Business small coffee shop. How to open your own coffee shop from scratch, full step-by-step instructions

Plant encyclopedia 16.10.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Pleasant quiet music, a cozy room, quality service, inexpensive prices, a varied menu - this is what every person who decides to take a little rest is sometimes lacking. We are talking about such a cute place as a coffee shop. It is not customary to compare it with a restaurant, as it serves mainly coffee and different types of it. But if the owner wishes, then the menu will include some snacks. It is the tea atmosphere of a coffee house, and not of any other establishment, that allows you to pass the time pleasantly, enjoying the aroma of a hot drink.

It is good to be a client of such an establishment, but it is doubly pleasant to create one. And then the question arises, what is needed to open a coffee shop in Russia? Such a business has its own characteristics, which will be understood within the framework of this article.

What do you need to get started?

It is necessary to draw up a literate one. Since there are people in Russia who like the aroma of hot coffee, and among them there are true connoisseurs of this drink, such a business can bring very good profits. But this is in perspective, but for now there is some work to be done:

  • choose the right location for your future coffee shop;
  • find the right room;
  • purchase furniture and equipment;
  • select qualified personnel;
  • create a menu.

Business registration

Before opening a coffee shop, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. To do this, you need to contact the tax office, where you can get a complete list of required documents.

Of the two options, the first is preferable - the design is easier. This activity does not require licensing, but if you plan to trade in alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, then you will also have to issue a license for this. An LLC is well suited for multiple owners.

With regard to taxation, you can choose one of two forms:

  • UTII;

It would be nice to choose UTII, but the specifics of the business are associated with high costs, so in order not to go broke, the STS remains the best option.

Place matters

How to start opening a coffee shop in Russia? With the choice of a suitable place. The main thing is not to rush and not make mistakes, otherwise in return for income there will be only losses. It is worth taking a closer look at those places where there is a large flow of people. These will be potential clients. The profitability of the business will depend on this.

It is worth paying attention to residential areas, the intersection of busy lanes, market squares. Sleeping areas and courtyards won't do! A good place can be found near shopping centers. You should not bypass educational institutions, train stations, airports, railway stations.

What kind of room to choose?

When looking for a place for your coffee shop, it is worth looking closely at the real estate at the same time. First of all, you need to pay attention to vacant premises, what their rent is and whether difficulties arise during the arrangement.

When choosing a room, you should not save on space, it is better to make a small margin for further expansion. The optimal area of ​​the room can be from 150 m 2 or more. In this case, the coffee shop can comfortably accommodate from 50 to 60 people. A small part of the area needs to be allocated for the preparation of drinks. If the menu includes food, then she will also cook here. For this, 20-25 m 2 is enough.

If there is no possibility even for this room, then you should think about how to open a mini coffee shop to take away. Many businessmen in this case organize a coffee shop in the basement of the house.

Since the coffee house is also considered a catering establishment, some requirements of the SES and the fire inspection are imposed on the premises. And before that, during the paperwork, obtain permission from these authorities. Some of these requirements are:

  • If the coffee shop is located in a residential building, then the noise should not disturb the tenants. To do this, you need to make high-quality insulation.
  • The basement of the room must be treated with special refractory compounds.
  • The room must be equipped with high-quality ventilation.

A more detailed list can be consulted directly with the CEC or the fire department. For smokers, it is better to set aside separate rooms with improved ventilation.

The requirements must be taken seriously and strictly followed in order not to receive penalties during regular checks.


The interior of a coffee shop should be conducive to pleasant relaxation. Coffee is considered an elite drink, so the interior must be appropriate and you cannot save on it. To do this, you can attract professional designers, which will entail an increase in the budget. Or you can connect your imagination, thereby saving your money.

At the initial stage, you can choose a thematic style for your establishment. American design means minimal furniture and maintenance, while European style is beautiful in every way. You can create a seacoast with a pleasant breeze, or immerse visitors in the colonial era.

Lighting should also match the style of the room. Large chandeliers will create too much light, while small and neat chandeliers will create soft lighting. Some decor items diversify the interior design. You can hang several thematic paintings, install lamps of an unusual shape, vases, and plant beautiful plants. You can place bookshelves on the walls.


The main task of furniture is to provide maximum comfort to customers. Therefore, buying ordinary chairs is out of the question. Instead, it is better to purchase small sofas, armchairs or ottomans. There must be at least one bar counter, if necessary, you can install several. In addition to it, it is worth adding a showcase.

Usually in coffee shops there is no wardrobe, and therefore you need to take care of purchasing hangers, which should be placed one for every 2-3 tables. So the clothes will be in close proximity and at the same time not interfere with either the client or everyone else. It is worth taking care of buying stands for wet umbrellas. In rainy weather, this is a significant problem for many of these establishments.


