Methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical representations (femp) in the middle group. "modern technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children

Landscaping and planning 10.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Kozlova Ludmila Nikolaevna
Generalization of pedagogical experience " Gaming technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers"

Municipal Autonomous preschool educational institution

Generalization of pedagogical work experience


Educator MADOU

"Kindergarten No. 13 in Sosnogorsk"

Kozlova L. N.

Sosnogorsk, 2018

1. Relevance

I believe that development is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development preschooler. In the context of the implementation of GEF DO to the structure of the main general education program preschool education , the essential difference is the exclusion from educational process learning activities, as not corresponding to the laws of the child's development at the stage preschool childhood. Therefore, before us preschool teachers, it becomes relevant to search for others forms and ways of working with children. The essence of the change also concerns the model of the educational process. children preschool age should not be taught, but developed. It is necessary to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.

Having studied pedagogical technologies, I noted that a unique means of ensuring cooperation between children and adults, a way to implement a student-centered approach to education is to use game forms learning in the classroom. With the right organization, the game creates conditions for the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities child, formation of preconditions educational activities and ensuring social success preschooler. In my work, I place a lot of emphasis on didactic games. They are used both in joint and independent activities of children. Didactic games perform the function of learning tools - children learn the signs items learn to classify generalize, compare. Usage didactic games, as a means of learning, increases the interest of children in educational activities, provides a better assimilation of the program.

2. Theoretical justification experience

The most important and urgent task of preparing children for school is their successful education in primary school, which depends on the level of development of the child, the ability generalize and systematize their knowledge, creatively solve various problems. developed mathematical thinking not only helps the child to navigate and feel confident in the environment around him modern world, but also contributes to its general mental development. Therefore, the main requirement for form organization of training and education - to make classes on formation of elementary mathematical representations the most effective in order to ensure that at each age stage the child learns the maximum amount of knowledge available to him and stimulates his intellectual development.

Classes organized in playful form contribute to that the child turns from a passive, inactive observer into an active participant, such activities also contribute to formation the child has creative abilities that are necessary for his harmonious development. Developing content gaming activities, and applying them in my work, I came to the conclusion that the use of gaming situations in the learning process should not be random. Every use game situation has its place and time: definite the period of studying certain topics, when children have already acquired the necessary knowledge and mastered in the right ways activities and can transfer them to non-standard situations, use their practical experience, knowledge, skills. In class at in a playful way, children acquired certain knowledge, skills, abilities and at the same time enriched aesthetically, emotionally, helped each other, learned to overcome difficulties together, evaluated themselves and others, drew conclusions and conclusions. These lessons combined game situations, didactic games, visual material and actions with it. They encouraged the child to apply his knowledge in practical activities, use methods known to him and invent new ones to solve non-standard tasks, consider given conditions from several points of view, put forward different ways to solve them, reason theoretically and act practically.

gaming motivation helped to maintain the interest of children throughout the lesson, created a positive emotional mood. During these sessions, the children developed a sense of satisfaction and joint activities, and from the correct solution game situation. A special role in the education of children was assigned to such activities as classes - entertainment or classes - holidays.

I considered entertainment and holidays not only as form of recreation but also as a powerful means of mediated upbringing and education. They reflect interest, needs, emotions, character, and equally cultivate the personal and intellectual qualities of the child. This is no coincidence. A joyful experience raised the child's vitality, united the children, and created a cheerful mood. I built classes on intellectual entertainment content and used it in variable educational work with children. Name the types of these classes: activities - entertainment, math holidays, games - competitions, games - shows, mathematical all-around, theatrical performances, games - dramatizations (on mathematical material, quiz.

Each of these types was built on a joint informal activities of children and adults, had their own characteristics in the organization and methodological requirements for stimulating the intellectual activity of children, differentiated and humane use of incentives, creating conditions for independent creative and discussion activities of children, "delicate" the use of competitive moments, preliminary preparing children for the acquisition of cognitive content.

Based on the foregoing, I concluded that conducting classes in game form, using didactic games and activities - entertainment helps children learn more easily material to reinforce previously acquired knowledge and skills. The significance of these activities lies in the fact that they perform various functions: identifying, consolidating knowledge and skills, methods of action, communicating new knowledge and helping children to more easily learn complex mathematical material.

The inclusion of children is also important. preschool age in a family environment entertaining math material. For this, I used a variety of ways of working with parents. Conducted individual interviews, consultations, open classes, showed fragments of classes on an interactive whiteboard, made presentations at parent meetings, introduced parents to the methods of managing games, the methodology for conducting them, reminded them to play with children, taught them sequential actions, successfully planned in their mind, taught children to mental labor. During conversations with parents, she recommended that they collect entertaining material, organize joint games with children, gradually create a home game library, told what games you can make your own with children hands: "Make a Pattern", "Which figure is superfluous?", "What day of the week is hidden?" and many others. Parents of older children and preparatory groups recommended to deal with children using special literature. To make it easier for parents define what games and how to play with children, designed the stand« Entertaining mathematics» and sliding folders, in which the themes of the games were reflected in the sections of the Program for the upbringing and education of children and ages with the content of the games.

Organized with children math holidays, evenings of leisure, invited parents to them so that they themselves could see and evaluate the knowledge and skills of children.

The organization of such work with parents contributed to shaping their creativity, ingenuity, increasing their pedagogical culture . I believe that only the joint work of educators and parents to educate children math through play, will contribute to the comprehensive development of children, preparation for schooling.

3. Efficiency pedagogical work experience

With the aim of generalizations of advanced pedagogical experience on the topic: « Game technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers» by me from March 2016 to May 2018 at MADOU "Kindergarten No. 13 in Sosnogorsk" with pupils of group No. 3, a number of classes and entertainments were carried out according to FEMP in game form. In the course of the work, goals and objectives for the education, upbringing and development of children were set. Analyzing the state of learning preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that the didactic game, along with the widely used functions of consolidating and repeating knowledge, can also act as a function formation of new knowledge, representations and ways cognitive activity. It should be noted that not all classes can be carried out completely in game form, since the Program for Education and Training in Kindergarten has such material, which requires a more serious attitude when meeting him, and which can only be fixed in game form. For example, getting acquainted with the composition of a number from two smaller numbers, getting acquainted with the structure of the problem, teaching the formation of the numbers of the second ten and some other tasks. That is why, in order to maintain the interest of children in such learning activities, I included didactic games in them, but the game goes as part of the lesson, its place in the structure of the lesson determined by purpose purpose and content of the lesson. In these games, there were both reinforcing skills and abilities, and they were of an educational nature, they helped children to better learn one or another material and attracted their interest in the activity. It should be noted that regular use in the classroom mathematics special gaming tasks and exercises aimed at developing cognitive capabilities and abilities, expands mathematical outlook of preschoolers, promotes mathematical development, enhances the quality mathematical readiness for school, allows children to navigate more confidently in the simplest laws of the reality around them and more actively use mathematical knowledge in everyday life.

Despite the variety of games, their main task should be the development of logical thinking, namely the ability to establish the simplest patterns: order of alternation of shapes by color, form, size. This is facilitated and gaming exercises to find a missing figure in a row.

Also necessary condition that ensures success in work is the creative attitude of the educator to math games: variation game actions and questions, individualization of requirements for children, repetition of games in the same form or complication. Need modern requirements caused high level modern school to mathematical preparation of children in kindergarten, in connection with the transition to school from the age of six.

Effective organization of children's activities for the purpose of lasting and deep assimilation preschoolers of program material on the formation of elementary mathematical knowledge will be carried out when performing certain requirements:

1. In the process of children mathematics should combine traditional and non-standard forms of education.

2. Great importance in teaching children mathematics through the game have didactic games mathematical content conducted outside of educational activities, with the aim of consolidating, improving the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the classroom.

