Bay window in the house - free lighting and a host of other benefits. Overview of bay windows - sizes and shapes

garden equipment 13.06.2019
garden equipment

Cottages with a ledge on the wall decorate any suburban area. They create coziness, comfort, help save electricity. A house with a bay window is built on one level or two-story. If the area of ​​​​the site allows, a house with two bay windows is installed. They are located at opposite points of the building or on the same wall.

What it is

The German word "orker" means a ledge on the wall. This design decision has been known for a long time. In the Middle Ages, it was used to defend fortresses. Today it is being built to create additional internal volume, to give the building a unique look. Houses with a bay window are more difficult to design and build than ordinary ones. But the result is worth it.

What are bay windows

Experts have created a classification of bay windows according to several criteria:

    in form(rectangular version, semicircular, multifaceted);

    by number of storeys(single-storey, two-storey, multi-storey);

    at the place of installation(corner bay window, wall-mounted, inscribed in a corner).

This architectural element can be located on any side of the house, there can be several of them. Depending on the room in which the bay window is located, its functionality and design are thought out.

    Rectangular the bay window form is the most common. It is easy to design and build.

    Semicircular option requires larger and more accurate calculations. erection round walls more difficult from a technical point of view.

    multifaceted the model makes it easier to work with the walls of the bay window. This option is quite popular.

Two-story house with two bay windows. A two-level ledge is built into the corner of the building, a single-level ledge has a wall position

Before creating a house project with an extension, they decide how many floors the bay window will occupy. The simplest option is a one-story extension. It will take less materials and effort to build it. At the same time, it will give the building a unique look. The construction of a two-story bay window ledge will require more financial and time costs. But such a building will acquire more useful internal space, a more original appearance.

Multi-story bay windows are being built in high-rise buildings. They can be installed on all floors of the wall or limited to a few levels.

Most often, designers design wall bay structures, placing them on one or two walls. Corner bay windows protrude forward a short distance.

A building with one round corner bay window and several wall

The bay windows inscribed in the corner do not protrude forward - it turns out, as it were corner balcony- it looks original and significantly expands the view from the room.

Bay windows are designed classic and combined with a balcony. It can be on the side, on top.

Pros and cons

Like all design solutions, bay windows have positive and negative sides.

To positive qualities such speeches include such factors:

    natural illumination premises, which reduces energy costs;

    added volume rooms;

    creates a beautiful panoramic view out of the window;

    it becomes possible to create a special zones in the room;

    getting better ventilation;

    the building looks Beautiful.

Projects of houses with a bay window at the upper level must take into account the load on the floor. In such options, reinforcement of the lower part of the extension is provided. A big plus of these models is that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises increases without building a land plot.
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The house with a bay window is two-story, the project with a ledge on the second floor looks original, but requires more attention when developing:

Wooden house with a bay window on the second floor is reinforced at the bottom

Bay windows have fewer disadvantages, but they must be taken into account:

    when building a structure, additional calculations for roof and walls;

    houses with bay windows expensive ordinary;

    the risk of cold air entering the room increases, which means that additional warming.

Projects of houses with a bay window

Corner bay structures are installed at one or more points. Such projects are carried out for walls made of any building materials. Wooden houses with a bay window extension are most often built from profiled timber, since a house made of such material retains heat better.

Most Popular wall variant bay window. The shape of the protrusion is chosen at the request of the owner.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Most of the two-level bay windows are not made on the classic second floor, but in the attic. Houses with a bay window and an attic allow you to save on construction. If you equip a corner bay structure, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house will not decrease, but construction costs will be reduced.

The roof of the ledge can be combined with the roof of the house or be autonomous.

The floor of the bay window can serve as the roof of the garage, if the latter is equipped under the building or is located next to the house.

How many windows to install

Most often, the project provides for the installation of a bay window module on the south side of the house. This allows you to provide maximum illumination of the room with natural light. For the southern regions, where the average annual temperature is high, windows are made on the entire protruding wall.

For the northern regions, they are considering options for installing windows, depending on the situation. This can be one window in the center of the structure with blank side walls, or a separate window is installed on each wall. The height of the window opening is chosen at will. It can be from floor to ceiling or put ordinary windows.

House 8x9 with two bay windows

House 8x9 belongs to the category of small buildings.

Plan of the 1st floor of the house 8x9 with 2 ledges. The entrance to the building is located in the wall of the bay window.

