Business from scratch: hardware cosmetology. Beauty business: how to open a beauty salon

Encyclopedia of Plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The modern beauty industry is a rapid progress, the constant introduction of unique developments and the most incredible know-how. Recent achievements in the world of cosmetology allow not only women to find their “youth code”, but also open up great and wide opportunities for running a successful business in certain market segments, and the main arguments for this are unique nanotechnologies and hardware cosmetology.

The cosmetics market today is a broad sector of the economy, including the production, marketing of products and the provision of services. Each section of the market is very much in demand, very difficult and very profitable.

If you are not a tycoon and cannot buy a factory and laboratories for yourself, hire “great minds” to develop cosmetic products, and if creating networks for the sale of cosmetic products is very difficult and requires large investments, then the market segment: the provision of cosmetology services is difficult, expensive, but possible and very profitable!

And most the right decision for a person who is not a qualified specialist in the field of aesthetic cosmetology, but who has a business streak and a great desire to create stable business with maximum quick payback, whose services are in demand at all times - this is a beauty salon. We can say: an aesthetically attractive business with a “female face”. But, of course, not everything is so simple.

Nowadays, beauty salons of any class: economy, elite, VIP-class, well, just a lot. According to statistics, about 55% of newly opened salons are closed literally within a year or two. There are quite a few reasons for this. The very first and objective reason is uniformity! Also, among the main factors of an unsuccessful project is the unwillingness to delve into / study at least the main subtleties of the beauty industry and, of course, illiterate management and marketing.

In addition, as a rule, the majority of the owners of this business are mostly women, for whom the beauty salon was bought / opened as not a business, but rather a place for leisure.

If you take a serious, competent and thoughtful approach to opening a business in the field of aesthetic cosmetology, then, first of all, you should think about what to offer a potential client, what competitors do not have and what may be of interest to a future client from the point of view of innovation, efficiency and affordability.

Today, among the services of the beauty industry in a special favor - hardware cosmetology. And it was the opening of a hardware cosmetology beauty salon, where customers will be offered a wide range of services for effective rejuvenation, safe and impressive results in lifting, body shaping, etc. using innovative equipment, will allow predicting the prosperity of the business and significant advantages over competitors. That is, for the success of the business, it is required to open a beauty salon of a completely new level.

Today, enough hardware cosmetology salons are already represented on the domestic cosmetology market, and marketing research shows that this is indeed one of the most promising directions in this segment of the cosmetic market. But if you want to open this business quickly and economically, then you can forget about its prosperity and long existence!

Opening a hardware cosmetology salon: opportunities, risks and where to start?

Hardware cosmetology is a unique innovation in the beauty industry, which literally immediately won the most important position in cosmetology and medicine.

Skin rejuvenation and lifting, weight loss and body shaping, effective solution of the most complex cosmetic problems by hardware methods have gained immense popularity and demand among people who want to always remain young and beautiful, but do not want to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon.

And as statistics show, 85% of such people, among which 70% of women (the most promising client, focusing on which beauty salons are opened) and 15% of men, make a choice in favor of hardware cosmetology services.

Therefore, the opportunities for the success of this business are very large and promising.

Of course, there are risks of opening a beauty salon with such a specialization, but they are not higher than in any other serious business, one might say, even lower. If we approach this issue with all responsibility and maximum thoughtfulness, then all risks will be minimized.

The first main and very important aspects of opening this business:

  • – The need to familiarize yourself in detail with all the features of the business itself and
    with the prospects and possibilities of hardware cosmetology;
  • – Marketing research of the salon business in the area where it is planned
    open a salon: is the service in demand among the population
    aesthetic cosmetology, study of the closest competitors, their features,
    offers and benefits.

Consider a step-by-step algorithm of the necessary actions to open a successful hardware cosmetology beauty salon:

  • Step #1: Selection of a place to open a salon. A well-chosen place is the main
    business success factor;
  • Step #2: Professional development of a business plan and corporate identity of the future
    salon. (1 subparagraph);
  • Step #3: Interior design project;
  • Step #4: Preparation, registration and legal support of the necessary
    a package of documents for opening a salon. This aspect, in our case, will be
    have additional difficulties, as documents will be required for
    equipment and a license to conduct hardware procedures.
    (list of all required documents. 1 sub-item: do the design
    documents on your own or entrust to professionals);
  • Step #5: Selection of equipment. (buy at the exhibition or rent with subsequent purchase. Briefly about
    leading manufacturers and their products);
  • Step;6: Development of a price list for the services provided. (Selection of types of hardware procedures and additional cosmetic
    services. Briefly about pricing policy);
  • Step #7: Recruitment and training. (1 subparagraph);
  • Step #8: Advertising. Carrying out an advertising campaign. (1 subparagraph);
  • Step #9: Conclusion.

Step number 1: The main factor in the success of a hardware cosmetology beauty salon is a well-chosen place.

First of all, it should be clearly understood that a beauty salon of a decent level is a rather serious business that requires thoughtfulness and literacy in every nuance. Moreover, today it is one of the fastest growing sectors of the beauty market, and the chances of creating a successful, prosperous aesthetic cosmetology salon are really high.

The first step is that you need to decide exactly what class of salon you plan to open: elite or medium. Only after that you can seriously approach the choice of a place for the future salon. Depending on the intended clientele, the area and premises are selected.

If there is a desire and opportunities to create an elite-class salon, then both the place and the premises must fully correspond to the status of the salon and future customers.

Therefore, the choice should fall on the city center or the area where the inhabitants are successful business people for whom the cost of beauty services is not interesting, they will only be interested in the public visiting the salon and the result: how effective is their rejuvenation and beauty after visiting your salon.

Of course, you should be prepared for the fact that in any “rich area” you will have very serious and worthy competitors. But there is a trump card - not just cosmetic services, but completely the new kind aesthetic cosmetology - hardware.

It will be necessary not only to find an opponent, but also to identify all his strengths and weaknesses, and, having drawn the right conclusions, open a salon of a higher, completely new level. This is good market research. And it’s better to spend money on a qualified marketer than to end up with the same type of salon and, without paying off, sell it as a used business.

If the premises are located in a residential area, then it must be taken into account that the contingent of clientele will be completely different: they can be either simple housewives, women of a fairly mature age, or a business woman. In any case, you should count on the fact that your client, first of all, will be interested in the availability of hardware cosmetology services.

Salon of the elite class.

As numerous studies show, if you open a luxurious “luxury” salon, this does not mean at all that it will bring big profits. Of course, the prices of such a salon will in any case allow the project to pay off, but this is by no means a fact that there will be a lot of clientele.