3. You need to organize the corners entertaining mathematics in groups, starting from the average preschool age , as they provide targeted formation of interest in elementary mathematical activities, instill in children the need to engage in free time intellectual games.

4. Unity in work kindergarten and families will contribute to the comprehensive development of children, preparing them for schooling, if work is actively carried out with parents to organize at home entertaining math games.

3. Bibliographic list:

1. Arapova-Piskareva N. A. Development elementary mathematical concepts. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

2. Agafonov V. "Your friend is a computer", Moscow, "Children's literature" 1996 (computer science from 4 to 9) .

3. Bederkhanova V.P. Joint design activity as a means of development of children and adults // Development of personality. 2000.

4. VolinaV. B. Holiday number (Entertaining mathematics for children) -M.: Knowledge, 1993.

5. Wenger L. A., Wenger A. L. home school thinking. – M.: Knowledge, 1984.

6. Evdokimova E. S. Technology design in DOW. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008.

7. Yuzbekova. E. A. Steps of creativity. - M., LINKA-PRESS., 2006.

8. L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, and M. B. Zuikova. Project method in activity preschool. - M., 2003.

9. Metlina L. S. Mathematics in kindergarten. - M., 1984.

10. Mikhailova. BEHIND. Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers: M Enlightenment, 1990.

11. Popova G. P., V. I. Usacheva Entertaining mathematics. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

12. Petrova. M. N. Didactic games and exercises for mathematics to work with children preschool age. -M.: Education, Educational literature, 1996.

Karlova Natalya Mikhailovna
Position: educator
Educational institution: MBDOU "Sun"
Locality: p.Tiksi, Bulunsky district, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Material name: article
Publication date: 22.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education





"The use of Gyenes blocks in the formation of elementary

mathematical representations in preschoolers "

Games with Gyenes blocks as a means of forming universal

prerequisites for learning activities in preschool children.

Dear teachers! “The human mind is marked by such an insatiable

susceptibility to knowledge, which is, as it were, an abyss ... "

Ya.A. Comenius.

Any teacher is especially concerned about children, who relate to everything

indifferently. If the child has no interest in what is happening in the lesson,

there is no need to learn something new - this is a disaster for everyone. Trouble for the teacher:

It is very difficult to teach someone who does not want to learn. Trouble for parents: if not

interest in knowledge, the void will be filled with other, not always

harmless interests. And most importantly, this is the misfortune of the child: he not only

boring, but also difficult, and hence the difficult relationship with parents,

peers, and with yourself. Can't keep my confidence

self-respect, if everyone around strives for something, rejoices at something, and he

one understands neither the aspirations, nor the achievements of his comrades, nor what

those around him are waiting.

For the modern educational system, the problem of cognitive

activity is extremely important and relevant. According to scientists, the third

The millennium is marked by the information revolution. knowledgeable, proactive and

educated people will be valued as a true national wealth, so

how to competently navigate the ever-increasing volume

knowledge. Already now an indispensable characteristic of readiness for learning in

the school is served by the presence of interest in knowledge, as well as the ability to

arbitrary actions. These abilities and skills "grow" from strong

cognitive interests, therefore it is so important to form them, to teach them to think

creatively, non-standard, independently find the right solution.

Interest! The perpetual motion machine of all human quests, unquenchable fire

inquisitive soul. One of the most exciting issues of education for

educators remains: How to arouse sustainable cognitive interest, how

arouse a thirst for the difficult process of knowledge?

Cognitive interest is a means of attracting to learning, a means

activating the thinking of children, a means of making you worry and enthusiastically


How to "wake up" the cognitive interest of the child? Need to do

entertaining learning.

The essence of entertainment is novelty, unusualness, surprise,

strangeness, inconsistency with previous ideas. With entertaining

training, emotional and thought processes are aggravated, forcing

look more closely at the subject, observe, guess, remember,

compare, look for explanations.

Thus, the lesson will be informative and entertaining if the children in

during it:

Think (analyze, compare, generalize, prove);

They are surprised (rejoice at successes and achievements, novelty);

They fantasize (anticipate, create independent new images).

Achieve (purposeful, persistent, show the will to achieve


All human mental activity consists of logical operations and

carried out in practice and is inextricably linked with it.

Any kind of activity, any work involves the solution of mental problems.

Practice is the source of thinking. Everything that a person knows

through thinking (objects, phenomena, their properties, regular connections

between them), is tested by practice, which gives an answer to the question, correctly

whether he cognized this or that phenomenon, this or that regularity or not.

However, practice shows that the assimilation of knowledge on various stages

learning causes significant difficulties for many children.

mental operations

(analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematization, classification)

in analysis - the mental division of an object into parts with their subsequent


in synthesis - building a whole from parts;

in comparison - the allocation of common and various signs in a number of subjects;

in systematization and classification - the construction of objects or objects according to

any scheme and ordering them according to some attribute;

in generalization - linking an object with a class of objects based on

essential features.

Therefore, kindergarten education should be aimed primarily at

development of cognitive abilities, formation of prerequisites for educational

activities that are closely related to the development of mental operations.

Intellectual work is not very easy, and, given the age

preschool children, teachers should remember

that the main method of development is problem - search, and the main form

organizations are a game.

Our kindergarten has accumulated a positive experience in development

intellectual and creative abilities of children in the process of formation

mathematical representations

The teachers of our preschool institution successfully use

modern pedagogical technologies and methods of organization

educational process.

One of the universal modern pedagogical technologies is an

use of Gyenes blocks.

Gyenes blocks were invented by a Hungarian psychologist, professor, creator of the author's

methods "New Mathematics" - Zoltan Gyenes.

The didactic material is based on the method of replacing the subject with symbols and

signs (simulation method).

Zoltan Gyenes created a simple yet unique toy,

cubes, which I placed in a small box.

Over the past decade, this material has been gaining more and more recognition from

educators in our country.

So, Gyenesh logic blocks are designed for children from 2 to 8 years old. how

we see that they belong to the type of toys with which you can play for a single year

by increasing the complexity of tasks from simple to complex.

Purpose: the use of Gyenesh logical blocks is the development of logical

mathematical representations in children

The tasks of using logical blocks in working with children are defined:

1.Develop logical thinking.

2. Form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmathematical concepts -

algorithm, (sequence of actions)

encoding, (storing information using special characters)

information decoding, (decoding of symbols and signs)

coding with a negation sign (use of the particle "not").

3. Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them adequately

indicate their absence, generalize objects according to their properties (one by one, by

two, three signs), explain the similarity and difference of objects, justify

their reasoning.

4. Introduce the shape, color, size, thickness of objects.

5. Develop spatial representations, (orientation on a sheet of paper).

6. Develop the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for independent

solving educational and practical problems.

7. Cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving

goals, overcoming difficulties.

8. Develop cognitive processes, mental operations.

9. Develop Creative skills, imagination, fantasy,

10. Ability to model and design.

From the point of view of pedagogy, this game belongs to the group of games with rules, to

group of games that are directed and supported by an adult.

The game has a classic structure:


Didactic material (actual blocks, tables, diagrams).

Rules (signs, diagrams, verbal instructions).

Action (mainly according to the proposed rule, described either by models,

either a table or a diagram).

Result (necessarily compared with the task in hand).

So let's open the box.

Game material is a set of 48 logical blocks,

with four properties:

1. Shape - round, square, triangular, rectangular;

2. Color - red, yellow, blue;

3. Size - big and small;

4. Thickness - thick and thin.

We will take the figure out of the box and say: “This is a big red

triangle, that's a little blue circle."

Simple and boring? Yes, I agree. That is why it was proposed a huge

the number of games and activities with Gyenesh blocks.

It is no coincidence that many kindergartens in Russia are engaged with children according to this

methodology. We want to show how interesting it is.

Our goal is to interest you, and if it is achieved, we are sure

you will not have a box with blocks gathering dust on the shelves!

in joint activities with children and independent play.

