Cyril and Methodius are the creators of Slavic writing. The emergence of writing: the creation of Slavic ABC

Reservoirs 15.10.2019

In the twentieth century, Bulgaria became the center of distribution of Slavic writing and books. It is from here that Slavic gram and the Slavic book come to Russian land. The oldest Slavic written monuments have come down to this day are not one, but two species of Slavic letters. These are two alphabets that existed at the same time: CYRILLIC (named Cyril) and Glagolitsa (from the word "verbity", i.e. "speak").

The question of what Cyril and Methodius was created by Kirill, occupies scientists for a very long time, but they did not come to a single opinion. There are two main hypothesis. According to the first, Cyril and Methodius created Cyrillic, and the verbs arose in Moravia after the death of Methodius during the persecution period. Pupils Methodius came up with a new alphabet, which became a verbolic. It was created on the basis of Cyrillic by changing the letters to continue the dissemination of the Slavic letter.

Adherents of the second hypothesis believe that Kirill and Methodius were the authors of the verbs, and Cyrillic appeared already in Bulgaria as the result of the activities of their students.

The question of the ratio of the ABC is becoming complicated by the fact that neither the source that tells about the activities of the Solun brothers, there are no examples of the letter of the letter they have developed. The first inscriptions in Cyrillic and the verb are dated to us in the same time - the lines of the IX-X centuries.

Analysis of the language of the oldest Slavic written monuments showed that the first Slavic alphabet was created for the Old Slavonic language. Staroslavansky is not a spoken language of the Slavs of the IX century, but the language specially created for the translations of Christian literature and the creation of its own Slavic religious works. He was distinguished from the living spoken language of that time, but was clear to everyone who spoke in Slavic languages.

The Staroslavansky language was created on the basis of dialects of the southern group of Slavic languages, then he began to spread to the territory of Western Slavs, and by the end of the X century, the Starlistian language falls on East Slavic territory. The language in which Eastern Slavs spoke, is customary to be called ancient Russian. After the baptism of Russia, there are already two languages \u200b\u200bon its territory "live": the living spoken language of the Eastern Slavs is ancient Russian and literary written language - Staroslavlyansky.

What were the first Slavic alphabets? Cyrillic and verbs are very similar: they have an almost identical number of letters - 43 in Cyrillic and 40 in the verb, which are equally called and are equally located in the alphabet. But drawing (image) of letters is different.

For letters, the verbs is characterized by many curls, loops and other complex elements. Only those letters that were specifically created to transfer the special sounds of the Slavic language are close to the form of writing to Cyrillic. The verbs was used by the Slavs in parallel with Cyrillic, and in Croatia and Dalmatia, it existed until the XVII century. But the more simple Cyrillic pushed out the verbs in the East and the south, and in the West she changed her Latin.

Cyrillic letters are based on several sources. First, the Greek alphabet (Greek language was the official language of the Byzantine Empire). Greek letter in Byzantium had two forms: strict and geometrically correct unzial and faster italic. Cyrillic was the basis of Unqiel, 26 letters were borrowed from it. Oh and difficult was this alphabet, if you compare it with our modern alphabet!

The letter "H" (ours) was written as "n", and the letter "and" (izh) as "n". And several identical sounds were designated two different letters. So the sound "s" passed the letters "Earth" and "bearer", the sound "and" - the letters "izhe" "I", the sound "O" - "He" "Omega", two letters "Firth" and "Fita" were given Sound "F". There were letters to designate two sounds at once: the letters "KSI" and "PSI" meant the combination of sounds "COP" and "PS". And another letter could give different sounds: for example, "Izhitsa" meant in some cases "B", in some passed the sound "and". Four letters for Cyrillic created from the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. These letters denoted hissing sounds, which in Greek did not exist. These are the letters "worm", "csy", "Sha" and "schy" for the sounds "h, c, sh, u". Finally, several letters were created individually - "beech", "live", "EP", "ERA", "Ering", "Yat", "Yus Small" and "Yus Big". It can be seen from the table that each Cyrillic letter had its own name, some of them were in interesting semantic rows. The disciples remembered the alphabet like this: Az Buki lead - I will know the letters, i.e. I know the verb of good have; Kako people thinking, etc.

On the basis of Cyrillic, many modern Slavic alphabets have been created, the verbolitz was gradually ousted and became the "dead" alphabet, from which not "rose" none of the modern letters systems.

On May 24, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of Saints Equal-Apostles Kirill and Methodius.

