First time in a German bath. Well, yes, they are all nudist

reservoirs 29.09.2019

Residents of Germany love to go to the public bath. Here a joint trip to the bath and sauna - ordinary thing both for a group of friends and for colleagues at work. They go to baths together and separately, with family and friends.

Bath or sauna in Germany is like a water park.

An impressive area is occupied by pools: with pipes and slides, hot and cold, deep and shallow, with hydromassage and fast flow.

The range of thermal treatments is impressive: Finnish, Russian, Japanese, Mongolian, bio-sauna, hammam and even an ice cave with temperatures below zero. Spread between the couples winter gardens, jacuzzis, massage parlors and laconiums - relaxation rooms with heated couches on which guests lie or sleep.

Famous bath complexes

Complexes built around natural thermal springs in Bavaria and Lower Saxony are popular. In the top of the best - Baden "Caracalla Terme". Healing water comes directly from the depths under the complex.

Landmark of Berlin - "Liquidrom" - bath complex, which attracts visitors with cosmic interiors, a swimming pool with sea ​​water and free treatments.

In Germany, there is also a planetarium sauna, a cinema sauna, and even an aquarium sauna, where you can watch the life of marine life behind glass.

Features of the German bath

An important ritual of the German bath is the aufguss. The attendant pours water on the stones with essential oils, and the fragrant steam disperses the room with a special fan or fan. Aufguss-masters compete every year in Austria for the title of the best. Not only the art of creating heat is appreciated, but also to make a show out of this.

The bath complex is visited by men and women together. The tradition shocks foreigners, for example, Russians. For those who have not been able to get used to nudism, there are special women's or men's days.

Why such a tradition has developed, the inhabitants of Germany themselves cannot answer. It is believed that this came from ancient times. In order not to waste firewood and not to heat the bath separately for everyone, men, women, children gathered and washed together. Gradually, the stinginess of the Germans grew into tolerance - times have changed, but a calm attitude towards washing together remained.

In German saunas and baths, it is customary to be completely naked. The abbreviation FKK warns about this. It stands for Freikörperkultur - free body culture. Immediately make a reservation that it is necessary to strip naked only in steam rooms and saunas. The reason is prosaic - the combination of heat and synthetics causes discomfort and can harm health, so swimwear and swimming trunks are left outside the door. In addition, you can sit on the shelves only with a towel spread under you (the towel spreads, including under your feet), since sweat absorbed into the boards harms the tree.

No one forbids a visitor to wrap himself in a towel or bathrobe, but in Germany this is not customary, just as it is not customary to carefully consider other people or comment on what they see. Subdued lighting, friendly atmosphere, lack of unhealthy interest - makes you forget the complexes and enjoy your vacation. Of course, photography and video shooting in such places is prohibited.

For many, it becomes news that when you come to a German sauna, you need to undress completely, yes, it is, such an order. I went into a German bath - be kind enough to take everything off, of course, for a Russian tourist - this is a whole dilemma, but not for everyone!

Joint German baths and saunas

Germany is famous for bath complexes, apparently the Germans also have a tradition - to go to the bath. But their baths have significant differences that may go against our understanding of common baths!

In Russia, a common bath is a bath where men bathe with men, and women with women, but in Germany everything is different!

A shared German bath is a shared bath where there are age restrictions, but not gender restrictions.

Entrance to the sauna departments is available from the age of 16 and there is only one condition: there should not be clothes, and not only in steam rooms, but also in pools. Bathe and bathe, but naked is Germany!

Baths in Germany are huge complexes, where there can be more than 10 steam rooms and
different pools (warm, hot, salty, cold, bubbling, etc.) Saunas have a difference in temperature conditions. The bath complex itself has its own territory and the entrance there for a separate fee. You may not take baths, but go only to pools where there are no restrictions, but it will be an ordinary water park.

If you still decide to visit German saunas, you will have to work on the complexes and undress. I'll tell you so that everyone doesn't care there, well, people, well, naked, all sorts of different people and they came to bathe, and not look at each other. I left the bathhouse and put on a towel, went to the pool and took it off, got out and put it on. Everything is simple!

The first time we got acquainted with the system of "naked baths" in Austria, the Austrian baths work according to German principles and are also joint. Moreover, we bought entrance tickets and learned about this news at the time of entering the sauna - we had to undress!