Where to start?

Working with Gyenes Blocks, build on the principle - from simple to complex.

As already mentioned, you can start working with blocks with younger children

preschool age. We would like to suggest steps. Where did we start.

We want to warn you that strict adherence to one stage after another

not necessary. Depending on the age at which work begins

blocks, as well as the level of development of children, the teacher can combine or

skip some steps.

Stages of learning games with Gyenesh blocks

Stage 1 "Introduction"

Before proceeding directly to games with Gyenesh blocks, we

The first stage gave the children the opportunity to get acquainted with the blocks:

independently get them out of the box and examine, play in your own way

discretion. Educators can observe such an acquaintance. And children can

build turrets, houses, etc. In the process of manipulating the blocks, children

found that they have a different shape, color, size, thickness.

We want to clarify that at this stage, children get acquainted with the blocks on their own,

those. without assignments, teachings from the educator.

Stage 2 "Examination"

At this stage, the children were examining the blocks. Through perception

they learned the external properties of objects in their totality (color, shape,

value). Children for a long time, without being distracted, practiced in the transformation of figures,

shifting the blocks own will. For example, red figures to

red, squares to squares, etc.

In the process of playing with blocks, children develop visual and tactile skills.

analyzers. Children perceive in the subject new qualities and properties,

trace the contours of objects with a finger, group them by color, size,

form, etc. Such methods of examining objects are important

for the formation of operations of comparison, generalization.

Stage 3 "Game"

And when the acquaintance and examination took place, they offered the children one of the games.

Of course, when choosing games, one should take into account intellectual capabilities.

children. Didactic material is of great importance. Play and

laying out blocks is more interesting for someone or something. For example, treat

animals, resettle tenants, plant a garden, etc. Note that the set of games

presented in a small brochure that comes with the box of blocks.

(showing the brochure from the kit to the blocks)

Stage 4 "Comparison"

Then the children begin to establish similarities and differences between the figures.

The child's perception becomes more focused and organized.

character. It is important that the child understands the meaning of the questions “How are

figures? and “How are the figures different?”

In a similar way, the children established the differences in figures by thickness.

Gradually, the children began to use sensory standards and their

generalizing concepts such as shape, color, size, thickness.

Stage 5 "Search"

At the next stage, search elements are included in the game. Children learn

find blocks by verbal task one, two, three and all four

available signs. For example, they were asked to find and show any

Stage 6 "Introduction to symbols"

At the next stage, children were introduced to code cards.

Riddles without words (coding). They explained to the children that we should guess the blocks

cards will help.

The children were offered games and exercises, where the properties of the blocks are shown

schematically on cards. This allows you to develop the ability to

modeling and substitution of properties, the ability to encode and decode


This interpretation of block properties encoding was proposed by the author himself.

didactic material.

The teacher, using code cards, makes a block, children

decrypt the information and find the encoded block.

Using code cards, the guys called the “name” of each block, i.e.

listed its symptoms.

(Showing cards on an album with rings)

Stage 7 "Competitive"

Having learned to search for a figure with the help of cards, children are happy to

guessed each other a figure that needs to be found, invented and

draw your own diagram. Let me remind you that presence is required in games

visual didactic material. For example, "Russell tenants", "Floors"

etc. A competitive element was included in the game with blocks. There are such

tasks for games where you need to quickly and correctly find a given figure.

The winner is the one who never makes a mistake both in encryption and in search.

encoded figure.

Stage 8 "Denial"

At the next stage, games with blocks became much more complicated due to the introduction of

negation sign "not", which in the picture code is expressed

cross-crossing of the corresponding coding pattern “not

square”, “not red”, “not big”, etc.

Show - cards

So, for example, "small" - means "small", "rather big" -

means "big". You can enter one cut sign into the circuit - one at a time

sign, for example "not big", means small. And you can enter the sign

negation on all grounds “not a circle, not a square, not a rectangle”, “not

red, not blue", "not big", "not thick" - which block? Yellow,

small, thin triangle. Such games form in children the concept of

negation of some property with the help of the particle "not".

If you started to introduce children to the Gyenesh blocks in senior group, then the steps

"Acquaintance", "Survey" can be combined.

Features of the structure of games and exercises allows you to vary in different ways

the possibility of their use at various stages of education. Didactic

The games are categorized according to the age of the children. But every game maybe use

in any age group (complicating or simplifying tasks), thereby

provides a huge field of activity for the creativity of the teacher.

Children's speech

Since we work with OHP children, we pay great attention to the development

children's speech. Games with Gyenesch blocks promote the development of speech: children learn

reason, enter into a dialogue with their peers, build their

statements, using the unions “and”, “or”, “not”, etc., in sentences, willingly

come into verbal contact with adults, vocabulary is enriched,

awakens a keen interest in learning.

Interaction with parents

Having started working with children using this method, we introduced our parents to

this entertaining game at practical seminars. Feedback from parents

were the most positive. They consider this logic game useful and

fun, no matter the age of the kids. We offered parents

use planar logic material. It can be made from

colored cardboard. They showed how easy, simple and interesting to play with them.

Games with Gyenesh blocks are extremely diverse and are not at all exhausted.

the proposed options. There is a wide variety of different

options from simple to the most complex, over which an adult is interested

"break your head". The main thing is that the games are played in a certain system with

taking into account the principle of "from simple to complex". The teacher's understanding of the significance

inclusion of these games in educational activities help him more

rational use of their intellectual and developmental resources and

the game for his pupils will become a "school of thinking" - a school of natural,

joyful and not difficult.

Thesaurus Mathematical thinking - if a person is able to build any model of the concept being studied and describe it in mathematical language, then he has what we call mathematical thinking. Intellectual (mathematical) readiness is the achievement of a level of maturity of cognitive processes (memory, perception, thinking, imagination, speech) sufficient to start systematic learning, the child's mastery of a certain amount of knowledge in the scope of the program.

Non-standard means are such means, tasks for which there is no general rules and provisions defining the exact program for their solution. A non-standard tool, the task acts as a problematic one. Non-traditional means are tasks whose solution algorithm is unknown (Friedman)

Entertaining mathematical material is a means of a complex impact on the development of children, with the help of which mental and volitional development is carried out, problematic learning is created. This is one of the means that contribute to the development of MP in children. It is a means of developing techniques mental activity. Entertaining is a synonym for interesting, capable of attracting attention.

Math games - one that uses mathematical methods or similar pre-mathematical (B.A. Kordemsky) Mathematical tools are potential models those mathematical concepts and relations with which the preschooler gets acquainted. A mathematical model is a description of a phenomenon or process that takes place in reality, using mathematical structures (numbers, equations)

Pedagogical requirements for entertaining mathematical material Diversity Used in a system that involves gradual complication Combination of direct teaching methods with the creation of conditions for independent search for a solution Answer different levels general and mathematical development of the child Combination with other didactic tools for FEMP

Means of education for FEMP in preschool children are a variety of didactic games: desktop-printed and with objects; training, developed by A. A. Stolyar; developing, developed by B. P. Nikitin; checkers, chess; entertaining mathematical material: puzzles, geometric mosaics and constructors, labyrinths, joke problems, transfiguration problems, etc. with examples where necessary (for example, the Tangram game requires samples, dissected and undivided, contour ), visual instructions, etc.; separate didactic tools: blocks 3. Gyenes (logical blocks), sticks X. Kuzener, counting material (different from what is used in the classroom), cubes with numbers and signs, children's computers and much more; books with educational and cognitive content for reading to children and looking at illustrations.