The name of these saints is known to everyone from school, and it is all of them that we all, carriers of the Russian language, are obliged to a language, culture, writing.

Incredible, but all European science and culture were born in the monastic walls: it was under the monasters that first schools opened, taught the children with a diploma, gathered extensive libraries. It was for the enlightenment of peoples that many writing were created for the transfer of the Gospel. So happened with the Slavic language.

The holy brothers Kirill and Methodius took place from a notable and pious family who lived in the Greek city of Soluni. Methodius was a warrior and rules to the Bulgarian principality of the Byzantine Empire. This gave him the opportunity to learn the Slavic language.

Soon, however, he decided to leave a secular lifestyle and accepted monasticism in the monastery on Mount Olympus. Konstantin since childhood expressed amazing abilities and received an excellent education with the juvenile emperor Mikhail 3rd under the royal yard

Then he accepted monasticism in one of the monasteries on Mount Olympus in Malaya Asia.

His brother Konstantin, who took the name of Kirill in the monasticity, was distinguished from the small years with great abilities and impropa all sciences of his time and many languages.

Soon the emperor sent both brothers to Khazaras for the evangelter sermon. As the legend says, along the way, they stopped in Corsun, where Konstantin found the gospel and a psalter written by Russian letters, and a person speaking in Russian, and began to learn to read and speak this language.

When the brothers returned to Constantinople, the emperor again sent them with an educational mission - this time in Moravia. The Moravian Prince Rostislav was oppressed by German bishops, and he asked the Emperor to send teachers who could preach in their native to Slavs.

The first of the Slavic peoples who applied to Christianity were Bulgarians. In Constantinople, there was a hostage of the sister of Bulgarian Prince Bogorisa (Boris). She took her baptism named Feodora and was raised in the spirit of Holy Faith. Around 860, she returned to Bulgaria and began to decline her brother to the adoption of Christianity. Boris was baptized by taking the name Mikhail. Holy Kirill and Methodius were in this country and their sermons contributed a lot to the approval of Christianity in it. From Bulgaria, the Christian faith spread to the neighboring Serbia with her.

To fulfill the new mission, Konstantin and Methodius amounted to the Slavic alphabet and transferred to the Slavic language the main Russian service books (Gospel, Apostle, Psalm). This happened in 863.

In Moravia, the brothers were accepted with the Great Honor and began to teach the Slavic in Slavic. It caused the malicue of German bishops who committed worship in the Moravian churches in Latin, and they filed a complaint to Rome.

Taking the relics of the Holy Clement (Pope of the Roman), found them in Corsun, Konstantin and Methodius went to Rome.
Having learned that the brothers would carry holy power with them, Papa Adrian met them with honor and approved worship in Slavic. He ordered the books transferred by the brothers to put in Roman churches and make a liturgy in Slavic.

Holy Methodius performed his brother's will: Returning to Moravia already in San Archbishop, he worked here for 15 years. From Moravia, Christianity in the life of St. Methodius penetrated Bohemia. Bohemian Prince Borywa took Holy Baptism from him. His example followed his wife Lyudmila (later the martyr) and many others. In the middle of the 10th century, Polish Prince Mountains was married to the Bohemian Princess Dzabrovka, after which he and his subjects adopted the Christian faith.

Subsequently, these Slavic nations for the efforts of Latin preachers and German emperors were rejected from the Greek Church under the authority of the Roman Pope, with the exception of Serbs and Bulgarians. But all of the Slavs, despite the expired centuries, and still alive the memory of the great equivalent enlighteners and the Orthodox faith they tried to put together among them. The sacred memory of Saints Kirill and Methodius serves as a connecting link for all Slavic peoples.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

The creators of the Slavic ABC Methodius and Kirill.

At the end of 862, the Prince of Great Moravia (State of Western Slavs) Rostislav appealed to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail to send preachers to Moravia, who could spread Christianity in Slavic language (sermons in those regions were read in Latin, unfamiliar and incomprehensible people).

Emperor Mikhail sent to Moravia Greeks - a scientist Konstantin Philosopher (the name Kirill Konstantin received when making monastics in 869, and with these name he entered the story) and his older brother Methodius.

The choice was not random. Konstantin and Methodius brothers were born in Soluni (Greek Saloniki) in the commander's family, got a good education. Kirill studied in Constantinople at the courtyard of the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III, well knew Greek, Slavic, Latin, Jewish, Arabic languages, taught philosophy, for which he received a philosopher's nickname. Methodius was in military service, then several years managed one of the areas inhabited by the Slavs; Subsequently retired to the monastery.

