Open a manicure salon and pedicure business plan. Ready business plan for manicure salon with calculations

Encyclopedia plants 16.10.2019
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More and more entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a manicure salon. In our article, this process is described in stages.

♦ Starting investment in the salon: 500,000 - 800 000 rubles
♦ Business payback period: 12 months
♦ Profitability of the manicure interior: 35%

Women always want to stay beautiful and desirable. And the completed image is impossible without beautiful and high-quality manicure.

Demand creates supply. Therefore, more and more entrepreneurs are wondering, how to open a manicure salon from scratch.

This business promises the owner a big profit.

Of course, in the event that a businessman gets time, performing the calculations of all costs, analyzing the indicators of the existing market of manicure services and, of course, will amount to the payback period and the size of the alleged revenue.

This process does not seem so difficult if it is painted it in stages.

This task will be performed this article-instruction.

Planning the opening of a manicure salon

Summary of business

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to start it to specify it, highlighting the main objectives and objectives of the manicure business, which the entrepreneur wants to achieve with the help of its activities.

Opening goals Manicure Salon:

  1. Creation of additional jobs for specialists in the provision of services to the population.
  2. Obtaining an entrepreneur from the manicure of the salon.
  3. Creation of a circle of standing cabin customers by attracting new visitors to advertising methods, and hold thanks to various favorable offers and discount systems.
  4. Providing additional services to increase profits and improve the interior reputation (for example, the original methods of performing a pedicure or nail extension on the hands).

Target Auditorium of the Manicure Salon

The main audience of manicure salons is, of course, women.

Moreover, most of them are young mothers or housewives. That is, the representatives of the beautiful sex who want to look good daily, and not only to any particular event.

This category visits the studio near the house, and for the sake of manicure or pedicure, rarely, when will leave your residence area. As with necessity, in this field of business there is high competition and find a manicure salon near the place of residence will not be difficult.

The second part of the visitors of the salons is a business woman. As a rule, they are also limited in time. And sometimes tougher than moms on male.

But they have more opportunities to choose a manicure salon for the quality of work and other indicators, and not only by location.

First of all, because they can make a manicure procedure "along the way" to work or in the interval between business meetings. And secondly, due to the fact that most of them have a personal car.

Depending on the range, prices and locations, the clients of your manicure salon will be the first or second category.

But in rare cases, they manage to combine them, increasing the total profit from the business.

Advertising campaign opening a manicure salon

Interesting fact from history:
In ancient Egypt, they were confident that long nails helped to communicate better with the gods, it was a symbol of wisdom. It was allowed to grow nails at all that only noble people were resolved, slaves made them very short. And in color of the nails, it was possible to judge significance and position. The brighter and rich manicure is the higher the situation in society. Cleopatra preferred to paint his nails henna, which gave them a terracotta tint.

Although the success of the studio by 80% depends on the professionalism of the masters, an advertisement investment is an integral part of the movement of a manicure salon.

  1. The first thing that the client studio sees is a sign.
    Therefore, its development must be delegated to design specialists.
    Do not regret it means.
    A bright and beautiful signboard will attract the attention of passing potential customers and serve as a better advertisement.
  2. Also to attract women who live or work near the manicure salon, the distribution of leaflets are used in the places of intensive movement of people.
    The intersection is ideally suited, entrances to shopping center and business centers, underground transitions and metro stations.
    The distribution sites and the design of leaflets should be periodically changed so that they do not "come."
    Additional motivation is a discount offer or special conditions of such leaflets.
  3. To keep attracted visitors, enter a discount discount system for regular customers.
    They can also be included in the SMS newsletter to inform about current stocks on manicure services or just congratulate on holidays, reminding the existence of the cabin.
  4. We must not forget about such an important element of the manicure advertising campaign, as promotion in social networks.
    It does not require a big budget, but the brand gains weight gain and attracts potential customers.
    Especially active on such advertising, young mothers and housewives are responded, which spend a lot of time on the Internet.
  5. For advertising studio on manicure in the media, an entrepreneur should use "female" sources.
    For example, TV channels for this category of population, glossy magazines.
    To save, you can contact regional firms.
    In addition, they better affect potential customers by territorial sign.

