Infrared cabin contraindications. Infrared sauna - benefits and harms

garden equipment 20.06.2020
garden equipment

Infrared sauna is a fairly new type of treatment. Outwardly, it does not look like a standard bath room at all. The infrared sauna is a small cabin, inside of which there are appropriate heaters, an example can be seen in the photo.

Until now, few people know what these devices are and what they are for. Someone is sure that they bring unconditional benefits to the body, while others - that there is harm from them. So what are the benefits and harms of infrared saunas?

About infrared saunas

First, it does not hurt to figure out what it is - an infrared sauna. In it, the human body is warmed up by means of heat waves coming from infrared heaters. The heat from them is soft and pleasant, it warms not the air, but directly the objects. Heat waves penetrate the body of people to a depth of 4 centimeters, which is much more than in a traditional bath.

For example, in a Finnish sauna, this figure does not exceed 5 millimeters. Since heat waves act more intensely, sweating increases, and, accordingly, the removal of toxins from the body.

As a comparison, we can give the following example: in the bath, only 5% of toxins and toxins are removed from the body, the remaining 95% is water. The benefits of infrared sauna are much more significant: the proportion of toxins removed reaches 20%.

But it cannot be said that the infrared sauna brings an exclusively positive result, despite the intensive release of toxins.

Benefits depend on several factors:

  • session duration;
  • thermal wave lengths;
  • the individual ability of the body to endure such waves.

IR wavelength

Any object or body heated to a certain temperature serves as a source of infrared radiation. The human body is also no exception, as it is a constant source of invisible infrared rays having a wavelength of 6-20 microns. According to the observations of scientists, people perceive infrared rays as their own, if their length corresponds to those that emit heat.

The infrared bath is designed in such a way that the heaters are capable of emitting heat waves with a length of 7-14 microns. Since this value corresponds to what a person produces, there will be no harm to the body from such radiation. But only if you approach the procedure with caution.

Session duration

In order not to bring infrared sauna harm, you need to follow the procedure for taking procedures. Since it affects the body more intensively than other types of baths, doctors do not advise using it for more than 20-30 minutes.

If there are problems with the blood circulation of the brain or heart, the duration of the procedure is recommended to be reduced to 5-10 minutes. It is better to visit several short sessions than one long one.

Individual characteristics of the body

Some people cannot endure intense exposure to heat for long periods of time. This is due to both the individual characteristics of the body, and certain diseases. Therefore, if during the stay in the infrared cabin there is a burning sensation in the nasopharynx and on the skin, dizziness, headaches, tearing, the procedure should be stopped immediately. It is not necessary to endure - there will be no benefit from it, but the consequences can be serious.

Now about what infrared saunas have contraindications. They are diseases in which prolonged exposure to heat is highly undesirable.

It is necessary to refuse to visit the infrared sauna if there is:

Therapeutic effect of infrared sauna

The benefits of infrared saunas have been proven empirically:

  1. There is an improvement in the nervous system, relieves the condition with insomnia, depression, emotional overstrain, anxiety. Infrared rays, or rather, the heat from them helps to relieve nervous tension, improve mood, and create a sense of calm.
  2. Better blood circulation strengthens blood vessels, removes bad cholesterol. If you visit the sauna regularly, the risk of thrombosis, heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases will decrease. In addition, memory improves, blood pressure normalizes and the blood supply to the brain increases.
  3. Strengthens the immune system, the body resists diseases better, which is most important in the cold period, when there is an increase in colds and SARS.
  4. Bones are restored and damaged soft tissues. Cuts, bruises, fractures and other injuries heal faster.
  5. Active recovery in progress after sports activities. During physical activity, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, due to which heaviness and pain occur. Thanks to infrared radiation, it is removed faster, and, accordingly, discomfort disappears. Blood circulation increases, while oxygen saturates the tissues, so fatigue after training is replaced by cheerfulness.
  6. The benefits and harms of infrared sauna depends on what effect a person wants to get from the procedure. For example, with increased pressure, warming up is not recommended, but the headache caused by overexertion is greatly relieved.
  7. The skin becomes clearer, acne, dermatitis, acne disappear. This is due to the fact that the pores expand, and toxins, subcutaneous dirt, and sebaceous plugs are removed. In addition, the skin becomes elastic, the manifestations of cellulite are reduced. Acceleration of metabolism and blood circulation contributes to the burning of subcutaneous deposits. In just a couple of sessions, the skin becomes more toned.
  8. Regular visit infrared bath can cure diseases of the musculoskeletal system and ENT organs.

What is an infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of it - all this has been described above. There are indeed many positive effects, and you can get a lot of health benefits if you approach the procedure wisely. In order not to harm the body, it is recommended to consult a doctor before visiting such a sauna.

From this article you can find out what features and properties an infrared sauna has: the benefits and harms of radiation, its effect on the human body, the rules for using infrared cabins, their types, principle of operation and device. The text contains recommendations from experts, indications and contraindications for use, consumer reviews and prices for emitters.

To understand all the advantages and the need for the use of infrared radiation, you should study the structure of the sauna itself: what it is, on what principle it works and what effect it has on a person.

Unlike conventional steam rooms, an infrared sauna is not as hot, so it is a great alternative for people who can hardly tolerate high temperatures.

What is an infrared sauna and how does it differ from steam rooms

The infrared sauna is a small room made from natural materials. Most often, wood is used for these purposes. In most cases, such saunas look like infrared cabins, which are designed for the simultaneous stay of 1-2 people. Radiators with infrared waves are installed inside. Thanks to them, the bodies that fall into the zone of action warm up. Infrared waves are part of the light spectrum. They are invisible, but are able to warm up various objects.

In general terms, all baths have a similar principle of operation, which involves heating one object from another. The differences are only in the method of transmission, which can be:

  1. Contact.
  2. Convection.
  3. Volnov.

Contact heating occurs when a hot object touches a cold object, giving it its infrared radiation. Convection heat transfer involves an intermediate carrier, usually water or air. In baths of the traditional type, the heating of the human body occurs due to air.

The wave method involves the use of infrared waves. In this case, a person is exposed to safe radiation. Infrared waves penetrate 4 cm under the skin, providing heating of the body, joints and internal organs. As a result, a person sweats more, and the air itself does not heat up. For this reason, the maximum temperature in infrared saunas for the home is no more than 50°C, while conventional steam rooms are heated up to 110°C.