In 860, the brothers had already traveling to Khazaras with missionary and diplomatic goals.
In order to be able to preach Christianity in the Slavic language, it was necessary to make the transfer of Holy Scripture to the Slavic language; However, the alphabets capable of transferring Slavic speech at that time did not exist.

For the creation of Slavic ABC and began Constantine. In his work he was helped by Methodius, also well-known Slavic language, as there lived a lot of Slavs in Soluni (the city was considered semigenic, half-temper). In 863, the Slavic Alphabet was created (the Slavic Azbuk existed in two versions: the verbolitsa - from the verb - "speech" and Cyrillic; so far, scientists have no consensus, which of these two options was created by Cyril). With the help of Methodius, a translation of a number of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic was made. Slavs got the opportunity to read and write in their own language. The Slavs appeared not only his, Slavic, alphabet, but also the first Slavic literary language was born, many words of which still live in Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages.

Mystery of Slavic ABC
The Old Slavonic Azbuk received its name from the combination of two letters "AZ" and "Buki", which marked the first letters of the alphabet A and B. The most interesting fact is that the Versel Slavic ABC was graffiti, i.e. Inscriptions scratched on the walls. The first old Old Slavonic letters appeared on the walls of the churches in Pereslavl approximately in the 9th century. And already by the 11th century, ancient graffiti appeared in the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev. It was on these walls that the letters of the alphabet were indicated in several draws, and the letter of the letter-word was interpreted.
In 1574, the most important event occurred, which contributed to the new twist of the development of Slavic writing. The first printed "alphabet" appeared in Lviv, which Ivan Fedorov saw - a man who printed it.

ABC structure
If you look back, you will see that Cyril and Methodius created not just an alphabet, they opened the Slavic people a new path leading to the perfection of a person on earth and the celebration of the new faith. If you look at historical events, the difference between which is only 125 years old, you will realize that in fact the way of the approval of Christianity on our land is directly related to the creation of Slavic ABC. After all, literally in one century, the Slavic people eradicated the archaic cults and accepted a new faith. The connection of the creation of Cyrillic and the adoption of Christianity today does not cause any doubt. Cyrillic was created in 863 years, and already in the 988th Prince Vladimir officially announced the introduction of Christianity and overthrow primitive cults.

Studying the Old Slavonic Azbuka, many scientists come to the conclusion that in fact the first "alphabet" is a secrecy that has a deep religious and philosophical meaning, and the most important thing is that it is constructed in such a way that it is a complex logical and mathematical organism. In addition, comparing many finds, researchers concluded that the first Slavic alphabet was created as a holistic invention, and not as a creation, which was created in parts by adding new letter forms. It is also interesting that most of the letters of the Old Slavonic alphabet are the letters. Moreover, if you look at the entire alphabet, you will see that it can be divided into two parts, which are radically different from each other. At the same time, the first half of the alphabet we conditionally call the "highest" part, and the second "lower". The highest part includes letters from A to f, i.e. From "AZ" to "Firth" and represents a list of letters words that carry meaningful sense in themselves. The lower part of the alphabet begins with the letter "Sha" and ends with "Izhitsa". The letters of the lowest part of the Old Slavonic alphabet do not have a numerical value, unlike the letters of the highest part and carry a negative subtext.

In order to understand the share of the Slavic alphabet, it is necessary not just fluently watch it, and read into every letter-word. After all, each letter-word contains a semantic kernel, which invested in her Konstantin.

Leading truth, the highest part of the alphabet
AZ - This is the initial letter of the Slavic alphabet, which denotes the pronoun I. However, its indigenous meaning is the word "initially", "start" or "beginning", although in everyday life, the Slavs most often used AZ in the context of pronoun. Nevertheless, in some Older Slavonic writings, you can find AZ, who identified "one", for example, "I will go to Vladimir". Or to "start with Azov" indicated "start from the beginning." Thus, the Slavs denoted with the beginning of the alphabet, the entire philosophical meaning of being, where there is no end without beginning, there is no light without darkness, but without good there is no evil. At the same time, the chief emphasis is placed on the duality of the world's arrangement. Actually, the alphabet itself is built on the principle of duality, where it is conditionally divided into two parts: the highest and lowest, positive and negative, part located at the beginning and part that is at the end. Also, you should not forget that AZ has a numeric value, which is expressed by the number 1. In the ancient Slavs, the figure 1 was the beginning of everything beautiful. Today, studying the Slavic numerology, it can be said that Slavs, like other nations, shared all the numbers on emphast. At the same time, odd numbers were the embodiment of all positive, kind and light. In turn, the even numbers were of darkness and evil. At the same time, the unit was considered the beginning of all began and was very revered by Slavic tribes. From the point of the erotic numerology, it is believed that 1 is a phallic character from which the continuation of the kind begins. This number has several synonyms: 1 is a unit, 1 is one, 1 - just.