Public baths in Germany

I read a lot of reviews of our tourists, where opinions are divided and not everyone calmly goes to bathe in the nude, although we met a few people. The main visitors to German baths are Germans, but there are also Italians, Poles, and French.

In the German baths, we were in the Neuschwanstein castle area and in the town of Bad Windsheim, 48 km from Nuremberg, there is a very beautiful open-air museum, I put the link and you can read it.

Joint German saunas are a kind of business card In Germany, I advise you to remove the complexes and visit, because this is not just a bathhouse, all kinds of ceremonies are held there every 30 minutes, they bring salt, add oils, tell parables and stories, but the truth is in German.
Excellent cuisine, luxurious conditions and panoramic views. For example, near the Neuschwanstein castle, and these are the baths of King Ludwig, the view from the pool to the castle itself and the Alps.

Some addresses of German saunas

Ohrdrufer Str. 57, 98716 Geraberg, Germany
Ostpreußenstraße 1, 68647 Biblis, Germany
Kirchstrasse 24, 73066 Uhingen, Germany
Welfenstraße 6, 70736 Fellbach, Germany
Scharnhorststraße 11b, 44532 Lünen, Germany
Romerpl. 1, 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany
Rheinstraße 102, 76532 Baden-Baden, Germany
Rosenheimerstr. 1, 81667 Munich, Germany

How to choose and find a good sauna in Germany - choose cities with Bad

All German cities that start with Bad are very curious and almost every one of these cities has thermal complexes and spa centers. We were choosing a place to stay in one of our "EuroAutoTrips" and accidentally stumbled upon the town of Bad Windsheim. Later we found out that Bad is a resort town with thermal waters, places for recreation, museums and attractions.

The cities with the beginning of Bad (Bad) are real Germany, these cities are valued not only by the Germans, there are enough tourists there, now you know that when traveling in Germany you can and should stop in small towns with Bad. Make yourself a bad tour! Prices for hotels here are pleasantly surprised, the service too!

List of cities starting with Bad

Bad Schussenried, Bad Schussenried, 88427, Germany
Bad Aibling Bad Aibling Bavaria
Bad Friedrichshall Baden-Württemberg
Bad Homburg vor der Höhe Bad Homburg Hesse
Bad Kreuznach Bad Kreuznach Rheinland-Pfalz
Bad Langensalza Thuringia
Bad Neustadt an der Saale Bad Neustadt an der Saale Bavaria
Bad Reichenhall Bad Reichenhall Bavaria
Bad Salzuflen Bad Salzuflen North Rhine-Westphalia
Erkenbrechtallee 10, 91438 Bad Windsheim, Germany - we've been to these bathhouses!

There are a lot of cities with the beginning of Bad (Bad) and each is unique. If there are such cities on your route, feel free to go there. Be the first tourists and then tell what's interesting there. Google map help you. I like Bavaria and Bavarian small towns more.

Enjoy your travels in Germany and good steam in German saunas!

Subscribe to our profile on instagram, there are many useful information. Read and join the adventure - all about life and for life! Have a good mood!!!

P.S. for ethical reasons, we are not able to upload photos and videos from German baths (with interior spaces) be content with the available photos and review video.

Video about German baths

Bathhouse in Germany last years becomes a full-fledged symbol of this country along with beer, sausages and schnapps. Baths attract both German “experienced” bathers and tourists who find themselves in this country. All bathhouses are open to all categories of guests, including wheelchair users. The management of bath complexes does not save on the latest equipment and staff development. What is the specificity of German baths and why are they so popular with tourists?

The bathing tradition in Germany has accumulated many interesting facts about bathing events and generally about the benefits of bathing:

Swimwear - down

On the banks of the Rhine and other German rivers there are many bathing and health complexes, as well as saunas, steam rooms, swimming pools ... Women and men in the German baths will find something special for themselves. Baths are not just baths in the usual sense for us, they are extensive health centers. Many of them are located on natural thermal waters. There you can not only enjoy the delights of the bath, but also get treated with mineral water.

For the convenience of customers, such complexes are equipped with massage, beauty salons as well as restaurants and cafes. Once in the morning in such an institution, you can build a leisure program until the evening.

General baths for men and women in Germany are divided into two zones. In one, where there are pools, water slides, you need to be in bathing suits. In the second, where saunas and steam rooms work, you need to completely expose the body. The maximum that can be used is a cotton towel wound around the body.