Good tableware is also important for a coffee shop. You can purchase branded cups, or use different colors and shapes to create a good flavor. Each drink requires its own type of tableware, so if the establishment prepares cappuccino, espresso, latte, then at least three types of cups must be present.


Most of the budget will be spent on purchasing equipment. For a new coffee shop you need to purchase:

  • coffee machine;
  • coffee grinder;
  • refrigerator or freezer (2-3 pcs);
  • microwave oven or baking cabinet;
  • cash machine;
  • mixer;
  • water filter;
  • juicer.

Other necessary equipment can be purchased as needed. There is no need to save on the main equipment, since coffee is the main product and the number of visitors will depend on its quality. Italian companies offer quality products in this area.

You can provide a service in your establishment such as take-away coffee. To do this, place a beverage dispenser. Take-away coffee is the best option for those customers who may drink it on the way to work.

Menu is the basis for success

In addition to selling coffee, you can offer different dishes. You just need to find a middle ground between food and drinks. Just don't overdo it, it's not a canteen after all. From drinks it is desirable to have a wide range of coffee and tea. At the beginning of work, it is enough to offer from 3 to 5 types of dessert and 3 or 4 types of salad. In the future, the range of the menu can be expanded by adding something new to replace the old one.


How to open a coffee shop from scratch without staff? The answer is no way. It is he who allows you to conduct full-fledged activities. All employees must be courteous to customers. To create a good menu of appetizers and desserts, you need the help of a qualified technologist. Even if the baked goods are purchased at the store. Whether he will then work or not is up to the businessman to decide.

The state may include:

  • bartenders (2-4);
  • waiters (preferably 4, ideally 5);
  • cleaning ladies (enough 2);
  • accountant.

Waiters should be well versed in coffee varieties and know how to prepare it. If necessary, an accountant can be hired on a part-time basis. If the establishment is not small, then the help of the administrator and the security guard will not hurt.

Advertising is the most annoying, but the most necessary

Correct advertising will allow you to properly promote the coffee business. You can start doing this a month or two before opening. And already on the first working day, you can collect a decent number of clients. Clients themselves can give a good promotion, if you follow the basic rules. First of all, this is a high-quality service with polite waiters, a rich assortment and much more will serve as a good advertisement for business.


In the end, you can roughly calculate how much it costs to open a coffee shop. In such a business, you will not be able to get by with minimal investments. The size of the start-up capital can range from 2 to 3 million rubles. If successful, the profit in just a month will reach 800 thousand rubles. This is subject to the service of 100-150 people per day. At this rate, a coffee shop can pay off in 3-4 years no more.

The coffee house differs from other catering establishments in a wide selection of coffee varieties and coffee drinks. In addition to the main item on the menu - coffee, the coffee shop offers numerous pastries, cold and hot snacks.

The format of the establishment is close to the concept of a "French" coffee shop. The main idea is to organize a cozy space for relaxation. The emphasis is not on speed, but on the quality of customer service. The waiters and baristas are excellent consultants for all the drinks and meals on offer.

Opening your own coffee shop can be a very profitable investment of resources if you have correctly developed the concept and are ready to offer the client quality products and a high level of service.

When opening your establishment, you must first of all define your target audience. Depending on this, you will develop a product line, as well as a company's pricing policy. Plus, having a clear understanding of your customers' needs will help you decide on your marketing strategy and customer acquisition tools.

The very process of opening your own coffee shop is quite costly in terms of time and financial resources. This is due to the need for repair work, approval of the finished premises with the services of SES and fire supervision, as well as obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor.

However, the main difficulties begin when you start directly running your own business. The fact is that the organization of the coffee business requires the owner to pay close attention to new trends and changes in the market, since the market environment itself in this area is highly competitive. This is an interesting business with great development opportunities. Only now it will hardly be possible to relax by putting the work “on stream”. But if you conduct market analysis regularly and competently, then your business will bring you high profits.

The payback period is from 15 months.

Initial investment will be equal 3 114 072 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 6 month of work of the institution.

2. Description of the business, product or service

A good coffee house has a rich selection of coffee drinks, as well as the availability of several types of coffee. Some establishments offer visitors various roasted beans, as well as flavored coffees. Also, customers have the opportunity to choose coffee by country of origin and price category.

In this business plan, we are considering opening a coffee shop with a large selection of coffee. In addition, the establishment is supposed to have a full-fledged kitchen with cold, hot and pastry shops. The menu is regularly updated with seasonal offers.

The assortment of drinks should include not only classic items such as espresso, cappuccino, latte, ristretto, americano, but also a variety of specialty coffee cocktails. You can invite visitors to choose the size of the cup, as well as experiment with adding syrups and toppings. To develop the menu, it is advisable to find an experienced barista who will help you replenish your assortment with exclusive drinks.

The kitchen menu is developed by the chef. It is preferable to introduce European cuisine, which includes a wide dessert card. As a rule, they prefer to take light meals with coffee, so the main part of the menu should consist of snacks and salads.