The rich clientele that the salon will be focused on is a rather peculiar audience, it will take time and a very strong advertising company to “lure” successful ladies and glamorous ladies to their salon. And here no promotions and bonus programs “will work”. Clients of elite salons are of little interest in how much more economically it is to visit your salon.

You will need something stronger, at least that you have unique “secretly developed” devices that allow you to look 20 years younger after a couple of sessions and look better than your neighbor in Rublyovka, or that your clients are people whose name is constantly on hearing, for example Volochkov, etc.

Salon middle class.

If you open a middle-class beauty salon, but with completely new aesthetic cosmetology services, then, as most marketers say today, this is a real “gold mine”. And in this case the premises do not have to be selected directly in the city center, but the outskirts will not work in any way.

It is worth looking closely at the sleeping areas where people from average incomes and above live. And here the most correct decision is also to conduct a marketing research: how people live in this area, what cars they drive, in what boutiques they dress, etc. Those. find out if they can afford regular visits to a hardware cosmetology beauty salon, where prices will be real, but still not the same as in a simple beauty parlor.

In any case, before renting/buying a space for a future salon, you need to get clear answers to the questions: does the client need something fundamentally new in a certain area? Are people in the area interested in the new beauty service at all?


  • - A place for an elite-class cabin needs to be selected exclusively in a very prestigious area, it will cost a lot, guarantee
    the success rate of the salon is about 55%. But if you can make it prosperous, then you will be rich.
  • - The right place for a middle-class beauty salon is expensive, but more than realistic, the guarantee of success is about 75%.

Not everyone and not always resort to a thorough study of the market, i.е. to the marketing research, starting with the selection of a place for future business. Perhaps that is why in our country there are not so many successful businessmen and so many failed ones.

Step number 2: Professional development of a business plan for a hardware cosmetology beauty salon.

There are ideas, there is a desire and opportunities to open a beauty salon of a new level. Its class and even its location are selected. What's next? Now you need to determine all the priorities and get a holistic picture of what your project will be like and what results it will lead to. Those. you need a map of your project - a business plan.

What is a business plan and who needs it?

The business plan is a description of the feasibility of creating a hardware cosmetology salon. As a rule, such a plan has two groups of users - external (potential partners, investors, creditors) and internal (initiators of a business idea and founders).

You can draw up a business plan for a beauty salon yourself, guided by the recommendations of experienced professionals, or you can entrust such an important stage of your starting business to professionals who will draw up an individual concept for creating an enterprise, where all the nuances and risks will be taken into account.

What should a hardware cosmetology beauty salon business plan include?

  • – Assessment of the market situation and assessment of the closest competitors. it milestone business planning, as potential risks depend on it.
  • - Premises. Having a legal address mandatory requirement opening any business. If you buy an apartment, you will need to remove it from the housing stock. The main thing to consider is that 75% of the success of the salon business depends on a well-chosen location.
  • – Development of the design of the exterior, interior and corporate identity of the salon (name, logo, corporate colors, staff uniforms, letterheads,
    website page, etc.)
  • - Registration of documentation - legalization of business. You need to register the salon with the tax authority. IMPORTANT! Consider when choosing an LLC or sole proprietorship that in case
    If the Company goes bankrupt, you will only lose the registered property, and the individual entrepreneur risks personal property. Usually,
    registration of a company will cost no more than 12 - 15 thousand rubles. You will also need to register with the tax office and cash machine, otherwise provided
    big fines.
  • – Hardware cosmetology is medical cosmetic services subject to compulsory licensing. Roszdravnadzor such a license is issued for
    the basis of the required package of documents, the main of which are the conclusion of the SES and the availability of diplomas, certificates and other documents confirming
    activity qualification.
  • - Interior furnishings. Equipment and inventory. This section of the plan is developed taking into account many requirements and in accordance with the services that
    expected in the cabin.
  • – Staff. The beauty salon should have administrative staff and attendants. Recruitment is the most important and most responsible step, since it will depend on the professionalism of the staff of your salon whether the salon will become successful or close in a year or two.
  • – Develop and establish a list of proposed services and a mode of operation that will be convenient for the target group.
  • - Financial plan.

a) calculation of all costs for opening a salon (fee for premises, repair and
design work, equipment, paperwork, etc.)
b) calculation of prices for the services provided
c) staff salaries
d) expenses and consumables
e) taxes
f) advertising

All data of financial calculations are preliminary.

  • - Advertising company. Salon marketing plan. IMPORTANT! Advertising
    the company must be held one month before the opening of the salon.
  • – Calculation of the planned indicators of the beauty salon for 2-5 months.
  • - A preliminary result of the payback and profitability of a hardware cosmetology beauty salon.

As you can see, developing a new level beauty elephant business plan is not an easy task. That's why the best solution is to contact a specialized company, where highly qualified specialists will competently develop an individual business plan, in which everything will be painted and calculated, up to possible risks.

Step number 3: Design project of a beauty salon.

A beauty salon needs to be beautifully “dressed”. The interior is business card salon.

The layout and interior design of a hardware cosmetology beauty salon is major step, which primarily determines whether customers, after the first visit, will return to your salon again.

A beauty salon is a place where beauty is offered to people: services that allow a person to feel harmony with his own body. Therefore, the interior should deliver aesthetic pleasure to customers with different taste preferences.

The interior should correspond to the high level of the salon. It is from the appearance that will set the mood, emphasizing the level and individuality of the institution.

Competent zoning of the premises, use of the entire space, a mandatory area for the reception, for guests to relax, a staff rest room, treatment rooms and a mandatory CEC requirement - the presence of at least two utility rooms, two bathrooms, and, of course, the elegant office of the director of the salon - this is the main thing that must be taken into account in planning.

Creating a salon design project is the exclusive prerogative of professionals who thoughtfully and competently, taking into account all the wishes of the customer, in accordance with all necessary requirements, taking into account architectural forms premises and corporate style of the salon will develop an interior design that will be the realization of the owner's dream and the harmony of aesthetics and sophistication of modernity.

It is very important to correctly distribute all the space, all square meters salons should work according to full program. The salon should be ergonomic, functional, bright with well-designed large windows. The color scheme should be soft. Remember that very bright bold colors can be annoying to customers.

Hardware cosmetic procedures are more likely to be medical, and many people are wary of any medical equipment, so the interior of the salon should have a relaxing effect and soothing. Each client who visits your salon should feel comfort and exceptional harmony, as well as the fact that he is in a place that fully corresponds to his status.

That is, the interior of a beauty salon of a new level should be modern, refined, harmonious in every element and with a touch of luxury. An excellent option would be to create a special highlight of the interior - it can be like a special room for relaxing and meeting clients, with beautiful furnishings, large mirrors in silver openwork frames, with a beautiful decorative fountain, or vice versa, a hall decorated in the style of trendy minimalism, hi-tech ...