Bath for the whole family

German baths are not divided into men's and women's. This is done because the bath is an attribute of family leisure. Often the whole family comes to the bathhouse. Therefore, baths are not divided by gender. Baths in Germany are joint, where both men and women, and the elderly, and children can come. These are the traditions of this country.

A women's bath in Germany is a rather rare phenomenon. Only in some bathhouses once a month women's day is announced, on which men are not allowed to visit the bathhouse.

Bathing suits are not allowed in steam rooms and saunas. The Germans are sure that wearing synthetic fabrics in hot rooms can adversely affect health. For the same reason, do not enter the sauna in rubber shoes and hats.

Special rules

Baths in Germany have unconditional rules:

Photo and video in the baths

It is forbidden to take your phone to the sauna in Germany. That is, there is no opportunity to film this event on camera. Considering that everyone in the bathhouse and sauna is naked, it is extremely difficult to hide the camera. So all photos and videos of German baths from the inside are staged.

When visiting bath complexes, you can not be afraid to later meet your image on the expanses of the World Wide Web.

What is aufguss?

Public baths in Germany offer a special kind of leisure called aufguss. "Aufguss" is translated as "watering". The procedure consists in the fact that the bath master pours solutions on the stones essential oils. Visitors warm up with these pairs.

The procedure itself is more like a show. The master jokes with the guests, tells jokes. Often all this happens under musical accompaniment.

The bath master is waving a fan, a towel and other items. As a result, steam accelerates throughout the room, and the sauna is filled with an amazing aroma.

The ceremony lasts no more than 10 minutes. At this time, it is not recommended to leave the sauna, so as not to release steam.

Special aufgusses are also popular, when visitors are given ice cubes, massage salt, and creams. Such activities have additional therapeutic and cosmetic effects.

After the aufguss, guests are offered to drink fragrant tea, juice, lemonade, and enjoy ice cream. Additional charge for these pleasant surprises not charged.

Aufguss are held strictly on time. For example, every hour. The action plan can be viewed at the entrance to the bathhouse.

Such different saunas

Fans of bathing ceremonies in Germany travel hundreds of kilometers to enjoy the comfort of popular saunas. Some saunas are unique establishments that no longer exist. For example, not far from Munich there is a planetarium sauna. In it you can bathe and contemplate the beauty of the heavenly expanses.

In Erding there is a sauna-beer house where they offer a non-alcoholic drink. Sauna-bakery offers its visitors fragrant buns.

Baden-Württemberg has a sauna-cinema that broadcasts all day interesting movies. In the sauna with an aquarium, you can watch unusual fish swimming. The tropical sauna offers views of rare birds.

Thermal resorts and complexes

Many thermal complexes in Germany are so extensive in their territory and services that they are rightly called resorts. Such complexes base their treatment methods on the healing power of mineral water.

The most famous such resort is Oberstdorf. It is high up in the Alps. it perfect place to restore lost strength and health. The leading specialization of the complex is the treatment of diseases musculoskeletal system. In addition to thermal waters, massage techniques are used, as well as acupuncture.

Spas in the central regions of Germany are rich in mineral waters that help treat diseases of cardio-vascular system. Vacationers bathe in mineral water and drink it inside.

The resort of Bad Harzburg has seven thermal springs with a water temperature of 24 degrees Celsius. It is heated to 32 degrees.

Everyone knows the famous resort of Baden-Baden. It has a developed infrastructure with many hotels, parks and clinics. The beginning of the development of the resort falls on the Roman era. The Romans discovered the amazing properties of thermal water. It was they who built the first thermal baths. In the 19th century, the resort became known to the aristocratic circles of Europeans. People began to come to it from other countries.

There are 12 thermal springs in Baden-Baden. They help treat rheumatism, asthma, heart disease. mineral water used for both internal and external use, as well as for inhalation.

The number of thermal resorts in Germany is more than two dozen. People go here not only to restore their health, but also just to relax with the whole family, spend a vacation, relax and get a lot of pleasant emotions.

Impressions of Russian visitors

Russians have no tradition of undressing in front of strangers in public places. Therefore, for those Russians who visit a bathhouse in Germany for the first time, it is not easy to get naked at first.