Entertaining mathematical material in working with preschoolers geometric constructors: "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Columbian Egg", "Magic Circle", etc., in which it is required to create from a set of flat geometric shapes plot image based on a silhouette, contour sample or by design; logical exercises that require inferences built on the basis of logical schemes and rules; tasks for finding a sign (signs) of difference or similarity of figures (for example, “Find two identical figures”, “How do these objects differ from each other?”, “Which figure is superfluous here?”); tasks for finding the missing figure, in which, by analyzing objective or geometric images, the child must establish a pattern in the set of features, their alternation and, on this basis, select the necessary figure, completing the row with it or filling in the missing space; labyrinths exercises performed on a visual basis and requiring a combination of visual and mental analysis, precision of actions in order to find the shortest and surest path from the start to the end point (for example, “How can a mouse get out of a mink?”, “Help the fishermen unravel the fishing rods”, "Guess who lost the mitten"); entertaining exercises on the recognition of parts as a whole, in which children are required to establish how many and what shapes are contained in the picture; entertaining exercises to restore the whole from parts (to assemble a vase from fragments, a ball from multi-colored parts, etc.); tasks-savvy of a geometric nature with sticks from the simplest ones for reproducing according to a pattern and to drawing up subject pictures, for transfiguration (change a figure by shifting a specified number of sticks); riddles that contain mathematical elements in the form of a term denoting quantitative, spatial or temporal relationships; poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters and sayings with mathematical elements; tasks in poetic form; joke tasks, etc.

Non-traditional mathematical tools Math games (Tic-Tac-Toe, Five in a row, Nim, Skittles (Withoff game), Star Nim) Math puzzles (Rubik's Cube, Magic Rings, Hole Games "(tags), planar figures - silhouettes of geometric shapes, old puzzles, arithmetic, etc.) Combinatorial problems("Game 15", "Rubik's Cube", tasks for maneuvering, rearranging checkers, "Tower of Hanoi") Arithmetic puzzles, games - puzzles with matches, Origami topological puzzles in FEMP for preschoolers

Combinatorics is a branch of mathematics that studies the question of how many different combinations subject to certain conditions can be made from given objects. Modeling - building copies, models, phenomena and processes used to systematize images.

In how many ways can Petya, Vasya, Galya, Sveta and Marina be seated so that Petya is in the middle? (24) In how many ways can Petya, Vasya, Galya, Sveta and Marina be seated so that Petya and Vasya are not nearby? (72) In how many ways can Petya, Vasya, Galya, Sveta and Marina be seated so that Sveta is not second from the left? (96)

Developing games by B.P. Nikitin Each educational game by Nikitin is a set of tasks that a child solves with the help of cubes, bricks, squares made of wood or plastic, details of a mechanical designer, etc. Tasks are given to the child in various forms: in the form of a model, flat drawing, isometric drawing, drawing, written or oral instruction, etc., and thus introduce him to different ways transfer of information. The tasks are arranged roughly in order of increasing complexity, i.e. they use the principle folk games: from simple to complex.

Logical blocks of Gyenesh Logic blocks of Gyenesh are a set of 48 geometric shapes: a) four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles); b) three colors (red, blue and yellow figures); c) two sizes (large and small figures); d) two types of thickness (thick and thin figures).

How can you play with Gyenesh blocks? Gyenes block games for the little ones Invite your child to start with the most simple games: 1) Try to find all shapes like this one by color (shape, size, thickness). 2) Find shapes other than this one by shape (by size, by thickness, by color). 3) Treat Mishka with red "sweets" large, square, thick, triangular, small, etc. 4) Put three parts in front of the child. Invite your child to close their eyes and remove one of them. What "candy" did Mishka eat? 5) As in the previous game, lay out three blocks. The child closes his eyes, and we change the places. What changed? 6) The game - what is superfluous. Lay out three figures - 2 are common according to some principle, one is not. Ask the kid what's wrong here? 7) We make pairs (mother and baby, for example). We are looking for a small detail for a big one, a red detail for a red circle. 8) We put the blocks in an opaque bag and look for the desired figure by touch.

We play with older children The game "Search" Complicating the task, invite the child to find figures the same as this one in color, but of a different shape or the same in shape, but of a different size. Game "Snake" Put any figure. Build from her long row like a snake. Construction options can be as follows: We build so that adjacent figures do not repeat (by color, size, thickness). Neighboring figures should not be repeated in two ways - color and size, for example. Adjacent blocks must be the same size and color, but different shapes. The game "Floors" We lay out several figures in a row - 4-5 pcs. These are the people on the first floor. Now we are building the second floor of the house so that under each figure of the previous row there is a detail of a different color (or size, shape). Option 2: A part of the same shape, but a different size (or color). Option 3: we build a house with other details in color and size. Game "Domino" This game can be played by several participants at the same time (but not more than 4). The blocks are divided equally among the players. Everyone makes a move in turn. If there is no figure, you need to skip the move. The first person to lay out all the pieces wins. How to walk? Figures of a different size (color, shape). Shapes of the same color but a different size, or the same size but a different shape. Figures of a different size and shape (color and size). The same figures in color and shape, but a different size. We walk with figures of a different color, shape, size, thickness.

V.Voskobovich and his "Fairytale Labyrinths" According to the educational tasks to be solved, all Voskobovich's games can be conditionally divided into 3 groups: - games aimed at logical and mathematical development. The purpose of these games is to develop mental operations, and game actions- manipulation of numbers, geometric shapes, properties of objects. - games with letters, sounds, syllables and words. In these games, the child solves logical problems with letters, composes syllables and words, and is engaged in word creation. - universal game learning tools. They can be material for games and didactic aids. Game teaching aids create comfortable conditions for the work of the teacher and give pleasure to children.

"Voskobovich Square 2-color" Folding the "Square" along the fold lines in different directions, the child constructs geometric and objective figures according to the scheme or his own design. Addition options You can check. Recommended age 2-5 years Composition On a square fabric base (140x140 mm) triangles made of thick cardboard are pasted at some distance from each other. One side of the "Square" is red, the other is green. Colored step-by-step schemes for adding 19 figures What develops - the ability to navigate in the shape and size of geometric shapes, spatial relationships; - the ability to design planar and three-dimensional figures, using a step-by-step scheme or one's own idea; - attention, memory, spatial and logical thinking; - imagination, creativity; - fine motor skills of the hands. Description Folding the "Square" along the fold lines in different directions, the child constructs geometric and objective figures according to the scheme or his own design. Addition options

Examples of games with Kuisener's sticks 1. Mix the sticks on the table. Ask them to show orange, red, blue, etc. in turn. 2. Name the color of the shortest and longest sticks. 3. Show not blue and not orange. 4. Collect sticks of the same color, build a house out of them. 5. Connect a short and a long stick together, ask which one is long and which is short. 6. Find sticks of equal length. 7. Set the sticks in ascending order - from the shortest to the longest and vice versa. 8. Guess. Line up sticks. The child guesses one stick. You ask questions: Is this wand shorter than the red one? Is it longer than yellow? By the method of elimination, you can guess which stick is in question. 9. Make one stick of blue and red so that the blue one is on the left (right). 10.Build a tower of sticks. Which wand is lower than orange, higher than red? 11. A white stick is a unit. Move another one to it so that they form one whole. You need to find a stick that would be equal to the length of two composed. 12. You name a number, the child finds a stick. 13. Show how you can add - add one stick to another. Take away - take one of the two. 14. What sticks can be used to make orange? 15. What three do you need to make black. 16. Can you make an orange out of four? 17. Which sticks can be used to make the number 10? 18. Lay out two tracks, yellow and red - which track is longer? shorter? 19. Find everything shorter than purple. 20. Lay out one train from a blue stick, the second from a black one. What two sticks need to be attached to a short train so that it becomes as long as a long train. 21. Orange and yellow - one train red and purple - the other, how to equalize the trains? 22. Make geometric shapes out of sticks.

Means of forming elementary mathematical representations in children in kindergarten

The process of forming elementary mathematical representations is carried out under the guidance of a teacher as a result of systematic work carried out in the classroom and outside them, aimed at familiarizing children with quantitative, spatial and temporal relationships using a variety of means. Didactic means are a kind of tools for the work of a teacher and tools for the cognitive activity of children.