Select room for manicure salon

When choosing a rental of premises for the future manicure studio, you need to be guided by the following requirements:

  • Like many other types of business, this is advisable to place in places of large cluster of your potential clients.
    Depending on the category, it will be: shopping centers, business centers, surroundings of work offices, lively streets in bedrooms.
  • Only the most desperate since the beginning of manicure decide to buy a room under their salon.
    Life is very unpredictable, and what to talk about business!
    First you need to spend half a year to spend on becoming and analyzing project indicators.
    If things definitely go successfully, you can attempt to expand, buying a more spacious room.
  • Even before how to open a manicure salon, the entrepreneur must already know how many masters will be listed in his state.
    After all, for each employee according to the requirements of legislation, it should have from 6 m 2.
    At the same time, there should be a distance of at least 3 meters between the tables.
  • Employees need to provide comfortable working conditions for the level of manicure services raised and the salon had a good reputation. After all, so much depends on the content of manicure and pedicure masters and a pedicure of their work environment!
    Arrange the rest room, purchase a separate wardrobe, fridge and microwave.
  • In addition to the main hall for work, it is necessary to have an outbuilding room (for store inventory) and toilet.
  • Accommodation in the basement of the manicure salon is prohibited by the requirements of the SES.

Personnel for opening a manicure salon

To begin with, only basic services are provided in the manicure cabin, and the entrepreneur analyzes the selected location, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign and other points, sufficiently hire such positions:

Master of Manicure and Pedicure is the main employee in the manicure salon.

And its work impose special requirements:

  1. The requirement that is not even discussed is the availability of special education in this category of customer service.
  2. The weighty bonus will be the presence of medical education or at least traveled medical training courses.
  3. The master should be able to politely communicate with the client, to understand his wishes and fears, competently and clearly explain incomprehensible moments.
  4. The appearance of a specialist is his business card.
    All the appearance should be well-groomed, and even more so!
  5. An excellent decoration of the manicure work area will be diplomas, medals and other awards from various professional exhibitions and competitions.

But the cleaning lady and accountant all the time to keep at work there is no point.

To fulfill duties, it is enough to hire people part-time with hourly payment or contact the outsourcing company.

Financial calculations opening a manicure salon

The cost of opening a manicure salon

Monthly spending on a manicure studio

Implementation of the opening of a manicure salon

Possible risks of opening a manicure studio

Interesting fact:
French manicure appeared for the first time in 1976. The idea belongs to Orly, which created it for Hollywood actresses with the aim of approaching various images and outfits.

This will emphasize the seriousness and reliability of the entrepreneur in the eyes of potential investors. And for the businessman himself, he will help to feel great confidence in actions and becomes a way out in case of problems.

For possible risks, spending a studio from the moment of discovery, are:

  • Under the crisis, the competitive struggle becomes tougher, and customers are looking for salons with the most affordable prices.
    The opening of another manicure salon with lower rates is a serious risk.
    Also, the competition is masters working at home.
  • In the future, the requirements of the legislation may tighten, which will require the allocation of additional money from the budget and the time to achieve them.
  • In an effort to save, customers can begin to prefer to perform manicure services for nail care themselves at home.
  • But from seasonal oscillations, this business is being protected almost completely.
    Demand is usually stable. But on holidays and weekends it becomes much higher.
  • Due to the low qualifications of specialists or the lack of customer-oriented visitors, visitors may be unhappy with the provision of services and refuse to visit a manicure salon in favor of competitors.
  1. Its salon should be made as stylish and original.
    Modern manufacturers allow even the equipment to pick up the "in the tone" of the situation and you need to use it.
  2. To save and better control over the process of work of the recently open salon, the administrator's duties should be carried out by the initiator of the business.
    In the case of a positive result, you can hire new administrators.
  3. Limit as much as possible, and it is better to forbidden to smoke at work at all.
    The terrible smell of tobacco from the master will reduce any beautiful studio design and the breadth of the range.
  4. Good manicure and pedicure specialists can be lured from other salons.
    Offer them a higher salary, the best working conditions.
    Also, professionals may agree to the same conditions if the place of their work is unprofitable and may soon close.
    Bonus you can get an extensive customer database.
  5. Before launching the project, an entrepreneur should conduct an analysis of the market, evaluate the prospects for its development, the business building model of competitors.

