How to learn Word Words in the Russian Child. Word Words: how to teach

Encyclopedia plants 03.07.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Anyone want to write without mistakes. People with congenital literacy to cope with such a problem is quite simple. But the majority have to make considerable strength to master the competent writing.

Of course, no difficulty with words, whose writing is governed by the rules, does not occur most often. But with words that do not obey any rules, the situation is completely different. Proper writing of dictionary words should be extremely memorized.

A huge number of adults educated people often think about writing a word when it comes to drawing up documents or official letters. Quite often, they have to check themselves, using spelling dictionaries.

But not always at the right moment the spelling dictionary is at hand. If adults have such a problem, then what to talk about children, because they have much more difficult. Examination of vocabulary words is not the lungs. Early school students are working hard, they are nervous and upset every time, if even after much effort they again and again make mistakes in the same words. Aside, there are no teachers or parents. They are also actively involved in all this process and are worried no less than their children.

It turns out that you can save a lot of nerves if you use fairly simple, but at the same time effective methods for the rapid memorization of difficult words. There are only five such ways.

Reception number 1.

Take, for example, such a difficult word with a double consonant as "terrarium". If you encountered this word, but I'm not sure about writing it, then you should look into the dictionary not to make a mistake. But how to remember this word? To do this, we can recall some word in which the doubted "P" is also found, but in the writing of which, unlike the "Terrarium", you will no longer be doubting.

Reception number 2.

This method is called "graphic". This memory method is particularly suitable for children. A lot of relatively simple and visual words are found in the school program. It is to memorize such words and should be resorted to a graphical method. But such a reception will not work with more difficult words, and even more so with abstract concepts.

The graphic memory method is based on the bearing of the unverified letter using the pictures. And this means to memorize a complex word, you need to portray the pattern on which the word and unverified letter will be drawn. The drawings should not be masterpieces of fine art, they will rather be sketchy, because you draw exclusively for yourself.

Reception number 3.

Under this method, the phonetic method is meant. It is based on sound associations, which can greatly facilitate the memorization of the vocabulary words. This method is very suitable for students of medium and older classes. Resort to such a memorization method is useful and adults. The phonetic method allows you to learn even the most difficult words without much effort.

Reception number 4.

Here it will be about the combined method. This method should be used to memorize those complex words where you are experiencing difficulties in writing not one, but two or more letters. This method is a compound of two ways: phonetic and graphic. This approach allows you to use, for example, the method of phonetic associations to memorize one unverified letter, and the graphic is another.

Reception number 5.

The basis of this method is the similarity of the forms of the letter with anything. These can be animals, objects, plants. It is necessary to choose a subject that in shape resembles an unverified letter. If we speak in other words, using this method, you need to come up with suitable associations.

I pass, most adults have already forgotten what kind of vocabulary words and how they once received twos for which the error in the word coat. Although even a well-educated person with higher education (and not one) No, no yes and turns into a cunning word the vinaigrette.

Whether the case of kids is young-grandfathers. For them now, vocabulary words are the most important headache. Well, maybe in second place after the multiplication table. But the table is to memorize much easier than to drive the spelling dictionary.

Yes, and high school students sometimes not sweet with words like immunity and disqualification. On how to help them learn complex spells, and this article is written.

Once the dictionary words of the Russian language is such a big problem for schoolchildren, we offer several recommendations and ways to solve it. And you, parents, do on the Us - will help children.

What are Word Words?

Words Call words, writing some letters in which you can not check by the rules. Or there are such rules, but, for example, it is difficult to choose a test word (it is outdated, not to relate to the literary language, etc.) These include both Russian words and any borrowing from other languages. With the latter is especially difficult. This is how you can explain why in the word jury Letter Yu, not u? No, just remember.

All dictionary words can be consecrated to groups:

  • words with an unverified vowel letter ( abazhur, Idioma, Moonport);
  • words with a double consonant ( illusion, column, kilogram);
  • words with non-promotable consonants ( agency, Hello, Envient);
  • words with a dividing solid sign ( injection, adjutant, conjunctivitis);
  • words with prefixes prep / at ( desire Compare S. outcast);
  • words with a hyphenan writing ( whether-to-say, Ivan-Tea, Va-Bank);
  • words with separate spelling ( in tightness, for the sinus, eye);
  • words with blood writing ( scored, smaring, on the side);
  • and some other cases.

