Business ideas of the future: don't miss your first million. Essay on economics "Business is the art of extracting money from another person's pocket without resorting to violence

Encyclopedia of Plants 12.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Essay on the topic: "Business in modern world»

student 10 "B" class. MBOU secondary school №7

Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region

Nureeva Yana

(Consultant teacher of history and social studies MBOU secondary school No. 7

Uryanskaya A.Yu.)

The modern world is not possible without business - this is a mutual connection on which everyone depends. This understanding does not come immediately. I am in the tenth grade and in the lessons of social science I began to pay special attention to the examples that the teacher gives us on economic topics. Indeed, business isinitiative economic activity carried out at the expense of own or borrowed funds at one's own risk and under one's own responsibility, setting the main goals of generating income and developing one's own business " 1 . Since this is an initiative activity, then business can be called the “locomotive” of the economy and this will be our engine into the future. How did the business become such an engine? If we look at his history in a simplified way, we can say that he changed like a child: 14-15 centuries - he grew up, 16-17 - gained strength, 18-19 - studied and grew wiser, 20-21 - became a full member of civil society (civil society - this isthe sphere of self-manifestation of free citizens and voluntarily formed non-commercially directed interventions and arbitrary regulation by state power and business 2 ). Of course, the main component economic relations needs arewellwaitingorflawinhow- ornecessaryto keep the body alive, human personality, social group, society as a whole, in general, an internal stimulus of activity.Satisfaction of economic needs is an internal motive for production, distribution, exchange and consumption within a certain system of socio-economic relations.. But only he gets ahead who managed to win in tough competition - the struggle for his place in the global business and combine the needs, income and social component of society.

In the modern world, everyone knows about the social component of business.Both big and small businesses are important. The production of some evena small product is also a business. Steel smelting at the plant is also it, only a large one. Serious business strengthens the country's economy, not


“kills” it with a foreign substitute. A businessman pays more taxes than an ordinary citizen and creates new jobs for people. Of course, this only happens if it is a socially responsible business. That is, the rights of workers are respected here, and not just their labor is used.

Organize socially useful business maybe not rich people, it is important

just have some start-up capital. Workshops where parts for machines and factory machines are made can become such a business. Or an atelier where original clothes and shoes are sewn. It can also be websites. Today, even a farm and fields sown, for example, with sunflowers, are already their own business. From small business over time, a large one can grow: from a private medical office - a progressive modern clinic, from a furniture salon - a factory, and from a small exhibition own paintings- art Gallery. This means that social entrepreneurship is a mechanism that can and should become the social dimension of the modernization of any country. The social entrepreneur sets himself the task of making positive changes to the infrastructure public system with a long-term effect. Social enterprises are built on the principles of self-sufficiency, financial sustainability and innovativeness of the approaches used. The use of new, unique tools, the ability to solve problems for as long as necessary, and at the expense of one's own income form the key advantages of social entrepreneurship. The goal is not a local solution of a single issue, but the achievement of a qualitatively new level in overcoming socially significant problems. One such problem is the recycling of household waste. I was interested in the idea of ​​"AIST". This is how I see the future of business.

As noted by the famous financier N.Kh. Bunge (1823-1895), "along with private needs, public ones appear, next to personal goals - public goals: concern for both material and spiritual existence, and for the development of the entire union."

Everything in our country more people think about own business. Usually this is a small business, because people don’t have money for medium or large ones. I am also interested in business, and I would like to connect my life with it in the future.

People are interested in business different reasons. Some are attracted by high incomes. Others do not find a job that suits them. Still others are attracted by the freedom of thought and ideas that business is always associated with.

As a child, I thought that businessmen are those who buy goods abroad cheaply, and then sell them expensively in a stall or in the market. That's the whole point of business. To be honest, I didn’t want to be such a “merchant”.

