We are building a dressing room. Do-it-yourself dressing room: original solutions and designer tips

garden equipment 03.03.2020
garden equipment

What girl does not dream of more spacious storage for clothes and shoes. But far from always the possibilities allow solving these issues without loss in precious square meters of usable area. Even if there is enough space, a dressing room is a very complex project. It is possible to equip such a room with your own hands - let's see how to organize everything.

Pros of a dressing room

In most small apartments, a closet is used to store clothes, and many have it in private homes. But a separate, even a small room allocated for such tasks is much better.

The dressing room is very convenient and economical. In a separate room in the bedroom, hallway or in another room, you can fit much more clothes than in the largest closet, and everything that is stored there will always be at hand and in plain sight. You no longer need to rush between the closet and bedside tables.

All things will fit in the dressing room: linen, outerwear, bags, shoes and various accessories.

Another plus is that the wardrobe will allow you to remove bulky wardrobes from the apartment. This will facilitate the visual perception of space - only light furniture will remain. As a result, the whole room will only benefit from this, you can install a couch or other desired furniture in the living room in the place that was previously occupied by the closet. Hanging clothes can be removed from the eyes in the hallway.

Equipping a wardrobe system with your own hands is also an opportunity to save money. It is enough to sit down and calculate what will be more profitable: to purchase several lockers, drawers for storing things, shelves to equip the space in the wardrobe, or to spend money on a massive wardrobe, two or three chests of drawers and several cabinets.

A separate roomy room for clothes is multifunctional. Pillows, unnecessary blankets, mattresses are put here. There are always several shelves for a photo album and boxes with various little things. You can also store an ironing board here, and if the room is large, you can even arrange a laundry room.

In what cases is it not advisable to make a dressing room?

A separate storage room for outerwear, underwear and shoes, various little things is a necessary thing even for a small apartment. Another thing is when a one-room apartment is an economy segment. There is nowhere to steal precious space, and there is no storage room in such apartments. In this case, it is impractical to build a wardrobe. In any other cases, such a functional room will only be a plus.

Dressing room can be equipped even in a small niche


The modern construction market offers a lot of different materials that can be used to build a dressing room in an apartment. Drywall, wood, metal, plastic are widely used. You can work with any materials on your own, the main thing is to purchase them in the right quantity. When finishing, use glass-wallpaper, tiles, paint as desired. The choice of a suitable material depends on the chosen scheme and layout of the dressing room, as well as the features of the room in the apartment.

Plasterboard dressing room

It must be borne in mind that drywall is a material not intended for the manufacture of furniture. This is still a finishing building material for leveling walls, ceilings, dry screeds for lightly loaded floors. And the wardrobe is something like furniture, drywall here will be too heavy and fragile.

Drywall furniture solutions are based on a frame that has a rather complex structure.

After the system is assembled, you will need to carefully do the finishing work. For the arrangement of a utility room, and the wardrobe is a kind of utility room, the labor intensity and the total cost of the project, together with construction work, are too high, and the capacity is reduced, since a solid drywall shelf will be at least 5 cm thick.

Related article: Making a small hallway in a Khrushchev apartment: techniques for visually enlarging the room

However, for a dressing room, it is important to have a mass of blind cavities that are sheathed with vapor-permeable materials. Humidity will be regulated, gypsum craton will eliminate sudden changes in the microclimate in the apartment. But neither clothes, nor shoes, nor any other things like this.

On the video: the creation of a dressing room from drywall.

Wooden dressing room

There is no guarantee that the clothes in the dressing room can be damp. Excess moisture will lead to mustiness. A dressing room made of wood will allow you to remove excess moisture - even painted wood has pores, it is able to take excess moisture vapor from the air.

Laminate has all the advantages of wood, but it does not have porosity. However, the laminate has such advantages as an affordable price, high strength and resistance to moisture. Only there is one more nuance - unlike wood, the laminate is not able to breathe, and for a dressing room this is very, very important.

Laminate is a good substitute for wood, but you can take both chipboard and chipboard, plywood wardrobes are often found.

How to make a comfortable dressing room yourself: step by step instructions

It’s easy to start building your own wardrobe space. There are many interesting projects. It is important to choose the right scheme for the layout of the room. It is also necessary to have skills in working with wood or drywall. It is better to do the work in steps - a detailed step-by-step instruction will help any home master.

Step #1 - Planning (diagrams and dimensional drawings)

The development of the first part of the project will not be difficult and will not take much time. Now there are ready-made drawings and diagrams that only need to be adapted to a specific situation. There are interesting ideas for a small room, which is very important for many.

In total there are several popular schemes:

  • corner;
  • Linear;
  • G and U-shaped schemes;
  • parallel structures.

Considering the drawings, pay attention to the dimensions. The design is developed based on how large the area is. The most comfortable and standard rooms are considered to be 4 m2. It is this room that will perform its original functions of storing things.

Corner dressing room

At the first stage we make a project - planning is very important. The corner design allows you to get away from the optimal size of 4 square meters and use less space. Even a size of 1.5 × 1.5 m will be sufficient for such a design.

  • it is easy to work with it even at home;
  • after installation work, there is no debris left;
  • overlap will give a minimum load on the surface;
  • drywall partitions are easy to trim.

You can place boxes and shelves in different ways, but it is much more convenient to distribute them from both walls in the resulting room. If you use only one wall, it will be irrational. It is better to design the interior arrangement using open shelves - racks will facilitate access to clothes, as well as free up space. The door is chosen, given the limited space.

Linear design

This arrangement is convenient to apply near the walls. It is easy to build such a room at home, but it is relevant in the bedroom. There are no beveled corners - this will facilitate the process of arranging furniture. It is easy to distribute internal elements in such rooms. You can equip retractable hangers for clothes. One movement of the hand is enough, and the right clothes will be in sight.

In the design process, it must be taken into account that the optimal depth of the dressing room is 1.5 m. However, partitions inside will narrow the space - you should not install them. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing allows, then narrow rooms will not be comfortable, and there will be little free space.

