Small business in america ideas. Idea #8

Landscaping and planning 30.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

The question of which business ideas in 2019 in the United States have real potential is of concern not only to local entrepreneurs, but also to businessmen from our country. The reason for this close attention has a very simple explanation: the states have been leading in many economic indicators for decades, while they are home to many successful commercial projects and know-how.

List of business ideas in 2019 from the USA

These factors are interrelated, many successful business ideas are the basis for the dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and hence the entire economy of the country, including such important components:


    filling the state budget;

    development of the social sphere;

    positive dynamics of growth in other sectors of the economy.

We see all this in the United States, and despite the ever-growing public debt, as well as the pessimistic forecasts of many economists, the well-being of the inhabitants of this country is at the highest level, which is the main benchmark for the average person. Indeed, who will be happy with GDP growth if salaries are not enough for the most basic things, and buying a toy for a child becomes a real problem? Perhaps some of the issues that will be discussed in this article will help some of the readers to successfully implement their commercial project and radically change their lives in better side. And although business in America is significantly different from entrepreneurial activity in our country, practice shows that the basis of any promising idea can be successfully used, regardless of your location.

Small Business Ideas

Consider commercial ideas that are created in the states, but are of practical interest to our entrepreneurs.

    Disposal of old household appliances. Of course, this idea is of more interest to the states, where a substantial fee is taken for the removal of unnecessary equipment, but in our country such a business also has a chance of successful development. It is even hard to imagine that in old Soviet televisions, radios, etc. you can find metals that cost decent money. Parsing the discarded household appliances, there is a chance to receive a stable income, at least an average level.

    Training courses on the use of narrow-profile computer programs. Today, the creation and development of software is taking place at such a pace that the average user does not even have time to learn the basics of how these systems work. useful developments. Therefore, courses in which you will tell how to use programs for processing photos, audio information, creating designs and other highly specialized areas are guaranteed to provide you with a stable flow of customers, and hence high profits. To implement such a commercial project, you do not need large investments, this business idea from America requires that you are well versed in this issue and able to explain the necessary information to the visitors of your seminars in an accessible way. In addition, you will need spacious room in which you will be teaching. In order to save money (depending on the seminar schedule), you can rent a room for several hours a day. In parallel, it is recommended to organize courses on working on a computer and various mobile devices for older people who do not want to keep up with progress, but cannot master modern technology without outside help. This will not significantly affect the amount of fixed costs, and the overall profit will increase by at least 30-50 percent.

    Providing information about medical services in your city. We can say that some business ideas from America, at first glance, seem to us absolutely meaningless and even absurd, but if you think carefully, then the opinion about them, most likely, will completely change. V this case it is proposed to engage in the sale of any information related to the provision of medical services: who is the best doctor in this area, who is better not to contact at all, where you can quickly and inexpensively get a general examination, how much it costs to do a blood test, etc. This service is in high demand in our country. No one will ever save money on health. Therefore, it can be predicted with a 100% guarantee that if a person needs to go to a medical institution, he will gladly use your service so as not to waste energy, time and money, and also not to experiment with his own health by contacting an unknown specialist . To implement this commercial project, you do not need large financial investments. It will be necessary to create a complete database on this issue, and then to update it and search for clients.

    Development mobile games for children of preschool and primary school age. We can confidently say about a fairly high level of demand for these products. Children are very fond of playing with modern mobile devices, quickly learning even complex programs, so the creation of “toys”, both entertaining and educational, is a very promising business. To get started, you will need smart, promising programmers, who can be found on the freelance exchange, modern Internet marketing tools, and a desire to make money. And if, in order to implement such a business idea in the United States, you first need to register entity, and then work in the chosen direction, then we can simultaneously deal with the creation of a trial version of the game and organizational issues.

    Providing large companies with services that consist of checking the use of mobile devices by employees. Perhaps someone plays their favorite game all day long, ignoring the fulfillment of their official obligations, and another employee, using a mobile phone, passes secret commercial information to competitors. The management of the company will be very interested to learn about such facts, so they will spare no money to pay for these services. Without delving into the technical nuances of this business, we can say that large financial injections are not needed to start it, and the estimated income allows us to assert that such activities have great prospects. Although, unlike the United States, some of our people are confused by the moral aspect of such "control".

    Given the high pace of development of international business, knowledge of foreign languages ​​can become the foundation for a promising own business. Especially, recently the demand for the translation of information from the Internet has increased, as well as the creation of absolutely identical sites on different languages. This business also does not require huge investments, and the search for clientele is not limited to any one country. You don't even have to meet your client in person to work. The completed translation can be sent to e-mail, and receive a fee using any payment system convenient for you.

    Mobile cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons. Similar business ideas from America and Europe are designed for high-income countries, and no one has studied their prospects in the territory of the former union. Therefore, no guarantees can be given that these commercial projects will bring you real profit. Perhaps it makes sense to try opening a mobile cafe or a hairdresser in some big city, and this idea at first, due to its originality, will bring a good income. But for the implementation of such a project, a sufficiently large start-up capital is required, as well as overcoming huge amount bureaucratic obstacles that will inevitably arise in the process of creating such cafes or hairdressers.

    Repair of smartphones and other gadgets. The ever-growing amount of modern technology automatically increases the demand for its repair services. Even the most reliable things from well-known manufacturers tend to break. Neither Chinese fakes nor original gadgets are immune from this. If you understand this issue, then it makes sense to turn your knowledge into a stable source of income. Moreover, to open a workshop, large financial investments and expensive licenses for the right to engage in such activities are not needed.

    Constant crisis phenomena in the development of the world economy have led to the emergence of such a business idea from the United States as an independent foreman. This was preceded by the mass bankruptcy of small construction companies. And if finding workers to build a private house or shop is not a difficult task, then take care of organizational issues, coordination of actions, purchase of materials, etc. only a professional can. It is for such situations that an independent foreman is needed, who will be responsible for the implementation of all construction work, as well as for their quality.

    Considering foreign business ideas, one cannot ignore such activities as testing web resources. Today, almost every company has its own website, online store or other resource that performs a lot of functions aimed at promoting and advertising the company, as well as its products. By providing site testing services, you provide its owner with complete information about the quality of the resource from the point of view of an ordinary user. Like most previous commercial projects, the presented activity does not require large financial costs. The main items of expenditure: company registration and advertising, services provided.

    One of the most promising business ideas this year, according to many reputable analysts, is outsourcing. Constant crises and unsatisfactory trends in the development of the world economy have caused even large companies to transfer part of their production functions or certain processes to other firms specializing in these issues. For example, an organization, instead of maintaining a legal department, transfers all its issues that were previously resolved by its lawyers to another firm, of course, for a fee. Such promising ideas for business in the United States have been used for more than a year; they affect production processes, accounting, marketing research, advertising, and the IT sector. The prospects for the development of this type of activity in our country are difficult to calculate, given the fact that the salaries of domestic specialists are several times lower than those of American colleagues, outsourcing is most likely not among the profitable and interesting commercial ideas.

    If you have start-up capital, but absolutely no ideas for your own business, take advantage of ready-made offers: buy a franchise. This economic term implies the acquisition of a ready-made business scheme, trademark, name, etc. In other words, you are buying an established business to work on. certain rules under a different name. In such commercial transactions, there are both positive and negative aspects. The first ones include the fact that you do not need to invent, calculate, analyze, study competitors, establish business relations, etc., in fact, you get a completely ready-made business, the second - you are practically deprived of freedom of choice, each action must comply terms of the contract, and their violation is fraught with serious financial sanctions.

Non-standard business ideas

Continuing to consider interesting ideas for business from the United States, we have identified in a separate group proposals that are distinguished by their originality and were invented by people with non-standard thinking. It is difficult to judge their practicality and possibility of use in our country without a detailed economic analysis, but perhaps one of the readers will become interested and implement a commercial project they like.

    Making key rings with electrical tape. This product will help you always have at hand such an important detail as electrical tape. Of course, the idea has excellent prospects, both at home and in our country.

    Stand for standing work. The presented invention is a real salvation for people who spend all their working time standing up. The stand stimulates micro-movements and blood circulation, strengthens the muscles of the legs, and almost completely relieves all pain in the back and lower extremities. After spending the whole day "on your feet", you will feel much more comfortable if you use this stand. In addition, the invention reduces the risk of leg and back diseases.