Later I realized that the possibilities modern business much wider. The production of any product is now also a business. Even steel smelting at the plant is also it, only a large one. Serious business, on the contrary, strengthens the country's economy, and does not "kill" it with foreign consumer goods. A businessman pays more taxes than an ordinary citizen and creates new jobs for people. Of course, this only happens if it is a socially responsible business. That is, the rights of workers are respected here, and not just their labor is used.

Even poor people can organize a socially useful business, it is only important to have some kind of start-up capital. Workshops where parts for machines and factory machines are made can become such a business. Or an atelier where original clothes and shoes are sewn. It can also be websites. Today, even a farm and fields sown, for example, with sunflowers, are already their own business. From a small business, over time, a big one can grow: from a private medical office - a progressive modern clinic, from a furniture salon - a factory, and from a small exhibition of his own paintings - an art gallery.

Business is hampered by high taxes, and even more so by corruption. The state must ensure that the business is honest, but often it requires itself to be "called" with money. Therefore, in our country, small business is underdeveloped, and simple people still afraid to contact him.

Currently, in almost all areas of business there is very tough competition, which encourages start-up entrepreneurs to master unusual business: unusual ideas from the future for business, we will consider in our article, perhaps they will be an excellent start for opening and organizing new activities.

You can fantasize endlessly, but in order to determine what non-standard approaches to entrepreneurial activity really prove to be popular among consumers, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the functions of supply and demand and predict the likelihood of successful sale of goods and services. The demand function constantly fluctuates and depends on many external and internal factors: economic indicators, price segment, fashion trends and trends.

AT modern times new technologies are constantly emerging, innovative services are being introduced, while some bring huge profits, while others are not in demand. How to determine what is better to invest in now in order to make a profit in the future, and what unusual business idea will be a breakthrough in the market, every businessman thinks.

The market for goods and services is constantly expanding, and consumer preferences change over time. short term: if a few years ago one product was at the peak of popularity, now it has been ousted from the market by other, more progressive proposals. In view of the constant growth of the assortment, buyers have become more capricious and picky, they are trying to find the most prestigious and modern goods at a reasonable price.

The disadvantage of the current situation for businessmen is that it is extremely difficult to predict the development and state of a particular business niche. In order to be on the crest of the wave, you need to be at the forefront, offering those goods and services that buyers have only just thought about. If competitive organizations have time to bring a revolutionary product to the market earlier, then this can be fatal for the entrepreneur.

In order to offer unusual ideas from the future for business, we tried to analyze the current market conditions and predict the likelihood of successful development of a particular activity. Of course, every entrepreneur probably has his own ideas about what to do and what to offer the consumer, but perhaps the options below will also be of interest to those who want to infiltrate a business and open their own business. It is impossible to predict what new technologies scientists will create, or how the economic situation in the country will turn, but nevertheless we invite you to consider a list of very relevant and interesting business suggestions that may well come in handy in the future.

Non-standard business: offers that will interest consumers

1. Asteroids as sources of resources.

Information that the amount of resources on our planet is inexorably declining is constantly broadcast on television, radio, and on the Internet. Various scientific conferences are being held, alternative ways of maintaining resource bases are being researched and developed, however specific solution The problem has not been formulated. With a decrease in useful minerals, their cost increases, which, in principle, is quite natural. It is this trend that is driving the development new business ideas: use asteroids as sources of extraction of necessary minerals. It is likely that this will become not only a new, but also a more profitable way to meet the needs of mankind.

According to various studies conducted by scientists from all over the world the globe, it is asteroids that contain a lot of necessary minerals, such as platinum, iron ore, manganese, cobalt, nickel and many other resources. Specialized studies have also recently been carried out aimed at finding additional sources water resources. As it turned out, the main component of the Trojan asteroids of the planet Jupiter is ordinary ice, which can fill the needs of living organisms in water.