Bay windows allow you to increase usable area buildings without any financial costs. The annex serves as an entrance vestibule. Due to the equipment of the ledge, it is possible to zone the premises, make them more functional.

Interior options

Choice interior design design depends on the functionality of the room.

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An example of decorating a house with a bay window, see the video:

Choosing furniture

In the bay window niche of the children's room they arrange working area where the child does homework, plays.

Arrange in the living room winter Garden, a place for tea drinking, solitary conversations. In such a bay window, a small table with chairs is installed, a sofa with large quantity pillows.

In the additional space there is a recreation area

The kitchen bay window allows the hostess to be distracted from cooking without leaving their premises. In this segment, you can arrange a dining room, visually separating it from the kitchen.

A bedroom with a bay window looks especially intimate.

It has become fashionable to equip a bath in a bay window. This option is designed on a wall located in the inner part of the courtyard. This allows you to combine relaxation and hygiene procedures.

You can not block the ledge with bulky furniture - cabinets, headsets. They will make the room uncomfortable and dark.


Bay window curtains require special attention. For a variant with a round or semicircular perimeter, special cornices are ordered or a strong wire is pulled. Cornices are hung on walls with corners for each even segment separately.

Curtains for a bay window extension are selected in the same color scheme as the design of the room. For the kitchen, light, functional curtains are appropriate. Bright kitchen curtains will make the room more original and memorable.

Dense curtains of noble shades are hung in the living room, roleta are neutral in light shades.

In the bedroom, pastel-colored curtains are appropriate. They can be transparent, but in this case other elements are installed on the windows - roller blinds, Roman blinds, blinds.

What to consider when building

The construction of walls for a bay window ledge requires competent laying of bricks or blocks. Windows should fit well into such a facade. This is especially important for round and semicircular structures. Despite the fact that outwardly the bay window is a decoration of the house, the project two-story house with a bay window extension should take into account that its walls are load-bearing. The strength calculation for them is done in the same way as for the rest of the walls.

Specific roof installation. For bay window ledge required additional elements- valleys, roofing material, supporting beams. The protruding position of the bay window makes the roof vulnerable to gusts of wind. To cover the roof of the bay window, a separate calculation of the angles of inclination is made, the margin of safety is calculated. Joints with the main roof are treated with sealant.

Video description

What can be the nuances when installing a roof near a house with a bay window, see the video:


Bay windows are original architectural solution, allowing you to decorate the house and expand its usable area. Existing models are designed for different financial possibilities, taste, area of ​​​​the site, construction material. But if you want to build a two-story or one-level house with a bay window, you must take into account that this will inevitably lead to a complication of the project and an increase in the final cost of the house.

Leafing through a modern interior design magazine, or watching architectural television projects, you can often notice original solution increasing the space of the room, using a glazed recess in the wall. Many people have seen, but few people know that such an innovative technique in construction has deep historical roots and is called a "bay window".

Bay windows designed in an apartment or house quench the thirst of even the most sophisticated connoisseurs of fashion and practical design premises. What it is, and what opportunities open up for the owners of apartments and houses with a bay window, can be found in this article.

Historical background and interesting facts

Initially, the bay window served as a defensive ledge erected on fortresses, improving the visibility of possessions and shelling the enemy in the event of an assault or attack.

Coming from one of the dialects of the Old French language, the word "arquier" is translated as an archer and a defender, from which the main historical purpose of building such structures becomes clear.

The use of the protruding part on the vertical plane of the building then became widespread in the construction of Catholic churches. According to religious canons, there could not be other structures and rooms above the altar, in this case, the bay window served as a way out of a difficult situation.

Photos of bay windows in architecture:

And most unusual example can be called the construction of bay windows, performing the function of a toilet, the waste from which turned out to be outside the fortifications.

The main characteristics and types of bay windows

Times are changing, and the historical past has been replaced by the modern present, and the bay window compositions that adorn today's buildings serve completely different purposes. By definition, a bay window is a part of the room, usually glazed, which is a three-dimensional ledge on the plane of the facade. Significantly increases the space of the home, and panoramic windows, installed around the perimeter, provide good lighting and insolation.

In most cases, looking at the facade of the house, the bay window is not taken for the desired constructive object, confusing it with a loggia or balcony. Indeed, from the outside, the bay window may look like a balcony, but its exceptional feature is the shape and lack of internal partition inside the apartment.