Interesting fact! Any body emits infrared waves, including humans. The strongest source of such radiation is the sun. The heat felt by the skin from its rays is infrared waves.

Types and features of infrared emitters for sauna

Radiators are the most important component of the sauna. Therefore, before buying an infrared cabin, it is advisable to find out the length of the waves produced. Given this feature, the following types of radiation are distinguished:

  1. Long - 50-200 microns.
  2. Average - 2.5-50 microns.
  3. Short - no more than 2.5 microns.

Long waves are considered the safest. This type of radiation is as close as possible to what comes from the human body. This indicator is in the range of 70-200 microns. Short and medium wavelengths are used to heat large rooms. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether infrared heaters are harmful depends on the range in which the waves are emitted.

The price of an infrared sauna depends on what material the emitter is made of.
Manufacturers use:

  • metal (stainless steel, incoloy, galvanized or chrome-plated metal);
  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass.

Incoloy is a special metal alloy consisting of iron, chromium and nickel. This material is effective and practical, which is why it is most often used for the manufacture of infrared sauna heaters.

When choosing one or another model of infrared sauna, special attention should be paid to heating elements.

The effect of infrared radiation on the human body

Despite the fact that the temperature in the infrared sauna does not exceed 50 ° C, the radiation is able to penetrate deep into the body and warm the body well. Moreover, such heating is more efficient than in a conventional steam room. If we compare traditional baths with infrared saunas, then in the first case, the waves penetrate the body by only 3-5 mm, and in the second - up to 40 mm.

The fact is that the length of infrared radiation is almost the same as that of heat waves that come from a person. Their impact on the body is not perceived as foreign, so the body does not prevent heating. In this case, the temperature of a person rises to 38.5 ° C.

Properties of infrared radiation:

  • destruction of harmful microorganisms and viruses;
  • rejuvenation;
  • preventive and curative effects.

At each stage of the procedure, certain processes occur. Their detailed consideration will allow us to understand the mechanism of the effect of a sauna on a person. First, a portable infrared sauna should be prepared for the session. To do this, set the required level of humidity (about 45-50%) and temperature (about 35-38°C). During the first 10 min. the sauna accumulates energy. During this period of time, a person has a slight sweating and an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C.

Over the next 12 minutes. the upper layers of the skin begin to actively release moisture, which increases the level of sweating and increases the rate of blood circulation, as well as improves the metabolism in the body. Together with the fluid, the body gets rid of some of the harmful substances and toxins.

Note! The shorter the wavelength, the stronger the objects that fall under its influence warm up.

Further, the volume of released moisture gradually begins to decrease, since the body has already managed to allocate part of the unbound water during this time. In the process of this, a rapid increase in body temperature is observed. The optimal session duration is 30 minutes. After that, you need to leave the sauna. At this stage, the intensity of sweating may increase. This process usually takes no more than 8 minutes.

Infrared sauna: the benefits and harms of emitters, scope

Many consumers prefer infrared saunas for the apartment. Unlike conventional steam rooms, these designs have many advantages:

  1. Simplified preparation process - it takes only 10-12 minutes to warm up, in the case of a Russian bath, this process is more complicated and sometimes it lasts more than 1 hour.
  2. Shortened session - the procedure lasts about 30-40 minutes, when you need to stay in ordinary steam rooms for at least 60 minutes to achieve the effect.
  3. High efficiency due to fast and deep heating, as well as increased perspiration.
  4. Safe operating system - thermal loads on the body are minimal, so the list of contraindications for a bath with infrared emitters is small.

If you exceed the time spent in the bath, this can cause an overload of the heart muscle.

Why infrared sauna is useful: the therapeutic effect of radiation

In addition to the preventive effect on the human body and its strengthening, infrared sauna helps to cope with certain diseases.

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Infrared radiation has a positive effect on the human body:

  • stabilizes the level of blood pressure;
  • increases the effectiveness of the treatment of ENT diseases;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
  • promotes healing of injuries and wounds, for example, dislocations, bruises, fractures;
  • reduces pain in the joints, back and muscles;
  • due to increased blood circulation, kidney function improves;
  • enhances immunity;
  • promotes the resorption of bruises and hematomas;
  • normalizes sleep patterns;

  • reduces pain during menstruation and during headaches;
  • promotes the treatment of skin diseases such as dandruff, acne, dermatitis, acne, etc.;
  • eliminates stress;
  • promotes healing of scars and scars.

Important! Infrared sauna should not be used as the only treatment. The specialist prescribes procedures as an auxiliary part of complex therapy.

Why infrared sauna is useful: cosmetic effect

In addition to medicine, the scope of the sauna also extends to solving cosmetic problems. During the session, the human body releases a large amount of sweat. As a result, the skin is cleansed and dead cells are removed. Similar procedures are prescribed for people who have problems with acne and acne.

Such cabins are installed not only in beauty parlors, but also in gyms where an infrared sauna is used for weight loss. A session of thermal exposure lasting 30 minutes. burns the same amount of calories as a 10 km run. However, the independent use of the sauna for weight loss will not bring significant results.

To achieve a noticeable effect, the procedure should be applied in a complex, in combination with other measures:

  • proper nutrition;
  • regular sports;
  • the use of specialized cosmetics.

Infrared radiation accelerates the absorption of lactic acid, which is formed in the muscles during exercise. Athletes actively use the sauna to reduce pain and restore the body.

Using infrared sauna: indications and contraindications

Before using infrared emitters, you should find out to whom the bath is contraindicated, and for whom it will have a positive effect. Otherwise, you can harm the body.

Indications for use will apply to people with such disorders:

  • disorders of the nervous system (irritability, fatigue, pinched nerve, distracted attention, memory impairment);
  • impaired blood circulation and pressure surges;
  • decreased immunity and frequent colds;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, muscle spasms, scoliosis, bursitis);
  • problems affecting the digestive system, including metabolic disorders at the cellular level and slow metabolism;
  • the presence of urticaria, psoriasis, acne, eczema and cellulite;
  • signs of menopause.

In addition, the possibilities of the sauna will be useful during the recovery period after suffering inflammatory processes, infectious diseases and injuries.

Important! Radiation enhances the effect of cosmetic products applied to the skin. To avoid allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use substances that are not intended for sauna use.