Related article: How to plan a dressing room: the choice of configuration, location and unusual ideas (+160 photos)

L- and U-shaped design

The layout with the letter G is when the dressing room is part of the room. The peculiarity is that it is not necessary to make a partition here. The instruction recommends using only open-type racks, since the issue of saving precious space is very acute, as well as the issue of ergonomics. The same instruction provides for the almost complete absence of any partitions in the design.

If you look at the sketch, you can clearly see that the method is very economical - for the manufacture of a partition, you need to purchase additional materials.

They also use designs with the letter P. They are good only for large and spacious rooms, but they allow you to place a lot of clothes and rationally fill the space.

What are good U-shaped wardrobes:

  • are highly practical and very interesting in terms of design;
  • due to the unusual design, you can emphasize the interior;
  • you can get optimal storage for clothes and more;
  • such schemes involve a large number of different boxes for small items, gloves, accessories.

If you choose the right color scheme, you get a very simple, functional and outwardly attractive dressing room. Due to the presence of functional elements, it will be very comfortable to use.

parallel type

Designing and arranging a dressing room according to this scheme is the simplest solution. This is a popular example, often used at home by ordinary craftsmen. More often this design can be found in the hallway and closets. To implement the design, it is necessary to organize only a few partitions. Separate furniture sets are also used.

Such a scheme is good if you arrange it in the passage room, but not in the corridor. If the room is deaf, you should choose another project.

Step #2 - Installation work

Let's see how to make a dressing room. The desired option has been selected, the design work has been completed, the location has been selected. It remains to realize the drawing in metal and drywall. Plywood is also suitable, you can make a structure from chipboard.

Step by step installation instructions:

1. First, we make the markup according to the drawings and diagram.

2. A frame is being assembled from a profile, on which the entire structure will be attached. In these works, the main thing is accuracy. Profiles should be fastened as securely as possible - they will withstand high loads.

3. When the frame is ready, you can sheathe it with sheets of drywall, plywood or chipboard on both sides. As a result, a niche is formed, in which the electrical wiring and the lighting system are then hidden.

4. In the case of drywall, all the resulting seams are carefully glued with a special tape and then puttied.

On the video: do-it-yourself installation of a pantry (dressing room) from drywall.

Step number 3 - Finishing the dressing room

When the design is ready, you can proceed to the finishing work. There are several ways: finishing with plastic panels, regular painting or wallpaper. The last option is the simplest.


Wallpaper is, of course, not the best solution, but one of the budget ones. The walls should first be prepared: cleaned of dust and dirt, if necessary, putty bumps and joints (in the case of drywall). Pasting technology is no different from the usual. Wallpaper can be chosen to your personal taste.


Here you can use drywall systems, pvc panels, lining - you can do whatever you want. But do not greatly complicate the design of the ceiling. It is enough that the ceiling hides the wiring and fixtures. This will be enough. The ceiling can be painted or wallpapered.


It is best to design the structure in such a way as to use sliding doors. They are not only functional, but can also add zest to the design. Even children can use such a door - it's so easy. Installing sliding systems is also very simple.

Related article: Indoor plants in the interior - "green comfort"

The corner dressing room requires a slightly different approach. Here, an appropriate brother-in-law is needed - a radius or accordion door.

Step #4 - Lighting and Ventilation

This point should be given special attention. Lighting should be sufficient. If there is natural lighting, then this is good, but it is better to organize additional lighting - it can be any lighting fixtures. The number of lamps is determined by the size of the room. So, in a small dressing room, only two light sources are enough.

The interior lighting of linen drawers with the help of LED strips will not be superfluous.

It is very important to choose the right ventilation system in the dressing room. It allows you to automatically ventilate the room and guarantees protection from unpleasant odors and dust. It is better to choose special ventilation solutions.

If you don’t want to buy an expensive option, then you can get by with installing a fan. It will also need an inlet hole. Power is calculated according to the following formula - the volume of the room is multiplied by 1.5. This will be the final performance.

Step number 5 - Arrangement: filling and storage systems

It is necessary not only to assemble the structure and conduct light there, the internal content is much more important. It also needs to be designed. The ergonomics and functionality of the dressing room depends on the correct filling.


It is better to make shelves retractable and place them so that there is 35-40 cm between them. The depth is made more than 40 cm. On wide shelves it is convenient to fold clothes in piles. In cases with long shelves, one or more additional supports are needed.


When choosing the location of the shelves in the room, one should not forget that they store linen, as well as various little things. You need to immediately think about what will be stored on open racks. This is a practical solution, so they should be made in different sizes. It is important to identify needs and you can boldly act.


Filling the dressing room should be modern. Innovation comes to the rescue. There are special hangers for trousers and skirts, clothes are fixed on them very gently, and there are no crumpled marks left. The hangers themselves slide out of the niche. They have different sizes, which is very convenient.

You can also purchase a convenient device - this is a hanger-organizer. The device is used to organize things.

You can install a pantograph - this is such an elevator. It will allow you to use the dressing room space up to the ceiling and there will be no damage to comfort. The elevator is attached to the crossbars on the sides and to the back wall. The only drawback is that it can only be used with light clothing.

Shoe storage systems

You have to buy a special module. It is a compact retractable system. There are also hanging organizers, as well as stands. A specific solution is selected based on their needs and the size of the room.

With the help of sliding doors in the bedroom, the dressing room is separated from the rest of the area. The front of the door must be made in such a way that it fits into the design. But such ideas are relevant only for spacious rooms. Take a look at how it looks in the photo.

In one of the cottages, the attic was used as a dressing room. The walls are high enough to accommodate hangers for coats, fur coats, jackets. Shoes and accessories are stored in narrow places. But this is true for a private house.

If there is a staircase at home, there must be free space under it. Here you can equip a dressing room - it will be hidden from the eyes, it will not hide the space. It's perfect. You can assemble special retractable structures and a body made of wood and plywood, which will be hidden in the space under the stairs.

Are you tormented by the eternal cleaning of scattered things? Dreaming of arranging a dressing room? Do not rush to give up this idea, even if your funds are limited! Indeed, in fact, you can make a dressing room with your own hands without any special financial expenses.