The institution's services are provided in two directions:

  • Service inside the establishment is the main service;
  • Provision of drinks and some items from the take-away menu is an additional service.

In case of successful implementation of the project, it is possible to introduce your own food delivery service or cooperate with companies that specialize in delivery.

A unique selling proposition of the coffee house is the presence of a mobile application, with the help of which the client can book a table, make a reservation and leave a review. Also, the client can see what kind of staff is working on that day. Thus, both waiters and chefs have the opportunity to develop their own customer base. This, in turn, affects the ability to receive good rewards in the form of tips.

The project is also unique due to the interior. The main idea of ​​creating a coffee shop is to organize a cozy space for relaxation. Leaving all unnecessary fuss, the client gets the opportunity to enjoy a fragrant drink and author's cuisine in a pleasant company. This is what the unique interior of the establishment contributes to. When choosing furniture, one should take into account the comfort of the chairs, the height of the tables, the size of the sofas. These little things really play a big role for visitors, therefore, in matters of furnishing, it is better to immediately seek the advice of a professional designer.

When choosing a place, you should rely on the proximity of the location of business centers, educational institutions, shopping malls. The coffee shop should be located in such a way that a large traffic of the target audience passes by. However, the best thing is to open a coffee shop in a busy area, but on a quiet street. This is due to the fact that most often the client comes to the coffee shop not to eat, but to spend time.

Opening hours of the coffee shop on weekdays from 8.00 to 22.00. On weekends from 10.00 to 24.00

3. Description of the sales market

If you are considering opening a full-fledged coffee shop with cuisine and a wide selection of various dishes, then the target audience of the establishment is quite large. In general, these are people from 20 to 45 years old with incomes from 30,000 rubles. and higher. You can do a narrower segmentation of consumers:

  • Students from 20 to 25 years old. The main traffic of clients from this category falls on the morning hours (from 8.00 to 10.00) and during the business lunch (from 12.00 to 16.00);
  • Office workers from 25 to 35 years old. Come to business lunches from 12.00 to 16.00. Sometimes they stop by for dinner after work, i.e. after 19.00;
  • People in leadership positions who combine lunch with business negotiations. Visiting time: from 12.00 to 18.00;
  • Housewives who come to a coffee shop with a company to relax and escape from everyday worries. Their attendance increases from 11.00 to 15.00.

In the evening, people from all of the above categories come to the coffee shop. Those who start their working day later or who work in a free schedule come to breakfasts from 8.00 to 10.00.

Families with children often come to the coffee shop on weekends, as they are attracted by the wide selection of desserts.

And a casual passer-by who wants to have a cup of coffee in a coffee shop or take it with him can drop in at any moment.

In order to cover the maximum number of consumer segments, it is necessary to maintain an average price level, as well as regularly introduce special offers.

The stationary coffee shop has a lot of competition in the market. The competitors of the coffee house are not only the same establishments that, along with dishes of European cuisine, offer a wide range of coffee drinks. These are cafes and restaurants, and even canteens during business lunches. Mini-coffee shops located in shopping centers are not competitors, as they are aimed at a different audience. Coffee-to-go points are competitors only for a separate service of the establishment - take-away coffee. However, this is an additional service of the coffee shop, so it is not advisable to take special measures to reduce competition for this type of service.

In order to stand out among the huge number of establishments, it is necessary to develop a unique selling proposition, as well as maintain a consistently high level of quality of food and service. As for the company's pricing policy, in this segment the elasticity of demand is of high importance. That is, even a small increase in prices will significantly affect the decrease in demand. Accordingly, the rise in prices should be treated very carefully. Your customers need to understand why they are paying more than before.

The advantages and disadvantages of the project can be summarized in the following table:

Strengths of the project:

Weaknesses of the project:

  • A team of highly qualified specialists - waiters, managers, cooks. Regular training and certification of employees;
  • Bright interior that creates a unique atmosphere;
  • A democratic format of a coffee shop that allows you to cover a wide range of audiences;
  • Favorable location;
  • Unique cuisine complemented by regular seasonal offerings;
  • Variety of coffee drinks, the best coffees;
  • Regular monitoring of customer feedback through the book of reviews and suggestions, prompt elimination of shortcomings;
  • Providing business lunches and breakfasts at reduced prices;
  • Discount on all take-out menus.
  • Possibility of unsuccessful promotions and marketing campaigns;
  • Decrease in the quality of staff work.

Project opportunities:

Project threats:

  • Development of a chain of coffee houses in the city and in the region;
  • Delivery service introduction;
  • Development of a mobile application that allows you to make a reservation or book a table.
  • High competition in the market;
  • Higher prices for coffee and food;
  • Increase in rent / termination of the lease agreement;
  • Decrease in purchasing power of the population and decrease in demand for coffee shop services.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

It is very responsible to approach the choice of the location of the coffee shop. You should assess the traffic of the premises, as well as determine how convenient it is for customers to get to your establishment. The area of ​​the room is calculated based on the number of seats. For a coffee shop for 40-50 people, rent of 180 sq.m. is enough.

