Toloknyanka as a diuretic. Bear ears as a diuretic

Encyclopedia plants 30.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Folk medicine indicates that Toloknyanka as a diuretic effectively copes with the manifestations of urinary system diseases. Its beneficial properties are used in traditional medicine, combining champs and infusion with medication preparations. Properly cooked infusion disinfects, knits, relieves inflammation.

What is the useful tool?

In traditional medicine, all parts of the plant are used - flowers, fruits and especially leaves. Toloknyanka is rich in vitamins, tanning substances, flavonoids, organic acids. What the influence is that Toloknyanka has, which elements are involved in the patient's rehabilitation, indicated in the table:

The use of infusion or broth with Tolokannika will eliminate the microbes that attacked the kidneys and caused inflammation of the urinary system. The decoction is shears bacteria due to the diuretic effect and flavonoids in the composition. The recipe for most of the decoctions uses the leaves of the brush. With a long term, urine coloring can be green.

Grass is used to treat the following diseases of the urinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • bubble Qatar;
  • urethritis;
  • urinary tract diseases;

Dosage and duration of the course of therapy should determine the doctor. The incorrectly chosen dose entails the aggravation of inflammation and dehydration, which is extremely negatively reflected in the kidneys.

An alternative to surgical interference with kidney stones is dissolving them and eliminating naturally. Treatment is carried out at home by means of traditional medicine. This is a long process that requires a large patience and accurate compliance with the prescriptions, the recommendations of the doctor who will control your actions. But efforts will be rewarded with ruling from kidney stones without surgery and excess costs for expensive drugs.

How effective are herbs with kidney stones?

Herbs, destructively acting on the kidney stones, force them to flow and decrease in the sizes. The result from treatment at home with renal disease appears 20-30 days after the first reception of herbal infusion. It manifests itself in the form of separation of turbid urine. The duration of the course depends on the size of the stones - than they are more, the longer the treatment will be. Usually until complete recovery takes several months.

Herbs are not equally affected by various types of stones:

  • Phosphates and urates are well dissolved;
  • Worse are the destruction of cystine and plitted stones;
  • Practically do not succumb to dissolving oxalate. If you exactly have this kind of stones, you can hardly do without surgery. Herbs can only assist in the event that the size of oxalates is very small. But even at the same time, treatment will be very long.
  • After a few months, the stones are so declined in size, which leave the kidneys through the urinary paths almost painlessly. In the future, the grass can be used for prevention or re-treatment of renal disease. To prevent the formation of new stones, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons leading to the deposition of miners in the kidneys. A urologist will help to identify them.

    Only under control!

    With stones in the kidneys, it is possible to start treatment at home only with the permission of the attending physician. The procedure for action is:

  • A visit to the urologist to appoint an ultrasound and passing the necessary analyzes;
  • Determination of the size and types of stones, their location;
  • Consultation with a urologist about the treatment of herbs;
  • Follow the advice and recommendations of the doctor.
  • Usually the urologist gives permission to the treatment with folk remedies, if the stones are well dissolved, and their size is small.

    Danger lies in the fact that they can start moving, causing kidney colic. This explains why a regular visit to the doctor is necessary. There will be sufficient even the frequent ultrasound of the kidneys: in the direction or for a fee.

    Folk recipes

    To split the kidney stones in the people use diuretic herbs. These include:

  • Rosehip roots;
  • Smudge
  • Birch buds;
  • Hoofing;
  • Licorice;
  • Lingonberry;
  • Thyme;
  • Rinse ray cleanings;
  • Bloodroot;
  • Horsetail;
  • Juniper;
  • The root of the garnet is beautiful.
  • Maren Prayer Pepper Rose Hip Hop

    Treatment is made using any single herb or in the complex. Diuretic fees are compiled so that the effect of each component is intensified.

    Collect No. 1 (universal)

    The collection includes the following diuretic herbs:

  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Sage;
  • Oregano
  • Dry herbs with rose risks are mixed in equal proportions. The tool is prepared as tea: 2 tablespoons of collection are brewed 150 ml of boiling water. Cooked infusion is filtered, 1 teaspoon of honey (not necessarily) is added to it. It should take it three times a day before meals in 30 minutes by 3/4 cups, which is equivalent to 150 ml. This means that on a day you need 6 tablespoons of the collection, from which 450 ml of infusion will be.

    A week later, 5 drops of fir oil are added with honey. Such treatment continues until complete recovery.

    Attention! Drinking all the infusions should be drunk through a tube to protect the teeth: they are much weaker than the stones to be dissolved right in the kidneys.

    Collect No. 2 (against URTS)

    With urates, the collection was perfectly cooked from the robust taken:

  • Rosehip fruits;
  • Leaf strawberries;
  • Linen seeds;
  • Birch kidneys;
  • Ground pieces of parsley.
  • For the preparation of infusion, a thermos will need, in which 2 tablespoons of the collection are put. Inside poured 500 ml of boiling water, cover the lid and leave for 6-7 hours. Take it 3-4 times a day at 100-150 ml. Typically, the stones are outstanding for 3 months.

    Collection number 3 (for dissolving oxalates and phosphates)

    This is one of the most effective means to help in kidney oxalates, which practically E with dissolution. For its preparation, take in equal shares:

  • Lamberry (sheet);
  • Donnik (grass, flowers);
  • Immortelle (flowers);
  • Motherboard (grass and flowers);
  • Marines root.
  • Prepaid infusion on the recipe described for collection number 2. However, it follows only 70-80 ml at a time, but up to 5-6 times a day.

    Collect No. 4 (developed against oxalates)

    This collection includes the following diuretic herbs:

  • Hearshanka;
  • Mint;
  • Toloknyanka;
  • Inflorescences of Vasilkov.
  • Prepares infusion according to the recipe described above (in the thermos). Take it 80 ml 5 times a day. The duration of one course is not more than 4 months. If during this time, oxalates were not dissolved, then after 2-3 weeks, treatment can be repeated.