In order to be absolutely sure that the composition of the people is really suitable for the use of water in the life of the natural organisms of our planet, special complex projects are formed, in the amount of three stages. For their implementation, it will be necessary to take test elements from the surface of asteroids, and analyze the physical and Chemical properties soil samples. The mission plan has already been fully drawn up and formulated, they will have the following names:

The Japanese interplanetary station begins a mission to take samples of soil elements of the asteroid, according to class C. The operation is called Hayabusa-2. Specialists plan to deliver soil samples to our planet no later than December 2020;
The Americans also developed a project plan that aims to get closer to celestial body called Bennu, take samples of soil elements, and send them to planet Earth. The process is planned to begin in the year two thousand and nineteen, and to be completed four years later;
Our country has also developed a plan for the development of the soils of other planets, such as Phobos and Mars, calling the development Operation Phobos Soil 2. The mission is to be completed in the period from 2019 to 2020.

There are quite a few ways to extract resources from asteroid soils, and development and research are currently ongoing to expand them. The same can be said about the transportation of fossils to our planet, their study and analysis.

It is likely that the unusual business associated with space bodies, will very soon become one of the most profitable and necessary niches, so you should take a closer look at this industry.

2. Shop in three-dimensional graphics.

This business idea is focused on organizing a workflow using printers that provide an image in three-dimensional format. For example, a consumer chooses new case for phone or keyboard for computer. In order to save resources, time and labor costs, there is no need to create an entire production process to demonstrate this or that model. It is much easier to provide variations in the form of printed pictures in 3D graphics format. Moreover, the creators of printers of this format say that every day the capabilities of devices are growing and becoming more professional, so that very soon they will be able to make life much easier.

At present, some companies have just begun to produce developments, which explains the inflated prices for equipment they have set, but this is quite natural. Suffice it to recall the first laptops or cell phones - once it seemed an unaffordable luxury, but now almost every inhabitant of the country has it. So stores based on 3D printers may well turn into a great business of the future, and the buyer will be able to realize all his wishes and get an image of the product that suits him perfectly.

3. The process of restoring body tissues.

Now we are not talking about the fact that in the laboratory it is easy to completely restore a human limb or its internal organ, but also about the possibility of such manipulations after some time, scientists say. An unusual business idea is to restore human skin, tendons or muscles, as well as all soft tissues separately.

There are some Western companies that are actively working on research and development of tools and conditions for such processes. Let's say an American organization is developing special devices that will stimulate the creation of a stem cell in the place where a tendon rupture has occurred. This process will be aimed at achieving the most natural regenerative level of tissue repair.

It is rather a business of the future, which will become available after some time, given that many of the nuances are under development and are far from becoming available to doctors in city clinics. But the fact that it will be really in demand and profitable can be argued with a high probability.

4. Trade in air.

Reasonable entrepreneurs have long implemented the trade in water, although earlier it seemed illogical and unnecessary, then what is not a great business idea - selling air. The idea of ​​oxygen cocktails was very popular in the mid-nineties, but at the present moment, some US companies are actively producing special air bottles for athletes. The air is sold purified, which stimulates the growth of oxygen elements in the human blood, and also helps to remove nervous tension.

If you look at current environmental conditions, we can assume that pure and fresh oxygen will become a very sought-after commodity after a while. Moreover, its popularity among consumers can reach the level of demand for bottled drinks in this moment.

In the cities where he works a large number of factories and enterprises, a lot of vehicles travel, whole initiative groups of residents are formed who oppose advanced level oxygen pollution. More recently in Hong Kong, activists recorded a video based on how residents are forced to buy fresh oxygen. Thus, it is likely that air trading is that unusual business that will soon become profitable and popular.

5. Refueling for electrical machines.

Given that oil reserves are declining at a fairly rapid pace, drivers will soon have to think about replacing their usual cars with electric cars. And this is a great opportunity for an entrepreneur to start an unusual business by installing car charging stations. The more electric vehicles appear on the roads, the more popular such stations will become, and by occupying this business niche before competitors, the businessman entrepreneur will secure a good market share for himself.

By itself, the station for charging the car works on the same principle as gasoline or gas stations, only the fuel here is electricity. The specialists who were involved in forecasting this business idea are almost sure that in a few years it will bring huge profits to its organizers. Of course, the best positions in the market will be occupied by those businessmen who will be the first to sell electric chargers for a new generation of cars.