I must say that in the culture of the Germans it is not customary to consider another person, especially in a naked form. "Glancing" is considered the height of indecency. Therefore, it is difficult to catch an interested eye on yourself. In a German bath, women do not have to fear for their integrity, correct behavior is in the blood of the Germans.

In addition, usually twilight reigns in the steam rooms, and it is extremely problematic to see anything. This, of course, can be a consolation for those who have a heightened sense of shame.

In expensive saunas, there are few visitors, and it can easily turn out that a limited number of people are present at the session. A session for only one company is a completely normal situation. So you can not be afraid of the immodest glances of strangers.

Usually shyness and shame disappear after some time after the start of the event. And pleasant emotions from the bathing event make you forget about all the conventions and limits.

The uniqueness of German baths

The Germans who have visited Russia remember the Russian steam room with joy. Russians believe that the bath opens the soul of a Russian. What is the uniqueness of the German bath in Germany?

In a word, it is difficult to answer this question. Visiting bath after bath, you can gradually absorb the flavor of Germany. The Kelo sauna has a section made from ancient pine tree. This place is accessible even to wheelchair users. Unfortunately, this is not possible in other saunas, but bath specialists will definitely help “special” guests.

On the outskirts of Germany, there is a smoke sauna and a Russian sauna where you can take a steam bath with a birch broom!

Public baths in Germany are truly varied and unique. Having discovered the amazing bathing world, you can absorb the spirit of this interesting country.

It is difficult to write a reliable story if you yourself, with your own eyes, have not seen something. This article about the German bath helped me to write my very good friend - Andrey. There is no doubt about the reliability of the information, a person has been living in Germany for a very, very long time.

Fans and connoisseurs of the bath, sauna enthusiastically speak of the Finnish bath. Someone says that there is nothing better than a Russian steam room. And only sophisticated connoisseurs know about the features of the German bath.

If you are going to Germany, read this article to be fully prepared and be sure to take a bath! The Germans also understand something in the steam rooms!

Of course, the German bath is completely different from our Russian steam bath with a massive stove. This is more like a sauna, not a bath in the full sense of the word. Although, there are some similar points, but more on that later.

But not all saunas are built near thermal waters, this is an optional condition.

Special german sauna

The Germans do not have such a reverent attitude to the bath, like the Finns or Russians. I asked my friend: “When you enter the sauna, it smells like a bathhouse. There is a feeling that you are definitely in the bath"?

It smells nice in the sauna and, of course, there is a feeling that you are in a sauna. But compared to the Russian bath, these are not the same feelings.

- Andrew

The bath complex itself is divided into two sectors. In one sector, there is a shower, a pool, and in the other, the steam room itself.

The arrangement of the sauna is quite ordinary: shelves and the stove itself. The German sauna does not hold tanks, basins, buckets and brooms.

Swim shorts or swimwear are not allowed in the German steam room. You can steam completely naked.

This is due to the belief of the Germans about the non-environmental nature of synthetic fabric, for the same reason it is forbidden to wear slates or rubber slippers in a German bath. These are the rules of pedantic Germans ...

Another one of important rules visiting the bath - keeping silence. Do not distract visitors from the process. Only silence, pleasure warm air and nice flavors!
If one of the ignorant visitors violates this ban, then he may even be reprimanded.

Yes, you won’t hear here: “Give it to the park”, no one grunts or groans at the shelf. Our peoples have a completely different mentality.

But they still know how to give in to the park in the German bath. They just do it their way...

Ceremony Aufgus (Aufguss)

Translated from German, Aufguss means infusion, pouring. I asked Andrey to explain, in plain Russian, what is the meaning of this procedure. And this is the response I got:

Water or ice mixed with aromatic oils are poured onto the stones or the stove in the sauna... It is for this reason that the sauna has an amazing aroma.

The meaning of the procedure is that the stones in the furnace are partially doused with cold or hot water. When infused, the water evaporates and increases the humidity in the sauna. Evaporation of sweat on the skin is complicated and the body heats up even more.

At Aufguss, a special wooden basin is used, from which the stove is poured.

- Andrew

Ceremony Aufgus, there is nothing else than our Russian bath fun to give in to the park! Only each nation has its own park. We can have kvass, beer, birch infusion. But the Germans have aromatic oils.

