Photos of Russian wooden houses. Russian hut

Arrangement of the site 13.06.2019
Arrangement of the site

Each country has its own face and a unique style in the architecture of buildings. If France we associate with Vitivaty architectural decorations, England is a strict style with classic forms, then for Russia is characterized by a house in style noble manor. The word "manor" in the dictionary Dalya denotes the "Lord's house on the village with all the hips, garden, garden and other". We immediately remember country royal residences and houses of a large noble aristocracy, such as Peterhof, Kuskovo, Arkhangelsk.

Projects of houses in Russian style

Projects of houses in the style of Russian manor - Photos:

Nowadays, the house in the style of the Russian manor remains relevant. We depart into the second plan of the stereotypes of the 90s - cottages on the ruble, are becoming increasingly popular for projects of the estates in Russian style. Usually, similar houses You can most often see on country areas. Any element of such a house retains Russian traditions.

Houses in the style of manor - photos:

Modern trends in the real estate market significantly change the psychology of the Russian elite in coloring construction: more carefully selected architectural style In integration with nature and landscape of the adjacent territory. The project of the cottage "Manor in the classic style" is increasingly associated with the concept of "generic nest" with its own history transmitted from generation to generation. Such projects of houses in the style of Russian manor in the photo:

The house in the style of the estate is always a foundation and at the same time solemnity. The strict color gamut of the facade with a light base and the framing of windows create lightness and harmony, removing the excessive gloom of the building. Rooms on all floors are spacious, windows in such mansions can be different in shape: round, rectangular or arched. For the building in such style are characteristic open terraces on two floors.

Russian estate photos

To date, the Russian estate is called large-size buildings in the style of the Baroic House. Modern projects Houses in the style of Russian manor are predominantly big Square and up to three floors. As in ancient times, the house in the style of the estate is most often built of wood, but it is possible to use other materials.

In such a house, it is very comfortable to live and receive guests, - after all, our architects think about the project in the smallest details.The estate house has a balcony and a staircase portal, perfectly fitted in the style of the house. The house in the style of the noble estate is usually equipped with a swimming pool from which there is an exit to the veranda. The house may also have a sauna and a gym.

Houses in classic Russian style

Projects of houses in the classic Russian style estate remind a boyars house with curly columns, a multi-tiered porch, a carved decor and a free organization of the facade of the building.

House in the style of manor photo:

House in style ancient estate distinguishes Russian scope, spacious layout interior premises, a large number of sunlightespecially necessary in the harsh Russian climate. Country house Or a suburban residence is the purpose of the house in the style of the estate (in the photo):

For the architect, the Russian style in construction is freedom of the experiment. Using decor elements. wooden house They transform B. individual project Houses in the style of the noble manor. Today, the project of the house in the style of the noble estate is a complex consisting of several buildings of various purposes. A house in the style of the Russian manor is distinguished by a simple building architecture, a variety of styles and proportions, original decorative design.

House in the style of manor (project):

The project estimate in the classic style involves an elegant inner design Stairs and Hall, balconies of oval shape. The first floor is planned in free form, most often the kitchen is combined with the dining room, moving to the living room. Beautiful landscapes of Russian nature are visible in large windows at home, creating calm and dimension. The estimate of the estate in the classical style:

In the House important elements Architectures are located Mirror Erkers: on the left side of the first floor there is a rest room, on the right - living room. In such houses, the library with a fireplace is also scheduled. Creating cleanliness, freshness and space inside the house is achieved with white in the design of doors, parts and furniture, - all this house in the style of the Russian manor in the photo:

The Russian manor is simplicity and aristocratic! Projects of the estates in the Russian style of Remstroyservis undoubtedly comply with this definition.

Cottage project "Manor classic style":

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2014-2016 Andrei Dachnik

Izba in the form of a rival wooden log cabin of various configurations is a traditional Russian housing for countryside. The traditions of the huts rise to dugouts and houses with earthwalls of which a purely wooden log cabin gradually began to rise without outdoor insulation.

Russian Rustic Holes usually represented not only a home for the housing of people, but a whole complex of buildings, which included all necessary for the autonomous life of a large Russian family: this is a residential premises, and storage rooms, livestock and poultry premises, indoors for feed reserves (Senakers), the premises-workshops, which were integrated into one fenced and well-protected from bad weather and strangers The peasant yard. Sometimes part of the premises was integrated under a single roof with the house or was part of the indoor courtyard. Only baths, revered by the habitat unclean power (and sources of fires) built separately from the peasant estate.

For a long time in Russia, horses were built solely only with the help of an ax. Such adaptations as saws and drills appeared only in the XIX century, which to some extent lowered the durability of Russian wooden lines, as saws and drills, as opposed to the ax, left "open" to penetrate moisture and microorganisms. The ax "sealing" the tree, the humming of its structure. Metal was practically not used in the construction of the AB, as it was quite expensive due to its handicraft production (swamp metal) and production.

From the fifteenth century, a Russian oven has become a central element of the survey, which could take up one-quarter area of \u200b\u200bthe residential part of the hut. Genetically, the Russian oven goes back to the Byzantine Bread Furnace, which was concluded in the box and fall asleep with sand in order to maintain warmth longer.

The design of the Hisp did not undergo strong changes since the days of the Middle Ages before the XX century. And to this day, wooden buildings are preserved, which has 100-200-300 years old. The main damage to the wooden house-building of Russia was not nature, but a human factor: fires, war, revolution, regular limits of property and "modern" reconstruction and repair of Russians. So every day is less and less becoming around unique wooden buildings, adorning Russian land, having your own soul and unique originality.