Bay window models differ in simple geometric shapes:

  • Semicircle;
  • Trapeze;
  • Rectangle.

But sometimes, it happens to see rare and unusual designs in the form of a polyhedron, a triangular bay window or a half bay window.

This ledge window is an integral part of monolithic wall, can be either one-story or occupying the entire vertical wall in the center of the house. During construction country houses or multi-storey buildings, bearing for bay windows are cantilever beams, and top part performed in the form of a pitched roof.

In large cities, in new buildings, bay windows are located mainly on the shady side of the facade, solving the problem of insolation and giving residents the chance to enjoy the maximum possible natural light.

Given all the advantages of having a bay window, it would be right to mention its disadvantages. Installation of a bay window is more difficult than a balcony or a flat wall, so it costs a lot of material and physical costs.

And if the space is not properly insulated, then in the cool season it can cause discomfort, becoming a source of great heat loss.

Functional solutions and design possibilities

Becoming the owner of such original and not superfluous square meters, show all your imagination in their arrangement and decoration. Regardless of in which part of the apartment the bay window will be located, and what dimensions it has, there can be many applications, here are just a few of them.

  • An apartment with a niche having large area, can easily turn into a recreation area. Place a large sofa or ottoman there, add color and coziness with the help of small pillows, necessary colors, and it will become a favorite corner for sleeping, reading books or hobbies.
  • The panoramic design of the ledge provides good lighting, thanks to this, equip here workplace will be great idea and the right decision.
  • Will fit perfectly into the design located in the kitchen dinner table, and get together with the whole family for breakfast and dinner, will become an integral and pleasant tradition.
  • For sports people, such an interior solution will be just a godsend, a corner equipped with sports equipment and a view from the window will create the illusion of doing sports in the fresh air.
  • For families with children, it is possible to design a children's corner in the bay window. Modern pedagogical methods recommend creating a personal play space for the child, which is also convenient for parents, since the child is always in sight.

The presence of such an original idea in country house or apartment expands the space and area of ​​the room, and using a variety of designs, you can achieve the effect of open space or a cozy seating area.

Bay window masonry

Flemish brickwork:

When designers develop a project for a large building, their main task is to optimally distribute the areas of future premises, while taking into account all the wishes of the customer.

Or in a house made of another material, it will be a good solution to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rooms, while giving them a shape.

The order of building the foundation remains the same:

  1. First dig a trench;
  2. Then do ;
  3. Warm;
  4. Reinforce;
  5. The last step is pouring concrete.

After the foundation has been poured, it is given time to shrink. Only after that the foundation is treated with waterproofing material.

Construction erection

The building substrate must be well protected from moisture. good decision for wooden house there will be larch boards. Due to this, the house will receive additional support and due to this the structure will be more stable.

At this stage main job is cutting corners. Cutting corners for a semicircular bay window is carried out at an angle of 450. Of course, from the correct geometric figure easier to get results.

bay window roof

by the most simple option roof for the bay window, there will be a continuation of the roof from the main building.

In the event that the customer wants to make the roof of the bay window separate, then it is best to make it domed.

Since the amount of work and materials is small, it will not be difficult to equip a bay window roof and save your money. When the roof of the bay window is ready, there is no need to rush with its glazing. It is necessary to wait for the structure to shrink, after this time various shortcomings will be visible that could be made during construction and which will need to be corrected.

Types of bay window roofs can be different, it depends on the complexity of the design of the bay window itself. For example:

It is used for buildings of oblong structures. Such a roof has a ridge, and also has four slopes, various shapes. Two slopes are triangular in shape, while the other two are trapezoidal;

Bay windows of small sizes are covered with such a roof, and this type of roof gives the bay window the appearance of a tower. has many faces and looks like a pyramid;

Such a roof connects the roof of the bay window with the main roof of the house or the wall of the building.

What type of roof to choose is up to the customer. But the most important criterion when choosing a roof is that it copes with its functions.

We make a roof on a bay window

When building a roof on a bay window, most often the same materials are used as on the main roof. To cover the roof, materials such as:

  • slate;
  • soft roof.

In the event that the entire building is a combination of complex structures, then it is best to cover the bay window with a valley roof. Because the roof of such a building becomes with many slopes and therefore will be vulnerable to environmental influences.