How is Aufgus

Gives in to the park special person"Saunameister" which is attached to it. Before Aufgus they open the door and start a large number of fresh air.

The air from the street is driven into the sauna with a towel. This saunamaster then disperses the steam from Aufgus around the sauna with a towel.

- Andrew

The master's movements are more reminiscent of a kind of bewitching dance with a towel in his hands. It's like a real show: moral, physical and aesthetic satisfaction is guaranteed!

The schedule of the ceremony usually hangs in each steam room. You can easily navigate by the start time of Aufgus.

It is quite difficult to say exactly how long Aufgus takes. The duration can last only 6–8 minutes, but there are also record steam deliveries!

Aufgus can last more than 20 minutes. Regardless of the time, you cannot leave the sauna before the end of the ritual.

After the end of fragrant soaring, another ceremony begins - visitors drink beer!

The secret highlight of the German bath

If you shy person, then the following fact may simply shock you.

The main secret highlight of the German bath is that they do not have a division into male and female halves.

German sauna - shared. Here they like to visit the steam room with the whole family and consider it inappropriate to separate the visit by gender.

Steaming naked is the rule!

Men and women are warming themselves, splashing in the pool, washing in the shower together. And no hesitation! No swimwear!

But still there are saunas in which only women's days are set for visits. For some, this is a very pleasant departure from the rules. For example, it would be difficult for me to feel comfortable in a sauna completely naked next to men.

An anecdote immediately comes to mind:

"If a naked man, by chance, gets into the women's bath - the women squeal and try to splash boiling water on him ... And if, by chance, a naked girl gets into the men's - on the contrary, all the men are very happy, friendly. This once again proves the kindness of a man's heart.

Public baths in Russia

In fairness, it is worth noting that in Russia until 1743 there were no divisions into male and female baths.

They went to their own baths in the villages separately, but the city baths were all common. Hence the sayings, familiar to all of us: “There are no generals in the bath”, “Everyone is equal in the bath”.

And the division into visiting the bath was introduced by Catherine the Great. Joint baths existed for only one century, and this is quite a long time.


In conclusion of the story about the German bath, it remains to say that the days of the sauna are not strictly defined. You can walk at least every day.

Women's days are usually Tuesday or Thursday.

Now a few words about the prices for German sauna services. Andrei is talking about visiting cards, but for us these are subscriptions. So:

Pay and hourly rates. The cost depends on the institution, on the owner. I can't say exactly.

On the territory of the sanatorium, for example, visiting the sauna is often already included in the price. On the territory of the pool, the tariffs are lower than if you go specifically to the sauna.

A day card costs approximately 14 euros to 20 euros. Up to 15 hours cheaper, but not by much. There are 10-time cards.

Rates go up on weekends. It's cheap fun!

- Andrew

This is how we got the story about the German bath. Each nation has its own bathing culture, each nation has its own mentality and beliefs.

What seems wild to us, others do not cause hostility. People see the world and themselves in it in their own way.

I did not see anything bad, shameful or shocking in the bathing culture of the Germans.

For them, the sauna is a place of relaxation, physical and aesthetic pleasure. If you are in Germany, go to the sauna. Easy steam and new impressions!

One day in a German bath.

I am a native Muscovite. By profession an engineer. Having lived most of my life in crazy, but infinitely beloved by me Moscow, in recent years I live in a tiny, according to our Russian, clean and neat, calm German city in the very center of Germany. I invite the public to get acquainted with my one day. There are 63 pictures under the cut.

Today June 25, 2015 I had a free day and, according to tradition, I decided to devote it to my favorite pastime - a bathhouse.
I have been addicted to this procedure since I was very young. Been there
Often in the famous Moscow Sanduny, Armory and Krasnopresnensky

In recent years, living mainly in Germany, I try to visit the local water park once a week with a solid complex of various baths.

I usually go to a standard 4 hour session, which at a cost
15€ grants disproportionately great opportunities than usual
a Moscow public bath for the same price - about 600 rubles for 2 hours of a steam room with plastic bowls.
small digression
I hope, dear reader, will show indulgence to some not very high-quality pictures. they were made, for obvious reasons, in extreme conditions ...