Buki (Books) - the second letter-word in the alphabet. It does not have a digital value, but it has no less deep philosophical meaning than AZ. Buki means "be", "will" is most often used in the turnover in the future form. For example, "Boudi" means "let it be", and the "booming", as you probably have already guessed, indicates the "future, upcoming". In this word, our ancestors expressed the future as the inevitability that could be like a good and iris, so gloomy and terrible. Until now, it is unknown, why Konstantin did not give a numerical value, but many scientists suggest that this is due to the duality of this letter. After all, by and large, it denotes the future, which every person represents for himself in the rainbow light, but on the other hand, this word also denotes the inevitability of punishment for perfect low deeds.

Vedi - The most interesting letter of the Old Slavonic alphabet, which has a numeric value 2. This letter has several values: to behave, know and own. When Konstantin put this meaning in lead, he meant the innermost knowledge, knowledge - as the Higher Divine Dar. If you fold az, beech and lead in one phrase, you will get a phrase that means "I will know!". Thus, Konstantin showed that the person who opened the alphabet created by him will later have some knowledge. No less important and the number load of this letter. After all, 2 - two, two, the couple were not just numbers from the Slavs, they took an active part in magical rituals and were generally the symbols of the duality of the whole earthly and heavenly. The number 2 of the Slavs indicated the unity of the sky and the earth, the duality of human nature, good and evil, etc. In a word, the deuce was the symbol of the confrontation of two sides, heavenly and earthly equilibrium. Moreover, it is worth noting that the Slavs considered the Devilian number two and attributed to him a lot of negative properties, believing that it was the two who reveals a numerical series of negative numbers who carry death. That is why the birth of twins in the Old Slavonic families was considered a bad sign that carried the genus of the disease and misfortune. In addition, the Slavs have a bad sign considered to smooth the cradle, two people are filled with one towel and in general to make any action together. Despite such a negative attitude to the number 2, the Slavs recognized its magic force. For example, many rituals of expulsion of unclean forces were carried out with the help of two identical objects or with the participation of twins.

Having considered the highest part of the alphabet can be stating the fact that it is the secret message of Constantine to descendants. "Where is it seen?" - you ask. And you now try to read all the letters, knowing their true meaning. If you take a few subsequent letters, the phrases of edification are folded:
Led + verb denotes "Edition Teaching";
RCSi + word + firmly can be understood as the phrase "Crowd the word true";
Firmly + Oak can be interpreted as "strengthening the law".
If you take a closer to other letters, then you can also find the Tynesh, which Konstantin Philosopher left.
And you ever thought, why the letters in the alphabet are worth exactly in this order, and not any other? The order of the "highest" part of the letters of Cyrillic can be considered from two positions.
Firstly, the fact that each letter-word is inserted into a meaningful phrase followed by a non-random pattern, which was invented for the speedy storage of the alphabet.
Secondly, the Old Slavonic alphabet can be considered in terms of numbering numbers. That is, each letter is also the number. And all the letters numbers are arranged in ascending order. So, the letter A - "AZ" corresponds to the unit, in - 2, g - 3, d - 4, e - 5 and so up to ten. With the letters, dozens begin, which are listed here in the same way as units: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80 and 100.

In addition, many scientists noticed that the outlines of the letters of the "highest part of the alphabet are graphically simple, beautiful and comfortable. They perfectly approached a jumping letter, and the person did not experience any difficulties in the image of these letters. And many philosophers are seen in the numerical arrangement of the ABC, the principle of the triad and spiritual harmony, which a person reaches, striving for good, light and truth.
Having studied the alphabet from the most "Azov" we can conclude that Konstantin left his descendants the main value - the creation, which urges us to strive for self-cultivation, teaching, wisdom and love, miserably dark paths of malice, envy and hostility.

Now, revealing the alphabet, you will know that the creation that has appeared for the world due to the efforts of Constantine Philosopher is not just a list of letters from which words express our fear and indignation, love and tenderness, respect and delight.