6. Development of devices for studying DNA.

Western companies have long begun to engage in similar research and development, which relate to human DNA, its reading and recognition. The main purpose of these manipulations is the ability to detect various diseases at the very beginning of their development using a specialized test. In our country, DNA research to determine the state of health is an unusual business idea, which has not yet been presented anywhere as an accomplished business project, so go ahead for development.

This technique can be used for newborns, in order to diagnose their health status. It is also possible to develop a device capable of studying the DNA of the future father and mother of the child, making a forecast of the state of health and possible problems baby who has not been conceived. The very idea of ​​a business is very promising, which in the near future will be in demand all over the world. These are advanced technologies that will be able to analyze almost all information based only on human genomes.

7. Control of emission of harmful substances.

Every year the problem of air pollution and environmental degradation becomes more and more discussed and relevant. Societies of activists who defend environment, indicate that in the near future enterprises will be organized that will conduct special measurements to control the emission of waste, including greenhouse gases. The opening of such a controlling enterprise is a very unusual business idea, which can soon bring profit to businessmen. This is justified by the fact that more and more civilized countries are puzzled by the problem of regular atmospheric pollution.

Manufacturers will soon turn to such firms in order to obtain data on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as to check its compliance with the standards established by law.

8. Theater of holograms.

In modern times, holographic technologies are beginning to develop actively. They are an updated and improved way of presenting magic tricks that were popular in the nineteenth century. At that time, it was used to implement thick glass, with which the fakir separated the audience from the image itself. The picture at that time could appear as if from the air, after which it stopped in a state of weightlessness, which extremely surprised the public.

After the focus was improved, and the glass was replaced by a special polymer, which has an enhanced reflection function. But at the moment, high technologies are developing in parallel, which can make a person feel like a participant in a holographic presentation.

Now 3D movie rentals, rides are very popular. virtual reality. But connecting holographic technology to a theater or film distribution is a rather unusual idea from the future for business in our country, which is likely to become very popular among fans of new sensations.

9. Personal flying backpack.

The phrase “personal flying backpack” will seem strange to many, but remember, a couple of decades ago we could not even imagine that we would be talking on the phone anywhere in the city, and for our ancestors a personal car seemed something fantastic. The same thing will soon happen with flying backpacks, because since the middle of this year, a company operating in New Zealand has begun commercial production of such devices. This unusual business can become very profitable and popular.

At the moment, developments only allow flying over the fields, but given the constant progress, it is likely that over time, flying backpacks will become a popular transport. If we assume that the citizens of the country could coordinately move through the air using such a backpack, then the problem of kilometer traffic jams would fade into the background.

10. Lunar excursions.

Entrepreneurial businessmen come up with a variety of trips and excursions around the world: tourists master uninhabited islands, conquer the peaks of the mountains and go in for extreme sports. It would seem that all niches tourism business already mastered and worked out, but why not allow more to those who have the opportunity to pay for a unique excursion?

People who have enough funds would certainly be interested in traveling to the moon, because now it is much more affordable than in the past, when the space zone was considered a taboo for everyone, except for some specialized groups. Now the idea of ​​​​creating a line of expensive sightseeing flights into space is visiting many businessmen. Of course, this unusual business requires significant investments, but the fact that it will pay off is almost a 100% fact.

Price policy such excursions start from hundreds of millions of dollars, and the American representative plans to start the first flights from the year 2018. There will be only two places for tourists in the tourist ship, and for one flight he will receive two hundred thousand dollars.

11. Production of meat by artificial means.

Many entrepreneurs have already thought about how to grow beef or pork in a laboratory, because such a business can be very promising in modern conditions constant progress. In order to produce chicken or another type of meat product artificially, stem cells are needed. With their use, some scientists have been able to obtain the desired results in this area.

In order for artificial meat to get into general consumption, a number of improvements, testing and refinement of the product should be carried out. In addition to these points, you will need to pass a series of checks and obtain legal permission to sell products.