So, waking up


and sweetly yawning


spanking in the bath for the bare essentials water procedures- why rub your face in front of the bath


Now a quick bite than God sent


My beech and tablet turn on simultaneously with the opening of my eyes ... and sometimes a little earlier - by touch ...
I usually start any day by checking mail and news on a couple of duty sites.
But the other day there was a very interesting debate on the Dozhd, which the media are talking about, but I have not seen them yet.
A bath is not a bath, but the gap must be filled.


Time however! "Zigel-zigel, ah lu-lu!" Hop in my favorite shorts, lightly cover my belly with an alcoholic T-shirt
I grab my bright red bath bag with all my belongings, which certainly includes: a bathrobe, two large sauna towels, a couple of smaller ones, mittens, slippers, shower gel, etc.

Now quickly into the elevator and dive into the underground garage, where my "184 horses" are in the stall.


The road is calculated by the minute.


And if any nerdy blonde
or a couple of cyclists in love do not arrange a traffic jam, then I, almost without breaking the rules, will rush to the goal in 15 minutes.


Another 5 min. will go to buy a card in a special machine
and an instant striptease in the men's locker room, in addition to which, of course, there is also a women's one, as well as "for couples".
On the way, I fasten the key with the chip on my wrist



and already running I cross a picturesque courtyard with lawns and various reservoirs

And exactly at 11.59 I fly into the "sauna-arena"! Phew, did it!
Little explanation 1 . In German public baths, men and women take treatments together and ... completely naked! For the unprepared and highly spiritual horror, right?
But, as you know, it is not recommended to climb into a strange monastery with your charter ... so as not to get hit on your bare ass ... Therefore, once a week you have to shove spirituality away for 4 hours.
True, for especially shy ladies, several steam rooms are allocated twice a week for half a day, but, as a rule, these ladies prefer equality and do not enjoy such a privilege.
By the way, for some reason, such concessions are not granted to us men. Disorder, discrimination. Let's barozzo.
Little explanation 2 .
I raced headlong. I know by heart the schedule for giving steam to the attendant.
And since each time he uses different gadgets, this is important.

Having flown into a large, 50-person steam room resembling a circus arena, already filled at that time with 10-12 naked "spectators", I climb to the very top and make myself comfortable. According to strict rules ("Ordnung ist Ordnung"), a visitor to the steam room is obliged to sit on his own towel, which must be underlain, incl. and under your feet. Hygiene is above all.

Exactly at 12.00, the attendant (or bath attendant) dressed in shorts and a T-shirt with a tub filled with water with various flavors solemnly enters the arena with the appearance of a bullfighter. After the obligatory briefing and explanations, he begins to gently pour from the ladle onto the stones of a huge round furnace installed in the center of the arena.


After that, the attendant goes around the circle twice, fanning the bathers with a towel. Then the procedure is repeated again, after which, having recommended that visitors enjoy a couple more minutes, the attendant leaves.
Not everyone can endure these "couple of minutes". Even I, with my many years of hardening, somehow lost consciousness twice after such a procedure.
After flying out of the steam room, I rinse under the shower and thump in an artificial pond. Today the water temperature is +22. Charm!


With a little splashing, I quickly move into a 120-degree Finnish sauna stylized in a kind of dugout


With a wood-burning fireplace in which crackle behind the glass
dry logs.


Here I spend another 15 minutes.


Then I jump into a round ice font.


Now it's time to catch my breath ... which I do, having moved to the pool with hydromassage and sea water heated to 36 ° C.


But there is no time to sit especially - the attendant will not wait. Exactly at 11.30 he will go into a relatively small steam room, about 15 people, and this time he will treat visitors with menthol crystals, thanks to which, the steam will immediately disinfect Airways. This procedure is especially beneficial in the snotty season.


Well, that's all ... Half of the personal program is completed. Usually I make at least 6 visits, for which
to visit all 10 different steam rooms anyway, of course, is not possible.
Now for 15 minutes you can lift yourself up in a deck chair in the sun, and at exactly 11.59 ... Get up !!! Fanfares are calling to the arena!


The next entry, unlike the first one, is interrupted by the bathhouse attendant by handing out a pinch of salt, which we rub into the body. In winter, salt alternates with honey.

After that, I, slightly catching my breath on the lawn in a sun lounger


I wander into the next steam room. This is a round plastic box.
into which moist steam is supplied, due to which visitors sit as if in a dense fog.