    Rosehip + Toloknyanka

    It is possible to treat the renal disease with the help of rosehip roots and bringing the following scheme:

  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1 cup of ragger cooked from the roots;
  • An hour later, take the same infusion from the brush;
  • Repeat in the same sequence at lunch and before bedtime.
  • During the day it will be necessary:

  • Rosehip root - 6 tablespoons;
  • Toloknyanka - 6 tablespoons;
  • Boiling water - 6 glasses.
  • You can cook ragners in the morning for a whole day. It is enough to brew the root of the rosehip and the tolkin, separately from each other (6 spoons of raw materials on 3 glasses of boiling water). But for a better effect, the roots should be withstanding in a water bath for 15 minutes.

    Other fees

    Try to get rid of the kidney stones with the help of nasty of herbs taken rovel:

  • Marines root, cinnamon rose hips (fruits), juniper (fruits), birch hound (leaves);
  • Birch hung (leaves), a stabbing stationer (root), creeping drinking (roots), juniper (fruits), fragile root, goose laptop, cleanliness;
  • Rosehip is cinnamon (fruits), adonis, juniper (fruits), barbed agent;
  • Juniper (fruits), rosemary medicinal, field hand;
  • Highlander bird, horsetail, cruising sheet, dyeing, juniper (fruits);
  • Naked licorice, European hooven, birch leaves with a hanging, lingonberry (leaf);
  • Celest, cerebted by St. John's wort, creeping thyme.
  • Attention! Be sure to visit the attending physician for consultation before starting the treatment of herbs. Perhaps some of them are contraindicated and harm more than the benefit will be brought.

    During the removal of stones at home, follow the allocated urine. If she is clean even a month after the start of the course, the tool does not help. Change the collection. A muddy urine with sand or flakes suggests that herbs began to act. Continue to take them until the remains of the stone come out. Treatment can be finished when the doctor confirms that the kidney is clean.

    Treatment of kidney stones by folk remedies

    Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological problems that many people face. Stones can be formed in any department of the urinary system, but most often they are found in the kidneys. The disease has a recurrent, often serious flow. Therefore, when calculators are found in the kidneys, each person begins to think about the possible methods of getting rid of them. The basis for the treatment of urolithiasis - conservative grinding therapy, which must be supplemented with phytotherapy. In this case, various means of plant origin come to the rescue.

    The use of medicinal herbs accelerates the extinguishing of sand and small stones, does not allow to form new concrevents, it allows the metabolism to normal. Therefore, the treatment of stones in the kidney by folk remedies is possible, but only subject to certain rules.

    First, any methods of traditional medicine can be used to apply only against the background of the complete remission of the disease. If the kidneys are inflamed, then independent treatment at home is not allowed. Be sure to contact the doctor, find out the cause of inflammation and eliminate it. The possibility of using folk remedies for the treatment of stones in the kidneys must be clarified by the urologist.

    Secondly, before the start of treatment, it is necessary to find out the size of the concrections. If the stone in diameter exceeds 5 mm. This requires medical advice. The fact is that after taking brazers and info, the stones begin to dissolve and there is a chance that they can come into motion. And this can provoke serious complications (blockage of ureter, kidney hydronephrosis, etc.).

    Thirdly, all brazers and infusions need to be prepared and applied correctly. It is necessary to clearly follow the specified recipe, it is not recommended to change the dosage or multiplicity of reception. It should be noted that some infusions and decoctions need to be drunk through the tube to prevent damage to the dental enamel.

    Rosehip root from kidney stones

    Rosehip - a unique plant. With therapeutic goal you can use not only its fruits, but also the roots. Especially active traditional medicine will apply a richness root for the treatment of stones in the kidneys. Sometimes, even in hospitals with patients with urolithiasis, a decoction of richberry is prescribed. An important condition for treatment with the help of this folk remedy is the observance of the diet.

    Indications and contraindications. Rosehip root is used to treat people with urolithiasis not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Sometimes thanks to this plant, it is possible to avoid reception of antibiotics and abandon operational intervention.

    Indications for the use of rich rose:

    The application of the beam allows the exchange of substances to normal and speed up metabolic processes in the body. Therapeutic effects are achieved at the expense of the rich chemical composition of the rose rose. It has vitamin C, P, K, D, D, B1 and B2. Moreover, vitamin C in rosehip is 100 times more than in Lemon. The use of fruits of this plant allows you to increase the protective forces of the body and prevent the development of many diseases.



    The use of rose rope effectively allows you to get rid of kidney stones. This is one of the most effective means used in folk medicine for the treatment of urolithiasis.

    What is able to treat Tolokanyanka

    Tolkinanka is a medicinal plant from the genus of the heather, which is no longer the first century for the treatment of various diseases, mainly the urinary tract. Folk medicine uses Toloknyanka leaves and shoots. Of them are preparing infusion and decoction that should be accepted, like any medicines, strictly in accordance with the instructions, given all possible contraindications and side effects.

    What Tolokanian looks like

    The plant has the second folk name, bearish ears, because of the form of their leaves - it is inversely like. The leaves are covered with a mesh capillaries. Flowers in the grass in late spring and early summer, white flowers and pink flowers. There is a small berry of red, having a tart taste on the spot of flowers, having a tart flavor. The grass does not burn.

    It is necessary to harvest the leaves before the start of flowering or after the fruits go away. The brown color of the raw material says that the collection has occurred wrong, and it is impossible to use such leaves. With the root, the plant is not worth tearing, as it will lead to the death of his thickets.