At the end of the 19th century, in St. Petersburg, the album "Motifs of Russian Architecture" was published, where the most bold and sophisticated projects were offered to the demanding customers of that time. country houses. These estates, if they were built, today would be architecture monuments and guarded as important objects cultural heritage countries.

Listful old albums in the library, the FROMONEMillion correspondent admired how distinctive and bright was the architecture of country houses in Russia of that time. And it is not even true to say "architecture" - then still not western designers and architects worked on the houses, but the real Russian architects - although everyone was with excellent Western education.

The difference is that the houses of that time were not completely shy to do in the tradition of carved Russian termes. Today we are actively using the ideas of Gothic, American and Finnish architecture, the traditions of Scandinavia and England. However, for those who want to live in a truly original and stylish country house Such a cooking "Western" can be encouraged sooner or later. Why not draw your eyes on your own traditions and see what could be a house if you order it according to old drawings?

The main trend that states today in the market of country house-building - architectural minimalism, pragmatic, maximum simplification. Now we build cottages with the simplest form of the plan - a rectangle. The "box" of the house with square windows covers the usual duplex or tent roof without any tricks. What is suggested as a sample country architecture In Russia, the 19th century today looks extremely unusual - rather, these drawings are suitable for the children's book of fairy tales than for a serious architectural magazine.

Meanwhile, educated and secured people of that time preferred to build estates in Russian style. Firstly, it made country houses differing from urban, which, mostly built already in a pro-Western simplified image. Secondly, it supported Russian national traditions of architecture, which always admired architects and historians of art around the world. Thirdly, it was the possibility of self-expression, since Russian architecture admits all sorts of options for planning and decorating the house, respectively, two identical ussers in the same province not to find.

Here, for example, household houses, small, elegant, carved, fabulous. At home similar to vintage russian terema, Be sure to have balconies or turrets, carved porch, richly decorated roof lip and beautiful shutters. The projects of this stylist look a few "sugar" - it seems, this is not an architectural drawing of the house, but a blank for a sweet candy or gingerbread. Meanwhile, it is difficult to resist the charm of such projects - they are so miles, joyful and cozy.

Next category of country houses of the late 19th century - House-castles. They combine Russian architecture and gothic and often built of two materials - wood and stone. If such a project is implemented today, it will be a real challenge of modern standardized architecture - because the traditions of openwork threads are almost lost (not counting some of its kitchers), in addition, the house built for the most part of the tree today will be at a great price.

Finally, there is some of the projects that were built in a simplified-western style, but did not lose their "russianity". These mansionsthey look quite modern, and at the same time very original. The then architects were thought out in a single style also a fence and economic buildings of a country house so that it was all necessary. Such projects may well be implemented even today - ideas are good especially for those who want to stand out, and begins to appreciate the importance of their own traditions and history.

Alas, the habit of building big beautiful houses And the estate was lost by us during the years of Soviet power. Now the main thing fashion trend Scandinavian minimalism remains, but in such a style, houses are built throughout the light - and everything, for the most part, is rather identical. So it is very likely that we will soon be tired of such monotony and turn to archives - after all, it's not for nothing that the most titled specials of the time tried to order a country mansion from Russian masters of wooden and stone architecture.

Danil Vysotsky

Layout of the ancient two-story manor with a huge living room, with a fireplace, high ceilings.

Elegance and elegance ... These are distinctive features that were used for the design of vintage mansions. All in them radiated style, beauty and fashion. The planning of the old estate proposed here is an impersonation classic style and design. Like the past, there is a living room with a fireplace.

Project of the ancient Russian manor

The entrance to the mansion, as a rule, begins with, double doors and a huge hall connected to the hallway, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich reaches 17.2 square meters. m. B. star time Candles were used to get light, but in this project they will only execute the role of accessories.

Exquisite design of the first floor

From the hall through the arch, you can go to the living room. This is a huge space from old times used to receive guests. In the style of this room you can find a discreet chic, luxury materials and accessories, the effect of each element. There is a harmony along with sophisticated elegance and thoroughness.

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The classic is a style that will never lose its uniqueness. Huge living room The fireplace should be decorated with paintings, clocks, Chinese vases, etc. There should be no overload in the interior, but at the same time it is important to avoid emptiness.

And the last room on the floor is a hall. Hall is a place where in an old time was going great amount People, including even courtiers, and here have been held major events. The area of \u200b\u200bthis room is 17.5 square meters. M. Registration it looks incredible. The floor is a patterned and brilliant parquet covered with a carpet with a classic ornament. Columns and pilasters personify antique culture and as if they send us to the distant past.

A wonderful decision will serve as a caissional ceiling, as it is amazingly combined with carved furniture. Cabinets, dressers, sofas having wooden armrests, gold-plated accessories, high ceilings - all these elements of antiquity.

Stylish solution on the second floor

On the second floor there are private apartments - only three bedrooms. The first has an area of \u200b\u200b15.6 square meters. m., Second 21.9 square meters. m., Third 17.5 square meters. m., In each room, much attention should be paid to lighting. For a classic style, the most characteristic is the use of upper illumination, which is represented as a crystal or rood chandelier. It is very important to choose the right decorations so as not to spoil the impression.

On the second floor there is a large terrace, an area of \u200b\u200b8.3 square meters. m., as well as a small library, the area of \u200b\u200b17.5 square meters. m. Hall is also located, the size of which is 10.6 square meters. m., loggia (16.8 sq. M.). And, of course, there are two bathrooms.

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