In any case, you need a twist, and it all depends on the imagination and creativity of your tandem with a designer-developer.

The most important! When decorating the interior of the salon, you should not save on finishing materials and interior elements, because otherwise, even if the design is unique, incredibly beautiful and stylish, the interior of the salon will look cheap, which will immediately affect the clientele. People even with average incomes, going to a beauty salon, want to enjoy everything, including the aesthetics of their surroundings.

When developing a design project for a beauty salon, special attention is paid to engineering systems. Of course, they should be hidden, but have access for regular maintenance and checks. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that there will be a lot of hardware equipment and many sockets will be required.

The SanPiN norms regulate not only the area of ​​​​the premises, but also the requirements for the microclimate, wall surfaces, etc. Therefore, when developing an interior design, all the requirements of the established standards should be observed, which in the future will allow you to avoid claims from regulatory authorities (i.e., significant expenses).

Everything related to the beauty industry should cause aesthetic pleasure - the field of activity obliges. The interior of the salon should have a single concept, main idea, zest and harmony. The interior should not be typical, it should be memorable - all this will become a guarantee successful work hardware cosmetology beauty salon.

P.S. When developing the layout and interior design of the cabin, the placement of security systems should be taken into account.

Step 4 Preparation, registration and legal support of the necessary
a package of documents for opening a salon.

The legal execution of all the required documents for opening a hardware cosmetology beauty salon is the most difficult, time-consuming, effort-consuming and nerve-wracking stage of the entire process. But it must be passed!

Today, many law firms offer the service: Preparation, execution and legal support of documents for starting a business. Such services are provided for a fee and are a saving solution for people who value their time and their nerves.

If you are engaged in the preparation (collection) and execution of all documents / permits on your own, then saving a little, you will lose a lot of time and effort for repeated visits to many instances. It should be borne in mind that almost every necessary permit requires the submission of a whole package of documents to a certain authority.

What documents are needed to open a new hardware cosmetology beauty salon?

  • – Documents on registration of the company with the tax authority (form of ownership and
  • – Lease agreement (registration with the City Property Committee is required).
  • – Permission to conduct activities from the district council. This document
    issued free of charge.
  • – Conclusion of the CEC inspection.
  • - The conclusion of the fire inspection.
  • – Permission to trade (provision of services). This permission is issued
    District Council and must be certified by the CEC.
  • - Document on the assortment list of services.
  • – License and permission to provide medical services – hardware
    procedures. The document is issued by Roszdravnadzor.
  • - Garbage collection contract.
  • – Laundry service contract.
  • – Agreement with REU or ZhEK for Maintenance(water supply,
  • – Agreement with a company (optionally selected) serving the cash register
  • – Permission to place a sign (this is a whole package of documents).
  • – On a voluntary basis, a certificate of conformity is issued (this document
    it is desirable to arrange).

This list may not be complete as each regulatory body may request additional documents.

Step #7: Staff recruitment and training.

Frames are everything!

It is on how qualified personnel you select for a hardware cosmetology beauty salon that its success and prosperity will depend.
Remember that money in the beauty industry can only be earned together with high-level professionals. You do not need a simple full-time beautician, you need a good specialist.

To minimize risks and speed up the entire process of building a salon business with hardware cosmetology services, the best and most correct decision would be to contact a professional consulting agency, where they will help you select high-class specialists: medical cosmetologists who have undergone special training in hardware cosmetology, as well as a manager, accountant, security guard and other staff.

The growth of the salon business begins with the successful selection of a team of personnel! According to experts, the prospects for business development - salons / centers of hardware cosmetology are quite large, but in this market only those salons that provide services to clients on European level quality, fulfill all the wishes of their customers, create a comfortable psychological atmosphere, and all this depends solely on the team - the staff of the salon.

When looking for employees, the manager must:

  • - clearly and clearly understand what kind of specialist he needs;
  • - conduct personal interviews with each candidate;
  • - evaluate the candidate's professional qualities, his experience and personal qualities;
  • – be sure to familiarize yourself with his documents: diplomas, licenses,
    work book, with recommendations from previous jobs;
  • – hire selected candidates on a probationary basis,
    which will make sure of his professionalism, get to know him better
    personal qualities. And if a person does not meet the required
    criteria, you can fire him without any problems. If your employee
    suits, then you officially hire him and conclude a labor

It may also be necessary to train your selected staff to improve the skills of employees. Training can take place both at the expense of the enterprise and at the expense of the employee.

It is planned to open a beauty salon specifically for hardware cosmetology, which is classified as medical services, so salon specialists must have a medical education and a diploma of completion of the hardware cosmetology course.

Salon staff training is not only advanced training for medical personnel, but also training for the salon director modern technologies business and team management, courses for the administrator and other service personnel.

Having assembled and trained his “team”, the manager must establish professional ethics in the salon, which is a significant factor for the cohesive and effective work of employees.

The search and training of employees for the salon should be carried out 2-3 months before the working date of the opening of the hardware cosmetology beauty salon.

Step #8: Advertising. Conducting an advertising campaign.

  • - work with resources mass media(magazines, radio, television);
  • – printing promotional products: business cards, booklets, posters, flyers, etc.;
  • – advertising in networks, creation and promotion of the salon website. And this is necessary, since most modern people draw all the information today from the networks;
  • – steps to create and stimulate demand for salon services;
  • - Salon presentation.

An important role in the advertising of the salon is played by its name, it should be not cutting the ear, original and consonant with something pleasant and exclusive. Particular attention should be paid to outdoor advertising salon. The sign must be harmonious with the exterior of the building where the salon opens, it must attract the eyes of people even at a distance, and therefore be bright, aesthetically attractive and beautifully illuminated at night.

The outdoor sign of the salon should not be installed the day before the opening (as often happens), but a month before it should show off and interest passers-by.

And, of course, for the effectiveness of an advertising company, some kind of tempting “chip” is needed. And it should be present on all promotional printed materials to attract potential customers. To achieve the best result, it is necessary to use a combination of a wide variety of ways to advertise the salon, this is what will increase the impact on consumers.

It will depend on the results of the advertising campaign of the hardware cosmetology beauty salon that you launch your business successfully and from the “first turn”, or a second attempt will be required. Do you need her? Therefore, an advertising company is that point in the business plan for opening a salon on which it is categorically not recommended to save.

And, of course, the best solution for an advertising campaign to go perfectly and give excellent results, is to hire professionals in their field - aces of advertising marketing. The fact that a beauty salon of a completely new level is opening, where everyone can rejuvenate, become more beautiful, lose weight, get rid of cellulite .... , almost the whole city should know, therefore, simple, even very beautiful advertisements in the mail here “will not work” and will not allow you to get the desired result.