    It should be noted that small business in the United States, the ideas for which we are considering, works much more dynamically than in our country. And if in our country, in order to launch the industrial production of coasters, we need to overcome a lot of bureaucratic obstacles and issue more than a dozen permits, then in the states all this is done much faster.

    Manufacture of women's jewelry designed for babies who are teething. In this case, combining the beautiful with the useful, we make a thing that can give a lot of positive emotions to both the baby and his mother. The idea may be of interest to investors in America, Europe and post-Soviet countries.

    Some new business ideas that have every chance of success in the United States are unlikely to bring normal profits in our country. For example, a temporary store selling "advanced" and unique things and accessories for gadgets. The outlet is open only a few weeks a year so that potential buyers can get to know the product better and, as they say, “touch it with their hands”. Direct sale of products is carried out via the Internet. Why this scheme attracts Americans so much is difficult to understand, but similar commercial projects work and bring good profits to the owners.

    Mini-farm for city dwellers. Wall rack, consisting of three shelves and special holes, will help residents major cities not only grow your own small crop, but also get to know this process better. All your actions are controlled by a computer, which eliminates the possibility of making some kind of mistake and significantly increases the chances of trying home-grown cucumbers or tomatoes. This new business was invented in America in 2015, judging by the demand for mini-farms, the author of the idea created an excellent commercial project. Whether our city residents will be interested in the prospect of growing radishes and tomatoes in their apartment is hard to say, but it is possible to conduct marketing research that will show how promising this idea is in our country.

    Jeans charging a mobile device. The idea is not bad, but only for Americans whose salaries allow you to spend several hundred dollars to purchase such a “toy”. For residents of post-Soviet countries, this is a very expensive thing.

    "Smart" trash can. This invention will not only warn you about the need to take out the garbage through a special mobile application, but also collect all the dust and crumbs that are near it.

    Many small business ideas in the United States are aimed not only at making a profit, but also at preserving the environment. Production of bricks from industrial waste is one of them. The developers of this technology claim that it is cheaper than the traditional production of building materials from baked clay, and this economic indicator guarantees the project great prospects not only in America, but throughout the world.

    Providing technical advice over the phone. It is a little surprising that no one has come up with this service before. Using a modern mobile device, you will be able to explain to your customers how to install the program, how to work with the electronic payment system, register an account, etc.

    A tie that can be used to wipe the screen of your gadget. Original, cheap, practical and does not affect your appearance.

    A blanket that fits in your pocket. We can confidently say that the demand for this overall thing will always be, both in America and here.

    Production of edible postcards. By sending such a postcard to a friend or relative, you make a double gift: a sincere congratulation and a small delicious dessert for tea or coffee. This commercial project has great prospects, but they depend on the cost of production of such postcards.

    Coffee at night. Many lovers of this wonderful drink cannot deny themselves the pleasure of drinking it late at night, despite the possible problems with sleep. The new coffee has a hypnotic effect, which does not affect its taste. Now you can start and end your day enjoying the aroma of your favorite drink.

    Finishing considering business ideas from America, many of which can be implemented from scratch, that is, without a huge production base, special equipment and qualified specialists, it is necessary to mention the automatic water leak detector. This device, in the event of a breakdown of water pipes or a tap, will help you not only save your property, but also protect your neighbors from floods. The principle of its operation is quite simple: if the movement of water through the pipes increases (this is what happens during accidents), a mechanism is triggered that closes the main ball valve, and a message about this unpleasant incident comes to your phone. As a result, the apartment was saved, the owner was warned, it remains only to call a specialist to eliminate the accident.

Of course, it is physically impossible to consider and analyze all business ideas that can make a profit in 2019, both in the United States and in our country, within the framework of one article. But, among the presented commercial projects, there will definitely be an option that is of interest to domestic entrepreneurs and investors.

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Business ideas from America: 3 features of business in the USA + 11 interesting ideas + 4 American websites with unique business ideas + comparison of small businesses in the USA and Russia.

The United States is a leader in many business areas.

According to statistics, there are 21 million small business organizations officially registered in America.

That is, every fourth family has a business.

Many businesses (about 21% of the total) start out with $1,000.

And after one or two years, such business ideas from america bring their founders millions of dollars in income.

Having difficulty finding a sought-after and unusual business idea?

Then you should definitely familiarize yourself with a selection of options from America.

Perhaps this step will inspire you to create your own profitable project.

Features of doing business in America

Before moving on to the main topic, you need to understand: business in America and Russia are two completely different concepts.

He will not talk about economic factors (we will return to this at the end of the article).

Let's compare what principles motivate American citizens to create an idea and turn it into a business:

    Business ideas from America are formed thanks to the centuries-old mixed traditions of various peoples.

    As a result, some projects may not find their recognition in our country.

    Briefly describe it as follows: the difference in mentalities.

    The service industry in the United States is very developed.

    Therefore, enterprising people try to look for new and absolutely unique ideas in business.

    What is interesting, basically, they are aimed at making life as easy as possible for the population.

    In America, most families start a business not to get huge amounts of money, but for pleasure.

    Therefore, the inhabitants of the United States live in the most prosperous country in the world, because they do not chase huge wealth and do everything from the bottom of their hearts.

Well, now consider the most incredible options for making money in this country.

11 Innovative Business Ideas From America

1) "Bearded Bastard" - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbusiness on male beauty

He invented a remedy for softening and taming beard hair.

Given the current boom in men with beards, this business has gained a lot of customers without much effort from Jeremy.

The care kit includes:

  • special wax base "Woodsman";
  • liquid oil for naughty beard "Woodsman";
  • shaving oil without harmful substances.

In addition, this company is developing many new ideas and formulas for natural oils, as well as shaving tunics that men need.

Who said that "all these cosmetic things" are interesting only to the beautiful half of humanity?

You can learn more about the business idea and products on the website

2) Starbucks thermo mug - originally from America

Scientists have calculated that more than 21 million liters of coffee are poured down the sink due to the fact that the drink is cold!

Where there is a problem, there is a place for an idea.

This is not to say that it was the Starbucks company that invented the thermal mugs in general.

However, it is the products of this world-famous coffee house that not only maintain a certain temperature inside for a long time, but also look very stylish.

The Starbucks phenomenon is endless.

But the result is obvious: coffee lovers around the world appreciated this idea, so mugs from a coffee shop are bought not only in America.

The history of this business is an example of the fact that having created one business and having achieved success, you should not stop.

Perhaps another profitable project awaits you ahead.

3) Tourist recruitment - a simple business idea from America

The business, based on the idea of ​​making foldable food items for campers, has been around for a long time and is thriving.

It would seem that everyone knows about the presence of folding chairs, spoons, mugs, and it is simply impossible to generate new ideas in this area.

But an enterprising person living in America was able to surprise the whole world.

He invented a special set of tourists, which includes:

  • kitchenette;
  • bed;
  • dinner table;
  • chairs.

In fact, this is communication with nature in comfortable conditions.

These sets are very popular in America, and are in demand among the population of other countries. It is not surprising, because no matter how much we strive to return to the "bosom of nature", home comfort nevertheless very important.

4) Blacksmith is a love of rock business

This business idea, embodied in America, was created in honor of the legendary Queen group.

This is a cafe, the premises of which are decorated in memory of Freddie Mercury.

For this, the group's records and photographs on the walls are used in the interior.

But a special theme is not the only highlight in this coffee.

The main "salt" of the idea is as follows: when any song from the Queen's repertoire sounds, the person who is first in line receives his order for free.

The employees of the institution, jokingly, say about this: “When the Queen repertoire sounds, Freddie Mercury himself pays for everything.”

Similar business ideas from America are based on the great love of Americans for their idols, history.

They honor the memory of great performers and are proud of them.

Because the place is never empty.

5) Idea with plaster casts from America

Every mother wants to remember all the moments associated with the development of her crumbs.

To do this, parents buy cameras and camcorders in order to capture everything on film.

Students in America have managed to make a successful business in this direction.

They tapped into a parenting need by coming up with an idea that all moms and dads liked.

It is worth noting that this type of activity in the US and Europe has existed for a long time.

Entrepreneurial young guys simply "packed" the idea into a wrapper that is convenient for the consumer.