Given the size of the living space, a dressing room can serve as a separate room or a corner of the bedroom. You should not think that only beautiful ladies are interested in such a separate room, men like it just as much when all things are neatly hung and laid out in their places. It is convenient to store things in such a room for a long time. Here they will not deteriorate, will not wrinkle, will not fade and will not be damaged by pests.

The main requirements for the premises

Even if you cannot allocate much space for a dressing room, you can equip it with many shelves. The minimum dimensions of such a room are 1x1.5 meters. Hangers, shelves and drawers will fit quite compactly. It's great if in the dressing room you can allocate space for dressing with a mirror. If your dressing room is very small, then provide ventilation in it, because, otherwise, there is a high probability of stagnation of air, which will lead to impregnation of things with a musty smell.

The area allocated for the storage of outerwear, as well as dresses, can have a depth of 0.5 m, and a height of 1.5 m. The area in which short clothes will be stored may have a slightly smaller size - 0.5x1 m. place additional shelves for storing things that you do not use so often.

We make a dressing room in the closet, niche or in the corner of the room

The equipment of a quality place for a dressing room does not have to include a special separate room designed for this purpose. You can allocate a zone for a dressing room, believe me, in an ordinary apartment. Do you have an inapplicable niche in which, apart from an unnecessary pile of things, nothing else fits? Then free it from the trash immediately!

First of all, give up cabinet furniture that takes up a lot of space in a small area. You can make or buy special "boiserie" and "loft" designs. They have mobile cabinets, there are no extra walls. This approach will facilitate the process of creating a dressing room for you. Pay special attention to the choice of doors. If the niche is in the bedroom, then to increase the space it is better to use translucent or frosted glass. Arranging a pantry in the hallway? Then choose a door that matches the tones of the wall or design a doorway, because there are always several doors leading into the corridor.

In small apartments, a dressing room, equipped in the corner of the room, is the most reasonable solution when allocating space.

The fact is that the placement of standard typical furniture in this case is simply unacceptable. In the corner dressing room you can fit a lot of necessary things, often much more than in cabinets.

The functionality of the wardrobe room, namely its internal structure, must necessarily meet the requirements of practicality, convenience and spaciousness.

A small wardrobe storage room can be in the shape of a triangle, a trapezoid, the letter "G" or five-walls. Place the bar in the center, and on the sides of it are shelves. Accessories and small items can be placed in specially designated baskets, lattice containers and mobile cabinets. As for shoes, it is more practical to store them by installing a special design on the door or at the bottom of the dressing room. Drawers for storing all shoes, are both closed and open. In addition, it is convenient to store household appliances intended for frequent use from below. On the upper shelves it is better to stack those things that are rarely used in everyday life.

Small walk-in closets placed in the corner of a room have many advantages. For example, in small rooms they are indispensable. In appearance, they resemble a closet, but are placed in a place where its usual counterpart does not fit. Thus, you will be able to distribute the space as useful as possible, for example, in a bedroom. The dressing room is incomparably functional, stylish and roomy!

For hangers, you can build a tubular structure from chrome products. You can buy them at any hardware store in the city. You will need a pipe for the horizontal hanger and vertical rack. In addition, buy a connector and 3 heels for pipes that are fixed to the wall, floor and ceiling.

If the allocated space allows, then place the bar on the right or left side of the entrance for the entire length. As practice shows, this alignment is optimal. Build corner shelves - they will occupy the space of a straight far wall and one of the sides from the entrance. When building shelves, you can also use chrome pipes, as this is perhaps the most economical option. In addition, this type of aerial structure will allow you to easily reach each shelf. Chrome-plated pipes must pass through all the shelves. They will be attached to the ceiling and to the floor.

Leave a small space opposite the entrance. This will allow you to move freely around the room during operation. A large mirror can be attached to the door, which will give you the opportunity to change clothes.

Installing drywall construction

  1. Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, mark up the profile and cut blanks from it for the ceiling, floor and walls. You can do this with specially designed scissors, which can be purchased at a hardware store.
  2. You can install the floor profile using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.
  3. Now proceed with the installation of wall vertical profiles, and then - ceiling horizontal ones.
  4. To improve the rigidity and strength of the structure, fix the transverse profiles using self-tapping screws. Be careful not to damage the existing wall covering or injure yourself.
  5. After you assemble the profile frame, make it a drywall sheathing in two layers, between which lay a heater.
  6. It is appropriate to lay electrical wiring in the same space. Instead of drywall, you can use chipboard or MDF board.
  7. At the end of the sheathing of the frame, apply a primer to the plasterboard walls, glue the seams. The easiest method of finishing plasterboard walls is wallpapering, but if you wish, you can finish it with wood or use decorative panels. The opinions of experts agree that the most durable finishing option is painting the walls, but for this you need to carefully putty and sand the walls.
  8. The most practical way to lay the floor in the dressing room is tile. But you can also cover the floor with linoleum, carpet or parquet.

In the dressing room made of drywall, doors, for example, sliding doors, should be installed. Their main advantage is that they take up little space compared to the swing model. As for lighting, it is better to place it inside, and only one spotlight will be enough. Additional lighting is usually located next to the mirror. Lovers of comfort will love the special lighting fixtures built directly above the shelves and hangers.

If you pick up things with taste, carefully arrange and hang them, and also keep clean, then the wardrobe-rack will become an aesthetic and stylish decoration of your home. There is a strict condition here - the frame and shelves should be inconspicuous against the background of the contents.

The design solution of the wardrobe-rack is extremely simple: the supporting frame is made of perforated profiles that are attached to the wall, and the shelves for clothes can be made of ordinary dark-colored laminate. For aesthetic reasons, it is better to install the mesh exclusively for storing shoes. And it should be fixed on metal struts.

Rods for storing hangers can be attached to the struts or the bottom of the shelves. Metal fittings used for arranging wardrobe racks usually have a rather high cost. However, you can save. How? Pieces of a rod having a diameter of about 0.6 cm can be used as struts.