The first stage of work will be arrangement of a reinforcing belt. This belt is a support for the beams and at the same time increases the strength of the masonry. The belt is made of concrete and reinforced mesh. Then comes preparation necessary materials for construction.

For roof construction the following materials are required:

  • galvanized iron;
  • self-tapping screws, screws, nails;
  • knitting wire;
  • beams for;
  • rafter and rafter beams.

After all the materials have been prepared, you can proceed with the installation and installation of the rafter beams. In this case, timber or boards are suitable, which are connected using self-tapping screws and screws.

It is not necessary to cut lumber clearly in size; it is best to leave small gaps. They can be removed after the final fixing. Before you need to find out the exact angle of inclination of the future roof.

The rafters are fitted on the ground, but then they are lifted up and stitched together on the roof ridge.

Attach the rafters with metal plates with self-tapping screws.

Then they are installed and attached to the rafter beams.

The next step in building a roof for a bay window is the construction of a batten, but before the construction of the batten begins, it is necessary truss system, protect with waterproofing materials.

After completion of the waterproofing work, a crate is being built. The most difficult part in laying the roof of a bay window is the installation of valleys, this process requires the use of gutters of different types.

There are no trifles in modern architecture, which proves and stylish house with bay window. This element is a part of the room that protrudes from the plane of the wall, complemented by one large or several small windows, glazed around the entire perimeter. All modern bay windows are built with clear, verified forms, but arbitrary outlines are sometimes possible.

The main task

The bay window is an amazing architectural element. On the one hand, thanks to him, the appearance of any building is transformed, which becomes aesthetic and stylish. On the other hand, there is an opportunity to increase living space. Thirdly, a house with a bay window is a great opportunity to realize various design ideas in the interior.

Each bay window, no matter what shape it is and under what room it would be assigned, has such structural elements as a base, a fence and a roof. Moreover, it is the base that plays an important role, since it accounts for the payload of the floor. This architectural element can be built with load-bearing or non-bearing walls. In the first option, a foundation is needed, in the second, bay windows are placed on special cantilever floor slabs.

Types and features

Projects of houses with a bay window are very popular today. At the same time, elements of very different geometries can be planned in them. Its design features are such that you can choose a very different shape:

  • Square or rectangular. These are the most simple designs which are easy to design and install. They look beautiful in any building, allowing you to make different ideas in interior design. Projects of houses with a bay window of this form can be implemented using bricks, blocks, frame technology and panel housing construction;
  • Round. This form serves as an accent on the style of the building (most often it is a European version). This bay window is an opportunity to give interesting look any corner of the building, but sometimes it is also placed in the center of the wall. Most often, an architectural element of a similar shape is used in the construction of bricks or foam blocks. But when building houses made of wood, such a bay window can neither be designed nor built.
  • semicircular. This is an elegant element that requires careful design. The design of houses with a semicircular bay window can be very effective, but it is important to feel the measure so that the facade does not become clumsy.
  • multifaceted. This is the most difficult, but also the most beautiful shape bay window. Most often, this option is chosen when building houses from a bar.

One or two floors?

In private housing construction today, the main emphasis is on one- or two-story houses. Moreover, the bay window as an addition to the facades can be used in both the first and second cases. The design of houses has its own characteristics, which should be considered:

  1. If we are talking about a one-story building, then the bay window can be located on either side of the building, overlooking the courtyard or the street. Very often people choose simple and small country house with a bay window, which is either a living room or a bedroom.
  2. The protruding part of the facade will become its beautiful addition if it is placed along the entire length of the perimeter with access to any place on the site. This method is good because you can make the lighting of the interior space more perfect and competent.
  3. If you are building two-storey house, then the bay window can be built into the wall on the ground floor, and its roof is a balcony. This is the most common project, but sometimes the bay window stretches for two floors and is built under a separate roof, giving the facade an unusual look. Such a constructive approach not only improves the lighting of the room, but also allows you to create a second light.

Thus, the design of houses requires taking into account a number of features. Any inaccuracy in the construction of the structure will lead to the fact that the walls or floors will be deformed, which will ultimately lead to a decrease in the strength and durability of the structure.

Construction features

A house with a bay window is always beautiful, but its design is special, and this must be remembered. The main attention should be paid to the choice of materials due to the fact that the design of the bay window is more difficult to install due to the greater number of angles, which affects the reduction in the rigidity of the building and requires a careful approach to insulation and glazing.