To memorize the spelling of dictionary words is not glorified not only to schoolchildren, but also adults. To less frequent climb into a spelling dictionary for tips. How to do it faster and more efficient?

How will Word Words teach?

In the next section, we will consider in detail various memorization methods. In the meantime, these moments will arrange.

So, to learn as many dictionary words as possible, you need to make a list for memorization. For example, use an alphabetical pointer. There are a lot of methodological benefits where the words lists are collected, which schoolchildren relies to learn in each class. Baby, for example, should be remembered about 200 words.

Learn better little, but every day. Even 15 minutes of classes daily - it is much more than anything. There is the same principle as when learning foreign languages. Regularity is one of the significant components of success.

It is also worth starting our own spelling dictionary, where the child will write out the complex words that are currently teaches. You can do this: take an ordinary student notebook, cut it in half - that's what is ready. Such a "half-way" is easier to use than the whole. It takes less space in the bag. In addition, few words are placed on the page divided in half - just so much to be convenient to repeat at a time.

We learn words - algorithm:

  • let the child read the vocabulary word aloud in the syllables;
  • explain to him the meaning of the word or look together into the sensible dictionary;
  • mark the emphasis in the word, and emphasize or highlight or select other colors (handle, marker, color pencil);
  • write down to this word several single words, make a phrase or sentence, you can use antonyms and synonyms to create associative chains;
  • transfer the Word to homemade dictionary;
  • try one or more memorization methods.

About what kind of ways, will be discussed below.

Ways to remember Words

There are several of these methods and many of them are based on associations. High school students will cope with the task and themselves. But the kids may need to help parents. Find in your schedule time on joint classes with a child. Your participation will help him faster and easier to learn Russian Word Words. And besides this, such joint activities very brings and strengthens the family.

Method 1 - Write a story: You can take a few vocabulary words and write a short narrator literally in several sentences.

Words can be combined with one topic: " We bought a ticket on the ballet, our places on the balcony. To better see the scene, took binoculars with them. "

Or it may be words with the same orfig. You can compose a storylocker in which " Athlete in the arena ate orange. "

The main thing is that the child himself participates in the composition. The story is not obliged to be very folding or especially logical - the main thing is that the result is a memorable image. Live enough to stay in memory for a long time - and with him they will be remembered and complex words.

Method 2 - Draw pictures: You can, of course, find ready-made cards with words on the Internet, but to make such independently much more efficiently.

Come up with the baby bright and memorable image for a complex word and draw it together. Be sure to reflect those letters whose spelling is difficult to remember, in their picture.

For example, hippo You can be depicted sitting on the tail - then its legs and torso form the letter E. or the letter can be entered into drawing: draw a big Nut And to circle his letter O.

By the way, if in the word several unsophograms, we consistently apply them to the drawing: so e, o and in the word bicycleyou can depict the steering wheel, wheels and frames.

This method is good for nouns, which have to memorize students of junior classes. For abstract concepts, he is good.

Method 3 - bow the vocabulary word: It is necessary to just write down the word with a complex orphogram in all cases.

I.P. horizon

R.P. horizon

D.P. horizon

V.P. horizon

T.P. horizon

P.P. (about) horizon

This practice that uses motor memory helps to assign the spelling.

Method 4 - invent the Association: This path is just good for abstract concepts. Memorization in this way it seems to memorize foreign words. Probably, therefore, high school students and adults prefer him.

Associative chains can be built on sound similarity. That is, pick up such words where a similar orthogram is under stress. And which at the same time also seems to sound. For example, remember that eyewitnesses « ochny in anddit ", and makeup « infects ki.stew.

The image based on associations should be quite bright and logical, can be ridiculous. The vowel checked should be in a shock position, a non-pronounced consonant - clearly heard, etc. To remember the spelling of the word skates, can be represented by "horse on horsekakh. " And for the word fair To memorize that "to do honestly necessary for the sake cES.and".