Not all people know what is famous on May 24, but it is even impossible to imagine that it would be with us if this day in 863 turned out to be completely different and the creators of writing abandoned their works.

Who created Slavic writing in the 9th century? These were Cyril and Methodius, but this event happened just on May 24, 863, which led to the celebration of one of the most important events in the history of mankind. Now Slavic peoples could use their own writing, and not borrow the languages \u200b\u200bof other peoples.

Creators of Slavic writing - Cyril and Methodius?

The history of the development of Slavic writing is not so "transparent", as it may seem at first glance, there are various opinions about its creators. There is an interesting fact that Kirill, even before it began to work on creating the Slavic Azbuchi, was in Chersonese (today it is Crimea), from where he was able to take the scriptures of the Gospel or Psalrty, who already at that time were written by exactly the letters of the Slavic alphabet. This fact makes you think: who was created by Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius really wrote an alphabet or took a job?

However, besides the fact that Kirill brought a ready-made alphabet from Chersonesos, there are other evidence that the creators of Slavic writing were other people, and lived long before Cyril and Methodius.

Arabic sources of historical events say that 23 years before Kirill and Methodius have created the Slavic alphabet, namely, in the 40s of the IX century, there were baptized people who had books written in their hands on the Slavic language. There is also another serious fact, proving that the creation of Slavic writing occurred even earlier than the declared date. The essence lies in the fact that Dad Leo IV had a diploma issued to 863, which consisted of the letters of the Slavic alphabet, and on the throne, this figure was in the interval from 847 to 855 of the IX century.

Another, but also an important fact of evidence of more ancient origin of Slavic writing is to approve Catherine II, which during his board wrote that the Slavs are more ancient people than it is considered, and writing themselves since the times preceding Christmas to Christ.

Evidence of antiquity in other peoples

The creation of Slavic writing to 863 may also prove other facts that are present in the documents of other peoples who lived in ancient times and using other varieties of writing in their time. There are quite a few such sources, and they are found at the Persian historian named Ibn Fodlin, with El Maudi, as well as a few later creators in sufficiently well-known works, which states that Slavic writing has been formed before the Slavs have books appeared.

The historian who lived on the border of the IX and X century, argued that the Slavic people are more ancient and more developed than the Romans, and in proof, he brought some monuments that allow the antiquity of the origin of the Slavic people and their writing.

And the last fact that can seriously affect the course of people's thoughts in finding an answer to the question about who created Slavic writing is coins with various letters of the Russian alphabet dated earlier dates than 863 years old and those in the territories of such European countries like England, Scandinavia, Denmark and others.

Discover the ancient origin of Slavic writing

The estimated creators of Slavic writing a little "missed" with one: they did not leave any books and documents written on this however, for many scientists, it is enough that Slavic writing is present on various stones, rocks, weapons and household subjects, which were used by the ancient residents in their Everyday life.

Many scientists worked on the study of historical achievements in the writing of Slavs, however, the Senior Researcher on the Surname Grinevich was able to reach almost the very source, and his work made it possible to decrypt any text written in the Vine School of Language.

Work Grinevich in the study of Slavic writing

In order to understand the writing of the ancient Slavs, Grinevich had to do a great job, during which he discovered that it was not based on letters, but had a more complex system that worked at the expense of syllables. The scientist himself absolutely believed that the formation of Slavic ABC began 7,000 years ago.

The signs of the Slavic alphabet had a different basis, and after the grouping of all the characters Grinenevich allocated four categories: linear, separation symbols, picturesque and restrictive signs.

For the study, Grinevich used about 150 different inscriptions, which were present on all sorts of subjects, and all its achievements were based on deciphering these characters.

Grinevich, during the research, found out that the history of Slavic writing more thanks, and the ancient Slavs used 74 characters. However, for the alphabet of such a number of signs, too much, and if we talk about the whole words, then there can be only 74 in the language. These reflections have led the researcher to think that in the alphabet of Slavs used syllables instead of letters.

Example: "Horse" - syllable "Lo"

His approach made it possible to decipher the inscriptions over which many scientists were fought and could not understand what they mean. And it turned out that everything is quite simple:

  1. The pot that was found near Ryazan had an inscription - the instruction, where it was said that it would be necessary to put it in the oven and close it.
  2. Georgia, which was found near the Trinity city, had a simple inscription: "Weigh 2 oz."