What are the contraindications of infrared sauna:

  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • taking medications (the use of certain medications in combination with a sauna can lead to side effects);
  • the presence of tumors and oncological diseases;
  • the period of menstruation and the presence of bleeding;
  • diseases affecting the prostate gland;
  • mastopathy;
  • postoperative period;
  • gynecological diseases (myoma, fibroma, endometriosis);
  • infectious and catarrhal diseases;
  • disorders in the work of the cardiac system (low or high blood pressure, tachycardia, heart failure, anemia);
  • diseases of the urinary system (nephritis, cystitis);
  • the presence of implants;
  • inflammation and diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis).

In some cases, warming up helps to cope with colds, so many people wonder if it is possible to go to the bath with sinusitis. Herbal medicine, washing, inhalation can be used for its treatment. However, during the period of exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, it is strictly forbidden to visit the booth.

How often can you visit the sauna: benefits and harms, features of the procedure and rules

The rules for visiting an infrared sauna differ in many ways from the procedure used in conventional steam rooms. The duration of the session does not exceed half an hour. This is quite enough to achieve the desired effect. In this case, it is forbidden to leave the cabin even for a short time. But you can open it, the quality of the procedure will not suffer from this.

During the session, it is very important to choose the appropriate posture. The person should sit on a bench with their feet on the floor. You need to keep your back straight. In the booths, emitters are installed not only on the walls, but also under the seat. For this reason, the sitting posture is considered the most effective. Be sure to drink plenty of water during the session. The harm of infrared radiation in the absence of contraindications has not been proven, however, fluid intake will help to avoid dehydration.

Comparative characteristics of the infrared sauna and the Russian bath:

Criteria Russian sauna Infrared sauna
Preparation time, min. 60-120 10-15
How often can you visit the sauna 1 time per week 1 time per week
Temperature regime, °С 90-110 45-50
Session duration, min. 30
Effect relaxation, drowsiness, fatigue burst of energy
Energy costs high high

The harm of infrared radiation is possible only if you neglect the rules of visiting, for example, increase the time and number of sessions, ignore contraindications, etc. If the sauna is visited frequently, it is advisable to reduce the time spent in it to 20 minutes. In this case, the optimal number of sessions is up to 2 times a week.

Note! After the sauna, it is not recommended to take a cold shower. The body does not perceive the influence of infrared radiation as overheating. You can limit yourself to a warm shower, which will wash off the remnants of sweat from the skin and moisturize it.

The benefits and harms of the sauna: how to avoid the negative impact

The positive effect depends on how carefully a person follows the established rules. Before proceeding with the procedure, be sure to wash off cosmetics from the face and body and take a shower. It is not allowed to use lotions, creams and scrubs before the session. Otherwise, not only allergies, but also burns can occur on the skin.

Also, experts do not recommend eating before the procedure and immediately after it and immediately before it. It is better to take a break of 1 hour (the food that is taken before visiting the sauna should be light). Use a dry towel to wipe sweat. If this is not done, the moisture on the skin will slow down the heating of the body and block the heat. To replenish the water balance after visiting the sauna, you need to drink green tea or clean water.

To avoid negative impact, you need to adhere to several requirements:

  1. Monitor the power and wavelength to eliminate the possibility of burns.
  2. Carefully read the list of contraindications, as well as get a doctor's advice to take into account all the individual characteristics of the body and the state of health.
  3. Individually calculate the time spent in the booth. The maximum duration of a session for an adult is 30 minutes, for a child - 15 minutes.
  4. In the presence of such side effects as burning of the nasopharynx and skin, dizziness and headache, watery eyes, you should immediately leave the sauna.
  5. You should not be in the booth if you feel discomfort. It will not bring benefits to the body.

After a session in the infrared sauna, the body needs to rest. For this, 10-15 minutes is enough. A warm shower will help to get rid of the rest of the sweat. Then any cosmetics can be applied to clean and dry skin.

Can infrared heaters harm a child?

Infrared radiation is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Subject to the rules, the baby's body will strengthen and improve its health during its stay in the booth.

Precautions for children:

  1. It is impossible for the baby to stay in the sauna for more than 15 minutes.
  2. The maximum allowable power for a child is 65%. While men need about 85%, and women - 75%.
  3. To eliminate the possibility of heat stroke, the baby should wear a panama hat while in the sauna.
  4. Before visiting the sauna, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Helpful advice! Salt infrared saunas are especially useful for children. As a finishing material in the booths, tiles made from Himalayan salt are used instead of wood.

Can an infrared sauna harm a pregnant or lactating woman?

During pregnancy, wellness procedures are not prohibited (in the absence of complications), however, visiting the sauna in this position should be done with extreme caution. The fact is that the whole body warms up in the cabin, even the lower back and stomach fall under the thermal effect. No one can know in advance how the body of a pregnant woman will react to such a procedure. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor before visiting.

Nursing mothers can visit the infrared sauna. However, one should take into account the fact that the emitters raise the body temperature up to 38.5 ° C, as a result of which the milk can simply “burn out”.

If the mother does not breastfeed the baby, then the first visit to the sauna can take place no earlier than 6 weeks after birth. Otherwise, warming up can provoke a deterioration in health, and even cause bleeding.

Which infrared sauna is better to buy: price and recommendations

The range of infrared saunas on the market is quite wide. Therefore, buying a booth turns into a difficult task. To choose the best option, it is enough to follow a simple algorithm.

  1. How to choose an infrared cabin:
  2. Decide on the installation site and, taking this into account, calculate the size of the sauna.
  3. Choose the shape and external design.
  4. Decide on the material for the manufacture of the booth.
  5. Choose a heating element with the required characteristics.

Make sure that the booth has a convenient and understandable control system.

If you take into account all these nuances, the cabin will bring joy and health for many years. Of course, the manufacturer and price remain important selection criteria, which have a direct impact on the quality of the structure and its durability. It is not recommended to water the cabin with water or violate the rules of operation, otherwise the sauna will quickly become unusable.

How to choose and buy an infrared sauna with optimal characteristics

To install an infrared sauna in the house, a space of at least 1.2x1.2 m is required. This is the size of standard cabins that are designed for one person. A single design can be installed in a city apartment, for example, on a loggia or in a bathroom. If there is additional space, you can install a booth with dimensions of 1.5x1.5 m, designed for 2-3 people.