By the way, you can combine several methods for more efficient memorization. Especially such words where several orphograms are gathered together. So, you can come up with an image based on associations, sketch it and designate an unverified letter in the picture. Take the word plasterer: Imagine that "the plaster has funny thing, and he toureast. Draw a little man with a brush, like the letter Sh. And he himself stands, widespread legs, and will look like a letter A.

Method 5 - Use Stickers: This method can be viewed as the final stage after all previous methods.

Suppose you, together with the child, painted cheerful pictures for Word Words. Now cut them out and drag them in different places around the house. And in the child's room (you can above the desk), and in the bathroom - let it admire while brushing the teeth. And even, do not laugh, in the toilet. And what, let the time disappears in vain.

They came up with a bright image, composed on the associations of the story, wrote the vocabulary word into his homemade dictionary - and at the same time they made a note with this word on the sticker. The more often the words will come across the eyes in different non-training situations, the faster they will be remembered.


It is customary to complain that foreign languages \u200b\u200bare difficult to teach. But think about how difficult it is to learn Russian. We, adults, rarely think about it. But they themselves passed that the hard way, which our children go now.

In our power to help them and make it easier for them to memorize words with difficult orphograms. If you turn it into a game for kids and an exciting task for high school students, it will become much easier.

Come creatively to the ways we offered you. No strict rules for learning vocational words. Only small tricks, which someone once came up with, tried and told them to others about them. So you also tell us about this article to your friends on social networks. And in comments - what methods are your children.

the site, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

Much hassle delivers primary school teachers to study dictionary words. Often, by drawing the attention of children on the features of writing the word and emphasizing the necessary letters, they propose to write it into dictionary and remember how it is written. But the memory often brings small schoolchildren, since they still do not own any methods of memorization, and not every teacher can teach them these methods. Of course, there are a lot of creatively working teachers who try to diversify the process of studying dictionary words: pick up poems, proverbs and sayings, introduce these words in the context of entertaining content, etc. But, unfortunately, the results and in these cases do not always correspond to expectations.

Meanwhile, there is a method that will help to cope with this problem. It is based on the age characteristics of the thinking of younger students and the general laws of memorization.

This publication presents two options for working with vocabulary words.

I option

Thinking students of primary classes is visual-shaped, that is, it relies on specific ideas and images. In this regard, most of them, accordingly, the shaped type of memory prevails.

In addition, it should be noted that certain conditions contribute to successful memorization:

1) Installation for memorization: the student should want to remember what he needs to remember;
2) interest: it is easier to remember what is interesting;
3) The brightness of perception: it is better to remember everything bright, unusual, what causes certain emotions;
4) Imprinting imagery: memorization based on images, much better mechanical memorization.

All these conditions are observed when memorizing dictionary words in the proposed way. Its essence is that the child, in order to remember the Word, performs drawings on letters that cause difficulty when writing. Children with pleasure are engaged in this exciting business, and results in the end correspond to expectations.

Guidelines for teacher

1. Name the word you need to remember, burn it on the blackboard.
2. Find out whether the meaning of the words for children is clear.
3. Give installation to memorization.
4. Mark letters that can cause difficulties when writing.
5. Write the word with printed letters.
6. Suggest children in notebooks to make drawings on "difficult" letters, relying on the meaning of the word.
7. When the drawings are ready, wishing to demonstrate their options on the board.

How to draw

In the letter about Very easy to draw tomato, and the letter and - These are knives that can be cut it.

When you are horrified nettle, it is difficult to stay from the scream.

From bananas, you can very easily lay out the letter butbut impossible to make the letter about.

There are no alleys without trees ... And people are walking along the alley, and not one or two, and a lot ...

And this plumbing came to repair the battery.

This word is very easy to remember - pencils and box for them.

Why not make sure that way?

Well, what is the sunrise without the sun?

And what drum without sticks?

Once I bought a ball, it was great!

Do you have a garden at the cottage?

Of course, in the middle of this word should be at least a small staircase.