Only a professionally designed, with a touch of creativity, quite loud and tempting advertising campaign will allow you to get a large “influx” of customers on the opening day, and whether customers want to return to your salon again and again, it all depends on the professionalism of the salon team.

Step #9: Conclusion.

The modern beauty industry allows you to earn beautifully today!
In this article (a mini-guide to opening a hardware cosmetology beauty salon), we tried to highlight all the important aspects of opening a salon business, where the main services are hardware cosmetology. This guide covers step by step the entire process of creating a salon from scratch.

A new level beauty salon with unique hardware cosmetology services is not only a form of a modern and beautiful business, but also one of the most profitable and fast-payback investment options in the beauty industry market, while at the same time with the most minimal risks.

But this is a very serious and responsible and expensive matter, therefore, in order not to increase the risks, if you are not a professional in this field, then the creation of a salon should be carried out only in cooperation with specialists. Of course, if financial opportunities allow, then having decided what exactly you want, how exactly you see your future salon, you can order a “turnkey beauty salon” from professionals in their field.

There is no shortage in such companies today. But still, your personal participation in every step of creating your “brainchild”, excitement, experience, joy for each stage passed - this is called “putting your soul” into your future business. And such an enterprise will always be successful, pleasing to you, and, of course, profitable.

Of course, one cannot do without specialist assistants, since each stage, each nuance of opening a salon or any other business requires certain knowledge and experience at each stage.

remember, that successful opening beauty salon hardware cosmetology - this is not the success of the whole business. Business requires the strongest return, thoughtfulness and professionalism. You have a desire, opportunities and certain goals. And you will succeed in this complex and beautiful business!

Good luck and prosperity to your beautiful business!

We offer a video: Beauty salon - interiors and plans

Before proceeding with the selection of equipment, decide what services you will provide. The set of furniture and devices that will have to be present in the room largely depends on this. We can talk about a cosmetic laser, a massage table with the necessary add-ons - for example, shelves for essential oils, as well as an apparatus for pressotherapy, cavitation, ultrasound therapy, and a wax melter. You must have all the necessary equipment for each service you plan to provide. At the same time, of course, all products must be reliable and of high quality.

When arranging, you need to take care of installing the sink. It is important that employees can use both hot and cold water. Remember that this is not only about the convenience of the staff: the presence of such communications can be checked by the controlling services, and if there is no hot or cold water, we will talk about a violation of the basic requirements. In addition, it is necessary to install furniture in the room where sets of working clothes for staff, disposable gloves, sheets and other things will be stored, the presence of which is also checked by special services. Also be sure to purchase equipment for disinfection of instruments.

Features of the design of a cosmetology room

Make sure that the room is spacious enough, and that visitors feel comfortable. No need to clutter up the office with equipment if there is not enough space in it. Do not forget about the separation of functional areas: epilation or massage are not the procedures that should be attended by someone other than the master and the client.

If you do not have the funds to immediately equip a full-fledged beauty parlor, and you plan to improve it gradually, choose those devices that will be most in demand in the near future. For example, epilation and depilation, as well as permanent tattooing, are very popular in late spring and summer. In early spring, the demand for body shaping services rises sharply, which means that customers will order lymphatic drainage, electrolipolysis, infrared pants and other procedures, for which you need to buy special equipment. In winter, you can carry out massage procedures, especially with essential oils, do hot wraps, offer a mini-sauna with the use of biologically active components that promote health.

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Encyclopedic reference: a beauty parlor is a beauty industry enterprise that differs from a beauty salon in a limited range of services from the field of cosmetology.

Unlike medicine, which can be social, that is, free, cosmetology requires certain financial costs on the part of the client. At the same time, the services of cosmetologists have always been in demand, and now there is a steady upward trend in demand for them. The reason is the eternal desire of women (and recently many men) to look young and fresh. Environmental and social conditions have a negative impact on appearance - and cosmetology can "erase" signs of fatigue and even wrinkles. If you want to try your hand at own business, opening a small highly specialized beauty parlor is a good start.

In this article, we will talk about how to open your own beauty parlor and start making money by giving people beauty.

Step by step to a stable income from beauty

Step one: building a concept

When calculating how much it costs to open a beauty parlor, consider different start options. It is not necessary to open from scratch, carrying temporary and financial expenses for renting premises, purchasing equipment, purchasing cosmetic products.

First option: purchase a ready-made business - a registered company and an office in an equipped room. When choosing this path, be careful: along with the Cabinet, you can also acquire its damaged reputation.

Second option: franchising, which will relieve you of the hassle of finding and organizing the supply of materials, creating a marketing strategy, promoting your name in the market. The disadvantage of this path is the dependence on the goods, prices and ideology of the franchise seller.

Third option: opening a beauty salon from scratch is the choice of those who prefer to find their own way in business and want to work only for themselves and their reputation.

The room for a beauty parlor must meet a number of requirements: have a separate entrance and an equipped sewerage system, comply with fire safety and be spacious enough. For the work of one beautician you need at least 15 m². Experts advise to conclude a lease agreement with subsequent redemption.

The best location for a beauty parlor is near hairdressers, fitness centers, and swimming pools.

step two: we form a legal base

You can open a beauty parlor with the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you do not plan to expand, are not going to provide licensed services, but want to open as quickly as possible and calculate taxes according to a simplified scheme, your option is an individual entrepreneur.

Be careful with the list of cosmetic services. Many of them can be classified as medical, which means that a license is required. In order not to be mistaken, before drawing up constituent documents, consult with specialists from the Licensing Bureau.

Step Three: getting ready to open

To open a beauty parlor, it is not necessary to be a cosmetologist, it is important to be able to solve administrative issues, and invite professionals to the staff. There are 2 options for financial settlements: offer the masters a percentage of the cabinet's profit or take rent from them for the use of your premises and equipment.

Please note that in addition to the workplaces of cosmetologists, you need to equip a reception area with a waiting area and utility rooms where washing and ironing of towels will be carried out.

Where to get money?

To open a cosmetics business, you will have to use own funds- it is difficult to find a partner, banks do not issue targeted loans. You will not receive an answer to the question of whether a beauty parlor is profitable immediately after opening. In the first 1-2 months, even if there is a profit, it is not high. When planning to take out a loan, keep in mind that a small beauty parlor will pay off, on average, in 3 years.

Underwater rocks

Since cosmetology is a rapidly growing business, new offices will open everywhere, creating competition for you. Take care of loyal customers.

Remember that opening a salon "from scratch" is a risky undertaking. Just as a good restaurant needs a chef, so you need a master with a good reputation already at the start.

Summing up

The cosmetic business has good prospects. Despite quite a long period payback, this type of activity is attractive for investment. With the right approach, you can turn it into a stable source of good income.

how to open a beauty parlor

Your own beauty salon: how to save money? Useful information

In this article, we tried to collect the latest and previously unseen information about the tricks of doing business in a "beautiful" business.