They can even be rusty and not very even. To improve the bars, heat-shrinkable tubes are suitable, which are used for electrical insulation. They are made from polyisopropylene in different colors. The diameter of the tube should be 2 times the diameter of the rod. Heat the heat-shrinkable tubes with a household hair dryer to 70-80˚. In this case, the plastic layer will be about 2-3 mm. You can remove the markings on the heat shrink tube by wiping it with a cotton swab with alcohol or cleaning powder designed for stoves, or with dishwashing detergent. The tube will hide all the bumps and roughness of the metal.

As for the shelves, you can make them from an ordinary cheap laminate, which must first be cut to the specified length. In order for the width of the shelves to be appropriate, the laminate is connected with locks. Now you can do the layout of things.

Assembling a closet

A wardrobe-pencil case is a rectangular high case, equipped with a retractable hanger frame, which is also equipped with shelves. For a long time people have made unsuccessful attempts to create such a structure. All failures were related to the guiding mechanism. In all cases, the hanger extended to the limit or only halfway warped and jammed. But, not so long ago, the problems were solved. Now, as guides, the side ends of the shelves are used, which have PVC edging of 2 mm. You will also need paired guide rollers. They are fixed on the side walls of the case from the inside, so that they are shifted as far forward as possible.

This design comes inside the pencil case from a light push by hand. The shelves on which it is intended to store small items are equipped with small PVC sheet edges. This is provided so that arbitrarily hanging linen does not fall under the rollers, which can disable the dressing room-pencil case.

During the installation process you should:

  • Assemble the hanger first.
  • Attach the rollers to the sides of the case.
  • Check for the correct alignment of the rollers in height.
  • Now you can attach to the sidewall, which will be adjacent to the wall, the back and top walls.
  • Push in the hanger and attach the opposite side panel.
  • Fasten the lower part of both sidewalls from below with a U-shaped galvanized strip. She will be the stopper, which prevents spontaneous rolling out of the hanger with shelves.

A photo

Today, you can equip a dressing room in different ways, which often rest on the availability of space in an apartment or house. It all comes down to a matter of taste. If you have already been engaged in the development and arrangement of the dressing room, then share your ideas! Perhaps you had difficulties in the process of doing the work? How did you deal with them? Maybe you managed to apply innovative technologies? What exactly? Write us your comments, we are always ready to replenish our knowledge base!


If you still decide to order ready-made cabinets, then first of all pay attention to the quality of materials and components (compartment doors for a dressing room, storage systems, rods).

We will send the material to you by e-mail

Every woman dreams of having her own dressing room. Here you can hang all the clothes, arrange shoes and place other things. In private houses, even at the stage of project development, an appropriate room of the required area is provided. Those who live in a modern apartment can also boast of having such a room. If it is missing, it is easy to correct the situation. For those who have photos, drawings and diagrams, a do-it-yourself dressing room will appear in the near future. We offer to get acquainted with popular solutions and their possible implementation.

Every woman dreams of a spacious dressing room.

Rules for organizing storage of things: the main provisions that help to equip the space

The order of placement of things in the dressing room largely determines the convenience of using the room and the service life of all installed elements. That is why the literacy of the organization of the internal space of the dressing room should be given special attention. To do this, a scheme and a drawing are developed in advance, on which zones are allocated for storing certain things or objects.

The system to be mounted should be divided into functional sections, highlighting:

  • Lower compartment for shoes, small accessories (umbrellas, bags) and trousers. The height of this area should not exceed 70-80 cm. For shoes, special inclined sliding shelves should be provided. Their height will depend on the destination. For summer shoes, the height should be about 30 cm, for winter shoes - 40-45 cm;
  • Middle compartment for things that are used most often. In this zone, pantographs, rods, as well as retractable shelves are provided, on which small toilet items can be placed. The height of the middle zone depends on the length of things. The average dimensions are in the range of 1.4-1.7 m. To accommodate jackets and shirts, it is enough to provide a compartment 1 m high. For knitted items, it is worth providing boxes and baskets that can be placed on shelves;

L-shaped wardrobes

L-shaped layout has specifics. When installing wardrobes according to this scheme, you can refuse to install any partitions, since the racks are actually part of the room in which they will be located. Considering that the cost of building partitions often makes up 50% of the total cost, giving preference to this type, you can significantly reduce your costs.

You should pay attention to such a layout if you need a dressing room of 2 sq. M. A photo of finished projects shows that open shelving is most often chosen in order to rationally manage the available space.


The majority refuses to install a dressing room in the shape of the letter “P” in a typical apartment, believing that such a scheme can only be implemented in large areas. However, with the right approach, the development of a drawing and a diagram, you can competently manage even a relatively small space by forming a storage area in the corner of one of the rooms.

Perhaps such a solution will add extravagance to the created interior, but it will fully meet the requirements of ergonomics. The headset itself is made monolithic. To ensure sufficient functionality, it is worth providing closed drawers, hangers, special sections.

If for the arrangement of the dressing room it was decided to allocate the whole room, and not just part of it, you should pay attention to the rectangular room. The elongated shape will simplify the process of developing a diagram and drawing, as well as the subsequent installation of a structure with your own hands.

Dressing rooms in the bedroom

When starting to develop drawings and determining the location of the dressing room, most often they pay attention to. Such a place for storing clothes can be safely called the most successful. That is why the photo of ready-made solutions most often shows the dressing room in the bedroom.

How rational such a solution is for a particular room can be determined at the stage of developing drawings after calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sleeping area. If the dimensions of the room allow you to install a bed of the desired size, and there is still space left, you can safely take up the installation work with your own hands.

What scheme of organization of the internal space will be preferred is decided at the stage of drawing development. The best option is U-shaped, which allows you to fill the shelves as much as possible and allocate enough space for movement. However, L-shaped or parallel is often found.

The design of the corner dressing room in the bedroom deserves special attention. A photo of ready-made solutions shows that for its implementation it is enough to install a partition at the head of the bed and separate a small corner. However, this solution is only suitable for rooms with a large area.