We are talking about a special set that allows you to make a plaster cast of a baby's legs or arms.

Then the resulting "creativity" can be framed and even presented to loving grandparents.

6) "Blue Starlite" - the idea of ​​​​an unusual cinema in America

This idea of ​​watching movies in the car is different from the classical performance that is used in America.

This cinema is not located on a field with a giant projector and lots of space for cars. "Blue Starlite" is located in the heart of Miami, and can accommodate only 18 cars.

The main "chip" of this business from America is a Ford pickup truck of the fifties, acting as a movie projector.

Also on the spot you can buy various snacks for the period of the film show:

  • gelatin bears of various colors and shapes;
  • cotton candy, which includes Pop Rocks;
  • beverages.

What is the secret of the popularity of this idea?

Probably because this is the same good old drive-in that Americans have known since childhood, and we have seen it in films more than once.

It's just that the creators of "Starlite" designed this idea in a more compact, modern way, while maintaining the spirit of the romance of open cinemas.

7) Water and food distribution business in traffic jams

People who live in megacities suffer every day due to many hours of traffic jams.

Standing in a kilometer-long queue on the road, you can redo a lot of things:

  • watch your favorite series or movie;
  • listen to an audiobook;
  • do needlework;
  • prepare a plan for tomorrow's conversation.

But you can’t do something more important: go to the store to buy water or a burger.

Therefore, it is not surprising that one day someone decided to organize a business on this.

His idea is to sell overpriced food and drinks to people stuck in traffic.

Especially you will not bargain, sitting in a car in a multi-kilometer traffic jam in the summer, without a single sip of water.

Almost all people at such moments are ready to give their last shirt for a sip of water.

Business ideas from America are often based on such a factor of high demand.

8) Plant hotel - business idea

Surely, many, going on a long vacation, called relatives or asked neighbors to look after their favorite ficus or violet.

But not always people have someone to turn to with this problem.

Against the backdrop of such a need in America, they came up with more than one idea: various irrigation automation systems, “smart” pots.

But the creators of the plant hotel came up with the most unique idea and built a profitable business on it.

How does he work?

If a person leaves home for a long time, and there is no one to look after the plants, then he can bring them to a specialized hotel.

Pets will be looked after by highly qualified flower growers until the owner arrives.

9) Business Idea from America: Plant Wall

Who wondered what could increase productivity at work and create a homely atmosphere?

American scientists have found that vegetation can increase the productivity of a work office by 40%.

And we are not talking about two or three flowers in pots, but about a full-fledged wall, when looking at which you find yourself in the Amazon forests.

The implementation of this idea in the office has helped many companies increase the efficiency of their employees.

And the owners of such a mini-business - to get a significant profit.

10) Social network "Gatherball"

This business idea from America is worthy of worldwide recognition.

It helps vacationers and tourists in such tasks:

  • determine the purpose of the trip;
  • find directions corresponding to the format of rest (passive or active);
  • make an itinerary for visiting attractions;
  • and even calculate the potential costs!

11) "GymPact" - business on laziness

This is a special app that pays people to go to the gym!

Sounds very original, doesn't it?

The idea, in fact, is very simple: a person installs an application on his phone, selects a gym and a schedule for attending it.

In case of missing a workout, a person pays $ 5 to the “treasury” of the GymPact service.

And those, in turn, as an encouragement, transfer funds to a person who has reached or exceeded the planned schedule of classes.

The system cannot be fooled the way the add-on has GPS navigation.

More details about this business idea can be found on their website:

Sites-collections of ideas for business in America

From specific business ideas, it is worth moving on to special sites in America, which are a “bank of ideas”.

Getting to know them can add a couple of business options to your “piggy bank”.

To understand the information, it does not hurt to know English at least at a basic level. In extreme cases, Google Translate will always come to the rescue.

    In the "Solutions" section of the site, there are more than 1,000 different business options, among which each visitor can find something to their liking.

    In addition, there is a convenient sorting by demand and direction, which will simplify the search for ideas.

    There are a lot of business ideas on this site.

    In its archives, it contains over 4,000 options with which to build a small business in America.

    And, of course, which can be interpreted under Russian realities, and implement in the Russian Federation.

    The resource was created according to all the canons of American portals, and has a fairly large database in which you can find unique ideas for an unusual business.

    This site contains not only unique ideas for business development, but also the opportunity to learn more about the described production cycles, as well as equipment.

    It will be difficult here without knowing English.

The video provides an overview of 3 unique business ideas from the USA:

Comparative characteristics of small business in America and Russia

When it comes to borrowing small business ideas from America, it is not superfluous to compare the business sphere of the USA and Russia.

In order for a firm or enterprise in America to be classified as a small business industry, its annual revenue must be from 4 to 13 million dollars.

In addition, in America there is a distribution of enterprises by the number of employees and industry:

In the United States, as in Russia, the lion's share of small business is in the field of trade, services and construction.

In general, the small business sector accounts for 40-50% of GDP.

Pay attention to the structure of US GDP by industry:

America is following the development of ideas in small business.

The state provides various benefits, since small businesses are the very "bricks" that support the entire economy of the country.

In the Russian Federation, there are also benefits that support new ideas.

But, often, government assistance is insignificant.

It is not enough to support and stimulate the development of this business in the country.

We propose to evaluate the importance of small businesses in various countries:

Unfortunately, Russia is in last place in the development and support of ideas in small business, which cannot be said about America.

Although the projects that the population can offer to their state are very mobile, they contain huge potential and efficiency.

And most importantly, it usually does not require huge investments to start.

In the Russian Federation, small business has been developing for quite a long time.

But in order to achieve the results of America, the state needs to make a lot of efforts.

I would like to believe that in this work, novice businessmen emphasized and identified for themselves the original business ideas from america that will successfully take root in Russia.

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The question of which business ideas in 2019 in the United States have real potential is of concern not only to local entrepreneurs, but also to businessmen from our country. The reason for this close attention has a very simple explanation: the states have been leading in many economic indicators for decades, while they are home to many successful commercial projects and know-how.

List of business ideas in 2019 from the USA

These factors are interrelated, a huge number of successful business ideas are the basis for the dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and hence the entire economy of the country, including such important components:


    filling the state budget;

    development of the social sphere;

    positive dynamics of growth in other sectors of the economy.

We see all this in the United States, and despite the ever-growing public debt, as well as the pessimistic forecasts of many economists, the well-being of the inhabitants of this country is at the highest level, which is the main benchmark for the average person. Indeed, who will be happy with GDP growth if salaries are not enough for the most basic things, and buying a toy for a child becomes a real problem? Perhaps some of the issues that will be discussed in this article will help some of the readers to successfully implement their commercial project and radically change their lives for the better. And although business in America is significantly different from entrepreneurial activity in our country, practice shows that the basis of any promising idea can be successfully used, regardless of your location.

Small Business Ideas

Consider commercial ideas that are created in the states, but are of practical interest to our entrepreneurs.

    Disposal of old household appliances. Of course, this idea is of more interest to the states, where a substantial fee is taken for the removal of unnecessary equipment, but in our country such a business also has a chance of successful development. It is even hard to imagine that in old Soviet televisions, radios, etc. you can find metals that cost decent money. By disassembling discarded household appliances, there is a chance to receive a stable income, at least an average level.

    Training courses on the use of narrow-profile computer programs. Today, the creation and development of software is taking place at such a pace that the average user does not even have time to learn the basics of how these useful developments work. Therefore, courses in which you will tell how to use programs for processing photos, audio information, creating designs and other highly specialized areas are guaranteed to provide you with a stable flow of customers, and hence high profits. To implement such a commercial project, you do not need large investments, this business idea from America requires that you are well versed in this issue and able to explain the necessary information to the visitors of your seminars in an accessible way. In addition, you will need a spacious room in which you will conduct classes. In order to save money (depending on the seminar schedule), you can rent a room for several hours a day. In parallel, it is recommended to organize courses on working on a computer and various mobile devices for older people who do not want to keep up with progress, but cannot master modern technology without outside help. This will not significantly affect the amount of fixed costs, and the overall profit will increase by at least 30-50 percent.