Experts advise building houses with protrusions on the facade of foam blocks, bricks or timber. The technology of monolithic construction is often used, which makes it possible to translate into reality a variety of design solutions.

In the interior, a bay window is a very interesting element of architecture that allows you to decorate it in any stylistic direction. The design of the room depends only on your imagination, but there are some features due to which any house with such an element will be original.

Interior design

A bay window is an ideal opportunity to make the interior of a house or apartment special. The protruding area can be used in different ways, while there are no strict rules for its design. The main thing is to use the capabilities of the bay window to improve the lighting in the room. In addition, you can implement a variety of design ideas:

  • with the help of false columns, arches, cornices, pilasters and mirror surfaces, you can bring elements into the interior classical style emphasizing his individuality;
  • niche walls can be decorated with mirror surfaces that visually make the space larger and brighter;
  • the bay window may not be singled out as a compositional accent in the interior, which will become good decision when decorating a dining area in the kitchen or living room.

How to plan a space

It is important to properly zone any cottage or country house with a bay window. Most often considered architectural detail used for the following functionality:

  1. Dining area.
  2. Working area in the kitchen.
  3. Recreation area, for example for work or reading.
  4. Winter Garden.

If the bay window is located in the kitchen, then it makes sense to decorate the dining area. So, you can put a circular or corner sofa, a table that will allow you to eat with the whole family. The easiest way to make a dining area is if a house is being built from a bar with a bay window, when it has a clear geometric shape. The dining area can be decorated different ways: with a sofa along the window, if the protruding part is in the form of a trapezoid, or the traditional arrangement of the dining group by the window. This is the easiest way to organize your bay window layout.

If it is located in the living room, then either a study or a winter garden is most often arranged here. Whichever method you choose, remember that in no case should this area be cluttered up or forced with furniture, it is better to replace the curtains with blinds or curtains (Roman or roller), and in general there is no need for an abundance of textiles.

We build from timber

The most beautiful in terms of design and spacious in terms of organizing space are houses with a bay window and an attic. In such cottages, the elements protruding on the facade look very harmonious, especially if the building is complemented by a complex roof structure or an unusual one. entrance group. Such an integrated approach allows not only to improve the aesthetics of the house, but also to increase the useful living space and improve visibility. Most often, a bay window is built in either on the first floor, or on all two floors.

If you are planning to build a house from a bar with a bay window, then remember some of the features of using this material. So, a profiled beam allows you to lay out curly protrusions, and thanks to the locking system of the material, the structure will be strong and protected from blowing. To ensure heat in the room, it is better to glaze the niche only halfway. Fully glazed structures are suitable for the construction of country houses.

Frame technology

Today, more and more people prefer to build frame house with bay window. Truth, this technology has its own difficulties, since the frame is not easy to erect. That is why many projects frame houses devoid of this architectural element. In fact, experienced specialists immediately understand that the ceilings are three squares, thanks to which the necessary rigidity of the structure is ensured, and additional sections that form the bay window. And very important between double boards lay a special sealing tape in it or treat the space between them with a thin layer of mounting foam.

A frame house with a bay window will have strong walls if the frames of the wall frames were attached to the lower platform, and from above they were supplemented with a strapping and a second floor floor platform. In addition, it is worth remembering that during assembly, the gable walls and the central part of the ledge are first mounted, and then the side frames, which are fastened with temporary supports.

Instead of a conclusion

With a competent approach to construction, a bay window will become a beautiful addition to any building. We hope the information provided in the article was useful.

Erker: what is it. Modern architecture has a lot of specific and unusual shapes and ways of decorating, with the help of which the building will stand out from the gray mass and become memorable. In addition, it is possible to make inner space more spacious. The most common decorative element is the bay window. Next, we will consider in more detail what kind of decorating object it is and what functional role it represents in the structure.

What is such an interesting architectural solution as a bay window?

Very often, when describing a dwelling, they indicate that there is a bay window. However, almost no one knows what it is. Many people think that this is the second name of a balcony or loggia. So what is it really? A bay window is a fragment of a structure that protrudes above the rest of the building. The bay window makes it possible to significantly increase the area and make the room even more functional.