After surviving in this box for 10 minutes, I douse myself from a wooden tub with ice water


and head under the huge palm trees to the relaxation zone,


where, in addition to comfortable, relaxing chairs, there is a bed with a water mattress


I've been a bit wary of this build lately. Once, having barely plopped down on him, I instantly passed out, and when I woke up I saw the discouraged and condemning looks of vacationers ... The fact is that my wife is sure that the turbines of a jet Boeing are just the chirping of birds, compared to my snoring. Probably lying - after all, I have never heard my snoring.

Next I will have a sauna in which drops of water are supplied to special evaporators. Multi-colored lamps are mounted in its ceiling that change the illumination of the steam room.


Having faithfully served the legal 15 minutes in it, I dive into another font


Well, now that the mandatory program has been completed, it's time to make a control weighing


Well, not bad -2.90 kg in 2.5 hours!
So I still have 1.5 hours left ... to rest from rest ...
It wasn't there! Time to run for relaxation-meditation. Action happens here


It's not hot here at all. From somewhere, pleasant relaxing music is pouring from the speakers, and the attendant at this time, in an insinuating voice with German categoricalness, mumbles some spells ...
Hm ... here I also somehow meditated in earnest and with my snoring
slightly corrected the relaxation program for others ...
In our country, they would probably immediately push me in the neck, but tolerance flourishes here.
Well, sir ... however, there is time for business, and an hour of fun - it's time to refresh yourself ...


I think healthy "diet" food from a well-grilled sausage with french fries will not hurt me now ... And, of course, a glass of cold beer by the fireplace ...
Relax in the jacuzzi after lunch


Now you can walk around the complex






And go to a small ancient dam on a small river.


However, lunch grams pretty spoiled the result and it's time to evaporate the beer. For this, a small sauna with flavors supplied to a special container installed above the shadows is suitable, where in 15 minutes. I completely eliminate the consequences of my libation


Well, everything is great now. There is still time to finally sunbathe in a sun lounger


In winter, you can sunbathe in this terrible contraption


pancake-like. True, this thing bakes "pancakes" for a fee.
To finish, I myself do not know why, I climb into infrared sauna with ionizer.


Nafig it is necessary, I still have not figured it out, but if it's worth it, I have to try it.
Well, now, like everything, it's time to take a shower and get out.
The machine at the exit meticulously counted the time 4:05,


groaned grumblingly, like, well, what to take from them - from foreigners, and opened the turnstile for the exit in front of me - so be it, get out of here.
If I had been late, he would have demanded another 2€ from me. Those. for 17€ I could hang around here all day from 10 am to 10 pm. Sometimes I get stuck like that. At the same time, the ticket to the sauna includes other parts of the water park: various pools, an artificial river, slides, paddling pools, etc.
In addition, nightly celebrations are periodically held in the sauna complex: bonfires are lit, sausages and steaks are grilled, beer flows like water until late at night. In general, people walk purely in German.

Now I'm back in the car


On the way home, you need to drop in for a while in the old part of the city

There is always a problem with parking. I know of only one place where you can leave your car for free for half an hour, but there are only three parking lots and today they are all busy. So I leave the car in the parking lot.

and then legs...




Well, now it's time to head home.


Therefore, I choose a bypass road, otherwise you can drag yourself for 25 minutes.
On the right is one of the city's "boardeles".


And this is a car dump, where you can throw away an old car for free ... or an unnecessary fighter jet


Well, the industrial zone is over. This is also a city


Another minute and I enter my area


Well here is the house.


I recently learned that our house is a little younger than the Moscow "Khrushchev".


They're just following him.



By the way, this three-entrance house with a garage and lawns is served by one person.
And this is the famous German garbage dump with colorful containers


Any German baby who barely screamed "mom" will answer without hesitation that blue is for paper and cardboard, green is for biowaste, a yellow bag is for packaging, and black is for everything else.
Bashfully turning away, I pass by my bike, which I have been promising to pay attention to for half a year, but for some reason I sneak into the garage every time


Well here it is at home


We've been lucky with the weather this summer though.


However, it's good to be distracted by the surrounding landscapes, I'm waiting for LJ (by the way, add me as a friend), FB and other time wasters.
In addition, you need to think about where to rush on Saturday or Sunday. Lately I have taken it into my head to go around the surrounding castles.
O! Bravo! Inet safely ate the rest of the day.
It's time for the bainka


I hope I didn't get too tired.

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