Three- or four-person saunas are usually installed in private and country houses. On sale there are cabins that can provide a simultaneous stay of 5 or more people. Such designs are designed for gyms and spas.

The shape and design of the booth is selected taking into account the design of the room where it will be installed. Designs are rectangular, angular, hexagonal.

Helpful advice! In order for the sauna to fit optimally into the style of the room, you can order a cabin with a suitable design of the outer panel, which can be made of glass (mirror, frosted, transparent) or MDF. Handles, platbands and other fittings will help to diversify the appearance of the booth. All these little things will achieve unity in design.

For the manufacture of booths, the following types of wood are most often used:

  • Siberian cedar;
  • tarred pine;
  • aspen;
  • Canadian cedar;
  • alder;
  • Linden.

Average prices for infrared saunas on the example of the manufacturer KOY:

Model Dimensions, m price, rub.
H01-K6 1.1x1x2 85900
KOY H01-JK71 1x1x2 87000
KOY R05-K1 1x0.96x2 111000
JK-R8101 1x0.9x1.95 112800
JK-R2102 1.1x1.05x1.95 112800
H03-K61 1.3x1.3x2 114200

Many buyers have already appreciated the benefits of an infrared sauna, consumer reviews from the forums confirm this.

“I visit the sauna after training in the gym. I like that the temperature in the cabin is low, but at the same time you sweat more intensely than in the bath. After 10 procedures, my skin condition noticeably improved, it became clean, pores decreased. And the absence of muscle pain after sports is an additional plus.

Marina Fomicheva, Moscow

“Last year, my husband gave me a small infrared cabin for my birthday. Feelings are great. After a few sessions, she lost some weight. Excellent thing. I advise you to try."

Ekaterina Shcheglova, Yekaterinburg

Making an infrared sauna with your own hands

You can make an infrared sauna with your own hands. This will require a set of necessary knowledge and appropriate tools.

Stages of building an infrared sauna:

  1. Selecting a project and drawing based on placement.
  2. Selection of building materials.
  3. Production of parts in accordance with the drawings.
  4. Construction assembly.
  5. Seat installation.
  6. Supply of electricity and installation of emitters.
  7. Installation of interior lining.

Before starting work, the selected project must be agreed with the relevant departments. This is especially true when the sauna is installed in the apartment. You will have to obtain permission from the housing inspection, architectural and construction supervision, the fire service, the sanitary and epidemiological service and other organizations.

If this process is too complicated, you can always purchase a compact design ready-made and take care of your health throughout the year. Cabin maintenance is very easy. It is enough to ventilate the structure after use for 20 minutes.

Infrared radiation is inherent in all living organisms, including humans, and our body is constantly in the zone of influence of thermal, in other words, infrared radiation. It comes from the sun, thermal appliances, from another person or animal. Our sense organs perceive this radiation as heat. In infrared saunas, emitters are used, the wavelength of which is close to those emitted by our body, which contributes to the penetration of these waves into body tissues to a depth of 4 cm. At the same time, a gradual increase in body temperature is observed, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes.

This invention is a great solution for those who care about their health but cannot regularly visit the steam room. A small booth with emitters can be installed even in an apartment. And no preliminary preparation: turned on and immediately warmed up.

When we are in the sun, we feel a pleasant warmth, under the influence of which the muscles relax, and metabolic processes are activated at the same time. This effect is due to the infrared part of solar radiation. This is exactly how infrared saunas work: the radiated waves almost do not heat the air, affecting our body directly and heating it (as well as walls and other objects in the zone of their action).

Waves warm the skin deeply - by 4-5 cm. Such deep layers are warmed up, which are not affected in any other conditions. At the same time, the temperature regime is gentle: the temperature in the cabin is kept within 43-50 ° C. At the same time, oxygen is not burned out, there is no hard radiation, since there is no furnace. Instead of a furnace, there are emitters. But still, if the atmosphere in the booth is not well tolerated, you can open the doors. This has no effect on the intensity of heating or the effectiveness of the procedure: you are heated not by air, but by rays. They don't care if the doors are open or closed.

As a result of exposure to infrared rays, bones, ligaments, skin and muscles are heated, blood moves faster, carrying more nutrients. All this leads to the fact that you feel better, nervous tension and fatigue go away, strength is restored.

All this leads to an increase in body temperature to about 38.5 ° C. As a result, profuse sweating begins. Moreover, according to the results of clinical studies, sweat emitted in an infrared sauna contains 4 times more solid particles (20% vs. 5%) than in other baths, i.e. cleaning is faster.

A visit to the infrared sauna allows you to recover faster after heavy physical exertion. Lactic acid, which is formed during increased loads, is more quickly excreted from the muscles. After a soft warm-up, the joints move better, they practically stop hurting and the effect is felt for several days (if you don’t freeze later). Infrared sauna has a positive effect on those who suffer from back pain: the pain becomes less severe, the mobility of the spine increases. With regular visits, menstrual pain also decreases (visiting during menstruation is prohibited due to the possibility of bleeding).

Since the atmosphere in the infrared sauna is softer, such procedures can be taken by those for whom traditional baths are contraindicated: people with high blood pressure who have problems with the cardiovascular system. After the procedure, the pressure decreases, and the regular expansion / contraction of blood vessels due to heating / cooling restores the elasticity of blood vessels, training them. Active elimination of toxins, including cholesterol, prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques. The general condition improves significantly.

Infrared radiation also has a calming effect: sleep improves, a person becomes calmer, stressful situations are easier to endure.

You can visit the infrared sauna and to improve the condition of certain skin diseases. This procedure definitely has a positive effect on the skin with acne. After a visit, inflammation goes away, with regular use (1-2 times a week) you can get rid of them altogether. Only you need to enter the booth with clean skin, without cosmetics. It becomes better with urticaria, discomfort with sunburn decreases. The healing of wounds and the formation of new skin during burns are accelerated, while scars are reduced.

Important! In the presence of any disease, visiting infrared saunas is possible only after consulting a doctor.

There is another positive point in visiting infrared saunas: due to active sweating, a persistent anti-cellulite effect and weight loss are observed. With proper diet and exercise, weight loss can be significant. According to various sources, from 400 to 800 kcal are lost per session (20-30 minutes) (450 kcal per hour of running). However, it is impossible to consider infrared saunas as an independent means for losing weight: only a combination of proper nutrition, sufficient physical activity and infrared procedures can give a stable and significant effect. But, if you want to lose weight and improve your health, go to the infrared sauna.