When the appetite breaks, no one will refuse a couple of meal or ... Eskimo.

This little man is not afraid of a puddle in the letter about, because it is in boots.

This word loves the boys very much, the options come up with many.

Everything is clear without explanation.

The drawings should be done only on those letters that cause difficulties when writing, otherwise the "stick" images occurs. The drawing must necessarily comply with the meaning of the word.

The process of this is how fascinating, so useful. Children are happy to draw that not only allows them to remember the vocabulary words, but also develops imagination.

Note. The teacher must be remembered that there is a forgetting process, and think over the repetition system.

L.P. Kopylova,
Psychologist Lyceum № 42 SDJ,

II option

Words are remembered using the Monsystem "Relations", which is as follows:

1) memorization occurs easier if a person mentally represents himself objects, phenomena or actions that indicate words;
2) Combined items to "revive", "move".

At our club sSand in Su. bBoha was RU sScue tongue.

Kati in KV butrTIRE on K. butrTINA K. butr butndash drew K. butstrolu and Art butkan. And oli over kr aboutvatu - booth aboutko.

There was a good P. aboutg. aboutyes. (Shining the sun.) We drove along aboutr about7 aboutg. aboutr aboutd. (Draw the wheels of the bike.) We planted aboutin aboutsoup (Seeds of vegetables resemble the letter about.) G. aboutr aboutx (draw peas), m aboutrK. aboutv aboutgush, P. aboutmidor. But we have grown and "wrong" p butstations, they have seeds resemble the letter aboutand the letter grows but. TO butempty, k butrhodofel.

We arrived on Tr butmVA in M. butg. butzin and bought on the started butto M. butlina.

PA sSaZHIR A. kkurancen passed by lLher big ra sStoyan.

In ch e.tver in Lag. we painted psh e.nitsu Ch e.rSC and J. e.lTD pencils.

Stand with pencils resembles the letter e..

There was a man in the city, suddenly a black cat jumped out ahead. I turned back - a dead end, went to the left - on the left deadlock, went to the right - and to the right dead end, I wanted down, and then the asphalt interferes. I had to meet with a black cat. And words all these are written together.

Specifying letters but and about At the end of the words "left - left", "right" - "right" can be remembered as follows:

on window about YU left about;
from window but
YU slave but;
on window about
YU right;
from the window
Yu Re. but.

Wow! ABOUTlady by aboutblue has grown aboutrh and Apple aboutko!

When we are very wonderful, we widely reveal your eyes, they become like a letter about.

Dulve e.r S Naz. e.ra, Medv. e.did swung vmeating e. with B. e.ryzoya.

Birch branches and claws on the bear legs resemble the letter e.. The bear closely pressed against Birch, merged with her, the word together also merged.

R butbochy is going to p butbot, puts on with butdos, P. butlloo, sits in m buttire rides butwaters.

My R. andsunke called "with andren on the street andtse. "

The figure of a person is inscribed in the letter and. In one hand he holds a brush, to another - relies on the table.

How to ride a bike? Fast about, merry about, SC. aboutr about, H. aboutr aboutsh about.

My T. aboutbreeding SPORT L. aboutpatta beds, planted yag aboutdy, there will be a good ur aboutjii.

Human head, shovel and basket with berries resemble the letter about.

Was Mes. ic june. Per ic put on izyK strawberry.

Inverted letter i - Head of a hare with ears, strawberry berries.

Primary school teacher, Sychevka, Smolensk region

In the lessons of the Russian language, children trying to master the diploma, get acquainted with a lot of rules, most of which requires the ability to select verification words. But how to explain to schoolboy that there is a huge amount of exceptions that are not suitable for these norms?

Remember what vocabulary words are? We all shuffled by heart, as lexemes are written "September", "Goodbye", "Electricity", "Alley", "Highway"other. Talk today on how to help our children remember them without nerves and tears.

What is "Word Words"?