    What can "know how" herb

    Therapeutic properties of the plant are due to its chemical composition:

    1. A diuretic action is due to the presence of waterbutin and methylarbutin glycosides, flavonoids.
    2. The combination of waterbutin with methyl ether of gallic acid and the hydroquinone is antiseptically act on the urine, providing and antimicrobial action (the same properties have the urinean). It is the hydroquinone that ensures the destruction of such microbes as an intestinal wand, enterococcus, staphylococcus, enterobacteria, a cinema wand, mycoplasma, sheets and ureaplasm. It kills such bacteria that are resistant to the action of antibiotics.
    3. Antifungal, anti-tuberculosis and at the same time anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are due to the presence in its composition of tanning substances. Especially anti-inflammatory activity of bearish ears is expressed in relation to the urinary system in a dehydrated organism.
    4. The resistance of renal cell membranes and antioxidant action provides glycoside waterbutin.
    5. The grass provides better stability of the tissues of the urinary system to a small amount of oxygen.
    6. In the shock situations, Toloknyanka ordinary increases blood pressure.
    7. The hydroquinone contained in the leaves and shoots improves the absorption of glucose tissues, reduces the degree of ketoacidosis - complications of diabetes.
    8. The astringent effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines is due to tanning substances.
    9. Choleretic properties.
    10. When bearish ears are applied

      The main properties of this plant are anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobials - determine the use of it in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system and kidneys, but only necessarily - after receiving the urologist:

    11. in cystite therapy - acute and chronic
    12. to relieve urethritis phenomena
    13. for the treatment of urolithiasis
    14. as a first aid when blood detected in the urine.
    15. In all of the above cases, the tolokran can be used only with alkaline pH of urine (therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to pass a general analysis). Otherwise, the glycosides of Arbutin and methilarbutin will not be able to break and render their action.

      The grass can also be applied in treatment:

    16. diarrhea
    17. externally - in therapy of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ulcers, pure and purulent
    18. locally - for clarifying skin hyperpigmentation
    19. together with some other herbs - in bronchial asthma therapy, rhinitis, cough
    20. broth in milk is used in the treatment of gastritis.
    21. Proper consumption of plants

      Instructions for use indicates that it is possible to apply grass in the form of a decoction, infusion and tea. You can also use the leaves of this plant and other herbs for the preparation of a diuretic collection.

      The decoction of leaves is prepared as follows:

    22. in the utensils from glass or enamel are placed 1 tbsp.
    23. 200 ml of boiled hot water
    24. place, cover with a lid, on a water bath
    25. boiled half an hour
    26. remove with bath
    27. 10 minutes at room temperature cooled
    28. fix and press the residue of the leaves
    29. brought the resulting volume to 200 ml
    30. the instruction clearly indicates that before use, such a decoction should be blamed, and drink - 1 tbsp. 40 minutes before meals, pre-heated decoction, 3-5 times a day
    31. Herbs with urolithiasis kidney disease

      Healing plants donated to man by nature are an excellent and inexpensive tool for the treatment of many ailments. The regular use of bravery and nasty herbs can cure inflammatory processes and get rid of the concrete (dense saline formations - stones) in the urinary organs. There are a large number of medicinal plants that help improve the functional activity of the excretory system. All of them have different impact on the human body and are applied in certain cases. Let's figure it out - what herbs from stones in the kidneys are considered the most efficient.

      Types of medicinal plants used in kidney disease

      In the surrounding modern man, Nature has a rather extensive group of herbs to improve renal function. However, it is necessary to know their types and therapeutic effects on the body.

      Anti-inflammatory - plants have a bacteriostatic effect, remove the inflammatory reaction, reduce the level of the protein in the urine. These therapeutic herbs are used in acute and chronic pyelonephritis, they include:

    32. st. John's wort;
    33. list Lamberry;
    34. corn silk;
    35. elecampane.
    36. Antifreeze or diuretic herbs that reduce the functional burden on the kidneys and withdrawing excess salts from the human body. These plants include:

    37. birch buds;
    38. dog-rose fruit;
    39. speech ordinary;
    40. field Horsetail
    41. Herbs from urolithiasis - these plants dissolve the concrections and remove them from the body with urine, they include:

    42. passed (considered the best drug to purify the kidneys);
    43. spiraea;
    44. birch leaves;
    45. repeaker root;
    46. goose foot;
    47. the leaves of the taste.
    48. According to statistics, the presence of sand and kidney stones has been observed in 1/3 of the population of our country, the development of urolithiasis (nephrolithiasis) can be caused by various factors.

      Causes of the appearance of salt deposits in the kidneys

      The kidneys are a kind of human organism filter, their main function is to release from the body of the end products of metabolism, including salts. Any violation of the urinary system activity leads to the formation of soles crystals in the kidneys - "sand". Over time, such deposits gradually turn into concrections that may cause renal failure. The formation of stones causes a violation of the functions of proximal renal tubules, leading to an increase in the level of content in the urine of the following salts:

    49. ethadova (oxause) acid leads to the formation of oxalate crystals;
    50. orthophosphoric acid - amorphous phosphates;
    51. the final product of the decay of purine bases (uric acid) is amorphous urates.
    52. The appearance of crystaluria (salt diathythia) occurs when:

    53. improper nutrition;
    54. hypodynamines;
    55. excess in the diet of protein food;
    56. insufficient amount of fluid in the body;
    57. violation of metabolic processes;
    58. uncontrolled use of diuretic, cytostatic, sulfonamide drugs;
    59. genetic predisposition to the urolithiasis of the kidneys (nephrolity);
    60. changes in hormonal background;
    61. use of water containing dissolved salts;
    62. prostatic hyperplasia in men.
    63. The appearance of crystal-like masses in urinary organs can manifest themselves with frequent inflammatory processes in the kidneys, ureters, urinary bubble

      With kidney stones, characteristic symptoms are:

    64. pain in urinary;
    65. subfebrile;
    66. change in urine color;
    67. reduction of daily diuresis;
    68. false uiles to micake;
    69. the appearance in the urine of blood.
    70. Methods for the diagnosis and treatment of nephrolithiasis

      However, it is dangerous independently drinking herbs - under the influence of a medicinal plant, the stones present in the kidney can block the urinary duct and cause a serious pathological condition - a painful attack of the kidney colic

      The most informative methods for diagnosing the appearance of concrections are considered:

    71. generalization of urine - its result allows timely to detect the excess concentration of the salts in the kidneys;
    72. biochemical blood test to the renal complex, which allows to determine the concentration of urea and creatinine;
    73. x-ray and ultrasound - with the help of these methods, it is possible to detect crystallization of the salts in the kidneys at the initial stage, which reduces the treatment and improve the forecast of the pathological process.
    74. According to the results of a comprehensive patient survey, a qualified nephrologist appoints a relevant course of therapy, including:

    75. A specially selected diet is the restriction of salt consumption, exclusion of fried and smoked products, alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea.
    76. Medical therapy - the use of drugs for crushing, dissolving and removal of concrections: Kanephron; Phytolizin; Cystena; Bleple; Cyston.
    77. Folk remedies - In traditional medicine, widespread use with urolithiasis received medicinal herbs. It is necessary to purchase them in the pharmacy network - the State Pharmacology guarantees the freshness of raw materials, the lack of foreign impurities in it, provides the ability to prepare therapeutic decoction or infusion by methodical instructions of the instructions.
    78. In order not to harm your body before the start of the use of therapeutic plants, it is necessary to determine the composition and size of the concrections, study the effectiveness of healing fees, to obtain a consultation of a qualified phyto-therapist.

      Principle of medicinal herbs

      Use healing plants only after setting the exact diagnosis and determining the species in the kidney stones.

      Small uranium and oxalate crystals are good frogit:

    79. sunflower root;
    80. flowers elderberry black;
    81. fennel;
    82. strawberry leaf;
    83. juniper;
    84. mint;
    85. flax seed;
    86. lingonberry;
    87. drinking;
    88. couping the drug (folk name - wolf fall);
    89. fruits Anisa.
    90. To split phosphates use:

      To remove salt sediments of any type of champs from:

    91. paul-Pali;
    92. hop;
    93. rosehip root;
    94. currant leaves;
    95. dormon herbs;
    96. leaf pears.
    97. There are still some natural remedies, crouching kidney stones and with a light diuretic effect:

    98. potato decoction;
    99. fir oil;
    100. alcohol milestone in yarrow;
    101. rowan leaves and viburnum.
    102. To monitor the sizes of stones, every 3 months should be done ultrasound kidneys.

      Use of therapeutic fees

      Folk Healers When using a variety of medicinal plants with various actors, concluded that it takes no one, and several herbs to achieve maximum effect. Thus, therapeutic plant mixtures appeared, the use of which leads to the complete curability of many diseases.

      Consider several of the most effective folk recipes used in the presence of stones in the kidneys.

      The universal mixture dissolving any type of accretion and having a diuretic effect consists of:

    103. hypericum;
    104. sage;
    105. dispute;
    106. medicinal melons;
    107. orders ordinary.
    108. To prepare a decoction, you need to take an equal number of all plants, pour just to the boiled water, to insist a quarter of an hour and take food before each meal intake.

      In a set of herbs that need to be used in the presence of urachas include:

    109. strawberry leaves;
    110. parsley root;
    111. flax seeds.
    112. See also:

      It is possible to prepare infusion as follows - equal proportions of grass are poured with boiling water, insist for 7 hours, taken 3 times a day.

      To split oxalates use:

    113. inflorescences Vasilka;
    114. tolokhanka;
    115. pepper mint;
    116. hearscaround rounds.
    117. Infusion is prepared as well as the collection number 2.

      Take 6 tbsp. l. Rosehip root and Tolokniki, pour a 1.5 liter of boiling water. Interest and take to meals.

      Mix 2 tbsp. l. Landberries, Melissa, Fields, Nervice, immorter and 1 tbsp. Praying, Mareni, Rogishnik Root. Pour just hardwood and insist for 10 hours. Take Glass 4-5 times.

      For cleavage of stones and removal of sand prepare therapeutic teas from equal proportions:

    • juniper, the root of the garmen of the beautiful, rosehip fruit, birch leaves;
    • rosehip root, Adonis, Field Static;
    • juniper fruits, cleanliness, ray roots, roots, goose laptops;
    • thyme, a stagnant of barley, Celebre, Zverkoy.
    • During the use of medicinal fees, it is necessary to observe the color and transparency of urine - its cloudy indicates the removal of the kidney of sand, if there are transparent urins, it may take to change the components of therapeutic beam

      When moving on the blades of sand and small stones, the patient may experience minor pain - this phenomenon indicates that healing herbs "work". To eliminate the development of the inflammatory process and the removal of unpleasant symptoms, you can prepare therapeutic anti-inflammatory tea, which includes:

    • cornflower;
    • heather;
    • toloknyanka;
    • wild pear;
    • sheet lingonberry.
    • In the treatment of renal sickness, it is strictly forbidden to the use of drugs, including therapeutic herbs! The use of any medicines must be coordinated with a skilled nephrologist.

      Contraindications when using renal teas

      By purchasing a synthetic drug in the pharmacy network, some patients relate to it wary. However, people believe in the absolute safety of phytotherapy - to drink the therapeutic seagull, which will advise a colleague or neighbor, many may not think about possible consequences.

      Apply any healing fee during the period of tooling and feeding a child with maximum caution - its composition must be carefully examined and discuss with a qualified obstetrician gynecologist and pediatrician

      Unfortunately, not all medicinal herbs harmless and contraindications to their use always existed, this is:

    • constipation;
    • thrombocytosis is an increase in blood flows;
    • endocarditis - inflammatory process in the inner shell of the heart muscle;
    • hypotension - reduced blood pressure;
    • gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, duodenit;
    • osteoporosis;
    • individual intolerance.
    • Use medicinal infusions is necessary within 30 days. There are two-week breaks between the course procedures, during which the re-examination is recommended. The treatment is completed when all the concrections go and the attending physician confirms their absence in the kidneys.

      The kidneys are performed in our body the filter function. With their help from the body, excess water, end products obtained as a result of metabolic processes are derived from the body.

      Display slags do not always.

      As a result, they accumulate in the kidneys in the form of deposits. It is about the sand in the kidneys, which, if not engaged in treating, goes into a stone stage and then without surgery, it is difficult to do without surgery.

      What's happening

      The increased stones are able to procure urinary paths and cause such a complex disease as renal failure.

      A person begins to disturb the frequent need for urination.