Infrared sauna is one of the components for weight loss

Possible harm

Like any procedure associated with the activation of metabolic processes, infrared sauna can be harmful. It is definitely harmful to exceed the duration of procedures (usually 20-30 minutes), you should not increase the power. You can not use it during a cold or viral diseases, when the temperature is already elevated. Under the influence of infrared rays, it will become even higher, and you will not get better from this.

The same applies to chronic diseases during an exacerbation. If the doctor does not mind, you can bask during remission, but you definitely don’t need to do this during an exacerbation.

You must also comply rules for visiting infrared saunas:

  • Do not use cosmetics and any cosmetic products during the procedure. When heated, substances contained in creams, ointments, oils, gels, etc. can cause allergies, cause burns.
  • Before the procedure and immediately after it, you can not eat plentifully, although it is also not necessary on an empty stomach. The best option is to eat a light meal an hour before the procedure.
  • It is necessary to observe the drinking regimen. In the infrared sauna intense sweat. Some "losing weight" try to reduce weight due to this. But the lack of water will lead to dehydration, which will cause the formation of new wrinkles, the skin will become flabby and gray. In the worst case, you can end up in the hospital. Therefore, we drink water in small portions, but often. So it does not go into the tissues, but is excreted by the kidneys and through sweat.
  • Before entering the booth, in a hot shower, they wash off all cosmetics from the skin, while warming up a little. Then they wipe well, dry: water slows down the heating of the body. For the same reason, they take a towel with them to the sauna: to remove sweat. In general, a towel is probably the only attribute that is really needed there. But if you are going to visit a public steam room at a gym or fitness center, ask the administrator a question: what you need to bring with you. In some infrared sauna establishments, slippers are required, in some - a swimsuit, etc., but a dry towel will definitely be needed.
  • With regular use of medications, consultation with a doctor is mandatory: fever and an accelerated metabolism can have an unforeseen effect.
  • After the procedure, you need to take a cool shower and rest for 10-15 minutes. Then, if necessary, you can use creams or other cosmetics.

For kids

A visit to infrared saunas has a positive effect on children's immunity, activating the body's defenses. At the same time, an increase in body temperature contributes to the death of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. Some medical centers use saunas with. According to experts, this contributes to the maximum strengthening of immunity.

Since the skin of children is more delicate, shorter sessions (up to 15 minutes) and lower radiation power are recommended for them - 65% (for women the recommended power is -75%, for men -85%). In infrared cabins, emitters are installed based on the average height of an adult, so children are advised to put on panama hats on their heads so as not to overheat their heads. Even if your child is healthy, be sure to consult a pediatrician.


Any thermal procedures have contraindications, infrared radiation is no exception. You can not visit infrared saunas in the presence of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Benign or malignant neoplasms: elevated temperature can cause them to grow.
  • In the presence of neurodermatitis and skin diseases during the period of exacerbation, a consultation with a doctor is required.
  • Prostate diseases, fibromyoma, endometriosis, mastopathy.
  • Heart failure, tachycardia, ischemia, very high or low blood pressure.
  • Cystitis and nephritis during exacerbation (a visit is possible after consultation with a doctor).
  • Inflammation of joint bags, arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Pregnancy at any time, six weeks after birth.

It must be said that visiting the infrared sauna during pregnancy is not prohibited, but the effect of such procedures on the fetus has not been studied, therefore, it is better to refrain from them. There are no studies on radiation during lactation, but the risk here is many times less, although an increase in temperature can cause milk to “burn out”.

Types of emitters

There are three types of infrared waves:

  • Long (50-2000 microns, t of the heating element up to 300 ° C)
  • Medium (2.5-50 microns, t heating element 300-600 o C)
  • Short (up to 2.5 microns, t of the heating element 800 ° C and above).

The most comfortable and safe for humans long-wave radiation. You can stay in the zone of its action for an unlimited amount of time. All because the human body itself radiates heat in this range (70-200 microns). Waves of this length penetrate to the greatest depth in the tissues, causing a feeling of pleasant warmth and without having a negative effect. Waves of medium or short lengths can cause thermal burns.

Long-wave and most medium-wave radiators are usually used for space heating, moreover, large-volume (industrial) premises. Such heaters are located at a high altitude.

In small saunas, as a rule, short-wave infrared emitters are installed. They are ceramic, metal (stainless steel, galvanized or chrome-plated metal, a special alloy - incoloy) or quartz glass. Often infrared emitters are made in the form of a tube, in which there is a spiral emitting radiation in the infrared range. To prevent a short circuit, the spiral is filled with a dielectric.

To date, the best emitters are incoloy (an alloy of iron, nickel and chromium). They create uniform radiation, providing deep heating of the body and a good therapeutic effect. There are also panel heaters and infrared foil, but they create rather thermal radiation: the intensity is too low and it is almost completely absorbed by the air and the cabin lining. The impact on human skin is felt weakly.

DIY infrared cabin

The advantages of infrared saunas include the ease of their manufacture: you can do it yourself in a few days, besides, there are ready-made cabins that are assembled in a matter of hours. This is due to the fact that no special thermal insulation is required, and a few vents covered with grilles are enough for ventilation. After all, the essence of the procedure is not in high temperature or humidity, but in the presence of radiation of the desired intensity.

The main thing when building an infrared sauna with your own hands is to place the emitters so that the radiation spreads over the entire area. So the procedures will be as effective as possible.

The video shows a variant of an IR sauna (1000 * 1200 * 1700 mm), which is quite possible to place even in a small apartment.


Infrared sauna has many benefits: it has a positive effect on all systems of our body, promotes the elimination of toxins, stimulates resistance to infections, and improves overall physical and mental health. Making cabins for infrared saunas is much easier than cabins for Finnish saunas or Russian baths.

Sauna with an additional source of heat - infrared radiation, first appeared in Japan. It was created by the doctor Tadashi Ishikawa to provide treatment for various diseases by deep heating of the human body. A little later, such a bath began to be widely used in cosmetology centers, which are useful to visit for cellulite, skin problems, and for weight loss.

It is also advantageous to use the infrared cabin when training is due, as the heat flows warm up the muscles well. They are also appropriate after exercise, as they reduce the level of lactic acid produced in the tissues by half. This contributes to the rapid passage of fatigue in the athlete.