What does a beauty salon grow from?

The most reasonable thing, market players advise, is to gradually increase the number of services provided. Therefore, many start with a hairdresser's room for 3 chairs and a room for the provision of services such as manicure and pedicure. Then a beautician's office is added. Naturally, space should always be taken with a margin - for development in the future or, at worst, for subtenants according to your profile. Subsequently, you can add a beautician's office. Everything needs to be done gradually, as experience is gained and the circle of regular customers expands.

Where to look for a place for a beauty salon?

Don't make two fatal mistakes! This is bought (still) by some newcomers - renting a room in the basement for a beauty salon is unacceptable, as it is prohibited by law. Everyone who keeps himself in basements either has a fabulous administrative resource or pays a monthly salary to checking officials! And second: the room must have a separate entrance.

The most common and successful location of a beauty salon is an apartment on the ground floor, transferred to a non-residential fund. The arrangement of such an apartment "turnkey" on average costs 2 - 3 million rubles.

Is it possible to buy ready salon beauty?

Yes, it's more than real. Now (due to the crisis) you can buy a ready-made beauty salon for one million rubles.

However, before you spend your money, take a closer look at what you are buying - will you soon become the next seller of notorious illiquid assets?

What can you save on opening the elephant of beauty?

The first, as always, helps partnership. If you become a "vassal" of some major brand (for example, Wella), then they will provide you with:

preferential leasing of all necessary equipment;

will give valuable gifts to each act of purchase;

free advanced training for staff;

will give their logo as a sign;

The logo will also decorate branded towels, which will be provided to you free of charge.

This luxury has only one drawback - some contracts exclude the possibility of using "jars" of other companies.

However, from experience, this hard and fast rule is violated so often that big brands have already relaxed their policies in this regard.

Saving time and effort is also an important success factor.

You can save time and effort by contacting a consulting firm (its services will cost you between $100 and $150). They give very sensible advice, which is extremely useful for absolute beginners. However, they sin by the fact that they immediately begin to "PR" their equipment suppliers. If you immediately make it clear to the consulting firm that you intend to search for the optimal equipment for you yourself, then they will calm down and begin to give you more good advice. Do not be afraid to ask and insist on your own!

Salon business: How to involve the state in savings?

First, organize social events, for which you will receive bonuses from the state. But before doing this, you need to declare yourself. And so - in the second.

So, you must include your company in the register of small businesses. This will allow you to receive free information services, bookkeeping assistance, rental benefits, credit benefits and other subsidies.

For this, preparation following list documents:

application for entry into the Register, signed by the general director

Originals for verification:

constituent documents (Charter, memorandum of association, amendments thereto)

OGRN certificate

TIN certificate

certificate of registration of changes and additions to the constituent documents

Uncertified copies:

certificate of registration in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

certificate of registration of changes in constituent documents

certificate of the average number of employees, certified by the signature of the general director, chief accountant and seal

Statement of no intention to conduct activities that do not comply with the law, signed by the CEO and sealed

power of attorney for a representative - in two copies signed by the general director and stamped

(data for Moscow)

Beauty salon: We continue to save

If you are going to rent the premises, then a direct lease agreement for a period of at least 5 years is best. Although the best thing, we repeat, is to buy out an apartment and transfer it to a non-residential fund.

How to increase the profitability of a beauty salon

I'll tell you one little secret: the success of your business largely depends on which administrator you choose. The best administrator of a beauty salon is a person with experience in sales. And by no means what it seems to many, judging by experience. It is especially important whether the administrator knows how to conduct telephone conversations. They need to be worked out, as in all other industries - until they are memorized. Often, customers will call the salon, who have switched through advertising that you gave in glossy magazines of a “district scale”. No "Now I'll go and ask the master what mordansange is ... Oh, and the master cuts his hair ...". The administrator of a beauty salon is not a doll on a teapot. And advertising in the media (and even a price list in a folder!) Is not a textbook on mathematical analysis. If you speak in a language incomprehensible to the consumer, then your administrator should at least be able to explain all the Masonic paraphernalia that you cherish so much.

How to prevent employee turnover in the salon business?

Unfortunately there's only one for real here effective way is to shift the focus from "stars with golden hands" to "smart cars". When robots, not people, start working hard for you, you will be pleasantly surprised that the devices do not carry business cards with personal phones in the pockets of their dressing gowns, do not accept clients at home, do not put you in front of the fact that they are moving to work in another salon and do not go on maternity leave.

It is known that ignorance of the law is no excuse. And knowledge of the law, on the contrary, allows you to make good money. So: any mention of your favorite company - a sign, a pillar, conversations in the media - must be registered and paid for as advertising. If you hang out the slogan before the opening: “Soon! Salon "Lydia"! All kinds of services!”, then officials will come to you and want all kinds of services. From their point of view, it will be an advertisement, not a note on the refrigerator.

However, this can also be turned to your advantage. The same law says - if you simply give information about the services provided, but do not mention: A. The name of your salon, B. Trademark, then this is no longer an advertisement. Such an ad is called a showcase. And the showcase is not paid. So hang the most detailed and beautifully designed advertisement (sorry, I wanted to say - a showcase) in your window and pay nothing.

I want to warn those who like to post ads on poles. Do you know that they are torn down by the relevant officials, and then they start calling you at the indicated numbers with an invitation to visit the administration? So no one has come up with anything better than a beautiful showcase.

This is how you can save money and even increase the income of your beauty salon. For more information (about SES requirements, profit figures and the basics of management), please refer to other articles about the beauty salon on our website, which describe in detail additional, no less important nuances of this business.

Nazarenko Elena


29.07.2017 13:20

Responsibilities of a Beautician.

There is a specialization in the field of cosmetology.

The beauty! How to open a beauty parlor?

There is a profession of a cosmetologist-esthetician, the duties of such a specialist include carrying out procedures that are aimed at caring for the skin of the face and body. An important feature - the specialist works only with healthy skin.

These are procedures that are not associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Masks, massages, body wraps, different types hair removal, eyebrow shaping, eyebrow and eyelash coloring, cosmetic skin cleansing, hardware procedures, make-up, anti-cellulite programs, SPA-complexes and other services. All these procedures are in demand by women, so salons need specialists. These types of services do not require compulsory medical education. Cosmetologists-estheticians work in beauty parlors, beauty salons, SPA centers. How to become a cosmetologist-esthetician? You need to take training courses, pass exams and get a certificate that gives you the right to work in your profession.

Responsibilities of a Beautician

A dermatologist-cosmetologist or cosmetologist is a specialist who treats the skin of the face and body, that is, works with skin diseases and aesthetic problems. The main task is to understand the causes of skin problems and offer solutions, choose the appropriate procedures.