Such a business idea will be approved by all animal protection associations, fighters against the killing of animals and vegetarians. By the way, with the help of laboratory meat, you can help residents of third world countries where meat products are in short supply.

12. Development and production of nanosatellite technologies.

The size of the manufactured satellite determines the cost of its production and development, which can be taken as the main principle of limitation. It is the cost that prevents many manufacturers from launching a line for the manufacture of satellite systems, but nanosatellites differ from the rest precisely in that they have quite acceptable, small dimensional characteristics. At the same time, the dimensions do not affect the functionality of the devices, they, like huge technologies, can collect the data necessary for weather forecasts, stops natural Disasters and other facts important for the life of the planet's population.

Nanosatellites are becoming an increasingly popular area for investment in development, as, according to scientists and business leaders, this technology has a great future.

13. Security of classified and private information.

Now information is one of the most significant and important resources on the planet, which can dramatically affect any area of ​​human activity. Because most of enterprises and companies is fully computerized, and important documents are increasingly sent not through couriers and postal orders, but with the help of Email, a significant proportion of very significant information and data is located on the Internet.

Cybernetic specialists can steal any data, from personal videos to contracts and information about money transfers. That is why almost every company needs specialized protection of its data, as well as a well-versed specialist who will control all computer processes.

Another business of the future can be built on the basis of modern technologies and systems to protect the security of personal data of the enterprise or specific person.

14. Hotel business in space.

This is a very unusual business idea that many countries have undertaken to master: including America and Russia. The very essence of the project is that willing tourists can stay in a specially designed hotel, while watching our planet. The duration of such a journey is short, and the number of settlers is no more than six people. This project requires a huge investment, but it will surely pay off over time. After all, for sure there will be more than one six people who want to look at the earth through the window of their own room.

15. Farming vertical format.

This type of farm is still a prospect for a rather distant future. But if we consider the efficiency of greenhouses that are in full swing on our planet, we can conclude that the addition of floors and the formation of farm skyscrapers will be a very relevant and profitable enterprise. A multi-storey farm takes up little space, as it grows not in width, but upwards, which also reduces the burden on the environment. Of course, now a vertical format farm does not fit into the head. This is really an unusual business: unusual ideas from the future for business always seem fantastic, but this is only at the initial stage, people will not have time to notice how, over time, they will begin to save money for space travel, use flying backpacks and charge not only phones, but and cars.

I'm not very interested in business myself... at least not in the usual sense.

What I'm more interested in is a business that 1) doesn't seem to work 2) is based on building real relationships.

Here are some non-traditional business ideas that embody my approach. None of these ideas are original in the full sense (as most of all ideas), but I tried to collect them in this post before talking about them in more detail in my articles:

IDEA: give it all

From time to time I meet business people, who ask about how some schemes in my case work, which usually remain behind the scenes. They use a corporate credit card to buy me coffee, because I like to drink coffee. Most of them just don't understand how I can write for free and still pay my bills.

The traditional business model of information sharing is that you give only 10% as a lure, and sell the other 90% like a pig in a poke to people. I do the opposite - about 90% (or more) of the information I give for free. 10% is for fans and those who need specific help, which is what a more in-depth format is for. The products are available, in other words, all my work and books are free. And no ads in addition.

Another good example As far as giving it all away is Leo Babouta's decision to relinquish copyright to his work, everything on ZenHabits is freely available. It was quite a nifty move to build his network and establish a wide credibility, even after he had already become quite successful. I don't know all the details financial side Leo's life, but when I looked at his subscriber base, I figured that he was living a damn good life, while he encouraged people to "steal" his work.

For the first ten years of my business, I didn't have a business card. But I meet more and more people, so I gave up and ordered a few, but it took 10 years to decide. I don't go to Toastmasterst, Rotary clubs, chambers of commerce, or other networking events.

The trouble with this traditional network of contacts is that it includes a certain wide overview of people who, according to an estimate, can do something for you. I hate this approach. I don't know everything about him, but enough, and I just can't stand it.