      The process is accompanied by a feeling of burning, it may appear in the urine of blood. The condition is accompanied by strong bakery pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Sometimes the body temperature rises.

      What to do

      With such symptoms, the main thing is not to resort to independent treatment, and as soon as possible to turn to the urologist. The doctor will appoint an ultrasound kidneys, urine analysis and other necessary research to determine the nature and size of stones, understand how they are located.

      Treatment is complex in nature and includes drug drugs and folk remedies, provided that the kidney stones are small, and their character speaks about the possibility of rapid dissolution.

      Treatment must be under the control of the doctor. Recommended periodic ultrasound examination of the kidneys.

      What herbs use

      Kidney sediments have different nature:

        phosphates. These are rather soft formations that do not have a clear form; Oxoiles are salts of oxalic acid. Rather dense with sharp edges; Urates sodium and potassium uric acid salts; Custine stones are a very rare phenomenon, more often amazes children and young people. Is a consequence of the hereditary disease of cystinuria; Triple kidney stones are formed as a result of infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Grow rapidly.

        Bring stones from the kidneys. Doctors recommend using therapeutic herbs from kidney stones. Prepare for the treatment takes a long period of time. A noticeable relief may occur a month from the beginning of the reception of herbal fees. But you can fully cope with the formations of the kidney in only a few months.

        Therapeutic herbs act on stones, crush them, turning into the sand and facilitating the elimination of the body. Herbs with kidney stones can be drunk as the prevention of new formations and in the case of recurrence. To completely get rid of the concrections, you need to identify the reason for their causing and eliminate it.

        Universal, suitable for crushing stones of any species, rose hips, hops, currant leaves are considered.

        The fir oil will help to cope with the stones of a small size. The tool envelops the stone and turns into the sand. A good effect gives alkaline drink, but such treatment is long.

        Every stone his grass

        Herbs with renal sickness have different focus. For the removal of phosphates and oxalates, it is better to use barbaris, the root of the Marna of Krasnaya, Rephetok, the Leaves of the Pier, St. John's wort, Tochannik, Blue Vasilek, the Grass of the Donel, Heather, Mother, Dill.

        Uraban formations dissolve champs from birch renal, flowers of black elderberry, flax seeds, parsley, strawberry leaves, juniper, barberries, mint, lingonberries, dispatches, oats, anise fruit, phenhel, rosehip.

        Medical fees

        Herbs for dissolving stones in the kidneys can be used separately or to form therapeutic fees. Make up the mixtures in such a way that the components supplemented and enhanced each other's action.

        Universal collection - dissolves stones and has a diuretic effect. The composition includes a richnik, Speert, Melissa, Sage, Oshinitsa, St. John's wort. Herbs dissolving stones. Mix in equal proportions. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons of workpiece and pour boiling water, insist. Take before taking food 3 times a day.

        The collection for dissolving and removing ultrasters consists of strawberry leaves, birch kidney rose, flax seeds, parsley. The mixture of grass is poured with boiling water and insist for 7-8 hours. Take at least 3 times a day. The effect is achieved in 2-3 months.

        Collection for dissolving and removing oxalates consists of a pear, tocheries, mint, cornflowers of cornflowers. Prepare by analogy with the collection of urates.

        For the removal of stones from the kidneys, a decoction of Tolokaniki and Rosehip will fit. Take in equal proportions components and pour boiling water, insist. Take 3 times a day.

        It is possible to use an infusion consisting of nettle, lingonberry leaves, immorteller flowers, melissa, horsetail, dye marks, rosehips and diper. Pour boiling water and insist 12 hours. Take 100 ml 5 times a day.

        Treatment of herbs should not flow uncontrollably. It is necessary to observe the condition and color of urine. If it becomes muddy, then there is a healing effect. If urine remains transparent with long use of herbal info, the remedy should be replaced.

        No matter what herbs you take, be attentive to your state. When the treatment gives the result and stones or sand output from the body, pain may appear. To reduce the inflammatory process and facilitate the state, try to cook brazers from peppermint, blue, heather, wild pear, brush and leaf lumps.

        Other folk remedies

        In order to get rid of stones in the kidneys, not only the grass will help. But other natural products.

        A good tool is onions. For treatment, you will need 1 kg of the source product and 500 g of sugar. The course lasts the day, but the effect will exceed your expectations. Onions skip through a meat grinder, add sugar and cook for two hours. It turns out about 500 ml of rage. Drink it 15 minutes before meals 4 times a day at equal intervals. Do not drink.

        Mandarins will help to crush stones. During the week you need to eat 1 kg of tangerines every day. After a week, break the course to repeat.

        You can bring stones if you take 7 pepper peas and grind in a coffee grinder. The resulting mixture is mixed with flour, make small pellets to eat one per day.

        20 chicken naphters without a film twist in a meat grinder. There is a teaspoon every day, drinking tea.

        At home you can help yourself and so:

          Doing the poultice of the beard parsley, dill and celery on the kidneys. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. Treatment to spend within 15 days; The kidney area imposes a fabric impregnated with a mixture of pottery clay and diluted apple vinegar.

          Such warming compresses cannot be used if there is a tumor in the kidney or there is an inflammatory process. Health threatens to do anything, for this you need to pass the tests and make ultrasound kidneys.

          Herbs from kidney stones: Effective recipes

          Throughout the human life, the kidney, speaking as a natural filter, accumulate the sand in itself, which over time sealing, become stones. Large, small stones and sand in the kidneys are the essence of urolithiasis. Is it a very unpleasant disease, how to treat urolithiasis of herbs? This will be discussed below.

          Efficiency of herbs with kidney stones

          How to bring sand, as well as small and large stones from the kidneys, using the methods of traditional medicine at home? Herbs in this case will come herbs, brewed separately or used in medicinal gatherings.

          Herbs from the kidney stones used in folk medicine over time lead to the fact that the stones are crushed and, decreasing in size, are derived naturally. All results from the use at home of herbs, allowing to withdraw stones from the kidneys, will be noticeable after 25-30 days from the beginning of the course of treatment. But until a complete recovery, the patient will have to undergo treatment for several months when actually will go to the withdrawal of kidney stones.