    Providing information about medical services in your city. We can say that some business ideas from America, at first glance, seem to us absolutely meaningless and even absurd, but if you think carefully, then the opinion about them, most likely, will completely change. In this case, it is proposed to start selling any information related to the provision of medical services: who is the best doctor in this area, who is better not to contact at all, where you can quickly and inexpensively get a general examination, how much it costs to do a blood test, etc. This service is in high demand in our country. No one will ever save money on health. Therefore, it can be predicted with a 100% guarantee that if a person needs to go to a medical institution, he will gladly use your service so as not to waste energy, time and money, and also not to experiment with his own health by contacting an unknown specialist . To implement this commercial project, you do not need large financial investments. It will be necessary to create a complete database on this issue, and then to update it and search for clients.

    Development of mobile games for children of preschool and primary school age. We can confidently say about a fairly high level of demand for these products. Children are very fond of playing with modern mobile devices, quickly learning even complex programs, so the creation of “toys”, both entertaining and educational, is a very promising business. To get started, you will need smart, promising programmers, who can be found on the freelance exchange, modern Internet marketing tools, and a desire to make money. And if, in order to implement such a business idea in the United States, you first need to register a legal entity, and then work in the chosen direction, then we can simultaneously deal with the creation of a trial version of the game and organizational issues.

    Providing large companies with services that consist of checking the use of mobile devices by employees. Perhaps someone plays their favorite game all day long, ignoring the fulfillment of their official obligations, and another employee, using a mobile phone, passes secret commercial information to competitors. The management of the company will be very interested to learn about such facts, so they will spare no money to pay for these services. Without delving into the technical nuances of this business, we can say that large financial injections are not needed to start it, and the estimated income allows us to assert that such activities have great prospects. Although, unlike the United States, some of our people are confused by the moral aspect of such "control".

    Given the high pace of development of international business, knowledge of foreign languages ​​can become the foundation for a promising own business. Especially, recently the demand for the translation of information from the Internet has increased, as well as the creation of absolutely identical sites in different languages. This business also does not require huge investments, and the search for clientele is not limited to any one country. You don't even have to meet your client in person to work. The completed transfer can be sent by e-mail, and the fee can be received using any payment system convenient for you.

    Mobile cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons. Similar business ideas from America and Europe are designed for high-income countries, and no one has studied their prospects in the territory of the former union. Therefore, no guarantees can be given that these commercial projects will bring you real profit. Perhaps it makes sense to try to open a mobile cafe or a hairdresser in some big city, and this idea at first, due to its originality, will bring a good income. But for the implementation of such a project, a sufficiently large start-up capital is required, as well as overcoming a huge number of bureaucratic obstacles that will inevitably arise in the process of creating such cafes or hairdressers.

    Repair of smartphones and other gadgets. The ever-growing amount of modern technology automatically increases the demand for its repair services. Even the most reliable things from well-known manufacturers tend to break. Neither Chinese fakes nor original gadgets are immune from this. If you understand this issue, then it makes sense to turn your knowledge into a stable source of income. Moreover, to open a workshop, large financial investments and expensive licenses for the right to engage in such activities are not needed.

    Constant crisis phenomena in the development of the world economy have led to the emergence of such a business idea from the United States as an independent foreman. This was preceded by mass bankruptcy of small construction companies. And if finding workers to build a private house or shop is not a difficult task, then take care of organizational issues, coordination of actions, purchase of materials, etc. only a professional can. It is for such situations that an independent foreman is needed, who will be responsible for the implementation of all construction work, as well as for their quality.

    Considering foreign business ideas, one cannot ignore such activities as testing web resources. Today, almost every company has its own website, online store or other resource that performs a lot of functions aimed at promoting and advertising the company, as well as its products. By providing site testing services, you provide its owner with complete information about the quality of the resource from the point of view of an ordinary user. Like most previous commercial projects, the presented activity does not require large financial costs. The main items of expenditure: company registration and advertising, services provided.

    One of the most promising business ideas this year, according to many reputable analysts, is outsourcing. Constant crises and unsatisfactory trends in the development of the world economy have caused even large companies to transfer part of their production functions or certain processes to other firms specializing in these issues. For example, an organization, instead of maintaining a legal department, transfers all its issues that were previously resolved by its lawyers to another firm, of course, for a fee. Such promising ideas for business in the United States have been used for more than a year; they affect production processes, accounting, marketing research, advertising, and the IT sector. The prospects for the development of this type of activity in our country are difficult to calculate, given the fact that the salaries of domestic specialists are several times lower than those of American colleagues, outsourcing is most likely not among the profitable and interesting commercial ideas.

    If you have start-up capital, but absolutely no ideas for your own business, take advantage of ready-made offers: buy a franchise. This economic term implies the acquisition of a ready-made business scheme, trademark, name, etc. In other words, you buy an established business in order to work according to certain rules under a false name. In such commercial transactions, there are both positive and negative aspects. The first ones include the fact that you do not need to invent, calculate, analyze, study competitors, establish business relations, etc., in fact, you get a completely ready-made business, the second - you are practically deprived of freedom of choice, each action must comply terms of the contract, and their violation is fraught with serious financial sanctions.

Non-standard business ideas

Continuing to consider interesting ideas for business from the United States, we have identified in a separate group proposals that are distinguished by their originality and were invented by people with non-standard thinking. It is difficult to judge their practicality and possibility of use in our country without a detailed economic analysis, but perhaps one of the readers will become interested and implement a commercial project they like.

    Making key rings with electrical tape. This product will help you always have at hand such an important detail as electrical tape. Of course, the idea has excellent prospects, both at home and in our country.

    Stand for standing work. The presented invention is a real salvation for people who spend all their working time standing up. The stand stimulates micro-movements and blood circulation, strengthens the muscles of the legs, and almost completely relieves all pain in the back and lower extremities. After spending the whole day "on your feet", you will feel much more comfortable if you use this stand. In addition, the invention reduces the risk of leg and back diseases.

    It should be noted that small business in the United States, the ideas for which we are considering, works much more dynamically than in our country. And if in our country, in order to launch the industrial production of coasters, we need to overcome a lot of bureaucratic obstacles and issue more than a dozen permits, then in the states all this is done much faster.

    Manufacture of women's jewelry designed for babies who are teething. In this case, combining the beautiful with the useful, we make a thing that can give a lot of positive emotions to both the baby and his mother. The idea may be of interest to investors in America, Europe and post-Soviet countries.

    Some new business ideas that have every chance of success in the United States are unlikely to bring normal profits in our country. For example, a temporary store selling "advanced" and unique things and accessories for gadgets. The outlet is open only a few weeks a year so that potential buyers can get to know the product better and, as they say, “touch it with their hands”. Direct sale of products is carried out via the Internet. Why this scheme attracts Americans so much is difficult to understand, but similar commercial projects work and bring good profits to the owners.

    Mini-farm for city dwellers. The wall rack, consisting of three shelves and special holes, will help residents of large cities not only grow their own small crops, but also get to know this process better. All your actions are controlled by a computer, which eliminates the possibility of making some kind of mistake and significantly increases the chances of trying home-grown cucumbers or tomatoes. This new business was invented in America in 2015, judging by the demand for mini-farms, the author of the idea created an excellent commercial project. Whether our city residents will be interested in the prospect of growing radishes and tomatoes in their apartment is hard to say, but it is possible to conduct marketing research that will show how promising this idea is in our country.

    Jeans charging a mobile device. The idea is not bad, but only for Americans whose salaries allow you to spend several hundred dollars to purchase such a “toy”. For residents of post-Soviet countries, this is a very expensive thing.

    "Smart" trash can. This invention will not only warn you about the need to take out the garbage through a special mobile application, but also collect all the dust and crumbs that are near it.

    Many small business ideas in the United States are aimed not only at making a profit, but also at preserving the environment. Production of bricks from industrial waste is one of them. The developers of this technology claim that it is cheaper than the traditional production of building materials from baked clay, and this economic indicator guarantees the project great prospects not only in America, but throughout the world.

    Providing technical advice over the phone. It is a little surprising that no one has come up with this service before. Using a modern mobile device, you will be able to explain to your customers how to install the program, how to work with the electronic payment system, register an account, etc.

    A tie that can be used to wipe the screen of your gadget. Original, cheap, practical and does not affect your appearance.