The kind of network I want to build is unusually important. I spend at least two hours a day talking to people. Primarily through Twitter and 75-100 emails a day. Everyone who writes to me gets a real response (sometimes it takes a while, but I take emails seriously).

By the way, if you feel like you don't have enough time on Twitter, read an interesting article by Harvey Brooks on why you should have enough time. I generally agree with most of Harvey's thoughts, and this article is no exception.

Instead of asking "How can you help me?" this network of contacts is directed not at the person himself, but outside. Then he asks: “What can I do for you? What can I do to tell other people about you? What are your goals?" And I really like it.

IDEA: No competition

Once, during a radio interview, I was asked if my competitor was Tim Ferriss. Uh.. no. In my opinion, there is no competition in this business. Tim has helped countless people think differently about life and work, and that's pretty much my goal, albeit in a slightly different way.

If you're in a business where you have to compete with another store down the street, one of you will have to lower your prices to attract customers. Good luck! Instead of external competition, the competition you face every day is an internal intention. The kind of competition that makes you get up every day and go help people change the world.

IDEA: Avoid (almost) all meetings

Seth Godin is often asked how he gets the time to keep up with everything, especially writing answers to everything. emails. His answer was that he doesn't watch TV or go to meetings, which gives him an extra 4-5 hours a day, unlike most people.

I fully agree with him. I don't watch TV or go to meetings either. Instead, I travel the world - yes, it takes a lot of time - and I also like to go to a coffee shop almost every single day. I also don't talk on the phone very often, but more on that later.

IDEA: Forget about imposing a product and about any form of sales in general

The very idea of ​​hard selling seems counterintuitive to me. I routinely just walk away from stores that use guilt tactics or make me feel like they're out of stock. (“Are you sure you don’t want an extended warranty? Because, between us, these things often break.”)

Sales that play on fear, guilt, greed are based on negative relationships. I prefer to build my business, and relationships in general, on positive aspects. If someone asks me if they're thinking of buying this, can you sell it to me? My answer is sorry, but no. I can tell you about it, answer a lot of questions, but I will not do "sales".

Also, if someone complains about a product I've sold (very rare, but some people manage to bypass the internet download pattern and ask for a refund), I give my money back IMMEDIATELY. Life is too short to worry about those people. And that brings us to the next question:

IDEA: Give people what they want

If you don't see it as an unconventional business idea, then that's a pretty good thing for you. So, you have partly stepped back from the ubiquitous Internet marketing, stores that compulsively sell you things that you do not want.

It seems to me that if you have to chase a client, you are in the wrong business. You have to give people what they want. Sell ​​what people buy. If your product meets their needs and increases the pie (not divides it), you're on the right track. Be open and attentive to, this is a very active and interesting audience, Generation Z has great prospects.

How to find out what your product is good idea? Here is an easy test. Check out this list:

1. Essential. People need to NEED (or think they need) your services and products.

2. High value. You deliver a needed and valuable product because you take pride in what you sell.

3. High profitability. You should be making good money from it.

If your idea meets all three points, continue to develop it.

IDEA: Don't outsource, just stop working for a while

If you're feeling overwhelmed and considering outsourcing help, your other option is to just stop and rest. Works great.

You should ask yourself one right question: “If I stop doing X, will the world end?”. If so, then it's definitely worth it. If not, nothing will happen if you suspend the activity. True, you can’t build a business with a seven-figure income this way, but is that really your goal? And again - if this is your goal, you will have to seek help and resort to outsourcing. If not, give yourself a break.

IDEA: Give up money regularly

The first part is simple - return the money difficult people. Do not impose a product, the client will see for himself if he needs it. Give money away and don't waste time on those who get difficult.

The second part, however, is more difficult to agree with. The second part involves giving up money, not because of capricious clients, but only because something does not please you. A few years ago, for example, I felt guilty about thousands of dollars in lost sales because I didn't want to call people on the phone. I've matured over the years and don't feel guilty anymore.