We offer for viewing informative video

on the opening of a manicure salon from scratch

enterprising girls:

Conclusion about the profitability of the opening of a manicure salon

Those who wondered by the question how to open a manicure officeFrom the article had the opportunity to understand that this is a profitable business.

On average, the payback rate of the studio in Moscow is 1 year.

But if the entrepreneur is invested in his business all his free time, effort and desire, achieve a high level of profitability and significant profits possible.

The main thing is to believe in your strength, do not be afraid to experiment and plan a vector of development.

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Nowadays, yes, and in any other, despite the crisis and various fumes of women and girls always seek to look wonderful. That is why the business built in the field of beauty industry is always in demand. Therefore, think about how to open a manicure office, even in our difficult time.

Of course, the majority of entrepreneurs engaged in this business industry are female representatives. But if you are a man, then it is not a reason to refuse the idea to open a manicure salon. Now many representatives of the strong half of humanity help the ladies and not only the ladies to bring beauty. In the end, you can open a salon for men Although they are less likely to have the services of manicure and pedicure masters, nevertheless, well-groomed hands are an indicator of high status for a person of any sex.

Business plan

In order to determine the upcoming costs and to calculate the business profitability need to be a manicure business plan with calculations. First, we define the initial investments and monthly costs for the cabin or a cabinet to 4 wizards.

  1. Registration of ownership of 800 rubles.
  2. Equipment and furniture for the cabin are about 270 thousand rubles.
  3. Design of the room from 50 thousand rubles.
  4. Rental of premises from 30 thousand rubles. per month.
  5. Consumables about 35 thousand rubles. per month.
  6. Internet and television 3 thousand rubles. per month.
  7. Communal services 11 thousand rubles. per month.
  8. Customer treats 1.5-2 thousand rubles. per month.
  9. Personnel salary from 50 thousand rubles. per month.
  10. Advertising 5 - 10 thousand rubles. per month.
  11. Unforeseen expenses of 10 thousand rubles. per month.
  12. Taxes.

As you can see, the initial capital is better to have at least 321 thousand rubles - this is subject to the rental of the premises. If you decide to buy a room, then the sum, respectively, should be more. Monthly expenses will be at least 138 thousand rubles. To this amount you need to add taxes.

With successful placement and good advertising, the turnover of the cabin, consisting of four manicure and pedicure masters, will be at least 350 thousand rubles per month. Accordingly, our salon will pay off and starts bringing net profit after 3 months, which is a wonderful result. But it is necessary to take into account that at the beginning of the salon - the first 2-3 months attendance will be lower than expected. But when many customers find out about the existence of the cabin, then it will be possible to count on a good stream of people. For us, this means that payback earlier than in half a year it is not worth waiting.

Registration of documents

Before opening a manicure salon from scratch, you need to make the design of all documentation. First we decorate the right-pointing documents and register in the federal tax service. The form of property is easier and faster to choose in the form of an IP. To do this, you need to specify the following code of all-Russian classification of economic activity - 93.02 - the provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons.

The beautiful half of humanity wants to look beautiful at any time of the year, regardless of the circumstances. A very profitable direction in this market segment is the provision of manicure services. As for the novice entrepreneur, and for an experienced businessman, it is very important to make a clear and competent business plan for a manicure salon with calculations and conduct market analysis and competition to have an objective understanding of the future enterprise bringing a stable income.

Market analysis

The number of salons involved in the provision of manicure services is quite high. Many of them have already managed to win a positive reputation among customers and pick up the lion's share of profit. It is important to explore all the advantages and cons of the most advanced salons to the smallest details. And try to make your company to have a distinctive feature and could stand out among the rest.

Analyze the location of the salons. An important point is the price category of the services provided. It makes no sense in a residential area to make a manicure office of the business class, because purchasing power will be low. Accordingly, in the area with elite new buildings, economy services will not be held. Perhaps you should pay attention to shopping centers, which are a cluster of a large mass of people, mostly women.

As numerous sociological polls show, the long demand for these services is observed in the non-working female half of the population (this is a housewife, and young moms sitting on the male, but preferring to look good). But to go to the other end of the city to make up and process nails, with a small child is quite problematic, but go to the nearest salon, located in the local shopping center, it is quite convenient.