What can be included in the duties of a cosmetologist? For example, removal of age spots, moles, spider veins, acne treatment, removal of scars and scars. Appointment of procedures for getting rid of stretch marks on the skin, cellulite, removal of signs of premature aging (edema, wrinkles, circles under the eyes), medical pedicure. Anti-aging procedures associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, various injections, deep peels are also included in the duties of a cosmetologist. To provide services of this level, it is necessary to have a medical education. Cosmetologists work in medical clinics, beauty centers, salons.

Beautician assistant - how to start a successful career

How to become a beautician? To start gaining experience in the profession a good option- get a job as a "beautician's assistant". Duties usually include preparing an office for receiving clients, filling out documentation, performing simple, non-injection procedures, assisting in procedures, and working with cosmetology devices. Some companies provide training at the expense of the organization, which will also be very useful for career growth.

To get a job, you need an appropriate education, documented, a medical book and a desire to learn a specialty.

How to become a cosmetologist without honey. education, and can it be done?

Of course, having a medical education is a huge advantage for mastering the profession, it will be easier to study, and there will be more opportunities. However, if there is no such education, this does not mean that working as a cosmetologist is not for you, but you need to understand that not all areas in cosmetology will be available to you. Without a medical education, you can master the profession of a cosmetologist-aesthetician, but you cannot work as a cosmetologist. You also need to be prepared for the fact that not all salons and beauty centers will want to hire a specialist without a medical education. How to become a cosmetologist without honey. education? For those who do not have a medical education, but have a great desire to realize themselves in the profession of a cosmetologist, there are special courses that include the basics of anatomy, physiology, dermatology, trichology and other sciences, knowledge of which is necessary for mastering the profession.

When choosing an educational institution, it is important to check the availability of a license from educational institution pay attention to the teaching staff. Teachers must necessarily have extensive practical experience, and not only a baggage of theoretical knowledge, but also be oriented in modern trends and trends in cosmetology. Equally important is the technical equipment of the educational institution, there should be all modern cosmetology devices, preparations, consumables. Necessary information can be obtained from the feedback of those who have been trained, as well as on professional forums.

Cosmetologist education

What does it take to become a beautician? Now, in order to get an education to work in cosmetology, you need to unlearn at the department of pediatrics or general medicine, then get a postgraduate education in residency or internship in the specialty "Dermatovenereology", and then take another course of professional retraining in the specialty "Cosmetology".

In a medical school or college, there is a specialty "Nursing in Cosmetology", which trains nurses for the vacation of cosmetic procedures. Such a specialist can perform massages, peels, cleansing, physiotherapy and body wraps.

What does a beautician need to know?

To successfully work in the field of beauty, a cosmetologist must have a certain set of knowledge and skills:

  • Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology, the structure of the skin and its properties.
  • The device of cosmetology equipment, the rules for its operation, storage.
  • Types of professional cosmetics, drugs, consumption rates and purpose.
  • Rules of hygiene and sanitation. Ways to provide first aid.
  • Rules for working in the service sector. Current trends in the field of cosmetology both in Russia and abroad.

A good cosmetologist is a good clinician who can make a correct diagnosis, direct the patient to take the necessary tests to identify the causes of skin problems.

The name of the program Duration Price
Ultrasonic cleaning + mask according to skin type 1 hour 800 rub
Mechanical cleaning (manual) + mask according to skin type 1 hour 1100 rub
Comprehensive cleaning (ultrasound + mechanical cleaning + mask according to skin type) 1 hour 1300 rub
Mechanical cleaning of the back + mask according to skin type 1 hour 1450 rub
Superficial peeling (all season) 40 min 1000 rub
Median peeling (selected individually) 40 min 1500 rub
Jessner peeling (2 layers. 400 rubles each next layer) 40 min 1500 rub
Peeling TCA 20% 40 min 1700 rub
Anti-Akne program (cleansing, toning, gel, acne therapy, anti-inflammatory mask, finish cream with SPF) 60 min 1000-1200 rub
Anti-Age program (cleansing, toning, light scrub, facial massage, alginate mask finish cream with SPF) 60 min 1650 rub
"Shining Eyes" program (cleansing, toning, moisturizing serum injection using an ultrasound machine, mask, cream) 60 min 1000 rub
Radiant skin program (cleansing, toning, peeling, non-injection mesotherapy, peeling, brightening whitening mask, cream) 60 min 1200 rub
Complex "Instant rejuvenation" (peeling, hardware lifting of facial muscles with hyaluronic acid + mask) 50 min 1200 rub.
Program "Antikuperoz" (cleansing, toning, light peeling, introduction of a vasoconstrictor concentrate using galvanization, cooling mask, cream) 60 min 1200-2000 rub
Program "Intensive moisturizing" (cleansing. Toning. Peeling, the introduction of preparations with hyaluronic acid through galvanization, moisturizing mask, cream) 60 min 1200 rub
Microneedling (first procedure: your personal mesoscooter is included in the price) 60 min 2500 rub
Microneedling (second and subsequent treatments) 60 min 1500 rub
Author's face lifting-massage with face-building elements (by oil) 40 min 800 rub
Disincrustation 20 minutes 250 rub
Darsonval 15 minutes 150 rub
Ultraphonophoresis 15 minutes 200 rub
Alginate mask 20 minutes 400 rub
Additional face mask 20 minutes from 200 rub
Eyebrow coloring 1 procedure 150 rub
Eyelash dyeing 1 procedure 150 rub
Eyebrow shaping 1 procedure 150 rub
Eyebrow coloring with henna Brow Henna 1 procedure 40 min 400 rub
Removal of extended eyelashes + eyelid care 5 minutes. 450 rub.
Treatment of eyebrows and eyelashes (treatment program is selected individually 60 min. 1000 rub.
Glycolic peeling 5%, mask + professional thermal gloves "JESSIKA" + cream (the procedure can be performed during face or body care) 30 minutes 500 rub
Paraffin therapy (the procedure can be performed during facial or body care) 20 minutes 200 rub
Biomechanical stimulation (face, neck, decollete) + alginate mask 60 min 1200 rub
Hydromechano-peeling (cleansing, toning, hydro-peeling, cream-mask, finish-cream with SPF) 60 min 1100 rub
Diamond polishing (cleansing, polishing, mask, toning, finish-cream-with SPF) 60 min 800 rub
LED therapy (included in care) 20 minutes. 300 rub.
Cosmetologist consultation free of charge

Cosmetology services: Beauty and health center "Goddess"

You can’t forbid looking beautiful: this credo should accompany each of us. And whatever the prices for cosmetic services in your city, you still need to take care of yourself. Fortunately, there are Beauty and Health Centers that know the measure and are able to combine a pleasant atmosphere, decent service and reasonable prices.