          Folk recipes in the fight against kidney stones

          Folk medicine in their arsenal has many recipes from different diseases, which can be used at home - the main thing is to know what to apply from and in what combinations.

          If we talk about what kind of dissolving stone is used in the folk medicine of grass, then the list itself is large enough. Among them is the root and fruits of rosehip, kidney birch and the road, licorice and the cost, juniper and the palm.

          Considering the use of herbs at home to combat stones in the kidneys, then the following recipes can be distinguished.

        • 6 tbsp. The hammer rose rose is sealed with 3 glasses of boiling water, it is possible to breed about an hour and take a glass of leaky ragger after eating. After half an hour, it is worth a drink made by the same decoction of Tolokanyanka - the reception frequency is three times a day.
        • The perfect effect is rendered and Speert - it is enough to steer a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water, wrapped in warmth and insisted about an hour. Take an infusion of 1/3 cups before meals, three times a day.
        • Also perfectly proven itself and the decoction of the disservant - a tablespoon of dry raw materials is sealed in a glass of boiling water, all this is made on slow heat before boiling and removed from the stove. Incress the decoction of 8-10 hours, after taking a third of a glass after meals.
        • Heather and kidney birch - also beautiful herbs in the fight against kidney stones. At the same time, they not only crumble and remove stones, but also remove inflammatory processes in the urinary tract - sufficiently wanders 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, insist them for 8 hours and take them 100 ml three times a day.
        • Medicinal fees in the fight against kidney stones

          In order to withdraw the stones from the kidneys at home, many phytotherapists recommend taking medicinal herbs not separately, but combining them in the fees. Combining and completing each other, medicinal herbs will act more effectively, accelerating the withdrawal of the kidney stones and, accordingly, the recovery process itself.

          Recipe number 1.

          To compile this collection, it is worth mixing in equal proportions of Melisu and the root of a rosehip, St. John's wort and a deer, sage and soul. Collection is preparing and used as tea. It is enough to brew 2 tbsp. l. In 150 ml of boiling water and give about 15-20 minutes. After strain and add honey, it takes it 3 times a day, for half an hour before a meal of 3/4 cups, and to enhance the effect in a week in the infusion itself, you can add 3-5 drops of fir oil. Reception rate - until the patient's complete recovery.

          Recipe number 2.

          Effectively withdraw from the kidney stones will help the next fragrant collection. For its preparation, they are also mixed in equal proportions of rosehip and leaves of strawberries, flax seeds and kidney birch, adding parsley greens.

          To prepare the drug infusion in the thermos, 2 tbsp. l. The obtained collection and weave their floor with liters of steep boiling water, closed and give it to strengthen about 8 hours. Take the prepared infusion throughout the day, 3-4 times at 100-150 ml, for 2-3 months.

          Recipe number 3.

          The presented collection is very effective, especially when oxalates, which are diagnosed in the kidneys. Their feature is that they practically do not dissolve. Prepare medicinal collection as follows:

            In equal parts, lingonberry leaves, flower and immortals, grass and dye flowers, rhizome garmen. Breweed itself also in the thermos - enough to pour 2 tbsp. l. The bay of their floor liter boiling water and insist 7-8 hours. After filtering and take 80 ml, breaking the entire volume by 5-6 receptions per day.

            Recipe number 4.

            In this composition mixed in equal parts of herbs such as a pear and mint, a flower of cornflower and a tolkin. The collection itself has a very strong diuretic effect and this moment is worth considering in his daily routine of the day.

            All components are mixed, taking 2 tbsp. l. And they fall asleep them into the thermos, poured with boiling water - 500 ml, they give the night and take it by splitting the entire volume on 5 parts.

            Recipe number 5.

            For this collection mixed 10 g of flowers of the Pijmas, as much of the chemport. Next add 20 g of grass Rephetka and the same area lingonberries, the root of Aira and Spine. Mixing all components, take 2 tbsp. l. A collection that is bears in 2 glasses of steep boiling water is allowed to brew 2 hours and taken in the morning and in the evening - 1 cup.

            Recipe number 6.

            In this dosage composition mixed between themselves 10 g of wormwood and the horsetail, the seeds of dill, adding 15 g of the leaf of Tolokanyanka and carrot seeds. On the liter of steep boiling water take 2 tbsp. l. Collection and, shutting in heat, insist about 10-12 hours. Next boil 3 min. And filter - take it 100 ml after eating three times a day.

            Presented recipes are very effective and easy to prepare. The main condition for therapeutic practice by means of the arsenal of traditional medicine stones in the kidneys is constant monitoring of urine condition. If after a month it did not change its color, it remains clean - the collection is ineffective and it is worth changing, but when it is muddy, it goes with an admixture of sand, intrusions of flakes - the collection began to act.

            Important! Before applying any recipe, you must consult with your doctor! Since not all stones can be dissolved and crushing by folk remedies. It is important to know the size and composition of the stones! With independent treatment, the blockade of urinary tract is possible, which threatens sad consequences!

    Bear ears will be saved from the inflammation of the kidneys and cystitis. Toloknyanka as a diuretic gives a soft diuretic effect. This is a natural product that will save from excessive swelling, inflammation of the bladder and kidney tissues. The means from this grass effectively purify the urinary paths, the kidneys from harmful substances and toxins are eliminated, so the color of urin can acquire a green shade. This is not to be afraid, since such a phenomenon speaks only that the process of cleaning the body is going on correctly.

    Tolokhananka stimulates urinary, relieves inflammation and ethnicity on the bubble and kidneys.

    Under what diseases use tool like a diuretic?

    Since the toloknyanka is a diuretic, so it is primarily used for therapy of urinary tract. The grass has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, so indispensable in the fight against the inflammation of the kidneys, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, urolithiasis. Usually for the manufacture of folk remedies from these diseases, the leaves of the Tolokniki are used, but it is necessary to use decoctions and infusions carefully, since the rugged grass effect is very strong. And the incidence of doses may entail dehydration and aggravation of inflammatory processes. No appointment of the Medica "Medvezhye Ushko" you can take no more than 7 days.