At present, the following means of forming elementary mathematical representations are widespread in the practice of the work of preschool institutions:

Sets of visual didactic material for classes;

Equipment for independent games and activities for children;

Teaching aids for a kindergarten teacher, which reveals the essence of the work on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in children in each age group and gives exemplary notes of classes;

A team of didactic games and exercises for the formation of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in preschoolers;

Educational and cognitive books to prepare children for learning mathematics at school in a family setting.

When forming elementary mathematical representations, teaching aids perform various functions:

Implement the principle of visibility;

Adapt abstract mathematical concepts in a form accessible to kids;

Help preschoolers to master the methods of action required for the emergence of elementary mathematical concepts;

They contribute to the accumulation in children of the experience of sensory perception of properties, relationships, connections and dependencies, its constant expansion and enrichment, help to make a gradual transition from the material to the materialized, from the concrete to the abstract;

They enable the educator to organize the educational and cognitive activities of preschoolers and manage this work, develop in them the desire to acquire new knowledge, master counting, measurement, the simplest methods of calculation, etc .;

Increase the volume of independent cognitive activity of children in mathematics classes and outside them;

Expand the capabilities of the teacher in solving educational, educational and developmental tasks;

Rationalize and intensify the learning process.

Thus, teaching aids perform important functions: in the activities of the teacher and children in the formation of their elementary mathematical concepts. They are constantly changing, new ones are being constructed in close connection with the improvement of the theory and practice of pre-mathematical preparation of children preschool institutions.

The main teaching tool is a set of visual didactic material for classes. It includes the following: I - objects environment taken in in kind: A variety of household items, toys, dishes, buttons, cones, acorns, pebbles, shells, etc.;

Images of objects: flat, contour, color, on stands and without them, drawn on cards;

Graphic and schematic tools: logical blocks, figures, cards, tables, models.

When forming elementary mathematical representations in the classroom, real objects and their images are most widely used. With the age of children, natural changes occur in the use of certain groups of didactic tools: along with visual aids, an indirect system of didactic materials is used. Modern research refutes the assertion that generalized mathematical concepts are inaccessible to children. Therefore, visual aids that model mathematical concepts are increasingly used in work with older preschoolers.

Didactic means should change not only taking into account age characteristics, but depending on the ratio of concrete and abstract on different stages assimilation of program material by children. For example, at a certain stage, real objects can be replaced by numerical figures, and they, in turn, by numbers, etc.

Each age group has its own set of visual material. This is a complex didactic tool that provides the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the conditions of purposeful learning in the classroom. Thanks to it, it is possible to solve almost all program problems. Visual didactic material is designed for a specific content, methods, frontal forms of organization of education, corresponds to the age characteristics of children, meets a variety of requirements: scientific, pedagogical, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic, economic, etc. It is used in the classroom to explain the new, consolidate it , to repeat what has been passed and when testing the knowledge of children, i.e. at all stages of learning.

Usually, two types of visual material are used: large (demonstration) for showing and working with children and small (handout), which the child uses while sitting at the table and performing the task of the teacher at the same time as everyone else. Demonstration and handout materials differ in purpose: the former serve to explain and show the methods of action by the educator, the latter make it possible to organize independent activities for children, during which the necessary skills and abilities are developed. These functions are basic, but not the only ones and are strictly fixed.

Demo materials include:

Type-setting canvases with two or more strips for laying out various planar images on them: fruits, vegetables, flowers, animals, etc.;

Geometric figures, cards with numbers and signs +, -, =, >,<;

flannelgraph with a set of planar images pasted on the flannel with the pile outward so that they hold more firmly on the surface of the flannelgraph board covered with flannel;

An easel for drawing, on which two or three removable shelves are attached to demonstrate voluminous visual aids;

Magnetic board with a set of geometric figures, numbers, signs, flat subject images;

Shelves with two and three steps for demonstrating visual aids;

Sets of items (10 pieces each) of the same and different colors, sizes, three-dimensional and planar (on stands);

Cards and tables;

Models (“number ladder”, calendar, etc.);

Logic blocks;

Panels and pictures for compiling and solving arithmetic problems;

Equipment for conducting didactic games;

Appliances (usual, hourglass, pan scales, floor and table abacus, horizontal and vertical abacus, etc.).

Certain types of demonstration materials are included in stationary equipment for educational activities: magnetic and regular boards, flannelgraph, abacus, wall clocks, etc.

Handout materials include:

Small objects, volumetric and planar, the same and different in color, size, shape, material, etc.;

Cards consisting of one, two, three or more stripes; cards with objects depicted on them, geometric shapes, numbers and signs, cards with nests, cards K with sewn buttons, lotto cards, etc .;

Sets of geometric shapes, flat and three-dimensional, of the same and different colors, sizes;

Tables and models;

Counting sticks, etc.

The division of visual didactic material into demonstration and handout is very conditional. The same tools will help to be used both for the show and for the exercises.

The size of the benefits should be taken into account: the handout should be such that the children sitting next to each other can conveniently place it on the table and not interfere with each other during work. Since the demonstration material is intended to be shown to all children, it is larger in all respects than the handout. The existing recommendations regarding the size of visual didactic materials in the formation of elementary mathematical representations of children are empirical in nature and are built on an experimental basis. In this regard, a certain standardization is urgently needed and can be achieved as a result of special scientific research. While there is no uniformity in the indication of sizes in the methodological literature and in those produced by the industry

sets, one should practically establish the most acceptable option and in each case, focus on the best pedagogical experience.

Handouts are required in large quantities for each child, demonstration - one per group of children. For a four-group kindergarten, demonstration material is selected as follows: 1-2 sets of each name, and handout - 25 sets of each name for the entire kindergarten

garden to fully provide for one group.

Both material should be artistically designed: attractiveness is of great importance in teaching kids - it is more interesting for children to study with beautiful aids. However, this requirement should not become an end in itself, since the excessive attractiveness and novelty of toys and aids can distract the child from the main thing - the knowledge of quantitative, spatial and temporal relationships.

Visual didactic material serves to implement the program for the development of elementary mathematical concepts

in the course of specially organized exercises in the classroom. For this purpose, use:

Benefits for teaching children to count;

Manuals for exercises in recognizing the size of objects;

Manuals for children's exercises in recognizing the shape of objects and geometric shapes;

Manuals for the exercise of children in spatial orientation;

Benefits for the exercise of children in orientation in time. These kits correspond to the main sections

programs and include both demonstration and handout material. The didactic tools necessary for conducting classes are made by educators themselves, involving parents, chefs, older preschoolers, or they are taken ready-made from the environment. Currently, the industry has begun to produce separate visual aids and entire sets that are designed for mathematics classes in kindergarten. This significantly reduces the volume of preparatory work on equipping the pedagogical process, frees the educator time for work, including the design of new didactic tools and the creative use of existing ones.

Didactic tools that are not included in the equipment for organizing educational activities are stored in the methodical room of the kindergarten, in the methodical corner of the group room, they are kept in boxes with transparent lids or on tight lids they depict the objects that are in them with appliqué. Natural material, small counting toys can also be found in boxes with internal partitions. Such storage makes it easier to find the right material, saves time and space.

Equipment for independent games and activities may include:

Special didactic tools for individual work with children, for preliminary acquaintance with new toys and materials;

A variety of didactic games: desktop-printed and with objects; training, developed by A. A. Stolyar; developing, developed by B. P. Nikitin; checkers, chess;

Entertaining mathematical material: puzzles, geometric mosaics and constructors, labyrinths, joke tasks, transfiguration tasks, etc. with the application, where necessary, of samples (for example, the game "Tangram" requires samples dissected and undivided, contour) , visual instructions, etc.;

Separate didactic tools: 3. Gyenes blocks (logical blocks), X. Kuzener sticks, counting material (different from what is used in the classroom), cubes with numbers and signs, children's computers and much more; 128

Books with educational content for reading to children and looking at illustrations.