An infrared sauna is not a room, but just a free-standing infrared cabin that generates thermal energy that is no different from that which comes from the sun and batteries. A person is not able to perceive this phenomenon with the eye, it is felt only physically. The material for creating such a cabinet is environmentally friendly raw materials. Its doors are made of glass, the walls and floor are made of wood (linden, aspen, cedar, pine, hemlock, cambara).

Infrared heaters are built into benches for sitting and side planes. These are heating electrical devices, through which heat exchange occurs between a cold object (human body) and a warmer one (emitter). Radiation turns into heat when absorbed by surfaces in its path, as a result of which the air in the cabin heats up to 45-50 ºС. For this reason, such a process of energy distribution is often called thermal.

The IR cabin, depending on its size, can accommodate up to 6 people at the same time. To take a thermal bath to a person whose body is already accustomed to its effects, you can safely take up to 40 minutes in one session. In such a short time, electromagnetic waves with a length of 4.5 to 5.5 microns are not capable of adversely affecting health. In medicine and cosmetology, devices with selective or long beams are common.

Infrared radiation affects the body in the following ways:

  • improves immunity;
  • inhibits the activity of fungi and microbes;
  • restores hormonal balance;
  • improves blood flow in the head;
  • relieves pain;
  • resumes water-salt metabolism;
  • cleanses the liver and intestines from metals, salts and toxins;
  • lowers high blood pressure and raises low;
  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

In the infrared sauna, the temperature rises gradually. In this case, the tissues are heated to a depth of up to 4 cm. This takes up to 80% of the energy emitted by heating devices. Getting good results from such a procedure ensures that heat waves penetrate directly into the body, passing through the air and heating it just a little. This happens in fairly mild climatic conditions.

What are the benefits of visiting an infrared sauna?

What health problems can infrared sauna help with?

A visit to the infrared sauna contributes to the solution of the following tasks:

  • restore the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminate pain in the joints and bones, headaches;
  • defeat insomnia and nervousness;
  • relieve stress;
  • reduce the level of cholesterol in the body and thereby prevent the development of heart pathologies;
  • heal wounds and recover faster after fractures, injuries and bruises;
  • rather get rid of hematomas;
  • recover from ENT diseases;
  • restore the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood circulation;
  • improve kidney function due to heavy sweating;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that die at temperatures above 39 degrees;
  • according to some scientists, visiting an infrared sauna has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, preventing them from growing.

Infrared radiation affects a person in many ways. Therefore it is not only medical, but also cosmetic.

In the video, the doctor talks about the pros and cons of infrared saunas:

The undeniable benefits of IP for appearance

Excess weight is one of the indications for the use of infrared rays, which give the effect of losing weight. In a cabin with this additional heat source, perspiration increases dramatically. As a result, energy is consumed several times more than usual, which leads to active burning of calories. Experience shows that in one session they are lost about the same as with a 30-minute run without obstacles. That's over 600 calories. In view of this, going to such a sauna is especially useful for those who are overweight, spoiling all the beauty.

Infrared radiation can also have such a cosmetic effect as deep cleansing of the skin. At elevated body temperature, profuse sweating is accompanied by the opening of the pores, from which dirt comes out. Along with this, the removal of dead particles of the dermis occurs. As a result, she begins to look healthier.

It is also important here that when taking thermal baths in the infrared cabin, the skin is saturated with nutrients by improving blood flow to its cells. As a result, it acquires a natural color, becomes elastic, smooth, radiant and elastic. Older people also note that after several sessions, wrinkles on the face are slightly smoothed out. You can double the effect by using creams with nutrients after leaving the sauna.

If you regularly use the infrared cabin, you can get rid of a number of skin problems, such as:

  • non-keloid scars and scars, which often dissolve when tissues are heated;
  • dandruff;
  • acne;
  • scaly lichen;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • greasy sheen.

Is infrared sauna harmful?

The waves emitted by infrared heaters in the cabin are absolutely harmless to humans, if you follow all the rules for visiting them and do not close your eyes to the existing contraindications. This is due to the low power of such household appliances, which does not exceed 1.9 kW.

If you sit in such a sauna for a long time, more than 40 minutes, then this can lead to overheating of the body and heat stroke. It has an extremely adverse effect on health, since against the background of increased sweating, the risk of dehydration is high. Among the possible consequences of prolonged soaring is the loss of fluid, as well as substances valuable to the body. At the same time, due to the acceleration of blood flow to the skin, it has every chance to turn red.

Contraindications for visiting the infrared sauna

In order for infrared radiation to be beneficial, not harmful, you should not visit the sauna in the following situations:

  1. When menses come. During this period, under the influence of heat flows, there is a high risk of opening bleeding.
  2. If malignant and benign formations are found, which, when heated, can begin to grow even faster.
  3. When the doctor diagnosed ARVI or influenza. Infrared waves complicate the course of these diseases.
  4. With elevated body temperature that accompanies a cold.
  5. In case of recent surgery.
  6. Such radiation can pose a threat to a pregnant woman.
  7. Contraindications for going to the infrared sauna are chronic alcoholism, kidney pathology and liver problems, open and closed tuberculosis, clinical symptoms and diabetes mellitus.
  8. Against the background of exhaustion of the body, manifested in the form of lack of appetite, general weakness, a sharp decrease in body weight.
  9. If there are signs of exacerbation of any disease.
  10. With purulent processes.

It is recommended to visit a bath with infrared radiation for a comprehensive recovery from 11 to 13 times. If it is aimed at combating extra pounds and cellulite, then you can take thermal baths every 2 days. The same applies to athletes who often resort to infrared saunas after training.

Children and infrared sauna

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that the child only benefits from visiting ICS. But experts strongly discourage the use of heat fluxes as the main method of treatment. They are considered a good prophylactic and have a bright effect. only as an adjunct to other treatments. And here it is important that children use the infrared cabin regularly and correctly.

It is known that the thicker the skin of a person, the easier it perceives the heat transferred from heated bodies. The skin of a child is much thinner than that of an adult. This leads to a decrease in its ability to regulate this process. For this reason, the baby should be under infrared rays for a short time - maximum 15 minutes. To avoid unpleasant consequences, his head is covered with a cotton panama. Before such a procedure, parents should definitely visit a pediatrician so as not to harm the health of the baby.