All of the above evidence is fully refuted by the fact that the creators of Slavic writing - Cyril and Methodius, and prove the antiquity of our tongue.

Slavic runes in creating Slavic writing

The one who created Slavic writing was a rather smart and a bold man, because such an idea could take the Creator at the time due to the uneducation of all other people. But other options for informing people - Slavic runes were also invented, and other options for informing people are invented.

In total, 18 runes found in the world, which are present on a large number of various products from ceramics, stone statues and other artifacts. In the example, ceramic products from the village of Lepolovka, located in Southern Volyn, as well as a clay vessel in the village of Troopsovo can be brought. In addition to the evidence located in Russia, there are monuments that are located in Poland and were discovered in 1771. They are also present Slavic runes. We should not forget the temple of the Redegasta, located in retree, where the walls are decorated with Slavic symbols. The last place that scientists learned from Titmar Merzeburgian is a fortress-temple and is located on the island called RĂ¼gen. There are a large number of idols, the names of which are written using the runes of Slavic origin.

Slavic writing. Cyril and Methodius as creators

Creating writing is attributed to Cyril and Methodius, and the historical data of the corresponding period of their lives are described in confirmation, which is described in a detail. They affect the meaning of their activities, as well as the causes of working on the creation of new characters.

Kirill and Methodius to the creation of the alphabet brought the conclusion that other languages \u200b\u200bcannot fully reflect the Slavic speech. This stiffness is proved by the works of the Herbra's black street, in which it was noted that before the adoption of the Slavic alphabet, the baptism was carried out either in Greek or in Latin, and already in those days it became clear that they could not reflect all the sounds that our speech was filled .

Political influence on Slavic ABC

Politics began its influence on society from the very beginning of the origin of countries and religions, and she also put her hand to both other aspects of people's lives.

As described above, the baptism of the Slavs was carried out either in Greek or in Latin, which allowed other churches to influence the minds and strengthen the slohany's thought about their dominant role.

Those countries where liturgies were not conducted in Greek, but in Latin, they gained strengthening the influence of German priests on the faith of people, and for the Byzantine Church, this was unacceptable, and she made a response step, having commissioned Kirill and Methodius creating writing on which will be recorded Service and sacred texts.

The Byzantine Church correctly argued at that moment, and her ideas were such that the one who created Slavic writing on the basis of Greek alphabet will help weaken the influence of the German church on all Slavic countries at the same time, and at the same time will help bring together the people with Byzantia. These actions can also be considered as dictated by corondy.

Who created Slavic writing based on Greek alphabet? Created Cyril and Methodius, and for this work they were chosen by the Byzantine Church not by chance. Kirill grew up in the city of Soluni, who, though he was Greek, but about half of his inhabitants were freely spoken in Slavic, and Kirill himself knew himself in him, and also had excellent memory.

Byzantium and its role

As for when work began on creating Slavic writing, quite serious disputes are being conducted, because on May 24 - this is the official date, but in history there is a large gap in time that creates a discrepancy.

After Byzantium gave this difficult task, Kirill and Methodius began the development of Slavic writing and in 864 came to Moravia with the already ready Slavic alphabet and the fully translated Gospel, where they scored students for school.

After receiving the task from the Byzantine Church, Kirill and Methodius are sent to Morrow. During its path, they are engaged in writing the alphabet and the transfer of the texts of the Gospel to the Slavic language, and upon arrival in their hands are ready-made work. However, the road to Moravia takes not so much time. Perhaps this time interval and allows you to create an alphabet, but translating the letter of the Gospel for such a short time is simply impossible, which indicates the advance work on the Slavic language and translation of texts.

Cyril's disease and its care

After three years of work in his own school of Slavic writing, Kirill refuses this case and leaves for Rome. Such a turn of events was caused by the disease. Kirill left all for the sake of calm death in Rome. Methodius, being alone, continues to deal with its goal and does not retreat backwards, although now it has become more difficult, because the Catholic Church began to understand the scale of the work done and not delighted with it. The Roman Church imposes prohibitions for transfers to Slavic language and openly demonstrates its discontent, but Methodius now has followers who help and continue his business.

Cyrillic and verbs - What did the beginning of modern writing?

There are no confirmed facts that can prove which of the writings originated earlier, and there are no accurate information about who created Slavic and to which of the two possible attached his hand Kirill. Only one thing is known, but the most important thing is - it was Cyrillic that has become the foundation of today's Russian alphabet today and only thanks to her we can write as we write now.