All these tools are best placed directly in the zone of independent cognitive and play activities, they should be updated periodically, taking into account children's interests and inclinations. These funds are mainly used during game hours, but can also be used in the classroom. Children should be given free access to them and their wide use.

Acting with a variety of didactic means outside the classroom, the child not only consolidates the knowledge gained in the classroom, but in some cases, assimilating additional content, can get ahead of the requirements of the program, gradually prepare for its assimilation. Independent activity under the guidance of a teacher, taking place individually, in a group, makes it possible to ensure the optimal pace of development for each child, taking into account his interests, inclinations, abilities, and characteristics.

Many of the didactic tools used outside the classroom are extremely effective. An example is "color numbers" - the didactic material of a Belgian teacher X. Kuzener, which is widely used in kindergartens abroad and in our country. It can be used from kindergarten through the last years of high school. "Colored numbers" is a set of sticks in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds and cubes. All sticks are painted in different colors. The starting point is a white cube - a regular hexagon measuring 1X1X1 cm, i.e. 1 cm3. A white stick is one, a pink one is two, a blue one is three, a red one is four, etc. The longer the stick, the greater the value of the number that it expresses. Thus, a number is modeled by color and magnitude. There is also a planar version of colored numbers in the form of a set of stripes of different colors. Laying out multi-colored rugs from sticks, composing trains from wagons, building a ladder and performing other actions, the child gets acquainted with the composition of a number of units, two numbers, with a sequence of numbers in the natural series, performs arithmetic operations, etc., i.e. prepares for mastering various mathematical concepts. Sticks make it possible to construct a model of the studied mathematical concept. / The blocks of 3. Gyenesh (logical blocks), a Hungarian psychologist and mathematician (this didactic material is described in the chapter, § 2) are the same universal and very effective didactic tool.

One of the means of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children is entertaining games, exercises, tasks, questions. This entertaining mathematical material is extremely diverse in content, form, developmental and educational influence.

At the end of the last - the beginning of our century, it was believed that through the use of entertaining mathematical material it was possible to develop in children the ability to count, solve arithmetic problems, develop their desire to study, overcome difficulties. It was recommended to use it in work with children up to school age.

In subsequent years, a decline in attention to entertaining mathematical material was noticed, and interest in it has increased again in the last 10-15 years in connection with the search for new teaching aids that would most contribute to the identification and realization of the potential cognitive abilities of each child.

Entertaining mathematical material, due to its inherent amusingness, a serious cognitive task hidden in it, captivating, develops children. There is no single, universally recognized classification. Most often, a task or a group of homogeneous tasks gets a name that reflects either the content, or the game goal, or the mode of action, or the objects used. Sometimes the title contains a description of the task or game in a condensed form. From entertaining mathematical material, the simplest types of it can be used in working with preschoolers:

Geometric construction kits: "Tangram", "Pythagoras", "Columbian Egg", "Magic Circle", etc., in which it is required to create a plot image from a set of flat geometric shapes based on a silhouette, contour sample or according to a plan;

- Rubik's "Snake", "Magic balls", "Pyramid", "Fold the pattern", "Unicube" and other puzzle toys consisting of three-dimensional geometric bodies rotating or folding in a certain way;

Logical exercises that require inferences built on the basis of logical schemes and rules;

Tasks to find a sign (s) of difference or similarity of figures (for example: “Find two identical figures”, “How do these objects differ from each other?”, “Which figure is superfluous here?”);

Tasks for finding the missing figure, in which, by analyzing objective or geometric images, the child must establish a pattern in the set of features, their alternation, and on this basis, select the necessary figure, completing the row with it or filling in the missing space;

Labyrinths are exercises performed on a visual basis and require a combination of visual and mental analysis, accuracy of actions in order to find the shortest and surest path from the start to the end point (for example: “How can a mouse get out of a mink?”, “Help the fishermen unravel the fishing rods” , "Guess who lost the mitten");

Entertaining exercises to recognize the parts of the whole, in which children are required to establish how many and what shapes are contained in the picture;

Entertaining exercises to restore the whole from parts (to assemble a vase from fragments, a ball from multi-colored parts, etc.);

Tasks-savvy of a geometric nature with sticks from the simplest ones for reproducing according to a pattern and to drawing up subject pictures, to transfiguration (change a figure by shifting a specified number of sticks);

Riddles that contain mathematical elements in the form of a term denoting quantitative, spatial or temporal relationships;

Poems, counting rhymes, tongue twisters and sayings with mathematical elements;

Tasks in poetic form;

Joke tasks, etc.

This far from exhausts all the entertaining mathematical material that can be used in working with children. Some of its types are listed.

Entertaining mathematical material in its structure is close to a children's game: didactic, plot-role-playing, construction-constructive, dramatization. Like a didactic game, it is primarily aimed at developing mental abilities, qualities of the mind, and ways of cognitive activity. Its cognitive content, organically combined with an entertaining form, becomes an effective means of mental education, unintentional learning, in the best way corresponding to the age characteristics of a preschool child. Many joke tasks, puzzles, entertaining exercises and questions, having lost their authorship, are passed down from generation to generation, just like folk didactic games. The presence of rules organizing the order of actions, the nature of visibility, the possibility of competition, in many cases a pronounced result, make entertaining material related to a didactic game. At the same time, it contains elements of other types of games: roles, plot, content that reflects some kind of life phenomenon, actions with objects, solving a constructive problem, favorite images of fairy tales, stories, cartoons, dramatization - all this testifies to the multilateral connections of entertaining material with the game. . It seems to absorb many of its elements, features and characteristics: emotionality, creativity, independent and amateur character.

Entertaining material also has its own pedagogical value, allowing you to diversify didactic tools in working with preschoolers to form their simplest mathematical ideas. It expands the possibility of creating and solving problem situations, opens up effective ways to enhance mental activity, and promotes the organization of communication between children and adults.

Studies show the availability of certain mathematical entertaining tasks from 4-5 years old. Being a kind of mental gymnastics, they prevent the emergence of intellectual passivity, form perseverance and purposefulness in children from an early age. Now everywhere there is a craving of children for intellectual games and toys. This desire should be used more widely in work with preschoolers.

Let us note the main pedagogical requirements for entertaining mathematical material as a didactic tool.

1. The material must be varied. This requirement follows from its main function, which consists in the development and improvement of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children. Entertaining tasks should be varied according to the methods of solution. When a solution is found, similar tasks are solved without much difficulty, the task itself becomes a template from a non-standard one, and its developmental influence is sharply reduced. The forms of organizing work with this material should also be diversified: individual and group, in free independent activity and in the classroom, in kindergarten and at home, etc.

2. Entertaining material should not be used occasionally, by chance, but in a certain system, involving the gradual complication of tasks, games, exercises.

3. When organizing the activities of children with entertaining material and managing it, it is necessary to combine direct teaching methods with the creation of conditions for independent searches for solutions.

4. Entertaining material should correspond to different levels of general and mathematical development of the child. This requirement is realized due to the variation of tasks, methodological techniques and forms of organization.

5. The use of entertaining mathematical material should be combined with other didactic means for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children.

Entertaining mathematical material is a means of complex influence on the development of children, with its help mental and volitional development is carried out, problems in learning are created, the child takes an active position in the learning process itself. Spatial imagination, logical thinking, purposefulness and purposefulness, the ability to independently seek and find ways of action to solve practical and cognitive problems - all this, taken together, is required for the successful assimilation of mathematics and other subjects at school.

Didactic tools include manuals for a kindergarten teacher, which reveal the system of work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Their main purpose is to help the educator put into practice the pre-mathematical preparation of children for school.