The leading principle of Russian spell - morphological. According to him, the same morphemes on the letter are designated alone and the same letters, regardless of their pronunciation. For example, root "Waters" written equally in words "Water", "Submariner", "Creek"Although it sounds differently. If the foundation is in a weak position, schoolchildren teach to pick up related lexemes. In them, the same sound should be in a strong position: eyes - eyes, sea - sea.

However, there are lexemes, whose writing is impossible to explain with the help of spelling rules. Examples of words of this type you probably can give themselves: milk, Professor, Bike, Laboratory, Station. In the school year they are called vocabulary. Writing such lexes is recommended to check by spelling dictionary. However, the most common of them are offered to students to memorize. This practice begins from the first class. By the end of the school, children should know about fifty vocabulary words.

Why don't they check?

What is a dictionary word and why his writing does not obey the standard rules? Such a question worries many schoolchildren forced to sharpen the next list of "problem" lexes. Explains everything simple. Most dictionary words are borrowed, and therefore are built on the principle of another language. For example, unstressed vowels in Lexeme "portfolio"can check the one who knows French. "Port" in it means "carry".

Other vocabulary words are invalid Russian. However, due to historical changes in the tongue, they began to sound differently, differed in meaning with lexemes, from which were formed. Or relative words simply came out of use and forgotten. Who of us remember that "M. e.dv. e.dI " - This is a fusion of the lexeme "M. e.d.» + "in give"? what "bed"educated from "shelter"(A place in which resting)? Word "frog" It happened from the old "Lang"(foot), which is not used now. Looking into we find a lot of interesting things for yourself.

Word Words in Russian: How to Remember?

There are children who easily memorize new lexemes. As a rule, they have a well developed visual memory. However, most schoolchildren need to write a vocabulary word about hundreds of times so that it is remembered by tightly. In primary classes, the following learning algorithm is proposed:

  1. Read the word by syllables as it is written. "Difficult" places allocated voice. Explain its meaning in your own words, if necessary - turn to the sensible dictionary.
  2. Write the word with bulk letters. You can make them from velvet paper or buy a magnetic alphabet. Finger circle all letters.
  3. Sound the word on the syllables, determined the number of vowels and consonants, part of speech.
  4. Rewrite a lex in a notebook, selecting "problematic" places.
  5. Come up with a proposal or a poem with the word.
  6. Closing your eyes, write it in the air. And then on memory paper. Check yourself, raise errors.
  7. For a better memorization, writing a word written or sorts by the word, once again pronouncing it out loud.

Making cards

The learned words should constantly repeat, otherwise they will forget. Parents can help their children by making cards with lexemes studied and hanging them around the apartment. The inscriptions will be remembered involuntarily and postpone into the subconscious.

For example, you want to consolidate the vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables": cabbage, carrots, tomato, potatoes, peas, cucumber, harvest, garden. Offer the child to portray these products and sign with colored pencils. Even better if he makes drawings on "dangerous" letters. These pictures must be associated with the meaning of the word. So, "O" in Lexeme " cucumber"Turns into this green vegetable. In a word " a tomato"It will be a tomato, and the average ledge of the letter" and "is a knife. Attach pictures in prominent places.

Let's play!

Using dictionary words can become a tedious duty. But if you show a little fantasy, can turn into a fun, cognitive game. Here are some examples.

  • "Oral Crossword". You explain the meaning of the Word, the child guess it and writes. Let the time for checking. If the schoolboy himself found a mistake in the word, it corresponds 3 times. If the error remained unnoticed - 5 times.
  • Read the lexemes spelling. Mentally "arrange" them around the room: for the sofa - boots, on the table - telegram, in the closet - passenger. An hour later, walk along this route, saying all the words as they are written.
  • On the reverse side of your cards with the words, specify the same lexemes, but with missing letters. Fold them in the header. Pulling out in turn, say out loud, what letters insert. For the right answer there are one score. Wins the one who has more glasses.
  • "Sochinalkin". Read the lex that needs to be remembered. Come up with the example of the word on the same letter. Combine both lexemes in one phrase or sentence: ufologist ate the harvest, the excavator went on a tour, a skillful game.

So what is Word Words? This is a wonderful material for creativity. Play with them, compose and write competently.

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