If you are targeting another half of the female population, then it makes sense to think about the location near business centers and offices.

And you can also attract those and others. The main thing - carry out a full analysis of the market andchoose the right place.

Goals and objectives of the project

Project goals:

  • creating a client base
  • obtaining net profit in the desired volume (depending on the desire of a particular entrepreneur).

Project tasks:

  • organization of jobs for a certain number of specialists,
  • increased profit due to the introduction of additional services,
  • attracting new customers at the expense of innovations and active advertising policies.

Decided to open a manicure salon? What do you need for this?

To open a manicure interior will be required:

  1. registration in the tax authorities you like;
  2. obtaining permission from the SES and the fire service. It is necessary to take care of the full compliance of all the standards and standards of fire safety, as well as the rules of sanitary hygiene. You to help Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for accommodation, device, equipment, maintenance and mode of work of organizations of public utilities that provide hairdressers and cosmetic services." In total personnel, there must be sanitary books;
  3. obtaining a license of the established sample for the provision of services of this species;
  4. registration in the tax inspection;
  5. print your salon.

Business for fans of sports: Open your fitness club from scratch. What you need, where to start how much it costs - read.

Nuances Selecting the room under the salon

  • As noted earlier, it is advisable to choose the place of mass accumulation of people, mostly women. Namely: shopping centers, places near offices, central streets.
  • Buy or rent a room - depends on your desire and financial opportunities. Of course, renting premises under the manicure salon in the city center will cost Nedlyozhenly, like the purchase of the room. However, you should not hurry. For several months of entrepreneurship, you can understand how profitable business is in this place. And only won a certain client base that will bring a stable income, you might think about buying a room for further expansion.
  • Do not forget about a small house. Room in the cabin, where the inventory will be stored, a working form for personnel.
  • In addition, it is desirable to highlight a small room for recreation employees, where they can eat.
  • Do not forget that, according to Sanpina rules, at least 6 m 2 stands out on one wizard.

The cost of renting non-residential premises, for example, in Moscow in 2017 he fluctuates from 250 thousand rubles to 700, depending on the area, location, proximity to the metro, repair, etc. Thus, on the annual rental, you spend an average of 7-10 million . rub. Whereas the purchase of the premises will cost you several dozen, or even hundreds of millions.

Equipment, materials

To buy equipment and materials should be related to all seriousness. The equipment must be high-quality, modern. Do not chase for cheap. Pick it up under the interior of the cabin. Now it can be done very easily.

Various models are provided in the modern market, which can be selected not only in size, but also in color:

  • manicure tables cost from 3 to 15 thousand rubles,
  • lamps for drying - from 3 to 6.5 thousand rubles,
  • apparatus for manicure, remopes, from 2 to 20 thousand rubles,
  • stands and pads - from 500 rubles. and higher,
  • sterilizers and accessories - from 500 rubles. up to 5 thousand,
  • masters chairs - from 2 to 8 thousand rubles,
  • towels - from 50 rubles,
  • directly the working material itself (nail polishes, washes, brushes, etc.) - from 50 rubles. and higher.

Buy all the equipment only in proven places, with the availability of a certificate.

Personnel search

From the selection of personnel depends almost half of the success of your business. Come to this very seriously, with a lot of responsibility.

Master must meet several criteria:

  • have a good education in the specialty, not bad if it will have a medical education yet;
  • it is desirable for diplomas and medals from various competitions and master classes, which speaks of high qualifications. All these trophies can be placed in the lobby of your salon to increase reputation;
  • be polite and competent;
  • the appearance plays a considerable role when working with people. It is unlikely that the unsembly wizard will cause confidence.

In addition to the masters, you should think about servicing personnel. Administrator who meets customers accepting calls and applications, cleaner. Do you need an accountant - decide on the basis of your requirements, the number of personnel, monthly profits.

Have the talent of the hairdresser? Start your business in this direction! Nuances and recommendations on doing business in the field of hairdressers:

Services of manicure salon

In addition to basic services, you can specialize in a number of others. Pedicure, solarium, hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist.