    A blanket that fits in your pocket. We can confidently say that the demand for this overall thing will always be, both in America and here.

    Production of edible postcards. By sending such a postcard to a friend or relative, you make a double gift: a sincere congratulation and a small delicious dessert for tea or coffee. This commercial project has great prospects, but they depend on the cost of production of such postcards.

    Coffee at night. Many lovers of this wonderful drink cannot deny themselves the pleasure of drinking it late at night, despite the possible problems with sleep. The new coffee has a hypnotic effect, which does not affect its taste. Now you can start and end your day enjoying the aroma of your favorite drink.

    Finishing considering business ideas from America, many of which can be implemented from scratch, that is, without a huge production base, special equipment and qualified specialists, it is necessary to mention the automatic water leak detector. This device, in the event of a breakdown of water pipes or a tap, will help you not only save your property, but also protect your neighbors from floods. The principle of its operation is quite simple: if the movement of water through the pipes increases (this is what happens during accidents), a mechanism is triggered that closes the main ball valve, and a message about this unpleasant incident comes to your phone. As a result, the apartment was saved, the owner was warned, it remains only to call a specialist to eliminate the accident.

Of course, it is physically impossible to consider and analyze all business ideas that can make a profit in 2019, both in the United States and in our country, within the framework of one article. But, among the presented commercial projects, there will definitely be an option that is of interest to domestic entrepreneurs and investors.

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Business ideas from America - features of doing business in the USA + 8 interesting ideas + how applicable they are to us.

Which country is famous for the most original and amazing startups? Of course, USA!

It is here that many business ideas are born, which soon find fans around the world: vending machines, delivery services, dry cleaners, laundries, mobile coffee shops.

But today we will look at new business ideas in america that appear there on an ongoing basis.

It seems that the creative thinking of the guys from the States will never run out. But will the novelties be able to adapt to our realities of life?

Let's figure it out together.

Features of business in America

It's no secret that many American citizens are not employees, but have their own business. At the same time, in the United States it is quite
with a small starting capital. In addition, in the future here you can count on support from the state.

So, what accompanies business ideas in America:

  • laws are written for everyone, therefore, everyone is equal before them, which is a definite plus for starting a business;
  • Americans are constantly looking for a way make your life easier, so many business ideas are related to this aspect;
  • mixing of different cultures also left an imprint on the development of business in the United States;
  • Tough competition due to the large number of entrepreneurs, it forces them to constantly come up with various marketing tricks;
  • highly developed outsourcing, that is, the transfer of certain powers to another company - accounting, legal, advertising services, which significantly speeds up many processes in doing business, moreover, these issues will be resolved by specialists in their field;
  • getting a loan is a common thing here, Americans are not gnawed by debts.

It is also worth dwelling on US tax policy. Here she is one of the most loyal in the whole world.

As an example, here the tax burden on small businesses is 7 times less than in Russia.

Thus, we see that pleasant tax rates, the ability to take a loan at a low interest rate, as well as the desire to simplify your life, allow you to generate various in America.

At the same time, entrepreneurs invest a lot in marketing, both monetary and mental resources, since the consumer here is extremely spoiled, and it is no longer so easy to surprise him.

Business ideas from America: 8 striking examples

Well, now we turn to the consideration of America's business ideas, which have already managed to conquer the inhabitants of this country. Moreover, some of them are quite simple and obvious, while others are rather extraordinary and original.

1) Joint viewing of matches in virtual space is a new business idea in America.

Watching football while at the bar with friends or on the couch at home is pretty fun. But if there is no way to gather everyone in one place, but you still want to cheer for your favorite team with a big company, then it comes to the rescue virtual reality platform LiveLike VR.

To plunge into the virtual space, you will need Samsung Gear VR glasses and a downloaded app on your phone, through which the match will be broadcast.

The application works on iOS and Android platforms.

I would also like to note that the developers are working on the possibility of viewing matches at 360 degrees, as well as inviting friends through the popular social network Facebook.

Official website of the program:

2) Farm at home: Edn project as a business idea in America.

This business idea from America is aimed at apartment residents, as well as those who do not have their own land for growing vegetables and fruits.

The purpose of this project is to enable such people to grow plants right at home. In this case, modern technologies will be used.

What is a home farm?

This is a rack with several shelves on which holes for growing plants are placed.

The owner of such a "garden" will need to sow the seeds, fill the containers with water, and connect it to the system using the application on the phone. It, in turn, will send alerts about what needs to be done and when to harvest.

Now on the official website of the project There are two options for organizing a home farm:

The creators of the business idea project from America claim that any plants can be grown, which can later be transplanted outdoors or into larger pots.

But the home farm is best suited for growing greens: basil, rosemary, spinach.

3) Edible postcards Eat the fine print is a new business idea in America.

For those who want original congratulations sweet tooth, as well as lovers of unusual gifts, edible postcards were invented.

Such new idea business has not yet gone beyond America, but this does not mean that it will not be able to take root in other countries!

A postcard that can be eaten looks the same as a paper one. On the this moment manufacturers offer 4 flavors: blueberry, lime, strawberry and orange. The period for which it can be eaten is one year. Then it can be kept as a memento.

The cost of such a delicious present is $ 9, and it is delivered in a plastic bag. The adequate and relatively low cost of the goods made this business idea from America quite successful and profitable.

Americans can purchase it on the official website:

4) Apparatus for pouring beer.

All over the world there are true connoisseurs of beer who pay a lot of attention to the use of the drink, turning this action into a real ritual.

Many people know that the taste of an intoxicating drink is affected not only by its quality and temperature for serving, but also by how it is poured into a glass. And for this reason, a business idea was developed in America to create a special device called Fizzics.

Its meaning is that the drink processed using special technology using ultrasound, which forms bubbles of the same size. Due to this even distribution of bubbles and the correct pressure, a thick and stable foam is obtained, as well as improve the taste of the drink.

The cost of such an American device for connoisseurs of delicious beer is $ 200. But on the official website you can often stumble upon profitable discounts.

The official website of the developer of this business idea from America:

5) Thermal Stones: Brilliant New Business Ideas in America.

Thanks to coffee lovers, many business ideas have appeared in America. And this is not surprising, because there are many lovers of this strong drink.

This business idea was inspired by the fact that more than 20 million liters of coffee are poured down the sink to cool it down. And this is every day. Imagine, a delicious drink ceases to be such for its lovers, because it has become cold.

So two friends who later formed a company in New York called Coffee Joulies came up with the idea to develop special stones that can maintain the optimal temperature of the drink so that it does not cool down so quickly.

They are made from food grade steel. and by appearance reminiscent of coffee beans. Their use is very simple: you need to immerse the capsules at the bottom of a cup or glass, after which you can enjoy the drink for some more time.

Also, such stones can be placed on the bottom of a thermos, and used to maintain the desired temperature and other drinks.

6) GymPact: A business idea from America for lazy athletes.

There are more and more fans of sports and training, because the fashion for beautiful and toned bodies only strengthens its position. But still, many lack some kind of motivation for going to the gym, which is why some skip classes.

And especially for such undisciplined athletes it was to develop mobile application that gives cash rewards those who do not miss classes and confidently go to their goal.

The project budget for this new business ideas from America are formed from penalties that are paid by those who did not show up for class.

How to understand that you are not a penalty box?

In the gym that has been chosen for training, you need to “check in” according to the schedule. Those who do not miss training and even exceed their weekly limit receive a pleasant reward.

Such a motivation system works in two directions - do not miss workouts so as not to lose your money, and go to them so that in the end.

Official website of the resource:

7) Salad vending machines: a business idea from America.

Vending business ideas from America will not surprise anyone.

But Luke Saunders was able to come up with something new, and filled vending machines with fresh salads. This decision immediately found its fans, because now there is a general fashion for proper nutrition and sports, which is a good competitor to fast food.

Farmer's Fridge offers its customers layered salads. This simple technology allows products to last longer.

But considering that the vending machines are updated in the early morning, and after 6 pm discounts on the unsold assortment begin to operate, the consumer will not “run into” expired goods in any way.

Also, a distinctive feature of this vending business from America is the vending machines themselves, made in eco-style: wood combined with green paints.

8) Automatic water leak detector: business ideas in America.