    Alcohol tincture or decoction of Tokolniki will eliminate pyelonephritis, renal disease, pelitis.

    Toloknyanka, the diuretic property of which is so appreciated by the healers, and doctors, is used in folk recipes and is part of many drugs. At home, you can prepare several plants based funds. Alcohol tincture is prepared from 100 grams of alcohol and 25 grams of grass. The mixture must be inspected for 2 weeks, and then take 15 drops three times a day. One of the most effective funds is considered water infusion. Moreover, the leaves of the plant are not in boiling water, but in cool water. So preserve almost all its useful properties. In a glass of water, put 20 grams of leaves and keep warm 24 hours. Take 50 grams of drink after meals twice a day.

    The decoction of the brush is prepared in a water bath. 40 grams of leaves pour a glass of water and keep 30 minutes in a water bath. During this time, the fluid evaporates, so after cooking, the lack of missing water. Drink 30 grams after eating three times a day. Before taking folk remedies from Tolokanyanka, be sure to consult your doctor. And when making them, observe several rules. Stick down the dosage, do not change it at your discretion. Dry plant need to be thoroughly crushed in order not to be mistaken when measuring doses.

    Toloknyanka is a grass that is widely known for its healing properties. Toloknyanka is a popular treatment device in alternative medicine, but its use occurs in conservative medicine. Tolkin, like a plant, easily recognizable - it always has a green color that does not change, and is a shrub. Also, Toloknik can be seen in the photo on the Internet. When the spring time comes, Tolokananka blooms with white-pink flowers, after which small berries of red appear by autumn. Tolokniki leaves are special: they are soft and fluffy, and in shape resemble an oval. Not a gift of Tolokanyanka leaves in the people called a bearish ear. It is the leaves of the Tolokanyanka are considered the most useful part of the plant. This is not surprising, because the leaves of the Tolokniki have a large number of useful components. Among them glucoside arbutut, flavonoids and organic acids. Glucoside Arbutina has a diuretic action than helps to remove sand and kidney stones. Also, waterbutin helps in the provision of antiseptic action. Flavonoids destroy malicious bacteria and infections, and Ursulic acid removes inflammatory processes, and even able to stop the growth of the tumor.

    It is proved that the leaves of the Tolokaniki helps to cope with many diseases, including to bring sand in the kidneys. In addition, the toloknyanka is shown to use when the gastrointestinal disorders, and even for rejuvenation purposes.

    Toloknyanka and its useful properties

    He has a Tolokanian medicinal properties. The widest application is to use as a diuretic. The toloknyanka grass brings an excessive fluid from the body, thereby paying a patient from edema. Together with the removal of unnecessary liquid, Tolokananka displays the sand, which was present in the kidneys. This grass is recommended for use in order to relax the body, as well as the decoction of Tolokanyanka should be taken to destroy microbes in the body.

    If we speak specifically about the kidney violations, then the decoction of the Tolokaniki is especially recommended to take. After all, the plant, as already mentioned, has a diuretic action, after which many diseases of the genitourinary system are cured. Tea from Tolokniki can be taken with cystitis, pyelocystitis, pelite, pyelonephritis, and, of course, if the sand is in the kidneys.

    It has a tolnicanicity of beneficial properties and contraindications. In general, Toloknyanka is a safe tool, but has some contraindications. Tokolniki tea is contraindicated with sharp stones in the kidneys, when glomerulonephritis and renal failure. If the Sand Toloknyanka can take out, then sharp and large stones in the kidneys are not, and you can only harm. In addition, it is not recommended to use tocheries during pregnancy, with breastfeeding and children under 12 years old.


    For which the Toloknyanka means is used in official medicine: treatment of the bladder, treatment of urethra, and all organs of the urogenital system. Widely used in treatment, if the patient is concerned about the sand in the kidneys.From this plant make independent decoctions, as well as the extract of Tolokanyanka is contained in many drugs.

    In alternative medicine, brazers from the Toloknyanki are used if there are sand in the kidneys, swelling, cystitis, diabetes mellitus, etc. In addition, if there are any abrasions, you need to prepare a tool from the toolberry and apply to the affected place, after which healing will occur faster.

    Infusion Tolokanyanka

    In order to bring sand, you need to cook a decoction: take 10 g of dried tocal and combine with two glasses of cold water. Infusion it is necessary to set on half a day. After the decoction was blown, it must be slightly warm and strain. The resulting liquid is taken daily before taking food. You need to take 30 ml, and the remaining decoction should be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days. In the treatment of kidneys, a special diet is also needed, which eliminates the possibility of sand appearance again.

    It is worth noting that there is a special diet on Toloknik. This diet is designed for weight loss, if a person is overweight. Diet with weight loss implies such a recipe: the drying proportion of the Tokolniki, a series, corn stiggers, and birch leaves. All ingredients need to mix and pour 100 ml of boiling water. You need to use half a glass before eating every day. According to statistics, this diet is effective in reducing weight. It is worth noting that such a diet has some contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to apply a diet during pregnancy and with renal failure.

    In contact with

    And you knew that the plant with the intriguing nutritional name "Tolokanyanka", in many languages \u200b\u200bis called bearish berry? And what in Lithuania, according to the original wedding-maternity tradition, the branch of the Tolokaniki welcomed the bride in the house and the newborn baby? And what is confusedly confused with a lingonberry? As they say, the age of living, the age of learn something new ... But if we write about it, we, then, it means that there are berries in the bearish, to all of the time, also therapeutic properties. So what ails will save the mysterious Toloknyanka?

    Lamberry, but pork!

    Oh, and the Toloknyanka suffered for the long century because of his bright red berries and fluffy leaves! She is very similar to the northern lovedense, and they grow often nearby - in the northern regions, in Siberia, in the Far East, in Europe on dry malfuting soils.