Particularly useful for a child's body is an infrared cabin made like a salt sauna. To do this, the floor in it is laid out with Himalayan salt tiles, which conduct heat well. Together with infrared radiation, it gives a bright therapeutic effect - it cleanses the body of toxic substances and toxins. Against this background, a weak immune system is significantly strengthened, as a result of which it can successfully resist viral and infectious diseases.

Instructions for visiting the infrared sauna

To get the maximum effect from such a thermal procedure, you must follow some rules.

What to do before the session?

  1. Since during the stay in the infrared cabin there is a loss of fluid through increased sweating, it is important to replenish it before the procedure. To do this, 60-90 minutes before going to the sauna, you can drink green tea, still water or take a warm shower.
  2. The last meal should take place no later than 2 hours before the session.
  3. It is necessary to enter the room only after it has been properly ventilated and the air temperature in it has risen to 45-50 ° C.
  4. When going to the procedure, you should take a few terry towels with you.

For those who visit the infrared cabin for the first time, the recommended stay in it is 25 minutes. The air temperature inside must not exceed 50 °C. You can increase the duration of the session up to 40 minutes as the body gets used to thermal radiation.

What to do during a session?

If a visit to the infrared sauna is planned for cosmetic purposes, then to improve the effect, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with any body cream. In order for it to be irradiated with infrared rays as evenly as possible, you need to sit down without leaning on the back of the bench, your back should be in a level position.

The legs need to be bent at the knees, and the hands should be placed on top of them with the palms down, keeping them straight. Then you can relax and periodically stroke the problem areas with your hands, as if doing a massage. It is useful to drink liquids (water, warm tea) in parallel with this, since all body systems are actively working at this time.

What to do after the procedure?

After the session time has elapsed, you must not immediately leave the IR cabin. Those who were lying down are advised to rise slowly and then sit for a while. And for those who initially did not go to bed, it is important to remain in the current position for another five minutes. After that, it is useful to gain strength behind the walls of the sauna before going out into the fresh air - you can look into the shower, drink mineral water or tea. This is especially necessary when it's cold outside.

If you approach visiting an infrared sauna wisely, then it will be an excellent way to get rid of various problems with appearance and health!

In spas and fitness clubs, clients are offered such a service as an infrared sauna, the benefits of which are being actively discussed by scientists. The unusual way of warming up inspires some people with fear. Others are convinced that heat radiation cannot cause harm, and are happy to relax in the sauna after a workout or a hard day's work.

Infrared sauna was invented by a doctor from Japan. The specialist was looking for an alternative option for warming up body tissues for patients whose health condition did not allow them to be in a heated bath.

The device is a cabin trimmed with boards from environmentally friendly wood. Radiators are mounted along its walls, emitting waves that are safe for health and provide a gradual warming up of the body.

During the session, the moisture content in the air changes. The initial values ​​​​are 40%, and as the emitters warm up, the indicators approach 60%. The temperature in the cabin does not exceed 55 degrees, which is enough to improve blood circulation, get rid of toxins and excess fluid.

At the same time, 80% of the energy is directed to the uniform heating of the surrounding objects and the human body, and the remaining 20% ​​is used to heat the air.

Due to the fact that infrared heaters do not make noise during operation, you can relax and unwind. Many people take magazines and even a tablet to the sauna, but it is better not to do this in order to ensure that the waves have free access to the body.

The principle of operation of the invention

The infrared sauna consists of a main body, interior trim, seats, a glass door that eliminates the feeling of an enclosed space, as well as several heating elements powered by the mains. The size of a standard cabin is designed to comfortably accommodate one person in a sitting position inside it. The average parameters of the sauna are 95×95 cm.

The benefit of an infrared sauna lies in the uniform heating of objects by infrared rays, but at the same time it is harmful if it is under their influence for a long time. The convection method heats the air masses, so warm air rises and cold air stays down, and so on until the temperature evens out!

Due to the special design of the system, a stable microclimate is created inside the cabin without sudden temperature changes over the entire area. In order for the body to warm up evenly, the heaters are placed at a certain distance from each other. Two elongated IR elements are attached to the front wall, the other two are placed behind the back of the person and one is placed under the bench.

Some models of infrared saunas can accommodate up to five visitors at the same time. In this case, the number of heating elements increases.

Types of emitters

IR elements are classified according to the length of the rays they produce:

With the help of medium and short waves, a room with a large area is heated, designed for the simultaneous presence of several visitors.

For the manufacture of infrared emitters, materials such as:

  • stainless metal;
  • zinc alloy;
  • incoloy - an alloy of nickel, iron and chromium;
  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass.

Benefits of procedures

Infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which are known to many fans of a healthy lifestyle, provides a significant improvement in well-being, which occurs after just a few procedures.

You can also notice the following positive changes:

  • getting rid of toxins and excess fluid;
  • improvement of the immune system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • getting rid of dead flakes of the epidermis and the rapid growth of new cells;
  • removal of migraines, relief of menstrual pain;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • mood improvement, restoration of the nervous system;
  • easy falling asleep and sound sleep;
  • training of the heart without unnecessary stress on the muscles and vascular system.
  • increased production of dopamine and endorphin, which are responsible for feelings of happiness, confidence and well-being;
  • prevention of most diseases.

Therapeutic effects of the sauna

Infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, is included in the complex of preventive measures. With an increase in body temperature to 38.5 ° C, pathogens die, the body begins to actively fight viruses and infections.

Regular visits to the cabin contribute to the rapid cure of many pathologies:

  • acceleration of resorption of hematomas, healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • normalization of blood flow and blood pressure;
  • maintaining the vascular system in good shape;
  • pain relief in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • disappearance of manifestations of chronic diseases of the hearing and respiratory organs;
  • improving kidney function.

cosmetic action

IR radiation effectively opens the pores and deeply cleanses them of accumulated impurities and sebum. Due to the stimulation of blood circulation, blood rushes to the skin, saturating the epidermis with oxygen and useful substances.

A visit to the sauna allows you to cope with the following problems:

Infrared sauna for weight loss

Infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which are the reason for the growing popularity of the procedure, starts the processes of releasing the body from toxic substances and partial burning of body fat.

Already after the first visit, you can notice positive changes. A session lasting 15-30 minutes is enough to lose 1 kg of body weight. This effect is achieved by removing excess fluid.