The project of a new business idea in America called Water Hero was designed not only for those who periodically forget to turn off the water, but simply for responsible citizens who are concerned about the possibility of a leak.

How it works?

The device is attached to the water meter, after which the sensor starts to track magnetic impulses water meter. The received information about the water consumption is transmitted to the phone using a mobile application. If it was noticed that the water consumption exceeds a certain limit, then its supply will be stopped.

In fact, such an invention helps not only households to save money in absentia on upcoming repairs in case of a leak, but also has a positive effect on nature, since water will not be wasted filling a house or apartment.

Official website of the developer:

Will business ideas from America take root in Russia?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously.

It is believed that every third business idea came from the United States, and most of them adapt to the various conditions in force in many countries, including Russian ones.

If we talk about new business ideas in America, then some of them will definitely not find a response in Russia, since they are completely tied to the American mentality. Some of them will work fine with us, and another part will be able to adapt if they are finalized to fit our realities.

For example, a certain category of consumers may be interested in a beer machine, so why not become an official representative of the manufacturer. The same applies to the water leakage sensor and thermal stones. The sale of salads is now more relevant than ever, because we have more and more fans of healthy and proper nutrition.

We present to your attention an interesting selection

absolutely new business ideas and the USA:

Thus, we see that business ideas from america may well work for us at 100%. But they can also inspire Russian entrepreneurs to create something similar, but suitable specifically for our conditions.

This year we have found the finest small businesses in New York, Austin, New Orleans, Detroit, Seattle and Washington. Small businesses in many other American cities continue to innovate like never before.

These successful businesses, such as a floating restaurant, a vegan strip club, and a pirate paraphernalia store, are radically reshaping the food and beverage industry. retail.

Here's our roundup of the top 50 US small businesses as of early 2014.

1. Bearded Bastard

Where: Online, office located in Austin, Texas

What it is: A new brand of mustache wax.

What's cool: A man known as Jeremy Newton, who also sports an impressive beard, founded Bearded Bastard to help soften the toughest beards and tame the most unruly mustaches.

Products include Woodsman hair wax, Woodsman beard oil, natural shaving oil, and this new Austin company is also developing many new oils and tonics dictated by the needs of men.

New items will be available soon.

2. Big Gay Ice Cream

Where: New York, E. 7th Street, 125 and Grove Street, 61

What it is: A gay ice cream parlor.

What's cool: Big Gay Ice Cream started in 2009 as a Big Gay Ice Cream van, a concept that became so popular that the creators had to settle permanently in both the East and West Villages.

Known for their soft ice creams and shakes, BGIC sculpts amazing and cool flavor combinations with ingredients like crushed Nilla vanilla wafer cookies, pumpkin marmalade or lime curd, but even cooler are the names they give to their wondrous concoctions.

There's nothing more fun than ordering Mexican affoGEYTO with double cream.

Where: 1018 Westheimer Road, Houston, Texas

What it is: A non-conformist coffee shop.

What's cool: Blacksmith is a coffee shop with a rock star attitude. She pays tribute to Queen and has a photo of the band's lead singer, Freddie Mercury, on the wall.

Every time a Queen song plays here, the first customer in line gets their drink for free. As they say: "When Queen plays, Freddie pays!"

4. Blue Starlite Mini Urban Drive-in

Where: Florida, Miami, NW 29th Street, 70

What it is: A drive-in cinema right in the city center.

What's cool: Blue Starlite isn't set in a giant field with 300 car spaces. It's right in the middle of Miami, with 18 seats available per show.

Despite the lack of space, it still provides a deeply personal, traditional drive-in experience, even by converting an old '50s Ford pickup truck into a movie projector.

They also serve some really cool movie snacks like gelatin bear sprinkles or cotton candy laced with explosive Pop Rocks.

5 Booty's Street Food

Where: Louisiana, New Orleans, Louisa Street, 800

What it is: An international street food restaurant with a hidden art gallery.

What's cool: Co-owners Nick Vivion and Kevin Farrell bring to life the idea of ​​the food you like from the most different countries. Inspired by their travels around the world, Vivion and Farrell have developed a menu that includes classic street food wagons like french fries from Belgium, banh mi sandwiches from Vietnam, and empanadas from Venezuela.

And as if that weren't enough, Booty's is home to a secret art gallery (spoiler alert: she's in the closet!)

6 Brightside Boutique & Tattoo

Where: 1133 South Charles Street, Baltimore, Maryland

What it is: A fashion boutique and tattoo parlor.

What's cool: Passers-by recognize Brightside by its sunny yellow display window, in the vein of the opening song "Good Morning Baltimore" from the musical Hairspray.

Voted Baltimore's Best Boutique by Baltimore Magazine, Brightside sells trendy clothes, shoes and accessories. Partners Christy Griffiths and Kukui Castillo run the business together, with Griffiths focusing on fashion and Castillo focusing on tattoos.

7. Carousel Bar

Where: Louisiana, New Orleans, Royal Street, 214

What it is: A carousel-themed bar.

What's cool: Drink lovers gather around the Carousel Bar at the Monteleone Hotel, which is built around a real, working carousel. The old carousel is adorned in the artsy style of the French Quarter, with 25 seats to give you an ever-changing view of historic Royal Street.

Not only is the concept incredibly cool, but so is the huge cocktail list of Carousel Bar, which stands out for its martinis.

8Casa Diablo

Where: Oregon, Portland, NW St. Helens Road, 2839

What it is: America's first vegan strip club.

What's cool: At Casa Diablo, all food served is vegan-friendly, and all stripper outfits put on—and then taken off—are made with no animal products at all (however, the strippers themselves don't have to be vegan).

The strip club has been featured on the IFC TV show Portlandia and is popular with vegans, celebrities, and even politicians.

9. City Bird

Where: Michigan, Detroit, W. Canfield Street, 460

What it is: A Detroit-inspired handicraft store.

What's cool: This is no ordinary arts and crafts store. The two founders, siblings who pride themselves on being "seventh generation Detroiters" have found a way to combine their love of the arts and Detroit by creating a store that doubles as a studio and gallery.

All the merchandise they sell - including homewares, accessories and various paper crafts - celebrates Detroit and showcases the work of hundreds of American artists.

10. Crock Spot

Where: The van moves in Denver, Colorado

What it is: A food truck that serves personalized, slow-cooked meals.

11. Echo Park Time Travel Mart

Where: 1714 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California

What it is: A time travel store.

What's cool: The Echo Park Time Travel Mart sells everything you need to survive in the past or future.

Including: canned mammoth, barbaric insect repellent, and enough anti-cloning liquid that will last your whole life.

These all seem like things no one will ever need, but it's all for fun, which makes this place quite popular - there's even a second outlet, the Mar Vista Time Travel Mart.

The store is a fundraising tool for writer Dave Eggers' nonprofit 826 National, a children's writing and education center.

12. Egg Slut

Where: Location in Los Angeles, California

What it is: A food truck with a focus on breakfast.

What's cool: The provocative name "Egg Slut" is one part of what makes this van awesome, the other part is the eggs. As the name suggests, everything on the Egg Slut menu is made deliciously delicious with eggs.

From simple bacon-wrapped eggs, Egg Slut's signature macaroni and cheese, to tacos, Egg Slut proves that everything is better with eggs – and it's okay to go a little crazy over them.

13 Fojol Bros

Where: Somewhere in Washington DC

What it is: A traveling culinary carnival.

What's cool: The Fojol brothers are more than just food truck cooks. They are also carnival performers. The brothers serve classic Indian and Ethiopian street food, serving them with basmati rice and ingera, respectively.

Dressed in colorful costumes, the brothers make a real eye-catcher when they appear outside government buildings and law offices, but their food is also hailed as one of the best in Washington.

14. Forbes Island

Where: California, San Francisco, Sea Lion Harbor, Dock H between Piers 39 and 41

What it is: A floating restaurant.

What's cool: Forbes Island is located in San Francisco's Sea Lion Harbor, and it has the best views of Alcatraz and sea lions basking in the sun.

Forbes Island was originally built in 1975 by millionaire and houseboat designer Forbes Thor Kidu as a private houseboat, and while the houseboat plan failed, the idea of ​​a houseboat remained.

The menu is quite upscale and there are separate banquet menus for larger groups.

The restaurant had a fire in May, but the damage wasn't too bad, so they're back in business.