At the stage of creating a design project for a coffee shop, it is advisable to contact professionals working in the HoReCa field, who can make high-quality engineering and technological projects. This is necessary, first of all, so that all the communications carried out can withstand the capacity of the restaurant equipment and ensure the smooth functioning of the restaurant. Also, a professional project is a guarantee that the repair will be carried out taking into account all the requirements of the regulatory authorities and in the future you will not have to redo anything.

You should not save on the installation of alarms and CCTV cameras. This will allow you to monitor the work of staff and the observance of discipline in the workplace, and will also help in resolving conflicts related to property damage.

6. Organizational structure

For the full-fledged work of the coffee shop, you will need to recruit staff for the following vacancies:

  • Manager. He organizes the work of the sales area, supervises the performance of the duties of waiters and baristas. Monitors the well-coordinated work of the kitchen and the hall, the timely delivery of dishes. Together with the chef, he organizes banquets and major events. Recruits and trains waiters and baristas. Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Chef. The main responsibility is to control the preparation and timely delivery of all dishes. The chef prepares the menu, trains the staff under his command, and monitors the smooth operation of the kitchen. Also chooses suppliers and working hours: daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Cook. There are two chefs in the staff, but there is one chef in one shift in the kitchen. He fully prepares and serves dishes from the kitchen. Work schedule: 2 working days after 2 days off. Subordinate to the chef.
  • Pastry chef. His area of ​​responsibility is the preparation of all desserts in the required quantity. Subordinate to the chef. Opening hours: daily 10.00 to 19.00. If desserts are made in sufficient quantities to meet demand for the next two days, it may leave work earlier. In case of an influx of guests, it should be delayed, since in the event of a downtime of the kitchen, the chefs are punished with a fine.
  • Barista. Prepares all kinds of drinks: coffee, teas, cocktails. He is well versed in coffee varieties, knows many methods of preparation. Has a pleasant appearance, friendly, sociable. Directly subordinate to the manager. Working hours: 2 working days after 2 days off from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Waiter. The duties of the waiter include table setting, service and customer settlement. The waiter should know about each dish from the menu: ingredients, taste, cooking time, serving method. The waiters of the coffee shop are outwardly attractive, have a good memory and politely serve each client. Working hours: 2 working days after 2 days off from 10.00 to 22.00.
  • Cleaning woman. The main duty is to maintain cleanliness in the hall, office premises, in the kitchen, at the entrance to the coffee shop. Opening hours: daily.
  • Accountant. Maintains paperwork, submits reports to regulatory authorities, removes cash balances, issues wages, etc. Working hours: from 10.00 to 19.00 daily.

The salary of employees is in the form of a salary. An additional motivation for the work of the service personnel is getting a tip. Tips are shared among the shift participants at the end of each working day.



Salary for 1 employee (rub.)

Salary Total (rub.)



Pastry chef


Cleaning woman


General fund of salary

The full calculation of the payroll with insurance premiums is presented in the financial model.

When choosing personnel, it should be remembered that service is the most important component of the restaurant business. People return to places where they are well served. In addition, stress resistance should be a hallmark of your employees. All employees who directly interact with the consumer must be able to resolve any conflict situations in favor of the client. This is due to the fact that quality service is taken for granted by the visitor. Their expectations for a high level of service are justified, but this does not motivate the client to write rave reviews about your establishment. However, in a poor service situation, the visitor tends to spread negative reviews about your coffee shop as far as possible. Sometimes it’s cheaper to give an extra dessert as an apology than it is to lose multiple potential customers at once. Consider this fact when building a team and training staff.

7. Financial plan

The largest costs when opening a coffee shop are spent on the purchase of kitchen and coffee equipment, as well as on the renovation and decoration of the premises.

The equipment will cost you at least 1,000,000 rubles. This amount may vary depending on the type of cuisine and the number of meals provided, as well as equipment suppliers. You can see the list of kitchen equipment with a European menu and a separate confectionery shop in the financial model.

Coffee houses have remained a favorite vacation spot for a long time to this day, and an invigorating cup of coffee in the morning is popular all over the world. That is why opening a coffee shop is a profitable business.

    • 4 coffee shop formats that are doomed to success
    • Choosing a coffee shop concept is a battle for originality
    • How to choose the best premises for a coffee shop?
    • Coffee shop business plan
    • How much money does it take to open a coffee shop from scratch?

According to rough estimates, to make a cup of coffee, you need to use 7-8 g of ground beans (the cost of one serving is about 10 rubles). The average price of a cup of espresso is 60 rubles. That is, the profitability of the business is 500%.

