Beautiful one-story houses with a garage. Comfortable life outside the city: an overview of the best projects of one-story houses with a garage

The buildings 23.05.2019
The buildings

To build one-story houses with a garage, projects and photos of which attract with their functionality and beauty, today everyone prefers more people. country life without a car is very problematic, so the presence of a garage on the site becomes mandatory. But which is better: build it separately or design it under the same roof as a residential building? As practice shows, the second option is more attractive for a number of reasons, since the site area is significantly saved during construction, and the finished object looks solid, harmonious and more aesthetic. Creating a project for such a house will require a competent approach so that the final version meets the expectations as much as possible, and its design harmoniously fits into the surrounding landscape.

Advantages of one-story houses with a garage

House and garage combined under one roof is the most practical, cost-effective architectural solution. Such construction has a number of advantages:

  • Ideal for small areas as it frees up adjoining territory, makes it more spacious practical. The yard visually looks larger, which gives room for the design of the site.
  • It allows you to make the garage room heated at no extra cost by connecting it to the central heating system of the house. There is no gap between these zones, so there will be no problems in laying communications, and heat loss will be significantly reduced, unlike heating a separate garage. The same applies to plumbing and sewerage, which will never be superfluous in a garage room, making it much more convenient.
  • Saves construction and Decoration Materials. The walls and roof of the house are common to the residential and garage parts, so the cost of construction, the cost of materials for such a building will be an order of magnitude lower than for a separate complex of a similar area. At a minimum, you can save on the construction of one wall, as well as the foundation under it, roofing materials. According to the same principle, the speed of construction is reduced, which is important when a house is being built at the beginning of a cold period and is important every day.

Everything for comfort

Combining the premises under one roof ensures unhindered movement from the residential part to the garage. This factor is especially important under adverse weather conditions- snowfall or downpour will not prevent the owner of the house from getting dry to the car, because all that is required is to cross the threshold between the residential part and the garage. This feature will help you quickly bring large-sized furniture or purchases into the house, it is enough to bring them into the garage without leaving them unattended from the outside, and then gradually transfer them into the house.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that in a one-story house with a combined garage, security is significantly increased. In particular, this applies to the safety of what is stored in the garage. The owners of the house hear almost all the sounds coming from the household part. This can prevent intruders, while from a detached garage they are almost unhindered able to take out property.
A one-story house with a garage is very convenient in terms of operation if children or the elderly live in the house, since there are no stairs, and all rooms are on the same level.

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Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region often prefer the construction of a new house, rather than buying a ready-made one on the secondary market. This option has many advantages, the main of which is that when building a house, all your wishes will be taken into account.

Any construction begins with a project. If your area does not have large area, it is worth paying attention to projects one-story houses with a garage. This option saves space. suburban area and reduce the cost of Construction Materials. This significantly increases the usable area of ​​the house. A well-designed house in which under one roof are living rooms and garage, combines comfort and pleasant exterior.

Advantages and disadvantages

A one-story house with a garage, built on the same foundation and under the same roof, is practical solution housing issue. The advantages of such projects:

    Space saving. A one-story house with a garage does not take up much space on the site. On the vacated territory, you can place useful outbuildings, set up a garden or plant a lawn. The courtyard visually becomes larger, which opens up opportunities for its original design.

    heated garage. It doesn't take much to heat it up. A few radiators connected to heating system at home. There is no street space between the living rooms and the garage. Thanks to this, you can quickly and inexpensively lay all the necessary communications.

    Possibility to run water and sewer to the garage. If you periodically perform small repair work car or a workshop is simply organized in the garage, then the opportunity to wash your hands right in the garage will be very useful.

    Saving money. erection one-story house with an attached garage allows you to significantly save costs. The garage and the house will have one wall, foundation and roof in common. It will go to building materials and finishing less money than the option of a detached cottage and garage. All rooms inside and outside will be made in the same style.

    Unified security system and fire safety . This reduces security costs. In the meantime, she's getting much better. Homeowners get the opportunity to visually assess the condition of the premises in which the car is parked. They can also hear extraneous sounds if an intruder tries to enter the garage.

    Free movement. It is easier for residents to get into the garage. In addition, free movement provides cottage. Old people and children will not have to go up and down stairs. It should be borne in mind that the ladder itself is a factor that increases home injuries. By choosing a one-story house, you will reduce the likelihood of injury when falling down the stairs. The absence of steps allows for more rational use of the usable living space.

    Pleasant exterior. The garage attached to the cottage makes the building more attractive. Such architectural solutions not very familiar to Russians. You will be able to stand out against the backdrop of one-faced houses.

A one-story structure rarely exceeds trees in height. It is easier to fit into the landscape. The trees will provide shade on hot summer days.

If you plan the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house well, then in addition to the garage, you can place a bathhouse, a billiard room, a gym, a workshop, a boiler room or a storage room in it.