    Tolkin and lingonberry is the same thing? This question is tormented by all beginners of hunters behind the berry, so I will specify: no, these delicacies have a completely different target audience. Let's say more - they are quite simple to distinguish each other.

    1. Tolokhananka envelops the ground with a thick dense carpet, the cruel is more loose and air.
    2. Brusnel leaves of a clear oval shape with dark spots on the wrong. In the Tokolniki leaflets fluffy and look like an ear with a thin stalk and a wide top.
    3. If you crush the berries, inside the Tokolniki there will be a white flies, similar to the detox for a rustic bread. For this it was also nicknamed.

    And most importantly, in contrast to the lingonberry, the berries of Tolokanyanka is absolutely tasteless, and if you chose more than 2 pieces - also harmful. But for bears and rippers - partridges - Favorite vitamin dessert! One remains a mystery - why did the harsh Finns dubbed her pork lingonberries and pork berries? After all, they are treated with this raptitz not only pigs, but also normal animals - chickens, even dogs ...

    Healing properties

    As soon as they did not call the Tolokushanka in the people - a torment and tolokonka, bearish berry and a bearish ear, and in a simple - busty-toloknica. The chemical composition of the tolokonki is not inferior to a twin-line-line: Natural diuretic waterbutin, a powerful antioxidant Gallic acid, rejuvenating hydroquinone, tanning substances ...

    Muccia is an effective diuretic, a great renal medicine, a safe leakage for gastrointestinal pigeons and an excellent cosmetologist. And that surprisingly - in almost every country, its special specialization has a tolkin - useful properties and contraindications of it are very diverse.

    • In Russia, Tolokhany has always treated inflammation of the urinary sphere (cystitis, prostatitis), sand and stones from the kidneys were taken.
    • In the Ukrainian villages, the munts was used for the most uncomfortable diseases - uterine bleeding, syphilis, other venereal twigs.
    • In Bulgaria, herbal fees with a fluffy tolnican - a proven means for diseases of the liver and digestive system.
    • The Germans are torn to the tolokonka at ailments of the urinary sphere - edema, urine delays, incontinence ...
    • In Lithuania, phytotherapy is also honored. In Baltov Toloknyanka - the first remedy for patients of nerves. And also - a medicine against chronic diarrpendes.
    • Tibetan Lekari were also familiar with Tolokonka - you do not hide the healing herbs from these sages. Asians poured with gastritis mouters, and the outer rows were treated with wounds and skin inflammations.


    And folk, and official medicine have long included the berry lists Toloknyanka: therapeutic properties and contraindications of it are scientifically studied and proven. Muccia - a rarity plant is safe (if you are treated only by leaves and shoots, and not nibble appetizing fruits).

    Bans to the treatment of tolnican can be found on any package with pharmacy grass or diuretic fees. This is a renal failure, a happy time of pregnancy and lactation, as well as childhood - kissing up to 12 years old to give Tokhanyanka in no case!

    If you have moved with a medicine or brewed too strong decoction from bearish ears, do not be afraid of side effects: a stall in the ears, nausea, chills, sharp back pain and in the right side. And the green shade of urine: This Casus is directly warned by reviews on medical forums.

    How to apply Tolokannka?

    The most valuable in Toloknik is her fluffy leaves-ears. Some recipes are advised to add young shoots to the brave tinctures, the main thing is not to touch the berries. What other tricks need to know if you decide to put Toloknyanka leaves in the first-aid kit? The use of them is the point of responsible:

    1. In the treatment of Tolokonka it is very important to observe the treatment time and not exceed the dosage. Follow the instructions - the maximum term of one course is 25 days, but it is better to stay at 20.
    2. If you decide to support patients of kidneys and get rid of inflammation of the urinary tract, you will have to change the diet. At the time of the course of Tolokonki, cut the amount of protein in the menu and turn on more vegetarian dishes.
    3. So that the healing force of the Tolokanika is not wondering, the urine analysis needs to be done before treatment. If acidity is increased, it is necessary to neutralize it: before each taking of much, a glass of water with a teaspoon of soda.
    4. Individual intolerance to the natural medication - the phenomenon is cunning. To avoid the "surprises", first tooint the inner fold of the elbow decoction tolokonki. After half an hour, no reaction? Boldly drink decoction.

    Healing recipes

    Have you already decided that to get rid of delicate problems you need a toloknyanka? Instructions for use on pharmacy packaging with pork lines will prompt a classic method of cooking.


    A tablespoon of small-shallow grass (can be chopped in a coffee grinder) or 3 filter package pour boiling water and wait 15 minutes. Then squeeze bags or grass into the same mug and fasten with warm water to 200 ml. Drink on a strict scheme - one tablespoon 40 minutes after eating 3-5 times a day.


    Such a drink is an efficient and very soft remedy for cystitis and other inflammation. A teaspoon of confused dried leaves pour two cups of cold water and remove for 12 hours. Then the 5 minute warm up without boiling and strain. Take - as in the previous recipe.

    Collection of cystitis

    Homemade phytotherapy offers many different fees from female inflammation, from the simplest to the most wisdom with a bunch of components. Here is one of the most popular. We take 20 cm of the leaf of Tolokonki and hernia, 5 gr - dried and. Everyone is pretty grinding-grinding, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist one hour. Profiltrate through a marblee or siter, drink 50 ml three times a day.

    Tolkin for beauty

    In cosmetology on the weight of gold, the Toloknyanka grass is valued - the use of it in various shampoos, cream-lotions, cleansing masks and scrubs has become a visiting card of many cosmetic firms. Taspberry extract helps to calm the irritated skin and remove inflammation, clean the pores and removes black dots, blends perfectly and refreshes the complexion.

    Facial Mask and Tolokany

    If you are not a supporter of ready-made shop masks and scrubies, for you - cleansing and toning a homemade mask. A teaspoon of dried tolokonki pour boiling water (100 ml), brewed in a water bath for 20 minutes and wait until cooled. Then we fall asleep a large spoonful of blue clay in a decoction, we stir all the lumps and put on your face for 15 minutes. For the greatest effect - a course of 3-4 such home spa procedures.

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