But, like any business, opening a coffee shop is associated with certain risks and difficulties. If you correctly draw up a business plan for a coffee shop, and do a good job, you can become the owner of a very prestigious and well-known institution in the city.

4 coffee shop formats that are doomed to success

There are several main formats of coffee houses that have taken root in Russia today. .

French coffee shop

A traditional or French coffee house is designed for a relaxing time and relaxation. This is the most expensive type of business. Such coffee houses require a classic interior, expensive dishes, service with the help of waiters.

Such a coffee house presupposes the presence of a kitchen, therefore, not only coffee is served here, but also hot dishes. Despite the fact that the prices here are much higher than in other types of coffee shops, they bring a steady income.


  • The ability to make the menu varied;
  • A more familiar format for visitors.


  • High competition;
  • The need to invest large funds.

American coffee shop

Mini coffee shops or American coffee shops are different from traditional ones. They lack a kitchen, and, therefore, hot dishes. , but a wide range of coffees and other beverages are offered.

Mini-coffee shops usually have several small tables that you can sit at. Most often, this type of coffee shop is located in shopping centers. The markup on goods is much higher here than in the previous versions.

A mini-coffee house also requires a large capital investment at the initial stage.


  • a wide selection of coffee varieties;
  • the possibility of placing in shopping centers.


  • high associated costs;
  • lack of hot dishes.

Express coffee shop

Express coffee shops only provide for the presence of a counter and the necessary equipment. Also, such coffee shops can be located in small kiosks or rented premises in shopping centers. Usually, the assortment of the institution includes a variety of pastries.


  • location within walking distance;
  • low cost of goods


  • difficulties in serving a large number of visitors
  • the difficulty of choosing a place for a coffee shop

Mobile coffee shops

For mobile coffee shops This kind of space does not need to be rented, but a means of transportation is required, from which it will be possible to trade coffee and pastries.


  • the ability to change points of sale;
  • low initial investment.


  • dependence on weather conditions;
  • high transportation costs.

Coffee houses in all regions are popular with different segments of the population. But before making a business plan for a coffee shop, it is better to analyze the market in your area. To do this, it is enough to conduct monitoring on the Internet, or, if possible, attract a marketer, which is associated with additional costs.

Choosing a coffee shop concept is a battle for originality

If you are determined to draw up a business plan for a coffee shop and open your own establishment, then you, first of all, will need to think about a concept that will distinguish your coffee shop from other businesses of this kind. And you will have to make a lot of effort and imagination to lure customers and make their pastime in your establishment pleasant and unforgettable.

Entrepreneurs in many countries around the world have found the most original ideas for their cafes that make their enterprises the most unusual.

So in "BarbieCafé" (Taiwan), those who wish find themselves in the pink world of Barbie. Everything here is the interior, and the uniforms of the waiters, and the dishes (mainly desserts) are pink.

To tell the truth, in some media outlets there were very negative statements about such an establishment, but this does not prevent the owners from successfully functioning and making a profit.

But "Alkatraz" (Japan), on the contrary, attracts visitors with its extreme and prison romance. The tables in the cafe are separated by a grid, and visitors are offered such exclusive dishes as "Dead Bird", "Human Intestine", etc.

At DinnerintheSky (Belgium) you can dine under the skies, and the coffee itself is a crane structure; at O'Noir Cafe (Canada), blind waiters will serve you in complete darkness.

In "Velokafi" (Switzerland) the tables are designed in such a way that you can dine at them without getting off your bike.

Of course, when developing a business plan for a coffee shop, it is not at all necessary to come up with super-original ideas, but there should be a “zest” of its own. It is she who is designed to attract visitors to your institution.

You can make a coffee shop in a classic style, with expensive dishes, chandeliers. Or, if you want to primarily attract young people and students, casual, city or hi-tech designs will do. It is quite possible to dwell on the original names of the dishes or the uniform for the waiters.

How to choose the best premises for a coffee shop?

After you decide exactly what type of coffee shop you will open and decide on an idea, you need to choose a room. It is best to rent premises in the city center, in historical places, where there is a lot of traffic.

A big plus if there are entertainment venues, theaters, cinemas, shopping centers, educational institutions near the coffee shop. For a budget coffee shop, train stations and markets are more suitable.

It is possible that a coffee shop located in a residential area will function successfully and bring good income, but only if it is densely populated and residents do not have much choice, and the nearest cafes and coffee shops are located quite far away.

The most suitable option if the area of ​​your coffee shop will be at least 100 sq. m., and have 40 seats. The average rental price for a space of 100 sq.m. for 2017, about 120,000 rubles per month, together with utility bills. The rented space must accommodate:

  • hall for visitors;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • utility room.

You can pick up a room of 60-70 sq. m., but it is less cost-effective. It is best to rent a room, which was originally a catering point, then you will avoid unnecessary red tape with documents and problems with the SES.