Along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages:

    flat terrain. The site on which the cottage will be built should not have ravines and slopes. In difficult terrain, you need to remove the soil to level the terrain. This incurs additional costs. If the area is large, then you need to choose a flat area. In this case, the disadvantage turns into an advantage, as it becomes possible to create interesting relief solutions.

    Garage eats up usable area . A house with a garage under one roof will occupy a larger area than a regular cottage. If it is impossible to build in width, then to expand the usable living space, you can place a garage in ground floor Or consider an attic option.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Design Features

If you decide to build a one-story house with a garage under one roof, projects should be entrusted to professionals. You will receive a whole package of documents:

    technical description of the object;

    construction drawings with explanations;

    detailed plan premises.

The project can be visualized. In any case, it must meet the following requirements:

    Competent planning of engineering communications.

    Maximum functionality of the garage space.

    Rational use free space.

    Proper planning, providing for the division of the area into residential and economic parts.

    Possibility of improvement personal plot and creating a convenient entrance to the garage door.

Design projects projects of one-story houses with a garage can be divided into two types. In the first case, the garage is an extension to the living rooms. The second type is an object with an underground garage, but this option is more expensive.

As a rule, the project of a house with a garage provides for a separate entrance for the car and an entrance for residents to the residential part. It can be made in the form of an attic.

The simplest project involves placing a garage space on the side of the house. The building will have rectangular shape. The advantage is to maximize the use of the object's free space. The house may have a square shape. It can accommodate utility rooms in the corners. The square building is covered hipped roof. This solution is quite costly.

The building can be L-shaped or U-shaped. Such options allow you to place a garage space with maximum convenience for households. They look spectacular and open up wide opportunities for exterior solutions. L and U-shaped buildings allow you to equip the patio. The garage can be double. If the territory allows, a spacious parking area can be arranged in front of the gate.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

What to look out for

When discussing projects of one-story cottages with a garage, attention should be paid to four important points:

    The space for the garage should harmoniously fit into the appearance of the house.

    The garage should have a high ceiling. The height of the room should not infringe on the household when performing various manipulations with the machine.

The high ceiling provides additional features for the owner, for example, it can become a "shelf" for bicycles

    The object must have residential and economic parts. They must be removed from each other.

    The building must have well-designed ventilation. With poor ventilation system carbon monoxide may enter residential areas. Ideally, if the garage will be located in the so-called technical part of the cottage. This arrangement will avoid the penetration of carbon monoxide into the rooms.

The area of ​​the garage space should be calculated with maximum accuracy. The doors of the car should open freely without touching the walls. At the same time, there must be enough space so that drivers and passengers can safely get out of the car.

If the cottage does not have a garage, then it can be attached. In this case, you should not do the work yourself. It only at first glance seems that extensions are easy to do. In fact, the creation attached structures is a complex project. If technology is not followed, a number of mistakes can be made. The project involves the calculation load-bearing structures, construction of foundations, walls and roofs, laying communications, etc.

Layout and location on the site

In order for a home to meet your expectations, be stylish and functional, you need to carefully consider the placement of the object and its layout.

The house is located on a hill, if it is available on the site. This arrangement allows for good natural light inside the house. If the site is flat or in a lowland, then the building is being built in the northeast. It will be illuminated by the sun for as long as possible. The façade was to face south. In this case, you can attach a terrace. The entrance to the garage should be placed as close as possible to the gate. There must be a short-term parking space in front of the entrance.

As for the interior layout, the projects of houses with a garage under one roof suggest that the garage and utility rooms are located on the north side. The living room is located in the south. On the east side, it is worth equipping bedrooms, children's and guest rooms. In the west, you can arrange such rooms as a dining room, a common room and a games room. For the boiler room and communication nodes, you need to allocate space in the back of the garage.

Between the garage and the residential part, you can equip a vestibule. It will reduce heat loss if the garage is unheated. A boiler and heating equipment can be placed in the vestibule.

The architectural style is the owner's choice. It is necessary to take into account the shape of the roof and the design of the site. If the territory is large, you can give free rein to imagination. Perfect solution- Classical and Victorian style. On the small plot it is better to give preference to modern design trends - minimalism and hi-tech.

Video description

An example of a project for a one-story house with a garage in 3D, see the following video:

Project options and their prices

The price of a house with a garage in Moscow depends on the area of ​​the building, its condition, the size of the plot and the distance from the center of the capital. The cost of a private house in the suburbs starts from 5 million rubles. The average area of ​​the site will be about 12 acres. How more area house and plot, the higher the price. Two-storey cottages are much more expensive. than one-story houses with a garage. The projects, photos below are presented as an example, in order to clearly understand how such buildings may look like.