Cyrillic has 43 letters in its composition, and the fact that its creator is Cyril, proves the presence of 24 and the remaining 19 Cyrillic Creator on the basis of Greek ABC included exclusively to reflect complex sounds that were present only among the peoples who used Slavic to communicate.

Over time, the Cyrillic alphabet was transformed, almost constantly influenced it to simplify and improve. However, there were moments that first made a letter, for example, the letter "E", which is an analogue "E", the letter "th" - analogue "and". Such letters initially complicated the spelling, but reflected the corresponding sounds.

The verbs, in fact, was an analogue of Cyrillic and used 40 letters, and 39 of them were taken from Cyrillic. The main difference of the verbs is that it has a more rounded style of writing and she is not inherent in an angularity, unlike Cyrillic.

The disappeared alphabet (verbolitz), although it did not fit, but was intensively used by the Slavs living in southern and western latitudes, and, depending on the location of the inhabitants, she had its own letters styles. Slavs, living in Bulgaria, used a verbs for a letter with a more rounded style, and Croatian treasured to an angular letter.

Despite the number of hypotheses and even on the absurdity of some of them, each worthy of attention is, and it is impossible to answer exactly who the creators of Slavic writing. Answers will be blurry, with a variety of flaws and flaws. And although there are many facts that refute the creation of writing Cyril and Methodius, they are awarded honors for their works that allowed the alphabet to spread and transform until today.

Koloskova Kristina

The presentation was created on the topic: "Creators of Slavic Azbuchi: Cyril and Methodius" Purpose: To attract students to an independent search for information, the development of creative scope of students.



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Cyril and Methodius. The work performed the student 4 "A" class MOU "High School No. 11" Kimra Tver Region Kristina Kristina

"And there will be a saints of the Slavs Native Holy Apostles"

I page "At first there was a word ..." Kirill and Methodius Kirill and Methodius, Slavic enlighteners, creators of Slavic ABC, preachers of Christianity, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic language. Kirill (before the adoption of monastics in 869 - Konstantin) (827 - 14.02.869) and his elder brother Methodius (815 - 06.04.885) were born in Soluni in the commander's family. The mother of the boys was a Greek, and Father - Bulgarian, so since childhood they had two native languages \u200b\u200b- Greek and Slavic. The characters of the brothers were very similar. Both read a lot, loved learning.

Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius, Enlighteners of Slavs. In 863-866, the brothers were sent to Great Moravia to set out the Christian doctrine on the Slavs understood. Great teachers transferred the books of the Holy Scriptures, putting the basis of East Bulgarian dialects, and created a special alphabet - the verbs - for their texts. The activities of Kirill and Methodius had a general Slavonic importance, had an impact on the formation of many Slavic literary languages.

Saint Equal to the Apostles Cyril (827 - 869), according to the nicknamed philosopher, Teacher Slovenian. When Konstantin was 7 years old, he saw a prophetic dream: "The father gathered all the beautiful Girls of Soluni and ordered one of them in wives. After examining everyone, Konstantin chose the most beautiful; Her name was Sofia (in Greek wisdom). " So in childhood, he wrapped with wisdom: for him knowledge, books were the meaning of all life. Konstantin received a brilliant formation at the Imperial courtyard in the capital of Byzantia - Constantinople. I quickly studied grammar, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music, knew 22 languages. Interest in sciences, perseverance in teaching, hardworking - all this made it one of the most educated people of Byzantium. It was not by chance that his great wisdom was called a philosopher. Holy Equal to the Apostles Cyril

Moodi Moravian Holy Equal to the Apostles Methodius Methodius went on military service. 10 years was the ruler of one of the areas inhabited by the Slavs. Around 852, he accepted the monastic stop, abandoning Sana Archbishop, became the igumen of the monastery. Polychron at the Asian shore of the Marmara Sea. In Moravia, it was sharpened in the dungeon for two and a half years, in Lutzy Frost, they carried the wolf in the snow. The enlightement did not reject serving Slavs, and in 874 he was released by John VIII and restored in the rights of bishop. Pope John VIII banned Meturgy to Meturgy in Slavic, but Methodius, visiting 880 Rome, achieved the abolition of the ban. In 882-884 lived in Byzantium. In the middle of 884, Methodius returned to Moravia and engaged in the translation of the Bible to Slavic.