The chip of your salon can become a children's room. After all, a considerable part of customers make up young mothers who would love to visit the salon and more often if it were possible to leave a child with someone. Therefore, think about highlighting a small area for leisure children. For example, an excellent solution can be a dry pool. And the child is busy, and Mom is pleased.

For a solarium, which is in demand all year round, can be purchased special equipment. Well, take care of the coffee machine, the terminal for payment of cellular services. All these are not particularly expensive events will help significantly increase the status of the cabin.

Promotion of manicure business

So, we disassembled how to open a manicure salon from scratch. What to do next? Of course, promote your services and look for customers. A advertisement will come to the rescue - the famous progress engine. Advertising a manicure salon can be different. Newspapers, radio or television, flyers, banners, business cards. It all depends on your imagination and creativity.

Treat the creation of your own website in advance on the Internet. Bright, beautiful, laconic - he definitely attracts the audience.

Financial part

How much does it cost to open a manicure salon?

Profit and payback

The cost of a classic manicure in Moscow and MO is approximately 500-600 rubles. Other types of services provided, take from the calculation of 500 - 1500 rubles. Thus, one master per day is able to fulfill about 5 services in the amount of approximately 5000 rubles. Total 5 masters per day will bring about 25 thousand rubles. Per month this amount will be about 750 thousand rubles. Of which, net profit with deduction of rental, utilities, employee salary, purchases of the necessary materials will be 100-150 thousand rubles.

With such amounts, the payback period of the cabin will be approximately 10 to 12 months. In the initial stages of this profits, it will be enough, but with an increase in the spectrum of services provided, the correct advertisement and attracting a large client base, the revenue will grow.


During the implementation of the manicure salon business plan, a premises of a certain area will be involved (at least 30 m 2). Form of ownership of IP. According to preliminary calculations, the opening of the Manicure Cabinet will cost 620 thousand rubles. Excluding employee wages. The salon will consist of the main premises, the host. Premises and rooms for employees.

The main client base, according to our business plan of the manicure studio, will be representatives of the female middle wealth (office workers, residents of the nearest homes, etc.).

Now you know how to open a manicure salon with a prospect of a successful business.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and look well-groomed. In the final image, hands with neat nails play a big role. In this regard, manicure salons will always be popular.

In addition, such services are in demand all year round, and for holidays, the profit is also doubled. Therefore, if you have accumulated a certain capital, then information on how to open a manicure office will be likewise.

Where to begin?

Many people might think that with such a number of competitors to resist this market is simply impossible. But if you analyze the quality of the services provided, then the chance to organize a good interior and get regular customers you have. The first thing to start, - registration of business. To do this, you need to fill out an application for the registration of an individual.

It must be given to the administration along with a copy of the passport, code and check, which indicates payment of the contribution. After receipt of the certificate of registration of the IP, it is necessary to be recorded in the tax and pension fund. For all this it will be necessary to pay about 250 dollars.

Rent a manicure cabinet with furniture and necessary equipment will significantly save your time and costs. The salon must comply with the requirements of the sanitary station. These rules are registered in them: for each salon employee there should be 6 m 2, and furniture items should be easily processed and cleaning. In addition, the premises necessarily have a shell for washing hands. And of course, the tools need to be constantly sterilized, for which they will have to acquire a special apparatus. As you can see, the requirements for the manicure office are not very strict, and they are not so much, so they will simply fulfill them.

Select room

So that your salon is in demand, it is very important that it is located in the right place. For example, it can be a central street, a place of accumulation of stores or offices.

Also popular will be the office in the bedrooms in which there are no similar institutions nearby. You can buy the room to implement your idea, but better if you take it for rent.

In this case, you will significantly save on costs, and if suddenly the business is unprofitable, you can refuse a removable area. When choosing a room, it is necessary to provide for the presence of an extract in which some equipment and materials can be stored.

Also consider that it should be translated into a non-residential fund. Otherwise it will be possible to "earn" additional problems and care.

In general, renting a manicure office will cost you about $ 50 per square meter. To open the salon, you will need to get permission to the SES and in the fire inspection. Also, you may decide to make repairs that will cost you at least 100 dollars.

Necessary equipment

Now we'll figure it out how to open a manicure office and what equipment will need to purchase you. The efficiency of work depends on the selected tools and other devices. All items must be comfortable and high-quality. Order equipment is recommended in specialized firms.