One of the most popular projects is a 10x15 m house. This is a compact cottage for medium-sized plots. It is suitable for small families who can already afford not to look towards economy options. In order to save space, you can re-plan the project to place a garage in the basement. But this option will require more expenses - the turnkey price will be about 5-6 million rubles.

The ideal and budget solution would be the 12 × 8 m option. It will have enough space for a family of 3 people. The house will house 3 rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a car room. Depending on the construction technology used, such a turnkey cottage will cost 3-5 million rubles.

An interesting option is an L-shaped house 21.3 × 14.5. In this case, the garage may be located in front of the residential part. In this building, you can equip several bedrooms, a spacious living room and dining room. Housing will be comfortable for a large family, but the cost of such a turnkey house starts from 6 - 8 million rubles.


With a competent approach to drafting a one-story brick house with a garage you will get comfortable and functional accommodation. A properly designed house is easier to add details. If you entrust the construction to professionals, you will not have to correct mistakes in the future.

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The presence of a car determines certain features of the layout adjoining plot- here it is important to consider the location of not only the main dwelling, but also the garage. Of course, Utility room it is desirable to equip a separate building, so as not to create any inconvenience to the household. But what if the site is small and several buildings simply cannot be placed on it? The best option- garage under the same roof with the house. After looking at the photos of such complexes, you will see that this idea can have several different implementations at once. Next, we will consider the features of projects of one-story and two-story buildings with a garage box and find out how to properly combine such different objects under one roof.

Advantages of a house with a garage

You still can’t decide whether the option of a combined house and garage is suitable specifically for your case? Perhaps the advantages of such a combination will speed up your thinking:

  • Reducing construction costs - you will not be building two separate objects, but one complex structure, which will make it possible to save on materials.
  • Ease of use - daily use of a garage under a common roof with a house is much more comfortable than a separate building, since thanks to the combination, the need to regularly go outside to get to the car disappears. This advantage is especially relevant in the cold season.

A house with a garage is very convenient for small plots

  • Saving space - the construction of a combined complex allows you to rationally use the area of ​​​​the site.
  • Increasing the functionality of the garage - in the design process, you can think over the layout so that the garage room not only fulfills its direct function, but also serves as a utility room.

If all of the above advantages have convinced you of the need to build a house with a garage, let's start studying the features of the projects. Let's start with the options for the location of the technical room.

Garage placement

When developing a project for a house with a garage under a common roof, it is important to think in detail about the location of the two objects relative to each other. And if everything is unambiguous and clear with the main building, then there are three options for placing a car box:

  1. Underground - the garage is equipped directly under residential building: on the ground floor or in the basement. This option makes it possible to significantly reduce the overall height of the building and reduce the amount of work with the soil. The underground way of locating the garage is very convenient in areas with a natural slope of the terrain.
  2. Above-ground lower - a technical box is placed at the base of the main building, and all living quarters are completed above it. This option increases the height of the house, but allows you to leave the space around it unaffected.
  3. Ground side - the garage is located to the right or left of the residential building. This option is convenient in that the technical box can be attached both during the construction of the main building and after.

Underground garage project

Single storey house with garage

Among all the projects of houses with a garage under a common roof, the most popular are those options where a one-story building appears. And this is not surprising, because such a complex has two distinctive advantages:

  • ease of project implementation - there is no need to equip stair passages and ceilings;
  • low weight of the building - makes it possible to limit yourself to a lightweight version of the foundation.

Since the house is one-story, all rooms must be placed on the same level - it is important to avoid the neighborhood of bedrooms and children's rooms with a garage. The best option- place a bathroom and a kitchen between the living rooms and the technical box.

Advice. It is not necessary that the garage is tightly adjacent to the house - you can make a small transition between them, turning it into a workshop, furnace or pantry.

As for the roof, most often the house and garage are combined under a common gable roof - this is the most cheap option. But if you are interested original solutions, you can make a broken roof structure: a shed roof is above the house, a flat roof is above the technical box. In the second case, it is necessary to provide in the project quality system drain in the area of ​​​​the roofing cake.

Single storey house with garage

Two storey house with garage

On a small plot of land it is very difficult to build a house that can successfully accommodate a large family. Perhaps the only real chance to acquire comfortable housing in this case is a two-story house.

There are various layout projects for multi-level complexes with a garage. The most common scheme: car box - on the ground floor; office space, including a bathroom, a furnace and a kitchen, as well as a living room - on the ground floor; nurseries, bedrooms, office - on the second floor. All levels are connected by stairs: straight marching, spiral, bolt or others.

Very often, the basement is made extended - this allows you to equip a terrace on an additional site above the garage. The latter, in turn, can be made both open and closed. The benefit of such a project is that the terrace will divert attention from the technical box and give the house a certain charm and lightness.