The verbs is one of the first (along with Cyrillic) Slavic ABC. It is assumed that it was the verbs that the Slavic Enlightenment of St. Konstantin (Cyril) philosopher for the record of church texts in Slavic. Glagolitsa

The Old Slavonic ABC was compiled by scientist Cyril and his brother Methodius at the request of Moravian princes. It is called - Cyrillic. This is a Slavic alphabet, in it 43 letters, (19 vowels). Each has its own name similar to ordinary words: a - az, b - beech, in - lead, g - verb, d - good, Well - live, z - land and so on. Alphabet - the name itself is formed from the name of the two first letters. In Russia, Cyrillic was distributed after the adoption of Christianity (988), the Slavic alphabet was perfectly adapted to the exact transmission of the sounds of ancient Russian. This alphabet is based on our alphabet. Cyrillic

In 863, the Word of God was called in the Moravian cities and villages in his native, Slavic, writing, secular books. It began the Slavic Children. All his life Solown brothers dedicated to the teachings, knowledge, ministry to the Slavs. They did not give much importance or wealth or honors, nor glory, no career. The younger, Konstantin, read a lot, reflected, wrote the sermons, and the senior, Methodius, was more the organizer. Konstantin translated from Greek and Latin to Slavic, wrote, creating an alphabet, in Slavyansky, Methodius - "published" books, led the school of students. Konstantin was not destined to return home. When they arrived in Rome, he was seriously ill, accepted the victim, received the name Kirill and passed away after a few hours. With this name, he remained to live in the bright memory of the descendants. Buried in Rome. The beginning of the Slavic Chronicles.

The spread of writing in Russia in ancient Russia was read by diploma and books. Historician scientists and archaeologists believe that the total number of handwritten books before the XIV century was about 100 thousand copies. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia - in 988 - the writing began to spread faster. The liturgical books were translated into Staroslavansky. Russian copiers rewrote these books by adding their native language features. So gradually created an ancient Russian literary language, the works of the Old Russian authors appeared, (unfortunately, often nameless) - "Word about the regiment of Igor", "The teachings of Vladimir Monomakh", "Life of Alexander Nevsky" and many others.

Yaroslav Wise Grand Prince Yaroslav "Books loved, read them often and at night and day. And gathered the scribes of many and translated from Greek to Slavic language and they wrote books many "(chronicle of 1037) among these books were the chronicles written by monks, old and young, secular people, these are" lives ", historical songs," teachings " , "Messages". Yaroslav Wise

"The ABC is taught in the whole hut" (V.I. Dal "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language") V.I. Dal in the ancient Russia textbooks were not yet, training went on church books, had to memorize the huge texts-psalms - instructive chants. The names of letters were memorized by heart. When learning, reading was first called the letters of the first syllable, then this syllable was uttered; Then the letters of the second syllable were called, and a second syllable was pronounced and so on, and only after that the syllables were in the whole word, for example, a book: Kako, ours, izh - hectares, verb. This is how it was difficult to learn a diploma.

IV Page "Revival of the Slavic Holiday" Macedonia Ohrid Monument Kirill and Methodius Already in the IX - X centuries in the homeland of Kirill and Methodius began to emerge the first traditions of glorifying and reveranted the creators of Slavic writing. But soon the Roman church began to oppose the Slavic language, calling him barbaric. Despite this, the names of Cyril and Methodius continued to live among the Slavic people, and in the middle of the XIV century they officially counted them to holy. In Russia, it was different. The memory of Slavic-enlighteners was celebrated already in the XI century, they never considered them heretic, that is, the boots. But still it was more interested only by scientists. The wide festivities of the Slavic Word began in Russia in the early 60s of the last century.

In the feast of Slavic writing on May 24, 1992, in Moscow, the solemn opening of the monument to Saint Cyril and Methodius of the work of the sculptor Klykov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich took place at Slavic Square. Moscow. Slavic Square

Kiev Odessa

Soloniki Mukachevo

Chelyabinsk Saratov Monument to Cyril and Methodius opened on May 23, 2009. Sculptor Alexander Roznikov

The territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, near the distant caves, established a monument to the creators of Slavic Azbuchi Kirill and Methodius.

Monument to Saint Cyril and Methodius Holiday in honor of Cyril and Methodius - a public holiday in Russia (since 1991), Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and the Republic of Macedonia. In Russia, Bulgaria and the Republic of Macedonia, the holiday is celebrated on May 24; In Russia and Bulgaria, he is named after the day of Slavic culture and writing, in Macedonia - the day of Saints Cyril and Methodius. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, the holiday is celebrated on July 5th.

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