The complex of services of the beauty and health center "Goddess"

The main emphasis in the price list is on the services of a cosmetology parlor: skin care for the face, hands, body, multifaceted and complex. Here is a list of the basics from the basics:
Aesthetic cosmetology - eyebrow line correction, facial cleansing and other daily procedures;
Injection cosmetology - only in this Beauty and Health Center the price for cosmetology services of a similar plan does not scare away customers;
Relaxing and healing massage of the whole body, individual zones;
Comprehensive SPA programs for all age groups;
Manicure, pedicure and nail service;

The list of cosmetologist services also includes waxing, sugaring, as well as the sale of products and tools for caring for the body, face, and nails.

Modern techniques

Clients of the Beauty and Health Center "Goddess" get pleasant emotions and tangible results from a visit to a beautician. However, the cost of cosmetic services here is an order of magnitude lower than in other establishments. The secret lies not at all in saving on funds, and certainly not in the negligent work of specialists. Just the salon team practicing modern approaches in cosmetology, requiring less time for the implementation of procedures. Prices for cosmetologist services are fixed, but there are discounts for regular customers.

The task of the specialist who works with you is to select individual approach to the client, taking into account the specifics of the skin, figure, state of health. Therefore, the cost of cosmetic services may vary. You always need to focus on the end result: feel younger, better, let the body absorb beauty and glow from the inside.

Body care and body shaping

The price for the services of a cosmetologist necessarily includes body shaping programs. Compiled by knowledgeable professionals, based on a balanced diet, care and exercise, they allow you to achieve visible results in a clearly defined time frame. Prices for cosmetic services can also be flexible, in any case, the client is always informed about how much to pay.

Popular body shaping techniques include:
Mud baths and body wraps;
Anti-cellulite massage and other massage services of a beauty parlor;
Phytotherapy based on herbal mixtures;
Exclusive - bamboo Brazilian massage, etc.

The result is not only weight loss, but tightened, radiant skin.

How to open a beauty parlor from scratch

The desired result is visible after a couple of courses, the price for cosmetology services always remains stable.

Offers for all clients

What is especially pleasant, the Goddess Beauty and Health Center focuses its service on the whole family. So, the cost of cosmetic services for men is no higher and even more democratic in many ways with us. Even the little ones have the right to take care of themselves: pedicures and manicures for children are included in the price list.

You can find out prices for cosmetologist services for the whole family in advance by calling the phone numbers indicated on the website. By the way, in the West, up to 85% of families use the services of a "family" specialist. What is characteristic, the cost of services of a cosmetologist for mass services is noticeably lower.

Attention to every visitor

I would like to note how important it is to maintain an individual approach to visitors, even if they order the service for the first or thirtieth time. This is the opinion of the team of the Beauty and Health Center "Goddess". The list of beautician services is standard, at the same time, each client has the right to express wishes and preferences, and they will be taken into account.

Spending only a few days or weeks on yourself in a professional salon, you do not know your body in the best way. And let the price of cosmetologist services also pleasantly surprise you. Love yourself and take care of your health.

Home » Blog » How to attract clients to a beautician?

How to attract clients to a beautician?

And other masters of beauty: manicure, make-up, massage…

In a small business, the ways to get customers are different from those that large companies talk about. Here the budget is limited, so cosmetologists, makeup artists and other masters need budgetary customer acquisition methods.

In addition, novice cosmetologists often do not know where to start? Where to look for clients, and when you find them - HOW to attract them? Therefore, many try to do many promotional things with their own hands.

And from this angle, 3 ways open up how a cosmetologist can attract clients on their own:

Launch of word of mouth in cosmetology

In the field of beauty, word of mouth is key. This is where the recommendations are overwhelming.

  • Alas, just quality work does not yet guarantee that you will be advised and will be your "lawyers".

The process must be started. Artificially. That is, by stimulating existing visitors, girlfriends, acquaintances, etc. This is the most obvious move, so a novice cosmetologist, makeup artist or manicurist resorts to it in almost 100% of cases.

They invite friends, former colleagues, classmates, etc. to the first free (or at a discount) procedure. With the hope that those, if they like it, will tell about their impressions and results to the environment.

Often this does not happen.

Moreover, you gave her a face cleansing for free, and she doesn’t even “like” your publications. Why is this happening?

Consider 3 reasons:

  1. It is necessary to agree on the shore and in plain text! If you thought that a friend will share information about you after a free procedure is only your problem. It is not necessary to think, but to negotiate. And be as specific as possible. “Come, I’ll give you a massage, and you, please, leave a review on your Vkontakte page.” That's transparent! And feel free to remind about it after the massage.
  2. I ran into a problem that, probably, could only arise in the beauty industry. The fact is that girls deliberately do not want to share their beautician, hairdresser, manicurist, etc. with friends and acquaintances.

    How to open a beauty parlor from scratch from Lampa Lupa Bai

    The reason is that I want to be alone and I don’t want them to discuss me behind my back. What if a colleague doesn't like it? So I'll be the one to blame.

  3. Hence the third reason - the word of mouth to the cosmetologist needs to be stimulated! Promotions, gifts and other receptions.

Beauty Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing is what the beauty master needs on a limited budget. We are talking about promoting your services for free or for a nominal fee. This is not a standard advertisement, but original solutions.

For example:

  • Ask a colleague in a related field to make double business cards. You are on one side, she is on the other. And to exchange thus clients. It is also an opportunity to save on the purchase of promotional materials.
  • Paste the phone number and service offer on the rear window of your car. Free and visible.
  • Go to the forums of your city, write contacts in your signature and actively participate in discussions, let women valuable advice. Keep in mind - there will be no quick results. This should be done systematically: make it a rule for yourself to set aside 30 minutes a day for moderating forums and answering questions.

There are many options. Here you need to turn on your imagination and have experience in marketing and promotion.

Attract customers with smart advertising

This is all the more true for novice private cosmetologists because of the same limited budget. They try to do almost everything themselves: write ads, fill the site with selling texts, fill out questionnaires on sites, advertise themselves on pages in social networks.

You just need to be able to work with the word. You need to understand how to write sales texts that work and bring customers to you.

You need to learn this in order to be the best and provide yourself with a constant flow of customers. The topic is extensive, so read more in the special material for cosmetologists and beauty industry masters on detuning from competitors and creating effective advertising.

The services of beauty salons are needed and in demand by any segment of the population. Therefore, investing money in this area of ​​​​activity is considered profitable - a business always has enough level demand. How to open a beauty salon, where to start and what to do to make the business bring the desired profit are the main questions that a novice entrepreneur faces.