Today you can see their description and reviews on the Internet on certain sites. In general, you will need to purchase: a table manicure, lamps for nail extension, special chairs for pedicure, ordinary chairs, as well as many other items. It is important not to save on materials and tools, since the quality of work and your reputation directly depends on this.

Manicure business and its features

Thinking about how to open a manicure office, pre-develop a design project and interior design. In such establishments, eastern motives are most often used in the design, which help to relax. In addition, you need to take care of comfort.

To do this, you certainly need to be attentive to customers, you can, while they expect their turn, offer them tea or coffee. You can also install the TV in the cabin so that people can be distracted and have fun. Remember that this is a very important side of success - polite service. If the masters that you work have some awards and letters, then you will definitely place them in prominent places, which will add a solidity and presentability to the institution.

Salon staff

You have two options:

  • hire masters who will work for you and receive wages;
  • take places for a certain amount.

If you decide to build the concept of your business in the second version, it is recommended to additionally hire an administrator who will work at the reception and receive orders. He will also make sure that the masters do not negotiate with customers about working at home. Remember that the properly established workflow and competent management is the key to success.

You may have a problem, where exactly look for a professional manicure? To solve it, you can use the Internet. Today, many questions are solved precisely with the help of the World Wide Web. Just do not immediately take a person to work, you must independently appreciate his skill.

To do this, ask him to demonstrate your skills or take for a trial period. In addition, you can take advantage of the newspaper with ads or contact a professional school where people learn to make manicure. There you can see how the wizard works, and then choose for yourself suitable.

  1. If a business goes well, in the future you can expand the range of services provided and even organize training courses for manicure.
  2. If you do not have your own funds for the organization of the cabin, then to get a loan in the bank, you need to provide a properly developed business plan.
  3. Try to organize a business so that your salon was provided with the maximum number of services that concern manicure and pedicure.
  4. Try to constantly improve the level of service. To do this, send your masters for various courses for advanced training.

Probably, you did not think about why business manicure salon is so attractive for beginner entrepreneurs. We will tell you what is the secret of the success of most manicure salons, we will advise where to open a manicure salon and even tell me how to find personnel. This scope of services even during the crisis does not cease to flourish, the incomes of the salons are constantly growing - all because people want to seem beautiful even when the money for gasoline is missing. We will use this weakness of the population and open the manicure salon, which will also come to come, bring their money, and put a good mood and beautiful nails. Of course, do not hope for a huge income from the start of the enterprise, but after a couple of months of stable advertising customer stream you will like it. We will advise you to open a manicure salon with a narrow specialization - cleaning, nail painting, restoration. No reasons for not developing a large number of services at the start a lot, the main thing is that we simply do not have enough money to rent a huge room and buy specialized equipment. The business plan of the manicure salon is good because we can save at a few points and open an enterprise without much cash investments.

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Where to open a manicure salon

When you write your business plan of a manicure salon, you need to take into account the location of your company, much depends on it. If, in the case of the car service, we still had to be a firm, now you need to find a suitable place. What to pay attention to the choice of premises for a manicure salon? Everything is simple - it must be near large boutiques, shopping centers, fitness centers. That is, near any entertainment, after which a woman, or a man - they also use the services of a manicure salon, could go and make themselves beautiful. According to psychologists, after buying something new to his wardrobe, a person has a raised mood and wants to make himself perfect, eliminate any drawbacks. If, after leaving the boutique, the potential client will see a sign with the name of your manicure salon - consider money you have already received. Of course, renting premises under the manicure interior in the city center will be very expensive, but we will try to get out of a difficult situation. Find a shopping center a little further from the center, select a smaller area and rental costs will be reduced to 30 thousand per month. These are the first expenditures of the manicure interior on functioning, they will try to recoup them.