Coffee shop business plan


But with the paperwork, as with any other business, you need to run around, although it is quite possible to keep within 1-2 weeks. What documents are needed to open a coffee shop? You need to register your activity as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, OKVED code 55.30: "Activities of cafes and restaurants", select a special tax regime, UTII or STS. Then buy a cash register and also register it with the tax authorities.

To open a cafe, the following documents are required:

State registration new venture.

Premises lease agreement(it is better to immediately conclude for 3-6 months in advance).

Conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

Conclusion from the fire department.

License for the sale of alcoholic beverages(if you plan to sell alcohol) and food retail license(If you want to).

Conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor(sometimes it is necessary to agree on the recipe of dishes).

Premises redevelopment technical project(if such an event is planned).

The paperwork will take from 10 to 30 thousand rubles.

Choosing an interior - 3 rules that will attract visitors

Renovation is one of the most expensive parts of an investment. It can last not a single month and cost at least 500-600 thousand rubles. But, before starting it, you need to think carefully about the interior, it is even better to invite a designer who will offer original ideas and successfully use the space.

You don't have to make a coffee shop that looks like a light structure like Mocha — Mojo / Studio Mancini / Chennai in India or change the look of a coffee shop with lighting like DreamBags-Jaguar Shoes / Studio Carnovsky / London, England. But it is worth remembering three rules that will attract visitors.

The coffee shop should be:

  • cozy

Soft and diffused light, small partitions between tables, soft sofas near the walls will help to give comfort to the room.

  • comfortable

Correctly arranged furniture and hangers will help to make the coffee shop comfortable. The bar counter and display cases should be located so that they are immediately visible when entering the establishment.

  • stylish

Stylish trinkets, table lamps or lamps, beautiful tableware will add a special chic to the coffee shop.

It is worth remembering that a coffee shop should be consistent with a specific theme: from the menu and furniture to the uniform of the waiters.

Equipment selection

Now let's try to figure out what equipment is required for a coffee shop and how much it will cost.

So, you need:

For the hall:

  • bar counter;
  • tables;
  • chairs;
  • sofas;
  • TVs;
  • musical equipment;
  • lamps, table lamps, decor elements;
  • dishes.

For kitchen:

  • coffee machine(the best option is 2 coffee machines - professional Italian equipment of the LaCimbali, Faema, Rancilio brands);
  • coffee grinder;
  • fridge;
  • Dishwasher;
  • cupboard;
  • mixers and blenders;
  • plate;
  • oven.

The approximate cost of equipment, furniture, dishes and kitchen utensils will be 730-800 thousand rubles. Among other things, you will need to purchase detergents and cleaning products and equipment for the bathroom.

Recruiting staff for a coffee shop

There are mini-coffee shops where the owner and the hostess are engaged in the service, but, as a rule, to organize a good and profitable coffee shop, you need hired personnel :

  • manager(manager) - 1;
  • accountant - 1;
  • security guard - 1;
  • barista - 1;
  • Cook - 1;
  • dishwasher - 1-2;
  • cleaning woman - 1;
  • waiters - 2-3.

The salary will require at least 120-150 thousand rubles. In the event that a coffee shop has a regular work schedule, for example, from 10:00 to 22:00 you can organize work in one shift, but still the best option is to work in 2 shifts.

Choice of coffee shop menu - 9 main courses

If you have a kitchen, the menu of a coffee shop can be quite varied. In the first place, of course, there should be coffee and other drinks:

  • coffee and drinks based on it (6-8 varieties);
  • tea(5-6 grades);
  • hot chocolate;
  • juices;
  • cocktails;
  • salads(it is advisable to add several new salads with original names);
  • sandwiches(with cheese, sausage, ham, fish, you can offer hamburgers and cheeseburgers):
  • hot dishes(several options for meat and fish dishes);
  • desserts(several types of ice cream, cakes, cheesecake, specialty desserts).

Baking can be offered both of its own production and imported, depending on the possibilities.

The “Coffee to go” service will be a big plus for your business. Moreover, you can provide the opportunity to take with you not only coffee, but also pastries, salads, sandwiches.

Coffee and other products will require approximately 250-300 thousand rubles.

Coffee shop advertising - we ensure 50% of success

An advertising campaign should be started a month or two before the opening of a cafe, based on financial capabilities. You can start with social networks. Several VK reposts, for example, can significantly stir up the interest of potential customers, in the event that they promise at the opening of any sweepstakes or a menu that competitors do not have.

Public transport or billboards are quite suitable for advertising, but this pleasure is not cheap. You can also do with sticking up advertisements at bus stops and in other places specially designed for such purposes, but the effectiveness of such advertising will be relatively small.

It is best to use as many sources as possible. In small towns, you can use word of mouth, which is often more productive than the local media.

How much money does it take to open a coffee shop from scratch?