The main advantages of the bay window are considered to be:

1. Giving relief to the structure and giving it some originality due to the glazed protruding part;
2. Thanks to this ledge, it is possible to increase the usable area in the building and expand the room;
3. Giving the room airiness and increasing light, which noticeably reduces material costs to pay for lighting and heating the room.
Note that the bay window, like other architectural tricks, has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the complexity of the structure, large material and labor costs for its construction. It is not enough to build a bay window, it also needs to be brought to mind - it is good to insulate, install good lighting, and eliminate heat loss.

Important advice!
In order for the bay window to look spectacular on the structure, it is necessary to construct the roof of the structure in an ensemble with the general roof of housing construction. Thus, without violating the style of the architectural ensemble.

Methods for locating a bay window in a building

To give the house a more elegant and presentable look, a bay window is built in the form of:
1. Triangle;
2. Square;
3. Semicircle;
Rectangle; Trapeze; Polyhedron.

There are such bay windows:

1. One-story ground - adjacent to the walls of the house, but rely on their foundation;
2. One-story remote - are small hinged structures, which are supported in the form wooden beams or stone slabs;
3. Multi-storey above-ground - such structures reach a height of almost all housing construction, are attached to load-bearing walls, but have their own foundation;
4. Multi-storey remote - are hinged multi-level structures protruding above the main cornice of the structure. They are well fixed by stones or beams.

Varieties of bay windows

By appearance bay window construction refers to one or another type of structure. Distinguish between a classic bay window or half bay window.

Very often in everyday life you can find exactly the classic bay window. This design is made in the form of a semicircle or polygon. The main feature of such structures is the presence of three sides that are interconnected, but do not form a right angle. it required condition for construction. The angle must be either greater than or less than 90 degrees.
The construction of the bay window gives the building a sophisticated look and grace. Construction is not a cheap pleasure, because it will take a large number of building materials.

Half-windows include the construction of rectangular, square and triangular structures. From the way the structure is laid out, they can be either angular or inscribed in a corner.

To date, almost every cottage has been built with a bay window. Most often, the height of the bay window is a ledge on one of the floors. In other words, a bay window is a kind of window, which consists of many frames fastened together at the right angle. The main advantage of the bay window is the possibility of installation at any stage of the construction of housing construction.

Many of the tenants of high-rise buildings really want to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment. Achieve this by upgrading the balcony to a bay window. To do this, you need to remove part bearing wall between room and balcony. The entire protruding part of the bay window must be glazed. The construction of the structure occurs according to the same principle as the bay window. Pipes are used as support.

Wooden house with a bay window

If you want a wooden house to look even more spectacular, give it luxurious look using the construction of a bay window structure. AT this case, it is better to think about it during the construction of the house.


For the construction of a bay window, it is more advisable to seek help from qualified personnel. Then you will be sure that the design will be durable and will serve you for many years.

If a wooden house will have a bay window, then the foundation for it must be built immediately. The foundation must be reliable support. More confidence inspires concrete strip base. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the concrete, you can use pile foundation. The choice will be greatly influenced by factors such as the type of soil in your area and the solvency of the owners.

A very important and crucial moment in the process of building a bay window is the correct connection of the beams during the construction process. In the process of joining the logs, there should be no residue; the ends are cut in a special way. The bars are attached to each other using bay windows. The most difficult thing in the construction process is to cut the bars at the right angle so that the structure is reliable and durable.

Designing a house with a bay window

To date, there are a lot of housing construction with bay windows. In the photo you can see the bay windows on the facade of various buildings. Such housing construction will not only look elegant, but also very festive. With the help of a bay window, you can ordinary house turn into a medieval palace.

On the Internet, you can find a lot of drawings for the construction of house buildings with a bay window. In the photo you can see how it will look in real life.

The most beautiful and accurate drawing of a house with two floors and a bay window. The construction of a bay window must begin with the foundation of the first floor and be transferred to the construction of a balcony. The balcony will definitely repeat all the features of the bay window.
If you want to make your home inimitable and unique, then you need to think about building a house with two bay windows. Basically, the bay window is mounted in the kitchen and living room. Such designs look good on large showy houses.

Very important!

So that housing construction is not cluttered with various superstructures at different heights.

If you have a two-story house, the construction of a bay window can be completed to a height of two floors. Two bay windows will look great - one on the second floor, and the second on the other side of the building on two floors.

Per recent years ten bay windows have become very widespread, and houses with a bay window are considered prestigious. Bay windows are quite common in P-44T housing construction. The advantage of apartments in such houses is an enlarged kitchen, due to its combination with the design. This will increase the usable area.

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