First of all, think over the concept of your institution. An economy salon or a small hairdressing salon that provides only standard household services for cutting, styling and coloring hair would be more appropriate to locate in a densely populated residential area. The low cost of services in this case is justified by the flow of regular customers.

Topic idea: How to open a barbershop from scratch

A mid-level salon may include an extended range of hairdressing services (hairstyles, coloring, highlighting, coloring, creative haircuts, styling), nail services (manicure, pedicure, extension), professional cosmetologist services using hardware technology (lifting, mesotherapy, peeling, depilation, rejuvenation procedures, etc.). The target audience of this salon is people with high level prosperity. The best place for it would be a busy area in the city center or a room in a large shopping center.

To organize one workplace, at least 7 m2 is required. In addition to the main workplaces, there must be a changing room area for staff, an instrument sterilization room, a reception area and a bathroom.

The premises can be rented, bought or built. In the latter case, permission from city planners is required.

  1. Beauty salons are forbidden to be placed in the basement and semi-basement.
  2. The presence of a separate entrance.
  3. If the location of the salon is supposed to be in a residential building, the written consent of the residents is required.
  4. Availability of communications - water supply, electricity, ventilation.

Pay attention to the condition of the room. You may need to invest additional funds for minor cosmetic repairs and decoration. Rate general form through the eyes of the client - you are unlikely to want to be served in a building without a hint of comfort and "worn-out" walls (paper wallpapers are prohibited). Finishing should be fresh, cozy, but without any frills.

  1. Registration of a private enterprise.
  2. Lease agreement registered with the State Property Committee.
  3. SES permission.
  4. Fire department permit.
  5. Maintenance contract with the local housing office.
  6. Documents for placing a sign.
  7. Agreement on the export and disposal of hair (signed with a specialized company).
  8. Medical license for the provision of therapeutic procedures (only if these procedures - massage, wrapping, mesotherapy, etc. are included in the range of services of your salon). The provider of these services must have a medical background.

Before buying the necessary equipment for a beauty salon, it is better to consult with specialists in the salon business. Good advice can be given by professional hairdressers or a manicurist. In addition to the standard set of chairs and mirrors, you also need to take care of where your customers will wait in line, where the inventory of employees and the necessary documentation will be stored. Furniture items should not clutter up the room and interfere with the work of staff. The activity of a beauty salon is associated with the constant use of electrical appliances. Set up desks and chairs in such a way that there is free access to outlets.

The set of necessary equipment depends on the number of services provided.

For the first time, you will need:

  • lifting chairs for clients;
  • mirrors and cabinets (according to the number of masters);
  • ultraviolet sterilizer for instruments;
  • several sinks with chairs;
  • electric water heater (if there is no hot water supply system);
  • sushuar;
  • infrared apparatus (climazon) - to speed up the process of coloring and curling;
  • a set of towels and napkins (based on - at least 2 for each master);
  • devices for cosmetology services;
  • tool cabinets.

Standard set of tools (for one master):

  • Combs (at least 4 pieces of different types)
  • hair clipper
  • Hairdryer with a set of brushes
  • Curling tongs
  • Special containers and brushes for coloring

Masters performing nail services in most cases come to work with their own tools and all the necessary equipment.

Add to list Supplies are included various means for hair care (shampoos, balms, masks) as well as for coloring and perm.

All consumables must be provided along with registration documents and certificates. Equipment and devices are allowed to be used after a permit issued by the Ministry of Health. Warranty agreements are a must.

The development of your business depends on a team of professionals who will do their job well. In addition to the main masters (hairdressers, cosmetologists), you need to hire a cleaning lady and an administrator who will keep records, communicate with clients and monitor the work of the entire team.

For the provision of household image services (hairdressing, cosmetics), it is quite enough to have an appropriate education (diploma of a hairdresser, make-up artist). As for cosmetology services, they should be performed by a person with a medical education (dermatologist) who has received a specialization corresponding to the type of activity.

Specialization "Nursing cosmetology":

  • sparing hardware techniques (paraffin therapy, facial cleansing);
  • medical makeup;
  • chemical peeling (superficial);
  • elimination of superficial violations of the skin (depilation, mechanical cleaning).

Specialization "Therapeutic cosmetology":

  • injections;
  • tattoo;
  • electrolysis;
  • deep chemical peels;
  • prescribing drugs, medical research.

Every employee must have a medical book.

In most cases, staff salaries consist of a fixed salary (a relatively small amount) and a percentage of the proceeds, thanks to which you can earn good money. As for the work schedule, try to organize working time so that it is convenient for both customers and employees. The work of the beauty salon does not provide for days off. A floating shift schedule is the most optimal solution.

A bright, catchy sign, an original name and an active advertising campaign will help attract customers to your salon. Put up ads, hand out leaflets, attract friends - do everything so that everyone knows about the new salon as much as possible more people. Grand opening, discounts and bonuses for the first visitors - these little tricks work great in areas where the majority of residents are middle-class people. Use the services of professional advertising agents and designers.

Partnering with well-known hair and skin care companies can also play into your hands. Many world-famous companies provide discounts to their customers in exchange for advertising. And if a well-known brand flaunts next to the sign of your salon, this will inspire confidence among potential customers. And the sale of cosmetic products within the walls of the salon will bring additional income.

To open a small beauty salon you need start-up capital not less than 30 thousand dollars. This amount includes the cost of registering a business, rent, purchase of equipment, furniture and supplies. For a mid-level salon, the investment can be 10 million rubles or more. The return on investment begins approximately one year after opening.

It is difficult to start a business without having an idea of ​​the possible obstacles. There is a risk that competitors will crush you at the creation stage.

Private cosmetology office: step-by-step instructions for opening

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to consult with experts in the field of creating a business, who will tell you in detail how to open a beauty salon correctly so that this institution brings a stable income in the future.

Approximate costs may be as follows:

  • certification and opening of a company - about 30,000 rubles;
  • rent of premises (at least 45 m2) - about 70,000 rubles. per month. It is better to sign a lease for long term and pay immediately for a year in advance, until the salon starts to pay off. If the start-up capital allows, it is better to immediately buy a ready-made premises, then you will not have to pay rent;
  • repair (if necessary) - from 100,000 rubles;
  • work room equipment (armchairs, dryer, mirrors, shelves, sinks, dryers) - from 200,000 rubles;
  • consumables and equipment (scissors, combs, hair dryers, curling irons, cosmetic products) - from 50,000 rubles.

To this amount, you can add the cost of advertising (at least 100,000 rubles), cleaning the premises (10,000 - 20,000 rubles per month) and paying utility bills (10,000 rubles) per month. The amount can vary in any direction depending on the regional affiliation (in large densely populated cities, rent will cost more, in the regions - cheaper) and on the individual preferences of the future owner of his own salon.

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