It is definitely impossible to answer the question of exactly how much money is required to open a coffee shop. Much will depend on you and on your choice: in which city you decide to open a coffee shop, which room you rent, which one you want to make repairs, how much to invest in the design of the coffee shop, how expensive equipment you decide to buy, what will be the menu.

Download coffee shop business plan

Such an institution will pay off, at best, in one and a half to two years. Therefore, before opening a coffee shop, carefully consider all the risks. But, in the event that things go well, you can earn 250-350 thousand per month.

It may be better to start with a mini coffee shop or express cafe. The costs of such establishments will be 2-3 times less and they will pay off in six months or a year, but the revenue, accordingly, will be several times less.

We hope that the presented coffee shop business plan with calculations will help you start your own business.

Ever wanted to open your own business? Do you like coffee and dream of your own coffee shop in Moscow? Stop dreaming - it's time to act! The first step is to assess your financial capabilities. Let's calculate how much it costs to open a coffee shop.

How much money does it take to open a coffee shop: choose the format

The cost of starting a business depends on its size. There are 2 main formats of coffee houses:

  • Mobile coffee shops. Requires minimum investment - up to 500'000 ₽. They allow you to save on the rental of premises and its arrangement. Basically, you only need a good coffee machine and quality products.
  • Stationary coffee shops. The opening requires at least 2'000'000 ₽. In addition to the costs of renting and renovating the premises, you need to purchase equipment, hire staff, develop a menu that includes coffee, desserts, snacks and salads.

How much money is needed to open a coffee shop: detailed calculations

Below we will consider how much it costs to open a coffee shop and what you need to purchase to start a business in Moscow.

Premises for rent

So you are planning to open a coffee shop for 100 seats, an area of ​​200 m2... Rent of premises in a place with high traffic will be from 500'000 ₽ per month.

Staff salary

The minimum staff includes 8-10 people working in shifts: baristas, waiters, cooks, dishwashers and cleaning ladies.

The wage fund will average 300'000 ₽.

Equipment costs

A significant expense item is the purchase of quality equipment. Let's figure out how much money will have to be spent on equipment.

  • Professional coffee machine - 70'000 ₽
  • Coffee grinders - 30'000 ₽
  • Refrigerators for storing food and ready-made desserts - 100'000 ₽
  • Refrigerated display case for confectionery products - 100'000 ₽
  • Oven for baking - 50'000 ₽
  • Washing - 20'000 ₽
  • Mixer - 6'000 ₽
  • Microwave - 5'000 ₽

The minimum set of equipment for a coffee shop - 381'000 ₽.

other expenses

We have listed the main costs of opening a coffee shop. You will also need to provide for the costs of:

  • Business registration - 5'000 ₽
  • Renovation of the premises - 100'000 - 150'000 ₽
  • Coffee shop furniture (bar counter, tables, chairs, sofas) - about 1'000'000 ₽

We calculated how much money it takes to open a coffee shop. It does not include the cost of purchasing products and consumables (depending on the suppliers of goods).

Buying a coffee shop as an alternative to creating a project from scratch

Do you want to invest in

A coffee house is a catering establishment built by analogy with a cafe or restaurant. Inside the building, you need to provide coziness, a quiet, relaxed atmosphere, provide a classic or varied menu, and provide an affordable price for most dishes.

Business relevance

When starting a coffee business, you notice great prospects that you need to use successfully. To organize it, there is no need to invest a significant amount of money.

Business relatively pays off quickly, does not present difficulties in the organization, both from the development of a promotion plan and when working with personnel. If you enter a niche correctly, the project gains great potential.

Key features of opening a coffee shop

Relatively small investment, since a small coffee shop is different from and even more so a restaurant. The minimum area, the need for a standard number of employees, rather long allowable pauses in the purchase of products allow starting entrepreneurs to organize such a business. If you have a small start-up capital, this type of activity is great for learning how to run larger projects.

Pick up place to organize so that in the summer you can imagine a portable veranda, put tables. So you will significantly increase the number of visitors, since in the summer there are many who want to visit this institution by ordering coffee with small desserts. If you choose a space that is approached only from the sidewalk, you can lose a significant part of your profit.

Often, establishments organized like coffee houses are visited by students, companies of women, as well as people who decide to order a business lunch. It is recommended to organize a coffee shop close to schools, beauty salons and business centers.

Depending on the location, the features of the menu are determined, as well as the cost of certain items... If the institution is organized in the very center or close to the train station, it is necessary to prepare dishes so that visitors can take food.

If you decide to place a point in a shopping center, a part of the city that is actively visited by tourists, pay attention to the interior composition, since many visitors will want to drink coffee if they are surprised by the appearance of the establishment.