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The device of the dressing room from the pantry in Khrushchev

If we compare the pantry and the dressing room, then the main difference will be in the storage organization system. The latter provides for mezzanines, shelves, hangers, drawers and other components designed for convenient storage of things for various purposes. Thanks to a well-thought-out layout, all things are accessible and visible. The accommodation option depends on the budget and the area of ​​​​the room.

To make a small dressing room from the pantry comfortable and functional, you should first familiarize yourself with the possible planning solutions that are relevant for a small room. Using the latest technology, it is easy to become the owner of an optimal storage system that can harmoniously fit into the available space. Focusing on the photo of ready-made solutions, it will be possible to initially develop a scheme for the future dressing room, and then a detailed drawing. After that, it will be much easier to assemble and mount the structure with your own hands.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo of the dressing room with your own hands from the pantry, which have already been implemented:

Proper dressing room lighting

Must be good. However, direct sunlight can cause discoloration of the fabric. It is worth abandoning natural sources in favor of artificial ones. Don't limit yourself to just one ceiling lamp. Its luminous flux will not be enough.

The best solution is the installation of a false ceiling with or the installation of a large number of small lamps located around the perimeter of the installed structure. In the photo of the dressing rooms, you can see fluorescent lamps mounted on partitions, allowing you to ensure the proper level of illumination.

Requirement for ventilation of the dressing room

To prevent the appearance of a musty smell, good air exchange is organized in places where things are stored. For this, not only natural, but also forced ventilation is provided. The first provides air movement due to physical processes, suggesting that the cold air that has entered from below rises. For its implementation, an inlet opening should be provided in the lower part, and an exhaust opening in the upper part. If the ventilation duct runs close to the installed system, it is worth providing a branch to the exhaust opening.

The disadvantage of natural is the low rate of air exchange. Installation helps to correct the situation, involving the installation of fans in the supply or exhaust opening. However, most often preference is given to forced exhaust with a natural supply of fresh air.

In order for enough fresh air to enter the room, the size of the inlet openings is determined based on the speed of movement of air masses and the dimensions of the room. In accordance with regulatory documents, a single air exchange should be provided.

Doors for dressing room

Starting the installation with your own hands, it is worth deciding on the type of doors to be installed. Their dimensions can be calculated from the drawing. The choice can be made in favor, such as "coupe", swing, hinged. Sometimes you can do without them. Photos of dressing rooms will tell you how to implement this option.

When choosing doors for a dressing room, you should focus on the overall stylistic design of the room. The structure to be mounted must fit harmoniously into the space. The width of the doors and their design is chosen individually.

Wardrobe storage systems

The storage system should be chosen carefully. Not only the arrangement of things in the storage process depends on this, but also the ease of use of the design. Photos, drawings and do-it-yourself wardrobe diagrams indicate that there are a large number of ready-made storage systems that you should get acquainted with when starting to develop documentation.

Clothing storage systems

For orderly storage of clothes, you can use not only drawers or shelves, but also special systems. The choice can be made in favor of skirts or trousers: special rails with cross bars on which you can store the named wardrobe item.

An alternative to a skirt can be a hanger with several crossbars located one above the other. It may not be very convenient to use it, but it costs much less.

Men who prefer business style will be interested in the design, designed to store ties.


Currently, huge walls, massive wardrobes and all kinds of cabinets fade into the background, remaining in the shadow of modern design solutions. Such a functional area as a dressing room can help rationally decompose and fit a large number of different things. It was she who absorbed all the functions of an ordinary wardrobe or wardrobe.

The dressing room, as a rule, is not universal, since such a room requires special attention. It must match the taste preferences of the owner. In order for this zone to really suit the owners, it is necessary to consider some of its features and properties.


In order to create a dressing room with your own hands, you need to make sure that it is really necessary for the available space. Such a zone is undoubtedly the dream of every girl and not only. It holds a huge amount of things that can not fit in a regular closet, things in it are arranged in order and laid out in plain sight, and here you can change your clothes privately.

Also, the dressing room has a huge number of features that need to be mentioned.

  • You can easily find any thing in it, because the clothes are laid out on specially designed shelves, hangers and drawers.
  • This zone is the focus of absolutely all things placed depending on the typical characteristics.
  • Items or things that are rarely used in everyday life easily fit on the outermost shelves and do not distract attention.

  • Having made a dressing room, you can save a lot, since the issue of purchasing several cabinets and shelves is postponed.
  • If such a functional area is selected with the calculation of all characteristics, it will serve the owner for a single year.
  • It adapts to the interior of any room and can be located both in the passage area and in the attic.
  • Its internal content is planned individually.
  • It can accommodate fairly large items, such as an ironing board, vacuum cleaner or clothes dryer.


Few people do not want to have a dressing room in their apartment. Many people think that it is an unaffordable luxury, but this is just a delusion. Currently, anyone can afford a room that significantly saves space and brings together all the things that have not found a place in a small closet.

To choose the right layout, you just need to decide on the design of the dressing room and choose one of the appropriate types.

  • Linear. This view looks very similar to a large and long wardrobe. Such a dressing room is fenced off with a plasterboard wall and doors - an ordinary sliding, thick curtain, or it is not fenced off at all.

  • Angular. This type of functional area will fit perfectly into any free corner and will be no less practical. Here you can also fit shelves, drawers and hangers, which were placed in a separate dressing room. In addition, personally ordered corner boxes will be considered an addition.

  • Parallel. This type is only suitable for passage rooms or for a wide corridor. It provides for a parallel arrangement of two cabinets filled with clothes. This will include a large number of things, it will fit the outerwear of the whole family.

  • U-shaped. This option is suitable for those who have a long bedroom. It can be visually divided into two parts: in one, there will be a built-in wardrobe on the entire wall, in the other - a bed with bedside tables. By arranging everything in this way, you can balance the room, make it more symmetrical and furnish the room as tightly as possible.