Where: Online, office located in Seattle, Washington

What it is: A social vacation planning website.

What's cool: Gatherball keeps track of what you want to do, where you want to go, and what you want to see. It also shares this information with everyone in your network who can give you some advice on the intended route.

It also has a personal expense recording feature, so if you're traveling with other people, you can easily find out who owes money at the end of the trip.

Where: Online, office located in San Francisco, California

What it is: An app that pays you to follow your workout schedule.

What's cool: GymPact encourages people to go to the gym with positive reinforcement (paying when you go) and negative reinforcement (penalizing you when you don't).

Users set the schedule they want to stick to and record hours of training by checking into their gyms on the GymPact app (locations are confirmed by a GPS tracker on a smartphone).

Those who don't reach their goal are charged five dollars for every missed workout. The money is then collected by the GymPact app and paid out to those who meet or exceed their goals. You will never miss your gym again if you use this app.

Where: 4032 Easton Station Road and 17 Brickel Street, Columbus, Ohio

What it is: A vintage-inspired sportswear store.

What's cool: The interior of Homage looks like a men's dorm room from the fifties.

T-shirts, sweatshirts, tank tops and other sportswear proudly display designs inspired by last year's college sports, politics, music, and pop culture.

Homage is where Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Larry Bird and Ohio State are reclaiming their former stylish spot.

18 Honor & Folly

Where: Michigan, Detroit, Michigan Avenue, 2132

What it is: A vintage bed and breakfast.

What's cool: This unique accommodation is designed to be reminiscent of an early 1900s inn. In keeping with this tradition, the hotel has an antique feel, with furniture that matches that era, such as handmade blankets, wooden tables and old suitcases as bedside tables.

The hotel also hosts cooking classes by famous local chefs.

19. Hot Doug's

Where: Illinois, Chicago, N. California Avenue, 3324

What it is: An unusual "superstore of sausages."

What's cool: Chicago is famous for its hot dogs, and Hot Doug's is one of the best places to try a hot dog. They have over a dozen signature and specialty varieties, including a jalapeño and rattlesnake sausage, a beer-soaked bratwurst, and a lean hot dog.

All hot dogs can be made even more unique with ten different dressings and a selection of amazing snacks, including duck fat fries.

20. Hotlips Pizza

Where: Multiple locations in Portland, Oregon

What it is: A green pizzeria.

What's cool: Hotlips are the proud owners of five pizza places in Portland, but their most prized location is in the heart of the Pearl District, at the Jean Vollum Natural Capital Center, a Gold Award for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.

This super-eco pizzeria stocks locally grown ingredients, uses waste heat from its ovens to heat water, and makes deliveries in electric vehicles. Gluten-free crispy pizza and veggie pies are their specialties.

21. J.M. Curley

Where: Massachusetts, Boston, Temple Place, 21

What it is: A burger joint that offers themed menu additions every week.

What's cool: Boston Magazine's Best Burger of 2013 award-winning jm Curley now serves up seven new themed dishes every week.

In October, for example, Chef Samuel Monsour pioneered the Goodbye Breaking Bad menu, featuring a Heisenburger, Los Pollos Hermanos fried chicken quesadilla, blueberry and almond donut with "96 percent icing, blue."

22. Kennedy School

Where: Oregon, Portland, NE 33rd Avenue, 5736

What it is: A boutique hotel and concert hall in an old elementary school.

What's cool: The Kennedy has long been a beloved and indispensable Portland establishment, ever since it opened in 1915.

And although it has ceased to function as a school for the last forty years, it has not lost its charm. Now the building has 57 rooms, six bars and restaurants, a cinema, a brewery, and a large concert hall.

Guests can also enjoy the beautiful and luxurious pool area, formerly the teachers' lounge.

23. Labobatory (Boba 7)

Where: California, Los Angeles, West 7th Street, 5180

What it is: A bar with alcoholic boba (bubble tea - tea drinks with tapioca balls).

What's cool: Boba 7, also known as the Laboratory, is tucked away in the back of the Soi 7 Thai restaurant and claims to be "the world's first alcoholic bean bar."

What is their trademark? Certainly, alcoholic drink bubble tea mixed with Heineken, Baileys, tequila, or rum, in various combinations. They also make a really killer Bloody Mary with Sriracha sauce.

24. LTO (Limited Time Only)

Where: New York, E. Broadway, 171

What it is: A restaurant with a changing menu and chefs.

What's cool: LTO gives chefs a chance to showcase their work and patronizes the opportunity to sample different cuisines. The name of the restaurant reflects the culture of pop-up restaurants with changing chefs. LTO features both celebrity chefs and obscure culinary names that occupy the kitchen from one week to a month.

25. MakeItFor.Us

Where: Online, office located in Chicago, Illinois

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways to obtain start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

What it is: An online marketplace where you can request anything to be done by people who know how to do it.

What's cool: Think of it like "eBay for something that doesn't exist yet."

Creators can sign up and make a list of things they can do for you, while applicants can request items promoted by the creator. And applicants should not at all limit themselves to the items presented on the site.

They can take anything they see on Facebook, Pinterest, or other sites and request that it be made by the creator at MakeItFor.Us.

26. Maximus/Minimus

Where: in Seattle, Washington

What it is: A steampunk food truck.

What's cool: One of the coolest things is the van itself, serving some of the best pulled pork sandwiches in the Northwest from a van shaped like a giant metal pig.

Beecher's Handmade Cheese owner Kurt Beecher Demmier ensures a commitment to good food by donating one percent of sales to the Flagship Foundation, a non-profit organization that inspires children to make healthy food choices.

27. Imogene + Willie

Where: Tennessee, Nashville, 12th Avenue South, 2601

What it is: A jeans shop housed in a renovated gas station.

What's cool: Don't let its shabby appearance fool you. Vintage-inspired, custom-tailored Imogene + Willie jeans – sold locally – represent classic American craftsmanship and beauty.

A husband and wife team repairs normal wear jeans up to three times free of charge.

28. Miso & Ale

Where: Honolulu, Hawaii

What it is: A Hawaiian pop-up deli pub.

What's Hot: Founded by Chris Okuhara, whose family owns the popular Likelike Drive Inn, Miso & Ale is a new pop-up eatery that gets fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients to make their delicious creations.

Okuhara combines his Hawaiian upbringing with classic culinary training to make dishes like shrimp with white meat sausage, pork belly with green eggs and ham, and a sweet dish he calls "Deconstructed Girl Scout Cookies."

29. Mudville Flats Boutique Hotel

Where: California, San Diego, Tenth Avenue, 747

What it is: A baseball-focused boutique hotel in San Diego's Ballpark District.

What's cool: The Ballpark District is home to the San Diego Padres, and what better place to stay than a hotel that honors the famous San Diego baseball team?

Rooms at the hotel are fully furnished apartments with kitchens, living rooms and private patios. Of course, the proximity to the stadium is one of Mudville's amenities, as are the barbecues, perfect for preparing hot dogs and hamburgers for the game.

30. My Suite

Where: Multiple outlets in New York

What it is: A bespoke suit shop that allows men to choose suits in person or online.

What's the catch: Wall Streeters rejoice! Custom-tailored My.Suit suits for men in New York.

Once you've measured, you can go to the store to create a suit from hundreds of fabrics and cuts, or use an innovative online tool to customize it to your needs. They take even more measurements than a regular tailor, making sure the suit is perfect and ready in two weeks.

31. OKRA Charity Saloon

Where: Texas, Houston, Congress Avenue, 924

What it is: A bar that donates its profits to charity.

What's cool: OKRA (Organized Kollaboration on Restaurant Affairs) Charity Saloon is a bar that donates 100 percent of its food and drink profits to a variety of social programs in Houston each month that customers choose.

Each time a visitor purchases a drink, they receive one vote on which charity to designate as the next month's beneficiary. OKRA also has a large menu of dishes, including, as you might guess if you know English, fried okra (okra).

32. Pangea Pal

Where: Online, office located in San Diego, California

What it is: An online service that helps travelers find the best in a city by connecting them with the people who live there.

What's cool: On Pangea Pal, you have the option to find a buddy, become a buddy, or be in two roles at the same time. Travelers can write to friends on the site who live in the same place they plan to visit and schedule a time to meet and explore the area, just like locals do.