High demands are placed on manuals for a kindergarten teacher as a didactic tool. They have to:

a) be built on a solid scientific and theoretical foundation, reflect the main modern scientific concepts of the development and formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, put forward by teachers, psychologists, mathematicians;

b) correspond to the modern didactic system of pre-mathematical preparation: goals, objectives, content, methods, means and forms of organizing work in kindergarten;

c) take into account advanced pedagogical experience, include the best achievements of mass practice;

d) be convenient for work, simple, practical, specific.

The practical orientation of the manuals that serve as a teacher's reference book is reflected in their structure and content.

The age principle is most often the leading one in the presentation of the material. The content of the manual can be methodological recommendations for organizing and carrying out work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers as a whole or in separate sections, topics, questions; summaries of the lessons of games.

An abstract is a brief description containing the goal (program content: educational and educational tasks), a list of visual aids and equipment, coverage of the course (main parts, stages) of a lesson or game. Usually, manuals provide a system of notes that sequentially reveal the main methods and techniques of teaching, with the help of which tasks from different sections of the program for the development of elementary mathematical representations are solved: work with demonstration and handout material, demonstration, explanation, demonstration of samples and methods of action by the educator, questions to children and generalizations, independent activities of children, individual and collective tasks and other forms and types of work. The content of the notes consists of a variety of exercises and didactic games that can be used in mathematics classes in kindergarten and outside them in order to form quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children.

Using the notes, the educator concretizes, clarifies the tasks (the notes usually indicate educational tasks in the most general form), can change the visual material, determine the number of exercises and their parts in the lesson or in the game at their discretion, involve additional methods of enhancing cognitive activity, individualize questions , tasks according to the degree of difficulty for a particular child.

The existence of abstracts does not at all mean direct adherence to the finished material, they leave room for creativity in using a variety of methods and techniques, didactic tools, forms of organizing work, etc. The teacher can combine, choose the best options from several, create something new by analogy with the existing one.

Summaries of classes in mathematics and games are a didactic tool successfully found by the methodology, which, with the right attitude towards it and use, increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical activity of the educator.

In recent years, such a didactic tool as educational and cognitive books has become more widely used to prepare children for learning mathematics at school. Some of them are addressed to the family, others to both the family and the kindergarten. Being teaching aids for adults, they are also intended for children as a book for reading and viewing and lustration.

This didactic tool has the following characteristic features:

A sufficiently large amount of cognitive content, which generally meets the program requirements for the development of quantitative, spatial and temporal representations in children, but may not coincide with them;

The combination of cognitive content with artistic form: characters (fairy tale characters, adults, children), plot (journey, family life, various events in which the main characters become participants, etc.);

Entertaining, colorful, which are achieved by a complex of means: a literary text, numerous illustrations, a variety of exercises, are direct, appealing to children, humor, bright design, etc .; all this is aimed at making the cognitive content more attractive, meaningful, interesting for the child;

Books are designed for a minimum methodological and mathematical training of an adult, contain specific, clear recommendations for him either in the preface or in the afterword, and sometimes in parallel with the text for reading to children;

The main material is divided into chapters (parts, lessons, etc.), which are read by an adult, and the child looks at the illustrations and performs exercises. It is recommended to work with the child several times a week for 20-25 minutes, which generally corresponds to the number and duration of math classes in kindergarten;

Educational and cognitive books are especially needed in cases where children go to school directly from the family. If the child attends kindergarten, then they can be used to consolidate knowledge.

The process of forming elementary mathematical representations requires the integrated use of a variety of didactic tools and their correspondence to the content, methods and techniques, forms of organization of work on mathematical preparation children in kindergarten.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers / ed. A.A. joiner. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

The game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of the child.

The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.
(V A. Sukhomlinsky)

Target: increasing the level of knowledge of teachers on the formation of elementary mathematical representations


1. To acquaint teachers with non-traditional technologies for the use of games in the work on FEMP.

2. To equip teachers with practical skills for conducting mathematical games.

3. Present a set of didactic games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

The relevance of the problem: in mathematics there are huge opportunities for the development of children's thinking in the process of their learning from a very early age.

Dear colleagues!

The development of mental abilities of preschool children is one of the urgent problems of our time. A preschooler with a developed intellect remembers material faster, is more confident in his abilities, and is better prepared for school. The main form of organization is the game. The game contributes to the mental development of the preschooler.

The development of elementary mathematical concepts is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of a preschooler. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a preschool educational institution is the first educational level and a kindergarten performs an important function.

Speaking about the mental development of a preschooler, I would like to show the role of the game as a means of forming a cognitive interest in mathematics in preschool children.

Games with mathematical content develop logical thinking, cognitive interests, creativity, speech, instill independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals, overcoming difficulties.

The game is not only pleasure and joy for the child, which in itself is very important, with its help you can develop the attention, memory, thinking, and imagination of the baby. While playing, a child can acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, develop abilities, sometimes without realizing it. The most important properties of the game include the fact that in the game children act as they would act in the most extreme situations, at the limit of their ability to overcome difficulties. Moreover, such a high level of activity is achieved by them, almost always voluntarily, without coercion.

The following features of the game for preschoolers can be distinguished:

1. The game is the most accessible and leading activity for preschool children.

2. The game is also an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities.

3. All psychological neoplasms originate in the game.

4. The game contributes to the formation of all aspects of the child's personality, leads to significant changes in his psyche.

5. The game is an important means of mental education of the child, where mental activity is associated with the work of all mental processes.

At all stages of preschool childhood, a large role is assigned to the game method during educational activities.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of educational activities as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of the didactic game in the structure of the OD for the formation of elementary mathematical representations is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, content of the OD. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming representations.

In the formation of mathematical representations in children, various didactic game exercises that are entertaining in form and content are widely used.

Didactic games are divided into:

Games with objects

Board games

word games

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical representations are conditionally divided into the following groups:

1. Games with numbers and numbers

2. Time travel games

3. Games for orientation in space

4. Games with geometric shapes

5. Games for logical thinking

We present to your attention games made by hand, on the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Trainer “Beads”

Target: assistant in solving the simplest examples and tasks for addition and subtraction


  • develop the ability to solve simple examples and tasks for addition and subtraction;
  • cultivate attentiveness, perseverance;
  • develop fine motor skills.

Material: rope, beads (no more than 10), colors to your taste.

  • Children can first count all the beads on the simulator.
  • Then they solve the simplest tasks:

1) "Five apples hung on a tree." (Count five apples). Two apples have fallen. (Take away two apples). How many apples are left on the tree? (count beads)

2) Three birds were sitting on a tree, three more birds flew to them. (How many birds are left sitting on the tree)

  • Children solve simple problems like addition and subtraction.

Trainer “Colored palms”

Target: formation of elementary mathematical representations


  • develop color perception, orientation in space;
  • teach counting;
  • develop the ability to use diagrams.


1. How many palms (red, yellow, green, pink, orange)?

2. How many squares (yellow, green, blue, red, orange, purple)?

3. How many palms in the first row are facing up?

4. How many palms in the third row are facing down?

5. How many palms in the third row from the left are facing right?

6. How many palms in the second row from the left are facing left?

7. A green palm in a red square is looking at us, if we take three steps to the right and two steps down, where will we end up?

8. Set the route for a friend

The manual is made of multi-colored colored cardboard with the help of children's pens.

Dynamic pauses

Exercises to reduce muscle tone

We kick - top-top,
We hands - clap-clap.
We eyes - a moment-a moment.
We shoulders - chik-chik.
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
One - sat down, two - got up,
Everyone raised their hands up.
Sit down, stand up
As if they had become a roly-poly.
All hands pressed to the body
And they began to make jumps,
And then they took off running
Like my bouncy ball.
Glad-two, one-two,
It's time for us to get busy!

Perform movements according to the content of the text.

