, the time of wonderful meetings and trips. Time for country camps, dachas, the southern warm sea. Summer is a time of warm rains and hot afternoons. Swimming time in the river noisy games. A time of amazingly beautiful encounters with nature, with forests, meadows, and rivers.

Summer is fraught with many secrets and mysteries, which only the most observant and inquisitive can guess, and you guys are one of those?

Then try to guess these summer riddles:

1. I ran along the meadow path - the poppies nodded their heads.

I ran along the blue river - the river became pockmarked. (Wind)

2. Someone slowly inflates a red balloon in the morning.

And as soon as he releases it from his hands, everything will become light around . (The sun)

3. Antoshka spins on one leg,

Where the sun stands, there he looks. (Sunflower)

4. A brook that looks like a passer-by leads to the river. (Path)

Leading: So many amazing things in the summer, you just have to take a closer look and you can see this! Take, for example, a forest. How nice it is to be in a cool and shaded forest on a hot day, to get acquainted with amazing forest stories.

Our forest is amazing. It is full of wonders.

Do you want to know about everything, to unravel those miracles?

Get ready and let's go, the forest will tell about everything ...

Guys, let's call on our imagination to help, connect the fantasy and, as if we are going for a walk through the forest along an imaginary "forest path".

Let's go along the path and soon we will get into the thicket ...

In a dense dense forest.

Where tall pines touch the sky;

Where fir trees, birches and oaks whisper fairy tales;

Where the berries ripened and mushrooms grew.

(Lesovichok enters, in his hands is a basket and a scroll)

Lesovichok: Where are you going without my knowledge? I am Lesovichok, the keeper of forest secrets and riches. I came to you to read a letter that I found today in the forest. A misfortune happened in the forest - Tsar Berendey fell ill, neither conspiracies nor drugs helped him. And here is the letter:

"My friends! I would be glad to pick you up as a guest, but a sudden illness overcame me. What a day I can not, and there is no cure for my ailment, except for one rejuvenating apple. Yes, the evil spirits of the forest took possession of it, divided it into parts, and I can’t collect it in any way. There is only one hope for you - my brave, kind, smart ones. Do not leave me in such trouble, help me out! Your king Berendey"

Lesovichok: Well, guys, let's help out Tsar Berendey, let's hit the road for rejuvenating apples? But just know that the evil spirits of the forest will not give away pieces of an apple just like that ... Many obstacles await you along the way. However, the forest king Berendey hopes that you will cope with all the tasks, collect rejuvenating apples from pieces and restore his health.

So that you do not get lost in our forest, special route sheets have been prepared for you, which indicate all the forest stations through which you must pass: the Dense Forest station, where Leshy will be waiting for you; "Swamp" with Mermaid; on the "Enchanted Glade" you will meet Baba Yaga; and on the "Glade of the Elves" - with the Elves; at the Weather Bureau station, Kikimora is waiting for you.

Do not forget to get a piece of rejuvenating apple at each station. Carefully store all the pieces, and deliver the apple collected from the pieces to us for transfer to Tsar Berendey.

(Team captains receive route sheets, write down the name of the team)

Lesovichok: So, are you ready to hit the road? There are many paths in the forest and which one you should go first - choose for yourself:

“If you go to the right, you will fall into the swamp”,

"To the left to go - to find trouble for yourself",

“If you push through the bushes, you won’t end up with fear,”

"To walk straight is to be deceived",

“If you stay here, you will get forest evil spirits.”

Do not want to get forest evil spirits? Then go to other paths.

Teams go on routes by stations. On the way, children are met by fairy-tale heroes - Mermaid, Leshy, Elves, Baba Yaga, Kikimora. After completing the task at each station, the team captains receive a piece of the “rejuvenating apple”. All teams go through five stations.

Station "Swamp"

(Mermaid offers to complete tasks)


1. Come up with a conspiracy for good weather.

2. Guess riddles:

Neither water nor land - you can’t sail away on a boat, and you won’t pass with your feet. (Swamp)

Leaky sacks roam the heavens in a horde.

And sometimes water flows out of the bags! (clouds)

Rain and snow, thunder and downpour, in a word how to call it,

To solve the riddle. (Precipitation)

There is water all around, but there is trouble with drinking!