With subsequent procedures, the result may not be so noticeable, but the skin continues to smooth out, stretch marks decrease, and cellulite disappears. It is estimated that one session in the infrared cabin burns the same number of calories as a run of ten kilometers.

It must be remembered that for a full correction of the figure, thermal exposure should be combined with regular physical activity and proper nutrition. It is also important to monitor the maintenance of water balance.

Harmful properties of infrared sauna

Despite the many useful properties that infrared radiation has, some people may experience the negative effects of the waves:

Rules for visiting the sauna

In order to achieve the maximum healing effect, the following recommendations should be followed:

If the infrared sauna was purchased for home use, you must carefully read the instructions before using it. A 250W socket is suitable for connecting the device to the network. The cabin, cooled during transportation to a temperature below 0 ° C, should be allowed to stand in a warm room for 1.5-2 hours and only then wiped with a damp cellulose cloth and turned on.

It is not recommended to stay inside the new cabin when it is first connected. It is necessary to leave the working device for a couple of hours with the door open for ventilation.

In order to avoid a fire, do not allow:

  1. Touching wires and heated surfaces.
  2. Removing the protective grille or obstructing it with foreign objects.
  3. Liquid spills on IR heaters.
  4. Ignoring the smell of burning and smoke. In this case, it is necessary to leave the cab, and then de-energize it.

Infrared sauna for children

Infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which for children are comparable to the healing effect on the body of an adult, is actively used in pediatrics. With regular sessions, the child's body is strengthened, resistance to infections increases.

In order for the procedure to bring only benefit, it is necessary to observe the following precautions:

  • the session should not last more than 15 minutes;
  • to protect the child from heat stroke, you need to put a panama on his head;
  • the optimal radiation power is 65%.

Salt infrared saunas are useful for children who are often sick. In such cabins, the walls are lined with plates of Himalayan salt.

Is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy

Women who are carrying a child should be especially careful when visiting infrared saunas. Radiation affects the entire body, including the lower back and abdomen, so the benefits and harms of the procedure must be carefully weighed.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, sessions should be abandoned so as not to provoke bleeding. For a period of more than 12 weeks, visiting a sauna with moderate heat and low humidity in the absence of contraindications will not only not hurt, but will also bring benefits.

You can not conduct sessions in the following cases:

  • oligohydramnios;
  • genital infections;
  • skin rashes;
  • low placentation;
  • disorder of the nervous system;
  • red-brown discharge;
  • complete presentation of the chorion.

After the birth of a child, it is necessary to wait 6 weeks so that the body has time to recover, and only then continue the course of procedures. Otherwise, the general condition may worsen, bleeding may open.

There are no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but under the influence of high temperatures, the taste of breast milk changes, so you need to monitor the level of heating of the cabin.

Infrared sauna for colds

Unlike other medical procedures: mud applications, physiotherapy and inhalations, the infrared cabin provides a uniform effect on all organs and systems. Relief of flu symptoms can be seen as early as 2-3 days.

Waves heated to 38 °C heat the deep layers of tissues, creating conditions that are detrimental to pathogenic bacteria. With sweat, harmful substances and toxins come out, which is problematic to achieve when taking medications.

The procedures are also useful for recovering patients. They reduce the likelihood of relapses, allow the patient to feel much better. Improving blood circulation and lymph movement eliminates stagnant processes. To enhance the effect, you can simultaneously carry out aromatherapy with natural essential oils.

Sessions before or after training

Both novice athletes and those who practice at a professional level know about the benefits of infrared radiation. Visited before a workout, the sauna helps to warm up the muscles without a long warm-up. Thanks to this, the athlete manages to maintain strength for performing weight-bearing exercises and ensure a rapid build-up of muscle mass.

Being in the infrared cabin after a workout helps to remove the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, which causes pain. Relaxation allows you to take your mind off heavy physical exertion and prepare for the next set.

Session duration

Like any medical procedure, infrared sauna is beneficial only if it is used wisely. In order to check the reaction of your body to thermal exposure, it is necessary to limit the duration of the first session to 15 minutes. The maximum time spent in the cabin is 35 minutes.

If there are health problems close to contraindications, but not yet at risk, it is worth making several visits for 5-10 minutes to reduce the impact on the body.

To obtain a healing effect, it is enough to carry out 1-2 sessions a week. If the goal is active weight loss, then it is allowed to visit the sauna 3 times a week in the absence of health problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of infrared sauna

Advantages Negative points
Short duration of the procedure.The presence of contraindications.
Any time of the day is suitable for a session, a morning visit to the infrared cabin energizes you for the whole day.The impossibility of carrying out cosmetic procedures during warming up.
The device consumes a minimum of energy and is so compact that it can be installed at home.Exacerbation of latent diseases is possible.
Positive effect after just a few sessions.
Suitable for all age groups.
After the procedure, there is a surge of vivacity.

Contraindications for procedures

In order for the wellness procedure not to cause harm, it must be taken into account that in some situations it is not recommended to be in an infrared sauna:

Advantages of an infrared sauna over a classic bath or steam room

The influence of infrared radiation on the body is fundamentally different from the usual thermal effects. In a traditional sauna, a person is warmed up with humid air heated to 110 ° C, and emitters work in the IR cabin, directing the main amount of energy to warm up the tissues. At the same time, the temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 55 ° C.

Infrared rays provide heating of the body to a depth of 4 cm. They are similar to radiation coming from living organisms. This makes the procedure not only effective, but also safe. Steaming in a classic bath, it is easy to overheat or scald with boiling water. In conditions of high humidity, it is much more difficult to endure heat.

Infrared radiation takes less moisture from the body than a hot steam room, but it works more efficiently. The sweat released after being in the bath contains 5% of harmful substances and 95% of water, and a session in the infrared sauna takes 20% of toxins and 80% of the liquid.

The difference between infrared saunas and others

It is no coincidence that the IR cabin is made of natural wood. A heated tree releases special substances - phytoncides that kill bacteria and viruses.

The benefits of infrared saunas are undeniable. But it is important to remember that there are a number of contraindications in which thermal radiation can be harmful. It is possible to achieve a healing effect from the sessions only if all the rules for visiting the cabin and monitoring the state of your body are observed.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about infrared sauna

Pros and cons of infrared saunas:

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