Two storey house with garage

Another popular project is an elongated house with a garage at the end of the building. Such a technique will facilitate the exit and entry of a car, since the gates of the box will go directly to the street. Therefore, it is rational to make two entrances to the dwelling here - from the side of the yard and from the side of the garage. Next to the box, you can place a bathroom, pantry and kitchen, and on the second floor - all the living rooms.

General features of designing a house with a garage

Despite the existence of completely diverse options for houses with a garage, the success of their implementation always directly depends on the same factor - on how detailed the construction works. Therefore, whatever configuration of the complex you choose, it is important to know about common features design of joint buildings.

Firstly, it is necessary that all solutions included in the project exactly meet the sanitary and fire regulations otherwise, the safety and comfort of operating a house and a garage is out of the question.

Keep in mind that it is undesirable to place living rooms next to the garage

Secondly, most projects involve a common foundation for a house and a car box, so it is advisable to build both buildings at the same time: if you first build the main building, and only then proceed to the garage, the foundation under the house will have time to sink and the foundation of the entire building will turn out to be multi-level.

Advice. If your project assumes that the garage is equipped on the side of the main building after its construction, it is extremely important to observe the wall connection.

Thirdly, the project must provide for a powerful ventilation system - if it is not there, all unpleasant odors, smoke, particles of oils and gasoline will enter the residential part of the house.

Fourthly, do not forget about waterproofing - put it in the drainage arrangement plan to ensure optimal humidity conditions in the box.

A house with a garage under a common roof - an example of the maximum rational use area land plot. But in order for the complex to be not only ergonomic, but also safe and comfortable, it is important not to forget about all the above features of combining objects - only in this case you can count on the successful implementation of the selected project.

Projects of houses with a garage: video

House with a garage: photo

Each house has its own history of creation - stretching for many years or very short, extraordinary or ordinary. This project is no exception. The client purchased a plot with an existing foundation and basement. had to be created new project houses with a garage by order and taking into account the lifestyle of completely different owners. And also - to adapt it to the style of the already erected bath complex with a pool (). The task is quite difficult, but it was all the more interesting to work on its solution.

One-story house with a garage: the geometry of the rhythm of life

A one-story house with a garage turned out to be stylish and functional. On a space with a total area of ​​207 square meters managed to organize representative and private zones. There are three bedrooms and space for a living room. The most spacious corner bedroom is designed for the married couple of the owners. It is equipped with the real dressing room, where personal belongings and bedding can be easily accommodated, an individual bathroom with a narrow and high window for sunlight to penetrate.

The guest bedrooms are located within walking distance, but the main walls have good soundproofing properties, so the comfort of vacationers is guaranteed. Closer to the emergency entrance and vestibule, a spacious bathroom with Jacuzzi was designed. Almost all rooms are united by an elongated hall

Among strengths project of a house with a garage - a spacious kitchen-dining room irregular shape with a big working area L-shaped configuration. It has room for numerous household appliances, a spacious set for dishes and household utensils, a huge dining table. It will be equally pleasant to meet here for dinner or sit in a large and friendly company on Sunday morning. A semi-partition separates the kitchen from the living room. On the one hand, it closes the cooking area, on the other hand, it creates a feeling of a single space, making the interior light and airy. If necessary, a glass sliding partition can be installed in a wide opening.

The center of the composition of the living room is a huge seating area and armchairs. Opposite is the home theater area. The main entrance also leads to the living room. outdoor terrace. Between them is a wide double door.

A spacious garage for two cars is made in the form of an extension, and, moreover, it is connected with the main room by a narrow passage to the vestibule. This solution prevents entry into the home. unpleasant odors gasoline, oil and exhaust gases. The gate opens automatically and is equipped with remote control which is very handy in bad weather. There are 3 small windows for natural light in the room.

Finishing a one-story house with a garage: simplicity plus comfort

Building exteriors:

Photo of the built foundation:

Option number 2 from glued laminated timber

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand from developers. After all, imagine life modern man without a car, and even living outside the city, is simply not possible. That is why, the presence of a garage in a house project is an important factor when buying. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But the garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

A house with a garage is planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is arranged from the kitchen or hallway. There is another positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, products from the store, then it is very convenient to transfer them immediately to the kitchen.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that the garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m 2. At the same time, it is advisable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, to the left and right - 70 cm each, you can limit yourself to 20 cm at the back. Usually, the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done in order to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. The standard width of the gate is 2.5 m. The height is calculated so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide convenient access to the racks and think not only about electrical, but also about natural light. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of sockets, in which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on a power tool, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care of installing a socket designed for three-phase current in advance.

By the way, a heater may not be needed if you provide for heating the garage. Moreover, to connect it to common system home heating is quite simple. And, in addition, in the garage you can equip an additional workshop or pantry for inventory.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve problems with parking once and for all, and save you from looking for a suitable place for a garage for a second car.

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