Hands on the belt. We blink our eyes.
Hands on the belt, shoulders up and down.
Hands on the belt, deep turns left and right.
Perform movements according to the content of the text.
Standing still, raise your arms through the sides up and down.

Exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance

On a flat path

On a flat path
On a flat path
Our feet are walking
One-two, one-two.

By pebbles, by pebbles
By pebbles, by pebbles
One-two, one-two.

On a flat path
On a flat path.
Our legs are tired
Our legs are tired.

Here is our home
We live in it. Walking with your knees high on a level surface (perhaps in a line)
Walking on uneven ground (ribbed path, walnuts, peas).
Walking on a flat surface.
To squat.
Put your palms together, raise your arms above your head.

Exercises to develop the perception of the rhythms of the surrounding life and the sensations of your own body

Big feet

We walked along the road:
Top, top, top. T
op, top, top.
small feet
Run along the path:
Top, top, top, top, top
Top, top, top, top, top.

Mom and baby move at a slow pace, stamping their feet with force in time with the words.

The pace of movement increases. Mom and baby stomp 2 times faster.

dynamic exercise

The text is pronounced before the start of the exercises.

- We count up to five, squeeze the weights, (ip - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your hands slowly up - to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist (4-5 times))

- How many points will be in the circle, We will raise our hands so many times (on the board there is a circle with dots. An adult points to them, and the children count how many times you need to raise your hands)

- How many times I will hit the tambourine, We will cut the firewood so many times, (I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in the lock up, sharp bends forward - down)

- How many green Christmas trees, So many slopes, (ip - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt. Tilts are performed)

- How many cells to the line, Jump as many times (3 to 5 times), (5 cells are shown on the board. An adult points to them, children jump)

- We squat as many times as we have butterflies (i.p. - standing, legs slightly apart. During squats, hands forward)

- We will stand on our toes, we will get the Ceiling (I. p. - the main stand, hands on the belt. Rising on toes, hands up - to the sides, stretch)

- How many dashes to the point, So many stand on toes (4-5 times), (ip - main stance. When lifting on toes, arms to the sides - up, palms below shoulder level)

- Bent over as many times as we have ducks. (I. p. - standing, legs apart, Do not bend your legs when tilting)

- How many circles I will show, How many jumps you will perform (5 to 3 times), (ip - standing, hands on the belt, jumping on toes).

Dynamic exercise “Charging”

leaned over first
To the bottom of our head (tilt forward)
Right - left we are with you
Shake our head, (tilts to the side)
Hands behind your head, together
We start running in place, (imitation of running)
I will take away and you
Hands over head.

Dynamic exercise "Masha the Confused"

The text of the poem is pronounced, and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Masha is looking for things, (one way turn)
Masha is confused. (turn to the other side, to the starting position)
And not on the chair, (hands forward, to the sides)
And there is no under the chair, (sit down, spread your arms to the sides)
Not on the bed
(hands down)
(tilts of the head to the left - to the right, “threaten” with the index finger)
Masha is confused.

dynamic exercise

The sun looked into the crib... One, two, three, four, five. We all do exercises, Stretch your arms wider, One, two, three, four, five. Bend over - three, four. And jump in place. On the toe, then on the heel, We all do exercises.

"Geometric figures"

Target: the formation of elementary mathematical skills.

Educational tasks:

  • To consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes by color, shape, size, to teach children to systematize and classify geometric shapes by features.

Development tasks:

  • Develop logical thinking, attention.

Educational tasks:

  • Cultivate emotional responsiveness, curiosity.

At the initial stage, we introduce children to the name of three-dimensional geometric shapes: a ball, a cube, a pyramid, a parallelepiped. You can replace the names with more familiar ones for children: a ball, a cube, a brick. Then we introduce color, then gradually introduce geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, and so on, according to the educational program. Tasks can be given different depending on the age, abilities of children.

Task for children aged 2-3 years (correlation by color)

  • “Find flowers and figures of the same color as the balloon.”

Task for children aged 3-4 years (correlation in form)

  • "Find shapes that look like a cube."

Task for children aged 4-5 years (correlation in shape and color)

  • “Find shapes similar to a pyramid of the same color.”

Task for children aged 4-7 years (correlation in form)

  • “Find objects that look like a parallelepiped (brick).”

Didactic game "Week"

Target: familiarization of children with the week as a unit of time and the names of the days of the week


  • form an idea of ​​the week as a unit of time;
  • be able to compare the number of items in a group based on the score;
  • develop visual perception and memory;
  • create a favorable emotional atmosphere and conditions for active gaming activities.

There are 7 gnomes on the table.

How many gnomes?

Name the colors the gnomes are wearing.

Monday comes first. This gnome loves everything red. And his apple is red.

Second comes Tuesday. Everything about this gnome is orange. His cap and jacket are orange.

Wednesday comes third. This gnome's favorite color is yellow. A favorite toy is a yellow chicken.

Thursday appears fourth. This gnome is dressed in all green. He treats everyone with green apples.

Friday comes fifth. This gnome loves everything blue. He loves to look at the blue sky.

The sixth is Saturday. Everything about this gnome is blue. He loves blue flowers, and he paints the fence blue.

The seventh comes Sunday. It's a gnome in all purple. He loves his purple jacket and his purple hat.

So that the gnomes would not confuse when they should replace each other, Snow White gave them a special colored watch in the shape of a flower with multi-colored petals. Here they are. Today we have Thursday, where should we turn the arrow? - Right on the green petal of the clock.

Guys, now it's time to relax on the Warm Up Island.

Fitness minute.

On Monday we played
And on Tuesday we wrote.
On Wednesday, the shelves were wiped down.
Washing dishes all Thursday
Bought candy on Friday
And on Saturday they cooked fruit drinks
Well, on Sunday
will be a noisy birthday.

Tell me, is there a middle of the week? We will see. Guys, now you need to arrange the cards so that all the days of the week go in the right order.

Children lay out seven cards with numbers in order.

Clever, all the cards were laid out correctly.

(Counting from 1 to 7 and the names of each day of the week).

Well, now everything is in order. Close your eyes (remove one of the numbers). Guys, what happened, one day of the week is missing. Name it.

We check, we call all the numbers in order and the days of the week, and the lost day is found. I change the numbers in places and invite the children to put things in order.

Today is Tuesday, and we will visit in a week. What day are we visiting? (Tuesday).

Mom's birthday is on Wednesday, and today is Friday. How many days until Mother's Day? (1 day)

We will go to grandma's on Saturday, and today is Tuesday. In how many days will we go to grandma's? (3 days).

Nastya wiped the dust 2 days ago. Today is Sunday. When did Nastya wipe the dust? (Friday).

Which is earlier Wednesday or Monday?

Our journey continues, we need to jump from bump to bump, only the numbers are laid out, on the contrary, from 10 to 1.

(Suggest circles of different colors corresponding to the days of the week). That child comes out, the color of the circle of which corresponds to the hidden day of the week.

The first day of our week, a difficult day, he ... (Monday).

A child gets up with a red circle.

Here a giraffe comes in slender and says: “Today ... (Tuesday)”.

A child with an orange circle gets up.

Here the heron approached us and said: Now...? ... (Wednesday).

A child gets up, whose circle is yellow.

We cleared all the snow on the fourth day in ... (Thursday).

A child gets up with a green circle.

And on the fifth day they gave me a dress, because it was ... (Friday).

A child with a blue circle gets up

On the sixth day, dad did not work because it was ... (Saturday).

A child with a blue circle gets up.

I asked my brother for forgiveness on the seventh day in ... (Sunday).

A child gets up, whose circle is purple.

Clever, they coped with all the tasks.

The development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers is a special field of knowledge in which, subject to consistent learning, one can purposefully form abstract logical thinking and increase the intellectual level.

Mathematics has a unique developmental effect. “Mathematics is the queen of all sciences! She clears the mind!” Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; forms perseverance, patience, creative potential of the individual.

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