IDEA: Don't listen to anyone (listen to everyone)

I try to follow this rule not only in business, but in general in life. If the person doesn't like your work, don't worry. And just listen to what everyone else is saying about them, feedback should be from the whole world. Run your name through Google Alerts, look up what people are saying about you, and get a complete picture of how you are being judged.


IDEA: always make the pie bigger

I don't lose anything in my business if someone else benefits. When I gain, no one else loses. And that's all the result of the ideas I gave above, the fact that I'm not competing, but just trying to give people what they want, not playing these sales games and stuff.

If your business (or job, or what you do every day) is based on taking something from people, then I do not envy you. If you ask my opinion, then you are in the wrong business. You might as well go to work in a collection agency or withdraw credit cars.

Fortunately, businesses that give rather than take are becoming more common. I am far from alone in my beliefs. I really believe that a lot of entrepreneurs who start with this business idea are becoming more and more successful, while the traditional business is going through hard times.

Speaking of in social networks and networking, I recently saw someone selling a Twitter manual for $800. I also thought it was funny. From a marketing point of view, I understand how it works - some ignorant company executives will buy it and even feel like they made a good purchase. Perceived value in marketing is everything, so for some people these sales will work.

But assuming you don't have $800 for this guide, you can easily learn how an unconventional business works for free. The hardest part is letting go of some old habits and patterns, and no amount of eight hundred bucks manual will help you with that.


By the way, the same people who like to say "Welcome to real world will say the same about my ideas in the business world. "That's not how it works... the idea lacks realism..." and so on.

If you are in business, you can easily ignore such claims. The better question is, who is judging your success? What is success for you personally?

I know very well that by some standards I have an unsuccessful business. I miss out on expansion opportunities, give away money, and do almost everything myself. In the hands of a more experienced businessman, I have no doubt that my business would have achieved a higher profitability, perhaps even with less work. But it just wouldn't be my business anymore.

Feel free to discuss your non-standard business ideas. I don't expect everyone to agree with my ideas, but I think there's something to be learned from commentators too.

"Business is the art of predicting the future and taking advantage of it" .

(M. Amsterdam)

This quote states that business should work for the future and bring profit to the businessman. M.Amsterdam very accurately described the essence of business with his statement. One cannot but agree with this point of view.

To begin with, I think it is still necessary to define business. Business is a private activity aimed at making a profit from any type of service. But we must not forget that the most important thing that a business should be directed to is the satisfaction of human needs. Before starting a business, an entrepreneur must decide what to produce. I think many will agree that it is unlikely that a product that has been on the market for many years, and which is gradually being replaced by another, newer product, is exactly what needs to be produced. Business must work for the future, for new opportunities and technologies that will be in great demand and bring great profits.

In our modern world there is great amount examples of starting a business that successfully flourishes and looks to the future. A huge number of examples in this area are the activities of companies.

The clearest example of a businessman foreseeing the future is Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. He once said that sometime in the future, each person will have an operating system invented by him, although at that time few people had personal computers and his words were not taken seriously. And now, not so many years have passed, and almost the entire population of the earth has computers with easily accessible operating system Windows. And Microsoft has earned billions and left far behind all its competitors.

It seems to me that the entire digital industry can serve as an example of predicting the future. Don't forget mobile phones. The very first phones could only make calls, then it became possible to send text messages, and all kinds of entertainment appeared on our means of communication. Apple, for example, noticed that mobile phones are increasingly being used as a means of entertainment and communication on the Internet. Steve Jobs, the creator of Apple, quickly realized that the future belongs to universal devices that combine the functions mobile phone, PDA and MP3 player. This is how the Iphone appeared, which meets all the requirements of modern buyers. The sales volume is impressive, so the company does not stop there and continues to release new models designed for future consumer demand.

Thus, in conclusion, I would like to say that any company and any businessman strives to work for the future, to find exactly the idea that will be relevant and in demand in the future, and to offer their product to the buyer in time. This will greatly increase the success and bring a lot of income to the entrepreneur.

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