It should be noted that when drawing up the design of the dressing room, it is necessary to divide it into several parts:

  • for outerwear;
  • for everyday wear;
  • for shoes;
  • for private dressing


Ordinary cabinets visually appear large and massive, unlike dressing rooms that have sufficient capacity and light appearance. They can be located both in the bedroom and in the living room, or, for example, in the corridor. Thus, in one place you can collect the entire family wardrobe, even if this area is small.

This is not to say that small dressing rooms are useless and optional. They also hold a certain amount of clothes, but it all depends on how much and what exactly will be placed in them.

There is a long-established shape in the form of a rectangle. It is this zone that is intended for dressing one person and, in fact, the things themselves. This small room requires special attention when arranging, because you need to take into account the location of the mirror and pouffe so that they do not interfere.

The most successful and practical placement of a mini-dressing room is a bedroom or a 2x2 attic. With the help of it, the room will become light, harmonious in all plans and, importantly, comfortable. It will fit perfectly in a niche in which hangers and various boxes for shoes or other items can easily fit.

Also, the original option would be placement around the perimeter of the wall. Sliding doors for this small space can be made of glass or wood.

In order to save extra square meters of the bedroom, a dressing room can be installed in the corner. It will be not only practical and rather convenient option, but also quite stylish and textured. If a small amount is allocated for such a zone, an excellent solution would be to divide the room in half by means of a thick curtain, behind which there will be a specially designated place for storing clothes.

For a room with 4 sq. m or 3 sq. m, the space for free walking is limited. It can comfortably accommodate only one person. With such dimensions, you need to pay attention to every detail in order to complete all items as much as possible. The taboo in this small space is superimposed on bulky items, because they simply cannot find a place. You need to use everything: from floor to ceiling. And to save a couple of free centimeters, shelves located almost under the ceiling will help, in which things will fit that cannot be used, but it's a pity to throw them away.

For those who love order, an open 2x2 dressing room is suitable, it will help save the budget, because there is no need to spend money on a partition in the form of a door or curtains. And for those who store heaps of things and try to fit them in one space, a closed dressing room will be a great helper, behind the door of which no one will see a huge pile of clothes.

You can design a functional area for things even in a room of 2 square meters. m, because for him you can make a practical and comfortable dressing room. The main thing is to calculate everything to the smallest detail and properly equip it.

A great solution would be to place a dressing room in a room of 18 meters, and this is usually a bedroom or living room. It is necessary to create the design of this zone in accordance with the interior of the room itself, you need to take into account every detail and responsibly approach the color scheme and light. If there is a desire to increase the available space, you can attach mirrors to the sliding doors of the dressing room, thereby visually adding a couple of square meters to the room.

The functional area of ​​​​3x4 meters is quite roomy. It fits various rods, drawers, hangers, trousers, shoe baskets, shelves, sections for items such as an ironing board or vacuum cleaner and, of course, a mirror. The layout here should be comfortable and convenient, and a soft pouffe can add an extra particle of comfort.


With the acquisition of a dressing room, a huge number of problems are solved: saving space, the appearance of a place for changing clothes and keeping personal belongings from prying eyes. You can make such a comfortable and multifunctional zone with your own hands, the main thing is to study the construction technique in detail, read the basics of organization and make out what exactly this construction is made of.

From drywall

To build a drywall dressing room is a rather bold, but at the same time, a reasonable decision, since with the help of this material you can choose any size of the planned area, fill it with a different number of shelves. In order not to make mistakes during manufacturing, you must strictly follow the steps:

  • To get started, measure the area chosen to accommodate the future dressing room.
  • Decide for yourself or write down on a piece of paper a list of ideas and concepts that you would like to implement.
  • From a number of all the listed options, choose one and refine it so that the design of this functional area fits the interior design.

  • Execute the drawn up schemes and calculations.
  • Purchase sheets of drywall in accordance with the dimensions and markup.
  • Cut out the main parts.
  • Make a frame out of metal structures.
  • Sheathe this frame with the cut pieces of drywall.
  • Finish the installation by decorating the outer part of the resulting zone.


For those who want to quickly decorate and change the space of a room, building a mesh dressing room is suitable. It is this way of solving the problem of lack of space for clothes that is less expensive and very fast. Mesh zones are able to bring lightness and airiness into the room, which, at times, is so lacking. Outwardly, this design looks quite original, since it consists of many small compartments that will fit most of the available clothes.

Such wardrobes have a number of advantages and features. They are widely used because they are attractive and affordable, have many modifications, colors, are very easy to install, can be retrofitted and, in the end, look stylish and original.


The area made of chipboard or chipboard is convenient, but not universal, since the shelves are already built into the frame and cannot be rearranged. But, despite this, this design has many features. Chipboard is a relatively inexpensive material, unlike aluminum frames. You can also save a lot, for example, on a trouser case by replacing such a branded accessory with a regular barbell or shelf.

The wooden structure looks gentle, besides, it can be chosen in different colors.


Such material is very durable and wear-resistant, and is often used for the manufacture of partitions. It has a low price, so everyone can afford it. In addition, plywood is easy to use, and cutting it does not require experience and professional materials. It is versatile and easily changes shape without even deforming.


The wooden wardrobe system has an aesthetic and rich look. It is pleasant and comfortable to be in it. Such an area is usually separated from the main room by sliding doors that can hide everything that is there. In addition, wood is an environmentally friendly material, it does not harm health and, thanks to its characteristics, will last for many years.


Such material is produced by gluing and pressing shavings of coniferous trees. It is resistant to fire, does not have any defects, and has excellent sound insulation performance. OSB is very often used in decoration, because it has an inexpensive cost and, importantly, does not react to moisture in any way.


These are thin sheets having a woody structure. Since the tree has a rather expensive cost, veneer, which is as close as possible to it, will be an excellent replacement. It is worth noting that natural veneer is also not cheap. If the budget for the purchase of material is modest, artificial veneer can help, which looks no worse.

Accommodation options

In order to properly and wisely arrange the dressing room, you must, first of all, navigate and compare the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which this zone will be located. Even if the room is small, you can fit such a functional system into it.

In order not to wonder where to equip the dressing room after all, it is necessary to consider several options for successful placement.