Who knows where it happens? (Sea)

It walks on water, it walks. As soon as it reaches the shore, it will immediately disappear here. (Wave)

3. Name 5 fish that are found in our reservoirs. (Carp, perch, pike, carp, gudgeon, catfish, carp…)

4. Say a tongue twister: " Pike swim around the bream, fins fluttering.

Station "Dense Forest"

(Leshy offers to complete tasks)


1. Guess 5 environmental signs of your choice.

2. To scare with a terrible laugh.

4. Name 5 forest plants according to the herbarium.

5. Which of the mushrooms is superfluous and why: chanterelle, boletus, fly agaric, honey agaric, boletus?

(Amanita, as it is a poisonous mushroom)

6. Say a tongue twister: “Thickets are more often in our forest. In our forest, thickets are thicker.”

Elf Glade Station

(Elves offer to complete tasks)


1. Guess the riddles about flowers:

White basket, golden bottom,

There is a dewdrop in it and the sun sparkles. (Chamomile)

I saw such a flower - a golden rim.

For a long time he sat in the grass, became gray-haired and flew away. (Dandelion)

If you find tender flowers in the swamp in summer,

Don't waste a minute, collect... (Forget-me-nots)

In the summer, in the middle of the river, fluttering like floats,

Fluffs are floating on the water - dark yellow ... (water lilies)

2. Say a tongue twister: " Margarita collected daisies on the mountain.

Margarita lost her daisies on the grass.

3. What flowers are called primroses? Name them.

4. Name 5 meadow flowers.

Station "Enchanted Glade"

(Baba Yaga offers to complete tasks)

Baba Yaga:

1. According to the herbarium, name 5 herbaceous plants.

2. Solve riddles about medicinal plants and tell what diseases they are used for:

A thin stem near the path, on top of it - earrings.

On the ground are sheets - tiddly flakes.

He is like us good friend, treats wounds of legs and hands.

(Plantain: for cuts, wounds, calluses, stomach pain)

The top of the leaf is smooth, but with a velvet lining.

(coltsfoot: cough.)

In spring it grows, in summer it blooms, in autumn it falls off, in winter it sleeps off. And the flower is honey ... (Linden: for fever, cough)

It burns without fire both you and me. ( Nettle: hemostatic)

3. Say a tongue twister 3 times in a row: "Six mice rustle in a hut."

4. Guess the instructive encrypted proverb: (Red berry, but it tastes bitter).

Weather Bureau Station

(Kikimora offers to complete tasks)


1. Finish the sentence on knowledge of weather signs:

Good weather can be expected if:

Clouds or clouds are moving fast:

Heavy dew and fog in the morning;

Smoke from a fire (or from chimneys) rises in a column;

The spider spins a web;

In the evening, grasshoppers chirp strongly;

Swallows and swifts fly high.

Rainy weather should be expected if:

Cirrus clouds move from the west;

Gray evening and red dawn;

Smoke creeps low;

The sparrows fluffed themselves up in the middle of the day;

There is no dew at night, and there is no fog in the lowlands

Dandelion folds its fluffy umbrella.

2. What are the differences in nature in rainy and good weather.

3. Guess the riddles:

Who beats on the roofs all night, but taps

And mumbles, and sings, lulls? (Rain)

A red-hot arrow fell an oak near the village . (Lightning)

There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky. (grad)

As soon as the rain left, a bridge appeared in the sky,

It arched brightly like a golden belt. (Rainbow)

4. Name all the colors of the rainbow. (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple)

5. What summer month is called the "crown of summer"? (July)

After the teams have passed all the stations, they gather again in the clearing, from where the start of the game was given.

There they are met by Tsar Berendey, he is given "rejuvenating apples".

Berendey attaches "apples" to the poster.

Tsar Berendey: We've been waiting for you, dear guys! Was your journey successful, did you cope with the tasks of the forest dwellers? Did you find all the treasured apples? And for the fact that you brought me "rejuvenating apples", I want to thank you with forest gifts. Stock up on boxcars and, of course, go to a real forest with your parents or grandparents. And there I will help you find mushrooms, nuts and berries. You will return home with full boxes!

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