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Opening a manicure interior begins with the purchase of equipment

First, we need to buy a manicure table and a good lamp for nail extensions. A high-quality table with a good finish will cost us 6 thousand rubles. Nail extension lamp today costs about 5 thousand rubles, it is better not to save and immediately buy good equipment. Add to the expenditures of the manicure salon two more chairs for each table - one for the cabin worker, another for the client. Two chairs will cost us 4 thousand rubles. Based on the size of the rented room, you need to decide how many tables we need to buy and put. Large manicure salons put tables so that on one table there were 10 square meters of free space. Given the price for rent, we cannot afford such waste. To begin with, we buy two tables with chairs and lamps so as not to load your budget strongly and at the same time be able to serve all customers. Later, when customers are more, you will need to buy tables and place them as comfortable for moving customers. The expenditures of the manicure salon also stand out for the purchase of consumables. Do not forget that most often they come to such salons in order to paint nails and put them in order. Consumables include varnishes, paints, acrylics, tips, cream - this will all cost us 6 thousand rubles for one manicure table. It is not necessary to save on the quality of the materials, most of your customers themselves are disassembled and immediately notice a cheap varnish or cream. Disposable expenditures of the manicure salon on this end.

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Business manicure interior plan: hire staff

At the start of the enterprise, we decided to put two tables to reduce costs. For each table you need to hire one employee, preferably a woman. You can search for staff earlier than buying materials and then if you do not know where to start a manicure salon, the staff will tell you what is missing for comfortable work or what materials need to buy more. The staff is easiest to find in employment services or on work sites. Most of the makeup artists who ended with an educational institution, after passing courses, they want a salary of 60 thousand rubles, but after a couple of months of searches, nothing remains with anything. It is such valuable frames that are then looking for work through the employment service in the hope of working in the specialty. We will find two makeup artists and offer them a salary of 15 thousand rubles per month. Believe me, this salary is enough for a person who has no salaries at all. For two employees, we need 30 thousand rubles per month, add it to the expenditures of the manicure salon. The staff, by the way, will not only do the work, but also to receive money for this work - we do not need any cashier, it is only extra expenses.

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The main weapon of advertising will be a sign with the title of the manicure salon. It is worth paying attention to this, hire a professional, because our sign will evaluate the entire salon. The business of the manicure salon has long been popular and allocate us from the crowd of the same firms may first of all bright sign. We will spend 8 thousand rubles for it. After its installation, you need to do direct advertisement that brings the main number of customers for our case. What is the income of a manicure interior? That's right - from middle-class women. We will not be aimed at the income below the average for the reason that this population layer very rarely uses the services of a manicure salon. So, the middle class is employees of offices, accountants, banking workers, vendors from shopping centers, teachers and so on. We will hand out colored leaflets with a description of the services and the rates for them by these people - during the lunch break, after the end of the working day, before work. It will not work immediately to cover all, so you just change the place of distribution of leaflets. This will bring a certain stream of customers, which is already good for a new case. Then these customers will advertise us themselves. We have to advertise our business manicure salon as extensive as possible, so we will not forget about advertising on the Internet. In every city there are women's forums where the weak floor discusses his questions, there are groups of VKontakte with a different kind of advertising. Do not be lazy and make a good advertising message, which then leave on all of these resources. Somewhere I have to pay, somewhere how to make an advertisement for free. The main thing is when we spend money on advertising, do not disappoint - this is all then turning into the income of the manicure salon.

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Business manicure interior plan: Calculate expenses and income

We painted in detail about everything we need to buy that the business of the manicure salon would be successful and developed, now it is worth summing up our expenses. Disposable costs consist of buying two tables of OP 6 thousand rubles, two lamps and four chairs - 4 and 2 thousand, respectively. For each table you need to buy materials worth 6 thousand rubles. Do not forget that we buy a high-quality, unique sign for your salon - are another 8 thousand rubles. In total, disposable costs will be 50 thousand rubles. The costs of functioning are made up of rent and wages to employees of the enterprise. We will find an inexpensive room near the shopping center with a rent of 30 thousand rubles per month, with staff, too, use the cunning and find workers through the employment service. Salary will be 15 thousand for one employee. Advertising our business will cost 6 thousand rubles. As a result, 66 thousand rubles for operation. Now we calculate the income of the manicure salon. Manicure on average in the area costs 1000 rubles for all nails without coating, with a coating of 1200 rubles. Pedicure will cost 1200 rubles without coating, 1500 coated. That is, serving one client you will receive approximately 2500 rubles. To payback, we need to serve 26 customers for the month, the rest is net profit.

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