For a traveler, this is a great way to meet people who really know the place well and get off the beaten path, especially if you are not fluent in a foreign language. As a buddy, you'll get paid to show places you know and love, and you'll meet some of the cool guys to boot.

Where: Anywhere in Houston, Texas

What it is: A mobile photo booth.

What's cool: PhotoMoto is a mobile photo booth based on a restored 1978 Volkswagen bus.

People can book PhotoMoto for important events and parties, and two spouses Austin and Brettany Haviken will drive the bus directly to the celebration.

34. Pizza Brain

Where: 2313 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

What it is: America's first pizza museum and pizzeria.

What's cool: Pizza Brain was founded in September 2012 by Brian Dwyer, a pizza lover with such a large collection of pizza-related paraphernalia that it's filled an entire store—and now it's America's first pizza museum.

Located in Philadelphia's Fishtown neighborhood, Pizza Brain has the largest collection of memorabilia on the subject in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. Pizza Brain is also a pizzeria and is really good at it.

35. Restaurant Jezebel

Where: Texas, Austin, West 6th Street, 800

What it is: An elegant, upscale restaurant that epitomizes the pleasure of dining with made-to-order dishes.

What's cool: The wait staff at Restaurant Jezebel will ask you about your food preferences and favorite dishes, and then create a personalized gourmet dinner menu just for you, served with wine, cigars, or both.

Owner and chef Parind Vora originally opened the restaurant in Ruidoso, New Mexico in 2001 and now has a presence in New York, Augusta, Georgia, and most recently Austin.

36 Seattle Caviar Company

Where: Washington, Seattle, Eastlake Avenue East, 2922

What it is: An educational caviar store.

What's cool: The Seattle Caviar Company makes caviar available to anyone who wants to know more about this delicacy.

In addition to selling caviar, the company hosts tastings every Thursday evening at its retail store, where visitors can come and sample the caviar with a glass of champagne to learn about these products.

Where: Online, office located in Huntington, New York

What it is: An online store that sends you random items.

What's cool: SomethingStore operates on a "surprise!" business model: Customers pay ten dollars to get something in the mail, but they don't know what it is until it arrives. The latest items included: a floor piano (like the one in the movie "Big"), an Amazon Kindle, a fondue maker, and even a fedora.

While the concept seems weird and shaky, SomethingStore has been selling stuff since 2007, and it even has its own Reddit thread dedicated to showing things people around the world have gotten.

38. Story

Where: New York, 10th Avenue, 144

What it is: A permanent retail store that completely changes every 4-6 weeks.

What's cool: Located in Manhattan's Chelsea neighborhood, Story is a store that completely reinvents itself every 4-6 weeks, completely changing its surroundings, merchandise and story.

The store's previous displays have focused on 3D printers, unique artist work, and wellness related items.

39. Sunday Dinner Company

Where: Michigan, Detroit, E. Jefferson Avenue, 6470

What it is: A restaurant turned community center.

What's cool: This restaurant is not only focused on serving Negro cuisine, which is called "soul food" here. It also soothes the soul by acting as a community center whose goal is to make Detroit a better place.

They hire returning citizens who want to start a new life and hold events to raise money for community projects.

40. The Beer Dabbler Store

Where: Minnesota, St. Paul, 7th Street West, 1095

What it is: A beer-themed hardware and clothing store.

What's cool: The Beer Dabbler Store is the best place to go for beer lovers besides visiting the bar. They sell cool, slightly kitschy beer utensils, like glasses, artwork inspired by beer, beer tap handles and branded clothing from various breweries.

They also have an impressive collection of new items such as beer bottled candles, beer soap, and beer gear for your pets.

41. The Best Fish Taco in Ensenada

Where: California, Los Angeles, North Hillhurst Avenue, 1650

What it is: A comedy show/taco buffet.

What's cool: When the owner of this taco buffet called it "The Best Fish Taco in Ensenada," he wasn't trying to be arrogant. He was just being honest.

Joseph Cordova's goal was to sell the most amazing fish tacos in Ensenada - and he really does - but this buffet is also a venue for frequent comedy nights, with talented comedians like Patton Oswalt, Demitri Martin and Chelsea Peretti appearing. The best thing about it is that the show costs as much as your fish taco.

42. Pirate Supply Store

Where: California, San Francisco, Valencia Street, 826

What it is: The only independent pirate shop in San Francisco.

What's cool: when the non-profit organization 826 Valencia bought trading floor for her writing training center in the heart of the Mission district, zoning policy required her to use the area for a store.

To disguise the training lab inside, she opened a pirate shop that sells glass eyes, hooks, beard pads, treasure chests, mermaid bait, and even more villainous merchandise. Sales benefit the center.

43. The Big Board

Where: District of Columbia, Washington, H Street NE, 421

What it is: A bar with a unique pricing strategy.

What's cool: The Big Board treats beer as a commodity, where the price of beer fluctuates based on supply and demand, much like the stock market. Types of beer are listed on a large board (big board, which gave the place its name), which displays prices in real time.

They also serve 100% natural burgers with their "liquid assets" including a branded cocktail card coming soon.

44. Boring Store

Where: 1331 N. Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

What it is: A store that sells everything you need to be an undercover agent.

What's cool: "We are a supplier of exclusively boring things ... We are definitely NOT a store for secret agents," the Boring Store website says.

Contrary to the name "The Boring Store," the Boring Store is anything but that. Along with a fake mustache and high-tech surveillance equipment, the Boring Store is the front office for 826CHI, a non-profit writing and learning center for local students.

45. The Coffee Trike

Where: Somewhere in Boston, Massachusetts

What it is: A full-service coffee bar on wheels.

What's cool: After competing in the US Barista Championship, Alessandro "San" Bellino felt the urge to open a cafe, and joined general trend food trucks. But he swapped out the van for an elegant mahogany tricycle equipped with a full espresso bar and a fridge for cold drinks.

High-quality menus include roasted coffee from the George Howell Coffee Company of Acton and milk from Mapleline Farm in Hadley, Massachusetts.

46. ​​The Garment District

Where: Massachusetts, Cambridge, Broadway, 200

What it is: An alternative department store that sells clothing by weight.

What's cool: This hipster vintage shop handles several million pounds of clothing a year. To ease the load, every morning when it opens (except Fridays), it unties an 850-pound bale of men's, women's and children's clothing onto the floor. Clients wade through it all and pay a dollar and a half a pound.

Where: Online, office located in Fairfax, Virginia County

What it is: An online retail store for geeks.

What's Hot: Since 1999, ThinkGeek has been serving those who are passionate about technology, from programmers, engineers, students, open source enthusiasts, to the masses who help create internet culture.

Their bestsellers include hidden camera pens, plush zombies, replicas of Doctor Who capes and stormtrooper uniforms. Star Wars, Minecraft memorabilia, and even a horse head mask.

48. Tijon

Where: California, La Jolla, Herschel Avenue, 7853

What it is: Handmade perfumery to order.

What's cool: Tijón sells handmade perfumes from its own recipes, but also gives customers the opportunity to create their own unique fragrance.

For aspiring perfumers, Tijón runs training courses, complete with a lab coat, where students learn how to break down the different elements of fragrances and how to mix and isolate them to make unique combinations.

49. Unclaimed Baggage Center

Where: Alabama, Scottsboro, West Willow Street, 509

What it is: A shop that sells items left in unclaimed airport baggage.

What's cool: Of the 0.5 percent of checked bags on US domestic airlines that don't arrive with passengers at their destination, a whopping 95 percent of those bags find their way home in five days.

The rest make their way to the unclaimed baggage center, which operates on the basis of an agreement with airlines and other transport companies. This one-of-a-kind retail store cleans and sells clothes, jewelry, merchandise and other abandoned treasures.

50. Zombie Apocalypse Store

Where: Nevada, Las Vegas, Spring Mountain Road, 3420

What it is: A store that sells everything you need to survive the zombie apocalypse.

What's cool: Like most things in Vegas, the Zombie Apocalypse Store is both kitsch and an attention-grabbing roadside attraction.

Stocking ready-to-eat food in bulk, gas masks, machetes, tire inspection tools, this unique retailer will prepare you for natural disasters, government shutdowns, and supernatural attacks.

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