From the pantry

You can build a spacious dressing room from an ordinary pantry, since it is already separated by a door and equipped with electricity. The advantage is that you do not need to think about where to place such a zone, because the space for the former storage room has long been predetermined in terms of the apartment. A typical pantry has an area of ​​​​2 square meters. m, which will be perfect for a spacious dressing room. If you have come to the conclusion to change the space in the apartment in this way, then this is really the right and right decision.

In the bedroom

The bedroom, like any other room, requires free space. To do this, it is necessary to plan the placement of the dressing room so that there is enough space for a comfortable stay. If the room is spacious enough, it will easily fit a large functional area for clothes with sliding doors.

If the bedroom is small, you can resort to zoning. It is the open system that will not visually reduce the space and help save extra meters. Hangers and shelves nailed to the wall will add coziness to the room, and decorative drawers will bring some neatness.

You can also fit a dressing room in a niche, this option will not look massive and heavy. The internal filling for this type of solution can be selected and designed independently, it all depends only on personal preferences and taste characteristics.

Optionally, you can make a multifunctional partition in the form of a screen, which can be completely removed, thereby making the dressing room open.

In "Khrushchev"

Apartments built during the time of the colorful Soviet statesman are distinguished by the presence of a niche. Its conversion into a dressing room will be an original and practical solution. Usually such a room is very small, and standard furniture is unlikely to fit. Custom-made furniture will help to get out of this situation, in which each owner can embody any design idea.

In the hall

If this room has a small area, it will make an excellent corner version of the dressing room, which will fit a sufficient amount of clothing for the whole family. The same practical solution would be to create an open area in the corridor, but if there is a niche for this. Shelves, drawers, hangers or decorative metal tubes can be placed in it.

In a private house

It is necessary to place such a functional area next to the bedroom, as it is very convenient. It is also necessary to take into account that it is desirable to arrange it so that each member of the family does not feel discomfort and can freely get into it. As a rule, frequent houses have a large enough living area and the same spacious rooms that fit a dressing room of any type and size.

And if the building has two floors, such a zone will fit perfectly under the stairs and save space.

In the bathroom

The bathroom, as a rule, has a fairly small area. In order to make the most of the available space, you can independently build a small open-type dressing room. Metal rods will help in its creation, on which you can hang towels and other things, and a lot of decorative boxes where various cosmetics will fit.

In a panel house

A panel house is not distinguished by the presence of large and roomy rooms that would be able to accommodate a huge functional area for storing things, but it is quite possible to equip a small one. It is important to know and remember that it must be equipped with ventilation so that the clothes do not acquire a specific smell, and good lighting. To arrange the required number of things, you can draw a layout plan that distributes them correctly.

in the attic

This type of room has a specific shape, because of which it is necessary to think through every detail of the dressing room in order to avoid mistakes. One of the best locations is the location under the slope of the roof, as it is practically not used and, in most cases, just empty. The same excellent solution will be the corner option, which can save as much as possible the area of ​​​​and so small-sized space.

If the attic is large enough, a dressing room can be placed by the window - this will make it convenient for changing clothes and very cozy.

In a one-room apartment

Many owners of such apartments prefer a functional wardrobe system rather than conventional wardrobes. It can make a room textured and stylish, but there are key points to consider. Depending on the geometry of the room, it is necessary to choose one of the types of existing systems, the main thing is that it looks harmonious. To expand an already small apartment, a dressing room in light neutral colors with existing mirrors will help. With proper design, it will be possible to fit in it not only things, but also household appliances (for example, a vacuum cleaner)

In the country

With the help of the functional area located in the country house, you can not hide things in suitcases, but put them in their places or hang them on hangers. With the help of it, they will have a well-groomed appearance and will not wrinkle, even if the stay in the house turns out to be short.

under the stairs

Such a zone, located under the stairs, will help to maximize the use of the space of the house or apartment. An integral plus is that not only clothes can be placed in such a room, but also items that are used quite rarely, as well as large household items.

Layout with dimensions

Many people think that arranging a dressing room in a small apartment is an unacceptable decision. But it should be noted that an ordinary closet in a small room looks much more massive. In order to avoid such an erroneous judgment, you only need to correctly compose and design the design of the future functional area. If the apartment consists of large rooms, a separate spacious room should be allocated for the dressing room.

At the initial stage of creation, you need to know the rules that will help you plan its placement correctly. Next, you need to draw on paper a drawing of the desired dressing room, after dividing it into four zones. The first should be calculated for outerwear, the second for short, the third for hats and the fourth for shoes.

When creating such a space, it is advisable to look at ready-made schemes and plans that are as similar as possible to the zonal arrangement of rooms in your apartment. Various samples of dressing rooms, as well as ready-made ideas that are as close as possible to your taste preferences, will also push you to the right decision.

Arrangement and filling

Currently, there are a huge number of ways with which you can equip any room. A zone in the form of a dressing room saves space in the entire apartment, deprives it of huge overweight wardrobes, and brings order to the entire space of the apartment. You can decide which design to use and purchase the right equipment yourself, but not without absorbing some of the ideas and tips presented below.

A compartment door will look very original and interesting in the dressing room. She will create a structure that visually separates the room, but at the same time, resembles a closet. Sliding doors, as a rule, have many advantages and disadvantages. They, unlike swing ones, do not take up much space, because they have a roller mechanism that moves in the direction to the right or left.

In addition, it can be easily decorated and decorated by resorting, for example, to photo printing or airbrushing. Another important aspect is that such doors are safe and easy to install.

The storage area can be made in various variations and in any room. But whatever it may be, its content should represent the maximum number of necessary devices. It can be shelves, various boxes or a separate rack. Among the storage systems, the main ones can be distinguished:

  • case;
  • panel;
  • frame;
  • mesh.

In general, the design is a separate room with departments and sections for different types of clothing or shoes. It should be noted that the most practical and multifunctional system is a panel one, since it hides various wall defects, moreover, it can be easily moved.