If possible, come up with how your establishment differs from many others... People come to good coffee houses not only to drink coffee or to eat, but also to communicate with colleagues, acquaintances, sometimes visitors work. To ensure the profitability of the business, it is necessary to select the appropriate interior in advance, to take care of the selection of the optimal music, menu, and also to control the compliance of the waiters' uniforms with the general concept of the institution.

The creation of a coffee shop pays off quickly enough, which distinguishes it from larger organizations. This is one of the most important qualities for many aspiring entrepreneurs.

You can always independently choose which one the concept coffee shops are going to apply. The romantic interior and style are often used, and the opening of fast food together with the serving of coffee is also popular.

What you need to open a coffee shop from scratch: business registration, necessary documents

Before organizing the workflow, you need to register a company, as well as enter the necessary data for interaction with the tax office.

To start a business, you must register an organization in the form or. You will be asked to indicate a specific one. For the activity of a small coffee shop, you can choose 55.30.

When the registration and tax documentation is completed, it will be time to form an application for a change in the tax regime. Use whenever possible, however, the concept of a coffee shop almost never predetermines this opportunity.

Benefit from a convenient 15% tax, and all taxes will be charged only on income. Costs must be recorded, as they are not included in the calculation of quarterly payments.

If you are going to distribute alcoholic beverages, you will need an appropriate one. Take care in advance of obtaining approval from the fire service, as well as the SES. To avoid problems already at the start of the project, pre-execute important business agreements, for example, on the supply of products, garbage collection.

Mini-coffee shop: business and its components

Where to start a small coffee shop from scratch?

For a business to have high profitability, it is necessary to organize a coffee shop in fairly crowded places. This will ensure that many people visit your establishment. It remains only to attract them with excellent service and specialties of the dishes.

Great if the coffee shop is located in the middle of busy intersections, streets, not far from the train station, metro, universities, shopping centers, as well as popular markets.

Mini coffee shop equipment

If you want to properly arrange the establishment, a large amount of equipment for the coffee shop is not required, but the starter kit should be available. But do not try to use cheap dishes and equipment, as in the long run this will not only bring savings, but also scare off many visitors.

Basic devices:

Coffee shop interior design

For a coffee shop to attract admiring glances, carefully consider its interior design.

Recently popular themed establishments, in which there is coffee, pizza is served, there is an opportunity to order sushi, a children's menu is presented in sufficient quantity.

Check out the competitors' proposals to make not only the best establishment, but also to introduce new items. Think over the design of the walls, ceiling, fill the room with interesting furniture.

To make your interior design attractive, consult a professional. Will help services of florists, decorators if you have the opportunity to pay them adequately. You can put fresh flowers on the tables - they will significantly increase the number of visitors.

Before choosing an interior design, think about the best direction in the concept of which the establishment will work. Let's list the most popular ones.

Traditional style

Place tables in several rows, define an area where visitors will drink coffee, and place comfortable sofas separately. Select enough staff in advance so that there are no problems with the availability of waiters.

The cost of meals in such establishments is usually higher than in similar ones. Diversify the menu, add desserts. Decorate showcases, dishes in accordance with the general concept.

Competent advertising of a coffee shop

To make your newly opened establishment popular, to increase the attendance of the coffee shop, use the following methods.

  • Outdoor advertising. Each institution must have signboard that grabs the attention of potential visitors by talking about the benefits of a particular vacation spot.
  • Advertising stock, Availability booklets, leaflets, which are distributed inside the institution or in front of the entrance to the coffee shop.
  • Internet... At the moment, it is possible to order advertising on social networks, place it on sites, by negotiating with suitable partners.
  • Carrying out advertising campaigns in the media.
  • Souvenirs, other products that visitors will remember for a long time.
  • Comprehensive promotion of a coffee shop using special image, forming a positive opinion among residents of a particular area, city.

How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

To open a spacious, comfortable establishment, you need an investment of funds. So what will be included in the costs?

  • Renting a suitable premises - from 200,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - from 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of furniture, elements for interior design - from 150,000 rubles.
  • Coffee equipment for a coffee shop, appliances necessary for preparing other dishes, suitable dishes - from 70,000 rubles.
  • Primary costs of advertising campaigns - from 20,000 rubles.
  • The goods that will be required to create the image of the establishment - from 10,000 rubles.
  • Transportation costs for equipment transportation - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Salary of employees - from 250,000 rubles.

Is it profitable to open a coffee shop?

Coffee shop profitability: from 250% to 900%- depending on the margin on popular items.

Payback: in small regions - from 1 to 3 years, in crowded places - from 6 months to 1 year... If the institution quickly establishes itself, then the investment will pay off in a period of 3 months or more.

To open a mini-coffee shop from scratch, you need to assess in advance your strengths not only in the formation, but also in the promotion of the institution. It is necessary to purchase suitable professional equipment for a coffee shop, decorate the interior, select personnel, and establish a range of products. When the calculations for the business and the preparation of the necessary documentation are completed, you can make the necessary acquisitions and start doing business.

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