In order for the internal content of this zone to be maximally involved, it is necessary to calculate the number of racks placed in it, in addition, mini-cabinets that help save space will be an excellent addition.

How to do it yourself?

If a family consists of more than three family members, it simply needs such a functional area as a dressing room. A great option would be to allocate a separate room for her, but if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment does not allow this, you can enclose a certain part in one of the rooms. As you know, ordinary cabinet furniture, old or new, is not suitable for such a zone; a combined modular version that can be assembled and disassembled by yourself will look more rational.

Also, to save space, sliding doors, curtains or screens that cover the internal filling of the dressing room are perfect.

There are various ways to create such a functional area. For example, a great option would be to make it from drywall.

This is one of the functional options that will make a separate room out of the dressing room and hide all things from prying eyes. In order to independently carry out construction at home, you need to take into account several useful points:

  1. The outerwear compartment should be 110 cm high.
  2. For warm clothes - more than 140 cm.
  3. For shoes, the height and width of the seat is calculated by the formula - the height of the largest accessory plus 10 cm.
  4. Shelves for linen should be 40-50 cm.

It is impossible to miss the aspect that the internal content also has its own characteristics and schemes. The following options for the correct placement of shelves and other parts will help you maximize the use of space.

To make it as comfortable as possible for use will be able to place the structure around the perimeter of the wall, U-shaped and L-shaped placement.

In order to build a dressing room, it is not necessary to seek help from the masters. It is only necessary to delve into the essence of the matter in more detail, and step-by-step instructions will help in this.

  • First you need to mark the room reserved for the future space intended for storing clothes. Next, we reinforce the profile frame with self-tapping screws.
  • We attach drywall sheets to the resulting structure from all sides, we hide various communications behind them.
  • We putty the holes. Further, decorative finishing is carried out in the form of painting the internal walls or gluing wallpaper.
  • Laying purchased flooring. It can have a different structure, it all depends on the personal wishes of the owners.

How to make a dressing room - in the next video.

When finishing work is completed, the dressing room is supplied with various drawers, shelves and hangers.

  • We install the door or a screen that matches the interior design.
  • The next stage is the installation of lighting and ventilation. so that the clothes do not acquire a musty smell. Window ventilation is also necessary, moreover, it has many advantages. It is in a closed space without ventilation that microorganisms form in the form of a fungus, due to which the air acquires a fetid odor. After wearing, things and shoes acquire a specific smell, and in order for it to disappear, daily airing will help. It must be borne in mind that with improper air circulation, wet clothes tend to deteriorate.

Dressing room is every girl's dream . In a large house, you can take a free room for it. But what if in the apartment every square meter counts? The Dekorin team offers various layout options. Take a closer look at ideas that will help make dreams come true. We hope that we will inspire you to pleasant changes in the house. Light up!

Wardrobe room projects - photo with examples

A good layout in the dressing room is a great way to make efficient use of space. This frees a small apartment from the need for bulky wardrobes, bedside tables and chests of drawers.

When planning a dressing room project, consider:

  • type and location of furniture;

    how many people will use it.

In a private house, feel free to allocate an entire room and equip it with maximum convenience for all household members. Furniture is best placed around the perimeter of the dressing room.

Find a place for ottomans or even ottomans - it's more convenient to put on clothes. A large chest of drawers in the center of the room helps a lot. It can accommodate organizers for small items of clothing and accessories. Be sure to consider the location of one or more large mirrors.

The design of the dressing room can be done in any style direction. The main thing is that you like it. Like this, for example.

Dressing room layout - photos with options

For a woman, a personal dressing room is a whole world. It is easy to forget about time here, trying on something for hours. Generally speaking, any dressing room layout can be done. You need to rely on your feelings. You should feel comfortable being there.

Among the most common methods are:

    angular. Suitable for rooms where you can take one of the corners;

    U-shaped. Fits perfectly into elongated rectangular rooms. This is the most spacious option;

    L-shaped. It can be used both for arranging a dressing room in the corner, and for a narrow room, leaving one of the walls free;

    linear. A win-win option for small rooms - today, by the way, is in trend;

    parallel. This method is resorted to if the house has an unused walk-through room.

You can also equip the dressing room in the attic in an original way. There is a special atmosphere, and there is enough space. See how it can be.

And you can rationally use the space under the stairs, balcony or loggia.

In a small "Khrushchev" donate a pantry. As you can see, the main thing is to set a goal. And the result will pleasantly surprise you.

How to equip bedroom with dressing room

It is very convenient when the dressing room is located in the bedroom. In a long room, you can separate part of the space. This will correct the geometry of the space and solve the issue with the placement of things.

The linear option is best used when the area is limited. It can be a niche, a wall at the head, next to or opposite the bed.

It will be interesting if you place the bed diagonally across the room. At the same time, an angle is formed at the head, which can be used for a wardrobe system. Take a look at the photo - great, isn't it?

Small dressing room - photo with examples

For a very small room, an open wardrobe would be an ideal solution. The "trick" is that things here serve as interior decor. The advantages are obvious:

    no need to look for something for a long time - everything is in sight;

    no need for bulky cabinets;

    precious area is not hidden.

But there are also disadvantages:

    things should be perfectly laid out, hung - otherwise the room will look sloppy;

    you will have to regularly monitor cleanliness so that dust does not settle on clothes;

    you will need to constantly monitor the arrangement of things by color.

The design of a small dressing room is best kept simple, without overloading it with unnecessary elements. So visually the room will seem more spacious, airy.

How dressing room dimensions influence its design.

When decorating a dressing room, you need to build on its size. A separate room can be decorated in any style. For instance:

    neoclassic - looks stylish and expensive;

    Provence - everything is simple and tasteful without any frills;

    loft - suitable for small rooms;

    boiserie - you can resort to this style if the area is large enough.

But in the case when the dressing room is part of the room, then its design should continue the style of the interior.

    allocate living space with an area of ​​​​more than 4 m² under the U-shaped system;

    if more than 3 m² are available, you can design a corner dressing room;

    the layout of the dressing room with dimensions of 2 × 1.5 is better to make it angular or linear.

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